UO'iUOUTH CO. HISTORICAL ASSH,. f r s s h o l o * h . j . x , COVERING T h i s W e e k T07VN8IUP8 OP HOLMDBL, MADISON Tw o Sections MARLBORO, MATAWAN AND. ' 2 0 P a g e s MATAWAN BOROUGH . New Jersey Preu Association Member . 89th YEAR — 47th W EEK Member Nations! Editorial AssocUtlan MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1958 Monmouth County fresi Auoolitloa Single Copy Ten Cents Three Bus Routes Dropped By Launch Squad Headquarters Fund Drive Convict Lavoie Matawan Man Elected By Dcms Matawan Board Of Education On Drunk Count Transportation Ends For Most Pupils License Revoked Two Years; $225 Fine Going to St. Joseph's From Cliffwood . — - f • R E S C U E s a t f t i P Stephen D. Lavoie, president Three bus routes are being eliminated under the board’s of Lavoto Laboratories, ' Mor- new plan to provide transportation only for pupils living gnnvillo, Thursday was o o n- two miles from the schools they attend, Thomas J. Sld- vlcted on a charge of drunken dons announced Monday for the transportation committee driving. Mlddlotown Township of the Matawan Township Board of Education. The routes Magistrate W. Gilbert Mnnson to be dropped In 1958-59 ‘ are Imposed a mandatory fine of present routes 7, 9 and 10, Re­ (200 and a two-year license rs tained are routes 1,2,3.4,5,6,8 vocation. Mr. Lavoie also was and a special route. Tbe three assessed (25 In court costs, eliminated are two trom Lloyd BULLETIN Immcdlutoly after tho find­ Rd. and one trom Cllttwood At least seven people were ing of Maglstralo Manson, John Beach which do not meet tbe killed and scores Injured at Warren, Jr., attorney for Mr. two-mile stipulation. 1:29 p.m. today sb the result Lavoie announced he would Children now transported to of an unexplained explosion file lin appeal of the conviction. St. Joseph's School, Keyport, at the U. 8. Army Nike'Mis­ The appeal must bo filed with from Cliffwood, no longer, will sile Base In the Chapel Hill the court within 10 days of tho be accommodated, M r.. Sld- Section of Middletown Town­ dato of conviction. dons explained. The routes re- ship. Fire tiac! broken out Mr. Lavoie, who lives on malnlng In Cllffwood will car­ around the explosion areai Edgemcro Dr., Matnwan, was ry pupils for St, Joseph's as and was still raging when arrested Jan. 15'followlng ivhnt far as the Matawan School, if The Matawan Journal went was described, ns a 70-to-75-, they do reside two miles from to press/ VJ ' mlle-nu-liour polloo chase on St. Joseph’s. Mrs. Ethel Boyle, State Police at Ihe Keyport Mlddletoivn-Llncroft Rd. He a Cllffwood resident; reckoned Barracks said at 2:15 p.m. was examined by Dr, M a r o that only the parochial; school that seven bodies had been Krohn, township physician, Jolm-Florlno, Mntnwnn, (right), was clocteil Democratic pupils living In the "Midnight found and several other per* who ruled him drunk and unfit National Xolhmlttcoman of (he Young Dcmncrntlo Club of Point” area would Qualify, sons were reported missing. to dvtvo. ...... New Jersey at the group’s hl-mmunl election convention held And they would have to Driving With Red License Saturday at lho Ucrkcloy-Unrtorct Hotel, Anbury Park. Mr, ‘‘walk” or find other'means of Florlno Is a ncmoorntlo candidate for Mutnwnn Borough Mr. Liivole had bcon driving Counollmun In the Novcinbor election. Congratulating Mr, transportation to complete with a red llconso, a llccnao ro- Florlnov neon hi* , election I* jllliiyris-ir-r-''*':* -tyillluiiis, Jr„ . their Journey to St-j^osegl^s as Petitjpnejg J p t tfio' ffehfoerttlle enmlldato tar fire TV'S, nt-TinO*', tlho wns tho­ the TegulaV sc*S3)£ om sS^ 2X r i - — --------- tlon. 6 v c r ~ £ iv o n hhurl'of testi­ end at Matawan, tSUSlUCSS mony, four hours Mny 8 and rniest siienkcr nt llio convention. , Mr. Slddons explained the ' throe hours Thursday, was new bus provisions are deslgn- hoard In tho two-day hearing, ed especially to meet the needs Route 34 Owners Ask Members' of the Matawan Township First Aid Squad Sunday launched a drive for fundi Mr, Lavolo denied ho had Developers Gome $2,173,000 Bondsr of transporting sixth, seventh If It Is Junkyard to finance construction of a new squad headquarters and youth center. A fund thermomotor been drunk, and oontondcd he and eighth grade pupils from has been ereoted on the Prospect St. site to chart the progress of Uio drive, In tho foreground. was aotually undor tho Influ­ Cliffwood for housing at Mata­ A petition containing 48 sig­ Mayor John Mars, Jr., leads members ofthe "C-Not6“Cluh” who presented (109 donations to fund ence of nn ovordoeo ot a tran­ To Terms On Map For Madison U.S. wan High School until the new natures asking that something drive chairman Al Prlsk, (center), , , .......... \ quilizer known as Ultran, be done about a business con­ ' Other "club" members were, (front row, from left), John Regan, Committeeman Salva­ MadHon RequUitoi Voto On Propotal To 20-room Cllffwood School shall tore Vena, George DIPoalo and John T, Ryan, (second from right), who donated a boat to Mr. Lavoie's pliystolan, Dr. be ready for use. The only ducted,.In, the name of "Ex­ the. squad which was sold for (899. Other sqpad members taking part In the coromonlei wero: Joseph Rudnlck, Koyport, testi­ For Crodwood Mot Bo Called In Summer transportation for which the change1 Fl.” was submitted to (Rear row), John MoDougle, Hugh Boyle, Art Calamarlo, Charles Meeker, John Balaton, fied during tho .lioarlng lt was board will not be recompensed the Matawan Township Com­ Charles Mauer, Stubby DeHydro, Frank Boyle. Vince * DeBauo, ’Ed Ryan, Tom Brown, Al his opinion that Mr, Lavoie Tho unyielding nttltudo of Mndlson Township Board of by the state will be for about mittee May 14. The following Como, and president Sam DUks, . Another member of the "C-N6to Club" Township Attorney aotunlly was under the Influ- tho Mndlson Township Com­ Education yotod last night to 35 high school pupils who live evening, the sponsors of the Ezra W, Karkus, also counsel for the squad, oould not attend. The site was cleared with equip­ onco of an ovordoao of Ultran mlttoo nnd planning board In set (2,173,009. as tho bonding, between two miles and two- petition, Joseph Mlele and Wil­ ment donated by Savitsky Dros„ Cllffwood. the doctor had prescribed for tbo faon ot -throats of suits to bo submitted for approval’ and-one-half miles from Mata­ liam Knopping, the landowners nervousness tho day ot tho ar­ ovor refusal to rocngnlzo ap­ by tho voters for tho ovnotlon wan High School. " whose properties Immediately rest. - ■ . proval ot maps given develop­ of a high school, Prior dolor- adjoin the site of this business, Early Deadline Had Two Manhattan*' ers by prior township commit­ mlnntlon lind sot Uio bonding 75 Per Cent Reoompense appeared at a township plan­ Cliffwood Man Is Attend Banking Mr. Lavolo said ho had had tees nnd planning board paid at (2,000,000 with (425,000 ftlUll- The state only allows 75 per ning board meeting, to ask that , For the benefit-of the ad­ only two manhnttans at the off Mondny. Joseph L, Edgar, lltnnl being raised In lovlos In cent recompense on costs of body to, recommend action Victim Of Mishap vertisers ef The Matawan Llncroft Inn boforo bolng ar­ Highland Pnrk, township attor­ three school Uurigotn, Tho de­ transportation for high school against tbe business. Journal, next week's edition Unit Convention rested. Two doctors, a pntho- ney, wn« nblo to nnnounoo feat twice of tho 1098-00 bud­ pupils when these pupils re­ Mr. Mlele and Mr. Knopping Fatally Hurt As . will: be . printed on Tuesday, loglst and pharmacologist, tes­ agreement had boon readied got nt th<) polls iipsot tho""lat- side two-nnd-one-half miles described the. bualnesa as one thus the deadline for display J. H. Hendrickson tified Thursday that there : Is wlth-Kantor Jft Goldman,,Now tnr plan. - 1 ■■-•*-. - - from their, school.-The' board that.had'bSen located at the Auto Leaves Road ' advertising..UO -will, "of?»: MHut ond.y May s l *9W- not sufficient alcohol lh tw o York, ■dovfkipors, aocopttn’g The board .broke down tbo acceded recently* to-a request sit*' of 8. former* diner near Georgo L. Wafts, 44, ^ of P.lfat.1 and ,for classified ad­ <T, Harold Hendrickson, vice rilnnhiitums to,i<rt.ke Mr.' La- conditions .Tainted upu’ by the. Items hr>olved ns follows; for transportation for high Mill Rd. that had been put up Shoro 1 Concourse, Cllffwood vertising Monday1 al 5 p.m. president at the Koyport offlco volo drunk. - township In return for rooOgiil-fNotlilnF for Inncl: for erection school pupUs at two miles be- during the building of the Gar­ Beaoh, was lnjurod fatally Fri­ All nows copy must be In­ of tho Monmouth County Na­ Dr. Krohn said his examina­ tlon of flnnl approval of t li o of tho building, I()7,(WP ntjuaro (continued pn page fifteen) den Btate Parkway and then day afternoon when ihe car he to the office by 1 o’clock on tional Bank, Red Bank, last tion sliow.d Mr. Lavolo lind nl- mnp’cf CroslWood given by a feet of floor space nt 115 per abandoned when workmen no was driving went out of con­ Tuesdhy In order to have night was Inducted Into tho coliol on his braath.
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