eedart AirgulIrrZn ay, August 25th, 1954. THE TRESDALE 14EROURT. NARD CASTLE FOOTBALL ENTERTAINMENT - AUCTION MART EVEN GOLF CLUB Forthcoming Shows Burns Auckland and Dlstriot League, ALAN LADD IN " DESERT' Division 11. LEGIO N." LEYBURN The 1954 show season haa so far txrpularity and a. number of new Need not be A WHIST DRArE 39. 12111eY Dui?, 38 Hole BARNARD CASTLE CELTIC had a watery baptism and up to the classes are fcran.d in the distinct FRIDAY. Firm tnade for dairy soggy Competition On Monday and Tuesday, August cattle. Newly calven cows awl will be held in V. SUTTERKNOWLE preeat few of Tthese events in the classes for Swaledale Sheep In the 30th and zi1st, AlanLadd end great heifere, attested: J. R Pratt, 287, DALTON MEMORIA.L North—together • with a open section the championship Mier Arlene Dahl co-star in Desert £79. £68; WEDNESDAY. Sitlln'T August. 1954_ 1, J. C- Celtic started the seneon with a number in the boulhein part ot the Prize is donated by tho _Swaledale Piy House Ltd-, 286; P. e nit 1 down: 2, J. Hillary, A Legion," at the Cosy Cinema, H. Bowes, £81: J. A.. Harker, iSal commenting 7-30 pen' home game against Butterknowm, country-1i a v e been fortunate Sheep Breeder& Assooiation. There The burn is one of the commonest litiddietondinTeesdate. This advent- H. Horne, 280; Omission 2/6, includin , r3, J. W. Garbutt, 3 down; enough to escape the freakishness are three classes for pigs and a A. Appleton. £82: g r 'D. Ascough, 4 winners of the Anderson Oup last of all lemon injuries. About 60 ure yarn, in Techniodor, concerns J Horner, £78. £78; Mrs 1). seaeon, in an Auckland League of Ile weather. championship challenge cal) given per cent. of in Britaiu the exploits of a Foreign Legion . 6 down.' by Lady Gray is to be competed, for, all accidents Robinson, 270: W. Percival. £77; URNE METHODIST ent game The visitors enjoyed a 2-goal On Saturday. three shows, which take plane in the home, and most captain who discovers a secret city F. R. Sidge, £72: W. Thistlethwaite. lead after 45 naimetes, but in she can almest he oleased as local, ail New classes include those for seed you put MIDDLETON-LN-TEDA TM Jackson Trophy. of these are burns. The caiet in the desert, fails in love With the 270; W. B. Graham, £70; R. W. second half the lsorae -team scored suffered from the existing ehaolec and old land hay. The usual sections victims are very young children ruler's daughter. and overthrows a Fester, 282; .1 O. Holdsworte. twice through K Outer and so conditions. Events at Haughton-le- -for horticulture nroduce and handi- aind the very old. tyrant. 255: I. Armstrong, £62; G. P. A GRAND CONC tagast. 1954. 1, Mrs li. ehrired the point. Skerne and Shildon were poirepoued crafts are retuned aa well as those reed J. C. Walker, 4 down; Amongst children, the commoneEt " My Favourite Blonde," at the Walker, £70; G. P. Wallace. £70: TURDAY, AUGUtill 28%, Next week, Celtic are visitors to alter hurried meetings of their for cage birds endemouItry. mid-week, with Bob Hope and at ne M. Rutherford and W. respective emergency committees, The sporting aide of the proceed- sufferers are little girls whose Furnish, £77; J. B. Guy. £70; 145 p.m. 6 down; 3, Mrs L. Downs Coundon to play the strong St. " nightles " or party frocks trait Madeleine Carroll, is a gay and IV- A. Dinsdele..C74: G. Bereetord, ILDON MALE VOICE C Joseph's eleven for league points. anu attendances itt both places was ings will again occupy a most fr Gourtley, 7 down; 4. Mrs into unguaeded fires. Burns are also irresponsible was-time romantic £73, £64 ; J. G. Tiplady, 273. 246; (40 Voices) • While Middreton Wanderers ere greatly affected. At Westgatenn- important position and the events comedy., with the stars in top nn and J. Hillaen, El down; have been. compiled to assure an quite common among workers who A. l'Anson, 270; S. T. Thwaite: 31usical Director: n Storey and R. Ewbanke, to play in the final of the League Weardale, strenuous aorta by form. Supported by " Moms £60; J. Tiplady, £.65; E. Pratt, MR 11, HENDERSON, Cup, the first round of this years workers made the show ground free interesting and veried programme. are exposed to inflammable fluids, migh teneperatures, and inflammable People Next Door," a highly £54; J. A. Teem', £6; M. Hodg- eompanist: MR A. Glen competition will be played on 4th from water, but again nix attenu- These sporting evente which have amusing comedy starring Jaen son, 259; 3. Frankland, £66. 25a, Tickets September, when Celtic are away ance fell fan below empeetatious. On become widely known in. thq North chemicals. 1/6 each. wide Scientists classify burns ss tirei. Warner, this is a programme M. E. Porter, 2138; G. Harker, 258, me and hear thin Alurrien to "A" Division team, Newton Sunday, the two programmes uy and receive cm/petite:ire front' a, whroh lould not fail to please. F. Burnett., 264; W. Hall, £85; new:ends for Chapel and Ayeriffe. Fodens Motor Works Band were radius are expected to again cater second, or third degree. first- ALE AND DISTRICT degree burn is not serious unlees On Friday and Saturday, " W. Itybris, 268: H. Harrison. 262. Funds. .played in a. large marquee and the for a large number of runners. Come the Non-atteeted newly ,calved cows ycmil be glad evening performance attracted a The judging list is as follows: it covers a large. area of the body, the Girls " is a comedy 11111ARD LEAGUE list is as follows: Dr becomes infeeted; but it can be starring Bob Hope who is seen as and heifers: E. HAIL £61; F. Dins- Darlington and District League, eood crowd. Time judging ce hopeless stage performer who is dale. 250 10s; Mrs Quirke, £53; 0th EGGLESTON 811 Woodlana Enterpr Ise. Shorthorn Cattle: J. R. Niecon ;ere/ painful. Mest fatalities are Division "A" kidded to appear as a star in a J Fawcett and Son, 288; R. on the camel Meeting of the Tees- On Saturday, Woodland Agriculte (13rompton), J. Capetick (Raeen- due to the second-degree burn you bought a or District Billiard League stoneclate). . Friesian Cattle: E. which causes blistering on the skin, show, not knowing he is the bail 3fetealfe, 282. 1131:GEIS, EGGLESTON NORTHALLERTON TOWN V. ural Show will be held and will for a notorious Miler. With Arlene Craves to £3 12s 6d; store n held in the Rending Room, BARNARD CASTLE AMATEURS berald the more local series of shows Johnsem. (Bedale). Teeewater Sheep: Or the third-degree burn, winch no. on Monday, August Dahl as his leading lady and Tony bullocks to 130. ewes to LB 5s Maly loaned by the Pr - which will continue until October E. Wilson (Cerinin-Oartmell), P. (hater the flesh. Attested calves. 28 103 to 47 5s. Sir William Gray, e 7-15 p.m. There ere one Barnard Castle -Amateurs visited 23rd when the Grains4-Beek Sherwin (13edale). Swaledale She Until 1940. most adults with burns Mai:fill and Rosemary Clooney nraew teams already applying -their annual ere' Sheepdogs: S. F. Clarkson onetime more than 50 per cent. at providing tile songs, this film has TURDAY, 18 Nurthallerton Town in their Prst Sodiety will hold 02 SEPTEN berslop and any other club league game on Seturday lest. The event. (Muker), NV. Boutfield (Winton), the body surface were sure to die. excellent entertainment values. MOM= 1954. BARNARD Sistriet should apply to the game was played in lovely sunshine The Woodland Society have been Horses: T. Dengue (Dutton), Re To-dart however. adults with up to CASTLE MINOR • OXFORD • SIX Clasees for ry (Mr .T. B. Peacock, 4, before about MO people. singulardy unfortunate since tneu Metcalfe (Hearaugh). Pigs: S. V. 70 per cent. of the body area View. Mickleton) on or ALAN BRIDGE CLUB. RSES, CATME. SHEEP, p The Amateurs were captained by formation and a. number of occasions Tinsley (Sedgefield). Referee: T. burned mustily survive if treated iu LADD AND LEO CERN IN ULTRY. DOGS, RAD The above date, or send a Donny Carter. and were the first their choice of data hies coincided 31. Metcalfe (Darliagton). Poultry: time. EXCITING DRAMA FROM tation o tbe annual meet_ COLUMBIA Noah/South: GE BIRDS. tiORTICUL to attack end after five minutes with weather more Su keeping with Mr Nicfnolsom. (Cocskfield). Cage This striking change has bten 1, Mr and Mrs Richardson. at JAM, HONEY, PROD Wileanimcored. Northallentori started November than August. 'their event Birds: W. Gran (Staithope)- „Cats: brought about by advances in. burn 2, Mr and Mrs Sandgrass. INDUSTRIAL CLASS_al, an attack but could not pales the on Saturdar, again under the presi- Mrs Pease (Streatiene).. H6rtqcul- treatment, -including use of the A gripping chronicle of Britain's , East/West: PHOTOGRAPHY, Barney defence. Then did, however, dency of Mr J. E. Brawn-Humes taro: G. W. Brodie (Durham). antibiotic drug, administration of Airborne Forces. Oolturibia Pictures' 1, Mr Christie and Mr Wigmore. Louis Smith and equalise after 20 minutes play when presents a comprehensive pia- Field Produce: W. Mitoliell (New- plasma and whole blood, narcotics war- drama " ," a 2, Mr and Mrs Heading, LL SPORTING PROGRAM their outside left, Fawcett, scored aramme. 'There are the usual classes castle). . Honey: O. Dunne (Even- to relieve severe pain, improved Production in colour AND CO a somewhat easy goal. The -for horses, Dairy Shorthorn and wood). Ball-kits? Cr. A. Weartnouth by Technicolor starring Alan Ladd Adraission: J. MILNER skin-grafting techniques, and better hone Amateurs, playing graud footbali Friesian cattle, sheep and a wide (Stanhcrpe). Needlework: Mrs treatment of the wound itself, an Leo Genii, opens on-Thursday, ts, 2/6; Children under 15, ntwie auother effort and Gowllug classification for horeieuItirre and the Fletcher (Ireehopehurnr, Knitting Friday, and Saturday at the Scala dramatic role as the Mayflower Barnard Castle P1119 Car Park, 2/6. (tacking Station 151k Since burns provide a dangerous Cinema. scored from close in, It was all produce and industrial sections. In and Rugs: Mrs Pease .(Darlingtoa). nyenae for the entrance of disease skipper of ``Plrymoirtth Adventute." Barney now and jitst before the hail- addition there are two classes for Wa Entries acne 84, Calgate, Bread anti Cakes: Ileis lker germs, and lower the body's resist- Based on 'Hilary St. George It also marks the • second M-G-M , 11th Septeinber, time ()after scored by bobbing over sheep dog trials and leaping and (AI iddfeton i Teeedaie) . Jam, noes analinst these invaders, Saunders book of 'the same titre, aPPeararice of Jean Simmons, Barnard Castle, the goalkeeper's need tor gee! Ao racing. The events will continue on Chutney and Bottled Fruit: Miss " The Red Beret " tells an inspir- following her scoring portrayal in niedides from the Secretary 3. At half-time Barney led by 3-1. iniection-figIhtliag drugs have become ing story of the Addison & Woodkams Wednesday evening with a pro- M. S. Ca,sling (Houghall). -development of the the title role of " Young Bess.- (NV. Cheniebrough), G. G. PARKER, What a reverse in the seeouel bad. gramrae of seasupering and trotting a mainstay of modern burn therapy. Paraohute Division. The tale focuses 09 COLLECTED 'Infection used to be an ever- Teresa Wright hes been applauded Whorlands Farm. Bowes, The urtkatiertut ooye play tut: and motor-cycle racing. Efficient bus on the personal activities of Canada ixi a long list of films but may per- FAMILY GROCERS AND Barnard Castle. Barney lath. to a. standstill for 16 services will pass the showground, nrosent. risk. But Penicillin, and the MeKendrick (Alan Ladd), a PROVISION DEALERS. But Prices given for newer and more potent antibiotics haps best be' remembered for her minute and scored two goals to which is ag-ain, on the Recreation mysterious recruit who turns out to Academy_iniAward-winning role in Wine and Spirit Merchants BOWES SHOW equeeiee. The Aniateursrallied and Ground and adjoining fields, loaned such as terramyein. have changed be en Ammican ex-officer- nen" liT9 Rearing of all that. For instance, two doctors whn felt " Mrs m' Bernard Castle It was even again, but the home by Messrs Tarn amid Gibson. himself reepensible for, the death of day, 11th Septe at the Royal Hospital for Sick In eupport of the stars are POULTRY team went turLber ahead anu xinaily The following judges have been a buddy, and who for that reason Anthony kerkins son of the famous The House where you get the ent /et Children, in Edinburgh, recently shorthorn, Nan. CAME and won by 5-3. selected: Agricultural and General declinee to accept a commission in acacia Osgood, Perkins, wiho makes hest of everything at the leeeS siare Cattle (all Atte! Players were invited to tea by Purpose Horses. J. N. Townson. described their experience with 50 England. Following his -,dyentures his motion picture debut in " Tee Calves seriously burned children. Under - possible price edale, Teeswater and PIGEONS. the amateurs Committee and en- Warkerfield; Dales Ponies. M. Bell, with the the " Red Berets," Jiow- Actress." Ian Wolfe, Kay Williams, p Sheepdogs joyed it very much. Crook; Shorthorn Dairy Cattle. W. the protection uf terramyein, not a ever, 4:culminating in hie A Trial Order ie solicited , Flowers. V resourceful Mary Wickee, Norma Jean Nilsson Satisfaction Guaranteed fee, Elaudieraftee Dome • 'They play Faverdale on Saturoan .1. Dent, Kaber Kirkby Stephen; A SWITCH TO AUTUMN REAR- eingle case of infection developed in handling of a minefields eituation and Dawn Bender, together with Prodlice, etc. on the Teu Field e kick off 3-15 p.m. Friesian Cattle. -Miss V. Nicholson, ING WORTH CONSIDERING. the youngsters- In North Africa, Canada changes Punk, the cat, a definite scene- Free Delivery Town and Tee ninuature will be pee- Lanchester: Pedigree Teeswater Similar gratifying results have this mind, and takes his rightful Country Gymnastic Displays stealer. sented on Saturday evening at the Sheep and 11.13. Lambs. J. Denham, In f armitee circles, and whenever been observed by Dr. L. Eisenstodt place in the nit:liter-et scheme of Ruth. Gordon wrote the screen Ask for our Representative to t Jynd .t p.m. dinner at the Beaorisfield hotel by Dent Gate; Swaledale Sheep.- 'I' in the U.S.A. In addition to terra- thin,ge. ca • r!-Armstrongs Display TIE CARRIERS Ltd. cattle men meet, the main topic at play, from her American stage Nay, Mies Teesdale, Harper, Limedale; Poultry and conversaeion this pesit few months menin, he used the germ-fighting Alan Ladd gives a dynamic Per- " Years Ago." The director is eepsing The Amateurs dance takes place 'Bantams. Will Burdett, Thirsk; team combiovic—a combination of formance as Canada, -whilst Leo George Cukor; the producer, Telephone 2154. Display at 3 p FURNITURE has been the scarcity and high penoillin and ntreptemyain. Aceord- by eIr J, Whiteheod. eet Lartington Hall on 'riday nignt, Rabbits, Pigeons and Cage Birds prices of suitable calves for beef. Genii characterizes the C,onunandieg Lawrence Weingarten. REMOVALS. August 27th. W. Rutherford, Chtook; Horti- ine to Dr. Eisentodt, such anti- Offline of .the unit; &Win Stephens RiZEWINNERS Many have been purchased at whae PARADE culture, R. Brown, Leadgate; Pro- appear to he .taleconomic cost, £15 biotics. while protecting, the body pleys the W.A.A.F. with whams a.t 3-30 p.m, 42, HORSE MARKET, dare, Mrs M. A. Bainbridge, with an " umbrella against Ladd falls sopwardse and even those of doubts in love. Harry Andrew, reteneteriSPISItnelnArtrineineentenernietnerteitereReitneniffeneeeenierzten r Park. Redreshmente, BARNARD CASTLE. Auckland and District League, Cockfield, Mrs L. H.. Knaggs, ful rearing brought 27-28 in the infection, help skin' to form again Donald Houston. Anthony Bushell, mission to Showground e Division I. Shincliffe: Photographs, Mrs M. over severely burned areas. Patric Doonan, Stanley Baker, Late Dr Part Loads to any part months. of April and May. Followed at 8 p.m. by Siniums, Barnard Castle: Industriel, Dr. Eisemst.odt also recounneride Morris and Tim Turner head the the Onuntry. Enquitiea to DINCHESTER V. Mrs D. Ross, Frosterley. Mrs It Supply of Calves. that exten.sive burns he treated with important featured cast. ON EXECUTORS A GRAND DANCE MIDDLETON WANDERERS Blythman. Stockton : Leaping and the hormcine AMIE to " etithion "The Red Beret " was produced the School, Bowes. BORSE3LARKET, Riding, C. M. G. Olivet, nit.c.v.s aceuntomed to the body against the effects of by Irving Allen and Albert R. AND TRUSTEES rs Band. Admission Estimates Free. On Saturday, Middleton opened Lanchester, .1. E. Brown-Humes, spring born ea4ves :by muneple veil. shock. This occurs when the blood Broccoli irom a screenplay by , out the season with a visit to Bin- Harnsterley: Sheep Dog Trials. M. bag ore nurse ccere kept cheapl, On pIaem.a---the liquid part of the blood Richard Maibaem and Frank Have you thought about appoint- clules end further parer Nate Barnard Castle 2232 chester, last season' Peacock, Lunedale, J. R. Dixon, the Secretary, J. S. s winners of gratin have seriously considered —flows info body tissues out of the Nugent. directed ing an executor t Your friend or Division 11. of the league. Langteydale; School Children's ehis stirring , ..ertrand Foot, Bowes. turning over to anteinn rearing denuiged blood ye:resole in the area British picture. your partner may be willing to take Middleton introdueed. two of their Flandw.riting, F. Haeper, West whcn. supply, price, and selection of the weund• This causes a uew signings iii Gowland at. Lein Auckland. of calves from dairy cows ore much " thickening " of the remaining on the duty but is it fair to leave WSHA31 SPORTS 01.VB. hack and Todd at centre forward. more davourable. A survey of mar- blinid, often making it "-sludgy THE ACTRESS' him with ,e responsibility, and arc GUN SECTION. Shepherd, selectee' for goal, failed 2,500 Entries for the Wensleydale kets in the autumn of 1953 showed Such blood changes may harm the you sure he will he there I to turn up and Race, a centre Show. that a proportion; of suitable calves kidneys, liver and brain, and may Speer Tracy, Jean Simmons NEXT SHOOT forward, tonk his ptace and Wood- Entries for the show to be held were in fact eleughtered by the even cause death. Pain also eon- and Teresa Wright are the stars of National Provincial Bank is well RAIL ward came in at outside left in at Leyburri on Saturday exceed Although the " The Actress," which will be fitted to act for you. However .RDAY, 16th OCTOBER, 2,500. 111 sections have been well place of Bailey, who wee unable to number was not high it did indi- itr,niTztlipenreauit:ten_.p6aither;411°Caomfekptr.itethotiBseulab7e drone:n woinpugro_n_d shovne Thursday. Friday and Satur- complex your affairs may be, they nunenehig.1 p.m. prenipt IMRSIONS leave his work. The playing pitch patronised, entries of stock are well cate that for a short [period at least itself may either coneist of rover- day at the Victoria. Hall. was in a very bad state with pools maintained, there is an increase of will be handled withiskill, courtesy d at rear of The " Pipe' swirly exceeded demand. Further- Tho M-GM comedy drama, filled of water on the pitch. Binehester, over 200 in the handiereft section, more the recent trend towards qual- with both laughs and poignant and sympathetic understanding. Trustee &loam:rat : Tavern, Newshaan. with a slight decrease in the the traditional method--or by the 1011BINED RAIL AND Avon the toss and gave Middleton ity ire beef cattle has encouraged situations, tells the story of a Pronuem me advantage of the slope. horticultural section, which was not Enquiries will he welcomed at i PRINCES STREET, Open Trial Sweep. 110AD TOUR ladiraiipAifitalgurnisersibultols used Awm.eIl.yalloefreLikfcereolldy. cenure. In this,- the victim's clotn- young girl who is determined to get Play -was fairly even at the start unexpected in view of the recent in hOr start on the stage but who lids any Branch without obligation. LONDON, E.C.2- • Cup (Members only), 3 g is removed, and he is wrapped LAKE DISTRICT w.ith both sides going near but good bad weather. to see an Improved supply to overcome parental opposition and Ants. play was out of the question owing The new venue for the show, on In sheets. lath enough blankets to our" marked calves rieNt autumn maintain body terapera.ture. No various dther obstacles before she Open Sweep. 29Ih Aug., 5th Sept. to the had conditions. Middleton the Leyburn to Belleeby Camn road, can achieve her gag. It is 'also an Cr sweeper. time permitti and winter. 'bandages are need, and the burns NATIONAL PROVINCIAL eame near with a header troll! hne been n/anned to use three fields So der as supply is concerned, endearing picture of middle-class To be follewed by Cant. 10.50ant 11/6 Woodwa.rd which just went past the close to the road and also the foot- are eflowed to dry and heal in the mielaw therefore, iruturneerearnig has much open air. _ family life, with Spencer Tracy BANK LIMITED 10.44am 11/0 upright with the Binolteeter 'keeper ball field for the sheep dog trials. playing tiel hard-pressed bread- A DANCE - IL9tan 10.36am 11/9 There will he two displa,vs by the to commend it, but there are other A pioneer organisatio.n, in this beaten and at the other end Race considerations to take into account, winner, and Teresa Wright as the Head flifire is BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C.2 in the W.I. Hall. tigers travel IT rail came out and saved in the nick or Drums of the famous 1st Gloucester- work is the British Medical and examine. Research Council's Industrial mother of the stage-struck heroine. Pearith, thence by Motor time when Binohester broke shire Regiment Bath, in addition The new picture marks Tracy-6 Bishop Auckland to music by the Blackball Colliery Injuries and Burns Research Unit. through the Lake through. Middleton were now the Is autumn rearing more difficult? return to comedy following his OAOrreigifettelearnia . onseniative Association et sea Pooley Bridge, better side but were unable to woe Bart, The Unit Le cone ern ed • with Ti' e Proep. Cenci. diliog Patterdate, lionie their advantage. The vigorous new borre animal 13 muses. pathology. cemplications and tone Pass, Berwritss, After the change of ends, play Betides Shaw Attractlens. trealment of accidental injuries In. ROBERT YOUNGE0N. ricultural Society, again always the easiest to rear. It is eeitie, Rydal Water, again continued fairly even for a Bowes Ag surhidirrg burns anud scalds. It is under th.e presidency of T. G. generally accepted by practical housed in the Birming HOUSING ere, Thirlmere, Kee- time, then Binelester began to stockmen that the autumn born ham Accident RENT PROBLEMS ' Threlkeld, Troutbeek apply pressure and for a time had Dugdale, will hold their 70th annual Hospital, and work in close liaison 'cc Greestone. Middleton penned into their own Show on Saturday, Septerniber 11th, with the hospital staff. and Assistance may Gihnoreby,. when theirtheir claissifice, deVef-eloispedalionrether4ixklateltr'shatesavinesghafbeenere hied from:- half. but were unable to get the at /birth whilst its dam had au the Recommended home first-aid for re by Rail from Pen- , bell in. Race wag playing a good tion caTters ifOr - Dairy Shorthorn burns has :become correspondingly There's plenty of 14.3a, Newgate Street, 7.40pin. cattle—for which the district 19 ;benefits of grass as Seer main food. Bishop Auckland. game in the Middleton goal and Mortaiity of calves is quite a prcib- simpler. Doctors now disapprove _iColiiiroDATioN LIMITED made some good saves and once he noted—and a new &anion for Brit. of greasy ointments, and soseallee Telephone 723. rif-tE rook IN ADVANCE isle Friesian. Known throughout leni at any time, het without doubt went put almost to the corner flag to loseen are highest amongst those soothing " jellies , and creams. !too the home outside right ween the area as the " Swaledale Royal," Instead. they advocate plenty al NARD CASTLE BRAN t.t emphasis is always on the Swaledale barn in late winter and early JUDY 513 PENRITH ale thinge looked dangerous. Then sprieg, and lowest in autumn. clean cod water, or a simple BRITISH LEGION. Middleton came again into the aheep aecticirs, and the awivrds in- solution of sodium bicarbonate or 1IRKBY STEPHEN 3/9 attack and both Hunt and Maughan chide the President's Challenge Cup salt. Unless the burn is obviously To all Ex-Servicemen. Is feeding more expensive? 11111 water came near with good shots which for the beet ehearling Swaledale of a. minor type, it should be seen Sundays the home 'keeper saved. In another Rene a Silver Cop 'for the. best by a doctor as quickly as possible. MONTHLY 3IEET1S0 The majority of calves, whether WHEN YOU MAKE THE MOST OF ELECTRIITT rd Jack Lodge brought the hall two rams, and similar trophies for intended for beef or dairy, are In no type of injury does delay in Branch will be held pad Castile 10-50 am ripfield and eight into he Binehester a ram bred on Bowes Moor, a gim. getting proper attention make so miton reared by Ow° methods; multiple )AY. SEPTEMBER 7th• 10-36 am penalty area. but before he could tner lamb, five gimmer Iambi. and suckling, of nurse cows, or "on the much difference between the succen ACK HORSE INN MT midaw 10-44 am get in his shot Todd was pulled up a Silver Cue) for the best glummer bucket —the peputar method of and failure of treatment. (ISP8) t from Peurith 7-4u For offside, which wee a bad decision lamb of any breed. Another cup milk selling fauns. It cannot be An Electric Water Heater gives a epecialt effort to a 8-6 Kirkby Stephen lor Lodge was the only player to mill be awarded for the best sheep disputed that the oost of whole iniik to lie discussed: play the hall. on the ehowground. In addition in either ease you constant hot waterfor baths, of Winter Activities. is higher ill autumn, ORDER FOR BRITAIN vary. Later, Binchester nearly scored there are classes for horticulture, than in spring, but there ere sans- 5, Social Evening, etc. , and a washing and cleaning . . . . and as murk but again Race made 6 good save produce end handiorafts fivatory means of miniroising these More than 100 firms will benefit as he lay on the bottom. 3Hddieton wide r ano of classes for school as you like_whenever you need it. 13ARNARD CASTLE costs. Firstly, nurse cows can be trom contracts worth 214,d17,000 were attacking when the finei ohildren. maintairied on cheap good 'resuility ELLUBER OF TRADE. , DINED RAIL, ROAD Other field events inelnde gym- placee in Britain by U.S. Army IND STEAMER TRIP whititle went, and a draw was a fair bulky foods like kale, silage, good An Electric Water Heater is such .7 will be CLOSED all result. nastic displays by the Vie-kers- ordnance for Centurion Mark V bay, etc. with restricted feeding of tanks and ammunition. THURSDAY, SEPTE3 o LAKE LILLSWATER Blucheatea 0, 3Cddleten A renstreget Apprentices Welfare concentrates. Secondly, the supply a convenience. There's no need to keep r the Annual Trodenn Wanderers 0. Club Wain and a theendog di splay of dried skim milk has made snag- fires burning—your kitchen is cool, Sundays To-night (Wednesday), Middleton by Mr J. Whitehead, of Downholme, able much improved milk substi- NIGHER WAGES .1. NOEL PAUL, play their League Cup Final. left Richmond. The general public will tutes the water always hot. •Neire 10.63am 12/- nen. or " equivallents" which have Hon. Secrete* wee over from hint season. This is also he asked to take part in a ntade poseible eatiefeet•ory econmu- Ministry of Lithour statistics 10.36ana 12/3 arrainst Frosterley, played on the elty sheep judging conapetiticem. /eel in whole milk feeding. If costs F how that in the first six months of Ask for details today at your 'skier 10.44am 12/- Kinentway Ground, 13ishop Auckland, The following judetes for the kick off at 7 p.m. Team selected to are watched, therefore, feeding 1954 some 7,115,000 workers have seers travel by rail show have been ennenteted: Cattle: tined not be unduly expeneive, and been givenerage increases amounting local Electricity Service Centre. 'tenth. nrb/ motorg coach nlay is: Shepherd; Lodge, Clarke; Shorthorn—J. R. Pearl) (Weardale) I s offset *pineal:ably- iby the saving Net Vickere ((Apt.). Hammond Wood- and H. Handley (Ravenstonedale); to about 22,207,400 a week. • e. thence by in cost of purchased calves. THIS ELECTRIC WATER HEATER CAN BE to Gleraridding. Re- ward; Maughast Moore, 'Sanders, British Friesian — G. Dinsdale Hunt. Briley. Reseyes; Strophaw. J=15 440pEc1fror1 Glenridding (Hawes). Teeewater sheep and Autumn rearing and farm labour. INSTALLED, COMPLETE WITH THERMOSTAT, Dent, Brunskill, Walton and 'Pullen- sheep dogs: A. S. Barningliain sold, but there are three dist- LAGOINO eiCKET AND ALL PLUMBING eICcesteneeion,,, LIMITED tire. (Merrick) and 'R. Bindloss (Kend. eititirar born calves are better inct stages at which it is advent. •wz BOOK ADVANCE On Saturday first, August 28th. al). ,Half-lbred sheep: T. Bousfield housed duiing their first summer, ageoue to sell autumn horn stock: FOR LESS THAR A SHILLING A WEEK. CREAM Middleton have their first home (Kirkby Stephen) and J. Handley Ihut, stock indoors an tihnt time often I. As 1} year old cattle in spring: game-when the visitors will be at (Kendal). Swaledale: W. Dent previa& labour difficulties. The 2. As 2 year old stores for yard details from the stations Howie. who provided oae of the (Lunedale), .3-. Dixon! (Bellerby), J. head of stock ie frequently in- fattening which is coming .baeic md usual agenciee. hest games seen at Middleton kat Birkbeck (Nateby), L. Rutherford sufficient to keep a man fulls em- intosfavour as a Tema of better eenson..The kick off will be se 3-15 (Wearhead). Horticulture: A. ployed around the buildings, and it returns Over the last two win- p.m. Evana (Darlington), Produce: Mrs ioneeonomie for a man to leave ters; T, Bousfielcl (KMtley Stephen), Mrs important field work to tend a lim- 3. As 2i yean old strong stores '44424;44,409. H. Handley (R.arvenstonedale). ited number of young animals. for grass fattening where this NORTH YORKSHIRE OTTER Handierafte: Mrs T. Addison Autumn reared calves are well clans of stock is dernan'ded- DON'T WEAR YOURSELF OUT ON WASHDAYS HOUNDS. (Mickleton), Mies M. Dent (Mick- enongh grewn to turn out to grass e.g., grass feeding areas of the , leton). Schoolchildren's Section: the following summer, and nurse Midlands. .... an Electric Washing Machine will ee Sate Ang. 28.—Norsham (Tees). .1, W. Gale (Penrith). Referee for cows 'nearing the end of lactation It will be seen, therefore, that save you hours of back-aching labour. Tee‘.. Aug. 31.—Welhem Lake all classes: T. Addimon, leen be run on pasture with their there is no disadvantage from this (Marten), by invitation M.D.O.H. (Mickleton). final quota, noarnally single calves. very important point of view. This Wash your blankets, work-clothes and MUM & SON ,•• Furthermore, in these days the article may give the impression that delicate fabrics in an electric washing go ILDERS NOW Classes at Eggleston fairly high labour force maintained autumn reagaine is lint widely prac- machine. See how much longer they last, U.S. VIEW ON CHINA A 'week later, an September 18th, in winter on arable farms_ so that tieed. In fact, the reverae me trite dOINERS the Eggleaton Agricultural Society adequate strength is available far some srees, notably East Anglia, bow much cleaner they arc. See the latest models I. *IN The United Stades Senete hes will hold their 80th annual shone on suramer work, means that there is bat tievertheleaa we *till have the at your local Electricity Service Centre and ask to G STREET, 4 voted 91-0 to oppose the entry of the Illatighs, thought to be oree of help for the stook-man when he needs awkward situation of too many /ARD CASTLE. the finest showgrounde in the North. for details of the attractive Hire Purchase Terms. Phone 3334. Red Mina .into the United Nations. it most. Autumn rearing therefore bunters chosing too few calves each Also at Sir William Gray is again president.. fite more suitably into the farm sprit, and some waeitage of anim- Mee schedules, now available frOM End, etartiertn. labour organitatiota partionlarly On als In the autumn, rt is hoped that ELECTORAL TOT41. tbe Seetetarg, Mn G. G. Parker, the arable .or mixed farm. the argismente pmsented will help Wesorlands Farm. Bowes, contains per. haps a few more farmers to & Repllifl. The fetal number of parliament- el ses for Dairy, Shorthorns and a TN market fOr Wet stone, decide that for their particular etr- CASTLE ary elector n the United Kingdom new section for. Freisiane ia ftwinetanees, autettan rranng 1.1 ,TSE NÜ1H EAMES MIMIC* MED tev Free. in flint I9re4 (minter is 86,017,256 ioclude:d. Teoswatrte., Beli-Itesa and Circiumatanges iddiridua4 WA? inirtirtstale • Maine gersetlagy). Wenaleid44 Flaw ?stein Viper Irlatalter fasal.joi• salitriete . II r IL LOP