A Review on Metric Symmetries used in Geometry and Physics K. L. Duggala aUniversity of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario N9B3P4, Canada, E-mail address:
[email protected] This is a review paper of the essential research on metric (Killing, homothetic and conformal) symmetries of Riemannian, semi-Riemannian and lightlike manifolds. We focus on the main characterization theorems and exhibit the state of art as it now stands. A sketch of the proofs of the most important results is presented together with sufficient references for related results. 1. Introduction The measurement of distances in a Euclidean space R3 is represented by the distance element ds2 = dx2 + dy2 + dz2 with respect to a rectangular coordinate system (x, y, z). Back in 1854, Riemann generalized this idea for n-dimensional spaces and he defined element of length by means of a quadratic 2 i j differential form ds = gijdx dx on a differentiable manifold M, where the coefficients gij are functions of the coordinates system (x1, . , xn), which represent a symmetric tensor field g of type (0, 2). Since then much of the subsequent differential geometry was developed on a real smooth manifold (M, g), called a Riemannian manifold, where g is a positive definite metric tensor field. Marcel Berger’s book [1] includes the major developments of Riemannian geome- try since 1950, citing the works of differential geometers of that time. On the other hand, we refer standard book of O’Neill [2] on the study of semi-Riemannian geometry where the metric g is indefinite and, in particular, Beem-Ehrlich [3] on the global Lorentzian geometry used in relativity.