SFCC Circulation: FY 2008

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SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Circulations Publisher Title Call Number Location FY2008 Date 001.44 Nobel prize : a history of genius, controversy, andFELDMAN prestige / BurtonSFCC Feldman. Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Medium is the massage [by] Marshall McLuhan001.5 [and] M226MQuentin Fiore.SFCC Co-ordinated Non-Fiction by Jerome Agel. 1 [1967] Cult archaeology & creationism : understanding001.9 pseudoscientific CULT beliefsSFCC aboutNon-Fiction the past / edited by Francis B.1 Harroldc1995. and Raymond A. Eve. Philosophy of science and the occult / edited by001.9 Patrick P549 Grim. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1982. Search for Big Foot : monster, myth or man? / Peter001.94 Byrne B996s ; forewordSFCC by Non-FictionRobert Rines. 2 c1975. Chariots of the gods? Unsolved mysteries of the001.94 past / D228Cby Erich von SFCCDa¿¿niken Non-Fiction ; translated from the German1 by Michael1971. Heron. Sasquatch file, by John Green. 001.94 G823SA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1973. Year of the Sasquatch, by John Green. 001.94 G823Y SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1970. Mysterious realms : probing paranormal, historical,001.94 and NICKELL forensic enigmasSFCC Non-Fiction / Joe Nickell with John F. Fischer. 1 1992. Fortune sellers : the big business of buying and 003.2selling SHERDEN predictions / SFCCWilliam Non-Fiction A. Sherden. 1 c1998. Chaos in Wonderland : visual adventures in a fractal003.7 world PICKOVE / CliffordSFCC A. Pickover. Non-Fiction 1 1994. Computers : the life story of a technology / Eric004 G. Swedin SWEDIN and DavidSFCC L. Ferro. Non-Fiction 1 2005. 004.023 High-tech careers for low-tech people / WilliamSCHAFFER A. Schaffer. SFCC Career 1 c1999. 004.16 How to do everything with your Treo 700p / DerekHANDSPR Ball, Dayton BALL Foster.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. 004.16 What the dormouse said : how the sixties countercultureMARKOFF shaped theSFCC personal Non-Fiction computer industry / John Markoff.1 2005. Upgrade your life : the Lifehacker guide to working004.16 smarter, TRAPANI faster, SFCCbetter Non-Fiction / Gina Trapani. 1 c2008. Internet dreams : archetypes, myths, and metaphors004.67 / INTERNEMark Stefik. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1996. 004.678 Hidden web : finding quality information on theHENNING net / Maureen Henninger.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. 004.678 History of the Internet : a chronology, 1843 to theHISTORY present / ChristosSFCC J.P. Non-FictionMoschovitis ... [et al.]. 1 c1999. Email : the manual : everything you should know004.692 about emailSTEELE etiquette,SFCC policiesNon-Fiction and legal liability before you1 hit sendc2006. / Jeffrey Steele. 005.133 C Beginner's guide to C / Ivor Horton. HORTO SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1994. 005.268 MICROSO Complete idiot's guide to Visual Basic 6 / ClaytonWALNUM Walnum. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. 005.2762 SQL Beginning PHP 5 and MySQL : from novice to professionalPHP GILMORE / W. JasonSFCC Gilmore. Non-Fiction 3 c2004. Success of open source / Steven Weber. 005.3 WEBER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. 005.369 EXCEL Microsoft Excel 2002 : comprehensive course / 2002H. Albert NAPIER Napier, PhilipSFCC J. Non-FictionJudd, Benjamin Rand. 2 c2002. 005.369 Quick course in Word 7 for Windows 95 : computerMICROSO training COX books forSFCC busy Non-Fiction people / Joyce Cox, Christina Dudley.1 c1996. 005.369 MICROSO Microsoft Office 2000 9 in 1 for dummies : deskOFFICE reference 2000 / by GregSFCC Harvey Non-Fiction ... [et al.] ; edited by Bill Helling.1 c1999. 1 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 005.369 MICROSO PC guide for Word for Windows 95 : the easiestWORD way to 1996 learn to useSFCC Word Non-Fiction for Windows 95. 1 c1996. 005.369 MICROSO XP Microsoft Office XP inside out / Michael Halvorson,2001 Michael J. Young.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. 005.369 WORD Microsoft Word version 2002 inside out / Mary2002 Millhollon, MILLHOL KatherineSFCC Murray. Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Beginner's guide to Windows programming in using005.43 Turbo HORTON C++ / IvorSFCC Horton. Non-Fiction 1 c1995. 005.432 LINUX Linux cookbook : tips and techniques for everydaySTUTZ use / Michael Stutz.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. 005.432 UNIX UNIX power tools / Jerry Peek, Tim O'Reilly, MikePEEK Loukides ; and otherSFCC authors Non-Fiction of the Nutshell handbooks, including1 1994. Linda Mui [et al.]. 005.446 MAC OS How to do everything with Mac OS X Tiger / KirkMCELHEA McElhearn. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. 005.446 VISTA Windows Vista plain & simple / Jerry Joyce and JOYCEMarianne Moon. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. 005.446 VISTA Windows Vista for dummies / by Andy RathboneRATHBON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. 005.446 VISTA Maximum PC Microsoft Windows Vista exposedSOPER / Mark Edward Soper.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2008. 005.4465 Mac OS X secrets / Benjamin Levisay. LEVISAY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. 005.5 MICROSO Office 2003 all in one desk reference for dummiesWEVERKA / by Peter Weverka.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. 005.5 OFFICE Go! with Microsoft Office 2003 advanced / JohnADVANCE Preston ... 2003 [et al.]. SFCC Reserve 2 c2004. 005.5 OFFICE Go! with Microsoft Office 2003 : intermediate /INTERMED John Preston 2003 ... [et SFCCal.]. Reserve 43 c2004. 005.52 ADOBE How to wow with InDesign / Wayne Rankin, MikeRANKIN McHugh. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. 005.52 WORD Microsoft Office Word 2003 inside out / Mary Millhollon,2003 MILLHOL KatherineSFCC Murray. Non-Fiction 1 c2003. 005.54 EXCEL Excel 2003 bible / John Walkenbach. WALKENB SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. 005.54 MICROSO EXCEL Go! with Microsoft Office Excel 2003 / John Preston,2003 Sally Preston, RobertSFCC Reserve L. Ferrett. 14 c2004. 005.58 MICROSO Go! with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 : comprehensivePOWER 2003 / AliciaSFCC Vargas. Reserve 51 c2004. 005.7137 APACHE Apache Server 2.0 : a beginner's guide / Kate Wrightson.WRIGHTS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. HTML for the World Wide Web visual quickstart005.72 guide :CASTRO with XHTMLSFCC and Non-FictionCSS / by Elizabeth Castro. 1 c2003. Web redesign : workflow that works / by Kelly Goto005.72 & EmilyGOTO Cotler.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Cascading style sheets : the designer's edge / Molly005.72 E. Holzschlag.HOLZSCH SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2003. 2 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Web wizard's guide to HTML / Wendy Lehnert. 005.72 LEHNERT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Programming PHP / Rasmus Lerdorf and Kevin Tatroe005.72 ;LERDORF with Bob KaehmsSFCC Non-Fiction and Ric McGredy. 1 c2002. 005.72 MCCLELL Web design studio secrets / Deke McClelland, Katrin2002 Eismann, and TerriSFCC Stone.Non-Fiction 1 c2000. 005.72 PAGE Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 / Khristine2004 Annwn Page. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2004. Code : the hidden language of computer hardware005.72 and PETZOLD software / CharlesSFCC Non-Fiction Petzold. 1 c1999. Web design templates sourcebook / by Lisa Schmeiser005.72 SCHMEIS; contributingSFCC HTML Non-Fiction template developers: Tori Copeland1 ...c1997. [et al.] Zen of CSS design : visual enlightenment for the005.72 web / bySHEA Dave SheaSFCC and Non-FictionMolly E. Holzschlag. 2 c2005. Principles of web design / by Joel Sklar. 005.72 SKLAR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. 005.72 SMITH Creating Web pages for dummies / by Bud Smith2000 and Arthur Bebak SFCC; foreword Non-Fiction by Kevin Werbach.. 2 c2000. DHTML and CSS for the World Wide Web / Jason005.72 Cranford TEAGUE Teague. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Robin Williams Web design workshop / John Tollett,005.72 Robin TOLLETT Williams,SFCC David Non-Fiction Rohr. 3 c2002. Exploring Web design / Jeremy Vest, William Crowson,005.72 VEST Shannon Pochran.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. 005.72 Site-seeing : a visual approach to Web usability WROBLEW/ Luke Wroblewski ;SFCC with Non-Fictioncontributions by Nan Goggin and Jennifer1 c2002. Gunji. Introduction to database systems / C.J. Date. 005.74 DATE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. HTML in action : hot tools for cool Web sites / Bruce005.75 Morris. MORRIS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. 005.75 HTML, the definitive guide / Chuck Musciano andMUSCIAN Bill Kennedy. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1996. 005.7565 ACCESS 2002 Microsoft Access 2002 : illustrated complete / LisaFRIEDRI Friedrichsen. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. 005.7565 ACCESS 2002 Access 2002 bible / Cary N. Prague and MichaelPRAGUE R. Irwin. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2001. 005.7565 MICROSO Microsoft Access 2002 : comprehensive conceptsACCESS and techniques 2002 / SFCCGary B.Non-Fiction Shelly ... [et al.]. 2 c2002. 005.7565 MICROSO GO! with Microsoft Office. Access 2003 / Linda ACCESSFoster-Turpen. 2003 SFCC Reserve 18 c2004- 005.8 COMPUTER Computer security sourcebook / edited by Wilma2003 R. Caldwell. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Computer virus crisis / Philip Fites, Peter Johnston,005.8 Martin F557c Kratz. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1989. Hundredth window : protecting your privacy and005.8 security JENNING in the ageSFCC of the Non-Fiction Internet / Charles Jennings and Lori1 Fena2000. ; foreword by Esther Dyson. PC security and virus protection : the ongoing war005.8 against KANE informationSFCC sabotage Non-Fiction / Pamela Kane. 1 c1994. Crypto : how the code rebels beat the government,005.8 saving LEVY privacy inSFCC the Non-Fictiondigital age / Steven Levy. 1 2001. Computer viruses, worms, data diddlers, killer programs,005.8 M116c and otherSFCC threats Non-Fiction to your system : what they are, 1how theyc1989. work, and how to defend your PC, Mac, or mainframe / John McAfee and Colin Haynes ; foreword by John C. Dvorak. Digital soul : intelligent machines and human values006.3 / GEORGESThomas M. Georges.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. 006.338 Blackboard for dummies / by Howie SouthworthSOUTHWO ... [et al.]. SFCC Non-Fiction 5 2006. 3 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Computer vision / Linda G. Shapiro, George C. Stockman.006.37 SHAPIRO SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2001. Color harmony for the web : a guidebook to create006.6 color BOYLE combinationsSFCC for Non-Fiction web site design / Cailin Boyle. 1 c2001. 006.68 Macromedia Dreamweaver MX : creating Web MACROMEpages / Against the Clock.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. 006.686 ADOBE Adobe Photoshop CS2 studio techniques / Ben Willmore.WILLMOR 2006 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2006. 006.6869 Photoshop Elements solutions : the art of digitalAALAND photography / MikkelSFCC Aaland. Non-Fiction 1 2001. 006.6869 Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
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