CHARTER GASOIIIlttiiiJ J STAR WIND MILLS ? Plaec Anvon Both Wood and Qalvaaized Steel. mm ii; Any Purpose SuT- - Write for Prices. Stationeries, Portable, State Tour Power Needs or Toav S ilG Customer' Needs. E. N. Ct. - Sipperley, Westport, see. E. N. flPPERLEY. - Westncrt. m- ? Co-


'ffTiSi"'"" Town Topics. JBl Pew' Clothes lor Trinity Church. HLcasons A Spring Debut. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING. Why you should bring your Engraving At the annual parish meeting, Monday afternoon, the officers were and Jewelry Repa riig to Bryant's-- I following first-cla- ss will need to mako elected : have the only real, engrav- About everything yu your - D. G. Beers. Spring had- world Clerk, Thoughts. er Danbury has ever He Gives his satisfactory to yourself and the appearance D. C. Peck. entire time to Engraving and..Jewelry will find here. And you don't have to confine Treasurer, do you Senior Warden, D. G. Beers. Did Easter ? reoairing and caa therefore it taste t one or two We show the best her put your old Derby to blush promptly and in the best uossible man your styles. Junior Warden, H. A. Hawley. or for all for all G. Cur of ner. We re-ool- your and thoughts of the best tailors, sizes, Vestrymen, E. L. Johnson, H. Derbys $5 shape and quality and trimmingj'SS can't jewelry D. C. Frank Dr E. M. make it look as good as new- - shapes, for all purses and for all shades of taste. tis, Peck, Wright, be Smith. made better than they are. Other good Derbys we back If a short boxy with " you prefer jaunty Auditors, H. B. Camp, C. S. Piatt. with "Your money back at $2 and a very full back, the Bradford will please ycu. Collector, Frank Wright. $2.5o, $i.5o. covert cloth in E. Golf-shap-e Thirty-thre- e inches long Made of Delegates to Diocesan Convention, alpines are "good form" and deserve their G. L. Johnsen, C- - S. Piatt. L. BRYANT, several shades, $15 and $16 50. $3. in new and Alternates, R. H. Beers, Frank Wright. popularity Alpines Spring shapes and colors, Jeweler & Watchmaker, Some long and some regular length and full cufts on A CAED TO MT MAST FRIENDS. $2.5o, $2 $i.5o. 244 MAIN ST, DANBURY, CT. Cambridge mixtures, with hack, lined to sleeves, collars and edge. $10, to thanks to atch I wish express my sincere Before for for N- - Y N- - H. you a cent fancy , see how well Inspector $12 $13 50, $15, $18.50, $20.00 the many friends of my deceased wife spend A H. R, R. 50, wo Kegular length covert , $10, 12 50, 1500. and myself, who assisted me so kindly can please you. If we fail, you'll have to give up every Those at 4 98 and 8.50 are all . in taking care of her in her long slcknesf and delicaciee pleasing and fanciful idea in fancy shirts is here. 5oc, hi of fast black worsted, sack or cuta- distress, and for the many clay In the of allies, wines, etc., 00 way fruit, j and $i.5o. PIBE INSURANCE, way, 10 to 20.00. which a sick person bo much needs, and REAL ESTATE. Spring suits in fancy checks and broken plaids, longs for, which many times are hard tr INVESTMENTS. and some in stripes, 10.00 to 27.00. get. And I pray that God's blessing ma; MrJust now I have a sale 7 per cent Invest- rest upon their heads so losg as the; i ment lor a limited amount. shall live, and that they may be minis Plain Blacks. B. H. MATTOON, tered unto in like manner when they shall PfUlai Kail, WaUrUvs, CtM JOHN F. K.EANE & Co. be laid upon their beds racked with paii Telephone. and disease. May God bless you all. is like black i&rary 3uidin& at In this world I've gained my knowledge, There nothing clothes to sharply define the the AfaJn & And tor It have had to "pay; m no other clothes so so FIRE INSURANCE-O- U comer of tonn streets Although I never went to college. figure quickly and boldly disclose a Rsl'abU LoMt Katta. Yet we've heard that poets say, Comptnur. - Iilfe Is a lack in cut or cloth. W. A. LEONARD. Newtown, Conn. B R.ID G E P O FT- like mighty river, Flowing on from day to day, And men are vessels launched upon It, r3 For that reason, our black suits and frock coats receive Sometimes wrecked and cast away. the critical attention of and come to us KK5OwOX)00OSKKwO)000 Chorus. expert tailors, they In Spring So then do your best tor one another, with all the marks of tailoring. HULL & HOYT CO. Making lite a pleasant dream, perfect Help a worn and weary brother, You as little as for a sack of black A Lady's Fancy o hard the stream. may pay $10 clay f Pulling against Turn toward Fnrlre ornanienta Many a bright, good hearted fellow, worsted, but you the black of the Hon. Spring by ihe calendar la a get unchangeable highest now a wi'tik old anil .we lmve pre Many noble minded man, nirn-- ' rurel yen lor Hie domnmli Finds himself In water shallow, priced fabric, and the same careful that timv lio made upon us. C olor Then asBist him If you can. tailoring. Mfii to o ot the hour" 5 Some tailor-mad- e j the"aKnyI succeed at every to and Uim hard enaiai olil tfooils wo turning, Sacks and cutaway suits from that up 25.00, have to show yon In Watchi-H-, Fortune favors every scheme. Brooches, Mann liucklea. Nether-Hol- Actual OUT" Sale of While others too, though more deserving, and made to fit our own tailor if need be. ItraneletM, Stic I'Iiib, I Lon "CLOSING Have to the stream. by Neck and Hat I'lnn were se- pull against ilitn a high-price- d lected nrt to iiiallty, next to pret-tlnem- If the wind is in Take our frock coats none but a tailor UerlKns- - article 18 GRANITE WARE, your favor, ol Kvery CROCKERY, And weathered guaranteed ) nut a represented. TIN you've every squall. Keepecttully, g GLASSWARE, WARE, Think of those who luckless labor, can match them in style or finish, yet we charge but 22.00 g PLATED WARE, WOODEN WARE, Never get fair winds at all. R. Randall Working hard, contented, willing. ft for coat and vest, silk faced. Davidson, LAMPS, KITCHEN SUPPLIES, Struggling through life's ocean wide, Scientific Optician, BIRD CAGES, ETC. Not a friend, and not a shilling. Vtt MAIN 8TRKKT. A N30NIA, CT. Palling hard against the tide. Fourth Poor Below Poutofllce. E. it. Briscoe, Botslord, April 9, 1900. EVERYTHING in from marked prices, as low as north half of store already 15 MEMOTUIM. ! at a cut of . . . L off any in Danbury. lall Papers In the early spring we laid her We have Jnst opened our Spring stock ol lu the dark and silent tomb, Wall It all tbetLatest De- These trnods are all new and fresh, late styles and desirable patterns, all bought Where the wind blew the Paper. comprises trom 17 through plaes signs and Colorings. We buy direct six months. We are going out of these lines. Casting o'er a Wall Paper Manufacturers and we have the shadowy gloom. lard st stock and '.'uo best variety ul Inw SUCH A Where was prloes to Ui.joh jrctn. everything cheerless, Tea per cent discount to Grangorr. Amidst the silent dead. Though the snn was shining brightly & Vehicle Through the clouds overhead. W. W. Walker Sod, OpportunityHAY NOT OCCUR AGAIN. THREE f tO0 U 4.IN ST., BUBSIPOET, CT. And our hetrts were nearly broke i 52JSEi With the loss of our dear one. STORES I Springfield. But to God we look for comfort, O Unto Him, and Him alone. COUGHLIN BROTHERS, BUGGIES, TRAPS In her Saviour she had trusted, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Cor. Bank RUNABOUTS, All her thoughts were centered in, II 327 Main, Sts., Dealers In PHAETONS, Often all sbe o saving, wanted, Fine Gold Wall Papers, Oil Tin ta,Fres-c- SURREYS, FARM, Was to go and dwell with Him. Borden, Decorations. Window STANHOPES, MILK and For she knew her Heavenly Falher , Conn. Shades, Fixtures, etc-- etc BUSINESS WAGONS. Had prepared a place lor her. Bridgeport, BUCKBOARDS, Where no sickness or no trout le J Could ever enter there. A. M. BRISCOE & SON, At Unheardof Prices. -- C. L.C., Bot slord. and Second Hand -- A IN CONFIDENCE TO OUR FRIENDS.. New Carriag WORD A cottage prayer meeting, roost help Wa Sell or Trade. Tills firm has not " failed "but owing to certain internal causes, must he wound up Buy, ami Wo to close out the North Store up the and ful in a and well t ome and See !'. liquidated. want rapidly, put partition spiritual way attended, settle down in our old store attain. was held on Wednesday of last evening many friends of this popnhr hostelry to entertain in that way. Mr Boyer ha day with his parents, Prof and Mrs C. 8. EDWAKD8 M.8MITH M.IV REAL BARGAINS the next few weeks. week at the home of John Elliot in Taun be to lasro. a foudr ess for and it i said he Piatt. youvhTfind for will chewders, PHraiCXA-B-T DENTAL PARLORS. taa district. Rev H. L. field gratified AFB TORW; Hutching, could re the dish in epi- 0 files at Residents-- Ha S to a- - at.;-- Kxpert dentistry, painless and reliatile.most reps tempting an: 9 lu ecientine useid for worker for the Connecticut Bible society, Mr ia a G. S 7 U 8 p, mederu and appliances HULL & HOYT CO. JOBS WIHTCS BOXES. curean style. Boyer survived by J. SuIlivao,the popular baggageman p, a.; a. painless operations. led the for his Telephoai and Ball at ItW-to- n HENRY BERND. Receiver. DANBURY, CONN. meeting, taking theme, wife, one sister, Mrs Frank Morehouse of on the Shepaug passenger train, stepped light lasUMet, DR B- - Strsst- - C BLACKMAN, 'Rating one's at the best." Rev a brothe--, F. W. er of on a stone while cars & W. Ocon- - this city, and Bo; roHing switching 84S-S- 1. Burgeon Dentist. Over I.allalt Thoaioa Oils W. Barker and other from the Con The death cf Jchn Boyer of Teleptoas le. Clothing Store, Bank SU New Mliford. DCOfofOffoeofotvfotoouuwwMuuuuvv known as Wisconsin Free Press. at the Roxburv quarry and has been laid gregational church attended and gave omowee, Wis., familiarly "Uecle on up for two week;, suffering from a bad to the meeting. John," Thursday, April 5, DR JAKES W. GORDON, Sippcrt came as a shock to the friends and ac sprsia. L. A. PECK, Dentist, Mr and Mrs James Hsll of Antonia Physician and Surgeon, What the Dickey Bird Said, W. & quaintances. It was not generally - G. Fairchild Sons, the were over Mrs Laura Main Woodbury, Conn- Bridge known that he was he was guests Sunday of W. C. Minor has taken a position with Beeidenee, Street, call attention to their rich ill, although SANDY BOOK. COHX at Mrs Silas E. Falr-ehlld'- If ,nn xnn'il trnr.w 1h flPCMlt. WHS. "Ton dOnt kOW hOW lOVdlT VOtl port jewelers, Leonard at the Newtown Inn. the Rubber in VKvery Wednesday Patnlt-s- s a ol indispoeed for nearly four weeks, from Alliug Co., Bridgeport. Sandy Hook, Conn. are since the Boston Dentists made your month thing land varied stock suitable for wedding felephone call S. O. BnU A Co.'! Drug Store. beauty with that elegant bridge work ,r Oar perfect bridge work and and diabetes. John Winton Boyer n. nitr.i ins.iHncr artifinini tath portal NAtnre in exnresslen and in gifts. The perplexing problem of select grip Hartwell's electric liniment will core color, shape and genernl appearance thev defy competltioa Thiols a is was born at Newtown, Conn., November If you etl ay a good dinner when in the or more fill- ing gift easily solved by calling at rheumatism. For sale at Hartwell's D-- especinlly true where we are allowed to insert one' gold 20,1827. In Octobtr 1855, Mr where is the who does J. W. MELBOURNE, M- - , 8Md7c.H..k ings. and bridge work and the painless extracting of teeth are their establishment. Their are of Boyer Shelton. city (and person A. W. our goods came to Wisconsin and settled in the pharmacy, not Brennan's restaurant 888 Maia St, INrky, Ot. Orgelman, specialties. the highest quality and marked at the f) visit popular Maafatarr tad atattr la Baratas, fai town of afterward to on Cannon street. Specialist in all female dlaeaaea. acute .Csllari. lowest Summit, removing Clarence Beach, one of R. H. Bee r & chronic. CorrespondeBO eonfideatiAl, BrlaUt Blaaksta, st. prices. Oconomowoc. He was a mason Office hoar 7 to by trade, Co.'s clerks, pa seed Sunday in am; ltoSaadl to9p': 420 MAIN SJ.KEKT, BRIDGEPORT,' CONN1. but of late Mr had obligirg HE C. ASSOCIATE Miss B. B. Haugh spent a few days, years Boyer' engaged W. W. Maybew, Merton, Wis., says, BAIK Newtown E. S. WARNKS, MANAGER. H.PKSM, in near Gifford Bridgeport. VTXWTOWI S1TII03 -- last in friends. truck gardening station, One Cure a tknn. 185ft. N. B. Railroad tare allowed on $5.00 wortn of work. week, Bridgeport visiting I consider Minute Cough PAUL TJ. SUNDERLAlf D, M. il Incorporated ARTHUR T. where he also had charge of the railroad ' James AARON 8ANFOKD, President; Nichols of Bridgeport passed most wonderful medicine, quick and safe. F2rsisiaa aa BartMa, H KTTLETON, Treasurer. UsrNES HOURS Mr was unex- Ad-di- e 9 Thomas Costigan of Taunton is to move station. As a host Boyer Easter with his mother, Mrs is from a. m. to 8 p. m. On Saturdays Irora Sunday It the only harmless remedy that 12 Oooa.' a- - 19 7 to 9. to at He in a Library Place, Danboryt m to m. Monday evenings trom his old home Judd's Bridge, in the celled. delighted preparing Nichols, of Mt Pleasant. gives immediate results. It cures coughs, or chowder for a of No. n. We MANUFACTURE Our north part of Roxbury. clam bake party coldf, croup, bronchitis, grippe, whoop Telephone it was his of New York Sun & MEAD. friends ard custom, annually. Koy Piatt passed ing cough, pneumonia and all ttroat and FAIECHILD Two of the men who are carting tiesl Stasrat Insoraas And Bsal EiUtt diseases. Its use prevents Afsn's, for the steam saw mill in Hopewell dis lung early W. GItlSWOLU, M. 1 AIKTIILD B2IB6EP0KT, 001 h. A A M: A. A; A;. A.. A, J:. A A. Jk. Jh. 1-- Jv Jt A A: A A. A k A. A. A--. f ATIIUS, jmJ jm. iSB jm jm . J: x jm jm mA.J consumption. Children always like it PHTSICIAH 8TJXC)X0K, Kosm a. customers trict, are stopping with John A. Burr. Jt j ja jf ii jm n Warasr BaildiBC, Therefore ; can give our the and mothers endorse it.R. H. Beers & Office and Beaidenoe, T. A. Bennett naee,. jja Been-lei- Newtown Bull & lirookfleld. Telephone, W. J. 's Mrs Aaron Sanford has been passing a Co., ;S.C. Co., Sandy store. BEST ut LOWEST Prices. A. B. Bote ford B. week at Atlantic City with her daughter, BICYCLE PUSH. Hook; Blakeman, ; Hawley A Co., Stepney ; A. B. Fancber, CZLXST A. M, MARKET Mrs Harley T. Proctor. with BKIXDICT, NEWTOWN'S CENTRAL Pusb, push, "push ease, Hawleyvllle ; W. N. Hurd, Long Hill. Pbyitaiaa aa Swrs J H.BLACXMAI,ProprUtr, 6c L. as Push a cushion frame; chaiulesa made to please, S4S SUU Bt Bricrryert. tlva Beat. Newrown StreeU E. Johnson, acting town visitor in ia A combinatioa tandem for the family man, fact is worth a of Utttnait? aas afUs taarafsiUs aewta. ft. 157 to 181pboz:Middle Conn. the absence of Mrs Johnson, who "A single shipload as St., Bridgeport, STEARNS for bm bears frwa 10 a. m. u II Stu m still in California, visited the A natty little the dandy man, cure by 's Sarsa-- County A well built EAGLE tot the man. argument." Every Home In Norwalk on Tuesday of this heavy parllla is a fact,, proving its merit, and week. A chainless CRESCENT for the business man. the thousands and thousands of cures re- CHARLES H. NORTHROP A nineteen pound racer for the racing" man, Son tilbury Ocaasslor-aul- a aa Pvblia. corded certainly should convince you Ittarr ilLBAXwTT Mr Mrs C. All kinds of wheels for all kinds of men- - Agent ler the White Star and American THE DENTISTS, and B. Johnson attended that Hood's will cure you. VETERINARY. Una Bteamers. , FIRST CLASS WORK, the funeral of John Keeler in Bethel on Push straight to Manwaring's where fce'll be pleased Will bs at Itwtovalaa mryTbmTSaay. Itmtr Offlce at iiwsidenos, Newtown street. CONN- - spaetaitv. l. 388 MAIN BRIDGEPORT. To show of ladies' and and children's -- Tephon STREET, Monday. gents' wheels, Telephone Number Si. The and best and finest stock, v Indigestion, nausea are cured by largest Hood'B John Stilison had an ox seriously In- - Atl bright as a dollar and firm as a rock- - Pills. Mured, last week. Dr Morrell, the well "We Sell Wheels, LOthera Keep Them." un known Southbury veterinary, is attend- - W. H. Shipman, Beardsley, Minn., Dr R. S. Todd, idg it and the ox is ia a fair way to recov H. M. MANWAEING - der oath says he suffered from dyspepsia 'Slo So er. 'gitiggp- for twenty-fiv- e years. Doctors and diet- Veterinary Ourgeon, EE jIL im but little relief. he HinniMiMiiMaiaBaaaa ing gave Finally New Milford; Conn.' ; There will be a meeting of Jepths used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and now eats with Brass Brass chapter, O. E. S., on Wednesday night, what he likes and as much as be wants, Our offer this week ends, April 25. A full attendance is requested and he feels like a new man. It digests Dr O. as Is to eat. H. Beers & W. Woodinc. 20-inc- h Side and there work do. (X. what you S. Co., New Veterinary Surgeon-- ' is Stanley's Lights 1 AYLUK town ; S. C. Bull & Co., Sandy Hook ; A. c Office aad Hospital at A. H. Hard's Stabiea, 4-- 11 an 01 - t Plumb and Gfooved Sides, at lovers music could pass 10 ELIZABETH ST., DERBY, CT. B. Blakeman, Botaford ; B. Hawley & WATBBTOWW, OONt. 1 ' ' through Berkshire . at sundown they t Co., Stepney; A. B. Fancher, Hawley Telephone at Beaidenoe and OfSee. I OPTICIANS would bear the most beautiful music ever JEWELERS, STATIONERS, t ville ; W. N. Hurd, Long Hill. and be DR W. K ' heard, that would the Berkshire 'and J. SOUTHIT, Repairing a Specialty done while A -- .. WBP .. . 'you Veterinary Surgeon, endnote ,iT ICt TS! . TOT TSt T7i CSIT" orchestra. rF i m. khhmSsmimf wait. . Eyes Tested Free. Have yon dined at Blanchard'g, Talrfleld veterinary eouege, t. ' ' avenue. Bridireoort. Ivervbodv who Tlslta Country rates reaaoaable. The Newtown which has been! a aeoond Ume. Offices: BBOVSOI A BlTaBtBBV 1ST Inn, Honest Hon est Prices. this popular restaurant goes IQS 1M rairfleld Ave. aadUUiTl4 Kim OH 1 "V 73" Goods, Square Dealing. ttood service, the best ot oookery, two ele 108 at; pboae X) J5j O closed lor the winter months, opened! suooeae Besldexice: IVeoeh Street; pkoM , 0 menta which go to make np the al 663-1- Oona. for the season on Monday, a fact the I WWWWVV VVWWW WWWWWWWW WWW ainner. UnOgtspoxt, West-Dor- ed by the town and will be duly appre-ci- a day with Mrs Sanford's parents In t. ted by people in this locality. .lonn Kearney oi won Pits movea, Toe rauaentB' ciud met at tne noma oi tsio last week, on to the Mrs George We lis W. L. Rat dal on Monday evening. The & It Pay com was In of the E. H. DILLON CO. Trade" which he has leased for tho program charge place, Literary ing year. committee. DUT QOOD0 HEWS. H WESTON. LONG HILL. LEADING MILLINERS. otas ITEMS We lead in you the most At DBA DAVID COLEY. OF INTEREST. ton's DEATH OF joying stylish lngpnhlla goods The funeral of Dea David Coley, who Miss Irma Gabler has been seriously Oreat values 'his In Untimnta wnn We lead la giving you the best possible val in every poasl'j'e co'or, at maim acLnrera OUR TIMELY died last week, was held from his late ui grip, Dot is now better. ues. prices. home on Monday at a au p. m., ,ev o-- Mrs W. A. Gabler and Mrs C. G. services. Mr Downes were in We lend in erivlnar you an assortment, tn Ush Trimmed Hats from P8o to 9 00 & WARNING Root conducting the Bridgeport shopping, lect from equal to the largest Metropolitan 8tj Smith, Murray Co., 84 of and is surviv Coley was years age, last xuesaay. stores. I cnuaren. two sous ana two Mrs M. K. Burkhardt of Shelton is Extraord'narv valns in Trlmmd Hats at Had its effect and rushed to death we disap- ed bv lour Our trade lor the past week was the lraet 2 88, S 98. 4 98, S 88 though daughters. The pall bearers were G. A. the guest of her daughter. Mrs W. A. Ul Lilt, JllBlASl y .J. UUE UUB1UOW, WUiVU DUUVg are Successors to B. & Co. pointed Sturees. E. N. Sipperley,CharleB Harris, Gabler. that our efforts appreciated by the trad Spray Flowers from 10c bunch t3 8 80 W. Hall nobody. Hi. ana David Leavitt is a new tobac a here . for William usuorn, vuaries uuyer building Everybody who was promised garment James Richards. co shop for himself . April 20, 1900. time. Lyman Treadway and George .Tread- - Easter had it in ample CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AFFAIRS. rush this week and would way were called to Danbury to attend We expect a still bigger Very interesting Easter services were the funeral of their mother on Wednes E. EL DILLON & repeat our warning of last week, viz: Don't wait un- held both morning and evening on Sun day. CO, day at the Congregational church, the John Brewster and wife of Cornwall 360 and 362 Main ANOTHER SEASON IS WITH 1TJS, til the last moment. airs I decoration, consisting oi palms, Bridge are working for Frank Griswold, Street, Bridgeport. and Easter lilies and a this summer. With our immense assortment, exclusive cloths potted plants, making LEADING MILLINERS- - and should anetdispiay ana lending beauty to all Mr and Mrs John Starr were ca'led to styles, and our moderate prices we can around. An able discourse was given by Danbury on Wednesday to attend the THE BEAUTIFUL SPEING. suit in want of the pastor, Kev B. F. Koot, In the morn' funeral of Mrs Stan's mother, Betsey everybody ing, and a concert with recitations by the Treaaway. Tailor Made and , children was also er joyed by a large au Mrs Kobert Lynch is on the sick And a lovely E tster day just past to commence with Suits, dience in trie evening. again. I Maker Made Silk and Laundeeed Upon Friday evening of this week an Kev Mr the new castor This is the day that you se the new styles of dress It is a Waists. illustrated lecture will be given in the preached two very able4 sermons, Miss church upon "The Home Life in Japan," Sunday. buDject, "The risen Christ. McNamara, guide to the Spring ; some wait until this day is over for by Kev MlnoEuke xamagucm of xale Tne suaaay evening preaching ser Fw Six Years associated with new vice will commence at 7.30 p.m. Instead GORMAN'S, their outfit, and our stocks of SPring nl Summer R. or Uniyersisy. fcjJf-- R. Fare on all Purchases of $5 over of 7, next Sunday. has opened at Mrs Sarah Brown has been quite ill for John Radclifte has rented his house to several days. two families. 400 Main St , (upstairs) Bridgeport, Relatives in this place attend d the fu About every rent is taken now. A Select Line Of GOODS neral of Edgir P. Audraws in Easton on Peter Lynch is to move into the south DRESS UOEday. part of Mrs Frank Well's house, kn own Bridgeport,449RIlainSt. J. s. Liitne, woo has sold ms farm m as the old Piatt place. Mrs Wells is to Etc. Are brighter and fresher now the fruit of the season and its a this plaje to Adam Blackarl, is moving move from Bridgeport into the north , Millinery, ulB wees to time to apartments with Snau( 1 Chborn which household enects this Akron part. good make your selections. Get the first pick of thesea-- will soon occupy. O., where the family are to reside for Frank Kennedy and wife spent Fast terior of their store decorated. Craft & Per Stove club members he pulled them they the future. aay in are They are always the best Our Neighbors. Y juong hiii. Lyors doing the work. Mr and Mrs Picking of Orange, N. Mrs French is taking care of John Milan Jdawley Has been matins: vari f" you say, no, be was too eak - of Mrs God "Fight - BETHEL- 'iave been guests Vanderbilt French. ous about his ex- I bad to EASTON- Improvement plscefard Hardly streng'h- enongh speak frev. Mias Jennie Shelton had a call, Tues pects soon to newly paint all hfs build-inz- s. j V u open you- month, the doctors guess CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AFFAIRS. Mies Florence JL.ane oi tne uiDie .Nor Dr to on a case in Tin CHUUCU. day, from Shelton go 'Kill ,,r onrA' r.hpri' rprt rn. AT TOE BAl'TIST mal Mass., has Dus-g- The Ladles Mission Circle of the Con college, Springfield, Shelcon. Artnur xerrui nas a new pur-- 1 An sgfa tootn wiui wan The Kastor celebration at the church srrezational church held an entertainment spent a few days in town. A. N. Stanton has hired the Georce Chased r,f Peck fc Lines of Bridgeport. 1 not uncommon tn mankind all, consisted of son, individual recitations, in the lecture room on Tuesday evening Mrs Horace nuriDust is quite in wicn Wheeler place for the summer. He ex Mrs Wesley Edwards and daughter, So wben it once bp?ir torch Wash Fabrics. as well as class exercises, and Scriptural In behalf of the Spinsters' club from Ok measles. pects to move May 1. Grace, spent Easter Sunday in Bridge- - And you would then Sel tions break.' Carpet school. Mrs Mallotte were aur Miss May Hamilton has returned from me oi mil need not oe the of tbe Misses Ida and Please remember Toe display la lanre and Tailed. The de selections by the lahoma. Kef reBhments served people Tong nort, guests just seem to imprOTo in their art a visit in some new I signer every Sanford sang; a solo with much expres- ing the evening, between 35 and 40 plates week's uoorgetown. surprised if business should Ada Mallett. The Stove club meniber season. Department was also some siBg-l- n. A well attended Pomona meeting was start here. is brisk at the blacksmith Who lost his tor tb the "root" There are Goods Here aaoat sion. There quartet were spread. The yearly election oi of on Business ard kept lrom J in the : held at Nuffield Grange ball April 11, Mrs C. E. Ridcliffa is on the sick list C. He has orders With the horrible all to bout. every land. has nevr before shown such a flae arlectkm At the cloe all )ind grand flees took place as follows President, shop of L. Smalley. anguish All kinds ot Goods ot n "All hail the pow- at which time four candidates were ini and many others have colds. two new one The moral's must know Cotton from the home good jor coverings, and no advance In old Coronation hymn Mrs H. L. Slack; secretary, MrsS'ewart grip tor building larm wagons, this, you it, market. p-l- and tiated in the fifth moved er of Jesus naur:." To the pastor K vie : treasurer, Mrs C. K. Bailey : direc degree. Burt Clark has into the north for Hanford Lyon of Easton, the other Get a dentist, not a poet. Dim tlea and Lawns tram Ireland. Tapestry Bruseell Carpeting, best goods, at a share ol Mrs R. part sf Walter house. H. W. Edwards ot ; also a from Scotland. 78c yard his wife are due very Ure tors. Mrs John Baird and J. Sig Hawley's for Stepney j Satlnes and Cballlmiirom a Wilton Velvet 8109 sum Mrs the teacher in the South of J Pranre.and Die Carpeting, a lanr selection the success of the celebration. nor. Money on hand 03. The GREENFIELD HILL. Stewart, milk wagon for Edward Sherman Long selection of Mercerized as alik ol rm tn ch &e r bun-da- y Is , lire pM'f trora price a "artt. At the service on Kastf of $15 was voted to the starving poor in district school, spending her vacation Hill. Mr amaney can be depended on KENT. as anything can be. All Wool IngTln Carrm In at 'Oc a evening ser- - 1 yard the delivered an Easter India. The exercises included DEATH OF MRS AGNES RADCLIFFE. in Bridgeport. to give satisfaction. The best a wool Lowell !iograin carpeting pastor closing Schools commence next at 6Sc a yard music Miss Annie Smith and asocial will again It is rumored tbat U. B. oi Long CHURCH NOTES. 4 -- mThe Work- by Mrs Radcliffd away ferry r'oor oil cloths, 5. 4, 4, 8 4 an 10 4 nrxt rcretintr of the Willing; chat bv all present. Several young la Agnes passed Monday. Hill has rented the tenement house be Time to Think About widths. Diices lio. 35c, and S&c a square yard . Jose- G od Sbe a were decorated ,8 ers will be held at the home of Mrs dies were added to the of the Friday. had been great suf to Mrs Beers, near the de- Both churches finely Floor oil c oibi, 4, 8 4, 8 4 at Mi, so and membership longing Mary a e of Ta'hua on May 9. It is circle. The Mission Circle is a good ferer for years, but has borne her affliction STEPNEY. pot. with flowers and green foliage for Eas Housecleaning, lie yard phine Seelcy ef- doing ane was a most ter. Art Rugs and, Mailings at reason- that all wi'l make an extra work for the church and with great patience, a number oi peopm irom A snb"et the are about able) 'qnirea, expected community. Jf unite large - housekeeper talking prior bo m't the date, made to beautiful sewer and notwithstanding Easter in Fast day service was held in the Epis- thesedavsa noon as the wcath-- r Uraof lies Fan fort to present. I' forget forts are being draw within the EASTER SERVICE AT LOWER STEPNEY. Stepney spent Sunday Bridge- permit; , Curtain, Fancy Cretonnes, VI an scores of ladles who will be her stfleriDgs her needle was kept very copal church on O od Friday, the new and when the 8tort u made the point is to cy Sllkolt-nes- Fancy , Fancy len at circle young time two weens port. U. eet through a quick aa possible first com e. Iran and Tanest lea: to mave u naDinr tn iVknf.? the meeting; held benefited and Chris busy all the tui about The Easter service of the Sunday is tnat tne Aaron Bennett rector, Kpv h Smith, conducting the everything; greatly byits;social was worse It reported Mr flret served. We will do your work house comfortable lor Bprln-- a good Opaque home of Mrs on March ago when she taken and her school at juower stepney on Sunday ev has been sold to New York service. Rev Smith has lest bis moth and the all to i&e the Lyon tian influences. was come ana place parties. Mrs siade, ready hang, at each. v!S was not as well attended as it other- daughter obliged to Dame ening last was heartily enjoyed, and was er and Smith has lost her brother by was held since to come to wise should have been. All who have DEATH OF JOHN B. KEELEB. csre for her. Her funeral as follows: A death they had arranged at her late home. Rpv Mr and Mrs POETIC HYPNOTISM PRACTICED UPON Kent and are d somewba the pleasure of an acquaintance with the The death of John B. Keeler occurred, Monday, Organ violin duet, Charles MEMBER OF THE STOVE CLUB. they layed hostess know tnar. mo aiiemuu-- i n last at his home on Chi;ds officiated. Beautiful flowers Powell and Harry Powell. about movlrg. butexpeotto get here and S'2 Saturday morning, were her casket acd sne was U A a settled In a tew weeks. the mean agreeably spent. Receipts, 55. Chestnut street. The funeral services placed upon Opemrg address, Arnold singer fitful slumber, capricious dream, la were held at the house on after gen'lylaid to rest by the side of her Singing by school, "Christ Is Victor." Horrid nightmare, awful scream. time Kev Mr Smith will be here to con Monday in Oaklawn Miss terrible duct the services. WILLIAM KDOAK ANDREWS. noon at 2 o'clock, Kev H. L. Slack oinci daughter Eva, cemetery. Recitation, Daisy Tyrrell. Sudden awakening, fright, Sunday The were Charles The tcbool,as-siste- MURRAY & CO., atlng. The deceased was 72 years of age bearers ljockwooa, Responsive reading, school. The Stove club member's hair turned Congregational Sunday SMITH, Died on Friday, April 13, of the grir, and has the of his life Isaac N. Back3, Eugene B. Burr and Sieging by school, "Beautiful Story, white, by the choir, gave an Easter con 07 years. spent greater part William H. Burr. A mother and Mr old now to last after the William Kdgar Andrews, aged in Bethel, in early days ne learned the daugh Scripture reading and prayer, Rev Fine molar crushed dust cert, Sunday morning, reg COfiA The services connected with the buriai trade and had been in ter are left to mourn her loss, the former Hraman. Offending tooth still left to rust. ular service. BRIDGEPORT, E. 1. as- hatting engaged were conducted by Key Ayer, that business since. Jtie was always a being very sick. Singing by school, "Risen with Christ." Tell the story? Well, listen then sisted by his father, Hpv C. L. Ayer. man his home not en Story of the resurrection, Misses Daisy Of the man who never again Jame Lee of Brookfield was at North Side cem- busy about when The interment was in the East (razed at his trade. Mr Keeler was a CHURCH INTERESTS. Tyrell, Ethel Ramsey, Ida Penfield, Will sit himssil down in a dentist chair Kent, Monday, setting up an engine and by tho side of his wife who was uiara uanaee. To escape the pain by "poetic air." other in order at the etery bearers consistent member of the Congregation Rev Mr Nicol of Yale preached the getting machinery laid to rest on March The al church and was a highly esteemed cit Eater The mueic Solo, "Forget me not," Miss Gussie The tooth puller man was gifted you sae creamery so as to be in readiness for were V. F. Sliliman, Mallette Sanford, sermoD, lat Sunday. Renter. With a wonderiui talent in poetry, cream and butter F. G. izen of the town. The surviving relatives '.nc tl iral decorations were beautiful. At separating making George and Edward Gillette, urea wife, two sons, John and Robert he of tne service numbers of the Recitation, "The Lily's Sermon, Miss And b!s victiirs he would hypnotize when the flush time comes in the milk Orris c.o;e Helen Broderick. Uaeublelnaud Forry. Keeler, and a daughter, Mrs Ralph Ben Christian Endeavor society gave each And then completely paraljza market. . Powell and school. times nett; also a sister, Mrs Merwin Bene person a pretty Easter csrd as they Duet, Harry By simply repeating many C. A. Eaton male a business trip to S. is his Easter on Scriptuae selection, school. His long verses, most wondrous New tb first of the week. R. H & I), l'owill spending dict, living Grassy Plain street. parsed out. rhymes, York, part Beers Co vacation at home. Misses Edith and L,otue uurr are vis "Glad Easter Morn," Miss Gussie Re li In very deep low monotone Mrs Helen Vincent has been quite ill Is from the BURGLARS IN BETHEL. ter and school. Sending shiyers from bone to bone for several but is Ilarry Palmer recovering iting friends here. , days, recovering. grip. The horse barn of Edward Gehrals or, Recitation, "The Robin's Mistake," Telling of ghos-.s- Old Charon, (merry ?) Newtown, April 20, 1900. Mrs W. M. Weeks is suffering from Plain street was broken into, last Miss Bertha Broderick. Who o'er the Styx bad run a retry Grassy Fred Jenpincs of Hull's Farms was "God's Miss And of the Ghoul of the darkened wood the prevailing sickness. Monday night. The barndoor was lock married on to a Wil Recitation, Building," The Wholesale Market. Miss Annie Candoe is at home for the ed with a which was oft Wednesday evenicg Gussie Reitter. Who feat's forever on human blood, padlock, pried con young lady. Mr and Mrs Jennirgs Rev Mr Braman. Hob Goblins all present. with the staple and left on the ground. Address, frigbtf al, things weird, & has been sick imm diately took up their residence with school. snaKes mos: men BRIDGEPORT. REPORTED BT BUCK of Wlllard Gillette very An Inside door was left open between the the Jen Responsive reading by Writhing by reared, DARLING. Time to Think with having had a second attack. horse stable and room. Evi groom's uncle, Capt Augustus Offerings. Murders, suicidts o'er and o'er CS-arde- n grip, Mrs Deborah carriage aicg", whrre they will make their home Rev Mr Braman. Founded on "Dime Novel" lore. Mrs F. E. Silliuian and dently the burglar was frightened away. '.his Mr Benediction, Batter, choice creamery print, S5c, choice are ill with summer, Jennicgs running the Then of wars and scenes creamery tubs Z4&25, choice 23a: 5, fair Silllman grip. Nothing appears to nave Deen taken sing ocs'gh'ly dairy cneese Banks has an attack of measles. is a farm. David Penny & Son of Stepney have Cutting up dead "Uitlanders" to good 18&Z2, common, nais; lactory We have in George which mystery. Mr and Mrs C. B. Meeker and nightly, 12al4; dairy cheese llal4; fresh nearby the best there are Seed?, and we offer them vat' Miss Florence James spent Sunday daugh just finished their tie job, having got out Of the Es stern plague now oetea. 14c: 20a35 ter of Croes B. Wake-na- n onl'sway soring chickens. lb; towls; with Miss Theresa Martin at Frank Highway, Stephen over 1700 ties since December 15. They To come and claim him atnod'stant day, geese. pr; calves, al0; pigs 6a7; the assurance that none better are procurable. Our prices are m WOLFPITS AND VICINITY. of Mrs G. Arthur Banks llal2; 7al 60a5tc Saugatuck, nave ano mst received a carload of aan And other fiendish tales rehearse hogs 3a; potatoes, bu; onions, red low l Staples'. f G. L. Burr and the Misses Ma60, white soal "O. 75a80; as consistent with quality. Best of Timothy, Clover and Pe been Mortimer Gardner has moved his fam Southport, derson's ; the best Which I refrain to in verne, S yellow cabbage MHs Edna Whoeler has 'teaching Edi h ar.d of Mrs high grade fertilizars, put new 0 a3.60 crate; carrots 40c bu ; turnips. two weeks at the school as sub- ily from Bethel in the house with George Lottie Burr , money can Farmers can ma&e no All this and more to hypnotize : zoazs Da; per aoz ; anea Top at Right Prices. graded H. B. Mr and Mrs E. B. Burr and buy. celery 2 2.40peai stitute for Miss Winifred Jennings. Duncan. Banks, mistake in purchasing tbese goods. Then told the victim, "Close your eyesl" j.SO bu:' beans, marrow f0. pea bu; is Miss Sarah Seeber has been 3on, Mr and Mrs W. H. Burr and family Mr and Mrs W. O. returned to The did clcss and honey 12al c lb; beeswax 25aS0; apples, Bald Mrs Olmstead of Bridgeport visiting visiting were of Mr and Mrs Horace B Furdy eyes sleep began wins 3 00a4 00 bbl, greenings S.00&4.00. Main Mrs Edward Hill. friends in Mt Vernon, N. l. guests their home in Stepney, last week, from The restless slumber, the dream that ran seed potatoes tor sale. Sundries. Miss Annie Kobnrts was home over Thomas Murray, who is working in Burr, Easter. New York, where they have passed the Into nightmare which no mortal Bicycle Easter New is his va William Bradley is very poorly. He winter. Miss Susie Cross Even with the demons Good Friday and Sunday. Minora, spending faster has been confined to his bed accompanied tremens, dancing Oil 20c Rubber Cement 5c Wood Rim Cemcn? A man from New Haven has rented cation at home. the past tnem. all, bottle, Tube, week. He is almost blind, which is a the for the summer. Melvln Wool and family have moved Mrs M. E. Burkhardt of Shelton has Ever dreamed . betore, nor could and 10c 6c, Trouser Guards oc Tire c Campbell place bus-ban- d, can, Graphite pr, 5 Lu,' W. A. Is sick with Into Wildman's tenement great affliction. His daughter and leased her to live At my rooms and look over my new spring Tp Mri Sherman grip. Buregard place Turney Northrop A 90c Morrow Satur-a- y Mr and Mrs Lickwood, have and lways a pleasure .to gage Carrier 25c, Pedals Brakes, Julius Kifkin and family left house. gone Henry Morgan of Hattertown took a For all the horrors "Old Dante" could styles samples.Satisfaction pair, Spok"?. to ijower California lor their health. show good. guaranteed. - for New York where they expect to trip to the Brooklyn navy yards this give Ths Union Hsrahaat Wrenches, Pumps, Grips, Oilers, Cyclometer?, Peacock Blue f ADVERTISED APRIL 17, 1900. Greenfield is soon to ba honored with week. In his "Inferio" would not Tailsr, make their home. LETTEBS, the of Mrs Frank Banks and compare 10c, 28 inch Tires 2 00 sruaranteed Dr Merrill and Miss Una Widmer of K.P. Stockwell, William Simocs, Mr presence in anticipation ot tne Free Kcr&l ser With the terrors of 'poetic nightmare,' JOHN K. THU&XEB Blueing Spokes each, tins v s Miss Alida Wemmer-u- s - daughter from California. vice a for mail has Our brother with b?s mouth wide Center Street. Bethel. Conn. 2 Bridgeport t)d and Mrs Chat lea Kay, and Charles Witch- Mr Fuller and who have been suggestive receptacle lay open 75 each. at H C. McCoUam's, Sunday. man (o;. ju. K. Bailey, postmaster. family, been placed upon a telegraph pole near Of sense there was not the highest token door to Colo's New Booxoa. occupying Harrison hall, have moved to the now existing pesrefflee. Tne tvoical He was paralyzed from head to foot. the Mahona place. "white stove worn Uncle Now was the time to the CANNON. Mrs zskiah died on Easter pipe ha" by gee 'root, The Current Events club met with Hf Merwin Sam bearing the words j"stove club" But Of all sad words ot tODgue or pen Farming Implements. Miss Aiartra (jnestnuc street, on la her 93d year. serves for mail box and underneath are The suddest are tbese Listen 1 Wbf n juaa, & t- IIOKSB CUTS UP DANGEROUS CAPERS. Monday evening, subject "Rome." Man; Mrs Esther Nichols is very liw. printed the word "Free Rural Delivery The victim came to with the fearful Erdman Hlwell, We are headquarters for everything in this line M, hard m - while at excellent papers were presented incluc W. N. BronBon and son, Henry, re roe is unKnown. stream fietnel &kers, Mrs Thomas Nolan's horse, turned home from agent FOUNTAIN PLACE, BET ILK al, iron beam Plows; Wakelee Plows; Oliver Plows; and Wilton station, Saturday, became un- ing "The Seven Hills," "The Caeearo," Florida, list Monday Waker Cutter of Shelton has been the Rishair now white, 'twould surely ssem paits "St Peters," "The Vatican," "The Cata- Several of the members of the Grange of Arthur He suffered to a for alL Garden lawn manageable and threw her out, hurting gueet Tyrrell. bad enough get good job We do for all kinds of Poultry netting, Forks, rakes, so she was con lined to combs," and "Modern Rome," and to visited the Stratford Grange, last Satur Mrs Turnev moved her furniture into But alas ! the him did rob catering partie. her quite badly were puller Weddings a specialty. Send na your order etc . at lowest prices. her bed for several and these added some choice.recitatlons dav evening. sbe Burritt place on Monday. Of a sound white tooth the beet be had and we guarantee satisfaction days, Sunday, Is of 1 while Mr was to Winnl-paokh- o A. H. Senior remodeling the old Herbert Whltaker Newark, N. J., Mr Miller of Mass., was the And left the root wasn't be mad? Oar bread lor sale in Newtown at B H Nolan driving a laBt Worcester, & and O Morris' store rams hor si ran with him throw- Trowbridge plica next to the South visited his parent few days, week guest of Miss Mott oyer Sunday at But what could be do, nothing you see, Beers Co's ! him out him several street railroad crossing. It is his inten- Moses Hull's. ing and dragging to remove his corset four, cutting and bruising him badly. tion business from HEW Mil FORD MiSB Margaret L?wis is very sick with the GrlBwold factory to this building. the grip. Mrs W. B. Craft is caring for Quite a number of Bathel people at- ner. R. H. BEERS & CO. NUGQETS OT NEWS. THE VILLAGE AND VICINITY. tended the preseLta Ion of at Miss Mae Osborne was the of Mr and Mrs E. S. Betts are victims of "Egypta" Wednesday evening, April 4, Metichi guest Danbury House, Tuesday and cue Mrs (Jnarles Qorbam, Bridgeport, over Store Open Monday, Wednesday and the grip. Those who at- wan tent, No. 33, Knights of Macca Saturday Evenings. Wednesday evenings. was instituted in New Milford Easter Sunday. Hiram Jones and family of New York tended have but to speak bees, with Miss Winnie Is in Mil- nothing praiaes a charter of 30. Com Wakeman visiting wera the guests of Mr and Mrs S. J. for It. This entertainment was given membership State ler over Easter. manderJohn F. Johnson, assisted by uanoury and "utbport. under the auspices of the Ladies' Auxil- Miss Julia Fields is in Biidgeport, K. W. Abbott spent Sunday .at hii of the Y. M. C. A. the degree team of Wooster tent, No. 31 or iary of the work in a guest Mrs Leslie furdy. home In this place. I. H. Wilson has had bis barm and Danbury, exemplified Messrs Gilbert and Wildmanof New Mr and Mrs C. H. Beckett of Bethel out nigDiy Batisiactory manner. Two can building newly shingled. didates were initiated at the town are to open, Monday morning, a pent Sunday with Mr and Mrs K. L. C. H. Hart is having his house painted. meeting new marset in tne vacant store Gilbert. Willis J. Mallory is the work. April is. belong wmwsF. M. Brown & Co., doing to Andrew Leavenworth. ex Formerly Nor-wal- k. The secondlancual of Good ing They J. A. Godfrey spent Sunday in Miss H. H. Seeley is having the old May party pect to run a meat cart OPPOSITE GREEN. Cole & Green shepherd lodge, No. 6a, wia be held in through Stepney NEW HAVEN, CONN., CAEPET SWEEPERS. building, Depot Place, Sherman New and vicinity. It will be the aim of the Mr and Mrs J. A. Godfrey have rented Roger ball, Milford, new firm to May z. The com' please all their customers, Spring is really coming. You can now Wednesday evening. furnishing them with all kinds of meat, Brussels Crown see the hatter or his wife or mit tee of arrangements confidently ex Jewel $2.25. unemployed to make this one of the most en l nan, etc. both, with basket asd knife in band, pect ay The exercises at the church Brussels Prize $3.00. by-wa- able affairs of the season. With this aim Baptist strolling over the and meadows a to an who attended MONOGRAM the tender In view they have already engaged an proved aeiignt SPEING UPH0LSTEKY seeking young sprouts for orchestra of 12 There was a goodly number present and greens. pieces. cne was wen carried out. PULLEY BELTS Eli W. Gilbert and who F. A. Pickett has placed an attractive program ! Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets. family have line of Kev and Mrs F. P. Braman spent a few SALE sojourned in the sunny south, this phonographs and graphophanes Tsiev For Ladies Brush's- - past on days in Milford, this week visitirg at winter, are coming north with the birds. sale, together with the necessary;sup friends. Miss 56 piece Tea set, English printed, 3 colors, 3.75 silver-plate- Waldron, the Sunday Excellent leather, lancy buckles and They are expected to arrive In Bethel, plies. scnroi 3 monogram, 65o. Flity cents without For a fine of and summer neid worser, accompanied them. 112 piece Dinner set.English printed, colors, 7.98 the latter. These and the pulley belt sets and Saturday evenicg. display spring Rev Mr Rollirs had a very interesting An Extraordinary Curtain Offer. rings, waist sets and bracelets we are The Epworth League of the Methodist hoes you are inviied to y'sit the store of 6 pisce Toilet set, English printed, 3 colors, 2.00 are the choicest a Robertson on ussier service, last Sunday. howtnn ol their kind the church willjtender reception to tba new George Bank street, wheat B. Hawley & Co. are haying the in best at the money paster, Rev Dr B. M. Adams, on stock would be hard to beat in the county. Our extraordinary big sacrifice sale of curtains went on this Friday Mr Oil can, lnposlble to run over when filling a lamp, wrll mad, SS ecmta evening of this week. Robertson believes in keeping a full each. line ol Wash So. 7. SO 1st are Fill Boilers, Copper Bottom, prices osnla; FISH TACKLE The Foresters have a beautiful Morris and complete stock and thus able to morning, lne curtains direct irom tne celebrated, uromiey o. 8,80 cents; no. s, 70 cenia . Men chair on exhibition in P. J. Garvin's win- suit the needs of the mesi fastidious. Mills. In them to thus we Clean Cut the Fcr the at Brash's. dow. Give him a call. MILLINERY getting you Off. job All men love ont oi doors' Hie. Nearly all A. W. Twlss, the druggist, Is papering ber s naa to taKe ouuu m order to tnese love to fish. Our bexauonal bamboo rod and painting the Interior of his store. MIIAINEKY OPENING AT BOOTH'S. pront. pairs get prices comes la fotir sections and Is a Deader at 90c. to-da- Wild their north- The C. y. 250 Dozen BuAceasor Kaslly worth tl fO Come and look oar tackle geese, winging way millinery opening at H. Booth's, last OPENING! to you, but they are fairly flying pairs won't to over. & Imbrle's foil line at ward Is a sure that warmer weath- week, was attended by a large number ol THI STERLING BROS. Co. F. E. BEACH , BRIDGEPORT. Abbey s'gi ladies who were pleased with the er is near at hand. Comparatively few beautiful Mrgreatly Latest styles In last long. wild find hats. Booth's millinery depart- geese breeding places within ment is preflded over by Miss Spate her, well to-da- y. the Statee. The lakes and waters within and lavoraMy known to New Millord ladies . Hats Flowers We print the Little Pbices again the Dominion of Canada to be She has an aole and popular assistant in Mis Ribbons, appairs Leota B Erwln, formerly with Miss Gilbert and ISAAC BRUSH'S, favorite breeding ground for the gray o One ol the Iront windows ot the store la de-vot- Fruits, ot 79 Gents 2 " Canada The white or Arctic to the 58 Cents Instead 25 instead of 3.69 goose. goose millinery display, comprising 2-5- 3-9- 13 beantlral in " " 0 8 Wh.ta ISU Danbuxy. makes a longer fltarht to the north. It's hats ol the most npto date and fascinating color, tint and design. Make 69 " 89 Cents a design grouped aoout a central mirror set your selections early lor Easter. At the same ' " ' " 8. W. TASCH, Manager. great country they have to make cho'c ' amid the vernal hues ol happy spring old place. 75 . 125 2 75 " 4 00 from for a breeding place. Just where Among the leading hats thown are these : 98 " " 1 39 298 " ' 425 go seems to be a mystery yet un- Snnbonnet ol cute deBign lor yonng ladies to U they wear on the seashore, made of pink , 100 " " 150 3 50 " " 4 98 SPECIAL LINZ OF solved by mankind. No doubt It Is on ties csnght wo with daisies. One of the L. E. some of the countless islands within tho is a French brim Dawson, 125 " ' 2 00 3 75 " 5 50 prettiest designs bat, Woodbury, Conn- - m Arctic circle, where old Mother Goose of tucked chiffon, with chiffon popples and 150 . " 2 50 4 00 " 6 50 I ornaments. Fink opera hat, has reared her go'llrga ia quietude and trimmed back lrom lace and solid tuckedlarge, 1.75 ' " 3 00 4 50 " " 700 P Shirt Waists. peace for countless ages. light pink chlffon lacing, bunches of grapes " " 5 " 1 The seems and from crown over front More 2 00 3 50 00 7 75 Trimmed lowlands alive oce more foliage drooping Please. 0; Our Silk wali'.i abare with onr Tailored and black bow in - Bread; Millinery. with and The nobby front. tOther popti Well, that Is what every "one says Suit a part ol our new first floor salesrooms. croaking frjg paeprs. lar hats are the Miss Hobb, Pompadour and when sit down to a table with room and will make red blackbirds have come to Fruit lis they Its ample- ample light wlrg stay Sapho. onhats the leading trimming Woodbury Bread" ibelore Sailors. nhnonlno- V the many tempt the winter A of and grape hats are Hats Bakery i Cycle, Alpine and It difficult tc a through. pair mourning epeciarlv popular. them, And those Ginger Cookies, ing styles do not make choose doves has appeared, which never fails to are not so overloaded with trimming as there are no better: also Crullers, paruouiar one. they have been, are tree ot feathers and the .Doughnuts, Cakes, Pies, etc. Everything the latest. 8.7ft 8 00 it In an to s - Our and all waists are well mar'e put appearance every spring light materials are mora than ever in vogue-Flower- Fruit and Candy a Specialty. We Also Offer. and of handsome ont and cording, a'.l the make choice of a nesting place, some- as well as fruit predominate in the lor the team 11 i 60c to SI . - - it eomesyonr 9 31 new shades. Irom . . spina They're - times in an old apple tree, then on a ledge trimmings. i':'Way. v ,....;. 5 foot Window Poles in Regular 19c Mutlin, full 86 inches less than usual Jprlce. of or an the solidjoak, cherry rocks ground. A few twigs com- wide 1-- 2 ct or leaves serve for a nest. K. F. BEERS, ; or walnut, with brass trimmings 12 Yrd Newest Wash Waists . cts Each 15c China cts Mrs George Hannon ia - spending this Woodbnry, Ot. plete 19 Japanese Matting, 10 I In and Percale, S0o and 76c; and at week in Orange, N. J. 26c quality 18 cts Mrs. Geo. Dunham 87s a handsome waist that may fairly sell tor Miss Nellie of Norwalk and Mi TOWN AND PERSONAL JOTTINGS. ' - Ferry WILLIAM WELLINGTON, Brass Extension Hods, full length, only ; 85c quality 25 eta 437 Main St , 88 FairSeld more than of the New Hsven Normal Miss Eleanor Osborn is Ave., M May Ferry entertaining Nichols, Conn., 2 cts Each j White Enamel Window Poles,. 10 cts I school have at boor e a her friend,MiS8 South-por- t. i b;en spending Emily Jennlngs,of" t short vacation with their parents, Mr ' v v 0A2SIASS & WAGO UAKISQ & EEPAIIUSra D Mrs Arthur of ftew York is spend- Shoeinsr.and General Blacksmith. Bridgeport. . and Orris Ferry. Whlteley Inx. Have added new facilities and can Ac STONE. The roads and walk in the of bis vacation at Miss H. Sanford's. 1 Tf vicinity ing J. work at short notice. All iwork smaranttwul FREE FARE on of $10.00 or to 30 Mile; from New Haven. 229 Mala IU Banbury.' GrasBy Ridge have been greatly Improv Mr and Mrs M. D. Sanford spent Easter first class. Nichols & Peck's old stand. purchase 07er, up Yon may name it wbat yon pleaae ; plucked; and we learn by actual expe prefer to call It soul, breathed into man rience that beauty to the eye Is gall and The Bee. by breath divine. wormwood to the taste. The vital question, however1, recura. I remember, I remember Ia this airy The fir tree dark and hlb; Newtown, Friday, April 20, 1900 unchangeable, unknown, I used to think their the la it, in slender topa Something" nothing controlling part? Were close against the iky. to now ot the real substantial roan? If man bay fact, was a childish was made in of his Maker, It ignorance. JOHN S ATKINSON CIRCULATION: the image But now 'Us little Joy some some tt il Fairfield avenue and 71 Middle January 1, 1882, 610 there mut be resemblance, To know I am farther oft from Heaven Stream. Bridgeport, In ttie line t Har Last similarity a shadow, if you will, but a Than when I was a boy. nm, Blanket, Katies, Trunks, Bags Week, 3875 likeness at least to his Creator. And so and everything that pertains to a first The and gladness of childhood's clans Horse CurnlMhlng Htore, as dur nA n rl film find therein he differs from I joy lng the month of February I Intend to happy time, the earthly emblem of heav- make alterations In the and wlHh of the field over which he ' to Btore, TEN PAGES. the beasts en. dlapotiQ of the froois I have at Prices dominion. (for rash) tht It will be lmposxlble to holds, It waa no knowledge of good or evil. duplicate. Bargains never aurpasud He can make a clock that can count a this city. Mbwder It has no regrets, no memory. The every minute in the year, and tell you along world la all and and beauti how fast It He can pure, good, S. every day goes. make ful. The grasa la iust as green, the stars J. ATKINSON, Local Affairs. an iron monster whose every breath and ! are just as bright and the flowers are Coats 42 Fairfield Ava., pulse beat is living thunder ; which pos The strongest, purest, most efficient and Spring Top just aa fair as in the of Time. Besses the ot a thousand men morning 78 Middle St , Council strength The and the come and Virgilius Enter and which will the com wholesome of leavening agents. Not lowest morning evening obey slightest go aa they did the aame sun shines Comfort, luxurv. fashion and fifionomv ax all fnmliinivl !n Conn. mand ot its master. was made to then, Bridgeport, It obey, in economical ; and the aame moon our SDriner . Nn ntW mal ia aa iflnnftr act and does price, yet the most indispens- by day by night. Ann tainiiient, obey the bidding of its creator, The earth doea not the You'll find all the favorites take a dozan movable grow old, only here Coverts, Cheviots and Vicunas Itistrlito pal able to all who the best and most eyea behold comes silk-lin- appreciate that it. Spring time some ed and faced, others lined with the more substsn- - aces, filled with hundreds of human pas every year to renew but from of Buffalo and set It; noaprlrg AT TIIE TOWN HALL, sengers, the City healthful food. time comes to renew the age of man. uai Italian uiotn. them down in New York.: The command The i winter frosts that on his is before it is Our is almost gather Leonard's Insur- hardly given performed. country enjoying prosperity locks find no Bummer sun to melt them The Master tells the Genii to take him $10, S12, $15 or $20 Attended And A Suc away. . The fountain of lies forev- Largely while him one in its youth ance Agency. he sleeps and carry from unsurpassed history. er in hillsides and of undis- cess. He valley that Will a coat that no observer can detect from nriced end of the state to the other. awakes For one there is covered country from whose bourne no buy the hih LIFE. ACCIDENT. in the and finds hia wish every money enough to custom tailor's best efforts FIBE, morning every traveller returns. The grim warnings hag been gratified. It generally took the that to eat which is sound, of the past are in our but LECTURE Br ATTORNEY JAMES of Aladdin's at least buy pure, good, flung faces, Also powerful genii lamp we them aside to follow in Representing the T- - LYNCH OF BRIDGEPORT. one push the foot night to build a palace. This story wholesome. steps our fathers have trod. United States a"d Guar- in its wildest of is Experience fidelity flight fancy surpassed is the teacher we employ, and we trutt every day before our very eyes. The should we use un-health- ful anty Co., THE PROGRAM Why cheap, impure, no other. advice and tell HUB CLOTHING IN DETAIL. miracle has become so common we Age may give HOUSE, that of hidden but each one must Who Furnish Bonds in have come to as one of the nec articles of food? There is no dangers, regard it learn for himself the lesson of his life. Corner Main and State Sts , Bridgeport. Non lli of Judicial I'roretidlnKH, alilont A s!7.?d was essaries life. - 1Mb I good audience present at To the young the future is and Appeal. n Uu. The old masters could a economy in them ; they endanger the health, eyes always Monday, Friday Saturday Evenings- Arrest,, for Costa, the Town hall, Monday night, at the en paint portrait cosy, grand and glorious. Wisdom has Attachment. ':onervat.orHt tortainment Riven under of in a month. To-da-y man makes a little no Injunction, AnHlt?neos, the auspices they may cost life. There are reported words of learning that can teach us Land OamnK", Kx Heritors, Vlrgilius council, Knights of Columbus, instrument and orders the sun, millions that the flowers under our Replevin, OuardlaiiH, of miles to him a very eye) Indemnity Trustees, Sandy Elook. The main attraction of the away, paint picture, almost daily cases of sickness caused by eat- shall wilt and fade, even aa the hand Sherltt,f Keeitivms, was the able and, quicker than the eye can wink, his AiltnlnlHtralorn. on HI evening lecture by Attorney reaches forth to gather them. Our moth- Uuarant'e 's is before him ; of his biscuit made Internal llevuntio and Contracts. James T. Lynch of Bridgeport, the great- portrait every hair ing cake, puddings or with the er Eve lost the Garden of but she Honda, neaa is on Eden, er part of which is given below. The numoered; the very smiles plucked the fruit before she left his face are snatched off, on the alum ad Wedding Send For Application Forms balance of the program was of a variety stamped cheap, baking powders. thereby a world-wid- e Rings, and out before him gained reputation Gifts of Solid nature, and was given with considerable parchment spread for curiosity, which all her children imi- Wedding Stationery, Wedding Machines seem almost endowed In all articles for food buy and use only fa AloO Agent Kor,Tho zest. II. J. iteilly and John Kay sang with tate and deplore. Silver in many of the latest patterns. and excite our wonder im excellently several solos, and the latter intelligence, the best. health the is I love the if such it ev- as we see their The good of family fancy, be, that New York Life Insur- also amused the audience by some clever measurably perfect work, ery human aoul the of Yet more wonderful than all is the fact begins journey ware at the Lowest Prices. ance Co. jig dancing. Doretta Gordon and Willie of first consideration. life in the paradise of old. It may be a plated that every one of these In Uyan, Prof Piatt and W. F. Burns played complicated delusion, a dream, an Idle fancy of tbe duets-- . ventions existed in the human brain be piano Prof C. S. Piatt presided brain, and yet It is a pleasing thought to fore It took the concrete form. is 0 at the piano In his ueual acceptable man- Alum used in many baking powders because it makes me, and I shall wish it true. ot meter's con them It costs less than two cents a always ner. The entertainment closed with a cathedral, universally cheap. pound. The fairest picture of the Garden cf a? sidered the edifice in Alum is a corrosive poison. Think of feeding it to chil- tK6; tojbe grandest ! well-know- t)T(H.I)HE.I roaring farce, entitled, "Dr McBeaten," dren Yet the manufacturers of n alum Eden ever yet presented to mortal eyea in F. Christendom, wss put which John Keating, W. F. Burns, together, piece by powders are actually denying that their goods contain it. was painted by a blind old man. Actus 1 Jmelersand Opticians, K. piece, in the brain of the architect - (SiBSlR(HllDJr5ftNS J. Troy, Martin Purtell and Timothv before was but a new 1 AC A Knw t- . paradise lest, paradise - 11114 iOli i . i i r i . tttl a t a stone was laid. house in A " w iimiii , y Number inn ttJULV onn,i 37 JT. McMahon took part. The programs of single Every was created. He could not see the flow- I " FP " ic"v a, xiiiugcvii. the world, every article of merchandise the evening were generously furnished ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. ers that blossomed in tbe but tbe made human is a field; Ct. by U. H. Beers & Co. Attorney Lynch, by ingenuity but copy flowers of the rivaled tbe lH.lgerort, of the same first formed in dreaming poet who was introduced by Representative thing the rainbow in all its colors. Flow- mind. gaudy KeMing, spoke substantially as follows : the time it was disbanded it never found, lasted from 1850 to 1860. Brilli- ers of his from the Gar- The at Cen davery fancy, plucked The hopes, the yearnings, the expec- greatCoiliss engine the either in the British Isles or on the con- - ant statesmen and and oratora den of God. He bad no on the tennial the in preachers garden tancies, the ambitions of the heart, the exposition, largest engine tinent, an enemy that could stand the of name made it the universal ; he had no wealth to no Have You Easter the with its arms every ground buy ; soul, the mind are the intangible planes world, powerful swing- onset. theme. The the and eyes to see ; so be made one in his mind the embodiment of re platform, pulpit, A Water ? If not upon which our character is formed, our ing around, very the press vied with one another in the el- and flung it in the air. The trees of the good Supply sistless was a have cil'orts organized and accomplished. This physical force, only copy In 1775 a little company of Massachu oquent war of words. It waa a great field may perish and decay, the flowers you certainly the Weddings. ' of an invisible human There lay down as the basic principle upon thought. setts farmers, fearless in the cause of question, considered by great minds and may wither and die, but the trees and need of it, this season. I am Wo been lor months 1 was room for the monstrous en hv busy which shall treat of the "Cas- enough single-hande- d to the tbe civilized world listened to flowers which Jhe Bball t sutject right,propoEed fight attentively ilanted grow and all the time Ar- aelcc'liitf the newoi-- BJid best lor tles in the Air." gine to perform every revolution within busy drilling aro now whole British empire and actually open the arguments that fell from the lips of blossom in perennial bloom. Tbe cas- WeddlnK (Hit. We ready We the boundaries of a little skull noise tesian Wells, and would be to show fluent Htock we are told that man was formed from ed the War of the Revolution. They did tles built the of the havievor less and out of respective speakers. by glad hopes youth may to for The exhibited, tttciitPtf silver lion Hon the dust of the earth, and that God sight, but it not scare a bit and the Eng A little woman in New as exist in the the actual pleased you. was there. Which is the professional England, only ideal, yet joy niHhes, Trays, Howl, Tea Sets, etc. breathed into his nostrils the breath of might- lish soldiers were glad to run for their she baked her bread, waehed her dishes they bring Is none the less real. Those winter is as convenient and Cut Glass In imi"y now suap n and life, and man became a ier, the man who told the etglne seek . soul. lives and behind their and room amid the cares and who have no room to build desirable as Fine Clock-t- etc. The hi living If safety Bhips. swept the their houses the summer for deilKs we take this statement on our bow and when and where to go, or the No ami tint lowest prlceH. faith alone, wonder Patrick Henry, with elo duties of domestic life, concluded she of brick and mortar on the earth will this and work (oia'ttv we that the business, the Hltontion to mall should conclude that man was made engine merely obeyed spoken quence that has never yet been had to on the all impor- find room is Special given word? equalled, something say enough above. There room done now is excellent orders. by some mysterious union of earth and could arouse the world as he told the tant She no for all in that prepar Not the were question. represented great enough dark, mysterious epirlt, body and soul. many years ago publio thrilling story of his brethren already in state in the United States Senate, she vale whence no traveller returns. This ation for the of summer. Write for information. startled the announcement of a won- drought The legends of creation that have float by the field. had .no great (party to applaud what- us to another reflection. Wheth- The Charter Gas and G asoline is with favor- derful the of the con- brings Engine meeting ed down to us from the twilight invention, product Never was a more devoted or a wiser ever she said, and bad alike ; she er our thither is but one structive intellect of an industrious good journey step able opinions and Ian satisfied it will meet every requirement of those need- of the unremembered Dast. tella band of patriots than that which com had only a loving heart filled with sym- across an inperceptible front or us American Successive ie', ing an Engine Call and see it in operation. that God sent his angels to the four newsboy. experi- posed the congress of '76. They were pathy for human sorrow, and hate for whether an interminable ocean, black, W. H. PBINDLB. 1 . C. MOttCIS. ments and have tended to I still carry a desirable line of Business and Pleasure Wagons and Carriages quarters of the world to get clay where improvements environed with difficulty which would human wrong. She said her say in her and noiseless stretches be- develop the of an instrument unfluctuating and Leather and Steel harness. with to make man. That he did make perfection have discouraged men of weaker own way. She told a simple story of a tween these coasts and those in- which we can sit in our homes utterly earthly iaan of the clay thus obtained, and laid by and head or fainter hearts; they were with- simple life. She made a lowly cabin for visible we do not know. Wheth- & listen to the Grand as it is shoies, Prindle Morris, him in the sun to dry; that he was as Opera sung in out any power but to recommend; they "Uncle Tom." She was poor, and ao er on the or after Paris, every instrument in the orches- morning evening Undertakers beautiful as a doll, and the angels gather- had an exhausted army to recruit amid a was he, and she made the house to suit death we see a more glorious sunrise or AEmbalmers,? tra, every voice in the chorus, the ex- ed round in admiration, until some one discouraged people, and a powerful ;and the circumstances and surroundings. A sunset with unimaginable splendor above E. N. Are prepared to do anything in a pressions of mirth and approbation, with SIPPEKLEY, Inquired why such useless thing was triumphant foe ; and all this not merely splendid mansion for one so lowly would a celestial horizon or whether our apa- s a distinctness almost Sin-Knur'- their line at shortest notice. made; that in reply they were told the that challenges the without money, but also without credit ; not have been a home for him; besides thetic and unconscious ashes still Mills, Wistpokt, CW. ; which the effort of sleep A share of man thus far was only clay, but to wait original by any great for the bills which they had is- he had no land in all the world on which in insensible we do not publio patronage or or actor formerly oblivion, solicited. and see ; that God then made a soul and orator, songster, and their sued had greatly depreciated, and were to put even so small a cabin after it waa know. Whether our ambitions their intonation, their voice passions, breathed It into man. As soon as the elcquence, daily depreciating ; yet amidst all these built. She had no other place, so she and affections still detract and re- can be for and then sway, Calls answtrsd tfUflatW. B, Priadls'i bonus; soul took possession the eyes began to preserved years, discouragements, they pursued their built it in the air, "and gave to airy noth- pel; whether we remember others as 0. Morris's konss- - to us with all the enthusiasm of I. Tslsphoas at Ivtorn open, and looked around to see what given course of patriotic exertion, hopeful and ing a local habitation and a name." How remember us, we do not know. las. their owners. The world has seen some they You Must could be Been ; the ears to lieten since been to see If began undismayed. many visitors then have These are the unsolved and insoluble wonderful inventions the current to bear wbat might be heard ; the tongue during How the one central figure around the lowly cabin which she built, and have of mortal life and human des- but none the - problems began to tell what glorious things the century, surpasses phono- which revolves the dial of events accom- gone with its owner in all his wanderings which the troubled A. Edison, the of tiny, prompted patri- HAWLEY, WILMOT & eyes had seen, and what Bweet sounds graph,Thomas newrboy pany lag that period grows brighter aa without a home, and at last gathered arch to ask that momentous to Have a STOVE or RANGE, this year, NOW is the time Michigan, "the Wizard of Menlo Park." question the ears bad heard; that, as the various we recede from it. Washington showed weeping around hia lowly grave. Hia which the centuries have no an- to buy one The manufacturers advanced the prices Jan. me given REYNOLDS, parts of the body felt the Influence of Again let say that each of these how well he deserved the confidence re master claimed to own his body aud his swer. "If a man die shall he live 1 and indications to a further advance- - The -- again?" point stock "CT-n.c- l the soul, each part at once to per- productions bad an invisible creation posed in him, exertion soul. In the dismal s of 1b began by making every swamp Alabama, Every man the center of a circle we have on hand we propose to sell at the old figures, ortsQsoxs, form its respective duties, and he felt within the brain ot its author before it to increase his army. His troops were beyond the reach of human aid, in the whose circumference he cannot 8 STATIST.. BEIC REPORT. Tslsphoas 211- - pass. marked before the new of 1900 Yon ean find determined to lay no longer like a clod had tangible existence. "But in every unfed amid fatigue; unshod, while their darkness of the night, and only tbe stais Within iti narrow confines he is poten- yjar many in our assortment- - We have one 9E0BGZ b. hawljt, Tim St, nsar Park Avi upon the earth; that he rose erect from man's mind," says Emerson, "some bleeding ;feet were forced rapidly over of heaven above him, he told his master tial; beyond it he perishes; and if im- bargains ia stock ED WARD H WII.MOT. 80S CUatoa Avs the ground, and thus became a living images, words and facts remain, without the sharp projections of frozen ground ; he could not buy bis soul. morality be a splendid but delusive Oil Tanks, Rubber Bucket, Iron and Brass JOHJ B. SXIIOLSS. 97 Wist At effort on his to man. Since that time the angels have part imprint them, which and they endured the keen wintry air al The speeches of tbe great senators dream ; f the incompleteness ef every Pumps, Lead and Iron Pipe, Tin and Galvanized Iron Gut- him as but little lower others forget, and illus- most without clothes or tents. In such some regarded than afterwards;these have been forgotten and are to of career even the longest and most fortu- ters, Sheet Lead and Zinc and a full line of Tin and Gran- themselves. trate to him important laws." a situation the wonder is not that many us but we read 8 the sub- be not unknown, gain nate, supplemented and perfected - 1b ite Iron Ware- We also have the much advertised 10c KEATING & Ferhaps this story not literally true, All our progress is an unfolding like died and many deserted, but that enough lime speech of the old black slave. For after its termination here, then he who CO., So- but who shall say It does not shadow the vegetable bud, you first have an in remained to keep up the show of opposi- years afterwards, as the voter made bia dreads to die should fear to live, for life Tin Pail, which we sell for - Furniture Dealers, forth a truth ? Some writers on the pow stinct then an opinion, then a knowledge tion. In this distressing situation Wash weary way through the mud end rain to is a tragedy more desolate and inexplic- SANDY HOOK, - - ICONN. er of the mind say that within every hu as the plant haa root, bud and fruit. ington manifested to his troops all the tell the country by hia ballot what be able than death. man there ia an invisible firmness of the while he Undertaking and Embalming In all Us being person Trust the instinct to the end, though commander, wanted done, soft and gentle ss the dews Nor shall we find the castles the is all the of the branches, promptly and carefully attended to. that inseparably connected with and you can render no reason. It ia vain to showed tenderness father. of Heaven came to bia ear the whisper- man intends to build more of He the young any forms part himself, controls and di hurry. By trusting it to the end, it shall visited sick, paid every attention ing voice of M:s Harriet Beecher Stowe, unsubstantial than those in later years rects the visible and all mem In hia to the wants of the lUmiTC- R- Isv Lias ofths latsst Goods body its ripen into truth, and you shall know power army, "Vote for Uncle Tom." When the votes he thinks be might have built. Hope Ia All Braaohes- - ; the ia a mere their their UDKRTAKIHa-- Its bers that eye vehicle to what you believe. praised conatancy,represented were counted every cne knew just what tells us what is to be ; memory tells us Sandy Hook, Conn. to the conscious inner' to and voter convey light eye Each man has his own method. Wbat sufferings congress, encouraged reply tbe silent made. what might have been. E. W. TROY, ef the mind ; that the ear only transmits man- their despairing minds by holdingout the High sounding names were printed en JR., you have aggregated in a natural A number of years ago, then a country sound to the invisible hearing ear within ; is prospect of a better future ; while the se the tickets end registered at the polls; , Hook. ner surprises and delights when It pro while in the of New I sky ; tbey have seen a railroad train fill glimpse of the flower that blossoms by Trey's Eldg-- Sandy that the hands and feet are In- rene and countenance with but as tbe passing years go on, and the lad, city York, merely duced ; for we cannot ever see each oth benignant st ed with men and women go riding the way, the villages, the mountains, the struments that some hidden which he carried his heart made printer's ink fades away, we can read on stocd gazing Broadway, watching busy blindly obey er's secrets. And hence, the difference aching and fcr the crowd to on the clouds above the sailing ships, trees and the river, the sunshine and tbe "W. fcrce. They cite the case of the black them believe that their beloved comman- every ballot in words of living fire, plain waiting go buy. OooriEoWOODBURY, CT, between man in natural endowments is was an and above the noisy streets ; they have rain, but he must; watch them aa be goes Swan, who lost one of his lower der was himself animated with the pros- as the noonday sun the tame of "Uncle It eager, restless, hurrying rUItKAI. DIRECTOR AMD EKBALKU, smith llimbs, insignificant in comparison with their Not one had time to rest or heard the voice of men talking through for he shall have no second sight. Hia H to 11. and who would to which be to them. Tom." throng. accessor James Llnsiey. unconsciously stoop common wealth. pects portrayed to look but be the air and through the ocean 3000 miles bark Is wafted by an unknown breeze and Vail Has of Faraitars- - Mattrsssss mads svst scratch the member ; An Old man went down to It was called sometimes one name stop aside, always kept missing and by this 1 Harper's mira- la I JToraitars XisaUrsd. What a task men must have had What on, yet never Day away ; they have Been a thousand the rudder held by an unknown atd. aid fact, and many others of like character, Ferry in 1859, to correct wbat he thought sometimes another, but tbe spirit of the moving passing by. 1b the hardest task in the world? To I watched it and ap- cles the skill ef man and yet God gives to each of us a kingdom, claim to prove that the invisible and on a He raised hia ballot said clear a if written out in by day day by day wroughtiby think. would in the grievous wrong. single stream of with jealous care that spot of makes each man a Hia title .deed toot that ever did feel was still I put myself atti arm to strike the fetters from the limbs words, "This vote is for Uncle Tom" and peared that everlasting human they guard king. ly there, to look in the an abstract had and choaen Can we drive the unbid- are perfect, stamped with a seal divine. and its tude eye truth, of hia brethren. Ht defied a he got more than a'l tbe rest. The little life. Several years passed I ground. feeling capacity unimpaired. cannot. blench and withdraw on dusky great in the same and den away? How then shall the trust, reaching far Montignani, Can we this is or and I I state and a nation. He could not woman t ad no vote to cast, but she told stood again place that ghoata THE PHOTOGRAPHXB. say theory visionary this side and seem to know what great stream was on with en- dwell In the away into the vast forever, be perform- falser You knew a man in that. I see how a in a law book her lordly ru!ers how to vote and they living flowing Care and Borrow often toi Main St Over Pequonnock National Bank, altogether he meant who "No man can see printing wrong hanced towards that invisible sea bouses and wear fine ed? The power la given to cch, and Bridgeport, Conn. life ; see him after he is dead. He said, could it into tock obeyed. energy largest purple'and you God to live.'' For exam change right. They each must anawer to himself alone. face face and 1 1 ia of purpose, each Individual representing every day, while happiness stops a. m. to 4 m. has the same eyes, but they do not see the old man prisoner, wounded, bleeding, Again sv, which the stronger; Open Sundays from p. ple : A man the basis of civil a distinct and molecule, an a smaller house and lives content with Every pure desire In a human heart It the the same ears, but they hear explores dying. They hurried on his trltl lest he the branny band that di ops thf fluttering Independent at light; government. Let him intend his mind abstract which, Jin the concrete fare. but a reflection, a glimpse ef things that no sounds; the same tongue, but it should die before they bad frightened paper into the box ; or the power behind purpose, scanty without without In one di tide of met- A la told of one who exist, distant or divine. no word of welcome ; his arm has respite, rest, him the pomp and circumstance of tbe hand which tells it which vote to forms that restless, seething story sought hap BRING THE , BABY. apeaks Hia a time by Church was In waa Cherished bopea ehall find a g'ad frui- but the of is rection. best heed for long war. Then made a mili cEst and which to throw away? The ropolitan activity. Trinity piness many places and finally One of our Is Perfect Photos of every muscle, power lifting glorious grand to either here or in the far beyond. specialties has avails him nothing. Yet thoughts are him on man the ballot with hia hand, there, its long foreflger pointing tbe adviaed to get the coat of a happy man. tion, Children. Home very dainty etteota now rea absent. Something gone, and it will tary ahow.they hung tba gallows, may drop aame "To thine own self be true, and tt mm t dy lor Inspection at come Can flitting before him. We all but appre- in but when tbe ballet cornea to we sky and the old clock that had He found hia man after a long search never again. you tell me what they buried his body tbe ground, and speak, follow aa tbe the thou canst hend ; we simply forebode the truth. We a voice Liber- ticked away the passing years. At tbe and at once proceeded to buy bia coat, night day, &. haa gone away? Everything you could published tar and wide that John Brown hear woman's pleading for alae to man." The aoul Borman say, "I will walk abroad and the truth Could we look foot were the silent tombstones crumb- when the happy fellow, hia face beam not then bef any UOOMSOM TO Johnson's,A . BLAOKMAIT, ever see, or feel, or handle ia still in was dead. A universal shout of death ty and R;ght. down the 0. your will take form and clearness to me." We into the names of those all over with guides; the body while It remains, and re- and yet he la not the same that floated on the bref z". "Let the madman vistas of the future a hundred years and ling dust; very ing perfect satisfaction, M Mala atrttt, Dasbary, Osaa. presence, forth and cannot find it. who beneath had faded from tbe that he hadn't turns to God who gave It, like lta Maker be was before. You never saw his splr go die," csme torn every hamlet in the land, find the one who bad exerted the great- slept replied any. aa marble that kept watch above the place The of life leading us eternal. it; you never aaw hla aoul. If some It seems If we needed only the still Even Pity shut her eyes and left him to est itfluerce on our times, we should not footsteps keep ness of where the forgotten sleepers lay. We on. Time may grow old ; ne never gets No rate caa rob n of our own; great reasoner should come along and and composed attitude the library bis fate;1 But far above the tumult and see wan with a sword, .but ajuan with No circumstance ean make tt less. to seize the but we come In and are apt to think that dead men ihave no tired ; bis step ia steady and strong. No removes was but a ask If ever a human aoul waa aeen thought; the strife rang fierce and tbe a pt n. What death loan. " you proud spir and tell '.no and those catch a What once was oura we still possess Bttll at the seme old We do not make aoul are aa far zrom it aa at first. Then in a voice could not The wcnderful of begin-in- g power tales, yet stop, no rest. Each of ui may place. s by mortal eyea, or if a could make it they kill. Solitary, journey life, much noise ourselves oar Roods do the talk-In- lifeless bones hold grim possession ot We hava as usual our specialties In the body see and bear and talk and walk, moment, and unannounced, the truth pre alone, he still defied the power of man in tbe dim twilight ot tbe past is Thai and Co tfees and can suit all tantea. Our sents itself. A certain all ever to tfce fu- these two acres of church yard land, in you be compelled to answer No. wondering light and all that could do. He sought no leading onward unknown a mj ii im ' rlours are the leading brands and Urocerle might the heart of that proud city by tbe sea. ii in tf km (Ionia and see us: we are And still you stand gazing at the appears, and Is the distinction, the prin mercy ; be shed no tears. Fearleas, grim ture. The sunrise of childhood, the sun- nearest neighbor to A. U. Baker, the furniture we seems as if The silent city of the dead cannot be AT man. white face ao near, aleeping In peace In ciple wanted. It the law and grand, he stood upon his manhood; set of old age. Adam waa not an old ot the Intellect reaembled the law cf na face to face he met them man when he left tbe Garden ot Eden. crowded aside by the city of the living lta everlasting Bleep, you (know that an all, and left ot heaven are . ture which we now inspire, now ex field of conflict a hero evermore. He was as In yeara as the The very 'clouds pushed A. B FANCIIER, Important something of your former by that just young boy room for the build X )i to-da- to make HDayton'o, y, ! - friend baa he ia not was. the breath ; by which the heart now could not reach hia ot He bad no no his- away lofty HAVLITYILLE, OT. gone what he plre They aoul, they only examples, that are out of And as you runs the old draws In, now hurls out the blood, the set it free. tory, no past. He found a garden ready legs climbing sight. HI The Double Store; ponder, again law ot the ebb and flow of Some In made ; and so do we all. The world is Gold the and tempt old question, "If a man die, shall he live undulation, years later, that very place, may buy living Our SPBTJTQ are coming la fast-- A larjre shipment received J, - Of . : - was them to move but It cannot are up Nobby In every respect. bsolutelyPure again?" "Can the dead die forever?" life.; v. when the earth trembled beneath the now rs it then, full of tree, fruits away, buy today. They of armed and flowers. The birds of to-da- y tbe dead man to seek another home. For '.la And the very longing that urges the The Puritans of Cromwell's time learn tramp men, and death shots sing Look ia Our Windows and See The Ones , WILL KOT INJURE , a hundred the of Pretty question echoea back the anawer. No ed their lessons of war froml the fierce falling ' thick and fast from a hundred the same song they, sung in Paradise. more than yeara spirits THE FINEST auch was ever made In vain.' of the Old Testament. Their bat angry cannon, from five thousand voices All the'r tunes were learned In the Gar theae dead men have wathced the grow IIsT-- 3B- - IE3 O-- X ' I longing spirit 1 33 f-- S FABRICS. Faith and memory united and look tie songs were the Psalms of David rang the fearful cry, "John Brown's den ot Eden. Our flowers show tbe aame ing city and aeen the pasaing throng. & for 98c , m PURIFIES AND to the faith Thev never counted their enemies. The Hea amou'derinjr in the but bright colors that gladdened the eight ot They g'inoly smile to hear Che language We still have lot of $3 00 Shoes backward unforgotten past; body grave, CLEANSES and aee tbe of ; ; 48 THE and hope unite and grasp the .future yet day of battle was the day of jubilee his aoul goes marching on." - Eve ; "and Solomon In all his glory waa of every nation type every . One lot of $4 00 Shoes for f $1 - CLOTHES WITH OR himself to be. I assume as a fact, therefore, they moved to , battle with And once more we hear the question : not arrayed like cne of theae." Childhood son of man. Time, grows gray WITHOUT BOILING Fiercely multitude with farther that there ii some the most rigid discipline and burning Can the arm of man .ever harm the hu- and Innocence come to our Garden of as they watch and watch the "APEFBCT DGSNFEETANT inquiry, have eeen men build a ' about every one that cannot be with the wildest enthusiasm. From the man soul? Eden hand In hand, and walk together in go by. Tbey no .m ra im t thing across river and It In i',Hl'a!Sia!wii?g?iaaa3iaa3i'XaTjiSat3 I M K.sfaW? a aeen or beard, measured or weighed. I time when the army was remodeled to The ten years' debate on the subject of happiness till the forbidden fruit is bridge the hang favored with a good EaBter discourse, and the water la running again at the store and hotel. Sunday, by Rev Mr Blythe, Rev E. Cur- Bee. to Island. B. O. Hawley has moved from Bridgeport The tis having gone Long tohie Brookfteld farm.) is Leslie POBUflHEU t Mrs E. Jennings at her son's, George L. Corbin is Indisposed. His DIE BEK PUBLISHING COMPAKY Jennings.' friends hope to see him around again soon. The ball at the hotel, Monday was a Shoes! 0 night, ALLISON I' 8MITU. BROO&FIELD- - great success. Guests from all the surround Sample Seed l'KKSIDKNT AND EDITOE. ing towns were present. NOTES FROM ST PAUL'S. Have from a wholesale house Charles 'Burdick, accompanied by W. J. purchased large ia AHTHUR J. SMITH, At thn Annual mnnttnir of St Paul's New New York S AND Beehler, visited Millord, last week. 3000 pair .of sample shoes to be sold at Time BECRKTA ttT. TRK A8URK on the following officers from t? BUSINEStt MANABKR, parish Monday Hon. Samuel Sherman arrived home from a third to half under price. 0) isn't far away were elected : Cuba, last and was met at the station Friday, Ladles' Pi. tent Birap . Men's Rnsata toe, K. citizens. 1 Bal,bnU dog S3 cQl L,anareins seeasare nere, Clerk, N. Hawley. by many prominent The coachman You former price il, 63o former price S SO, S - HENEY M. SMITH, N. and servants were in to convey the Tho Kind Have Always Bought, and which has been Ladles' Dong. Button and Lace Men' Patent I eather Dels up "the best in pa- PRESIDENT AND GENERAL Senior Warden, E. Hawley. waiting former 1 t grown," A VICE family and the to their real- in use for over 30 years, has borne shoes, price 25, pc to date, former price 1 00, 1.89 . AGENT. F. H. Beers. baggage palatial the signatnre of leading' fine Kla a, former Men's Fine Calf or in for the Junior Warden, Since S bU np to date, jfr pers bulk, dence. their arrival many people have and has been made per-- price 00, 1.88 former price 1 GO, 1 U t VfiBtrvmen. Charles Stuart, C. J. Jack made formal calls on nnder his Ladles Patent Lea'ber Cl"'h hal farmer or the their honored towns - Mns Enamel a, heavy sole. jf, gardener. Charles H. and sonal supervision since Its Too Shoes, f vmr p- ice S 00. Forme! 1 00. 1.29 jl tr $t. a rar, 74 Canti for Sis Monti I son, S. B. Terrill, Camp man and his distinguished family. tyjC&ffiTrrfrs,,. infancy. Laiies Pine Kid '"xforda and l.8 price Allow no one to deceive " Boys Mid Tootba' black and T 16 Osatt for Faar Monthi. Fonr 0ata a Oost. W. Beehler. you in this. aonthern Ties, former rusrat mixed lot sam- J J. Local of both ars con Just-as-goo- d" price shoes, you a .uanuretn s caca- - to dloceasan politicians parties All Counterfeits, Imitations and are but 0. 1 5 ple scs only, 74c Delegates convention, siderably exercised as to who will be dele Child s' Fine Kid Lace Shoes, Little bents' bale, 8 to 13. on- Samuel Sherman and Charles Stuart. chosen tor the state convention at the Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of 6 to 8, 59o lie NEWTOWN, FEIDAY, Anr 20, 1900. gates ly AAAtlfkV VUVAVt. Ul gwvu A TVnusurfir. F. H. Beers. coming republican caucus. Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.

248-3- Alternate F. H. Beers and Mrs Warren is friends out Telephone call 2. delegates, visiting of,:town to W. Beehler. ing make the ground J. Mrs Coley, mother ot Mrs Hoyt, Is In town What is CASTORIA ready. Making: k AN EXCELLENT ENTERTAINMENT ASSURED The trial of Patch vs Totama was Olsen's the RATKS. adjourned Sample Shoes, ii ADVERTISING is harmless for Castor Pare- goo nd ready often The Young Ladies' singing class will give to Saturday, 'April 11, also! the case ot the Castoria a substitute Oil, ground State Totmas and Grla is Pleasant. means now hews. forke,shov M lw 1 mo 8 mo 61110 year an entertainment in the Town hall, Brookfteld against George Ralph goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It It 245 Main Street, Danbury, '"onn 2 Inch 1.00 i.'Xt 8 00 6(lfl May 1, of wold will be tried the same day. contains nor other Narcotic JSL film, midr.a rrtkes wheelblf 4 6.00 10.00 Center, Friday evening, constating neither Opium, Morphine (05 Inch 1.00 2.00 00 the class, under the direction of mark- - A l Inches 4.l'0 7.00 10.00 18 Oj singing by substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms rows, plows, harrows, MS SSVOO O. - J Inches 2. 6.00 10.00 15.00 Mrs W. Francis, tableaux, in charge oi Mrs 3HE1T0N. and Fevcrishness. cures Diarrhoea and Wind 4 4 Inches 8.W 6.00 1.00 1H.00 80 00 F. H Beers and Mrs 8. B. Terrill; and a allays It V or,plantors.cul'ivator,fer- 4.00 B.Ofl 1H 00 24 00 40 00 play i tilizars- - thom here column entitled "The Jack Trust ." The cast of char Colic. It relieves Troubles, cures Constipation Buying I 3 column 5 00 10.0(1 80.00 28 00 48 00 THE BOROUGH AND VICINITY. Teething 7a means column 12.0 24 00 H6 00 60.00 acters will be as follows : and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the satisfactory prices M 60 2 4 14 column 8 00 16.00 8 00 8 00 80 00 "Lord Jack Townley," the Trust, who Jlav Edward O. Free, the new pastor Stomach natural cn and best for ? 1 fO.OO 20.0" 40 00 60 00 100 00 and I5owels, giving healthy and sleep. opportunities column thinks himself irresistible, Howard W. An of the Methodist church, occupied the chaoeing The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. A A Reading notices, brevier type, 10c line. drews. pulpit, last Sunday, very acceptably to T?iVirl fitn.n.riTnnTii1' Tilt. lc a "Jennie Pattie", who quite agrees with him, 8mall nonpareil ads, word per week. his people. The choir sang several ap- The Great Florence Griffen. anthems. GENUINE ALWAYS 'Clorinda de Conrcey," a humorist in petti- propriate CASTORIA coats, Mrs Howard W. Andrews. Several new monuments have been a reUc "befo" Bears the of EnlaOtis," of de wah," erected in Mrs Ellen Signature Amelia B. Northrop. Riverside, recently. Clearance S. Sale "Old Mrs Boothby," Whose actions speak Smith, George Wetherly, Edgar Buck londer than words, Florence Sagendort, ingham and Edward Davis are among "Maria," np to enult, yes ma'am that's those who have thus improved their lots. or THE what, Juliette W TEN PAGES. Sagendort. This is becoming a fine and attractive as Mrs Margaret White is again quite in- cemetery and the trolley passes it find It to disposed with congestion of the liver. many very convenient visit it. The KM You Have Newtown Store Co., Many of Our AJot Distinguished' Fairfield E. A. Housman is preparing to build a Mrs Fannie G. Wells has commenced Always Bought County. erection of a on Is still in progress and there are yet plenty of grand in Teach- tobacco barn on his place at the Center. the brick house her lot bargains Pianists, Conductors, east of her residence on the corner of In Use For Over Years. the various departments It will pay you to keep this sale in TRUMBULL, The funeral of Mrs Richmond Clark 30 Vooa lists and Com- Coram avenue and Centre street. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STMCCT, . mind for a time as the m last end of all stocks are ers, of Southville took on at prices made DANIEL'S FARM AND VICINITY. place Saturday low in order to close out Use and En- her late home. Mr Whltcome conducted Frederick G. Perry, who has been very as quickly as possible. posers Curtis Is sick at the home Dolpta quite the service. quite ill for several weeks, is much im This i3 a Genuine Closing Out Sale- - Nothing to be reserv- dorse the Unriv-all- cJ of John Henrietta. proved and hopes to be able to get out Mr and Mrs Samuel Sherman returned ed, and the purchasing public get the benefit. Miss Is as soon as the weather becomes warm who is ill with of their friends in their Booth spending a few days home with the little ones Fanton, very grip. sympathy many under their His many friends will be glad to greet sad bereavement. with her sister in New York. of last week. are charge Thursday They him again. STEVENSON. Great in H. S. Brinsmade is driving a fine new both looking and feeling quite well after Roderick Hazard spent Sunday with Bargains Shoes, a The line to has bis horse, recent purchase of Bronson & their long absence in the tropics. trolley Bridgeport DEATH OF MRS L. B. parents. commenced to run Its cars on a 40 min- BRADLEY, Rubbers, Etc. Sanford of Bridgeport. Mr and Mrs S. B. Terrill Easter Robert and Minford Goldsborougb Wissaaeir spent ute schedule, leaving here every 40 min. Mrs L. B. Bradley died Monday of Daa Lewis Brinsmade has sold of Mr and Mrs C. D. H. in have visited their at the rectory A complete stock of Underwear for La dies, part with Kellogg utes instead of every hour. hemorrhage of the brain. She leaves a parents light weight his farm to Mr Kanditekl. Bridgeport. husband and one daughter. The funeral Miss visited in Men and Children, all selling at cost and less. Samuel Miller is a fine house Margaret Beardsley H. L. erecting services were conducted by Rev Koyal over Easter. Garden Grass new stock. Thomas has sold a cow to D. T, Charles Clark spent Sunday with his on Coram avenue from Bridgeport Seeds, Booth. southerly Myrtle Raymond Wednesday afternoon and, family at home. Mr Clark intends very street. The Congregational pastor was enter soon to the remains were buried in the at Manufactur- Walter Brinsmade has been sick resume his legal profession in tained at the home of Martin Castle over gold quite The Sunday school held an Easter con Riverside cemetery. She was about 60 with New York and will move his family Sunday. ers' Prices. quinsy. there. cert, last Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock ysars of age. NEWTOWN STORE CO., There seems to be a at the church. We wish to extend the col great many on the Congregational Rev Royal Raymond of Saugatuck through Conn. sick list around the center now Fletcher Wild is quite Indisposed from umns of The Bee our heartfelt thanks Newtown, CALL ANP INSPECT OUR just and William K. Main is to up preached at the Riverside church, last the new doctor from Nichols the effects of the measles in New Haven. going giye to our neighbors and friends for their is quite hlefconfectionary business and the pray Sunday morning, and those who attended NEW STYLES. He has a small branch of Thoee will do kindness and sympathy in our recent be choked with an one busy. opened contemplating papering ing band have rented the store and ex services seemed very much pleased with apple, day Hit week, flee in the store of S. Parks. well to look over the of S. B. reavement. Mr and Mrs A. Herbert assistance from Nathaniel J. samples pect to hold their religious our 'new minister. He was entertained but; timely ia tor a New meetings Curtis. O. B. Burton on a Terrill, who agent large York it a con- at Hon R. S. Hinman's. Hill and John Fairchild saved the cow. has put small add! tlrm and can suit the taste oi the most tastid therein, being central and to his Beach U on the sick list. Mrs was Good Second Hand tlan house. ious, both as to quality, design or price. Mr venient place for them. Rsv N. B. Prindle made several fare- Lucy Leroy Oaborn in Danbury, ASPMYALL last A new blacksmith is soon to open up Terrill is very busy in hanging paper and in James Ritchie is quite ill and his re well calls in this vicinity, Good Friday. Mrs Samuel Seeley and child of Saturday. Pianos in carpenter work. is considered are Solon B. Wales. Mrs John of business the center. covery doubtful. Emory and Lafayette Sears of Fisher's visiting Fairchild spent part laet The children's Easter service at St Paul's week in Sherman with Mrs Fairchild's CHURCH ITEMS. was a one. The town are to Improve by gradiDg a Island visited Mr and Mrs Edwin Booth very pleasant They sang their SHERMAN. mother. Taken In Trade. The services in the last Sun carols quite nicely. There was a good attend- section of the Bridgeport road and bids oyer Sunday. POTATO church, ance both of children T day, were In with Easter. The and older persons. were received last week, by the select Frederick Roberts of Thomaston is The district of Umpawaug is sadly af- keeplDg The contributions oi the children through CHURCH INTERESTS. choir rendered some fine music. men, the highest being $1.50 per lineal several at F. A. Isbell's. flicted with that prevailing malady, the S45--S4 MONTHLY. very The Lent for missionary purposes was $14. In the spending days TheEs'.er concert, Sunday evening of Rev Mr White's the school at the in foot, including blasting rock, and the grip. Nearly every house has one or subject discourse was evening Sunday chapel Mr and Mrs Howard R. Stevens of passed off very nicely. Where all did so "la the Homeland." Ia the was Iron Works held their service. lowest 96c by E. N. Clark of Milford, more victims in it. evenirg who was Middlebury were at C. E. Bradley's well it is hard to discriminate. The ef This machine is held the usual Enster concert the At the on it was Sis awarded the contract. Miss Lord is to be in entirely by Grange Monday night Easter Sunday. ferlDg, which was for the famine suffer expected Umpa automatic a 1aos Sunday school, all well who took ters' night as they filled all the officers posi There was a fire in the Rubber a few this week. opens doing B- - slight ers in was 910. Rev Mr waug, days tions: Mrs S. M ; India, nearly anti-packi- ng part. Terrill, Mrs C. 8. Jack about 1 o'clock. It Walter Aldrlch and family have moved furrow; plow. Wissner Warerooms son, O.; Mrs A. S. iMansfleld, L. They filled factory, Saturday, Moses will preach at the Center, next Mrs L. B. Benedict, who has been was soon without much into a part of Miss Rose Dillon's house. very contains more fea- Monday evening was held another one the positions with great credit to themselves, extinguished Sunday evening at 7.30. ill with the is as a It pood a The fire alarm grip, reported being of those pleasant church sociables. It having very interesting program. The at. damage. rang and the Daniel Wheeler is very sick. little better. tures than all others com- tendance was unusually good, fire have and still are, 08 1 Main was largely a musical entertainment everything company responded. Many people been, bined. our store Street, combined to make it one of the pleasantest the Drop in; Miss Frances Eaton and some of her of the William who died having grip. pu meetings year. Radcliffa, quite sud MONROE RED EOT FROM THE GUI would like to you the Iiridgeport. plls Mrs White was last in Alfred brother-in-la- w of Wil- sang very acceptably. The old Starr place, owned by L. J. Sturde denly, buried, Wednesday, White, working of this p'anter. read two selections. It was a very pleas vant, which has been thoroughly repaired the family plot in Oak CUfle cemetery, ST PETEK'S CHURCH. liam and Albert Redding, died of pneu- Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman ing entertainment. during the winter, is now occupied and has a Derby. He had been in the of monia, after an illness of only two days of Mich., in the Civil War. It neat engaged At the annual meeting St Peter's Newark, DIZZINESS, HEADACHES, very appearance. trucking business for several years. Easter officers The funeral took place last Thursday in caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment GRANGE NEWS. parish, Monday, the ueual STOMACH Mr Pturdevant also holds the reins over a New Fairfield. 20 DISORDERS, Thomas B. has been ill were : F. W. Wheeler and Ho- - helped for years. Then Bucklen's It was Sisters' in the new driving team recently purchased. Burgess quite CONSTIPATION, night Orange, for several bsrt E. Beardsley, wardens ; S. S. Hurd, Tudor Haviland, who has been sick for Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, PLOWS, Friday evenlDg. They conducted the Mr and Mrs Hiram Wildman have returned days past. Skin H)ot.a hnfnrn thn cynn, ruxh of Mood to the clerk and treasurer; Frank Beardsley, a long time, was at the Center, one day Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, no hi, nick ni'iiiliii'licH dm ! hcHilachrn from ov business part of the meeting and furnUh from the South, where they have been during The marriage of Peter Smith and Mrs sexton. Bast cure on earth. 25cts in work, pciil or il(irantrnl stomach. poor Ro ed the winter. chorister; George Bennett, last week. Eruptions. CULTIVATORS, I the for the lecturer's Wilhelmina both of mans rintmr, of looil. lur taMtti. nalnx In program hour. Sarfars, Paterson, a box. Care guaranteed. Sold by B. H. Ntoniuct), tivm ylhliiK il ifiaarons with wlomacli, which consisted of recitations, Hon and Mrs Samuel Sherman attended N J., occurred at the residence of Mr The concert was very nice Sunday & & ton-lrn- readings. son Mr Mrs A. Beers Co., Newtown ; S. C. Bull . mIow, liiKKlh anil coiiMtlpaUU bowels, services at St Paul's on Easter The infant of and Her HARROWS In Us In solos, etc. Ice cream and c&ke were serv Sunday, where Wybee, a relative of the on Sun there good and Rox-bur- y, low npii and thin bride, Wednee- - evening, being singing Co., Allen IliiMti. Tim fthov.i ar a ol tlio they weie again welcomed many friends bert Cuitls died very suddenly, Sandy Hook; Joyce, tw many aytup ed at the close. by Mer-wlnsvil- Easton Grange will vis day last. reciting. le toiim ot HjirliiK Icvor. Try tho tftiaranteod nesday morning, April 11, age three Station; Edward A. Honan, AND it Trumbull at the next 27 Kdward Shears has accepted a position Brook-fiel- ruinony, meeting, April months and six The funeral was Benson of Dover was in town, ; William J. Beehler, d with the railroad company. days. George . ARNESCO, Whereas, The Master of the Un. NEW FAIRFIELD. at the house Good at 2 30 on friends. ; William B. Hawley, Sherman,drug-gists- great Fred Greene has moved into the old Foster Friday p. m., Sunday, calling PLANET, JR., an Ideal tonic, mil l In itn pctlon lint laeMiiK iverse has seen fit in his wisdom to re the interment in the Cutler's Farm In lt eiTct Trice In only :15c por bottle ind place. DEATH OF ALSON CON KLIN. being iiir ame in nun cuy at move from our midst our dear Mr and Mrs Curtis have the HUNTINGTON. TOOLS. niy brother, C. B. re- cemetery. Frederick 8. Cummtngs and Thomas Lee have Alsoa Conklin, 72 years old, died on MUSIC AID IHSTEOMEITS- - Sterling, therefore ba it the water the paired pipes crossing bridge Thursday, at the home of his WHITE HILLS NEWS. Resolved, That In the death of Brother daughter, In these later days nearly every fami- Mrs Ernest Benedict. The interment was Ex-Chi- The Bariiuiii Sterling, Trumbull Grange has flost ef Gideon Tomlinson of Shelton or should have a musical instru- We have a stock Pharmacy, in Paterson. N. Y. Rev Dr Dean officia ly has, complete most efficient and faithful member and (LOCATED SINCE 7897.) has the Mallory place. ment of some kind. Those who have A. L. DICKINSON, He leaves a purchased of Farm and Garden Tools Proprietor, offlser, the a ted. wife and one daughter will like to can find community good neighhor, Mr and Mrs Willard Selleck of Nauga-tuc- k know where they all for to look Corner Main and White Sts-- , and his a true husband and kind assortment of music for the ready you family Easter services was held at the Con- In Price of Men's and Boys' Shoes and spent Easter with her folks. the largest over and make selec- DANBTJET. father. - your Prof DeMork, church on Felt - lowest prices ; and those who have not Resolved, That our gregational Sunday morning, Mrs Brooks is slowly improving. secure an tions from for the deepest sympathy Hen's Shoes, were now $1.95. Were where they can autoharp, coming be extended to In Magnetic Healer, Theodore Post is confined to the house $2a, the family this their $3 CO, now $2.25, and all other Shoes are at the Charles Dimon is out with a new rub- banjo, guitar, mandolin, violin, season. affliction while we with an attack of the same low Shoes 25c A SEW DRUG STORE great commend them 2S9 Fairfield Ct. gtip. figures Baby pair. Men's ber tired wagon. flute, zither or any musical instrument to Ave, Bridgeport, were now 66c. the care and tender mercies of Hi m Mrs A. B. Brush is sick with the Slippers $1, they desire at a bargain. For their benl-f- lt Office : 10 to 4 ; 6 to 8. grip All the latest in Collars, Cufls and Last fire started on the IS Hit ELTON, who doeth all things well. Hours is styles Sunday,a Kinny we advise them to call on The Nor- Consultation Free. She attended by Dr Watson of Dan Just in. and over the woods owned CLEVELAND Resolved, That a page in our records place swept Co., 63 Fairfield ave- Where you can have your family re Those interested are Invited to call and see bury. Patent folding dinner box, just what you Carlo Arizona and with some difficul- throp Publishing be sacred to the memory of our brother want, 25c. by nue, where w ill find a ceipts for TonicB. Condition testimonials from prominent persons in Miss of only was cut in time to save the barn. Bridgeport, they Spring that a copy be sent to the bereaved fam and who have been cured Julia Brown Greenfield Hill Fine line ot Outing at a very low ty put full line of musical instruments for low 1900 Powders, etc , with a Bridgeport vicinity compounded ily, and published In The alter other methods failed. visited her friends in town the past week, price. and the stock of sheet etc-Ladie- s Newtown prices, largest frosh line of DrugB, Chemicals, Bee. E. Many other bargains too nnmerons to men BICYCLES T. Nichols, H. 8. Beach, J Will Fairchild from Sherman has mov tion. NICHOLS. music in the state, ranging in price from are cordially invited to come M. Tucker. in and wait for cars. ed into A. B. Brush's house. Full Line of Drugs always on hand. Re- one cent to fifty cents per copy. They member the ITEMS OF INTEREST. half and are here for CHESTNUT HILL. H. W. Brown has sold his team place. sell any sheet music for price your inspect- HUSTLING BUSINESS grey Do not forget the place. Mrs W. Servls and for less than the cost of the Hartwell's Mr Eckhart is erectinsr a buildinar on to.Edgar Ambler of Bethel. George daughter many copies ion. Prescription The Tlour & Feed have returned from a visit in are on. also his farm, to be used as a club house dur Pequonnock Mills, The Brooklyn, paper they printed They Jfnarmacy, Manufacturers ot and Dealers in The roadmakers have commenced re Sturdevant Store, N. Y. carry aline of novelties, pictures and ing the summer. CHAS. B CUMMI5G3. Manager. Corner Howe Ave. and White 8t the roads in the north of the 4J1 of are made pen pairing part frames. frames to fe-O- Flour.Feed and all kind of Grain. Conn. A new family has moved into the styles and CT. E'.I S. Godfrey, Jr., has spent bis Eas- town. Brookfleld, order. sell and excharge Monday SHELTON, Bran of best Quality. Jesse Nash place. They buy, ter vacation with his uncle, A. S. Beach. Grain and and Branches. second hand school books. They have a Boughtlour a Exchanged. Bye Undertaking in All Its Saturday Evenings. specialty. - Miss Edna Hell of Easton is visiting of school blank books D. W. A little daughter has arrived at the .nye crn io per ion. LYON'S PLAINS- C. B. CUMMINGS, supply supplies, GREGORY, home of Ties sawed at reasonable prices. her mother, Mrs Hall. and stationery. When you visit Bridge-do- rt CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Percy Ryan. PERSONAL Funeral Director. CHAT. The district school closed, Thursday, be sure and give them a call. NortbvUln, Conn. Mrs A. S. Beach spent Easter in William Sproul of Good for one week's vacation. lurniibtd oa Application. Brooklyn, N. Y. J. J. MACK, Prop., Danbury spent W0&KIIQ BIGHT AID DAT. Friday and Easter with Mr and Mrs The Misses Katberine Ambler and Mrs W. J. Haines has been confined to Long Hill) Conn. Henry Nichols. Plumb are sick with the me&elss. The busiest and little the house with an lm Aimed Ruby mightiest things ELLSWORTH eye, hut is that ever wss made is Dr New FENN, gaming slowly. Master Milton White of East Norwalk After The Miss Nellie Turner has been visiting King's CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Life Pills. is a sugar-coate- d Ct. spent several days with relatives here. her in Every pill Plumb Hard- Waahlnirton Depot, Mrs W. Dan-bur- grandmother Bridgeport. "Eitlmatii J. Haines was called to y BL. House of health, that changes weakness Chterfullj FurnUbtd. STONES,- Mrs Mer win Cleaning globule to the funeral of her nephew, who Mary and daughters spent into strength, listlessness Into energy, ware Co., died Good and Easter with It the result Is floors, one goea GEORGETOWN. quite suddenly. Southbury and Friday relatives pretty brain-fa-g into mental power. They're here. at it with a zest ihU almost approach- Miss Annie North Ct. es pleasure. It really gives a halo tn wonderful In building up the health. 452 Main Street, Lendeveg spent a few days Woodbury, this Spring event, if you 'eel that alter LITTLE BOSTON AND UMPAWAUO. Bridgeport. in New OMs Sweet was taken ovor the floor will be covered a 25c box. Sold R. H. Beers Citt Vraw Fa km , IICHOLS, CT. York, last week. very suddenly it's by Only per by Grain, Land and new and pretty carpet, or some neat Mr and Mrs Eugene Banks are recover- & S. C. . Is Agent lor the Aermotor Co.'s Lumber, Coal, Plaster, seriously ill, Sunday night, but at pattern of matting. A good thing in Co., Newtown; Bull, Sandy Lime and Grass Reed and is here you're certain ot the new- ing from a severe attack of the grip, Allen WUlKm J. William Cement, present writing better. buying the and ell Hook; Joyce, Roxbury Station; Beetler, BrookfleM; Galvanized Steel PLATTSVILLE. i estthe carpets, matting D-n- g Windmills, FtirtiHzsr. Groceries and Gen- cloths that are most used and the A cow belonging to Eugene Banks got Edward A. Honan, Merwlae vllle ; B. Hawley, Sherman. T&nki Buzz ICut-te- r Mr and Mrs L. R. visited in ttrr. utd Tower. Saws, Feed - Hoyt reasonable prices will make you feel with pate it tal Oil. eral Merchandise- Give us l u tlcruxher,' , ill..trlnder:' SPORT HILL AND VICINITY. Bridgeport over Easter. it to be economical stock. f. iiu 9k u luuuiui ounpiies. a call. Our ars Drop me ft card and I win caU. prices The quarterly pav social of the Ttru atSthe bot- Josiah Williams has moved back into worth of the always DMTJLxiOtt League Methodist church tom ntcb. his own house after spending the winter jCL3Lerux, will be held at the home of Mrs Georra in Sakut Conn. Westport. N. & Hook, Gregory, Wednesday evening, April 25. Bckingliam Co, Dealer in Choice Meats of All HullBartram and Mary Gould were Kinds, xi stormy, mursday evening. An Inter, Furniture, Lace Curtains, etc., etc- - married last week and are at present Poultry, Vegetables, esting program has been arranged. A 101 State St . Bridgeport. Ct welcome is extended to all. OATS. with Mrs Charles Hall, Bradleyville. Car ((42 lbs st Mr and Mrs T. W. Treadwell attended cr , HOYDEN'S load, to bu) ju received. MICHAEL00,1 o oxi. HILL AND VICINITY the Grange meeting at Norfisld, ;last KILLBRIDE, Clark's Ct. XLeroy housekeeper has Wne Wednesday. Bandy Hook, away on a week's visit. C. WCoal at Mew FEED. Miss L. SMALLEY, yards England Depot. Emma Davis of Westport visited STEPNEY DEPOT, CONN. Mr Mrs Large stock received, and con-stantl- and Martin Jennings Intend tn on hand.just her patents, last week. Established in 1889. celebrate the 25 h new anniversary of their Miss Ruth Treadwell is Miss Am now all settled in my shop on the We What want marriage, May o. visiting turnpike and with Increased facilities am pre- Keep yon Helen Smith In Westport. pared to do all kinds of Wagon and Carriage COAL. Repairing and Painting and Blacksmith ing in Mr Relyes is painting, a of the Ea, part StnvM a.?, Mr several In all its branches. Horseshoeing specialty. In tho Peri- time. Nut and mraila.r nrlnna. Phelps spent days town, First class workmanship guaranteed and Newspaper, Call and see me arid see if 1 don't reasonable. lv me a call. odical and Station- save you money. recently, attending to his work on the prices always Mrs Ernest Hall has be;n sick with hill where he has a number of men work- ery), I ine. 1 grip. ing. ELLIS F. WHEELER, A Have new wagons that wait to sell. Cal POST OFFICE STOBE Mrs Albert Bulkley has visited at Sam HOMER W. ATWOOD, Rev William Hooker ot Wilton called PLATTSVILLE, CT. T) TT riVTX Jpr fifty they NEWS Manufacturer of Wagons, Carts and Tracks ; CrWIQ see All o or own 1 uel JULXJL-- JJL VX and them belore Duying elsewhere. 11 P.O. Arwtde, Bulkley's. Southlord, 3onn. on a number here, last week. also carriage and wagon painting and 'repair- Xis L J JVJLl kJi cosn. ing. Fir at class work guaranteed. Prices al- make, at prices to fcuit the times. All and kinds. BaxxjairoET, Lee's and Center street churches wera Miss Eddlce White is with Miss Mary ways rea jon&ble. HEW FAIRFIELD, CT., styles Mr Delaney is doing all be can to keep Bee. the grounds In first class order, which is The duly appreciated by its patrons. i Our Mail COTTS Order a , WEST REDDING. : s . Newtown, Friday, April 20, 1900, verpuinner leas Dep 't mmm Perfectly it the desrt it made from Keystone Silver White Gelatine. An almost PERSONAL CHAT. Equlped. of from EMALLLY(' CIRCULATION: unlimited variety dessrts can be made charlottes, Aa Jackson is ill with rheu' Pocmerty F. M.BROWN ft and . stterbets one seriously EC 0a puddings every matism of the heart.' flUESWN 1, 1812, 610 daintily delicious, wholesomely light January are so Mall and delicate. Ana iu easily Dorothy Yoder, tho little of Orders. aad quickly prepared, and the resulta daughter COD-LIVE- R Dress Last Kev v. 111 OF OIL Week, 3875 are so sure, that the making affords v. Yoder, who has been with WITH Goods, New Stuffs. An aa much as the tie grp and tonailitis, is somewhat accurate pleasure eating. bet HYPOPHOSPHITES ter at this writing. v At i 50 and TEN PAGES. KEYSTONE GELATINE aT fks II. lfsvY s W r Cents; Mies Lufllla Hill should be in All-wo- prompt of Umnawauir waa always kept Oar 40 Inch ol Henriettas yJf in 1 t y la the S that can be the guest of Sliss Maui Broneou over the house for fol- mail purest gelatine the at 50 cents a are fine aoft. . made, and the most economical to use. Sunday. yard and order other and lowing reasons: and Litchfield County It goes further than any A make surprisingly jtylisb goma depart requires least time and no trouble to cottage praver routing was held on If membei Colon ment in it. Thursday at FIRST Because, any riolets, blues, cadet, oU WASHINGTON- - prepare evening Hngh Bertram'. of the family has a hard cold, it ..J a store , Art your grocer for It: If b cannot supply you end us his name and we will mail you sam- An "S" sociable wilt be held at Jerome will cure It. which CONGREGATIONAL CHUBCH NOTES a. ple package (makei one pint of Jelly) and reci- Stuarts' on pes by thm leading cooks of toe country. Wednesday evening, April SECOND Because, if the chil- has The services at the X Ull B1E0 DOJK UlttlKU 18, under the of the Ladies' - Congregational for 15 cents. auipices Aid dren are delicate and sickly, it wlil Something new for every- church ou Sunday were quite elaborate society. makes mail Michigan make them strong and well. thing, shopping by in Eister anthems. "Tue Magdaline," Mrs easy and S. A. Barnum is confined to the THIRD if the father Shirt Waists. satisfactory. a quartet, was finely rendered by Miss Carbon Works, house Because, oi by an attack of grip. mother is flesh and becom Fannie Hlckox, eoprano ; Mrs Ada Brine hi Detroit, Mich. losing It's a sort of lace, dainty and fine in Mr Durgy had a la rare wen removed ing thin and emaciated, it wni build The Store" in its mnde, alto; Henry Bradley, tenor; and and filmy but made of white ''Big William from the top of his head a short time them up and them flesh and sturdy Brinsmade, basso. Rev Mr Car ago. give cotton and on sale at the white Easter splendor. It is a per ter gave an excellent discourse from Lr w. l Bronson of Danburv perform strength. ed the goods runs like this ldtJobn3: 2, the "We operation. Because It is the dep't. Pricing fect marvel in the possibilities taking clauses, FOURTH But aren't the Home- 75ct3 nd shall be hie Him ; for we shall see Him standard remedy In all throat and 45.50. 60.65. $ 1.00 of beautifying a store. as ho is." HUNTINGTON. lung affections. spuns attractive this sea- In the Sunday school Wri M. Louise LONG HILL ANI VIC1NITT. No household should be without it son, and haven't Mercerized TUua a blackboard exercise be they Persian gave graphic, The Wood farm was sold at It can taken in summer as wet The Millinery. the first a recently as taken a hold on the upon resurrection, drawing auction to D wight Dowoea for 1750. in winter. just caterpillar, a cocoon and the emergent $oc. and $i.oo, all druggists. Lawns. School SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. New York. We've In the Parlors be butterfly, closing with Christ's sheet commenced, Monday, for the public. been Millinery as term. It's as sheer and delicate - as the anchor "Became I . shall weeks' vacation, with the same teacher spring sides the swell moderate text, live, ye a short life and a merry one. I want mighty lucky in our price livealco." It was a beautiful object leS' the winter term. Fairfield Miss Flora Beard tj Oriental , and as soft and grace County. returned to South live a long life and a jolly one in my is son which tue saw and one e. hats, ready to wear, there children they F. had the of Orange, N. J., last week. own Homespuns. ful as crepe-de-chin- Edgar Wedge pleasure GEORGETOWN. way. Some men like their clubs an fine exhibition will never forget. entertaining Allison P. Smith, the editor especially Jamei D. Beard returned to Amherst. and society. That's all right. I don't Fresh Weaves. We're selling a lot of this beauti- of The Bee, at hia home, last Friday by way of for a belong to a club and couldn't hire of hats from Paris Rev Mr Hiliis of Plymouth church, ITEMS OF INTEREST. Putaam, short visit, this they We're sel ing a 56 Inch Wide All ful fabric for (pattern night. week. me to wear a swallow-taile- d coat. bridal, confirmation Brooklyn, expects to occupy the red cot wool Mottled and of millinery trimmings Eugene Farkerton visited his daughter, "A lot of men have a fine time with or Bannockburn and graduation tage, owned by C. B. Gold, with his Charles McKay of Ansonia is visiting It is Somera especially, Mrs of Fast reported that Fred ha g. at a and flowers. his Mrs Pardee, Ansonia, day. midnight and speech-makin- Homespun 89cts Yd can it family, next summer. aunt, J. K. Wallace. sold his place. Ill healih renders banqueting you get as low as 25. 30. 40 Miss Ella of Portchester him Let them go. I've got a room up here While all our competitors are ob- Mrs Hollister is William H. Doy!e is in Northrop unable to care for it. and 50cts a Yard. r George convalescent Amesbury, spent and Sunday in town. on the hill, two hundred feet above Chi- liged to ask $1.25 for the same an 49 Mass., this week, on business. Saturday after attack of measles. Just Bennett N. Beard and bride returned. cago, with the windows open at the bot- identical thing. she was afflicted with the Misses Kate, Sarah and Bessie Miller years ago Will Peck and Charles of Saturday after a drive tom, and it's as as a. me to 1- Then cheviots Prices in Prindle Shar evening, thrnnoh good picnic to -2 the for shirt waists Special same was a spent Tuesday and Wednesday in New At 37 Cents; malady, and not pleased by on were guests of Frank Mallory, two Central and Northern Connecticut. go to bed there at 8 o'clock everv night. what second visitation. York. Camel's Hair Plaids. (and girl can wear a, white week. a The Pre:ty days last Mr and Mrs Ez-- Blakeman are on trouble with most persons is that Mrs R. O. Bennett and Miss Carrie the checks and mixed some cheviot shirt waist like an American)' If Mr and Mrs George Hollister live William Wheeler is sick. sick list. they're eating themselves to death. stuffs, very quite to on Wednes a are , till July they will have been married 50 Crosby drove Ridgefikld "I've got lot of mosey that I earned good ladies' cloth too, goods 38 mighty fetching. New weaves Easter was observed in the Byron Bronnson of the Center is to re- - in years. It is hoped the health of Mrs Baptist day. this western wilderness years ago, and 40 inches wide. this season, 1 and Yd and churches with pair the roads on the Hill. 5 25cts a . Hollister will permit of a quiet family Episcopal concerts, Mrs Ellsworth Bennett went to New and I don't want to die until I have giv- Sunday evening. The speaking and sing- en it back to the west. There ara a Curtains, celebration. It will be quite a notable Haven, Wednesday, as delegate from the Celestm Webster and wife of ThomD- - lot ing was unusually good. of out there where the fel- fact if two brothers are permitted their N. E. O. P. society. sonville speni Sunday with his father. places young golden Mr and recently. lows need colleges and schools, and I'm wedding anniversary. Mrs ren field of Mrs Franklin Hollister, a mile be S0UTHVILLE- - J. Bridgeport passed fixing them up as fast as I can. This living conference week with Mrs L. Beach. Mrs Henry Beardslev of Bridzannrh . low, had their celebration a few months J. giving away of money is great fun, it's DEATH OF MRS HETTY CLARK. and Mies Fannie Bennett of Meriden vis- go. Mr and Mrs J. W. Ferris tpent Easter ited exhilarating. Bsaidee.'.it'e worth all the Seed Mra otatoes 4 The Costume Salon is the Mrs Clark last week Wed In Ueny Wille, Thursday of last celebrations on earth to wake John Hollister has been Hetty died, New Haven. week. big up making quite nesday. Her funeral took place at her from a feeling spry as a kitten. most room of a little maple sugar and he finds a Mrs Herbert Bennett, accompanied by magnificent any ready late home, Rev E. L. Whit-com- e Miss Helen Beard is home from Welles- - That's why I wrote the crowd All the for all he can Saturday, Mrs Wilbur Comstock of Dewey Leading Varieties. in market produce. A Danbury, spent and Miss Berne Palmer and told them that if I were I store New England. And officiating. quartet consisting Easter in New York. ley from Hoi younger Dr Ford, who had exceptional facili of Mrs J. Greer, Mrs C. Northrop, W. yoke for the spring vacation. would go in for a Jolly day and cheer for the and su'.ts shown ties for observation in Cuba, while visit Treat and H. Sanford "Nearer Mrs John L. and the admiral with the rest. jackets sang my Godfrey daughter, The fires in this locality caused some ing there with the com God to Thee," and "Jesus Lover of Miss Gertrude, have returned after a vis- i,The venerable benefactor who bas GRASS SEEDS or all kinds and at reasonable there are so smart in appear- Congressional my nxiety to those living near, but no prices. mission, gave a very interesting talk on Soul." Mrs Clark was 85 vears old. it of two or three weeks in New York. were given away his milllors to colleges and is buildings burned. to ance, and so well made, that the subject at Gunnery hall, last Thurs- Easter was ob beginning give out the principal, Mrs E. Smith is spending some time Sunday appropriately John Wilkinson at his as he day evening, and by request repeats it served the Methodist spent Sundav chuckled thought of the nap he had GARDEN AND FIELD we are making1 record sales. with her daughter,Mrs Chailtis Minor, in at church. The father's. SEEDS again at the depot in Masonic hall, this delivered an been wakened from by ah Iowa college Sandy Hook. pastor eloquent discourse, who to weekj Wednesday evening. and the choir rendered choice music suit president wanted talk over plans are in demand at present and we are Miss M. Worden been a TASHUA- - for the use of a donation. "The doc- headquarters - George Beerc, the undertaker, moved has spending able to the occasion. There were big MALLEy- few with her pretty tors tell us not to after a for every thing in that line. into Fouloia block, last week days sister,Mrs J. Wentech, floral decorations, conspicuous among PERSONAL AFFAIRS. sleep hearty Saturday. in meal, but I sleep the same, and the Purchase district. which were two beautiful Easter lilies, just I'll Nelson, Richmond has gone to Bethle The f chool began last week with Sam outlive the doctors that are the Edwin Ward a each. crowned with waxen blossoms. giving hem to take charge of Mrs New's farm. has purchased pailor eight uel Turney of Easton as teacher. advice. sh;a iiavkn. organ of A. L. Conkey of New Milford. One belonged to Mrs L. J. Beach, while The annual meeting of the vestrymen the other was the Mi3s Wooster la gaining slowly and "You see," be continued, "this nap Mrs D. Barnum has been purchased by Sunday business comes to of St John's church was held at the rec- entertaining school and to Edwaid Betts. hopes to be able to take her school again natural me, for it's FRANK S. PLATT a presented tory on Monday friends from Bridgeport few days. in a few weeks. only going back to an old habit I had 374 State evening. John Kearns Good visit Seet, Miss Clark is an indefinite spent Friday years ago. For twelve years I was a A. G. Baker of came up A. spending Charles Gilbert, who has been very HawleyviUe ime ing friends in Bridgeport. doctor in Massachusetts. The people Monday and was ill with her uncle, S. N. Clark. sick, is able to be out again and now night feeling quite Mrs B. who was didn't have time to get sick during the New Haven, Conn. at Dr Ford's. George Sturges, criti Mrs Gilbert is seriously ill. Miss Annie is to en day, and they kept the doctors CORNWALL BRIDGE. cally ill for several months, able Cocker of Danbury is with them. running The Chinaman has opened his laundry joy a short drive. all night. That's how I came to nap at hia old stand in the Town hall. CHURCH AND PERSONAL Mr and Mrs George Clark, who have during the day. Now I'm again JOTTINGS. simply going At six o'clock in the I in F. Leslie Jennings of Southport was spent the winter in have re- back to the old scheme." baby. morning great fcrrkh fotli. I lived the betel I The Men's and Woman's club Rev R. Hill attended, last the Bridgeport, wafee axd out bed. I The Flour Literary week, the Easter guest of C. F. Thomas and turned to their home here. When Dr Pearsons was asked how a jump oi don't for nearly a score of years and I wpdtr met at the Abbey on Tuesday Methodist conference at Danbury. drink tea or coflee. excite the how I out of town Hem's a evening. family. man could live to be a hundred years old, Tbey go, aliv. of the Flock Cornwall Bridge people wero sorry to heart. Mrs Pearsons and I eat of bill of fare for a Easter services were held In all the Mr and Mrs Theadric Sherwood of he said : "Clock work, clock work, all practi- specimen my day: learn he is to leave, as the conference EASTON- - cally no meat at .11. A and Breakfast. is "Grandma's banc, ike churches with fine floral displays and ex- were recent of Mrs the year round. ' Then he wanted to vegetable has given him an appointment in Brook Roxbury guests fruit diet will help a m&n to remain Oitmeal or cracked wheat enl cream. lice and tra music. At the Episcopal service in W. Batterson. AND know what good it would do for him to Flour." Wheat, lyn. Our best wishes fellow him and George ASPETUCK. VICINITY. It's better than the fountain of Fresh the valley the church was a bower of explain, and then added: "Well if lt',1 yooDg. eggs. corn joined by a process his efficient wife. Mrs G. W. Batterson, Mrs R. O. Ben- JohnSammis, Jr., moved, last week, life or the medicinal bath;. No pies or Cocoa or tereal drltk. beauty of potted plants and roses. Rev to do any good, if it will sort of point a all our ex- VI nett and Miss Carrie the Kidgefleld, where he has a cakes except for The ser- Dinner. own.' Never r Robinson gave a most excellent ad- The funeral of Daniel Hatch, one of Crosby enjoyed accepted moral, I'll tell you. And so he chatted company. of Mrs Andrew Good position. vants have meat and sweets, but none for Finest to be had. pect good with- dress to a well filled house upon Christ's the oldest inhabitants, was attended at hospitality O'Neill, on, to himself when he talked potatoes pancakes laughing me." Chicken or 11th. out it. resurrection. his late residence, Sunday, April 8. Friday. George B. Ferris moved, this week, in of the chickens out in the yard that laid G. is to Mrs Hczakiah "I walk to the train in the Beans and other vegetable. Sold by Grocers. Rev Mr Lu- A deal of F. Batterson preparing to build Meeker's place, which eggs for his breakfast, stirring himself morning Fair held services in the great sickness still prevails. and over to the office at the corner of Graham, corn and wbea bread. cases an addition to his barn. Willis Betts of he has rented for a year. when he said he did not know what an theran church both morning and evening. Many of pneumonia are reported Dearborn Madison Baked and fro its. H. & Co. Cannon does the carpenter work. ache or was, and had thrown meal-cin- e and streets, and I'm apples S. Street and the mumps follow close on the heels Mrs George F. Parrack has been In Eas pain Boiled not Iced. Union services at the Methodist church out of doors going to walk as long as I can. But not rain water, cooled, but , of measles and whooping cough. Mrs Wallace Williams is passing a few ton Center, caring for the mother of Kev years ago. every Sunday evening, Rev Mr Carter He for the man who wants to live in stormy weathar any more. When I Supper. Mr Mrs is says e Mrs Wadhams is a weeks in Nor walk for the benefit of her Ayer. Ayer much improved. to the office several hours at Grainoie and gralno-- biscuit. preaching. passing few days to a ripe old age to keep cool, don't over- get I spend with her son in Thomaston. healih. business. What to Plain gingerbread. Rev Mr Robinson will preach at the load the stomach, breathe pure air and doing? Listening is PLATTSVILLE. These who Fruits. Lutheran church on 7 Mr and Mrs George Beers haye moved It currently reported that wedding lots of it, eat a vegetable diet, don't eat beggars. college presidents Sunday evening, will are for mail takes the diet chat, Le lxked eat instead of as to their new home in bells ring before another week bas late suppers, go to bed don't looking money. My Concluding o'clock, Thursday evening, Washington, Ct., A. J. Sherwood bas been and is still early, fret, an and leave a of of the window and dawn tee land was where he is to commence passed. It is understood that the Meth- don't where hour, I good deal it for hill, announced, upon "Church Unity." his duties as ill with the go you'll get excited, to was lost in for a minute. Prob- undertaker. odist church will be the scene of the quite grip. and don't to take a after din my clerk sift, too. Going ont at nigbt thought forget nap 1 ceased once a he recalled the afternoon's and happy occurrence. Miss Annie Roberts spent the Easter ner. have entirely. OH, in ably nap great while I bieak the role. I the president's visit, aad WEST MORRIS. vacation in New York. "When I came out to Hinsdale to live, very college "res, BRIDGE WATEE. went over to the concert of the Belott this giving away of money helps to keep REDDING. fourteen ago," he said, "my friends Mrs Ely Godfrey was in town, last year3 musical clubs the other evening. Bat me young and livens me up," be aald. Cure AT 8T MARK'S. ITEMS OF INTEREST. told me I wouldn't live five years. See Dyspepsia AFFAIRS ABOUT TOWN. week. you know, the Belott boys and I ara "I don't care for the notoriety the papers Miss Addie Throop of Albany is at the these trees out there, I've got two hun- At the annual meeting of St Mark's A number of Easton great friends. give me now and then, but It attd to give Digests what you eat. home of her father, Mcnroe George McKee, who has lived on the Grangers from at dred Ifor nay pines around this house on 1 1 i lie i d aids church, Easter Monday, the following Throop. a hab- me a lot of trouble. Every time college art al ly goats the food and Miller place at the Center for the past tended the Pomona meeting, in Norfield, the hill, and I'm two hundred feet above "There's lot ia this keep'ng cool Nature In strengthening and recon- officers were elected to serve the coming Mr and Mrs Monroe Throop are both 11. it for men who want to live a men would read of my giving away a or- year, has rented the Daniel O'Keefe April Chicago. Pure air. The pines help bunired structing tho exhausted digestive year : under the care of Dr Sedgewickof Litch It's the worst in the world little more money they'd swamp me with J t is the latest discovered digest-an- t place, Sanfordtown, and has moved Mrs J. Moore from Bath Beath has make it so. I sleep in a room up stairs years. thing gans. Senior Warden, Eli Sturdevant. field. Both were doing well at last ac to or cross. I cured a man of letters and personal visits. StU, Igot a and tonic. No other preparation there. been the of Mr A. J. Sherwood. tbat;has seven windows. There areseven get angry in- Junior Warden, Arza Motrls. count. guest and a thousand ills once lot of suggestions and Ideas In that way can approach it in efficiency. It fireplaces In this house. I the that imaginary relieves and cure9 Vestry, Amos Northrop, Reuben Keel-e- r, Stephen Mudry has taken the James Mrs E. Disbrow Is her open keep and I am not altogether sorry for it. It's stantly permanently Mrs R. T. Hull and Mrs C. Barnes and visiting daugh windows. open and at the bottom, too. down in St Augustine, Fla. My wife Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, John Randall. Miller farm for the coming year and has ter in Long Hill. and I were there for several weeks, and rather refreshing don't you know,' to, Flatulence, Hour Stomach, Nausea, Reuben Warner. family of Bristol were the guests of L. moved bis to the bouse Then when eight o'clock comes I get a and see the of Collector, A. for Good family belonging a at the table she called me doctor. pick up paper picture, Sick Headache.Gastralgia.Cramps and Ell Sturdevant. Hager the Friday holiday. to John O'Keefe. Chailes Marsh is improving his pro under a pile of comforts and sleep like some new scUnie or or all other results of Clerk, on hill Across from ns a man had seats witn his library dormitory imperfect digestion. Eli Sturdevant. Miss Mildred Stone of Bethel Is the perty the very much by setting that have to build. Hakes Price 50c. and $1. Large size contains 2 times Treasurer, Miss Kate of Bethel last out wife and daughter a fine looking girl. yon helped ' mull ltook of Miss Qaaley spent quite a number of maple trees. a time." size, all abcutdyspepsta mailed free guest Louisa Dwy. with her Mr and Mrs At meal time he used to come in with a me feel as if I were having good Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO.. Chicago. S. R. Weeks spent Sunday in New Mil-for- d. Sunday parents, rose from bis Walter Smith of Litchfield has been Patrick around his shoulders, walking as Then the octogenarian Qaaley. of Marvels stairs to a K. H. Been ft Co., Newtown; 8 C Bull A the of his aunt at One the if be were as old as Methuselah. chair and walked up the get guest Maple Ridge, Michael Scanlon of New is a Co, Pandy Hot k ; A. B. Blair em an Botslord; James Sexton of Bridgeport was In bis lack at trout Home Circle. Of the 19th is "He snarled at his wife, found fault copy of a paper that bad reprodaord A. B. trying fishing. a few The Century f ancher.HuwleyvUle; B.HawleyACo. town this week. spending days with his ancle, The Method. with the food and made life miserable photograph of the handsome Whitney f laponr Mr and Mrs W. Wakeman and two Patrick Qualey. Fidelity Hall at Walla Walla, Wash. C. B. vaca- THROW YOUH TRUSS AWAY for every one around. One day bis Thompson spent his Easter daughters were guests at C. H. Dwy's, How To Live A think could JbuUd . ar--d A. N. Read has a new span of houses Century. ESTABLISHED 133L heard me called 'doctor' and "I didnt tbey tion In New York City. last daughter thousand Saturday. which he has recently purchased from rn aeked me if I wouldn't see it I couldn't equip that for sixty dollars, bit DR ON want me to come to Miss Gertrude Trowbridge entertained George A. Smith is visiting his broth D. P. Vail of North Salem. Their weight PEABSONS, PHILANTHBOPIST, THE help her father. I took him out on the they did. Tbey ap SECRET OF LONtiEVTTT. HE IS 80 but I'm not 1 - I her sister over Sunday. er, W. B. Smith, whose health .has been is 2800 pounds and is as fine a team as NOW veranda, listened to him for half an hour, the dedication, golf g J' YEARS OLD AND HOPES TO SEE AT let them run It alone, and 111 stay bere Clark Wheeler of Bridgeport was in quite poor since he was struck by light can be found in these parts. and said : 'You're simply a damphool last summer. LEAST 20 MORE YEARS. GOOD AIR, A are of and save up strength for a few . tw town last week. ing, and yon destroying the happiness - -- THIS l of Putnam Park is re- en- - JMif Keeper Delaney VEGETABLE DIET, REGULARITY, AB- have your rupture a ate next years. I received a telegram from Pr: Will has moved his steam mill the roads in the and is also 40 deserving family.' I early the f.tXlatuml C( t Misses Goldsmith and Fullia of New Throop pairing park SENCE OF WORRY AND GENEROSITY AS tirely cured in to came dentSlocumof the college at Colaradj it from Hill's tie to another 700 feet of wall in front of the morning and got away before he Milford were in town on Sunday, guests Henry job job building HELPS. 60 days, no jobs oi down. told me afterward be came Springs, saying tbey bad. raised the Sixty of Mrs Greer. on the land of D. Hurlburt. pavlilion and south of it near the road. no detention They thousand dollars to Joseph Dr D. K. Pearsons, who delights In time, in without the shawl, spoke necessary, get my from and an briskly offer. cost me thousand dollar Miss Emma Jenkins spent in signing $50,000 checks aa gifts to strug- business,' to those near him, smiled at It fifty Sunday cheerfully But I'm he In In time. His time New York City. gling western colleges, ate dinner at 1 absolute guarantee the waiter and searched for me to say glad got Ui, JM jj "ii; u, r rtr.niMflffUH! Vl.i .; for life. limit was and he's beat It. Good o'clock yesterday afternoon in his Hins- that he I was Don't fret April 1, Mrs Richmond Clark, mother of Fred- guessed right. tot him. EVERYWHERE dale home. Then he took a nap. When Consultation and ex and worry your life away. It dost do iyV.?r erick Clark of Southvllie, was laid to rest In this co"-le- ge TAR TWICB,as- - , & he woke up be Bald he felt "bright as a amination free; any unless you ara in a to "I get annoyed sometimes, In good burry the Upper cemetery, last week. Mr matter, when men come all tbe way , Billings. & Co-- , button", and told the way to live to be die." . Clark bas the of all. Successors to Booth WholesalersGlamptt)and Retailers, to see wont sympathy 100 years old. And he was one near- Come and See Us. to the clock work from New England if I give day Referring again part when all this western Miss Sarah Jones of Brookfleld spent ; er to his 80th birthday. of the one hundred year be gave them something, OIt37" plan, three thousand miles to the Fast day with friends In town. 36 WallIIFa.xza.c'sr,Street. Bridgeport' However, he proposes to go on with Cure the following as the way his private country, his and his of until he Fidelity Rupture clock marks eff the coast, bas sections where a lilt's .money . Mr who has lived In town for a naps plan eating day: Starr, and a college will benefit hundreds tt of moved his and Try A Bottle of Their goes to the grave, and he says he doesn't , CO., 6 a. m. Wake up and get up. number months, family otherwise to-g- o BO YEARS' want to until he's 100 years old. ., He 1 37 Fairfield 'Avenue, 7 a. m. Eat a light breakfast. boys who mlghUhave wvkA4v household goods to his farmer home In COI7G-23- : without the benefits of education. And EXPERIENCE 3ZISTJ"2P" isn't to march in the pa- 8 a. m. a on CftWa. , going Dewey Bridgeport, Conn. Catch train. Pennsylvania Saturday. For Coturhs nd 95b Bottla. 1, makes me yonnger all tbe Usee w! an I rade or serve on the reception committee. Office Honrs: 8 to 10 SO a.m.. and 12 to 8 pm. 3 30 a. m. Beach Chicago. C. - tbe am wlu Messri Dwlght anD. Wheeler of Neither is he going to deliver any more Special appointments made for evenings- 8 45 Walk into the office. think that money I giving go on on all the for Bridgeport were in town Saturday. BURR & KNAPP, Bankers and Brokers, baccalaureate sermons. But he walks 12.10 p. nt.; Board train for borne. doing good through ages, 863 they can't spend the principal ander tbe Charles Bayette, Jr., moved.'during the MAIN STREET, , BRIDGEPORT, CONN. from the train to his Chicago office every 1 p. m. Eat dinner. , To arrangements I make, and I am not week from Mark McEslin's house, east BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES AND DEBENTURES. INSURANCE morning, figures on some more colleges Repair p. m. Take a nap. r - , afraid of one of them to do anr- Trade Marks of Chris- want and walks from the Broken Arti 3 15 m-- Get . trying the churches, inte the house on STEAMSBIP AND RAILROAD that money p. up. Times-Heral- Designs TICKETS. cles Use dishonest." Chicago d. COPYRIGHTS tian street Mr 5,61-2- , 7. 71-- train to his home afternoon. And 3 30 m. talk and ride. tblcg &C vacated by Starr. Paying 6, 2 and 8 per cent. Deposit received subject to draft and interest every p. Bead, "' pAndlnffMf'a ffketrh and may on same. Anyon deorlption - paid Becurltlos bought and told on commission. bills ot CH" he he's to 6 m. Kat a quickly ajuwtnlii our opinion free whether an Foreign eays "going keep cocl, give -- p. Lght supper. l. Miss Emma Jenkins the Invention In probably patentable. spent past away the rest of his money and be Major's 6 45 Read or chat. Handbook on Patents week at her home In Bethel. ' p.m. aent free. iMittmt ntinnoy for saourmg patents. 8 m. Retire. Patent taken through Murni & Co. recelrt happy." $?W p. I tpe ia rwtlcty without ehnrwe. In the Miss Edna Moshier spent Easter at her "Most men dig their graves with their . N. B On Sundays the c'o:k substi- A ' Marsh, JMerwin & Lemmon, CASTOR home In , uc Children. Scientific American. New Milford. BANKING, BBOKISAGE, INVESTMENTS 'WORTGAGE8. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE teeth," he said. "My stomach is my tutes "church" for for Infants and - - friend and I'm . other Remember "Men mosnt think can live a A hanrtnomelT 11IiitTatI weekly. T.araent cliv happier than any r they The Kind Yea Haw culituon of anr m'leiiuttn Journal. 1'erms, f3 a BANTAM. BRIDGEPORT SAFE DEPOSIT AND STORAGE VAULTS man on Old MAJOR'S hundred In the doctor Atesjs C::;tt jmir: four monttii, fl. Bolti bjailPtiowfrdwilerft, earth. age depends upon RUBBER years Chicago," SafeiDeposit Boxes QTTG'Tf'T XT A TTT Private Booms common was talk- v a r.UNN & York at reasonable rates. V TQ heredity, sense and a good CEMENT, hastened to exp'a n, while be Co.36'Bro.N8W THE VILLAGE AJTD VICIKITT. rent! PlJJiijJU ilU juIu. lor examining papers. V MAJOR'S . Jf raucti Oilloo, F D, 0. stomach. There are a lot of fellows about the of pore air. St, WMbiumon, , 8Ut Strseti near llafn, Bridgapoit, Ct- - LEATHER ing importance a $ehool opened Monday, after two down town who tell me they want to live CK31ENT "And besides, the temptation Is too been the guest ot bis brother, O. S. Mor To the Readers of The The Bee. gan. - Mrs George Parmelee has been sick with the grip. Newtown, Friday, April 20 1900. $ FOR EASTER. The Sylvia Northrop place is for sale. 50,000 We want everyone t CIRCULATION Henry Morgan has bought the build- - WORTH 0P know that the oUt reliable near the lake, used for a I 404 Main 35 Middle Street, Beautiful Styles! house ot January 1. 1832, '610 lag formerly Street, Last till, and is moving it home for an ice Ct. ! T. HAWLEY & Co. Week, 3875 bouse. Bridgeport, Great Assortments O. E. has sold his turbine wa Furniture Nevei in the History of the Shoe Business have Morgan 397 to 401 Water St , ter wheel to John Tomlinson. LnkitGT Olearance Sal. AND kuch Beautiful Designs in Footwear been dis- Bridgeport, Town Frank and Ernest Canfleld are painting We have sold so many suits during the past two weeks that nnny of played as are Now on Exhibition at the store of are headquarters for ev- Topics. at C. D. fttillson's. our lines of which we we had full season's supply, re now practi- erything needed la the thought ot cally sold out and the season has about onend. These small lines way The Caucus. only iust Republican the two. three or four of a kind lots, we haye collected and resorted into three The C. H. Horse Notes. : Bennett divisions, perhaps 180 Suits all told-a- nd will close out this week as ioiiows Carpets Farming DELEGATES ELECTED TO THE MAT STATS CONVENTION FAVORABLE TO FE8SEN- - FOR THE BEB BY LOCAL HORSE TO BE SOLD FOR CASH Shoe PREPARED Lot No. 2. Co., Implements DEN AND WARNER. MEN. To close the business of the 367 MAIN STREET, BRIDGEPORT. .Ladles' Tailored Suits regularly sold at up ami won bo pleased to the caucus is a of a 10 00. Lee Bros. Furniture Co We We ourselves the Handsomest and furnish same at rock bot- Trobably largest republican A good colt forerunner good 18.00, 20 00; your choice lor this week pride upon Exceptional tom prices: eyer held In Newtown to elect delegates horse. have leased the five-sto- ry build uooaness ot our 0i JBootwear for Gen- Netting, Wire Spring styles Ladies, Poultry . to a state or was No. 3. Fence. UrlnlHtnii, Vrrtll-I- county convention that a Lot corner of Ave. and tlemen and Children. 1 It does not pay to raise horse that Third r Sower. Planters, ar- on Monday to choose delegates to ing Htiovuln. llg-KI'- night will sell less a steer. Ladies' Tailored Suits regularly pold for rows, Kakea, In turn for than good 125th St , New York City, Plow, llnylng tools. the May state convention, which 22.50, 25.00; your choice tor 15.00. Seed ownrH,l'nwil(itKU'ii Is to A dozen brood mares were where we will do business in the also Builders' ami Uunvral elect delegates to the Philadelphia shipped The Prices Are Certainly Hardware. national convention. The usual repub from Auburn, Me., to far off Oregon the future. All accounts must be 1 llcan turnout of a half dozen or a dozen fore part of March. p lid at once to The Lee Bros. Tempting. of the leaders was swelled to about party Breed for and action and from SALE OF RELIANCE Co Ladies' Vici Kid Fancy Top Lace Shoea, 70. The excitement which them style Furniture , 501 Main St Vesting regular The Name of tha brought speed producing blood and then take price SI 60. at 99c Popular out was the Fesjenden-Bulkley-Warn-er Bridgeport, Ct. Genuine good care of the produce and you will HOUSE WRAPPERS. Ladies' Vici Kid Russet Shoes, at $1.50 McLean contest which is cropping out CHAS. President. Ladies' French guaranteed, s-- have a horse that are for. LEE, Dongola Button and Lace and w j a irv m m a - in these caucuses, and buyers looking Shoes.Patent ia already early Sea Island wrappers with Kid Tips, warrantsd in every at 82 00 mm which ia carried Into Every horse has some good percale fancy part, apparently being points. yokes and inner lining, f have light crset Ladies' Patent Tip Oxfnrd Ties. Perfect in ia to all cur Sew- In I've heard said that it all Style, Tit and applied every republic in caucus the state depends upon stays and laces, giving support to the body Comfort while they Is sti at sgs machines- - Another feature which added to the whose spectacles you look through No. 1. and insurlrig an aosolately pertect lit and NOTICE. ing They are spice Lot 4 jd jit jk jd dXilSB see or neat and shapely appearance without the use ift ifl ign .Tt- in POP- meeting was the contest by the friends whether you them not. We offer the Real Estate ft t rl ''y'SBSIfl'yii.UJ 11 POPULAR price, Misses soM at $10, $12 and ol corsets when doing housework. following J of County Commissioner Miller to control Suits, regularly to be Bold to close the of ULAR in appoarance. 'ard How was the horse meat atLadysmith 15; your choice lor this week, 7.60. All sizes at each 93c and $1 25. partnership the caucus. a Lse & BroB. This will be sold POPULAR with served? Why what foolish question property evory The caucus was called to order at the a la cart, ot course. on easy terms if desired. The above housekeepor throughout Town hall by Town Chairman John B is situated as follows : It is sometimes discovered when too property If yon wish to save money, and at the same time get just what sre look the land- - The NEW S.0Y-a- l Wheeler, after which adjournment was Park avenue, lice street. jou made to the Firemen's on account late that a stallion that was not strictly Congress street, Strattord avenue, ingror is progressive and the ball, Pacific of speaking a first class Individual was a Chapel street, avenue, MA-chin- e the council entertainment. rtorin one HIGH GRADE Vlrgillus of On wasningxon ave.isortn street, Come to Daniel Q. Beers was chosen chairman sire high class foals. the Grand street. Schofleld avenue. HawleyviUe. meets the re- other hand there have been stallions that North avenue, Crowther avenue, We will be to show a that and Capt Albert W. Peck of Mt Pleasant Center street, Church street, pleased you very cemolete line of Lumber and Shir were almost Individuals that were Howard avenue, Catherine street, also Brick Cement and es quirements of ths mblic. secretary. As Boon as organization wss perfect snelton street. Denver avenue. Lime, Sewer Pipe (all sizas.) If yon are in the market effected William H. ot a failures in the stud ; the reason is obvi Olive street, Wheeler avenue, we are confident that you will leave your rrder with us, because our prices For Sale Bv Hoy Bridgeport, ous. One 'airfield avenue, Island Brook avenue, former resident of the town and an old had a strong inheritance the Davis avenue, street. will surely interest yon. as thsy are so easy that vou will hardly realiz that other was an accident. The Horseman Hansen avenue, WintonBindleystreet. there has been an advance If it is not convenient to come in Urns republican war horse, asked per Fab-vie- avenue, River street. person, just Curtis & Co., mission to addressthe caucus, as he said The Newtown Liien avenue, Chase street, write us; we will "do the rest." Taylor, great Fair, September Arch street, Tracy street, he had been a resident of the town for 25, 2G and 27, 1900. Charles street, Hill Btraet, SANDY HOOK, CONN. many years and had a message for his C. "The of C, f4 00 Lots in Ct- - in THE E. PLATT frienda. This was to the great beauty racing" says Danbury, Property CO., objected by J. "ia the of it. new Haven. Ct- - One farm Kansas. HAWLErVILLB COrff. Midwinter Sale of Miller led Robert S. Tomlin Hamlin, uncertainty in faction, by 40 Lots in Ct- - in son, and Chairman Beers the They are counting on a great parade Stratford, Property Telephone 248-2- 4. put ques Nashville, Tens. One farm in Boots Shoes, Rubbers, tion to the caucus, which gave a decisive of road drivers on the New York speed Long --AT- mijirity In favor of giving Mr Hoy way May 5. ,1s is said severalj out of hearing. He spoke with all his old-tim- e town road drivers have signified their Corbctt's Shoe Are and energy, and said he had nothing intentions to participate in the event.; DOIT HISS SIEIHG Z Store, his fie d against friend, Miller, but he wanted A purse of $500 is offered by the Bran-for- d, county. On May 1, 1899, John ZSOHSTID. l, I I Br Tru-nbul- t3 know how he stood as Fessen Sr , die! . regards association 2.15 V ach, at NichoH, OUE EIGA 20-i- Sandy Hook. Conn. Ct., Driving for Five Quires, "ISO 8heet." only Envelopes Sc den. Several otners got into tne arena to be com a?c d 81 years, 8 months, 15 days. Tie t package, liest value ever oil ere 1 in this citv. Mnn'M '2.7A, 3 class pacers, hopples barred, Knhbur Hoota, wern 00; Hoya before he wa 3ld rubber booiH, a as wtirti .!), Men's arcllcs, had finished, and there peted for July 18, 1900. They have join Fa rfl County Commemorative Re I I. AO, warn 1 7ft; Children' ftc, were arctics, some lively talking. Finally a division view. 364 Mi; Iloys" plain heavy rubbers. 4ic, worn ftfic; ed the National association this year. MAIN STREET, BRIDGEPORT. iliin i heavy winter shoes m uox call ami liar ot the house was called for. Sheriff yard call, were .! ami :l ir. at '2.7'i. Hartford grand circuit meeting will be - A line ol DoiiKlaMS hois Uodgers nominated Arthur T. Nettleton The great demand for O. N. Clark's complete always held this 3-- 8 inclusive nn hand; aiiio children a school shoes a spue a Fesaenden man, for first delegate, and year September Vegetable Liver Pills is owing to their laity. The Charter Oak stake for class Buy the the Miller faction named W. M. Reynolds wonderful curative properties. They SUCCESS In A ballot was called for trotters is $10,000, five per cent to enter strike at the cause of Tread Pow- If want and opposition. directly biliousness, er. It takes you the best staple fancy and five cent additional from winners. i x . and Harry Orgeiman and C. B. Johnson per constipation, indigestlon,loss ot appetite, the lead j "Star wore named as tellers. The vote stood 44 In- - everywhere A statistician figure, that trotting headache, etc., which makes a cure as do all the n w hi :H for Nettleton and 22 for bred horses have sold for an wit.aMp. RM hv all AppletonM. GROCERIES Reynolds. $3,189,525, F. G. Co. of The other delegates, Fessenden men, were of atavia-Il- . average $22,050. l The Most On the market call at the new store cf named by acclamation, as follows : Alii' implements Perfect C. H. Nelson is of the You They make P. G. Curtis and S. F. opinion that Bears theCASTOHIA.The Kind Have Always Bought sin Smith, Henry better class of horses will be bred in the I nsilage cutters, Hero and American feed Churn Made. Ttlson. John B. Wheeler and Joslah A. Signature mills, shellers, wood saws, the celebrated future than in the past. Stoodhue pumping and power galvanized Tilaon were as town commit- of .leel wind mills' with galvanized steel or The :of now to wood towers, steel tanks, corn huskers seed- tee. signs the times point ers, hav loaders, etc. I am also ajcent tor BUTTS,CT-A- ll - DcLaval SANDY HOOK, another boom in trotting horses. Ten Clark's Cutaway harrows. Also George Ty- ler IO., Boston, ansa there was little f ,i arming implements new goods and nriees St John's Church. yearj ago very foreign im still selling at rock bottom prices, wi h right market. It wss a rare for a trotter frat regard to trust. WALTEB H. GLOVER, thing Nttwtown, Conn. Agent tor JT airfield, Mew to cross the Atlantic, now they go in Stwen and of Litchfield Counties- - EASTER SERVICES. wr en you are in uetnei prt CASCARA droves and almost daily. Too bad they Just stop at As usual the chancel was decorated do not take more to the cut flowers kindly pacer. It with plants, and adorned the would to the of Bromide Tablets music was help bring up price that The Late John B. Nichols. GAS & GASOLINE The Best on the Market. Quinine altar. The excellent. The which is now in the decline. choir consisted of Mrs Nellie class, For Colds, etc. Tucker, LaOrippe, Mrs J. L. H. F. The statement comes from California of and as the sea- b3en a week's vacation with her and take a look at his fine line of soprano; Sanford, alto; all the standard makes enjoying Engines Work- tenor; and H. G. that the green horse that trots three son is for these it would Mrs Harriet Briscoe. Butter Will Cure A Cold in 24 Hours Orgeiman, Warner, opened goods mother, 3, For Pumping bass. heats in 2 20 or better will be a good be well to place your order early. or power worn in Miss ia Men's, and l to 60 Horse ers, Babcock Milk Best Remedy Known. "From Glory to Glory" was the theme money winner that state, this year. Mildred Nichols of Bridgeport Boys' Power. No en Good trotters are a scarce art'clo there as the of her Jerome Nichols. "g'jt of the sermon by the rector, Rev O. O. BRAVE MEN FALL guest father, Children's Shoes rjW- - b""3"1 Testers, etc. was 2d are finding out. class pros- Wright. The text Corinthians buyers High Automatic, Safi : the finest in town. Just look at a few S. C. & 3 of pects are at Victims to liver and : Economical. BULL 00, 18, (R. V.) The three heads the being snapped up good stomach, kidney of his prices Men's Goodyear Welt discourse indicate its character. First, prices whenever their qualities are troubles as well as women, and all feel Viol Kid Russet, S.25, worth 6.00; Men's B. Address, SindyHook, Ct Fairfield County. Willow Calt Russet, 8.21; Men's Black STEPHEN CUUKCH, the renewed life ; second, the continued known. the results in loss of appetite, poisons in Vici Kid, 3 00, worth 4.00; also Black SEYMOUR, COFN. Vici 2.6'', 8 life ; life. the nervousness, head- KM, patent , worth 00; Write tor for article third, the perfected From the time he began to show prom- blood, backache, TRUMBTJLL. Bov's Willow Call Russet 2 00. special catalogue any B. D. The Children's service was held at 4 ache and tired, listless, rundown feeling. Mi'ses and children's hoes at prices wanted. Mention this paper. SIMMS, inently as a sire Baron Wilkes has that cannot be beat. Jgt, o'clock at which offer- But there's no need to feel like that. THE LATE JOHN BEACH SB. p. tn., the Lenten stood out as the greatest of money win- NICHOLS, Stepney Depot, Conn. ings were Both services were Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. John-Beac- presented. ning sires. Last year he again led his Nichols, Sr., (deceased), - so He : "Electric Bitters are the Mechanics' and Farmers' Sav- well attended considering that many get having won almost 830,000. Wilton, says )mt was at the time of his death one of the t NOW Is The Time ia In a man when he is all run-dow- n, the parish are still ill health. another son of George Wilkes, stands thing for oldest living members of this distinguish- inzs Bank, second and don't care whether he lives or dies. ed and for was a CITY BASE BUILDIHO. WALL ST . B'POBT- - EASTER ELECTIONS. with $21,891, while Ashland family, many years and this is tha place and here is the did more to me new and goods. Style cannct be excelle l. Come 71 Sewer and Wilkes, still another son, is fourth with It give strength leading agriculturist of the town of see Deposits July 1, 1899, $9,054,645 Pipe At the annual on Mon- and us at and parish meeting $20,015. Hal Dillard ranks third with good appetite than anything I could take. Trumbull, Fairfield county. Born Au- Surplus Interest, $90,61248 the officers for new day evening 'he ensuing $20 245. This shows how the Wilkes I can now eat anything and have a gust 16, 1817, our subject was a son of Assets, $2,145,258 19 Fittings, year were chosen as follows : lease on life." 50 at Fountain Place, of 1 !000 bred on. Only cents, John Nichols, and a grandson of An- Deposits to received and interest All Sizes from 2 to 24 Inches. Wardens, Mlnott Augur, William . R. H. Beers & S. Bethel, Ct. credited from the first of each month, payable Co., Newtown; drew Nichols, who was a native of Nich- in ana July oi eacn year, incorpor- Knap McCarthy has bought the four atedJanuary1873. Ackley. C. Bull & Co., Sandy Hook; Allen ols, and followed farming there through- Blue Stone Flagging, H. H. K. W. Dutch-er- , year old filly, Belle, 2 29 1 4, by officers : Vestrymen, Curtis, Betsy Joyce, Rozbury Station; Edward A. out bis life. At the age of 35 he married Cut to any size for cistern covers, for $2000. JOHff President etc. North otenney G. F. Taylor. Axteli, - , Ilaven Brick. Honan, Merwinsyille ;William J. Beehler, Hepsey Curtis, by whom be had 10 chil- MARSHALL M0EKI8. ice Presidents Clerk, I. P. Blackman. Titter a of 2 05 B. HEIST C COGSWELL. predicts mark at least Brookfield; William Hawley, Drug dren: Silas, Robert, John (sketch of L- - S-- CATLII. R. N. Secretary ant Treasurer Fire Clay Stove Pipe. Treasurer, Betts. this season for both Bingen and Peter the stores. Every bottle guaranteed. whom follows), Isaac, Sally, Mary,Patty, The clerk and treasurer were made Great. Hezekiab, Ablah and Nathan. John This is a pipe to take the place of a chimney members ot the in an outbuilding or addtaon to tne house, m vestry. Nichols, the father of John B. Nichols, WSSELLS & GO., mur.n cheaper than brick, is neat aiid sale. to Diocesan C. W. Williams Is said to receive more Mr and Mrs Andrew L. Adams of Zoar L.a:i ana tei us blow ru Delegates Convention, a 1 mail than other man in the horfe new in Sr., was lifelong resident of Nichols, Villiam 8. Fire Brick and Fire Mortar. C. L. Page, I. P. Blackman ; alternates, any have a daughter their family, born Sifen, business. on and in early manhood purchased farming W. C. Parkhurst and G. F. Taylor. Monday. land from the Fairchlld's where be built Bakers, The treasurer's report showed that all Parties In Berlin, ROBERT S. Germany, recently George French takes thepriza on cows, a bouse and established his home. Po- Confectioners, HISC0CK, r4- s bills were paid to date, and 'that cabled C. W. Williams for a on two special price this his three cows litically be was a Whig, and like other 11 and 13 Center l J0 offerings are In hand toward painting the ef bis stallions. spring, presenting Caterers. Jeweler Street, f him with five calves. members ot bis family he was prominent Danbury, Ct-- rectory. in the church Trum- Best Restaurant in the city. British agents are In Texas looking for Congregational at K. B. Llbnral discount to Dealer. of He was AND THE USE AND ABUSE OF THE SHEDS. army horses with the result that piices Miss Emma Briscoe Shelton has bull. twice married, first to Opp. Railroad Station, have from 30 to 50 cent. Curtis, whom be had three The use and abuse of the church horse jumped per Mary by children : Abiab, born June 6, 1793 ; Ros-wel- l, MAIN ST., - DANBURY. sheds came up in this and It was meeting, born December 1, 1801 ; and Sidney, Optician, without D0DGINGT0WS AHD VICINITI. StUlman P. W. BATES, agreed any special action, that .Axis born December 3, 1807. The mother of conn. Scholarship, while the sheds are owned BoJn8i?'s Sandy Hook, Manufacturer Of by individuals, these died May 8, 1811, and for his sec- College, S40. are on the and were Mr and Mrs A. E. Bevans of Bethel they parish lands, Have you a house to furnish this Spring? ond wife John Nichols wedded Ruth The Scholarship for the entire Badness Intended for and church have been the recent of Mr Bev- JOHN or is FINE MARBLE AND private use, for guests We have an immense and well selected Beach, of Daniel Beach of REID, Course, good day evening, Forty Dollar. Of the hos- ans' daughter purposes, primarily. public parents. stock of furniture, a very large percentage Daniel's Farms, town of Trumbull, and Cabinet GRANITE WORK, of the and of the Spring Disconnts. pitality owners, parish, Mrs Augusta Piatt is visiting friends of which was bought previous to the re- by her had five children, whose names Clocks senv 42 Water Street, as to temporary shelter and convenience, , To 'he first ? Ptndents ntering this 8prtnr. in this place. cent numerous advances in prices. We are with dates of birth are as follows : Ruth Wtlta we onr Extra Spring Discount of TEN in the use of these sheds, no one need The most sim- PER CENT. For regular discounts see oar -- well aware that this does not a son in and N0RWALK, CONN. Lauren Wood is quite ill with ths help you any Ann, April 19, 1813; that died Jewelry. and efficierft Catalogue. have the least doubt. To such custom- grip. we-eho- ple unless a disposition to .share the infancy ; John Beach, Sr., August 16, use all are welcome. There is no Miss Fine Watch and Clock Re- creamery to buy ; If you want to buy a monument ary Jennie Ferry has returned from advantages, and our saying that we are 1817; Comfee Maria, March 21, 1820; the most conve- - word of fault for those who have a write him- per- few days' visit with friends in Trum- willing to do this is not convincing, so all and Mary H., February 8, 1824. All of pairing Specialty. nient and eco- mission ot owners for either ; STILLMAN COLLEGE, special use, bull. we can ask is that you come and look us the above are now deceased except Ruth Cash Paid for O'd Gold and nomical to nse. though It is a, question whether the sheds Silver. Easiest to oper- 297-30- 3 Main St, Danbury, Ct, A large number of people attended the over and compare our stock and prices Ann, who is a resident of E'gin, 111. MARBLE AND GRANITE should in any case be let for daily occu- ate and clean.' ' services which were held at John W. with others before you buy. We will be John Beach, Sr., always made his borne 3 7 sizes, WORKS. pancy. But when peddlers abuse them 340 Main St., Bridgeport, Ct. styles. Behn's by Rev Mr Hutchins. perfectly satisfied if you will only do this. at Nichols, where be ownsd a fine farm. Write for Catalogue. as cheap places for baiting, or any one A. Monmnanta, Heart Stonea In" Marble or Our unexcelled facilities for handling fur- As a citizen he showed much public spir- H. REID. Urantte. lor ana makes a business of continuous Mrs Minerva Mansfield is sick. SOth A Market 8U-- , writ designs price. hitching quite niture here at this point on very small ex it, and for many years he had been an Philadelphia. and week after week, year af- standing, Mr and Mrs P. C. Durant and daugh- penses are too well known to call for repe active supporter of the Congregations! JUST RECEIVED. to the inconvenience and annoy-ance'- of M W. ter year, ter, Miss Hazel, of Danbury, have been tition. We are certainly so situated this church at Trumbull. In local he STEVENS, the owners, and the of politics Full line or Bubber,Rubber and Felt Conn. expense the recent guests of Mr and Mrs Henry spring that we can do you some good if was Influential as a member of the re- "Wheeler's Norwalk, the a .seems to be " Boots. Come in aad we can fit parish, gentle protest Kendall. you want a hill of furniture. Come and as as- yon. in order. To the wise a word Is suff- publican party, serying selectman, Brennan's Restaurant, BSTaBUBHBD ISiS. Mrs Frances Piatt and son of look us over. You will never regret the sessor and board of relief. He was mar. Cornel. Buggies, Carriages and Business icient; for the otherwise, notice will be Ridding time to it. In addition to a full Wagons of all kinds from S30 and nn. are the guests ot her parents, Mr and given ried three times, first November 18, 1840, Bear Howland's Dry Good's Store, posted. stock of furniture ia line from the to Cor. Main & Elm Sts , and double ard har Mrs Crane. every Mary R. Brinsmade, who was born 42-4- ; Ct- - Single light heavy iirthur H. Bolles, 4 Cannon St-- t Bridgtp-rt- rxom cheapest to the best, we . 1820, and had two nesses 57.25 All well made Boeoetaor to HKNKT U. BOLUS, H ATTEST0WI. carry heating February 14, they - up. Miss Emma L. Ferry has been serioutly stoves and kitchen ranges, refrigerators, children : Horatio born Bridgeport. fifoods and guaranteed as Brinsmade, May C-- Sfo. represented. but is again abla to resume cur- Full uksk Dinskr. in and them- - PERLONAL JOTTINGS. indisposed, carpets, mattings, window shades, Jace 9,1845, married Laura Fairchlld and died COOKING TO OBDIB A BFECIALTT. Drop inspect Full stock ; con. her school duties. toilet dinner sets, of Groceries, Boots. Shoes and nv rixaToi, The funeral of Isaac Patchen was held tains, hangings, sets, October 19, 1875, and John Wlcliff, born Sale of Rose Bushes Grain, Mr and Mrs Lorenzo Durant - kitchenware, baby carriages and goj carts. April 13, 1837, died July 25, 1853. The Dry Goods always on hand. Friday, Rev Mr Rollins ot Stepney offic- passed Now going on. Fine Hardy Hybrid Roses, 12c CALL AT in the We are now a line of very hand- mother of these 12c M. ilG. KEANE'S iating. HIS four sons acted as bearers. Sunday Bethel, guests of the'r son, carrying passed away February' each. Tea Roans, each Crimson and 31 Durant. some mirrors in pure gold burnished 23, 1849, and for his second wife Mr Yellow Ramblers, Baltimore Belle and Climb The interment was in the cemetery at Eugene ing LaPrance. ISO each. Large varieties oi GOOTiBTT,Conn. Monumental Woeks, frames, reproductions of all the rich and Nichols wedded, March 23, 1850, Harrli t ornamental nd sweet seemed shrubs frnm BLANCHARD'S t Stevenson, Hunticgtown. MrPatchenwasbytrade William Stierle and family have moved as- 10c to SSc each. Buy early while stock is com- " - rare old We also a nice E. who was born Housatonie Avenue, Bridgeport- a carpenter and joiner, serving under Hi- to the farm of hia father in Elmwood. designs. carry Brinsmade, July 6, plete. Purchase Wheeler's Choicest 31 Fairfield Avenue, sortment of Florentine decorated is- ram Parmalee. He was 4 master work- hand 1816, and died June 19, 1860, without In natural colors. In these two sue. For his third wife Mr Nichols mar- Mixed Sweet Peas man in his day, and many bouses in this It la said that the genial Newtown statuary If wish a beautiful bed ot For the Best 26a DIHIES in Bridgeport. last lines are in from Catherine E. yon surpassingly Meals at all hours-- FURNITURE were built by him. postmaster has cornered the local mmket pieces ranging price ried, August 17, 1864, this popular flower. It is a careful mixture vicinity five to dollars, beautiful for was of over 0 choioe named varieties : So a pack- fligh Art Custom Tailoring! WAREROOMS Mr forty pieces Plumb, who born February 4, 1833, 4 W. has b the Patohen in sugar, and that Havermeyer and et. 10c a oz., 20c a lb, 60o a lb. -- OF J. Penny aught wedding or anniversarp gifts. High grade and died 29, 1879, leaving two I have a full line of trne Maine Seed Pota- sons. tu.oo up. Mr Sprecklcs may yet have to look to Aagust toes. Wel- homestead, J. B. Nichols a tract of wood and artistic in sense of the word, and obillren :' born Mav Spring Wheat, Spring Bye, Barley, Postoffice Restaurant, 07XB.COAfS.llS.CO CP- - evcy John. Beach, Jr., 22, come Seed Oats. -- VT C. an- their laurels. 67 CASH0H BBJDtfEPOKT- ZR00&&&S, 00 J". land at Maltbyland, A. Mc Arthur our are much under the Now 28, and . is You will dowell to examine my stock of ST, El, prices city. 1866, married January 1894, Fertilizers before Stoat: 1T ORAM,Ot. near James Corbett's In Hun. baying elsewhere. Stat street, Bridgeport, other piece T. A Co. of have at do not fall to look us over before yo'u buy now engaged in farmicg and dairying ; Is complete and prices low. Flrst Class Meals served st regular hours. and Robert Davis has another Hawley Bridgeport Also meals cooked to Order. W. W. Foote, Tim plane or all places tor enytblnir 70a tingtown, present an extensive line of plows, har- your spriDg stock. and Catherine May, pom March 5, 1876, US KAXN STBJUT, PAKBUBY, TOT. nay rnHiire in ortlor to furnish house or pleoe near bis place. E. . nw or soooml bamu rows, cultivators and poultry netting A, G. BAKER & SON, married June 8, 1893, to Lester Shelton WHEELER, A. S. WALES, Proprietor. .n4? birniture at lownst prices, D. of New York are These are Conn.- - of Booth town of Fair-- Ct-- I'.muso ouii ruJ luwpect oar stuck. Mcrwin Morgan has which selling fast. goods HawleyviUe, Hill, Huntington, Bridgeport, ' ' The Home Circle. The Bee. Ji 'ERUMMER OF THE H AUGHT r FD3ST WI1I0V. LI o TO TH LITTLE READERS Of THE BEE. ffowtown, Friday, April 20, 1900. Few realize what a deep-seate- d, obstinate) disease Catarrh is, regarding it as a simple inflammation of A dear little Pusy Willow, the nose and throat, little or no attention'is given it. But, however insignificant it may seem at first, it Who lived down beside the is serious and in its results. brook, Said : "Mamma, dear, I know 'tis Nkw Yomk, April 16th, 19CXX The foul secretions entering the circulation poison the entire system. The stomach, kidneys in Spring, CIRCULATION fact all the organs feel the effect of this catarrhal poison, and when the lungs are reached its progress Please may I take a look?" Printed Summer Half is rapid and destructive, and finally ends in consumption. Every Day Accidents 1, 610 smell are in or soft bones of "The murmur of our brook I hear, Price January 1882, It frequently happens that the senses of hearing and part entirely lost, the Burns, bites, stings, cuts and braises all cause the nose eaten into and destroyed, causing intense suffering and greatly disfiguring the face. While sprays, Jack Frost its doors unlocked, inflammation. Last Week, 3875 benefit can be from such treatment. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment As their name "Nid d'Abeilles washes and salves may give temporary relief, no permanent expected I'm sure I heard a robin sing cures inflammation. When the wounded spot is implies, they are of French origin Down by the old gray rock." tingling with pain it is hard to bave to wait for relief. So buy a bottle of Johnson's Anodyne the lie to-da- purest, finest of silk, the weave CATARRH IS A CONSTITUTIONAL OR BLOOD DISEASE, "My dear, still," her mother (aid, Liniment y and you will be prepared for the of which suggests the honeycomb Litchfield "For Spring is not here yet. worst. For ninety years it has been a household texture of a beeh've. soft County. for a cure lose valuable time, meet with You may have beard a robin sing, remedy. Noother liniment ever had sncb a long, Though and far beyond the reach of mere local remedies. Those who rely upon them disap- trial and no such as and are pointment and allow the disease to take firmer hold. Only a real blood remedy can reach this troublesome and dangerous disease. But out there It's cold and wet." thorough remedy popularity light, they durable, and pos NEW MILFORD. makes it rich and stimulates and sess S. S. S cures Catarrh because it first cleanses and builds up the blood, purifies it, healthy, "The wearine Qualities. The ut be murmur splendid puts new life into the sluggish worn-o- organs, and thus relieves the system of all poisonous accumulations. brock, too, may Irg, assortment different THE BAND FAIR. But Jack round comprises 26 Mrs. Josephine Polhill, of Due West, S. C, writes : " I had Catarrh, which became so deep-- ; lingers about, polka-dot- s, not for aeated that I was deaf in one ear, and all inside of my nose, including part of the Done, And he will t (Johnsons patterns, scrolls, New Milford have many entirely urtly nip your nose, striped people sloughed off. When the disease had gone this far the physician gave me up as incurable. I too;ne,JNiVJENT effects and other in white on years attended a more ecjoyaDie enter determined to S. S. S. as a last resort, and began to improve at once. It seemed to get at the If you but just peep out." It is for as use designs, of try for more than equally good internal for external at the Band seat the disease, and after a few weeks' treatment I waa entirely cured, and take it on a Sold a groundwork of blue or black. These talnment than that given even years have had no aign of the disease." But Pussy thought that the knew best, dropped sugar, in teaspoon. fair on of this week, in two size bottles, 25c. and 50c. The larger is silks are fully worth their Tupaday evening S. S. S. is made of roots, herbs and barks of wonderful tonical and purifying So put on her furry hoed, more economical. regular when Black Belles of New Milford Write for a free copy of 'Treat- price 75 cents. We offer them to the properties. It is the only vegetable blood purifier known, and a certain and safe Stepped out the door and looked around. ment for Diseases and Care of the Sick Room." disported themselves under the direction cure for all blood troubles. Send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases, and at Off towards a as as at distant wood. I. S. JOHNSON A CO.. 22 Custom House Boston. Mass. you, long they last, and EtRRe management of Mrs Alice K. tlie same time write our chvsicians about vour case. Thev will cheerfully eive you j Street, We no for this. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. The was 35 Cents a Yard Teller of the Danbury College of Music. any information or advice wanted. make charge day vtrv clear and bright, The air was soft and mild. The is Mrs Tellor's ability is so well known here The Favored IIomesPn her name Is as a "There, Mamma didn't know,' she said ; that taken guarantee of at-th- e to lose one their horses Brothers of this and the most popuIar Merwin, died April 8 residence of misfortune of place representa- Oh the child. TRUMBULL. ferlcg from an attack of toniillti. HomesmiTK; good and artistic ot assem- silly, silly Ft fabr!c this season work; consequently her daughter. while delivering oil at Lanes ville through tive this town in the general DtLlsaer has been for her. was 1896-93- . caring there a very large sale of the bursting of an artery. bly of Mr Oviatt is at present Fcr by and by the sun went down, Dr G. M. De Lisser of Nichols has for dresses. W I- -? tailored suits and outing tickets for and the hall Jay Bull and daughter were at H. of Union The wind blew ccld Albert Sacford, who has been wore Tuesday evening Col- the head the Shear Company, a and chill, opened an t files over Mr Park's store, so ; for the handsome was Murray's, The exterior of Internal Revenue at Mr Falrchild's to leave Deservedly crowded to the limit. The Black Sunday. business recently formed at this place Then little Pussy Willow where be will be found evrry mornirg mill, expects effect as well as the 21 lector Kinney's house has been renoyated soon. of the cloth, Belles, ot New Milford's young ladies GAYLORDSVILLE AND VICINITT. with a fair promise of success. The well Felt bo very, very ill. except Sunday, at 11 o'clock. This will cork-maske- by Charles Ooborne and men. serviceable russ. wears bet- with d "for this occa wishes of the be a convenience Nothing faces, Rev C. B. Connor returned from Con many friends and relatives Jack Fr jet came up and her nose, great to ;the people of ter no cloth looks so well when sion rendered a fine of The Firemen's will take Master Edwin Norton pinched this only," program ference on The parade place attend Oviatt that She droored ber little head, locality. NEW PRESTON. worn. Then sameness is songs and ekes in real minstrel Saturday night. "pow June 20. Forty invitations bave been the life under such constantly style. ers that be" have seen fit to send him begun propitious cir Ancl cried, "Ob Mamma dearest, - M.( of f - we show to-d- ay Besides the jokes and local hits, all of issued, and it is expected that it will be cumstances continue so NICHOLS- Julia daughter Frack GIbor not necessary- twen- from this place to a charge in the Kings may through How I wish I'd staid In bee! I" which were good and well received, the the greatest sight ever witnessed in town, to the end. Kent Hollow, is convaleicent, af'er ty different weaves in homespuns, ton District. Rev Edward H. Roys, who many years A. M. B. program Included tbe4$tecialties, each excelling the parade held 13 years ago. MIssKatherine Ambler bas been euf j painful attack of quinsr. and more th; u a hundred color-mingle- s. has been stationed at Lenox, the MIsb Ellen Cochrane ev- of for its fine : Mass., left, Tuesday Best worthy praise rendering has been In Mr for another Q8AIJ-0- 1 6RAII-- C t of all, the fabric is not "Meet Me Miss past year, appointed Matthew Richmond of Water bury Is ening, short visit with her Honey, Do," Connor's at Lime Rock. necessarily expensive. Prices begin Bessie Whltlock. place. visiting friends in town. sister Remember that name when you wart 36-inc- all-wo- a food with a h ol Twilled Wait Miss Easter was observed In the Charles Comatock of haa been delicious, appet'zicg, nourishing Sorg, "I'll for you, Jamie," Sunday Derby drink to take the place nf ct flee. Sold COMPETITORS HAVE FRANKLY ADMITTED THAT Homespun; or you may select the Ada Segur. church with a service of song and reci- ROXBURY. visiting friends both at this place and in by all grocers and liked by all who have fine Tweed Home- German Im tation members of the school. Lime Rock. used it. Grain-- o is made nf imported Scotch recitation, "Ich Ging by Snnday pore grain, riEj The U. S. at a Walde," Miss Humestone. The church was tastefully trimmed with TOWN AND PERSONAL JOTTINGS. it aids digestion and strengthens the Improved Separators spun $3 yard. Or stop where Amy Miss Hattie Monroe has returned to the nerves. is not a stimulant a Dance, MisseB Bessie Whitlock and flowers for the occasion. The service Rev Julius Nelson, who waa pastor of It but health ARE THE BEST SKLTMERS ON THE MARKET. you will between. These hints for Moceon after a few weeks' ab- builder and the children as well as the Millie was under the direction John the Methodist church some previ- house, : Camp. of Paine, years sence. adults can drink it with great benefit. suggestion efficient Sun- ous, in old on Sun- Costs 1-- as as 15c We illustrate herewith our new corruirated bowl, which Pantomime, Miss Elta Miles, Miss the superintendent of the preached bis pulpit about much ctftee. and crivine such nerfect satisfaction, ami winch doea not require hot At 50c, 65c, 75 $1, $1.10, $1.25 and 8. Edwin of Middletown made a 25c per Aek your fcr water to flush. A small ot skimmilk does the work thor- $1.50--All-woo- Amy Humestone. day school. day, April Delaney package. grocer quantity l Mixed Twilled Home- Grain-o- . oughly more so than competitors that have central tubes and m spuns. Seng, Miss Millie Camp. Edward son short visit, last week, with relatives multiplicity of discs r the cr-a- to stick to, as the U. S. has George Lucas has had another ser Preston, wife and have neither. in tl.c-i- r tfiorts to rind to At $1 Wale Diarjonul Homespun with tie Song, Misses Sadie and Ada about town. Competitors, something Reynolds ious attack of appendicitis, and it is com-templat- returned from Hartford. Cleanie the the Zibcliiie finish. Scgur. liver, purify the blood, In of At $1 Knii krrhoi-kc- Crashes. taking him to the hospital. Miss Agnes E. Cochrane is home from Victorious Progress the United States, Homespun the Kil- - There is to be a lecture on Hawaii, ac- vigorate the body by using DeWitt's At $1 Cr.ish in During entertainment Howard Trumbull for Easter vacation. have tried to make a liitf bugbear of usinfr hot water to flush Homespuns monotones. A. H. Birlow his In the Little Early Risers. These famous little the bowl, but now this, their last criticism, ia overcome, and Slri-- bourn the Belles with a fine mad) regular yiBit companied by stereopticon views, I At $1 Twilled Homespuns. presented act they are at loss to know what to harp on to prejudice purchasers Clu-vm- to New Town hall on of Miss Gertrude Harrison pills always R. H. Beeis S- At$l Tin Striped Homespuns. basket of roses on behalf of the "Cinda York, to purchase spring goods, April 13, for the benefit spent Sunday promptly. against the Improved U. ami reduce the constantly increasing & Co., S. C. Bull & Co. sales. At $1 - Kouretie Mixed Diagonal Home Minstrels," who are to break last week. the Congregational organ fund. with her parents on Plalnview Hill. Newtown; in color. Johnsing Hook Spun, n, ;s. loose 1. Sandy ; A. B. Blakemcn, Botsford The letters show how the U. S. is At $1 Tweed about May William J. Roberts has a There has been no pastor assigned as Myron A. Hallock attended the funer following highly regarded Homespuns. puurchased B. Hawlf y 4 Co., Son"! ; A- - B. Fanch users. Hx-.k--l by At $1.25 Weave Twelve real Southern picaninnies aided tobacci machine and will be yet to the Methodist church. al of a brother member of the A. O. U. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. Homespuns. setting er, Hawleyville; W. N. Hurd, NEW HAHPSHIRE At $1.25 Kr... '..rbocker Twilled Home- and abetted the entertainment in for W., last week at Chester. Lorg N. H-- . March tg. amusiag ready business the coming season. Mrs Thomas and son, Thursday, Port Hill. Durham, t". spuns. ways. Harvey Robert, We havn used the Imrjroved United States Cream Separators in our dairv At Cr.tsli John la have been the A number of members from this school and have received most excellent satisfaction from them. I have al wavs $1.25 Homespuns. The full cast of characters was as fol Ferris, the genial painter, baying grip. place found them to be of unauestioned utility and know them to be standard ma At $1.25 Cloth-weig- 11 Meltons. communicatio'n of Blaz are not difficult to understand an ! are mespun : agent far nice lines of wall and attended the first chines of the highest excellence. They 1 lows paper Your in The Kind You I ort-e- r. At $1.25 llaiiline correspondent writing up the Bears theOASTOniA,Have Always Bought durable and easy to Keep clean ana in Striped .miespuns. will be to serve Star No. 74, at Cornwall I 65: - glad the public. He has ing lodge, CHARLES WlLLlAil BURKE T, Professor of Agricultur. At A qnahty rrUilr.I until at $1 Interlocutor, Miss Addio Buck as Miss Wilsey stoning affair, last week, was in Signature a vard -- done a fine of on the resi- Bridge, last Friday evening. BOUGHT U. BECAUSE IT WAS THE BEST. Homespun Ur.inile a zibclme nauiinerhandle. job painting; ignorance of extenuating circumstan- of THE S. finish, in eij ht choice two colored com- dence of Mrs Barnum. XiCH'H.VILI.E, N. Y.. January to, End Men : M iss Millie as Dinah ces In the man's favor who threw John Wood has sold his residence to No. U. S. two and for iqr.ease of binations o( Muck with colors, IS in. wide. Camp young I bought a 5 Separator years ago. simplicity, Thundercloud; Miss Bessie Whitlock as the stone. Its is hoped that all of the S. W. Lane, who will occupy the same running, stability, and beauty, it excels all machines I ever saw. Oil and rubber 1C KIVKR DISTRICT AND VICINITY. "No family can afLird t be without rings have been the onlv repairs. GlOVeS 'own be an Luoinda Clubfoot; Miss Amy Humestone facts relating to the sad affair may be as soon as it is . vacated by Mr Wood's I have tested the ski'mmiik and have found but a trace of butter fat. David Disbrow and of One Minute Cough Cure. It will a nurchasinc. I the De Laval and United States side by side. and. one as Mclinda Tur-ri- ll bod, Louie, Fair en- stop Hpfnrs rin elegant and Funny bone ; Mies May brought to light, as the mother and family. after careful examination, I came to the conclusion that the U. S. excelled the The were in and cure a cold than 1 HnUhing the hat or as LI. Ann field, this place,Monday. tire Of the man seek the cough quicker any DcLaval. Before the test was in favor of the DeLaval. . - Dusty. family young other medicine," writes C. W. Williams, ..T-- ToilCh Chorus: Miss Elta Miles as Amelia Mrs Hamilton V. of is fullest into the and WOODBURY. stylish and beau Searlea Bristol itqulry tragedy Run, Pa. It Cures bron- Miss Minnie as Chlorin- - the causes In un Sterling croup, in COVERED.! tiful, be well gloved. And if the Mulberry; Lake visiting her parents in this place. which culminated the chitis and all throat and troubles 'agents wanted territory kot already da Miss Viva as affair of TOWN AND PERSONAL . lung Write for catalogues and full information. costume or be not partic- Skylight; Baker Selina Mrs Burr Keeler of has pleasant Saturday night. and Pleasant he.u'gear Miss Minnie as Rridgeport At a town prevents consumption. VERMONT FARfl JiACHINE CO.. Bellows Falls. Vt. Simpklns; Toulssant son-in-la- w special meeting, Monday, ularly attractive, be at least well been visiting her daughter, Mrs R. C. The Sargeant entertained bia and harmless. R. H. Beers & Co., I'arthenia Tongs ; Miss Bessie Brown as April 16, there were few out, but the gloved. In event see that the Mallory. and family from New Milford on Newtown; S. C. Bull A Co., any Sophia Way Miss Susie Erwin as following votes were passed. To spend Sandy are the back; Sunday last. They number eight. The Hook; A. B. Blakeman, gloves right, fit, the style, Birdie Blennerhassett; Miss Ada The Rowe & Pullis Co., carpenters and $1000 on state road between Nathan Bur- Botsford; shade- - Scgur Sargeant was equal to the occasion. B. Hawley !o., StprueT ; A B. Fanch- the it's the touch. as Bounce ; have shown their ton and Watertown line. To Euphemia Miss Sadie Rey- builders, thorough buy eight W. We're to in the mat- manner of The weather is all that could be desir aores er, Hawleyville; N. Hurd, Long prepared help nold! as Itosa Higgles ; Miss Maud Hill doing work, by transferring of pasture from Truman Minor Hill. ter, and you'll appreciate our help- as Calliope Snickers ; Miss Eva Hoyt as the old storehouse on Railroad street ed for farming purposes, and the tillers for the town farm. To buy two and a of soil are fulness it' you'll view our collection onsolo Goldenrod ; Miss Lizzie Canfleld from dilapidated building to a respec- the improving their time, pre- one half acres of land from Charles The Gibbs' of spring ''love .. See the women's hb Emeline Dewdrop ; Miss Julie Barker table place of business as a carpenter paring ground for the reception of the Elliott for . gravel for the Quassapaug as to be and are of Bale of Princess May the peerless $1 kid Imogene Snakeroot; Miss Julie Jen shop, oceupied by them, crops. roads. The question school as Arabella Miss Flor- - now ready to do a first class jol and houses came and was discussed some- the Koyale kid nings Daffodil; birg It is reported that George Hurlburt up ! glove; pique glove cee and aa are able were much for women at and the Smith as June Primrose; Miss Bes building business, they has bought the Walter Thomas place, what. People very surpris $1.50, Koyale sie as Mies Car- to furnish plans for all kinds of ed that E. J. Curtiss should claim the suede at same and the Donnelly Sukey Sikes; buildings Mr Thomas having decided to remain In Imperial price; finally rie Marsh as Martha George they will no doubt receive their share of house In former District No 2, and a ma- Victoria at all Washington. Iowa, where he removed two years ago. pique $1.85. They're patronage of the people ot New Milford jority seemed in favor of a sale, but it W. G. s Best PLOW in A Year will be the the fine, elegant gloves, and exception- THE REPUBLICAN CAUCUS. and surrounding towns. Messrs Rowe Leap dance held at the was finally decided to postpone sale. & Pullla are and Town hall on Friday night, under the World. one. ally good values, too. The republican caucus of last worthy hustling young William has Try Saturday men of the ladies of A Strong returned from New Wc ovcr an was attended about 180 and have the best wishes of a wide auspices Roxbury. Fine Lawn !)!ou"h,1 by republican and festive time ia York, where he has been under surgical Plow Warrant n circle of friends for success. grand expected. Every Fully exquisite collection of voters, 10 or 12 democratic lookers-o- treatment. He has been much relieved I at the Horace ed. Plaitings, plain, and and an unknown but variously estimated George Nettleton, ot hia trouble. failing LANES VILLE AND VICINITY. still continues to furnish BARTON number of Squire's farm, with insertions of lace or embroidery, voting floaters. Henry O. The eelectmen bave the annual Get our Prices on all kinds of Farm Warner was chairman and Ar- School this with an In the needy with hay and has more yet he begun from the best foreign makers ; and appointed reopened, week, of the roads. ing Machinery thur Goodwin Todd clerk. The crease of scholars, the school now num- - wishes to dispose of. repair we found many beautiful sorts made delegates chesen to the convention were as follows : A new schoolhouse is much The supper for school benefit, here at home. The various bering.50. grand right E. J. Sturgis, J. E. Hungerford, S. R. needed, for the benefit of both scholars this week. There are special attrac- fabrics have been used white WEST CORNWALL- - Bank New Milford. lawns, Hill, G. H. Jackson. A town committee and teacher. Miss Kittle Galvln is an ex- tions and all help. St., C. W. HAWLEY, , Swiss , organdies was elected as follows: C. M. some- Bjach, G. cellent 'teacher, and should have CHURCH INTERESTS. It is reported that Middle Quarter DEALEBllN HABDWA5E, and nainsooks. Prices range from II. Jackson, C. II. Soule, O. W. to her in the work Hoyt, thing encourage good An impressive communion service was school is soon to be 35c to $5 a yard. And to-d- ay we George Ackley. It was perhapB the which she has accomplished in our 447 Main St., Bridgeport held at the chapel on Thursday evening! The churches wer e all well decorated have a bargain to tell of. largest and least harmonious caucus ever acbool. dainty of last week, to commemorate the first Easter services were This : held in this town. Sunday. Special Mrs Will D. Wanzer is In St Luke's Lord's Supper. There were 10 taken in- held. Miss Ina assisted with a of fine lawn Suckley Fifty pieces Plaitings, THE EASTER ELECTIONS. hospital, New York, for treatment. to membership at thin service. Four by cornet at the evening service at the TAILORED with insertions of the and six on of lace; quality At the annual church of John has to Housatonic letter confession faith. First Congregational church. sold at these at meetings Wagner gone regularly $1.50; Easter Monday, the following officers to attend the wedding of his cousin. On Sunday evening the children of the There bas been a rumor that the m xt SUITS. were elected their usual Easter service ridiuff a Wheel this If so efcll and aee line Ninety Cents a Yard for the ensuing year: Mrs Mary Tucker and son, Wallace, of village gave primary meeting of the republican party Am von thin kin ff of year. my All Saints Parish: Senior assisted the North Cornwall children. of Standard Makes warden, Roxbury, were at L. I. Campbell's, last by would be a aurpriser and that the party You can find what yon are looking for here which comprires all the Wells. The room had been very prettily decora Is John Stephen week. bosses in town would be left. It thelatest style, colored or black Serges, Ve- Wanamaker Junior warden, J. L. Buck. ted with flowers, ferns and palms by the of the kind will Formerly A. T. Htewnrt S Co., Pierce Easter in South- - hoped nothing happen,' netian, Broidcloth or Covert, Jackets lined From $20 To $7S. Broadway, 0th and 10ti Vestrymen, W. H. Osborne, Charles George spent young girls who constitute the Sunshine caucus in stock a full line of and i'ourth Avenue. but a good open honest will be with good heavy Silk, f klrt lined with I ao carry N. Hall, Charlss S. Everest, J. E. Castle, bury. Band. men chosen as dele- held and the best good quality perc aline. We buy only irom R. M. E. G. T. W. ! and Goods Breinig, Clemence, Miss Ediih Warner is at home from Easter That glad day of days when gates. Fair play is better than trickery. two ot New York's best manufacturers and Bicycle Sundries Sporting Kimlin. school re-el- ec Icgleside for the Easter vacation. all nature feels a throb of life, an awak- If there are those opposed to a suits that we know will bring us friends of All Kinds. Clerk of the Parish, Charles N. Hall. in a only Try International Stock Little Alton Lewis is ill with the ening from the long winter sleep to the tion of Mr Fyler let them show it besi material, best linings and best made, J. E. Castle. grip. ex- Pho- Treasurer, glorious promiae of summer time ; when right spirit and your correspondent these are our salt qualities and nowhere can Eastman's Kodaks and Amateur Food to Diocesan convention, E. Monroe Hartwell was in town, Sunday. bosses will be wise Delegates there is joy for the news of Easter morn- pects the party you go and buy as good a suit for the aame For and G. Clemence, W. H. Osborne. to Lthe sentiment and tographer's Supplies. Hones Cattle. George Kaowles attended the G. A. R. ing ; Joy for the victory of the Prince of enough recognize money as yon can get right here. Any need- Substitutes, R. M. Breinig, Charles S. in last Peace. When the beautiful sun- act accordingly. EENTING OF BICYCLES A SPECIALTY. C-Hi- meeting Danbury. week. bright, ed alterations done in oar own dressmaking Xi Everest. OUST XTS light seems to say in Joyful greeting, and without A care- Mrs Hoyt, head milliner at Barton's, Pneumonia is one of the most dangerous department any charge. of every description hy f xperienced help, nith dispatch St John's Parish : Senior warden, R. "Surrexit," and the glad earth, teeming ful and will be Eepairinj TOR LOW PRICES who boards at the Baldwin met and fatal diseases. It results comparison ol qualities prices T. Hartwell. house, with new life and joyousness, responds, always to 53 IVEo. AND RELIABLE G0CDS. with what have a serious from a cold. Chamberlain's Cough all that is r quired verify these facts. OeStll o Junior warden, D. A. Baldwin. might proved 5'Vere Surrexit." Christ is risen indeed m at 10 o'clock. will cure a oold and per- W rpctfally solicit an lnopeetlnn ol oar Vestrymen, William Schoverllng, H. accident, Monday night, and life is everywhere. In the blade of Remedy quickly general Block ana ghare ol your trade Mrs who bad been in the bath prevent an attack of pneumonia. We keep everything naually found In a first Knibloe, A. H. McMahon, C. A. Todd, Hoyt, grass, boldly pushing its way towards a haps olaaa atock ol In our line room to a of hot was It ia in fact made for that ail- gooUs Albert N. F. get pitcher water, continuation of last year's usefulness ; in especially Evitte, Bennitt, J. Turrill, to her room when ment and has become famous for its cures S. J. S. C. M. W. returning another the timid flowers which put their beads M. Ferrlss, Beach, Hill, called to ask her a of the civilized world. P. CASSEDY, W. N. Noble. boarder something. In above the cold earth to greet the over large part F. N. Mrs damp counteracts of a cold BARTON, Clark of the D. A. Baldwin. answering Hayt.oontinued walking warm Eaeter sun ; and most of all In the It any tendency New Conn. Parish, backwards and fell downstairs. Dr toward Can afford to SHIRT Bank Street, iilford, Watertown, Ct. Treasurer, C. A. Todd. hearts of those who have heard Him say- pneumonia. you Blackman waa called In, who found the your cold when so reliable a rem- to R. T. Hart-wel- l, life Is thine ; because I live ye neglect Delegates convention, in an state. ing, "My can bad for a trifle. For sale S. C. Beach. patient unconscious After live." edy be WAISTS...... a while she came to, and the latest re by R. H. Beers & Co., Newtown; -- 4 Is that Mrs Hoyt will be able to re- While the children, with their Curtis & Co., Sandy Hook; W. THKMEBRTALL DISTRICT. port happy Taylor, We sold hirt Wai.rta last year, sume ber duties in a few recitations and songs, were wafting a N. Hard, Long Hill; A. B. Fancher, you yonr MIbs Ida May Griswold began the days. were all that could tide of countless paeans Ha ville; A. B. Blakeman, Botsford, they you expected they term of school, Monday. Dr Griswold is ill at his home with praise through wley washed well and spring of of life over death in their joy- be, fitted well, prettier pneumonia. victory druggists. saw elsewhere. We want to Mrs Garwood Merwin has returned ful Easter service at the chapel, last Sun than any yon show a better line this witb all the borne, baying spent the winter In Lake W. Stillson has returned from Detroit, day evening, a little life, with the em- H. Clark, Chauncey, Ga., says De Witt's yon year, ot last waists and with all ville with her parents. Mich. blem of the spotless Easter lily as his Witch Hazel Salve cured him ot piles good points year's to that had sfflicted him for twenty years. the little extra improvements. We have a John Eudock's youngest daughter Wesley Anthony has moved Into part birthright, came, as an Easter gift, Ed- is also a cure for skin diseases. special lot of 20 drzen waists,the Griffin make. fell into a boiler of hot water, one day of Dr Gris wold's house. make glad the home ef Mr and Mrs It speedy L. one of the most Beware of dangerous counterfeits a regular $1 waist, but they were made not in last wsek, and was scalded so badly she win Oviatt, popular Mrs Char ea Plar z Is dangerously ill of the Mri Oviatt, R. H. Beers & Co., Newtown; S. C. a regular full line of sizes ot one color, we died the next day. .young couples village. us Dr Russell of New Haven has been caUed it will be remembered, was, before her Bull & Co., Sandy Hook; A. B. like them all the better,but the maker let Thomaaton in who no what & them so we are them oat at A simple Home Treatment Arthur Botffordof spent attendacce, gives hope marriage, MissDelle Norton Cochrane, Blakeman, Botsford; B. Ha wley, Co., have that patting for oure of looomotor week. ever. 1X0 will OF VEHICLES J Ataxia, a few days at Q. N. Abbott's, last daughter of the Hon Eobert N.. Coch- Stepney; A. B. Fancher, Hawley ville; 15o. You wiU find no waist at that ALL KINDS V I vnvmneaa. aai all diseased eon C. N. Hall bas made to The Standard Oil Co. have bad the rane, recently of the firm of Cochrane W. N. Hurd, Long Hill. equal them In material or fit- - We Also give I 1 the Oelloate female or--I arrangements to order Just aa You Want Them. ditlonaof a line of Waists at BOo JJade I irana arlfln from Lucorrha, have the scholars from the Upper Merry you nice I i (lreen bkkna, and Palalul or school. Suppressed Menstruation. all district brought down here to AND HEAVY ALWAYS RFUABI.R. Miss Smith bas the contrsct to LIGHT ABSOLUTELY SAFB. Mary them back and forth. " t)'Put up In nil form. Easy to take. bring "Like Father, Like Child." "Man is the sum of his ancestors." Dyspepsia. and Farm far SO Eruptions. Trucks Wagons, At drugtrlsts, or sent by snail eta. Will Stone's little child, who has been parents tuish healthy children, let them see to it that they themselves have " had dyspep DR. FORD MHDICINB CO., "An eruption all If tires to 8 in. wide. Weet 4J4 hew Yerk. dangerously sick with pneumonia, is rich, strong blood. No taint of scrofula, no insidious malady, no lurking sia in tts tuorst Any width up JI at., over my body pure, and better microbes or germs to be a cvse to posterity. Purify the blood. Hood's Sar form tried a or aain ai. atorrls' In Mawtown ana kt 0. O caused a. burning manv medicines. Jk is the infants unborn. a bottle Today. Ball Oo'. Bandy Hook. George Goode has been making some sensation so Icould saparUla. guardian of yet Buy but found no relief Buggies, Runabouts, around Gecrge Hall's house, for not untd 1 took Hood s Surreys, Top repairs steep nights. Sarsapariua and merly the Ezra Hendricks place. By tsJOng Hood' s Hood s Pills. To W.G.BARTON, Milk Wagons, Concords. J tvas mv ' Mrs Emily Sedge wick returns to her Sarsapr great foy I Bank Street, completely cured." found relief and a PARKER'S home In Union City, this week. cure. I am now HAIR BALSAM Jennie Thompson, and Ct. CfliwnM and Hi. hair. Mies Lizzie Robinson and Anthony O. Box quell strong." New Milford, 1 tramoMt a lnaiiolbtria growth. P. 36, Mary E. aJle to Jitore Orajr Rothe were married, March 27, and will Byrd, EC. a.mHair to It. Youthful Color. OaksvUte, N. Y. Ulney, . W. WOODRUFF. Cmnm d kill ItlliBf. make their home with the bride's parents 1 Washington Depot, Conn. Mrs Jane Monroe, mother of Mrs Alice DO YOU GET UP - by the addition of Mrs Becker's strong i was uie gu&ra ox nonoxy-an-a -- 1 was one soprano voice. ef the tlx big men that acted as pall The Bee. bearers. It was a very solemn occasion. V. P. STACK. 11. II. WITH A LAME BACK? out ThoGurothciCL'rcs MALIjm, ($) H. B. Tucker ventured the latter The band played a dead march; which Is o 1 part of last week, after a 10 days' tussle sad hut beautiful music. I will Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Very Coughs, ef.0' indoors with a hard cold. -- You know all now tell you what we have been doing 1900 Colds, C. BOOTH, Newtown, Friday, April 20, Almost everybody who reads the news B. C. Norrls was last week under Dr about it. The for the past week. Last Wednesday 1 8 sure to know of papers is the wondertui care a severe attack .of rheu- the morning, our company started out to a yi cures made Dr. Marcy's by rush, Grippe, CIRCULATION: ! 'i by matism. worry, town to capture some Ladrones and r'fl s. Whooping CoubH. Asthma, MAPES Kilmer's Swamp-Roo- t, the exhaustion. We got no rifles, but we killed two La-dron- es oroncnicis and incipient the great kidney, liver A hop was enjoyed at William Ohmen's r i, i juf consumption, Is FERTILIZERS! New, Milord's and bladder remedy. j You co about and brought back six prisoners, Last on Monday evening of this week, under 1 Vf Week, 3875 It is the great medi- with a one a recruiting effloer and the : rest re of the nine- the of Charles and Alfred great JAXUAK7 1. 1MB eoo cal triumph supervision weight resting upon cruits, for the Insurgents. We got back teenth century; dis- Ohmen. xou to Tarlao STAPES covered after years of you. can't throw about 10 o'clock the next night, Mrs is Br- - ( ff this feeline. and then time scientific research by E. Feldstein passing a short You started out again, , tbis TOBACCO ASH ! Silk Waists Dr. Kilmer, the emi- time in New York City. are a slave to your work. taking out the mounted men. about 20 nent and blad- M to ot and TEN PAGES. kidney and are in number. We marched about 10 miles la der specialist, and is Mrs B. J. Haynes is at her daughter's bleep tails, you nlain colors, blue, brown, red, on the of nervous and then stopjped over We were tuoked and stitched, !S5 and t. wonderfully successful in promptly curing in Warren. verge night. CANADA lame back, kidney, Diaaaer, unc acia trou exhaustion. up eariy ine next morning, and at 20 flfte " CrERMAri REMEDY" Mr a former teacher at Rev minutes of 3 we Silk lor bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst Porter, What is to be done? started out. We were Cures Wtw aiv& Vun A'wiica HARD WOOD Waists, Litchfield form of kidney trouble. Henry Upson's, but now a professor in Take one of three companies to attack a town S And Ot 25650iAs Tijjv combination, fltly stvles County. Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-KO- is not rec lS4Vu, Atuus. ot blKh - Yale Easter with his at daylfght, but we lost our ASHES! VVyy clan fanrltm. laoe, stlg- ommended for everything but if you have kid college, passed way and did suiioitea. coruii ami nner former principal here. not reach the town until 9 o'clock. We x,iT.fctn, all latest, 7o, 1, 15, WATERTOWN. ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found IfO need. It and - just the remedy you has been tested Mrs Thomas Martin and daughter, with accomplished nothing, reached Tar- We are now "JUSTICE" WRITES )U TUB NEWTOWN In so many ways, in nospital work, in private lac about 4 p. m., a very tired and foot from her very severe Illness. taking the too to George Farmer, visited Torrington, last Kid and BEE AND MIXES RELIGION, LIGHTNING practice, among helpless poor pur- sore crowd, as we bad marched about 26 orders for these goods chase relief and has proved so successful in Sunday. Miss Mamie Martin returned L. N. Mallett and family spent Easter AND THE DEVIL IN AN INDISCRIMINATE miles in 13 to rest. Taffeta Gloves. every case that a special arrangement has with them. She had been for a week hours, including stops Sunday in Bridgeport. for spring delivery, MANNER. which all of never felt better in life than do m router Hook and been made by readers this paper with her married sister in Tor- I my I Spring not tried previous Mrs Samuel and little and would that vry popnlai .no bother The picked up a opy who have already it, may have a now. I can tip the scales at about 190' Seeley daughter suggest wish('lnp,hnlr pins or button bookg, correspondent bottle sent free by mail, also a book rington. are away for a visit with friends. Nlift'lMS of issue of Newtown sample For fifty it has pounds. The weather is getting consid in want ot in prtnx and hlitok, tmle. last week's The more about Swamp-Ro- ot and how to years anything tan 1 white ntl'oh-- d bucks, news telling Robert Farver of Thomaston was the been the dis- erable warmer now, and is hot- - 1 2fto and after looking over the find out if have or bladder lifting up growing . kldatlto Taiteta to Bee, you kidney trouble. Mrs t. m. i . , . , this line, should of his sister, Minerva Cogs- ii. 1 1 w- - you 7V. from the surrounding towns, he settled When writing mention reading this generous guest couraged, giving rest to tier every uay. j. ai buuui ueing ary . of last week. I down to read what the Woodbury scribe offer in this paper and well, part the overworked, and We have not had enough rain to lay the rpi1 IIC JTiOIHG give us your order at (0 had to in send your address to Mrs 'F. Hosford the latter oust since uecemoer iv last. ii is very ray abrut things general. Dr. & Co. - J. passed bringing refreshing sleep once, as we do- Kilmer ,Bing- a since we left States carry There is some one ov?r there who N. Y. of last week in New Haven. to the depressed. nearly year the for (0 hamton, The pirt this "God forsaken of The .Electric Tower. none of these good3 Swamp-Roo- No treacherous nated a column of 'aBt week and had regular fifty cent and Homo of t. Mrs Walter Burnbam's condition re other Sarsaparilla land," C. II. it run over the name Tne ar- dollar sizes are sold all good it. In age people and ants and mosquitoes. I have stock. "Justice." by druggists. mains about the same. approaches TO BE ESKCTED AT THE PAN iMminm in ticle itself contains a deal of Scrip- and in " is received three letters from home since I great cures, Ayer's" EXPOSITION, BUFFALO, M. T. T Tl - ture, a little history, a lot of advice to A. Q. Caskey and family intend to re "the leader of them all." wrote last. American letters do not go were brought to Kent Tuesday of last turn to their summer home at It on account of to rod Watertown people and people of sur Detroit, was old before other very regularly having The dignified and stately beauty of the Bank week and was buried in the new St , rounding towns. Altogether the article Episco Micb.,tbis week. sarsaparillas were born. wait for the boats. Two cents will bring great electric tower, which will form the Kev. 11.00 bottl. All druztlsta. cemetery, Wednesday afternoon, letter as well as five cents will. Pan-Americ- Now nt.. is worthy of place in the history of litera- pal Mrs E. H. and son your just center-piec- e of the an Milf,rl Isaac of Mt N. con Beardsley youngest ac- conspicuous ture as a curiosity. One who is appar- Sturges Vernon, Y., the of last week in Ayer's Pills aid the I think this will do for this time Al at Bcffiio next the funero.1 service. The loss is passed latter part Exposition ently as familiar with the Bibls as the ducting tion of Ayer's Sarsapa- bert B. Tyler, Company Q, 9;h U. S. year, will command the admiration (0 a sad one for Dr Barium and his mother Bridgeport. cure bilious- P. I. rapt STAUB&E1ALLETT writer seems to be. Is losing his time. He rilla. They Infantry, Manila, of every visitor. The genius of the so soon after the death of bis Mrs Charlotte N. Beeman, after an at 25 cts. a box. should be a preacher. The fire and brim coming ness. architect has been taxed to preserve lines Mrs The sym tacK of the grip, is about her home again. '' I have nsed Ayer's medlolnes for stone of Calvin's religion would be grandmother, Winegar. more 40 and have said SOUTHBURY. and elements of in a wortc of such Cor Main and Church )ut of the are with the than years beauty Street, in his line. The whole trouble seems to pathy community from the Tery start that you made tall but the has In their trouble. Mr and Mrs the best medicines in the world. I THE STREET AND VIC1NITT. proportions, problem be that he doesn't want the trolley which family CORNWALL BRIDGE. am sure your Sarsaparilla saved my been well mastered. NEW MILFORD, CONN. Anderson leave seven children, the oldest life when I first took it 40 years ago. M. is contemplated between Waterbury and I am now 70 and am never B. Tuttle, the popular blacksmith, The of the tower is 34S feet of a 14 THAT GRIM BUST. past height Woodbury. We would suggest that them, daughter years old, being MESSENGER, DEATH, without your medicines." is able to be at his shop again after hav above the surface ot the broad basin in In the New Haven Frank Thomas, P. M., Masury's "Justice" keep quiet until be is Eure that hospital dangerously The Ancient Order of United Work Jan. 24, 1899. JEnon, Kansas. ing been confined to the house with neu which It stands. Its is between t ill with position there is going to be a trolley. We have pneumonia. men have twice within one short week Wrltm thm DUctof. ralgia. His many friends are glad to see the Court of the Fountains and the Plaza Do Paints been hand death. If ymi hare any complaint whatever him out You Want Liquid been in hopes for nearly a year past that Florence Waldron, aged seven years, visited by the of Henry and ae8lre the best medical advice you again. on the north side of the Mall. Its looks now as Stone was the first one, at Port-- can possibly receive, write the doctor To are made rosily for the brush. Their there would be. It looks if the daughter of Edward and Julia Waldron, living freely. You will receive a prompt re- n. B. Peck visited friends in Norwalk down upon the Agricultural Building at Save Money. eaneof wor lii'.,frroiloin from running of our was as far N. Y., at the time of his death. ply, without cost. Address, offthe and realization hopes Just died at their home in the village, Mon cheater, Da.. J. C. AYEK, Lowell, Mass. over the east and the Electiclty Building on Buy your Jewnlrv from tb chpanest hont work, xrral coirin(t power off as He leaves a wife and four small children ..... Sunday. in the i:oonty. I buy tor caab'and rave a lanre durable (itin!lil'H, have uuulo them the ever. "Justice" thinks that tht day, April 9, and was buried in the EpiS' the west. The Tower proper Is flanked discount an my customers can save money 1. 1 I'ainU of the Dr Y. V. popular present advocates of lightning and the devii to whom the $2000 goes which the order Morrell successfully treated on east and west col by buying copal cemetery, Wednesday. a the by long curved Thev are tEFUISl! I.ISSEFD OIL should to go to Waterbury with a pays at the death of one ot its members. horse belonging to Mr Coles of Wood which to the Watches, Clocks. Diamonds, PAINTS an w- - GUAKAN1EK aatlBfac-tio- try Miss E. Louise Gibbs has taken a va onades, sweep southward Ring, In unn load of straw and contend with the The next was Alfred Malquist, a young bury. The horse was suffering from Stick in Silver Gold thlr rye cation of two weeks from the duties of district have commenced the term and terminate in airy pavilions, forming Pins and One KAilon will i;lve one roat to fifty on spring but Is now semi-circul- difficulties he will meet In man with his parents Sharon pneumonia fully recovered. ar five viuiIh hi wood. with which the living In a space 200 feet across Brooches, Cut Glass. Ladies' and Qenla " hum unpalntud the telegraph office and will spend the Miss Patterson the Center, Miss Dr Morrell has been or two coats to tnirty-ilv- square yards a shape of trolley cars, automobiles and Mountain. His funeral was held Mon quite busy at bis Within this and In a niche in Chains, solid gold and filled. Tbe Store la No. The sale ot Uvkh prttnta t r the last time with friends in Bridgeport, New Wedge in North East, Miss Sandmyer at this space high 12 Bank Street, New MiUord. ha.-- a teams. What is the matter with day morning, the Brethren of the Order shop, week, shoeing, among others. lour yrars Imnrtmnrmously large, "Justice" York and N. Y. Her Miss Curtlss in Pond dis the main body of the tower are cascades, t with not an average of a doeeu com- - his straw to Hilldale, place at meeting those of his friends and relatives College Farms, some of Newtown's famous steppers. sending rye Waterbury by the instrument is Mr Tim Miss Katan in the Brick school while all about the basin are leaping jets ILvdZ. would be occupied by at the house at 9 o'clock. After a short trlct, "W. trolley freight? It cheaper, Harry Wilson held an auction at his and countless playful figures, each with HILL,- berlake of New York. service was formed to house. Jeweler- and then he would have the satisfaction the procession place, last Tuesday, and expects soon to its spurt of water, combining to make a W. at Cornwall Mrs Special of making lightning and the devil do the T. Hopson of New London was in proceed to the church Bridge William Forestelle and children move his family to New York City, brilliant water scene. At the center of work which he formerly did with horses town, last week. There were 13 teams of the members of are visiting her mother, Mrs McQrath, In where be has found employment. the niche is a tall geyser fountain, whose & i Notice. It is too bad about the who the order heading the procession followed Bridgeport. waters find Ackley, Hatch Marsh. really people Miss Mary Snedek6r and her niece, Mr ana Peter Devlne bad a son their way from the high basin are afraid that this Water by the hearse and some 30 teams of rel jars within niche over successive have in stock Prime Cotton Seed Meal for Fer- Theae palnto are not chemical mix- Woodbury, Hattie, have returned to their home in Town Clerk A. B. Camp was kept in born, last week. the ledges tilizer. Nice Seed Oau, Southern White and tures, and do not contain potaHh, sili- town and Waterbury trolley will come to atives and friends. Kev Father Leigh of and among a multitude of vases to the Sweet Seed Corn. cate ofKo'a, or In any ot their the village after spending the winter in doors several days, last week, suffering . itop, be a of fact. The Sharon had of the services at the jnow is tne time wnen farmers are variutb-H- Ou they thing only feeling Sherman with Uriah Snedeker. charge from aching teeth. level of the pool. Grass Seed-Timoth- are simply I'ure lnaeed Oil Paint, which we have in the matter is that it church, addressing the friends and broth looking for grass seed and fertilizers and The main of the tower is and In everT rcBpect the equivalent ot body eighty Clover, Red Top, Hungarian, Mil-let- t, ers In a and Mrs Jacob Gallus is quite ill with the the ot tr-- Heat Whlto I.rad and oil. mixed and will come to anything. A trolley line NEW very appropriate touching farmers this locality can find feet rquare. From the surface of etc. Good Seed at low price. thinned at the time of application We PRESTON. manner. A short burial service of the Her husband, who has been pros can assure all who have nouses which running from, say, Southbury to Water grip. everything '.of .that kind at Harvey R. water to the top of the colonnades is 75 Fish, Clams and C trated with the same is better. Oysters, require painting or repainting that bet- bury by way of Woodbury, Hotchkiss- - A SERIES OF MISFORTUNES. order was rendered at the grave by malady, Stone's store at rock bottom prices. No feet. This portion of the structure is en- Fresh every Thursday, Friday and Satnnlay. ter icsults can be obtained through the Dr Curtis has attended them. class UBe of our use vil!e, ard Watertown would C. Marsh, one of the past masters of the tice his ad in another column. riched a ot nrst seat Market, riour. Grain. Feed colors than by the of Qaassapaug While E. E. Meeker was trying to get by system decorative rusti. an t Groceries, a full line. any liquid color ever belora ottered, open a section of lots of order. Much sympathy is expressed by Mrs Maria Richards was last cated which an w e can save 1 ou Money. under whatever name, a d that our up country his horees and wagon, one morning last sick, Kev J. D. Smiley preached a very in , give aspect of paints arc In every ruapcct superior. which is at to waste. If the members to the bereaved families, with the to of present going week, in a more convenient place for his week, grip, requiring the at teresting sermon in the Methodist church great solidity the base. The shaft HATCH & we had lines all over the old back tendance ot a doctor. the Tower is ACKLEY, MARSH, trolley wort on a side bill, the wagon com- for Rev O. J. Range, who has been in treated with great sim aaiLioiD ETixrr. nv mucin. roads of New England we wouldn't hear menced to the horses off a stone work BETHLEHEM. health for a time. plicity. The center of each fide is so pull poor Fok Salk Br i much of abandoned farms. Such men down the hill and Mr Meeker felt paneled with fantastically perforated as have a kick obliged DEATH OF A FORMER BETHLEHEM BOY. C. M. Perry visited his sister In Water-- "Justice" always coming to jump from the and struck one New Haven Co. work, through which is Indistinctly re- We have men in wagon F. son of the late S. L town, last week. got such Watertown. one .foor, which turned his ankle and George Bloss, vealed the massive frame work of the S. There is more like him in died in New York on F. Beeley? Woodbury will keep him nursing the same indoors Bloss, Thursday M1DDLEBURY. Miss Florence Harvey entertained Tower. This feature la calculated to New House, There Isn't a town In New but 12, of blood England England for two or three weeks, while the bar night, April poisoning, friend from New Haven, recently. produce a remarkable effect when lighted vj Icaler In Coal, Lumber, Hardware, recognizas the type. What was good caused by a slight scratch on his hand AN INTERESTING LETTER FROM ALBERT from as it is the intention to do. jk l.lmo and (Jemont, Paints, Oils, A ness was torn from his team, the horses Mrs Newell Wakelee has vis within, Cor Matnl&iBaak and for father and father's about five weeks ago. He leaves a wife B. TYLER IN THE PHILIPPINES, TO HIS recently The of Stat I iv KiUord, Ct, VarnishoB, enough my my lamed and the wagon somewhat broken, ited friends in main shaft the Tower terminates father is good enough fcr me. These and four sisters to mourn his loss. Aged PARENTS, MR AND MRS FRANK TYLER Danbury. in an elaborate entablature at the Thoroughly renovated and refurnished. J WASUINUTON DEPOT, CT. making quite a thorough accident to height Rate, 2 per day. Telephone Call. ti. First pesky improvements which the rising 46. The burial was in the Rural ceme- Dear Parents : It is with a feeling of Miss Alice and Ann Stiles attended the of 200 feet. The crown of the tower Class Livery and Feed stable in Connection everything connected with the affair, witn uotei. uoacn ana other convevanoes on are bound to make life at N. Y. His Am to-da- of the in l..'wwwwwww'1S generation have The next to the tery Albany, sister, sadness that I write to you Yes meeting conference Danbury, rests upon this entablature, and is com short notice. Entrance to stable on Main SU a burden to the chronic kicker who lives morning prove adage, anda for New x ork to see 9th suffered a last week. Horse Clipping at short notice. "Misery loves Mr Meeker's laKe, started terday, the Infantry great posed of three stories of diminishing pro- in the and has no use for the future company," hi not that he was dead be the death of one of our truest , GEORGE F. PIXLEV. Prop. past oldest son, Henry, turned his shoal ja, knowing loss, by Mrs William Smith is on the sick list. portions and varying design. The lower or for which to make right fore she started. noblest and Is improvements go der out of its socket, and as be has done bravest officers, Lieut Edgar of these stories an arcaded loggia, rich the world a better to live in. We F. who was ambushed Mr Rhodes from Vvaterbury has rented in ornamentation and -B-ARGAINS IN-- place the same before, the doctor now enjoins PERSONAL NOTES. Koehler, by having the wall are to have the trolley line and it body of Ladrones, and shot the the farm which formerly belonged to surface colored. Pavilionettes For the House Cleaners : going extreme carefulness on Henry's part for Alias Delia rAlien is some through brilliantly will run the Main street of spending stomach. He died an hour later. Lieut Henry Curtis. at the corners terminate in Ladies' House right through a long time lest he more easily do it time in her home. light fantas. Wall and Window of kicks which Koehler was the marshal here in tic The second er lac-te- rn Paper , Woodbury, regardless any again. So father and son at present are provost cupolas. stage, be in The Newtown Bee Hollenbech is Tarlac. One of the here S0UTHT0RD. is in Shades. may printed cripples when on the farm need John again prostrated by native police of the Tower crown, the form or else. Let just they He use of a by "Justice" anyone it the use of these members the most. A sickness. has recently moved his by the little money, told where of a high, circular colonnade, entirely For the Men : pers. here too soon to 150 rifles were LOCAL TOPICS. come, it can't get suit good man at nil farm work could now family into the James Wheeler place. concealed. Lieut Koehler open, so as to allow the effect ef the sky Most C Stock in C( u us. Watertown in The took two and about 25 mount Latest victims of the are Mrs seen mpMa ty Correspondent find a job at Mr Meeker's. Miss Annie Hamilton of Hartford companies grip to be between the columns. A and Working 15. spent ed men William Smith and Walter Wheeler. Waterbury Sunday Republican, April at her and started out there last Satur spiral staircase within the colonnade Sunday father's, Alexander Hamil sur Pants. EASTER AT THE VILLAGE CHURCH. ton's. day afternoon. That night they Mrs L. H. Buckingham was called to leads to the last stage of the Tower, the fflkm rounded morn The Store That WT - "CI Court Merritt Hemlnway, F. of A., The Easter sun rose in almost a cloud the town, and yesterday Rozbury, Thursday, April 12, on account cupola, over whose soaring dome is pois- William W. Watson ot visited at Lieut Saves Ten Money. gye an entertainment and dance, last less out new hats Derby ing Keohler and Lieut Wallace of the illness of her aged mother, who ed the superb fiigure of Electricity her sky, bringing many his father's, Carr Watson's, last week. with the mounted entered the town Monday evening, in the Town ball A and ribbons to be seen in the men, was taken suddenly with that dread self, thus dominating the entire Exposi- -- 1 morning The Ladrones were entrenched back of which owes so much to her A. big crowd turned out and a good time Is congregation. Rev Mr Becker, as prom F. P. Hayes spent Sunday in Derby, disease, pneumonia, on Wednesday noon. tion, gener- RoxburylcnStation,To3rce,Oonn. bamboo hedge and opened fire at 15 exerted the general verdict of those who were Ised, gave a most sermon up Mrs Frank from New ously power. interesting Enoch Humphrey has returned Lieut Koehler fell, Strong Haven visited From the water to the feet of the present. This is the second of a series of on "Christ Risen," and the choir most yards. mortally his over fig from her winter's sojourn in Meriden wounded, at the first firs. He brother, Joel, Sunday, coming ure of is a vertical distance of dances and entertainments which the acceptably rendered several fine selec- emptied on Electricity his revolver after he fell. Lieut Wallace his bicycle. 331 In WASHINGTON FEED & court are giving this spring and which tions. The usual Easter service was ren Joseph P. Stevens is quite sick. Dr feet. The figure is 17 feet height. Beckwith of Litchfield is him stood by him, keeping off the Ladrones Mr and Mrs Hotchkiss from - The entrance to the tower is across an SUPPLY CO., are proving to be successful beyond the dered in the evening, making altogether attending Pompe- of the until the other mounted men came to the raug were recent guests at H. E ornamental bridge from the Plaza, on the Dealers In Grain and Feed, Salt, Graa Seed. expectations promoters. at the church a beautiful observance of J. B. Sanford Is out with a new team Baled Bay and. Fertilizers, rescue. Twenty-seve- n Ladrones were Warner's. north side. Elevators will carry passen- Columbia No. 12, will their the day in commemoration of that most of horses. WASHINGTON DEPOT, CONS. lodge, give killed on the spot, and 13 prisoners, one a gers to the various floors, which will be lif second annual masquerade ball, 27 wonderful and miraculous event at Jeru Mr and Mrs L. J. Wylie recently vis We have lust unloaded a car of choice Seed April Mr and Mrs William D. Flower visited colonel in the were to different Ex- salem 20 insurgent army, ited his mother in who is devoted purposes of the OaU and we have running a car ot St Charles Invitations have been sent out nearly centnries ago. The choir Naugatuck, KM-- , sll-og- already their daughter, Mrs William Earl, In brought in. Officers and men alike keen- position, such as reception rooms, cf&ces, no., nouinarn iOrn tor planting tor e and to all the event it was greatly strengthened in the very low, and not expected to recover and fodder. Write for prices before yon appearances when morning Torrington, last week Saturday. ly feel the loss of thiB man. He was al restaurants, belvederes and amusement buy. We have on hand a Hoe ot Clover comes off She resides with her son, Andrew Wylie, large will be fully as successful as ways the enlisted man's best friend, and halls. A restaurant, at a of and Grass Seeds. We are agents tor "The the one Mr and Mrs Homer Johnson and friend her husband having died several years large height Fence that fences," made of ga vanlsed wov- given last year. Masquerades woum do an m ms power to help a man 20 feet will give the diner a broad and en steel wire and the Adriance Piatt A Co. are a in town and attract and Harry Johnson of Waterbury spent previous. Buckeye Mowing Machines, Spring loo'h novelty prove in trouble. Words cannot express what beautiful view ot the Exposition and the Disk and Smoothing Harrows. Buck eye re- tve to the seeker after entertainment. a few days at B. H. Johnson's, last week on hand. we feel. The body was sent to Manila Rev and Mrs Q. L. Shaeffer left, April surrounding landscape. From the cupo- pairs constantly Co R. B. Lake a new horse in Mrs George P. Woodward has moved The Buffalo Clothing purchased this morning, to be embalmed for ship- 9, for Columbia, Pa., to attend the la the eye can sweep the whole Niagara Into new Litchfield, recently. ment to the and will funeral of Mrs Shaeffer's brother. They and look Into be- her bouse. Will have a sale ot States, probably go Frontier, far Canada, on the that carries this letter. will also visit her aged father, who is 84 the river F. N. Bean to move to Prof and Mrs Baer of Waterbury and transport yond majestic that separates IF YOU ARE IN WANT expects back Lieut Koehler was married to Col Pow years old. are to return from States. Bert Randall of Milford were at C. H They expected that country the House-neali- g Watertown, this week, and again take up CLOTHING AND MEN'S Of a First Class Randall's on Easter ell's daughter in Madison Barrack, two the last of thiB week. Sculpture plays an important in Boiler, Bemember That The his residence in the Gunning bouse FUENISHING GOODS Sunday. part days before we left for the Philippines John Worden of South Britain is to run the decoration of the Tower. Two mag XT JNTuT Service was held in the For 30 at The whole turned out to escort of CUTTIES, newly repaired days WAEEEN. garrison Mrs Ellsha Wheeler's farm the coming nificent monumental groups statuary Manufactured by Episcopal church, last Sunday. the body to the depot. My company summer. flank each of the four sides of the base M. Neisner's IN GRANGE CIRCLES. Above the water niche In the southern A. Save Money by Buying Tour Grocer- Columbia lodge, No. 12, Is working Building, J. N0RTHE0P & SONS, Bank StV.New Milford. face of the Tower is a es New ies, Seeds, etc-- , of the degrees of the order on new members There was a very interesting , meeting magnificent Milford, Conn. Hardware, the arms and seal at every meeting. This lodge expects to of Wicheta Grange in the new ball over CARTEftS Fairfield cutcheou, representing 49 Send lor Catalogue, reach the 100 Jh a Now you caa buy your CLOTHING ior Eas store and postoffice, County. of the United States. In the spandrels of Watts & mark within short time. ter at own Knapp's Wednesday Coggswell, your prices.. We will give yon an 11. The worthy state TASHUA. the arch above the niche are sculptures meaeles and are still Idea ot some of onr prices : evening, April Washington Depot, Ct. Grip, pneumonia lecturer, Frank Hopson of StratfOrd, was in high relief. The pavilions and wings Important factors in Watertown life, CHRIST CHXTSCH INTERESTS. are also decorated with nsoal price fl.98; during sale 98c per pair. present, and installed the officers : A. R richly sculptures Headquarters For The fire, laat at the tenement Men's worsted pants, attractive plaids, fight master ; F. P. O The ladies will a sociable and other architectural devices. The week, Humphrey, Johnson, give at the Milk $1 23. exterior of the Tower will be cans. Tin Ware, owned Mrs Men's never worth T. L F. stew' rssidenoe of William entire Bang,a-t-er by Warren, proyed easy for Ofln workingfVvla pants,C9a rip, .,. Emily Strong, ; Voisaid, Mallett, Wednesday Buboer Bucket Pumps and tt urlnrinrrv wuxo BCUVoniA VJU- - JXLQ1A O firemen. doBe vwf ui Vf UVQ11U1B studded with of electric Purifiers. Heating apparat- the A small from the blue or striped, 33c a knee ard; R.Humphrey, assistant steward evening, April 25. There will be music myriads lights, us of pair.CTaBoys' . J pants all kinds. Ol aU Kinds. chemical did the business. frnmltAli li.. noi. the ; R. P. for will be held so arranged that a great variety of ef engine price of all the goods, but yon are Invited to May Schnell, secretary Strong dancing. If stormy it HORSE call and see tor yourself. The will be treasurer ; R. Perkins, ; M the next As this will be the last fects can be secured. The use of electric HENRY F0UL0I3, G00D3, BLANKET3,R0BE3. At the recent entertainment by Prof lower than ever nfTnrnd in rmnnnotinnt..prices chaplain night. P. ; Laura C. ; Ber one oz tne season it is to nave a lights In combination with the spsrklirg Wasumqtom Depot, Cosh. General Bepolrlng a Specialty. Underhill, given under the of Xiook for the red flag with Tig letters, with Schnell, Patterson, nopea auspices the name of the Miss Ohmen, Bick Headache and relieve all the troubles inci attendance and a cordial fountains and cascades will produce the Center school, the sum of $15 over tha Voisaid, F. ; Augusta dent to a bilioua state of the syetem. each ma good invitation FRANK Li. A. 8. A collation was served, after Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after is extended to all. The usual 10 cent scenes of fantastic beauty. EVITTS, all expenses was realized. eating. Pain in the Side, &o. While their most MygaU's Block, Bank fit. New HUlord Buffalo Clothing Sale. which the state lecturer gave an excel remarkable success has been shown In curing supper will be served. James B. Woolson has been ad' taking Dontmlsa this sale, as yon will get the lent address which weuld have done the Easter was a vantage of the good weather during the uiggtwi, unegtuus n wiumuig ever Known. of Sunday lovely spring day hearts of eyery patron husbandry and a was In attend past week to exercise his automobile. as who are Inter large congregation good to hear, alio any ance at the church and the usual In . Headache, yet Carter's Utile Liver Pflls are enjoyed The Poverty street school opened after ested agriculture. equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- Easter service. A solo was Miss FOR SALE. this while also sung by a two weeks' last venting annoying complaint, they - vacation, Monday. PROSPERITY THE EASTER SERVICES. correct all disorders of the s tomach,eti inulate the Vetter. The duets by Rev and Mrs A 160 10 liver and the bowels. if (arm containing acres, situate miles In Has now been with ns regulate iven they only were fine and the choir as one-ha- ll The schools the Center are havine nearly two years was more Whipple very from Waterbury and two and from not a little of Why Easter Sunday springlike cured first-clas- s spend yonr increased wages. usual did well their to render a Woodbury. (Buildings In condition. their Easter vacation, this week, and will In haanHftrfi.f. ia a . than any day we have had, which helped part It U 1. To do this must and Easter tide. The floral decora Can be bought right taken by April resume next Monday. you paint to make the day more Joyful. ' The joyful This is an ideal place.. Call or write to tions were beautiful. Each MOOBE'S church was decorated with pot- Ache they would be almost priceless to those who unusually At the last meeting of the firemen an PURE HOUSE prettily Sulier rrom tnis distressing complaint; Dutrorro. is an ana one ted and an service natelv their goodness does notend here.and those year improvement every invitation was received to attend fire COLOES plants appropriate And V. who once try them will these little pills valu said "How , are the flowers." R. & Co., and were much wil- lovely Magee men's day In New Milford, next month Is the to singing enjoyed by able ui so many ways tnatiney wui not oe paint nse, because it is a strictly Pore as also a ling to do without them. But after all sick bea4 Many thanks are due to those whoso Real Life and Ac- Linseadoil paint and will do what only a good congregation, specially Estate, Tire, Last Sunday being Easter and one of Pure Paint can do, preserve the kindly brirg their plants and help to ' want buildlntj. excellent sermon. A collection was taken cident Insurance the we have had so Thn again yon a paint that looks well, make It so beautiful a festival. - pleasantest days far but a will hold the of India and Joyous w. jr. MCIV1I. 241 paint that not its color, never for starving poor amounting j. hott. I P.O. BOX WA.TEBTOWN, CT. this spring, about everyone who conld looks well When down town atop In and get ACHE oar new IColor card 45 to nearly $34. Is bane of so lives that here Is where Miss Vetter visited Mrs John Tread- was out the spring weather Spring free, showing the many , z erjoyltg beautiful tints and combinations. tre make onr great boast. Our pills cure it while last week- J "W CO., Buell Carter is in a very feeble condi ftthnra do not. well, - . Dealers In HOTTand Fills are mnall Phonograph Qraphophone. tion. - Carter's Little Liver very and CARLBADEE, KENT. very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. Miss Florence Sweesy has entertained V This Granhophon complete for $10- - Graphophones from $5 to $1-5- 0 They are striotly vegetable and do not gripe or her Miss Lake of New Charles A. Mrs Richards and LTzzie Benedict are nut Dy weir genua action - cousin, Milford, from $7.50 to $100. 1 WASHINGTON DEPOT MAKIET purge, pieaae ui- Phonographs THE KENT NEWS BUDGET. Way, on the sick list. usetuem. iUViusftbMueutit mciu- - and Miss Woodruff of Redding. B'OordH. horns all slcns. horn stands, blank rranrds ani and repair ot all kinds. Wholesale and Eetail Distributor, by druggists everywhere, or sent by Fdlson Mrand Concert lor exhibition work or Phonograph Write ns Was! ington Depot. Dr W. M. Barnum was called to West for eto. Phonograph parlies. Rev Mr Munson will attend the Ecu CARTER MEDICINE C0n Now York. , Miss Mary Sterling is with her sister, terms, i A rail Line of Keats Always on Hand. Same Haven, last week, by the death of his sis- 83 Railroad St-- , Mrs of menical council in New York, this week. George Mallett. GAZETTE BUILDING,1 Railroad StfVNew Milford, in Uieeason. Meats Always Prima ter, Mrs Maria Anderson, and her hus- New ilford. Cona. Quality ajadJPricea Eaasonablsj. band, Augusta Anderson. The bodies All the schools except In the west Miss Wooster Is Improving slowly Or J. W. HOTT. Lock Box 715, New IHUlord. I Town Topics. , Faint.1S99. ' B,Fure K. Feb lbany Y., 8d, . The ilnhbell A Wade cn..mriiWirt. I'inn Despite the fact that to them may Gentleunen I have lately bought ta the o ien Howland's THB COHOEKOaTIOHAI. OHTJE0H. inimi vtien pakaK of F. w. Devoe a ma? the most deli9ht- - Oo'e "Pure Lead A zinc Paint." and have sub April .. Showers, f1 - i ecHsn n mi a cueiulcal anal sis with the lol The Lad'f s' Missionary society wUl Wheelmen ful of May flowers, are scarcely an low In it results: was - 1 hold Its meetlnz, which pnst- unwixed find that the is mnde ol pure April blessing unless hap-pe- n wht lead paint or only from lset wek, on TUFSlav after- you (carbonate lead,) pure white Black dress whether pn'd 3 The to have a .:. One dollar iuu ivAKin ui iino; pure nnweea on, pnre uir goods noon, the 24tb, at o'clock. subject good will protect you pentlne dryer, and pure tinting colors. The vhey be or is. "What a century bs wroneht for tne ram arops ivttn a neat Jb-inc- h Umbrella raiumunimmnn amiiterauon in any torm inexpensive costly m In India:" the leader, Mrs Ot's jrom very of tine ftigi ed.- -l Willi G. Tucker. M. rpro Inoiflr should be a reliable satis- - won) Take Notice. quality Gloria vvith natural stick handle. Others and Analytical Chemistry, Albany Medical good W. Barker. of Gloria are taction-givin- sr For the next two or three weeks the i Those Patnu are lor sale black. Our de situ otners are of unton lafteta at $J.50 by Turslay evpnlnu meeting rt the church To 4t.?v; THE partment is in the brightest, will be in the nature of en evanpn?itlc introduce our Bicycle Sundry depart- and $2.00, while the natty all Silk Close very clost Rollers Rev Hutch-in- s, HUBBELL & WADE best hehted part of the store meet'ng conducted by H. L. ment we are going to offer for this week a first are $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00. Men's priced from CO., field worker for he Connecticut 75c to each. S62 Water St. Bridgeport, Conn,, where you can see the quality Bible society, a early 40 were present, class set of $5.00 last Tuesday evening, and considerable , FOOT Or BASK STHEET. of fabric and dye perfectly. Interest was shown. Store and ' Open Monday Saturday Good flight is fatal to poor SPRING COATS for Misses of six and for Misses of sixteen, Evenings. black goods. Mr and Mrs Edwin S. Ives, Mr and Mrs SINGLE TUBE TIRES ivtth every possible size between, xvill be found in the Tailored Gar- nickel ana daughter and Miss I. F. ment Section. A new Now as Kuenmore of Bensonhurat, N. J., are en- shipment of styles well worth seeing is even to variety: prices joying a sojourn at the Newtown Inn. put on for $4.50- - We are also goipg to dis- now Ladies' at run to $4. being unpacked. Cloth, Kerseys and are ?. begin 25c, pose of Two Gross of embraced in the In the smaller W. Heeler, Attention is celled to the "ad" in an- showing. sizes tans, reds and blues CT. and al are the HAtVLKYVIIAK, At 25c cashmere other column for experienced button cut principal shades and there are pretty Braid Trimmed styles in GRAIN, FEED AND oace: both lieht weignt, one (ers. great Variety, while those from 14 to 16 are of the trim Tailor Fin- BICYCLE WRENCHES ished kind. GRINDING. soft in finish, the other hard. Paderewski, the great pianist, is to At 5oc a big variety o play at the tlyperion theater, New Ha 13 cents each. Remember we ven, Thursday afternoon, May 10, at 3 at are well THE FESTIVE MOTH, m. .handsome, stylish stuffs: chev- - m. p. The prices for this recital have for BICYCLE REPAIRING. shadow before, and as 4 4 bet n made $1, $1 50 and $2. equipped winter overcoats begin to go in the discard " ots, serges, henriettas, storm careful recommend clotted and people to each other their favorite Moth Prevent- HP. serges, lancy fig- J. L. James received his check, this ive. Here are some that we have. Which S. CLARK ured effects. of 81650, loss on is your choice? Tarine Moth SOUTHYILLE, CONN., week, for the the burn' ?4t lng of his residence at Botsford, last 36 inches, 40c; 30x50 inches, 55c. White fat Doz. Is the where you can alwavs be nre of At 5oc Nun's tarn I Sheets place Is veiling, week. This prompt settlement was ap biSt 25c square Host at low prices holds trunl our dealing.or goods ise, albatross and wool ana was enrougn oi ClPPBox enough for 25c. Hake a Ball aim. uoa la taffeta; preciated, ed l-l- b. W. A. .Leonard. 10) Ml Napthaltne and Cedar Compound, box 8c; 2lb. 1 5c. Mothalin, SSuT General Merchandise. clinging fabrics called for by .oTa this season s . Oth It ii said a local citiz9n bad the effron ers to 1 5o. tery to march through Sandy Hook on a Shelton, Conn. CamPk0r' tWOSiZS' 15 and2C-- Mth rpetWug up recent Sunday with a string of trout and At 59c novel figures bril- - a fish pole jut as the people were coming liantines that shake dust as a out of church. If this is so, the local game and flab protector can find some 'dIO . F. The D. M. READ LEWIS, doer shakes water: dots, dash business, if he is anxious to get it. SALE EXTRAORDINARY Co. DEALER IN es and odd'zigzags up to 1.25 Established 1857. Harness, Blankets, and The April meeting of the Men's club OF HIGH GRADE At kc very special value was held on Wednesday night at the HtAble Goods, Grand Central Allison 'Bridgeport. Conn nn in and shrunken chev hotel, P. Smith Produce taken in Exchange. sponged being the host. A on "John 91 JOHN symposium TRIMMED .ST., BRIDGEPORT. iot 5oinches wide. Ruskin" was enioyed. The c fflcers elect HATS FOR S2.98. vt : a new ed were : President, Allison P. Smith ; L. A. G. N. luerceretta Robert H. Beers ; secre These Hats are the PECK, Dentist, Clark's fabric fin yice president, positively greatest value ever offered in the Vegetable Liver Pills much like crepon tary and treasurer, Harry S. Mason. The Woodbury, Conn. ral manner which av. of Wan-ze- r of the Trade ttebMartt - ished in soft raised ef guests the club were Homer L. History Millinery of Bridgeport. SarKverv Werlnnaav at. Xf-r- aiiaa v wa Loss 01 Appetite. MalariaTHeadacht Dilnta i BD8n,e88- Constipation, silky of New Botsford of health and to biood Inlgtio.tnd Part Fairfield, Henry child's, Sandy Hook, Conn. vigor your entire ssternPeofe h7nf? ?nrlfy iot c ,m WILSON fects. are Los Cal.. P. H. S" they are without excepUon I6 lb' FRENCH, Figures mostly Angeles, McCarthy. Hen W' Merwln'8' Koxbury, Ct., every that have ever tried. sSldbistisDrugiSto?rtorin5rvtb"mTtiTAen eeplng Up genur1 he,U 1HI John St., Hi Idgeport, ft. small are ry G. Curtis and Clarence Beach. Monclay8 they b, ated. and very handsome. Q- - Wholesale snd Kntail Manufacturer of N. CLARK, Wiehola, Conn, At $1 from Rev A. P. Chapman of Northford has been a JnBt Mn.liraH a. -' 1 c a. n . - the best mills and of passing few days among former BANKING OO SubseTib II Ilnrnoss.a I worthy 4-9- horses, consisting ol drivers, MIDDLESEX yon want Harness ml tho host. Ifyou parishioners of St John's church at San- 1 Dose anil general.... pur, Paid in, aoa,uuo. Uoritu Uuoiii. 1 liave the name of Vene- MAIN heir. iut We turnish Farm iuwi raut thuiu. broadcloth; dy Hook. Sf very nice teams Help, also Boarding House lPS.T Debenture Bonds ot 100, $HM, family Hotel and Private WpO. 1000 and Siouo, which are law! Prices ! Goods ! ! tians in and ex by statute Right Kijht good weight H TT 25 Keeler St, rul Investments for Trust Funds In the slat. Mr and Sirs E. J. Hall passed Sunday OleVenS, Danbury.ConS P-- 8A.N FORD, Agent, 17 Bishop Ptock, ceptional finish. Others up with friends. Bridgeport. Conn. Bridgeport iO BEHT In to $4- - should send to Newtown village, the north R SALE H. F. Burt of Taunton, ...... '1 Whit WvandottM. Jnhn r. mit " wwAsuu.f5 .I'D 00 Vl strain. eockarfllA- - nrf . i . B. fa- - P. J. Kellv has sold his stepper to Dar- - Mass., for h' catalogue of these flowers. Jerome JuOson. A pleasant lent lor a small so Black nnll.t. At $1 25 Priestley's Mr Burt will ofler lamily wishing to go iDto the country lor the Minorca. Schumacher strain- - My ties in Southbarv. special premiums of 81, summer; can be rented if Wyandotte are exhibition birds, A. No. 1. and - 50 A furnished desired.1 mour silk warp henriettas, cra- cents and 25 cents for the three best Annrfiu R A C!n W k VT cannot be beaten as layers, there are bos 10 Hart ot ioi ' o- - tor 2fic ; 3 lbs Detter In l.aumlry p Mar-calit- a displays at the Newtown the ville. Conn., or 1,. c. Newtown the markeu Sold in pairs, trios or ol nice l'rui, tc :v ; tali- (:i-tt- tor lfic lb; venette, and Marcauta. A. W. Oreelman has turned out a set coming fair, Morris, single birds. Dont write unless want "i- varieties to be selected from his yon good Cotton i KvKHntuI l'otatoos taken of heavy team harnesses for A. L. catalogue. SALE Place located Jof goodfowls. Eggs in season. John Monroe, in exctiBiiK1'. !r I' i nti ut is a new silk and foot Newtown Box 73, "ii ix. ire bent, money wool Mitchell of South Britain. FIB honse barn and ft noma nf Family Help ol All Binds. Hale and Female Sooth Kent, Ct, can buy: I'rutcrhi i?.) hIik'i Kc a otlier i.n.i In lb; fabric AT BEITS' CASH ST0EX. Wm.Kgan, Sandy Hook, Ct 348 meats proportion. of wondrous beautv. Main St., Bridgenort N OTICE I will be at the town clerk's office Patrick O KENT For the summer, furnished every Saturday, from until rur-- Prices run to $2. o. Madlgan went to Waterburv. of house ltolpm, to take bis Lime for whitewashing. nine rooms, located .in the nhiaintoat R A.PCUrlfijougiS?0'et01 Monday, up work there. ot the town. -- J. H. CiXSSXDY, At and $2 Try the Golden brand of blended cof- part One mile from Bozbnr T) M. TDTTLE Horse Shoeing Shop, Car ""S fOCTH $i.75 Crepons Canter and Roxbury Station. For particulars riacre Establishment. HOITTR KIIiiY f:T RENT OR FOR A BUITA1N, tT. fees. STOW address Box 117 JJ. SALE desirable bonso The Coon club members a Boxhury Center. t;t. Horse shoeins on natural nrinr.inlAii: mora ot 10 In first class condit-n,wlt- in open work stripes. Some had grand A fresh of seeds, work and obtained roomail list under the supply garden just is ,5AOt? Wan to on speed by proper shoeing. garden. Low rent to responsible party. An foxing expedition night, received. SUIT ' WANTED work larm by the All kinds ol wagon repairing at shortest no- piy to R-- H. Beers. Newtown. Conn thing new, stylish and elegant. lead of Former President Mast kren snhAr And hn a awui tice. All work warranted to the best of Orgelman. Graham flour 15c a two for a k 4iKrci S. give At $2 and 2.00 silk novel ter. bag, quar- ivSR5 milker. G. Blakeman, Shelton. Conn. satisfaction or money refunded. SALE TBAKK fabrics that baffle Messrs Orgelman and Taenot expect FIE Potatoes lor eatlng.Early Maine, PIANOS Organs and sewing machines at CONOrR. 81,50 M. ty descript- to leave town for the Pacific about Beauty. 80s bushel. Lucien prices. "New Ideal Machine." HftraARhnAlnif .nil Stogie par elope A CARD. Pierron, near the Tunnel. S17.95. Dl..V.k i C.E. OSBORNE. rand You he Chestnut Umbfr to South ion: lustrous and finished in May 2. sale from Seattle for Stepney. riage Wagon Making and Repairing. tiling They Capo All first class work at ,Bottom Re- llriuiu Mil We cut anil pack U.eiu tor l.50 Nome on 17. TtORflAI.R Twnrnnni, fVvkaV, .swa w DEVON3 FOR SALE 2 Prices. May We, the do THOROUGHBRED 1 member the place, new near my honae. iicr lbouea u!. They are nil riKht. Flour new, intricate but pleasing undersigned, hereby agree J: Edwards, Stepney Depot, Ct. two year old due in lust south of Kane's shop bbl Corn, Oats, Middling, Itran to refund the on a 50 cent bottle spring, 1 three year old due in 1 seven button shop. and Gluten at lot Thomas J. of Trenton. N. money TTE AD old due in spring, live prices. patterns. Keating J.. of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it ACHES CORED by Smith's Headache year spring. Good stock and low passed Easter with relatives on Gas fails to cure ajl x uwuef, tuu a m;t uy maoi. sample rree. Srice. Cochrane Brothers, West Cornwall, street. your cough or cold. We also . oluiui a, vo., Ansonia, vonn. Honest "Work Tor An Honest guarantee a 20 cent bottle to satis- " Pries). J. prove SALE The rims set SXSO: Mr Mm.'TII Beard, or refunded. FOB homestead of the late SALE OR TO RENT The store Light per luzht steel nar i.1IK1TUN, CT. The Shoe is factory money Sanlord, ot houBe, to ol property each 10c; re- Sandy Hook Store offering R. Beers & consisting barn, belonging the estate Jerome Judson, set4; light spokes llgnt tire H. Co., Newtown. outbuildings and over nine acres of choice situated in Hook, is oflered or set 25c; light ougsy axles, including special in men's tan shoes at bandy lor sale M-2- setting The Rowland Dry Goods bargains S. C. Bull & Co., Sandy Hook. meadow land, line bearing apple orchard rent. Said property has been used for a coun- boxes in wheels 5 per set. Buggy abaru $1.75. Also wnlf-fietre- better articles at $2.25 and and other trnit, running spring water at house try store for a number ot years and is finely uiiwueu auu pKiouH (Tjyj. Heavy team 82.50. and barn. Finely located within three min located lor that business. Address K4A. made of white oak and ash. lmnod TBTGBAHT-- Ql GEAIH-0- Clark. Company, TSY 1 utes walk ot railroad station at Newtown. D. Administrator, Hawleyville, Ct., o.- Edward with verybest iron and painted, neck u. administrator, Newtown, Conn. Hook. yokes ot ame material horsehoeinjrti; SI. The & to-da- y Taylor, Sandy tl; : Conn. Longman Martinez paints are Ask your Grocer to show you a w e uu u sinus oi joooing coeap open bug- SEED POTATOES. Bridgeport, the best for wagon and house decorating. package of Grain-O- , the new food drink LOOK'S ALE 19 young pigs, resdy to go the FOR SALE Sweet cider at my mill at 6c per gies painted 5; cairiages painted as; sur- The local is at the Brick store r first week in May. Orris 8. Ferry, Bethel, or delivered at Station at same reys painted ST; Two sealed wagons painted agency at that takes the place of coffee. The chil- Conn price in car load lots. Also art class custom 6. we use only best paint and varnish. Wt Sindy Hook. dren may drink it without as well aone at mill Wednes- adcertise our and dont ou more Man o Hose and Hebron- - injury 189S grinning my Uondav, price charge Early Side as the adult. All who like Copyright NE AGENT WANTED in every town to sell day and Saturdays Charles i.. "Blakeman, when you come to see ns. We employ only The it. Stein-Bloc- Shady try it, The h Co. thetSanare Bath Cabinet. M. G Palestine Newtown. the most Miss Donohue of Grain-- O has Mo- by 0 Quaker district, experienced workmen, we will THE COE & WHITE Margaret Bridgeport that rich seal brown of Leach, Sherman, Conn. Fairfield Co. A gt. give you good work and more of It tor lea, CO., with her Mr and cha or but it is made TT, ANTED Any article in Gold or Silver. can Of the House passed Sunday parents, Java, from pure TT money than be got elsewhere. It payt Mrs John Donohue. a Single-Breaste- WISH to secure the services ot a local Purchased lor caah. Rul Jt Tn.i.i id others to come a to a tor 560 Mir St, Bridgeport, Conn, grains, and the most delicate stomach d WE traveilrsr salesman to sell our Main Conn. good ways wagoi 1-- ' lineol street, Bridgeport, r or one seoom Quickly makes tho sunny Bide look shabby it receives it without distress. 4 the ui. uwuipijr you. sale, tue ues white lead Whitolead price lubricating and refined oil greases, paints hand heavy team viran. one nt .hnn painter paint. Thomas Farrell of the Glen Is quite of coffee. 15c and 25c a package. Sold and white iead Salarvor commission. Ad FOB HATCHING- - White Wyandotte, bobs, heavy. cannot withstand the shine ot the nun It al all dress, The American Petroleum Product Co., EGGS Rock. ways fades, cracus or blisters. Perhaps It poorly. by grocers. SACK SUITS I Office and R- - Ohio Plymouth Light Brahma, will do all these at once. This is the reason finery, Findlay, Brown Leghorn, $1 per setting. S. W. fcmith. HENEY PRATT, wise builders, thoughtful Tjuvers and owners Have TXK SALE CHE P 1 3 Ansonia, Jt. Hattertown. P. O. Stepney. Sale. s Attention is called to the notice of the you tried the celebrated nerve Can be made pair year old Devor Poi ?a to serve more J? aiasiiry-- ttauroaa runt. 2 2(0 bbl ct cider In all either In speciiy cieorat li- Moxie? S. C. & steers, well matched and well brotre: PLACE For sale or to rent in Wyan-dotte- s. stages large ; is a it noea not oil. selectmen and town clerk relative to tonic, Bull Co. have had 1 1 Sandy TUB BEST That's the White or small quantities. O. K. Morgan, ila:t r t dependable paint, peel a sale on than of balls, road csrt. swindle buggy. Fred L. EYHook, Conn. Address. S. W. Somera. Felt's brown Ct. represents thi only true DrinciDle ol scien censing of dags. large these goods and can sup- purposes garments uieenneiu nm. Conn egg strain, first class. town, i'ostotllue, Stepney tific the de- - uurriii, Stevenson, rum uuu, anu maiea ior oest aim paint making,- combining highest ply you. results, My irren ot benui,- with tne ca- any other sort. We are SALE 1 r of 2800 being strong, vigorous stock and lay- greatest covering J horses prolific w. of weighing 1.25 Mot-ro- and sterling Made in both J. J. Lyons Jersey Citv and Miss D. - FOB 1 ol 2300 1 ing Fggs lor l 2.00 tor 30. John pacity durability. exclusive pair geldings weighing .lbs; SEED POTATOES. Box 3, paste and liquid form. K. McCarthy of Waterbury spent Easter Father Fox went to Middletown, yes- showinp- some elding 6 years old, an extra fine driver, South Kent, Conn CATTLE FOR SALE. to be hese are and correct POTATOES Rose and laree 26 at P. McCarthy's. terday, present at the silver jubilee in Cassi-- all sound in all harness SEED Carmen, R SALE Faim ot about ?4 acros ot head of Steers and HelforH, good ones to of the styles Fancy Also i cheap horses and 6 head of young cat- best quality, 75c a bushel. John II F one land butcher now or to ihronili the winter. Reverend Mother Aloyslus. 1 YT A tle. T. S4 Ct. Chautems, Botstord, Ct mile from Newtown Street, one mil keep BROS.. Tx J Edgar Andrews, Elm St., Bethel. trom Station; located. Most de- Inquire OCHKANE Clarence Beardslev of New Haven was incite, sirable torpleasantlya WeBt Cornwall, Conn. H the over ot Mr Farmers interested in seed pota- wttu,wunieu Will be sold at Public Auction at RASPBERRIES- - place building lot. Inquire of ARRY RIDER guest Sunday his parents, good Serges, etc., from AUCTION M. John J Keating, Qieen St .Newtown, Cu ana u. . toes can find the celebrated Aroostook residence ol Horace Banks. rt, 44 WATKB 8T BJRIDGKPORT, CT- -, airs t isaarasiey. Rock House. Easton. on RaSPBEBBIES-Cuthbe- strong plants, f. on sale Wednesday. April John H. - WANTED. county (Me.) stock at the Brick 25, 19:0, at 10 o'clock a m., the following ar- Chautems, iota- WOULD LIKE Telephone 54' 2. Howell Wright returned to the Cheshire store at Sandy Hook. Call and get prices. TO ticles: Horse rake, 6 yokes, two seated top ioru, i;i. HlKhnst cash' price paid lor fresh eirgs and $12 $25. new can wooa 2 Your buildings to paint by day or contract. on U. U. Hatch & on wagon, can, ooay, rouer, . potate l'ress or call military academy Tuesday, making plows, mowuur machine, hay cutter, stalk Notice to Farmers Paper hanging a specialty. Agents tor Bon. Shelton. Ct tie journey on bis bicycle. Users of Bradley's fertilizers can find Custom-- 1 cutter, fanning mill corn shelter, 2 grain cra- Important ury's Railroad Paints. All orders promptly these reliable on ailored Clothes 2 3 rock 1 am still acting as agent for D. M. Osborne attended to. Cratt A Lyon, Palutei s and Dec- goods sale at Taylor, dles, hay forks, wagon poles, sleighs, ft Co.. Auburn. N. Y. I am selllne their mow orators, Stepney, Cu & on chain, crowbars, harnesses, carpenter's tools eieht-loo- FLYNN & DOYLE, Miss Josie Roach, daughter of John Curtis Co.'s. Special prices large at twice this price are not snoemaaer-- s nenon ana ers, tedders and rakes, t rakes hav is ill. lots. roots, grinasrone, 2 J teeth. These machines all have roller 100 or ol or Roach, quite seriously one whit better. large orass eiue, i z aozen cnairs, etc. n ing SALE bushel Carmen No. S seed Tin twelve head yearlings Ct-Ju- and all ol the latest FIR cattle. Eax.t&m, stormy the first fair day. Andrew B Curtis bearings improvements. Wm. Ryan, Botstord, Conn. Address, A conducted Rev Administrator. Terms cash. The Osborne riding and walking spring tooth Postmaster W. B. Sniffen has been con prayer meeting, by narrows give me Desi oi sausiacuon every Ladles and young to - With a H. Con- WANTED people TT- X3. Opening Up Big Stock ol fined to the house for two weeks with an L. Hutcbics, field worker for the "POB SALE A old mare, weight about where. Also arent lor Belcher A Taylor. our ten dollar soap orders, wlih Uoiaford,Oogor,Conn. attack of the necticut Bible Society, will be held this jl 76, sound and gentle; a good roader. n Chloopee Falls, ) ass. Their steel beam plows grip. R. Briscoe. Bethel, Conn. Bom swivel ana rignt nana, are the best on niers, desks and morris chairs Catalogues (Friday) evening.April 20, at 7.30 o'clock lAVISAYAPPi the market. These are made free oy New Taur-to- n ID plows especial writing Shumway Co., Haven, Surreys, at the home of R. Wilson in tor New states. am Father Crowley of Waterbury has been George 4 1121 vin pRIUUCKUKLVi OR SALE A number of bob calves. A.B ly the England I agent Conn. OSCAR PITZSCHLER, a district. Rev Otis W. Barker will al- r J F Briscoe, Bit del, Ct lor mark's cutaway barrows, land rollers both Pneumatic Tire guest at St Rose's rectory, this week. so wood and steel, J. E. Porter's haying tools ANTED Any kind ot team work eltOc per Bakbbh Went Street. Wagons attend and assist in the meeting. Let 4 TTT ANTED A smart man to clerk in and cultivators. II you are in want ol im- w Hairdresser, n young any -- and Charles who had been ill for there be a general response toth'sinyita-tio- Tf score Jt nawiey x uo, Biepney I plement call or dron me a line and I will call Halrcuttlng, Shaving, Shampooing and Runabouts. Betts, on y ou POTATOES For Singeing In the very best manner and latest three weeks, resumed his duties on the to come. and let you have the best line ol goods SEED sale; Maule's Tbor No extra tor whiskers SPECIAL NOTICE I have a receipt which I on the market at the lowest price. Bovee, Sir Walter Raleigh. Gem style. charge trimming All Kinds of Farm Wagons. Including Newtown route of Erdman & Elwell, on to keep potato vines free ol Aroostook. none better at time ot Haircut. Comparison with work L- - Hill-- Big yteldsrs; Famous MILBURN- - to the of Homer Congo has entered the employ trom Dugs ana there is no poison about it: N. MALLETT, Long Stephen Sanlord, Ridge. Ct-- ol others Invited. Special attention to Ladies' the Tuesday, great pleasure all the M Bedding Shampooing and Children's HatreutUng. lames. of S. P. Glover. $1.00 buys the receipt Address, John People wanting New Work Done will find Pierce, Stepney Depot, Ot R SALE Hay in stacks. Imnlraot U.n It will thein to Call on Us belore Fi Coatello, Hanover dlstrict.Newtown.Ct. pay going James Milton Betts returned to New Zinc and grinding. OR SALE 9 fresh young cows. Mr Topis and Trimmings. elsewhere F Fetrick, Cutler's Farms, Monroe ARM FOR SALS- - We ofler tor sale wtlnnm Haven, Wednesday, to resume his studies 4 miles ot this citv the larm ot th l.r. Canopy Tops, Buggy Tops,Cushtoiis,Backs, Warranted. at Yale university. Selectman Homer L. Wanzsr of New ANTE O Girl for general (housework W Isaac E. Bootn In Trumbull, eontalnin about to. One new Concord Buggy tor cash. Every Wagon ju uiiDcn, Boisiora, 60 acres oi landkdivided Into cheap Fairfield has been the for a r meadow, pastnie guest couple auu log-ewe- D- - O- - Miss Bessie Beers wuuuiuiu, wiu ute stock oi BEERS & CO., Conn. returned, this week. of days,tbis week, of Mr and Mrs Allison Two experienced girls as Dorses and ulen-sil-s Newtown, a WANTFD on orn or hoof buttons cows, wagons and tanning from sojourn in the Adirondack's. P. Smith. and good milk route ot nearly 200 quarts. Boston None but expert bauds need apply. Address All in good condition and Bavin well. tm CHARLES 8. Bakery, thousands in Newtown, Monroe and other lock tiox id, eanay hook, Thnronshhrnri Whlta WnnilnHi urn far is a rare to PLATT, Taylor, Curtis & Co. ask the men folks Zinc and it 75o ol opportunity secure a good larm Hook. grinding. towts can vouch for the fact. hatching, Whitney strain, per setting tnat is paying a good income. For further Teacher of Piano, Organ and Iheory, ai;gub's Block, Sandy to call and look over their new stock of SALE Or exchange lor catt'e, a near 15. Special jrlce per hundred. to FOB No 1 Cream GEO. F. Ct. particulars apply Falrchild A Mead, 61 Conn, and blue suits. new National Separator DDNCOMBE, Newtown, i aimeia avenue, .Bridgeport Newtown, Clay diagonal The Julius Tilson has had a very sick horse. DEAFXSSS CABBOT BK CUBED H J FlumD, Stevenson, uonn ill LE-- 12 laitrustioas givtn oa Violin an! Mandolin. Fro and Toothsome Goods. prices ana quality cannot be beaten. SA voune pigs. Ready torf deliv Zinc and by local applications, as they cannot reach rarvR sale The C O Warner Dlace on New FR about May IS. Gilbert Green, .Sher 38 SALE OR IICBAXQS-O- ne Incubator Pat'oniza Tour Home Store and Be Edward Taylor is in New York for a grinding. the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only r town St. bbl. House and barn and abnut man, Ct. of 203 exit capacity, rood aa new. Kobart few one way to cure ueamess, ana mat is oy con- elx acrrs ot land. For particulars enquire Sinclair, Monroe. Ct Happy. days. stitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by ot H G Warner, uanay noon, in. DOG NO I. E Notice is hereby given to all Martin Lillis has moved from Sandy an mucous 01 owninsr or harbormar noes that the Village Blacksmith, at J.H.MrGrath's old Inflamed condition of the lining man 17 or 18 Stand, head ot Newtown Newtown, Ct Steam Candee Mass. Hook to New Milf ord. He is employed tne jfiDStacnian xudo. wnen tune i TJCxION Bv .virtue of an order from the they must register the same at the Town WANTEDA young years old j.. Street, of Lowell. , was wis get" - hhmnohl - UMh.Mnk li st clsss Horseshoeing and Wagon Repair- on the railroad. you have a rumbling sound or imp r- xi. probate court. I will sell the personal Clerk's oftlse on or before Tuesday, May 1, Honest work tor Honest Prices. the guest over iCister Sunday of S. P. irtect and It is clos property belonging to the estate ol J H uoa-tell- o 1900. All persons to com try, to learn the trade ot stair building and ing J. hearing, when entirely lailingor neglecting work. F. IS 1st Gentlemen's Driving Horses a Wily. T. CORBETT, Glover. ed Deafness is the result, and unless the in at Pcblio Auction on Saturday, the )lv witb this notice will b prosecnted as the carpenter Benjamin Morse, "per re- 28'h ol 1900. at 11 o'clock a m, aw directs. William H Glover. 1 homiu J. street. Derby, Conn. Zinc and grinding. flatnmation can be taken ont and this tube day April,ot one two To accommodate the stored to its normal condition, hearing will be which consists back, surreys. Bradlny. Selectmen of Newtown. M. J. Honl. A boy to take care of eow and General Insurance Agency, Hawlevviile peo destroyed forever; nine cases ont ot ten are canopy topp, now; two open wagons, new; than. Town Clerk Dated at Newtown, CU, WANTED make himself userul ln-- fl one concora n. ruu generally IMPORTANT NOTICE. ple Oiear PItzschler has opened a barber JNo Household is without a caused by catarrh, which Is nothing; but wag new; ,on, coawm,wasron. tpm is, iyou. about a Address G. W. Bennett, Loos Public. sboD in of his complete amed condition of the mucous eurlaces. We hnr Mre. nnw: one two horae lumber Ot place my old stand at Fandy Notary there, eharge sou, John New Royal sewing machine. Call st the One ease ot s inch two sintrle enrriaees. second HOU8E TO RBNT-O- n the Hill, Having I am fitzichler. He is there after- will give Hundred Dollars for any tlr: a 17TjnjRjlI3BED Hook, next to the Brick Store, prepared Wednesday Brick store and look the New Royal over Deafness (caused bv catarrh) that cannot be hand, one coah Harness, sinRie naintss; Bridgeport turnnike about one mile laouth BENT At a low w in S to shoe your horses, repair or paint your wag- Residence: Q?een St., Newtawnt noon and Cure- 1 csBcbl :e; from Newtown Street. For en- price, place lib ons on Sunday morning. cured by Hall's Catarrh Send lor circu mowing lhorserake; flvesleighs particulars FIR walk ot Long H1U Depot Sloe short notice. lars, free. F J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O that will be sold cbean enough to simmer quire ol E L Johnson, Newtown, Ct near tor t and Zinc and d A pond rowing fihtng, good Farmers will find what want in grinding. 49-Sol- by Druggists. 75c. over Sanlord, Administrator, Newtown, ground. Suitable tor summer boarders. For A- - W. BAS8ETT, they Hall's Fills are best. l'J, 1900 SALE OB BENT A farm, weU watered, men's calf Family the April 84 particulars address J. J. Mack, Long win, cu Ot NO MATTER boots for heavy work at the containing acres of land and dwelling Band? Hook flook Shoe Miss Agnes Roswell house lor two lamllies; also flue SALE -- s Sandy Store. Also men's passed Sunday 1 barns, TXB Reasonable, Conoord boggles, How mach milk you make nor how little.yon wrcn .New Mr and Mrs Robert Wheeler of etc., about mile from Sandy Hook F 1 BDrinff waeon- - 1 ton bmnrv. Rlast dress call boots from 82.50 to aiiirora friends. Derby 2 ninnin. never have to keep back any. And you don't $4. Mrs station, 1 miles from Newtown station. gear for a wagon. Peter H. ztrotioo. have to carry it every day. This saves time, pissed Sunday with Wheeler's par appiy to Hrtaget soamon. Lynch, Long On and after January 1, 1900: Horseshoeing, horses and wagons. Ton have the skim milk Daniel McNamara and Constable Til- - Zinc and grinding. eats, jut ana Mrs wiutam xnicses. aui, new, $1.26; Sharpening, 76oj Ox Shoeing, 3. and yon have cash and no risk, and you lose son drove to DISTRICT OF NaWTOWN, as. Probate Court no cans- - Also vou get 1 to Ho lb lor fats Waterbury, Monday, with 1900. A- - D- - HTJNS0N, more that any other creamery trpays In West the team of Patrick Madigan,who Is now Anton Stommell of Norwalfe, a genial Miss Grace Hoyt of Rideefield is the Estate of Fennetta Beardslev, late ot New -- Blacksmith ahu em Connecticut the year through. All this at a resident of the B ass City. representative of Charles J. Hugbes, the guest of her sisters, Mrs . V. H sight and town, in sua aistnci ueceasea 200 bbl ofEoreider in all Sale.stages, either In larsa Wheelwright, well-know- ot of New n Mrs The Court Probate for the district or small quantities. O. . Morgan, Hatter- onth Britain, Ct. Bridgeport monument man, Frank Wright. town hath limited and allowed six months CU South Britain Creameey. A big line ot boys' and girls' shoes last nas oeen m town, this week. trom the date hereof tor the creditors ot said town, Postoffloe, Stepney. BEL BROWN ELL, Cow doctor, Kellogg received estate to exhibit their claims lor settlement. L at the Sandy Hook Shoe Store. J. I. Carson, Prothonotary, Washing SALE One Second hand ton milk sreet. New rairfield; P O, Brookfleld, Ct Those to their w ah styles ana widths at reasonable prices. Zino and grinding. ton, Pa., Bays, "I have found Kodoi Dys who neglect present accounts, PS Addresa nr aa.11 am Rnw UmZ(L an excellent in case properly attested, within said time, will be nmbnll. Conn ARRIVED H. S. pepsia Cure remedy debarred a recovery. All persons indebted HAVE H0XE DE NICHOLS, of stomach and have derived to said estate are requestea to maze immedi- SALE 1800 Thomas Bradley spent Easter Sunday Mrs F. W. and son trouble, Good A gallons of enoloe cider pat 4 S DENTIST. Klrby spent Easter benefit from its use." ate payment to Cora Beardslev, FIR in fresh A 1 with a ear load of horses, or pairs that will with hi? parents, Mr and Mrs Thomas J. with ber Daniel in great It digests Administratrix. whiskey easksnd is No weigh from fl0 to 80U0. They are all the right AT EXVrOWI 03 SATUIOAIS. father, Higglns, what you eat and can not fail to cure. Price reasonable. Also agents j for Sander- or one Brookfleld. . son's Grade the beat oa kind and broke single donbie. Any at P. Skiaasrs's ImUmm. uraaiey. R. FT. Beers fc Co., Newtown ; S. Bull OF 88 Probate High Feiulixers, the look log lor a horse will do well by coming to esroeiM C Printing DISTRICT NEWTOWN, Court, markeu And tare conoeded to be by good see us. B EON SON A 8ANFORD, Martin Shannon of Zinc A Co.. Sandy Hook; A. B. Blakeman, 1900. authority the greatest crop - Bridgeport passed and grinding. producing power 41 Kim St., Bridgeport, Conn Botsford ; B. Hawley & Co., Stepney ; good results. A Estate ot Orlando Piatt, late ol New ol any lerUliser In existence. 61 ve it a trial Wednesday and Thursday with his par brings town, in said district, deceased. and be convinced of its Onoe A. B. ; W. N. . B good qualities. ents, Mr and Mrs John Shannon. William Evan has a place for sale at Fancher, Hawleyville business is often Upon the application Carlos D. tillson, tried always used. Call on or address David FOR SALE, the foot of Newtown Street. Notice his Hurd, Long Hill. judged by administrator, praying tor power and author- Penney A Son. Pepper &U Stepney, Ct New of ity to sell and convey all the real estate be- SEED OATS ! A Valuable Peach Farm. supply homespun and ladles advertisement in another column. its printed matter. It longing to said estate, as per application on MONR1X CAUCUS The electors of the town dress goods at the Sandy Hook Woolen Otto Kork. Grand Chancellor, K. P. file more fully is who believe In toe prtnelplee Zino and costs little more to ORDERED That said application be heard ot the republican party and endorse lie pol- Cleaned and recleaned; and To be sold within two weeks at a bargain. grinding. Boonville, Ind., aays, "DeWitt's Witch very and determined at a Probate Court to be icies, are requested to meet In caucus la the good weight,ICO loo acres Ol 10 legal weight Nova Scotia Plaster, lbbags. Tins tartn contains aoont lanu Hazal Salve soothes the most delicate work done held in said District, on the 21st day ot April. Monro Town ball, on Saturday, April Ss, I oru C'acked Tinkerfleld Prov-- ii cated within three miles of Ansonia or Bev P. W. Bates, the Norwalk most stubborn ulcer have your by A. D. 1900, at S o'clock in the afternoon; and 1 00, at 7 SO p m. tor the ot Meal, Cora, mour railroad station, on a hill Selectman Thomas J. Bradley and popular skin and heals the ot ot said purpose electing .. overlooking monument dealer, has been confined to Cures that noiioe be given the pendency delegates to the (Republican state and di dr. Ansonia, with a view ot Island Sound In Town Clerk Houlihan went up to the with certain and good, results." us in form. ana the time and place of hearing t lot conventions tor the selection ot the distance. The orchard 9 the house with as attack of and good application del peach contains Red Hons crrssing in Hanover on the the rip piles and skin diseases. Don't buy an thereon, by publishing the same one gates to the National Republican onvenuna C. about 2E00 trees lnvlgorons ad healthy con on other troubles. Mr Bates is so far recov & New time in some newspaper a Circulation to be held at and Wm. Johnson. dition. Tne aonnuance oi une which this Highland div'sicn Tuesday to meet imitation. R. H. Beers Co., Co. having Philadelphia, Pa to do any rrait ered as to be at his place-o- f business & Co.. Hook: Bee Ptolishing in said district, belore the time assigned lor other business necessary and proper to be baa the offiola'a ef the railroad. to a town: S. Bull Bandy bit-ca- orchard hat produced made the larm not Owing - C aid hearing. M.J. Bradley, Judge. dine at said caneas Per order of Repo n ed in this vicinity. There is also a olum or filling made by the railroad workmen. part of the time. A. B. Blakeman. Botsford ; B. Hawley town oommlttee Orville H Hull, ehaliw chard ol about 3U0 trees and a variety ot other St Co.. : A. B. Haw On April th, between the Centrl man. Dated at Monroe, 18. 1S08 Are Ton Going to Buv a Bicycle. ace nas the water ba sit back into the yard of stepney Fanober, LOST O a D. A- - R April irults on tne place. Tne pi carried Mis Zino and w. ., and D Pack's house, See lie and Save about 86 head of stock and la well watered McCarty. Engineer Cart's, repre grlndirg. leyville; Hurd, Jbong jhui. pin, blue enamel and gold, mared either Mrs A good work borse Call on or Money. with a line spring of water running to the senting the rtilroad, courteously agreed W. . Seelev or Jane E Seelev. Bridgeport, FIR8AXBJ. A. James. Hawleyvine. Ct house and barn. For further particulars ad- to trouble was done Ladies 'Interested fine ronn , the findor win be su rewardea Spaliing, Crawford, A. ., Box 672, Ct. s?e that the away 'In rendv made tally ANTE D dress J. Seymour, Tele as It was s flod I NDIGESTION. resulting from by returning to the address given. Board tor a famUy ot slxten Imperial. phone 21918, Ansonia Dlv. witb, acknowledged the railroad sulta.waiB and skirts will it to their nine adults, tour children three servanu, were fault. interest to of I weakness of the stomach, is relieved a which would five Cash or Installments. In people at visit the Bridgeport store Li Jus uioe ihtee vtar old Ayer. require rooms, beside two rro BENT Two houses Newtown 8trt. P. Houston. Hood's the great Btom. Bhlreheiffirw'th call. Chaa. H. Htwley, for servants. Address, Mrs W. M JL A. Box 46, Kew J. "It oavs to trade at by Sarsapanlla, - Inaulreold Vlackinan, Depot. Conn State St Bridgeport, Conn. r- - J. HCSF0ED, - N.w Prestoa.Ct- own, Ct. Persons interested in dahlia culture Houston's," is the motto of this atctre,and ach tonic and cure for DYSPEPSIA. btepnoy begun in the number Issued April 29fand will be completed In three numbers. Travelers' Guide. nPTI?TD Other attractive features in the number for next Sunday are "The Lion Tamer's STEW YORK, KJ.W HAVTH AND HABXVORT JUUJU.MU.Ai. JLi-- UJ Tamer," by Howard Fielding; "An Aus 5 COMBMY Duel on an Easter Rich- tral Dawn," by BinniKf pxyiaum. ard Knight; "The Bushranger'sKTrea-sure,- " "An Ass In a Lion's Skin," "The tor WW HAVEN 8JJ5 a. J.67 m North, p. Man an SoutJtulO.M ft. m- - TMiv.m. Alone' and "Tbe Idol of Hour,' VI F. a. ; SHJLLUjN orth, lius Ul p. m. Bonife. by Mabel Gtllaher Logan. General 10 j ft. 7J4 p. m. d, Charles rriCVENBON Kortk. 10.18 a. 4 --SB s. m. King is represented by a short Sooth, 10.16 ft. m 7 01 p-- awry oi an Indian called "Alonette's HON EOE North, iiaol ft. m fus p, ta. Sale of raid, Boutn, Tiu-- ft-- m--, XaM p. m. Special OlotMng. Warnlng, and Cora KIgby has a story OISroKI Souih lor New H&venJOjOl ft. m with an obvious (UfcO p. in. See Bolotord below. moral, entitled "Striving Any article, whatever its merit. WTOW North, 10A3 ft. m, II 06, 4JJ3, to Better, Olt We must be made known to the 6. p. m. 7.44 ft-- Ul. Mar what's Well." public by Jt .U U T Cl 11Sunday, OA 6onth, ww U MMumtait - m , M., W . Ji to and A means of advertising. v..,, M, Ml .M. Ufc. Nowlls Your Time buy men's, boys' children's clothing, hats, caps irooper's Secret" and "The Love of Advertising, Sunday, 6 Xf! p.m. a are however, though it can do much for a HAWLKTVILLK North. UO, 10.61 a. Marquis," short stories of - 7-- n. excep- thin?, cannot do everythine. It mav, 6.01, 6.wi, iMo p. m. soadfty. ft. m. and furnishings. wonai Souuvexi, s. as, a. m origDiness and Interest. The pol- create a sale for a time, but in order ' uaj Lis, jk. sjb of tbe New York p. m. Sunday, fijrft p. m. icy Sundav Pmh In In. to insure a lasting demand tbe thing BROOKriXIOJ JUNCTION North, SjOS, IIjOT A eluding a big magazine of select fiction advertised must have solid worth. li M ft. m- -, 6J8, 6.SS, 7J7 p. m. enc-da- y, stock in perfect touch with fashion's requirements. Style, assortment and are here. Everything This is the case with Lvdia E. Pink-- 8S ft. m. Booth, A sg, 11J0 quality nas met witn sucn marked approval from ft. m., ..Clft, 6.20, 8.2a p. ux. bunaar p. Tn. bat prices. Bargains that you cannot appreciate at a elance. Don't balance on the of a oppor- now ham's Vegetable Compound. It has BROOKrUiJLI North, 8j0S, 11.1 u. liM, high edge great readers tbat you cannot be sure of solid worth. 71 p.m. Sunday, 11 m- tjji. booth, iJSlt, when you can be in it. This isn't so because we so, but because our make so. getting it on Sundays unless you order it Women everywhere have learned i a. - 4.69, 6J4 p. nu Snnday, S4$ p. m tunity say it V S-- prices LANJtbVlLLK and 8I1LL EI It KHortii, li in advance. this fact, and the result is that there, 56 7.29 p. m. South,, sao . nv, is a and 4A9, SjCftp.m. a. m lasting absolutely unequaled ' Sunday, north, 8J6 ' t titjtb m. demand for it. has the larg-es- sale south, p. The Shakers la This Count It SftW IClLrOJiU-Kort- h. 8iS, MX, 130 ft. nu. MEN'S NEW SPRING SUITS. y. of any- remedy for female ills in the 6.32, 6.43, 7.S6 p. m. Sundfty, ft. worm, and been case m. 8ouUiA26, 8.06, 9.1 10.4 ft. nu. 4.2a, this has the lor 6.69 m. i, THEIR FSRSECCTION DURING THE REVO years. p. Sunday, Utp.n. The reason Mrs. KKUWIN8T1LI.K North, 8J6, 11 SS ft. ra 1 .80, S4.98, 5.98, 6.50, 7.98, 8.50, 10.00, 12.00, 13,00, 15 00, 16 00, 18.00 20.00. LUTION. PROM THE NEW YORK SDN for this is that 6Mi p. m. 8omiayb6ftja. South, 10.86 ftjn and Pinkham claims that she is 4.20, 5.4 p. m. 6.18 m. nothing E.XNT Sunday, p. Overcoats S4.98, 5.98, 6.40, 8.50 10 00, 13.00 and 15.00. "Mother" of not entitled to claim. She can do all North, 6Ai,UM ft. ni, JS, 8J5 p. m. Spring 12.00, Ann Lse, the founder the in. feoutb, laJiZ a. --23 that she says she can do, and her flanday43ft. bu Ud. 1.25, 2 2 3.00. Shaker fraternity, with eight of her con bM p. m. 3tiDiay6.o4 p. m Working Pants SI, 1.50, 00, 50, twenty years of experience make her OOENW ALL ii&iDGK North, 9 J0.ft. to, 11 J gregation, namely Abraham Starley (her advice invaluable. Her has 8.24,6.30, p. m- - bumiay, 9.1.-- ft. m. sooth, I0O1 Dress 4 5.00 and 6 00. experience ft. 5.: 9 m. 4J9 m. Pants. S3.50, 4.00, 50, William Lee been not only long but world-wid- e, m., p. ouud&y, p. husband), (her brother), and she has more 4TKST CORNWALL Nortii, .!8 ft. m, IV 11, and Children's Latest Suits. Lee James helped women back S.iO, 6.40 p. ro. Sunday ,9.14 ft. m. Sooth. UMJS Boy's Style Sprirg 1.69, 2, 2.48. 3.48, 3.98, 4.48, 5.50 and $6. Naucy (her niece), Whittiker, to health than any one else in the eencfty, za. 1 JohnHocknell and his son Bichard,James worl&. These facts ftm,UuU0D.m. 44p. Knee 48c, 69c, 98c, 25. should, and do, DAJTBUKT DIVISION. Separate Pants, Shepherd and Mary Partington embarked Slave immense weight with all sensible Pants. SI, S1.25, S2, $2.50, S3 and S3 50 from for America on the 19ih rworaen. Remember these are not wild DAN BUSY North (Main St. station) 80. Boys' Long Liverpool statements but solid facts. iuu, ft m, , sao, tjM. Sunday 6H p nu Sole of May, 1774, arriving in New York bar (White 8t. Station.) lOJt, 648, 6AS p m. All the very latest shapes in Hats. agents for YOUNGS BROS.' Hats. South (White fcu station) US, ft m, 430, bor on the 6;h of tbe following August. Good 6.37 pm. (Main Bt. fetation) 40, UA6, is filled with Foots About the ft m, Our Basement all the conveniences for in the line of Dress Suit Cases and They remained in tbe of New Em Sunday, a m, e.iO.p nu traveling Trunks, vicinity Being Dona by Lydia BITHXL Nortt. 10.44 ft. Bi.. SjOS. Hand York City until 1778, when one of the .00, 5.4,1, e.4 p. m. ecnlay, 10.OS a m, Bags. Pinkham's Vegetable 8.14 p.p. ikrate.ot. TJti iJba, U.H, ft. m brethren, John who was SOS ft m--. Hocknell, pos In of m r tnnday, JI sessed of considerable Compound Cases KftWlNG-Ko- means, purchased Bearing-Dow-n r.t. 1.21. a. m, tJO SJt9 a section of land seven miles out from Al Change of Life, ?. m. Srn1s , iCtS & m, p.m. Sooth. Etc. 11.6 a 1 , p u:. sJI! bany, in a wilderness called Niskeynna, Pains, a. m.v z ' ro. now known as N. Y. Here " I had falling, inflammation and S AN JWfiO North, 7.16 a. m, t J4- p. Watervliet, m. 8un08y,P.6S. a. ic., sJA p. m. tonUi,1J, a. 1-- 2 ulceration of womb ; m 113 lltlfn for about 3 the backache, ro U9 1,-- a. m t.tS37 years lived tbe life of n p. Sat.'ly, p hp they bearing-dow- pains ; was so weak a.. 5 celibates in comparative seclusion, hold and nervous that I could not do B aAln'ClI VIJLJ.K North, I JO, 10.86 ft. n in common. own had sick 1M, b.Zf, p. ui. Sctday, UJbS a. ui ing everything my work; headache, 7o p. ro. South. 6.21, 1046 ft. U.C, CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHINGS, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, BAGS, BLANKETS, BOBES, ETC. In 1779 a large accession of members no appetite, numb spells, hands and 46. 744 p. nu Sunday, HJ3e a. nu, til were as tbe result of a feet cold all the time. I had good EoaS added, religious doctors, but none of them did me any a rrowN Ncnh. 746, a. 1.4a revival in ' the adjoining town of New advice of (L24 pjn. Sunday, 9.4! a. mn IJbt p. m. South, Largest Clothing Buyers in the World of good. Through the a lady a. m, liJl, 747 p. m. Sunday, iJl ft.m Operators 27 Stores, Lebanon and adjacent places, who re friend I began the nse of Lydia E. 6Jie p. m. "Mother Ann' as the embodiment Pinkham's vegetable Compound, and WATEBTOWH BRAJKCH. , garded one ErlcLg-epoxt- - of the second of after taking bottle I felt greatly WA1 KBBUBT Leave, 646, 81, I1J7 a. m., 27 coming Christ, thus 1 Son-day- Operators of Stores, Conn- relieved, and by the time I had used JO, 4.0E, 640, 6.1.L 74S, 946. 11. M p. m. s, estaoiisning anaserism as a axed re several bottles was completely cured, 90 a. in., ,A6 p. m. Arrive 8J6, 840, institution in the so could do work I 1040 a. 142, iJ&t, 440, 6 Si, 847, 744, 11.18; ligious community that I my again. SondBva, a. in-- Si p m. am now 68TOWN and that was the of his This was the first communistic society in passing through the change of WATKIt Leave, 648, 7.42, 10J3 ft. nu, thing unity people. life and using your Compound. It helps 12.44, 2J.7, t.ii, 5.S4, 7. BE, U40 p. m jSunday, The that he f with such America. !.0 a. 10,4.54 Arrive, 741, P4a, 11X7 a. unity priys jr me wonderfully. I want every suffer- 4 1 Jt--, Bee. as It did av 14i, , ?.. aji, un t. ! sea The intensity must of necessity have been a Occurlcg during the excite ing woman to know what your medi- 1?V m 1 r ar ment of J' unity that tbould be outward and via ible the Revolutionary war, it was cine has done for me." Mas. W. M. natural New Palestine, Mo. BOTSrOKD TO BEIDOSFOBT. as well as inward and spiritual, because quite tbat this little band of Bull, OTSFOKD ft. m E. Pinkham's North, 7J6, 105 114S, Newtown, Fildav, April 20, 1900. the Inward and spiritual unity of all tbe Shaker foreigners were regarded with "Lydia Vegetable 6'0 p. m. Sunday, ft. m. South, ti747 at no Compound saved my life and gave back 845, 116 ajn 4 Si, 640 pjn. Sunday, 6 At f ilthf ul In Christ, is ever an accomplished, disfavor, first, doubt, from their ' Bee Bottord above, a loving mother to eleven children, KPSIY-NorU3,78,- 10a6 a.m.. self-evide- nt avowed occasion 108 mn 44S, fact, and a moment like this expressions upon every which was more than any doctor could 641 p. m. Sunday, 7.28 a. m Sonth, 7.16, 943, against the sinfulness of war, but later have done or medicine in 11 45 a. m., 4.40, 7Xi0 m. Sunday, 6.26 nu CIRCULATION: waa too precious to spend in petitioning any other fTp. p. on fostered from the wide world. trouble was child- LOSS HILL North, .22, 10J1, 10 JO a. nu, 4 J7, far that which must otherwise happen. the fact of their rapid My 6.38 p. m. SuaJiiF, 17.22 p.m. 6octh, 7.34. January 1, 18S2, 610 growth in numbers. were accused bed fever. The third day after my 949, 114i a, m., i, 7.U6 p.m. Sunday tJO AH Christian men and women are They babe was born I took a chill, which p. m. of being tories, and were arraigned be was XEOMBtTLL North, 17.18, 1046, 100 a. tan necessity bound together by the union of followed by a high fever. I would 6J!0 r7.16 Last Week, 3875 fore the commissioners at who 4.81, p. bo, Saoday, a. in. South each soul with CbrUt, by the faith and Albany, perspire until my clothes were as wet 7.29, 9.14 I144, . m.. 444, T.,2 p. m. Sunday required them to take the oath of al as though dipped in a tub of water. t?Ji5 p. m. tbe hope and the that are BEIDGS J'OET-No-- lh. a. aspirations ' ' The chills and fever up for three 75, 9048 . Tn.aC, common U' legiance. This they refused to do, on kept .?0 o m. xiT!rtav. 1 . tn. irn-n- to them all. What otr Li me a of i- TKN PAGK3. "5s the that was days. My daughter got bottle 9.16 mn U 6.(, 7.H p. a. Sunday f4S for was that this in him and ground swearing contrary your Compound, The fourth dose p.m. prayed fith to their faith. This resulted in union with him to such b July, 1780, stopped the chills, and the fever also LITCHFIELO B&XHCH spiritual might in the in life was saved. f incarceration the jail at Albany disappeared. My My degree be the upremest acd forty-nine- ." 6 (W power rulicg of the leaders and entire board of age at this critical time was BITEiL Leave 75, a. in., p. m. The Home Circle. motive In the lives of men that elders E. Pa. Sunday 7.35 a. m. Arrive 945 a. m, 4US through Soon after "Mother Ann'' was taken from Lydia Bouqhkb, Etna, p. m. Sunday 6.10 p. m. every storm of persecution, every temp HAWLE1VILLE North. ,845 ft. m, 62 p. the prison and sent down the Hudson Facts About Two Cases m. Sunday, 840 a. m. Leave tor Bethel 4.32 a. Unity. cation oi and 4.0-- prosperity power, every river with the intention of tn.. p. m. Sunday, 545 p.m. suggestion of stubbornness and pride, be banishing her of Falling of the Uterus SHEPAU& North, t01 a. m, tSM p. nu A K. into the hands of the British as Sunday, T8J3 a.m. South, 19.18 SJ8, SKKMON BT RKV M. SKAOEN, P.KCTOR lievers have the and the army, but Recovered Em m. jn,( might grice pa' this was found to be by Lydia p.m. Sunday, 66 p. OP CHRIST CHCRCH, HKTULEHKM, AND tience and the common sense to make ! impracticable at tb e HOXBUBY FALLS North, '96 ft. m, - Pinkham's Vegetable 642 p.m. a.m. Soulh,t9au -- she was in tS-2- 8undy,t82 Cl'KATK OK ALL 8AINT8' MISSION time, lodged the at t5-2- ajn allowances for one another and sufficient M 1 jail Pough- p. m. Sunday, 6 p. m. Compound BOXBTJBT lo.Oo CHAl'EL, OAKVILLK. IS keepsie. In December of tbe same year North, ft. m, 540 p. m. faith in the power of truth to correct " I suffered for fifteen years without Sunday, 85 a. m. South, S41 a. 11 abuses in the without recourse they were all set at liberty by tba order I p. m. Sunday, 6.18 p n. 20-2- : church, finding any relief. tried doctors, but Text, St John 17: "Netthor pray I for of George Clinton, the governor of New seemed to do me I JCJDD'8 BBIDGE North, tlO.10 ft theae alone hut them Hhall be- to schism and the inevitable misunder 1 nothing any good. f646 p. m. funrlay, fS42 ft. m. South, T84&, lor also which York state. . m ti-- m. t54B on um hatred and fol They immediately returned had falling of the womb, leucorrhcea, p. Sunday, p. m. lleve through tholr wonl, that they all standings, bitterness that 1 ill in the back and and those WASHINGTON North, 1043, ft. m, 647 p. to their hemes, from pain head, m. 942 a-- be one, as thou Father art In; me and I in of so h prospering largely n Sunday, m. South, 848 a. may low the train schism, that the bearing-dow- m, tit H pains. One bottle of m. Sunday, 441 p. m. . In In PfI2 their a that ftlao may be one that - In very short time ?. thro, tliuy us; world look the Christian persecution. E. Com W PBKSTON 11.10 a f.JJ world ham might upon Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable vprth. T, p. the may believe that thou sent : their numbers so rapidly that It was me so I sent n. Sundiiy. 4ir a.ta. Scuti s 244 army and say "There is a body of men grc pound did much good that 4JSS me." found advieable 'o establish branches far four also two boxes of Liver otu. Sunday, p. m. who must be bound together by super- more, 1"MTORI North, 115, a. ni p. m. A society was organized at New Leba Pills and one package of Sanative Sunday, 9U9 a. m. South, t 30 a. 148 The memorable prayer In which the natural ties because when differences of Wash. After using these I felt like a r.m. Sunday, iJif p. m. non, JN. 1., whic i became tbe parent ilOEJUS North, 11 55, i3f. p. m. Snn. words of text occur, waa uttered opinion arise they patiently adjust their new woman. Mks. (j. A. Wixter 9.27 . iay by institution and head of all the Shaker so dey, ra. eoctit. fSjfs a. m, lis, our Lord Jeius Christ, with eyes differences by the light of a divine truth Glidden, la.. Box 220. , ti. m. Sunday, 4J6 p. te. uplifted cieties, known as the Mount Lebanon BANTAM North, li.vO p. ir. tS4 p. nu to Heaven, at a time when as he himself that they seem to possess, when a mem " I was suffering with falling of the aunday, 4 . m. 6.17 a. 14 community. Although the a head o. ir.. p.tath,in. trie hour has come." The bcr urges a conscientious objection to a society womb, painful menstruation, L.A.K fsnday, i: says, "Father, Watervliet was the elder it ache, backache, in ex Nonb, MO:, p. m., p. nr. hour had cotue when that life which had form or a rule, If his motive is institution, pain groins, Sunday tS4i a. ro. eocth, I8.:efna. tr. 146, pure into the limbs also a terrible m. . is him is became tbe second in the order of its tending p. tnrday, p. it. been a life for mankind was to be closed liberty granted and his need nain at left of womb. The rain in mv LirCHTirLD rrive 12.10 tj. rr S.4I a man organization into a body corporate. Two back was menstrua D. m eanday. !iJ t. n. fcantlt.SJf' a re, by a death which In some mysterious way supplied. If desires strictness of dreadful during 140 families were 1 tm.tay&; n ir became a death for destined to life and self-denyi- habits he binds him established here, but both tion, and my head would ache until j.t. mankind, under the immediate would be crazy. it.. HIOBLAND DIXISIOH. be 'followed a resurrection self a and yet he does not jurisdiction of the nearly Lydia by glorious by pledge of as Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has DAKB0FT-r.-ast 76 11 J7 a. 7 p who ministry Mount Lebanon, were all I Went 9.15 a m. r rn. and ascenilon by which the Father glorl despise hij brothers are not bound given ma great relief. suffer no 6.0 - the other societies which followed. The and I medicine 1i WLKTVULLX aam 7.4.- 1149.ajn.7J2 p. m. fled the 3m. If we have in our hearts by such a promise, nor does be leave pain now, give your Veet 940 a. m, 2 43, if .07 p. rr. him Mount Lebanon and Watervliet societies all the praise." Mrs. J. P. McSpaudhk, SOUTH. NiWTOW N Xat-- t r73 .m f7J7 p. m. the least grain of love for Christ, If the their fellowship because he thinks 5 13 formed what was denominated a Kosenberg, Tex. w: fs a. m, 3f , rf m. thought of him and the memory of him self better than they. Forms of bishop ANDY HOOK 749, 11 753 p nu ric. were S 50 a. tht5 6 "s ajc. Is In dear to if in sense have of such a va Visitations made from the par A WW in, 2.80, p. tn. any way us, any worship they Grateful Woman SO THBLHV Aast 847. 1248. 7 --SI p.m. West god-give- ent institution into New 8 41 we endeavor to be bis, it Is Inconceivable riety that every n sense Massachusetts, Recommends ZT. a. m; 2.21, 5.47 p. m. Hampshire, Maine, Ohio and Kentucky, Lydia SOUTarOBIX Kagtea? ft m, 11J4, 77 p m. to me how we can look upon words that and instinct of man has the Pinkham's W es 8 a m, 2.15, 5.41 p m. be uttered In such a moment a to it. If a brother wish where societies were all formed, and re Vegetable WATXaBDfiY Kust SJi a m, I2J4, 748 p m without gospel preached one in to Wife West S. ft to, 140, 6U8- - cently Florida. Compound Every p peculiar of reverent affection. es to hear religion through his ears he t Trslm vt-j- o intensity xne tnira in oraer oi tne societies was ana mother m wjian lc.' The rudest savage, the most uncouth bar goes to the meeting bouse or to tbe song COWBIOHT iSOOSt THt EXPOSITION CO- formed at in 1790. I have taken bottles of Lydia barian listens In speechless, breathless service. If a man desires to see religious Hancock, Mass., It eight was here that tbe first Shaker hymn-boo- k E. Plnkhams Vegetable Compound awe to the charge that is laid upon him truth with his eyes, he is taught by sym with most results. I had difficulties to tbe carrit-- r in times of was published in 1813. It was not until gratifying by his dying chief, and we who profess bols and colors and . If a man been married four years and had two snow, or severe rain storms the May of 1791 that a com 1 was heavy during to have found in Christ a we la deaf and dumb and blind the odor of following children. all run down, had fall 1 redeemer, The Electric One of the Attractions at the Pan- - was of womb with all its an durirg muddy weatber. Fortber, at who have bullded him our of incense him to where the faithful Tower, munity gathered at Harvard, making ing distressing upon hope guides the fourth of the Shaker societies symptoms. 1 had doctored with a good sach times it would be very difficult for life we who In our sacred and these are so com estab on eternal, poetry worship, people lisbed instead as in physician, but I derived very little good people living tbe back roads to get to exalt him known term of within the bounds of a reason American in Buffalo. of the first stated the from his treatment. After a by every prehensive Exposition Herald. taking tba "main route" every day, to empty affection and reverence which able and divine religion that the few bottles of your medicine, I was their boxes. At all mail matter In tbe beginning of the year 1780 the able to do my worn and nurse my present are one not accuse the a is seveh-months'-o- known to the of human does other such body of a truth that the we hear ld is in as soon as powers prophet greater liberality that about showed that they were earning 860,000 entire Shaker but babe. I recommend deposited tbe postoffies it speech, ought not we to listen when he of error because he communes that should come into the world. means then community comprised medicine to wife and and is there in "Truly simply greater indifference, aay ior tneir owners, and had actually nine individuals. In 1839 numbered your every arrives, kept perfect safety lost before be enters the with bis Ood in this way or but this man was tbe Son of God." we shall hear : they mother. Had I time, I could write speaks upon that, only this "Oh, yes, I dare caused a famine in small coin. The at 5000. must be in until called for. of death? each to secure for the other the Such would be the of the It borne mind that they much more in its praise. I bid you agony helps verdict world say that Baptists and Presbyterians and tention oi tne legislature was called to came from tbe"world's in work." This and the Our Father and the words kind of best suited tor each, at the of a united can be do not care entirely people," Godspeed your good worship they sight yet comprehen Episcopalians saved, I the evlljand laws were passed prohibit as there Is no or In Mrs. L. A. Morris, Welaka, Putnam PLATTSVLLLI. from Christ are the of are all one, so that altar is not reared alve and the church much one or "marrying giving only prayers Jesus church, that might way the other, I dare say ing tbe operation of slot machines which in the Shaker Co., Fla. that seem to have been reoorded In desk Is not at war be so so as to we shall all be marriage" community. It PEBSONAL CHAT. fully against pulpit, prayer united, yet comprehensive saved, Romanists and paid prizes in cash on the ground that is an association of celibates. " Dear Mrs. Ptwkham When I com the Gospels. the Oar Father he with choir stall but each recognizes the compel the world to render such a ver Quakers and all. am to admit was strictly menced the use of remedies I was By I willing gambling, pure andBimple,as roulet At tne time tnere are lo more your Miss M. L. Booth visited friends in taught his disciples what to for. legitimate junction of the other, each in diet, that was why the prayer of Christ all but as for or ex present very badly off. Every two weeks I was pray that, doing anything Itself, and also prohibiting minors from or less Shaker communtles in which WeBtport and Bridgeport, last week. By this he shows us the that was its place trlarlfles God and edifies men. was offered that we be one in such In or a flourishing troubled with flowing spells thing might erting myself any way giving up playing. The council looked at the mat the United States. made me very weak. I had two of the nearest and dearest to his heart at the These Christiana have a wonderful a way as to prove to tbe world his divine cherished because Christ Alfred Booth of Bridgeport spent Sun- unity prejudice just ter from a financial point of view, and The remams ot "Mother Ann" lie in best doctors, but they did not seem to moment of his on who men into his eternal Godhead. me. was day with his parents, Mr and Mrs C L. supremest career earth, j Surely the teacher gathers commission, The prayed centuries ago when he was about required the payment of a license on slot In help They said my trouble to-d-ay terred the little church of Booth. world needs just such an evidence to be crucified that we all be one, cemetery caused from weakness and was noth- might machines, which returned it a very hand the society at Watervliet, marked to about. felt tired all the as that. Brothers, it is our common that is asking too much." So then there some revenue simply ing worry I B. B. of Fairfield has leased by a plain marble slab bearing this In time; had no ambition. I was growing Knapp faith in Christ as a Saviour that is at is a charity of Indifference as well as a Tbe act of tbe Asabel Wakeman for three the Legislature did not have scriptlon : "Mo. Ann Lee, born Manches worse all the time until I began the place stake, it la the salvation of generations charity of love and zeal. Which of these the effect use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable and has taken Mr desired. Many of the owners ter, England, February 29, 1736. Da years possession. yet unborn, the fate of centur'es to come is the more honorable? Which is the of Compound. I am now able to help to on tbe milk busi- machines defied it, and others, while this life 8, 1784." and am much im Knapp expects carry that Is in the balance. It is time for the more Christ) ike? Which of these is ours? parted September about the house, ness. abolishing cash prizes and paying in mer in health." MBS. A. WAT.KKB, faithful of whatever name to awake and Granted that our from proved charity proceeds chandise instead bought back tbe mer Callicoon Depot, N. Y. L. Booth of Boston is see the dangers ahead. The time shall a desire to further the visible of Henry spending unity chandise at a slightly reduced price from a few at borne with bis parents, come when the line of division will be the faithful and we should soon be able so days the owners that it amounted to the Fairfield Mr and Mrs C. I- - Booth. Easter drawn at the Divinity of Christ. to find a common ground of comprehen- same as cash in County. thing the end Millinery. In gambling mail matter is in tbe of New is But tbe place of a unity that shall sion upon which each might find a place It was also that of the deposited postcfBca Alorzo Acker Jersey, who developed many HUNTINGTON. where it is In the hands and under the is soon Fruits and A teach the world that the Father indeed for the things that he loves, tbe things machines were so "fixed" as to swindle in tbe Pullman service, expected Flowers, Foliage. Fitti'g sent the eternal son into the to be that are to of a of the to a .few with his world blessings him, without deny those playing them, and that It would be A PROTEST AGAINST RURAL FREE DE protection responsible agent spend days parents, Eastertide of Trimmed ' the ruler in the hearts mo a slmlliar to Government until delivered Into the bands Mr and Mrs L. Acker. display Millinery. supreme and ing liberty his fellows. necessary to appoint inspectors of slot LIVERY or HAIL. tives of men, In the of the church The reform must from of the addressee or his messenger. 3d. place proceed the machines to inspect them from time to The remonstrance Is Sylvester Wheeler, who nas been living that I haye described what does tbe hearts of men and in order to following being In involves, further, a contradiction In just accomplish time and see that they were being hon circulated in : To the Honor in Bridgeport, has returned to Platstville world say ? The man who wears a short "let this same mind be in Huntington terms. The depositing of mail in a box anything you estly conducted. For some weeks a vig able Charles Postmaster to live. surplice is suspicious of the man in a as was also in Christ Emory Smith, by the road side instead of delivering it Jesus," orous war nas Deen carried on against General of the United States : We, the can be called It Geo. long surpnce ana tne man wicn no sur-- slot machines. Petitions at the bouse door hardly HILLI0I3 GIVES AW AT-- Hps. Dunham poured into the undersigned residents of the town ot - his in "free delivery."- Much less can a system 437 Main St., 88 Fairfield Ave , fpllce spends energies operations Slot Machine council from teachers, ministers and oth Fairfield Gambling. : Huntington, County, Connecti claim to that is to the ers, declaring that slot machine lay appellation according certainly gratifying public the bitterness playing cut, would herewith most respectfully to which mall intended for people on tbe to know of one concern in tbe land who faithful, and unfairness of was one ox tne most forms but most Bridgeport. which would shame a HOW IT RAGED IS A SOUTHERN CITT AND demoralizing firmly protest against the Intro back roads is deposited In a box "at some are not'af raid to be generous to tbe needy Populist caucus, of gambling, as It was open to all, and as duction of the so De- an THEN FORBIDDEN NEW ORLEANS LET-TE- B called "Rural Free convenient on the main route. In and The of Dr unscrupulous competition among the it was largely fraudulent. An attemnt place" eufisring. proprietors sects in IN NEW YORK 8UN. livery system" in our town, for tbe fol this town three fourths of the New for the church that Baxter street was made to save tne slot machines ' on fully King's Discovery Consumption, In second lowing reasons : 1 It would involve the people live on back and these and Colds, bave over dealers hand clothing would The favorite slot machine in New Or. toe coat a mon roads; Coughs given away ' ground large amount Tl abolition of our local (fourth class) post- - would have to from a of a mile ten million ' bottles of this scorn as beneath their code ot ethics, leans is the poker hand which was Invested in them go quarter trial great machine, ey ; but the pres- office, which would be a most grievous to two or more miles to reach a and" satisfaction prejudices mat are equally firm against pays prizes for the hands rolled or sure from the outside was too "main medicine; have the strong, and inoonvenlence. to all of our route". 4vh. would thous- love and and reason. We all out ma- people. It It Involve great de of knowing it haslabsolutely cured religion ground by the machine. . The the testimony of tbe slot machine fiends would necessitate our to that these evils are dlmlsh- - soon going Shelton or lay In the delivering and sending of tbe ands of hopeless cases. Asthma, acknowlege chines increased to 3200 in number too convincing. The council ff pass- - but bow is this aally Bridgeport tor all money orders, regis. mall. For example, at present alt mail Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases ng far reform du to a ana were In constant operation, Ved a law ma- - Tbey pronouncing slot tered mail, and the weighing of parcels, tbat arrives at Bridgeport 2 55 ef tbe Throat, Chest and are higher degree of Christian love or how were to be found In bar rooms. chines a a - by p. m., Lungs cigar nuisance and form of gamb- for all of which purposes we now go to Is delivered here 5.30 on 6PBINQ AND SUMMKB OPENING far is it due to Indifference? If the al and at p. m. Under tbe iurelv cured bv It. Call B. H. Beers stores, groceries nearly every place linf j, and prohibiting them altogether. the local , office. 2d. It would Involve leged improvement proceeds from a where new System,' all mail arriving at Bridge- St Co., Newtown; S. C Bull 4 Co., many persons congregate, and - ec3L 1 unnecessary expense and Inconvenience 9 SO m un- Rnnd FTrmfr" A linn JnvMt T?AThnrw love a SUKDAT MA9A-ZIB- port after a. would lie over m Tbgin r greater of Christ and firmer allegt. provedjvery popular and profitable. THIi SEW 70BK PBS S3 AID E. Trim ery, They in mall boxes. Nor wouli the 1- - Wednesday April the Fourth ance to Christian a de- no providing til the next day, causing great conven- Station ; Edward A. Honan, Merwins-- truth and keener require skill, and a very small capital said boxes or sire for a world's then to on. themselves, mail deposited ience, If not loss." Outgoing mail would vtlle; William J. Beebler, Brook&eld; salvation, it will gamble The machine began pay- -- "Delilab," the $500 prize story, will be in them be safe from mean that Christians will in cash from 60 tramps. Money, be still more delayed; and tbe boxes pro William B. Hawley, Sherman, Drug m , try every ing cents for a pair to 41 In the number Hi Or a completed forthcoming of stamps and even checks contained in vided by the Government along the roads gists, and get a free trial bottle. Regu- - method that promises greater fulfill for a royal flush. Every one, more or The, The 9200 letters so No. 2DQ Maia Street, Bridgeport, Conn ment of Christ's Sunday Magazine. prize deposited might easily be would be at the mercy ef every tramp. lar size 50a and 81. Every bottle guar- great prayer. But if less,' gambled at them. An investigation story, "His Son's will be stolen. Inheritance," Under tbe present system all 5th. It would involve almost Insuperable anteed, or price refunded.