Domain Meson
Domain meson C9 013 19.5 Preparing for.Retirementi Crisis or ,Challenge? , Usaring'Before-the Subcommittee on:Retirement Income.. and Employment of the Select Committeeon Aging, souse of RePros'eptatiyett4-NiteiY-pifthCongress, .SeCOnd.SesSiOn, June 19, 1978 -* ERSITOTION. COngkeis of the. U.S., Wadhington, D.0. HouseAelect COkimittee.ou-Aging. - -408'.DATE .19 Jun 78 ! , ' NOT! .219-p-,-;-,lotava-i-lable=i-nAlardcopy-d-usto targinAi. legibility:of originaldoctilient 'ATAILABLE FROM Superintendent of DocuRents,W.S..Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. ',20402.- . IDES PRICE Postage.... pc. Not AVailOble.from EpPs. DESCRIPTORS' erontology; Incoie4 *Indilidnal Needs; *Lift Older Adultsi.PersOnal AdjUstment; *Quality of *Retirement:: Self Actualization ^' ABSTRACT . The materials contained in these bearings 'represent the statements of witnesses before one of the Subcommitteesof the Committee on Aging of the House of Representatives.Witnesses pclude members of-Congreis, persons affiliated with the Adainistratipnop Aging.and,ths U.S. Civil Service Comiissidn, representativesof various labor unions, those working with several gerontologyprograa 'andmational .associations fOr retired programs, andistateand local governient officials. The statements addressthe following areas of coucerfi:prefetiremeiet planning, financial andinsurance needs, u leidure:time, health, social relations and personal safety. Specific-models and suggestions for Trerstirement educationprogr as are included in the appendices. (HLM) . .4 N T . " .' Z 4 4, . J.
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