Cunninghame House, Irvine.

9 August 2012

Ardrossan and Arran, and Area Committee

You are requested to attend a Meeting of the above mentioned Committee of Council to be held in the Youth Room, Ardeer Neighbourhood Centre, Shore Road, Stevenston on THURSDAY 16 AUGUST 2012 at 2.00 p.m. to consider the undernoted business.

Yours faithfully

Elma Murray

Chief Executive

1. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any declarations of interest in respect of items of business on the Agenda.

2. Minutes The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 14 June 2012 will be signed in accordance with Paragraph 7 (1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (copy enclosed).

3. Strathclyde Police Strathclyde Police will report.

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 4. Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Submit report by Strathclyde Fire and Rescue on activity within the Committee's area in the period 1 June to 31 July 2012 (copy enclosed).

5. Saltcoats Town Hall The Head of Community and Culture (Education and Skills) and the Project Manager, Irvine Bay Regeneration Company will report.

6. Castle The Head of Community and Culture (Education and Skills) and the Team Leader - Economic Development (Chief Executive's Service) will report.

7. Roads and Related Issues on Arran The Head of Infrastructure and Design (Finance and Infrastructure) will report.

8. Community Benefit Fund: Applications for Grant Aid Submit report by the Chief Executive on applications for grants received in respect of the Community Benefit Fund (copy enclosed).

9. Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund 2012/13: Applications for Financial Assistance Submit report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on applications received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund 2012/13 (copy enclosed).

10. Common Good Funding Submit report by the Solicitor to the Council on whether a Common Good Fund can access further funding (copy enclosed).

11. Stevenston Common Good Fund Submit report by the Solicitor to the Council on the history of Stevenston Common Good assets and implications of audit arrangements for Common Goods (copy enclosed).

12. Future Agenda Items Discuss items for consideration at future meetings of the Area Committee.

13. Urgent Items Any other items which the Chair considers to be urgent.

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 2 Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee

Sederunt: John Bruce (Chair) Willie Gibson Tony Gurney Chair: John Hunter Ronnie McNicol Peter McNamara Jim Montgomerie Alan Munro



Meeting Ended:

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 3 4 Agenda Item 2 Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee 14 June 2012

SALTCOATS, 14 June 2012 - At a Meeting of the Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee of North Ayrshire Council at 2.00 p.m.

Present John Bruce, Tony Gurney, Ronnie McNicol, Peter McNamara, Jim Montgomerie and Alan Munro.

In Attendance J. McHarg, Assistant Manager (Community Services) and B. Anderson, Performance/Grants Information Officer (Education and Skills); J. Cumming, Project Officer (Economic Development), M. McKeown, Committee Services Manager and D. McCaw, Committee Services Officer (Chief Executive’s Service). Also In Attendance Inspector B. Skimming and Sergeant P. Ferguson (Strathclyde Police). Chair Councillor Bruce in the Chair. Apologies for Absence Willie Gibson and John Hunter.

1. Appointment of Chair

At its meeting on 16 May 2012, North Ayrshire Council agreed a Scheme of Administration for Area Committees which included provision for the appointment of Area Committee Chairs. Accordingly, the Committee Services Officer sought nominations for this position.

Councillor Gurney, seconded by Councillor McNicol, moved that Councillor Bruce be appointed as Chair. There being no valid amendment, the motion was declared carried.

Accordingly, the Committee agreed that Councillor Bruce be appointed as Chair of the Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee. Councillor Bruce assumed the Chair for the remainder of the meeting.

2. Declarations of Interest

2.1 Advice to Elected Members

Submitted report by the Chief Executive on the requirements of Standing Orders and Section 5 of the Code of Conduct for Councillors in relation to declarations of interest.

Page 1 5 Standing Order 16 provides that if any Member of the Council has a financial or non-financial interest in any contract or any other matter as defined by Section 5 of the Councillors' Code of Conduct, and is present at any meeting at which that matter is to be considered, he or she must, as soon as practicable after the meeting starts, disclose that he or she has an interest and importantly, state the nature of this interest. Section 5 of the Code, which was appended to the report, sets out the rules in relation to declarations of interest.

To facilitate any declarations, a heading of "Declarations of Interest", routinely appears as the first item on agendas for all meetings of the Council and its Committees. Any Member making a declaration is expected to make a statement which is sufficiently informative as to enable those at the meeting, or anyone reading the Minute, to understand the nature of the interest.

The Committee agreed (a) to note the report; and (b) that Members ensure (i) they are familiar with the requirements of Standing Orders and Section 5 of the Code of Conduct for Councillors in relation to declaring interests and (ii) consider the need to declare financial or non-financial interests in any contract or any other matter as defined by Section 5 of the Councillors' Code of Conduct when attending meetings of the Council and its committees.

2.2 Declarations

There were no declarations of interest by Members in terms of Standing Order 16 and Section 5 of the Code of Conduct for Councillors.

3. Strathclyde Police

Inspector Skimming provided information on the following:-

 EPIC, the Enforcement, Prevention and Intervention Community supported initiative, which commenced on 25 May 2012 tackling anti-social behaviour, litter, vandalism and intimidation in the Adams Avenue area of Saltcoats and in the 12 surrounding streets;  youth diversionary activities, including the use of the mobile sports stadium on Friday evenings;  continuing action plans to tackle areas of concern, including the Cannon Hill area of Ardrossan; the Saltcoats, Stevenston and Ardrossan town centres; and drinking in public places at locations on Arran;  road safety enforcement plans to address speeding, mobile phone and seatbelt offences;  drugs intelligence operations conducted at 5 locations during April and May;  preparations for summer events including the Brodick Highland Games and Saltcoats Gala week;

Page 2 6  incidents of robbery in Stevenston;  the detection of building works fraud in Lamlash, Arran; and  the attempted murder which took place in Hill Place, Ardrossan on 11 June.

Members also received an update regarding break-ins in Glasgow Street, Montgomerie Street and Glasgow Lane. Noted.

4. Strathclyde Fire and Rescue

Submitted report by Strathclyde Fire and Rescue on activity from 1 April to 31 May 2012, which included information on:-

 accidental/deliberate dwelling and non-domestic fires;  vehicle and rubbish fires;  heath and grass fires;  derelict building fires;  false alarms;  road traffic collisions; and  other special services.


5. Community Benefit Fund: Applications for Grant Aid

Submitted report by the Chief Executive on applications for grant received in respect of the Community Benefit Fund.

The Committee agreed to (a) grant the following awards:-

Ardrossan Organisation Amount St Peter's Primary School £3,384 Winton Primary School £3,885 Thursday Club £1,350

Saltcoats and Stevenston Organisation Amount 1st Stevenston Girl Guides £ 300 Writers Cramp £1,300

Arran Organisation Amount Clachan Church £ 250

Page 3 7 and (b) to continue consideration of the applications from (i) Roots of Arran Community Woodland for additional information on volunteer costs; and (ii) Pirnmill Village Association for additional information in relation to funding for the footbridge project.

6. Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund 2012/12: Applications for Financial Assistance

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on applications received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund 2012/13.

The Committee agreed to make the following awards:-

Community Development Grants Scheme

Organisation Award Arran Theatre & Arts Trust £1,000 1st Ardrossan Girls Brigade £ 500 Isle of Cumbrae Pipe Band £2,000 Retirement Yoga Group £1,350 Ardrossan Whitlees Community Association £1,152.50 with the group being advised by the Assistant Manager, Community Services, to ensure that order is maintained at events Ardrossan Wednesday Pensioners Club £ 450 Stevenston Elderly Forum £1,040.50 Ardrossan Winton Community Sports Club £ 250

Local Youth Action Fund

Organisation Award Shibumi Karate Club £2,000 with the group being asked provide feedback to the Committee on the performance of the youngsters at the European Championships in Paris

7. Saltcoats Common Good Fund

Submitted report by the Chief Executive on an application for financial assistance from the Saltcoats Common Good Fund from the Shibumi Karate Club.

The Committee noted that this application had been withdrawn.

Page 4 8 8. Corporate Grants to Elderly Groups

Submitted report by the Chief Executive on the level of funding available for distribution of corporate grants for elderly groups within the Committee's area in 2012/13.

At its meeting on 12 October 2010, the then Executive of North Ayrshire Council agreed the disbursement of the Corporate Policy Grants budget for 2010-14, awarding an allocation of £67,383 for disbursement to elderly groups in 2012/13. Of this, the sum of £18,530 has been allocated for disbursement by the Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee.

Traditionally, grants are paid to elderly groups to fund social events, such as summer outings and Christmas lunches. Grants can also be used to support other activities for the benefit of the elderly population in the area, including running costs of centres. The budgets allocated to each Area Committee are distributed (in two instalments) to a number of identified groups in each area.

Appendix 1 to the report set out the allocations across Area Committees based on respective elderly populations and indicated how monies would be allocated in the Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston area as follows:-

Organisation Award Age Concern Arran Branch £3,300 Age Concern Stevenston £4,320 Ardrossan Old People's Welfare Committee £4,520 Saltcoats Old People's Welfare Committee £6,390

Members discussed the current basis for the allocation of funding and requested that this process be reviewed in relation to future payments to elderly groups.

The Committee agreed (a) to the distribution of awards as set out in the report; and (b) that the Chief Executive gives consideration to the basis for future allocation of funding in relation to payments to elderly groups.

9. North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP): Board: Minutes of Meeting held on 15 March 2012

Submitted report by the Chief Executive on the Minutes of the Meeting of the North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) held on 15 March 2012.


10. Future Agenda Items

The Committee noted that any items for the next meeting of the Area Committee should be submitted to M. Anderson or E. Fisher.

Page 5 9 11. Urgent Items

The Chair agreed that the undernoted items be considered as matters of urgency to allow the requests for funding to be considered prior to the summer recess.

11.1 Community Development Grants

Submitted tabled reports on applications for financial assistance received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme.

The Committee agreed to make the following awards:-

Organisation Award The International, Geographical, Historical and Cultural Agency £ 500 subject to the submission of financial monitoring information in relation to a previous grant award Saltcoats Gala Committee £1,500 TASS Thistle FC £1,600

The meeting ended at 2.45 p.m.

Page 6 10 Tactical Assessment

Dates: 01/06/2012 - 31/07/2012 Councils: North Ayrshire Wards: Ardrossan and Arran Ward, Saltcoats and Stevenston Ward

Incident Analysis

Ward Council Ward as % of Council

Population 36725 135817 27% Dwellings 18024 65550 27.5% Incidents 102 348 29.3% Casualties 10 17 58.8% Fire 1 4 25% RTC 9 12 75% Other 0 1 % Fatalities 0 0 % Fire 0 0 % RTC 0 % Other 0 0 %

Dwelling Fires: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Dwelling Fire Locations


Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 1 of 7 | Executed: 06/08/2012 15:58:27 11 Tactical Assessment

Dwelling Fires: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Dwelling Fire Locations

Data does not exist for the specified criteria.

Non Domestic Fires: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Non Domestic Fire Locations

Non Domestic Fires: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Non Domestic Fire Locations

Street Incident Count AILSA DR, ., STEVENSTON 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 1

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 2 of 7 | Executed: 06/08/2012 15:58:27 12 Tactical Assessment

Vehicle Fires: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Vehicle Fire Locations

Street Incident Count .n/a, .n/a, STEVENSTON 1 MANSE ST, ., SALTCOATS 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 2

Vehicle Fires: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Vehicle Fire Locations

Street Incident Count AILSA GDNS, ., ARDROSSAN 1 BURNLEA PL, ., STEVENSTON 1 DOCKHEAD ST, ., SALTCOATS 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 3

Rubbish Fires Top 10 Rubbish Fire Locations


Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 3 of 7 | Executed: 06/08/2012 15:58:27 13 Tactical Assessment

Heath and Grass Fires Top 10 Heath and Grass Fire Locations


Derelict Buildings: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Derelict Buildings Locations

Data does not exist for the specified criteria.

Derelict Buildings: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Derelict Buildings Locations

Street Incident Count MONTGOMERIE CRES, ., SALTCOATS 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 1

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 4 of 7 | Executed: 06/08/2012 15:58:27 14 Tactical Assessment

False Alarms: Malicious Top 10 Malicious False Alarm Locations

Street Incident Count BURNS AVE, ., SALTCOATS 1 JACKS RD, ., SALTCOATS 1 NELSON RD, ., SALTCOATS 1 PRINCES ST, ., ARDROSSAN 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 4

False Alarms: Good Intent Top 10 Good Intent False Alarm Locations

Street Incident Count CURRIE CRT, ., ARDROSSAN 2 GLASGOW ST, ., ARDROSSAN 2 NEW ENGLAND RD, ., SALTCOATS 2 .n/a, BLACKWATERFOOT, ARRAN 1 .n/a, WHITING BAY, ARRAN 1 :not recorded, :not recorded, :not recorded 1 ARDEER LANE, ., STEVENSTON 1 BURNS TERR, ., ARDROSSAN 1 DUBBS RD, ., STEVENSTON 1 GLENCLOY RD, BRODICK, ARRAN 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 15

False Alarms: Equipment Fault Top 10 Equipment Fault False Alarm Locations

Street Incident Count BURNS AVE, ., SALTCOATS 4 #invalid, #invalid, #invalid 2 AFTON RD, ., STEVENSTON 2 GEORGE AITKEN CRT, ., ARDROSSAN 2 PRINCES ST, ., ARDROSSAN 2 THE BRAES, ., SALTCOATS 2 .n/a, .n/a, STEVENSTON 1 BARNETT CRT, ., SALTCOATS 1 CURRIE CRT, ., ARDROSSAN 1 GLASGOW ST, ., ARDROSSAN 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 24

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 5 of 7 | Executed: 06/08/2012 15:58:27 15 Tactical Assessment

Road Traffic Collisions Top 10 Road Traffic Collision Locations

Street Incident Count .n/a, MACHRIE, ARRAN 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 1

Water Related Incidents Top 10 Water Related Incident Locations

Data does not exist for the specified criteria.

Other Special Services* Top 10 Other Special Services* Locations

Street Incident Count #invalid, #invalid, #invalid 1 .n/a, LAMLASH, ARRAN 1 DUBBS RD, ., STEVENSTON 1 O CONNOR CRT, ., SALTCOATS 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 4

* - Excluding road traffic collisions and water related incidents

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 6 of 7 | Executed: 06/08/2012 15:58:27 16 Tactical Assessment

Report Description

Given a date range, council and ward, this report provides demographic, incident, casualty and fatality information in tabular format. It also charts and lists the top ten street locations for a chosen list of incident types.

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 7 of 7 | Executed: 06/08/2012 15:58:27 17 18 NORTH AYRSHIRE COUNCIL

Agenda Item 8 16 August 2012

Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee

Subject: Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee Community Benefit Fund Applications for Grant Aid

Purpose: To advise the Committee of the applications received in respect of the Community Benefit Fund.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Committee considers the applications as outlined in the attached Appendix.

1. Introduction

1.1 The Committee will recall the criteria as previously agreed in that (i) priority will be given to environmental projects although not exclusively, (ii) the criteria will be the same in the three localities (iii) no maximum limit of grant although grants will not normally exceed £4,000 and will be dealt with by exception (iv) there is no minimum limit to grant funding (vi) local groups will be given priority over national groups.

2. Current Position

2.1 The Community Benefit Fund has an overall balance of £21,360.53. The Community Benefit Fund for each locality has a balance as follows:

 Ardrossan - £11,138.95  Saltcoats and Stevenston - £8400.95  Arran - £1820.62

19 3. Proposals

3.1 The Committee is asked to consider application(s) as outlined below and in Appendix 1.

Saltcoats and Opening Balance £8400.95 Stevenston Bidder Value Purpose St Marys £2,000 Contribution to Church Hall Pastoral renovations Committee North Ayrshire £950 Bus trip and meal for Breathe Easy members to celebrate fifth anniversary of this support group Total £2950 Closing Balance £5450.95

Arran Opening Balance £1820.62 Bidder Value Purpose Roots of Arran £415 Purchase equipment to teach Community forest education to school children Pirnmill Village £1400 To part fund the restoration of Association a foot bridge across the Altogolach Burn Total £1815 Closing Balance £5.62

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 Awards will be met from the available resources held in the Community Benefit Fund.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 None

Legal Implications

4.3 None

20 Equality Implications

4.4 None

Environmental Implications

4.5 None

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 Support of the applications would contribute towards the Single Outcome Agreement for North Ayrshire as follows.

11a Levels of voluntary action and community involvement have increased. 11b Partnership working between the public community and voluntary sector has improved. 12a Our environment is protected and enhanced.

Community Benefit Implications

4.7 The applications, if approved, will be funded through the Community Benefit Fund.

5. Consultations

5.1 Consultation has taken place with the applicant bodies and appropriately qualified officers in the Council.

6. Conclusion

6.1 The Area Committee should determine the applications as listed.

ELMA MURRAY Chief Executive

Reference : JC/AM For further information please contact Jim Cumming, Project Officer on 01294 225196 Background Papers Not Applicable



Applicant Contact Details

Name of Organisation: St Marys Contact Person: Father Graham Parish Pastoral Committee Bell

Address for Correspondence: Telephone Number: 01294 463461 10 Ardrossan Road Saltcoats

Postcode: KA21 5 BW

Description of Applicant Organisation

Number of Members: 5 Committee Established: 1970 Members drawn from user groups

Meeting Place: St Marys Parish Date of Visit: 31/07/12 Hall

Description of the Project: The funding will contribute to the renovation of the church hall. The total cost of the work is £39,000 and will include improved access, including the provision of a disabled lift, and additional meeting space.


Amount requested: £2,000 Contribution by Group: The Committee are fundraising for the balance

Supporting Information Provided

Constitution/Memorandum of Articles: Available

Bank Details: Available Balance in Bank: £9,000


Additional Comments on Scoring


1. Charitable x 2. Educational x

3. Community x 4. Environmental

5. Renewable Energy 6. Energy Efficiency

7. Sustainable Development 8. General Community Amenity x

Level of environmental enhancement: Not applicable

Level of community involvement: The Hall is a well used local community facility. A total of 10 non-denominational groups with a combined membership of approximately 275 including brownies, cubs, scouts, youth groups, a karate club, blind club and a weekly lunch club.

Level of funding secured or available: The Committee will secure additional funds from other grants sources and through fundraising.

Experience of group to deliver project: The Committee has been active in managing the hall since it was built in 1970

Future sustainability of project: The Committee will meet all ongoing maintainence costs.

Location of Project: The Hall is used by individuals from across the three towns.

Officer Details

Name: Jim Cumming Position: Project Officer Telephone No: 01294 225196 Date:




Applicant Contact Details

Name of Organisation: North Contact Person: Marie Crawford Ayrshire Breathe Easy

Address for Correspondence: Telephone Number: available 81 Argyle Road

Postcode:KA21 5NE

Description of Applicant Organisation

Number of Members: 50 Established: 2007

Meeting Place: Community Centre Date of Visit: 31/07/12 Stevenston

Description of the Project: Breath Easy North Ayrshire is a voluntary patient support group linked to the British Lung Foundation. The group provide support and information for individuals living with a lung condition at their monthly meetings. The group are hoping to celebrate their fifth anniversary in September and would use the grant funding to arrange a dinner at a local hotel. A number of the members lung conditions mean that they are effectively housebound and the funding would pay for transportation in addition to the meal itself.


Amount requested: £ 950 Contribution by Group: Nil

Supporting Information Provided

Constitution/Memorandum of Articles: Available

Bank Details: Available Balance in Bank: £867


Additional Comments on Scoring


1. Charitable x 2. Educational x

3. Community x 4. Environmental

5. Renewable Energy 6. Energy Efficiency

7. Sustainable Development 8. General Community Amenity

Level of environmental enhancement: Not applicable

Level of community involvement: The 50 members meet on a monthly basis at the Community Centre in Ardeer and offer advice, information and mutual support to sufferers of lung disease. Refeshments are available and speakers, on a range of relevant topics, are also invited to the meetings.

Level of funding secured or available: The Group meet their running costs from donations and fundraising.

Experience of group to deliver project: The group is well established as a support group for patients suffering from a range of lung conditions.

Future sustainability of project: N/A

Location of Project: Stevenston, but drawing its membership from across the Three Towns

Officer Details

Name: Jim Cumming Position: Project Officer Telephone No: 01294 225196 Date:




Applicant Contact Details

Name of Organisation: Contact Person:

Pirnmill Village Association Mrs Liz Adams

Address for Correspondence: Telephone Number: Bayview House, Pirnmill, 01770 850230 Isle of Arran

Postcode: KA27 8HP

Description of Applicant Organisation

Number of Members: Established: Approx. 150 2010

Meeting Place: Date of Visit: Pirnmill Village Hall 17th May 2012

Description of the Project:

The group wish to replace the bridge across Altogolach Burn used as a public footpath to access the post office. The bridge would run parallel to the single lane road bridge and offer as safe crossing for children and the elderly. The previous bridge was washed away by a spate 2 years ago. The land is owned by Dourgaria estates and footings are still in existence. The Association have revised their application and have forwarded three quotes for the work two of which are under £5,000 exclusive of (VAT). The Association have also been advised of other potential funding sources for the balance of the funding.


Amount requested: Contribution by Group: £1400 £1600 from fundraising.

Supporting Information Provided

Constitution/Memorandum of Articles: Available

Bank Details: Available Balance in Bank:



Additional Comments on Scoring


1. Charitable 2. Educational

3. Community X 4. Environmental

5. Renewable Energy 6. Energy Efficiency

7. Sustainable Development 8. General Community Amenity X

Level of environmental enhancement:

The new bridge would enhance the village and encourage pedestrian access to the post office and shop

Level of community involvement:

The whole community are in support of the new bridge as well as villagers from Lochranza and Catacol who used the post office shop.

Level of funding secured or available:

£1600 from fundraising.

Experience of group to deliver project:

The group was formed from an amalgamation of the village hall and improvements group, they have previously delivered a new slipway and village hall.

Future sustainability of project: The Association would ensure the bridge for public liability as fundraise for any on going maintenance costs.

Location of Project:

Pirnmill, Isle of Arran

Officer Details

Name: Jim Cumming Position: Project Officer Telephone No: 01294 225196 Date:




Applicant Contact Details

Name of Organisation: Contact Person:

Roots of Arran Community Juliette Walsh Woodland

Address for Correspondence: Telephone Number: Primrose Cottage, Whiting Bay, 01770 700508 Isle of Arran

Postcode: KA27 8RH

Description of Applicant Organisation

Number of Members: Established: 40 members 2002

Meeting Place: Date of Visit: Community woodland in Brodick 17th May 2012

Description of the Project:

The group wish to teach forest education to pupils of Whiting Bay Primary School and deliver John Muir awards to them. They are seeking funding to pay two members of the group for delivering this training and equipment for the children. The group have revised their application and are now seeking a grant of £415 for equipment They will now seek the additional funding to deliver the training from other sources.


Amount requested: Contribution by Group:£300



Supporting Information Provided

Constitution/Memorandum of Articles:

Provided by Group.

Bank Details Balance in Bank:

Available £5,249.44 of which £3000.00 is restricted funds to deliver a pond and path project.

Additional Comments on Scoring


1. Charitable X 2. Educational X

3. Community 4. Environmental X

5. Renewable Energy 6. Energy Efficiency

7. Sustainable Development 8. General Community Amenity

Level of environmental enhancement: The project will teach children about the environment and biodiversity. This project will not in itself enhance the environment but will teach children to appreciate and understand it.

Level of community involvement: This is a community led project that is working in partnership with a local school and parents. The group has approximately 20- 40 volunteers who contribute to their aims of improving woodland management and access.

Level of funding secured or available:

The group have raised £300 from fundraising activities.

Experience of group to deliver project:

The group have previously delivered forest school sessions to Primary schools and have 2 members trained as Forest schools leaders.

Future sustainability of project:

There is interest from Arran High school as well as from the outdoor education centre for the delivery of more sessions.


Location of Project:

The group would carry out the Forest schools training at the Community woodland site behind Brodick, they also have permission to use woodland at Whiting Bay and Lamlash.

Officer Details

Name: Jim Cumming Position: Project Officer Telephone No: 01294 225196 Date:


Agenda Item 9 16 August 2012

Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee

Subject: Community Development Grants Scheme 2012/2013: Applications for Financial Assistance

Purpose: To advise the Committee of applications received in respect of the Community Development Grant Scheme and the Local Youth Action Fund for 2012/2013.

Recommendation: That the Committee considers and determines the applications as outlined in Appendix 1 to the report.

1. Introduction

1.2 The Community Development Grant Scheme Award has a balance of £19,825 available for disbursement. This figure includes the 50% split for September to December.

1.3 The Local Youth Action Fund has a balance of £16,249 available for disbursement.

1.4 At the meeting of the Ardrossan, Arran, Saltcoats, Stevenston Area Committee held on 14 June 2012 it was agreed that an appendix be attached outlining grant spend covering a three year period. This is attached as Appendix 2 to the report.

2. Current Position

2.1 Applications have been received within a number of categories of the Community Development Grant Scheme and the Local Youth Action Fund. Details of these applications are summarised in the attached Appendix 3.

3. Proposals

3.1 It is proposed that the Committee considers the applications as outlined Appendix 3 to the report.

33 4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 Awards will be met from the available balances.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are no human resource implications.

Legal Implications

4.3 There are no legal implications.

Equality Implications

4.4 There are no equality implications.

Environmental Implications

4.5 There are no environmental implications.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 Supporting the organisations listed in Appendix 2 will assist in achieving SOA outcomes:

1b North Ayrshire is a more attractive tourist destination. 2a More people are in work or training. 3b People are better skilled to get into work. 5a Opportunities to support the positive development of vulnerable young children have increased. 6a Health and well-being throughout life have improved. 6d More vulnerable people are supported within their own communities. 6e People are more active more often. 7b Fewer people are living in poverty. 8a More children and young people live in a safe and supportive environment. 9a Fear of crime and antisocial behaviour has reduced. 9b Levels of crime and antisocial behaviour has reduced. 9c Road safety has improved.

34 11a Levels of voluntary action and community involvement have increased. 12 We value and enjoy our built and natural environment and protect it and enhance it for future generations.

Community Benefit Implications

4.7 There are no community benefit implications.

5. Consultations

5.1 Consultation has taken place between the applicant bodies and appropriate officers of the Council.

6. Conclusion

6.1 Awards from the Community Development Grant Scheme assist community-based projects, including cultural, social welfare, recreational or sporting based initiatives.

6.2 Awards from the Local Youth Action Fund are made to groups supporting young people aged 12 - 25 years of age.

CAROL KIRK Corporate Director (Education and Skills)

Reference : JMcH/BA For further information please contact James McHarg, Assistant Manager, Community Development on 01294 468035. Background Papers None

35 36 37 38 Community Development Grant Scheme Award

Ardrossan, Arran, Saltcoats Stevenston Area Committee for the period 2009/10 - 2010/11


Percentage of New Groups/Organisations applying for funding

40 Appendix 3.1

Community Development Grants Scheme 2012/2013 Applications from Organisations seeking Financial Assistance Ardrossan, Arran, Saltcoats, Stevenston Area Committee Meeting - 16 August 2012 Organisation Purpose of Grant Amount Amount Comments Requested Recommended Isle of Arran Additional travelling £1,000 Defer for The Isle of Arran Community Council expenses further Community Council information already receives a Meeting place: special additional Ormidale Pavilion, allowance of £500 per Brodick, Isle of Arran year to cover travel. This is the only Established: Over 30 Community Council in years. North Ayrshire who receives this. Numbers attending: 12

Balance in bank: £945.57 (travel costs of Community Councillors, subscriptions, insurance, website costs)

Corrie & Sannox Wages for a hall £2,000 £0 The group would have Village Hall Committee caretaker during July to become an employer Limited and August from 9am - within a short space of 5pm to allow the hall to time and the timescales Meeting place: As be used as public for securing the above. toilets. additional funding is unrealistic. Established: 1964 There is no definite Numbers attending: 20 indication that this service would be used. Balance in bank: £895.88 (maintenance and running of the village costs of the village hall)

41 Community Development Grants Scheme 2012/2013 Applications from Organisations seeking Financial Assistance Ardrossan, Arran, Saltcoats, Stevenston Area Committee Meeting - 16 August 2012 Organisation Purpose of Grant Amount Amount Comments Requested Recommended Maritime Volunteer Cost toward £2,000 £750 Maritime Volunteer Service displacement boat. Service received a grant last financial year Meeting place: for a Rib. Ardrossan Marina The organisation are Established: 1999 making a significant contribution to the cost Numbers attending: 12 of this new boat by selling an older Rib and Balance in bank: will look at other £3,831.84 (ring fenced avenues to secure total for purchase of amount required e.g. displacement boat and fundraising. running costs)

52nd Ayrshire Beaver Purchase of indoor £1,500 £1,052 The recommended Scouts equipment, storage for amount will allow the equipment, outdoor group to continue to Meeting place: St. activities. provide and extend Mary's Church Hall,  Storage - £50 their programme of Ardrossan Road,  Outdoor activities - activities to the young Saltcoats £1,500 people who attend. It  Parachute - £70 will allow the purchase Established: Over 10  Skittles - £50 of equipment and years.  Art materials & balls storage to allow the - £25 young people a positive Numbers attending: 30 indoor and outdoor play beavers, 30 cubs and experience that will 30 scouts. promote their all round development in a safe, Balance in bank: secure, stimulating and £3,317.48 (£1,400 challenging restricted funding for environment. membership fees; insurance, hall lets, subsidy for trips for those in need)

42 Community Development Grants Scheme 2012/2013 Applications from Organisations seeking Financial Assistance Ardrossan, Arran, Saltcoats, Stevenston Area Committee Meeting - 16 August 2012 Organisation Purpose of Grant Amount Amount Comments Requested Recommended Ardrossan Winton To help toward £2,500 Defer We would recommend Rovers Football Club purchase of second that the group submit a hand minibus business proposal Meeting place: demonstrating: Auchenharvie  total cost of project Academy, Saltcoats  income projection Road, Stevenston  costs of purchase, insurance, public Established: February liability, maintenance 2012 (used to be and repairs. known as Saltcoats United)

Numbers attending: 18 players, 5 coaches.

Balance in bank: Awaiting bank statement (end of season trophies, hire of hall, hire of pitch, training equipment)

St. Mary's Church Hall Cost towards £2,000 £1,500 The improvement of Committee renovation of hall. accessibility to people Application for disabled with disabilities is Meeting place: St access only. enforced in the Quality Mary's Church Hall,  Omega step lift - Act 2010. Ardrossan Road, £9,880 Saltcoats The Church hall is used and open to the local Established: 1980 community.

Numbers attending: 60 The recommended - 100 (hall usage amount will improve varies) access to the hall especially for the Balance in bank: disabled. £57,611.08 (restricted funds - for maintenance, general running costs of Church and hall)

43 Local Youth Action Fund 2012/2013 Applications from Organisations seeking Financial Assistance Ardrossan, Arran, Saltcoats, Stevenston Area Committee Meeting - 16 August 2012 Organisation Purpose of Grant Amount Amount Comments Requested Recommended Evolution Skate Park To install basketball £2,000 £2,000 The request for a area within the Skate basketball facility came Meeting place: Park. form the young people Evolution Skate Park,  Fencing - £1,416 attending the park. Saltcoats Road,  Basketball stand and Stevenston boards - £664.80 The recommended  Basketballs - £60 amount will enhance Numbers attending:  Area preparation the experience of the 2,504 labour costs - £350 young people and offer another activity within Balance in bank: the park. £11,296.51 (restricted funds: wages and The park are in running costs) discussions with North Ayrshire and Awards for All regarding the future of the park.

Active Schools will support them by accessing a portable basket hoop to be used in the short term (offer the summer break).

Condition of award that we receive satisfactory information regarding the park's financial stability prior to any monies being released.

44 Appendix 3.2

Community Development Grants Scheme Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: John Macdonald 2. Department: Community Development Telephone No.: 01294 468035

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Isle of Arran Community Council

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 27 June 2012

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - No

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

45 10. Does the expenditure meet the Community Development Grant Funding Criteria? - No

SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Council priorities?

SOA 6a - Health and well-being throughout life has improved. SOA 9c - Road safety has improved.

12. How will the expenditure develop the group/organisation and benefit the local community?

The application shows no development for the group and no additional benefit to the communities within the Isle of Arran.

13. How does the application show innovation or development?

The applications does not show immediate innovation or development.

14. Overall assessment?

The Isle of Arran Community Council receives a special additional allowance of £500 per year to cover travel. This is the only Community Council in North Ayrshire to have this.

Over the last two financial years on their accounts only 50% has been used each year.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

15. Amount Requested: £1,000 16. Group Contribution: £1,000 from Council grants

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

17. Support Application: No

18. Defer Application?

46 19. Amount recommended: defer for further information

Give reasons

Signature: John Macdonald Date: 26 July 2012

47 48 Community Development Grants Scheme Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: John Macdonald 2. Department: Community Development Telephone No.: 01294 468035

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Corrie & Sannox Committee Limited

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 27 June 2012

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - No

If NO explain why

The group are hoping to do this in a very short timescale with no research completed.

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - No

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - No

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

10. Does the expenditure meet the Community Development Grant Funding Criteria? - No

49 SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Council priorities?

SOA 1b - North Ayrshire is a more attractive tourist destination. SIA 2a - More people are in work and training

12. How will the expenditure develop the group/organisation and benefit the local community?

The benefits to locals would be access to showers and table tennis in the two month period. These facilities are available at all other times, therefore no development.

13. How does the application show innovation or development?

The perceived innovation is that tourists would use the hall as a public convenience. The Corrie public toilets were only removed in March, therefore no definitive information on whether there would be an uptake on this proposal.

14. Overall assessment?

Annual cleaning at present costs around £1,000. This proposed service would be a further £3,584. The group would have to become an employer, all within a short period of time. The timescales for this and securing the additional funding is unrealistic.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

15. Amount Requested: £2,000 16. Group Contribution: £0

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

17. Support Application: No

18. Defer Application?

19. Amount recommended: £0

Give reasons

The timescale is too short and no definitive indication that the service would be used. Also the extra fund now appears to be not available that they were hoping to secure.

Signature: John Macdonald Date: 26 July 2012

50 Community Development Grants Scheme Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Lettie McLaughlin 2. Department: Active Schools Telephone No.: 01294 468035

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Maritime Volunteer Service

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 9 July 2012

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - Yes

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - No If NO explain why

There is no level of care involved in the group's activities.

10. Does the expenditure meet the Community Development Grant Funding Criteria? - Yes

51 SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Council priorities?

SOA 3b - People are better skilled to get into work. SOA 6a - Health and well-being throughout life have improved. SOA 12 - We have and enjoy our built and natural environment and protect it and enhance it for future generations.

12. How will the expenditure develop the group/organisation and benefit the local community?

The Maritime Volunteer Service are a recognised National Maritime training organisation which aims to encourage men and women of all ages to learn about the sea. They can offering training and qualifications in Nationally and Internationally recognised standards e.g. RYA Boats Handling Skills, power boat, map reading and first aid training. They offer communities activities and experiences they might not normally be able to take part in, due to lack of skill or financial reasons. They aim to support and develop members both on an individuals basis and also as working together as part of a team. MVS are made up of a group of volunteers who also offer crews and boats to organisations who run maritime events and encourage local people to enjoy being part of their heritage as a coastal community. They also aim to serve the local community in times of need or emergency e.g. flooding. MVS members plan to promote their organisation to local groups via talks, local radio, to promote MVS and increase membership.

13. How does the application show innovation or development?

By purchasing a displacement boat more people will be able to take part and benefit from a different type of boating experience. Members will learn how to use the new boat and get involved in the maintenance and servicing. This boat will have a cabin and enable members to experience a different type of sailing and also to use the cabin as a classroom, practically learning in a safe, warm environment.

14. Overall assessment?

MVS have links with the Coastguard, Sea Cadets and RNLI and aim to keep North Ayrshire's Maritime tradition strong based in Ardrossan. Recommendation was to link with local groups/agencies who can help promote their organisation and work to increase their members who can then become skilled and take on more roles within the organisation e.g. fundraising, promotion, training. In order to secure the organisations sustainability and vibrancy they aim to build up their organisation again to what it was several years ago and also look at other avenues to cover ongoing costs e.g. fuel, berthing costs, boat maintenance, new and up to date equipment.

52 SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

15. Amount Requested: £2,000 16. Group Contribution: £3,000

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

17. Support Application: Yes

18. Defer Application?

19. Amount recommended: £750

Give reasons

MVS received a grant last year for a Rib and are trying to build up their membership which currently stands around 12 members (7 male and 5 female). They are making a significant contribution to the cost of this new boat by selling another Rib they had and will look at other avenues to secure total amount required.

Signature: Lettie McLaughlin Date: 26 July 2012

53 54 Community Development Grants Scheme Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Sharon Gibson 2. Department: Children's Outreach Service Telephone No.: 01294 465591

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: 52nd Ayrshire Beavers Scouts

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 10 July 2012

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - No

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

10. Does the expenditure meet the Community Development Grant Funding Criteria? - Yes

55 SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Council priorities?

SOA 5a - Opportunities to support the positive development of vulnerable young children have increased. SOA 6a - Health and well-being throughout life have improved. SOA 6d - More vulnerable people are supported within their own communities.

12. How will the expenditure develop the group/organisation and benefit the local community?

The award will allow the group to replenish well used equipment, the development of new skills and allow the group to provide activities inside and outside that are challenging and help the young people achieve personal goals. It will also allow the group to securely store the equipment within the Church hall where they operate from.

13. How does the application show innovation or development?

The leaders within the group volunteer their time and work tirelessly to provide the young people with a varied programme of activities which helps the young people to recognise their own personal achievements as well as challenging them. Making sure the activities are appropriate to the young person's age, stage and abilities.

14. Overall assessment?

The group who are part of the Scouting Association, have been operating for over 10 years for young people within the Three Towns area. Providing a varied range of activities both in and out doors. Enabling the young people to participate in activities will both challenge them and help them to achieve their own personal goals. The young people services the community in different events, for example beach cleaning. The young people undertake badge work, awards and challenges and camping.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

15. Amount Requested: £1,500 16. Group Contribution: £250

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

17. Support Application: Yes

18. Defer Application?

56 19. Amount recommended: £1,052

Give reasons

This award will allow the group to continue to provide and extend their programme of activities to the young people who attend. It will allow the group to purchase equipment and storage to allow the young people a positive indoor and outdoor play experience that will promote their all round development in a safe, secure, stimulating and challenging environment.

Signature: Sharon Gibson Date: 27 July 2012

57 58 Community Development Grants Scheme Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Wilma Rodger 2. Department: Active Schools Telephone No.: 01294 461931

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Ardrossan Winton Rovers Boys Football Club

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 11 July 2012

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Condition of Award

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - Yes

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

This club is not a care provider service. All adults working with the club have been disclosure checked (Protecting Vulnerable Groups).

10. Does the expenditure meet the Community Development Grant Funding Criteria? - Yes

59 SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Council priorities?

SOA 6a - Health and well-being throughout life have improved. SOA 6e - People are more active more often. SOA 9a - Fear of crime and antisocial behaviour has reduced. SOA 9b - Levels of crime and antisocial behaviour have reduced.

12. How will the expenditure develop the group/organisation and benefit the local community?

This will allow more children to travel to matches as not all families have access to transport. They are hoping that as result of this more boys will join the club. If a minibus is purchased it will also be used for reward trips at the end of the season. The club already has a high expenditure due to cost of indoor facilities in winter, training kit, footballs, badges for coaches, trophies etc.

13. How does the application show innovation or development?

This application is to buy a second hand minibus estimated cost of £2,500.

The group are willing to hire out minibus to local community groups to cover cost of maintenance.

They have various fund raising project planned.

They have their own mechanic for minibus maintenance.

The club is run solely by volunteers.

14. Overall assessment?

The club only have evidence form February 2012 as the club changed from Saltcoats United to Winton Rovers Boys Club. They have statement as Saltcoats United. It is a condition of grant that the Club submit this bank statement along with their income/expenditure sheet and quote for second hand minibus prior to any monies being released if successful.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

15. Amount Requested: £2,500 16. Group Contribution: £250

60 SECTION 4 - Recommendation

17. Support Application: Not at this time.

18. Defer Application? Yes

We would recommend that the group submit a business proposal demonstrating:  Total cost of project.  Income projection  Cost of purchase, insurance, maintenance and repair.

19. Amount recommended: Defer

Give reasons

This is an ambitious club run by volunteers in the local community for the benefit of local young people.

Signature: Wilma Rodger Date: 26 July 2012

61 62 Community Development Grants Scheme Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Paul Chow 2. Department: Community Development Telephone No.: 01294 324771

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: St. Mary's Church Hall Committee

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 3 July 2012

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - No

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

10. Does the expenditure meet the Community Development Grant Funding Criteria? - Yes

63 SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Council priorities?

SOA 7b - Fewer people are living in poverty. SOA 5a - Opportunity to support the positive development of vulnerable young children have increased. SOA 6a - Health and well-being throughout life have improved. SOA 6e - People are more active more often. SOA 8a - More children and young people live in a safe and supportive environment.

12. How will the expenditure develop the group/organisation and benefit the local community?

The expenditure will be used to upgrade the Church hall disabled access. The facilities have been and are used by local community groups and the surrounding community. The enhanced facilities would provide local community groups a high standard of access and an affordable venue.

13. How does the application show innovation or development?

The Church hall is well used by the local community to hold meetings, functions and youth club activities. It also provides free lunch club to the homeless and needy. The planned development will help to accommodate bigger functions and improve accessibility to people with disabilities.

14. Overall assessment?

The Church hall serves the local community . There are various groups/organisations use the facilities on a regular basis and a developmental plan is in place to improve the hall facilities and disabled access to benefit everyone who uses the hall.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

15. Amount Requested: £2,000 16. Group Contribution: £29,000

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

17. Support Application: Yes

18. Defer Application?

64 19. Amount recommended: £1,500

Give reasons

The improvement of accessibility to people with disabilities is enforced in the Equality Act 2010. The hall is being used by the wider public; the installation of a platform step lift would make the facilities more accessible to disabled people and frail older people. The amount recommended will help to contribute around 15% of the platform step lift costs. The Church hall has also applied to other funders to support the bigger renovation costs of the hall.

Signature: Paul Chow Date: 26 July 2012

65 66 Local Youth Action Fund Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Anne-Marie Armour 2. Department: Active Schools Telephone No.: 01294 471621

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Evolution Skate Park

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 3 July 2012

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes - however

If NO explain why

The group are under financial strain due to the withdrawal of their usual funding from Children In Need, therefore the park is under threat of being closed by October 2012 if alternative funding is not found.

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes Is the award sought for a new youth activity, facility or service? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - No

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

67 10. Does the expenditure meet the NA Community Safety Forum Aims and Priorities? - Yes

If YES, which NA Community Safety Forum Aims and Priorities are being addressed?

SOA 6a - Health and well-being throughout life have improved. SOA 6e - People are more active more often. SOA 9a - Fear of crime and antisocial behaviour has reduced. SOA 9b - Levels of crime and antisocial behaviour have reduced. SOA 11a - Levels of voluntary action and community involvement have increased.

SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Local Youth Action Fund Objectives?

 Increase the number of services and facilities available that provide constructive and relevant activities.  Increase the number of young people accessing facilities.  Young people to have a sustained interest and involvement in the activities provided.  A reduction in youth related call outs to the Police in areas where new facilities are located.  A reduction in community perception/concerns about youth crime.  An increase in satisfaction of young people.

12. What youth engagement/consultation has been undertaken regarding the proposed activity, service or facility?

On the application they stated that they did not engage with young people regarding this but after discussion it became apparent that the request for a basketball facility within the park came form their youth committee.

Further more consultation with their members confirmed that this was something they would like to see in Evolution Skate Park.

13. What community engagement/consultation has been undertaken regarding the proposed activity, service or facility?

No consultation was done with any other group.

14. Are Partnership links in place? No

Not for this project although Evolution Skate Park work with a number of partners regarding their day to day activities.

68 15. Overall Assessment

This facility would be well used within the park and as the request came from it's members I think it would add to the experience its members and other users get form going to Evolution Skate Park.

My only concern is with the financial stability of the park being an issue although they are in discussion with North Ayrshire Council and Awards for All regarding the future of the park.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

16. Amount Requested: £2,000 17. Group Contribution: £490

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

18. Support Application: Yes

19. Defer Application?

20. Amount recommended: £2,000

Give reasons

This project would enhance the experience of the young people that attend this facility. Active Schools will be supporting them by trying to access a portable basketball hoop in the short term.

It is recommended however that although the Officer is recommending £2,000 further information is required regarding the financial stability of this group and ask that the Committee agree to the award in condition that we receive satisfactory update on the park's financial stability.

Signature: Anne-Marie Armour Date: 26 July 2012


Agenda Item 10 16 August 2012

Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee

Subject: Common Good Funding

Purpose: To consider whether a Common Good can access further funding.

Recommendation: To note the advice contained within the report.

1. Introduction

1.1 The Area Committee at its meeting on 15 March, 2012 considered a report from the Corporate Director of Finance and Infrastructure on the financial position of amongst others, Ardrossan Common Good. Following consideration of the report the Committee agreed not to make any disbursements from the Ardrossan Common Good Fund during 2012/13 and to ask officers to investigate whether any mechanism exists which would allow Common Good Funds to access further funding.

2. Current Position

2.1 Each year the Corporate Director of Finance and Infrastructure submits a report to each Area Committee in respect of the various Common Goods operating in North Ayrshire. The report sets out the financial position of the Fund, disclosing income, expenditure, capital and revenue and concludes with a recommendation on the funds which may be available for disbursement by the Area Committee in terms of the Scheme of Administration of the Council.

2.2 The report to the Committee in March disclosed that the state of the Fund for Ardrossan Common Good was such that with extremely low interest rates the net income would only be £462. Set against this is the retention element of the Fund required to comply with good financial practice and this would be far greater and accordingly it would not be possible to disburse funds without eating into the Common Good Fund reserves.

71 2.3 Accordingly a request has been made to investigate whether any other source of funding for a Common Good would be available and in what circumstances.

2.4 Historically, a Common Good is created through a number of means, for example, by Royal Charter or as established through a Police Burgh. In North Ayrshire 6 former Burghs administered Common Good Funds as at May 1973, and through Local Government reorganisation these have now fallen to North Ayrshire Council to administer. The Common Good vests in the Council and as such all Members of the Council have a duty as custodians of the funds. The Common Good is not a Trust and as such does not have any specific written powers or duties.

2.5 The Council treats Common Goods separate from its other business as is demonstrated in the Annual Accounts. Because of this, it would not be the Council that would be seen as the borrower or the applicant for a grant, but the Common Good. It is not clear how an outside body would construe this and it is likely that they would not be able to draw a distinction between the Council as established under statute and custodians of a Common Good. They would simply see this as "the Council".

2.6 The Committee sought information on accessing further funding. Options would only be borrowing from a lender or seeking some form of grant aid.

2.7 It is unlikely that the Council representing a Common Good could borrow money. Borrowing normally requires some form of security. If security were to be taken over a Common Good asset this would involve the Council in "disposing" of that asset. As such, the provisions of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 could apply and, if challenged, the Council would require to apply to the Court for Order approving the "disposal" by way of granting a Security over that asset. There is no guarantee that the Court would agree to such a request and without security a lender is unlikely to agree to advance any funds.

2.8 If the option of borrowing is unlikely to prove successful, there might be an alternative of seeking grant aid assistance. As with any funding organisation, the appropriateness of any grant will be dictated by the purpose of that organisation and accordingly the likelihood of being successful.

72 2.9 As the purpose is to provide funds for disbursement from the Common Good for the benefit of a community, it is extremely unlikely that any funding organisation would provide funds to the Common Good simply to pass it on. Funding organisations may have very restrictive criteria for awards whereas the Common Good as stated above is for the benefit of a whole community.

2.10 In conclusion, it is not recommended that the Council as custodians of a Common Good seek funding by borrowing and should only proceed to apply for grant aid if the funding organisation's criteria and those of the Common Good are similar. Success for any application for grant aid funding would be on a case by case basis.

3. Proposals

3.1 The Committee is asked to note the advice contained in this report.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 The current economic climate provides little revenue to Common Good Funds based on interest on investment. The option for alternative sources of funding would have potentially detrimental affect on funds, particularly if borrowing was considered an option.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are none.

Legal Implications

4.3 Careful consideration of the wider implications of such a course of action, if challenged must be given to any proposal by the Council on behalf of a Common Good to seek alternative sources of funding.

Equality Implications

4.4 There are none.

Environmental Implications

4.5 There are none.

73 Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 None apply.

Community Benefit Implications

4.7 Any award of funding from a Common Good should be able to demonstrate community benefit. Borrowing or receiving grant aid to increase the resources of a Common Good Fund for disbursement would meet the Council's community benefit obligations, subject to there being no adverse implications arising.

5. Consultations

5.1 No consultations have been undertaken in the preparation of this report.

6. Conclusion

6.1 It is unlikely that alternative sources of funding for a Common Good can be identified that would not have significant implications for that fund.

IAN T MACKAY Solicitor to the Council

Reference : 14/ITM/KLB For further information please contact Ian Mackay on 01294 324385 Background Papers None


Agenda Item 11 16 August 2012

Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee

Subject: Stevenston Common Good

Purpose: To provide information on the history of Stevenston Common Good assets and to consider implications of audit arrangements for Common Goods.

Recommendation: The Committee is asked to note (a) the position of ownership of assets held by Stevenston Common Good; and (b) that the steps taken to establish ownership of all Council assets as currently undertaken is a reasonable action and is acceptable to Audit Scotland.

1. Introduction

1.1 The Area Committee at its meeting on 15 March, 2012 considered as an urgent item, a verbal report on Kerelaw Castle. In particular, the Committee received information on the history of the castle and its ownership by the local authority. The Committee also discussed the reference in Audit Scotland's Annual Report to the manner in which local authorities account for assets held as part of Common Goods.

1.2 The Committee requested a report from the Solicitor of the Council to advise on both of these matters.

2. Current Position

Common Good Assets

2.1 Kerelaw Estate (and Castle) was owned by a Gavin who in 1919 sold the estate to a James Campbell. Mr Campbell in turn gifted part of the estate (5.35 acres) to the Burgh of Stevenston in June 1966. The remainder of Kerelaw Estate (35.362 acres) had previously been transferred to Glasgow Corporation in 1964. The title for the smaller area gifted to the Burgh clearly indicates that the ground was to be held by the Burgh as a public park for all time coming. This has been construed as a gift to the Common Good of the Burgh and so it remains.

75 2.2 There is no information held on the details of the transfer by Mr Campbell to Glasgow Corporation but what is clear is that the Burgh of Stevenston did not benefit financially from the sale of Kerelaw Estate.

2.3 A second property in New Street, Stevenston is recorded as being an asset of Stevenston Common Good. The building known as the Stevenston War Memorial Institute was and is held by the Trustees of the War Memorial Institute. In 1953 these Trustees agreed to transfer the management of the Institute to the Burgh of Stevenston representing the Common Good of Stevenston. From that date the asset has been shown within the accounts of Stevenston Common Good.

2.4 Further, in 2004 the Council sold land to the rear of this property for a residential development and a capital receipt of £15,000 was credited to the Stevenston Common Good. The property has a restriction that it should be held by the Trustees in perpetuity so no sale of this could be effected with a Court Order. For the purposes of the Council, although the property is still held by the Trustees of Stevenston War Memorial Institute it has been deemed to be an asset of the Common Good and treated as such.

2.5 No other properties are held by Stevenston Common Good.

Risks Relating to Accounting for Common Good Assets

2.6 The Audit Scotland Annual Report for North Ayrshire Council for 2010/11, as submitted to the Executive on 8 November 2011, referred to the Local Authority (Scotland) Accounts Advisory Committee (LASAAC) guidance note on Common Goods and the requirement for a separate Common Good asset register. It advises that local authorities should take reasonable steps to ensure that Common Good fixed assets (land and property) registers should support the assets shown in the Common Good balance sheet.

2.7 At present the Council considers that a title deed search of all Council assets would be time consuming and prohibitively expensive. A review of titles is currently undertaken as and when a sale or other form of disposal is contemplated.

2.8 In the 2010/11 report, Audit Scotland confirmed their satisfaction that the Council's current approach is reasonable.

76 2.9 North Ayrshire administers 6 Common Goods covering Irvine, Stevenston, Saltcoats, Ardrossan, Largs and Millport. The Council holds hundreds of individual titles to properties acquired over the years, the vast majority of which do not have any connection with Common Goods. To do a full audit of every title deed would, as stated above, not be cost effective. If and when the Council contemplates a disposal before any formal decisions are taken, legal staff will identify the relevant title and full due diligence will be undertaken on that title. The title will be checked against the balance sheet list for Common Goods and if found to be omitted will be added and the balance sheet figures adjusted accordingly.

2.10 It is considered that the risk to the Council is very low, given the care which is taken to establish details of any property before any action is taken to dispose of it. The due diligence undertaken will establish whether the asset is part of a Common Good and thereby reduce any risk to a manageable level.

3. Proposals

3.1 Members are asked to note (a) the position of ownership of assets held by Stevenston Common Good; and (b) that the steps taken to establish ownership of all Council assets as currently undertaken is a reasonable action and is acceptable to Audit Scotland.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 Stevenston Common Good is audited each year and is subject to scrutiny by Audit Scotland.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are none.

Legal Implications

4.3 There is little risk of challenge on the manner in which the Common Good is administered. The views expressed by Audit Scotland on treatment of Common Good assets is considered to be supportive of the current practice.

77 Equality Implications

4.4 There are none.

Environmental Implications

4.5 There are none.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 None apply.

Community Benefit Implications

4.7 As with any Common Good, the community benefits from proper administration of all Common Good assets.

5. Consultations

5.1 No consultations have been undertaken in the preparation of this report.

6. Conclusion

6.1 The information on the current assets of Stevenston Common Good are as shown. Reasonable steps taken by the Council to ensure accuracy of Common Goods is considered by Audit Scotland to be reasonable and accordingly no further action is required.

IAN T MACKAY Solicitor to the Council

Reference : 14/ITM/KLB For further information please contact Ian Mackay on 01294 324385 Background Papers Annual Report by Audit Scotland 2010/11