Ethnography, the Internet, and Youth Culture: Strategies for Examining

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Ethnography, the Internet, and Youth Culture: Strategies for Examining Ethnography,ȱtheȱInternet,ȱandȱYouthȱCulture:ȱ StrategiesȱforȱExaminingȱSocialȱResistanceȱandȱ “OnlineȬOffline”ȱRelationshipsȱ ȱ BrianȱWilsonȱ ȱ ȱ Theȱ integrationȱ ofȱ traditionalȱ (offlineȱ andȱ faceȬtoȬface)ȱ andȱ virtualȱ ethnographicȱ methodsȱcanȱaidȱresearchersȱinterestedȱinȱdevelopingȱunderstandingsȱofȱrelationshipsȱ betweenȱ onlineȱ andȱ offlineȱ culturalȱ life,ȱ andȱ examiningȱ theȱ diffuseȱ andȱ sometimesȱ globalȱ characterȱ ofȱ youthȱ resistance.ȱȱInȱ constructingȱ thisȱ argument,ȱ Iȱ haveȱ usedȱ insightsȱfromȱstudiesȱonȱyouthȱactivismȱandȱtheȱraveȱsubculture.ȱȱTheseȱstudiesȱalsoȱ informedȱmyȱcentralȱtheoreticalȱsuggestion:ȱthatȱanȱapproachȱtoȱresearchȱunderscoredȱ byȱ aȱ sensitivityȱ toȱ everydayȱ experiencesȱ andȱ theȱ powerȱ structuresȱ framingȱ theseȱ experiencesȱ canȱ (still)ȱ beȱ aȱ powerfulȱ guideȱ forȱ understandingȱ flowsȱ andȱ circuitsȱ ofȱ resistanceȱinȱInternetȬinfluencedȱcultures.ȱȱȱ ȱ Keyȱ words:ȱȱglobalization,ȱ qualitativeȱ research,ȱ socialȱ movements,ȱ raveȱ culture,ȱ virtualȱethnographyȱ ȱ L’intégrationȱ deȱ méthodesȱ ethnographiquesȱ traditionnellesȱ (horsȱ ligneȱ etȱ enȱ présentiel)ȱ ouȱ recourantȱ auxȱ TICȱ peutȱaiderȱ lesȱ chercheursȱ àȱmieuxȱ comprendreȱ lesȱ relationsȱentreȱlaȱvieȱculturelleȱenȱligneȱetȱhorsȱligneȱetȱàȱétudierȱleȱcaractèreȱdiffusȱetȱ parfoisȱplanétaireȱdeȱlaȱrésistanceȱdesȱjeunes.ȱL’auteurȱfondeȱsonȱargumentationȱsurȱ desȱ observationsȱ tiréesȱ d’étudesȱ portantȱ surȱ l’activismeȱ chezȱ lesȱ jeunesȱ etȱ laȱ sousȬ cultureȱtechnoȬrave.ȱCesȱétudesȱserventȱégalementȱdeȱpointȱdeȱdépartȱàȱl’hypothèseȱ centraleȱ deȱ l’auteur,ȱ àȱ savoirȱ qu’uneȱ approcheȱ deȱ laȱ rechercheȱ quiȱ estȱ sensibleȱ auxȱ expériencesȱ quotidiennesȱ etȱ auxȱ structuresȱ duȱ pouvoirȱ encadrantȱ cesȱ expériencesȱ peuventȱ(encore)ȱservirȱdeȱguideȱprécieuxȱpourȱcomprendreȱlesȱcourantsȱetȱcircuitsȱdeȱ résistanceȱdansȱlesȱculturesȱsousȱl’influenceȱd’Internet.ȱȱȱ ȱ Motsȱclésȱ:ȱmondialisation,ȱrechercheȱqualitative,ȱmouvementsȱsociaux,ȱcultureȱ technoȬrave,ȱethnographieȱvirtuelleȱ _________________ȱ ȱ CANADIANȱJOURNALȱOFȱEDUCATIONȱ29,ȱ1ȱ(2006):ȱ307Ȭ328ȱ 308ȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱBRIANȱWILSONȱ Virtualȱ realityȱ andȱ cyberspaceȱ areȱ commonlyȱ imaginedȱ inȱ termsȱ ofȱ reactionȱ against,ȱ orȱ oppositionȱ to,ȱ theȱ realȱ world….ȱȱInȱ certainȱ cases,ȱ theseȱ areȱ presentedȱ asȱ someȱ kindȱ ofȱ utopianȱ project.ȱ Virtualȱ Realityȱ isȱ imaginedȱ asȱ aȱ nowhereȬsomewhereȱ alternativeȱ toȱ theȱ dangerousȱ conditionsȱ ofȱ contemporaryȱ socialȱ reality….ȱ Theȱ mythologyȱ ofȱ cyberspaceȱ isȱ preferredȱoverȱitsȱsociology.ȱȱIȱhaveȱarguedȱthatȱitȱisȱtimeȱtoȱreȬlocateȱvirtualȱcultureȱinȱtheȱ realȱ worldȱ (theȱ realȱ worldȱ thatȱ virtualȱ culturalists,ȱ seducedȱ byȱ theirȱ ownȱ metaphors,ȱ pronounceȱdeadȱorȱdying).ȱȱThroughȱtheȱdevelopmentȱofȱnewȱtechnologies,ȱweȱare,ȱindeed,ȱ moreȱandȱmoreȱopenȱtoȱexperiencesȱofȱdeȬrealisationȱandȱdeȬlocalisation.ȱButȱweȱcontinueȱ toȱ haveȱ physicalȱ andȱ localisedȱ existences.ȱȱWeȱ mustȱ considerȱ ourȱ stateȱ ofȱ suspensionȱ betweenȱtheseȱconditions.ȱ(Robins,ȱ1996,ȱpp.ȱ16,ȱ26)ȱ Inȱ theȱ yearsȱ sinceȱ Robins’ȱ (1996)ȱ critique,ȱ researchersȱ haveȱ madeȱ importantȱstridesȱtoȱbetterȱunderstandȱlinksȱbetweenȱonlineȱandȱofflineȱ culturalȱlife.ȱScholarsȱlikeȱBurkhalterȱ(1999),ȱEboȱ(1998)ȱHarcourtȱ(1999),ȱ andȱStubbsȱ(1999)ȱhaveȱexaminedȱhowȱrace/ethnicity,ȱclass,ȱandȱgenderȱ relatedȱidentitiesȱareȱexperiencedȱofflineȱandȱonline.ȱȱOtherȱresearchersȱ haveȱconsidered,ȱforȱexample,ȱhowȱyouthȱsubculturalȱlifeȱisȱaȱcontinuousȱ virtualȬrealȱ experienceȱ (Bennett,ȱ 2004;ȱ Wilsonȱ &ȱ Atkinson,ȱ 2005).ȱȱStillȱ othersȱ haveȱ examinedȱ onlineȱ andȱ offlineȱ addiction/recoveryȱ supportȱ groupȱconventionsȱ(Pleace,ȱBurrows,ȱLoader,ȱMuncer,ȱ&ȱNettleton,ȱ2000).ȱ Researchersȱ areȱ alsoȱ consideringȱ howȱ toȱ bestȱ understandȱ theȱ experiencesȱ ofȱ thoseȱ whoȱ navigateȱ acrossȱ onlineȱ andȱ offlineȱ spaces.ȱ Inȱ thisȱcontext,ȱHineȱ(2000),ȱMarkhamȱ(1998),ȱMillerȱandȱSlaterȱ(2000),ȱMannȱ andȱ Stewartȱ (2002,ȱ 2003),ȱ Kendallȱ (1999),ȱ andȱ othersȱ haveȱ emphasizedȱ theȱ importanceȱ ofȱ anȱ ethnographicȱ approachȱ toȱ Internetȱ research,ȱ andȱ offeredȱimportantȱinsightsȱintoȱtheȱuseȱofȱ(andȱrelationships/differencesȱ between)ȱ computerȱ mediatedȱ communicationȱ (CMC)ȱ andȱ faceȱ toȱ faceȱ (FTF)ȱ methodsȱ inȱ interviewingȱ andȱ focusȱ groups.ȱ Ethnographersȱ whoȱ studyȱ InternetȬrelatedȱ topicsȱ struggleȱ toȱ developȱ andȱ applyȱ novelȱ approachesȱ toȱ theirȱ research,ȱ whileȱ remainingȱ sensitiveȱ toȱ stillȬusefulȱ elementsȱ ofȱ conventionalȱ techniquesȱ forȱ qualitativeȱ inquiry.ȱ Markhamȱ (1998)ȱ calledȱ thisȱ theȱ “theȱ paradoxȱ ofȱ conductingȱ aȱ nonȬtraditionalȱ ethnographyȱinȱaȱnonȬtraditionalȱnonspace,ȱwithȱtraditionalȱsensibilities”ȱ (p.ȱ62).ȱȱȱ Thereȱ remainsȱ muchȱ toȱ exploreȱ inȱ theseȱ areasȱ givenȱ theȱ variousȱ relationshipsȱbetweenȱonlineȱandȱofflineȱqualitativeȱmethodologies.ȱȱForȱ example,ȱtheȱInternetȱisȱaȱspaceȱwhereȱresearchȱsubjectsȱareȱrecruitedȱforȱ offlineȱ interviews,ȱ documentsȱ producedȱ byȱ cultureȱ membersȱ areȱ accessedȱ forȱ analysis,ȱ andȱ experientialȱ ethnographicȱ explorationsȱ ETHNOGRAPHY,ȱTHEȱINTERNET,ȱANDȱYOUTHȱCULTUREȱȱ 309ȱȱȱ throughȱculturalȱspacesȱandȱonlineȱenvironmentsȱtakeȱplace.ȱTheȱareaȱofȱ researchȱ thatȱ specificallyȱ considersȱ relationshipsȱ betweenȱ onlineȱ andȱ offlineȱ ethnographicȱ methodsȱ remainsȱ especiallyȱ richȱ forȱ developmentȱ becauseȱ thereȱ isȱ aȱ relativeȱ scarcityȱ ofȱ workȱ thatȱ includesȱ detailedȱ reflectionsȱonȱwaysȱthatȱonlineȱandȱofflineȱethnographicȱtechniquesȱcanȱ beȱintegratedȱtoȱaidȱresearchȱfocusedȱonȱculturalȱgroupsȱandȱespeciallyȱ onȱculturalȱflowsȱ–ȱaȱtopicȱofȱparticularȱinterestȱforȱthoseȱwhoȱstudyȱtheȱ globalizationȱ ofȱ culture.ȱȱTheȱ reasonȱ thatȱ thisȱ isȱ importantȱ forȱ thoseȱ workingȱinȱeducationȱisȱthatȱunderstandingȱtheȱdisseminationȱofȱcultureȱ isȱ aȱ wayȱ ofȱ understandingȱ theȱ disseminationȱ ofȱ aȱ dominantȱ formȱ ofȱ knowledgeȱ forȱ youngȱ peopleȱ –ȱ culturalȱ knowledgeȱ –ȱ andȱ theȱ setsȱ ofȱ culturalȱ knowledgeȱ thatȱ peopleȱ acquireȱ andȱ possessȱ informȱ theirȱ interpretationsȱofȱtheȱworldȱaroundȱthemȱ(includingȱtheirȱinterpretationsȱ ofȱformsȱofȱknowledgeȱtheyȱareȱofferedȱinȱformalȱeducationȱcontexts).ȱȱȱ Theȱgoalȱofȱthisȱarticleȱisȱtoȱcontributeȱtoȱexistingȱliteratureȱaroundȱ theseȱtopicsȱbyȱofferingȱmethodologicalȱreflectionsȱfromȱmyȱexperiencesȱ conductingȱanȱethnographicȱstudyȱofȱonlineȱandȱofflineȱculturalȱlifeȱinȱaȱ youthȱ subculture;ȱ describingȱ andȱ outliningȱ theȱ rationaleȱ forȱ theȱ methodologyȱ forȱ aȱ recentlyȱ designedȱ studyȱ ofȱ theȱ onlineȱ andȱ offlineȱ culturalȱlivesȱofȱmembersȱofȱyouthȬdrivenȱsocialȱmovementȱgroups;ȱandȱ ultimatelyȱofferingȱaȱsetȱofȱsuggestionsȱforȱexaminingȱsocialȱresistanceȱinȱ aȱ globalȱ ageȱ –ȱ anȱ ageȱ whereȱ (youth)ȱ cultureȱ circulatesȱ globallyȱ andȱ locally,ȱ andȱ whereȱ collectiveȱ actionȱ isȱ increasinglyȱ transnational.ȱȱTheȱ argumentȱ thatȱ underliesȱ thisȱ articleȱ isȱ thatȱ theȱ integrationȱ ofȱ ethnographicȱ methods,ȱ bothȱ traditionalȱ (offlineȱ andȱ faceȬtoȬface)ȱ andȱ virtual,ȱ canȱ beȱ helpfulȱ inȱ developingȱ richȱ andȱ comprehensiveȱ understandingsȱofȱrelationshipsȱbetweenȱonlineȱandȱofflineȱculturalȱlife,ȱ andȱforȱexaminingȱtheȱdiffuseȱcharacterȱofȱyouthȱcultureȱandȱresistance.ȱȱ Thisȱ researchȱ isȱ particularlyȱ pertinentȱ forȱ thoseȱ interestedȱ inȱ theȱ waysȱ thatȱyoungȱpeopleȱinteractȱwithȱandȱthroughȱInternetȱtechnologyȱinȱandȱ outȱofȱeducationalȱsettings,ȱtheȱwaysȱthatȱonlineȱandȱofflineȱculturalȱlivesȱ ofȱ youthȱ transcendȱ educationalȱ settings,ȱ andȱ forȱ thoseȱ concernedȱ withȱ theȱ waysȱ thatȱ knowledgeȱ ofȱ socialȱ issuesȱ isȱ sometimesȱ translatedȱ intoȱ socialȱaction.ȱȱȱ Inȱ makingȱ thisȱ argument,ȱ Iȱ acknowledgeȱ thatȱ aȱ combinedȱ onlineȬ offlineȱ approachȱ isȱ notȱ alwaysȱ preferableȱ toȱ exclusivelyȱ onlineȱ orȱ 310ȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱBRIANȱWILSONȱ exclusivelyȱ offlineȱ studiesȱ ofȱ Internetȱ culturesȱ andȱ experiences.ȱ Theȱ choiceȱofȱmethodsȱisȱlargelyȱdependentȱonȱtheȱgoalȱofȱtheȱresearchȱandȱ ‘strandsȱ ofȱ experience’ȱ thatȱ theȱ researcherȱ isȱ interestedȱ inȱ studyingȱ (Eichhorn,ȱ 2001).ȱ Asȱ Hineȱ (2000,ȱ p.ȱ 59)ȱ observes,ȱ evenȱ studiesȱ thatȱ includeȱresearchȱconductedȱbothȱonlineȱandȱofflineȱshouldȱnotȱbeȱviewedȱ asȱholistic,ȱgivenȱthatȱallȱethnographicȱaccountsȱareȱselectiveȱandȱpartial.ȱ However,ȱforȱresearchȱconcernedȱwithȱtracingȱconnections/relationshipsȱ betweenȱ onlineȱ formsȱ ofȱ socialȱ organizationȱ andȱ activism,ȱ andȱ offlineȱ interactionsȱandȱaction,ȱaȱmultiȬsiteȱandȱmultiȬmethodȱapproachȱisȱsensibleȱ andȱ desirableȱ –ȱ althoughȱ notȱ withoutȱ challengesȱ andȱ problemsȱ –ȱ asȱ Iȱ intendȱtoȱshow.ȱȱȱ ETHNOGRAPHY:ȱȱTHEORY,ȱ METHOD,ȱ ANDȱ RATIONALIZINGȱ ANȱ ONLINEȱANDȱOFFLINEȱAPPROACHȱ EthnographicȱMethodsȱandȱtheȱBoundariesȱofȱEthnographicȱResearchȱ Althoughȱ ethnographyȱ isȱ aȱ notoriouslyȱ ambiguousȱ term,ȱ someȱ consensusȱ occursȱ aroundȱ theȱ ideaȱ thatȱ ethnographyȱ includesȱ someȱ combinationȱ ofȱ participantȱ andȱ nonȬparticipantȱ observation,ȱ informalȱ andȱ semiȬstructuredȱ interviews,ȱ andȱ documentȱ analysisȱ –ȱ andȱ thatȱ theȱ processȱofȱwritingȱupȱresearchȱfindingsȱandȱ(re)presentingȱlifeȱworldsȱisȱ integrallyȱrelatedȱtoȱtheȱactȱofȱdoingȱethnographyȱ(Prus,ȱ1996;ȱTedlock,ȱ 2000).ȱȱAlthoughȱoralȱinteractionsȱhaveȱtraditionallyȱbeenȱprivilegedȱ“asȱ partȱofȱtheȱ‘romanticȱlegacy’ȱofȱethnography,ȱthatȱtendsȱtoȱtreatȱspeechȱasȱ moreȱ authenticȱ thanȱ writing,”ȱ increasinglyȱ theȱ writtenȱ textsȱ associatedȱ
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