Cunninghame House, Irvine. 9 August 2012 Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee You are requested to attend a Meeting of the above mentioned Committee of North Ayrshire Council to be held in the Youth Room, Ardeer Neighbourhood Centre, Shore Road, Stevenston on THURSDAY 16 AUGUST 2012 at 2.00 p.m. to consider the undernoted business. Yours faithfully Elma Murray Chief Executive 1. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any declarations of interest in respect of items of business on the Agenda. 2. Minutes The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 14 June 2012 will be signed in accordance with Paragraph 7 (1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (copy enclosed). 3. Strathclyde Police Strathclyde Police will report. North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 4. Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Submit report by Strathclyde Fire and Rescue on activity within the Committee's area in the period 1 June to 31 July 2012 (copy enclosed). 5. Saltcoats Town Hall The Head of Community and Culture (Education and Skills) and the Project Manager, Irvine Bay Regeneration Company will report. 6. Ardrossan Castle The Head of Community and Culture (Education and Skills) and the Team Leader - Economic Development (Chief Executive's Service) will report. 7. Roads and Related Issues on Arran The Head of Infrastructure and Design (Finance and Infrastructure) will report. 8. Community Benefit Fund: Applications for Grant Aid Submit report by the Chief Executive on applications for grants received in respect of the Community Benefit Fund (copy enclosed). 9. Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund 2012/13: Applications for Financial Assistance Submit report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on applications received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund 2012/13 (copy enclosed). 10. Common Good Funding Submit report by the Solicitor to the Council on whether a Common Good Fund can access further funding (copy enclosed). 11. Stevenston Common Good Fund Submit report by the Solicitor to the Council on the history of Stevenston Common Good assets and implications of audit arrangements for Common Goods (copy enclosed). 12. Future Agenda Items Discuss items for consideration at future meetings of the Area Committee. 13. Urgent Items Any other items which the Chair considers to be urgent. North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 2 Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee Sederunt: John Bruce (Chair) Willie Gibson Tony Gurney Chair: John Hunter Ronnie McNicol Peter McNamara Jim Montgomerie Alan Munro Attending: Apologies: Meeting Ended: North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 3 4 Agenda Item 2 Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee 14 June 2012 SALTCOATS, 14 June 2012 - At a Meeting of the Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee of North Ayrshire Council at 2.00 p.m. Present John Bruce, Tony Gurney, Ronnie McNicol, Peter McNamara, Jim Montgomerie and Alan Munro. In Attendance J. McHarg, Assistant Manager (Community Services) and B. Anderson, Performance/Grants Information Officer (Education and Skills); J. Cumming, Project Officer (Economic Development), M. McKeown, Committee Services Manager and D. McCaw, Committee Services Officer (Chief Executive’s Service). Also In Attendance Inspector B. Skimming and Sergeant P. Ferguson (Strathclyde Police). Chair Councillor Bruce in the Chair. Apologies for Absence Willie Gibson and John Hunter. 1. Appointment of Chair At its meeting on 16 May 2012, North Ayrshire Council agreed a Scheme of Administration for Area Committees which included provision for the appointment of Area Committee Chairs. Accordingly, the Committee Services Officer sought nominations for this position. Councillor Gurney, seconded by Councillor McNicol, moved that Councillor Bruce be appointed as Chair. There being no valid amendment, the motion was declared carried. Accordingly, the Committee agreed that Councillor Bruce be appointed as Chair of the Ardrossan and Arran, Saltcoats and Stevenston Area Committee. Councillor Bruce assumed the Chair for the remainder of the meeting. 2. Declarations of Interest 2.1 Advice to Elected Members Submitted report by the Chief Executive on the requirements of Standing Orders and Section 5 of the Code of Conduct for Councillors in relation to declarations of interest. Page 1 5 Standing Order 16 provides that if any Member of the Council has a financial or non-financial interest in any contract or any other matter as defined by Section 5 of the Councillors' Code of Conduct, and is present at any meeting at which that matter is to be considered, he or she must, as soon as practicable after the meeting starts, disclose that he or she has an interest and importantly, state the nature of this interest. Section 5 of the Code, which was appended to the report, sets out the rules in relation to declarations of interest. To facilitate any declarations, a heading of "Declarations of Interest", routinely appears as the first item on agendas for all meetings of the Council and its Committees. Any Member making a declaration is expected to make a statement which is sufficiently informative as to enable those at the meeting, or anyone reading the Minute, to understand the nature of the interest. The Committee agreed (a) to note the report; and (b) that Members ensure (i) they are familiar with the requirements of Standing Orders and Section 5 of the Code of Conduct for Councillors in relation to declaring interests and (ii) consider the need to declare financial or non-financial interests in any contract or any other matter as defined by Section 5 of the Councillors' Code of Conduct when attending meetings of the Council and its committees. 2.2 Declarations There were no declarations of interest by Members in terms of Standing Order 16 and Section 5 of the Code of Conduct for Councillors. 3. Strathclyde Police Inspector Skimming provided information on the following:- EPIC, the Enforcement, Prevention and Intervention Community supported initiative, which commenced on 25 May 2012 tackling anti-social behaviour, litter, vandalism and intimidation in the Adams Avenue area of Saltcoats and in the 12 surrounding streets; youth diversionary activities, including the use of the mobile sports stadium on Friday evenings; continuing action plans to tackle areas of concern, including the Cannon Hill area of Ardrossan; the Saltcoats, Stevenston and Ardrossan town centres; and drinking in public places at locations on Arran; road safety enforcement plans to address speeding, mobile phone and seatbelt offences; drugs intelligence operations conducted at 5 locations during April and May; preparations for summer events including the Brodick Highland Games and Saltcoats Gala week; Page 2 6 incidents of robbery in Stevenston; the detection of building works fraud in Lamlash, Arran; and the attempted murder which took place in Hill Place, Ardrossan on 11 June. Members also received an update regarding break-ins in Glasgow Street, Montgomerie Street and Glasgow Lane. Noted. 4. Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Submitted report by Strathclyde Fire and Rescue on activity from 1 April to 31 May 2012, which included information on:- accidental/deliberate dwelling and non-domestic fires; vehicle and rubbish fires; heath and grass fires; derelict building fires; false alarms; road traffic collisions; and other special services. Noted. 5. Community Benefit Fund: Applications for Grant Aid Submitted report by the Chief Executive on applications for grant received in respect of the Community Benefit Fund. The Committee agreed to (a) grant the following awards:- Ardrossan Organisation Amount St Peter's Primary School £3,384 Winton Primary School £3,885 Thursday Club £1,350 Saltcoats and Stevenston Organisation Amount 1st Stevenston Girl Guides £ 300 Writers Cramp £1,300 Arran Organisation Amount Clachan Church £ 250 Page 3 7 and (b) to continue consideration of the applications from (i) Roots of Arran Community Woodland for additional information on volunteer costs; and (ii) Pirnmill Village Association for additional information in relation to funding for the footbridge project. 6. Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund 2012/12: Applications for Financial Assistance Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on applications received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund 2012/13. The Committee agreed to make the following awards:- Community Development Grants Scheme Organisation Award Arran Theatre & Arts Trust £1,000 1st Ardrossan Girls Brigade £ 500 Isle of Cumbrae Pipe Band £2,000 Retirement Yoga Group £1,350 Ardrossan Whitlees Community Association £1,152.50 with the group being advised by the Assistant Manager, Community Services, to ensure that order is maintained at events Ardrossan Wednesday Pensioners Club £ 450 Stevenston Elderly Forum £1,040.50 Ardrossan Winton Community Sports Club £ 250 Local Youth Action Fund Organisation Award Shibumi Karate Club £2,000 with the group being asked provide feedback to the Committee on the performance of the youngsters at the European Championships in Paris 7. Saltcoats Common Good Fund Submitted report by the Chief Executive on an application for financial assistance from the Saltcoats Common Good Fund from the Shibumi Karate Club.
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