Missing JSU Soccer Adds a New I J'ville Votes with Qilliorls of Assistant Coach to the I in ALABAIVIA Fold, Hiring England Native 1 Teen Found Andrew Swlft

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Missing JSU Soccer Adds a New I J'ville Votes with Qilliorls of Assistant Coach to the I in ALABAIVIA Fold, Hiring England Native 1 Teen Found Andrew Swlft Basketball With seven losses in a row under their belts, the men's team can go no lower - literally. Page 5 --- thechanticleeronline.com ' c 1 r.'P'fX\"r"' I J -I *, . .. I 2008. FBS study INSIDE OC service The Organizational Counc~lsponsors a community service Meehan, Rayburn project with Valentine's Day in mind. against the idea ' Story on page 2 By Bethany Hitrbison News Editor FEATURES Lab fees, athletic fees. student recre- atlon fees, building usage fees, music fees, student activity fees . at colleges and universltles across the nation, the list You drones on and 011. But that hasn't been the case at Jack- sonville state llniversity - at least not of Trustees, Johnny Williams of Cre- ative Marketing Management presented a Football Bowl Subdlv~slon(FBS) fea- slbillty study The study recommended the creation of a five-year plan to help JSU become a top-tier Football Champi- onsh~pSubdlvls~on (FCS) program and also enhance ~tsposttron so that when the NCAA lifts the moratorium, JSU would Our faves be ready advance to the FBS. We select our favorite In the eyes of Williams, who, at press rjme was unavallablc for comment, JSU videos from America's has two ma~nareas In need of work favorite Internet pastime. - the school's marketing strategy and Story on page 5 -- - See "Fees," page 3 SPORTS Alabama Presidential Primary. Photo by Kev~nJeffers I The Chant~cleer Swift kick / Missing JSU soccer adds a new I J'ville votes with qilliorls of assistant coach to the I IN ALABAIVIA fold, hiring England native 1 teen found Andrew swlft. others in presidential primaries D~ Story on page 6 I uuall~a; 300.832- - -, - By Kevin Jeffers Then another student walked in. votes; 56% at Grove - I Editor in Chief Then another. ;H111 ary Clin 090 votes>, QlIFST117hl nf tlie r Gerald~nePlaver who served as 42% By Bethany Harbison J~USUC;C;~T ayus a rlew J Vlllt: VVtt:s WILH lllllllw113 01 assistant coach to the - - I'N-ALABAMA fold, hiring England native teen found Andrew Swift. others in presidential primaries nocrats Story on page 6 arack C -ma, By Kevin Jeffers Then another student walked in. VOW !S; 36% at Grove Editor in Chief Then another. ;Hil lary Clintc 30 votes; QUESTlON of the Geraldine Player. who served as 42% By ~ethan~Harbisan polling inspector: at Jacksonville First News Editor On Tuesday, Feb. 5,2008 - a date RP~)URIIC~~8- . WEEK thatwill be remembered as the clos- Baptist Church, said she noticed a huie upswing in young voters this On Saturday, Feb. 2, Jacksonville po- est ihe country has ever come to a Is $36 million too nzuch year. nil ike Huc kabee: lice discovered missing teenager Shanise national presidential primary - JSU "There's been a lot of publicity vote!s; 41% Phillips of Fort Campbell, Ky., in Room to spend on stadium and 1-h .... hll,-.Peir. freshman Brian Smith walked into a with the race this year," Player said. - UVII 216 of The Grove apartments in Jack- Mitit Romney : housing upgrades? voting booth for the first time. "I think that has helped the young . sonville. "I wanted to make a difference," turnout." Callhoun Cc According to Corporal Bill Deleon he stated simply, an "I Voted" sticker Player also said that she noticed of the Jacksonville Police Department, - newly pressed onto his shirt. the voter t~u-noutwas up among all Dems: Clinton 51%, Obama 47% Phillips was having an argument with an After Smith left, in walked another ages, not just among young voters, GOP: Huckabee 46%, McCain individual he identified as 18-year-old JSU student to Jacksonville's West savins that the diversitv among this 36% Romney 15% Valerie Mack. Deleon described Phillips Side Baptist Church, one of eight year'Fcandidates has sparked new- as visibly upset and said she %lso,had polling locations in Jacksonville on -- ff reports abrasions on her foot, the result .of being Tuesday. See "Primaries," page 3 dragged across a concrete slab, and a bite mark on her lip. Deleon explained that in past months, JPD had received numerous calls regard- Yes ing Room 216. 67% At the time of JPD's response, Phil- No Spirit holds three-day rehearsal lips' mother was already $n her way to .33% pick up Shanise,from Kentucky. Deleon By Shalon Montgomery drum corps." said. "We learned the first part of the said Phillips had already contacted her .Staff Reporter The staff for the Spirit program con- show." mother, informing her that she wanted to sists of two main directors and multiple The expectations for the director and come home. This past weekend, Feb. l through musical assistants. The management di- the drum and bungle corps members for Though no warrants have been issued in the case, Deleon said Phillips' mother Feb.3, served as the fir$ three days of rector is Joel Vincent, and Randy Nel- the 2008 season seem to be the same. intends to return to Alabama in the com- rehearsal for the 2008 Spirit of Jackson-. son is the design director. There are a number of assistants as well, such as "Our goal is.to reach our highest level ing weeks to "swear out a warrant for ville State University. Dr. Ray Vasquez from Auburn Univer- as a team," JSU drum major and Spirit Mack." Spirit will hold one three-day re- sity, Danny Eaton from the University member Josh Walker said. Deleon said the warrant will likely fo- hearsal at JSU every month until May. of Minnesota and Eric Willie from Ten- Spirit travels all across the country cus on three counts; domestic violence, This first rehearsal consisted of 130 nessee Tech University, just to name a during the summer to perform and com- promoting prostitution and unlawful im- musicians from all across the country, few. pete. The 2008 Spirit of Jacksonville prisonment. "Yes. JSU will never be a with the ages.of the musicians ranging During the rehearsal last weekend, State Unive~sity has held drum and. Jacksonville investigator Phil Clark is big-time football market, , from 15 to 22 years of age. the three sections of the Spirit Corps . staying incontact with Phillips' mother, bungle corps auditions at the beginning and they can't fill the seats "I have been practicing for the, Spirit (color guard, hornline and percussion) and the department expects her to return program for a year now," Vince Osam,, practiced for four hours a day. Accord- of each month since November 2007. soon. they already have." a senior at Fred J. Page High School in ing to the directors, the first rehearsal l'he first official performance for the The 16-year old Phillips was reported - Corey Akers Franklin, Tennessee, said. "1 wanted to went rather well. Spirit of JSU's 2008 season will be on missing- From her Kentucky hometown Junior join Spirit, because of my passion for . "The rehearsal went great," els son June 22 in Dublin, Ohio. on Dec.' 19. Next week's question: Wlzat 's the best part about JS,U business school 2nd Valentine's Day? in nation lor women By Bethany Harbison 2 in the nation for offering the "Greatest News Editor Opportunities for Women." The college's lofty new title boils down The College of Commerce and Busi- to this: The Princeton .Reyiew analyzed ness of Jacksonville State University now the percentages of female students and has a new accolade to add to its resume faculty and assessed the results of stu- dent evaluations of factors such as the INDEX - and it's one that has the college's dean, college's receptiveness to women and professors and students smiling and say- the abundance of coursework reflecting ing they knew it all along. women in business and published a top On Campus ..................2 For three straight years, the college has .2 ten list last November. Announcements .......... ,been ranked by the Princeton Review' as "One of the things we've always tried Editorial...................... -4 one of the top 290 business schools in to do is try to treat all of our students Features..................... :5 the world, and this year was no different right," said the College of Commerce and The College of-Commerce and Busi- to mls: ~nerr~nceron Keylew anaLyzea ness of Jacksonville State University now the percentages of female students and has a new accolade to add to its resume faculty and assessed the results of stu- dent evaluations of factors such as the INDEX - and it's one that has the college's dean, college's receptiveness to women and professors and students smiling and say- the abundance of coursework reflecting ing they knew it all along. On Campus .................. 2 women in business and published a top For three straight vears. the college has .--I:-. I--. %.I LA.. Page 2 Volume 57, Issue 17 ON CAMPUS 'iTlke Mbanticleer CAMPUS JSU Ambassador applications BRIEFS are now available at the visitor Democracy at work center. They are due Feb. 29, -and an interest meeting will be Two papers, co-au- held Feb. 13 at 5:00 p.m. in the thored by computer sci- Roundhouse. For more infor- ence students with Dr. matio", call ext. 5260. Guillermo Francia, Ill, Students for Organ Donation were recently reviewed at JSU is a new organization and accepted for publi- on campus. Those interested cation in two reputable in joining or learning more computer security jour- atjout,organ donation may call nals. President Caitlin Perkins at frenchsoccerrules@msn.com. An Ash Wednesday Seventy $1,000 and 34 $5,000 service was held yester- scholarships are available to day, Feb.
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