

School Meef Tuesday •w THE WESTFIELD LEADER At Roosevelt The Leading mud Mot Widely OrcuUmed Weekly Newspaper In Union County

Pufcllihed Second Cla»i PoaUn Paid EIGHTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 34 Every Thurater I, NEW JERSEY, THinUDAY, MARCH 90, 1972 at Weitflcld,N.J. Board to Act On 9-Period Day PS cables Dumped by Council Plant to alleviate acute overcrowding at Westfield High School have i with the formulation by the Westfield Board of Education of a nine- •«Mr„. t MMr rSummi Summit Ott ;Ot are: area r«*ia -.- - i : •/ 1 period school day, beginning in September when an anticipated increase AM epfMsHkv to • Public Bervic* propo,,!, to alter the intersec- ian Church and other smaller sec- both projects was expected from ft about 100 students will swell enrollment to approximately MOO. Metric and Cat Co. appeal for pjr- UM of East Broad fit. and Woun- tions adjacent to the intersection state and federal sources. . '" The beard has announced it will take positive action on the plan at the to install high valtaa* cab)» ulB Av€ and to retUgn EMt 8n)ad and would have been augmented by Approved however at Tuesday's, public meeting on Tuesday . _j • the Weetf|*td aide of tht Le- gj. (rom chestnut a, to Springfield a one-way pattern of traffic on Cen- meeting were two other "conver- ii frwn Accardiag to the plan, most stu- _-. . - *. 5*^^"; . V™ Avei were officially dumped by tral "and Lenox Aves. and Elmer gence triangle" recommendations c lWI dent* and teachers will attend classes •P • f . •** ^"f** "•'*• split votes during «* almost three- St. ' ' < of ttie task force headed by former •t the same time they do this year Study Updating hour session of the Town Council The East Broad St. improvement Mayor Robert H. Mulreany. These . —from • JO a.m. to 2:45 p.m. About Tuesday night. was a county proposal and would include revamping of intersections •% of the student bidy. or about . _.___ Ji"!* Tl*1 Intersection Change, a recom- have widened the county-owned ar- at the Circie-Ptaza complex and at ft* students, and about 21 teachers Of Railway Avc. ."?-it!l?.T?-!2?.^* nwndatfou of the mayor's task force tery to a width df 40 feet consistent Central end South Aves. The task (mostly in the science areas) wiU at- parking and traffic, would have with the remainder of East Broad force had asked that the council ap- tead classes from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Recreation Field necessitated the acquisition of a St., and provided repavement and prove ail three programs "as a Edward Johnion, schedule coordi- tts/fcuuUstlon would past. piece of property of the. Presbyter- cutting. The majority of funding for package" to facilitate flow of traf- Tn* council action followed the ap- fic through Westfield and as a at the high school, said the Xmong the question* discussed at NEW LOG "GUAED HOUSE" at C—snraM— Ceater Pftrtacf of about 33 resident* of the safety measure. ntaeveriod school day "would better g recent meeting of the mayor's Amu* Ct. area which is adjaceat UM •listing facilities and provide the task force on Wastfield athletic' fa- to ths railroad property. About half The council was split 8-1 «n the f*l«Hia|.for individualised instruc- ^^ wa, ^ penalty ot mod- Westfield s Conservation Center East Broad St. proposal with 1 a taw Summit Ct. residents, alerted itoii. ,' Current state standards for earing and refurbishing the ex- te the Public Service proposal Dems Support Triangle Councilman Patrick ilinogue '(Inde- hlgh school space per student reflect ^fag j^ooi athletic facility at through Allen Chin of Summit a, pendent—Ward 4) voting against the • move toward Indivldualijed in- Mfoay Ave. The field house was Begins Full Schedule Saturday, argued that the installation would resolution which rejected the county •traction and the open classroom ap- ^ ln ^ wty 19»'s, and since plan. "The town is missing * gold- Saturday 1B the beginning of the Westf ieldert Ibat enables K to wott,'' devalue their properties and cause •vjtMh. he noted, that time "no improvements have safety hatards in their neighborhood. Plans, Chide Mayor en opportunity," he said, pointing tit said the nlneiwriod day was a ^^ with respect to locker "season" for Westfield's Conserva- the Mayor said, •• ' ; • . ' to the cost factor. But other coun- mmk tion Center. It will be open to West- "I've bean amaztd by how •toch The PUC has scheduled a hearing "posHlve step. It provides us with ^^ itam metingareas show- Opposition to a resolution which and South and Central Aves. cilmen cited the loss of frees, Ink abiUty to open up the school and facilities and the like. Due to the fileders and their gardeners on a reg- poeple value the products JttoiCon. at 10 a.m. Monday, in Newark on the "charm and character" and felt that er ular daily basis for disposing of iwvitlon Center produces,? t» con- proposal which would permit the would delete the Mountain Ave,- Harris has released the following to pit more responsibility in the /sct that the Wgn sehool ,, many . .. KV high voltage Broad St. intersection plan from statement indicating his approval of the council should know more of ibidsnt's hands while offering the «„,„ ^ „, ool for garden materials on Tuesday through tinwd. "last year wood cMpt «d utility to install what the county plans for the fu- dtt the sch Sunday, from it a.m. until 4 p.m., shredded leaf compost by the thou- ctbtes held by 114417 ft. steel poles consideration in changes for the the plan proposed by the task force possibility of more individualized ^^ ^ ^ld hoUM was built M ture before approving the road im- help in specific areas.'' , u, ^ _ and closed on Mondays, April sands of baaketaful were taken home, along the railroad tiding from the "Convergence Triangle", improve- for solving Westfield's '/Convergence provement. Agreed that improve- weU M the act at teams through November. at no charge. It's recycling at its Dean switching station to one in merits have been voiced by two Triangle" traffic problem, despite Mr. Johnson pointed out that the such ag soecer_i,ave come ^0 ^ ments are needed on East Broad pita Would do the following: ^^ appear to be a serious Visitors to the Center-will discover best when one can deliver his g«rf Aldaae by May, 19W. Ward 3 Democratic . councllmen, what he calls,Mayor Snyder's "about- St., Councilman Charles Harris D- Mene> den materials to the Center and re- Summit Ct. residents are asking Charles A. Harris and Vincent E. fece" on toe subject. -bringg science classes down to ^ rcrowding. the addition of a log "guard house" Ward 3) asked for "more time." probIem ove as well as a border fence construct- turn home with useful products (•** that Public Service reroute their McGowan. ' Harris Indicates that, although he "Everyone looks at the project dif- M, the maximum capacity of science Meetin,g ^ ^ ,„,„,„ o( lRobert ed of old telephone poles which were lawns and shrubs. This is; the; Way lines out «f Westfiek), or through a Both support a three-intersection recognizes that the most serious iwns which n»w nave between as Duncan, 5M St. Marks Ave., chair- ferently now than they did in the Robert Brew- completed since last season. New nature meant it to be," he com- commercially-ioned area of town, or plan suggested by the mayor's task safety problems exist in the Circle- beginning," Councilman John Tuck- and M studenU per class; Best plantings of evergreen trees have mented. '••/'•• i to agree to run the lines under- force on parking and traffic which pi d at the Central and p ster Danie, c^ Mrs Wa]ter a2a area an er iD-Ward 4) said. "We must re- - enable science students topar - added to the park-like setting of the Important to the recycle effort it tkipatp e in tong-rangeprojectsg_pj be- j^^ Miss ground, They also seek the services would result in changes to Mountain South intersection, he believes that examine what we're doing," Mayor k j b Miss Mary tfageh, Jerry entrance and now provide 'a natural ' (Continued on page »> and Broad, the Circle-Plaza area the plan for Broad, Mountain and cause laboratorlb y equipmenit t woulld Jarrett Jolm u Mrg LuclHe 'Continued on page 4> j ' ; Donn A. Snyder student to meet slate standards in the site. Spiro w to Launch GOP . (Continued on page B) (Continued on page 41 terns of physical education, safety "Westfield is proud of iU Public and health olauroom time; Worts Department for having cre- •i-provide the equivalint *..«J9 ated •such a. beautiful facility," •erient increase'in c^cl^at;the^^r Mayor Donn A. SnJiJer fated Wm* Lures im Plus Ufh school-, . ' Westmld Hlfh School's prowess liouncing tb> beginning of the full -provide added space for branch on the athletic Held this year elicl- Weekly schedule. "Not only is it a ViceJPreiident Spiro f. Agnew t victory ever," Dimon said. this year. Republics Finance lttirary resource centers in six aca- ted the following resolution of pleasant place to yislt, but it is .pro- will launch the 1*72 New Jersey: The state chairman also pointed Chairman Edward R. N. Douglass Into Pool Daring 24-Hr. Marathon demic disciplines. praise from Mayor Donn A. finy- viding; a very necessary and valuable Republican. Presidential .campaign out that New Jersey was the;only said Initial enthusiasm ' for the ribbon starting the 34-hour mara- These are all steps toward provid- der and members of the Town service, for all Weutfielders. It's the Apr. .22. with a major pqUttcsl ap- major industrial state in the north- forthcoming event has teen over- Westfield's* largest swim party ing' more individualized instruction Council Tuesday night: ' ' enthusiastic year-long cooperation of pearance at the annual Republican east' to support the President in whelming. Douglass added that ever - the Westfield YWCA's Swim- thon swim with YWCA Board Presi- and giving students more responsi- "WHEREAS, the Westfield High spring dinner-dance' in the West- i968. and said New Jersey Repub- more than 1000 people are expected A-Long — drew more than 1000 dent Mrs, William Kinast and Miss swimmers to the 24-hour benefit bility, he added. School Basketball Team has won field Armory. : licans look forward to a vigorous to attend the affair. Debbie, YMCA Board President R» marathon this week. In September, homeroom periods the State Group IV Championship, Are You Registered? and victorious re-election campaign While black tie may be the modus bert Ohaus and YM Executive Cl Vice-President and Mrs, Agnew "We really made quite a splash," lor attendance checks wilt be held the Junior Varsity Basketball'Team operandi for the gentlemen, the (Continued on page S) Extended periods for relhtra- will be honored at the {(250 per said YW Executive Director Wini- between the second and third pe- has won the Union County Chani- tion for, the June 8 Primary person, black tie aMdir, which is a advent of spring is certain to herald riods. pionship, the Cross Country Team fred Debbie with a happy smile af- Election have been scheduled highlight of (he annujl RepibUcan (Continued on page 4) ter the last length was stroked at Little Progress Students who travel to school by has won the State Group IV cham- Lions Club by the Town Clerk's office. Resi- calendar, it was announced today 10 p.m. Tuesday. bus will continue to attend daises pionship, in Winter Track the Relay In Negotiations dents may register through Apr. by John, E. Dimon, GOP state Nine of the most durable entrants according to this year's schedule. Team has won the Co-championship ST. chairman. Support CNJ Plea swam 200 lengths (nearly three The Westfield Education Associa- "Asking about 25% of the students of State Group IV. the Swimming Egg Hunt The following evening hours In making the . announcement, miles) to earn funds for the YW, tion and the Board of Education met to come in early should not be too Team has won CVie Union County Support of the Central Railroad of for registration have been set: Dimon described the VieeMPresi- while another 108 swimmers made Monday with Louis I. Rosenberg, a great a problem," he said, "since Championship for the 16th consecu- New Jersey was expressed by May- Mar. 30 and Apr. 6, IS, 18. 20, dent's appearance as: "giving this Saturday the 100'length club (about'a mile state mediator from the Public Em- choir and band members, a weather tive year, the Wrestling Team has or Donn A .Snyder this week in' the' 24-27 inc.. from > a.m. to 9 p.m. year's Republican campaign a and a half.) ployment Relations Commission. club and a computer group of stu- won the District 15 Championship following telegram sent, to Ted To register, persons must* be tremendous shot.in the 'arm." He The annual Easter Egg Hunt spon- Swimmers of all ages joined in Although some progress was made dents are now coming in early. for the 8th consecutive year and tha Forbes of the Interstate Commerce 18 yean of age on or before •' also labelled the event as indicating sored by the Westfield Lions Club the fun. Smallest were four tiny in the non-financial areas, the two Commission in Washington: "If you look in the high school Junior Varsity Wrestling Team has Jane (, must have lived in New "without question", the high degree will be held Saturday in Mindowaskfn 4-year-old pre-schoolers who did parties reportedly remain a signi- (Continued on page 4) won the Union County Novice Jersey six months and ln the of importance Nixon is placing on park starting at 2 p.m. The program "Westfield needs the Central Rail- their laps in the Rooke Pool. Oldest ficant distance apart in the financial Championship, and county 40 days by June t In a Republican victory in Mew Jer-ia for all Westfield children up to road of New Jersey and yvduld ap- were several members of the Old area according to a WEA release, and Including 7 years of age. preciate ICC early action, on Cen- "WHEREAS, the accomplishments order to vole hi the Primary. sey. Guard, including L. J. Potts, who "It was a constructive meeting," Elementary Schools of these teams have brought honon Naturalized citizens must pre- "This should give every Republi-. Colored, hard boiled eggs will be tral Railroad's requested emergency swam B0 lengths, commented Douglas Campbell, not only to the players and coaches, sent their naturalization papers . can.at every level of party activi- hidden through the park grounds. routes filed with you on Mar. 13. ' The Swim-a-Long got off to a chief negotiator for the school Close Early Apr. 5 but also to the Westfield School Sys- when registering. ' . ty, the impetus to drive for the Children who do not find any eggs "About 2700 commuters use Cen-good-humored start Monday night board. "Several non-financial items the Town of Westfield as Those who have changed ad- will be given trinkets at a stand on tral Railroad dally from Westfield. when Mayor Donn Snyder was were clarified. We look forward to Westfield elementary schools will dress may notify the County the east side of the park. Survival of Central Railroad of New pressed into last-minute service as an early settlement of the contract." close at the end of a four-hour ses- "WHEREAS, the Mayor and Town Board of Elections, S3 Runway In case of rain or muddy park Jersey extremely important to a sponsor. sion Wednesday to permit teachers Another meeting has been set for Ave., Elizabeth. Change of ad- Hip With People" grounds, the Lions Club will have a Westfield." Snyder was on hand to cut the and administrators to attend an in- Monday, Apr. 3. congratulations to the players and dress lards may be obtained stand near the Broad St. entrance service meeting. Classes will re- coaches. from the Town Clerk's tlfice or where the children may come to get sume at tlhe regular time Thursday, a voter registration card may be Arriving Monday eggs and trinkets. Apr. 6. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED that the Mayor and Town used. At the start of the hunt, children The 150 members of the "Up Memorial Pool School hours for the four hour ses- Council of the Town < will be divided into three groups as It Is possible to register at the with People" cast will arrive in sion are as follows: elementary hereby express deep admiration and office of any municipal clerk hi follows: Westfield Monday. Their presence Boys and girls five years old and Has Openings schools (grades 1-6) will close at 1 apprec|ation of the efforts and ac- Union County, will not be noticed on the streets p.m.; kindergarten morning sec- complisihmehts of these teams of under are to assemble at the Euclid 1 of town, however, for the' students tions will, attend from 8:45-11 a.m.; the Westfield High School." Ave. entrance. Mrs. Huth V. Hill, director of kindergarten afternoon sections will 4-H Dog Show and their Instructors will toe engag- 'Boys six and seven years old will recreation, has announced that the attend from 10:46 - 1 p.m. ed in studies and rehearsing for two gather at the Mountain Ave. en- •waiting list for the Westfield Memo- Here Saturday Jaycec-sponsored concerts. The trance. rial Pool has been .processed and Residents Warned performances will be licld. on Fri- Girls six and seven years old will at the present time there are some School Board On Recycling Hours A 4-H dog show and obedience day and Saturday, Apr. 7 and 8, at assemble at the Broad St. entrance, openings for membership for this match, breed, and handling will be Westfield High School. Tine curtain near Police Headquarters. season. To Meet Tuesday The deposit of newspaper and bot- held on the grounds of the Westfield will rise at 8 each evening. The Home Service Department of Ttesldents of WesLfiold Interested in tles for recycling purposes Is restrict- High School Saturday, starting at The Westfield Board of Education While in Westfield, members of tlio Elizabethtown Consolidated Gas applying for pool membership for ed to the second and fourth Satur- 9 a.m. and lasting all day. will hold its public meeting at 8 p.m. the internationally-acclaimed cast Co. has again volunteered to boll the 1972 season may apply directly days at the town's recycling center Tills is a first for 441 and for will be visiting the homes of local lo the Recreation Department's pool Tuesday at Roosevelt Junior High in the southslde railroad station and dye the eggs for the hunt. School. Westfield. Admission is free to tlio residents. Over 109 students hove office at the Municipal Building. parking lot, Mayor Donn A. Snyder public. been invited to share the family Previous members who desire re- Last month's public meeting was reminded residents Tuesday night. held at Edison Junior High School. Entries may be made by anyono life of people in the area while they newal of tlieir memberships may Abuses of the program were noted also apply nt this time. Any ques- Alternating sites for the public ages 9-ltt wishing to enter their prepare for next weekend's con- Concert Series by Snyder, who noted that these me- tions relative to the Memorial Pool meetings are being hold by tlio dogs, on the day of the show. En- certs nnd a Carnegie Hall appear- terlnls were being left Indiscrimi- may bo directed to the pool office board In its efforts to communicate tries will be taken storting at 8 ance later in the month, Both they nately aL the lot at other times. "We by calling -232-800, extension 49, any with and reach aa innny pcoplo ns «,m. Advanced entries mny be nindu and their (hosts expect tD benefit Seeks Members ean't afford the costs of these addi- week day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The possible In the community. with Julie Foi-syth of B40 Maplo St., from the clinncc to learn nnd••un- AUTHENTICITY IN COSTUME AS WELL AS MUSIC—Chornlcers of tional collections," ho said, show chairman, derstand at the nttltudos of otllora. Westfield Community Concorts Westfield High School's Choir, which hns been invited (o sing In pool office nlao is open For the pub- Roosevelt Junior High School Is lic's convenience from 7 p.m. to 9 Best pupil In mulch and best adult campaign chairman, Mrs, Donald Koiininla his summer, npcclullzcd In Mndrlgnl singing at their minimi located at 301 Clark St. It is this Idea of understanding p.m. on Apr, 11, Apr, 25 and Mny 9 in mutch will be chosen about noon Way, hns announced Apr. lO-ffl as concert Frlduy. Pictured, left to rlKlit, urc Andrew Olccmun,-Robert Garage Sale that underlies tlio untlro "Up with tlio dales for tlio spring membership Mi'MlchiielH, l'cggy Hull, Kurcn Crist) nnd I'ctcr Ten Eyck. and Mny 23. on Sutui'duy, People" .nrodrnin. Tlio performers— campaign. 'Kach spring /present Tlic membership fees for trie lff?2 New Citizen* Items Sought An obstacle race will bo held in nil students of high school nnd col-members nro Invited to renew trelr Hie afternoon us woll as the obedi- season tire: 'Family, $M; Individual, IORO one—study us they travel, sl- membership while other residents High School Choir Invited •$50 and senior citizens $1. Mrs. Domcnlai Canicvalc n n (1 The Uny Cure Center htis Issued u ence clus.s. multuncously 'performing the iiiany "Help" npiKHil In ll,s effort lo collect of lliu Wostflold nre-fi ure urged I" Donnlcl C'lcmcnlc, both of Westflold, (Continued on pngo 4) Hiilenlilu ilcin.t lor'iln niimuil guriijju join an nuw members. A successful were iidmlllerl to UnlUul States ell- s|»rlnfl t'lrnipnltm miikes posnll)!o Hit) To Sing in Rownania in August Izcnshlp Monday In suit' Mny i:i, Kcsldcnts wlio IKIVO Hikei'H Beware fui'iilUiro, tuyn oi' ot her ltoin.1 othor HOI'II'H of high quality to be enjoyed Hie following fall-wliitcr HCIIHOII, The Wcstfleld High School Choir U 1;. Wiillaco, Iwnd of tlio nni- Index Ilian clollilnM my lielp by cnllliiK Strict enforcement of the IOWII'H Wiwtftelri Library •sic (luiiai'tiiiciit nl tlio lilgli nclioiil <:iuii'lcn or Slrplion Nunniui of 1100 bicycle ordinance; was prun-lncd by In punt your.i, the oi'finnlzallon him IHXIII Invited by iliu Amcrltiin UIIHIIIOSS iDlrt'clui'y ., Sec. 3—4 To Tour LilirurieH <1IOH«'