In Honor of Marjory Stoneman Douglas, Guardian of the Everglades
I I lr4sTIluTEFOn SCientifiC IN f0t7MAT10N@ I 3501 MARKET ST, PHILADELPHIA, PA 191Cd In Honor of Marjory Stoneman Douglas, I Guardian of the Everglades [ Number 33 Auizust 14, 1989 This essay considers the life and work of Marjory Stoneman Douglas (1890- ), an authority on the Florida Everglades whose writings and advocacy have made her one of the most celebrated defenders of that subtropicalregion, Also discussedis a bronze sratue of a Ftorida panther by Philadelphia scufptor Eric Berg, which ISI@ has commissioned for installation in the Everglades NationaI Park. Activism on behalf of the environment, tually, we visited the Everglades National at least on a broad scale, seems a relatively Park together, where I purchased her books. recent phenomenon. The late- 1960s’ ‘‘ecol- I then asked Len to arrange a meeting with ogy” movement, which probably reached his old tilend. The three of us met at her its height with the observance of Earth Day home in Coconut Grove last summer. in 1970, gave rise to a new popular con- When I spoke with this remarkable wom- sciousness of environmental issues. While an, she shared many insights into her own this consciousness may have waned at times life, the problems facing the Everglades and in succeeding years, there is no doubt that surrounding areas, education, politics, and in the late 1980s, with headlines being made a host of other topics. In tits essay, in honor by oil spills, toxic waste, polluted beaches, of Douglas, I’d like to describe briefly some- disappearing rain forests, and the green- thing of her life and work, present a few ex- house effect, concern for the environment cerpts from our conversation, and discuss has returned to the forefront as an intern- one small way in which ISI@ is helping to ational priority.
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