965th Conference

2nd World Congress on and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Scientific Tracks & Abstracts (Day 1) Scientific Tracks & Abstracts

Page 21 Session Day 1 June 01, 2017 Petrochemistry | Petroleum Processes | Natural Hazards in | Sustainable Usage

Session Chair Bjørn Kvamme University of Bergen, Norway

Session Introduction

Title: Combined CO2 storage in hydrate with simultaneous release of CH4 and limitations of adding N2 to the CO2 Bjørn Kvamme, University of Bergen, Norway Title: Automated gas leak detection and monitoring using a Gas Cloud Imaging (GCI) video camera system Robert Kester, Rebellion Photonics, USA Title: Fast acting sector gates (ZKSsh) - A new stage in petrochemical equipment development Ilmer Yu.Hasanov, Bashkir State University, Russian Federation Title: Energy saving in atmospheric crude process using modified crude distillation units Young Han Kim, Dong-A University, South Korea Title: Characteristics and microstructure of tight gas reservoir in the Upper Triassic Sichuan Basin, Western China Qi Li, China University of Geosciences, China Title: Impact of rusty pipelines on risk of hydrate formation Bjørn Kvamme, University of Bergen, Norway Title: Discovery of a new potential hydrocarbon bearing province in the north-west of the Russian arctic, creation of its generalized geological model and cost estimate of mineral resources Aleksey Kuznetsov, Marine Arctic Geological Expedition, Russian Federation Title: Seismic interpretation and structural identification of Iroko-Mokoko-Abana fields, offshore Cameroon Khalid Altayeb, Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute of , China

Petroleum Congress 2017 Page 22 Bjørn Kvamme, J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Combined CO2 storage in hydrate with simultaneous release of CH4 and limitations of adding

N2 to the CO2 Bjørn Kvamme University of Bergen, Norway

uge resources of energy in the form of natural gas hydrates are widely distributed worldwide in permafrost sediments as well Has in on shore sediments. A novel technology for combined production of these resources and safe long-term storage of carbon dioxide is based on the injection of carbon dioxide into in situ methane hydrate-filled sediments. This will lead to an exchange of the in situ methane hydrate over to carbon dioxide- dominated hydrate and a simultaneous release of methane gas. Recent theoretical and experimental results indicate that the conversion from natural gas hydrate to carbon dioxide hydrate and mixed carbon dioxide/ methane hydrate follows two primary mechanisms. Direct solid state transformation is possible, but very slow. The dominating mechanism involves formation of a new hydrate from injected carbon dioxide and associated dissociation of the in situ natural gas hydrate by the released heat. Nitrogen is frequently added in order to increase gas permeability and to reduce blocking due to new hydrate formation, and will as such also reduce the relative impact of the fast mechanism on the conversion rates. In addition to carbon dioxide, other sour gases, such as hydrogen sulfide, may follow the carbon dioxide from the sour gas removal process. Hydrogen sulfide is a very aggressive hydrate former. It is abundant in various amounts in thermogenic hydrocarbon systems. In this work, we investigate the sensitivity of possible additions of hydrogen sulfide in carbon dioxide/nitrogen mixtures, and how the ability to form new hydrate changes with the additions of hydrogen sulfide. This analysis is applied to four case studies: (1) Bjørnøya gas hydrate basin, (2) the Nankai field in Japan, (3) the Hikurangi Margin in New Zealand, and (4) a gas hydrate basin in South-West Taiwan. The hydrate saturations found in these fields vary over a range from 25−80%. Pressures range from 4−22.6 MPa and temperatures from 275.15−292.77 K. For all these ranges of conditions, even 1% H2S will substantially increase the ability to form new hydrate from an

injected CO2/N2 mixture containing H2S. Except for the most shallow of the reservoirs (Bjørnøya) 1% H2S results in formation of a

new hydrate for all concentrations of CO2 in N2 above 1%. Implementation of results from this work into a reservoir simulator is a natural follow-up which can shed light on the macroscopic consequences in term of possible local blocking of the flow due to content

of H2S. The mass transport, mass balances, and energy balances in a reservoir simulator are also needed for a more detailed evaluation

on how the content of H2S and CO2 changes over time and location in the reservoir due to various processes in addition to hydrate

formation. H2S and CO2 dissolves significantly in pore water, and also adsorbs well on various sediment minerals.

Biography Bjørn Kvamme obtained his MSc in Chemical Engineering (1981) and PhD in Chemical Engineering (1984) from the Norwegian University of Technology and Natural Sciences. After a short period with SINTEF and two years at Bergen University College, he was appointed as full Professor in 1987 and started education of MSc and PhD in Process Technology in Telemark. He is appointed as a Professor in Gas Processing at the Department of Physics, University of Bergen in March 2000. He is the author/co-author of 422 publications during last 25 years, of which 148 are in good international scientific journals. He has 2270 citations as per May 1, 2017, and has presented numerous papers at international conferences.

[email protected]


J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 23 Robert Kester et al., J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Automated gas leak detection and monitoring using a Gas Cloud Imaging (GCI) video camera system Robert Kester and Allison Lami Sawyer Rebellion Photonics, USA

urrent gas leak detectors are ineffective safety monitoring and decision making tools. Alarms are often difficult to verify and Crequire significant resources (instrumentation and trained personnel) to identify the size, direction and origin of leak. In bad weather conditions, it becomes even more difficult to find the leak and verify that there had been a true positive alarm and not a false positive alarm. Due to these difficulties, often times problematic gas leak detectors are de-tuned rendering them useless and/ or ignored until more resources can be brought in to find the leak. This hinders the decision making process and increases risk and lost product. To address this need, Rebellion Photonics has developed an innovative, fully automatic, gas leak detection video camera system that can be deployed around rigs and refineries for continuous (24/7) monitoring. Instead of providing a single alarm value like current gas leak detectors, the gas cloud imaging (GCI) camera provides operators with easy-to-interpret false-colored video showing the location, direction, size and concentration of a gas leak. The GCI camera is a true decision making tool that can operate in all weather conditions as well as day and night as it does not require any external light sources. The camera's technology is based on Rebellion Photonics' patented snapshot hyperspectral imaging approach which can capture a gases unique infrared absorption spectral fingerprint from any point in an image instantly. In this presentation, we will present the capabilities of the GCI camera; describe the technology and present examples of gas leaks that have been detected by the GCI camera system.

Biography Robert Kester is the Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder of Rebellion Photonics, a high-tech company that delivers fully autonomous video monitoring solutions for the oil & gas industry based on their novel snapshot hyperspectral imaging technology. He has 15 years of optics experience, 10+ publications, 4 patents and 5 more pending. He has completed his MSc from the College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona and PhD in Bioengineering from Rice University.

[email protected]


J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 24 Ilmer Yu.Hasanov, J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Fast acting sector gates (ZKSsh) - A new stage in petrochemical equipment development Ilmer Yu.Hasanov Bashkir State University, Russian Federation

roductivity of the intermittently operating equipment considerably depends on duration of opening and closing actions of Pits closures. At petrochemical facilities to the intermittently oper-ating equipment belong filters, chambers for launching and receiving of cleaning, inspection, batching and displacement pigs, arresters (dust separators), hatches/manholes of different vessels and apparatuses, and many others as well. Fixing to the equipment of closures to be opened/closed repeatedly by means of pins and nuts, applied for long years, has so far became obsolete. It is metal-intensive, labor-consuming, extremely inconvenient in operation, especially in case of big diameter branch pipes and high pressures. So, for example, the mass of an apparatus’ DN 1400 flanged coupling for operating pressure 10 MPas makes about 8200 kg. Whereas fixing is done using 32 pieces of M80 pins 22 kg each, and opening or closing, as a matter of experience takes at least one shift work for a crew of highly qualified assembling fitters. Manufacturing of such equipment has significantly declined. In the last decades, in construction and revamping of petrochemical facilities instead of bolted connections of covers and manholes are widely used different types of fast-acting gates/closures. The purpose of this study is to analyze the most used fast acting gates for covers and hatches/manholes of pipelines deadlock sections, chambers and apparatuses, their advantages and shortcomings. It is shown that to strict requirements of reliability, convenience of manufacture and operation fully comply ZKSsh type new generation fast acting sector gates. The executed work stages during development of the given fast acting sector gates and existing difficulties are presented, the tasks on their global widespread imple-mentation are set.

Biography Ilmer Yu.Hasanov has broad expertise in development of fundamental industry-specific regulato-ry documents as well as in design of environment protection equipment and technologies for oil production and transport. He has offered and developed an integrated emergency response and prevention system on oil pipelines including identification of regularities at evaporation of the oil spilled on water bodies and a method for minimization of evaporation and fire & explosion ha- zard; methods and technology for displacement and collection of oil spills on swamps; identifica-tion of regularities at relocation of petro polluted soils; development of NGL fractionation me-thods and technology at oil and gas fields; methods and technology of containment and collec-tion of oil from water surface. He has founded the Scientific and Production Center Sherik LLC for development, design and production of new, upgraded and commercial equipment for oil and gas production and - the only scientific organization in Salavat.

[email protected]


J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 25 Young Han Kim, J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Energy saving in atmospheric crude process using modified crude distillation units Young Han Kim Dong-A University, South Korea

rude oil is the starting material for petroleum and petrochemical processes, and contains hundreds of hydrocarbons used as fuel Cand feedstock in the chemical processes. A crude distillation unit (CDU) is the first step in the refinery processing of crude oil, which consumes a large amount of energy due to the large processed amount and the high processing temperature. Refinery engineers handling the crude oil have many years of experience using the CDU, and therefore, the distillation columns currently in operation are considered to be optimized and consume minimum amount of energy. When a typical crude distillation unit is compared with a common distillation column processing multiple products, its operation is quite different with respect to the separation process of benzene, toluene, and xylene mixtures as an example. The common arrangement of distillation columns is in a direct or indirect sequence, in which the products are produced one by one in the column until the final two products, in the sequence of component volatilities. In contrast, the CDU processes all the 5 products in a single column, which lowers its thermodynamic efficiency due to the mixing of the feed and products. The problem of the large energy demand associated with the single column operation of the conventional CDU was solved with the two-column operation, a prefactionator and the main column, in the proposed CDU. The two-column operation reduces feed tray mixing, and thus raises the thermodynamic efficiency of the CDU. In the present study, the performance of the proposed CDU was examined by comparing the energy consumption, investment and utility costs, and thermodynamic efficiency with those of the conventional CDU. A novel crude distillation system was proposed for reduced energy use. The problem associated with the single-column operation of the conventional crude distillation unit was solved with a two- column operation. The single column operation reduced the thermodynamic efficiency of the system due to the feed tray mixing requiring more energy. The computed results of performance evaluation indicate that the proposed system saved 35% of heating duty over the conventional system, with a reduction in cooling duty of 23%. The economic analysis shows that a 22% decrease in investment cost and a 39% reduction in utility cost were found from the proposed system compared with the conventional system. The comparison of thermodynamic efficiency demonstrates a 5% improvement over the conventional system.

Biography Young Han Kim has many years’ experience in process development towards industrial applications. Especially energy-efficient processes are among his current developments. Distillation and extraction processes of large processing throughput are the projects of his recent publications. His experience includes not only simulation studies, but also distillation experiments and process control practices.

[email protected]


J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 26 Qi Li, J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Characteristics and microstructure of tight gas reservoir in the Upper Triassic Sichuan Basin, Western China Qi Li China University of Geosciences, China

he western Sichuan Basin is a foreland basin formed in the Late Triassic at the front of the Longmen Mountain in the western TSichuan Province of China. The Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the basin is an ultralow-permeability and low-porosity tight sandstone and reservoir. Tight gas reservoirs are often defined as gas-bearing sandstones or carbonates having in situ permeabilities to gas less than 0.1 mD. This article offers an integrated approach to describe microstructure characteristics of a tight sandstone and shale gas reservoir. In particular, the primary and secondary porosity of tight gas sandstone is identified and quantified in three dimensions using X-ray Nano-CT imaging and visualization of core material at the pore scale. 3D images allow one to map in detail the pore and grain structure and interconnectivity of primary and secondary porosity. Once the tomographic images are combined with SEM images from a single plane within the cubic data set, the nature of the secondary porosity can be determined and quantified. In situ mineral maps measured on the same polished plane are used to identify different microporous phases contributing to the secondary porosity. Once these data sets are combined, the contribution of individual clay minerals to the microporosity, pore connectivity and petrophysical response can be determined. Insight into the producibility may also be gained. This illustrates the role 3D imaging technology can play in a comprehensive reservoir characterization program for tight gas. Three types of microfractures, intragranular, grainedge and transgranular microfractures, developed in the tight-gas sandstones of the western Sichuan Basin. Microfracture formation reflects tectonism, overpressuring, and diagenetic processes. Tensional microfractures related to overpressure formed in the Middle-Late Cretaceous. The existence of overpressure reduced effective stress, promoting opening-mode fracture growth. The existence of tension fractures can also be used as an indicator of ancient overpressure in a sedimentary basin. Diagenetic fractures formed from the Late Triassic, when the foreland basin of the western Sichuan Basin formed to the Early Cretaceous.

Biography Qi Li is currently working as a Professor of China University of Geosciences, China. His research is mainly focused on characterization and modeling of fractured reservoir, sequence stratigraphy and marine sciences. He has earned his BS degree in Geology from Chengdu College of Geology in 1992 and obtained PhD in Sedimentology from Chengdu University of Technology in 1999. He has completed his Postdoctoral studies on and Marine Science in China University of Geosciences and China University of Ocean from 1999 to 2006.

[email protected]


J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 27 Bjørn Kvamme, J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Impact of rusty pipelines on risk of hydrate formation Bjørn Kvamme University of Bergen, Norway

he North Sea is covered by close to 8000 km of pipelines transporting hydrocarbons. Pressures are high and temperatures are Tgenerally low. Temperatures can be as low as 272 K in the north, due to seawater salinity, and rarely exceeds 279 K for the southernmost pipelines. The most common procedure for hydrate risk analysis involves calculation of water dew-point for a gas mixture containing water. Pipelines are normally covered by rust even before they are put in place. Rust is a mixture of iron oxide and one of the most stable is Hematite, Fe2O3. Due to the distribution of partial charges on the Hematite surface, adsorbed water will be highly structured, resulting in low chemical potentials and low adsorption energy for the water molecules. The adsorbed water on the walls is thermodynamically cold in terms of the functional derivative of the internal energy of the adsorbed layer with respect to the entropy of the adsorbed layer. This fact adds on top of the walls being the coldest region of the pipeline due to the cooling towards outside seawater. The low chemical potential of adsorbed water and incompatibility of partial charges between Hematite and hydrate surface will not permit hydrate to directly attach to the surface of the walls but the walls can serve as nucleation surfaces and hydrates formed can be bridged by structured water layers to the rusty pipeline surface. Earlier studies for various simple hydrocarbon systems indicate that the tolerance for water content based on dew point might be 20 times higher than the water content corresponding to water adsorbing from gas onto solid Hematite surface. In this study, we apply a similar comparison for a real hydrocarbon mixture for the first time, using composition data which is openly available for the troll gas from the North Sea. Since the average chemical potential of adsorbed water can be as much as 3.4 kJ/moles lower that liquid water chemical potential route to hydrate formation dominates totally in determining the risk of water dropping out from the gas and eventually forms hydrate.

Biography Bjørn Kvamme obtained his MSc in Chemical Engineering (1981) and PhD in Chemical Engineering (1984) from the Norwegian University of Technology and Natural Sciences. After a short period with SINTEF and two years at Bergen University College, he was appointed as full Professor in 1987 and started education of MSc and PhD in Process Technology in Telemark. He is appointed as a Professor in Gas Processing at the Department of Physics, University of Bergen in March 2000. He is the author/co-author of 422 publications during last 25 years, of which 148 are in good international scientific journals. He has 2270 citations as per May 1, 2017, and has presented numerous papers at international conferences.

[email protected]


J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 28 Aleksey Kuznetsov et al., J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Discovery of a new potential hydrocarbon bearing province in the north-west of the Russian arctic, creation of its generalized geological model and cost estimate of mineral resources Aleksey Kuznetsov, Gennady Kazanin, Igor Zayats, Sergey Pavlov, Sergey Shkarubo and Valentina Shlykova Marine Arctic Geological Expedition, Russian Federation

he report presents generalization results of integrated geophysical surveys, including 2D CMP reflection works, above-water Tgravity measurements and differential hydromagnetic measurements in the volume of 30000 LKM carried out by JSC MAGE under order of the Federal Subsoil Resources Management Agency (Rosnedra) during 2006-2012. As a result of the geophysical data integrated interpretation, one recognized main unconformities and seismic sequences characterizing key aspects in geological history of the sedimentary cover and hydrocarbon potential formation. In conjunction of structural interpretation for each structural and tectonic unit of the region, the most promising hydrocarbon bearing sequences were specified. The created geological model of the northern Barents Sea reflects structure patterns of basement and hydrocarbon bearing sequences of the sedimentary cover and it allows conducting a sound geological oil and gas zonation, cost estimate of mineral resources for government regulation of subsoil management relations as final products of regional geological-geophysical studies. Before beginning targeted regional geological exploration works, the northern Barents hydrocarbon potential was estimated at the level of initial total in place resources, i.e., a quantitative estimate was not made even by category D, and a structure potential was confined by one anticlinal structure with the area of 1000 km2. Currently, in the northern Barents Sea, 79 local anticlinal highs have been detected with a total area of 42000 km2. Wide areas of non-structural trap development with a total area of 30000 km2 have been recognized. The obtained quantitative estimate of the anticipated raw hydrocarbons shows multi ordinal growth of the mineral resources value in the studied region and their attractiveness for subsoil users. Presently, all the northern part of the Barents Sea has been divided into licensed blocks purchased by subsoil users or being at the stage of licensing.

Biography Aleksey Kuznetsov has graduated from the Kola Branch of the Petrozavodsk State University in 2001 at Applied Physics Department, as a Geophysicist. From 2002 to 2007, he worked as a Geophysicist in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Arktikmorneftegazrazvedka. He has performed integrated geophysical surveys in the boreholes at the jack up drilling rig Murmanskaya and on Kolguyev Island. Since 2008, he has been working as a Geophysicist in JSC MAGE.

[email protected]


J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 29 Khalid Altayeb et al., J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Seismic interpretation and structural identification of Iroko-Mokoko-Abana fields, offshore Cameroon Khalid Altayeb, Li Xingli and Su Yushan Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute of Sinopec, China

he Iroko-Mokoko-Abana fields (hereto referred as IMA) are located in the Rio-Del Rey’s basin of the within an area Tof 24,108 acres (97.56 square kilometers); in which oil and gas accumulations are associated with multiple stacked structural traps formed in response to shale diapiric activity and the formation of shale ridges in a deltaic environment, forming a highly structured and complex hydrocarbon traps environment. The structural style of these fields was identified using 3D seismic volume interpretation, where the seismic was combined with wells data. The structural interpretation of six key seismic cross well sections were firstly done to confirm the structural and sedimentary framework, then three key regional horizons of different depth levels were interpreted with their seismic attributes been extracted, and finally the depth conversion of the interpreted time maps were converted using a 2nd polynomial T-D function derived from well information. The integrated results demonstrate that there are 13 big Syn- sedimentary growth faults related to four shale diapirs of the Akata shale formation; these diapirs and their growth faults have acted as a positive element to produce faulted structures and have divided the IMA into 13 micro-faulted-structural blocks. Many additional potential hydrocarbon accumulations are located within these faulted structural blocks.

Biography Khalid Altayeb has graduated with a 2nd class (Honors) degree in Geology in 2006 and worked for two years as a part-time Teaching Assistant in the University of Khartoum-Sudan. He had worked for one year as a Geoscience Engineer in China National Logging Corporation (CNLC-Sudan Branch), and then he went to China in 2009 and completed his MSc in Petroleum Geology from the Faculty of Earth Resources of China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China. Since 2012, he is working as a full-time Research Engineer (Geophysicist and Geologist) in Addax Research Department (ARDP) of Sinopec Exploration and Production research Institute (PEPRIS), Beijing, China.

[email protected]


J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 30 965th Conference

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Scientific Tracks & Abstracts (Day 2) Scientific Tracks & Abstracts

Page 35 Session Day 2 June 02, 2017 | Petroleum Geology & | Sustainable Energy | Transportation

Session Chair Sun Renyuan China University of Petroleum, China

Session Introduction

Title: Experiment studies on N2-viscosity depressant with steam stimulation for shallow thin super-heavy oil reservoirs Sun Renyuan, China University of Petroleum, China Title: Non-equilibrium modeling of hydrates in porous medium Bjørn Kvamme, University of Bergen, Norway Title: Interaction between side chain crystalline block co-polymer and wax and its function Shigeru Yao, Fukuoka University, Japan Title: Deep hydrocarbon sphere as a possible source for the formation of oil deposits Yuri Galant, Independent Researcher, Israel Title: Method development for chemical degradation of waste tyres to produce oil and characterization thereof Phuti Cedric Tsipa, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa Title: Composite microbial oil displacement agent enhanced oil recovery in Changqing Oilfield, PR China Huang Zhiyong, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Title: Geothermal energy potential of Pakistan on the basis of abandoned oil and gas wells Asif Mehmood, China University of Petroleum, China Title: Petrophysical analysis and prediction of low resistivity pay zone at well ‘A’ at field ‘X’ Muhammad Rivaldi Anwar Putra, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

Petroleum Congress 2017 Page 36 Sun Renyuan et al., J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Experiment studies on N2-viscosity depressant with steam stimulation for shallow thin super- heavy oil reservoirs Sun Renyuan1, Sun Ying1, Yang Shikai1, Yang Yuanliang2, Qiao Mingquan2, Wang Xuezhong2 and Huang Aixian2 1China University of Petroleum, China 2SINOPEC Shengli Oilfield Company, China

n the basis of the characteristics of thin layers, low reservoir temperature and super heavy oil of Block X of CF oilfield in OChina, a new technology of HDNS (including Horizontal well, viscosity Depressant, Nitrogen and Steam) was proposed and a series of experiments were conducted to analyze the mechanisms of HDNS. The self-designed equipment, which includes the steam generation system, gas injection system, chemical injection system, the sand-parking sample system, the temperature-controlled system, the metering system of produced fluids and the data collecting system, was used for the simulation. Experiments shows that the displacement efficiency increases with the increase of the steam temperature and the injecting rate of steam, but too high steam injection rate will decrease the displacement efficiency because of steam channeling. Compared with steam huff and puff the displacement efficiency of viscosity depressant assisted steam (DS), increases about 20% because of the thermal chemical effect.

The viscosity depressant, 2N assisted steam huff and puff (DNS) can increase the displacement efficiency in about 18% by using the

synergistic effects of viscosity depressant, N2 and steam. In the process of DNS stimulation, the viscosity depressant can reduce the

viscosity of super heavy oil combined with the effect of steam, which is called as thermal chemical effect. The2 N can prevent the steam channeling in the reservoir and decrease the heat loss in the process of steam stimulation. The DNS stimulation can effectively reduce the oil viscosity and the steam injection pressure, expand the steam sweep efficiency. By using this technology, Block X of CF oilfield has been successfully developed in these years.

Biography Sun Renyuan is a Professor of Petroleum Engineering in the School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China). His research includes and gas development, enhanced oil and gas recovery.

[email protected]


J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 37 Bjørn Kvamme et al., J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Non-equilibrium modeling of hydrates in porous medium Bjørn Kvamme and Khadijeh Qorbani University of Bergen, Norway

n this paper, we focus on the geological storage of CO2 in reservoirs with zones that are cold enough to facilitate CO2 hydrate Iformation at local pressures. A 2D hydro-chemical mechanical model which has five layers (three layers with aquifers and two layers with cap rock in which we introduced two fractures) is created. We apply a reactive transport reservoir simulator, RetrasoCodeBright (RCB), in which hydrate is treated as a pseudo mineral. Following the recent modifications to account for hydrate dynamics in the code through a kinetic approach, we have further improved the simulator to implement the non-equilibrium thermodynamic calculations. In the present study, we spot the light on the hydrate formation effects on porosity in different regions, as well as on the flow pattern. These simulations are based on classical relationships between porosity and permeability, but the outline of ongoing modifications is presented as well. A critical question in such systems is whether hydrate formation can contribute to stabilizing the storage, given that hydrates are pore filling and cannot be stable toward mineral surfaces. The implications of hydrate formation on the geo-mechanical properties of the model reservoir are other aspects addressed in this study. This is an ongoing study with a constant development of adding new phase transitions involving hydrate into the simulator. Hydrate formation from aqueous solutions of hydrate formers is the most recent addition. Hydrate formation from primary or secondary adsorption on minerals is in progress. The overall goals is a

hydrate simulator that can imitate real production scenarios (pressure reduction, temperature change, CO2 injection) but also become a tool for estimating leakage fluxed of methane due to contact between hydrate and ground water under saturated with methane.

Biography Bjørn Kvamme obtained his MSc in Chemical Engineering (1981) and PhD in Chemical Engineering (1984) from the Norwegian University of Technology and Natural Sciences. After a short period with SINTEF and two years at Bergen University College, he was appointed as full Professor in 1987 and started education of MSc and PhD in Process Technology in Telemark. He is appointed as a Professor in Gas Processing at the Department of Physics, University of Bergen in March 2000. He is the author/co-author of 422 publications during last 25 years, of which 148 are in good international scientific journals. He has 2270 citations as per May 1, 2017, and has presented numerous papers at international conferences.

[email protected]


J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 38 Shigeru Yao et al., J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Interaction between side chain crystalline block co-polymer and wax and its function Shigeru Yao and Ryoko Nakano Fukuoka University, Japan

block co-polymer constructed with two monomers: a monomer with a long alkane side-chain (more than 10 carbon atoms) and Aanother monomer with various function (such as solvent affinity), shows side-chain crystallization (Side Chain Crystalline Block Co-polymer:SCCBC). Recently, we had found that the SCCBC has an adsorption function to polyethylene (PE) crystal and can modify the surface property of PE chemically and easily. By using this function, SCCBC can be a good dispersant for PE particle dispersion. Dispersant mechanism by SCCBC shows adsorption function caused by the construction of pseudo crystal between macromolecules of PE surface and long alkyl side chains of SCCBC. This interaction is called as crystalline supramolecular interaction. The wax is considered to be a low molecular weight PE. In this study, we found that the crystal structure of wax was influenced by SCCBC. Moreover, a concentrated wax/oil mixture was not solidified with a small amount of SCCBC. This result means that the SCCBC can be a good wax dispersant.

Biography Shigeru Yao is a Doctor of Engineering, currently working as a Professor of Department of Chemical Engineering, Fukuoka University. He has obtained his Engineering Doctor’s degree at Kyoto University. Currently, his research focus is on self-organization mechanism of polymer and especially the crystalline supramolecular interaction between side chain crystalline block co-polymer and crystalline polymer. He also focuses on the material recycle of polymers.

[email protected]


J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 39 Yuri Galant, J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Deep hydrocarbon sphere as a possible source for the formation of oil deposits Yuri Galant Independent Researcher, Israel

he issue of hydrocarbon sources to form the deposits of oil fields remains relevant, despite the long history of its study. Scientific Tadvanced techniques in this case are the results of a study of unique ultra-deep wells. The greatest interests are SG-3 Kola which is unique and the deepest one in the world with 12262 meters and SG-1 Saatli with 8268 meters. Kola super-well has been drilled on the ancient Baltic shield and opposite to Saatli, which has been drilled on the young Kura rift structure. Thus, there is a unique opportunity to trace hydrocarbon saturation of ultradepth in the time interval from the ancient Archean rock to the present day. Hydrocarbon in SG1Saatly and the SG-3 Kola are in different forms like: Free, dissolved, adsorbed and occlude. In the Kola segment of the Baltic Shield abundantly distributed C1-C7 alkanes, and bitumen were there. The content of the gases in the microcracks of rocks is upto 55.8 liter / ton and bitumen up to 110 grams / ton. In closed rock pores and vacuoles methane content is in the range 0.04 -120.1 cm3 / kg. In the Saatli well, the composition of gases presented to C5, inclusive, and hydrocarbon gas saturation is up to 5.7 cm 3 / kg. In its composition, rocks gases unique ultradeep wells resemble the composition of oil and gas fields. Hydrocarbons of different forms and components exist along the whole section of Kola and Saatli. Thus, the combined section of diverse genetic groups of rocks and various types of geological structures like Kola (shield) and Saatli (geosyncline) showed that in ultradepth the temporary crustal section from the Archean 3 billion years and till today there are hydrocarbon gases. Thus ultradepth saturated hydrocarbons virtually exist from the early Archean geological history and up to modern times of the Earth and can be a source of oil and gas fields. Oil Geneses is my favorite theme. Scientific base for this is data of unique Kola Super deep well, (12600 m) and Saatli Super deep well, (8267 m). Studying and researching of fluids/gas in the different geological objects like: Oil, ore, seepages, underground and mines water, mines air, soil, etc., and the different geological objects, genetic type of rocks, different ages from Q to AR, in the different structures like: Rifts, platforms, faults, volcanoes and different depth from surface to ultra depth of 12 600 meter. It is allowed to create a new polygenic model for the formation of oil fields. This model offers perspectives of the search for new deposits in geological heterogeneous objects. On the basis of this model, it is expected to develop a new strategy of finding oil deposits.

Biography Yuri Galant graduated from Baku State University, as Engineer - Geologist in Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Resources. He then defended thesis on, “Natural gases southern slope of the Greater Caucasus and gas geochemical prospecting of sulfide ores”. In Baku, at Institute of Geology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, he did research on the degassing of the Earth, fluids of Kola ultradeep well and Saatli ultradeep well and on the development of gas- geochemical methods to search for polymetallic deposits. Degassing of the Earth is the basis for modeling the formation of oil and earthquake prediction. Oil Geneses is his favorite theme/scientific base as this is data of unique KOLA super deep well, (12600 m) and SAATLY super deep well, (8267 m). His other research interests are study and research of fluids/gas in different geological objects: Oil, ore, seepages, underground and mines water, mines air, soil, etc., and the different geological objects - genetic type of rocks, different ages from Q to Arz, in different structure: Rifts, platforms, faults, volcanoes and different depth from surface to ultradepth upto 12600 m. Now, he is building a model of the formation of petroleum, from the Big Bang to modern days. And also he tries to consider building a model of the formation of crude oil on the basis of magmatic aspects.

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J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 40 Phuti Cedric Tsipa et al., J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Method development for chemical degradation of waste tyres to produce oil and characterization thereof Phuti Cedric Tsipa and Percy Hlangothi Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa

yre dumps are a growing problem around the world due to the challenges faced in the disposal of tyres. The complex nature of a Ttyre makes it resistant to biological degradation and difficult to dissolve or melt. One of the common processes in which waste tyres are recycled is pyrolysis. Although this method has been under research for many years, its products still have low market value. This study proposes a chemical degradation method as an indirect alternative to pyrolysis and attempts to produce valuable products. Characterization methods that were carried out on the oil were GC-MS and SIMDIST ASTM D86 for better understanding of the composition and petroleum fractions of the oil. The results showed that foreign compounds were present in the extracted oil compared to commercial oils. The bulk of the petroleum fractions of the oils were light vacuum gas oil 343-455 oC followed by heavy vacuum gas oil 455-566 oC. These findings indicate that oil produced by this method falls in the category of heavy oils, which can potentially be hydrocracked using a suitable catalyst to produce useful petroleum products.

Biography Phuti Cedric Tsipa is currently a Master’s student in the Centre for Rubber Science & Technology at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU). He has completed his Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and Polymer Science at the University of Stellenbosch and moved to NMMU for Post-graduate studies in Physical and Polymer Science. His research interest in this field was sparked during his honour’s year when he developed a method to extract processing oil used in the production of tyres. He subsequently developed a chemical degradation method for waste tyres to produce potentially reusable char and oil.

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J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 41 Wang Xingbiao et al., J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Composite microbial oil displacement agent enhanced oil recovery in Changqing Oilfield, PR China Wang Xingbiao and Huang Zhiyong Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

rude oil recovery technologies were unable to meet the growing energy demand in China. Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery C(MEOR) was one of the most effective recovery methods for the oil fields. Biosurfactant in oil degradation and emulsification changed the solid oil into liquid oil to be exploited. This was the most important mechanism of MEOR technology, but because of the complex geological conditions of different oil reservoir types, the microorganisms used in petroleum recovery lack enough environmental adaptability. Several high environmental adaptive capacity microfloras were screened, which withstand high temperature (30-80°C), salinity (NaCl concentration of 5-20%, w/v) and pH (5-9). Produced biosurfactant withstand 10-90°C, pH 5-12, NaCl concentration 1-20% (w/v). Further fermentation process optimization was carried out, and the active metabolites including bioemulsifiers, biosurfactants, acids and alcohol showed good potential for application. This can greatly improve the oil remaining after waterflood recovery from 11.55% to 30.78% by physical model. A variety of active microfloras which form a complex system can reduce the surface tension, improve emulsifying activity and emulsion stability. The surface tension (less than 30 mN/m) and emulsifying activity (more than 60%) were maintained at a strong level, better emulsification activity for crude oil can be maintained for more than 120 h, which showed potential industrial application. The composite microbial oil displacement agent with nutrients and trace elements has been injected into the in Changqing Oilfield. Results showed that oil production of the low yielding well (0.2 T/day) was improved more than 3 times, the produced liquid water content decreased by more than 75%, from 85% reduced to 25%, oil recovery is improved by 5-8 times, from 0.15 T/d to 0.9 T/d.

Biography Wang Xingbiao has his expertise in microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbon and metabolites analysis. His open and contextual evaluation model is based on mechanism of hydrocarbon degradation and metabolism. After years of experience in research, application, administration both in laboratory and oil well and oil polluted sites. His main work focused on microbial enhanced oil recovery and crude oil pollution management, and has improved the oil recovery more than 4 oil wells, increased 200 tons of oil extraction. Cumulatively, another important application work was reducing heavy oil in soil from 21.0% to 0.2% (w/w) in the oily sludge treatment, and the annual output value was more than 3 million US dollars in 3 oilfields of China.

[email protected]


J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 42 Asif Mehmood et al., J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Geothermal energy potential of Pakistan on the basis of abandoned oil and gas wells Asif Mehmood, Jun Yao, Dong Yan Fun and Atif Zafar China University of Petroleum, China

n Pakistan, about 1000 oil and gas exploratory wells have been drilled having depth ranging from 230 m to +6400 m. More than I60 percent wells have been abandoned or dry wells. In spite of all exploratory efforts, the energy need of the country is not being overcome. Present study looks forward to reutilize these abandoned wells by using subsurface data related to thermal characteristics of rock sequence. Present study shows heartening geothermal gradient exception in lower Indus Basin coupled with buried fossil- fail-rift basement structure. Aeromagnetic survey has also disclosed significant prediction for the “hot dry rock” geothermal energy in Kharan-Panjgur tectonic depression in western part of the Pakistan. Literature review shows that, for electricity production, hot dry rock (HDR) geothermal environment offers massive potential. These resources are mostly much deeper than the hydrothermal resources. Hot dry rock energy comes from moderately water-free hot rock found at a depth of 4,000 meters or more below the earth surface. In contrast to a geothermal field in one of the tectonic/volcanic anomalies, the HDR system depends on the artificial simulation of tight formations by to create underground heat exchanger. Fluid is circulated in closed circuit mode whereas reservoir pressure is managed by balanced production and injection rates in multiple well arrays. Current study shows the matchless application of collection data of oil and gas exploratory wells to develop renewable and sustainable energy operation in Pakistan.

Biography Asif Mehmood has been doing PhD in Petroleum Engineering at China University of Petroleum (East china). His major is Reservoir Engineering.

[email protected]


J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 43 Muhammad Rivaldi Anwar Putra et al., J Pet Environ Biotechnol 2017, 8:3 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463-C1-028

2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan

Petrophysical analysis and prediction of low resistivity pay zone at well ‘A’ at field ‘X’ Muhammad Rivaldi Anwar Putra, Diandri Fakhri A, Santika Satya W and Ir Jarot Setyowiyoto Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

he zone which has a high resistivity value is identical to the hydrocarbon bearing zones, however zones with low resistivity Ttend to be ignored as a hydrocarbon zones. In fact, at some oil and gas fields in several countries such as Indonesia, China and America showed that hydrocarbon zones can be formed in the zones with low resistivity. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the hydrocarbon zones with low resistivity in wells "A", at the field "X" between depths of 5514-5523 feet MD. Log data and core data are used in this study whereas the research is conducted by qualitative and quantitative analysis. The qualitative analysis used to determine lithology, facies and depositional environment of rocks in wells "A". The quantitative analysis used to determine the distribution of shale which is considered as a major influence on the formation of hydrocarbon bearing zones with low resistivity by using the Thomas-Stieber equation, calculation of porosity associated with the resulting distribution of shale and calculation of water saturation of the wells concerned using the Simandoux and Indonesia equation which is then compared with the Archie equation or core data. Quantitative analysis showed a significant result where at resistivity average of 5.8 ohm.m, the porosity has an average value of 17% and water saturation has an average value of 55.6%.

Biography Muhammad Rivaldi Anwar Putra is currently pursuing his undergraduate studies in Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. He is the Member of American Association of Petroleum Geologist – Student Chapter in Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.

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J Pet Environ Biotechnol Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl) ISSN: 2157-7463 JPEB, an open access journal Petroleum Congress 2017 June 01-03, 2017

Page 44