πᙇᜰጥ෻ࡡ୉ᄎΰᙇᜰ࿓ݧαΰ೴ᤜᄎα๵ࠏρΰร 541 ີΔॵ᥆ऄࠏ Fαร 106 ය Section 106 of the Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (District Council) Regulation (Cap. 541 sub. leg F) ೴ᤜᄎᇖᙇᄎᇖᙇᄎᇖᙇضޥ೴ᤜضޥ೴ᤜضޥڣڣڣ 2013 2013 DISTRICT COUNCIL BY-ELECTION

ᙇ೴ᙇ೴ᙇ೴֨ض֨ض֨ض Constituency

ֲ 10 ִ 3 ڣ ᇖᙇֲཚΚ2013 Date of By-Election: 10 March 2013

ຏव஼ᎅࣔρΖιܿچऱጻ଄؀ຏव஼ছΔᓮ೶ᔹπჄᐊଢᙇԳؓڼჄᐊڇθໂုΚ [Note: Please read the “Notes on completion of Notification of the Electronic Address of the Candidate’s Platform” before completing this notification.]

ીΚ᜔ᙇᜰࠃ೭׌ٚʳ To : Chief Electoral Officer


! ᄒα Κإΰټ෻Գխ֮ࡩזଢᙇԳʳЯᙇᜰ* *Name in Chinese of Candidate/Election Agent : ! Other nameα ټΰࡩ Surnameα ΰ


*Name in English of Candidate/Election Agent : Other nameα ټΰࡩ Surnameα ΰ (in BLOCK LETTERS)

ଉཽߪ։ᢞᇆᒘΚ ! Identity Card Number : !

ᜤ࿮ሽᇩᇆᒘΚ ! Contact Phone Number : !

! Κܿچऱጻ଄؀ଢᙇԳؓ Electronic Address of ! the Candidate’s Platform :

! ෻Գ᡽ᆟ ΚזଢᙇԳʳЯᙇᜰ* Signature of *Candidate/Election Agent: !

! ཚΚֲ Date : ! !!! !!!

REO/C/10B/2013DC(By-E)(SF) -1-! !(რ஼ (ߠᎅࣔߠߠߠᎅࣔᎅࣔᎅࣔรรร 3 ႈႈႈٵრ஼ٵრ஼ٵรԲຝ։รԲຝ։รԲຝ։!!!!!!!!!!!!ଢᙇԳଢᙇԳଢᙇԳ PART II CONSENT OF CANDIDATE (see Note 3) !!! ᣂݺऱψଢᙇڶ।ݺຏवᙇᜰࠃ೭๠זຏव஼รԫຝ։ࢬਐࣔऱԳՓءრٵݺ੡Ղ૪ᙇᜰऱଢᙇԳΔ෼ Ζܿچωऱጻ଄؀Գؓ I, being the candidate for the above election, hereby give consent to the person stated in Part I of this notification to notify the Registration and Electoral Office on behalf of me of the electronic address of my “Candidate’s Platform”.


Name in Chinese of Candidate: Other nameα ټΰࡩ Surnameα ΰ


Name in English of Candidate : Other nameα ټΰࡩ Surnameα ΰ (in BLOCK LETTERS)


Hong Kong Identity Card Number :


Signature :


Date :

ΖृشլᔞװܔໂုΚ * ᓮ Notes : * Delete whichever is inapplicable/! !

REO/C/10B/2013DC(By-E)(SF) -2-! ຏव஼ᎅࣔᎅࣔᎅࣔʳʳʳܿچऱऱऱጻ଄؀ჄჄჄᐊჄᐊᐊᐊଢᙇԳؓ Notes on Completion of Notification of the Electronic Address of the Candidate’s Platform

ϙΖʳڔϙࢨϘהϙਢਐϘʳהऱൣउՀΔϘʳױრ๺֮ڇຍຏव஼֗ᎅࣔխΔڇ .1 In this notification and these notes, "he" means "he" or "she" as far as the context permits. ! πᙇᜰጥ෻ࡡ୉ᄎΰ೴ᤜᄎαΰᙇᜰ࿓ݧα๵ࠏρΰร 541F ີαร 106(2)යፖᙇᜰٽ੡ ฤ .2 ࠎଢאଢᙇԳࢨᛧࠡ඄ᦞऱԳՓࢬፂ਍طωਢਐ؀ᣂऱֆฒ਷ᔹ๵ࡳΔψଢᙇԳؓڶܫᐖ ؆ऱٚ۶ԫ֚αփααփփαփՂሉᙇᜰאֆฒ೗ཚ֗ਣཚքܛΰΰΰ֚܂ଡՠ֚܂ଡՠ֚܂৵ऱ 1 ଡՠܫ࿇ؒᙇᜰᐖ ڇ ᙇԳ Ζʳ؀ᇡൣղֆฒ਷ᔹऱֆၲؓܫᐖ To comply with the public inspection requirement governing election advertisements under section 106(2) of Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (District Council) Regulation (Cap 541F), the “Candidate’s Platform” refers to an open platform maintained by the candidate/a person authorized by the candidate which allows the candidate to post election advertisement particulars, within 1 working day (i.e. any day other than a general holiday and Saturday) after the publication of an election advertisement for public inspection.

ق᧩Ղ؀խ؇ؓڇঁאΔټऱࡩהխ֮֗૎֮༼ࠎאຏव஼รԫࢨรԲຝ։ءᓮଢᙇԳ࣍ .3 ෻ԳΔଢᙇԳؘႊჄᐊזᓮԳ੡ଢᙇԳऱᙇᜰعຏव஼ऱรԫຝ։ऱءڕଢᙇԳऱᇷறΖ ຏव஼ऱรԲຝ։Ζء Candidate should provide his name in both Chinese and English in Part I or II of this notification to facilitate publication of the information of candidate at the Central Platform. If the applicant indicated in Part I of this notification is the election agent of the candidate, the candidate has to complete Part II of this notification.!

࿇ؒଈଡᙇڇؘႊהᇡൣࠎֆฒ਷ᔹΔܫՂሉࠡᙇᜰᐖא؀ ૉଢᙇԳᙇᖗ۞۩ፂ਍ԫଡؓ ʳ.4 ଢᙇԳم৬ڇΖܿچऱሽ՗؀ᙇᜰࠃ೭׌ٚ༼ࠎᇠ᜔ؓٻփΔ֚܂ছऱ່່່່֟֟֟ ֟ 3 ଡՠܫᜰᐖ πᙇᜰጥ෻ࡡ୉ᄎΰ೴ᤜᄎαΰᙇᜰ࿓ݧα๵ࠏρٽฤ؀ழΔଢᙇԳٍႊᒔঅᇠؓ؀ؓ Ζ෼݈ॵޣΰร 541F ີαร 106 ය֗π೴ᤜᄎᙇᜰ੒೯ਐ֧ρรԮີ֗ॵᙕԲऱ๵ࡳ֗૞ ࠎ೶ᔹΖʳא৬ᤜठ૿๻ૠΰߠॵٙαΔ؀ଢᙇԳؓ If a candidate chooses to maintain a platform of his own for the posting of election advertisement particulars for public inspection, he must provide the electronic address of the platform to the Chief Electoral Officer at least 3 working days before publication of the first election advertisement. In establishing a candidate’s platform, the candidate must ensure that the platform complies with the rules and requirements as set out in section 106 of the Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (District Council) Regulation (Cap. 541F), and Chapter 7 and Appendix B of the “Guidelines on Election-related Activities in respect of the District Council Election”. A proposed layout design of Candidate’s Platform is attached for ease of reference (see Annex).

Κܿچಬ᜔ٌᙇᜰࠃ೭׌ٚΰڤറԳಬᎠΕၡᎠΕሽၡࢨቹ֮ႚటֱطױჄݔऱຏव஼Δ .5 Κ[email protected]ΕႚటᇆᒘΚܿچሁຑ՞ሐ 98 ᇆ 3 ᑔΕሽၡףଉཽᎭᨷ᨜ 2803 5665αΖ The duly completed notification may be delivered by hand, by post, or sent by e-mail or facsimile transmission to the Chief Electoral Officer (Address: 3rd floor, 98 Caroline Hill Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong., E-mail address: [email protected], facsimile transmission number: 2803 5665).

ᙄֆழၴփીሽᙇᜰࠃ೭๠ऱ਷ᇬᑷᒵڇٚ۶ംᠲΔᓮڶڕຏव஼ழڼჄᐊڇଢᙇԳ .6 2891 1001Ζ  If the candidate has any difficulty in completing this notification, please contact the Enquiry Hotline of the Registration and Electoral Office at 2891 1001 during office hours.

REO/C/10B/2013DC(By-E)(SF) -3-! ຏव஼༼ࠎଡԳᇷறऱᎅࣔЁڼڇᣂڶᓮࣹრՀ٨ .7 Please note the following with regard to the personal data supplied in connection with this notification-

ຜشຜᇷறشຜᇷறشa) ᇷற) !ຜΖشᣂऱڶ࣍ፖᙇᜰشຏव஼༼ࠎऱଡԳᇷறΔᄎࠎᙇᜰࠃ೭๠ڼ༉ Purpose of Collection The personal data supplied in connection with this notification will be used by the Registration and Electoral Office for election-related purposes.

(b) ౉ᔹଡԳᇷற ຏव஼ࢬڇהإޏ౉ᔹ֗ޣᦞ௅ᖕπଡԳᇷறΰߏឆαයࠏρΰร 486 ີαऱය֮૞ڶٚ۶Գ ༼ࠎऱଡԳᇷறΖ Access to Personal Data A person has the right to request access to and correction of the personal data he supplied in this notification in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).

(c) ਷ᇬ਷ᇬ਷ᇬ ᙇᜰࠃ೭׌᜔ٚٻଡԳᇷறαΔᚨإޏਔ౉ᔹ֗ץႃऱଡԳᇷறऱ਷ᇬΰگຏव஼ڼᣂ࣍ຘመ ᨜ሐ 25 ᇆ௧ཽխ֨ 10 ᑔαΖཽגΚ ଉཽ᨜ܿچΰנ༼

Enquiry Enquiries concerning the personal data collected by means of this notification (including request for access to and corrections of personal data) should be addressed to the Chief Electoral Officer at 10th Floor, Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

ᙇᜰጥ෻ࡡ୉ᄎ ִ 1 ڣ 2013 Electoral Affairs Commission January 2013

REO/C/10B/2013DC(By-E)(SF) -4-! !!!

৬ᤜठ૿๻ૠ Proposed Layout Design of Candidate’s Platform؀ଢᙇԳؓ

೴ᤜᄎᙇᜰЯXX೴ XX ᙇ೴ᇖᙇ 20XX District Council Election / XXX Constituency By-electionڣ ᙇᜰᙇᜰᙇᜰ Election: 20XX ଢᙇԳଢᙇԳଢᙇԳᒳᇆᒳᇆᒳᇆ Candidate No.: 1 Name of Candidate : ຫՕ֮ Chan Tai Man ټଢᙇԳࡩ

(’Election Advertisement Particulars (in descending order according to ‘Date of Publication !!!(ᇡൣΰࠉΰΰΰࠉࠉࠉ࿇࿇ؒ࿇ؒ࿇ֲؒؒཚ૾ݧඈ٨ܫᙇᜰᐖ ᙇᜰᐖܫᙇᜰᐖܫᙇᜰᐖܫ ᚾூᚾூᚾூ/ຑ࿨ຑ࿨ຑ࿨ ฝೈֲཚฝೈֲཚฝೈֲཚ /܂፹܂፹܂፹ Գ/ Date of Removal܂Գ፹܂Գ፹܂፹ ٱٱٱ/Գ܂Գ፹܂Գ፹܂፹ ء፹ऱ֮ٱ /܂፹܂፹܂፹ ࠧԳऱ of ElectionٱࠧԳऱٱࠧԳऱٱ ࠧԳऱࡩࠧԳऱࡩࠧԳऱࡩ ܫᙇᜰᐖܫᙇᜰᐖܫᙇᜰᐖ ءऱ֮ءऱ֮ء፹ֲཚ ᑇؾᑇؾᑇؾ ࿇ؒ࿇ؒ࿇ؒऱ֮ٱ፹ֲཚٱ፹ֲཚٱ ཚ Advertisementֲإཚଥֲإཚଥֲإଥ ܿچܿچܿچ ټټټ /ᣊܑ Date of Number of ࿇ؒ࿇ؒ࿇ֲؒཚֲཚֲཚ ᑇؾᑇؾᑇؾ ᚾூᚾூᚾூ/ຑ࿨ຑ࿨ຑ࿨ ଱๺଱๺଱๺/඄ᦞ֮ٙ඄ᦞ֮ٙ඄ᦞ֮ٙ ֡՚֡՚֡՚ܫᙇᜰᐖ Name of Address of Date of File/Link ֱؒڤ ڤֱڤֱڤElection Production/ Copies Date of Number of Election Permission/ ૿ᗨ ࿇࿇࿇ؒ࿇ֱؒؒ (ႈؾႈؾႈؾ Advertisement Printing Produced/ Publication Copies Advertisement Authorization Size/ Manner of Producer/ Producer/ Correction (dd-mm-yyyy [ڂ଺ڂ଺ڂItem Type (dd-mm-yyyy) Printed (dd-mm-yyyy) Published File/Link Document Dimension Publication Printer Printer (dd-mm-yyyy) [Reason ଺ 17-04-2012 [௅ᖕ᜔ᙇᜰࠃ ฝೈق԰ᚊॹ՞ ೭׌ٚਐ ࠧٱ AA ΰ଺ܫ՗ 12-04-2012 100 14-04-2012 100 File1.jpg - A4 ဩᙰ੔࿇ ሐ X ᇆ - ᇠᙇᜰᐖם՛ 1 ֆ׹ ΚፖଢᙇԳऱڂ ᑔ 39 ᙇᜰ৙ႚྤ ᣂα] ု - - 200 - 200 ------15-04-2012 - ԰ᚊᚦཉ ܂Authorization. 5 ֡ x 3 ᣬ඀࣍ BB ፹ 2 ᖩᠰ 11-04-2012 20 13-04-2012 20 File2.jpg ሐ 9999 - - jpg ֡ ሁᢰᥳ᥏ ֆ׹ ᇆԼᑔ File2 ု ------14-04-2012 (Revised).jpg ࠧ ࣎ߡ Z Օٱ http://www. ՕლՕഘ CC 3 ௧໴ 10-04-2012 150 12-04-2012 150 XXX.com.hk/ Permission.jpg A3 - ၀ ֆ׹ ლ 1 ᑔ് poster.jpg .ऱᇷறΖ Only corrected particular(s) will be shownإམ๯ଥق᧩Κ׽ု ! რ஼֮ٙ Consent Documentٵ ! ႈؾႈؾႈؾ ᚾூᚾூᚾூ ໂုໂုໂု Item File Remark 1 Consent1.jpg რ஼բ࣍ 17-04-2012 ኶ᔭٵ Consent2.jpg 2 ߣ ߣ

3 Consent3.jpg ߣ ߣ Ӈ Ӈ ! Ӈ Ӈ

! Annex
