Case 5:20-cv-10829-JEL-APP ECF No. 44 filed 04/26/20 PageID.1010 Page 1 of 37 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN JANET MALAM, Petitioner-Plaintiff, - against - No. 2:20-cv-10829-JEL-APP REBECCA ADDUCCI, et al., Respondent-Defendants. PETITIONER-PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER Petitioner-Plaintiffs (“Plaintiffs”) Qaid Alhalmi, Tomas Cardona Ramirez, Julio Fernando Medina Euceda, Damary Rodriguez Salabarria, Emanuel Rosales Borboa, and Min Dan Zhang hereby move this Court, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 65, for a temporary restraining order requiring their immediate release from the Calhoun County Correctional Center. The grounds for this motion are set forth in the Brief in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Temporary Restraining Order, filed herewith and the accompanying Declarations in support. In accordance with Local Rule 7.1(a), the Plaintiffs’ counsel contacted Jennifer Newby, counsel for Respondent-Defendants, and Andrew Stacer, counsel for separately-represented Petitioner-Plaintiff Janet Malam, to seek their consent of 1 Case 5:20-cv-10829-JEL-APP ECF No. 44 filed 04/26/20 PageID.1011 Page 2 of 37 this motion. At the time of this filing, neither Ms. Newby nor Mr. Stacer had responded to Plaintiffs’ request. Dated: April 26, 2020 Respectfully submitted, _________________________/s/ Miriam J. Aukerman Miriam J. Aukerman (P63165) Anand V. Balakrishnan Ayesha Elaine Lewis* Michael K.T. Tan American Civil Liberties Union Omar C. Jadwat* Fund of Michigan American Civil Liberties Union 1514 Wealthy Street SE, Suite 260 Foundation Immigrants’ Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Rights Project Telephone: (616) 301-0930 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
[email protected] New York, New York 10004 Telephone: (212) 549-2660 Daniel S.