CHARTER GASOIIIlttiiiJ J STAR WIND MILLS ? Plaec Anvon Both Wood and Qalvaaized Steel. mm ii; Any Purpose SuT- - Write for Prices. Stationeries, Portable, State Tour Power Needs or Toav S ilG Customer' Needs. E. N. Ct. - Sipperley, Westport, see. E. N. flPPERLEY. - Westncrt. m- ? Co- Leader APItIL-2-0, 1900 VOLUME XXIII. NEWTOWN, CONN., FRIDAY, TEN PAGES.;, NUMBER 16. CE 'ffTiSi"'"" Town Topics. JBl Pew' Clothes lor Trinity Church. HLcasons A Spring Debut. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING. Why you should bring your Engraving At the annual parish meeting, Monday afternoon, the officers were and Jewelry Repa riig to Bryant's-- I following first-cla- ss will need to mako elected : have the only real, engrav- About everything yu your - D. G. Beers. Spring had- world Clerk, Thoughts. er Danbury has ever He Gives his satisfactory to yourself and the appearance D. C. Peck. entire time to Engraving and..Jewelry will find here. And you don't have to confine Treasurer, do you Senior Warden, D. G. Beers. Did Easter ? reoairing and caa therefore it taste t one or two We show the best her hat put your old Derby to blush promptly and in the best uossible man your styles. Junior Warden, H. A. Hawley. or for all for all G. Cur of ner. We re-ool- your and thoughts of the best tailors, sizes, Vestrymen, E. L. Johnson, H. Derbys $5 shape and quality and trimmingj'SS can't jewelry D. C. Frank Dr E. M. make it look as good as new- - shapes, for all purses and for all shades of taste. tis, Peck, Wright, be Smith. made better than they are. Other good Derbys we back If a short boxy top coat with " you prefer jaunty Auditors, H. B. Camp, C. S. Piatt. with "Your money back at $2 and a very full back, the Bradford will please ycu. Collector, Frank Wright. $2.5o, $i.5o. covert cloth in E. Golf-shap-e Thirty-thre- e inches long Made of Delegates to Diocesan Convention, alpines are "good form" and deserve their G. L. Johnsen, C- - S. Piatt. L. BRYANT, several shades, $15 and $16 50. $3. in new and Alternates, R. H. Beers, Frank Wright. popularity Alpines Spring shapes and colors, Jeweler & Watchmaker, Some long and some regular length Oxford and full cufts on A CAED TO MT MAST FRIENDS. $2.5o, $2 $i.5o. 244 MAIN ST, DANBURY, CT. Cambridge mixtures, with hack, lined to sleeves, velvet collars and silk edge. $10, to thanks to atch I wish express my sincere Before for for N- - Y N- - H. you a cent fancy shirts, see how well Inspector $12 $13 50, $15, $18.50, $20.00 the many friends of my deceased wife spend A H. R, R. 50, wo Kegular length covert coats, $10, 12 50, 1500. and myself, who assisted me so kindly can please you. If we fail, you'll have to give up every Those at 4 98 and 8.50 are all wool. in taking care of her in her long slcknesf and delicaciee pleasing and fanciful idea in fancy shirts is here. 5oc, hi Suits of fast black worsted, sack or cuta- distress, and for the many clay In the of allies, wines, etc., 00 way fruit, j and $i.5o. PIBE INSURANCE, way, 10 to 20.00. which a sick person bo much needs, and REAL ESTATE. Spring suits in fancy checks and broken plaids, longs for, which many times are hard tr INVESTMENTS. and some in stripes, 10.00 to 27.00. get. And I pray that God's blessing ma; MrJust now I have a sale 7 per cent Invest- rest upon their heads so losg as the; i ment lor a limited amount. shall live, and that they may be minis Plain Blacks. B. H. MATTOON, tered unto in like manner when they shall PfUlai Kail, WaUrUvs, CtM JOHN F. K.EANE & Co. be laid upon their beds racked with paii Telephone. and disease. May God bless you all. is like black i&rary 3uidin& at In this world I've gained my knowledge, There nothing clothes to sharply define the the AfaJn & And tor It have had to "pay; m no other clothes so so FIRE INSURANCE-O- U comer of tonn streets Although I never went to college. figure quickly and boldly disclose a Rsl'abU LoMt Katta. Yet we've heard that poets say, Comptnur. - Iilfe Is a lack in cut or cloth. W. A. LEONARD. Newtown, Conn. B R.ID G E P O FT- like mighty river, Flowing on from day to day, And men are vessels launched upon It, r3 For that reason, our black suits and frock coats receive Sometimes wrecked and cast away. the critical attention of and come to us KK5OwOX)00OSKKwO)000 Chorus. expert tailors, they In Spring So then do your best tor one another, with all the marks of tailoring. HULL & HOYT CO. Making lite a pleasant dream, perfect Help a worn and weary brother, You as little as for a sack of black A Lady's Fancy o hard the stream. may pay $10 suit clay f Pulling against Turn toward Fnrlre ornanienta Many a bright, good hearted fellow, worsted, but you the black of the Hon. Spring by ihe calendar la a get unchangeable highest now a wi'tik old anil .we lmve pre Many noble minded man, nirn-- ' rurel yen lor Hie domnmli Finds himself In water shallow, priced fabric, and the same careful that timv lio made upon us. C olor Then asBist him If you can. tailoring. Mfii to o ot the hour" 5 Some tailor-mad- e j the"aKnyI succeed at every to and Uim hard enaiai olil tfooils wo turning, Sacks and cutaway suits from that up 25.00, have to show yon In Watchi-H-, Fortune favors every scheme. Brooches, Mann liucklea. Nether-Hol- Actual OUT" Sale of While others too, though more deserving, and made to fit our own tailor if need be. ItraneletM, Stic I'Iiib, I Lon "CLOSING Have to the stream. by Neck and Hat I'lnn were se- pull against ilitn a high-price- d lected nrt to iiiallty, next to pret-tlnem- If the wind is in Take our frock coats none but a tailor UerlKns- - article 18 GRANITE WARE, your favor, ol Kvery CROCKERY, And weathered guaranteed ) nut a represented. TIN you've every squall. Keepecttully, g GLASSWARE, WARE, Think of those who luckless labor, can match them in style or finish, yet we charge but 22.00 g PLATED WARE, WOODEN WARE, Never get fair winds at all. R. Randall Working hard, contented, willing. ft for coat and vest, silk faced. Davidson, LAMPS, KITCHEN SUPPLIES, Struggling through life's ocean wide, Scientific Optician, BIRD CAGES, ETC. Not a friend, and not a shilling. Vtt MAIN 8TRKKT. A N30NIA, CT. Palling hard against the tide. Fourth Poor Below Poutofllce. E. it. Briscoe, Botslord, April 9, 1900. EVERYTHING in from marked prices, as low as north half of store already 15 MEMOTUIM. ! at a cut of . L off any in Danbury. lall Papers In the early spring we laid her We have Jnst opened our Spring stock ol lu the dark and silent tomb, Wall It all tbetLatest De- These trnods are all new and fresh, late styles and desirable patterns, all bought Where the wind blew the Paper. comprises trom 17 through plaes signs and Colorings. We buy direct six months. We are going out of these lines. Casting o'er a Wall Paper Manufacturers and we have the shadowy gloom. lard st stock and '.'uo best variety ul Inw SUCH A Where was prloes to Ui.joh jrctn. everything cheerless, Tea per cent discount to Grangorr. Amidst the silent dead. Though the snn was shining brightly & Vehicle Through the clouds overhead. W. W. Walker Sod, OpportunityHAY NOT OCCUR AGAIN. THREE f tO0 U 4.IN ST., BUBSIPOET, CT. And our hetrts were nearly broke i 52JSEi With the loss of our dear one. STORES I Springfield. But to God we look for comfort, O Unto Him, and Him alone. COUGHLIN BROTHERS, BUGGIES, TRAPS In her Saviour she had trusted, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Cor. Bank RUNABOUTS, All her thoughts were centered in, II 327 Main, Sts., Dealers In PHAETONS, Often all sbe o saving, wanted, Fine Gold Wall Papers, Oil Tin ta,Fres-c- SURREYS, FARM, Was to go and dwell with Him. Borden, Decorations. Window STANHOPES, MILK and For she knew her Heavenly Falher , Conn. Shades, Fixtures, etc-- etc BUSINESS WAGONS. Had prepared a place lor her. Bridgeport, BUCKBOARDS, Where no sickness or no trout le J Could ever enter there. A. M. BRISCOE & SON, At Unheardof Prices. -- C. L.C., Bot slord. and Second Hand -- A IN CONFIDENCE TO OUR FRIENDS.. New Carriag WORD A cottage prayer meeting, roost help Wa Sell or Trade. Tills firm has not " failed "but owing to certain internal causes, must he wound up Buy, ami Wo to close out the North Store up the and ful in a and well t ome and See !'. liquidated. want rapidly, put partition spiritual way attended, settle down in our old store attain. was held on Wednesday of last evening many friends of this popnhr hostelry to entertain in that way. Mr Boyer ha day with his parents, Prof and Mrs C. 8. EDWAKD8 M.8MITH M.IV REAL BARGAINS the next few weeks. week at the home of John Elliot in Taun be to lasro. a foudr ess for and it i said he Piatt. youvhTfind for will chewders, PHraiCXA-B-T DENTAL PARLORS.
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