Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee 22 April 2020 (Meeting in Brent Civic Centre cancelled due to Covid-19) Report from the Strategic Director Children and Young People Annual School Standards and Achievement 2018-2019 Wards Affected: All Key or Non-Key Decision: Open or Part/Fully Exempt: (If exempt, please highlight relevant paragraph Open of Part 1, Schedule 12A of 1972 Local Government Act) No. of Appendices: None Background Papers: None Brian Grady Operational Director Safeguarding, Partnerships and Strategy
[email protected] Contact Officer(s): (Name, Title, Contact Details) John Galligan Head of Setting and School Effectiveness
[email protected] 1.0 Purpose of the report 1.1 The purpose of this report is to update members of the scrutiny committee about school standards and achievement during 2018/19 with a focus on demonstrating improvements to the effectiveness and standards of the borough’s schools, and evidence of progress in raising the achievement of British boys of Black Caribbean heritage in particular. 1.2 School standards are a corporate priority for Brent Council as set out in the Borough Plan 2019-23. The plan sets out five strategic priorities, including: Every opportunity to succeed – working in partnership to support children and young people’s educational attainment and training. 1.3 Within this strategic priority there is a commitment to support the continued improvement of provision for early years settings and schools – particularly helping the very small number which are not yet rated good by Ofsted. The Borough Plan also commits to collaboration with local school-led partnerships to improve the quality of education in Brent’s primary and secondary schools.