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World Bank Document (f) Public Disclosure Authorized CC CL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C >J W o --u 4~~L Public Disclosure Authorized (9 < - ci uJ a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cflD~ 0 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% Public Disclosure Authorized -n m m Public Disclosure Authorized I7 I I I I I I I I I I Table of Contents I I I I C' 1'r I iI Project: Consultancy Services for Feasibility, Environmental & Social Studies for PSRSP Sheet: I of 4 Document: 2005086/EC/Contents Date: January 2006 Table of Contents Revision: RO l 1hABLE OF CONTENTS INTERIM REPORT PARTC: E; VIRONMENTAL SCREENING REPORT VOLUME-I MAIN REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION & BAC KGROUND 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Project Component I 1.3 Scope of Work 1.4 Methodology Adop ed for Environmental Screening 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTIO:G 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SC EENING 3.1 Salient Environme al Features of Punjab State 3.1.1 I Physiograp y I 33.1.2 Drainage Irrigation 3.1.3 Climate 3.1.4 Soil 3.1.5 Geology & Rydrogeology 3.1.6 Forests, Sal ictuaries & Wetlands 3.2 Definition of Proje t Influence Area 3.3 Environmental Asp cts Studied during Screening 3.4 Environmental Fiel Monitoring 3.5 Identification of Vl Cs 3.5.1 Definition f VECs 3.5.2 Identified VECs & their Distance from Project Roads 3.6 Corridor wise Envi onmental Screening 3.7 Ranking & Prioriti ation of the Roads 3.7.1 Ranking M thodology l 3.7.2 Scoring of Links & Corridors 3.7.3 Ranking & Prioritization of Corridors 3.8 Environmental Ho Spots 3 3.9 Recommendation r Bypass 4.0 STAKEHOLDER ASSE MENT & CONSULTATION 4.1 Identification of St keholders 4.2 Mechanism for St keholder Consultation 4.3 Issues Discussed * INTERIM REPORT, PART C: ENVIRONME TAL SCREENING RFPORT . -i Project: Consultancy Services for Feasibil y, Environmental & Social Studies for PSRSP Sheet: 2 of 4 Document: 2005086/EC/Contents Date: January 2006 Table of Contents Revision: RO 4.4 Stakeholder Consult tion Conducted 4.5 Summary of Stakeh Ider Consultation 4.6 Issues to be Addres d in the Project I)esign 5.0 PRELIMINARY ANALY TS OF IMPACTS & MANAGEMENT MEASURES l 5.1 Impact & Managem nt Matrix 6.0 SCOPING FOR PROJEC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (EA) 6.1 Scoping 6.1.1 Scoping fro the View Point of the World Bank Guidelines 6.1.2 Scoping fr the View Point of the Govt. of India Environmental Rules 6.1.3 Scoping fra the View Point of the Forest Rules 6.2 Scoping Matrix 6.3 Decision Making a trix 6.4 Scope of Work 7.0 ENVIRONMENTAL INP TS TO PROJECT DESIGN 7.1 Location Specific esign Recommendations 7.2 Utilization of Fly sh for Road Embankment 7.3 Solid Waste Mana Vment (Recycling of Scarified Bitumen) I 7.4 Source of Quarry aterials 7.5 Opportunities for hancement Measures 7.6 Issues to be Investi ated in Detail during Detail EA 8.0 ENVIRONMENTAL M AGEMENT FRAMEWORK U 8.1 Legal & Adminis tive Framework 8.1.1 Administr tive Framework 8.1.2 Legal Fra ework l- 8.2 Statutory Clearanc s Required & Responsibilities 8.2.1 Environm ntal Clearance 8.2.2 Forest Cle rance for Felling Roadside Trees *- 8.2.3 Other Cle ances 8.2.4 Clearance Required by Contractor 8.3 Environmental M itoring Plan *;; 8.3.1 Performa e Indicators 8.3 .2 Environm ntal Monitoring l'rogramme 8.4 Institutional/Impl entation Arrangements 1<.8.4.1 Institutio I/Implementation Arrangements 8.4.2 Progress onitoring and Reporting Arrangements 8.4.3 Training 8.5 Cost of Environm ntal Management 8.6 Guidelines for M agement of Quarry/Borrow Areas and Labour /Construction Camps INTERIM REPORT, PART C: ENVIRONM SNTAL SCREENING REPORT I ' - - IFw Project: Consultancy Services for Feasiblil, Environmental & Social Studies for PSRSP Sheet: 3 of 4 Document: 2005086/EC/Contents Date: January 2006 Table of Contents Revision: RO LIST OF ANNEXES Annex-I Details of Stakehold r Consultation Annex-2 Link Wise Number Roadside Featule Annex-3 Air, Water & Noise onitoring Results Annex-4 Photographs LIST OF TABLES Table- 1.1 List of Corridors Co ered under the Feasibility Study in Phase-I, Package-I Table-2.1 Details of Project R ads under Phase-I Table-2.2 Length of Project R ads under Rehabilitation & Upgradation under Phase-I Table-3.1 List of Wildlife San tuaries in Punjab Table-3.2 List of Ramsar Sites in Punjab Table-3.3 List of State Wetlan s in Punjab I Table-3.4 Distance of the San uaries from the Nearest Project Road Table-3.5 Distance of the Ra ar Sites from the Nearest Project Road Table-3.6 Distance of the Stat Wetlands from the Nearest Project Road I Table-3.7 Corridor Wise Num er of Various Roadside Features Table-3.8 Girth-wise Distribu on of Trees within ROW Table-3.9 Distribution of Maj r Tree Species in Different Project Roads I Table-3.10 Major Tree Species ound in Project Roads Table-3.1 I Corridorwise Flood Levels *Table-3.12 Number of Roadsid Features used for Scoring along Phase-I Roads I Table-3.13 Number of Roadsid Features used for Scoring along Other Roads Table-3.14 Scoring of Links & orridors of Phase-I Roads Table-3. 15 Scoring of Links & orridors of Other Roads I. Table-3.16 Ranking of Corrido s Table-3. 17 List of Low Impact inks Table-3.18 List of Medium Im act Links Table 4.1 Issues Discussed D ring Stakeholders Consultation Table-4.2 Sumrnary of Stake olders Consultation Table 4.3 Issues to be Addres ed in Project Design Table-5.1 Environmental Imp cts And Management Measures Table-6. 1 Summary of Scopi g Table-6.2 Road Link Wise D cision Making Matrix Table-6.3 Scoping for EIA & EMP Table-7. 1 Source of Quarry 5 aterials Table-8. I Statutory Clearanc s Required to be Obtained by Project Proponent Table-8.2 Clearances Requir d to be Obtained by Contractor INTERIM REPORT, PART C: ENVIRONME TAL SCREENING REPORT II Fw Project: Consultancy Services for Feasibilit Environmental & Social Studies for PSRSP Sheet: 4 of 4 Document: 2005086/EC/Contents Date: January 2006 Table of Contents Revision: RO Table-8.3 Performance Indicat s Table-8.4 Environmental Moni ring Programme Table-8.5 Training modules fo Environmental Management LIST OF FIGURES l Figure-2. 1 Index Map Showing tudy Roads Figure-3. 1 Location of Sanctuar es & Wetlands I Figure-3.2 Air Quality Monitori g Locations Figure-3.3 Water Quality Moni ring Locations Figure-3.4 Noise Monitoring L ations Figure-7. 1 Roads Falling withi 100 km of Coal Based Thcrmal Power Plants . *VOLU?ME-Il APPENDICES TO AIN REPORT LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix-I Terms of Reference Jor Environmental Assessment Appendix-2 Link & Chainage W se Environmental Screening Appendix-3 Chainage Wise Deta ls of Roadside Features I Appendix-4 List of Roadside Tr ns l l I 3; ,VEIs} R_9 I 7'I I I I I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~I AiWWuiufn dyndifdxJ I -iI II I I I I I I ~~~~~II l FS Project: Consultancy Services for Feasibil y, Environmental and Social Studies for PSRSP Sheet: I of 22 Document: 2005086/EC/Environmental S eening Report Date: Januar) 2006 Executive Summarv Revision: RO E.0 EXECUTIVE SUNINIARX [E.1 Introduction Keeping in view the futu developments in the Punjab state importance of improving the I serviceability of the vast roa network of State Highway, Major District Roads, and Other District Roads in a systematic man er, the Government of Punjab (GoP) through the Punjab Roads and Bridges Development Bo d (PRBDB) after a Strategic Options Study (SOS) identified a I programme for implement ioII through Punjab State Road Sector Project (PSRSP) through the loani sanctionied by the Wor Bank. l The PRBDB identified 169 km of roads as priority corridors in Punjab for feasibility study. The project roads to be covered nder the environmental study are: I Phase-I, Package 1: Feasib ity Studies (1698 kms) & Preliminary Engineering (700 kms) Pthase-I, Package 2: DPR- ehabilitation (254 kms) Phase-I, Package 3: DPR- Upgradation (144 kms) Phase-Il, Technical Advis y Services Some roads have been de ted from the original scope of work and some new roads have been I added into it. The final esultant road length is 1707 kms according to TOR or 1697 kms according to actual length iven by PRBDB. In Phase-I, Package-I, as part of the feasibility study, environmental screening s dy of the 1697 km roads (that include rehabilitation package- 241 krm and upgradation package- 39 km) has been carried out. This environmental scree ng report is prepared in accordance with the World Bank's guidelines on Environmental Assess ent. The major objective of this screening study is to provide a picture of the existing environme tal conditions along all the project roads based on available secondary information supported by eld studies/ survey conducted by environment specialists, preliminary assessment of the likel environmental impacts on the environment due to the physical intervention through this project, to recommend the environmental management measures to reduce adverse impacts, if any, and to determine the scope of further detail environmental Ie assessment, if required. The field survey was carried out from July to October 2005. The environmental screening eport is prepared by M/s Consulting Engineering Services (I) Pvt. Ltd. l on behalf of the PRBDB. Scope of WN'ork The summary of the scop of work related to environmental screening is: * Collection of infor tion on existing environmental scenario from secondary sources and If identification of data aps to be filled from primary surveys.
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