Njijer Fated Wm* Lures Im Plus Ufh School
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i School Board Meef Tuesday •w THE WESTFIELD LEADER At Roosevelt The Leading mud Mot Widely OrcuUmed Weekly Newspaper In Union County Pufcllihed Second Cla»i PoaUn Paid EIGHTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 34 Every Thurater I, NEW JERSEY, THinUDAY, MARCH 90, 1972 at Weitflcld,N.J. Board to Act On 9-Period Day PS cables Dumped by Council Plant to alleviate acute overcrowding at Westfield High School have i with the formulation by the Westfield Board of Education of a nine- •«Mr„. t MMr rSummi Summit Ott ;Ot are: area r«*ia -.- - i : •/ 1 period school day, beginning in September when an anticipated increase AM epfMsHkv to • Public Bervic* propo,,!, to alter the intersec- ian Church and other smaller sec- both projects was expected from ft about 100 students will swell enrollment to approximately MOO. Metric and Cat Co. appeal for pjr- UM of East Broad fit. and Woun- tions adjacent to the intersection state and federal sources. '" The beard has announced it will take positive action on the plan at the to install high valtaa* cab)» ulB Av€ and to retUgn EMt 8n)ad and would have been augmented by Approved however at Tuesday's, public meeting on Tuesday . _j • the Weetf|*td aide of tht Le- gj. (rom chestnut a, to Springfield a one-way pattern of traffic on Cen- meeting were two other "conver- ii frwn Accardiag to the plan, most stu- _-. - *. 5*^^"; . V™ Avei were officially dumped by tral "and Lenox Aves. and Elmer gence triangle" recommendations c lWI dent* and teachers will attend classes •P • f . •** ^"f** "•'*• split votes during «* almost three- St. ' ' < of ttie task force headed by former •t the same time they do this year Study Updating hour session of the Town Council The East Broad St. improvement Mayor Robert H. Mulreany. These . —from • JO a.m. to 2:45 p.m. About Tuesday night. was a county proposal and would include revamping of intersections •% of the student bidy. or about . _.___ Ji"!* Tl*1 Intersection Change, a recom- have widened the county-owned ar- at the Circie-Ptaza complex and at ft* students, and about 21 teachers Of Railway Avc. ."?-it!l?.T?-!2?.^* nwndatfou of the mayor's task force tery to a width df 40 feet consistent Central end South Aves. The task (mostly in the science areas) wiU at- parking and traffic, would have with the remainder of East Broad force had asked that the council ap- tead classes from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Recreation Field necessitated the acquisition of a St., and provided repavement and prove ail three programs "as a Edward Johnion, schedule coordi- tts/fcuuUstlon would past. piece of property of the. Presbyter- cutting. The majority of funding for package" to facilitate flow of traf- Tn* council action followed the ap- fic through Westfield and as a at the high school, said the Xmong the question* discussed at NEW LOG "GUAED HOUSE" at C—snraM— Ceater Pftrtacf of about 33 resident* of the safety measure. ntaeveriod school day "would better g recent meeting of the mayor's Amu* Ct. area which is adjaceat UM •listing facilities and provide the task force on Wastfield athletic' fa- to ths railroad property. About half The council was split 8-1 «n the f*l«Hia|.for individualised instruc- ^^ wa, ^ penalty ot mod- Westfield s Conservation Center East Broad St. proposal with 1 a taw Summit Ct. residents, alerted itoii. ,' Current state standards for earing and refurbishing the ex- te the Public Service proposal Dems Support Triangle Councilman Patrick ilinogue '(Inde- hlgh school space per student reflect ^fag j^ooi athletic facility at through Allen Chin of Summit a, pendent—Ward 4) voting against the • move toward Indivldualijed in- Mfoay Ave. The field house was Begins Full Schedule Saturday, argued that the installation would resolution which rejected the county •traction and the open classroom ap- ^ ln ^ wty 19»'s, and since plan. "The town is missing * gold- Saturday 1B the beginning of the Westf ieldert Ibat enables K to wott,'' devalue their properties and cause •vjtMh. he noted, that time "no improvements have safety hatards in their neighborhood. Plans, Chide Mayor en opportunity," he said, pointing tit said the nlneiwriod day was a ^^ with respect to locker "season" for Westfield's Conserva- the Mayor said, •• ' ; • . ' to the cost factor. But other coun- mmk tion Center. It will be open to West- "I've bean amaztd by how •toch The PUC has scheduled a hearing "posHlve step. It provides us with ^^ itam metingareas show- Opposition to a resolution which and South and Central Aves. cilmen cited the loss of frees, Ink abiUty to open up the school and facilities and the like. Due to the fileders and their gardeners on a reg- poeple value the products JttoiCon. at 10 a.m. Monday, in Newark on the "charm and character" and felt that er ular daily basis for disposing of iwvitlon Center produces,? t» con- proposal which would permit the would delete the Mountain Ave,- Harris has released the following to pit more responsibility in the /sct that the Wgn sehool ,, many . .. KV high voltage Broad St. intersection plan from statement indicating his approval of the council should know more of ibidsnt's hands while offering the «„,„ ^ „, ool for garden materials on Tuesday through tinwd. "last year wood cMpt «d utility to install what the county plans for the fu- dtt the sch Sunday, from it a.m. until 4 p.m., shredded leaf compost by the thou- ctbtes held by 114417 ft. steel poles consideration in changes for the the plan proposed by the task force possibility of more individualized ^^ ^ ^ld hoUM was built M ture before approving the road im- help in specific areas.'' , u, ^ _ and closed on Mondays, April sands of baaketaful were taken home, along the railroad tiding from the "Convergence Triangle", improve- for solving Westfield's '/Convergence provement. Agreed that improve- weU M the act at teams through November. at no charge. It's recycling at its Dean switching station to one in merits have been voiced by two Triangle" traffic problem, despite Mr. Johnson pointed out that the such ag soecer_i,ave come ^0 ^ ments are needed on East Broad pita Would do the following: ^^ appear to be a serious Visitors to the Center-will discover best when one can deliver his g«rf Aldaae by May, 19W. Ward 3 Democratic . councllmen, what he calls,Mayor Snyder's "about- St., Councilman Charles Harris D- Mene> den materials to the Center and re- Summit Ct. residents are asking Charles A. Harris and Vincent E. fece" on toe subject. -bringg science classes down to ^ rcrowding. the addition of a log "guard house" Ward 3) asked for "more time." probIem ove as well as a border fence construct- turn home with useful products (•** that Public Service reroute their McGowan. ' Harris Indicates that, although he "Everyone looks at the project dif- M, the maximum capacity of science Meetin,g ^ ^ ,„,„,„ o( lRobert ed of old telephone poles which were lawns and shrubs. This is; the; Way lines out «f Westfiek), or through a Both support a three-intersection recognizes that the most serious iwns which n»w nave between as Duncan, 5M St. Marks Ave., chair- ferently now than they did in the Robert Brew- completed since last season. New nature meant it to be," he com- commercially-ioned area of town, or plan suggested by the mayor's task safety problems exist in the Circle- beginning," Councilman John Tuck- and M studenU per class; Best plantings of evergreen trees have mented. '••/'•• i to agree to run the lines under- force on parking and traffic which pi d at the Central and p ster Danie, c^ Mrs Wa]ter a2a area an er iD-Ward 4) said. "We must re- - enable science students to par- added to the park-like setting of the Important to the recycle effort it tkipatp e in tong-rangeprojectsg_pj be- j^^ Miss ground, They also seek the services would result in changes to Mountain South intersection, he believes that examine what we're doing," Mayor k j b Miss Mary tfageh, Jerry entrance and now provide 'a natural ' (Continued on page »> and Broad, the Circle-Plaza area the plan for Broad, Mountain and cause llaboratorb y equipmenit t woulld Jarrett Jolm u Mrg LuclHe 'Continued on page 4> j ' ; Donn A. Snyder <R) commented, tie-in with nearby Tamaques Park. f * ' - ' ' —— —i— -I Central is "an integral and neces- not have to lie cleaned up and ready ,Lindley lRty McEntee Robert "to see wirat our obligations are." The; well managed windrows of last sary part of this solution proposed fot use the next period; peckai rrederick Schaible and John — permit the scheduling of four Touriellotfe fall's leaves, now composting, can for Westfield's most serious traffic Both (he East Broad St. project be observed on the southerly end of problems," It Is his position that if and the Mountain Ave.-Sroad St. periodriod* off gym each .weeweek for each on page «> student to meet slate standards in the site. Spiro w to Launch GOP . (Continued on page B) (Continued on page 41 terns of physical education, safety "Westfield is proud of iU Public and health olauroom time; Worts Department for having cre- •i-provide the equivalint *..«J9 ated •such a. beautiful facility," •erient increase'in c^cl^at;the^^r Mayor Donn A. SnJiJer fated Wm* Lures im Plus Ufh school-, . ' Westmld Hlfh School's prowess liouncing tb> beginning of the full -provide added space for branch on the athletic Held this year elicl- Weekly schedule.