Pearland Independent School District

Regular Meeting

Tuesday, October 11, 2016 5:00 PM


Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Pearland Independent School District will be held on October 11, 2016, beginning at 5:00 PM at 1928 North Main, Pearland, . The closed session will begin immediately after the opening of the meeting followed by the public session at approximately 5:30 - 6:00 p.m.

The subjects to be discussed, considered, or upon which any formal action may be taken are listed below. The items listed in this notice may be taken in any order at the discretion of the Board.

1. Call to Order 2. Establishment of a Quorum 3. Closed Meeting as Authorized by Section 551.001 et seq.of the Government Code - A. 551.071 - Private Consultation with the Board's Attorney 1. Private Consultation with the Board's Attorney about any Item Listed on the Agenda B. 551.072 - Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property C. 551.074 - Personnel Discussion 1. Employment of Professional and Instructional Personnel 2. Review Resignations D. 551.082 -Consider Discipline of a Public School Child, or Complaint or Charge Against Personnel 4. Reconvene in Open Session 5. Introductory Remarks/Pledges - Trustee Sean Murphy A. Such remarks by an individual board member are entirely his or her own and do not necessarily reflect the views or judgment of the Board of Trustees as a whole or the school district. No other members of the board or employees of the school district, or any other person in attendance at the meeting is expected or required to participate in any introductory remarks that are presented. 6. Consider Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session as Listed Under Closed Meeting in this Notice 7. Public Hearing - 6:00 p.m. A. Report on the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas [FIRST] for the 2015- 5 2016 School Year B. Public Comment 8. Board Member Activities 9. Board Recognition [6:15 p.m.] 10. Public Comment [Length of time of each not to exceed five (5) minutes] 11. New Business - Consideration of and Possible Action on the Following Consent Agenda: All items under the Consent Agenda are acted upon by one motion. Upon a board member's request, any item on the Consent Agenda shall be moved to the Regular Agenda. A. Consent Agenda 1. Approve Minutes of September 13, 2016 Regular Board Meeting 20 2. Approve Utilization of Choice Partners Contract with La Brisa Ice Cream for the 26 Procurement of Ice Cream Products 3. Approve Extension of Contract for Chiller Maintenance 29 4. Approve Local Policy BED 33 5. Approve the Brazoria County JJAEP Memorandum of Understanding for the 36 2016-2017 School Year 6. Approve Communities in Schools/21st Century Partnership Agreement 53 7. Approve the District Improvement Plan and Campus Objectives for 2016-2017 57 8. Approve Budget Request for Dyslexia Action Plan 59 9. Approve Advanced Placement Merit Pay 61 10. Approve Distribution of STAAR Teacher Incentive Pay for the 2015-2016 63 School Year B. Regular Agenda 1. Consider Naming HGAC Assembly Representative and Alternate for 2017 66 2. Consider to Approve a Bond Order to Refund Outstanding Bonds at a Lower 69 Interest Rate 12. Administrative Reports A. Quarterly Investment Report 75 B. Report on District Student Testing Results for 2015-2016 80 C. Report on Advanced Placement Comparative Government and Politics Trip 110 13. Board Member Request for Future Agenda Items 14. Adjournment

If, during the course of the meeting covered by this Notice, the Board of Trustees should determine that a closed meeting or session of the Board of Trustees is required, then such closed meeting or session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq., will be held by the School Board at the date, hour and place given in this Notice or as soon after the commencement of the meeting covered by this Notice as the School Board may conveniently meet in such closed meeting or session concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to the following sections and purposes:

Texas Government Code Section:

551.071 Private consultation with the Board's attorney 551.072 Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property 551.073 Discussing negotiated contracts for prospective gifts or donations 551.074 Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel 551.076 Considering the deployment, specific occasions for, or implementation of, security personnel or devices 551.082 Considering discipline of a public school child, or complaint or charge against personnel 551.083 Considering the standards, guidelines, terms or conditions the Board will follow, or will instruct its representative to follow, in consultation with representative of employee groups 551.084 Excluding witnesses from a hearing

Should any final action, final decision, or final vote be required in the opinion of the School Board with regard to any matter considered in such closed meeting or session, then the final action, final decision, or final vote shall be either:

(a) in the open meeting covered by the Notice upon the reconvening of the public meeting; or (b) at a subsequent public meeting of the School Board upon notice thereof; as the School Board shall determine

Certificate of Posting

On the 7th day of October, 2016, this notice was made available to the public on the district website and an original copy of this notice was posted at the school district education support center at 11:00 a.m. on said date.

______Secretary to Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date October 11, 2016 Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☒ Public Hearing ☐ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☐ Open Session ☐ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☐ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: September 27, 2016 Subject: Report on the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) for the 2015-2016 School Year

Executive Summary: Pearland ISD received the rating of “A” for Superior Achievement under Schools FIRST (Financial Accountability Rating System of Texas) for the 2015-2016 school year based on 2014-2015 data. “A” for Superior Achievement is the state’s highest rating under the financial rating system.

This is the 14th year of School First system implemented by the Texas Education Agency. The primary goal of School First is to achieve quality performance in the management of school districts financial resources, a goal made more significant due to the complexity of accounting associated with Texas’ school finance system.

In accordance with Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, §109.1005, each school district and open- enrollment charter school is required to report information and financial accountability ratings to parents and taxpayers. Each school district and open-enrollment charter school is required to prepare and distribute an annual financial management report and the public must be provided an opportunity to comment on the report at a public hearing.

Fiscal Impact:

Cost: Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☐ Recurring ☐ General Fund Amendment Required? ☐ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Yes ☐ No Fiscal Impact ☐ Other ☐ No

Superintendent’s Recommendation: N/A

Department Submitting: Business Office Requested By: Don Marshall

Cabinet Member’s Approval: Don Marshall

Board Approval Required: ☐Yes ☒No

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date October 11, 2016 Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Public Hearing ☐ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☒ Open Session ☒ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☐ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: September 29, 2016 Subject: Approve Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting September 13, 2016

Executive Summary: Minutes for the Regular Board Meeting held on September 13, 2016 are submitted for your review.

Fiscal Impact:

Cost: Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☐ Recurring ☐ General Fund Amendment Required? ☐ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Yes ☒ No Fiscal Impact ☐ Other Funds (Specify) ☐ No

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the minutes for the Regular Board Meeting held on September 13, 2016 be approved as presented.

Department Submitting: Superintendent’s Office Requested By: John P. Kelly, Ph.D.

Cabinet Member’s Approval: John Kelly, Ph.D.

Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No

20 Pearland Independent School District Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees September 13, 2016

The Board of Trustees of the Pearland Independent School District met in regular session on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Administrative Offices located at 1928 North Main Street, Pearland, Texas in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Government Code.

Opening 1.0 After noting that a quorum was present, President Decker opened the meeting at 5:07p.m.

Establishment of a 2.0 Quorum Trustee Rebecca Decker, President Trustee Sean Murphy, Vice-President Trustee Jeff Barry Trustee Pam Boegler Trustee Charles Gooden Jr.

Members Absent Trustee Lance Botkin, Secretary Trustee Rusty DeBorde

Closed Session 3.0 – President Decker convened the board in Closed Session at 5:08 p.m. in accordance with Section 551.001 A. Section 551.071 - Private Consultation with the Board's Attorney Regarding any Item Listed on the Agenda B. Section 551.072 – Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property C. Section 551.074 - Personnel Discussion 1. Employment of Professional and Instructional Personnel 2. Review Resignations D. 551.082 – Consider Discipline of a Public School Child, or Complaint or Charge Against Personnel

Superintendent Dr. John Kelly participated in closed session with board in regard to all items.

Executive Director of Human Resources David Moody participated in closed session with the board in regard to all items.

Open Session 4.0 - The board reconvened in open session at 6:09 p.m.

Executive Council Superintendent Dr. John Kelly Present Chief Financial Officer Mr. Don Marshall Deputy Superintendent Ms. Nan Weimer Senior Assistant Superintendent Mr. Cary Partin

September 13, 2016 Regular Board Meeting

21 Senior Assistant Superintendent Ms. Sonia Serrano Senior Assistant Superintendent Dr. Brenda Waters Senior Assistant Superintendent Dr. Nyla Watson Recording Secretary Ms. Bobbie Dawson

Action on Closed 6.0 – Personnel Session  A motion was made by Trustee Murphy and seconded by Trustee Boegler that the board accepts and approves the superintendent’s recommendation for Employment of Personnel as presented.

Motion carried 5-0. Absent Trustees Botkin and DeBorde

 A motion was made by Trustee Murphy and seconded by Trustee Boegler that the board accepts and approves the superintendent’s recommendation to name Kimberly Darden principal of the PACE Center.

Motion carried 5-0. Absent Trustees Botkin and DeBorde

Dr. Kelly introduced PACE principal Kimberly Darden.

Introductory 5.0 – Trustee Gooden Jr. led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Remarks Pledge to American and Texas Flags and asked for a moment of silence to American and Texas reflect on the recent passing of a Shadow Creek High School Flags student.

Board Member 7.0 – No comments were made. Activities

Board Recognition 8.0 - The board of trustees recognized the following:

Back-to-school Donors:  Texas First Bank  Mike Graves  HOPE Church Pearland  Coppinger YMCA

District Birthday Card Artist:  Lindsey Norman – Magnolia Elementary – now at Jamison Middle School

Boy Scout Troop 414 was recognized for their attendance at the meeting.

The meeting recessed at 6:22 p.m. and reconvened at 6:27 p.m.

Administrative Report September 13, 2016 Regular Board Meeting

22 Bilingual/ESL 11.A. Ms. Connie Graves, coordinator of the district Bilingual Program Report program, presented an updated report on the Dual Language Program at Carleston, Magnolia, Cockrell and Lawhon Elementaries. Plans are underway to expand to 3rd grade at Cockrell and Lawhon and 5th at Jamison next year.

Ms. Lisa Rocha and Ms. Ana Lentz, Dual Language teachers at Magnolia Elementary, introduced six Magnolia students enrolled in the Dual Language program. The students performed a short skit over the benefits of learning more than one language. As a group, they chatted with each other about how they were learning to read and write in a second language. The English dominant students spoke in Spanish and the bilingual students spoke in English.

Included in the presentation were the goals of the program, current student enrollment, student performance on STAAR, and projections to implement DL in the middle school. Dr. Lisa Nixon also participation in the presentation.

Public Comment 9.0 - The following requested to address the board:

 Ms. Shannun Thomas, parent, addressed the board in regard to bus eligibility and bus fees.  Ms. Glenda Hundl, grandparent and representing Brookside City Council, spoke in regard to the parking and traffic issues at Lawhon Elementary School.

Consent Agenda President Decker asked if members of the board would like to remove an item from the consent agenda. No requests were made.

A motion was made by Trustee Gooden Jr. and seconded by Trustee Barry that the consent agenda be approved as presented.

Approval of Minutes 10.A.1 – That the minutes for the Regular Board Meeting held on August 9, 2016 and Special Board Meeting held on August 2, 2016 be approved as presented.

SHAC Committee 10.A.2 - That the board approve the SHAC representatives as recommended.

TASB Localized 10.A.3 –. That the board add, revise, or delete (LOCAL) policies as Policy Update 105 recommended by TASB Policy Service and according to the Instruction Sheet (as attached) for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 105.

TASB Localized 10.A.4 – That the board add the EHBAF(LOCAL) policy as Policy Update 106 recommended by TASB Policy Service and according to the

September 13, 2016 Regular Board Meeting

23 Instruction Sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 106, except that Pearland ISD would like to specify in the policy that the executive director of special programs will be responsible for accepting and responding to any request for a camera, will provide appropriate notices to staff and parents when surveillance will be conducted, and will be the point of contact for any report alleging an incident that may have been recorded.

Class Size Waiver 10.A.5 - That the board of trustees approve the 2016-2017 class size waiver in order for the elementary schools to place up to 24 students in the 3rd –4th grade classrooms. At present there are six classes with 23 students in Pearland ISD (K-4).

Joint Election 10.A.6 - That the board of trustees approve the Joint Election Agreement for Agreement and Contract for Election Services between Pearland November 8, 2016 ISD and the County Clerk of Brazoria County which allows the General Election officials of Brazoria County to conduct and supervise the Bond Election called by the Pearland Board of Trustees to be held on the November 8, 2016 General Election Date.

Interlocal Agreement 10.A.7 -. That the board approve the Interlocal Agreement with the for SRO’s City of Pearland to provide a total of ten School Resource Officers and one supervisor for the District’s junior highs, PACE, and high school campuses for a nine-month term that corresponds with the District’s 2016-17 adopted school calendar plus an additional ten days for training.

The motion on the consent agenda carried 5-0. Absent: Trustees Botkin and DeBorde.

Regular Agenda Additional Personnel 10.B.1 - A motion was made by Trustee Boegler and second by Trustee Gooden Jr. that the board of trustees approves the new personnel positions for the 2016-2017 school year and subsequent years as recommended by administration.

The motion carried 5-0. Absent: Trustees Botkin and DeBorde

Board Request for 12.0 – No requests were made. Agenda Items

Adjournment 13. 0 -The meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.

We affirm that these minutes are official, complete and correct.

September 13, 2016 Regular Board Meeting


Rebecca Decker President

Sean Murphy Vice-President

Date Minutes Approved Date Signed by Officers

September 13, 2016 Regular Board Meeting


Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date October 11, 2016 Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Public Hearing ☐ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☒ Open Session ☒ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☐ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: October 3, 2016 Subject: Approve Utilization of Choice Partners’ Contract with La Brisa Ice Cream for the Procurement of Ice Cream Products

Executive Summary: Board Policy CH-Local states, “Any single, budgeted purchase of goods or services that costs $75,000 or more, regardless of whether the goods or services are competitively purchased, shall require Board approval before a transaction may take place.”

The Food Service Department wishes to utilize the Harris county Department of Education’s Choice Partners’ ice cream contract with La Brisa Ice Cream during the 2016-2017 school year for the procurement of ice cream products. Staff in the Food Service Department do not anticipate the district purchasing sufficient quantities of ice cream products that will result in better prices if the district conducted a separate bid. Therefore, administration recommends utilizing the cooperative contract in order to take advantage of their buying power to obtain lower prices for ice cream products.

Please see the attached pricing from the Choice Partners’ ice cream contract.

Fiscal Impact:

Cost: Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☒ Recurring ☐ General Fund Amendment Required? ☐ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Yes ☐ No Fiscal Impact ☒ Other Funds (National ☒ No School Breakfast and Lunch Program) Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Food Service Department utilize the Choice Partners’ ice cream contract with La Brisa Ice Cream during the 2016-2017 school year for the procurement of ice cream products.

Department Submitting: Purchasing/Connie Hill Requested By: Dorothy Simpson

Cabinet Member’s Approval: Don Marshall

Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No

26 UPC (BAR CODE) ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION ITEM SIZE PACK (CASE SIZE) CASE COST Unit Cost SRP Profit Margin W/O CHECK DIGIT, DASHES, OR SPACES Ice Cream Bars 71211320020 02620 Cookies & Cream 2.5 oz 26 9.10 0.35 0.5 30.00% Fruit Bars 71211320008 02608 Lemon 1/4 cup fruit 2.5 oz 26 9.10 0.35 0.5 30.00% 71211320010 02610 Pineapple 1/4 cip fruit 2.5 oz 26 9.10 0.35 0.5 30.00% 71211320003 02618 Strawberry 1/4 cup fruit 2.5 oz 26 9.10 0.35 0.5 30.00% 27 28

Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date: October 11, 2016

Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Public Hearing ☐ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☒ Open Session ☒ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☐ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: October 3, 2016 Subject: Approve Extension of Contract for Chiller Maintenance

Executive Summary: The proposal for inspection and preventative chiller maintenance was awarded to AMS of Houston, LLC on November 11, 2011 with effective dates of November 11, 2011 through November 10, 2016.

AMS of Houston, LLC has offered to extend the contract for an additional year without an increase in price.

Administration would like to exercise PISD’s option under the terms of the original proposal to extend the contract with AMS of Houston, LLC for an additional year as the maintenance staff has been pleased with the services provided. Mr. Berger, director of maintenance, notes that the cost of the extension is actually lower than the original contract price and being new to the department, Mr. Berger would like the opportunity to review all processes such as the maintenance of chillers before making any major changes.

Contract Summary: Original Contract Award Date November 11, 2011 November 11, 2011 through November 10, 2016; Annual contract amount alternating every other year Original Contract Term and Annual Cost between $153,268 and $156,456 Current Recommended Extension Term November 11, 2016 through and Annual Cost November 10, 2017; $140,875

Please see the attached communication from the vendor offering contract extension.

Fiscal Impact: Cost: Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☒ Recurring ☒ General Fund Amendment Required? ☐ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Yes ☐ No Fiscal Impact ☐ Other Funds (Specify) ☒ No

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That a one year contract extension is approved with AMS of Houston, LLC effective November 11, 2016, through November 10, 2017 for inspections and preventative chiller maintenance in the annual amount of $140,875.


Department Submitting: Purchasing/Connie Hill Requested By: Larry Berger

Cabinet Member’s Approval: Don Marshall

Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No


American Mechanical Services LLC

September 6, 2016

Pearland ISD 1702 Mykawa Road Pearland, Texas 77581

Attention: Jay Murphy Subject: Chiller Contract (2016-2017) Location: Pearland ISD

We are pleased to propose the following for consideration of the Extension of Annual Maintenance Agreement (Contract # 12-1013-3) for Chiller Maintenance at Berry Miller, Dawson, HS, Searcy and Turner Campus for November 11, 2016 through November 10, 2017.

We propose to furnish all labor and materials required for a price of $ 140,875.00

This proposal does not include any sales tax, any tear downs, slide valve replacements, any repair labor and/or materials for High School, overtime, electrical / VFD’s, freight or any special handling charges that may be applicable.

This proposal will remain in effect for a period of thirty (30) days upon receipt.

Should you have any questions, or if we can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Bob Henry – LEED AP Yes. We do accept this proposal ______(Date) Account Representative AMS of Houston Print Name: ______

Signature: ______

13627 Stafford Road Stafford, Stafford Texas 77477 Tel (281) 403-1701 Fax (281) 403-1201

Regulated by the Texas Dept. of Licensing and Regulation P.O. Box 12157 Austin, TX 78711 800.803.9202 TACLA020690E Regulated by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners P.O. Box 4200 Austin, TX 78765 800.845.6584 MPL-13418 31 32

Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date: October 11, 2016 Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Public Hearing ☐ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☒ Open Session ☒ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☐ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: September 16, 2016 Subject: Approve Local Policy BED

Executive Summary: Ensuring that all items on the Board’s monthly agenda are handled as efficiently as possible requires that those items on the posted agenda needing extensive discussion and decision making are given the appropriate amount of time. In Pearland ISD, the school board has also elected to set aside a portion of the monthly meetings for public input from citizens on items that may or may not be on the posted agenda.

Our policy/procedures sets aside up to 30 minutes of each monthly meeting to hear such public comments. In the past, public comments have been sandwiched between “board recognition” and the conduct of longer discussion/decision items on the agenda. In turn, this has necessitated 5 to 10 minute breaks after board recognition and/or public comments in order to allow people exiting to do so without disruption of the meetings. The net result is that items requiring extensive discussion often take place later in the evening than desired.

It is therefore recommended that the Board change the order of business as follows: 5:00 p.m. – Begin the meeting, declare a quorum. 5:05 p.m. - Hold public comments for 5 minutes each, up to 30 minutes total. 5:35 p.m. - The Board recesses into Executive Session. 6:15 to 6:35 p.m. – The Board reconvenes in Open Session, conducts the pledge, opening remarks, and then immediately moves to “board recognition”. Thereafter, a five (5) minute recess occurs allowing those wishing to exit to do so. After those wishing to exit do so, the board moves immediately to the rest of the agenda.

This change is recommended for installation beginning with the November or December 2016 meetings.

In order to better inform the public of these procedures a change (see attached) in the policy BED Local governing public comments is necessary. Specifically, citizens must sign up before the meeting begins at 5:00 p.m. The Board continues to retain the right to hold public comments at a later point in the agenda at any meeting. Thus the Board President in consultation with the Board can move agenda items up or back depending on the needs of that evening.

Citizens are given several different methods of communicating with trustees including phone calls, emails, etc. Therefore, as stipulated in policy/law, public comments are an additional opportunity. Those desiring to ensure their comments are relayed to the public are assured that the school

33 district’s video and audio coverage of each meeting is placed on the district’s website promptly after the meeting.

Fiscal Impact:

Cost: Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☐ Recurring ☐ General Fund Amendment Required? ☐ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Yes ☒ No Fiscal Impact ☐ Other Funds (Specify) ☐ No

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the board approve Local Policy BED as presented.

Department Submitting: Superintendent Requested By: Dr. John Kelly

Cabinet Member’s Approval: Dr. Brenda Waters

Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No

34 Pearland ISD 020908


PROPOSED REVISIONS LIMIT ON Audience participation at a Board meeting is limited to the public PARTICIPATION comment portion of the meeting designated for that purpose. At all other times during a Board meeting, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board, unless requested by the presiding officer.

PUBLIC COMMENT At regular meetings the Board shall allot approximately 30 minutes to hear persons who desire to make comments to the Board. Per- sons who wish to participate in this portion of the meeting shall sign up with the presiding officer or designee before the meeting begins 6:15 p.m. and shall indicate the topic about which they wish to speak. The sign-up book shall be placed on display no later than 4:00 p.m. No presentation shall exceed five minutes. Delegations of more than five persons shall appoint as many as three persons to pre- sent their views before the Board.

BOARD’S Specific factual information or recitation of existing policy may be RESPONSE furnished in response to inquiries, but the Board shall not deliber- ate or decide regarding any subject that is not included on the agenda posted with notice of the meeting.

COMPLAINTS AND The presiding officer or designee shall determine whether a person CONCERNS addressing the Board has attempted to solve a matter administra- tively through resolution channels established by policy. If not, the person shall be referred to the appropriate policy (see list below) to seek resolution: Employee complaints: DGBA Student or parent complaints: FNG Public complaints: GF

DISRUPTION The Board shall not tolerate disruption of the meeting by members of the audience. If, after at least one warning from the presiding officer, any person continues to disrupt the meeting by his or her words or actions, the presiding officer may request assistance from law enforcement officials to have the person removed from the meeting.

BED(LOCAL)-X, proposed revisions 9.15.16 1 of 1


Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date October 11, 2016 Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Public Hearing ☐ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☒ Open Session ☒ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☐ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: September 27, 2016 Subject: Approve Brazoria County JJAEP Memorandum of Understanding for the 2016-2017 School Year

Executive Summary: In accordance with Section 37.011(m) of the Texas Education Code, each school district in a county with a population greater than 125,000 and the county juvenile board shall annually enter into a joint memorandum of understanding.

Attached is the Memorandum of Understanding and Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for PISD’s participation in the Brazoria County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program for the upcoming school year. This is the same basic memo of understanding under which the district has been operating since the program’s inception in the 1995-1996 school year. This year’s pricing is the same as last year’s and one the district can support.

Fiscal Impact:

Cost: Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☒ Recurring ☒ General Fund Amendment Required? ☐ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Yes ☐ No Fiscal Impact ☐ Other Funds (Specify) ☒ No

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the board approves the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding for Brazoria County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program for the 2016-2017 school year as presented.

Department Submitting: Assistant Superintendent Requested By: Dr. John Kelly for Intermediate Education/Business Office

Cabinet Member’s Approval: Sonia Serrano/Don Marshall

Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date: October 11. 2016 Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Public Hearing ☐ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☒ Open Session ☒ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☐ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: September 27, 2016 Subject: Approve Communities in Schools/21st Century Partnership Agreement

Executive Summary: Pearland I.S.D. Board Policy Local CH states, “Any single, budgeted purchase of goods or services that cost $75,000 or more, regardless of whether the goods or services are competitively purchased, shall require Board approval before a transaction may take place.”

Communities in Schools, which is administered by the Texas Education Agency, has offered a Partnership Agreement to provide resources to six PISD campuses (DHS, PHS, TCCHS, PACE, PJHSouth, and Magnolia Elementary) to facilitate the academic and personal success of students experiencing the effects of at-risk environments at a cost of $15,000 per campus. In addition, Communities in Schools has offered to implement and manage two 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Afterschool Centers on Education (ACE) at Magnolia Elementary and PJH-South at a cost of $15,000 per campus. The total annual cost of all services offered is $120,000.

Please see the attached partnership agreement for the 2016-2017 school year

Fiscal Impact:

Cost: Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☒ Recurring ☒ General Fund Amendment Required? ☐ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Yes ☐ No Fiscal Impact ☐ Other Funds (Specify) ☒ No

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the board approves the Partnership Agreement with Communities in Schools to provide services to six PISD campuses in addition to their 21st Century Afterschool Centers at two campuses for a total annual cost of $120,000 during the 2016-2017 school year.

Department Submitting: Business Office Requested By: Nan Weimer and Don Cabinet Member’s Approval: Nan Weimer and Don Marshall Marshall Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No


Partnership Agreement Communities In Schools And

Pearland ISD 2016- 2017

Communities In Schools is administered by the Texas Education Agency and is governed by its Rules and Regulations and the Personal Operations Manual.

This Partnership Support Agreement for Services between Pearland Independent School District (PISD) and Communities in Schools (CIS), a non-profit 501 (C)(3) corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Texas, sets out to establish the relationships and responsibilities of both parties in the implementation of CIS Program Sites at Carlston Elementary, Cockrell Elementary, Jamison Middle, Lawhon Elementary, Pearland Jr. High South, and Sablatura Middle Schools within the Pearland Independent School District. Additionally CIS will implement and manage Two (2) 21st CCLC ACE afterschool programs at Magnolia Elementary and Pearland Jr. High South.

It is the intent of both parties to bring the resources of CIS into PISD to attempt to facilitate the academic and personal success of students experiencing the effects of at-risk environments by providing the full range of CIS services to those students.

It is the intent of both parties to maintain a cooperative, interactive, and supportive relationship among and between both PISD and CIS for the benefit of the students served.

All CIS personnel, including CIS Campus Coordinators and 21st CCLC Site Coordinators at PISD, are employees of CIS and Pearland ISD is not responsible for the payment of salaries, benefits, unemployment, worker’s compensations, etc. for these individuals. The CIS Executive Director is responsible and accountable for oversight of all CIS Project Sites within PISD.

All CIS Full Time staff, Part Time staff and Interns will have TEA required background checks including fingerprinting prior to reporting for work at PISD schools. CIS will inform PISD Human Resources Department via email upon completion of the required background checks and Executive Director Approval.

I. Scope of Services

CIS will provide the following services to PISD:

1. Professional staffs to assist students to successfully learn, stay in school, and prepare for life.

2. Services include educational enhancement promoting a positive self image, pre-employment skills, encouraging parental involvement, and substance abuse awareness and refusal skills.

3. Coordinating the efforts of social services to provide needed support for students and parents. This includes assessments and referrals of PISD students to CIS partner agencies in an as-needed basis.

4. Coordination of Student Assistance Programs (SAP) and/or after-school programs as assigned by the appropriate school principal and agreed to by CIS.

5. Other programs or services as deemed necessary and jointly agreed to by CIS and appropriate PISD personnel.

54 6. Provide management, administrative, logistical and technical support to the Project, as warranted, to ensure the success of the Project Site service delivery initiatives. The costs to CIS to provide these services at PISD for this school year are approximately $690,000. The CIS Executive Director is responsible and accountable for oversight of all CIS Project Sites within PISD.

II. Scope of Services – 21st Century Community Learning Centers. (ACE)

1. Manage Two (2) 21st CCLC ACE programs in PISD.

2. Provide opportunities for academic enrichment, including providing tutorial services to help students, meet State and local student academic achievement standards in core academic subjects, such as reading, mathematics, and science.

3. Offer students a broad array of additional services, programs and activities, such as youth development activities, drug and violence prevention programs, counseling programs, art, music, physical fitness programs and technology education programs that are designed to reinforce and complement the regular academic program of participating students.

4. Offer families of students served by 21stCCLC opportunities for literacy and related educational development.

III. Time of Performance

The terms of this Partnership Support Agreement for Services will be from September 1, 2016 through August 31, 2017. One or both parties may request modification of this Agreement at anytime. If the parties agree to the modification, an addendum incorporating the modifications will be executed by both parties. Until an addendum is executed, the terms of this agreement govern the partnership support agreement between Pearland ISD and CIS.

IV. Contribution of Support

For consideration of CIS services, PISD:

1. Agrees to provide confidential office/classroom spaces with telephone and internet access for the exclusive use of CIS staff, access to copy and fax machines, necessary office furniture, office telephone, school supplies, and other equipment sufficient to facilitate the efficient delivery of CIS services at PISD.

2. Schools with 21st CCLC programs will provide a confidential office or classroom with telephone and internet access exclusively for 21st CCLC staff use, classroom space for program operations, a safe and healthy work environment, access to computer labs, gymnasium, cafeteria, library, classrooms for tutoring, playgrounds, restrooms, and adequate after-hours access to building facilities and custodial services, as well as, access to copy and fax machines, necessary office furniture, school supplies, and other equipment sufficient to facilitate the efficient delivery of 21st CCLC services at the schools.

3. Schools will provide CIS, Read Only access to the district’s student data system and data such as, but not limited, student attendance, student grades, conduct, student personal data, STAAR scores, Free/Reduced lunch eligibility, LEP designation and any other data from school records that will ensure the eligibility and effectiveness of service delivery to students and which may be pertinent and TEA reporting requirements.

55 4. Per CIS By-laws, Dr. John Kelly, the Superintendent of Pearland ISD, agrees to serve on the CIS Board of Directors or will designate a school official to represent himself and PISD on the board. If the superintendent designates another school official to represent him on the CIS board, then he will serve on the CIS Board of Advisors.

5. Agrees to include CIS in PISD and Campus Improvement Plans per Texas Education Agency’s requirements for the appropriate use of Compensatory Education funds.

6. Agrees to allow CIS to conduct Two (2) fundraisers at each CIS campus during the school year to defray the cost of unallowable items given to students. All campuses will retain 90% of all revenues to provide supplies and services to students.

7. Agrees to support CIS by paying a sum of Ninety Thousand dollars ($90,000) for the delivery of services to Carlston Elementary, Cockrell Elementary, Jamison Middle, Lawhon Elementary, Pearland Jr. High South, and Sablatura Middle Schools for the 2016 – 2017 school year in accordance with the terms of this agreement. . Four (4) equal contributions of Twenty Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($22,500) will be made to CIS in September 2016, December 2016, March 2017 and June 2017.

8. PISD will pay Thirty Thousand ($30,000) for Two (2) Cycle 9 21st CCLC ACE programs at Magnolia Elementary and Pearland Jr. High South. Four (4) equal contributions of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500) will be made to CIS in September 2016, December 2016, March 2017 and June 2017.

Pearland Independent School District Communities in Schools

______Dr. John Kelly Date Robert C. Garcia Date Superintendent, Pearland ISD Executive Director, CIS


Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date October 11, 2016 Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Public Hearing ☐ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☒ Open Session ☒ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☐ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: October 3, 2016 Subject: Approve District Improvement Plan and Campus Objectives for 2016-2017

Executive Summary: The Pearland ISD District Improvement Plan (DIP) is prepared in accordance with requirements of Chapter 11, Subchapter F, of the Texas Education Code, specifically §11.251 and §11.252 as contained in Pearland ISD policies BQ(Legal) and BQA(Legal).

The board shall ensure that a yearly District improvement plan as well as Campus objectives are developed, reviewed, and revised annually for the purpose of improving the performance of all students.

The District Improvement Plan also serves as a budget outline for federal funding expenditures as required by TEA. The district’s financial responsibility includes Title I, II and III program funds as well as State Compensatory Education allotments. The DIP includes how the funds are budgeted along with the number of Full Time Employees (FTE) in each of the federal programs.

The 2016-2017 District Improvement Plan was developed by PISD assistant superintendents, directors, coordinators and specialists to meet the Board of Trustees’ goals and objectives. It was reviewed by the District Educational Improvement Committee and recommended for approval September 26, 2016.

Below is a link to:  District Improvement Plan (DIP) _Final.pdf

 Campus Performance Objectives (CPO) uses_CPO_1617.pdf

Fiscal Impact:

Cost: Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☐ Recurring ☐ General Fund Amendment Required? ☐ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Yes


☒ No Fiscal Impact ☐ Other Funds (Specify) ☒ No

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the board of trustees approves the proposed 2016- 2017 District Improvement Plan and Campus Objectives.

Department Submitting: Curriculum & Instruction Requested By: Tori Landis, Coordinator of Federal Programs/Grants Cabinet Member’s Approval: Dr. Nyla Watson Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No


Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date October 11, 2016 Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Public Hearing ☐ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☒ Open Session ☒ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☐ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: September 30, 2016 Subject: Approve Budget Request for Dyslexia Action Plan

Executive Summary: Pearland ISD has a long history of teaching best practices in reading based on early identification and intervention for children experiencing difficulties. As a part of that practice, Curriculum and Instruction and Special Programs have held numerous planning sessions to evaluate and strengthen the district dyslexia program through organized systems of identification, intensified instruction, and other reading supports.

These planning sessions have resulted in a Plan of Action that includes:  A PowerPoint presentation to be presented at each campus by the principal, dyslexia teacher, and 504 Campus Coordinator  A review of assessments by Region 4 and training for teachers on instrument protocols  3-day training for new dyslexia teachers at Region 4 including resources  Purchase and implementation of: the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test Kits and training; materials and resources  The development of a 6-session dyslexia course for middle and junior school teachers to evaluate the existing program, resources, and make adjustments to meet the needs of dyslexia students  Ongoing training and collaboration with Dyslexia Lead for Dyslexia teachers.

Therefore, Curriculum and Instruction and Special Programs are requesting $10,000 in additional funding to support this collaboration.

Fiscal Impact:

Cost: $10,000.00 Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☐ Recurring ☒ General Fund Amendment Required? ☒ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Yes ☐ No Fiscal Impact ☐ Other Funds (Specify) ☐ No


Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the board approve a transfer of $10,000 to the Curriculum and Instruction budget to support a plan of action for the dyslexia program.

Department Submitting: Curriculum & Instruction Requested By: Director of Curriculum and Special Programs and Instruction Noel Gray and Executive Director of Special Programs Pam Cabinet Member’s Approval: Dr. Nyla Watson Wilson

Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No


Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date October 11, 2016 Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Public Hearing ☐ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☒ Open Session ☒ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☐ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: September 29, 2016 Subject: Approve Advanced Placement Merit Pay

Executive Summary: On December 8, 2009, the Pearland Board of Trustees approved the Advanced Placement Merit Pay Plan to increase AP enrollment, exam participation, and to raise scores. The approved plan was initially for three years with graduated incentives, continued in 2013 and contingent upon sufficient funds within fiscal means. In school year 2013-2014, the Pearland ISD Board of Trustees modified the plan in an attempt to increase high scores. The revised plan allows $50.00 per passing score of 3, $100 for each score of 4, and $150 for each score of 5 for teachers who had 90% or better exam participation. The maximum amount earned for 2016 AP scores totals $201,200.00.

A six-year summary of the AP Merit Pay incentive plan shows a 385% increase in the number of exams taken.

A continuation of the AP Merit Pay incentive plan is recommended as incentive pay for Advanced Placement teachers in order to sustain growth and to improve AP exam scores.

Fiscal Impact:

Cost: Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☒ Recurring ☒ General Fund Amendment Required? ☐ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Yes ☐ No Fiscal Impact ☐ Other Funds (Specify) ☒ No

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the board approve the full payment and continuation of the AP Merit Pay for teachers as presented.

Department Submitting: Advanced Academics Requested By: Margo Gigee

Cabinet Member’s Approval: Cary Partin

Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No

61 PISD AP Teacher Merit Pay 2015‐2016 School Year Final Report School Merit Pay Amounts DHS $124,000.00 PHS $74,600.00 TCCHS $2,600.00

PISD Total Pay Out $201,200.00

Prepared: 7/26/16 Updated: 7/28/16, 8/4/16, 8/15/16, 8/25/16, 8/29/16, 9/2/16

Note: The dollar amounts on this report are complete and verified by the high school campus AP Coordinators.

Total Rostered AP Students District Wide 4908 Total Number of AP Exams Taken of Rostered Students * 4813

* Note: Some students will take AP Exams and not take the AP class, therefore, these students are removed from AP Subject Score Rosters and not counted for the purpose of AP Merit Pay.


Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date October 11, 2016 Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Public Hearing ☐ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☒ Open Session ☒ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☐ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: October 3, 2016 Subject: Approve Distribution of STAAR Teacher Incentive Pay for the 2015 – 2016 School Year

Executive Summary: At the September 2013 Board Meeting, trustees requested the administration develop a plan for expanding teacher incentive pay to include results for STAAR/STAAR EOC student performance. During the December 2013 Board Meeting, a STAAR/STAAR EOC Teacher Incentive Pay plan was presented to the Board and with a few adjustments the incentive pay was implemented for the first time during the 2014 – 2015 school year. The goal of the STAAR/STAAR EOC Teacher Incentive Pay is to award classroom teachers who positively impact student academic improvement, growth, and/or achievement.

There are two components to the Teacher Incentive Pay – one that rewards teachers based on an increase in overall STAAR/STAAR EOC performance for the campus and one that rewards teachers based on Distinction Designations the campus receives. When planning for the 2016 – 2017 budget, the district allocated $330,000 for STAAR/STAAR EOC Teacher Incentive Pay. At this point, the total payout for the 2015 – 2016 school year is $446,800.


Each Pearland ISD PEIMS Teacher of Record (TOR) will receive a specified sum of $1000 if their campus and subject meets or exceeds the required growth in that STAAR tested area. If the TOR instructs in more than one STAAR tested area, the teacher is eligible to receive funds for each of these areas.

Any Pearland ISD campus personnel specifically assigned to assist in the classroom instruction of and/or provide academic support to SPED, ELL, or LEP students (e.g. inclusion teacher, SPED/ESL inclusion aide, Title I teacher, Dyslexia teacher, ESL monitor teachers) will receive a specified sum of $500 (teacher) or $250 (paraprofessional) for each STAAR tested subject/course that meets or exceeds the growth in that STAAR tested area for the Special Education/LEP student group. This incentive specifically targets the performance of special education/LEP students, so only the Special Education/ELL Met Standard will be used for each content area.

A Pearland ISD PEIMS Teacher of Record (TOR) that serves only Special Education students (Resource/Life Skills teacher) or only LEP students (Bilingual teacher) will receive a specified sum of $500 if their campus and subject meets or exceeds the growth in their STAAR tested area for Special Education/LEP students but does not meet it for ALL students. If the campus and subject meets or exceeds the growth in the STAAR tested area for ALL students, the teacher will receive only the $1000 award.

Academic Achievement Distinction Designations


Elementary, Middle School, and Junior High Distinction Designation awards were based on the following:  Each Pearland ISD PEIMS Teacher of Record (TOR) for a STAAR tested subject/course receives $200 per distinction earned by the campus in their content area. Rewards based on distinctions for content area teachers include Academic Achievement in Reading/ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies.  Each Pearland ISD Reading and Math PEIMS TOR in grades 4 – 8 receives $200 if the campus earns the Top 25% Student Progress distinction designation.  Each Pearland ISD PEIMS TOR in a STAAR tested subject/course and receives $200 if the campus earns the Top 25% Closing Achievement Gaps distinction designation.  Each Pearland ISD PEIMS TOR in a STAAR tested subject/course and grade receives $200 if the campus earns the Postsecondary Readiness distinction designation. High School Distinction Designation awards were based on the following:  Each Pearland ISD PEIMS Teacher of Record (TOR) in Algebra I and English II receives $350 if the campus earns the Top 25% Student Progress distinction designation.  Each Pearland ISD PEIMS Teacher of Record (TOR) in a STAAR EOC tested course (Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, and US History) receives $350 if the campus earns the Top 25% Closing Achievement Gaps distinction designation.  Each Pearland ISD PEIMS Teacher of Record (TOR) in a STAAR EOC tested course (Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, and US History) receives $350 if the campus earns the Postsecondary Readiness distinction designation.

Please see attached documentation for additional information.

Fiscal Impact:

Cost: Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☐ Recurring ☒ General Fund Amendment Required? ☒ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Yes ☐ No Fiscal Impact ☐ Other Funds (Specify) ☐ No

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the board approves the STAAR Teacher Incentive Pay for the 2015 – 2016 school year as presented.

Department Submitting: Curriculum & Instruction – Requested By: Dr. Lisa Nixon Testing and Program Evaluations

Cabinet Member’s Approval: Dr. John P. Kelly

Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No

64 2015 ‐ 2016 STAAR/STAAR EOC Teacher Incentive Pay Summary

Teacher of Record Non‐Teacher of Record Distinction Designations Campus # of Teachers Award # of Staff Award # of Teachers Award Total Award

Barbara Cockrell 17$ 9,750 $ 9,750 Carleston 11$ 11,000 8$ 5,000 19$ 8,400 $ 24,400 Challenger 4$ 4,000 8$ 1,600 $ 5,600 CJ Harris 7$ 12,000 1$ 1,500 14$ 8,800 $ 22,300 Lawhon 17$ 8,750 7$ 1,400 $ 10,150 Magnolia 6$ 5,500 13$ 9,200 $ 14,700 Massey Ranch 3$ 2,500 14$ 4,600 $ 7,100 ELEMENTARY Rustic Oak 11$ 13,000 4$ 1,750 11$ 5,800 $ 20,550 Shadycrest 5$ 5,250 $ 5,250 Sivercrest 16$ 18,000 5$ 6,000 12$ 3,400 $ 27,400

65 Silverlake 7$ 7,000 13$ 12,000 13$ 5,800 $ 24,800 Alexander 9$ 9,000 8$ 3,000 22$ 8,400 $ 20,400

SCHOOL Jamison 31$ 33,000 14$ 5,500 31$ 24,600 $ 63,100

Rogers 15$ 17,000 1$ 500 16$ 3,600 $ 21,100

MIDDLE Sablatura 24$ 14,000 $ 14,000 Berry Miller JH 21$ 25,000 4$ 1,500 24$ 13,000 $ 39,500 HIGH PJH East 17$ 19,000 5$ 1,250 16$ 3,200 $ 23,450 PJH South 2$ 1,500 21$ 7,200 $ 8,700 JUNIOR PJH West 10$ 11,000 6$ 2,000 23$ 17,800 $ 30,800

Dawson HS 13$ 13,000 31$ 21,700 $ 34,700 Pearland HS 8$ 8,000 $ 8,000 HIGH SCHOOL Turner CCHS 2$ 2,000 3$ 1,000 9$ 8,050 $ 11,050 District Totals: 182$ 202,000 122$ 74,250 328$ 170,550 $ 446,800

Total STAAR/STAAR EOC Incentive Pay Awarded = $446,800

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 10/3/2016

Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date October 11, 2016 Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Public Hearing ☐ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☒ Open Session ☐ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☒ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: September 21, 2016 Subject: Consider Approval of Naming HGAC Assembly Representative and Alternate for 2017

Executive Summary: The board needs to name a representative and alternate to the Houston Galveston Area Council 2017 General Assembly and Board of Directors. In November a conference call between all ISD representatives will take place to select a representative and an alternative to serve on the HGAC Board of Directors. The 2017 PISD board representative and alternate will begin their terms of office January, 2017.

The following chart has been prepared for a historical perspective.

Year Representative Alternate 2013-14 Trustee Adele Brennan Trustee Gant 2014-15 Trustee Lance Botkin Trustee Decker 2015-2016 Trustee DeBorde Trustee Gant

Fiscal Impact:

Cost: Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☐ Recurring ☐ General Fund Amendment Required? ☐ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Yes ☒ No Fiscal Impact ☐ Other Funds (Specify) ☐ No

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the board selects a representative and alternate to HGAC for 2017.

Department Submitting: Superintendent Requested By: Dr. John Kelly

Cabinet Member’s Approval: Dr. John Kelly

Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No

66 67 68

Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date: October 11, 2016 Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Public Hearing ☐ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☒ Open Session ☐ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☒ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: September 27, 2016 Subject: Consider to Approve a Bond Order to Refund Outstanding Bonds at a Lower Interest Rate

Executive Summary: John Robuck with BOK Financial Securities, Inc. and Dan Martinez with Winstead PC will be available to discuss this item with the board of trustees. While it appears that the District may be able to refund outstanding bonds at lower interest rates, there is enough volatility in the market place that the window of opportunity may only last a few months.

To allow flexibility in order to take advantage of the lowest possible interest rates, the following parameters will be taken into consideration should the board of trustees approve refunding of outstanding debt:

1. The size of the refunding issues may not exceed $75 million. 2. The refunding must generate a 5% present value savings. 3. The maturity of the refunded bonds may not exceed 25 years. 4. Any authorization from the school board is valid for six months.

Fiscal Impact:

Cost: Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☐ Recurring ☐ General Fund Amendment Required? ☒ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☒ Yes ☐ No Fiscal Impact ☒ Other Funds (Debt ☐ No Service)

Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the board approves (1) an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Pearland Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series, 2016A; (2) Delegating the authority to certain District officials and District staff to execute certain documents related to the sale of the bonds; (3) Entering into an Escrow Agreement, a Purchase Contract, and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement; (4) and other matters related thereto, with the understanding that the issue may not exceed $75 million, must generate a 5% present value savings, may not exceed a 25-year maturity and be executed within a period of six months. Department Submitting: Administration Requested By: Dr. John Kelly Cabinet Member’s Approval: Don Marshall Board Approval Required: ☒Yes ☐No

69 Pearland Independent School District 70 Schedule of Events Presentation

$40, 055, 000* Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2016A

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Securities, insurance and advisory services offered through BOK Financial Securities, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC and a subsidiary of BOK Financial Corporation. Services may be offered under our trade name, BOK Financial Advisors. NOT FDIC INSURED | NO BANK GUARANTEE | MAY LOSE VALUE Pearland Independent School District

The Bond Buyer 20-Bond Index – ATaxA Tax-Exempt General Obligation Bond Yield Index January 1, 2000 To The Present

6.25 High = 6 .09% 6.00 5.75 5.50

71 5255.25 Average = 4.49% 5.00 Current = 2.84% 4.75 d (%)

ll 4.50

Yie 4.25 4.00 3.75 3.50 Fixed interest rates are currently 1.65% 3.25 below the historical average and are 3.00 within 0.04% of an historical low. Low = 2.80% 2.75 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

1 Pearland Independent School District

The District has an opportunity to refund a portion of its outstanding debt at a lower interest rate and receive interest cost savings. The refunding is for interest cost savings and is not a restructuring of the District’s existing debt. Estimated Bonds to be Refunded for Savings:

Maturity Principal Call Interes t Series Date Amount * Date/Price Rate (()a) Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, 2/15/2018 $3,495,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 5.000% Series 2007 2/15/2019 2,270,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 5.000% 2/15/2019 1,500,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 4.375% 2/15/2020 3,950,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 5.000% 2/15/2021 2,060,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 5.000%

72 2/15/2022 2, 510, 000 2/15/2017 @ 100 5. 000%

Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse & Refunding Bonds, Series 2007 2/15/2018 465,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 4.000% 2/15/2019 880,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 4.000% 2/15/2020 690,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 4.250% 2///15/2021 720,000 2///15/2017 @ 100 4.250% 2/15/2022 750,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 4.125% 2/15/2023 1,640,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 5.000% 2/15/2024 1,840,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 5.000% 2/15/2025 2,050,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 5.000% 2/15/2026 255,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 4.500% 2/15/2027 270,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 4.500% 2/15/2028 295,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 4.500% 2/15/2029 330,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 4.500% 2/15/2030 6,065,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 4.500% 2/15/2031 6,345,000 2/15/2017 @ 100 4.500% 2/15/2032 6, 640, 000 2/15/2017 @ 100 4. 500% Totals: $45,020,000 * Preliminary, subject to change. (a) Interest estimated at current market rates. (b) Includes estimated transaction costs. 2 Pearland Independent School District

Estimated Debt Service Requirements – Refunding for Savings

Less: Debt Plus: The Series 2016A Total Fiscal Year Current Total Service on the Refunding Bonds Debt Estimated Ending (8/31) Debt Service Refunded Bonds* Principal* Interest (a) Service Savings (b) 2017 $25,605,604 $2,110,038 $390,000 $1,217,830 $25,103,396 2018 25,609,629 5,973,363 3,820,000 1,733,800 25,190,066 $419,563 2019 25,611,291 6,459,525 4,430,000 1,610,050 25,191,816 419,475 2020 25,607,191 6,228,950 4,350,000 1,456,600 25,184,841 422,350 2021 25,610,079 4,188,738 2,445,000 1,320,700 25,187,041 423,038 2022 25,606,335 4,523,719 2,890,000 1,214,000 25,186,616 419,719 2023 25,608,591 2,784,500 1,230,000 1,131,600 25,185,691 422,900 2024 25,607,004 2,897,500 1,405,000 1,071,875 25,186,379 420,625 73 2025 25,610 ,816 3,010 ,250 1,590 ,000 997,000 25,187 ,566 423,250 2026 25,608,933 1,158,263 900,250 25,350,920 258,013 2027 25,607,896 1,161,450 900,250 25,346,696 261,200 2028 25,608,453 1,173,738 900,250 25,334,965 273,488 2029 25,608,074 1,194,675 900,250 25,313,649 294,425 2030 23,168,000 6,785,788 5,545,000 818,625 22,745,838 422,163 2031 23,164,650 6,786,563 5,830,000 534,250 22,742,338 422,313 2032 23,168,506 6,789,400 6,130,000 235,250 22,744,356 424,150 2033 2,297,000 2,297,000 2034 2,296,875 2,296,875 2035 2,297,375 2,297,375 2036 2,298,250 2,298,250 2037 2,299,250 2,299,250 2038 2,295,250 2,295,250 2039 2,296,000 2,296,000 Totals $418,491,052 $63,226,456 $40,055,000 $16,942,580 $412,262,176 $5,726,669

* Preliminary, subject to change. (a) Interest estimated at current market rates. (b) Includes estimated transaction costs and any necessary debt service fund transfers. 3 Pearland Independent School District

Tentative Schedule of Events $40,055,000* Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2016A

September - 2016 SMTWTF S Date Action Role 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Friday, September 16 th First Draft of Preliminary Official Statement (POS) BOKFS 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 th 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Monday, September 19 PSF Application Filed with TEA BOKFS

25 26 27 28 29 30 Friday, September 30th Second Draft of POS BOKFS, WIN, PISD October - 2016 Week of October 3rd Rating Agency Calls and Due Diligence BOKFS, PISD 74 SMT W T FS

1 Tuesday, October 11th Board Meeting to Discuss Finance Plan BOKFS, PISD, WIN 2345678 and to Approve Parameter Order 9 101112131415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Friday, October 14th Third Draft of POS BOKFS, WIN, PISD 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Monday, October 17th Print and Distribute Final POS BOKFS, UW

November - 2016 Week of October 24th Bond Pricing BOKFS, WIN, PISD, UW SMTWTF S th 12345 Tuesday, November 29 Bond Closing BOKFS, WIN, PISD, UW 6789101112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PARTICIPANTS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 PISD –Pearland ISD 27 28 29 30 BOKFS – BOK Financial Securities, Inc. WIN – Winstead PC UW - Underwriters


Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date: October 11, 2016 Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Public Hearing ☒ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☒ Open Session ☐ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☐ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: October 3, 2016 Subject: Quarterly Investment Report

Executive Summary: The attached Report of Investments is presented in order to comply with Chapter 2256 of the Texas Government Code which is commonly referred to as the Public Funds Investment Act.

Administration is pleased to report that all investments were in compliance with the district’s investment policy and pledged securities were sufficient to protect the district’s funds at all times during the quarter ended September 30, 2016

No action is required on behalf of the school board.

Fiscal Impact:

Cost: Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☐ Recurring ☐ General Fund Amendment Required? ☐ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Yes ☒ No Fiscal Impact ☐ Other Funds (Specify) ☒ No

Superintendent’s Recommendation: N/A

Department Submitting: Business Office Requested By: Don Marshall and Leslie Skweres Cabinet Member’s Approval: Don Marshall

Board Approval Required: ☐Yes ☒No

75 76 77 78 79

Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date October 11, 2016 Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Public Hearing ☒ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☒ Open Session ☐ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☐ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: October 3, 2016 Subject: Report of District Student Testing/Accountability Results for 2015-2016

Executive Summary: The 2015 – 2016 student assessment results once again represent the strong collaboration among teachers, administrators and instructional personnel to provide classroom learning environments that meet the depth and complexity required to meet the more rigorous STAAR standards. Some especially high-performing results include: • For STAAR Grades 3 – 8, Pearland ISD scores are among the highest performing districts (2nd – 8th place) in Region 4 (out of 50 districts) in all grades and subjects tested. Compared to mid-size and large districts in the area, Pearland ISD scored in the top 4 for all grades and subjects. • For STAAR End-of-Course, Pearland ISD is among the top 5 school districts in Region 4 in Algebra 1, Biology, English 1, and US History. Pearland ISD is 6th highest in Region 4 in English 2. Pearland ISD is again in the top 4 when compared to mid-size and large districts in the greater Houston area. Analyzing the 2016 STAAR/STAAR EOC released tests, instructional personnel, administrators, and teachers will continue to address STAAR performance of our at risk student populations and develop more effective interventions to increase student performance. Beginning in the 2015 – 2016 school year, the passing standard (Level 2 Satisfactory) will increase every year – this means students are required to answer more questions correctly in order to meet the passing standard.

2016 State Accountability

The public school accountability system in Texas allows for a comprehensive evaluation of district and campus effectiveness by using a framework of four indices that measure the quality of learning from different perspectives.  Index 1 provides a snapshot of student performance across all subjects  Index 2 measures year-to-year student improvement  Index 3 emphasizes the academic achievement of certain student groups  Index 4 emphasizes the importance of a high school diploma for success in postsecondary life.

Additionally, distinction designations highlight achievement in specific areas by those districts and campuses that earn a Met Standard rating.

Pearland ISD received the Met Standard district accountability rating and all campuses received the Met Standard rating. In addition, 19 of the 22 Pearland ISD campuses received one or more distinctions. Pace is identified as an Alternative campus and therefore not eligible for the distinctions. Statewide 51% of campuses earned one or more distinctions and 6% of campuses earned every distinction for which they were eligible. In Pearland ISD 86% of campuses earned one or more distinctions and 14% of campuses

80 earned every distinction for which they were eligible.

Independent of the state’s accountability system, House Bill 5 requires all school districts to evaluate the district’s performance and the performance of each campus in regard to community and student engagement. The community engagement requirement is an opportunity for districts to showcase areas of excellence and success as well as recognize areas in need of improvement and set future goals valued in the community. The statute requires each district to evaluate and designate a performance rating for the district and each of its campuses in the district based on criteria set by a local committee. Pearland ISD and all campuses received an overall performance rating of Exemplary for the 2015 – 2016 school year.

2016 STAAR EOC Performance

Overall, Pearland ISD students outperformed the state and Region 4 averages in STAAR EOC performance in all subject areas. In addition, STAAR Satisfactory Performance increased from the 2015 administration in English 2 and US History, and performance remained stable for Algebra 1 and Biology. Advanced performance (Level 3) increased in all subjects from 2015 to 2016.

2016 STAAR Performance

Overall, Pearland ISD students again scored higher than the state and Region 4 averages for all grade levels and subject areas meeting the Satisfactory Performance standard. In addition, STAAR Satisfactory Performance increased from the 2015 administration in 4th grade reading and 8th grade reading and science. Advanced performance (Level 3) increased in 3rd grade math, 4th grade math and writing, 5th grade math, 6th grade math, 7th grade reading, math and writing, and 8th grade math, science, and social studies.

Advanced Placement

Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) and Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP) courses has increased again for the 2016 – 2017 school year with an increase in AP and Pre-AP enrollment. In addition, the AP test results indicate a significant increase in the number of AP Scholars from 242 in 2015 to 313 in 2016 (a 29% increase).

ACT and SAT Participation and Performance

The number of graduating seniors participating in ACT and SAT testing increased from 58.5% in 2014 to 63.1% testing in 2015. The average ACT score remained at 22.8 in 2016. There was an increase in the average SAT score from 1045 in 2014 to 1054 in 2015. This increase is in contrast to the 22 point decrease for Texas and 7 point decrease globally in average SAT scores for 2015. To increase student performance on ACT and SAT, an advanced SAT/ACT preparation courses is offered at the high school level, SAT/ACT vocabulary training is being provided to teachers in grades 5 and above, and targeted preparation activities have been embedded in English and math courses.

Dual Credit Courses

Pearland ISD Dual Credit courses provide qualified students the opportunity to earn college credits while attending high school. Students maximize their high school years by selecting courses which will count as credit for both their high school diploma and college degree. Highly motivated students may pursue an Associate in Arts Degree in General Studies and a high school diploma at the same time. During the 2015 – 2016 school year 787 Pearland ISD students earned a total of 2,489 college credits in 32 different dual credit courses. In addition, there was a 26% increase in dual credit course enrollment for the 2016 – 2017 school year.

At the Board meeting, trustees will be presented with a Power Point presentation detailing student assessment results, 2016 accountability results, and a summary of Dual Credit student

81 participation and performance. A copy of the Power Point presentation is attached.

Fiscal Impact:

Cost: Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☐ Recurring ☐ General Fund Amendment Required? ☐ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Yes ☐ No Fiscal Impact ☐ Other Funds (Specify) ☐ No

Superintendent’s Recommendation: N/A

Department Submitting: Curriculum & Instruction Requested By: Dr. Lisa Nixon and Testing and Program Evaluation

Cabinet Member’s Approval: Dr. John P. Kelly and Dr. Nyla Watson Board Approval Required: ☐Yes ☒No

82 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

Student Assessment Results 2015 – 2016 Presented by Dr. Lisa Nixon, Director of Testing & Program Evaluation October 11, 2016


Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 1 83 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

Changes for STAAR Year 5

• Increase in student performance standards • Texas Success Initiative (TSI) portion of postsecondary readiness • STAAR A and STAAR Alternate 2 results included in accountability

STAAR Results

Elementary – Percent Meeting Satisfactory Standard 100% 92% 90% 89% 91% 90% 81% 77% 80% 76% 74% 74% 69% 70%







0% Math - Grade 3 Reading - Grade 3 Math - Grade 4 Reading - Grade 4 Writing - Grade 4 Pearland Texas

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 2 84 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

How do we compare?

STAAR Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance

3rd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 4th Grade 4th Grade Reading Math Reading Math Writing Pearland 89% 90% 91% 92% 81%

Clear Creek 85% 85% 86% 83% 78%

Fort Bend 80% 82% 82% 80% 73%

Friendswood 92% 94% 93% 94% 89%

Katy 89% 89% 89% 87% 83%

Tomball 89% 90% 91% 91% 85%

STAAR Results

Middle School – Percent Satisfactory Standard 100% 93% 89% 90% 87% 86% 88% 79% 80% 75% 75% 74% 71% 70%







0% Math - Grade 5 Reading - Grade 5 Science - Grade 5 Math - Grade 6 Reading - Grade 6 Pearland Texas

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 3 85 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

How do we compare?

STAAR Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance

5th Grade 5th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 6th Grade Reading Math Science Reading Math Pearland 87% 93% 89% 88% 86%

Clear Creek 87% 87% 84% 82% 82%

Fort Bend 82% 85% 78% 78% 81%

Friendswood 95% 98% 92% 95% 93%

Katy 90% 92% 88% 85% 88%

Tomball 92% 94% 91% 88% 92%

STAAR Results

Junior High – Percent Meeting Satisfactory Standard

100% 96% 90% 90% 92% 92% 90% 88% 82% 83% 80% 76% 73% 71% 72% 70% 70% 65% 60%






0% Math - Grade 7 Reading - Grade 7 Writing - Grade 7 Math - Grade 8 Reading - Grade 8 Science - Grade 8 Social Studies - Grade 8 Pearland Texas

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 4 86 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

How do we compare?

STAAR Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance

7th Grade 7th Grade 7th Grade Reading Math Writing Pearland 90% 90% 88%

Clear Creek 82% 81% 79%

Fort Bend 82% 82% 77%

Friendswood 91% 94% 88%

Katy 87% 88% 86%

Tomball 89% 94% 87%

How do we compare?

STAAR Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance

8th Grade 8th Grade 8th Grade 8th Grade Reading Math Science Social Studies Pearland 96% 92% 92% 83%

Clear Creek 89% 81% 83% 72%

Fort Bend 88% 79% 85% 78%

Friendswood 96% 98% 94% 88%

Katy 92% 85% 90% 85%

Tomball 93% 90% 91% 84%

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 5 87 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

STAAR Results

Percentage Change – 2015 to 2016 STAAR Performance

Pearland Texas Pearland Texas Reading ‐ 3rd ‐1%  ‐3% Reading ‐ 7th ‐3% ‐3% Math ‐ 3rd ‐3% ‐1% Math ‐ 7th 0%  ‐1% Reading ‐ 4th +3% +3% Writing ‐ 7th ‐2% ‐2% Math ‐ 4th ‐1% +1% Writing ‐ 4th ‐4% ‐1% *Reading ‐ 8th +3% +4% Math ‐ 8th 0%  ‐2% *Reading ‐ 5th ‐3% ‐3% Science ‐ 8th +4% +6% Math ‐ 5th 0% 0% Social Studies ‐ 8th 0% +1% Science ‐ 5th ‐1% +3% Reading ‐ 6th ‐5% ‐5% Math ‐ 6th ‐2% ‐1% Indicates improvement greater than improvement across the state. *Data represents 1st administration only.


Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 6 88 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016


High School – Percent Meeting Satisfactory Standard 120%

99% 100% 98% 93% 91% 94% 82% 81% 83% 80% 63% 66% 60%



0% English I Algebra I Biology English II US History Pearland State

How do we compare?

STAAR EOC Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance

Algebra I Biology English I English II US History

Pearland 93% 98% 82% 83% 99%

Clear Creek 91% 97% 81% 84% 97%

Fort Bend 85% 94% 72% 75% 96%

Friendswood 97% 100% 89% 94% 99%

Katy 91% 97% 84% 84% 98%

Tomball 93% 96% 84% 86% 99%

Data represents All Students Tested

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 7 89 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016


Percentage Change – 2015 to 2016 STAAR Performance

Pearland Texas Pearland Texas

Algebra 1 0% 0% English 2 +2%  0%

Biology 0%  ‐1% US History +2% +3%

English 1 ‐1% 0% Indicates improvement greater than *Represents All Students Tested improvement across the state.


Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 8 90 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

2016 Accountability Pearland ISD: Met Standard! Every Campus: Met Standard! Report



Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 9 91 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

Campus Distinction Designations

The Distinction Designations are awarded to campuses based on achievement in several performance indicators relative to a group of 40 campuses of similar type, size, and student demographics.

2016 Distinction Designations

• Academic Achievement in Reading/English Language Arts (campus only) • Academic Achievement in Mathematics (campus only) • Academic Achievement in Science (campus only) • Academic Achievement in Social Studies (campus only) • Top 25 Percent: Student Progress (campus only) • Top 25 Percent: Closing Performance Gaps (campus only) • Postsecondary Readiness (campus and district) Note: Campuses and charter districts evaluated by alternative education accountability (AEA) provisions are not eligible to earn distinction designations.

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 10 92 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

2016 Distinction Designations

• 51% of Texas campuses earned Distinctions

• 86% of Pearland campuses earned Distinctions

Academic Achievement in Reading/ELA

Magnolia Elementary PJH South Rustic Oak Elementary PJH West Silverlake Elementary Dawson High School Alexander Middle School Jamison Middle School Rogers Middle School Sablatura Middle School Berry Miller JH

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 11 93 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

Academic Achievement in Mathematics

Carleston Elementary Silverlake Elementary Challenger Elementary Alexander Middle School CJ Harris Elementary Jamison Middle School Lawhon Elementary Sablatura Middle School Magnolia Elementary Berry Miller JH Massey Ranch Elementary PJH West Rustic Oak Elementary Dawson High School Silvercrest Elementary

Academic Achievement in Science

Alexander Middle School Berry Miller JH

Jamison Middle School PJH South

Rogers Middle School PJH West

Sablatura Middle School Dawson High School

Note: Only high school, junior high, and middle schools are eligible for this distinction

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 12 94 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

Academic Achievement in Social Studies

PJH West

Dawson High School

Note: Only high school and junior high schools are eligible for this distinction

Top 25%: Student Progress

Carleston Elementary Jamison Middle School CJ Harris Elementary Sablatura Middle School Magnolia Elementary Berry Miller JH Massey Ranch Elementary PJH East Rustic Oak Elementary PJH West Silvercrest Elementary Robert Turner CCHS Alexander Middle School

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 13 95 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

Top 25 Percent: Closing Performance Gaps

Carleston Elementary Jamison Middle School

CJ Harris Elementary PJH West

Magnolia Elementary Dawson High School

Rustic Oak Elementary Robert Turner CCHS

Postsecondary Readiness

CJ Harris Elementary PJH South

Magnolia Elementary PJH West

Silverlake Elementary Dawson High School

Jamison Middle School Robert Turner CCHS

Sablatura Middle School

Berry Miller JH

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 14 96 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

Distinction Designations

The following campuses earned ALL eligible distinctions:  Pearland Junior High West

 Jamison Middle School

 Magnolia Elementary

How do we compare? Campus Academic Achievement Distinction Designations

Campuses with 1 or more Campuses with all eligible Distinction Designations Distinction Designations

Pearland 19/22 86% 3/22 14%

Alvin 8/21 38% 0/21 0%

Clear Creek 27/42 64% 1/42 2%

Friendswood 2/5 40% 0/5 0%

Katy 40/58 69% 6/58 10%

Tomball 12/18 67% 1/18 6%

Texas 4,429/8,673 51% 423/8,673 6%

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 15 97 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

Community & Student Engagement Accountability

• Requires all school districts to evaluate the district’s performance and the performance of each campus in regard to community and student engagement • An opportunity for districts to showcase areas of success as well as recognize areas in need of improvement.

Community & Student Engagement Accountability

Factors to be evaluated: • Fine arts • Wellness & Physical Education • Community & Parent Involvement • 21st Workforce Development Program • Second Language Acquisition • Digital Learning Environment • Dropout Prevention Strategies • Educational Programs for GT Students • Compliance with statutory reporting and policy requirements

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 16 98 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

Community & Student Engagement Accountability

• Pearland ISD and all campuses received an overall performance rating of Exemplary for the 2015 – 2016 school year.

• In addition to providing strong instructional programs, Pearland ISD campuses provided over 4,113 additional activities and programs that address the Community & Student Engagement factors.


Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 17 99 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

AP/Pre‐AP Enrollment History

Student Enrollment –5 Year History 2012‐13 2013‐14 2014‐15 2015‐16 2016‐17 7356 7038 6442 6154 5702 5777 5797 4894 4182 3810

AP Courses Pre‐AP Courses

AP Participation Rates

Number of AP Exams Taken –Pearland ISD


5000 4853 4000 4007 3000 3344 2949 2000 2170 1907 1000 1476 992 757 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 18 100 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

Pearland ISD AP Scholars

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016



182 187 137 127 123 131

79 87 66 74 65 53 50 32 32 21 24 27

AP Scholars AP Scholars with AP Scholars with AP National Scholars Honor Distinction

AP Scholars: Students with scores of 3 or higher on 3 or more AP exams AP Scholars with Honor: Students with an AP average score of 3.5 and scores of 3 or higher on 4 exams AP Scholars with Distinction: Students with an AP average score of 3.5 and scores of 3 or higher on 5 exams AP National Scholars: Students with an AP average of 4 on all exams and scores of 4 or higher on 8 exams

AP Participation Rates

% of AP Test Takers with Scores 3+ 70


60 District 55 State 50 Global


40 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Unofficial Data – 9/8/2016

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 19 101 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

If Pearland ISD were a state, we’d be 3rd in the Nation!

Percentage of students from the Class of 2015 who scored a 3 or higher on an AP exam during high Pearland ISD school: 31.1%

 Texas – 20.8%

 United States – 22.4%

 Pearland ISD – 31.1%

 Maryland – 31.7% (Highest in the nation)

AP Performance –Class of 2016

% of Pearland ISD Students who Scored a 3 or Higher on an AP Exam During High School

2016 31.4

2013 24.6

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 20 102 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016


ACT Performance

Average ACT Scores 24

22.8 22.8 22.5 22.1 22 21.5 21.4 21.0 21.1

20.7 20.8 20.8 20.8 20.8 20.9 20.9 20.9 20.9 20 20.2

18 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Pearland Texas

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 21 103 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

SAT Performance & Participation

SAT Average Score & Student Participation 1200 1045 1054 1012 1011 1019 1008 1006 1000

825 782 800 765 735 720

604 600 491

400 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 SAT ‐ Average Score Students Tested

SAT Performance

Change in Mean Scores from 2014 ‐ 2015 Pearland Texas Total Group

6 4 3

‐2 ‐2 ‐3 ‐6 ‐7 ‐9 Critical Reading Math Writing

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 22 104 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

ACT & SAT Participation

Percent of Students Tested 100.0%



70.7% 70.0% 68.3% 67.7% 65.9% 62.5% 60.6% 63.10% 58.50% 60.0%

50.0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 23 105 Pearland ISD Assessment Results 10/11/2016

Dual Credit Course Enrollment

Number of Students Enrolled in School Year Dual Credit Courses

2011 – 2012 935

2012 ‐ 2013 1,349

2013 – 2014 1,994

2014 – 2015 1,830

2015 – 2016 2,228

2016 – 2017 2,817

Dual Credit Course Enrollment

• During the 2015 – 2016 school year 787 Pearland ISD students earned a total of 2,489 college credits in 32 different dual credit courses.

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Potential Cost Savings

• Assuming – Each Semester of Dual Credit is equal to one (1) 3‐hour College Course – Each AP Exam score of 3 or higher is equal to one (1) 3‐hour College Course • At the end of the 2015 – 2016 school year, parents potentially saved a total of $6,509,683.46 in tuition costs (Based on Fall 2016 Tuition and Required Fees at Texas A&M University).

In Conclusion

As we continue on our quest for World‐Class Schools, our 2016 student assessment data reflects the hard work of our Great Teachers, Great Principals, Great Staff, and Great Students in Pearland ISD.

Pearland ISD ‐ Curriculum & Instruction 25 107 PEARLAND ISD ‐ STUDENT ASSESSMENT SUMMARY NOTE: Scores are for the STAAR assessment only (No STAAR A, STAAR L, STAAR Spanish, STAAR Alt) STAAR ‐ GRADES 3 ‐ 8 Grade Level Subject Level II Level III 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 3 Reading 89% 90% 86% 90% 86% 39% 39% 29% 35% 34% 3 Math 90% 93% 85% 86% 84% 38% 35% 26% 33% 29% 4 Reading 91% 88% 85% 86% 87% 36% 37% 31% 36% 33% 4 Math 92% 93% 88% 86% 87% 48% 43% 40% 34% 28% 4 Writing 81% 85% 83% 84% 81% 26% 13% 13% 17% 15% 5 Reading* 87% 91% 88% 86% 90% 42% 44% 34% 33% 29% 5 Math 93% 93% 90% 84% 90% 40% 39% 36% 33% 35%

108 5 Science 89% 90% 89% 83% 85% 24% 27% 21% 23% 22% 6 Reading 88% 93% 90% 88% 89% 38% 38% 28% 35% 34% 6 Math 86% 88% 84% 83% 92% 14% 10% 9% 8% 41% 7 Reading 90% 93% 89% 89% 88% 41% 37% 33% 30% 32% 7 Math 90% 90% 83% 87% 74% 36% 32% 20% 18% 2% 7 Writing 88% 90% 86% 82% 84% 31% 29% 18% 14% 17% 8 Reading* 96% 93% 94% 93% 92% 36% 39% 41% 38% 34% 8 Math 92% 92% 94% 90% 88% 27% 22% 19% 14% 13% 8 Science 92% 88% 87% 87% 85% 39% 32% 37% 27% 20% 8 Social Studies 83% 83% 80% 80% 79% 31% 25% 28% 26% 25% *First Administration

Pearland ISD ‐ Department of Testing & Program Evaluation 10/3/2016 PEARLAND ISD ‐ STUDENT ASSESSMENT SUMMARY NOTE: Scores are for the STAAR assessment only (No STAAR A, STAAR L, STAAR Spanish, STAAR Alt)

STAAR EOC Subject Level II Level III 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Algebra I 93% 93% 91% 90% 90% 44% 36% 27% 25% 29% Biology 98% 98% 96% 93% 95% 37% 31% 20% 22% 22% English I 82% 83% 78% NA NA 20% 18% 14% NA NA English I Reading NA NA NA 77% 80% NA NA NA 19% 15% English I Writing NA NA NA 63% 70% NA NA NA 5% 8% English II 83% 81% 77% NA NA 17% 8% 9% NA NA

109 English II Reading NA NA NA 86% NA NA NA NA 30% NA English II Writing NA NA NA 63% NA NA NA NA 6% NA US History 99% 97% 96% NA NA 42% 40% 23% NA NA

Pearland ISD ‐ Department of Testing & Program Evaluation 10/3/2016

Board of Trustees Agenda Item Information

Meeting Date October 11, 2016 Meeting Type Agenda Placement ☒ Regular Meeting ☐ Public Hearing ☒ Administrative Report ☐ Special Meeting/Workshop ☒ Open Session ☐ Consent Agenda ☐ Hearing ☐ Executive Session ☐ Regular Agenda ☐ Recognition ☐ Information/Discussion Date Submitted: October 3, 2016 Subject: Report on Advanced Placement Comparative Government and Politics Trip

Executive Summary: Students and adult leaders will be present to give the board a report on trip.

Fiscal Impact:

Cost: Funding Source: Fiscal Year: ☐ Recurring ☐ General Fund Amendment Required? ☐ One-Time ☐ Grant Funds ☐ Yes ☒ No Fiscal Impact ☐ Other Funds (Specify) ☐ No

Superintendent’s Recommendation: N/A

Department Submitting: Advanced Academics Requested By: Margo Gigee

Cabinet Member’s Approval: Cary Partin

Board Approval Required: ☐Yes ☒No