UO'iUOUTH CO. HISTORICAL ASSH,. f r s s h o l o * h . j . . x ,


. New Jersey Preu Association Member . 89th YEAR — 47th W EEK Member Nations! Editorial AssocUtlan MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1958 Monmouth County fresi Auoolitloa Single Copy Ten Cents Three Bus Routes Dropped By Launch Squad Headquarters Fund Drive Convict Lavoie Matawan Man Elected By Dcms Matawan Board Of Education On Drunk Count Transportation Ends For Most Pupils License Revoked Two Years; $225 Fine Going to St. Joseph's From Cliffwood . — - f • R E S C U E s a t f t i P Stephen D. Lavoie, president Three bus routes are being eliminated under the board’s of Lavoto Laboratories, ' Mor- new plan to provide transportation only for pupils living gnnvillo, Thursday was o o n- two miles from the schools they attend, Thomas J. Sld- vlcted on a charge of drunken dons announced Monday for the transportation committee driving. Mlddlotown Township of the Matawan Township Board of Education. The routes Magistrate W. Gilbert Mnnson to be dropped In 1958-59 ‘ are Imposed a mandatory fine of present routes 7, 9 and 10, Re­ (200 and a two-year license rs tained are routes 1,2,3.4,5,6,8 vocation. Mr. Lavoie also was and a special route. Tbe three assessed (25 In court costs, eliminated are two trom Lloyd BULLETIN Immcdlutoly after tho find­ Rd. and one trom Cllttwood At least seven people were ing of Maglstralo Manson, John Beach which do not meet tbe killed and scores Injured at Warren, Jr., attorney for Mr. two-mile stipulation. 1:29 p.m. today sb the result Lavoie announced he would Children now transported to of an unexplained explosion file lin appeal of the conviction. St. Joseph's School, Keyport, at the U. 8. Army Nike'Mis­ The appeal must bo filed with from Cliffwood, no longer, will sile Base In the Chapel Hill the court within 10 days of tho be accommodated, M r.. Sld- Section of Middletown Town­ dato of conviction. dons explained. The routes re- ship. . Fire tiac! broken out Mr. Lavoie, who lives on malnlng In Cllffwood will car­ around the explosion areai Edgemcro Dr., Matnwan, was ry pupils for St, Joseph's as and was still raging when arrested Jan. 15'followlng ivhnt far as the Matawan School, if The Matawan Journal went was described, ns a 70-to-75-, they do reside two miles from to press/ VJ ' mlle-nu-liour polloo chase on St. Joseph’s. Mrs. Ethel Boyle, State Police at Ihe Keyport Mlddletoivn-Llncroft Rd. He a Cllffwood resident; reckoned Barracks said at 2:15 p.m. was examined by Dr, M a r o that only the parochial; school that seven bodies had been Krohn, township physician, Jolm-Florlno, Mntnwnn, (right), was clocteil Democratic pupils living In the "Midnight found and several other per* who ruled him drunk and unfit National Xolhmlttcoman of (he Young Dcmncrntlo Club of Point” area would Qualify, sons were reported missing. to dvtvo...... New Jersey at the group’s hl-mmunl election convention held And they would have to Driving With Red License Saturday at lho Ucrkcloy-Unrtorct Hotel, Anbury Park. Mr, ‘‘walk” or find other'means of Florlno Is a ncmoorntlo candidate for Mutnwnn Borough Mr. Liivole had bcon driving Counollmun In the Novcinbor election. Congratulating Mr, transportation to complete with a red llconso, a llccnao ro- Florlnov neon hi* , election I* jllliiyris-ir-r-''*':* -tyillluiiis, Jr„ . their Journey to St-j^osegl^s as Petitjpnejg J p t tfio' ffehfoerttlle enmlldato tar fire TV'S, nt-TinO*', tlho wns tho­ the TegulaV sc*S3)£ om sS^ 2X r i - — ------tlon. 6 v c r ~ £ iv o n hhurl'of testi­ end at Matawan, tSUSlUCSS mony, four hours Mny 8 and rniest siienkcr nt llio convention. . , Mr. Slddons explained the ' throe hours Thursday, was new bus provisions are deslgn- hoard In tho two-day hearing, ed especially to meet the needs Route 34 Owners Ask Members' of the Matawan Township First Aid Squad Sunday launched a drive for fundi Mr, Lavolo denied ho had Developers Gome $2,173,000 Bondsr of transporting sixth, seventh If It Is Junkyard to finance construction of a new squad headquarters and youth center. A fund thermomotor been drunk, and oontondcd he and eighth grade pupils from has been ereoted on the Prospect St. site to chart the progress of Uio drive, In tho foreground. was aotually undor tho Influ­ Cliffwood for housing at Mata­ A petition containing 48 sig­ Mayor John Mars, Jr., leads members ofthe "C-Not6“Cluh” who presented (109 donations to fund ence of nn ovordoeo ot a tran­ To Terms On Map For Madison U.S. wan High School until the new natures asking that something drive chairman Al Prlsk, (center), , , ...... \ quilizer known as Ultran, be done about a business con­ ' Other "club" members were, (front row, from left), John Regan, Committeeman Salva­ MadHon RequUitoi Voto On Propotal To 20-room Cllffwood School shall tore Vena, George DIPoalo and John T, Ryan, (second from right), who donated a boat to Mr. Lavoie's pliystolan, Dr. be ready for use. The only ducted,.In, the name of "Ex­ the. squad which was sold for (899. Other sqpad members taking part In the coromonlei wero: Joseph Rudnlck, Koyport, testi­ For Crodwood Mot Bo Called In Summer transportation for which the change1 Fl.” was submitted to (Rear row), John MoDougle, Hugh Boyle, Art Calamarlo, Charles Meeker, John Balaton, fied during tho .lioarlng lt was board will not be recompensed the Matawan Township Com­ Charles Mauer, Stubby DeHydro, Frank Boyle. Vince * DeBauo, ’Ed Ryan, Tom Brown, Al his opinion that Mr, Lavoie Tho unyielding nttltudo of Mndlson Township Board of by the state will be for about mittee May 14. The following Como, and president Sam DUks, . Another member of the "C-N6to Club" Township Attorney aotunlly was under the Influ- tho Mndlson Township Com­ Education yotod last night to 35 high school pupils who live evening, the sponsors of the Ezra W, Karkus, also counsel for the squad, oould not attend. The site was cleared with equip­ onco of an ovordoao of Ultran mlttoo nnd planning board In set (2,173,009. as tho bonding, between two miles and two- petition, Joseph Mlele and Wil­ ment donated by Savitsky Dros„ Cllffwood. the doctor had prescribed for tbo faon ot -throats of suits to bo submitted for approval’ and-one-half miles from Mata­ liam Knopping, the landowners nervousness tho day ot tho ar­ ovor refusal to rocngnlzo ap­ by tho voters for tho ovnotlon wan High School. " whose properties Immediately rest. - ■ . proval ot maps given develop­ of a high school, Prior dolor- adjoin the site of this business, Early Deadline Had Two Manhattan*' ers by prior township commit­ mlnntlon lind sot Uio bonding 75 Per Cent Reoompense appeared at a township plan­ Cliffwood Man Is Attend Banking Mr. Lavolo said ho had had tees nnd planning board paid at (2,000,000 with (425,000 ftlUll- The state only allows 75 per ning board meeting, to ask that , For the benefit-of the ad­ only two manhnttans at the off Mondny. Joseph L, Edgar, lltnnl being raised In lovlos In cent recompense on costs of body to, recommend Victim Of Mishap vertisers ef The Matawan Llncroft Inn boforo bolng ar­ Highland Pnrk, township attor­ three school Uurigotn, Tho de­ transportation for high school against tbe business. Journal, next week's edition Unit Convention rested. Two doctors, a pntho- ney, wn« nblo to nnnounoo feat twice of tho 1098-00 bud­ pupils when these pupils re­ Mr. Mlele and Mr. Knopping Fatally Hurt As . will: be . printed on Tuesday, loglst and pharmacologist, tes­ agreement had boon readied got nt th<) polls iipsot tho""lat- side two-nnd-one-half miles described the. bualnesa as one thus the deadline for display J. H. Hendrickson tified Thursday that there : Is wlth-Kantor Jft Goldman,,Now tnr plan. - 1 ■■-•*-. - - from their, school.-The' board that.had'bSen located at the Auto Leaves Road ' advertising..UO -will, "of?»: MHut ond.y May s l *9 W- not sufficient alcohol lh tw o York, ■dovfkipors, aocopttn’g The board .broke down tbo acceded recently* to-a request sit*' of 8. former* diner near Georgo L. Wafts, 44, ^ of P.lfat.1 and ,for classified ad­ olved ns follows; for transportation for high Mill Rd. that had been put up Shoro 1 Concourse, Cllffwood vertising Monday1 al 5 p.m. president at the Koyport offlco volo drunk. - township In return for rooOgiil-fNotlilnF for Inncl: for erection school pupUs at two miles be- during the building of the Gar­ Beaoh, was lnjurod fatally Fri­ All nows copy must be In­ of tho Monmouth County Na­ Dr. Krohn said his examina­ tlon of flnnl approval of t li o of tho building, I()7,(WP ntjuaro (continued pn page fifteen) den Btate Parkway and then day afternoon when ihe car he to the office by 1 o’clock on tional Bank, Red Bank, last tion sliow.d Mr. Lavolo lind nl- mnp’cf CroslWood given by a feet of floor space nt 115 per abandoned when workmen no was driving went out of con­ Tuesdhy In order to have night was Inducted Into tho coliol on his braath. Hint ho prior township commlttoo and square loot or (1,999,090; for longer were employed In the trol and overturned. Another publication Insured. The Half-Century Club of lho Now staggered and swayed, thnt plnnnlng -board or Doe. 30, utilities, (70,900;-fop^sIH) |m- Physician Will area on that project. Mr. Mlele Cllffwood Boach man who was deadline far photographs will Jersey Bankers Association nt his eyes woro 'bloodshot,- h 1 s 1050. Mr. Edgar snld tho ngrco- provement, (93,009; for furnl- and Mr. Knopping claimed nil riding In the car with Mr, be 1 o'clock an Monday. tbo opening of Its 55th annual face pale, Ills coordination inent itlpnlntod any suits un­ turn and equipment, (100,900; ' sorts of things were being of­ Watts was Injured. poor and his reflexes absent. der way or In prospoot by tho for planning nnd supervision Open New Office fered for sale at the place and The office of tho Brown convention tn Atlantlo City, Sgt, John B, Kolly-and Pa­ developers ovor tho Issue woro (110,000; for legal expensoa, were being strewn on their Mr. Watts was pronounced Publishing and Printing Co. Mr. Hendrickson, president trolman Elwood Seeley testi­ to ho withdrawn, ( , ; [or uonHngonolea, (00,­ Dr. J. C. Terra properties. T h e y . considered defid on arrival at Rlvervlew will bo closed all .day May of the Keyport Chamber of fied Thursday Mr. Lavolo lind Tho agreement provides thnt 000,20 000 - this a gross business violation Hospital. The passenger In 30. Commerce, rosldos with his (continued on page flftcon) (contlnuod on pngo fourteen) Tho original plan sot (hone Reveals Plans . of a residential area. the car, John McCusker, 24 wife nt their homo on Warren figures as follows! For eon-— They were told there was Shadynook St., Cllffwood St. He first entered tho bank­ struollnn, 107,000 aquura foot lit * ^ Justin C. Terra, M.D., an­ nothing the planning board Beach, suffered cuts of tbe Jaycee Chapter ing-profession In 1997 when he (III par square toot, (1,712,000; nounced yesterday he will open could do about lt, as tbe zon­ nose and right ear and a pos­ was employed by tlie Koyport Federal Aid Seen For Erosion Work for utilities, (70,000; for Bite offices for the'practice of med- ing ordinance had not been sible fractured nose. Banking Co., which later con­ Improvement, (14D,000| for fur- drafted and put Into effect yet. Both men wore transported Elects 0. Wolkc solidated to form tho Mon­ Needed To Save Cliffwood Shoreline nil re nml equlpmont, (200,000| They were asked why they had to the hospital by the Llncroft mouth County National Bank, for planning mid supervision; not gone directly to the town­ First Aid Squad. Dr. Edward Name Winners Of Mr, Hendrickson had served Madison Planning Board Hoars Onif Third Of (120,000; far , legal expenses , ship committee about the mat­ J. Snlmerl, Little Silver, who ns president of tha Monmouth (25,000 and for coutlugmioleii ter. Both Mr. Mlele and Mr. pronounced Mr. Watts dead, Road-E-0 Contest County Bankers and Clearing Matching Funds Could Como From Washington (100,000.- ■ Knopping complained that the said tho probable cause -of-j—otto Wolke. Matawan, was Hpuso Association and served To Exercise Option township committee met In the death was a broken neck, DC1 elected president of tho Great­ as secretary of tho association It mhy bo po'sulhlo to get one third (if lho cout of bunch Tho hoard voted to tnko up afternoons and this had them cording to State Police of tbe er Matawan-Keyport J UB lo r for 10 years, Ho now Is nn ex- and cliff erosion work heeded nt Cliffwood Ueneh contributed Its option on 27.140 acres nf Uio “ licked" aa they had to be out Shrewsbury Barracks, Chamber ot Commerce at. the offlolo trusteo of the_ banking by tbo federal government, Robert J. Baler, Mllltown, town­ Jacob llnub iniot In llrown- of town during the day due to Lost Control Of Car unit’s annual May meeting. group. Ho Is a former pros I- ship cni>incor, told the Madison Township Planning Hoard town. It already has obtained their businesses. ' . Trooper Joseph Raslowsky Other ofllcers elected for the dont of tho Monmouth Coiinty lust night. Mr. Baler snld he bud dulcrmhicd (bln In a lu­ 17 noren from tho Gaul) own-, Referred To Attorney who Investigated the accident, new year were George Deltz, Chaptci American Institute of cent Inspection nf the nffcctod ers for tho high school Irnot, Committeeman 6tcphen Ka- reported Mr. Watts was trav­ field vice president; Don Dick­ Banking, and has boon socre- area with officials of tho Bur­ requirement would hour on lho Tim Gaul) option expires Juno Ueta assured them the govern­ eling north on South St., Holm­ inson, Internal vIco .president; tary for the past 12 years of eau of Navigation, Stato De­ township. M n y o r John L. 110, hut llenry lipllzer, He rill ing body had referred thc mat­ del Township, and apparently Tom Murphy, secretary; Jo­ the Second koyport Loan Asso­ partment of Connorvallon and Chnmlmrlaln wns dlnturbhd- nt Amboy, tho board's aHornoy, ter to Ezra W. Karkus, Key­ lost control of the car as he at­ seph Stcnger, treasurer, and ciation. - Economlo Development, j the Idea of the township hav­ advised It could lio" extended, port, township attorney. tempted ,to round.,, a sharp Sidney Friedman, director. F. Palmor Armstrong, Atlan­ Against this, optimistic re­ ing to put up a llilrd of the Tho price 1s (1445 per aoro or Mr. Mlele believed that an curve. . . Results of the Matawan-Kcy- tic St., Keyport, clmlrmnn of port wns the Icsb favorable ono funds and nuggenlod the po,'lia­ (30,230. . ' . injustice had been done in that _Mr. Watts' car then skidded port Road-c-o were announced the Board of Directors ot the that such funds cannot be ex­ bility of uniting u flll-ln from Tho beard also voted,to bold he bad been forced to move 114 feet, ran Into a ditch and by Mr. Wolkc. John Leo, Mata­ Monmouth ' County National* pended to protect or Improve n dredging eperiilluu. ns South lin (■lection 40 days afterTwaal trucks from his own premises, flipped over. Mr. McCusker, wan, copped first prize in thc Bank la attending tho conven­ private properly. It was tho Amboy dld.j’ imiiflontlon can ba given (liter which he had stored there In a after treatment at tho hospital test of driving skill among tion along with Mr. and Mrs. conscnsun of opinion of t li e receiving permission from' the slack period In his trucking by Dr. Salmerl, was released. teen-agers. He received a cam­ HendrlokBon, Mr. Armstrong, board mcmborn that Hourly nil Mr. IHdiiar advised tho hoard fit ate Department of Local business, in that ,t was a viola­ Mr. Watts was born In Den­ era outfit and tho right to rep­ vino president of tlio HalfCon- tho beachfront and cliff arans ho would recommend tlie prob­ Clovriinnent for Hie (3,I73!000 ’ DR. JUSTIN C. TERRA tion of thc township auto Junk­ ver, Col., son of Charles A. resent tho Jaycee Chapter nt (contlnucd on i)ngo fifteen) arc owned privately. James lem of grave! mining nml inov- bunding. Tho Btate Department , Iclne at IB West Front St., Key­ yard" ordinance. He Insisted Watts, New Smyrna, and the tho annual state Road-c-o at Tortorlca, a hoard member, (contlmicd on pngn Hwelvo) of Local (iovonmient inust np- port, at tin; end of this week. his trucks were not discards. late Mrs. Florence M. (White) Trenton, Juno 21; believed that an ownnra are on­ prove the banding because tlio Dr. Terra, 31, will reside at Just vehicles actively in . use, Watts. He had been plant Other prizes went to second Poppy Drive ly losing tholr hinds to tho sou, Johnton Spoakor At district already linn used up the Front St. address. that had to be put out of com­ manager .for ' the Flamingo plnce finisher Chnrlcs H c n- Members of tho Matawan Ihcro will bo no 'grant (diffi­ all ol its borrowing power for ; Dr. Terra, who s unmarried, mission temporarily. He re­ Water Co., New Bmyma. He drlcks, Koyport, who received American Legion Unit 170 will culty" In getting them to deed Taxpayor( Mooting hcIiooIs nml that of Ilia tnwn- Was born In Italy and lived as minded the board that he had lived In Cllffwood Beach 30 a pen and pencil set and to offer popples during tbo annual portions needed to tho town­ nlilp committee a* well. The a youth In Argentina-and oth­ compiled with the township's years. ' Frank Banafato, third place, poppy drive Friday and Batur- ship ao they could lmvo hopes Jasper Johnson, of Joaepji J, Htnlo Department of Education er South American countries. reauest without hesitancy. He also Is survived by his who received a wallet and key dny, Mrs. James Martln^prcs- of oavlng the root. Hcninim A Co., Perth Amboy, has approved tlio odueallonal He Is a graduate of the Uni­ (continued on page fourteen) (continued on page fourteen) case. “ ...... Matawan Township A_utU!oi:, plan and tlio cimslrucHnn pllill — The Jayccce announced thnt Idenl, thanks tho residents of Joseph U Edgar, Highland wan Hiiost apeaker Tuesday at leonlliiuod on page twelve) versity. of Rome Medical plans aro being made to enter tho borough for their support Park, township attorney, was tho meeting of Ilia Malnwnn School, Italy, and served his boys from tho Matawan'Kcy- during past drives and re­ of thc opinion tlmt tho fedora! Townnlilp Tnxpnyora Ansoaln- internship at St. Clare’s Hos. Honored By Ground Observer Corps por: area In the stnte Junior minds the public that thin and ntato governments could tlon nt tho Oak Shades Flro Parolo Board Will pita]. New York. Olympics wHch will be h c 1 d year, moro than over boforo, he Induced to expend funda IIouiiLW. Mr, Johnnon went Into Dr. Terra was a bacterlolo- 21 In Middletown Town­ help Is needed for hospitalized lor erosion protection on prl- a general discussion of tho re­ ComicJor Apgar Plea— ^ glst while he served with tbo ship. Boys will he screened at and needy .veterans, and ^tlTUlr ynto property lf, In iio dnlng, quirements" ot-making—up--a Tho nmtn Tnrnln Bonnr has U S. Army and also was a resi­ high schools In both communi­ families, . 1 protection a a d conservation municipal budgot and pointed announced it w'll consider a dent physlcan at Metropolitan ties. wero bohig provided for public out how these neocnalllon ap­ plan for the relrnsn from prls- Hospital New York, and serv­ The chapter wont on record , To Test Air Horn lamb:, roada and works locate plied In Mutnwnn Township, ’ or of HWinoIl Apgar, 181 Broad ed as Ship's Surgeon for tbe as being In full .support with ed furthei Inland hut ntlll on . ife declined to discuss th e Bt„ Mntnwun. Apgar wan sen­ Grace Line Steamship Co. efforts being made to secure a On Saturday, after the 12 dnrigorcd by Uio process of matter of notaries paid munic­ tenced Apr. 2D, 1067, to a flvq- (continued on page fourteen) o'clock noon .whlstlo, tlio Mnta- erosion, ipal officials ..pointing out this to scvon yenr |erm hr prison ; ; American Legion Plans wan Flm Department will run Cost* Could De Cut ~ ... was covered by ordinance at for burning-down- the F l r »t - To Collect Coin Cards a scries of tests on the mlr horn Mr. Iliilor noted that costs which llmo tho public pan In­ I’roshyterlnn Church, Main Bt;,- Memorial Day Services to determine Its air pressure. coi'' be cut substantially from quire Into tlio duties perform­ Mntnwan, on Chrlitmas night, The M n t a w a n Township In the event of a fire, the rcgu the (100 per foot It takes to ed for tha norvlccB rendered. 1055. American Legion Post 170, First Aid Squad.-Will-be8ln_to lar .alarm consisting of all sir­ provide Jcttleq In the occnn- Mr. Johnnon snld he lind1 no Apgar was ruled Innnne Matawan and lls Ladles Auxll- collect coin cards starting ens and the horn will blow and front area. Along tho ocean, knowledge ol his own no to shortly after being clmrgod1 _IarjL-_wllL-:con£luct -Memorial Saturday. firemen are to answer Lho call. tho engineer explained, It Is liow much work _ wiis taken wlHi-arssb. Uu-to-tlie tlmo ot- L ay services at Memorial necessary to build Jetties . of earn ef by ono official or an­ saitoncliig ho wns confined to Park on Friday, May 30, at 11 . Notice Mslnwnn' Townohlp hard rock, each rock weighing other, as It varied In munici­ the Vjoom Building for1 the a.m. In'the event the weather We will take your car to the Taxpayers from six to nine tons so that It palities. Criminally lnsaiiu. Shortly alt­ is inclement, services will be Inspection station; adJiut UKhW ' "The Tax Collector's office Is haa .to .be put In place with, a Joseph IlrC.aulliT.ii, chair­ er his arrest Apgar was quoted held at the American Legion nnd brakes for (5. Frank Van now located In the new Town derrick. Tho jetty for* the bay: man of tiio mealing, rcud a n» saying lie didn’t have any Hall, Main'St./ Matawan, at Sickle Inc.. Center St., ship Hall, 14T Lower Main at.. shoro area, lh Mr, H u I o r's b’tler frHtri 'rcwiishlp C l o r k money to contribute to the the same time. Members of Freehold. Call1012 Freehold 8­ M a t n w a n, Beginning Mas' opinion, could be constructed liono K. Wenzel notifying llio church's building fund, and set the local clergy have been la- 0579. ■ 22nd, 1958 all tax collections With rocks weighing only 199 group of the Intent of the town­ It afire so tlie church oould vlted to participate. Arthur 8. "VanBnsklrk. Keyport. (right). Ground Observer and pertinent matters will he pounds, less costly to procure collect lusurnnco money, These services are conduct­ Corps Co-ordlnntbr for Monmonlh Connty, receives a citation Jfp-adv 22 - ship committee members to at­ for outstanding service from Lt. Col. John S. Dletz. USAP, who handled nt tlia . location. Ilourn and lens costly to pit’ In place, tend the meeting. When lho ed annually by the local legion lo GOG Coordinator for New Jersey. The citation reids In Lost 9:30 n.m, to 4 p.m., dally, Ifulk' he pointed out, since they can committeemen foiled to ap­ New York Turnpike Espreis ' post, under tbe chairmanship part: "In recognition of outstanding service to IhC Division of Mixed Collie Dog, s n n d y days and Saturdays excepted be sot In lho Jetty by hand, pear, there wns aharp crllb (1.73 plm tas round trip of Leo Weinstein, past com­ Civil Defense and Disaster Control." Hr. VanBaiMrk serves brown, onswors to nnme of ' Charles J, Kelly Mr, Baler promised lie would oi«m of tlielr failure i»:’Tp]lqw Frequent servloo, convenient mander. Ail Jocal residents are as "fao-eal", offleer for civil defense in Middlesex, Monmonlh. King. Reward, call Jnmea Tax Collector have word by the next meeting ihro'Jiflt" an wbnt lild bten economical. For time schedule Invited to attend. ‘ " Mercer and Union Counties. Ferrara, Gib; alter 2-7822. , Jfp—«dv 22 on bow tho "matching fund*” promised Jill Keyport 7-03 00. Boat.” Miss Manners , recently C. Giordano. Trial date Is to Cleveland Symphony was ’ ^acclaimed for' her per­ be fixedj A co-defendant, AL Take New Posts W ith Utility Two-Dollar Bills Many To Star At beK'Caldes, also of David St., . THE Unit Signed To Play formance to the opera "Tam­ Hazlet, was not . arraigned The annual board of direc­ ing of the Shrew," Thursday. Make Appearance • Another member of the New MATAWAN JOURNAt tor's meeting,of tbe Mon­ ’ St. John Terrell has slgDed Margaret Androwski, Second ' Two-dollar bills, making up mouth Arts Foundation w as York City Center Opera .Com­ St., Keyport, pleaded innocent the weekly payroll of employ­ Larry Brooks, Billie Worth, pany,,' basso Richard Went­ to a charge of neglecting her F lrsl Section ees of seven leading new car held May 12, at the Crystal Oall Manners, and Richard four children. Her husband, ; P. J Two Mar 23$ 1958 Brook Inn, Eatontown. Dr. Wil­ Wentworth, stai-s of the Broad­ worth, who has been with that John, a co-derendant, was not 1 6 dealers In the Mstawan-Key- lard T. Somerville, chairman way stage and- television, to company for 12 years, will do port area are circulated wide­ play leading roles this summer the leading part ol Tony in arraigned at the same time. ly, In the Keyport shopping ol the program committee, an­ In productions at the Neptune The Most Happy Fella." Play­ Health Unit Sets area, a survey of .this newspa­ nounced that the concert com­ Music Circus. Other leading Harper Inducted per disclosed yesterday. mittee had signed ' the Cleve- ing his sister, Rosabella In the assignments will go to Jan Frank Loesser musical hit will JDonnld R. Harper, 15 Ocean Beach Sampling Employees of the new car 1 a n d Symphony Orchestra, Chaney and Glnny Ferlowin. be Glnny Ferlowin, -who per­ Blvd., Cliffwood Beach, reports Albert Zeitler. Belmar, ;was dealers taking part In a “You with George Szell as conduc­ Larry Brooks will undertake formed on Broadway In “Mr. Auto Buy Now” campaign tor, for one of their concerts the starring role of G a y 1 o r d, Wonderful" apd “New Girl In ed to Perth Amboy lor lnduo- named chairman of (he Joint which was launched last week during the Civic Music Assocl- Ravenal, the rlverboat gamb­ Town,” - ’ tlon into the armed for.c..£.s* Commission on Bathing Beacn In the bayshore area are paid ation series in 1858-59. ler. in "Show Boat," w h I c h Jan Chaney, a. leading per­ Monday. . ' ' Sanitation, It was announced weekly In the bill denomina­ The Cleveland Orchestra will pjsy at the Jersey Sho;-n former on television and in the yesterday by John O. Jones, tion. Dealers declare the' com­ stands at the peak of perfec­ big-top for one week from’>A'ug. movies, will play Lola, who Defense Bonds pay the sarfto bined weekly payroll of $ tion, deserving Its already leg 11 through'Aug. 17. Mr. Brooks, rate of interest as the War secretary ol the group. Vincent to . their employees Is 12,000spent gets whatever she wants, -in Bonds you bought during the Horan ls vice chairman. , The endary reputation throughout famed for his creation of tbe "Damn Yankees.” ’ war. Buy someI commission is composed ol widely in local shops and mar­ the musical world, ls acknow; role of Edvard’Grieg In the members from the Monmouth kets. ledged unanimously by-' th e oHglnal.Broadway production, County Health Officers Associ­ A survey yesterday disclosed leading New York critics. of “Bong .of NorwayIs a vet­ Pair Deny Thefts ation, Monmouth & Ocean SAMUEL W. LAIBD ALLEN A. JETER the bills are turning up fro Subscription series for the eran of the muslcal tents. At Arraignment Cesspools County Sewage & Industrial Samuel W. Laird, 150 Clovcr- town and Wrightstown areas. quently In clothing, hardware, 1958-59 concert season now are '"Billie- Worth, who'Sturred in A n d ‘ Wastes Association and per­ dale Circle, New Shrewsbury, A native of Atlantic City, Mr. chain food stores and variety op sale from any member of the London company of “Call Plncus Cohen, David St., sonnel of the Central State has been promoted by Jersey stores In the main shopping tlie. Monmouth Arts Founda­ Me -Mndam'' and who played Hazlet, and Leo Caldes, New Septic Tanks Health District of the State De­ Central Power Si Light Com­ Jeter was graduated from At­ district. Dealers plan to con­ tion’s board of directors, or the leading role ill the Nation­ York, Thursday pleaded Inno­ lantic City High School and tinue paying their employees In by contacting tbe subscription al Company of “Annie G et cent to an indictment charging CLEANED partment of Health. pany from public Information two-dollar bills throughout the The committee announced assistant to public Information Wilkes Cpllege, .Wilkes-Barre, drive chairman, Mrs. Ernst Your Gun,” will take on anoth­ them. - with-stealing--$4500-inra- Anywhere — Anytime that water samples will be tak­ representative for the electric Pa., where he received a Bach­ “You Ai)to Buy Now" cam­ Theimer, Avenue of Two Riv­ er Ethel Merman role at Nep­ dlo parts, motors, two hl-fl sets, en along all bathing beaches utility’s Bay, Coast and South­ elor of Science Degree in Eco­ paign. ' ers, Rumson. tune in the Llndsay-Crouse hit paint, and /other merchandise from Laurence Harbor east to ern Divisions, according to en nomics. Automobile dealers In the Happy Hunting.” pall. Man­ from business bouses In five Reasonable Rates Highlands and all bathing ahnouncement by Joseph A. Prior to Joining JCP&L he Matawan-Keyport area were How about business cards? ners, a leading soprano with Shore communities In J an u- beaches from Sea Bright In Sherry, public Information di­ was employed as a general as­ praised this week,, by jack F, We can supply them quickly the New York City Center ary and last July. Monmouth County to Cape rector for JCFSiL and New Jer­ signment reporter and radio Wolfram, general manager of and at the right price. Come Opera Company, will play the The pleas were accepted by Parkway 1-9480 May Point before the bathing sey Power It Light Company. news writer by tho Asbury Oldsmoblle and a vice presi­ ana wy us. role of Magnolia in *'Sn o.w Monmouin county juage .lonn season openB. Mr. Laird succeeds James H. Park Press. He previously had dent of General Motors, fo r Dickerson who resigned recent­ been employed as associate ed­ their initiative and economic The committee also di’scuss- ly to accept the posltloa of sec­ itor In charge of sports by the leadership in promoting a spe­ ‘ ■...... ^ ed the growing menace to our retary to the Lakewood Board New Jersey Courier, Toms Riv­ cial “Auto Buy” week to stim­ beach water sanitation due. to of-Educatlon. er. He also was employed for ulate the business outlook, the careless and promiscuous Allen A. Jeter, 23" Fairway a year by the Atlantic C 1t y The Oldsmoblle chief execu­ disposal of garbage and sew­ Dr., Toms River, has Joined Electric Company as a drafts­ tive pointed out, “ This sort of Village 1relevlsioEB & Appfence Co. age wastes by fishing boats and pleasure craft just o ff JCP&L's public Information de­ man. ■ 'buy-in-confldence' approach shore. Hundreds of complaints partment as a public Informa­ An army veteran, Mr, Jeter will help a lot toward keeping were received from barrasscd tion assistant. Be and Mr, served from September, 1948, everyone on the road to pros- SEE US for your bathers last year and In sever­ Laird will have their offices in to December, 1951. He served jrerlty.” . 20 E. FRONT ST. al Instances authorities had to the utility’s general office In Japan, and Korea with the Mr. Wolfram directed special close .their beaches due to the building, 501 Grand Ave., As­ 25tb Infantry Division and tbe praise to Oldsmoblle dealers best buy in Electric polluted condition of the water, bury Park, Their activities will 35th Raider Company. Mr. In the Matawan-Keyport area Keyport the commission rejported. ' Include the preparation of com­ Laird Joined JCP&L last Octo­ forth elr active participation In pany news releases, material ber after nine years as a mem­ the "Auto Buy” weeks being W M tm m y W ater Heaters ^ - Governing bodies along the lor the company publication, .shore front were urged to make ber of the news staff of The held May 16 to June. 12. “ A lo­ - \ j W B / every effort to curb this nuis­ press relations and other allied Red Bank Register. He is a cal business stimulant such as KEyport 7-3081 At Lowest Prices Ever! ance because the condition con­ duties throughout - the Bay, graduate of the- Ped&le School, this 'buy m u ' promottoa beixg. ;:,u'v...... tinues to get worse each year Coast and Southern Divisions Hlgbtstowp, and Lehigh Uni­ backed by.the automobHe~deal- with the Increase of fishing which comprise tbat area from versity, where he received a ers of Matawan-Keyport could and pleasure craft. If local mu South Amboy south to Barno- Bachelor of Arts Degree In conceivably trigger an Import­ rticipalltles do not have the gat'and-inland to the Bights-1 Journalism. . ant economlo upsurge,” Mr. authority to prevent the nuis­ Wolfram said. ance then they should find out Two Suspects Held 7 to .Florida, Police identified “Actually/. with competition who does have the authority, him ’as Edwin Kerpen, 22, ol as spirited as It Is today, any­ the commission declared. In Armed Robbery one thinking about purchasing Everything's under control . . - Several members of the com­ Route 35, Holmdel Township. a new or used car couldn't pick mittee expressed tho thought Keyport police Saturday re­ Berkeley Heights police nab­ a better time to buy," Mr. that the Coast Guard who pa­ ported the apprehension ol two bed the two suspects in that Wolfram said. "A buyer not on­ trol these waters have the pow­ men, John.S..Katrensky, 23, ot community. They were return­ ly stands to save money from . with a Blameless Electric Range! er to control this problem If Berkeley Heights and Robert a car purchase today, but at they wanted to and It was also W. Jones, 20, of North Ave., ed to Keyport to tace the rob­ the. same time ls helping cre­ suggested If present statutes Cranford, charged with armed bery count by state police and ate more Jobs for more peo­ limit the Coast Guard, robbery in connection with a Monmouth C o u i, t y officials, ple,” he added. ... ! amendments should be made $167 holdup at the home of Mr. Dolan told police his wal­ to give them a controlling Harold Dolan, 63 Atlantic St., let containing the money was hand. ~ Keyport, May 0. Registration For YMHA ______The ynen are being held un­ taken. ■ Camp Set For Tonight Now Is tbe time to advertise der $5000 ball each in Mon­ those unused articles for sale. mouth County J all pending an This week, why don’t y o u The Perth Amboy YMHA A small ad In the classified arraignment on the : alleged look through the windows, ol Day Camp.is extending the Cblumn -will turn them--mto holdup, A tlilrd man, p o 11 c e yorir church.....“.Irb'm/lhe^Jdt camp program to many of the Cash for you. said, .Is believed .-to-ihtve tied.: sldsii „■»: ■ iv^i). helghbpring commuhlttes and extendJCTtwi servide'to. lncludi reglfMaW, Keyj— - , w registration from night." - ■’ Camping proyldes wonderfu, JUST opportunities for the develop­ ment of greater skills, sclf-as- BUrances, andn more positive personality, The day camps, Noar and Ganiod, are conducted ’by the YMHA as part of lto yeurit'dijhd program- as serv­ ices to chlldren, young people and adults and covers the on? tire Raritan Bay area rather than limiting lt to Perth Am- b°y, Mbrtin E. Danzig, executive director of the YMHA, an­ nounce!} that an excellent staff Is being recruited this year to provide the best in camp for! ihe children of tho day camps,- Hre YMHA day camps arc two of the 250 camps sponsored by tho YiMHA's' and"- Jewish / Community Center under the IN SCRUBLESS VINYL aegis ot the National Jewish Welfare Board. This nation­ wide activity helps to provide summer programming to 100,­ 000 youngster throughout the country. SANDRAN June 6 Honor Bridge for FLOORS-WALLS-COUNTERS Planned By Sea Scouts ~ The Sea Explorer ~ Scouts of Monmouth Squadron, Mon­ the first tim e mouth Council, Boy Scouts of For ... America, will hold their -24th annual bridge of honor on Frl- fhe elegante o f g o l d day evening, June 0, at 8:30 p.m. The .event will take place In the auditorium at the Naval color-m ated in the Ammunition Depot, Earle. Ar­ rangement for the bridge of most popular decorator honor at Earle wns made through Capt. E. c. Hawks, commanding officer. - colors and shades! The bridge of honor ls a rec­ ognition corcmony for those Sea Explorers ■ who have Meats shrink less. .. OVER 18 EXCLUSIVE SANDRAN achieved advancements Iu the GOLD METALLIC PATTERNS FOR past year. Tho highlight of the cveping will be the selection of m-m-m, cook Juicier! Squadron Flagship for the com­ ANY ROOM IN YOUR HOME ing year. Flagship is chosen N e w I Oold—BrtgM •• on the merits of Its boy’s pro­ simllgM. Can't tamlih bn- gram and adherence to the Just watch that man sigh with ecstasy when he gets a peek at cauta ft’s focfc.d under a first Sea Scouting standards. Squadron Commodore Amory your electrically cooked roast And he’ll really be under your spiell AS PLACESClOOO federal‘money1 seemingly ppr- Insurance Week chairman; ‘ , . • . ' descriptions of various types Under The Management Of ' mits of no sideward glaneiT to- and sites of cancer. Panels of ■ward the t r u 1 y frightening In recent years a score of both the payment of the value distinguished specialists d 1 a- " FRANCES SMITH price that may be paid ln the reasons for owning-life Insur­ of tbe business to the family cuss the most recent develop­ SMB'S future for a comparatively pal­ ance have .been added to the and provision for the continu­ ments and treatment of the dis­ try financial gain ln the pres­ list, but the basic purpose of ease. Surgical techniques, x- Matawan-Freehold Road ent." ' ■ ■ . ' ' ''support for dependents'* still ity of the business. Life Insur­ ray films, laboratory proced­ "Regardless of the needs or tops them all. A survey made ance has come to be used wide­ ures and treatment of cancer Route 79, Marlboro problems of the moment, local by the Institute of Life Insur­ ly for these purposes, many bil­ patients arc showL to demon­ -autonomy suffers whenever the ance on life Insurance owner­ lions of It now assuring Immed­ strate the various problems In­ federal' government pre-empts ship asked tho s.* Interviewed iate payment to families of the volved. . P‘tter‘a—Sandwiches—Dinners responsibilities heretofore as­ what' they regarded as the In addition to the kinescopes, sumed locally. At the same chief reason for owning such owner's equity and providing the doctors are mado acquaint­ ‘time, federal solvency Is Im­ protection. The “support fo r the firm with means of tiding ed with the various services, A*SJULTUR. m o . Tomato Piet Baked paired, for under deficit finan- dependents" reason was given over Its readjustment In own­ made available by the New * " c7 -/.o .ii I 'Sf.nvtNG //.w jiiri. N r.rm s i n c i t w o clng additional expenditures by 65 per cent. ership, without sale of proper­ Jersey Division to eligible can­ ' S r 11' OIL BURNING P-OUlPMr.NT(.SIHvlCL / can .only he translated Into Next In importance was the ty or ownership Interest. cer patients, through a port­ 7'210*1 FUEL Q//-T - KfMOSfNK. - COAL \ 2 P.M. To Midnight Saturday & Sunday debt. The biggest danger! how­ use of life- insurance to pay able exhibit. Appropriate can­ ever, Is that the powerful In­ outstanding bills and debts. Closely linked with this, is a cer literature Is distributed at Q 13 B R O A D Street • ^ Aviy/xMl* • Phone Whitney 6*8071 ~ fluence of general federal sub­ And following in rank of im­ large block of business Insur­ each meeting. sidies will lead sooner or later portance were "retirement in­ ance called;"keymnn 1 n s u r- : to federal Intrusion Into school come,” "saving," "education ance," which pays to the busi­ affairs.. ’ of. children." and "mortgage '"“Essentially. the claims repayment." Of course, even ness the full policy proceeds In made today In favor of federal the broad category of "support the event ol the death of & key aid to education are those for dependents"- actually man In the business. This pre­ made in esiJSw ye-srs," toe s>&- ISiOa. S- ok vents the firm from Incurring soclatlon. s aid. Examining more closely defined reasons. ' what might'be it catadtmpUlc these “ often repeated assump- Even the big part of the to­ loss in the event of the death tlons" the Association conclud­ tal, "family income" can be of someone around whom ed tlmt “ behlnd tliem Is a drlv- divided into such specifics as much of the firm’s* business Ing urge! to centralize school readjustment income, to oarry turns. , ' financing at the highest level over a period of family read­ ' While "educational 1 n s u r- of government as a means of justment "to the new program, anco” usually Is thought of as achieving Independence from Income until the children are the large block of protection the regulation of local school through school and lifetime in­ set up to assure funds to car­ See the recipes of your favorite stars featured in the June Issue come. ry children through college ln b'oaTds and state legislatures.” case the father does not live to of Good Housekeeping now on sale in your ACME MARKET For Businessmen Too accomplish that himself, there If you need printing of any Then,- for the millions of Is a wide range of additional kind, we are here to serve you. businessmen, whether owners, Insurance meeting educational Our quick service and reason-: partners or stockholders, there needs 'In other ways. Some able prices will please you, , Is the matter of providing .for policies cover a student lo an.' p l u s Some actually provide the cosh Low, Low Prices Green Stamps values for a student loan. Even some “family Income” policies become educational plans Indi­ l i * MERCURY * rectly, by giving the family a base Income which permits Sales and Service the youngster to continue with his studies financed by other b o n e l e s s c r o s s ' 8eef sourcos. — ...... ‘ Mortgage Protection ; ' Safe Buy.— Used Cars 'Mortgage pr election‘'has.Vne- come an Increasingly import­ ant reason for life Insurance SCHANCK & SIHLER purchase In rooent years,- as home ownership has widened Freehold 8-1250 Matawan 1-4239 and the long-term, amortizing mortgage has Increased In pop­ ularity. Many families now own policies for the specific pur­ pose of paying off the mort- ! gage In the event of the death JUST *15°“ DOWN ... of the home owner. This pre­ vents what might become an , . , and easy terms—- excessive burden to the family Iendeavoring to maintain th e mortgage, payments. buys the world’s Retirement planning Is an­ Save on Acme's Grocery Values LEG OR RUMP finest portable/ other ownership reason that has widened ln recent y e a r s,. Many families now havo poli­ cies which give protection dur­ KRAFT ing the years prior to retire­ quart jar l l Veal Roast * 59° ment and then a mohthly in­ 4 9 H ere's your best portable typewriter buy come for life thereafter. Also, —ihe magnificent Olympia precision-built portable! Advanced Loin Veal Chops ib 99* many companies are using the Lancaster e oz. i Ib o r features .. . modem design . . . six cash values ln family protec­ T ■■ ■%#■ STAR-KIST - LIGHT . jj 6>A oz. O C color options! Costs just pennies a tion policies after the need for aeon sliced pko 4pc~pkg.pEj! <5o* this protection has 1 passed, to B H U CHUNK STYLE ^ con. • HORMEL HARO i j- GENOA / q - day to own. Generous trade-in on provide retirement Income,' your old typewriter, tool ' having had this sccoadary use SLICED 4 oz. pkg! * r J e 4 oz;pkg, 4 7 * v.. in mind when they purchased Come In for a free demonstration!. the Insurance. With the growth ln [amily In­ Frozen Foods TYPEWRITERS and ADDING MACHINES come and family wealth, there Applesauce3 49 has been an Incrfti'fcd'Use of Rented and Repaired : life Insurance to Insure against A COMPLETE CHICKEN DINNER/' the shrinkage of the la m 11 y_ * RIBBONS wealth following the death of the’family- head.-This Is some­ SHORTENING 3 Ib. can r o°TlY: I all for “ For All Machines ...... ~ times/geared specifically to es­ 'ning tate and Inheritance lax pay­ ment and Is sometimes broad­ OFFICE FURNITURE er, providing for all expenses Ideol Peas S i 29 Involved in handling nn estate. Star-Kist Tuna white-chunk-3^95* STATIONERY SUPPLIES Bequest Insurance also has grown ln the past generation or Filed 9 oz. RUBBER STAMPS two nnd many people own pol­ Pork & Beans van camps 3 “ “ 35* Potatoes fcIFro°:c.h) I icies to provide payment of funds to some charitable, wel­ LANCASTER-Chickan, Turkey, Swlti Slaak, Roail !•«( fare or educational Institution. Hawaiian Punch 3 1.00 or Salisbury Steak , -. In some localities, campaigns Keyport Office Supplies have been put on for- such in1 YOUR O H-orI 0 0 surance to flnance aJargc part. ACME'S FRUITS & VEGETABLES Dinners CHOICI Im pkgz. I 26 Main Sr. KEyport 7-5005 Keyport of some community develop­ ment, such as a new hospital. ^fresher ‘jfar P i z z a P ie TREE TAVERN W o*. ptm 5 9 T ^ Arrow Auto ASPARAGUS P o l P ie s ARMOUR HAM 3 fl'1® Covers NEW larg ou JERSEY bunch 4 99 SMITH STREET, PERTH AMBOY P IE "?PL? SPECIM.I Tender, firm, axlra I»rgv green sprnrjr. Ivov/ In caToj'lr-j—HIgh In flavor. For • real taste treat icrve with prlzo winning Louella Butter. PLASTIC - -(a,, SARIN ^ in c CLEAR O Q 9 5 Coffee Cake cream nuw 29r COATED WOVEN ^ ^ 9 5 PLASTIC IDAHO BAKING FIBER p lastic E a n t Rye Bread oujmunjch w jl* "A ll Clear* Klesvy Cadre ■ ' Most Cars - * Most Cars Most Cars Potatoes aK£D 5»»39 D a i r y F a v o r i t e s 3D Cinerama ...... CONVERTIBLE...... NEW ^YELLOW AVOCADO KITCHEN , A 5 0 SEAI Q Q 9 5 TOPS 1 O nions 3.Ib* IS?* P e a r s tx,,A tARCt 2 ,® '2 9 ‘ CHEEZ-WHIZ .r 29 CHAIRS “ COVERS !s ,:r 4 Q 9 5 Pl.CES EffECTIVE 1HUHS lli'u SAT , MAT 27nJ i|»u MAY 74lh Cheese Spread u*0*5 'X”’49* . „ ■ . .. ■ Each' Ileavywel*bt Leatherette Window Mott Cars." ' ' '. " ' ^ All Models To 1951 T Routes 3 5 and 3 6 Plenty Of Free Parking .7...... • .. ' . Y ■ ' . . vU ® e JfotafwtH ^mtntal Anybody Gat A Formula ? ESTABLISHED 1S0 TdtltMM XEjRMf «- S. MABEL BIOVX, PCBUBBBI prjbtitised evcrjr Hrend»y at Keyport. Mosimooth Cooa^. N, /, TO LET THE PUBLIC iSj b r o w A PUBLISHING AND PRINTING COMPANY -- By Your Butcen KNOW THE FACTS Garden Reporter (Camden Coorler-Post) AROUND THE TOWN . .. Hunch-players, looking for­ J. K * * " 1 Brown. Editor — GgraMloa V. B ren . AttodaU Editor. It may seem strange that ward to racing at Monmouth Park early in J une already are Sstttcrtptiod Bata Payable to A4ranc* Gardens Open Ona Year (alihia atate). M-» ... „ — New Jersey has never had leg* saving those two-dollar bills being circulated In thc “You UjO O u Year (ooliide state).. J Somehow I have s hunch islation making It possible for Auto Buy Now” campaign of seven leading new-cax dealers ‘ p yi Doe Year (outside U. S.)— |7J03.00 that many ol you gardeners de­ tbe press &nd publlo to bave in the Matawan-Keyport area ... Hope Cyclists will stay Tbe Mata ran JocroaJii * newspaper "of tbe people, by toe pe?P**; pend on me to let you know access to public records at all clear of those heavy tanks which arfe scheduled to take iScitr*and far the to people."rrrr^* all Its of aim tbe Isnew* to serve rf tbe the week best withoutlsterests fcdaa cf Matawan or prejudice and about things to see here at the levels of government. But such part in the Keyport Memorial Day parade. The Keyport Civic la a rltf" f»A* eoasenrative manner, rerpedtoi the inalimable right* Experiment Station. Just In is the case. Affairs Committee has done-an outstanding lob arranging rf car cltrr^T. and thereby miking lUelf aorthy of their confidence. ' This strange and undemocrat­ the parade” and services In conjunction'with local veterans Bespocsttflity for typographical error* t* finfiM to the cosl of tbe case you have not, beard about ic state*bf affairs will be recti­ organizations .. . Have you noticed the jiretty tulip arrange­ ■pace occupied by such error. our rhododendrons and Iris, let fied if the Legislature enacts a ment around the fountain at Beach Park? Looks outstanding os. second-class mailer at the post office at Blstawan, N. J ~ me remind you thnt a trip to bill Introduced by Senator when illuminated at night... Things ore looking up. Finance tjcdeTiJbej»ct(^ff free park­ the Lyric. - ' who Is clothed with investiga­ the great American folk custom, the cocktail party', is gain-', - by the amount thus saved, but at a level more than 15 per ing space around Horticultural Frank Cottrell of Long safe forced plane landing in a tory power under the law. ing popularity in Europe. When a cocktail party is an­ cent below the out-of-pocket costs, with Federal taxpayers Farm No. 1, where loth gar­ Branch was visited by chicken potato Held adjacent to , tbe This legislation If passed.will nounced by an American businessman or dignatary, the Euro- - making up that difference, too.” dens are situated. Tbe farm is thieves last Thursday night. Freehold airport Tuesday aft­ enable the press of New jersey peans come filled with curiosity and iisutdly leave filled with ernoon after r u n n in g out of to publish fuller and more ac­ martinis or mnnhnttnns. Most wero duly impressed and j , Finally, Mr. Hammell and his company are not alone off Ryders Lane oa the south They not only took his 1 i v e fuel. ■ ’ , curate reports of police *and In this. The Hoover Commission, along with many other side of Route 1, not far from chickens, but carried away the governmental investigations, It have tried it on their friends. Europeans lmve come to the / organizations of high repute, have pointed to the parcel post the traffic circle near the Rar­ hencoop. Matawan finished sixth of 10 will extefid the public’s present conclusion that it is impossible to arrive too late at a cock- ‘ deficit and called for rate schedules sufficient, to meet all The Long Branch Merchants' schools competing in the an­ freedom of Information, just as tail party. They feel, now that the guests who are most costs, including the indirect costs. And that is exactly what itan River bridge. ■ nual Shore Conference track the Jones bill will, respected are those who arrive when nt.least half of the -should be done, despite the Post, Office Department’s UNo” Vegetable Bfantul Association has, leased a large meet at Red Bank Monday. other guests already have left. One factor in favor of the answer. ' — Frosablsrall of yotrwho ask­ field in the rear. of- the Rockr PUZZLING - ACTION------host at a cocktail party. .-Can usunlly end up with a marvelous ed for a copy of the Manual well Hotel t# be used during The team title:went to Free­ (Newark Evening News) collection of hats, men’s hats that is. Women keep their.T for Home Vegetable Gardeners the summer and fall as a farm­ hold. hy the margin of a half A (ederal grand Jury In Tren­ hats on. That’s why they forget their shoos, , bave received your copy of the er s’ market. There will be two point over Toms River anti one ton has Indicted live drug man­ revised edition by now. There’s entrances, to the market, one point over Leonardo. ufacturers, chnrglng that they from Broadway and one from Johh/L. Montgomery, chief monopolized the production ol A STORY FOR Top Management O l Tom orrow still a lot of vegetable garden Third Avenue. There Is a liv­ county probation officer, out­ Saik polio vaccine and agreed ing weather ahead and one of ery stable on the premises, lined the duties and authority on uniform prices for Its snle The uninitiated may think that retailing is a very simple the features of the manual is a and some horse sheds. Add!~ to government agencies. matter, that all you have to do is rent a location, buy a stock calendar-Ukc arrangement that tional sheds will be ouilt. of the Keansburg Juyenile No case of this kind can be of goods, price it at profit, open the doors; and take care of suggests what to do when. A band of gypsies arc camp* board at its organization meet­ prejudged on the basis of lim­ the customers as they flock in. If you'd like a copy of the ed at Oak Shades. There are ing. The group wUl co-operate ited disclosure ot the evidence. six wagons and the usual ac­ with the county courts in hear­ But the government has taken If you think that, a little news item from the National new leaflet Just send a card companiments of a band of oh a considerable task. It must with your name and address ing complaints in matters By Margaret A. Leavy ’Association of Food Chains should be of Interest. It tells and “Vegetable Manual" to this kind. The officials of olher where Juveniles arc involved prove not only that the com­ of a meeting of food industry leaders at Michigan State Garden Reporter, College of municipalities In the S t a t e panies did in fact create a mon­ University, held to discuss ways of developing the industry's Agriculture, Rutgers Universi­ where gyspy bands haVe been conduct Investigations, arrange opoly but that they acted in Fishing Fun , top management of tomorrow. Some 100 representatives ty, New Brunswick. located have forced them to the placement of probations, concert and contrary to the from all part.s of the country attended. Special guests were move on and they probably are and help reduce committments public Interest. was waling for Dad* and down .the . bank casting, 30 sponsors of scholarships for students of food distribution on their way to some one of to penal Institutions. Dr. Jonas Salk made his for dy when he came, home. from and Jerking the fly on the wa- * the shore resorts of the couniy A successful “open house" mula available to all .who car­ work. , ter. ■ . at the University, which offers both Bachelors’ and Masters’ Social Security for the summer...... — anddedicAtlonceremonywis ed to "produce his - vaccine and — “LAre. you.. going, fishing ten. Buster got tired of standing. ' ' Degrees in the subjects. ... ' ' ' after its successful testing had day. Dad? Can I go, too?"-he He sat~down on the river bank Twenty-Five Year* A go held Friday evening by the asked. and held his pole. ’ ‘ In other words, modem retailing and this, of course, Q u e s t i o n s gupport, himself because of a dren the Chief Is of the opinion were profiteers. Mommy. help you." he said, llfe't fieriest Women! anm oaaaie mental or physical handicap; A that stronger police methods aliv e .■sr. now The manufacturers angrily "Daddy's going fishing and "Walt," Buster said. "I’ll get, disabled chltd who was oyer. 18 have become, necessary. • deny, the government's, charge. he $ a i d I can’t go/' • Buster .. .. at the time Uiai hls father rt- Crine and Halleran have One of them points to five vol­ said. • •* ...... He pulled Hard "on HKew p o ltr^ ” tired or died could not get ben­ been making motor truck trips h e lp them untary price reductions, anoth­ "I can’t fish and look after The line lerked out of the wa- efits at all. 0 There was no al­ to Cairo,' Georgia. ’ for the er to the fact that toe price is him at the same time,” Daddy ten with”*-big-fish'dabgllng-on— lowance for the heavy finan­ Campbell''Soup Company or now half what it was two years explained. the end of it. cial. burden ' of a child who Camden, transporting tomato t o J i v e ! ago. Disturbing consequences Mommy started to peel po- "Boy. what luck!" soAd Dad;____ would'be' a care the rest of his plants from that plncetio .the arc suggested by a third, who tatoegTor supper. "W hy- dori-T dy ,wlien ;che fish lay. flopp^j.g .. life because-of a severe dis­ farmers who raise tomatoes observes that the conquest of you let hlm'gq?" she asked. in the grass. "You ^pts the blg- ability. Many families* w’Y t h for the soup factory. They paralytic polio was made pos­ "He’s been waiting for you all gest.fisb In the river, I guess!” severely disabled or handicap­ make the run in forty hours, sible by a co-operative etfort day. Besides, you. never catch Mommy- was setting supper" ~ ped- chUdrett-werc-always-.uih running/day...qnd night ._havine “ unique In the history of Amer- any fisb. anyway.” ______on-the-table .when thcy—cnmo;— der haunting tear of what thc truck equipped «Tthat one rMn~'mcaicIne” ~iihd " tlial’rihc "Well, I-just might catch home. "Did you catch ft n y would happen to the children of the three men who accom­ government's action "Is bound some fish today.’ said Daddy. fish?” she asked with a twin­ when thc family income would pany it can sleep when off du­ CARE to discourage . . . such co-op­ Then he gave ir.. “ Oh, a 11 kle in her eyes. be cut off by death or retire* ty. They have been fortunate eration In the future." right, Buster. Get your fishing "I didn’t," said Daddy. "But meat. Congress believed that In getting a load down on each SELF-HEP All this, of course, Is cx parte pol^ and come along. Buster did!" , , . there should-be~a-provii>)on for trip. -...... -...... - -...... - testimony— .But. it underscores . Buster, ran to get his old "You bet!” said Buster. He these .dependent children as . The farmers have been mak­ PACKAGES what thc..governmental, c a s e bamboQ...Jlshing—polel.. -Daddy, pulled- the-rishfrom-bchind-hia there wa^ for~the children-un­ ing- thc-first-cutttngs or alfalfa must embrace it it is to Justify got his shiny casting rod and back and showed it to Mom­ der 18. in Holmdel. the time and effort its prosecu­ put it carefully in the car. my. Q-pI had to quit work be- MaJ. Gen. Ly the • Brown, tion Will require. And In the When they reached the river. Mommy was so surprised caiiso~of disability-a year ago, chief of the Army • engineers, Send contributions/or in*: proceedings, the effect.of toe Daddy helped Buster put^ a she had Jo sit down on a chair. but tpy' employer is paying me has approved a $44,000 project government’s own confusion in worm on the end of his lin^, "Wellr" she snld. "Now we pension of $100 a month. for improving navigation in formolion requests,..to:. the early days of vaccine pro­ He threw the line into thc wa­ have aMshermnx In the fam­ Would that prevent my receiv­ Coinpton Creek. The comple­ CARE Self-Help duction will have to be explor­ ter. . . ' ily! You’n friVe to go, fishing ing Social security disability tion of thc project, however, ed. ■ "Now'Just hold it steady5.*” again 'tomorrow and catch benefits? (I am 59 y&ars old.) is conditioned on Middletown Now Yerk 16, N. Y. said Daddy, "If you get a bite, some more.*' A—N o t necessarily. You Township authorities to provide This w eik rwhy don’t you sing out, and I’ll come and "That would be fun!” s aid • should apply for disability ben­ necessary land and the build­ look through thc wlQdows of help you., . , Buster Then he laughed. efits promptly at your nearest ing of a public'park along the your church...,,.from tbe in­ Daddy, put a brightly*colored “Mhybe I’ll let Paddy come social security offlco. stream at a point yet to be dc- Side. fly on his line. He walked up with m e." Court St. Joseph M ay Breakfast Concludes Matawan -W oman’s Club Year “Tour 0£ Homes” Trinity Guild Plans PastPresideni'sFete ; T h e Elects Officers Set For Tuesday Mrs. y/. 3dwaid/Harris cori- Election of officers and. re* A "Maytlme" tour of distin­ ducU& the regular meeting of :p a w jo iM |. ceptlon of new members fea­ guished homes ln historic Mon­ Uio Ladles Guild of the Trinity tured the regular meeting May Episcopal Church. Matawan, First flection 13 of Court St. * Joseph, Catbo* mouth County will be sponsor­ May 22, 1958 Page Five lip Daughters of America, held ed by-the Marlboro Hospital Monday evening. Final plans in the auditorium- of St. Jo­ Auxiliary on Tuesday. From were made for the past presl- seph’s School, Keyport. - 1 p.m. until 8 p.m. unusual and dent's dinner to be held June Salvation Army Mrs. Agnes Armstrong, dis­ famous houses owned by prom­ 2 with Mrs. Howard Burlew aa trict deputy, and Mrs. Helen chairman, Noble, organist, both of South inent residents will be on view. Week Is Marked Amboy, officiated at the re­ The lour will include Berna- A report was mado on the ception of Mrs. Eleanor Roon* j dotte Farm, Tlnton Falls, own­ successful rummage snlo' held This week, May lg to 24 Is ey and Mrs. Ann Letwenske, 1 ed by Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. recently. Following the brief Salvation Army Week accord­ Keyport: Mrs. Mary M. Giitf-r H. Johnson, Jr.; tho old Hart-, business session. Arne Kalmn, ing to an announcement by tho dagno, Matawan; Mrs. Cathe- shorne Homestead, Middle­ of Kalina's Greenhouse, Matn- ohalrnian of tho -local service ' rlne Kenney, Mrs. JoAnn unit committee, R. L. Carton, _ , Brady, Mrs. Rose Ammerman town, owned by Mr. nnd Mrs. wun, presented a program. He and Mrs. Mary M. Veras. Haz- Edward Rogers; Festoon demonstrated ftower nrrumio- who stntcd, "For over 75 - let.- " - Farm , Scobeyvllle, owned by ments, which later were won ears, The Salvation Army lias Mrs.. Robert Preston, chalr- Mr. and Mrs. AUlson L. S. by Mrs. Burlew. Mrs. Kenneth- been ministering to the splr- __,man of the nominating com- Stern:1 Greenfields, the farm of Henderson, Mrs. James Mer- llunl nnd materiel needs of Tnlttee, presented the slate of Copt. James Purdy, and Mrs. shon nnd Mrs. Marrls. people hi the United States." new officers, who were elect­ Purdy, Holmdel: the resi­ Refreshments wcro served During this week many out­ ed.'Mrs. Henry DuBois will dences or Mr. nnd Mrs. Nor­ serve as grand regent; Mrs. man Bndenhop, Locust, and by Mrs. Jolm Baker nnd -Mrs. standing . citizens throughout John Thaler, vtce grand re- Mr. and’Mrs. Paul F. Switz,, Kenneth Henderson. ' the country are paying trtbuto ‘ ,gent; Mrs. Alexander Chase, Red Bank. Tea Will be served to this gicnt'humanitarian or­ - -^-prpphetess; Mrs. Louis Flgone, at the Switz hom e,...... ganization which hns been per­ ° monitor; Mrs. Anthony Farlel- Bernndotte Farm Is a model Matawan Juniors forming meritorious servlco to lo, financial secretary;. ’M r s; Guests of honor and newly-installed officers of the Woman's ing Membership Department and a member of(the Matawan thoroughbred farm with largo Club,of Matawan are shown in the above picture which was munklnd. In uddttlon to 33 com -John Buck, treasurer; M r s. taken" Monday at Peterson's Buttonwood Manor.~at _ the. May Contemporary League; Mrs. Martin Bell, president of the Con* barns, pastures; gardens, and Win Five Prizes tors in New Jersey rcndorlng Herbert Olrlch, lecturer; Mrs. Breakfast which formaHy-concludes the club year.. Seated, temporary League, - .... — ...... swimming . jiool...... Tho manor various types of servlco to Stacy Carharl, htstorlun; Mrs. (left to right), are Mrs. Cleveland Watrous, Montclair, honor­ Standing, (In the usual order), are Mrs. Johnson Cartan, house hns' i r colonn.uird t \v o ALthe.31st annual convention thousands of Individuals dally,' George Martin, organist; Mrs. ary member and one of the organizers of the club; Miss corresponding secretary; Mrs, Robert Morrell, Fort Monmouth, story portico, reminiscent ot of tho Junior Membership De­ there are 153 service unit com­ Ernest Peterson, sentlnal. ' Geraldine V. Brown, Keyport, financial secretary of the New new president of the Matawan Junior Woman's Club; Mrs. Mt. Vernon. The old Hartshorne partment of tho New J o r s o y mittees In communities with Also Mrs. John Shannon -and Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs and a member of Karl Heuser, first vice president; Mrs< Harold I!. Fogg, treas­ Homestead Is Uie oldest lrouso State Federation of Wanton's no local corps. Mrs. Lawrence Lanzaro, tbree- the Matawan Club; Mrs. Peter A. Read, club president; Mrs. urer; Mrs. Thurman C. Nealls, second vice president; Mrs. In Middletown (1070) nnd Is Clubs, the Matawan Junior Chairman Cartan further year trustees; Mrs. Hugh Mc- John H. Kinney, Holmdel, publications chairman ^of the Even- Calvin D. Fearce, recording secretary.- said to be one of the oldest lh Woman's Club ccelvod f 1 v o tatod: "Many Individuals Ouire and Mrs. O. Robert Mrs. Peter A. Read, presi­ served the N. J; Federation as en by Mrs. Read and M r s. tary Mrs. Joseph Sheldon, civ­ the United States. The authen­ awards at tlio bnnquot on Sat­ when thinking nf Tho Salvation Smith, two-year trustees; Mrs. dent of the Woman’s Club of Chairman of the Junior Mem­ Thurman Nealls, club dele­ ics and legislation chairman; tic character of tire house has urday ovonlng at Chalfontc- Army think of an organiza­ Mary Ahearn ind Mrs. Henry bership Department from 1950 gates. Mrs. R. L. Cartan gave Mis. A. Edgar Palm , A m e r­ been retained with whitewash­ Uaddon Hall. Atlantlo City. tion working among tho unfor­ , Ahearn and Mrs. Henry Matawan, welcomed more to 1953 and as Corresponding a resume of the garden work­ ican Home chalrrpan; M r s. ed. walls, orlglnnl bon ms First' place certificates wore tunates In the larger o I I I o s, —-Leamy,; one-year trustees. than 69 guests and members to Secretary from 1953 to 1956. shop and Mrs. Johnson Cartan TenEyck, art chairman; Mrs. -throughout, nnd unusual "bee­ presented for'outstanding work miles away from tlielr o w n Installation June 10 . the May Breakfast on Monday Appointed Last Week a resume of the garden work­ Charles Rainaud, garden hive" fireplaces. In Ihe garden department, and community, while right nt our Installation will Le held at at Peterson's Buttonwood Man­ Mrs. Kinney was appointed shop. Mrs. Peter TenEyck had chairman; Mrs. Herbert G 11- Orceitflelds- Is an ( Imposing the largest per cuplla contribu­ very door step, Tho Snlvntlnn the next business meeting on or. Mrs. Read expressed her to her post last week at the attended the art mectlug but tins, drama chairman; M r s. Georgian style brick1 house set tion to tho Greenhouse F u n d Army Is buoy working, moot­ • June 10., followed by a supper appreciation to her board and annual convention by Miss was ill on Monday, so this re­ Gordon Magee, muslo ch a lr-. on n knoll overlooking a long for Marlboro Slate Hospital: ing, Ihe needs of our unfortun- -at the Rollo Post House, Six membership for co-operation Seraphlne Mayer, Wildwood, port was given by Mrs. Read.' man; Mrs. Bayard T. Lam­ troe-llned drlvo and" farm second placo ribbon w a s nteinclglibor through tlm local Corners, Keyport. Mrs. Peter extended during the past, club newly-elected chairman of tbe who presented a framed water born, building fund trustee. lands. Mrs. Purdy raises awarded In. tlio artificial cor­ Salvation Army Sorvico -Unit , son Is chairman*--^ „ . year. Evening Membership Depart­ color by Clara Stroud to Mrs. "Mrs. Johnson Cartan pre­ thoroughbred horses, and (s. a sage contest, mado by M r s. Committee," - The winners were announced Honored guests who spoke ment. Mrs. Kinney, lias served Herbert W. Staer, whose' a r t sented Thomas A. Davis, tenor sculptor. Tho white coltjnlal John Sutllff; third place for Tho statement conoludodi for the poetry contest sponsor­ briefly were Mrs. . Cleveland as. president df the Matawan report telling the year’s activi­ soloist, as the program of tho hcusc of Festoon Farm, sur­ report |n the votornns nnd arm­ Tho Salvation Army Is as ed by the group for students at Watrous, nn honorary club Contemporary League and al­ ties won second placo in the afternoon. Mr. Davis rendered rounded by very old boxwood, ed scrvlcos department, a n tl noar as tho telephone, Any St. Joseph’s School. John Coon­ member and one of the found­ so was southern vice chairman state contest,, membership two groups of selections, ao Is Early American In architec­ honorable mention for tho club calls received l-egni'dtnft local ey; s-ix t.h grade, won first ers of the,organization; M r s. of. the‘ Evening Membership class 1 to 160. . • companyintLJltmself at tlie pl- ture. nnd Is -decorated with newspaper lipthe handmade di­ needs nro Investigated prompt­ - prliei Jamies- Ketine&'telgkth Robert Marnelir p t e s i ; } Jot three ytbrsi * - Pj»sk • jnnay Elizabethan antiques nnd vision. . ly, and tlie needed dkaWAWW, grade,*second prize;. Edward the MaLawah Junior Woman's9 Mrs. Bell reported on tho Past presidents introduced choir dlrectortelr the First Bap-' vujms d'nrt. ■■■: 1. Mrs. IJobdrt Jlforrclf, Pd r £ Immodtnloly ,p v o v 1 d e ri. To Flynn, seventh grade, third Club; Mrfc. Martin Bell, , presi­ 20th anniversary banquet of were Mrs. Wilson W, Ho* tist church, East Orange.* Modern And Rambling Monmouth,, newly-oleotod pres those -without, hope ot faith,, to . prize; JoAnn Lockavlch, filth dent pf the Matawan Contem­ the Evening Membership De­ brough, Mrs. Georgo P. Leh- Mrs. Read announced that Tho ■ Bndenhop house Is a Idcnt, and Mrs. Andrew Uul- thoso who snomlngly nro . so- — grade, fourth prize. Entriesporary League; Mrs. John H. partment, which was held ln rltter, Mrs, Allan J. Morrison, the executive board would completely modern and ramb­ sart, Keyport, wero the olub clettcs' outcasts. The Salvation have been sent to- the State Kinney, publications chairman Atlantic City on Thursday eve­ Mrs. R. L. Cartan, Mrs. Don­ meet Monday at 12:39 p.m. at ling home, on the banks of tho delegates. Others attending Army Is over a faithful friend, Court fo r Judging In the state of the Evening Membership ning. She announced that at ald W. Robinson, Mrs. S. B. tlio home of Mrs. John C. Eg^ Naveslnk River. Bd.ward woro Miss Elaine Cherry, Key­ seeking to return value and _r_ contest. Judges were Mrs. Department of the New Jersey the general session following it, Eggleston, Mrs, .P.r .v l.U..Mt glestpn,.!Holmdel. .She u r g e_d Stone, the. noted .architect, de­ port, who completed her term moaning to life, giving courage T Leamy, Mrs7 Marie" Wallace State Federation of Women’s a check for $25,317.68 had’been Bruce and Mrs, Arris B* Hen­ members to attend Vineland signed tills house foi'- tho Ultl- as-junlor-statorgardcn i chair­ to-start- agaln," and the trustees. ‘ ■ Clubs, and Miss Geraldine V. presented to the! Rev. Robert derson.. ' Day on Wednesday and to brvo mnte In contemporary living. man: Mrs. James Trlggs, Key. . •- Final arrangements w e r e Brown, financial secretary of P. Egan of Boys' Town, Kear­ Officers were Installed for the date of Sept. 27 for the din- - Tlie Swlts house Is a spaolous port, and Mrs. Comlllo Gen­ "4-H Hen Parly". C om pleted, fo r the annual ban­ the N.J. State Federation. ny, by Mrs. William L, Nufis- tho coming year by Mrs. R.L. ner-danco to be held at - t h e mansion with hlgh-oetllnged tile, Matawnn, Membora at­ " quet to ' b'e held at Crystal Miss Brown_wss nominated baum, Evening Membership Cartan, immediate past presi­ Molly Pitcher Hotel, Red rooms and beautKul architec­ tending participated in the mtn Planned For Saturday ; Brook Inn, Eatontown, Wednes­ for the position pf financial Chairman. The money was dent, as follows: Mrs. Read, Bank, for the boneflt of the tural detail., It ts situated on Istrol show on Friday evening day .evening! Mrs. J a m e s C. secretary by Mrs. Read on be­ raised during the past year by president; Mrs. Karl Heuser, building fund. She also thank­ Blossom Cove with a magnlfl- by presenting a soone from All 4-11 gals, tholr mother*, , Day. and Mrs.. Gilbert Caswell half of the Woman's Club of the evening departments ln the first vice president; Mrs. Neal­ ed the committee which had oent view of the Naveslnk Riv­ South Pacino," , . londors and frlonila are Invited , are c n Mrs. Bruce McCutcheon and Kattner, Matawan. Other ard Devlin was a guest. On Thursday evening the was the guest - bf . honor at * Wherever You Go... serving as chairman. Mrs. —Joseph "Rankl. Guests guests w err MrsrDonald Rob- —MrsrWllIiamCrNoddlngs-en- !Monmouth-.-C-0-un-Ly4rBchC)Q Final reports from all offi­ were Mrs. Russell Weber, Mrs. lnson, Mrs. it. A. G. Stetler. tertnlned the Good Neighbor Board Association h e I d a Nemeth, and Mrs, Ralph Espo cers nad standing committee N 1 c ho 1 a s Francisco. .Mrs. and Mrs. David Bruce, Mata­ Club at lunch or. May 14, spring meeting at the Sea Olrt slto, at the house of Mrs, Leim chairmen for the 1957-58 club George Deitz, Mrs. Arthur wan. Ouests were Mrs: Oeorge An­ Inn, sea Girt,-Those attending Bilotti; 7 Flfth 8tr, -Matawanr year were accepted and filed Reigert and Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. James Hauser. drews. Mrs. William, B o w i c, from the Matawan Board of May 14, Olfts were arranged with the permanent club rec­ Frank. Silver'Spring. Md.. former Mrs, James Fenner, Mrs. Education were Mr, and Mrs. on a long low tablo decorated ords. Miss Carolyn Morrell, a On Friday evening Mr, and Matawan residents, were the George Wilson, Mrs. Frank Thomas Slddons, Mr. and Mrs, with blue, . Junior at Montclair State Mrs. George Deitz entertained weekend guests of Mr. and Grey, Mrs. Russell Wilson and William McGraw, Mr. and Others attending wero Mrs. JTeacbeis College, was the re­ in celebration of Mr. Deltz’s Mrs. Everett E. Carlson.' M rs, John Muller. Mrs. R. A. O. Stetler, Mr. and Steven Ncinoth, sr., Morgan­ cipient of the club's scholar­ birthday. Their guests were Mrs, Harold Dolan, Mr. and vllle: Mrs. Steven Nemeth; Jr., ship award. This Is the third Mr. and Mrs. Harold Deitz, Mrs, Calvin Pearce, Mr. and Perth Amboy; Mrs, Lnomud successive year that Miss Mor­ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Victor. Sabrovic, Morganville Social MCOSS Unit Names Mrs. A. J. Tomasello, 4tnd Mrs, Nemeth, Cllffwood; Mrs, Jo­ rell has attained this honor. and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mc- Hugh Boyle, seph Julluno, Mrs. T h o in a s’ Before You Go... Mrs. Frances Thaler, chair­ Cutcheon. . Club Sees Performance Public Health Nurse On Saturday Mrs. Thomas Campbell, South Amboy; Mrs. man of the summer theatre On May 13 Mrs. Marguerite Mrs. LeRoy S. Brown, Main Stddons attended the 2!at An- Anthony Bilotti, Mra. James Laird entertained at b r 1 d g e. The members of the Mor­ nual Lcaders Conference of thclllcnnctt, Mra. Joaepli Btoeckcl, Stop in at thli bank for Travelon Chequsi — ‘ party, announced that the ar­ ganville Social Club visited St., Keyport, »wa« appointed Mrs. Aothony Nunzlnto, M r s, rangements for the June 22 Prize winners were Mrs. Le­ New York Monday evening Associate Alumnao of Douglass tho tafo, convonlonl way to carry fundi. trip to Millbuin have been roy Slckels, Mrs. Ralph C. public health nurse effective College at' New Brunswick. William Lewis, Mrs, Lena Dl- Bedle^nnd Mrs. R a 1 p h _ W - and attended a performance of July-1 at tlie-Holmdel.RaritlUC Mrs, Slddons has been elected JotU,_Matliwan,______' ■ completed. Transportatlon-Wlll "Tire B e 11 s Are RinglnfV'' President of t h e Monmouth A gift was sent by Mrs, An­ ^be-provided with the bus leav­ Herrick. Mrs. Frederick K. De- Those present were Mrs. Ed- Atlantic Township” d 1 » t.r t c I ing the'Little" StrparMng area derick. was fL substitute. * wartLi.Becker*, Mrs. Harry Ko­ meeting of the Monmouth C o u n t y Alumnae Group of thony Clurlto, at 6 p.m. ' Mrs. A. J. McDonald and Douglass College. ~^osrt£ses'serving “Tefresh^ daughter;—Susan, attended a nowalow, Mrs. Louts Becker, County Organization for Social • Mr. ondn-Mrs.- Joe-A,- -UU£!i' tea at the GJassboro State Col­ Mrs. Martin Smltff/’sr., ' MrsV. Service held Monday night at man entertained at dinner on Ladiei-Aid-SpfintorjL _ ments at the final b u a In e s a Joseph Lanzaro, sr., Mrs. Aug­ the Health Center, Holmdel. ' m'eKing~of the current season lege, Glassboro.cn Sunday aft­ ust Boldt, * Mrfc. Leroy Van­ Bunday evening. Their guesta Gordon Tour Bui Trip were. Mrs. Mary Groft and ernoon. Busan will enter Glass- Pelt, Mrs. Robert Beber, Jr., Mrs! Brown, a registered were Mr, and Mrs. Robert H. Mrs. Margaret Phillips.,' ' boro as r. freshman in Septem­ nurso, has been serving re­ CUBhman.^Frlncelon Jilnctlon; The Ladles Aid Society of ber.' •••■•' ...... v - ---- Mrs. Marie Frei, . cently aB"n_BUh5tltut« for1 Mr?. Mr, and Mrs, Charles WrMjn- the—Fir s t -Baptist Church, On May 13 Miss Mary Em­ The club held Its regular Robert Sena, regular public dovlllc and Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ Matawan, sponsored a bus trip Charlene Holmes Feted ma Stack, Perth Amboy, en­ meeting Thursday evening at health nurse. Mrs, Sena la re­ neth N. Pike,- Matawan, on May 13 to Winterthur Gar­ tertained at open house. Among the home of Mjjs. Robert signing the post effective June Mr* and Mrs. Joseph Bau.i- dens, Delaware, ond I, o n g- At Birthday Celebration the guests were Mrs. E. Mur­ Owens. Mrs. John WUson and 30, It was reported by Mrs. back nave returned home from wood Gardens, Kcnnolt IHI Mr. and Mrs. Charles ray Todd, Holmdel; Mrs. Har­ Miss SarabSVnn Seber receiv­ Wayne B. Darland. Hazlet, vacation In Miami, Fla. Square, Pa. About 45 women Holmes, Morganville, enter­ ry O. Jones , and Miss Helen ed birthday gifts. ' president of the unit. On/Sunday Mrs. O'. J. fttcrl- went on the trip. • ' tained Friday evening In honor Haney, Freehold; Miss J. Ma­ Present at the meeting were Members, discussed vandal­ lng-Thompson. sr., Mntawnn, Or, Thursday, (he society MATAWAN of their daughter, Charlene. bel Brown. Keypoirt; Mrs. Al­ Mrs. Edward Becker and son. ism ln thd irea which recently and Capt. Milford Nealls and had- B luncheon for the publio "who''was' ceTebraHng her 'I4th” bert "Abelir Miss’" Grace “Cst- Eddie rMra.Konowalowr^MrsT rcsuUedTn the-tittft Of the‘-MC-= Mrs;- Nr-alb-and daughlerrBSi- lu-Hie-,church. :Tccturc:::room, birthday. man, Mrs. Thomas .WeJstead, Donald Miller, Mrs. Martin OSS sign at Holmdel and plan­ barn, Allentown, Pa., were din­ Alter the luncheon, the regu­ BANK Guents were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Edwin H. Dominick, Mrs. Smith, sr., Mrs. Boldt, Mrs> ned to assist the Red Bank of­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. O: lar monthly meeting waa con Clinton fl. Woolley and daugb-|J. Franklin Dominick, - M r , Martin Smith, Jr., Mrs. Lan- fice In September with distri­ J. Sterling Thompson. Jr., Mid­ ducted by Mrs, Harry M, Mun- MATAWAN, NIW JIRIIV ter, Dorlfl/Rahwhy; Mr. and. Ralph W. Herrick. Mrs. Jay F.0 ali.ro, :* sr,, Mrs. Garrett De­ bution *of Christmas Seals. dletown...... spn, president, Devotions were, Mrs. Relnke Janssen and ‘ Hostetter, Mrs. F- Howard nise, Mrs. Seber, Jr., Miss Seb­ There Is no meeting scheduled Mrs, Richard. Teague, Ra­ led by Mrs. Lnwrenco ll. llall- granddaughter, Darlene Tro-;Lloyd, Jr., and Miss Mary er, Mrs, Frel, Miss Maryann ln July. vine Dr., who has been spend­ cy. Jak, Matawan; Mr. and Mrs. Lisk, all of Matawan. Wilson, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas ing Bcvcral weeks wllh her The next monthly meeting wpaniuuuummiu Ronald Cr Boyce and son, Ron-f Mrs. Conover Burlew return- Smith-and son, Willie; Miss Defease Bonds pay the same son-in-law and daughter, Mr. will be In the form of a otraw- gCMMI fttOAl NTSSt ald, Jr., Mx. and Mrs. Frank ed Wednesday after spending Vivien Owens. lionald and Mi­ rate of Interest as the War and Mrs, Joseph Splru In St. herry festival to be bold at tlis HWIKI(|V*WNS4 S. Ratcliffe, MorgahvlUe, add 'sevehrLdayfe with.Mr. andMrs. chael ^Gwens, Mra, Edward Ponds you bought during the Paul, Minn., has returned home of Mrs. Ilnrry.M, Mun­ : Robert Holmes.- . 'Harry Stelgieman, Jllvert«L.:_., Becker. : - •• , • 1 • war; Buy some. tom e, ' son, Texas Rd. ' • Koeglqr, Red Bank. , ■9‘ ttebreW Women's Group "7 Mr. ana Mts. 'Wtyn**- 2 ** -V -t » ‘__.*12-.

THIS WEEK FOOD FAIR OPENED ITS 300th SUPERMARKET STORE HOURS NEXT WEEK Thli proud sccompliihmnnt wu lho wort of two million ptopl* . . . you . . . our cmtomtr frlendi. For thli r.aion, ivnry on* Mosf Food Fairs Open "HI 9 pm Tues. of Food Falr'i family of ovor 18,000 omployoti txtonda e - All Food Fairs Open 'til 9 pm Wed. & Thurs. portonol "Thanki" fo you and InviUi you io oelebrata with uo CLOSED ALL DAY FRI., May 30, Memorial Day at your nearait Food Falrwhara you'll find mora low prleai .Va more valuai . . . mora frlandly larvlet. Shop a! Food Palv Plenty oi FREE PARKING you'll llta tha changa. ’ WELCHADE STOCK UP...BUY BIG...SAVE BIG! ‘ REPEATED BY Food Fair's Sensational GRAPE DRINK POPULAR DEMAND! STOCK YOUR FREEZER SALE!' SAVE Du* fo, th* .Unprecedented Demand we ' ' 4e qt- C I For Frying can repeat thts Outstanding Seafood Value 1 Chicken Legs or Broiling LIBBY'S IIVE-MAINE Cube Steaks 31$247

BARTLETT PEARS . Shouldor PSG Top Qualify SAVE 1 7 o z. Selected : Lamb Chops 3 1 * 2 9c 2 ?7o* 'A . 0 i can s LARGE SIZES Froth 1 Va to 3 lb. Average Ground Chuck G ro u n d 3 l * 2 '07 VAN CAMP'S Ib. Each Pkg. Weight Approx. 3 lbs. Letter QuanfiHet Sold at Reg. Price Genuine long Island m q ( 2T»m. elm 2 7 ° ’ ■ :- -0.% Luscious Red Ripe . . . Gay As Spring PROGRESSO IMP. TOMATOES SAVE. 3 5 o z. 6c can HOW TO FREEZE STRAWBERRIES. Rima itrawberr!ei,ln coldWetor, hull, than , 3 3 tlie* or liay4lf)ole. Placa in.tyrup (3/4 cup tugar to I cup watar) or uie mgar ■ only (4-parfi ffplt to(l part dry lugar. Frooie.' _ | HUDSON / FIX STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE , | FACIAL TISSUE Lucky DeSsbrt Topping “"49° lady fair Shorllettiells j SAVE b o x e s Wlnesap Apples/:;. Z^B^BeddingPlants 4 9 ‘ -• 10c n m m s a m t s x s of 4 0 0 2 Dairy Dept. Savings Delicatessen Dept. Savings Try These Two W onderful Coffees “ Y o u ’ll L ik e T h e C h a n g e ” FAMILY CIRCLE MILD *«49fe^T^WIiRl*x“WindowvCleaner. »«w-39* Hormel Genoa Salam i 4P&49* French Fried Scallops now “li'A Nylonge Sponge -439 Klear Floor Wax 89* Starkitt Tuna Pie flUM PROIIN l»i. pl|, 21* ■srzr Pine Oil Diiinfectant FTNe- i « '*"■^•27* Pledge-Furniture^Wax JOHM,OH 89-* " N iblets D ash , At OH tele ' At OH til. -. COTTAGE DINNERS Golden Corn Dog Food -'£ 2 5 » B lue W hits Irljhl.M Nyfam-^.- Spic & Span Cleanser XW _lW»d Shrimp SwIiaSfaak 12 Whola *) 7 o i. O O C 'H am Slssk 01 • Em Ol.in.r Ol.lb p k g . Kernel i . can. ik O 3 4 7 ® v . - . . Lew Sudsing . . - .1 FRESH FROZEN 79* 'Z39* Blue Dot Duz Dash Detergent _ & 3 3* Mrs. Kornbergt CHOPPED _ _ _ • - Ends Greasy Dishwashing - . The Washday Mlraala HIRES . 1 h m . AOg Joy liquid Detergent U N W / Tide Detergent X V 32« CHICKEN.b* LIVERS ROOT BEER ■ ” _ - felaath'ei Aa f# Washes , - ■ V*. • . MiWer Te Handi FRKH FROZEN Oxydol Detergent 'AT 35* Dreft Detergent ‘1 5 7 * 7c OFF SALE . Granulated For flftafeeey —77— — — - 10 la!#,.-— OembbeHee pkg* ' | j YOU C PLUS Ivory Sn o w ^•33* Sweetheart Soap 4 .,.?.',31f 4 ^ 4 9 * SEALTEST MILK PAY PASTEURIZED I HOMOdtNIZIO ONLY \S9EP- . • Famptn Yeur Skin ‘ ■ : H OH i.U : ■ ' ; . - , ■ 6 36 Camay Soap ; D 4',2 39* Crisco Shortening 3 It;86« 1 2 5 ‘ 1 2 6 ' "151 BARBAS0L ft 44/100 Pur* , ■ tOiOff"J.I«~ ------——______Ivory Soap m^ lo. nu 3 lur,29* Fluffo Shortening 3 m.8 3 1* COTTAGE CHEESE PRESTO LATHER SHAVE Amadaa'i Favertte leap . . * Aluminum Foil . Menthol, or. Ifoz. Large Sbe 2 v-3 3 * "Roynolcfr Wrap, ^siwjsrrinir1—7Jr*'* AXELROD ib. 2 lb Regular * bffmb. ctn, cfn , Thousands Of Famous Brand FREE GIFTS With Merchants Green Stamps WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES — NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 22,23 and 24 ONLY, Seoul Mother-Daughter Keyport U. S. Y. Awarded Plaque To Visit Jehovah's Visit Holland,. ion .. Dedication At Witnesses This Week Dinner Friday Evening ’ iw S. Conyk, presiding minister Central School of the Keyport Congregation of Mich., Area News A mother daughter dinner Methodist Pastor MATAWAN JOURNAL Jehovah’s Witnesses, an­ Mrs.* Fred Dean, Bethany and court of awards will be The Rev. Frank Sweeten, Plans are being made for nounced Sunday, the semi-an­ held by Cloverleaf Troop . 25, tbe dedication of the new mon­ nual visit of the Circuit Ser­ Rd., Mrs. Theodore Bailey and new pastor of the First Metho-. First Section ument at Marlboro Township vant, C. Williams, traveling Miss Marie Bailey, Holmdel Brownie Troop 18, Hazlet and dist- Church, Matawan, and Fare Eight May 22, 1958 Central School, Wickatunk, on representative of the Watch- Rd., Hazlet, and Miss Vivian Holmdel Brownie Troop 270 at Mrs. Sweeten, were the guests May. 30. Local organizations tower Bible and Tract Bociety. Dean, Somerville; visited th e the educational building of St. of honor at a covered d i s h . Mr. Conyk outlined the speo- Dutchmen of Holland, Mich,, John’s Methodist Church, Rar­ supper and reception Sunday, ' UI Woman’s Club have'been Invited to take part lal activities that would be fol­ itan Township, tomorrow eve­ to the ceremonies. lowed for the week which be­ at their tulip time festival held Which was attended by more gan Tuesday and will run from May 14 to 18. They were ning, There will be a ' fly-up than 100 persons Including the Plans For Summer A meeting of the Mothers guests of the Hollanders at a ceremony for Brownies flying Rev. Chester A. Galloway. through Sunday. Duo to this up Into Intermediate Troop pastor of the First Presbyter­ The Woman’s Club of Laur­ Auxiliary of Boy Scout Troop week being set aside for Inten­ kaffee klatsch where they ian Church, and Mrs. Gallo­ ence Harbor beld Its final 03, Morganvllle, was held on sive, advanced training In tbe were greeted by the Burge- 25. Hazlet Brownie Troop 18 way. meeting of the season Monday Friday evening at the home of ministry, changes In the regu­ and Holmdel Brownie Troog evening at the Laurence Har- lar schedule would be as fol­ melster, Mayor Robert Vess- 270, together with their lead­ Also the Rev. Lawrence Bail­ bbr”Community Church. Mrs.- Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Swanson. lows: Bible study group which cher at tbelr million dollar civ­ ers, wUl go on a hike this aft­ ey, pastor pf the First Baptist Charles Rogerson, president, Attending were " Scoutmaster ordinarily meets on Tudsday ic center.* ___ ernoon to the home of Mrs. Church,, and Mrs. Bailey; the ' announced that departments Arthur Rlssmlller, Mrs. Rlss- at 8 p.m., will be replaced by The klatsch was held after Edward Frtoz, Hillcrest Rd. Rev. Dean B. Jeanblanc, pas­ will meet throughout the sum­ miller, Mrs. Harold Quacken the public Bible speaking class Cloverleaf Troop leaders are tor of the Cllffwood Commun­ mer and plans were heard and Ministry development the parade during which the ity Methodist Church, and Mrs. from the chairmen. bush and Mrs. Fred Marz. Dutch Burghers actually scrub­ Mrs, Norman Nellsen; leader; Jeanblanc. and-ihe'Rev. Fran- Plans were made for a card class starting 7:30 p.m. The bed the town's main street, Miss Terry Nespoie. co-leader, els Osterstock; pastor of Bay- Mrs. Joseph Holub’a Ameri­ . Milton Gale. (left), ootgolnr president of the United Hebritv party to be held to the fire latter two ordinarily are con­ and Mrs. Victor Bennett, troop view Presbyterian CJin rc h, - can Home department will Congregation. Keyport. accepts a plaque from Rabbi II. O. II. ducted on Thursday. The four dressed to the costumes and committee; Brownie Troop 1! meet the first Thursday of Levine, which was presented May 4 from the Northern New house, Route 79, on May 31. days following will be devoted wooden shoes of their forefath­ M rjr’ueorge R. Emmons, lem Cllffwood Beach, and Mrs. Os­ each month at 12130 p.m. "You Jersey United Synagogue Youth Commission. The plaque is On Thursday evening, mem­ to srioup Instruction at f o u r ers from the Old Country. An­ jtf^nnd Mrs. Prinz. troop com­ terstock...... Can Sew Too’’ Is the summer engraved "The Northern New Jersey United Synagogue Youth bers of the Marlboro Township Bible study centers. other’ feature was Holland>- mittee,'and Mrs. William Ry­ The program was under the project, making garments Commission honors its Keyport Chapter for outstanding achieve­ Board of Education and their For the benefit of the public 12th anual barber shop qtiar; der, leader of Brownie Troop direction of Kenneth Sm I th, • from, pattern to finished pro­ ment in furthering the alms and objectives of United Synagogue husbands and wives attended tet parade to which the champ­ clialrpian of the pastoral rela­ Youth through careful programming and planned expansion of the annual Monmouth County In Keyport, Matawan and vi­ ions of 1958-57 and 1958 and 270, and Mrs. Malcolm W. Pe- tions committee. Tbe Rev. duct. A fashion show of the activities during the 1957-58 U.S.Y. year. . This plaque la-pre­ Federated Board of Education cinity, Mr. Williams will oil- seux, co-leader. 7 Charles S. Gray, retired minis­ completed clothes will be held sented to the members, advisors and the congregation for out­ max his stay with the Keyport others participated, Cloverleaf Intermediate Girl at the,September meeting. standing progress regardless of size or physical facilities." dinner at the Sea Girt Inn. In congregation by delivering the They alsi> visited the Tulip Scout Troop 25, during the re­ ter, presented the prayer, and Courses In cake-decorating and addition to the board mem­ Bible address "Meeting The Farm, wooden shoe factory cent cookie sale, sold 700 boxes a quartet made up of Norman r lampshade making also are bers, guests were Mr. and Mrs. Needs of LlfeSeekers,” at 3 and flower show. They also of cookies; Bchlaak, Jack Vallar, W. D. . planned. Frank Dugan and Mr. and p.m. Sunday, at Kingdom Hall toured Tulip Lane which Is a Wleland and W. W. Wleland A wiener roast la planned for Mrs. Robert Herbert. Division Ss. No collections three-mile strip of tulips where rendered “How Firm a Foun­ / July 12. The'public Is Invited. Carl Blnger, Marlboro Oar ever53 are taken, ■ children play to their Dutch Tax Rates Released dation.’’ Miss S. Evelyn Allen, Continue Hospital Program dens, represented the Marl­ costumes and pose for pic­ In Monmouth County church organist and choir dl- Mrs, Eugene Wosatka, pub boro Township Board of Edu­ tures. . - ' Vector presented a piano solo; - 11c welfare chairman, will con- cation at the State Federated The Monmouth County Board \Thei Rev. Mr.' Osterstock, tlhue the program for the. pa­ United Hebrew Congregation , Board of Education meeting to Sees Plan To End Salvatore Viscusi, Keyport, of Taxation has released a President of the Ministerial As­ Bayvlew Presbyterian Church Trenton on Saturday. opened a barber shop In the table of tax rates for the coun­ sociation, spoke briefly and , tlents at Marlboro State Hos- Cllflwood Beaoh Broad St., Keyport Members of Boy Scout Troop ty’s 52 municipalities which In­ welcomeaTftB-RettJfr. Sweet­ pltal and a children's hospital. Rov Francis Osleralock Rabbi H O. H. Levine 03, to co-operation,with a state Teacher Shortage William O’Reya Building, dicates that rates have gone en and his wife to i Her department will meet the Junior choir will rehearse at Friday, at 9:15 p.m. the new­ safety program, distributed The President of the AFL- Holmdel Rd., Thursday. up for 1958 to 36 towns. The The senior choir sang ____ second Wednesday of each 6:45 p.m. tonight: senior choir, ly-elected officers of the U.S.Y. CIO American Federation of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence rates listed for each municipal­ month at 8 p.m. A "Breakfast 7:30 p.m. for the year 1058-59 will be in­ traffic safety questionnaires' to Pedee and Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ Wilt Keep fflm in Perfect in Hollywood” will be held In the Robertavllle area on Satur­ Teachers, Thursday, urged en­ ert E. Calt visited to Pennsyl­ ity are to aggregate of county, Peace,” “How Lovely Are the Jesters meeting will be held stalled. They are Fred Rothen­ day. The questionnaires were actment of state laws requiring vania recently. municipal,. school and library Messengers,” arid “With the the fall. at 7 p.m. Friday, berg, president; Judy Alpine, picked up by the 8 c o u t s on Bachelor of Arts and Master rates. ’ Mrs. Gilbert Tier,’s music Brownies meet Saturday at vice president; Sharon Moss, Ernest E. Peseux, jr., return­ - 1957 1958 Voice of Singing." Following Tuesday. , of Arts Degrees for new teach­ ed by plane to his home to Los Atlantic .Toorahip ...__ $13.41 $13.67 remarks by Mr,.Smith, he pre­ department will study Ameri­ 10 a.m.; Westminster Fellow­ treasurer; Linda Waffenfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Btog, ers as well as giving them a Asbury Park - ...... 8,79 8.86 sented a floral bouquet to Mrs.- can composers during the sum­ ship to attend youth rally at recording secretary; Andrea Marlboro Gardens, were.recent life-tjme certification, tenure Angeles, Calif., after spending Atlantic Highlands ...... 12.13 13.46 Sweeten. mer and will enter the music Ocean Grove, 10:30 a.m.; Girl Rosenthal, corresponding sec­ and higher pay, to end th e the post 10 days with his par­ Allentown ...... 11.10 10.80 festival. A masquerade dance Scouts, 11:30 a.m.; Cub Pack retary; Gary Shapiro, program- guests at a house-warming par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. AvonAUenhurst ’ -...... 0.218.02 8.B48.66 The hospitality committee In­ ty at the home of Mr. and teacher shortage. Peseux, Bethany Rd. Belm ar ...... 7.80 5.28 cluded members of the pastor-' Is planned for October. Mrs. 10 meeting, 7 p.m.; Covenant chairman. The plaque, present­ Mrs. Eugene Skidmore, Chest­ Carl J. Megel, Chicago, Bradley Beach- 9.32 9.60 al relations committee and the Alfred McGuire asked for vol­ of Prayer, 9 p.m. ed to the United Hebrew Con­ nut Hill Rd., Hazlet. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Brlelle 12.35 13.10 unteers for leaders of the Lib spoke at the annual dinner of Warren and sons visited their Deal 6.89 6.55 Woman’s Society of Christian Church school classes are gregation chapter for "out­ Mrs. Thomas Kocovsky and the Woodbrldge Township Fed- soa-ta-law and daughter,- Mr. Eatontown ...... — ^ 14.11 17.71 Service. —tie Women’s groups. Any dub beld Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; kin- standing progress regardless of Mrs..Frank T. Cullens, Jr., rep­ atlon of Teachers, at Button- Engiishtown .....- 17.73 ; 16.43 ;»member detsMbw.. U, morning ,nd nhvRlofll faculties by resented the Morganville Par- and Mrs. John Latawlec and Freehold Township ...... 15,40 17.88 • 'bier;...... worship^ 11 a.m .' with musto ...... " Z L lZ V iP * RMte ^4, smday. — , Farmlngdale 1 11.32 0.10 Popular Singers To Be. .. t S-.M——'.- H 'y-w—:1—‘-.-■I- >— i--. ■. ., i-/ J0.74 11.09. . The ways and meana com­ by the Junior and youth chotrs, ed Synagogue Youth Commis­ SoWanniversary banqUet of‘ the cal 822 president, presided. Mr. Holmdel Townsnip 13.61 12.14 At Convention Hall ' mittee, headed by Mrs. Wll- when Pentecost will be observ­ sion, will be presented and ac­ Monmouth County Council of over, Holmdel Rd., who* spent JlQwell - -Townshl p 13.64 1481 Megel said that the lifting of their vacation lnBermuda, lgmands 12.15 13.08 11am Slendorn, will sell stock- ed; session meeting, 2 p.m. cepted by the members of the Parents and Teachers held at professional require­ Interlaken ...... 0.01 0.07 Danny and the Juniors, togs throughout the year. Mrs. Wednesday, Westmins­ U.S.Y., the advisors and the returned home by plane Keyport 13.24 *12.57 the Sea Girt Inn; May 14. ments along with employment Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Conover Keansburg ...... 12.81-13.78 whose recording of "At The ’ David Watson announced the ter • Fellowship will meet at congregation. ' Capt. Walter Sweeney and security guarded by life certif­ Little Silver ...... 11.07 10.69 Hop” has catapulted t h e s e winners of the free tickets to 6:30 p.m.; deacon’s meeting, 8 Saturday' Sabbath services Mrs. Sweeney were recent Journeyed to Bermuda aboard Long Branch ...... 10.01 12.31 handsome youngsters to star­ p.m.1 will be held at 11 a.m.; Shav- ication and tenure would be the shlp, "Queen of Bermuda." Manaiapan Townahlp 17.24 17.84 “Seven Nuns at Las. Vegas” guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thom­ welcomed by qualified teachers The ReV. George Wi ' Han- Marlboro Township 17.68 15.97 dom, will share top’ ’'billing— — for having sold the most tick­ noth will be celebrated. Satur­ as Kocovsky, Orchard Pky. Matawan Township 14.88 17.72 with Johnny Long and his;fam- ets and ads. Mrs. Olga Becker Firl, Baptist Cbaroh day sunset to Monday sunset. and attract many not n o w ners, and Mrs, Banners, St. Middletown Township 16.98 17 02 Mr. and Mrs. Edward ‘ Bt.- teaching, back Into the profes­ Petersburg, Fla., summer res­ Millstone Township ..n.M 15.34 15.76 ous orchestra, to Inaugurate the -/■ sold 35 adult and five chil­ IH Mato 8t., Matawan Schedule of Shavnoth services Thomas and son, Edward, Nut- Manasquan ...... 13.38 14.08 1058 summer season at .the dren’s tickets and Mrs. Joseph Rev Lawrence R Bailey Is as follows: Saturday, eve­ sion. ' . idents at Long Branch, visited Matawan ...... 10.67 12.95 ley, were Sunday guests of Mr. "States seeking to' solve their friends In Hazlet, Saturday. Monmouth Beach ...... 11.41 12.42 Convention Hall on the board- . peeTln, 23 ads. ' ' PaBtor ning service, 6:16 p.m.; Sun­ and Mrs. Franr.Dlehl, Marl Neptune ...... — 0.97 12.31 walk, Asbury, Park, on Satur­ "Enduring Mercies” will be day Bhaynoth service. 10 a.m.: part of the country's shortage The Rev. Mr. Hanners Is the Neptune City ...... 12.43 11.87 Meetings scheduled for thlp boro Gardens. of 300,000 teachers," he added, formeT pastor, of St. John’s New Shrewsbury ...... 14.95 15.80 day, May 31. ■ ■ month Are drama, at 8 p.m. to the sermon topic at both the evening service, ,8:15 p.m.; Forty members and guests Ocean’ Township ...... 15.25 14.85 The popular shore dance ’ 10 and 11 a.m. service on Monday, Shavnoth Ylzkor serv­ "will find that more teachers Methodist Church, Raritan Ocean port ...... 9.90 4.33 night, at the home of Mrs. Ah of the Ladles Auxiliary of the will stay to the profession, find Township. Raritan Township 21.76 21.59 spot, under the management of exander Garibaldi, Greenwood Sunday. Church school meets ice, 10 n.m. : * / . Morganvllle Independent Vol­ Roosevelt ...... 12.52 16.86 the Redlker Brothers who have ; ■ Ave.; art department, Tues­ at 10 a.m. with classes for Men’s Club w ll! meet Mon-i unteer Fire Company attended more young people, will study Mr; and Mrs; Charles L. Rumson ...... 10.55 11.12 been bringing famous ’ enter­ day at 1 p.m., and civics de­ eaclTage group. Baptist Youth day at 8:30 p.m. - a performance of “Auntie for It, If given Job security and Jackson, Holmdel Rd., are Red Bank 10.69 11.68 tainment to Asbury Park , for ■ . partment, Tuesday, at 8 p.m. Groups are held as follows: Tuesday, the senior choir re­ higher pay. spending several days visiting Shrewsbmy;Sea Bright Township 21,7710.04 28.4110.20 many years, have booked a * Juniors at"4 p.m'; Junior High Mame” to New York on May Unfair To Children their son and daughter-to-law, Sea C lrt ...... 7.95 8.43 Win Convention Awards hearsal will be held at 8:30 14. The group had dlnher at Shrewsbury ...... 10.76 12.14 season’s array of talent that and Senior High at 7 p.m. p.m. .- • • "Employment of sub-quall- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond John­ Spring Lake ...... 6,71 7.36 bids fair to make 1958 their big­ Announcement .: was .made Tile mid-week prayer and Howard Johnson's Restaurant fled teachers as now to many son nnd son, Detroit, M 1 o h. Spring Lake Heights '..­ 8.67 9.43 that the club received two First Cboioh of Christ, on the N.J, Turnpike. ______’ South Belmar ...... 12.67 13 24 gest year, and Asbury Park Blblo Study Is hold on Thurs­ New Jersey districts Is unfair Mr, and Mrs. Raymond John­ Upper Freehold Township 11; “ 2L34 lho mecca for- kners rJt popu- : nwards at- the- annual - conven­ day at 7:30 p.mTJ T~ * .-" Scientist Members of Brownie Troops to children, and comparable to son are thb parents of a daugh­ Union Beach ...... -...... 20.42 23.38 tion of the New Jersey Stato 77 77 ‘ . 84 Broad St., Keyport aud 180 and Q lrl S c o u t turning pre-medical and Pre- ter, recently born In Detroit. Wall Township ...t;;.;.;...;...-...- 10.32 • 20.95 Jar music and dancing. As us­ Federation of Women’s . Clubs First Methodist CbUrcb ’ Sufiday; Reryltia.U ta.m 5P|O0P<3l,,j,an deniat students loose to, prac­ The baby was named Debra West Long Branch ...... 10.28 14.39 ual, popular/prices "wlll prevaU. held last week In Atlantic City. 010 Mato St., Afatawan nosday testimonial meeting" WUf toike’ part- iU' tae <£n i'«*. tice c -whom they please,” . Lynn. ■ MfS. Garibaldi entered a com­ Rov. Frank E. sweeten. Pastor p.m. Reading room open Wed­ Jemboree at Camp N o m d o o, Mr. 11 Megel declared that the. Mr. - and Mrs. Angelo M. pletely handmade doll portray­ Sunday worship services ore nesday 9 to 4 p.m. - ‘ - ...... Bmlthburg, on Baturday. The Issuance of temporary certifi­ Webster, Holmdel' Rd.. spent ing Queen Elizabeth. I, which held nt 0:45 and 11 a.m. with The healing power of the day’s activities are being plan­ cates to sub-qualified teachers the weekend visiting their son- received the single doll first music provided by the Junior Christ, Truth ’ will be stressed ned by the Matawan Neighbor­ has become "far too preval­ in-law and daughter, Mr. and special mention, and a minia­ and senior choirs. The’ sermon at Christian Science services hood Association. ent" recently. “ As the result," Mrs. Grant Frazer and son, ture stage setting of "Arsenic topic will be "Human Price Sunday in the Lesson-Sermon —Members of Boy Scout Troop he said, “pupils In .adjoining Lansdowne, Pa. and Old Lace,” which won seo­ Tags.” Sunday School Is held entitled “Soul nnd Body.” 93, will participate to the three school districts or even In ad­ ond prize In that clasB. at 0:45 a.m. with classes for Christ Jesus’, healing of Si­ day county camp-o.-ree which joining classrooms do not : Attending tho May 14 session all ages, under the dlreotlon of mon’s wife’s mother who “ was will take place Friday, Satur­ celve equal educational oppor­ Named Preceptor were Mrs. McOuirc, Mrs. Cosl- Howard Henderson, ‘ superin­ day and Sunday at the Far­ tunity. t a k e n with a great fever” Away Farm, Holmdel.- There . "The time has come when John V. Droughton, - 154 mer Samolyk, Mrs. Garibaldi tendent, ...... ' (L'uko7.4) will be among the se­ will be more than 2000 scouts' Washington St., Keyport, - & LINCOLN • MERCURY and Mrs. August Edcl. Thurs­ The church league bowling lections, read from tho King the qualified teacher , profes­ member of the Cla&. of 1959 day's session was attended by banquet will be held Tuesday James Version of the Bible. camping. sion must follow the medical, at Rutgers Unlve’slty, New NEW AND USED CARS "Mrs. Richard Tier, Mrs. Wal­ In Keyport. > From "Science nnd Health On Thursday evening, M r s. dental and some other profes Brunswick, was among 30 new On Monjnoufb Street Opposite Carlton Theatre ter Leary, Mrs. Axel BJorken Junior choir wUl rehearse with Key to the Scriptures" by Edward Preston, Mrs. Rhea slons In Insisting on legislation dormitory preceptors appoints Mrs. Holub, Mrs. Slendorn, Wednesday at 2:46 p.m.; chap­ Mary.Bnker'Eddy wlU bo read Preston,. Morganvllle, .and Mrs, protecting themselves a n d ed for the 1958*59 academic Red Bank Mrs. Wosatka, Mrs. Watson, el eholr, 3:45 p.jn.; prayer the f o l 1 o w 1 n g (210:11-16): Albert Wuestefeld, Mrs. Doug­ those they serve from the Un­ year, lt was announced by . Mrs.: James Armitage, and meeting, 7:30-pfto. . "Knowing that Saul. and Its at­ las Fitzgerald, Mrs, 8 t a o e y qualified." ' , George F. Lambert, university Shadyside 7-4545 - 1-6000 - mrs^yfllllnm Weeks. Chancel choir rehearsal will tributes were forever manifest­ Carhart, and Mrs. James Ca- Alarming Educational Aspect proctoi41. ■ President Rogerson, and bo held at 7:15 p.m. Thursday; ed. through man, the Master dec, Jr., Keyport, attended a He said the Issuance of tern' I-TBP'- Mrs. Robert Martin, first vice senior choir, 8 p.m._ 7 healed the slok, gave sight to performance of the stage play porary teaching certificates to president, were delegates of tlie blind, hearing to thc deaf, "Oh Captain" in—New York. “ almost anyone" by school dis­ tho club at tho convention. Trinity Episcopal Churob feet to the Jnmo, thus bringing Tho group enjoyed dinner at tricts to obtain “some kind of Main St., Matawan to light tlie scientific action of the Famous Kitchen. . a teacher” Is one of the most Rev. Bernard McK Qarllck the divine. Mind on human Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cost alarming aspects of American Outdoor Art Show Set Whitsuiiday, Holy Commun­ minds nnd bodies nnd glvihg'ri tura and family were recent education, adding: "Some For June 14 Weekend ion Is at 8 a.m.;.Family Euch­ better understanding of 8 o u 1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold school boards even seek out arist and church school, 9 a.m, and salvation.” Whitson, Lebanon. persons of lesser qualifications Tho Monmouth Arts Founda­ Monday evening pray er Mr. and Mrs, Michael Cos- because they can hire them tion, In conjunction wltli the will be held at 7:30 p.m.'; Keyport Reformed Churob tura-and family were dlnnor cheaper.” Junior Service League of Red Young Churchmen meet at 8 Warren St., Keyport guests of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Mr. Megel declared that any Sank, will open the June 14 p.m, Rev.' Roderlok N. DeYoung. Tersigni, Asbury Park. uniform certification law such Community Arts .Weekend with Pastor Leroy VanPelt has returned as he proposed must be ac­ the eighth annual outdoor art St. Joseph's Churob Bunday School la held at 0:30 home from Monmouth Memor­ companied by higher salaries, show. The show will be held In Maple PI., Keyport a.m. under the supervision of ial Hospital where he hnd been Including Increased state mlnl- ..M arine..Park,,, apd will r u n Rev. Cornelius J. Kane, Pastor Garrett Post and Warren Bern­ a patient. mums, “ based on a new pub­ from 10 p.m till 5 p.m. Masses will be held Sunday hardt. A nursery Is held for Miss Elizabeth Owens a n d lic concept of the value of Close to 1500 invitations for morning at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 children whose parents desire Michael Owens spent the week­ good educational processes." the Outdoor Art Show will be o’clook. to attend the 10:45 a.m. morn­ end visiting In Adelphia. "We havo some fine non-de­ sent out within the next few ing worship service. At thc Mrs. Charles Holmes Is con­ gree teachers certified many days. TIUs year’B color scheme Cllffwood Community conclusion of the service, the valescing at her home after a years ago when the problem of for the weekend will feature Methodist Cbnrob bullotln board will be dedicat­ recent automobllo accident. education was different, and orange, yellow and pink. Wharf Rev. Dean Jeanblano. Pastor ed In memory of-Fred Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smith, those teachers have achelved Ave, will be decorated with Saturday, the. MYF will Mondny, a teachers’ meeting Jr., and children, visited Mr professional ability through ex­ hundreds of geraniums and lenvc the church at 10:30 a.m. will be held at 8:16 p.m. fol­ and Mrs. Roy E. Koch, Sea­ perience." flowering shrubs, all of which to attend the Protestant Youth lowing n presentation of a men­ side Park, Sunday. Mr. Megel estimated that will be for sale during the .day, Roily at Ocean Grove. They tal health film, entitled "Fears Thc Morganvllle First Aid there are now enough qualified will take their own lunch. Of Children." . Squad held Its regular meet­ teachers In New Jersey, and Worship service Is held at 0 Wednesday, tlie Lenguc fo r ing at the fire house May 14, nearly every other state, to a.m. when the sermon topic Service will meot at 8:15 p.m.; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Woolley, man every classroom. He con­ will be "Wliat To Do While shnctunry choir rehearsal, 8:16 Matawan, were Sunday supper tended? ’"There arc as •- many Waiting." Sunday School meets p.m. ' ■guests nt Uie home of Mr. and qualified teachers not teaching at 10 a.m. Mrs. Charles Holmes. as nre teaohlng. The reasons Monday, tlie Methodist Youth Gethsemane Lutheran Churob are low salaries, professional Fellowship- wlll-moet nt— 8:30. Muplo PI., Koyport Insecurity nnd Impossible p.m. . Rov. Frederick Boos Pastor " Sfate Planning Boards classroom conditions Including Wednesday.-.evening-— praycr- .There nre two services on Elect New, President . ... overcrowding,” Mr. Mcge 1 and Bible study is held at 8 Sunday; Matins at 8:30’ aimi stated. p.m...... and tho regular servlco at U o’clock. Sunday School 'begins r l l 0 £ ^al’llng’.'lr" chairman, Somfnex First Presbyterian Cbnrob at 0:45 a.m. . ' Boare, walaneto“ dPpres"de& Holmdel. Women Dems »T*k#n ss directed Main St., Statawan the New Jersey Federation . of Rev. Chester A Galloway, Offlclnl Planning Boards To Organize Tuesday Pastor State Road Aid For , Thursday night. Mr. - Carting All women of Holmdel Town­ Tho pastor's" sermon toploat MiddlesexrMoniriouth who has - served for two yctrrs- ship- Interested in working for, both thc 0:30 nnd 11 a.m, serv­ as a fedoratlon vice-president the Democratlo Party nre nsk- ices will be "Remember Funds totalling (227,010 were and chairman of the central cd to attend a meeting on Now." Members of the Mc- distributed tv Monmoutb and area, auccecds' Henry R. wil­ Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the home Elvalne-Schanqk: P p s t 2218, Middlesex Counties as the re­ liams, Pequannoek Township. of ■ Mrs. Anthony Noweskt, Veterans of' Foreign W n r.s; sult of approval given the first His torm Is for one year, ' Democratlo Commltleewoman, E x tra phones where you want them American Legion Post 170. and quarter- distribution - by—t he Re-elected v I e'e president who resides at 22 Maurice Ave. An extra phone in the right spot will save you literaily miles of ' the Auxiliaries will attend the State Highway Department to were Chnrles W. Herr, stan­ Maurlco Manor, Centerville, needless steps; And save them when you appreciate it most— when each l l ’a.nf. servloe. 'A nursery is aid In flnancl: g brldgo a n d hope, for the northern area and Mrs. Cornelius J. Quincy, Jr., held nt 0:30 a.m, for tots road projects. . . Eugene Elpper, Pitman,'for the wife, of the Mayor - of . .High­ you'ro busy cleaning or in thc midst of cooking, or up to your on ly whose parents desire to attend „The grant Is a quarterly pay­ southern aren, Thomas Hyde. lands, nnd Mrs. Thomas A. elbows in suds. ■■■ ■ - ...... -— ...... __■ church. Sunday School is ' at ment from tho annual appro’ ,M. . o u n -t _a ,in _ aide, . . rc. p |nccg Lynch, wife of the chairman of 0:30 a.m. Senior High Fellow-' prlotlon from motor vehicle Mr, Carltog as central the' Democratlo Party hr Htgh- An. extra phone offers extra.protection .,. greater calling ship will moot at 7 P.m. with revenucs. Under the g r a n t, ’ vice president. Williamarea E ; lands, have been Invited to at- privacy, too. Makes telephone service so much morq useful and a candlelight s e r v 1 o e. AI1 MOnmouth County Is to receive Roach, Jr., 8omervllle, Plan- tend. ’ convenient. Yet it costs only 3d a day—plus installation. To d W O tU h ti W. Front St.. Keyport eighth grade youth, who will 1117,065 and Middlesex Is al- nlng Director ot- Somerset Co-hostossea will be Mrs. order an extra phone for your bedroom ... kitchen o r any room, ■; (Not ro Poopln ritn run.) be members of the senior high located (110,245. The grant Is County,-again will serve as Gerald Dougherty. Mrs. John Hollo A Marothao Busqs - next year, will be guests at computed on tbe basis of area, secretary arid O. Wayne Noble,Ia . Qrlffo, Mrs. Ralph Schnel- simply call your telephone husihess office. ■ Pa,i Oar Door ... this meeting. 7 Refreshments road mileage and population of | PatqrSon, planning director as der.' Mrs. Robert Cheaoweth will follow. , each county, |treasurer.''""77"7 ..... land Mrs. Kenneth Willey.------, ...... N«w B*ll T«l«phon» Company I Police Organization Seeks Better JCP&L Appointee | Freeholders To Pension Provisions; Cites Death Meet Detective William M. Con­ the widow and children of the The seventh annual conven­ nelly, Elizabeth, president of late PH.*Strone. • tion ot ]tUo New' Jersey Associ­ the New Jersey State Patrol- Det. Connelly stated that men'a Benevolent Association, passage of these bills is ur­ ation of Chosen Freeholders . commenting today on the re­ gent in order to protect the will be held June 12 to 15 in i , i t ’A .* ...... >v’' cent slaying oi Patrolman Rob­ widows end children of t h i S The Clarldge - Hotel, Atlantic ert Strone ol the Passaic Po- state's law enforcement offi­ City, according to Atlantlo 1 i c e. Department Thursday, cers nnd prevent the continued County Freeholder director Al­ ■ May 8, Expressed the deepest exodus of trained personnel bert S. Smith, general chair­ regrets to the bereaved family from the profession in th e 1 r man. Tlie theme ls “The Coun­ on behalf of the police organi- efforts to secure a more ade­ ty Capacity To Serve.” For the ; „aatlpn, ; ‘ quate salary and more liberal first time, ln 37 years, officers bet, Connelly stated that the widows benefits. Failure to en­ will be elected at file mid-year incident was another in a long act legislation ot this type sessions, as provided by the list of unfortunate occurrences constitutes a serious threat to association's new 1957 constitu­ involving the policemen ot. this the well-being of the citizenry tion. They will be .Installed at _atate .. as , well as policemen at a time when there is an ap­ tbe closing banquet Saturday throughout the country. In re­ parent up-swing in crime. w il l ia m a . M c c u llo c h night ln Trimbie Hall, at the .... cent years, Det. Connelly stat- Det. Connelly Issued an ap­ William A. McCulloch, hotel. - - ed, there, have been three po­ peal, to all persons in respon­ Chatham, has been appointed Pres. Lawrence M. L e a r, licemen killecl in New Jersey sible positions in their respec­ as assistant in .the office of Cape May County Freeholder alone, Sgt. CLinton Bond of Un­ tive municipalities to make director, will preside at the ion Township, Trooper John sincere effort to aid In the Jersey Central Power & Light- 1958 convention, assisted by Anderson of the New Jersey passage of this important and New Jersey Power & L i g h t Vice Presidents Joseph - S. A State Police, and Patrolman needed legislation so that the Company Sales Vice President Holland, Mercer County Free­ _ ; Jack Woomer of the Newark widows and children of y o u r E. J. Ingram, announced re­ holder director; Ernest S. Hick; Police Department, enforcement officers who may cently...... : ok. Union County . Freeholder ; As one reads his dally paper. give their lives ln protection of M r. McCulloch, who . will be, and William J. Warren, Middle­ . it is difficult Indeed to find your rights and safety may be located in the Denville gener­ sex County Freeholder. Chair­ day go by in which some po­ assured the opportunity to live al offices, will report to. Mr. man Smith ,1s treasurer bt the lice officer has not been as a normal life.“ This I feel is ,ft Ingram and will work under association end Executive Di­ r S ic M * - 1 saidted by roving bands or flr- small price to pay when com­ his supervision ln all sales de rector Jack Lamping, of Ocean 2 -D A Y __ ed . upon by som* desperate pared to the loss of a loved partment activities. He recent­ County, is secretary. r person Intent or committing one/* Det. Cohelly said. ly was associated with Engi­ some criminal act, Det. Con­ neers Inc., Newark, as a sales Forty outstanding leaders of nelly said. Ail this points up to engineer. He also was associ­ Industry, government and ._the " ' the drastic need for pension re Patridti'McCormick ated with the Armstrong Cork humanities will take part in SALE BEGINS 9 A M. vision which will benefit the Co., Lancaster, Fa., as an In­ four discussion groups meeting widows and children of those Top MHS Homemaker dustrial Insulation sales engi­ June 13 ln tbe areas of taxa­ deceased men who gave their The Betty Crocker Hone* neer, . tion, highways, new business lives in service, protecting the maker of Tomorrow ln Mata­ He was graduated from Le* and natural resources. The FRIDAY/M AY 23rd! ’ lives apd, property of the citl- wan High School is Patricia J. high University, Bethlehem, panels will be moderated by . zenry. . • McCormick.1 She received tbe Pa., with a Bachelor of Sci­ freeholders, directing discus­ Det. Conneliv stated that highest score In a written ex­ ence Degree in Industrial En­ sion on these topics: there are four bills now be­ amination on homemaklng gineering In 1951. Mr. McCul­ Four Topics . NONE SOLD EARLIER AT THESE t fore the State Legislature knowledge and attitudes, ad­ loch also served in the Euro­ "How Can .the Counties Cope ' which are approved and back­ ministered Dec. 3, 1957 to sen­ pean Army of Occupation from with the Rising Tide of Taxa­ ed by the State P.B.A. in an ior girls in the graduating 1946 to 104B. tion?”. with Freeholder Holland BIGGER-THAN-EVER DISCOUNTS! effort to correct the present in­ class. Her examination, paper as moderator and Sussex Coun­ adequate benefits. He advised will be entered ln competition ty . Freeholder Board Clerk one • bill provides that munici- to name New Jersey's candi­ Convention To Host Stanford B. Tldaback as re­ pallties may, by ordinance, pay date for the title of* All-Ameri­ USAF Nurse Corps corder. . pensions to widows and chil- can Homemaker of Tomorrow "When Will the Counties aet - dren of policemen and firemen and also will be considered for The American Nurses Asso­ Enough Money to Build Ade­ killed in line of duty in the runner-up awardTTn the ciation Natloial Convention to quate Roads?” with Ocean salary being received at the state. For her achievement, be held ln Atlantlo City June County Freeholder director A. " amounts not In excess of the she will receive an award pin 9 to 13 will play host to a large Paul King as moderator; Bur: Urn© o£ deaJh* .Pass**** this designed by Trlfarl ot^l'New delegation from the Ul"B. Air llngton Board Citrk Marriott GENERAL ELECTRIC from O. Haines, lecrsrder; • the United Btates. > "Is Your County Climate Good s o m - m v t m Headquarters, U.8, Air Force for New Bunslncss and Indus­ will establish a colorful mili­ try?" with Mercer County tary nursing exhibit ln Conven­ Freeholder Frank J. B | a o k, tion Hall to serve as au opera­ chairman of that county's In­ tional point for nurse_ procure- dustrial commission as moder­ m eh t officers,' according to ator; Cape May County Board 7 TRANSISTOR MaJ. Adele M. Ball; U. S. Air' Clerk - Mildred Hoffman, re­ You Auto Buy Now Force Nurse Procurement corder. — PORTABLE ■lAniiiii sniA Chief. • ■ Can New Jersey Capture ;E 7 rU C tf Belair. 4 door hard Special hard top. Capt. RuthFL Shannon, a na­ Enough Water to Survive?” • YBSI fits eotlly In your potktt or purse V / UV1EV« lop. fully equipped, 9 9 DUIUIXP lllflf j door, radio, heat­ tive of Belleville, and procure­ RADIO one owner, low mileage. ' A real er. dynaflow, two tope, white wall ment officer for. the New York with Hunterdon County Free­ e YKI suporior otouillcol output clean’ well kept car. < Don’t let Ures. Hire it a nafet- clean well District will serve as project holder dlrector Fiank. B. Dal- • Y tSI crystal door lint ...... this qne.vpaas-you. ,' keptYour car.while one to lookonmef/ into. It ,la worSn officer for the event. Young rymple as moderator and Un­ — ------sedan, fully equip­ women Interested In a military ion Board Clerk A. Ethel Allis- • YKI plays for 50 htun on ono I of low-cost batteries ped with automaUc transmission. 55 BUICK Special, l door, se ton as recorder. 194 10 dan, radio, beater, nursing career .arc urged to • YKI Ideal for beaches, picnics, paitloi, boats, etc. Here Js a nice small car tor ease dynaflow, two tore, white wall visit the event, Ten affiliated groups of coun­ REG. $39.95 oferate. parking f knowand Inexpensive you will Uke to Uuaop­ Ures, • spotless automobile. You- ty officials will meet with the one. .• • have to go a long way to find Applicants -must be between freeholders In convention at SALE STARTS 9 A.M. FRIDAY, MAY 23 EC fftjElJ deiair. i dooi ae one Uke this . tbe age9 of 21 and 30-years-of- The Clarldge. They are: Coun­ W l U l f , .wc^j...V^orlginal-mileage. Ona owner,20,000 you, ... . geon General; must have., ac­ ora, olbrks, registrars nnd Bur-J m - -■ haveA real neverfuss potaecn had one this thisone. clean.- Bet* tive nurBe registration ln at rogntes: counsels; and • attor­ M i c m m m • . ■ ; ter hurry on . this one, If wfll’ be' least one state and female neys, and sheriffs. ■ ' ■ - eold beforO'you know iL . applicants must have no, .de'i ,u The 1058 convention commit­ GET YOURS NOW WHILE THEY LAST*! pendents under 18-yearsof-nge. tee Includes Mr. Warren, Mid­ NO DOWN PAYMENT Grade determination is based dlesex and Joseph C. I r w l.n, "THE MUSIC MAN ALBUM" "JOHNNY MATHIS" !!»<<***Club coupe, fully upon age, professional exper­ Monmouth. Commercial, coun­ -J j UejOlO equipped, .a won­ car. Here Isequipped, one you a couldn’t clean ience, nnd educational qualifi­ ty and state exhibits will be in­ Original Broadway Ca$t < GREATEST HITS onderful it. buy .. at 1.the \ ■ - price•■•••> 1 have find belter. ' cations. . stalled on the promenade at Johnny's most popular albdm C l A l IIC Holiday, hard top. The Clnvldge carrying out the HO llaitA* Manhattan. 4-door. 31 U LI/J i. door, hydromaflc. •theme of “ The County Capac­ 9 A IXslSci fully equipped wiLh radio,; heater,/power windows and To Attend Institute ity To Serve." Vit-TflSSS*, n- . •one■automatic owner car. transmission, a clean, powerautomobile scat. for the Here money. la a lot ol - 159 4 door sedan, ■ George T. Burtt, chemistry I37 50 M ERC makes wonderful . teacher at Keyport High Atomic Radiation Used Reg. • »• - transportation or a second cor. • School, will attend a six-week Reg. summer Institute ln chemistry To Make New Gasoline 5.98 ea. 3.95 on the Princeton University The first use of atomic radi­ • Two top-favorlls long-play albumil _ Campus during July and Aug­ ation to develop a new formula SALE STARTS 9 A.M. FRIDAY, MAY 23 • Amnilnp low pilro for 2-dayo onlyl ■ ust, sponsored by (he New Jer­ for premium gosollno has been • Oumtltl*i-|lmHid,.r:ruihln now t'M ’ sey Department o: Education, successfully completed and the the university and Tho-Camllle new gasoline nove ls . In full- and Henry Dreyfuss Founda­ scale production, Esso Stand­ Incorporated tion.- M r.-Burit Is one of 43 ard Oil Company, Linden, an­ -chemistry teachers, from the nounced recently, It said the LOOK AT THIS SP£CIAL 2DAY LOW PHICl! state, who will participate In radiation discoveries.and tbe BUICK K E 7 - 4 0 0 0 OPEL the Institute. resulting new-formula gasoline LITTLE GIRLS' Your advertisement lh” this "provide n better answer to the HIGHWAY 35 AT BEDLE RD. KEYPORT paper will reach prospective all-around performance re­ purchasers ln every commun­ quirements of modern automo­ ity ln the bayshore area. bile engines than a high-pow­ SUMMER DRESSER ered and high-priced octane race,” A truly flno buy for ihoso loVoly At a recent press conference ius orsilii. Pollihod cotton Esso said that, dtnplte current prints, oloslleliod waists, com recession trends, the new re­ apon nockllnos. So adorably search development will be ilylod you'll want lo buy sovoroll IM TNI MARKIT FOR A MOWRRf supported by the largest pro­ w REG. Slioo 4 to dX, motion'^ expenditures— In—the $ l r ! 9 company’s history. Marketing Your,Hardware win begin shortly. SALE STARTS 9 A.M. FRIDAY, MAY 23 Its actual manufacturing pro­ Department Store cesses do not use either atom­ ic energy or radiation, Esso HAS THE FAMOUS made clear. "Radloactlve-trac- FREE TRIPLE S BLUE STAMPS WITH PURCHASES! er research was used for , the first time,” It said, "to deter­ JUST IN TIME FOR PICTURE TAKINQI mine which components of gas­ IMAGINE! YOU SAVE $2.411 oline are tbe ones which rob cars of power and mileage by Sturdy Hardwood, Folding DUO-M A STIR, causing combustion-chamber KODAK ” tultyour hm Mt/wluiSgit deposits; Other new methods ____ BUCK 4 W H IT I were used by our refineries to CHILDREN'S CHAIR OUO-MAtmt ITAtr A l Ken’s tbe mower that hsi lit the psc* for quality screen out these harmful ma­ tundsrdi. Eclipie mowers terials." FILM *84“ give you more ufety with AS Jow AS 15.62 prmed iteel homing; longer1 Marlboro Graduates REG. $3.98 J , monthly life with fsmous name en* ID” and 21” glno, nee) jvb«l bearings Technicians' Classes • Mada wllh olurdyAlpin* | - -...... tlioo 130 • 137 • 620 available that won’t wear and wobbls.' AYea rcaidentH who were 1 hardWOCdi — ------5- ; 3 Uahi ROLLS1 Irf. T» ■ CvilMml FOR And Edipse mowers are fun among the graduates of the • Hand-rubbod furnltur* | to u t because they're easy 20th psychiatric technic­ SHOP OMND-WAr'S PHOTO ian clftsa -at the New— Jersey finish. . g ; itartlng, easy handling and 8tatc Hospital. Marlboro, at • Idoal for eblldran'o TV — S; DIPAKTMtltT NOW FOR —R IG , SOF EACH— met so little to owa. Yoa’S ceremonfeo reccntiy hcld-iM-the . .chair, outdoor or booth 3 SPICMl VMUfSI f "he proud ofyourlawis when! iio'spital'ftUdUoflum^cre Lucf- tholr. wirwnr tr sob—I;’' ’B ’ EXTRA It’s Edif't* neel. Allen, Robert Apel, Mnrle A»- key, Anne Sabak, all of Marl­ SALE STARTS 9 A.M. FRIDAY, MAY_23 “ SALI STARTS 9 A.M. FRIDAY, MAY 23 Selling Eclipse Mowers For 20, Years boro. Among graduates of the Iff Ikllll llllll lllllll fill II111111111111 HI III IIIIHI III! H lllllli III •IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAIIIII i lillHMiMIIHMiMlilllfl 21st class were J a m e * D. Armour, Matawun; J»mtl Quality Does Not Cost — It Pays Lawson, Keyport, Marie I. Ed­ wards, find Irene McOulrc, Marlboro, . Miss McGuire, a member of N. J, STATE HIGHWAY 36, KEANSBURG the 2l£t cla&a, was the valedic­ torian and_addreRWd_.Uje; i Hardware Department sembly on behalf of the --two open MotwfaYfan T lw H h y 1 P. M. - M a y 'lil 10 P. H. -S a f tfaty 'tfl 6 P. M. classes, If you need printing of aoy kind, we are here to serve you. Our quick service snd re««oa- KIYN RT. N.J. gble prices will pletse you. ....--Keys1-Prim ed For Shore Conference <(B ” M eet MHS Sparkles At Red Sox Score Sv>^ x - v.• - LOOKING IT OVER ^ * C T>« ■‘n'i '^TESisr'" f z i r .r '* - ;r^r*r^-y" Englewood Meet Interborough Win MATAWAN; jOURNAL Matawan's track forces, fac­ BOB ZAMPELLO, Keyport's standing oollege pitchers of In the first brush Monday Lt « - J » ’L ed with the top lnterseholastle baseball coach, is ready to ad­ the east today, ’ between Matawan and Keyport First Section . competition on the eastern sea­ vance a-proposal for ’twilight baseball teams in tbe interbor­ Tage T en ______May 28, 1958 board at the Englewood meet and Saturday/high school base­ THISTLEDOWN race track Saturday, responded with per­ ball next season In the pros­ In Ohio will be the next spot ough association for boys 8-12, formances that verified the pect that Keyport High School where Jack Lafayette, the hew Matawah team, the sports adage of “ the b e 1 e r will go on double sessions. He Cheesequake trainer, will Red Box. acquitted themselves Conference Title the opposition, the better1 the finds that the time lost this run the horses In his charge. with distinction by defeating effort.” Indeed;'Matawan was season through a heavy sche­ He wound up his spring cam-; fifth of 24 schools ln'ffie- novice dule and far away from home palgn at Lincoln Downs In the Keyport Raiders 5-4 at the Sear For MHS division. games has cut seriously Into Rhode Island Saturday. Tills- Matawan LL field. Matawan moved within o n e There were 90 entries In the class time ' with the Keyport tiedown runs 44 days from Lou Tomasello was the win­ . game of clinching the S h o r e -yajd dash alone; to- show school -still on full session. May 28 to July 17. Lafayette ning pitcher, for the Sox. He Conference “ B " b f s e b a 11 the100 proportions of the meet. Next year, on half sessions, had notable success In bring­ championship, humbling Bay­ Rich Bennett, Maroon and the situation will be a still ing along tbe horses In his withstood a two-runs homer ville Regional 5-2 for the sec­ Steel freshman, won his heat more troubled one. He notes charge. On Friday he had belted by Joe French, of the ond time this season. Carl Ste­ In 10.5 seconds. He ran 10.4 in that Keyport athletes do not ac­ Tantara going in, the first Raiders, In the first inning. phens, MHS hurler, " pitched the semi-finals with the wind to quire a six months, from ses- race. This horse that has Tomasello also came _ through steadily and without strain to his back to gala a place In the slon-to-sesslon eligibility fo r been dragging In at tbe end with the hit that scored the de­ score this easy win on the Gol­ sports, but are subject to. be of the pack so long tbe odds ciding runs for the Red Sox den Eagles field, final on a. time bagts. Then In after Bill Geiger, Sox pitcher, the final of the novice division, ruled Ineligible at the end of on him had gone up to 120- got himself in trouble by walk­ Rain, washing out a g a me the Matawan freshman runner each six weeks marking per­ to-1 In April, came in the ing one batter and hitting an­ with Atlantio Highlands Tues­ scooted against the wind ta. iod. The Keyport coaching staff money for a second running other at the start of the inn- . day, prevented the Maroon and take a third. His time was 10.5 in" hthletlcs accordingly has In a row. Royal Tawny, a lng. Errors had accounted for Steel from clinching the "B ” against the wind, ' to ward against undue loss of horse that had been running the other three Red Sox runs. title before they moved Into The Maroon and Steel novice class tlfne. If the whole setup for the Diamond S stable, Frank Dowd, of the Raid­ Greater Newark Tournament relay team had about the same of their'sports teams ls not to was entered by Lafayette In ers, pitched a no-hitter for the play. . ■ experience. There were no less be wrecked by loss of key per­ the second race. This steed second win of tbe. early season The MHS batsmen mado than 42 teams entered In this sonnel In mid-season. T{ie Key­ also delighted his followers for his teammates Thursday/- things easy for their star hur- event The Matawan foursome port coach believes thgt twi­ by closing with a rush to get He shut out . .lh- Keyport lev by assaulting Tom Golem- of Mel Jeffcoat,- Bud Short. light and Saturday,; ball also in the money. Lafayette's Braves 11-0. He struck but 13 beskl, Eagles pitcher, for four Rich Bennett and Bill Mabbltt will Induce more parental in­ last shot was Square Meas­ of 21 batters to face him. : runs in the first. Fete Bennett, survived the heat "find the terest and local support for the ure who ran Saturday but Angels Defeat Lions . ; Dave Jones and Stephens hit semi-final to take a third In Red and White's baseball this horse ran out, after Cliffwood’s Angels defeated-, safely In a row with one out the finals.. The race was run team. He reports favorable re making Improved showing the Raritan Bay Lions in Uie for the first Huskies run. without lanes and Jeffcoat was action to the Idea from one or during the meeting. first meeting of "the'season be­ Walks to Deiter Johnson and pushed off at the start. He two rival coaches he already tween those two arch rivals. , Bob Rankl forced In another made a sensational comeback has sounded out. Ken Szyarto muffled the bats run, then Stephens counted on to run up from last, to second • ' ■ •--*•' " . Rain Mars Colts of the Lions and Tanued 13 a wild pitch. Otey Wathington In his leg In the eight-team COLTS LEAGUE, or Pony while walking, y\rpe, C h.J.p p y hit safely, Johnson scoring the field in the final. The MHS run­ Lengue baseball, finds Mata* League Opening Childs, Lions pitcher1,' canned fourth MHS run of tho frame. ners registered a time of 1 min­ wan conspicuous by Its ab­ nine and walked five. Bayville got a run back In ute. 35 seconds, to stir th e sence. Needless to say, boys Rain and darkness interrupt­ The game was a tight battle • their half of the first on a walk pride In them oL their Coach, in the borough who were ac- ed play Monday lh the schedul­ between the two pitchers to the to Jerry Blttenbender, Rankl’s John Caracciolo. customed-to looking forward ed opening of the Northern last inning when Garry Zam- mlsplay on Mike Lowe’s roller Performed With Great Credit to playing Little Bigger Lea­ Monmouth County Colts Lea­ bor connected for a two-bagger- • and Golembeskl's single. The The MHS freshmen 880-yard gue baseball when their Lit­ gue; This baseball is for boys to send the Angels on their .. home side drew up to 4-2 in relay quartet of Matt Jeffcoat, tle League days were over 13-14 years; Two teams whictf way to victory. Chuck Isaksbn the fourth when Paul Wllbur- Red Wathington, Brad BradaCh are not happy about the situ­ had gone as far as the sixth walked. Winkle Vena, Chuck-, scheld singled, went to second and Bob Finn also performed ation. Tony Bucco,. manager inning, the Keyport Jets and Klein and Roch Medolla . foi* on a loose peg by Stephens, to with great credit. They had to of the Matawan Orioles for the Matawan Township PBA, lowed with hits to clinch it/ • ' third on a plckotf play and survive a field of 80 t e a m s, the past three seasons, re­ agreed to call their game a The Keyport schedule for / scored on Btttenbcnder’s safe run through a qualifying heat ports, as early as February, contest, the. i*BA team winning games this week is as follows: / rap, . Keyport Illgh's'trackmen never before have been considered as a serious threat In Shore and a semt-flnal to get to their Matawan boys were after 10-0 behind the slants of Lefty Tonight, Cardinals vs. Red The Maroon and Steel made Conference competition but this year It ls different. At the “B” meet in Toms River Satur­ final. In the final they came In him about the fate of base­ Yates. Rich Vena’s homer with Sox, home: Terriers vs. Bears : It, safer In the fifth. Stephens day they are prepared to present a group of talented performers oapable of giving entrants flfth and scored the commend­ ball In the borough for boys two aboard in the second was at Matawan; Friday, Raiders singled and Johnson wtflked. from such favored schools as Matawan, Point Pleasant and Bayville Regional a battle for able time of 1 minute, 37 sec­ above the Little League age the telling blow for the C 11 f f- vs. Tl-gers home; Saturday,.... Stephens was caught off, sec­ individual honors Jn many of the events. - onds. bracket.. Bucco relates that wood nine. ‘ - Tb.we plxbte^As.y^rSS(2r^« 3 0 I Over Rumson 1961 coaohes and umpires of t h' S gate, N.Y,, at a mark of 5 feet, baseball fo r boys 13*14 to Bunger. Bennett, ss ; : . 4 1 2 Township of Raritan L 111Te ForRBVRAIn‘58 11 Inches. . . play.. He recalls the exper­ The two Keyport teams in 4 1 2 Keyport High's freshman Raritan Bay Yacht Racing Dave Jones and Sam Kay the league have filed the fol­ // Jones; c '• League will be held on ' Mon­ iences of lost summer when lowing rosters: Keyport Jets Stephens, P 4 1 2 baseball team was bound'nin- day at 8:30 p.m. In the El- Association was reorganized at. performed beyond the best of he used to. drive around in " Johnson; cf 2 2 0 der a spell ' by Lefty Hasse, a recent meeting at Keyport Coach Caracclolo's hopes In the his cor with his Orioles play­ with Edwin. Wilson and Arby . y-' Faustmann, If 3 0 1 Rumson/1961 hurler, for five Moe-Kl Hall, West Keansburg. open dlvlglon. -Jones won his ers from one field to another Washington as coach and man­ Rankl, lb , . _ 2_0 0 Vernon Manning, chairman, Yacht Club and'last'weekend qualifying low hurdles heat In to find one open 'for use. ' ager; Donald Buhler. B r u c e EATONTOWN . O. Wthington, 3b . 3 “0 2 lhnlngs at the-Purple Bulldogs has Invited all Interested per­ the delegates from the mem­ 21.1 seconds. He then was sec­ Practice for the team was Jackson, Frank Mendes, Law­ Garlto, 2b ’ . 3* 0 0 field Saturday, then- the Red sons and requested that a ll ber clubs, Raritan y /c7, Perth ond to Bob Waterman, Tenafly Impossible. Frank Cherney rence Polan, James Lawson. and White tied it up In the Amboy; Bay Y. . c. High, to the last hurdle of the and Jimmy Hoyt are not Peter M«riolis, James Stultz, 28 5 10 sixth and. exploded for six runs members attend. final when his foot caught and happy-elttier with the sorry- Terrance Fitzgerald, Alfred k /W £ -L H > THEATRE Bayville Regional (2)' and . Richmond County Y.C., dragged. This threw Jonesjjff looking Cllffwood Ave.. * field VanPelt, Donald Walker, , Rt. 35 al Circle * EA 3-S760 JL—L’Sxi't- :'-V-'': ' ' ■ '• " ab r .h In the final inning to win, 7-1. Oreot Kills, In addition to Key­ stride. The superlative quality on which ’their PBA boys Thomas Gevas, James Car­ Blttenbender, »il 3 ‘ 1 i BUI Hogan, KHS pitcher, was vces port, adopted a summer sche­ of Jones showing is indicated hart, Leon Dlmlck, Harry Hoff, Children Always Free have to ploy since nothing Richard Wilson, Chris Day.. ^ _ Shows Nightly at Dusk Lowe, lb • A~0 0 touched'hyRumBorr for'a run dule of raclngw hlch Include.-: by-the'wlrinlng-time of Water­ has been done/yqt about the (Box Office Opens at Golembeskl, p - 4 0 1 In the first on a walk, Infield Riant RBGISJ.V. four lnteroluba. man, 20.5 seconds,' - . recreation area adjoining the Keyport Aces with H: Dubois 7 p.m.) ~ Pine, If 7 3 0 out and a single. Hogan blank­ \ ■ ; , ,, ... , -■A Keyport skipper, Art BllJ iDld.WeU In Shot Put r.v Little League field. „ ' and A. Caruso_as coach and ''/Mil.- 'I/!*?! ' ' v Eayres, 2b 3 0 1 Keyport High's Jayved base­ '-Another Matawan athlete 'to manager: ttatik- DUBots? lived, to Sat, May ‘il ‘(o W - Xiques, - - - — — - 2 -0 0 ed, the Bulldogs tho rest of the ball team gave Red Bank Cath­ cox, was chosen commodore of do his best for the season was ■ * • * . ' Leonardls, J i m Alger, Ted Clark Gable Wibursehdd/0 of . ^ 1 1 0 way, allowing only two more olic’s Jayvee' nine a thumping the newly-reorganized racing John Germann In the shot put. LOS ANGELES DODGERS Barker, Bud Hyer, Fred Jones, Burt Lanoaster . .. Firth, rf J7 : S 40 0 hits, fanning eight batters and at KHS field May 14, score a association. Other officers are Here again It was the case of rookie development team Bunky Hill, Steve Ganz, Joe ■ — in — -iWi 2 0 0 walking only one more. 12-0 victory behind the one-hit good competition setting a pace may be the summertime base­ Chelduski, Stanley Smith, Joe "RUN SILENT, .. , Kier, 3b V 0 Tom Williams, R 1 o h m o n d ball attachment of Dave Jones, RUN DEEP" . , Hasse weakened In the. sixth. Pitching of Funkin Brown. L?w County, vice commodore In for a man to make a better Mullaney, Wayne Steneck, Les­ — P lu s , , 20 ^2 3 Butch TopalowskI, first KHS Wells took a turn on the mound showing than he ever had be­ star pitcher-catcher of the cur­ ter Brown, George Henry and Sterling Hayden ...... Score by Innings: man In the frame, jolted him for the Keys late In the game. charge of sail; Bill B e n oh, fore. Germann had been rently highly Sueeessful Mata­ Ken Marr. • ' Anita Ekberg Matawan \ 400 010 0 -5 with a two-bagger. TopalowskI Keyport took all element of Princess Bay, vice commodore around 42 feet with the' shot to wan High School nine. MHS The schedule for next week's In "VALERIE" v Bayville Reg., 100 100 0—2 came home when Ray Scuro- contest out of tho game in the in charge of power: Al Wil­ Saturday. His heave at Engle­ baseball Coach George Deltz games ls as follows: Monday, Also Fri. & Sat. Cartoon : . zo was safe on an error. The first two Innings. The Red and li a m s„ Raritan, secretary- wood was 48 feet. It still was explains the Dodgers’ are. at­ Jets vs. Raritan Twp. home, - Carnival : ...... ‘ White scored1 four runs'In the trensurer, and George (Chuck) hot enough In a field where the tempting to make up for tbe Aces vs, Matawan Twp. — Extra.— ' Rumson Kennel Club Keys later filled the sacks but Bolte, Keyport, measurer and loss of minor league farm Fri.,1 Chapter 5 of "Bat- could not score. However, In first on hits by Ditsle Jackson, winning toss was 64 feet, 7 3/4 away; May 28,'Aces vs. Unrd’h •man and Robin.".— Alio,. Show Slated Saturday the seventh, Larry Chenowcth Bob Chromy, Brown and Ray racing director. inches by Henry Korn, Steph- teams by promotinr this trav­ Beach home, Jets vs. Engllsh­ Sat,, Late Horror Featur#.,,; ( sent them on the way to vic­ Souorzo, a walk and sacrifice Thore will be racing In six anio High, White Plains, N. Y. eling baseball club of high town, away. Sporting bieeds will share tory with a lead-off hit. Bill fly: They doubled this score in one-design classes, Stars, But despite the discrepancy be- school ball players of promise, -Sun. • Mon. - Tues.T the spotlight at the foi'throlil- Friedrich find ScUfbzo walked the-sccond-when-Brown doub­ Lightnings,-Thistles, Highlands tween-Germann. and-the- win­ it Is a.n amatour aggregation -May-«5 ^26^21-. lng Monmouth County Kennel to fill the bases and BUI led with the bases loaded and crs, Comets and Penguins; In ner, the MHS shot putter's re­ with only the transportation ex­ "THE LEFT HANDED Club’s twenty-eighth a n n u a 1 Louche singled home the win­ came home himself on an In­ three handicap classed, and In sponse to good competition was penses of the players, such as Get Your Tickets GUN" ...___; dog show, on Saturday, May 24 field out. - ' two classes of sailing auxiliar­ most heartening to Coach Car­ they would get In high school, with Paul Newman ning runs. A sacrifice fly and ies, one for auxiliaries under paid. If the players show prom­ Llta Milan at the Rumson Country Club, safe blows by Al Lewandowskl The KHS Jayvee team also acciolo. Now For — Plus ■ Rumson. Of added Interest and Jack Hell rolled up the defeated Jamesburg Jayvees 35 feet and the other for those Short won his heat in the 120- ise and are beyond their per­ "THE GIRL MOST will be the two retriever dem­ score for the Keys. ■’ last week, 5-2, with Dick Chap­ over. Sailing auxiliaries will yard high hurdles, but tripped iod of high school eligibility, - LIKELY” - . onstrations to be held during Keyport Freshmen (7) man tossing tho winning pitch­ race Sunday mornings of inter­ on the first hurdles In the fi­ as Jones will be next spring, "THE BOYFRIEND" in Technicolor with__ - the course of the show and fol­ ' : fib ing. The Red and White sec­ club weekends on courses of 15 nals and was ruled out. they get a Dodger tryout ond - Jane Powell / ...... lowed by tho American Point­ TopalowskI, lb ...... 4 onds remain unbeaten, ----- miles minimum, ' - Kay’s perlormance In the placement with a minor lea­ -A* Cliff Robertson...... er Club's field trial at Free­ Seurzo, -o -:...... 3 Keyport Jayvees (18) First Interclub June 14-15 pole vault amazed the Mata­ gue team the year following hold, tho following day. Loucho, 3b '3 . , ab r First Interclub ls slated for wan onlookers. This athlete, their ploy with Dodger Rook­ St. Joseph's Aud. FREE PLAYGROUND Among tho four clubs hold­ the Perth'Amboy club on June who hod been hoping to make ies. Deltz also Is taking Jones Hogan, p 3 Ben Jackson, 2b '2 14-15. The one-deslgns and han­ and pitcher Carl Stephens to ing their annual specialty Lewandowskl, of - 4 L. Chenoweth, 2b 1 the 11 feet mark before the South Amboy for a tryout with June 6 and 7 show at the Rumson event will Inf anti,. If 2 Ammaturo, ss 3 dicaps will race at 2 p.m. Sat­ season was over (his best pri­ .i s _be .the American Pointer Club Hell, If ^ , 1 Chromy, cf 3 urdays and 1 p.m. Sundays at or mark was 10 feet, 8 Inches) the famed Briggs teams of which will be Judged by Mr. Raynor, 2b 4 Raynor, of ,1 Interclubs. The second Inter- not only attained his objective that place. It was playing with ‘' Y.vtencs Phillips. The Vllmar's Brown, p, lb ' 2 jslub will be at Keyport July in endeavoring to meet the Briggs in state semi-pro tour­ Lucky Challenge Trophy fo r Chenoweth, 84 ■ 3 26-27rThen will come one at classy competition at E n g re­ neys that gained the coach’s Sakln, rf ' -' 2. Wilson, lb 2 Princess Bay Aug. 13-14 a n d brother, Harold, the know how pointer specialty shows will be. Friedrich, rf 0 Wells, P ’ ' 0 wood but went on to do 11 feet, in facing gnod hatters t h a t offered by Mrs, J. M. Rich for Louche—3b :—------2 the F.ensonwll] conclude with 2 Inches, for-.n-tle_.for /fourth Keyport 7-0452 Best of Breed. Among the out­ : .2 9 7 TopalowskI, 3b an Interclub at Great Kills place In tlie open division. Tlie makes him one of the out standing entries will bo Ch. over Labor Day weekend. winning height was' feet, T Rumson Freshmen (1) Scuorzo, If The July Interclub at Key­ 12 Nd. Arlington ...... 5 Today • Tomorrow * Saturday . May 22-23-24 Prune's Own Cavalcade and a . ab r Hell.- -If • • Itch by Denny Hassett, Bishop Slate Street ...... ft promising young dog, Barblll's port will be a part of the 50th Loughlin, Brooklyn, This com­ Hackensack ...... 5 Continuous Saturday — Starting 1:45 P.M, Roche, ss Scalone, lb anniversary celebration of tlio Lyndhurst ...... 4 Shooting Star. Tralnor, If Freldrlch, Zlb pleted the scoring that allowed Pascack Valley ...... __ 4 THUNDERING DOUBLE-ACTION FROM HtAV£N TO HEU. AND BACK I , Other sporting group special­ local club; The Raritan Bay the MHS athletes to take homo Boys . 4 Adamson, 2b Inf anti, rf Yacht Racing Association orig­ Conception ...... 4 ties will be that of tho English Mllley, 3b . Lewandowskl, rf seven medals. '' Montclair ...... 4 Cocker Spaniel Club of Amer­ inally was formed before The kind of competition that Hlver Dell ...... - 3 Schanck, of Sakln, p World War I. It ceased activ­ Union 3 ica to be Judged by_.Clyde S. Shiitman, 3b Mntawan, a Oroup I s c li o o 1, Milburn ...... 3 Heck, nnd the Eastern Ger­ 26 12 7 ity during the war years and was engai.-lng at Englewood North Vnlley ...... M— man Shorthalrcd Pointer Club Weiss; rf was not revived until the late Bronx Vocational ..... 2 Hoffman, c Red Bank Cathollo J.V. (0) can be seen from this final Tenafly 1 to be Judged by Harold O. Fue­ ab r. h Donald S. Lockwood, Keyport, compilation of points In the Essex Catholic ...... 1 hrer, The latter club will spon­ Hasse; p was a prime mover In having meet. Delbarton ...... 1 sor a retrieving demonstration Carruto, 2b 2 0 0 lt relnstltutcd In 1932 The RB- OPEN POINT scoims 35 1 4 Harding, 3b -3 0. St. Francis ...... - 34 for the breed at approximate­ 2 0 YRA then became one of the Tenafly . IS ly 2 p.m. The fourth spoclalty Score by Innings: Scliulz, lb, p foremost racing associations In Union . . 14 Keyport Frosh 0000 019—7 Nugent, c 3 0 Columbus . 10 . show will be that of the Bor­ 3 0 the country with well over 100 Adams . 0 zois-Club of America, to be Rumson Frosh 1000 000—1 Manzl, of crarts racing In each interclub Woodrow Wilson ...... 9 Ryan, ss 2 0 It became historically associ­ Boys . • . 8'i Judged by Mrs. Milton. Erlan- E, Kennedy, ss 0 0 Bldjfefield Bark ■ gcr.. ' ' " ated with lhc.foundlug of the Jackson ...... r Opener Delayed Abbes, rf - - 2 0 Comet Class; now ' Internation­ P a l m y r a ...... 7 -£AT|S OFEN EVERY NIGHT ol 6:30 P.M. Link, If . 0 0 Chaminado ...... — . 7 ; * SHOW MARTS AT OUSK .PWllpJ3M?.l.dL„ynlon Bench, ally the largest of the one-de­ Brooklyn-Auto ....-...... - ...... 7 CaITOON-A HAMA - IVtir'flL lAT. IUN. announced the opening parade Lammello, - If—— -1"_- 0 sign racing groupsb> Fort Hamilton .. Conway, p - ,, o' 0 Bayslde - • ■ S!i Sunday - Monday - Tuesday May 25-20-27 and game of tbe Union Beach World War II dealt another Stepint* — ...... 5 • Continuous Sunday Starting 1:45 P.M. NISS Little League wiil bp delayed. Eagen, lb 2 0 blow to tho activities of the Wlnjfate ...... —— . 5 MUburn ' ...... 3 WED.l KING SOLOMONS MINES X — Big Features — % ' ~ ' A new date for oponing day Association and it was only Leonla ...... 5 ceremonies.U May_30, Activi­ 20 0 1 partially restored after that Loughlin — . 5 “ £ \ (SWISH ties were approved by the Un- conflict. Racing died out en­ Lincoln .. 45 ’ KERR ton'Bea'ClrBorouglr Council r~ tirely—at—the —Staten--Island PlainfieldKnglcwood r-”'-*.-r.r--:r.rr:r.rr::r*...... ;--4 - ev& yoj Trenton «500,? May 30 SI. Helena- ...... 4 I In the early 1950s and with lt George Washington .— ...... -4 Largest t to o k car racing the association. But In the past Mt, St. Michael , 4 SEVIN BRIMS Stony-Brook ...... - ...... 3 li ^ SEVEN BROTHERS' prize purse to be offered in two years there has been a Hackensack ... , 3 Cii<*n«3cop« (ndCOtOR this state will be put up at marked revival of Interest ond Nq, Arlington . 3 JANEPOWElt-HOmKFn Trenton for the 500-mile Grand the restoration of Ihe associ­ Cranford ...... 2 kot.£k(tJ2.7 Matawan . 2 National Championship Mem­ ation has come due to popular Alexander Hamilton ...... , 2 Last Xlmc Today (Thurs.) orial Day. Tho first p r I z o demand from the budding new Dumont ...... ;...... 1 fri: ANTHONY QUINN Kcton Hall IN .J.) ...... ;--- . I Wire Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. - Sat Stewart Granger in “ KING SOLOMON'S MINKS" monoy at Trenton Speedway skippers nt the member clubs F’ordhanv Prep.i...... 1 SOPHIA LOREN May 28-29-30-11 . ... , — Color — And will total $0500 and .total prizes No, Plainfield ...... 1 TUES. "7 BRIDES FOR 7 BROTHERS" ClncmaScopc-Coior Si. -Mary’s ------... Will amount to $20,000. Defend-, It you need printing ol any Manhasset ...... ; . 7 r Starts Friday — For 5 Big bays ...... lng national champion B uck kind, we nre here to serve you TECH WICO LOU t MARLON MONTGOMERY DEAN Anthony Qiilnn.— ilophla,Loren .....----- . ManhattanNOVICE- POINT SCOllES - ^.1 rw Baker; Charlotte; N.C.r'*nnd Our quick-servlco nnd reason-' Plainfield ...... BRANDO - CLIFT- MARTIN "ATTIIA " In Technicolor — and Leo Petty, Randlcmnn, N C., a able pnce> will please you. Hackensack ...... *!• former, national champ who( Hainscv -...... 'OEIDRNTUiWRBOW' ^ ■ ‘Robert Wagner — Debra Paget Tcaneck ...... ,-s...... — „ PHIL CIBtr • Technicolor now Is 'leading the fight for the How about business cords' Matavs’a n ...... - "WHITE FEATHER" 1050 crown, head the field Wo can supply them quickly Knglcwood ...... i . CincmnRconc-CoIor Wingate ...... ; ClNBMA5cOPE PLAY LA N 05 BW M T Best in tilttfewJnrS^/CHILDREN urJ/ rFREE which Includes many of. tlio and at-tho right price. Come Illdgcfleld Park ...... » star drivers In llio nation. and lry us. . .. (continued in next column) B ■ » I 9 4 M t > • ! ' - . - ^ ;• • T (■& M organville Gar Burns Up The Tracks Matawan Seeded Third Of 16 IriJ Stock Cars Back BAYSHORE JUNIOR Greater Newark Baseball Tourney pk~t i ». ,*• , r ' 2 * . r *' I ' M i f In Action At 0. B. HIGH SCHOOL Block car racing drivers got MATAWAN JOURNAL Matawan H 1 g h’s baseball more to make lt safe. Bloom I- * *, ^ f ^ out from under the rain clouds team was honored signally last committed another error at me l , i e Ji’- vu /V* *SKr>*’ at Old Bridge Stadium Sundaj CONFERENCE First Bectlfa weekend when the Essex Coun­ start when he tossed wide to ’ lr *' ' *'35, * -* night for their first churning of May 22, 1958 Page Eleven ty Coaches Association, seed­ first on Pete Bennett's ground­ the valves and carburetors In Cllffwood clinched Ihe cham­ Walker, c . i ing the teams for the 1958 er. Jones singled, sending Ben­ Uirce weeks. The veteran t oo pionship Friday In tho Bay­ Barr, If , W y < Greater Newark Baseball Tour­ nett to second. Stephens Ulg hands at tlie truck were shore Junior lllgh School Con­ McKnlglit, If 0 nament, placed Matawan third grounded out, but Johnson trip­ startled when a new driver ference by defeating Mlddlc- McCornmck, 2b 0 of all teams ln th; state. To led to center, scoring Bennett sped away wltli tho honors. town Township, defending Wilson, 2b 0 “6eed” a team means to rank and Jones. The rain wns com-. Joe Kelly, a comparative champs 3 0. Lefty Yates, Cllff­ VanDeusen. rf I and estimate ln advance 11 s Ing down and, when Faust- ' newcomer to New Jersey rac­ wood pitcher, gained his fifth DellaPletro, rf 0 chances of reaching the'finals m ain grounded to B ) c o m , a ing, who halls from Hat­ nhutout of the season ln blank­ Sickles, rf 0 . of a championship tournament. third error for the Toms River field, Pa., turned in a mag­ ing tho Mlddielo'vners. VanSyckle, p 0 Only two schools, both Group shortstop resulted when he nificent ride to win ilie 25-lnp Au overthrow of first on & Morrell, p 0 IV, unbeaten Montclair and threw badly to first, Johnson NASCAR stock car feature ground bull in Iho sucond Inu- Nutley, received ‘.he nod over scoring. The umpires then de­ race at Old Bridge, as wild Ing upset Uio pitching effort of 3311 19 the Maroon and Steel. A 16- cided the rain was too much racing produced a 15-enr plle- Harry Ilunsen, hurler for_ lh«M M:t rlliorn Twp. IS) team field was chosen ln which and called the game: I up before the contest was end­ Middletown nine. Rich V cm s ab r h the seedlngs were ‘ os follows Matawan IS) : ed . - nnd Ducky Davis unhoped Lainberson, 2b 3 0 0 —(1958 records In parenthesis): ab h Kelly, who had raced ut the hbmo wllh the runs to decide Egan, 3b ...... Mbntclalr (16-0): Nutley (13-4): Jackson, rf 2 0 0 5lndfuni only twice before, it on the overthrow' on u Ihird Doycc, 3b Matawan (11-0): West Side. Bennett, rf 3 1 1 made It n clean sweep us lie out piny. 1 Croddlok, ss , Newark (10-1): Linden (10-4); Jones, c 2 1 1 i copped nn earlier 10-lap heat Middletown must finish off a •Eirt, e • ■ St. Peter’s. Jersey City (10 0); Stephens, p ' 2 1 0 (race. Starling 21st', ns far buck same with MuUiwnn to decide Farrell, p Railway (10-1): Trenton (9-1). Johnson, cf » 3 1 1 as he could be handicapped who will finish second. Conch lljorstm, lb . 2 0 Unsccded teams, less favored Faustmann, If 3 1 1 and trailed only by threo con­ Fred‘aem&beck's nine was Falco, If / 11 combinations to furnish first Rankl, lb 3 0 0 solation -qualifiers, Kelly pick­ iihend H O when the gnmc wns llecker, of 1 0 Toririd opposition for the seeded O. Wathington, 3b 2 0 0 ed off rival after riynUunUlJio halted by darkness, . ' Phillips, rf i i nines, are Belleville (6-1) ; Han­ Garito, 2b 1 0 0 . caught up with tlio three’ lead- Mntawan won their way Into over Park (8-0): Roselle (9-3): (era, Bill--McCarthy, Kumsun, th e contending; position by 17 2 St. Benedict’s (10-3): St. Pet­ 21 5 4 Bud Olson, Paulsboro and Bob eliminating Marlboro Town­ er’s, New Brunswick (8-3); 7 Toms River (0)> Boudtnot, New Brunswick, by ship, 11-2. The Matawnn team New Softball League Weequahic, Newark, (7-4), and . ab r b Jack Iloward, Port Monmouth, who pilot* tiovlcc slock car 996, owned and built by Torn the 20th lap, lie took McCar­ was in command in this ono all Falco, Morganville, has been showing his exhaust pipe to all other novice compclitors as Openers Held Sunday .Woodbridge (7-2). A. Smith, p /. . 2 0 0 he has set a blistering pace by winning three straight. Shown above, ho accepts a trophy from thy for the lead ln tlio 31tl clr tho way aftbr Jack Farrell, The Maroon and Steel ball- Rickrtls, lh ...... "w_2.. 0 0 the starter, for his first win at Old Bridge Stadium. Ue repeated this feat nt Wall Stadium cult of the half-mile speedway Marlboro pltclier, got off to a Opening day nctlvirPe.s of the tossers will swing Into action Bloom, ss 2 0 0 Saturday night, and again Sunday night at Old Bridge. and won by two car lengths bad st art by wulklng two but­ ln the tournament today on Canfield, c 1 0 0 llard-Foucht Rvent ters and hitting a third. Bill Iturllan Township llomu Own­ their own field, opposing Thom­ Peek, 3b 2 0 0 McCarthy bnrcly took second Bowlo then slammed out an ers' Assoclullon sof'.biU lea­ as Jefferson High. Elizabeth, Nesta. rf 200 place with Olson scrnplng fend­ extra baser to bring in three gue were held on Bunday, Thm ; . at 2:30 p.n). This fame orig- P. Smith, cf 2 0 0 ers with hint at the checkered Mutuwan runs. Acc VanDcu- Is an lnter-devclopmeni-league ■ lnally was scheduled ‘ for yes- Fenlmore, If 1 0 0 flag, while Houdlnot settled for son whacked out another long with games bolng played ' on tefday but was put over one Byrne, 2b • 1 0, 0 fourth, It wns the hardest- htt to make it five before Uio day because of a track meet. fought event of the young sen frame was over, - Sunday nt tho Boers .81 and ' It also gave MHS pitcher Carl 15 0 0 Keyport ,68 son at Old Bridge. Dun to weather troubles, Iluzlot Flic Company fields. Stephens an extra day of rest. Keyport Businessmen's league Keansburg class trips and Uio closeness of Sidney Christianson »thlut,c Mar 14 Individual lllah-Game 935 Of the 15 cars llmt smashed exams, It is not expected the director for tlio association, an- -i... First, round games pitting El-Moe-Kl “ o r Ross—Keyport . 268 Into each other and the guard nouncod opening day results as Rahway against St. Peter’s KHS Track Team Village TV (2) Wyckolf—Keyport ■ rail In tho fourth lap all were teams will attempt lo make up follows: Nnrgate Manor 15, (N.B.) on Monday; Hanover Tourlne’s Tavern (3) JLohsen—Kennsliurg 244 able to resume racing but fur­ Uielr remaining jiamca, Fleetwood 2; RarlUn Ridge Park vs. West Side. Tuesday, Blodgett’s Restaurant' (0) Team Illth Series 234 ther crnckupa slimmed down Cliffwood (5) over Woodland Park, .12-4; will have been played, weather Tops Sayreville Keyport Wine Si Liquor (3) Union Beach - 2746 the field to 17 of the original .... _ »b r h Foxwood over Split Rook, 4-3; allowing. Today Roselle plays Keyport Cleaners (0) Keyport ’ ■ 2722 34-starters., , --­ B WaUilngton. c . 4 10 at Linden, Belleville plays, at First dual meet triumph was Middletown Lanes (1) Atlantlo Highlands ’2624 Behr, 3b . .200 and Chestnut Util running posted by Keyport High’s track ~ Varlese Construction (2) Individual Illfh Serlek Heat race wlnnero. In uddt- C, watMngton, a ; 3 0 .1 away with Onrdon Parkway, Montclair arid St. Benedict’s at forces Monday ot KHS field Keller’s Liquor Store.... (2> Marchetti—At. Highlands' 657 tlon to Kelly, .Were Al DeAnge- 25-2. : • . St. Peter’s tomorrow after- when the. Red and White out­ Buck Smith’s (1> Barker—Union Beach 552 lo, Queens: Village, N, Y. and Yates, jv ® 9 noon,.and In a pair:of 2 p.m. performed Sayreville, 65 2/3 to 1 C/role Chevrolet . (2> Ross—Keyport ■ .638 Johnny Rocco, St. Albans, Vona, o X. 1 4 1 1 game s Saturday Weequahic 51 1/3...... Burlew's Restaurant (1) • 1 N.Y„ Don Stumpfrstate oliam-, Collins, 3b 2 0 -Q. Ei-Moc-Ki Joins ^ plays at Nutley and Wood ... Bru.ce, >suL., Cisiwi Boathouse (3) plon frdrn Ridgefield Park, Davia, rf- *; * k 0 ' bridge, at TYwrrhav.' - ■ ■ ' ■ ■ - -seora, Recreation Leaguo captured Die 12-lap con»o)». (oSftflBM' from foiirtli column! . Flem ing took five firsts be­ Team , ~ ' Ceypott Auto Store (2) . -885 772 770 J. Brown; ir 11 Falimtl, If 3 0 2 , Severe Test Expected tween them for the Keys. Sten­ Ei-Moe-Kl _ 88 34 Tetro's Casino (II. . Hon. 1 - ‘ Matawan appears to be In eck won both hurdles and the Tourlne’s Tavern 63% 33% 762 814 612 Noylce Race Fierce \Val*cr«, Ib a o l Nagle, 3b J 0 0 for a severe lest with Thomas pole vault. Fleming surprised Village TV ’ 63% 38% Crystal Recreation (2) " . 831 -928 658 The 12-lap novlco race was a B, Boyoe, e ' - : 1 0 0 :. Jefferson, even though that the spectators by outfootlng his • Koypqrt Wine ti Llflubr 68% 42% Hygrade Foods cl) ■ 822 843 794 fierce pffalr which eventually ■ • " ' .. 27 3 3 R Brown, rf • s 0 O' Group IV team was not one of favored, teammate, Frankie Blodgett's Restaurant .59 43 Keyport Recreation, (2) 856 787 776 went to Jack Howard, Port Middletown Township 10) VanPelt, lb 3 0 0 . th ose seeded. Jeff pitcher. Gar- Dawson, ln both dashes. Chris - Keyport Cleaners - .....- - 55W-46K Zl:o’s cl) ...... 795 740 807 Monmouth, over Leo 1 n g 11 n, ab r h Davino, of .300 ry Morlt, showed he was ready j Heal score(j a gratifying win ln Varlese Construction 50(4 51% Sputnik Five (3) 786 ‘ 721 796' Flemlngton, and the rest of bterivl, 2b 0 0 0 Zftmpong,-3b------rM -o -O —- for Matawan’s batters when be Middletown Lanes 49 53 Tierney's Beverages (1) 724 741 748 the rookie brigade. Hanson, p Miller, p 3 0 .0 pitched a no-hltter Saturday In the 440 and Jim Burke crashed Buck Smith's . 48% 53% "■ ■: i; Standings Bunday night racing began Foulkes, lh through In the half-mile. As the Keller’s Liquor Store 47% 54% . Team W l ' Quentlior, o '22 0 3 • . blanking .Westfield, 5-0, in* a winners were not pressed, Circle Chevrolet - 47% 84% Keyport Auto Store 62 34 with this program and will con­ .Union County Conference tour­ times were not outstanding ex­ Boathouse n _ 45% 56% , Tetro's casino — 59 40 tinue wltli Friday night racing Richards, 3b nament game. The Maroon and cept for Steneck’s 21.9 ln the Burlew’s Restaurant • - 45 57 Crystal Recreation 58% 49% slated to start Juno 0 at .the Michaels, of ab r h Steel has the second.vioost dlf- low hurdles. Vln Taylor and Scorns Construction 14 88 Hygrade Foods 56 43 stadium. Morkor, If Fatoo, 2b . a- 0 0 flcult openlng round assign* Jack Kennedy also picked up Keyport Reoreotlon 46% 52% Kelly first flashed his wares Lo Prostl, rf L, Tomasello, 2b i 0 0 • ment of- any seeded team. Ifi points as hurdles for the Keys. Monmouth County Lions ZIto's f .42% 66% ln these parts whon he took Bulllvanl, p Votta, of 3 0 1 . • the toughest spot Is L i n d c n, Ed Blckham got seconds for - M ay-19...... ; . . Tierney’s Beverages 35% 88% the honors of tho opening night Soalzo, ss ' » 0 0 who today must play Roselle Union Beach . (3) _ ' Team High Gi , ...... ■ ■ 19 0 3 TosUno, rf 3 1 2 KHS In both the broad Jump Keansburg (0) Cryatal . at Wall Stadium May 10. Last 0 Q.tO a g a i n / Roselle put Linden out and high Jump. Fleming pick­ Keyport (0) Hygrade.. . Saturday Kelly had lo yield a Hoore by Innings I ' - - II. Tamaaello, rf ol Union County play Saturday. ed up a third In the pole vault , Middletown 13) Auto Supply place at Wall to Ralph Per­ Cllffwood 0200 . 001-3 Longo, If 1 2 0 0 . Matawan had trouble getting and' Heal in the broad Jump Atlantlo Highlands. (1% ) y . .. .Individual Hlgji Garni kins, Trenton driver, Two long­ Middletown 0000 00 0-0 ingoqgiato, it 1 0 0 - a suitable time and place to for the Keys. Funkin Brown ’ Fair Haven - K irk ' ...... standing favorites, Lcn.Brown, . ' Matawnn'(11) ' DlOlurt, 8b . 3 0 2 J‘. play. Being the seeded team* slipped a bit ln the Javelin jn - - FINAL s t a n d in g s Zlto._~— __ Lambertvllle, and McCarthy ■' , ‘ ( nb r h Andrewa, lb 3 1 ^^they-had- the.. rlght to be the - -Team - : ■ W I# - Devine- ' - took turns at gofng out lo long flcliuber. ct '' " ' 1 2 0 N a iip l.d ^ - b taking second at. 140 feet,__.He ~ UnlonBeuoli------*71-— S8- -Team-Mlgh-Serlea— HlloW.1, o f. j— BtefUn, ti :.... 3 I 1 //' home team against the' Jeffs. h^sbeen doing over 150 .feet,; . >S Keyport . . i 3 8 . c m w , ■ a . lesaa ~m the 100-lap Bprlng . MHS CoachTG&^dU'eltrsoUght ~ Pick Up Three Thirds-. / c : Keansburg V V ' •41" ■-■■ s * Auto'Buptrtbrit1"1 *■*- ’’’ Classic race at Wall only to llonslor, of > , 0 0 to get’Waters Stadium, Perth Fred Rothenberg picked up - Atlantic Highlands ■. Hygrade • ' . have mechanical failures solid Kovlno, so ,, 3 2 25 ’3 -7 ■ ■, V Amboy, for the game.When this a third for the Keys a fair­ Fair Haven ■ & a»- , Individual Hlih Series them to tho sidelines while tlie Anthony, ss 2 0. 0 Hoore'by Innlngsi ' . field waa being used by a ly fast mile. ‘Lawson got a Middletown 39 69 Zlto .jv' ■ : . other drivers sped by and Flerios, 3b 4 I 3 Atlantic Tile :-----1001 00-3 - Perth Amboy city league team, third in the discus. Bill Team Blah Gama K irk ! . away from them, Kelly then Bowie, lb 4 2 2 1 Old Mill Dairy 0000 0 0 -0 last night, the MHS coach de- O'Sh&ugnessy became a first Union Beach .. ’ 975 " Cleclerskl . • • got out In front, but on the 90th elded the game should be play­ time point winner for the Keys lap, Kelly also ran Into our . ed either at Keyport's field. If when he came ln third In the Toma River (3) trouble and Perkins sped SHADES that should be available, or 44Q. Second KHS Win ab r h Toms River Tops •way alone to triumph. : Matawan's home field, if It Sayreville had won several A. Smith, U 3 1 0 . . .were not too wet. dual meets during the season, Ricketts, lb 3 0 1 CUT TO MEASURE Matawan rolled along un­ so the Keyport triumph over Over Toms River Bloom, ss . 3 1 0 Raider Thinclads beaten In its Shore Conference the Bombers provided needed Keyport Hlgh'6 balltossers Canfield, c 2 0 1 Orieratlns without the serv­ ‘No Exlru Charge” *4B’* schedule, Carl Stephens encouragement during the showed they had recovered Kuntz, c 1 0 0 ices of. their star hurdler, r.'pitchlng' hls“ third no-hltter In week or the Shore Conference from the disappointment of Feck, 3b 3 0 1 Bruce Steneck, Keyport High's h f Your Hardware Department Stere r defeating Toms River, 5-0, at “ B" track meet, at Toms Riv­ their Matawan defeat when Nesta., rf 2 0 0 track forces were not at a l l MHS field Thursday in an ab- er Saturday. they took the measure of Toma P. Smith, cf . 3 0 0 up' lo par ln their meet at SUMMARY ...... a „,^i^iaUd-«an^He,show5d.Ae. ■ ■I00"y«rd'JaW’— •Woirby~rtemiivg' River Friday-5-3r-on the—-In­ .Wecbkua^p.— .i. o. Toms-Rlver May T5.- The Red ..wan primed for the effort . Time 1J-7 secs. , against Thomas Jefferson. Sle- 220 yard dash — Won by Hemin* speedball pitcher, locked In a at the hands of the'Indians 87 26-28 W. FRONT ST., KEYPORT, N J. phens -Jfanned 10 and walked (K), 2nd Lawson (K>, 3rd PackowiKt tight duel with Bernle Wech* 25 3 4 30. It was their most severe We MUMS' (S). Time: 23.4 »ecs. Score bjr Innings: one1 in the flve-lnnlng game. 440 yard dash — Won by Heal (K), kus, Indian hurler, for five Inn­ dual meet^ setjiack- of the sea­ Alble Smith, Tonw R1ver pltch- 2nd Adell (S). 3rd O’Saughancy (K). ings before Red and White Keyport 0001 022-5 son, ' ' ~' - Time: 5S.2 sees. . Toms River 0001 002-3 er, fanned three and walked 880 yard run — Won by Burke (K), batsmen got busy for the runs The. Keys ,tock four firsts four...... 2nd Green iiiyb-jump won'r/'/'Vrii'iriyrnnr -WelJiLJl _*„. _____CL.iL.ft. — 01d-*M lllr»-m a i n- fteorinK 2nd Frank (TH), 3rd ItiiVbam iK) LoPresto/p ...... 2 0. 1 threat vyas on a triple by Al s rt., jo Jo*, Your Hardware Department Store Foie vault - - Won hr "g * )ft '(T IM . Perry, ss 301 Faldutl In" the first but'he waa 2nd Johrunn (TH). 3rd Hurry (TH1 Blckham, rf ” 3*00 cut down at the plate trying to tielKht: |» t* , 9 im. Jackpon, 2b 3 1 1 Bcore.on an Infield out. j Ammaturo. 3b 2 11 ' Old MUI Dairy DefcriHc Botiris pay th** innlr I Chromy. cf '200 (01ab r li rate of intcrfftt the War This Ad Paid For By The Keyport Chamber Of Commerce *’ ")■ •- ’ ■’ ' — DiMaUia,.**.; V 3, o 0 Bonds you bought during the 4M a 7 (continued lu eighth column; war. Buy somel , , Crash When Car Door LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE $2,173,000 Bonds with oil heat, with 2 car cement title and interest, ABRAHAM. now Marlboro) County of Monmoutfc ~ block garage. - WARNE, his heirs, devisees, and per­ and State of New Jersey, and which Is Swung Open On Left (continued from page one)^ The tract of land la suitable tor sonal- representatives, and his, their, was conveyed to Al/red'-Wame. now '.WE for the new school. David Wat- development. dec'd in his lifetime by deed from Summonses were Issued four Twenty \20% ) per cent of the bid or any of-their successors in right; Hendrick V- P* Schanck and wife pon was a lone “ no" on the price to be paid at the time of sale. title and interest, - RONSON. f. dated July 2, 1829 (and not at this drivers In two accidents In Balance within 30 days. Terms can WARNE. individually, and as Execu­ time recorded) known and designated HlATAWAN J0URNA1 Keyport during the past week. proposal to call an election be arranged. tor of Estate of Grace Warne and as Lot No. two (2) in the division For further information, telephone Trustee for MARY JANE HENDER­ of lands owned formerly by said First Section Patrolman Donald Nuss, bor­ as soon as" possible. He believ­ or see EZRA W. KARKUS. 41 Broad SON and RICHARD HENDERSON, Schanck, Nicholas Cottrell and Rob­ Street, Keyport, New Jersey.' Tele­ his heirs, devisees and personal rep­ ert Matthews, and in the said deed T'afire Twelve May ZZ, 1958 ough police,., reported be was ed a vote should be postponed phone Keypoft 7*1200. ' - resentatives and his. their or any of described as - follows: Beginning at KARKUS, KANTOR . their successors in right, title and in­ the distance of one chain from the an eye witness to an accident until schools are open again In & BURNS,-.- ^ terest and MRS. RONSON J. WARNE. inost northerly corner of Lot No. 1 al-. on B r o a d St. Thursday In (September. - Attorneys Ws wile, RONSON W. STILLWELL, jotted to Nicholas Cottrell on a course The board voted to allow ' 41 Broad Street his heirs, devisees and personal rep­ ol north 22 degrees 9 minutes east; Disabled Must , which Joseph Barnett, Lake Keyport, New Jersey resentatives and his, their, or any of thence (1) reversing said course couth the Laurence Harbpr Little BROKERS PROTECTED their successors. In right, title and 22 degrees 9 minutes west to the be­ Shore, , . Rd., . , Cllffwood.. Beach. , League to construct a 200-by- m »8.«4 . Interest -and MRS. RONSON W. ginning of Lot No. 1 aforesaid; thence Just had parked a car and was4200.(bool field on the Memorial STILLWELL, his wife. JEAN WEB­ (2) along ihe line of Lot No. 1, south Apply By June 30 nnnn nn iks /in/ic nn fk. I.fi . IN THE MATTER OF THE STER and HEBRAM V. WEBSTER,- 64 degrees 46 minutes wet 14 chains opening the door on the left School lot. DISSOLUTION OF her husband. , 64 degrees 46'minutes west 15 chains More than 170,000 severely side to ret out. Mrs. E s the r “COLTS NECK AIRPORT You are hereby summcned and re­ 86 links; thence (3) north 34 degrees disabled workers In communi­ COMPANY" quired to 6erve upon Nathaniel H. 39 minutes west 5 chains .72 links; Hicks, 482 Brookslde Ave,, LEGAL NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT .. Roth, attorney for plaintiff whose thence (4) south G9 -degrees- 36 min* ties all over the nation now Laurence Harbor, was driving OF DISSOLUTION address is 241 First Street, Lake­ utes west 17 chains 60 links: thence are receiving .social security ' NOTICE TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; wood. New Jersey, an answer to the 75) north 33 degrees 25 minutes we6t past and she swerved to avoid TAKE NOTICE iftat application has Notice la hereby given that the complaint filed in a civil action, in 27 chains 4 links; thence (6) south disability Insurance checks, Al­ hitting the door and Mr, Bar­ been made (o the Mayor and Council partnership; lately-subsisting between which Herbert Kubar is plaintiff and 67 degrees 57 minutes east 78 links: - lah A. Bass, district manager nett. She could not avoid the oi tlie Borough of Matawan for the William Kahlert, Donald Metsger and. you are defendants, pending in the (7) south 43 degrees 39 minutes east transfer of the plenary retail distri­ George A. Kipp of Colls Neck, New Superior Court of New Jersey, with­ 9 chains 80 links; thence (8) on a ol the Perth Amboy social se­ door,, a crash resulting. . bution license D-3 issued to Russell W, Jersey, under, .the firm name of in thirty five days after June 12, straight line to the place of begin­ curity office announced today. Mrs. .Joseph Sandritter, 40, Reed and Eugene M.; Bade: trading “Colts’Neck Airport Company,** ex* lj)58, exclusive of such date. If you ning. Containing 32 acres, be Uie an Cork 'N Bottle situated 116 Main pixedon the 28th day of April, 1058. fail lo do so. judgment by default same more or jess. Being the same But there probably are other of 433 Brookslde Ave., Laur­ Slreet, Matawan to Joanne W. Hart­ In accordance with the agreement of may be rendered against you for the premises conveyed to the said Cor* ence Harbor, a passenger tn man and Robert E . Hartman ‘ dissolution. W illiam Kahlert Is au* relief demanded in the complaint. nelia Warne by deed from Ira Warne, eligible disabled workers, some premises situated 110 Main 'Stre<-e'lf therlzej to settle and adjust all debts You shall hie your answer and proof Executor cc of Alfred Warne, dated ot them living In local .areas, the Hicks auto, reported Injury Matawan. ' owed to and by the said partnership. of service in duplicate with the April 21, 1884.8 who have not yet applied to to her. right shoulder to Pa­ Objections, if any, should be made Dated: A pril 28th. 1058. Clerk of the Superior Court, St^te Dated: May 15, 1958 - hnnedlately In writing to Arthur C. William Kahlert House Annex, Trenton, New Jersey, their social security office for trolman Nuss. The Hicks car Hal). Clerk of the Borough of Mata- Donald Metsger in accordance with the rules ot civil J. Grant Scott, . these benefits, Those who have was* towed from the scene. George A, Kipp ractlce and procedure. The action Clerk of the • . Joanne W, and wjas ,20.2$. as been instituted for the purpose Superior Court , of been disabled for work for a Patrolman William Nagle, Robert E. Hartman NOTICE TO Eof foreclosing a certificate of tax New Jersey long time must apply before borough police, Issued sum­ 1&8 Broad Street, ABSENT DEFENDANTS - sale No. 127 dated December 27, 1946, J12 $60.69 . , : Keyport, N, J, SUPERIOR COURT made by Harry G. Magee, Tax Col­ June- 30, Mr. Bass pointed out, monses to Adrian Williams, 122 $5.67 OF NEW JERSEY lector of the Township, ef Marlboro. • NOTICE or they will lose their rights to "Ths TV repairman in ths Want Ads says td Freehold, and M. Morlzfo, . PUBLIC SALE CHANCERY DIVISION County of Monmouth and- State of Take notice that Charles and Julia-. • NOTICE,IS HEREBY GIVEN that MONMOUTH COUNTY New Jersey, and assigned to Edna Kanieck trading as Freneau -Tavern these new bcnef.t payments. try worms!" Lloyd Rd.. Matawan, Monday the undersigned, Ezra W, Karkus, DOCKET NO. F*2314*57 Alice Tafaro on November 15, 1954. has applied to the Borough of- Mata-- Any severely disabled person for an accident on Maple PI. Executor under the Last Will anl4tGHT 5 - 9 rlc, Inc., Box 181, FreelEfnDitr.----- jt^bfJlEj' prwtiJtoKf. e Suitor ’sa id’ lie re cognized tho fact tha t neys Informed him, Mr.; Ed­ Spafford’W. Schanclt, Mats* mates, large selection of fab­ Wjtf “ led worker must ’meet the def­ the offense was In fsome re­ gar feinted, that the Manzo wan 1-1061. " wjtf rics; also boat cushions. Call BAYSHORE TOGS ACCORDIONS inition of "disability" In the spects a minor one, but added, firm had -’worked the gravel CEMENT mixer, portable, gas Matawan 1-8051-J. After S p.m. WEST KEANSBURG, one fam- NEW and used, bought-sol.d- social security law. Be must "stealing Is stealing "and mine on 150 acres’1 of land of or electric driven, reason­ call Matawan, 1-0679-M. wJ22 LOCUST ST. ' By, rooms, full cellar, oil rented, repaired and ex­ also have social security credit able: also garden tractor with heat. 6 160 x 225 lot. $13,500. changed. N. J. Music Center, 43 since Manzo had lost a great the Pennsylvania R.R. w 11 b attachments for gardens, lawns- AWNS mowed reasonable. KEYPORT Down payment *1,500. Broad Sti, Keyport. Tel. Key- ■ for at least five out of the 10 deal of material In this man- permission of the railroad be­ etc. Gardens plowed, masdir]^-®all Matawan 1-2295-J. after CASEY’S REALTY port 7-1476. Lessons on all In­ years "before he* became dis­ ner.Jhe felt It was necessary to fore formally taking over the work on rfljuest. Open even- p.m.______;______WJ22 KEYPORT 7-5866 1003 HIGHWAY 36 ’ . struments. - wjtf abled: at least a ’ year-and-a- make an example' ol ~ Moore, land. ' -:...... ; - - -­ ingi call - Keyport 7r4B78-M. PLOWING," discing, seeding, ■■■ ■wjtf UNION BEACH, N. J. UNITED STATES and forelgh half of the credit must have Moore said he’still wanted the Allowed To Expand Size wjtf combining and baling. Trac­ BOYS wanted, must be 18 years ______Keyport 7-4076 WJ22 stamps, single add blocks, ™ been earned In the three yeara stone, so the magistrate told APARTMENT, 3 large rooms, tor work of all kinds. Bernard old or older; apply Ralph plate number. Call Keyport: Just before the beginning of his him he would have to take lt Me. Edgar related that the Prels, Old Tennent Road, Mor­ Frledland Bros., Locust St., ROOMING HOUSE 7-1446: -o wjtf- period of "disability.” back to the place from which Heuser firm bIbo had maintain­ private hath, private en­ ganvllle , opposite Morganvllle Keyport, Call Keyport 7-3580. Excellent location near Beleve* 17 ft. CABIN CRUISER, 30 ed that expanding the size of trance, heat and hot water sup­ Oeneral Store. Call Matawan ___ ... . wJ22 dere Beach. Keansburg. Con­ H.P. Mercury motor r and he, took It then buy It from Mr. the mine or deepening it did plied. Adults only; Inquire 3 1-0085-R-l. ' Jtf sist of five furnished bedrooms, trailer, ft. run about and Railroad Crossing Manzo. . not matter-so long as It was Atlantlo Ave.. Matawan, wjtf WAITRESSES wanted, apply five apartment unit, all year trailer, 12 Matawan 1-4691, be- contalaed within the original ROOM AND board, good home BLADE-RITE lawn mower Rollo Post House, 6 Corners. rentals. Income $6300 yearly. tore 5:30 p.m. ______WJ29 Stanchion Hit Again . cooking, reasonable, Mata­ service, Rt. B, Cheesequake, Rt. 35, Keyport.______wJ22 Nice Income home ior re­ Another Dumper Fined bounds of the land on which wan 1-6064. ^______wJ2B opposite Blodgett's. Power OENERAL HOUSEWORK, tiring couple or family handy­ 60” GRAY steel desk. Unoleum Cllffwood Avenue’s . railroad In Matawan Township gravel mining was permitted. and hand . mowers sharpened, lauridry, help with children'; man. Sacrifice price $18,000, top, two matching chairs, crossing stanchloki , was hit The Matawan lawyers contend­ FIVE room new apartment, lo- repaired and fecondltloned. 3 to 5 days a week. Keyport only $3700 cash down, balance typewriter s t a nd like” new, again at 12:14 a.m, Friday Another violator of the town­ ed It did not constitute expan­ eated South Main St., Key- Clinton, Briggs and Stratton 7-3505. wJ22 terms, May consider late *120.00 Call after 7:30 p.m., when Martin W. Josko, 25, ship dumping ordinance was sion of a non-conforming use port. Call Keyport 7-3034. WJ22 engine service. Genuine parts mode] car as partial payment. Keyport 7-1264. ■ -■ wjtf Newark, added his name to to widen or deepen the min­ ROADSTAND on busy High­ used, all work guaranteed. Call SECRETARY for Insurance of­ Hillcrest 3-2462.______wJ29 FOR landscape Ideas free see- fined-by Magistrate Luther A. ing area on the land, as long way 34. Call Whitney 8-4373. Matawan 1-1020. Fred Klepp fice. air conditioned, pleasant Marie at Sonny’s Farm Mar­ the list of autolsts who, In Poster, Matawan Township . . , wjtf proprietor. - - Jtf working conditions. Call ket, Colts Neck, Route at time, have tried - to dislodge Tuesday. He was John O. Steg- as operations .: are . contained Holmes & McDowell, Main OWNER MOVING TO traffio light. Evergreens,34 the concrete and steel fixture n e r,. 85 Holly Ave., Keans­ within property bounds, HOUSE for rent with one year ART'S driving school, located. Street, Holmdel. Whitney CALIFORNIA flowering shrubs, everbloom- In;the ro a d w a y ...'. ; burg, apprehended May* 20for -M r, Edgar noted the plan­ —lease Inquire .74 .Walling ,ln South. River,. Will come 6-6611. .____ wJ22 Hew brick ranch with attached lngIll'S roses, 4 UOC3, vegetable VG(,C8aulG and flower, Capt. J. Edgar Wilkinson, dumping at Lenox Rd. by Pa­ ning board now was-being su­ Terrace, Keyport. Keypoft to your home, Call Clifford SALESMEN or saleswomen: garage. - 75 x 100 lot; 3 bed- plants,’ potted >tied plants"plai of all Matawan! Township’ F o lic e ’, trolman John McGlnty, towta- ed by-Jack Denholzii Keyport, 7-084lrIt. «»>•■ r ‘i . WJ22 «*) ’ ’ !> a a two—fof busy reaTbstate add,’ WDma., only- $LQQQ \Uown. '(4 dttd cement who Investigated, related that ahlp police. as developer of the 62-h o m e FURNISHED apartment, S Insurance office. Must have Trab a chlno - Matawan 1-J737 ' Peat Moss, Mr. Josko apparently had Knollcroft tract In Cllffwood large rooms, private bath, all Situation Wanted car. Please call for appoint­ - Jtf mi&BBBW*3.50 a bale; builders buy at struck-the stanchion from the Juan Santiago, in 1,-/Atlantic Beach. Mr. Edgar said he had utilities furnished: private en­ WILL wash and Iron all types ment. Walker and Walker. SIX ROOM ranch house, 3 bed­ wholesale prices. Sale on wrong side of the road, caus- Ave., Matawun, was assessed replied to the bill of particulars trance, near Highway 30. Call of curtains, also stretch cur­ Realtors, Branch Office, High­ rooms, fireplace, collar, beach chairs and lounges. , lag hla car to flip around In a $20 and $5 costs for operating filed in the suit and deposi­ Keansburg 6-0848. wjtf tains In my own borne. Prompt way 35. Hazlet, Phone KE breezeway, car garage, trees, wJ22 U-turn and wind up beforo the on a permit while not In the tions might be taken. He said AVAIRABUE ImmedlaJnly,.lar­ service. Call Parkway 1-3595. 7-6666. wJ23 % acre in 2 seml-rural, neigh­ GENUINE oriental 9x12 rug, old post office building. company of a licensed driver. he. was in contact with the Wi- ge ‘store; also storage space ■ ■ ’- . - wjtf borhood, seven miles from Mat­ *50. Call Matawan 1-6064, Keyport State Police arraigned lcntz law firm,, Perth Amboy, and apartment, all center of WANTED TO RENT awan In oxcellent condition, a.m. ____ wJ22* The police captain said that him. They also arraigned Wil­ town, near post office, reason­ PART TIME work wanted: WIDOW living alone would like $17,100. Gibson^ 6-0204. Jtf he found Mr. Josko wrapped liam L. Kelly, East Keans­ acting for Mr. Denholz, and able rent. Keyport 7-5009. best of references, Call Mat- 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms in OWNER MOVING to Callforn- VARIOUS size show cases for ■ up In a blanket In a back seat burg. for driving on an expir­ had reason to believe they wJ22 awan 1-4402. wj22 Matawan, reasonable, call la. New brick 5 room ranch display of dresses, blouses, after the accident, but the might he ready for a new ap­ SEAMSTRESS desires sewing Matawan l-4707-*M or inquire with atached garage, only $14,­ gloves, miscellaneous Items; Newarker finally admitted to ed registration. This defendant proach with a more complying APARTMENT. 3 rooms, all bt home. Reasonable, call Mrs. Dean, 186 Jackson St. 000, Lot 75 x 100, Trab a chlno, also service desk. Inquire , being the driver, Capt. Wilkln- paid $10 and $5 costs. attitude toward what the town­ utilities furnished, private Keyport 7-1530-W. JO/12 J22* Matawan 1-1737. jtf 14 West1 Front Street, Keyport, - son Issued him a summons for Anthony J. Mallnconlco, 34 ship was requiring. bath. Available June 1st. Key- or call Liberty 9-2457. wJ22 LQwei^Maln St^ and John J. - Committeeman Horace An- port 7-1180-J . “ wJ22 'eavsleit^drlvingTnid failing to Centimoiei also’ of^OSkfihacteJL. NEW.slxroom.house,.no.chll- QIRL'S 20" bicycle, excellent have hla car Inspected on ■derson_snoke.-ot,,the_passlbHltjL " conaitIonr*l2. 'Call Keyport - time. The "vehicle was demol­ each were fined $1 and $1 costs of an agreement with an East dren under 14 or 15 years of 7-2008 between 9 a.m. and 6 ished so badly lt had to be for walking across the three Brunswick garbage contractor age. Rent *100 per month. p.m.______wJ22 towed away. Mr. Josko. and southbound lanes of the Gar­ on sanitary land fill whereby Keyport 7-1574-J.______wltf BUSINESS SERVICES PIN ’ BALL MACHINE and John Gnnnott, 2b, Newark, a den Btate Parkway Apr. 24. the township would bo spared SMALL APARTMENT. 3 rooms Easy mangle electric ironer, passenger,..jdlcTh’ot report In- Parkway speeders paying the cost of buying a tractor to and bath, heat supplied. Call Louis J. Costa, 37 Pershing Julies, the officer said. $10 and (5 costs numbered four carry on the process. Mr. Bal­ Matawan 1-2311-J.______J22 Place, Keyport. Call Keyport this week;. er warned any sanitary land PARKER Boarding Home for Televiiion Top Soil Contractors 7-0591.______wjtf fill must be conducted at four- aged men a n d women; 24 CARPENTER and building con­ Fords Woman hour supervision; Individual TELEVISION SERVICE TOP SOIL tractor, J. G. Metsger, Flor­ Recover Stolen Car; foot thickness to serve 10,000 diets. Licensed by State of Dietrich Bros., Ino. Trench dig­ ence Ave., K ey po r t, New SHOPPERS Sues Amboyan people on a one-acre operation New Jersey. Reasonable rotes. Call us tor reliable TV service; ging. trucking It bulldozing. homes, garages, nil alterations Clothing, Tools Gone In one year. Ui miles South of Matawan television antennas repaired Mason sand and gravel, drive­ and repairs. Easy financing DELIGHT - Alexander..J. Matusewskl, Jr. Suggest . Sums -- Pumps, . . light, Highway. _34;_ opposite and- Installed. We also repair way gravel, bluestone. cinders arranged. Call Keyport 7-4159. Bouth Amboy, was named de- A car stolen from a Mata­ Mayor Chamberlain .spoke. -whltxrGnte Inn. Call Matawan radios and small electric ap­ and top soil. 28 Spring Lawn YES MR. & MRS. SHOPPEBt’; wan man In Perth Amboy Ave., Matawan. Call Matawan ■______,___WJ7/24 YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED , fendant in a *31,175 suit filed of the suggestion...... of the ~Two- 1-O O U ^ ______•.______jtf pliances. HAVE you been thinking of WHEN YOU SEE THE A3 thc aftermath of a. traffic Thursday afternoon was found Slx-Eiglit Club of Old Bridge APARTMENT, 3 or 4 rooms, 1-3993 or. Matawan 1-2182. wj24 having the exterior of your QUALITY AND COMPARE accident'oh May 11, 1057, flult by one of his co-workers Fri­ to have developers forced to • hot water and heat furnished. VTLLAGE^ELEVISION home repainted or a room re­ PRICES was filed- In Superior Court In day. In the Interim, thc auto provide sump pumps In the Inquire 20r~Lower~ Main St., TOP SOIL decorated.. Why not call Wil­ redrew Brunswick, . thief made off with a tool box homes In areas where cellars Matawan.. J22* 20 E. FRONT ST. liam Welgand, Hazlet, N. J., AVAILABLE ON OUR' Anna Schurlg, Fords, Is seek- and tools worth $250, a $00 Gor- were Inundated by water. A KEYPORT BIG 8 TON LOAD *10 for a free estimate. Call Key- LIBERA L RED IT PLAN lng *20,000 for Injuries. Sho nian-make camera and an $85 specimen ordinance was sub­ Real Estate For Sale TOP SOIL B TON LOAD *12 port 7-1151. / WJ7/10 9 — wns a passenger in a car driven suit which tho owner, John KEYPORT 7-3081 TOP SOIL 8 TON LOAD *14 FLOORS laid; scraped, finish­ Fchcik, R.E.lTMfttftwan; ’ had mitted which would provide COMBINATION home and wjtf ROAD ORAVEL . by Victor Kucharek, Cllffwood for" the pumps emitting the wa­ business property on west TON LOAD ------*14 ed and waxed: old floors a w e ' ■' Beach, which collided with the left In the car. _ ter Into the streets. Asked how side of Highway 34, near Holm­ F IL8 L D IRT TON LOAD ♦ 6 specialty. Call William Peter­ INSTALL & SERVICE defendant’s vehicle on Route Perth Amboy Police said the such an ordinance would be del light. 171 foot frontage, 41 TV SERVICE F IL L D IRT 8 TON LOAD * 8 son. Keyport 7-667/. wj6/19 35, sayrevllle. car was parked on Watson enforced, Mayor Chamberlain acre, store 13' - x 24', living MATAWAN 1-1600 BRICKBATS.8 BIG LOAD *16 RARITAN REPCOPREPAK . Mr. Kucharek is asking *5000 Avo., Perth Amboy, when it said lt could bo left to tho dis­ room, kitchen, bedrooms and TEN EYCK RONSON INC. Cinders, sand, gravel,_ blue TUBELESS BOILERS for injuries, for medical v as stolen. It was discovered cretion of tho building Inspec­ bath, stoam heat2 and one car MATAWAN .. stones etc. Bulldozing, grading, W^NElOW^CLE ANIN G bills nnd *175*1000 for damages to Friday afternoon by Sam Wil­ tor. garage. Road stand 12* x 11' WJ7/24 lots cleared, fill Jobs; septlcs, BASEBOARD RADIATION his car, while Mrs. Kucharek son, West Susan St., Raritan Mr. Baler warned ngnlnst asking $14,000. oil tanks and septic drain beds Commercial and residential 8 ... Others; Call dug. Call Martin, days Dr even­ window cleaning, floor waxing, HOT AND COLD WATER Is seeking *5000 for Injuries. Township police said. any such delegation of author­ 'It. Stryker Realtor DON’S TV SERVICE ings for free estimates. Eckel’s WINTER AND SUMMER ity. He stated determination of Holmdel. N. J. For fa t efficient radio and Trucking, Woolleytown Rd., cflrpet cleaning and Janitorial thc water table was thc basis Whitney 6-0001 television9 servlco call Matawan Morganvllle . service. Call Keyport 7-7077. on which tho FHA nnd VA de­ •______wJ29 1-3844. wjtf ______j______wJ29 60 MONTHS TO PAY cided an sump necessities. MATAWAN 1-0858-R-l CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Mayor Chamberlain reminded YOUR DREAMS will come true ______;______wj7/24 Furniture Refinishing when you see this outstand­ Bulldozing ALL types of furniture reflnlsh- FREE ESTIMATES him thc water table had a ing 7 room Split Level in Mid­ lng. specializing in antiqu­ great deal of variation. Mr. dletown's most dcslrnblo lo­ ECKEL BROTHERS TOP SOIL ing. Call for free estlmato’any GIVE USA CALL AT RATE CHANGE Baler Insisted thc areas could cation. Entrance hall, large night after 0 p.m. Keyport bo determined where tlio wa­ living room, modern kitchen Top soil, fill dirt, and road 7-5766-J. Mr. R. Adams, wjtf MATAWAN 1-4361 ' ter table maximum wa with­ With wall pven, counter range TRUCKING & EXCAVATING grrvvel. Dozer and backhoe in four foot ot tho surfaco3 and disposal. King size air con­ Bulldozing nnd shovel loador service. Lateral installations, Manure ditioned recreation room, laun- service. Cellars, septlo_tnnks. excavating. ~ ' " THE BARG AINJJ,OUSE EFFECTIVE MAY 1. 1958 ..i.Thrpn- m f n o-j-subdlvlslbnB dTy-and-layJYtQQ-.^Mnster bed­ fill dirt, top soil, road gravel, MANURE, top soil, timothy " TENNENT RD., wero approved. William a nil room with lavatory," fulPtlled washed gravel, nnd mason sand. hay. $28.00 per ton, also MORGANVILLE Jtf Jessie James were given ap­ bath. Cnrpeting and draperies We specialize In land clearing; "STROTHER&EGKEL mulch-hay^. Jiux_ dJre.qt_Jroin Cents *1 A fl Minimum proval of a dividing of a tract included. x .well land­ Matawan 1-1B45, Old Tennent 139 LOWER MAIN ST. farm, and save. Keyport“ 7- NOT --TOO—NEW LUMBER.__ on Matawan-Old Brldgo ’■ Rd. scaped lot 100 with 200. mhny trees. Road, Box 64, Morganvllle. MATAWAN 5844-M. w jtf - “When you buy "Tumber Xfon PerLine Charge Asking $25,500. Walker and ■ wJlO/IO MATAWAN 1-1993 us you, can be sure lt„ds Into.strips 207 feot wide.- One Walker, Realtors, Highway 35, /68 ENOLISHTOWN, 7-3814 Lawns thoroughly seasoned ajid will fcAPS or lowor daso letters strip'would bo 2059 feet long Hazlet, phono Keyport 7-60G6. . Wltf not shrink or warp out of shape. and the other 2151 feet. Upholstery SMALL garden and lawn plow­ Call. Matawan 1-4500. J22 -LARGE TYPE COUNTS DOUBLE Charles M. and Nellie E. Hein­ MAPLEWOOD TERRACE ol- ing, grading, harrowing, lim­ rich gained approval for a four . fers this charming 4 bedroom LARRY’S Upholstery Shop, Au­ Antiques ing and seeding; also lawn acre tract ohSprlrfg Hill Rd, split level home plus recrea­ to furniture, boats, ’ tailored THE Matthews Opportunity mowing, all work guaranteed. Business Opportunitieg Billing charges will be discontinued. Ads will Leonard Pfatf was permitted tion room and % baths, en­ and custom. No money down. Shcp Antiques, wants to buy Call Keyport 7-0968 before 6 EXCELLENT LOCATION on to add a 50-foot pleco to ono closed rear porch,1 *enced cor­ 33 Little St., Matawan. Call all types of antiques. Dolls, p.m. or Keyport 7-5134 after busy Highway, established be billed as a courtesy charge and are due ner property makes this home Matawan 1-2073-J, wjtf toys, furniture, china, glass­ afterjBjnmj^^^^^^^vJT/M snack bar with endles possi­ lot from another to even up Just right for^the moderate In­ ware and old Jewelry, 115 bilities for expansion, 3 perfect ...... upon presentation fiontagcs at -Lorton Rd. a n d come family. Close to parochl- OETHARD’S Broadwa^^feroor^^^wJ7/24 Tires oondltion, building 40 ft. by Prospect St. ! a l .and-^publl.c .schools. . Asking UPHOLSTERY SHOP ' TIRES, completely guaranteed, ft. Pine panelled Interior; Cohtrjici rates for ljuslncss services are Hie same as above Stanley Kordzlnskl, board $17,500. Walker and Walker, Free" estimate, upholstering Dolls. --full- oaps in stock for immedl. Approximately20 209 ft. highway . with the following discounts chairman, appointed Everett Realtors, Highway 35, Hoalet, and repairing, custom- made J. M. and J. shop ate mounting, hour service frontage’, in addition—comfort­ 1 Hoffman, Mr. Tortovlce and pliono Keyport 7-666Q. • slip covers nnd drapery. Box Dolls dressed and restored. In recapping your6 casings. Bay. able 5 room home, modem ■ 4 TIMES DEDUCT 10% springs and mattresses reno­ Antiques bought and sold. Call shore Tire Co.. Highway 35, tile kitchen and bath. 3 bed- i Mr. Baler to a- minor subdivi­ CAPE COD \ylth living room. vated. Call .Matawan 1-4423. ’ Keyport 7-11B0-W. 235 First Cllffwood. Call Matawan I- rooms. See this today. *25.500. 8 TI/yiES DEDUCT 15% .. sion committee....’. / . kitchen, two bedrooms and ...... ■: ... “Wjtf St.. Keyport. W22* 0886,------■ w jtf Walker and Walker, Realtors, • ■ ------„ y expansion attic, full basement, 1 Highway 35. Hazlet, phone Key- 12 TIMES DEDUCT 20% .... over-sized detached garage, cy- Repairs Slip Covers port 7-6668. ‘ wj23 cjlone fenced yard. Included Instruction POWER MOWERS repaired: PAYABLE IN ADVANCE * are combination storm and KEYPORT driving Instruction, also garden tractors, and PINCUSHION Renting acrcons, awnings and Venetian dual control car, licensed by tractor repair. Will pick up Custom made allp covers and USED CARS 25 cents wi|l be charged \ iffvPrcfclem blinds. Excellent buy at $ ,­ State-of N W: Jersey. No ex­ and deliver. Located next to draperies. Free ostlmates giv­ CHEVROLET, 1656, V , auto­ 300. Walker and Walker, Real­13 tra j charge6 Jm .. Plfik;-v ^ r m x Kuhn's Farm Market, Rt. . en, choose fabrics in your own mode heater.' two tone,8 clean . ’ - for blind ads using our box: number - tors. Highway 35, Hazlet, phone* youf home. Keyport 7-3559. Matawanl/Home phone: 'M&ta-34 home, call Dorothy Smith, Inside and out, *950. Call Mid-, B N ilw r n r a .. - . : ., wJS/19 Koyport 7-6068, wj23 wau 1-45B3-W-I. WJ5/29 Matawan I-2248-W. wjtf dletown -5-1251. wJ22 F Y O U R E A

PURCHASE SUPERAMA SUPER SAVING SCRIP ANY MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AT SUPERAMA’S OFFICE!. . . AND SPEND AS MONEY I ANYTIME IN ANY DEPARTMENT OF SUPERAMA. IN YOU PAY YOU GET IN $ 9 0 ------$1 0 0 ------\ SUPERAMA S U P E R A M A I $ 4 5 ...... 5 0 ...... SUPER $ SUPER I On Your M oney W hen $ 2 2 50 . . • $ 2 5 • • • SSAVINGS A V I N C S i You Purchase Superam a "* -r-'o .. !T\ . $ rsuFM ^^?ri^rsciffp to This Amazing O ffer t Addition Lowest Possible X 'lpa 7 0 DEL MONTE # Del Monte 4 5 Fresh BEEF Ik... FRUIT 2Vi Pineapple-Grape- oz. j-—j COCKTAIL 39fc □ fruit Drink LIVER 55o □4 9 " FRESH DEL MONTE Beechnut, Gerber’* 1 0 10 FOR — Strained-— for- Ik BABY FOOD 99* □ 55c G PEACHES 8 8 c ..Soup Or S law 4 9 Niblet 2 FOR 2 FOR 3 lb. Fresh Sliced Ik CORN C R ISC O OR T i n j 33c □ 93c LJ1 59e □ 1 2 oz. 2 9 e SPRY 8 3 BACON 5 3 Skinless 1 lb. Ken-L-Ralion 3 FOR Blue Dot Reg. 1 b ...... DOGFOOD & □ 4 2 c 35c □ 3 1 FRANKS 5 5 c □ 4 9 Dole. Del Monte t ot. PHILADELPHIA Libby 46 oz. 29c CREAM Pineapple Juice CHEESE k a SHREWSBURY AVE. .. AT RT. 35 --"'1 ------(Of>ia»tM-F.ttJMbjwi,outhl..- - NEW SHREWSBURY Open Daily 9:30 to-10; Sunday 9:30 to 6 EVERYTHING ST HOME & FAMILY FREE PARKING T I • : ♦Ft reserve the'rfftit to limit quAnUd* of K r l j p t - / i o m f»lr trAie Items, many hew developments inThe hearths'plea-"or mitigating cir­ snce^-Fred-Wenzel,_a .planning SI W County Fingerprint Identification Files area applied to the map to cumstances," and also set a Sentence Area Men board member, told them that 1 0 8 gave the cost of research Into hearing Monday tor D u f t y’s To State Prison the municipal attorney would land ownerships "and property Tavern; Route 35, Laurence have to decide if the business ‘ - THE lines. As development spreads Harbor, on , a not guilty plea King Darby, Marlboro 'Rd., did borne under ..the. terms ot Into the new unsettled areas to selling liquor for off prem­ Marlboro Township, and John the Junkyard ordinance. If so, MATAWAN JOURNAL south of Route 18, the tax map­ ises consumption on a Sunday'. L. Brown, Philadelphia, each complaint could be signed ping can be continued Into this Plea From McMahon against the owner, Mr. Wenzel . First Section. section. Mayor John L. Cham­ were sentenced Thursday to said. “ ' Fare Fourteen May 22, 1958 berlain estimated,tejyould cost The committeemen will re­ onq to'three-year state prison Askeu who the owner or op­ . . . .. ■.----- less than the $57,000 -originally, ceive a plea from Charles Mc­ terms for stealing 11 tires erator was, Mr. Knopping re­ estimated by, Mr. Baler to pro­ Mahon of McMahon’s-Bar and worth $145.15" from the "~OLF ported their information w as ceed in this way. Grill, Route 34, Cheesequake,' the land was owned1 by a Recession Is on a charge by the Alcoholic Feed Co., Marlboro Township, Charles Dolan, Union Beach. Mr. Baler reported officials Beverage Control Division of Apr. 23.-A co-defendant, H o 1- The objectors found lt even *• of Ihe State Bureau of Naviga­ selling three bottles of beer for Topic Of Jordan tion are looking into the possi­ off premises consumption after land Mimes, also Marlboro Rd., more to be deplored that & non­ Tlie recession ls a "toughen- bility of state and federal aid midnight Apr. 4 to two ABC Marlboro Township, received a resident had come into the to the township to combat suspended Indeterminate term township to take advantage of lng" Influence, affording an op­ beach erosion.at Laurence Har­ agents. - j the, fact no zoning ordinance portunity to re-examine cur­ bor and Cllffwood Beach. - . The State Public Utility Com­ to Bordentown Reformatory. was in effect and could locate rent business, practices In or­ The township along with tbe mission will not order the Mad­ William Gfoehrer. formerly along> public highway.'He re­ der to achieve more efficient Quigley Corp., and the Switzer ison Water Co. to lay mains in of Jersey City but now auto­ lated the operators of the place production,, analyze markets, and Duhernal Companies li a s unserviced South Old Bridge already bad been directed by . been named a defendant In ac­ streets immediately, Mr. . Ed­ mate at state prison, received the Btate Highway Department and do a better selling Job. tion brought by the Old Bfidge. gar said he bad been Informed a concurrent one to three-year to remove articles piled up that This Is the view of R. E. Jor­ Fresh All Association, Ing., Monday. Mr. Edgar told the sentence to that Institution for encroached on the shoulder ot dan. jr., president of The Mo­ township committee that be Route 34. v headed by former committe'e- had been Informed of the PUC breaking Into four cars parked Mr. Knopping and Mr. Miele saic Tile Company, the na- man Thomas F. hjlller," to decision In a case Instituted by along Keansburg's beachway, reported that the feeling was tlon's largest-producer of ce­ cease pollution of the South Riv­ the tftwnshlp against the water Aug. 8. J . . so Intense about the. matter ramic tile. The Atlantic IJ U er. Mr. Edgar said the town­ company by Commissioner (hat they had no doubt they Co., Atlantic 3t.. Matawan ship got Into the case as a de­ Ralph • Fusco, Metuchen, by could get additional n a m e s fendant because some years telephone. He raid; the an­ from, those residing on the oth­ Township, ls a subsidiary Of the back it had received permis­ nouncement was "unofficial.” Cliffwood Man Is Zanesville, Ohio, firm. . sion to run a sewer outlet Into (continued from page one) er side of Route 34 in the bor­ Discussing the economic sit­ the stream. However, he said, Mr. Fusco told him,-Mr. Ed­ ough. , uation, Mr. Jordan told Mosaic the sewer outlet never had gar said, that “ If and when wife, Mrs. Helen Anna (And­ Approve Jan. 23 Minutes ; Tile employees: “ We are sim­ been constructed. th ...- ls evidence of enough rews) Watts; a daughter, Mrs. in other mattery, a vote was ply experiencing- too much pro­ houses” on eight streets cited Florence Berta, New Smyrna; taken to approve the minutes ductive . capacity for current Create Limited Trafflo Streets in the township complaint "to two brothers, Charles P., New of Jan. 23. Approval of these demand. 'One of the reasons ls There was Introduced on warrant sufficient business for Smyrna, and David, Plainfield. minutes was passed at the Earl Smith, (second from right), shows members of (be Monmouth County Board of Free, first reading an ordinance to the utility, the PUC will listen Funeral services were held April meeting when Charles J. that Industry ln gcneral, Includ­ holders the fingerprint Identification files In the county Identification office in tbe Hall of create*Umlted.traffic streets, to an action brought by the ing ceramic tile, expanded Itecords, Freehold, Mr. Smith, -who ls Identification supervisor and acting warden at the Tuesday at 11 a.m. at the John Kelly, a board member,' chal­ manufacturing facilities over county Jail, said more than 29,000 criminal fingerprints are registered In the files as well as recommended by the police de­ township,” The wight streets W. Mehlenbeck, Funeral Home, lenged the -wording of a rcsolu- the past several years faster 3500 non-criminal fingerprints. The Identification department has complete fingerprinting, partment. The streets, 32 in named by the township In Its Route 35, Hazlet, with the Rev. tlon adopted Jan. 23 to have than the real needs of our peo­ photographing, pre-investigation, and darkroom facilities and ls regarded as one of the most number, are In Madison Park, complaint are Included .In the WlUlam Fryer, pastor of the the minimum lot size “re­ ple grew.” modern and complete. Shown are, (left to right). Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin, SouthwoOd, Laurence Harbor, water company's; franchise First Baptist Church, Metuch main” ps it ls In District 1, the Mr, Jordan sees' the reces­ Freeholder Abram Vocrhecs, Mr. Smith, and Freeholder Victor Grosslngcr. , Cheesequake ahd Old Bridge area. However, the company, en, officiating. Interment was Llne-Lloyd Rd; area. sion as a temporary dip In con­ areas. The measure excludes contended. It would lose money ta Falrvlew Cemetery, Middle­ Mr. Wenzel took this' as the. sumer demand, but ls confident week; committee stenograph­ use of these streets to trucks to lay mains to those streets town Township. . ]00-by-15ttr|eet of the subdlvi- that tho long range demand, Recorded Telephone ot over four-ton capacity. because there are not enough sion' ordinance. Louis Cevasco based on population Increase, Electronics To Message Is Changed er, 31.50 per hour; building Committeeman Donald Ma­ customers. noted Mr. Kelly was not pres­ will return strongly. "The Mo­ Inspector and assistant build­ crae announced a committee of ■AsTor the township's appli­ Jaycee Chapter ent that evening, hut that, he saic Tile Company currently Is The recorded telephone mes­ ing inspectors, 31200 per year; firemen is "about ready to re­ cation for a reduction to water was ready to support Mr, Kel­ engaged in a through self-anal­ Change tax assessor, $4200; tax collec­ port” on a township fire code company rates, Mr. Fusts (continued from page one) ly’s views on the wording. Mr, ysis," he said. “Already this Electronics will exercise a sage used When the Matawan tor, 34200; tax search officer, based on the national Fire. Un­ said the commission would or­ new high school to Matawan. Cevasco questioned If tfie,.. has translated itself Into the profound influence on agricul­ police headquarters is unat­ 3800; full time assistant asses­ derwriters’ Code after the fire der the firm to file a state­ A preliminary study is under­ board’s recommendation for a’ biggest reorganization lnvolv- ture In the future through Im­ tended w a s shortened and sor and collector’s offices, $00 commissioners of Cheesequake ment of revenue as of July 1, way. Guest speaker at the 100-by-100-fqot minimum size togpersonnel, production pro- changed yesterday. Callers per week; part-time assistants Fire District 2 announced In a according to Mr. Edgar. meeting was Dick Kata, Me- of last summer was not Intend­ proved techniques of communi­ to collector, $1.50 per hour, letter that they would adopt a The township attorney added tuchen, a member of the Na­ ed. ' 1 •. cation, automation, environ­ who previously wero given a The salary ol the wellaro di­ code of their own if the town­ the statement would be made tional Board of Directors of the Freehold telephone number to Robert Redman, another mental control and production rector Is set at 3800: treasurer./ ship copimittee didn’t a 0 t public apd would be studied by Junior Chamber of Commerce. member, did not believe action ■of energy, Dr. g..mes Hlllier, call in emergencies n e w -are $1000; attorney, 33000; to.w n- soon,” • Mr, M ac r,a e,.au-. tb.e PUC.to see. Lf."any chang­ on (he minutes should be de­ told to ask the, telephone oper­ ship engineer, magis­ nounced’ the parking fee at the es" should be made In water layed longer as. a legal neces­ vice president, RCA Laborator­ trate $2000; municipal312001 court township recreation area at rafes. Mr. Edgar said Mr. Fus­ Petitioners Want sity. He was reminded only ies, of the Radio Corporation of ator to call the police radio clerk, 31000; deputy . court Duhernal Lake would be In­ co told him the’commission de- , ... J „ four members of the' seven- America, told the New Jersey station. . : 1 ; . clerk $60 per week; plumbing creased to $2. . elded on a "tightening up” of 'continued from Page one) man body were present. He Agricultural Society at Its an­ Although more brief, the new i n s p e c to r, 3900;' assistant A guilty plea was entered by supervision of the water com- , He now found it very objec- still insisted on a vote. He was' message has background Inter­ plumblng lnspector, $900, . the Beach Tavern,. Laurence pany and to order the firm to lonable that someone opcrnt- Joined by Mr, Kalieta in voting ' nual meeting held May 14 in ference and" half way'tbrough -— -y Passes Ordinance ' — Harbor, a charge of selling follow tho ordlnnnco granting' Ji18' a place that, In his estima­ for the minutes - as presented. Trenton. . ■ T The committee passed an or­ alcohol to011 minors, but decision tes franchise more closely. I ’" bore the semblance of - Mr..Cevasco voted “no.” ; Mr. A m n g the developments tb e- directions, a telephone junkyard, was not being asked 0 rings In the background. The dinance einbractog the propos­ on a penalty was reserved by Donations-of $150 each were to clear the place out. He aver­ Wenzel passed bis vote because predicted by Dr. Hlllier were als of Mr. BaleriStbat a j tax the township: committee. A approved for* Memorial Day. red this was discriminatory. he had not been at the Jan. 23 the increased use of miniature recorded- message has ' b e e n map be improvlseffudh: a'- sec- guilty plea on a similar charge parades, to, the Crandall Cross­ meeting, - ■. ■; • , '• . radio equipment for personal subject to complaint at Mata­ tlon-by-section basis. The engi­ from Theodore Taros of Ted­ man Post, American Legion, . Business Is Eyesore - Mr. Redman asked for a communication and for remote wan Borough Council m e e t- neer would have the section dy’s Drlve-ln, Route 9, Chcese- Old Bridge and'President Mr. Knopping joined him in meeting with the * township lngs by Daniel J, Manclnl who north of Routs 18 covered first quake, led the governing body James B. Madison Post, VFW, . condemning the offendiiig busl- committee to go over tho control of certain machine op­ Is seeking a manned police with the filed maps of the to set a hearing for Monday to Laurence Harbor. Jness as an eyesore and nuls- building code. , ; erations'on the farm...Be, fore­ desk on a 24-hour-a-day basis. cast the use of color television principles V in the automatlo grading of fruits: and jnsge- crs Come R. E. JORDAN’, JR. tablcs, Increased automation of Tco-Unued from page one) f d processing, - ' improved thq developers of t h c 1669 cedures, product analysis, and techniques-0 0 of-temperature and homeslte project In Browntown _ advertising and, sales promo- humidity control, and the ap­ can get 500 building permits ‘ tion co-ordination ever under- plication orsm all solar— a n d this y e a r ,500 ,next. year, nnd \ taken.” ' ' ■ ‘' other electronic power generat­ In 1900 and that they must Mr, Jordan said ho is confi- ors for the operation of electri­ start their ptoject. within five ~^„,«feiit’. this., reorganization cal and mechanical e q U 1 P.: yonre, Tha most involved point and analysis will put this com- ment. of contention, schools, Is solv­ papy In a better position for The RCA exccutivo pointed ed by the devolopei’s agreeing - .. the upturn in demand which is out that the application of tech­ to. put up one school room, free . anticipated In the construction. nology already has changed the of cost to the township for Industry, This ls more than the economic and competitive pat­ every 40 homes sold and to do­ value of all the privately own­ tern of agriculture, generat­ nate free of cost the three sites ed structures now standing In ing pressure for further change for these schools os approved the United States, according In techniques of farming, food by the bonrd of education. " to building economist : Miles processing and marketing. The developers further agree , Colean. , . New Teohnlqucs to put $400 per house into a “A healthy construction In­ Dr. Hlllier.,stated that elec­ schooi building fund for every . dustry. which is the nation’s tronics research and engineer­ house sold beyond those cover­ second largest Industry, always ing have brought many new ed by a school' constructed or leads to good business in many. techniques .to .the status ‘of to process of construction by. -'’ 'otherLfielda;""he told-Moaala "practical economy lu;d relia­ the dcveloperrWhen a"school employees, ,"because of the bility," On this basis, he said, is built to covcr thc houses on • multitude of produots used In electronics can bo expected to which the 3400 deposits exist; building. _ - ...... have a more direct effect upon the developer then can recov-; "Du e .to carefully planned agriculture It." the near future er those funds deposited to additions to our plant capacl- than It has had In the past. He guarantee good faith on the tics, Improvement of facilities, then gave this picture of de­ building of the school. ‘ ...... " our efficient nation-wide wore- velopments-that— may be ex­ To Lay Sower Mains. bouse system, and the steps pected: On Issues of less severe dis­ we qre now taking toward even In communications, "person­ pute, tho dcvolopers piedge to ' greatcmeffiqlency, Mosaic will alized communication through lay sewer mains In their de­ be to a very strong position for PDCketslze two-way radios will velopment nnd tie them In with the'future." . " olfer on effective means of di­ a main sewer connection to he recting operations over largo run by the Madison Township ■ Five Are Fined By. areas In large-scale forming Bewerngo Authority to the Mid­ and stock-raising.” Carrying dlesex County Trunk Sewer. t : Magistrate Martin , pulsed signals Instead of voice, Tho , developers are building "these systems may be used their own water plant under a 1 Five drivers paid fines to as well to control machine op­ grant to the Browntown Water Magistrate James H, Martin,. erations nt a distance, such as Co. by the State Water Polloy Matnwan, Monday for traffic Opening nnd closing sluice Commission of 800,000 gallons violations. 1_____ ;______gntos, atolls and doors on a se­ per day from underground-wa- _. Anlollo Mallnconlco, 34 Low­ lective basis." . ter sources. Robert J. Bnler, er Main St., Matawan, paid Tlie addition or color to Mllltown, township engineer, 310 and $5 costs for Improper closed-circult television equip­ stated tho developers are sign muffleJ’S O11 Ills car. He was ment opens up still further pos­ lng consent to put down roads stopped by Trooper E.J. Bock­ sibilities for TV npplicntion. It of’Hvc Inches crushed stono . er, Keyport State Police, on now is technically fcnslblo to Instead of tho grnvel roads to .. Main St. May. 12. ._...... : ' consider "an nutomatic sys­ which they wero committed or­ Capt, John Mclna, borough tem in which tomatoes, for ex­ iginally. police, arraigned Angelo In- ample, would pass beforo the it was-believed tho agree­ tolnc, Newark, for operating a' eye of a color camera linked ment with Kantcr & Goldman . truck without a name 011 the with a device capable of pass­ Immcnsurnbly strengthens the ' side The flno was 15 and $5 ing or rejecting ench tomato hand of the township commit- Anolhor happy lomily joins iho last-growing number pi new Chevrolet owners. Their car isthe'lusutlous Impale Sport Coupe. costs. according to a comparison with tpo In dealing with other de­ M, V. Inspector A. J. Hulsart a chart of color standards," velopers . .thr eatening similar r summoned Eve Ilenddon, 55 Would Increase Data suits, Plncwood Ave,, West Keans; In automation, Dr, Hlllier A new ordinance thnt pro­ burg, for falling to hnvo a cur­ predicted the Increasing appli­ vides salary boosts for most of rent Inspection tag on her car. cation of electronic data pro­ tho Madison Towflshlp employ­ The fine was 35 and (5 costs. cessing nnd contra" systems In ees was passed on tee second It’s a wonderful time to buy a ' f ' ,;M.V, Inspector Edward Gaw- food processing plants and In reading without objection. Ilk summoned Harold Dodson, certain specialized farm appli­ Salaries'Designated 45 Wyckoff St., Matnwan, for cations, such as on-thc-s p o t Tho salaries provided ore: It’s a wonderful time to sco your feeling of a new Safe^y-Girder falling to show a registration packaging operations. Chief of police, $5800; captain, Stop by your Chevrolet dealer's and look _on_rerjuest.„ The -1 too- was—35 Discussing Improved toch- $5400; lieutenants, $5200, ser­ Chevrolet denier—in more ways frame. Yet it Vfears a surprisingly and 35 costs. ulruics fpr tho control of . en­ geants. $5000; Invcstlgntor-de- than one. For nothing goes with low Chevrolett£j • ••price ' tag. -j,.- ■ . -• 1 . Sgt. Robert McGowan, bor­ vironment. Dr. Hlllier cited toctlve, $5000; patrolmen, first over the wide choice of models. Check the springtime like a' bright ncw'Chovy. Your Chevrolet-dealer, will give • ough'police, stopped Michael the possible application of now your, $4020, second year, -:.:-JJ..B«w!ands,JFi'eelioId. May 10 clccir.olumlneficentl 1 gh tin g That graceful giiU-wing styling you a quick appraisal on your trade- for having one. hencHlgBf Und $4270, third year, $4520; four puts you right in the mood to travel. in and prompt delivery on your new techniques nnd a marked ‘ im­ years hridf all ysttis'thercafter; Jbudget-mlnded prices ■. the generous And Chevrolet’s sweet-running VB no rear light. The driver provement In weather forecast­ $4770; full tlmo dispatchers, Chevy. Why not ace him before paid 35 and 35 costs. ~ ~ ing 'accuracy by means of arti­ ^75—per._weelt. part-time dls- ' mhkes' tliei distance- seem-uhorter —spring ja a .day,.olderl. ______ficial satellites nnd large elec­ patchers, |1.50per hour) and' appralsal on your trade-in. You'll see why between any two points you pick. Joint Meeting Tonight tronic computers. special and school pollco $1 per — You’re driving tlie only ail-new Dr. Hlllier emphasized that hour, car in its field. The only ono with 1 . Tho Cltlzen's Council for Bet­ Iho continued advance, In agri­ For the road nnd sanitary su­ Fisher Body fineness and the firm ter Schools In the M a t a w a n cultural technology. Is "part o' a pervisor,. the salary... is, 34600® It's a wonderful time to buy a wonderful carl You'll get the best buy on tht.b&t - ‘ Township School 'District “ wHt 'general' advance affecting a 11 loader and grader operator,- hold a Joint meeting with . the aspects of tho human environ­ $2.25 per hour: truck tlrlvq>-/$2 . Matawun High.School Pavont- ment, and lie warned that sci­ por hour; road and sanitary See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer Teacher Association at 8 p.m, entific progress will require men $1.75 per hour, nnd help­ tonight Id the Mntawan High chango in education and train­ ers. $1,00 per hour; The" salar­ .School. The'publlo is invited to ing. . . . ies for the members bt the po­ hear the results of the survey lice and sanitary and road de­ of tho local situation prepared 10 years from today, many partments arc retroactive to by the council. The meeting young men and women will be Apr, 1 of this year, ' ; , . JOHNSON-GIBB M O T O R C O . ; .also will Include the election studying In college, their way The salary of the township r"*fc" of officers of the council forir j paid through; saving NOW lq clerk is boosted to’ $1200; dep- 1 1 0 M Q H n Str€et; M atqw an ...... the coming) year, • lurSi"Savings .Bonds. . i !... toy ihunlclpnl clerk to' $00 per , • ■ Phone M ataw an 1 -1040 plaint had been awom to . Mag­ Matawan Blanks Atlantic Highlands Starch May Solve Farm Problem s Rumson In Sccond;W handled but BCknowli’dged {M.-loc. for B*yvlUeV. This humble substance, odor­ gerprints” Is of Intorest to corn the■ Tlgerr had two cn and two 100 yard dash 0- Berirtef^(MK less,-tasteless, - bdC'.ir Jrs- trying lo 6evrinp spe-. ed. -^ v.tblrd. De- school audUorJiui), on R r.p a d it wotdd fitrUjor.complloto® ^ ® / out. Garry Gawler had Just Eayres (B), D. 'Jones !«high hurdles - — -Firth'(B), plains, starch is a multl-mll- knowledge that may open tlie KHS Infield mishandled an In­ Rosorvo luncheon, atos and tlielr pnroiita nnd board. , it ; wbdld-have been tkro runs Short (H), Dameyerui (B). Time: llon-ton problem that frdts eco­ field out...... Also attending tho convention guests in ooRiparlsbn wltlr U T |m health ooinmlttoo 'voport. for .the Tigers. , 15.7 sees, • • . • . door to practical uses for tho are Harold Collins, “ Chglrman 101 120 yard low hurdles — D. Jonea nomists, agriculturalists and present starch glut. o Kidd fanned seven qnd walk­ of tho Board of the Keansburg limited enpactty of the h g ll c(| that Dr. 8. M. Luxow. Meta­ The only other time Johnson Inlo holdhnlH thoIKrt coitunoncoinontnnminnimitMAni oui-,nil .. I r_, . 1. _ .. , _...... liiMa .. Broad . Jump... —... Hamilton:. (M ). find practical application, ' ■ Keyport (1) < oMoor'a thin vnsr would not bo I, rll<’ Hook H --to-force^the-thlrdrtlbt'at—the -Sayres -(B), E .. Jones (M). Dla* pinhead-size and smaller. He ", “ Who knows," ho continued; - ’ ab r h Convict Lavoie plate oh Carls.trom’d:'sma5h to tance:.' 10 ft... 1014 ins. - ■Is exploring the minute differ­ Impointlvo bocauso of the size , usor? , !,°, f?,! i ' Pole Vault — Finn v t ?V A « R^nr.5 ------"flngerprUiting"'Hhelr charac­ politicians'inxva-fatted-to do— a,-Brown,--a —------8--0 thopedo high work school that Isjlrid, to lie Hodone also on : ^ Biipllfliuiim'cli, ' f rif!,,-1!° MHamnrnsk- °? ^ merous TO^ffig^olhn^e^uSUl teristics under extremely high find some other way to dispose LoPresto, P. lb I-} kiui - bjkMtod 'olTUITpoaUojriS' Jones took matters Into his temperatures accurately regu­ of our grnln surpluses than Pietrewlcz, lb, It life when brought to hoadquar- noled'thoro was n weather hns- f*1 f3/ *,1B I ! , , own hands with the record wal- Hebrew Women Install lated. store them at the taxpayers’ Blckham, rf tors. Both-offleers testified It ard to out-of-doors commence. I J*ut It wss referred to Iho build- ~ lop. Despite support that would Officers At Meeting Dr. Carroll ond John W. Lls- expense.” ...... * Hogan,- If,- 2b — - — was-tholroplnlon "lhat’MrrLo-- have broken the heart of any kowitz, a graduate student Cliromy, 3b ■ vplo was drunk, . tli« Increased gmduallniPolnBa | PMH'jwppiyi.niem, quickly *■Phare MA 1 ITT0 snd at (be right price Come and try us. , SOUTH MAIN ST., KEYPORT - KE 7-0361 Mrs, Pat. Fetterhoff "F - Surgical Sponges Mado M ayor Buys First Poppy IIITow nship, Auxiliary Head. Shower Guest Of Honor ee By Hospital Auxiliary Names Chairmen Mrs.’ Patricia A, Fetterhoff, Wins First Place The .regular monthly .meet-. Mrs. Irene Meehan, p r e il- 117 Osborn St., Keyport, was St. Joseph’s Council 3402, lng .Of the M;atawan Auxiliary dent of the Ladles Auxiliary of the guest of honor at a sur­ Keyport, was awarded a tro­ to Monmouth Memorial Hospi- . the Veterans of Foreign Wars prise shower May 9 given by phy for perfection in degree tal was beld Tuesday at tha work, at the 62nd annual con­ Matawan Public Health Cen-1 to Guadalcanal Post 4745, Cllff­ Mrs. Mildred Bendy and Mrs. vention of New Jersey coun­ wood and Matawan, h a s an­ Louise Haraz at the home of cils, Knights of Columbus, held ter. Surgical sponges were MrsT Bendy, Spotswood. Gifts made by the members. nounced her committee chair­ at the Ambassador Hotel, At- Awards will be given Friday Final Plans men for the coming year. were arranged In a bassinet lantlo City, May 16 and 17. at the hospital to volunteers Assisting her will be Mrs. decorated pink and blue. A buf­ The council’s First Degree who'have given 50 or more For Flower Show Elizabeth Hubert, hospital fet supper Was served and a Team, composed of George L. hours to the hospltaJ during committee; Mrs. N, Isemann. large decorated cake was the Demery, Hugh V. McGuire, the past year. ’ Final plans for the spring poppy; Mrs. Ann Mitchell, table centerpiece. Frank Barrett, John Dane, • • flower show were discussed Bed Cross; Mrs, Rita Scarbor­ Guests were Miss Kaye Em- Frank Cordasco, John Whelan, The auxiliary voted to do- , at the regular meeting ot the ough, publicity; Mrs. Helen ens, Miss Carol Arnold, Mrs. Vincent Infoslno, and Leo Ma­ nate $10 to the. health center. Community Hoot and Branch Blenkowskl, membership; Mrs. Barbara Birmingham, Mrs. nia, received the highest rat­ Plans were made for a co-op­ Garden Club held recently In Edith Kern, community serv­ Martha Arnold) Keyport; Mrs. ings by observers during the erative picnic to be held at the the Matawan Health Center, ice; Mrs, Dorothy Schar, polio; Helen Layton, Mrs. Betty Till­ current fiscal year. The area home of Mrs. Charles J. Wood­ Matawan, The project for the Mrs. Rita- Scarborough, can­ man, Matawan; Mrs. Edna Involved Included the counties man oh July 2. Urs. Leo G, • evening was posters advertis- cer; Mrs. Joan St. John, Amqr* Bastedo, Morganvllle; Mrs. B. of Ocean, Monmouth; Middle­ Holland was welcomed as » „ lng the show which will be leanlsm; Mrs. Elsie Cahill, Grlbben, Mrs. Barbara H a r t- sex and Somerset, hew membej. . held In the educational build­ New Jersey home; Mrs. Mar­ man, Mrs. Mildred Ludlow, St. Joseph's Council bulletin, Present were Mrs. Wood­ ing ot the St. John’s Methodist garet Kreldenwelss, national Spotswood; Mrs. Hazel Covert, The Periscope,” was Judged man, Mrs. George Miller, Mrs, Church, on Saturday, May 31, home: Mrs. Lorraine Collins, Red Bank, Miss Ida Arnold, best In the Trenton Diocese In Howard Shinn, Mrs. E d w 1 a from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. the council . bulletin, contest, Dominick, Mrs. Louis Helser, Harold. Simmons, chairman Matawan Township Mayor-Jolin Marx, Jr., is shown above, (center), purchasing the first o I v 11 defense; Mrs. Mario Long Branch. . Mrs. Robert Butler, Mrs. Hoi- • poppy tn Matawan Township to open thc sale of popples by Guadalcanal Post 4745, Veterans Grosholz, U. S. bonds and Gifts were sent by Mrs. Haz­ and placed third In state-wide' land, Mrs. Joseph Dietrich, of’ the affair, announced all of Foreign Wars and Its Ladies Auxiliary. The sale will be conducted tomorrow and Satur­ stamps: and Mrs. Ethel Lov­ el Clayton. Miss Judy Clayton. competition. Charles A. O’Hare floral entries must bd1 at the day Shown with Mayor Marx, (left to right), are Mrs. Walter Isemann, poppy chairman for ero, legislation. Miss Patricia Smith. Is editor of ‘‘The Periscope.’’ Mrs. Leon Blumenthal, Mrs, J, building between 9 and 10 a.m. the'auxiliary; John Williams, chairman for the post; Mrs, Irene Meehan, president of the Party Co-Chairmen , Mr. McOuire and Jeremiah Fred Rofclhson, Mrs. Sophie on the morning of the show. auxiliary, and Vincent Gaunt, Guadalcanal Post Commander.______’______' - - ■ ■ Mrs. Hubert nnd Mrs. Ruth E. Jlourlhnn were delegates to Weinstein, Mrs. Bayard Lam­ ■ Space reservation and further Williams will be co-chairmen Judith Tibbetts Ends the convention. Mr. Demery born. details can be obtained by of the party for the patients at Stewardess Training and Mr. Dane were alternates. ^ contactlng-Mr. Simmons. Hor- Engiishtown Woman., the Fort Monmouth ■ Hospital Have you read the classified tlcultural displays and flower School Bank Plan Mrs. Lamberson Friday evening. . . . ; ■ Miss Judith Tibbetts, K ey­ ads? arrangements are being pro- Succumbs -Tuesday During this week a house-to- port, recently graduated from Mothers' Club Holds grainmed and the, public Is ln- At Cheesequake Mrs. Anna S. Phillips, 08, of WSCS President. house drive Is being conducted Eastern Air. Lines flight at­ Final Meeting Tuesday vlted. 2 Pine St., Engiishtown, died for the cystic.fibrosis fund, nnd tendant training school In Mi­ COMING Mrs. Elm er Bahrenburg dls- The Cheesequake Whited Tuesday, May 20,. 1058, In Fit- The newly-elected officers of film on the same’subject ami, Fla., anu now is flying the The Mothers* Club of Mata­ played' dry flower arrange­ Brown School children’s sav­ kin Memorial Hospital, N e p- the Women’s Society of Chris­ will be shown at the next reg­ alrlanes as an EAL steward­ wan held Its final meeting of 2nd oldest 2nd greatest ments and explained and dem­ ing plan went Into effect May tune. She was born in Pember­ tian Service of the Morganvllle ular meeting, June 6." ess. . . . - the year Tuesday evening at onstrated various methods ton, daughter of tho late Wil­ Methodist Church were Install­ A Joint meeting with t h e Miss Tibbetts, daughter of the home of Mrs. William Mc­ used for processing and pre­ 13 with the Farmer's & Mer­ liam and Achsah (Clark) Ste­ post will be held at 8 p.m. to­ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Graw. A buffet supper was serving straw flowers. chants National Bank, M a t a- phenson. She Is the,sister of ed at the evening services on night In the VFW Home. A ll Tibbetts, sr., 136 Broadway, Is served to over. 40 members, Spring flower arrangements wan. A total of 42 accounts W illiam’ Stephenson, W 1 o k a- Sunday by the Rev. Fred Bow­ members are urged to attend. graduate of Keyport High their husbands and friends. were displayed and discussed were started and additional tunk, Marlboro Township. en, pastor. Officers installed A social hour followed during School. Bhe vas a service rep­ After Leo Weinstein, Matawan and a surplus plant sale wsS ones are expected. Also surviving are her hus­ were Mrs. - Walter Lamberson, which Mrs, Scarborough won resentative for New Jersey attorney* spoke on the Import­ conducted by Earl Benton. Fro- band, Omar Phillips; a son, special award and refresh­ Bell Telephone Company, Key­ ance of making a will, a ques- posed plans for holding regular Each Tuesday Is bank day Frazier, Freehold; thfee president; Mrs. Carl Blnger, ments were served by. Mrs, port, before Joining the airline. tion-and-answer period was meetings In the Harris Gar- and deposits ore not accepted daughters, Mrs. Grace Brown, vice president; Mrs. . Russell Isemann, Mrs. Alice H a u s- Upon completion of the five- bdd. . C m : __ dens Fire House, Union Bench, any other day, Each pupil is Mllltown; Mrs. Myrtle DeFor­ VnnPelt, secretary; Mrs. Ray­ mann, Mrs. Katherine Fletch­ week training course In Mi­ Officers for Mw^past year, were announced by Mrs. Hnr- given an envelope In the form est, Victorville, Calif,; Mrs. mond Wenzel, treasurer; Mrs. er, Mrs. Juanita Willard and ami, Miss Tibbetts chose to be Mrs, George Barrett, p r e s 1- — ry Ray,' corresponding secre­ of a deposit slip each week, Bertha Wilson, Engiishtown; a based at Eastern’s Chicago, Harry A. Ratcliffe, secretary Mrs, Kay Llegel...... 111., base. From there she will dent; Mrs. William Smith, jr., tary, ■■ the money to be enclosed, seal­ sister, Mrs. Mnry Y e r k e s, of spiritual life. ^ vice president; Mrs. Howard To Participate In .Tour , ed and name and amount writ­ fly to many cities Eastern Warden, treasurer: Mrs. Har- k . # Group participation In the ten on-the envelope. Upon-re- ^eral^ervlces will be heid Walter Lambe?son,Lamberson, Sunday Birthday Parly Fetej serves In 25 states, the District ry_Jl.ube. Jr., recording secre- )^A u AMERKAM WSTlTUTRCMr •aaM&rlboro Auxiliary ‘‘Mayilme cclpt’of the first deposit, tbe Friday at p.m. at the■ Eree>JflChQia:superintendent of thejAnn Marie Arleffi of Columbia, Canada, Bet; otockton Hopkins, ■ Sponsored By Tour of Homes" on Tuesday batak Issues- a record card man & Son1 Furierttr H o brS, ..»a announced that the muda, Puerto Rico and Mex- „ I was 4U0UM&&X :Mr, Beptyn. sr.owlog'sccoon'r inmtori- nx-A • 1> Ife , e-Cri- ME-i,. ’Shr-rT-r;.?--. r " earrespondlfig. .-secretory, were .1 Kiwanis Club _ ■’’ Four flower arrangements anndal layman's dtnneru'/S be­ .‘§ 9-. ' presented with- white caffio? Trom tho club wllLbe placed In deposit. > lin Buck, pastor of Mllltown held on Tuesday In Ocean 30 Gerard Ave., Matawan, en­ tlon corsages. ■ JUNE 6, 1958 one of the homes of the tour. Thereafter, the parents are Methodist Church, officiating. Grove. All men ot the church tertained May 10 In hoiior of Visits Rainauds The next meeting will be to enter the amount of deposits Interment will be In Odd*, Fel­ are urged to.attend, Reserva­ their daughter, Ann Marie, held In September at the home ATCO BALL PARK ~ instruction-sessions In flow­ on the record card and keep lt lows Cemetery, Pemberton. who was celebratlng -her 11th Walter H. Rourke, St, Pet­ ol’ Mrs, Harry Hanna, . er arrangements will be held at home. Only the sealed en­ tions may be made through birthday. » ersburg, Fla„ spent the week­ by Mrs. Lawrence Saecone at velope, will be given to t h.e Mr; Lamberson. Guests were Marsha Dry- end .visiting at the home - of her hohie ohTdoyd Rd., Mata­ teacher on each bank day.'.'At Donald Parrish Dies The Junior choir and the Jun­ broad, Patricia Welstead. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Raln- ’.v.\...... - ’ ’ • V • —- wan, for members only, Mrs. ior primary intermediate class­ f- ; - ■ - - • Saccdne, president of the club, the end of the school yeai-, Monday At His Home es of the church have begun Elaine Captunlan, - Busan aud, Browntown; conducted the business session each child will be requested to practicing for the Children’s Vance, Janet O’Hara, Janet of the meeting, The dark horse bring In the record card which Donald F. Parrish, 49, died Day services to be held In the Searls, Edith -Faas, Sheila Ka- Do you have cafe exits In \ make home buying easier . . • ' plant was won by Mrs. Frank will be checked with the bank Monday, May 19, 1958, at his church on June 9. The Sunday lieta, Barbara Penska, and Pa­ your home In case of f 1 r ef Warwick, Union Beach, and records. home, 5 First St., Freehold. He School board will meet In the tricia, Linda and June Arte'l- Bedroonts, especially, need two > arrange for refinancing at Mr. and Mrs. Simmons serv- Since this Is a program to was horn In Frankllntou, N.C., church tonight. All members 11, Matawan; Virginia Walling, exits. The second exit might be ' ed refreshments;" encourage thrift, withdrawals the son of William and Pattie and interested adults are Invit­ and Bernadette Cruskos, Union backstairs, a porch roof, a fire­ - Special guests were Miss from ths account may be Parrish. ed to attend. ■ Beach; Deborah Golden, Fleet­ proof ladder. For safety’s sake, Elizabeth Lelchtnam, Free­ made only If circumstances Besides his parents, he is wood: Kathleen Werth, Pa­ be sure windows, storm win­ [ LIBERAL BUILDING hold; Mra.-Vlctdr Young, Un- warrant. Withdrawals may be survived by his wife, Edna tricia Mui-phy, Mary Coyle, dows and screens can be open­ —--ton'Beach: Mrs. E. J. Brew- made only at the bank, and the (Banks) Parrish; six- sons, Atco Plans Rewards Stephanie Hlldobrandt, Kath­ ed easily and quickly from the | & LOAN ASSOCIATION haus. and daughter, Ethel, ohlld Is to be accompanied by Donald, Stanley, Thomas, For Employee Safety leen Walsh, and Jo Ann Da- Inside, says Monmouth County Morganville, _ajid Petet, Ben- one parent. The account does Frederick, Douglas md Rob­ vlno, Keyport: Joan Watson, Home Agent Mrs. Lorna K. 7~tbrt7'Matswanr— ’— not obligate., deposits each ert,- all of Matawnni ’ two A unique safety award pro­ Ann Reap, Hazlet, White. ■\ 159 Main St. — Matawan O^Jier guests wero Mrs. Nor­ week, however, deposits must daughters, Miss Edna Mae gram has been Initiated by man Ncllsen, Mrs. Bernard be limited to hot’less than Parrish nnd Mrs, Dorothy Hill, the. Architectural Tiling VCom­ I nvestigate this sound’ refinancing plan that s - Dress, WiilaH Sumack, HaZ7 flve-oente. -...... :— ’*■ Both of MalawanT five broth­ pany, Keyport!’ Harvey can help put you back on a , firm financial ~r' let; . Mrs. Thomas Bal- ers, Robert, Tennent; William klh, president, has announced footing.. .. make homo buying easier! Unlike wics, West Keansburg; Miss Visit Friends Spring Valley, N.Y.: Donald, as a reward for safe .habits, some forms of homo financing your payments Edith Richards, Keansburg; Carteret; Clyde and Francis, trading stamps will be present­ here will reduce both principal and interest... - - - Miss Sfabel ’Beggs. Mrtr: Peter Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rob­ and a sister, Mrs. Ruth Kear­ ed to the employees; For eaciv Orlasky,, • Mrs, Earl .Benton, erts, s r„ and Mrs. B o b e r t s’ ney, all of North Carolina, day an employee works with­ nnd you’ll pay less in the long run. ' - - Mrs. E ; Spver and M r ., and mother, Mrs. Mae Kenney, Funeral services will be held out an accident he will receive Here, you’ll find helpful refinancing that-Is - Mrs, Bed Lammcrs, Mata­ and Mrs. Holmes Shutts, Key­ Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at the six stamps. quickly arranged. Come in soon. A courteous . wan; William Nltzel, Prlnce- port, spent Sunday visiting Mr. Freeman & Son Funeral Bonus awards will bo made loan officer is ready to give yojl prompt, ton; Miss Sarah Heyser, Key- and Mrs. Milton Roberts, Jr., Home, Freehold, with the Rev. at periods of four weeks, three port; Mrs. John Corrlne, Eng- Mannpalan. En route home, T. M, Jones, pastor of the Sec­ months, six months and one experienced service. ’ : lljhtown; Mrs. Fred Worsloy, the group visited Mr. and Mrs. ond Baptist Church, Freehold, yedr-durlng which no one Til YMHA Day Camps Old Bridge, and Mrs, R. Green- Alfred Allison, Matawan. officiating. Interment will be the plant has a lost time acol- man, Freehold. ;. lh Maplewood Cemetery, Free­ dent. , Noar and Gamad 10 years from today, many hold, , • ■ , ’ . Every employee will be This week, why don't you young men nnd women will be given the stamp bonuses If no look.through the windows ot studying In college, their way one In the plant has a lost your church from the In- jiald through saving NOW, In Kindergarten Class time accident, but no one will For Sevan Wojiderful ^ U, 8. Savings Bonds.______recelve-suoh-bonus if any em-_ Visits Geran'sDairy ployee has a lost time accident" /eeks of Day Camp The children of Mrs. Cathe­ Employees who-do not report rine Dim e o’s kindergarten accidents, even minor ones, Apply YMHA class of Morganvllle School, will be peaallzed by a enjoyed a trip tofleran ’s three-month disqualification MARTIN E. DANZIG, Executive Director est. Dairy Farm,.Marlboro Town­ from the stamp program ship, May 13. Stamps will be given out each NEW JERSEY'S FINEST "Present were Robert Fitts, week With pay checks and ev­ 316 Madison Ave,, Perth Amboy DAY CAMP Kenneth Taber, George War­ ery attempt Is being made to Member Federal Home Loan Bank System ren, Patricia Kllcomlns, Kathy give employees trading stamps HI 2-0365 26th SEASON Fenka. Vleky Freeman, Dale of their choice. Leander, Brenda Huntley, Dru Bing, Barbara Martin, Jimmy Blake, Charles and Robbie Postol, Larry Brookington, Bonnie Worneca, Andrew Long on looks and load space ...Chevy's new Fleefside! "Oakhurst Thompson, Gerald Burst, Lar­ ry Cobb, Mary Furey, Joseph Her*’* Ihe new pickup that LaMura, Robert lAaylo, Ellzak bring, you clean-lined Fleet*: . Country Day Fostcll, Nancy.Rlopel; Quabet- te Rogers, Phyllis S u s s o, tide - ttyllng and Increaied —— Jamos Szymanskt, Jeff Dalton, load capacity... both In lho Schools Camp John Cameron, Clifford Ward. same model! Also Mrs, Ann Penska and ... Open All Year son, Jackie, Mrs. Marie K11- from their dual headlight, to comlns, Mrs. Robort Fitts, their projectile-like tailllght hoiu- - 12B MONMOUTH RD., OAKHURST Mrs, Grace Warren, Mrs. Jean lags, these new Chevrolet Fleet- TELEPHONE KELLOGG 1-1500 Bing,... . 1 ’ aide pickup, are beauties to Write or Phono for Free Booklet! behold. And—even more impor- A beautiful 3)4 icre private estate with taat to your business — they're...... full recreation faclliUru , . , Expert In­ built for more load...... struction, modern buildings, educational, WEDNESDAY cultural, all sports program for all age . The new Flcctside pickup box levels. _____ ... LADIES’ DAY —available in-7 8 .-or 9G-inch No Rainy Day , • Regulation Size lengths—is a full 6 feet wide, This Tennis Courts Coach Excursions means you have a choice of Problems • Indian Village . to NEW YORK 59.5'or 75.6 Cubic feet of cargo No Extra Bus Trips • Horseback Hiding space-larger in either case ih»w • Transportation Servloo and NEWARK that of any comparable pickup : • ' model. ’ • Hot Luncheon Meals SAMPLE FARES To To Your dealer win also give yoo " — All Activities...... • Nursoonrrcmlscs FROM N.wnrlt N.wYwk the details oil tbe fasttstepping , .. on. the Premises! • Visiting Doctor Pt. Pleasant Bch. $240 $2.95 Stcpside, d merlca’s lowest priced For Boys and GirlsL • Special Events ihuryPark'j v.2.05 2.60 "popular pickup. : , 14 Years LIMITED ENROLLMENT ng Branch : ; i 1.85 2.40 Fine in luymr pnftiws since IpST , Red - Bank : i ; i :-140 2.05­ 2 Regulation Swimming Pools . t /ftcfudiflo federal fax These Pools, the finest In tho area, localed on tho premises, Daylight Time are oomiilelclj- protected by modern filtering system "OOIHO Wednt»day»— on any. train and are under supervision of Red Cross LUe Guards. arriving Newark offer Ii35 A.M. or FUXXf ItfTKliaB Niw York after 9i10A.M. Separate Camp RETURNING—en any fraln eume day, and Flay Area for' Opens June 26 c t until 12i9S A.M. from New Yerk) Nursery Age Level 11.50 A.M. from Newark on PAR- Thru Aug, 21 3iOO A.M. from New York on Jersey See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer • Small Groups ... Control (Thursday?)*_ - i i • 4 Teachers 5 Day Week. . Tlcktto must ba purtbased before beard* $2! Ino train. No Half Fares for Children. .b it . Mrs. Mary Qoulden, Register Nowl- - T/cfctfs oood an fra/M ef boM nUnoth, Director lea J im Tab/el for frafa servW JOH NSON ...... GIBB... MOTOR ... CO. FRANK ZAMPELLO BS-MA Jersey Central lines 110 Main Street, Matawan Phone Matawan M 040 205 Broadway Keyport 7-3350 Keyport Pennsylvania Railroad Your Inspection is Cordially Invited. YOU AUTO BUY NOW ! — ’- ■ ' . ■ ' . .s . Miss P. Smith Is Bride O f M iddletown Harriette Insley Couple M arried At Si. Engagements Tesaro-lllnes , - . THE , Married Saturday Married May 10 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hines, Miss Patricia Dorothy Smith, Miss Harriette Ruth Insley, Jr.. 204 M tln St.. I*ort Mon­ MATAWAN JOURNAtj daughter of Mr and - Mra. daughter of Mr. and Mrs..Mel­ mouth, unnounco the engage­ ville Insley, 61 Broad St., ment of their daughter Cftrol- James G. Smith. 38 Franklin Matawan, became the bride of orni Hines, to Christopher Tc- Second Seotlon ‘ - Ave.,' WestKeansburg, became Willlam.HoyV Scharff, Jr., son SQio, sou of Mr. and Mrs, -Tc* May 22; 1958 ______Page One the bride of Roger Watkins, salo, Plnovlcw Avo. Ke nns- of Mr. and Mrs. William Hoyt burg. and presently Is doing gradu­ sonot Mr. arid Mrs. E,L. Wat­ Scharff, sr., Engllshtown Rd., Miss Hines graduated from ate work at Stevens Institute - kins, Bixby, Okla., at 3 o'clock Robertsville. Saturday, M ay St, Mlchuel’s School, J c r s c y of Technology, Hoboken. He Is Saturday, May 17, 1958, In St. 10, 1958, at 7:30 p.m. at a can­ employed by Bendlx Aviation, dlelight ceremony at the First City, und is. employed ns a. Tetorboro. , , - Ann’s Church. Keansburg. Methodist Church. Matawan. secretury b>; Compact Associ­ A fall wedding is plnnncd. The Rev. Stanley J. Levan- The Rev. Chester A. Galioway* ates, Red Bank. Mr. Tcsuro deski, pastor, officiated at the pastor of the First Presbyter­ graduated f r o m Mlddlotown Bover*«MulClnriey double ring ceremony before ian Church, Matawan, officiat­ Township High Scliool. and = Is . Mrs, John McKinney, Cllff­ ed. Leonard Porcelll, Red a draftsman nt Fort Mon­ wood, announces the engage­ an altar decorated with white Bank, sang traditional wedding mouth. ’ ment of her daughter Vem gladioli. Traditional wedding music, and. was accompanied Iturlilc-Kllnc music was played by the or­ at Uie organ, by M rs. Gordon Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Kline, ganist, Mrs, Marie Lederhaus, McGee, Matawan;...... 29 Compton- Ave,; Keansburg, East Keansburg. Given in marriage by her announce tho • engagement of Given In marriage by her father, the bride wore a white tliei r riuughU*r, Eileen, lo father, the bride wore a floor- embroidered organdy ballerina- Charles Ituclitc, son of Mr. and lcngth gown of white lace dver length gown which had short Mrs. Julius Ruehle, 153 Osborn white satin, deslgned-wlth - a sleeves. Her fingertip-length •St., Keyport. . fitted bodice, a sabrlna neck­ veil fell from a headpiece pf Miss Kline attended Keyport line, long tapered sleeves, and seed pearls and she carried 'a High School. Mr. Ruehle Is a a bouffant ruffled skirt. Her nosegay of white carnations. graduate of Koyport High fingertip-length veU'bf^.French Miss Judith Ann Insley, School nnd Is employed by illusion was attached to a tiara. Matawah, sister of the bride, .Grancl Union, Keansburg. She carried a cascade .bouquet was the maid of honor. She \ Tho' couple plan a Soptember of white roses centered with wore a ballerlna-length sleeve­ wedding. ■ . white orchids. less gown of pale green em­ . Maid of Honor broidered organdy over taffeta. ' Jacqucfl’Kriiiiier Miss Dorothy Smith was her A net veil fell from her pale Mr... and Mrs. Harold Kram­ sister’s maid of honor. Her green straw cap and she car­ er. 20 New Brunswick Avo.j aquarmarlne ballerlna-length ried a nosegay of yellow carna­ ( •¥* Mntawan. announce tlie en­ •gowri of lace and net over taf­ tions. ’ L is&M gagement of thetr daughter. feta was worn with a matching " Brother Is Best Man MR., MRS. ROBERT WILLIAM PI.AT1I Janls Dale, lo Ralph II. Jac­ crown with an eye veil. - She Jesse Grant Scharff, brother ques, son of Mr. and Mrs. carried a cascade, bouquet of of the bridegroom, was the - Miss Winifred Helen- Waltz, cess basket of yellow snap­ Rnlph Jaoques. 62 West Front white carnations. ‘ best man and ushering were daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ dragons, blue Iris and daisies. St. Keyport, WINN VERA M, McKINNIiY Bridesmaids were Miss thur J. Waltz, sr., 349 Aber­ The bridal attendants carried Miss Km iuor Is a senior nt Claire Scheper. East Orange, Raymond Nolan. Brooklyn, and Matnwan High School. Her fi­ M„ 330 South Burnett St,, East MRS. JACOB F. ZASTKO Joel Michaylo, Matawan. deen Rd., Matnwan, becnmo princess baskets of yellow Orange, to Joseph C, Uowern, and Miss Connie Trew, West Following a reception held in the bride of Robert William snapdragons and bluo carna­ ance attended Newark 'Vocn- 203 East Albert St., Rnhway,- . Keansburg. Their gowns of Before an altar decorated she carried a cascade bouquet Plath, son of Mr. nnd Mrs, Al­ tions. white net over Ice blue taffeta Uie lecture room of the First bert A. Plath, 020 Cambridge Brother Is Best Mnn non of the Into Mr, and Mra were1 worn with matching with white gladioli, snapdrag- white carnations and blueof Presbyterian Church, the Clovelaiul Bowers. Miss Md- ogs and palms. Miss Helen sweet peas. couple traveled to Georgia. Ave., Union Beach, Saturday, Albert Plath, Kcansburg, Klunoy nlno Is tho daughter of crowns with eye veils. They The bride will graduate from May 17, .1058, at.3 o’clock In was his brother’s host man. the Into John MoKlnnoy, carried cascade bouquets of Lenovich, daughter of Mr. and The bridesmaids were Miss Matawan High School with the the afternoon In St. Joseph’s Ushering woro Raymond Klein, Mins McKlntroy 18 a graduate white carnations with aquama­ Mrs. Anthony ijenovlch, South Myra J. Brown, Keyport; Miss Class of 11)58. The bridegroom Church, Keyport. The Rev. Union Beach ond Herbert Car­ of Mntawan lllglr Bolioul and rine net.and ribbons. Laurel Ave., Middletown, be­ Min Bekalskl, Middletown, and John J. Hendricks performed bone, Mntawan, cousin ot tlie ~Jamesi:Smith. West Keans­ graduated from Matawan High the. double ring ceremony be­ bride. completed-a courso In switch­ burg," brother of the b r i.d e, came the bride of Jacob F/ Miss Maryann Stack, Long Is­ School, Class, of 1953, and at­ fore an nllnr decorated with board nnd reception teelmlquo Zastko, son of Mrs. Mary Za$t-. land, cousin of the bride. Their tended Lafayette College*, Eas­ The mother of the bride at the Cliune Bchool, Now York,- served as best man. Ushering ko, 6 New St., Jamesburg, and ton, Pa., and Pace C o 11 e g e, white gladioli, snapdragons and wore a belgo. silk organza Mr. Rowers attended Cranford were Robert Flannelly, West the late Andrew Zastko, Satur­ ballet blue gowns and hats N.Y. He was employed by the blue iris. Miss Loretta. Durante sheath dress, trimmed with ny­ High Bchool and Is omploycd Keansburg, and Gary Van day, May 17, 1058, at 10 a.m. were styled like the honor at- Guarantee Trust Co., N.Y., pVl- played traditional wedding lon tulle; a matching hnt and by Urn Blngor Manufacturing Dine, U.S. Army, stationed : at .ai, s^, Jatn.e.3. --Cbwwk,. oc. to _ enlisting . in the U. fl. muslo on the organ.' ' . accessories and a corsage of Co.. Kllzntielb. . • . , 7T&ri,'ttooimwittn. ; . - Bank. • • - ...... cadeTiouquetS ol whlte*ci arna-' Army Signal Co-’ps iri January/ Oiven In ■mSrrJpge:4>j> it j r cynioitHuma. The bride­ v_ A weddfrtri hdir'' tmedv1 For her daughter’s wedding, father, the brldo wore a gown groom's mother selected a plmined. . . Mrs. Smith chose a blue lace The Rev. Wlhiam C. Ander­ tlons and bliie sweet peas. . The bridegroom will be sta of while embossed nylon ovor light bluo silk floral print : dress, crystal and white acces­ son performed the double ring Anthony Zastko, New Bruns­ tloned at Fort Gordon, Ga, white taffeta with ■ a sabrlna dress over light bluo taffeta . Wlhon-Topolewikl “ sories, and a corsage of pink ceremony nnd celebrated the wick, was his brother's best neoktlne and short sleeves. Em­ with a blue flowered hat, whlto Mr. nifd Mrs. Chester Topo- roses. ■ . solemn high nuptial mass man and ushering,.were J. o h n bossed petals trimmed the-full noocssorles and a corsage of lnwskl, 33 Compton Ave,, West Receptlon At K df C Hall which followed. Thomas Guin­ Lenovich, Middletown, brother O b i t u a r i e s skirt with four’ back tiers tliat while cymbidlums. Koniinburg, nnnounae the en- " A reception was held at the ane was the soloist and Mrs. of- the bride; John Pohira, Charles Galosh flowed Into - a chapel-1 e-n g I h A reception followed nt tho gagement of tholr daughter, Knights of Columbus Hall, Georgia Mason organist. \ Plainfield, and Anthony Wilcen- Charles Galosh, 63, of 46 Wih train; Her fingertip-length velp Veterans of Foreign Wars Botty R „ to Robert W. Wilson, ' - Keansburg, .after which the Given in marriage by her skl, Cranbury. son Ave., Matawan, died Sun­ of French Illusion fell, from a Home, Cllffwood, after which son of Mrs. Plorenoo Harper couple left for a-wedding trip father, the bride wore a full- For'her daughter's wedding, lace pillbox studded with poorls Uie couple loft for Washington, and W. Wlleon, both ot Davon- . to Oklahoma, , ‘ length Emplre-style gown de­ Mrs. Lenovich selected a pow­ day, May 18, 1958, at his home. MINS JANIN KRAMER port, Iowa, ' , signed with an Alencon lace der blue lace dress with a navy He was born in 'Austrla-Hun-' and she carried a white prayer D.C. and Virginia Beach, Va. Ml»s Topolownkl Is a gradu- The bride Is a graduate of bodice with scattered seed gary, the , son of the date book adorned with a white or­ For traveling, Uio bride woro a tlonnl School and Is employed Keyport High School and was blue hat and accessories and a Charles andi Katherine (Sedlar- chid and Ulles-of-the-valley, light bluo suit with a navy bluo ato of Keyport High B o h 0 0 1 employed by tbe Perth Amboy pearls; a scoop neckline and corsage of pale pink cyprlpedl- elk) Galosh. He came to the Miss Carol Hyer, Matnwan, hat and aoco^aorlcs and a by Coi'boi'unduin, Perth Am­ and Is employed by the N, J, Savings Institute, Perth Am­ short shirred sleeves. Match­ um orchtds. The bridegroom's was the maid of honor, and the white orchid corsage, boy, Boll Telephone Co., Koyport. boy. The bridegroom graduated ing lace appliques trimmed the mother chose a gray crepe United States 52 years ago, and* No date lias been set for the Mr. Wilson attended Davenport white silk organza skirt which dress with a navy blue hat and had lived In Matawan for .the attendants were Miss. Joan Car­ The bride attended Mntawan wedding. schools und has spent ftvo-and- from Bixby High School. Blx- fell over blush pink skinner sat­ accessories and an orchid cor­ past 32 years. 6 bone, Cheescquako nnd Mrs. High Bchool and ls employed by, Okla., and completed two He.was a communicant of St. Herbert Carbone, Jr.,. Mata- by the New Jersey Bell Tele­ Nalzbcrg-Prloliard one-half years In Ihe U, 8. years service in the U.S, Army in Into a chapel-length train. sage. • wan. They wore light blue ny­ phone Co., Keyport. Tho bride­ Mr. and Mrs, Marvin W. Navy. Ho la stationed In New- . last-week. “ . . Her three-tier fingertip-length, Tour New England, Canada Joseph's Church, Keyport, Mr. York, veil of Imported French Illu­ , A reception for 125 guests Galosh held a life membership lon waltz-lcngth gowns with em­ groom graduated from Koyport Prloliard, SI Ravine Dr., Mata- An October wedding has -Jrtie.couple-will.reside_in.Bix- In American Legion Post 176, bossed flowers on the s k r t, High.School, served In the U.B; iJjy,. j .j .j : ;♦ V : .J_.. sion fell frofti a crown of seed was held at the FOrsgate Coun­ square necklines and short1 Army, and Is employed by been planned, ■■ .-■■■. ■ - ■ pearls and she carried a mis­ try Club, Jamesburgr ft f te r Matawan;-was & member, of sleeves. Nose-longth veils fell Westlnghouse .Electric Co,, Me-. sal adorned with a white' or- which the cdiiple left cm a the Slovak -United - Gymnastic from their mntohlbg petal-hats Uichpn * 1 fuilV Attendanr itd^Burround^d^'with w h I t e OY^toar-ol the’ -New-—^England Sokol,.Lodge. 11, Perth Amboy, ; • Noa-SeotaHaa roses and sweet peas with rib*, States and Canada, For travel­ where.he was a gyfp 'Instructor t'nmined wlth rhinestones, Thb Tho couple Will reside nt 3 bon streamers. ing, the bride wore a gray, suit for many years. He was a U.S. honor’attendnnt carried a prin­ Mill Rd., Mafawun. ' ' ; L.DAY Funeral Home d Wears Romance Blue’ with a black hat and acces£oK; Army veteran of World War I. S861MapIe Pl., Ke>porti{ Miss Jeanne Shea, New ies and a white orchid rorfiaKje*/, Mr, Galosh was a painter and California; Mrs, A. Snblnl, .Un­ Surviving aro his wife, Mrs. Tel. KEyporl 7-1352 York, was the maid of honor. The bride graduated jntcrlqmlecorator by trade. ion.City; Mrs. Annr. Pasqunlo, Sallle (arlines) Dixon; tlueo fUNSUM. DECISIONS Md* b *d- Her ballerlna-length gown of Keyport High School and ls .a Survivlng~ls his wife, Mrs. and Mrs. Phllomcna Marino, daughters, Mrs. ErscU Roy­ vmm of a**d • • • hm Mpid maty romance blue silk organza had service representative In the Mary (Kastak) Galosh; _ o n c Hoboken; Mrs. Charles DeLco, Tako faat-ncting W fttak p<*co of mbd - • - Sian a sabrlna neckline and a shir­ South River business office of daughter, Mrs. James Farley, and Mrs. Angelina Santomln- ster, Matawan; Mrs. Martha p*4ccHv* fm*rd f*cH frooi in. - - red Empire waistline of alter­ the New Jersey Bell Telephone Matawan; one brother, George, na, both of Union City: a broth­ Jackson and Mrs. Doris Han­ nating tones of romance and Co. The bridegroom graduated Edison; two sisters, Mrs. Jul­ er. Patrick. Union City, and non, both of ,Cllffwood; a son, GERITOL ballet blue matching the float­ frpm Jamesburg High School ius Stein, South Plainfield, and nlnc-gpandchlldron. . . John, Cllffwood; a sister, Mrs. ing back panels. Tiny rosettes, and served two years In ,the Mrs. John Blelen, Old Bridge, The Rev. Stanley Lovandos- Annie Edwards, Easton, - Pa ; FEEL seed pearls nnd bows trimmed U, S. Marine Corps. He Is the and one granddaughter. kl, pastor of St. Ann's Church, her small sculptured hat and assistant golf pro at Forsgate Funeral services were held Keansburg, officiated at a a brother, Sandy Dixon, STRONGER Country Club, He won the PGA Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. at the blessing at 9 a.m. Wednesday Browntown; 18 grandchildren Tournament Thursday at the Day Funeral Home, Keyport. nt tho John J. Ryan Homo for and one great-grandchild. FAST Homestead Country Club, At 9 a.m. & high requiem/mass Funerals, Kcansburg. Inter- ■ Fiinoral Borvlcds will bo hold nil hln 7 dayi Spring“i.ake. ------"------was celebrated by the Rev. inent was In Cloverleaf Ceme­ or money back I When they return from their John J. Hendricks, at &t. Jo­ tery, Woodbrldge. ' at 2 p.m. thla afternoon-at tho wedding trip; the couple -will seph’s Church, Keyport. Inter­ Second. Baptist.Church, Mata­ reside at 14 Sheridan St., ment was In St. Joseph's Ceme­ , Mrs. Earl T, Neal wan, with tho Rev, WlUlam J. MINN MARGARET lUUOIIAllI* tery, Keyport. ^ Mrs. Hattie Mae- Neal, 39, Hutcheson, pastor, officiating. 'Jamesburg. ‘ died Sunday, May IB,' 195B, at wan, have announcoil tho en­ Mrs. Michael Comerford her home, 49 Maple Avo., Interrrtont will bo In Midway gagement of tlielr daughter. Mrs, Jennie Comerford, >70, Oro'en Cemetery, Matawan, Margaret Ellen, lo David Buln- Funeral Services Keansburg. She was born In Funeral arrangomonts are un­ berg, eon of Mr, and Mrs, Ed­ of 125 Stone Rd., West Keans­ Huntington, West Va, She lived" der the direction of the Bedlo ward Balsberg, 626 Poplar Rd,, : . George B. Schaffer burg, died Saturday, May 17. in Keansburg for eight months. Funeral Home, Matawan,- - Ulvervnlo...... Funeral services were held 1958, In Monmouth -Memorial ■“Surviving are her husband; Miss Prichard Is a graduate Saturday at 1 p.m. at the Hospital. She’ was borrriri'New Earl T. Neal; two daughters, Mre, Gifford B, Atimaek Of Douglass College, New Bedle Funeral Home. Keyport. Jersey, daughter of tho lntc Mrs. Donna JdhnBon, Warner Mrs. Etta tBayles) Aumark. Brunswick, and ls tlio tiion-nge 11 W, Front t„ Keyport with th^gRev. Maurice Phillips, WlUlam and Sarah (Bastcdo) Robbins, Oa„ and Miss Vlcke 82, wife of the late Dr. Gifford program director of llio Cen­ (Nut t* I'lcplfi8 Nftt’l UlHk) pester- of the First Baptist Curloy. She had lived In West Graves, at home: three sons. B, Aumack, tormorly of Key­ tral Branch YWCA, Now York. Kollo A Mnrnlhiin Dunqp Church, Koyport, officiating for Keansburg for the past 14 Fred C. Graves. TJ.8, Navy; port. . died In, Martinez, Ga., I’b ii Our Duur George B, Schaffer, 06, of 155 years. ' Earl D. Neal, and Nevll Neal, Wednesday, May 14, 1DDS, Sho Mr. Salslierg graduated cum Washington St.. Keyport, who She was the widow of Mi­ both at home. was born In'Brooklyn, and had laudo from Rtilgers University, died Wednesday, May 14, 1958, chael Comerford, and was a Funeral services were held lived In Koyport for 60 yours. at his home. Interment was In member of the Gold Star Moth­ Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Surviving aro a daughter. Old-Tennent-Cemetcry, -----...... - ers...... JoIuTJ. Ryan Home for Funer Mi'9._Jc>lm_Tcini)lln, Orlando. He was born In Newark, son Surviving are three » o n «. als, Keonsburg, with .Iho Rev. Fla,: two grandchlldroh, Mrn. Studios of the late Theodore and Ida Thomas, Red Bank; Michael, John Euler, pastor of tho Bay- Herbert Spray, Jr., Fair Hav­ (Albert) Schaffer. Keansburg; John, West Kcans­ shore Community Church. East en, and Mrn. Dirk VanNcst, CANDID WEDDINGS A SPECIALTY Surviving are his wife, Mrs. burg; five daughters, Mrs. Le­ Keansburg. officiating. Inter­ Red B a k. and six great­ KEVPORT Clara (Cottrell) Schaffer; one roy Smith, Atlantic Highlands; ment was In Bayview C e m a- grandchildren.>1 10 MAIN NT TEL. KE 1-1691 son, Winston E., Matawan; one Mrs. Arthur Brower, Leonardo; tcry, Leonardo. Funeral services, were hold Sister.' Miss Etelkn Schaffer. M r s. Frederick DcllaPietro, In aeorglu. Interment will ho West Keansburg; Mrs. Daniel Mrs. John (lormnn private. . Newark, and three grandchil­ Ferrante, HaztetrMrs. Waiter Mrs. EUi.-l M. Gorman, 53. dren. . Dill, Kcansburg; two brothers. of 7 Jackson St., Matawan, Jacob II. Wagner for., tho vacation of Your Droami Joseph Vi. Havens Frank Curley, Bradevelt, nnd died suddenly Monday. May Jacob B. Wagner 64, of 70 Funeral services were held William Curley, Laurence Har­ 19, 1958. at her home. She was Argylo PI., North Arlington, Friday at 2 p.m. at the H. bor; one sister, Mrs. Sarah born In Ambler, Pa., tlio died Sunday night, May -11, coiibuH wllli ua , La u re ncc- Scott- and So tTF une r- Brown, Forked River; 2fl daughter of the late Daniel 1958, In Bergen Pines Hospital, before you go , , , al Home, Bclford, with the grandchildren, and 11 g re a t- and Emma (Bennelt) Brewer. l’uramiis, He wan born In Mt. Rev, Dr. Robert L. Black- grandchlldren. . She wns a communicant of Joy, l’a., non of the I ale Jacob Vou Irnvo the fun . , . m&n, pastor of the B e 1 f o r d Funeral serviceo were held St, Joseph's Church, Koyport. und.Hyl villa Hlurtul Wagner, wo do thu planning Methodist Church, officiating, Tuesday at 8 a.m. at the Day She Is survived by her hus­ Hr wan the brother of William nnd arranging, Wlial'e for Joseph W. Havens, 71, of Funeral Home, Keyport. At 9 band, Jolin Ooiman; ono son, Wagner. Mrn, Francru Quinn more, there's; no extra 59 .Park Ave.Bclford, who a.m., & high requiem mass John Joseph, U, 6. Marino und Mrn, Helen Trlllo, all of cost for our sorvlco died .Tuesday, May 13. 1958, at was celebrated by the Rev. Corps; two brothers, Daniel Union Beach. bis home.' Interment was In Stanley Lcvandeskl, pastor, In Brower, Morganvllle, and Sam­ Mr. Wagner wau a retired Fairview Cemetery, Middle­ St. Ann's Church, Kcansburg. uel Brewer, West Prbchdld; milkmen und had been employer li.y>Brown i*li»f Villry MTravel ltf » 'llt Jlmltli Bureau ftl„ j'enli AmtAJtuiyjr, town Township. Interment was In 81. Gabriel's four Dialers, Mrs, Elizabeth ed by Borden's, Newark, lie. 7 Itruodw/ir, Kfypurl — Nlilit Citlii Kryport Mr. Havens was born In Mid­ Cemetery. Bradevelt. Broxmeler, Dong Valley; Mrs, had lived In North Arlington dletown Township, the son of Edith Ely, Tennent; Mrs. Ha­ for 20 yearn. ■ tbe late David J. and M a r y Cornelius Marolta,..... zel , Roberts, Matawan, and Surviving In hln v/lfe, Mrs. Cleaning - Dyolng - Ropalr - Storage (Smith) Havens. He was a Cornelius Nutchl Marolta, Mrs, Edna Ridgeway, Plne- Eva enioszczati Wagner: litres jnerober_of the Bclford Metho- 70, of Second 6t„ Raritan wald. sonn, Robert, Jolin and Illcli- dlst Church, and was an ex­ Township, diFd Sunday, May Funeral services will bo Held ard, NortTf“ATIIITgtonrTWO“ orhT' ^ t e R u g ^ empt member of the Navesink 18, 1958, in Monmouth Memor­ st 0:30 a.m. today at the Day er- - brothers. Waller a M d Fire Co. ial Hospital. He was born In Funeral Home, Keyport. Al Charlon, Verona; one other Ms- vKrOccasion Surviving are bis wife, Mrs. Hoboken. a.m. a high requiem mass will0 ter Mrs, Allen Camb, Ccdsr May (Hoover) H a v e n s; & Mr. Marotta had lived In beTcelehrated by the RevT Jctirr Ornvo-BiKl-ono grandchild,____ Now bJeriey'i y Ct brother, Charles F., Union Keansburg for 40 years. Ha J. Hendricks, In St. Joseph's Funeral nervlcen were lield Beach: two sisters, Mrs, was a retired bartender. While Church, Keyport. Interment Wednesday, May 14, at 9 a.in. Mo»t Modern Equipped­ Charles Rose, East Keansburg, living In Kcansburg he was a will be In St. Joseph's Ceme­ In Qiieon of Peace Church, and Mrs. Herbert Bayard; member of . the police depart­ tery, Keyport, . - North Arlington. Interment L&urelton, and two grandchil­ ment. He took an active part wun In lloly (jrons Cemetery, Rug Cleaning Plant dren, . In Keansburg politics. : (jrorfd^fllxoii - under direction of-llic George r.~j- roUa was a special guard at Oeorge Dixon, 69, of 42 Rarl J. Hrierley Funeial Home, Fort MonmoutlVfrom 1942 lo tan 81, Cllffwood, died' Hun- Kearny. ' “ ". ' mmmms. 1945. day, May 19. 1950. In Mon- S. Boyes Rug Cleaning Co. W S. W allace Surviving are his wife, Mrs i mouth Memorial . Hospital. He If cancer had been conquer­ Agnes Marotta; two sonn, An­ ‘.was tire son of the late Snmuel ed a dozen year- ago more Call: 1lh and N. Stevont Ave, gelo Charles. Keansburg, and Dixon and Peggy 'Carrolli than 36,uOO children would not S01-1582- South Amboy, N. J. W. Front Street Keyport Frank, ^rprr. n daughter, Mrn. i Dixon. He was a member of have died of cancer, according Rose Cuh.il. K'Jnsburg; a 1 x the Bccond Uttpllsl' Chur oh, lo the American Cancer Soc­ Freo Pickup & Dollvory Service ON BUSY STMEi sisters, Mrs./Alary 1 Nebolfh Matawan, • iety, . :' ■ 1 ‘ ■1' i' ■ ■ ■ r . tion of officers and directors Is secured fron^ Mrs. Arthur Vincent Shea Wills Filed Mental Health Group scheduled. At f p.m. there will Churchill, Meeting Chairman August, H. Schneti Plans June 6 Meeting be a dinner meeting of the N.J. Association for Mental state board of directors. " Health, 60 South Fullerton Wed In St Ann’s Ralph J. Rothbart, .Keyport, Dr. .John J. Blasko, Chief, Tbe state president pointed was granted letters of admin­ Psychiatry Division, Veteran's out that the. annual meeting Is Ave., Montclair. " “ " " JOURNAL Morley ^ ‘Loose! • Before an altar decorated istration in Middlesex County Administration, Washington, open to all Interested persons. A daughter was born Mon­ with white gladioli, Ml&s Eliza­ Thursday with the will annex­ D.c., will be the major speak­ A copy of the program. Includ­ Heal Estate Listing Cards ■ Second Section ' Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Morjey. beth Jane Black, daughter of ed of his uncle, August H. Schu- er of the seventh annual meet­ ing reservation fo-m, may be fcr sale at this office. Page Two May 22. 1958 Woodland A v e,, Keansburg, day. May. 19, 1958, in Mon­ Mr, and Mrs. George Black, 33 ett. He died Mar. 1 at Edison ing of the N.J. Association for are the parents of a son, born mouth Memorial Hospital, to Cobcord Ave., Leonardo, be­ and lett a $3000 estate. Emma Mental Health, Friday, June fl, Wednesday. May 14, 1958, in Mr. and Mrs. Carl Loosch, 3 came the bride of V ln c e n t Rothbart, sister of the deceas­ at Asbury Park. : Rlvervlew Hospital. Prospect PL, Matawan. Shea, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. ed, was named executrix and Jane FiskNamcd Vincent Shea, sr,. 1 Maple- sole legatee of tbe estate but Approximately 350 represen­ Link * - woocl Ave., Keansburg, at 1:30 she predeceased her brother. tatives from 13 Affiliated.coun­ FUR LPN President Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bit*, Mr. and. Mrs. George Link, p.m. Saturday, May„17, 1958, In The will of Apr. 5, 1933, was ty Mental Health Associations, terle, 9 Rutters St., Hazlet, are 52 Elizabeth Ave., Matawan, St. Ann's Church, Keansburg.' executed at Keyport. und other interested persons, Mrs. Jane Fisk, Creek Rd., are the parents of a daughter, The Rev. Stanley J. Levan- are expected to attend the STORAGE Ifeansburg, was elected presi­ the parents of a son born Fri­ born Friday, May 16, 1958, In Ann M. Broander 1 meeting at the Hotel Berkeley- day, May 16, 1958, in Rlver- Monmouth Memorial- Hospital. deakl officiated at the double­ • Ann M. Broander. Keans­ Carteret. The day’s theme Is dent of the Licensed Practical view Hospital. The baby weighed four pounds. ring ceremony. Traditional burg. who died Mar. 31, 1958, “ Mental Health—Today’s Prob­ Call KEy 7-0102 Nurse Association, Division 10, 14 ounces, and has been named wedding music was played by left Jewelry and personal ef­ lem—Tomorrow’s Promise.” at ]ta meeting held Friday, Dclghan the organist, Mrs. Marie Led- A Bonded Driver Mr. and Mrs. George Delg- Karen Ann. erhaus, East Keansburg. fects to her two sisters, Della Dr. Edward P. Duffy, Jr., May 9 in the YMCA, Asbury ban, 49 Little St., Matawan, Given in marriage by her Dupont and Virginia Wilder Nutley. state president, an­ Will Call For Your Furs------Park. Others elected were Mr6. are the parents of a son born Matthaey father, the bride wore a gown and three nieces, Marie Had- nounced that Dr, Blasko will Mildred Yost, Keyport, vice Thursday, May: 15, 1958, In A son was bom Friday, May ! of * white Chantilly lace over dow. Mary Crook? and Anne outline expected advances In / Vault On Premises president; Mrs. Emma Berry, Rlvervlew Hospital., * 16, 1958, In Monmouth Memor­ ‘net and satin fashioned with C. Wilder. The residuary estate the fight against mental 111- Opeanport, treasurer; Mrs. Iris ial Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. an Illusion neckline,0 short is left to her widower, Floyd rieas. His address Is entitled MATAWAN BRANCH - Ridgeway. Red Bank, s e c r e- Kelley William T> Matthaey, Washing­ sleeves, and a boqffant -skirt D. Broander, according to her “ Mental Health—Tomorrow's 131 Main St. — O dd. Bell Beef tary. New officers will be in­ ton Ave., Matawan. . which terminated in a .. chapel will dated Apr. 17, 1945. Prom ise.” stalled at the installation din- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kell-’ Eva Clark . Dr. Duffy explained that the [ ey, 44 Tenth St.. West Keans-, - Slgismondl . train. Her flngertlp-lengtb Veil program will', extend from . 9 C L E A N E R S fcUYERS —ner at Crystal-Brook Inn,—Eat­ burg, are the_pardnts of“a' son ” Mr. and Mrs. Renaldo Sigis^ of-Frgnch-4Husion-was nrrang- Eva Clark, .Keyport, who i rptffisfU 4 t / W ,( St*vutf Vu. Putt* 4d.nt* W 9 ontown, June 12. r born Thursday, May 15, 1958.In mondl, Lloyd Rd.. Matawan, ed under a crown of seeded died Apr. 12. 1958, hames^her a.rar through 3 p.m. when elec­ Roland Scott, Red Bank, Rlvervlew Hospital. are the parents of a daughter, 1 pearls, and she carried a cas- son, Clyde Clark, Keyport^ as chairman of the division's fifth born Friday, May 16, 1958,' in 'cade bouquet of white daisies, sole beneficiary of her estate, annual ball, reported that fi­ ' Van lllkxoort . Rlvervlew Hospital. * centered with white orchids. in a will dated July 12, 1957. nal arrangements have been Mr. and Mrs. Louis Von Rik- Sister Is Ilonor Attendant Joseph Vogel made for the dance which will xoort, 825 Ninth St.. Union <- ‘ Knoble-? Mrs. Margaret Christiansen, Joseph Vogel, Raritan Town­ be held Saturday evening at Beach, are the parents of a A daughter was born* Fri­ Mtddlctown, was her sister's ship, who died Mar. 8, 1958, the Molly Pitcher Hotel, R ed son, born May 15, 1958, in Riv- day, May 16, 1958, In Rlver- honor attendant. Her baller- bequeaths his estate to his wid­ Get It Here-... Bank. crview Hospital. vlew Hospital, to Mr, and Mrs. lna-Iengtb gown of light blue ow, Mrs. Grace Vogel, accord­ The association's fifth annual Jerome Knoblc, 131 Highland nylon embroidered organdy ing tO'A will dated June 25, state convention will be held Gleason Blvd., Keansburg. was worn with a matching pic­ 1956. The New 4 IN I June 2 to June 7 at the Berke- Lt. John T. Gleason. Jr., and ture hat. 8he carried a cas­ ley-Carteret Hotel, Asbury Mrs. Gleason. Reese Air Force Crowley cade bouquet of pink daisies. Park. Base, Lubbock, Tex., are the Receive Caps BY.55* PHONE...costs little Package Policy For Mr, and Mrs. James Crow­ Attendants were Mrs. Ruth Mrs. Fisk, chairman of the parents of a daughter, born ley. 9 Eighth St., West Keans­ Kennedy. Keansburg; Miss Miss Irene Dobry, Matawan, to call anyone...anywhere safety drive, reported that the Saturday, May 17. 1958. Mrs. burg,, are thc parents of a Joyce Schellner, Leonardo, •J mill., slilion f»ti ftom Asbuty Path committee has completed . the Gleason is the former Miss daughter, .born Friday. May 16. and Miss Florence Makrowskl,. and Mrs. Dorothy King. Laur­ tiler 6 PM and at! dar Sun. Tu not ind. HOMEOWNERS placing safety signs and c a r Irene T. vVallace, daughter of 1958, In RlvervieWj Hospital. Union Beach, Their gowns and ence Harbor, were among sev­ stickers In each municipality. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wallaqe. picture hats were the same eral who were capped recent­ AT A BIO SAVING — EASV ANNUAL PAVMENTS Following tbe Installation Highland Ave., Keyport. Lt. Bllottl as the matron of honor's, and ly^-upon the completion of a dinner, no meetings will be1 Gleason Is the'^on of P o 1 i c e A son was born Thursday. they carried cascade bouquets course In practical nursing giv­ 1.'Fire and Extended Coverage- on Your Dwelling: held untU . September, w h e n j Chief John,, T, Gleason, sr., May 15, 1958, In Monmouth of light blue daisies. en at the Middlesex County Vo­ 2. Fire and Extended Coverage* on Your Household Goods the new officers will be in and Mrs. Gleason, South Am­ Memorial Hospital, to Mr. and Dale Christiansen, niece of cational and Technical High Pat & Mike's and Personal Propertj. " - charge. boy. Mrs. Alfred Bllottl, 3 Fifth St.. the bride, was flower . Her School, Woodbrldge. . New and Used Plumbing S. Theft Insurance on Your Household Possessions . ' Matawan. . full-length gown was white 4- LlsblUtr insurance With Medical Parments Coverage Your advertisement In this Cahill embroidered; organdy over Youngsters will love a "pur­ Stoves-Refrigerators •Ftre. Lightning, Hall, Windstorm, Riot, Explosion. Fill- paper will reach prospective Mr. and Mrs. William Cahill, D’Ercoln - - blue taffeta, worn with a flor­ ple- cow," Pour concentrated lug Craft. Vehicle Damage. Smoke purchasers In every commun- 244 Laurel Ave., West Keans­ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D'Er- al headpiece. She carried a grape Juice Into chilled milk, Fixtures > Ity in the bayshore area. burg, are the parents of cole, 13 Yale Rd., Madison bosket of blue daisies. says Monmouth County Home Route 35 . daughter, born Sunday, May 18, ;Phrk, Old Bridge, are the, par­ Rober: GottnABy 11 e^ 1058, In Monmouth Memorial ents of a daughter hern lh served -as best man. Ushering ’^ir'tfuntTkTj -’UTm1 m.m\. •W’Uh O, ‘"wftfeffwood Beach * DR. LOUIS I. PRAGER Hospital. South Amboy Memorial Hospi­ were.George Gas. Keansburg, good size scoop of vanilla iciPf Ross W. Maghan Agency tal. and Fred black, Leonardo, cream. MA 1-6065 OPTOMETRIST Postell brother of the bride. - ( Open 7 Days a Week EYES EXAMINED A daughter was born Satur­ Mnrtenak * Alfred Terry, West Keans- Real Estate— Insurance day,- May 27, 1958, Jn *. Mon­ Mtv-and -Mrs»-Joseph—Mar* ' OFFICE HOURS mouth Memorial Hospital, to tenak, 220 Hillcrest Ave., Laur­ burgrnephew ol the b r 1 d,e-: MATAWAN 138 Main St. M A I-0003 Dali, aod 8atord>jri Mr. and Mrs. Ellzah PosteU. groom, was rlng-bearer. 9 A M. lo 0 P.M. ence Harbor, are the parents The bride's mother selected i . H i t a g T f g Frida,, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Box 141, Morganvllle. of a son, born In Perth Amboy a light blue, lace dress, pink Hospital, ... accessories and An orchid cor-, Closed All Da, Wednesday, . • - ..Regan, - ' sage. For her son's weddtng, 30 W. Front St., • Mr. and Mrs. Jamcs^ Regan, ’ Freiburg. .. 028 Poole Ave.. Union . Beach’, Mr. and Mrs. Eugpng. Frei­ Mrs. Shea chose a royal blue Never Before ■ Keyport are the parents of a son, born burg; 59 Pinewood Ave., West ensemble with light trimming v IF YOU WANT YOUR Monday, May 19, 1058 In Mon­ Keansburg, are the parents ^of, and accessories, and an orchid PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED KEyport 7-2020 mouth Memorial Hospital, corsage : QUICKLY, EFFICIENTLY a daughter/bom Wednesday, A reception /was held .at’ ANO RELIABLY — S e e n May 14, 1058,, it Rlvervlew Bticlr Smith's, East Keans­ You Get Clean, Quick Hospital. - burg, after, which the couple W all left for a wedding trip to Vir­ Heat For Cooking S A V - O j v j I n T o w n Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wall, ginia. Upon their reUisEL^Uhey.i Prompt, Efficient Television Service 26 Lincoln Ct., Keansburg, are will reside at 44 Leonard Ave., D R U B S ’ the parents of a son, born Leonardo/ For* traveling t h e - Service ...... - ..;.tS.:.THE PLACEJTO GO;. Radios &,.Small Appliances. Repaired Tuesday*JMay„2Q,_ 1958, In _R(v- bride chose a beige dress, A T R I P erview Hospital. brown and white accessories 27 Yeara in Business and a corsage of white orchids. i i n J deNeergaard - The bride Is a graduate ot KEYPQRT GAS CO. J TOVB WESTING HOUSE DEALER , Mr. and Mrs. Christian de- Middletown Township High Neergaard, ftoslyn/ L.I., are School and is employed by the Affiliate of ' tlie parents of a son. bo rn New Jersey Bell Telephone 7 TEN EYCK RONSON. Inc. Wednesday, May 7, 1958. Mrs. Co.. Red Bank. The bride* 3rd Annual Recital -V IIS UPPER MAIN ST. MA 1-1900 MATAWAN, N. J. deNeergaard is the former groom attended St. Jam.es Ml&s Doris West, daughter of High School. Red Bank, and KEYPORT LUMBER Prescnled By _ V Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. West, has served two years in the Keyport. U. S. Army. . & SUPPLY CO. World’s Largest Operation Adler Tel. Matawan 1-1872 A daughter was born Friday, This.week, why don't you Cliffwood, N. J. JOAN IRENE'S STUDIO Of Ks Kind .. . May 16; 1958, in Monmouth look through tho windows ot Memorial Hospital, to Mr. and your church from the. In­ Mrs. 8idncy Adler, 108 First side? . ST. JOSEPH’S*AUDITORIUM St., Keyport. . " Shay SAVE Mr. and Mrs.-Willlarti Shay, "AAary'S: Haven" Qv-Ort*J)vwg Maple Place, Keyport r 1710 Union Ave., H azlet,. are A Licensed Kindergarten, Located At 'Jjcutc'ilQttA. " ihe parents of - » daughter, Ff*e£ DCLfsear FRIDAY MAY 13th, 8 P.M. born Tuesday, May 20, 1958, in Box 314x Poole Ave., Keyport, til K£YPoar7 oooe Monmouth -Memorial Hospital. Off Highway 35 Adult $1.25 Children 60c Wilkinson WU1 open In September. Owned and operated by Mrs, A daughter was born Frl- Ross, who has previously tabght at St. Joseph's-School, day. May 16, 1958, In Rlver­ Keyport, for seven years.. The kindergarten has been inspeoied by Mrs. Kenyon, from the Board of Education vlew Hospital, to Mi . and Mrs. In Trenton and therefore la approved and a licensed James Wilkinson, ^ S h e r­ kindergarten. Registration and Information can be oh* wood Dr., Cltffwood. ' ‘ talned for the opening In September, by calling Keyport Klatiowskl 7-Z920 between thc Honrs of 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klat- lowski, 22 Snyder Ave., Keans­ PROFITS! burg, are Uie parents of a Covering Co. daughter, born Mondny, .May "I Invite you to tvy my famous 19, 1958, in Rlvervlew Hospital. RUSSELL TV SERVICE free gallon offer 'and. onjay Hie - OWNflRS OF f wvlnflimadepoiilblrbyhuge ...... SHORE RADIO ...... Felt Base Linoleum volume and one-stop merchan­ SALES & SERVICE Cut From Full Rolls C O C . 36 Church St. - Keansburg dising." . We Are An Authorised Philco Dealer .. 1st Quality W v Expert TV and AntennA Repairs - * Sq. Yd. Matawan 1-6070" . Keansburg 6-2300 Worth STORE OPEN TO 9 P.M : Asphalt Tile Vinyl Asbestos Tile 9x9 x 1/B | - w p . 9x9 Std. Ga. h Much HEARING AIDS Marbleized B-Color ; All Colors 1 f ” More! EVERY l a d y ... V:. / ; 1st Quality if * * 1st Quality A lf ..... No p«My odor ■— No iMU Or •' fcSf ii/ISTANCEI . - Ea. wpirlnct ■Huary. Um It for • Eu. most ssrfacet lattde er oehlde, Is 1 V2 Hours of Your Time walls, cefltogi, oil musowry 2"o CAN fi)lkBCTIONI Inlaid Linoleum Tile HeavyTweed Rubber •Hrfoc«t. D iscrimination i . Worth 2 0 c to You? 9 x 9 Household Ga. V Ag 27" Width Runner (ffeQ C SHADES...... H E A R W ITH 9 LBS. OF CLOTHES T C # Fpr Steps and.Hpll FREE B O T H E A R S FLUFF DRIED & FOLDED / - 1st Quality £^0 7 Gray - Green B eig e ...— -r------.. ■ Ea_ . ■ _.U— ---- . : Lint" Yd. ’ MARINE Wllh Zenith’s tit-ihe-ear hear­ SPECIFICATION NO LIMIT! ing aids...you can enjoy the SOAP - BLEACH AND BLUE FURNISHED depth of "biimirar or "both- ' , and ____— ...... ENAMEL ear" hearing, IJy wearing an (n- 9x12 LINOLEUM RUGS $C95 Buy1r-rGet2 ^frUAYfciiratifacti“e4rryoirtan-~ WE p o ALL-THE WORK FOR YOU HardaM wh«n txpettd te air. better judge (he distance and When yon take them to nn automatio yon do all the work ...... 1st Quality ____ Many Patterns Ea. Ideal for woodwork or fornUuro. Buy 5-rGet 10 direction of sound—better dU- and pay-.for 3 lbs. of clothcs-r-Mc washer—5© each for Ha« a lasting-Ugh gloss finish. criminate the sounds you want soap, bleach and blue and 20o_Jo_drxrr55o_and Jhcy_ are to hear; Ideal formany peoplT -not foIdcd"Ybvriinve" to'stay” there at least iVi hours. — — — ...... FranchisedDealer .... MM ...... *8 98 ’’ANY PAINT I MAKE” who have a loss in both ears. • 10-Day MonayBack 6uarant«» Bring your clothes to us for a nice clean white • 1-Y«r Warranty — -...... :...... Wash, and receive ihem^neatly folded and S a n d r a n I • S-Yaar Altar-Purchaaa 39 MARY CARTER PAINT FACTORIES ...... Factory Saleroom _:_ Protactlon Plan , wrapped. Use the 1% hours time to do Also Available in Rug Sizes ^ 819 Hwy 35. Wanamnasa Near Asbury Park Circle FREE DEMONSTRATION! something else, > 9 x 1 2 - 1 2 x 1 2 ...... ■ sq, yd. . 112 Brighton Ave., Long Branch . ;_____ Coma la or Call Today ...... - ..... 12x15 — 12x18 — ....:r"...... ■ JRoufe 34, 2 Miles'Soiilh of Matawan Phone MA 1-3884 7 381 Kwy 35. Red Bank Broad Street Cleaners Perth Amboy — 181 New Brunswick Ave. „ Route 35 and Clarik^treet, Keyport Roselle Park — 361 East Westfield Ave. KEYPORT HEARING No . ■ ‘ . 36 . yj®. vPIainfieJd :— 711 West Front St. AID CENTER 78 Broad Street, Keyport West Orange — 563 Northfleld Ave...... * (Plenty of Parking Space—Next to Parking Lot) Down Photie Keyport 7-2025 — 7-2026 f' nths ' . v Newark — 291 Springfield Ave. : 49-51 West Front Street Payment lo Pay Middletown —. 381 State Highway 35, Hadden's Comei Tel. KE 7-2008 W e Also Do Quality Dry Cleaning on *he Prcmbes;:' Open Every Evening ’Till 9 P.M. > tn June Symposium | Award For Union Beach Mart Multiple Sclerosis ...... To Hold Fund Drive ■ .If; ■ j To Be Published A t Stevens Tech James A. Arnold, Jr., Prince­ i\ JustlOO-years-ago, Tuesday, NOTES A symposium on water-based ton, treasurer of the Central u x m f t m w on May 20, 1858, James P. Al­ helicopters wllPbe sponsored New Jersey Chapter of tho Na­ Aboul Area Men and Women June 27 by the Elevens Experi­ tional Multiple Sclerosis So­ Second Section ----- laire died, ending one of the mental Towing Tank of Stev­ ciety recently met at Morven, May 21, 1B38 Face Three -most colorful phases in Ameri­ in Ihe with Qov. Robert B. Meyner, can Industry. Ah associate of ens Institute of TeehnologyrHo- Robert Fulton and the Ameri­ boken, and the U. S. Navy's a member of the board, and crippling disensn which strikes can shipbuilder Henry Eck- Bureau of Aeronautics. Tbe Mrs. Meyner, honorary chair* young adults between the ages first such meeting ln the world, man of t -i o MS Hopo Chest of 20 nnd 40, ond for medical ford, Mr. Allaire built steam Armed Services the symposium will be held on Campaign in New J o r a e y, engines, conducted steamboat which begun May 11 and runs and rehabilitation services to lines and from 1822 to about the Stevens campus and will patients now already afflicted, 1845 operated one of the blg- be attended by representatives through June 15., ■ gest ironworks in America, lo­ Kline Aboard Carrier , Eighth Regiment. Mr. Lagana of universltie., government, Tho meeting was held in or­ many of whom live In M o n- cated la tbe New Jersey wood­ Robert J. Kline, son of Mr. also Is a member of the Na­ and Industry ' der to discuss plans .for the moutti County. ■ ' land southwest of what now is and Mrs. Robert Kline, Sixth tional Society of Scabbard and The purpose of the sympos- drive in tho entire area served Mr, Arnold, himself a victim Asbury Park, St.. ..Union Beach, Is touring Blade. turn ts to co-ordinate and dis­ by the chapter, which includes of MS, recently was votod “ Dis­ Japan and the far east aboard seminate the findings of the Burlington, Hunterdon, Mer­ abled forking Fultuir of the The story of the colorful in­ Davis To Graduate towing tank and other groups cer, Middlesex nnd Monmouth Year." by tho Nntloual Fath­ dustrlallst is told in detail for. Alton T, Davis, fireman, U.S._ who have been working under , Counties. . . er's Day Committee. Ho Is Dl- the first time ln "Allaire’s Lost Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al­ Navy contracts on the hydrody­ Mrs. Meyner said that the reclo-- of Research, Princeton' Empire,’’ a new book schedul­ ton M. Davis, 0 Fierro Ave., namic problems of water-based purpose oi tho drlvo is to pro­ Survey, and consultant tor both ed for release-this week on the Matawan, Is scheduled to com­ helicopters. Since the helicop­ vide money for research which the New Jersey Commission on lQOtb anniversary of his death, plete the Naval Academy ter has been used effectively to It Is hoped will find tlm cause State Tax Policy and County uthor of "A llaire’s L o s t Preparatory Session of the U.S. spot submarines, the Navy ts Joseph O. Gunsauls, son of Mr. and Mrs, Orln VV. Gunsaula, and euro for this mysterious Tax Study Commission. ___ hire” ts James S. Brown, a ( Naval Preparatory School to­ concerned with improving the 302 Union Ave., Union Beach, formerly of Carfoontjule, Pa,, Ik member of the editorial staff morrow at the Naval Training plane’s performance on the congratulated by Col. A, II, Davidson, Jr., Director of the V. 8. ..of the. Asbury Park Press for | Center, Bainbrldge, Md. sea. . Army Engineer Research nnd Development Laboratories, Port the part 20 years.and an nr-: Vice Adm. H. Page S ih 11 h. As the "eyes" for attack or Bclvoir, Vn., upon receiving $10 nnd a Department of tlio dent student of New Jersey Chief of Naval Personnel, will defense missions, the helicopter Army Suggestion Award certificate. Ills suggestion concern* history. address the graduating class. either hovers motionless above Ing carpenter shop procedures will result ln on estimated Mr. Brown carefully docu­ Immediately after graduation or "sits" upon the sea and lis­ savings of $100 annually. . ments the story of Mr. Allaire exercises an optu house for the students and their guests will tens for submarines by means . Shndowbrook Inn,' Shrewsbury. and tbe now-deserted village be held ln Tome M e m o rial of a "dunking sonar device," 1 Mental Health Speaker which once flourished as How­ School. A dance in the evening One df the problems to be dls-1 Dr. Perkins spoke on the sub­ R & i & t t e ' i . ell Works, His researches turn­ will conclude the activities. cussed at the symposium Is i Dr. Marvin E. Perkins, psy­ ject: “Some Guidelines fo r ed up many new' facts which The preparatory school pro­ how-can the hel copter best chiatrist, addressed the Mon* Community Mental Health." , trace operation of the lron- vides Intensive academic re­ rest on rough water without I mouth County Mental Health works back almost to the days fresher training to enHsted per­ structural damagi to Its rotors I Association a1, Its annual meet* H avo you read the classified Sbeco/iatobi of the American Revolution; or to its fuselage—that Is, how J ads? . .. • and studies of Allaire family sonnel from all branches of the much power, If any, must be Inc Tuesday evening, at tho papers refute some of the oft- armetj forces selected to com­ applied to . tlie rotors ln order Route 35 Morgan, N. J. repeated tales about the enter­ . ROBERT J. KLINE pete for appointments to the to stabilize the plane at this ] prise. . Naval and Air Force academ­ the aircraft carrier, USS Han­ ies, or who already hold con­ time. -- | LADY... Custom Made Publication of “ Allaire’s Lost cock. Tlie ship will return _to gressional or presidential ap­ A highlight of. the sympos-I Empire” by The Transcript the United States in Septem­ pointments. lu'm will be a demonstration of - Printing House, Freehold, Is ber. The school reviews, ln seven a test in the towing tank of a ls% of an Hour of Your Time particularly tlrtiely since Al- Robert enlisted ln the' U. S. months, sublets' that would re­ scale model of a HUP-2, a 3 PC. SLIP COVERS lalre now Is a state park and quire from one to three years tandem rotor’-type helicopter. efforts to restore the village of Navy July 16, 1957, nnd took of Instruction In the average In keeping with the policy set Worth 5c to You? • 1 Sofa . 80 buildings are well under­ boot training at Bainbrldge. secondaVy school. Following by the towing tank’s founder, $ £ . 0 5 0 way. ' Md. He completed,a six week’s physical examinations and the late Dr. Kenneth 8. M, Da-, 9 LBS. OF CLOTHES • 2 Chairs From Public ceremonies Saturday course at the Nayy Airman’s completion of administrative vidson, the costs of the tests will mark the opening of the Fundamental School, ftorman, processing, the graduates will have been kept at a minimum' DAM P DRIED deserted village to the public. Okla., Mar. 6 at which time report ln late June to the U.S. by developing nn Ingenious —Includes Zippers, Trimmings and At that time, the State qf New he. was sent to San Diego, Naval .Academy, Annapolis, substitute for the motors and . ^ Choice of Fabrics ■ , : Jersey will turn over.to a apn- Calif., for further assignment. Md., .and U.S.. Air.:- F o r c e rotors of the full-size plane.. ■ ■■■ .. SOAP . BLEACH AND BLUE FURNISHED 2a.He.was assigned to the Han­ Academy, Colorado Springs, Instead of rotorh, a spring ts . and • the village, which Is located cock, and Was flown to Tokyo, Col., to be sworn In as mid­ attached to a staff which is In within the confines of AUalre Japan,- to meet the ship, stop­ shipmen or Air Force Cadets. turn connected to the model. WE DO ALL THE WORK FOR YOU DRAPES MADE FREE State Park. V" ping at H a w a 1,1 and Wake By Increasing or decreasing Island, enroute. 1 Humphries Promoted the strength of the spring, the When you Lake them to an automatic) you do all the work With the Purchaie of Fabric The rise of Howell Works For friends who would like to Charles Frank Humphries, lifting force needed to stablllze- and pay for 0 lbs, of ’clothes—tOo waaher—Bo each for and Its decline with the dlscov- write, his address is Robert J. son: of_ Archibald-.. Humphries. a helicopter onroutfli seas .can, soap, bleach and blue—SBo and have to slay there at leant ' ery of Iron and anthracite coal ffilne, ■ : AA512-30-54, Y-2 Dlv., Matawan,'a former Keyport be olmulated. The rough seas, ^isofan • hour.-- lmPennsylvunla... are woven USS Hancock (CVA 19) c/o F. resident, recently was promot- fascinatingly into the story of P.O., San Francisco, Calif. are produced by a s p e c 1 a 1 Bring your clothes )o us for a nice dean white Mr. Allaire’s own tangled per­ wave making machine which. PHONE sonal history Involving two Crist Completes Training Is Installed ln tho tank. ' wash and do what you want for 3/4s of an • wives and'a famlly’feud. Pvt. John:J. Crist, IB;'son of As the model rises hnd falls Mrs. V,.C. Crist, 120 Highland wllh the waves, the ch ange hour. , ~ ^ 1 PA 1 Blvd., Keansburg, recently which would result iii the lift­ For Our Pocorator's Photogs/CD Workers completed tho final phase. of ing force of the rotors offull-' Broad Street Cleaners " Eligible In Content six month's active military Size helicopter Is simulated by . Service . training under the Reserve means of a dash pot, w h I c h ■ Photographers and Civil De­ Forces Act program at Fort consists of a piston Inserted 78 Broad Street, Keyport fense workers Who have taken Knox, Ky. tnto a Cube filled with oil or outstanding pictures of C 1 v 11 Pvt. Crist attended Middle­ water. One part of the dash (1’lcnty of Parking Hpaoe—Next to Parking / Estimate Free At Your Home Defense In action will have a town Township High School. pot Is attaohed to the model ■ Or At Our Store chance to. jnake photos, “ p a y and tlie other to. ar. overhead Next Ib Covtrt’s Flqwcr eland • --off"'-ln-theSecondAnnuaV-Na- Laguna Receives Awards’— support carriage. As In a hi-, We Also Do Quality Dry Cleaning on the Premises. tional CD Photo Contest no w Johri J. Lagana, Jr., son of cycle pump, tlie resistance ,cn-„ in progress, TEomusiS. Dlgnan, -John J r Lagana—Box 00,-Key- countered-by-the-plston-is---a- ort, has been .awarded the functlon of Its velocity. T h.u.s Acting,.State D1 eqton of New uperlbi Cadet Rlbbori.and the as the model bobs up and dowit . J e r s'tSy ''Clylfe Defense,,iwpv Association -of -the U n i t e d ln the tank, the chango in lift­ nounced recently, gStates Army Medal at Pratt ing .forco is accountod for. - Any accredited New Jersey Institute,,Brooklyn. CIIARLES F. HUMPHRIES - j re- s s or .- commercial-, pho­ Mr. Lagana', a' Junior at Police Say Youths;— tographer or CD worker Is eli­ Pratt Institute, and a cadet ed to sergeant. Sgt. Humphries gible to participate In this na- master sergeant ln Uie Reserve is In charge of a five-man Set Hazlet Blaze tlon-wide contest, he; said. oTflcers Training Corps was team for Battery A, Second Mr. Dlgnan announced that .ttje recipient of the Superior How. Bn„ Eighth Arty. - Homes ln the Spilt Rock sec­ the .New Jersey Public Infor- Cadet ribbon award which Is Sgt. Humphries Is a gradu­ tion of Raritan Township were matlon Officer for Civil De­ given to that cadet considered ate of Keyport High School, threatened recently when strong fense, Joseph C. Plotroski, most outstanding in his class Class of 1955, and prior to en­ Winds fanned the flames of a has been named one of the group. All phases of military listing. was employed by the burning construction: building f^ur national Judges. ■ and related school activities N.J. Bell Telephone Co. owned by Hope Homes Inc., Contest Jtfiilry-Hanks and are considered In determining He Is stationed ln Korea, but which adjoined the develop­ descriptive literature may be the selection. These Include Is. taking part ln a six-week ment. obtained from the New Jersey military leadership, school and war maneuver training at State police ..at Keyport re­ . ClvU Defense offices at the extra-curricular leadership and Okinawa. He Is the youngest port the fire was set by two —armory, Trenton.. — than In the battalion, which Is boys; seven and eight: years Consistently demonstrated 'po­ made up of five batteries, to old. Firemen of the Hazlet Fire tential qualities as an officer hold this rank. ' Co., aided by members of Key- •• 'JCP&L Revenue Up of the army. ' - , Fpt- frlends, who would like poct's Engine Co. and Hook Mr._ Lagana also was the re­ to/Write, Sgt. Humphries ad- and Ladder Co. who were In for a Drive and a Deal Ynn’ll Never Forget! Jersey .Central Power & cipient of the Association of aress Is Sgt. Charles Humph- Hazlet at the.lime, were first Light Company reported: oper­ the.United States Army MedaK rle8; • F.R . 1253900, "A " Btry. to arrive at the fire -sqehe and ating revenues ' of $40,624,000 which Js awarded to that gen­ 2nd How. Bh: 8th' Arty, A.P.O, extinguish lt. for the 12- months ended Mar. eral military science cadet 7, San Francisco, calif. \ 31, agjeompared to $36,917,000 who distinguishes himself ln If you need printing of any for the same period last year, his advanced course work by kind, we are here to serve you. .an:Increase of 10 per cent, ac­ all-round excellence- Mr. La­ Currie Re-Named Our quick service snd reason­ cording to financial s t a t c- gana was the first Junior ca^ able prices will please you. ments issued as of Mar. 31. At det In the history of Pratt's Edward W. Currie, Matawan, the: same time lt disclosed that ROTC ever to be awarded this waa re-elected as a three-year '‘Bit Income Increased 1.5 per medal which always Is given trustee of the New Jersey Ag' cent from $5,697,000 to $5,783,­ to a graduating senior cadet. ricultural 6oclety, at its an­ 000 for the like period. The Upon returning to school ln nual meeting held May 14 ln company also reported con- September, he will be the new Trenton. The society is the old­ HM a structlon expenditures of $22,- company commander of t h e est farm organization ln the —738,000-for- thel2-month-per|od National 11 o n o r Society of nation, and Is marking 1 t s . that ended Mar. 31. Pershing Rifles, Company I, 177th anniversary this year. 6 MWK? SAVE DOLLARS BYTHETON! Buy now on special 'blue coal' ; Budget Plan.. ,jnd save! __ 1.5 a vo m oney I You get big special discount by ordering now! ' -! NWeVe'specialists-tm-gornge*.-- . 2. Save w orry ! No big winter bills. Buy now- We can help you with your ga- pay later on easy installments!- ^" . raga plans, tell youitow-lo do YOU "AUTO” BUY NOW — Keep our economy m liigK & arl your construction, or recom­ slan ayatan Uwt reJefataa Wee, «waf and hoanw to 3. Save tim e! No last minute rush—you can have mend a competent cerpo/iler. TU, week can bo an eye opener! ■ If yolu’re handy with asaw and ■ Come in and-see the^nost appealing deal Jn year*. llw history books , , . hsfaepUiring prwclaiaiw af next winter’s coal safe in your bin now/ liommcr, you can build it.your­ And ne !»w llw industry’s hottest team of nnginoera control that majfos you Miovo In inaglcl ___ self. Fast applying Insulite® has sparked an nll-ncw kind of ficliun in America's ■ Ome you drlvo Lhs exciting 'CH Pontiac you'JJ Sheathing will save you timo Number 1 I tend Cnr, • , want It, And once you prioo H . ,, and sse Iwrw much and work. ' Try the smooth, enger rcponse of Pontiac's your present car Is worth in trade .. . you'll K,l Come in and gel all Ihe details Tempest 396 V-8 , . . Lh« revolutionary, rww »u*p«o- Ponllao—tlxildggcet money's worth on Uw market I .from ue. •• Tho'blue cool'Guarantee Eaiy payment plan, arranged; eoly.top quality, specially tested Pennsylvania an- .ttracto.rc^yM. tJK ’blue ccaL' seal disapproval-1 . dw blue tint that Is your guarantee of quality. MATAWAN Call us today! cleoa. tote, Low-Coit Heat '• t dSuii’-.nou in, uw«i.«i(, nrioto »»« leoususv.smtrrsw.wrw, chiw..,*« cmv w ^.wsiwse eeinigiwie . LUMBER CO. ______~ s([ your torei "'lb roumc ersits...... —------1 ~r 1 11 rr s JUDSON S HOPLA The Friendly Lumber Yard 110 Third St-, Keyport Keyport 7-0791 MA 1-4500-4501 DOWNES PONTIAC 't be- rplnr -hltnc: nhau' ionl- buy 'blue conf SiitpliiB Aye., Matawan 62-66 LOWER MAIN ST., MATAWAN, N, I - Pboine MATAWAN 1-2299 ^ Yes there has been.: a lot of talk L­ ♦ ', > ^k 1 7 .-c* • &J. ' 1 ^ T, Iarid t wishful thinking on the part of ♦ V t ' f ' . ^ Y ’..--a..- many hoping that car prices would be ' - , reduced this Spring, however, from all - -- reports and indications at this time it - - - appears as though prices will increase again this fall. ’ - We the following Keyport-Mata- K 5 v • ■ i wan authorized new cardforav^x tun* ■ junction ** _ with ■ ■ the ■*“You ... Auto . Buy Now” program are offering you, our local owners and customers, savings that in reality mean lower prices on new cars. W a t c h F o r $ 2 B i l l s The response to date has been be­ now being circulated by em­ yond expectations resulting in lowest ployees of your local auto possible prices for you at this time. dealers whose payroll is be­ ing made up in these bilb. Keep these, two dollar; bills '.v... J .J' in circulation.

JOHNSON-GIBB RARITAN GARAGE OLDSMOBILE — CHEVROLET - - ^CHRYSLER ---PLYMOUTH ' ...i—...i------:------:------—-—-—- • 1 ' ' ( ’ ' • GEORGE S. BARRETT B U H L E R ° n d BITTER .. And Son, Inc. - DESOTO — PLYMOUTH ' - FORD DEALER

KEYPORT NASH, Inc DOWNES PONTIAC ...-w - . RAMBLER ...... : ... . . ■■.. ----- ...PONTIAC — VAUXHALL — JEEP I Inc.- I BUICK — OPEL