NHamp 352.07 M92 1968 Annual Srpnri

of iijp Qawn of Mnultnnharn

3far fpar lEttfltng Smmber 31 19BB University o, TlewHampshire library ANNUAL REPORT

of the


of the


Fiscal Year Ending December 31


This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from our official records and is complete to the best of our knowledge and belief.


List of Town Officers 3

Annual Town Meeting, March 12, 1968 4

Town Warrant 8

Budget 11

Statement of Appropriations & Taxes Assessed 14

Comparative Statement of Appro. & Expenditures 16

Summary Inventory 19

Financial Report 20

Report of Town Clerk . . 22

Schedule of Town Property 23

Report of Tax Collector I 24

Report of Town Treasurer 28

-', . . .!. . Summary of Receipts , U j 30

Summary of Payments 31

Detailed Statement of Payments 35

Report of Highway Agents ...... 45

Report of Committee on Plowing Driveways ...... 49

Report of Trust Funds . 50

Auditor's Report . 52

Report of Library Treasurer 53

Report of Librarian ... 54

Report of Planning Board 56

Moultonboro Volunteer Fire Department 57

Report of Forest Fire Warden 58

Vital Statistics 59 own uiiicers

Representative to the General Court Dorothy W. Davis

Moderator G. Stewart Lamprey

Town Clerk Kenneth C. Smith

Selectmen Frank E. Mclntire Horace L. Richardson Leonard M. Smart

Treasurer Nina L. Moulton

Tax Collector Ernest L. Berry

Health Officer Dr. Aleksander Ratsep

Trustees of Trust Funds Ernest L. Berry Fred E. Davis F. Lester Taylor

Overseers of the Poor Board of Selectmen

Highway Agents Thomas Cooney Lauris Avery

Forest Fire Warden Ralph Dale

Supervisors of the Check List Wilmont White Richard Young Leonard Mallard

Library Trustees Beatrix Solomon Hutcheson Page Leonard M. Smart Fred E. Davis Hazel Dale Clyde B, Foss Annual Town Meeting

MARCH 12, 1968

Town Meeting called to order at 7:00 o'clock in the afternoon in the Moultonboro Central School Auditorium by acting Moderator Stewart Lamprey who read the Warrant.

ARTICLE 2 : To raise and appropriate such sums of money as may be necessary to repair Highways and Bridges in said Town. On motion of Frank Mclntire, 2nd by Lawrence Porter, voted to raise and appropriate for repairs of Highways and bridges, $58,000.00.

ARTICLE 3 : To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate the sum of $1,051.87 for Town Road Aid. On motion of Ralph Dale 2nd. by Frank Nedeau voted to raise and appropriate for Town Road Aid, $1,051.87.

ARTICLE 4 : To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to borrow money in anticipation of taxes for the current year maintenance and operation expenses, and that the Selectman be authorized to issue notes therefor, which notes are to be paid out of the Tax receipts of the current year as provided by the provi- sions of Acts of 1953, Chapter 258 and any amendments thereof.

On motion of Hutcheson Page 2nd. by Grace Plummer voted to authorize the Selectmen to borrow money in anticipation of taxes.

ARTICLE 5 : To see if the Town will vote to allow a dis- count on taxes paid in full up to fifteen days after the issue of the tax bills by the Collector.

On motion of Gilbert Wiggins 2nd by Lawrence Porter voted to allow a two percent discount on taxes paid in full up to fifteen days after the issue of the Tax Bills by the Collector.

ARTICLE 6: To see what sums of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for the Lakes Region Gen- eral Hospital, the Huggins Hospital, and the Carroll County Community Services, Inc.

On motion of Richard Vappi 2nd by Mrs. Snow voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $1600.00 Lakes Region General Hospital and Huggins Hospital each $500.00 Carroll County Community Services, Inc. $380.00. ARTICLE 7 : To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate the sum of $500.00 for concerts to be provided by the Center Harbor Band. On motion of June Visser 2nd by Roger Person voted to raise and appropriate for concerts by the Center Harbor Band, $500.00.

ARTICLE 8: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $917.23, which is 1/100 of 1% of the assessed valuation of the Town, to the Lakes Region Association for the purpose of publicizing and promoting the natural advantages and resources of the Town, in cooperation with other towns in the Lakes Region. On motion of Frank Nedeau, 2nd. by Fred Snow voted to pass the article.

ARTICLE 9: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100.00 for the Control of White Pine Blister Rust. On motion of Leonard Smart 2nd by Gilbert Wiggins voted to raise and appropriate for White Pine Blister Rust the sum of $100.00.

ARTICLE 10: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 for the reconstruction of a portion of the Moultonboro Neck Road, providing the State of New Hampshire will apportion the sum of $10,000.00 the total sum to be expended under the super- vision of the New Hampshire Highway Dept. On motion of Lauris Avery 2nd, by Arthur Pearce voted to raise and appropriate for reconstruction of a portion of Moultonboro Neck Road, providing the State will ap- portion $10,000.00, the total sum to be expended under the supervision of the N. H. Highway Department, $5,000.00.

ARTICLE 11: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate an additional sum of $10,000.00, to widen, raise, gravel and tar a section of road known as Coe Lane, and in order to raise funds for same to empower the Selectman to borrow the sum necessary and to issue Serial Notes or Bonds in the name and on the Credit of the Town, and to fix the time and place of payment, the rate of interest, terms and maturities, and provide for the sale thereof, all in accordance with the N. H. Revised Statutes Annotated 1955, Chapter 33, known as the "Municipal Finance Act", and any amendments ap- plied thereto. On motion of Lauris Avery 2nd by Fred Snow voted to raise and appropriate the sum of, $10,000.00. Number of Votes cast 137 Yes 77 No. 60. requiring a 2/3 ma- jority vote, this article was defeated.

ARTICLE 12 : To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to execute a mutual agreement with the Town of Meredith whereby the summer and winter maintenance and cost thereof of any roads on Black Cat Island in the Town of Meredith would be sustained in the future by the Town of Moultonboro, and in consideration for this service to the residents of Meredith on Black Cat Island, to see if the Town will further vote to accept the sum of $4,000.00, if raised by the Town of Meredith to be used as a contribution to the Town of Moultonboro to pay for approximately one sixth of the cost of the construction of approximately one mile of road located in Moultonboro and providing the only vehicular access to Black Cat Island. On motion of Gilbert Wiggins 2nd by Lauris Avery voted to Pass the Article.

ARTICLE 13: To see if the Town will vote to approve a grant of easement to Craig Moriarty on the Town land located next to Robbin's Store for the purpose of install- ing a pump house and waterline. The waterline is to go from the lake to Route 25, and is intended to be used in a potential laundromat. (By Request) On motion of James Lambert 2nd by Mark Packard voted to approve a grant of easement to Craig Moriarty. On amendment of Ralph Dale 2nd by Lawrence Porter voted that the pump house and electric service be install- ed underground.

ARTICLE 14: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate One hundred and fifty (150.00) dollars, as reimbursement to the purchaser in order to return the original (1927) Moultonboro fire truck to the Town. (By Petition.) On motion of Robert Lamprey 2nd, by John Holmes to raise and appropriate as reimbursement to the purchas- er in order to return the original (1927) Moultonboro fire truck to the Town, $150.00.

ARTICLE 15: To see if the Town will vote to join with other communities bordering Lake Winnipesaukee in the formation of a Regional Planning Commission to be known as the Lakes Region Planning Commission. The purposes, membership and powers shall be as specified in Chapter 36, Section 37-44, of the N. H. Revised Stat- utes Annotated, pertaining to Regional Planning Com- mission. :

On motion of Roger Person 2nd, by Fred Snow voted to accept the Article as read in the Town Warrant.

ARTICLE 16: To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate a sum of money not to exceed $30,000.00 to construct an addition and remodel the Moultonboro Li- brary and, in order to provide funds for same, to empower the Selectmen to borrow the sum necessary and to issue Serial Notes or Bonds in the name and on the credit of the Town, and to fix the time and place of payment, the rate of interest, terms and maturities and provide for the sale thereof, all in accordance with the N. H. Revised Statutes Annotated 1955, Chapter 33, known as the "Municipal Finance Act," and any amend- ments applied thereto. On motion of David Walter 2nd, by William McAdams voted to accept the Article as printed in the Town War^ rant. Number of Votes cast 117. Yes - 91 No - 26 Accepted. c/ Lvri>.

ARTICLE 17: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Library Trustees to apply for and accept any State or Federal funds available for Library Construction. On motion of Hutcheson Page 2nd by John Holmes voted to accept the article as printed in the Town Warrant.

ARTICLE 18 : To see if the Town will vote to approve and adopt the Budget as printed in the Town Report, subject to any changes made at this meeting. On motion of Hutcheson Page 2nd, by Nelson Lambert voted to accept the Town Budget of, $462,418.45. On motion of Arthur Solomon 2nd, by John Holmes that the chair appoint a committee to study the plowing of dooryards and report back to the next Town Meeting. The five (5) people appointed to the snowplow commit- tee were John Dodge, chairman: Tom Cooney, Lauris Avery, Ralph Dale and Horace Richardson. On motion of Hollis Eaves 2nd, by Melvin Borrin voted to raise and appropriate for the purpose of aiding in the support of a Kindergarten to be expended by the Select- men, $2500.00. ARTICLE 19: To transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting. On motion of Gilbert Wiggins 2nd, by Rae Davis voted to adjourn at 10:25 P.M. as there was no further business appearing. A true record attest KENNETH C. SMITH, SR. Town Clerk KENNETH C. SMITH, SR. Town Clerk :

Town of Moultonboro

State of New Hampshire

Town Warrant for 1969

To the inhabitants of the Town of Moultonboro, in the County of Carroll, in said State, qualified to vote in Town affairs

You are hereby notified to meet at the Moultonboro Central School in said Moultonboro on Tuesday, the 11th day of March, 1969, at ten of the clock in the forenoon to act upon Article 1 of this Warrant.

Article 2 and the remaining articles of the Warrant to be taken up at 8:00 P. M. The polls will not close before 6:00 P.M.

1. To choose by ballot and major vote a Treasurer, Clerk, Tax Collector, one or more not exceeding two Highway Agents, one Selectman for Three Years, one Trustee of the Trust Funds for Three Years, and such other offi- cers and agents as the voters may deem necessary.

2. To raise and appropriate such sums of money as may be necessary to repair Highways and Bridges in said Town.

3. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,091.44 for Town Road Aid.

4. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to borrow money in anticipation of taxes for the cur- rent year maintenance and operation expenses, and that the Selectmen be authorized to issue notes there- for, which notes are to be paid out of the tax receipts of the current year as provided by the provisions of Acts of 1953, Chapter 258 and any amendments there- to.

5. To see if the Town will vote to allow a discount on taxes paid in full up to fifteen days after the issue of the tax bills by the Collector.

8 6. To see what sums of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for the Lakes Region General Hospital, the Huggins Hospital, and the Carroll County Commu- nity Services, Inc.

7. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for concerts to be provided by the Center Harbor Band.

8. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $513.41, which is 1/2000 of 1% of the assessed valuation of the Town, to the Lakes Region Association for the purpose of publicizing and promot- ing the natural advantages and resources of the Town, in cooperation with other towns in the Lakes Region.

9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100.00 for the Control of White Pine Blis- ter Rust.

10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 for the reconstruction of a portion of the Moultonboro Neck Road, providing the State of New Hampshire will apportion the sum of $10,000.00, the total to be expended under the supervision of the New Hampshire Highway Department.

11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 to be expended toward the com- pletion and further improvement of the Eagle Shore Road and Coe Lane, leading from Redding Lane to the end of the Eagle Shore Road. (By Petition.)

12. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select- men to enter into a contract with the towns of Center Harbor, Meredith, and Sandwich to guarantee ambu- lance service for the Town for one year, and to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000.00 for this purpose.

13. To see if the Town will vote a minimum Town Wage of $2.00 per hour. Other wages to be set by the Select- men.

14. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,500.00 to resurface Lake Shore Drive with a hot top mix applied by professional contractors in this field.

9 :

15. To see if the Town will vote to have three more street lights installed between Robbins' Store and Alpine Park Road, half-way between the existing four lights. (By Petition.)

16. To see if the Town will vote to enter into an agree- ment with Tibbetts Lumber Company to exchange land at the end of the Rangeway on Shaker Jerry Road near Deepwood Lodges.

17. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to purchase, for a sum not to exceed $21,000.00, land and buildings on Long Island owned by Donald Crumb, in order to provide more parking space for people using the Town Beach, and to raise and appropriate money for this purpose. The buildings to be sold by the Se- lectmen by sealed bid and removed from the property.

18. To hear reports of any Committees that have been ap- pointed to present findings to this meeting.

19. To see if the Town will vote to approve the Budget as printed in the Town Report, subject to any changes made at this meeting.

20. To transact any other business that may legally come before said meeting.

Given under our hands and seals this 24th day of Feb- ruary, A. D. 1969. FRANK E. McINTIRE HORACE L. RICHARDSON LEONARD M. SMART Selectmen of Moultonboro

A true copy of Warrant—Attest FRANK E. McINTIRE HORACE L. RICHARDSON LEONARD M. SMART Selectmen of Moultonboro


Estimates of Revenue and Expenditures for the

Ensuing Year January 1, 1969 to December 31, 1969

Compared with

Estimated & Actual Revenue, Appropriations & Expenditures

of the Previous Year January 1, 1968 to December 31, 1968

Estimated Actual Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Previous Previous Ensuing SOURCES OF REVENUE Year 1968 Year 1968 Year 1969

From State :

Interest and Dividends Tax $ 20,090.63 $ 20,090.63 $ 20,000.00 Savings Bank Tax 676.86 676.86 600.00 Meals and Rooms Tax 1,528.40 1,528.40 1,500.00 Reimbursement a/c Flood Control Land 160.00 169.29 160.00

From Local Sources Except Taxes:

Dog Licenses 400.00 321.40 300.00 Interest Rec. on Taxes & Deposits 1,300.00 1,458.79 1,400.00 Dooryard Fees 4,700.00 6,700.00 6,700.00 Head Tax Retainer 300.00 343.00 300.00 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 17,500.00 22,258.66 22,000.00

Cash Surplus: 2,000.00 2,000.00

From Local Taxes Other Than Property Taxes:

Poll Taxes—Regular @ $2 1,076.00 1,140.00(1) 900.00 Yield Taxes 615.00 2,230.41(2) 500.00

Total Revenues From All Sources Except Property Taxes $ 50,346.89 $ 58,917.44 $ 54,360.00 * Amt. to be Raised by Prop. Taxes $477,592.92

Total Revenues $531,952.92 (1) Includes 1967 Poll Taxes Collected in 1968. (2) Includes 1967 Yield Taxes Collected in 1968.

11 :

Appro- Actual Estimated

priations Exp'itures Exp'itures

Previous Previous Ensuing

PURPOSE OF EXP'ITURES Year 1968 Year 1968 Year 1969

General Government:

Town Officers' Salaries « 6,500.00 $ 6,619.65 $ 7,000.00 Town Officers' Expenses 9,000.00 11,078.89 14,000.00 Election & Registration Expenses 1,000.00 1,611.65 500.00 Expenses Town Hall & Other Town Bldgs. 3,500.00 4,568.04 2,500.00 Town Reports 1,200.00 855.00 2,500.00 Employees' Retirement and Social Security 2,100.00 1,771.44 2,500.00

Protection of Persons and Property:

Police Department 4,500.00 3,883.86 7,000.00 Fire Dept. (Forest Fires $200.00) 7,865.00 8,015.29 7,865.00 Moth Exterm.—Blister Rust & Care of Tree 100.00 100.00 100.00 Insurance 3,000.00 2,744.00 3,200.00 Planning and Perambulation 1,500.00 701.60 2,000.00 Damages and Legal Expenses 700.00 863.80 1,200.00


Health Dept., Incl. Hospitals 1,600.00 1,630.00 2,600.00 Vital Statistics 50.00 50.00 50.00 Town Dump & Garbage Removal 6,500.00 7,389.40 7,000.00

Highways and Bridges:

Town Maintenance 58,000.00 58,957.25 75,000.00 Street Lighting 3,000.00 2,592.71 3,000.00 Gen. Exp. of Highway Dept. 17,000.00 19,301.20 22,000.00 Town Road Aid 1,051.87 8,064.36* 1,091.44

Libraries 4,205.00 4,310.00f 5,000.00

Public Welfare

Town Poor 1,700.00 1,276.97 2,000.00 Old Age Assistance 3,000.00 2,143.27 3,000.00

12 : :

Patriotic Purposes:

Memorial Day & Vets.' Associations 100.00 102.21 150.00 Aid to Soldiers & Their Families 2,000.00 1,771.88 2,500.00


Parks and Playgrounds, Incl. Band Concerts 6,500.00 7,945.86 7,000.00

Public Service Enterprises:

Christmas Lighting- 250.00 250.00 250.00 Cemeteries 3,000.00 1,958.24 3,000.00 Old Fire Truck Appro. 150. Advertising & Reg. Associations 513.41

Interest 7,500.00 6,366.13$ 7,500.00

Highways and Bridges:

State Aid Constr'n.—Town's Sharee 5,000.00 5,000.00 New Equipment 1,200.00 1,220.47 1,500.00

Payments on Principal of Debt:

Long Term Notes 15,900.00 15,900.00 15,150.00

County Taxes 45,996.28 45,996.28 51,000.00

School Taxes 241,885.13 239,427.56§ 267,283.07

Total Expenditures $466,553.28 $469,467.01 $531,952.92

* Includes State's Share, advanced by Town.

f Includes a 1967 Balance Due on Salaries.

t Total Interest Costs of $10,379.79, reduced by $4,013.66 from Sale of U. S. Treasury Notes.

§ Includes Balance (1967) due School Dist. of $89,464.73

13 Statement of Appropriations

and Taxes Assessed

Town Officers Salaries $ 6,500.00 Town Office Expenses 9,000.00 Election & Registration Expenses 1,000.00 Town Reports 1,200.00 Town Hall & Other Bldgs. 3,500.00 Social Security Contributions 2,100.00 Police Department 4,500.00 Fire Department 7,665.00 Forest Fires 200.00 Blister Rust 100.00 Insurance 3,000.00 Planning & Perambulation 1,500.00 Damages & Legal Expenses 700.00 Health Department, including Hospitals 1,600.00 Vital Statistics 50.00 Town Dump 6,500.00 Town Maintenance 58,000.00 Street Lighting 3,000.00 General Expenses of Highway Dept. 17,000.00 Town Road Aid 1,051.87 Libraries 4,205.00 Old Age Assistance 3,000.00 Town Poor 1,700.00 Veterans' Aid 2,000.00 Memorial Day 100.00 Parks & Playgrounds, including Band Concerts 6,500.00 Cemeteries 3,000.00 Christmas Lighting 250.00 State Aid Construction 5,000.00 Fire Truck 150.00 New Equipment 1,200.00 Payment on Debt Principal $15,900.00 Interest 7,500.00 23,400.00

Total Town Appropriations $178,671.87

14 : :

Less Estimated Revenues and Credits

Interest & Dividends Tax $ 20,090.63 Savings Bank Tax 676.86 Meals & Rooms Tax 1,528.40 Reimbursement a/c Flood Control Land 160.00 Yield Tax Sources 615.00 Interest on Taxes & Deposits 1,300.00 Dog Licenses 400.00 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 17,500.00 Dooryard Fees 4,700.00 Head Tax Retainage 300.00 Poll Taxes 538 @ $2.00 1,076.00 Surplus (Balance Sheet) 2,000.00

Total Revenue & Credits $ 50,346.89 Net Town Appropriations 130,202.56 Net School Appropriations 241,885.13 County Tax Assessment 45,996.28

Total of Town, School & County $416,206.39 Plus War Service Tax Credits 5,650.00 Plus Overlay 7,362.73

Amount to be raised by Property Tax $429,219.12

Taxes to be Committed to Collector

Gross Property Taxes Assessed $429,219.12 Less War Service Tax Credits 5,650.00

Net Property Taxes Committed $423,569.12 1968 Poll Taxes at $2.00 1,076.00

Total Taxes to be Committed $424,645.12

Tax Rate — $4.18 per one hundred dollars valuation

15 i 1 I

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18 Summary Inventory

Land $ 5,522,300.00

Buildings 4,412,300.00

Electric Plants 223,300.00

House Trailers, 43 21,200.00

Stock in Trade 17,300.00

Boats & Launches, 205 62,400.00

Dairy Cows, 23 2,300.00

Other Cattle, 28 2,200.00

Gasoline Pumps & Tanks 2,300.00

Road Building & Construction Machinery 5,000.00

Total Valuation before Exemptions $10,270,600.00

Neat Stock Exemptions 2,200.00

Net Valuation on which Tax Rate

is Computed $10,268,400.00

19 : : :

Financial Report

Statement of Financial Condition as of December 31, 1968 ASSETS In hands of Treasurer (Checking Acc't Balance) is $37,333.37 In hands of officials is Treasurer 5.01 Other 60.00

$ 37,398.38 Tax Collector, petty cash 25.00

Accounts Due to Town

State of N. H., Joint Highway Construction Accounts, Unexpended in State Treasury (a) Town Road Aid .82 (b) State Aid Construction 20,328.96

Other Bills Due Town: Due from Tax Collector 31.82

Unredeemed Taxes:

(a) Levy of 1967 1,080.64 (b) Levy of 1966 908.75

Uncollected Taxes

(a) Levy of 1968: Property Taxes $96,324.91 Poll Taxes 156.00 Yield Taxes 190.81

96,671.72 State Head Taxes Levy of 1968 500.00

. Total Assets $156,946.09


Accounts Owed by Town: Unexpended Balance of Special Appropriation Old Fire Truck 150.00

20 Due to State:

State Head Taxes, Uncollected 1968 500.00 State Head Taxes, Collected, not remitted to Treasurer 240.00 Bond & Debt Retirement: Uncollected 31.80 Collected, not remitted to State Treas. 381.33

Due to School District:

Balance of 1968-69 School Tax 91,922.30 State & Town Joint Highway

Construction Accounts:

(a) Unexpended balance in State Treasury State Aid Construction 20,328.96 (b) Unexpended Balance in Town Treasury State Aid Construction 10,000.00

Long Term Notes Outstanding: Original Selectmen's Office Notes ($5,000 yearly 1 yr.) 5,000.00 Eagle Shore Road ($2,000 yearly 4 yrs.) 8,000.00 Fire Truck ($3,000 yearly 6 yrs.) 18,000.00 Bulldozer ($3,750 yearly 6 yrs.) 22,500.00 Office Building ($1,400 Yearly 4 yrs.) 5,600.00

Total Liabilities $182,654.39

Excess of Liabilities over Assets 25,708.30

Net Debt—Dec. 31, 1967 46,881.13

Net Debt—Dec. 31, 1968 25,708.30 Decrease of Debt 21,172.83

21 :

Report Of Town Clerk

Motor Vehicle Permits

January 1, 1968 thru December 31, 1968

—DR.— 1967 Permits Issued: Serial Numbers 539267 thru 539342 $ 705.51 1968 Permits Issued: Serial Numbers 480401 thru 481800 Serial Numbers 574301 thru 574335 21,553.15

Total Debits $ 22,258.6ft —CR.— Remittances to Treasurer Account of 1967 Permits 705.51 Account of 1968 Permits 21,553.15

Total Credits $ 22,258.66

DOG LICENSES January 1, 1968 thru December 31, 1968 —DR.—

Total Amt. of Dog Licenses Issued $ 349.00 Fees Retained by Clerk 27.60

$ 321.40


Total Remittances to Treas. a/c Dog Licenses $ 321.40 Bicycles & Filing Fees —DR.—

Total Amount Bicycle Lie. $ 20.00 Total Amount Filing Fees 11.00

$ 31.00 —CR.— Total Remittances to Treasurer $ 31.00

Respectfully submitted, Kenneth C. Smith, Jr. Town Clerk

22 Schedule of Town Property

Town Hall, Lands & Bldgs. $ 30,000.00

Furniture & Equipment 2,000.00

Libraries, Land & Bldgs. 38,000.00

Furniture & Equipment 15,000.00

Police Department, Equipment 1,500.00

Fire Dept., Lands & Bldgs. 35,000.00

Equipment 35,000.00

Highway Dept., Equipment 800.00

Public Beaches & Areas 33,000.00

Dump, Equipment 25,000.00

Lee Lot, Red Hill 250.00

Ossipee Mt. Lots, 16 acres 100.00

Stony Island, % acre 100.00

Dump Site, Rte 113 3,500.00

Dearborn Lot 1,000.00


23 Tax Collector's Account


Levy of 1968


Total Property, Poll & National Bank Stock Taxes Committed to Collector (Warrant as Verified) $424,838.50 Yield Taxes Committed to Collector 737.42 Added Taxes Committed to Collector 863.66 Refund due Tax Collector - overpayments 5.38

Total Debits $426,444.96


Total Remittances to Treasurer $322,549.08 Discount Allowed 5,945.38 Abatements Allowed 1,278.78 Uncollected Taxes as Per Collector's List 96,671.72

Total Credits $426,444.96



Uncollected Taxes - As of January 1, 1968 $ 80,002.83 Added Taxes During 1968 1,095.50 Refund due Tax Collector - overpayments 12.19 Interest Collected During 1968 1,458.79

Total Debits $ 82,569.31


Remittances to Treasurer During 1968 $ 81,933.40 Abatements Allowed During 1968 517.34 Discounts Allowed 118.57 Uncollected Taxes as Per Tax Collector's List 0.00

Total Credits $ 82,569.31



Uncollected Taxes - as of January 1, 1968 $ 50.40


Discounts Allowed $ 1.01 Amount due Treasurer from Collector 49.39

Total Credits $ 50.40



State Head Taxes Committed to Collector:

Original Warrant $3,335.00 Added Taxes 110.00

Total Commitment $3,445.00 Penalties Collected 8.50

Total Debits $3,453.50


Remittances to Treasurer:

Head Taxes $2,790.00 Penalties 8.50

$2,798.50 Abatements 155.00 Uncollected Head Taxes - As Per Collector's List 500.00

Total Credits $3,453.50



Uncollected Head Taxes - As of January 1, 1968 $ 785.00 Added Taxes During 1968 105.00 Penalties Collected During 1968 70.00

Total Debits $i 960.00 —CR.—

Remittances to Treasurer During 1968:

Head Taxes $ 780.00 Penalties 70.00

$ 850.00 Abatements During 1968 110.00 Uncollected Head Taxes - As Per Collector's List 0.00

Total Credits $ 960.00 26 TAX COLLECTOR'S ACCOUNT

As of December 31, 1968


Tax Sale on Account of Levies of:

Previous 1968 1967 1966 Years (a) Taxes sold to Town during Current Fiscal Year $ $1,341.88 $ $

(b) Balance Unredeemed Taxes -

January 1, 1968 1,607.98 777.07 Interest Collected after Sale .57 81.99 110.42 Redemption Costs 2.33 5.57 5.00

Total Debits $ $1,344.78 $1,695.54 $892.49


Remittances to Treasurer during year $ $ 264.14 $ 786.79 $811.24 Abatements During Year 60.60 Deeded to Town During Year Deeded to Individual During Year 20.65 Unredeemed Taxes At Close of Year 1,080.64 908.75

Total Credits $ $1,344.78 $1,695.54 $892.49

(a) "Taxes Sold to Town During Current Fiscal Year:" Tax Sale held during fiscal year ending December 31, 1968, should include total amount of taxes, interest and costs to date

of sale .

(b) "Balance Unredeemed Taxes - January 1, 1968:" Should include balances of Unredeemed Taxes - As of January 1, 1968 from Tax sales of previous years.

27 : : :

eport of Town Treasurer

Balance in hands of Treasurer

January 1, 1968 $ 65,484.54

Receipts : From Ernest L. Berry, Tax Collector Property Taxes, Current Year 321,148.47 Poll Taxes, Current Year 896.00 National Bank Stock Taxes 15.65 Yield Taxes, Current Year 504.61 State Head Taxes, Current Year 2,790.00 Property Taxes, Previous Years 78,504.81 Poll Taxes, Previous Years 244.00 Yield Taxes, Previous Years 1,725.80 Head Taxes, Previous Years 780.00 Interest Received on Taxes 1,458.79 Head Tax Penalties 78.50 Tax Sales Redeemed 1,862.13

From State: Interest & Dividends Tax 20,090.63 Savings Bank Tax 676.86 Room & Meals Tax Refund 1,528.40 Head Tax Refunds 114.50 Blister Rust Refund 2.44 Reimbursement a/c Old Age Assistance 161.44 Water Resources Board 169.29 Town Road Aid 7,355.29 For Fighting Forest Fires 60.90

From Local Sources: From Kenneth C. Smith, Sr., Town Clerk Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 22,258.66 Dog Licenses 321.40 Filing Fees 11.00 Bicycle Fees 20.00 From Nina L. Moulton, Town Treasurer Dooryard Fees 6,700.00

Receipts Other than Current Revenue Meredith Trust Co., Temporary Loans 250,000.00 Meredith Trust Co., U. S. Treasury Notes 200,000.00

Miscellaneous Refunds: Orin Brown, Reimbursement board & care 40.00

28 : :

Ernest L. Berry, Social Security Refund 152.24 Ernest L. Berry, Tax Collector's Petty Cash 25.00 Joe Taggart, Dog damage 35.00 Timothy Turrell, fire damage 35.00 Byron C. Hedblom, rent of land 25.00 N. H. Municipal Assoc, refund on booklets 1.00

Contributions For Road Improvements Deerhaven Road Residents 440.00 Duck Trap Cove Association 175.00 Kanasatka S. E. Shore Improvement Assoc. 225.00 Ferry Shores Association 180.00 Winaukee Extension Residents 150.00 Kanasatka Road Residents 580.50

Sale of Town Property l/ Clyde Brown, 2 Lot #20, Red Hill Cemetery 20.00 Carl S. Shoup, Lot #82, Middle Neck Cemetery 20.00 Harry Rose, Lot #81, Middle Neck Cemetery 20.00 Robert Williams, Lot #39, Middle Neck Cemetery 40.00 Leonard E. Carlsmith, Lot #83, Middle Neck Cemetery 20.00 Harold & Rosa Edwards, Lot #69, Middle Neck Cemetery 20.00 i/ Stanley Heath, 2 Lot #76, Red Hill Cemetery 20.00 Nelson Lambert, Lot #37, Middle Neck Cemetery 40.00 Horace L. Richardson, fence 15.00 Richard E. Tower, town safe 50.00 Lauris Avery, sale of logs 661.46

Total Receipts from All Sources $922,469.77 Balance in hands of Treasurer, Jan. 1, '68 65,484.54

$987,954.31 Total Payments for All Purposes 950,555.93

Balance in hands of Treasurer January 1, 1969 $ 37,398.38

Respectfully submitted,

NINA L. MOULTON, Treasurer

29 Summary of Receipts

From Local Taxes $410,008.76

From State 30,159.75

From Local Sources 29,311.06

Receipts Other than Current Revenue 452,990.20

Total Receipts from All Sources $922,469.77

Cash on Hand, January 1, 1968 65,485.54


30 : :

Summary of Payments

General Government:

1. Town Officers' Salaries $ 6,619.65 2. Town Officers' Expenses 11,078.89 3. Election & Registration Expenses 1,611.65 4. Expenses of Town Hall & Other Bldgs. 4,568.04 5. Town Reports 855.00

Protection of Persons & Property:

6. Police Department 3,883.86 7. Fire Department 7,665.00 8. Forest Fires 350.29 9. Blister Rust 100.00 10. Perambulation 701.60 11. Insurance 2,744.00

Health :

12. Health Dept. 1,630.00 13. Vital Statistics 50.00 14. Town Dump 7,389.40

Highways and Bridges

15. Town Road Aid 8,064.36 16. Town Maintenance 58,957.25 17. Street Lighting 2,592.71 18. General Expenses of Highway Dept. 19,301.20


19. Library 4,310.00

Public Welfare :

20. Old Age Assistance 2,143.27 21. Town Poor 1,276.97

Patriotic Purposes :

22. Memorial Day 102.21 23. Aid to Soldiers 1,771.88

Recreation :

24. Parks & Playgrounds 7,445.86 25. Band Concerts 500.00

31 : : :

Public Service Enterprises

26. Cemeteries 1,958.24


27. Damages & Legal Expenses 863.80 28. Christmas Lighting 250.00 29. Taxes bought by Town 1,341.88 30. Discounts, abatements & refunds 572.55 31. Employees' Retirement & Social Security 1,771.44

Interest :

32. Paid on Temporary Loans 7,186.43 33. Paid on Long Term Notes 3,193.36

Outlay for New Construction :

34. Eagle Shore Road (Reimbursed $661.46) 10,676.46 35. New Equipment (Includes New Fire Truck) 16,020.47

Indebtedness :

36. Payments on Temporary Loans 250,000.00 37. Payments on Long Term Notes 15,900.00

Payments to Other Governmental Divisions

38. State Head Taxes 3,579.50 39. Payments to State a/c Yield Tax Debt Retirement 118.53 40. Taxes Paid to County 45,996.28 41. Payments to School District 239,427.56 42. Temporary Investment in U. S. Securities at Cost 195,986.34

Total Payments for All Purposes $950,555.93

Cash on hand December 31, 1968 37,398.38


32 : :

Detailed Statement of Receipts

1. Property Taxes, Current Year $321,148.47 2. Poll Taxes, Current Year 896.00 3. National Bank Stock Taxes, Current Year 15.65 4. State Head Taxes, Current Year 2,790.00 5. Yield Taxes, Current Year 504.61 6. Property & Yield Taxes, Previous Years 80,230.61 7. Poll Taxes, Previous Years 244.00 8. State Head Taxes, Previous Years 780.00 9. Interest received on Taxes 1,458.79 10. Penalties received on State Head Taxes 78.50 11. Tax Sales Redeemed 1,862.13

From State:

12. Interest & Dividends Tax 20,090.63 13. Savings Bank Tax 676.86 14. Blister Rust Refund 2.44 15. For Fighting Forest Fires 60.90 16. Reimbursement a/c Old Age Assistance 161.44 17. Water Resources Board 169.29 18. Room & Meals Tax Refund 1,528.40 19. Head Tax Refunds 114.50 20. Town Road Aid (Includes $7,012.49 advanced to State) 7,355.29

From Local Sources :

21. From Kenneth C. Smith, Sr., Town Clerk Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 22,258.66 22. Dog Licenses 321.40 23. Bicycle Fees & Filing Fees 31.00 24. From Nina L. Moulton, Town Treasurer Dooryard Fees 6,700.00

Receipts Other than Current Revenue:

25. Meredith Trust Co., Temporary Loans 250,000.00

26. Meredith Trust Co., U. S. Treasury Notes 200,000.00

Miscellaneous Refunds :

27. Orin Brown, Reimbursement board & care 40.00 Ernest L. Berry, Social Security Refund 152.24

33 : :

Ernest L. Berry, Tax Collector's Petty Cash 25.00 Joe Daggart, dog damage 35.00 Timothy Turrell, fire damage 35.00 Byron C. Hedblom, rent of land 25.00 N. H. Municipal Assoc, refund on booklets 1.00

28. Contributions for Road Improvements Deerhaven Road Residents 440.00 Duck Trap Cove Association 175.00 Kanasatka S. E. Shore Improvement Assoc. 225.00 Ferry Shores Association 180.00 Winaukee Extension Residents 150.00 Kanasatka Road Residents 580.50

29. Sale of Town Property

i/ Clyde Brown, 2 Lot #20, Red Hill Cemetery 20.00 Carl S. Shoup, Lot #82, Middle Neck Cemetery 20.00 Harry Rose, Lot #81, Middle Neck Cemetery 20.00 Robert Williams, Lot #39, Middle Neck Cemetery 40.00 Leonard E. Carlsmith, Lot #83, Middle Neck Cemetery 20.00 Harold & Rosa Edwards, Lot #69, Middle Neck Cemetery 20.00 i/ Stanley Heath, 2 Lot #76, Red Hill Cemetery 20.00 Nelson Lambert, Lot #37, Middle Neck Cemetery 40.00 Horace L. Richardson, fence 15.00 Richard E. Tower, town safe 50.00 Lauris Avery, sale of logs 661.46

Total Receipts from All Sources $922,469.77 Balance in hands of Treasurer, Jan. 1, 1968 65,484.54

$987,954.31 Total payments for All Purposes 950,555.93

Balance in hands of Treasurer, Jan. 1, 1969 $ 37,398.38

34 Detailed Statement of Payments

General Goverment:

1. Town Officers' Salaries Frank E. Mclntire, Selectman $ 500.00 Horace L. Richardson, Selectman 500.00 Leonard M. Smart, Selectman 500.00 Nina L. Moulton, Town Treasurer 500.00 Kenneth C. Smith, Sr., Town Clerk 500.00 Ernest L. Berry, Tax Collector 4,171.65

$ 6,671.65

2. Town Officers' Expenses

Association of N. H. Assessors, clues 5.00 Clyde B. Foss Agency, Bonds 230.00 N. H. City & Town Clerk's Association, dues 6.00 The Meredith News, notices & supplies 116.00 Kenneth C. Smith, auto permits, Clerk's meeting, supplies, etc. 1,820.15 IBM, typewriter maintenance 37.98 Jessie Thompson, postage 451.50 N. H. Tax Collector's Association, dues 5.00 Edson C. Eastman Co., supplies 114.27 Nina L. Moulton, travel expense 155.00 State of N. H., Ownership boat reports 223.88 Ernest L. Berry, supplies, Collector's Meeting, tax sale expenses, postage, etc. 286.07 Leonard M. Smart, assessing, Tax meeting, mileage, etc. 561.75 Frank E. Mclntire, assessing, Tax meeting, mileage, etc. 906.00 Horace L. Richardson, assessing, Tax meeting, mileage, etc. 520.25 Dorothy W. Davis, Clerical 3,528.00 Registry of Deeds, real estate transfers 504.10 Dana S. Beane, Jr., Auditor 999.24 Homestead Press, tax bills, envelopes, etc. 153.40 Charles C. Rogers Co., supplies 58.64 Treas., State of N. H., 5 RSA Taxation booklets 20.00 Brown & Saltmarsh, Inc., supplies 14.09 Estella M. White, report .80 N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co., 'phone 250.14 N. H. Municipal Association, dues & booklets 57.90

$ 11,025.16

35 3. Election & Registration Expenses

Stewart Lamprey, Moderator 67.50 Meredith News, checklist, notices, etc. 216.00 Richard Young, Supervisor of Checklist 121.00 Wilmont S. White, Supervisor of Checklist 84.00 Leonard Mallard, Supervisor of Checklist 123.00 Lee Huston, services 39.00 Russell Boyd, Janitor 65.00 Martin Clifford, Police 54.00 Frank E. Mclntire, services 94.50 Horace L. Richardson, services 103.50 Leonard M. Smart, services 103.50 Dorothy W. Davis, services 52.00 Ernest Davis, Ballot Clerk 75.25 Robert Fletcher, Ballot Clerk 75.25 Florence Donahue, Ballot Clerk 47.25 Irad Young, Ballot Clerk 57.75 Harold Tilton, Police 32.00 K. C. Smith, services 106.88 Hazel Straw, dinners 96.00

$ 1,613.38

4. Expenses of Town Hall & Other Buildings

M. Roy Foss, Janitor & supplies $ 251.84 John J. Oliver, labor 10.00 White Mt. Power Co., lights & heat 290.06 Ellen's Store, supplies 5.48 Russell Moulton, labor 70.00 Everett Bickford, labor & truck 42.00 Meredith Gardens, shrubs 24.35 Bradley's Hardware, supplies 29.43 Richard Vappi, decorating town Christmas-Trees 44.75 Leonard Smart, carpet 25.00 C. Edward Herrick, Sealcoat paved area 125.00 Ralph J. Dale & Son, labor & materials moving Old Fire House 2,850.00 Huston Brothers, labor & materials, Old Fire House 718.13 Horace L. Richardson, fill & loam, Old Fire House 82.00

$ 4,568.04

5. Town Reports

Meredith News, 800 reports $ 855.00

36 Protection of Persons & Property:

6. Police Department

Frank E. Mclntire, Chief of Police Labor, mileage & expenses $ 1,721.75 Harold Tilton, Police Officer Labor & mileage 377.90 Martin R. Clifford, Police Officer Labor & mileage 507.30 Leonard Mallard, Police Officer Labor & mileage 400.00 Neil Mooers, Police Officer Labor & mileage 422.90 Bob O'Haire, 2 radios 251.30 2-Way Communications Service, installation of radios 47.83 W. S. Darley & Co., supplies 130.13 Sheriff Grant A. Floyd, transportation to State Hospital 24.75

$ 3,883.86

7. Fire Department

Richard Plaisted, Treas., Town Appropriation $ 7,665.00

8. Forest Fires

Ralph Dale, State Forest Fire Warden $ 247.55 Meredith News, notices 42.00 Paid all other labor 60.74

$ 350.29

9. Blister Rust

Treasurer, State of N. H., Appropriation $ 100.00

10. Perambulation

Francis G. Hambrook, surveying, search records, etc. $ 371.65 Horace L. Richardson, labor & mileage 282.25 Leonard Smart, labor & mileage 43.00

$ 696.90

11. Insurance

Clyde B. Foss Agency, Liability insurance on Town Buildings, equipment & monies & compensation $ 2,744.00 37 Health:

12. Health Department

Dr. Aleksander Ratsep, Health Officer $ 100.00 Carroll County Community Services, appropriation 380.00 Lakes Region General Hospital, appropriation 500.00 Huggins Hospital, appropriation 500.00 Moultonboro Kindergarten, aid 150.00

$ 1,630.00

13. Vital Statistics

Kenneth. Smith, Town Clerk $ 50.00

14. Town Dump

Tracy Moulton, labor $ 3,220.00 Tracy Moulton, mileage & phone calls 11.90 Morton Martel, labor 35.00 Everett Bickford, labor 5.25 Tamworth Oil Co., fuel for dozer 324.83 Vern's Garage, grease & supplies 51.00 Thomas Cooney, truck & driver 70.80 Ambrose Bros., Inc., Trucks, labor & gravel 629.94 L. E. Avery, trucks 64.00 Jordan-Milton Machinery, Inc. repairs to dozer 299.47 Meredith News, notices 72.00 Lawrence Rennie, labor 38.50 Clyde B. Foss Agency, Policy on Caterpillar D6 Dozer 238.00 Prescott Lumber Co., padlocks & keys 13.00 Dennis Wakefield, labor 43.76 Lumbertown-Meredith, calcium chloride 20.10 Lakes Region Rural Gas Service, gas 18.00 Wayne Richardson, labor 7.00 Horace Richardson, use of loader 10.50 Leonard Smart, labor 11.25 Fred E. Davis, Builder, labor & materials for construction of garage for bulldozer 2,205.10

$ 7,389.40 Highways & Bridges:

15. Town Road Aid

Treasurer, State of N. H., appropriation $ 1,051.87 Treasurer, State of N. H., advanced State's Share (Reimbursed for same) 7,012.49

$8,064.36 38 16. Town Maintenance

East Side, Agent Thomas Cooney Summer Maintenance $ 8,084.46 Wniter Maintenance 12,434.59 West Side, Agent Lauris Avery Summer Maintenance 19,655.44 Winter Maintenance 18,782.76

$ 58,957.25

17. Street Lighting

White Mt. Power Co., street lights $ 2,592.71

18. General Expenses of Highway Department

International Salt Co., salt $ 4,121.30 Merrimack Farmer's Exchange, salt 1,855.50 L. E. Avery, plowing, cutting trees, etc. 106.25 L. E. Avery, use of trucks, bulldozer, tractor shovel and grader 1,267.55 L. E. Avery, Shaker Jerry Road work 695.30 L. E. Avery, Deerhaven Road work 540.00 L. E. Avery, Kanasatka Rd. Assoc. 754.72 L. E. Avery, Duck Trap Cove 275.00 L. E. Avery, Ferry Shores Road 280.00 L. E. Avery, Hermit Cove Road 50.00 L. E. Avery, Rd. off Winaukee Ext. 250.00 L. E. Avery, Toltec & Richardson Shores Rd. 150.00 L. E. Avery, (Kanasatka S. E. Shore Improvement Association paid directly to Ambrose Bros., in the amount of $600.00) Francis G. Hambrook, surveying, search records, etc. 493.71 Thomas Cooney, foreman 214.00 Thomas Cooney, truck, dozer tractor & grader 1,091.25 Ambrose Bros. Inc., Loader, trucks, gravel, sand (Incl. $600. for S. E. Shore Improvement Assoc.) 1,684.95 Horace Richardson, truck, labor & fill 528.80 Clark's Sign Shop, signs 80.00 Elmer Salsman, grader 80.00 Franklin Champaigne, labor 31.50 Paul Gray, labor 24.50 David Thompson, labor 148.75 Arthur Abbott, labor 17.50 Richard Plaisted, labor 7.00 Lumbertown-Meredith, culvert pipe 121.75 John Pearson, land damage 400.00 Meredith News, notices 24.00 Town of Sandwich, grader 120.00

39 :

Bellingham Lumber Co., planks 102.80 Fred Bickford, Jr.,gravel 357.60 N. H. Bituminous Co., tar 773.55 Tilton Sand & Gravel Inc. 52.52 Alvin J. Coleman & Son, Inc. 1,500.00 Jackson's Waste Oil Service 294.00 Ralph J. Dale & Son, controlled burning & dozer 50.00 Leonard Smart, labor & mileage 23.50 George C. Haines, truck 61.00 Reginald K. Lyman, truck 58.00 Norris B. Harriman, truck 64.00 Emery Roberts, truck 61.00 Sparks Construction Co., truck 64.00 Gladys C. Evans, truck 58.00 Roland E. Blake, truck 58.00 Lyle Thompson, truck 58.00 Harry G. Forsythe, truck 110.00 Almon Evans, truck 112.10 Town of Sandwich, broom 15.00 Vern's Garage, welding 4.70 Paul Ambrose, gravel 4.80

$ 19,305.90 Libraries

19. Library

Hutcheson Page, Treas., Library Appropriation $ 2,825.00 Adele Taylor, Librarian (includes '67 balance of $65.00) 965.00 F. Lester Taylor, Janitor (includes '67 balance of $40.00) 520.00

$ 4,310.00

Public Welfare:

20. Old Age Assistance

State of N. H ,.Dept. of Health & Welfare $ 2,143.27

21. Town Poor

John C. Ives, storage surplus foods $ 120.00 Meredith Fruit Store, provisions 42.14 Ellen's Store, provisions 25.30 Mrs. Charlotte Linteau, board & care 73.30 E. M. Heath, provisions 331.17 J. J. Newberry, Inc., clothing 16.52 Meredith Bay Nursing Home, services 18.00 Mrs. George Kuchinsky, board & care 439.91 40 Joslin Clinic, services 17.00 Kenneth C. Smith, board 135.00 Carroll County Commissioners, surplus foods 33.63 Carroll County Home, handling surplus foods 25.00

$ 1,276.97

Patriotic Purposes:

22. Memorial Day

Eagle Flag Co. Inc., flags $ 24.06 Rev. Edwin Godden, Memorial Address 15.00 Rev. Hoyotte Johnson, Prayer 10.00 Meredith Gardens, wreaths 26.25 Leila Gillooly, ice cream 26.90

$ 102.21

23. Aid to Soldiers

Mrs. Roland Wright, board & care $ 770.00 Meredith Fruit Store, provisions 15.00 Blue Cross-Blue Shield, advanced payment 64.45 Meredith Bay Nursing Home, board & care 150.00 Rasper's Shoes, shoes 25.93 E. M. Heath, provisions 615.00 Huggins Hospital, services 101.50 Reliable Clothing Inc., clothing 30.00

? 1,771.88

Recreation :

24. Parks and Playgrounds

Penny Pitou Ski School $ 710.00 George Price, jeep plowing 133.000 Martin R. Clifford, care of picnic tables & barrels 1,450.85 Michael Murray, Swimming Instructor Labor, mileage & supplies 825.54 Mary Ann Murray, Assistant to Instructor 320.00 Sandra Pace, Assistant to Instructor 100.00 Karen Paddleford, Assistant to Instructor 100.00 Wendy Worth, Assistant to Instructor 100.00 Karen Zirpolo, Assistant to Instructor 100.00

Jerry Mclntire , Assistant to Instructor 100.00 Fred E. Davis, Builder, New H Dock Sections 683.09

41 :

Russell Moulton, labor (S. S. $24.81) 1,023.44 Ralph Wakefield, labor 749.00 Prescott Lumber Co., materials 100.47 Roland Clifford, labor & truck 269.50 Jerry Bickford, labor 120.75 Horace Richardson, power saw 21.00 Richard Vappi, truck & gravel 19.50 Fred E. Davis, barrels 20.00 Everett Bickford, care of barrels 351.60 John J. Oliver, labor 10.00 Center Harbor Sport Shop, ski rope 13.70 Lloyd George, labor 5.25 Harry Gruner, labor 5.25 Nils Gruner, labor 5.25 The Meredith News, notices 24.00 Horace Richardson, labor mowing 30.25 Leonard Smart, labor & mileage 24.00 Everett Heath, supplies 30.42

$ 7,445.86

25. Band Concerts

Center Harbor Band, Appropriation $ 500.00

Public Service Enterprises:

26. Cemeteries

Stewart Tate, labor ($12.78 retained by Town) $ 1,382.22 Martin's Service, gas for mowers 10.85 Huston's Gulf, gas for mowers 1.67 Vern's Garage, gas for mowers 7.68 Week's Country Store, rake 3.35 Everett Bickford, labor & truck 241.85 Dennis Shaw, labor 7.00 Franklin Champaignes, labor 7.00 Jerry Bickford, labor 217.00 Frank E. Mclntire, reset headstones 25.00 Read's Equipment Service, repair mowers 20.95 E. M. Heath, supplies 18.75 Prescott Lumber Co., supplies 14.92

i ? 1,958.24 Unclassified

27. Damages & Legal Expenses

Francis G. Hambrook, surveying, searching records, maps, etc. $ 550.20 Andrew J. Marks, legal counsel 65.00 42 :

Tracy Moulton, damage by dogs 35.00 Registry of Deeds, recording 13.60 Mabel D. Mylod, land damages 200.00

$ 863.80

28. Christmas Lighting

Center Harbor-Moultonboro Chamber of Comm. $ 250.00

29. Taxes Bought by Town

Ernest L. Berry, Tax Sale $ 1,341.88

30. Discounts, Abatements & Refunds

Ruth M. McQuade, refund on head & poll tax $ 7.00 John McQuade, refund on head & poll tax 7.00 Thomas F. Whalen, refund on dooryard fee 10.00 Dorothy Amidon, refund on dooryard fee 10.00 Mary Smith, refund on town tax on car 12.89 George Macomber, refund on town tax on car 6.45 Wm. H. Forbes, Sr., refund on town tax on car 23.12 Collen Mclver, refund on town tax on car 3.96 Lucien & Barbara S. Levesque, refund on taxes 158.40 Leon Sturtevant, refund on taxes 50.00 Rheinhold Schimdt, refund on taxes 1.74 Mildred E. Hood, refund on Cemetery Lot 20.00 Thomas P. & Ethel Nichols, refund on Cemetery Lot 20.00 Ernest L. Berry, refund per Audit 1.38 Ernest L. Berry, refund per Audit 240.61

$ 572.55 31. Employee's Retirement & Social Security

N. H. State Treasurer, Town's Share $ 1,771.44


32. Paid on Temporary Loans

Meredith Trust Company $ 7,186.43

33. Paid on Long Term Notes

Meredith Trust Company $ 3,193.36

Outlay for New Construction:

34. Eagle Shore Road L. E. Avery, labor, equipment & materials (Town was reimbursed for $661.46) $ 10,661.46

43 :

Francis G. Hambrook, surveying 15.00

$ 10,676.46

35. New Equipment

Farrar Company, Inc. New Fire Truck $ 14,800.00 Sawyer, office furniture 422.00 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., new plates 145.37 Charles C. Rogers Co., check writer, adding machine, photo copier & address system 525.10 Equity Publishing Corp., N. H. Revised Statutes Annotated 128.00

$ 16,020.47 Indebtedness

36. Payments on Temporary Loans

Meredith Trust Co. $250,000.00

37. Payments on Long Term Notes

Meredith Trust Co. $ 15,900.00

Payments to Other Governmental Divisions:

38. State Head Taxes

N. H. State Treasurer $ 3,579.50

39. Payment A/C Yield Tax Retirement

N. H. State Treasurer $ 118.53

40. Taxes Paid to County

Carroll County Treasurer $ 45,996.28

41. Payments to School Districts Gov. Wentworth Regional School District Balance of 1967 Tax $ 89,464.73 Paid on 1968 Appropriation 149,962.83

42. Temporary Investment in U. S. Securities at Cost $195,986.34

Total Payments for All Purposes $950,555.93 Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1968 37,398.38

$987,954.31 44 :

Report of Highway Agents


East Side — Thomas Cooney Road Agent

Summer Maintenance

Thomas Cooney, Foreman $ 1,162.00 Thomas Cooney, Truck 1,099.05

Thomas Cooney, Tractor 1,615.00 Thomas Cooney, Grader 260.00

David Thompson, Labor 1,806.00 Paul Gray, Labor 15.75 Dennis Shaw, Labor 84.00 Raymond Husband, Labor 14.00 Franklin Champaigne, Labor 264.25

Arthur Abbott, Labor (S. S. $1.38) 296.12

Tilton Sand & Gravel, cold patch 104.26 Ambrose Bros., Sand & gravel 228.00 Almon Evans, Tractor 133.00

George Price, Tractor 25.00

N. H. Bituminous Co., tar 911.07

Town of Sandwich, Broom 45.00 Lumbertown, broom & cement 12.46 Vern's Garage, cutting work $ 9.50

$ 8,084.46

40 :

Winter Maintenance

Thomas Cooney, Foreman $ 1,458.00 Thomas Cooney, Truck 948.60 Thomas Cooney, Truck plowing 1,968.00 Thomas Cooney, Tractor 941.00 Thomas Cooney, Grader 502.00 Thomas Cooney, bulldozer 27.00 Ralph Dale, truck plowing 1,483.30 Ralph Dale, welding on road scraper 12.00 Ralph Dale, bulldozer 50.00 Richard Vappi, Jeep plowing 693.25 Richard Vappi, labor 52.50 Richard Vappi, bulldozer 47.50 Kenneth Smith, truck plowing 529.00 Kenneth Smith, labor 31.50 B. I. Moulton Corp., truck plowing 356.25 Ernest Gray, truck plowing 498.75 David Thompson, labor 1,886.50 Robert Shaw, labor 28.00 Dennis Shaw, labor 26.25 Remle, Inc., Grader, dozer & loader 364.00 Elmer Salsman, Grader 120.00 Ambrose Bros. Inc., sand & C.B.R. Gravel 91.50 Merrimack Farmer's Exchange, 2 rock pickers 16.98 Lawrence Rennis, labor (S. S. .54) 11.71 George Price, Tractor 25.00 Clarence Frye, labor 84.00 Arthur Abbott, labor 14.00 Arthur Wakefield Sr., labor & grader 168.00


Respectfully submitted,


46 Report of Highway Agents

West Side & Moulionboro Neck

Lauris E. Avery, Road Agent

Winter Maintenance

Lauris E. Avery, Foreman $ 1,196.00 Lauris E. Avery, Plowing 7,142.75 Lauris E. Avery, Tractor 1,253.00 Lauris E. Avery, Rake 117.00 Lauris E. Avery, Truck 2,022.68 Lauris E. Avery, Power Saw 24.00 Lauris E. Avery, Sand 16.10 Lauris E. Avery, Loader 160.00 Lauris E. Avery, Backhoe 248.50 Lauris E. Avery, Grader 792.00 Everett Bickford, Labor 580.13 Everett Bickford, Truck 436.05 Everett Bickford, Tractor 27.75 Roland Clifford, Labor 394.63 William Ames, Plow 988.00 Lee Huston, Plow 1,456.89 Robert Holopainen, Plow 757.63 Kenneth Smith, Plow 114.75 Martin Clifford, Labor 103.25 H. Frank Smith, Jr., Labor 122.50 Arthur Wakefield, Labor 84.00 Harold McCormack, Labor 96.25 Arthur Abbott, Labor 7.00 Steven Clifford, Labor 14.00 Maurice McGrath III, Plow 199,50 Ambrose Bros. Inc., Gravel 365.20 Lumbertown, Inc., Culvert 45.20 Lakewood Chemical, Barrels 18.00


47 :

Report of Highway Agents


West Side & Moultonboro Neck

Lauris E. Avery, Road Agent

Summer Maintenance

Lauris E. Avery, Foreman $ 684.00 Lauris E. Avery, Truck 5,927.59 Lauris E. Avery, Grader 5,028.00 Lauris E. Avery, Rake 1,165.00 Lauris E. Avery, Gravel & Sand 421.00 Lauris E. Avery, Loader 433.00 Lauris E. Avery, Backhoe 609.00 Lauris E. Avery, Power Saw 6.00 Lauris E. Avery, Culverts 167.28 Lauris E. Avery, Drag Broom 20.00 Everett Bickford, Labor 469.89 Roland Clifford, Labor 298.39 Lyle Thompson, Truck 99.00 Charles Abbott, Tractor 390.00 Lumbertown, Inc., Culvert 187.58 Pierce Bros., Oil 952.00 N. H. Bituminous, Oil 1,787.76 Ambrose Bros., Gravel 154.33 Ashland Hot Mix & Warner Morrill, Cold Patch 855.62


48 ;

Report of Committee on Plowing Driveways

The Committee recommends that the Town set a dead- line date of December 1 for driveway plowing fees to be paid that notices be sent to all property holders a month in ad- vance of December 1, together with a form which must be re- turned with the fee for each driveway, which will show name of occupant and exact location of driveway to be plowed; that anyone requesting driveway plowing after December 1 must pay the cost of opening his driveway for the first time as well as the annual fee.

The Committee finds that the present driveway fee is substantially less than the average actual cost involved in doing the work, which is estimated to be approximately $30 apiece; that, on the average, it costs substantially more to plow driveways for commercial establishments than for private driveways, because of the need to keep plowing them during storms so that business can go on, because of the extent of the area to be plowed, and because of the distance the snow must be moved.

Lauris Avery Thomas Cooney Ralph Dale Horace Richardson John Dodge, Chairman

49 J —

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CN i— . CS COT CNCOTCN.CN ——— CN^CNIOOLO— tNlN.c>tX00CN CS Auditor's Report

To the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Moultonboro,

New Hampshire :

In accordance with your request, we have performed an examination and audit of the financial affairs of the Town of Moultonboro (exclusive of the Moultonboro School Dis- trict) for the calendar year 1968. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such audit procedures as we considered necessary under the circumstances.

In our opinion the statement of current working assets and liabilities as reflected in the annual report of the Town of Moultonboro, as at December 31, 1968, (exclusive of the Moultonboro School District) and the statement of receipts and disbursements of the Town of Moultonboro, (exclusive of the Moultonboro School District) and the results of budget operations for the year 1968, present fairly the financial position as at December 31, 1968, and the results of budgetary operations for the year then ended in conformity with gen- erally accepted accounting principles, applicable to govern- mental operations in New Hampshire, applied on a basis consistent with that of the prior year.

Respectfully submitted,

DANA S. BEANE, JR. Certified Public Accountant

February 24, 1969

52 : :

Report of Library Treasurer



Cash on Hand Jan. 1, 1968 $ 720.37 Appropriated by the Town 4,205.00 Martha French Fund Interest 175.52

Total Receipts $5,100.89


Paid by Town Treasurer: Adele Taylor, Librarian $ 900.00 Lester Taylor, Janitor 480.00

Total 1,380.00 Paid by Library Treasurer: Books 1,753.74 Supplies & Equipment 323.71 Repairs 195.80 Assistant Librarian 143.25 Fuel 436.56 Electricity 139.86 Telephone 78.50

3,061.42 New Construction 29.40

Total 3,090.82

4,470.82 ish on Hand Dec. 31, 1968 630.07


Respectfully submitted, Hutcheson Page, Treasurer

53 Librarian's Report

Again the statistics of Moultonhoro Library show a substantial increase over the previous year.

The School Library Branch is in its tenth year of service with Mrs. Isabelle Behr, Mrs. Hazel Dale and Mrs. Mar- guerite Gruner in attendance. This year the school library circulated 6,843 books on Monday afternoons.

The library has received the donation of several fine books. Among the donors were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Heath, Mrs. Freda Hayden, Mrs. Harold Munroe, Mrs. Annie Wallis, and several others.

Memorial books were presented in memory of Mrs. Inez Aston by her daughter Mrs. Charles McGinnis, Harold Edwards and Myrtle Dodge by The Moultonboro Historical Society, Minnie Gordon and Myrtle Dodge by the W. S. C. S., Harvey Moulton by the Library Trustees, Steven Martin by the Roger Person Family, and by John Taylor.

The Trustees joined the Statewide Library Development Program, thus the Moultonboro Library was eligible to re- ceive and did receive $100.00 of reference books. Also the library is eligible to purchase books through cooperative buying, and the librarian has been able to attend numerous worthwhile meetings. And best of all the Moultonboro Li- brary is eligible to receive a grant of $20,000 for its building program.

As townsfolk can see, the addition to the library has not been completed, due to various difficulties. But, hopefully, by Summer there will be a change underway.

The Trustees have accepted with thanks a fund to be known as The Captain Steven W. Martin Fund. This is an open fund and the trustees and friends of Captain Martin hope that the fund will be enlarged from time to time. The interest from this fund will be used to buy for the library, various types of books in the fields of his interests.

The library now has ready for borrowing 140 recordings which have been given by the Columbia Record Company and

54 :

the RCA Record Company. The Moultonboro Library is maintained by the town for the purpose of being a center where books may be borrowed for all ages and on nearly any subjects.

The library statistics are:

Circulation 1968 1967 Fiction 4617 4256 Non-fiction 2933 2518 Juvenile 3146 2767 Magazines 437 357

Total 11,133 9,898

School branch 6,843 6,106

Grand Total 17,976 16,004

The number of books purchased was 495 and 60 were donated, making a total of 555 books added to the library. Discards numbered 269.

The library hours at this time are

Sept. 1 - July 1 Wed. and Sat. 2 - 4 p. m. and 7 - 8 p. m. July and August Mon., Wed. and Sat. 2 - 4 :30 p. m. and 7 - 8 p. m.

Respectfully submitted,

Adele V. Taylor, Librarian

55 Planning Board Report

At our first meeting after the 1968 Town Meeting senior Selectman Frank Mclntire joined the Planning Board as an ex officio member. It was at this time that the five members discussed and suggested a list of possible names from which the selectmen could appoint two delegates to the Lakes Region Planning Commission as per the article voted on at town meeting. Mr. Charles Dockham and Mr. John Dodge, the appointed members, are representing Moul- tonboro at the Regional meetings.

Your Planning Board was the guest of the Center Har- bor Planning Board in May and in January we attended a Conservation Commission meeting where Mr. F. V. Barker from the U. of N. H. spoke on how we can work with the commission to better our town.

The summer months were spent touring Moultonboro looking over the rapidly growing developments. We feel there are ordinances which need to be enacted and the Board plans to make a study of them this year.

As you all know there is an Intent to Build Ordinance which was first discussed in March of 1968 and after many hours of work we came up with a recommendation to the selectmen that such a law be put into effect. It is our hope that the ordinance will be a great help for the officers of the town in locating new taxable buildings as well as septic tank installations.

Our last meeting before this report went to press was held on February 13th with the selectmen and Mr. Norman Davis from the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Its purpose was to investigate the cost of a soil map showing the types of soil throughout town, this map would help determine where potential water pollution problems could arise.

Your Planning Board meets on the first and third Thursday of each month and wants one and all to feel free to stop in with any suggestions or just a chat.

56 : :

Moultonboro Volunteer Fire Department


M. Roy Foss - Janitor Service $ 366.00 American Fire Equip. - New Equipment 2,181.65 Rockingham Elect. Co. - New Equipment & Maint. 53.84 Whitten Oil, Inc. - Fuel, Neck Station 321.67 Tamworth Oil Co. - Fuel, Main Station 567.44 White Mountain Power Co. - Lights 377.93 New England Telephone Co. - Telephone 340.45 Ellens Store - Dept. Expense 16.29 Ralph Dale - Dept. Expense 57.54 Robbins Auto Supply - Equip, Maint. 133.60 Hustons Gulf Station - Truck Maint. 63.87 Clyde B. Foss Agency - Insurance 722.80 Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid Ass'n - Dues 61.00 L. E. McCormack Store - Truck Maint. 35.42 Verns Garage - Truck Maint. 29.76 N. H. Firemen's Ass'n - Dues 30.00 Prescott Lumber Co. - Equip., Maint. 6.24 Wright Communication, Inc. - New Equip. 715.05 Jessie Thompson - Postage 31.00 Farrar Company - New Equip. 46.20 Meredith News - Meeting cards 9.75 General Electric Co. - New Equip. 1,340.90 Lumbertown, Inc. - Equip., Maint. 2.98 Fire Chief Magazine - Dept. Expense 6.00 E. M. Heath, Inc. - Building Maint. 6.68 Evans Radio - Equip. Maint. 78.68 Blanchard Ass'n., Inc. - New Equip. 150.45 Richard E. Plaisted - Dept. & Postage 6.00 Bank Charges - Checks 3.85

Total Expenditures $7,763.04 - 1,089.45

$6,673.59 Receipts

Balance on Hand January 1, 1968 $ .67 Town of Moultonboro 7,665.00 Received from sale of Rockwood Foam Equip. 100.00

Total Receipts $7,765.67

Balance on Hand December 31, 1968 $1,090.08

Respectfully submitted,

Richard E. Plaisted, Treas.

57 : —

Report of Forest Fire Warden & District Chief

New Hampshire is the fastest growing state in the northeast in terms of population increase. It is also an industrialized state and this growth is likely to continue, all of which means more families and homes. Our growing sum- mer population is scattered throughout the state with a phenomenal increase in vacation homes.

Many new homes and practically all cottages are being located in woodlands and abandoned fields and forests crowd into the back yards of our village streets. In a state where the forests cover 86% of the land surface, it is necessary that everyone be aware all through the season, which comes with the disappearance of the snow until the snow comes again of the need to be careful with outdoor fires and fire sources.

The following action will help:

1. To teach our children the danger of lighted matches. 2. To never discard lighted smoking material from a car or while walking through fields or woods. 3. To safely dispose of rubbish preferably at the town dump. If you must burn a. You need a written permit from the town fire warden for all debris burning except when the ground is covered with snow. Cooking fires in out- door fireplaces or in charcoal brasiers in your own back yard is permitted on notification of the warden. b. The warden is forbidden by regulation to allow burning of household rubbish on grass by house- holders between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. c. Have equipment on hand to control the fire before you light the match. 4. Promptly report any fire out of control to your fire warden or fire department.

Help to keep our town out of the fire occurrence column and save our tax dollars for useful purposes.

Forest fire record for 1968 Number of Fires Woodland Acres Burned State 593 349 28i/ District 52 2 Town 1 Vk

Ralph J. Dale, Warden Hubert C. Hartwell, Jr., Dist. Chief 58 VITAL STATISTICS Births

Registered in the Town of Moulton boro, N. H.

For the Year Ended December 31, 1968

»• x: <=> 4-» Maiden Name 5 a Name of Child Name of Father of Mother a


Jan. .14 Deidra Ann Clifford Stephen Clifford Linda Farnham

Feb. 22 Erik William Christensen Theodore Christensen Beverly Ann Bagley

Mar. 24 Daniel William Mooers Neal R. Mooers Mary J. Faulkner

Apr. 9 John Robert B. Ames Richard W. Ames Barbara M. Bushman 20 Crystal Lee Stokes William A. Stokes Brenda L. Neill 30 Melody Gail Leach David C. Leach Nancy A. Freeto May 12 Jennifer Holopainen Robert Holopainen Rita Sturgeon 12 Ladd William Mudgett Wayne M. Mudgett Carol Crawford

July 14 John Joseph Maher Robert E. Maher, Jr. Elizabeth Riley 20 Kim Anne Woodbridge John S. Woodbridge, II Arlene Labounty 23 Mark Andrew Plaisted Richard E. Plaisted Gloria V. Taylor Aug. 19 Paul Tracy Richardson Wayne Richardson Sara Moulton

Sept. 10 Mark Jeffrey Borrin Melvin B. Borrin Christina Crowe

Oct. 10 Williams Baby Boy Robert Williams Jean E. Birge 13 Kelly Jean Burns Martin B. Burns Barbara Norling 26 Christopher Bruce Dodge Robert B. Dodge Merilee Mullen

60 Marriages

Registered in the Town of Moultonboro, N. H.

For the Year Ended December 31, 1968

Name and Surname Residence of Time Name and Title of of Groom and Bride of Marriage Person by Whom Married


Jan. 6 Albert H. Nash 43 Massachusetts Kenneth C. Smith, Sr., J. P Ethel L. Lewis 44 Massachusetts

Apr. 18 Wendell Leighton 24 New Hampshire Rev. Edwin J. Godden Diane Evankovich 20 New York

20 William C. Tolman 25 New Hampshire Elder Howard S. Lawrence Cynthia E. Johnson 18 New Hampshire


31 James W. Boutcher 23 Massachusetts Kenneth C. Smith, Sr., J. P. Patricia A. Clinard 30 Massachusetts

June 20 1 Nathan L. Hazeltine New Hampshire Rev. Leo St. Pierre June Ellen Bickford 22 New Hampshire

12 Grant W. Clough 44 New Hampshire Rev. Edwin G. Godden Shirley R. Ames 35 New Hampshire

July 6 William A. Atwood 36 New Hampshire Rev. Luther Pennington Marjory 1. Dufault 36 New Hampshire

6 Thomas F. Minehan 25 Connecticut Rev. Leo St. Pierre Elizabeth S. Hammond 26 New Hampshire

27 Robert E. Coombs 42 Massachusetts Rev. Luther B. Pennington Dorothy A. Purdie 36 Massachusetts

Aug. 7 Robert J. Townsend 44 New Hampshire Kenneth C. Smith, Sr., J. P. Jean M. Lippman 42 New Hampshire

17 Edward A. Hebert 71 New Hampshire Rev. Gerard Noel Caroline F. Hebert 66 New Hampshire

25 George C. Bibler 25 Illinois Rev. Don Stanley Virginia Alvin 27 Massachusetts

Nov. 24 Ames Oliver Sored. Jr 19 New Hampshire W. Irving Brown, J. P. Marlene W. Porter 17 New Hampshire

Dec. 14 Ronald G. Haven 20 New Hampshire Rev. Hoyette H. Johnson Linda J. Hurd 21 New Hampshire

21 David F. Hannett 18 New Hampshire Rev. Hoyette H. Johnson Marjorie J. Nudd 20 New Hampshire

61 Deaths

Registered in the Town of Moultonboro, N.H.

For the Year Ended December 31, 1968

O f o « Maiden Name as l. -2 o Name « — Name of Father of Mother a q < Q CL


Feb. Walter 1 Wallace E. Nudd 72 New Hampshire Nudd Marjorie Gilman 17 Frank Harvey Moulton 77 New Hampshire Isaac Moulton Carrie Tilton

Mar. 5 Toivo llvonen 64 Finland Johnan llyonen Hilda Nysanen

Apr. 6 Newton Henriksen 46 Massachusetts Carl Henriksen Florence Heinsworth II Alfred M. Billings 73 )hio Unknown Mae Billings 15 Fred C. Hodgson 92 Mew Hampshire Cyrus Hodgson Abbie Snow May

1 Minnie M. Gordon 81 Rhode Island Orrin F. Morrison Mary 1. Aldrich 13 Edward T. Murphy, Jr. 68 Massachusetts Edward Thomas Ida Durocher Murphy, Sr. 13 Roger F. Duwart 61 Massachusetts Antone Duwart Amelia Rogers


1 Christian E. Dietsch 65 Mew Hampshire Carl Dietsch Frieda 30 Margaret J. Abbott 91 ^ew Hampshire Thomas McNamara Mary O'Mara

July 14 Lee M. Porter 53 Mew Hampshire Converse Porter Lizzie Lee 19 Richard Cronin 68 Connecticut Richard Cronin Mary Murphy 25 Levi Martin 89 Massachusetts — — — — — —

Aug. 6 Richard H. Wilhelm 59 Slew York Ernst R. Wilhelm Ida Krebs 18 Clifton King 52 Mew Hampshire Ezra King Effie Heath 18 Percy Kelley 84 New Hampshire Stephanius Kelley Delia Sanborn 20 John N. Day 70 Massachusetts John N. Day Mary Tully

Sept. 14 Myrtle M. Dodge 79 New Hampshire Charles Dodge — — —

20 David R. Anderson 23 1Massachusetts Harold N. Anderson Olive Evans Oct. _ 5 Harold M. Edward* 67 1England II Steven W. Martin 24 Mississippi Harold Martin Eileen F. Prey 21 Aliee R. Wood 68 Michigan — — — — — —

Nov. Lovejoy 22 Jack E. C. Clark 73 1 3hode Island Edward D. Clarke Samantha

Dec. 23 Harold E. Tilton 64 New Hampshire John E. Tilton Sadie M. Dow

I hereby certify that the above is correct, according to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Respectfully submitted,

KENNETH C. SMITH, Sr. Town Clerk

62 Real Estate Assessments

for the year


Tl Resident — 1968 (indicates Veterans' Exemption)

Name, Description

Abbott, Mary A. McDaniel's Farm & Bldgs. & Lot #7 2,500. Abbott, Charles Thomas Homestead 2,000. Abernathy, Winifred Osborne Garnet Pt. Land & Bldgs. 4,500. 1/6 Camp 79 Lot 500. Aieta, Richard & Madeline B. First Neck Land & Bldgs. 13,000. Amaral, William J. & Barbara Tom Davis Place 2,700. Ames, Rolland D. Land & Cottage 1,200. Trailer, C. Whitehouse Land 800. Cottage, C. Whitehouse Land 1,500. Andrulis, Joseph & Helen Homestead & Bldgs. 12,000. Atkinson, Amy S. Leon Dodge Place 1,500. Audet, Henry Beckett Land & Bldg. 4,000. Avery, Lauris & Gloria Avery Homestead 2,200. Land & Garage 2,800. Berry Land 500. Kona Lot #37 & Bldg. 7,000. Kona Lot #36B 2,500. Orton Land 800. Appell, Leonard Beckett Lot & Bldg. 3,500. Ayers, B. K. Jr. & Jean Lot #6 & Bldg. 6,000. Ayers, B. K. Jr. & Virginia Ayers Mattlage Part of 9 Acre Island 3,000. Lot #9, Palmer Pasture 4,000. Banfield, Edith D. Homestead 3,800. Office Bldg. 800. Ed Davis Homestead 2,200. Banfield, Mark M. Long Pt. Property 2,000. Long Pt. Lot #4 & Bldg. 2,000. Lot, Rte. 25 200. Orton Back Land 500. Catlin Est. Back Lots 600.

T2 Resident — 1968 Baker, Frances H. V2 Int. Lot Alpine Park 1,000. Bartsch, Edward C. Lot #10, "Cozy Corners," B.P.C.C. 14,000. Mark Banfield, Inc. Lots #2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 29, 30, 32, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47 1,000. Batchelder, Lewis H. Homestead 2,000. Batchelder, Lewis Jr. & Judith Penniman Place 1,500. Beck, Harriet Kanasatka Lot & Bldg. 2,200. Beede, D. Earle & Florence Homestead 3,300. Knowles Farm & Bldg. 4,000. Cora Davis Land 500. Behr, Gustave E. & Isabelle Homestead 2,800. Bell, Warren V. & Yuki T. Murphy Land & Bldgs. 2,800. Bell, John Frederick & Marion Haller Lots #1, 27 & Bldgs. 5,000. Benson, Philip E. & Alice E. Homestead 5,500. Berry, Ernest L. Homestead 2,800. Berggren, Florence B. Hayden Land & Bldgs. 2,500. Berry, Fred W. Est. Homestead 1,500. Loran Berry Field 500. Ben Berry Field 500. Bickford, Charles M. & Alice M. Homestead 1,000. Bickford, Everett M. & Madeline B. Homestead 2,200. Evans Lot 300. Larson Cottage 1,000. C. Bickford Land & Trailer 300. Bickford, Everett M. Chase Gravel Pits 100. Blackey, Harry H. & Herbert Homestead 2,200. Blackey, Herbert F. Land & Bldg. 1,200. Blackadar, William H. & Patricia Camp Arcadia 9,000. Blackstone, Edward H. & Emma Homestead 1,800. Duck Trap Cove Lot 100. T3 Resident — 1968

Blodgett, Anne K. Land & Bldgs., Holland St. 2,200. Boyd, Russell Land & Bldgs., Bean Rd. 3,000. Bodge, Everett T. & Sybol M. Homestead 3,000. Bray, George C. & Helen C. Kona Lot #3 & Bldg. 5,000. Brodhead, Andrew D. & Katherine Land & Bldgs., Rte. 25 7,000. Boulton, Harlan T. & Helen T. Hayward Land & Bldg. 1,500. Brown, Edgar E. Homestead 1,800. Brown, Harry Est. Land & Bldgs. 9,000. Brown, Mildred Wood Lot, Eagle Shore Rd. 200. Brown, Orin Homestead 1,000. Brown, Robert D. & Phyllis T. Land & Bldgs., Lake Shore Dr. 6,000. Perkins, Ruth Land, Moultonboro Falls 500. Bryant, Stewart Nelson Land & Bldgs. 3,500. Buehler, Robert J. & Anna M. Butler Land & Bldgs. 6,500. Caggiano, Catherine "Oak Corner", Land & Bldgs. 19,000. Traversy Land & Bldg. 1,000. Cahoon, John F. & Marie A. Bickford Lot #6 & Bldgs. 3,000. Canfield, Anna Land, Rte. 25 100. Cantwell, William J. & Noel W. Kanasatka Back Lots #8, 9 & Bldg. 2,400. Caswell, Dr. Hollis & Ruth Windermere Lot #12 & Bldgs. 9,000. Caulk, Jewell R. Leaward Shores Lot #15 & Bldgs. 4,800. Chocorua Pythian Association Rte. 25 Land & Bldg. 500. Christensen, Theodore Jr. & Beverly B. Land & Bldgs., Bean Rd. 3,200. Clement, Archille J. Lots #3, 4, Watson Shores, & Bldgs. 9,000. demons, Harry E. Camp on Whaleback Island 800.

T4 Resident — 1968

Clark, Jack E. C. & Muriel Land & Bldgs., Rte. 109 3,000. Clark, William & Marjorie R. Haller Shore Lot #1 & Bldg. 3,000. Kimball Back Lot & Laundromat 2,000. Clark, Calvin I. & Marie H. Kona Lot #32B & Bldg. 6,000. Clifford, Roland Homestead 800. Clifford, Martin & Beverly L. Dow Land & Bldgs. 2,300. Collins, Thomas E. & Barbara Hauser Est. Lot #3C & Bldg. 6,000. Cooke, Arthur H. Toltec Lot #36A & Bldg. 3,000. Cooney, Thomas & Lenora B. Kent Meadow 500. Daigneau Meadow 300. Homestead 4,000. Shepard Land 500. Corsack, Howard & Anita M. Senna Land & Bldgs. 18,000. Costello, Matthew F. Haller Lots #12A, 13B & Bldgs. 6,000. Country Fare, Inc. "Country Fare" Land & Bldgs. 6,800. Covert, Russell & Ruby Banfield Lot #3 & Bldgs. 3,000. Cram, Merle Homestead 1,000. Crafts, Howard G. & Ethel M. Land & Bldgs., Lake Shore Dr. 1,500. Crass, Claudine G. Kanasatka Land & Bldgs. 3,500. Crosby, Sumner C. & Mildred H. Home Land & Bldg. 2,500. Currier, Edwin A. Harry Day Land 100. Morrison Cove Lot & Bldg. 2,000. y2 Int. Victor Aldrich Land & Bldgs. 1,400. Cusumano, William W. & Dorothy E. "Mt. Breezes" Lots #3, 43 & Bldgs., B.P.C.C. 20,000. Daigneau, Ernest J. Land & Bldgs. 3,000. Daigneau, Thomas O. & Pauline A. Lot, Watts Land 500. Dale, Ralph Homestead 2,000. Lees Mills Lot 500.

T5 Resident — 1968

Dale, Hazel Birch 400. Davis, Chester A. Homestead 3,500. Henry Dow Land, Basin 200. Clarence Greene Land, Bldgs. 3,000. yz Int. Land on Red Hill 300. Bishop Land 200. Addie Greene Land 400. Leach Land 500. Wakefield Land 300. Ernest Frye Land 500. Sawmill 500. Davis, Ronald M. & Rae M. Land & Bldgs., Rte. 25 3,500. Davis, Fred E. & Dorothy W. Homestead, Rte. 25 2,500. Office & Land 1,200. Dodge Lot 200. Lot, Gansy Island 200. Orton Back Lot 200. Bodge Hill Land 200. Field, Bodge Hill Rd. 500. Bickford Lot 100. Davis, Larry B. Homestead 1,800. Davis, Ernest E. Est. Homestead 2,500. Davis, Chester A. Jr. Homestead 2,000. Davis, Foster McDonald Land & Bldg. 500. Davis, Donald E. & Elinor C. Homestead 2,500. Davis, Donald E. Pine & Cherry Islands 100. Davis, J. Bishop & Mildred L. "Stone Pillars," B.P.C.C. 9,000. Davis, Forrest E. Wiggins Land & Bldg. 1,000. Davidson, Stanley Coe Lot #5 & Bldgs. 3,200. Davison, Jessie Est. Hastings Farm Land & Bldgs. 5,000. Davison, Alan T. V2 Int. Lot #16 & Camp, Far Echoes 2,500. V2 Int. Lot #18, Far Echoes 1,000. Day, John H. Homestead 1,100.

T6 Resident — 1968

Day, Fred E. & Leonard Smith Davis Land 200. Davenport, Harold B. & Mildred J. Lot #1, Avon Shores 1,500. Davenport, Mildred Homestead 3,000. Dearborn, Wilbur C. Homestead 3,000. Dietsch, Antoinette Back Lot #51 & Bldg., Leaward Shores 2,000. Back Lot #50 300. Back Lot #52 300. Back Lot #53 300. Back Lot #54 300. DiNatale, Albert P. Chalet #13, Long Pt. Rd. 3,500. Dockham, Charles D. & Alice D. Land & Bldgs., Rte. 25 8,000. Stokes, Eva Land & Bldgs., Rte. 25 1,500. Dodge, John E. Lot #6 & Camp, Squam 9,500. Donahue, John J. & Florence A. Kanasatka Lot #6 & Bldg. 3,000. Kona Back Lot 200. Dow, Alice Land & Bldgs., Rte. 109 3,000. Dow, Hattie A. Homestead 1,200. Downs, Albert Est. 1,500. Dufault, Edward N. & Frances L. Homestead, State's Landing Rd. 3,800. Ransom Land 300. Log Cabin 2,000. Lot & Bldg., State's Landing 2,500. Sawmill 300. Dunn, William S. Jr. Homestead & Camp 3,500. Eaves, Hollis J. & Bertha L. Haller Lot #9B & Duplex Camp 4,000. Homestead 2,800. Edmunds, Alvin C. & Marion R. Tecumseh Lot #16 & Bldg. 6,500. Edwards, Rosa J. E. Winaukee Lot & Bldg. 3,000. Edwards, Harold M. Est. Ward Land & Bldgs. 3,500. Edwards, Arthur A. & Marion Gaskell Place & Bldgs. 7,000.

T7 Resident — 1968

Elliott, Dennis R. & Leona Homestead, Bean Rd. 2,800. Emerson, Ralph E. & Beatrice Castle Shores Lot #25B & Bldg. 3,000. Castle Shores Lot #1 1,500. Eldredge, Kenneth Land & Bldgs., Bean Rd. 2,500. Fahr, Arthur & Gertrude Homestead 2,800. Fahr, Gertrude Land, part of homestead 300. Farnham, Herbert L. & Lillian R. Land & Bldgs., Mt. Rd. 3,500. Farrington, Roswell W. & Maude Winaukee Lot #6 & Bldg. 3,500. Fisher, Thomas & Hazel Watson Shores Lot #7 & Bldg. 5,000. Watson Shores Back Lots 500. Watson Shores Lots #4, 5, 6 4,000. Watson Shores Lot #3 & Bldg. 3,000. Fletcher, Robert M. Fitzroy Field 200. Emma Moulton Land & Bldg. 8,000. Walter Moulton Land & Bldgs. 2,500. Folliard, Samuel R. & Kathaleen R. Land & Bldgs., Rte. 25 2,500. Foss, Clyde B., N. Verne & Fred R. Homestead 3,200. Foss, Clyde B. Agency Office Land & Bldg. 3,000. K. of P. Hall Bldg. 700. Foss, M. Roy & Maude Homestead 3,000. Foss, Gordon M. Homestead 4,000. Land & Bldgs., Redding Lane 5,000. French, Adele Tom White Land 200. Freeto, Raymond P. Homestead 2,800. Frye, Harold L. Est. Homestead 2,800. Frye, Clarence L. & Yvonne Evans Homestead 1,000. Mt. Rd. Lot 100. Tieton Land 200. Fullerton, Roy F. & Bernice R. Red Hill Camps, Land & Bldgs. 10,500.

T8 Resident — 1968

Fuller, Florence W. Est. Alpine Park Land & Bldgs. 6,000. Gale, Walter H. Pettigrew Prop. 9,500. Homestead 7,500. V2 Int. 2 Tracts B.P.C.C. 400. Ethel Smith Land 1,000. Edith Figg Land 500. Gammon, Melvin C. & Dora A. Homestead 3,000. Gannett, Wyllys & Dorothy- Columbia Cabins Land & Bldgs. 8,000. George, Lloyd Lee's Mills Lot 500. George, Lloyd & Lanora Homestead, Mt. Rd. 2,500. George, Frank & Frances Land & Bldg., Blake Rd. 1,500. George, Arthur D. & Anne Homestead, Rte. 25 1,000. Gillooly, George F. & Leila F. Homestead 2,000. Lot & Trailers, State's Landing 2,500. "Hi There" Cafe 2,800. Gilbert, J. Arthur Lot & Bldg., off State's Landing Rd. 2,200. Glidden, Ellsworth & Norma Homestead 2,500. Given, Thomas D. Garnet Pt. Land, Bldgs. & Boathouse 5,000. 1/6 Camp 79 Lot 500. Glover, Jeffrey F. & Doris A. Homestead, Holland St. 2,500. Goodwin, Marion L. Homestead 3,000. Sap Yard Lot 200. Meadow 100. Land on Lee Rd. 200. Gootee, Jane N. H. & Deidre Westwood Shores Lot #8 & Bldgs. 3,000. Gordon, Harold S. Est. Homestead 2,200. Gordon, Robert Sanborn Land & Bldgs. 3,000. Gordon, Donald B. & Emma P. Homestead 2,000. Goss, Daisy Beede Shore Lot & Bldgs. 6,500. Gould, Anna V. Elliott Land & Bldg. 1,000.

T9 Resident — 1968

Grant, Leonard D. & Eleanor P. Homestead, Bean Rd. 1,800. Grassie, Irene Bishop Lot #15 & Bldgs. 3,500. Bishop Back Lots #24, 25 400. Gray, Ernest & Patricia K. G. Moore Land & Bldg. 2,500. Back Lot 600. Greene, Elizabeth L. Homestead 2,500. Greene, Eleanor G. Windermere Gate House Land & Bldgs. 4,000. Gruner, Coll & Mabel Homestead 3,500. % Int. Green Bay Lodge & Land 3,500. Vs Int. Camps, Green's Shores 5,000. Vs Int. Lot #1 & Camp 1,200. Gruner, Harold & Marguerite Homestead 3,500. Vs Int. Green Bay Lodge & Land 3,500. Vs Int. Camps, Green's Shore 5,000. Vs Int. Lot #1 & Camp 1,200. Gruner, Nils Frederick Homestead 3,500. Vs Int. Green Bay Lodge & Land 3,500. Vs Int. Camps, Green's Shore 5,000. Vs Int. Lot #1 & Camp 1,200. Guay, Joanne G. Lot & Bldgs., Clark's Landing 4,500. Back Lot #1 200. Hammond, David E. & Elizabeth M. Sheridan Farm 6,500. Grist Mill Lot 200. Haines Lot 200. Part of Lot #4, Red Hill 200. Red Hill Land 200. Lot #3, R3 Red Hill 200. Hammond, David E., Elizabeth M., Elizabeth S. & Robert Lot #2, R2 Red Hill 200. Hanks, Ruth & Nancy Burgess Land & Bldgs. 18,000. Lot #38, Sec. 3, Kona 4,000. Lot #29A, Kona Estates 1,000. Hauser Est. Back Lots #36, 47 & 48 1,500. Hanson, Lt. Col. Lewis C. & Bess G. C. Hanson Land & Bldgs. 1,200. Shore Lot & Back Land 4,000. Shore Lot, Krainewood 4,000. Sibley Land 200.

T10 Resident — 1968

Hanson, Lt. Col. Lewis C. % Int. Granny Hill Lot 200. y2 Int. Durant Land 100. V2 Int. Paine Land 300. V2 Int. J. A. Smith Land 300. % Int. Hanson Lot 200. y2 Int. Bryant Lot 200. Hanson, Georgia & Martha Land & Bldgs. 2,000. Fitzroy Land 200. Hare, Madeline Osgood Land, Bldgs. & Boathouse 15,000. Harvey, Sherbourne & Virginia Land & Bldg., Rte. 109 1,800. Hathaway, George M. Homestead 1,200. Harella Landing Inc. Store, Marina & Bldgs. 8,500. Adams Lots #1, 2, 3 2,000. Hazeltine, Malcolm F. Penniman Land & Bldgs. 3,500. Hazeltine, Myrtle Whitten Land & Bldgs. 2,500. Heath, Stanley W. & Ethel J. Land & Bldgs., Bean Rd. 8,000. Hebert, Edward & Caroline Ferry Shores Lot #19 & Bldg. 4,200. Hennessie, John & Charlotte Black Farm & Bldgs. 3,000. Office Bldg. 800. Castle Shores Lot #102, 103, 2 Camps & Back Land 5,500. Hicks, Clara L. Land & Bldgs., Greene's Corner 4,500. Hill, Laurence A. & Lena L. Land & Bldgs., Rte. 109 2,200. Hodgdon, Samuel Jr. & Carmela Land & Bldgs., Rte. 25 2,000. Hodgkins, Elliott N. & Velma H. Lot & Bldgs., Redding Lane 8,000. Redding Lane Lot & Cottage 3,500. Hoff, Gerald D. Steamboat Landing Lot #7 & Bldg. 7,500. Holmes & Smith Inc. Country Fare Motor Lodge 20,000. Holtsberg, Edwin V. Watson Shores Lot #11 & Bldgs. 3,500, Watson Shores Lot #10 1,500. Watson Shores Lot #12 2,000. 3 parcels Back Land opp. Shore Lots 600.

Til Resident — 1968

Hood, Charles S., Janet & Mildred V2 Int. Hicks Land & Bldg. 900. Hood, Mildred & Bernard D. & Elizabeth Huston % Int. Hicks Land & Bldg. 900. Hood, Burt A. Land & Bldgs. 2,200. Home, Francis J. & Gail A. McGuire Land & Trailer 1,000. Home, Francis J. & Ronald Penniman Land 200. Land & Bldgs. 2,200. Hoyt, Eleanor Homestead 1,600. Hoyt, Nathanial S. & Lorraine A. Batchelder Land & Bldgs. 1,200. Hurl, James H. & Leanore Hauser Est. Lot #14 & Bldgs. 13,000. Husband, Raymond Homestead 1,800. Huston, Bernard D. & Elizabeth Homestead Land & Bldgs. 2,800. Gulf Filling Station 7,500. Halpern Land & Bldg. 1,200. Huston, Robert & Evelyn Homestead 3,500. Huston, Bernard D. & Lee Land & Texaco Station 7,500. Page Land 100. Huston, Lee & Ellen Land & Bldgs., Rte. 25 2,200. Huston, Lee & Eleanor Lot, Junction Rte. 25 & Old Rd. 200. Huston, Lee Field opp. Home 500. Ives, Ruth D. Land & Bldgs., Squam 12,500. Jackson, Richard T. #1 Lot & Camp, Greene's Basin 4,200. #3 Lot & Camp, Greene's Basin 3,000. #5 Camp only, Greene's Basin 1,500. #6 Camp only, Greene's Basin 1,500. 3 Orton Back Lots 600. Land near Berggren's 500. #4 Lot, Greene's Basin 1,500. #5 Lot, Greene's Basin 1,500. #6 Lot, Greene's Basin 1,500. Jackson, Marjorie Lot #14 & Bldg., Blackey's Cove 4,800. Jacques, Richard & Beatrice Homestead 1,600. T12 Resident — 1968

Jones, Seneca & Elina Bickford Land 200. Mason Lot 200. Lot #4, R2 Red Hill 200. Sheridan Lot 200. Homestead 2,800. Johnson, Hoyotte & Patricia Land & Bldgs., Rte. 109 2,000. Joyce, Mary V. Homestead 1,800. Judge, Robert W. & Agnes A. Homestead 2,500. Land & Bldgs. 2,500. Judge, George R. & Doris M. Land & Bldgs., Rte. 25 2,500. Junkins, Floyd & Doris Winaukee Lot #8 & Bldg. 3,000. Kaemmerer, Carlie H. Land & Bldgs., B.P.C.C. 10,000. King, Gordon W. & Eleanor F. Homestead, Land & Bldgs. 4,000. Kimball, Parker S. & Alice A. Lot & Bldg. 2,200. Kimball Shore Land & Bldgs. 19,000. Lane, Ralph V. & Edith M. Homestead 3,200. Lambert, G. Nelson Stover Farm 2,500. Bishop Land 200. Lot #15 & Bldg., Deerhaven 3,200. Lambert, James & Paula Homestead, Rte. 25 2,000. Lamprey, Russell & Patricia Homestead & Gift Shop 3,500. Chestnut Field 300. Cook Land 200. Couhig Land 400. Lamprey, G. Stewart Homestead, Rte. 25 3,000. Blanchard Land 200. % Int. William Glidden Place 900. Lamprey, Robert Jr. Homestead 2,500. Leta Leighton Land 300. Belle Hanson Lot 300. V2 Int. William Glidden Place 900.

T13 Resident — 1968

Lamprey Enterprises Inc. Toltec Lot #47 1,500. Land on Whaleback Pt. 1,500. Castle Shores Lot #53 1,500. Lee's Lake Property 12,000. Martin Land at Lee's Mills 2,000. Office Land & Bldg., Rte. 25 400. Lee's Lake Lot #6 & Bldg. 5,000. Lee's Lake Lot #8 & Bldg. 5,000. Lee's Lake Lot #11 & Bldg. 3,000. Landry, Joseph W. Kanasatka Lot & Camp 4,500. Leach, David & Nancy Homestead 1,500. LeGault, Raoul C. Land & Bldgs., Lake Shore Dr. 3,200. Leighton, Laura Lot & Bldg. 500. Leighton, Charles A. Homestead 1,500. Leighton, Charles A. Jr. & Louise Lot, Bean Rd. 200. Ley, Beatrice Lot & 2 Cottages, B.P.C.C. 21,000. Shore Frontage 5,000. Lincoln, George C. Homestead 1,000. Shady Island 300. Cozy Island & Log Cabin 600. Lively, David C. & Glenda W. Blake Rd. Land & Bldgs. 2,100. Lizotte, Ellen Homestead 2,800. Store, Land & Bldg. 5,000. Long Island Marina Homestead 2,800. Boat Storage 4,000. 2nd Boat Storage 1,500. Macomber, George H. & Hazel S. Homestead 4,800. Melancen, Philip H. & Marilyn A. Land & Bldg., Red Hill Rd. 800. Magidoff, Robert & Nila Koenig Lot #6 & Bldg., Squam 7,500. Mallard, Leonard & Ethel Restaurant Land & Bldgs. 4,400. Marchant, Edgar A. Homestead 2.800.

T14 Resident — 1968

Martin, Herbert A. Homestead 2,000. A. Welch Lot 200. Martin, Harold Homestead 2,800. Martin, Leni P. Land & Bldgs. 2,000. Mason, Wesley L. Part of Prime Farm 200. Land on Mt. Rd. 200. Lot & Bldg., Rte. 25 800. Matthews, Milton A. & Doris J. Land & Bldg., Lake Shore Dr. 3,000. Matthews, Helen F. V2 Int. Homestead, Lake Shore Dr. 3,000. McCormack, John Homestead 1,800. McCormack, Leroy E. Homestead 3,000. Store 3,000. Shore & 2 Cottages 8,000. McCormack, Leroy E. & Doris H. Haller Lot #7A & Bldg. 3,800. Saunders Homestead 1,800. McCormack, Leah Land & Bldg. 1,200. McCormack, Harold D. & Norma Homestead 1,000. McCormack, Winston Lot & Trailer 600. McCormack, Richard A. & Arlene S. Hattie Dow Land 600. McGrath, Maurice F. Ill & Peggy A. Lot #7 & Bldg., Kanasatka 3,200. McQuade, John D. Homestead 10,000. Mclntire, Elizabeth V2 Int. Homestead 1,100. Gilpatric Land 100. Mclntire, Frank V2 Int. Homestead 1,100. Mclntire, Frank E. & Florence M. Homestead 1,500. Mclntire, Frank E., Elizabeth & Florence New Homestead 3,000. Mclntire, Delmar L. Jr. Homestead 1,200. Milmore, Druzilla Homestead 2,500.

T15 Resident — 1968

Miller, John G. & Caroline Castle Shores Lots #20, 21, 22 & Bldgs. 10,000. Mohr, Harold A. & Phoebe Louise Allen Dodge Place 3,500. Mollins, Frank L. & Dorothy G. Adams Lot #31 & Bldgs. 2,000. Molburg, Richard & Cynthia J. Homestead 1,800. Monteith, J. Drummond & Ardis Homestead 2,000. Morris, Howard P. & Elizabeth Homestead 3,800. Ed Davis Land 400. Moulton, Burleigh & Helen Land & Bldgs. 1,000. Moulton, Charles W. Homestead, Goss Corner 500. Moulton, Tracy & Georgia & Wayne & Sarah Richardson Homestead 1,800. Moulton, Nina Homestead Land, opp. school 300. Homestead 600. Moulton, F. Harvey Est. Land & Camp, Lower Pond 500. Emerson's Island 100. Moulton, Lewis H. & Virginia B. Land & Bldg. 1,500. N. part of Emerson's Island 100. Moultonboro Grange Hall 500. Moultonboro Lion's Club Field, Rte. 109 500. Moulton, Russell Homestead 1,000. Vickery Land (N. side) 200. Vickery Land (S. side) 200. Mullen, Ralph Jr. & Elva E. Homestead 2,500. Dodge Land 200. Mullen, Ralph Jr. & Wilmont White Mohr Land 200. Mullen, Alice Homestead 1,900. Munroe, John E. Homestead 1,000. Murphy, Windsor & Edith Land & Bldgs., Bean Rd. 2,800. Murphy, Edith Andrews Land & Bldgs., Rte. 25 2,000.

T16 Resident — 1968

Nedeau, Francis R. & Elizabeth Homestead 2,000. Nelson, Ralph & Mae Homestead 2,800. Nelson, Ralph E. & Barbara Morris Land & Bldgs. 1,500. Nielsen, Niels P. & Norma L. Kona Land & Mansion 26,000. Nolan, Barbara Orton Back Lot #51 & Bldg. 2,500. Nolan, Henry & Margaret Land & Bldgs., Mt. Rd. 2,000. Nudd, Walter & Mabel Homestead 1,800. Olden, Jess E. Land & Bldgs. 2,200. Olden, Jess & Maurice Coe Lane Lot #3 & Bldg. 2,800. Oliver, Martha J. Homestead 2,200. Adams Land 200. Page, Hutcheson & Phyllis Homestead 5,500. Maurice White Land 200. Parker, Francis F. & Marian N. Homestead 2,000. Pearce, Arthur P. Ill Lot #1 & Bldg., Shelter Cove 3,000. Lot & Stand, Rte. 25 300. Perkins, Clara Land, Rte. 25 300. Person, Roger E. & Beverly E. Homestead 4,800. Kanasatka Lot #4 & Bldg. 3,000. Peterson, Enid Land & Bldgs. 4,800. Piper, David R. Orton Back Lot 200. Plaisted, Richard E. & Gloria Homestead 2,500. Plaisted, Leonard Homestead 3,000. Plummer, Raymond S. & Grace C. Homestead 3,800. Cottage, Back Lot 2,000. Plum Island 100. Porter, Marlene Homestead 1,500. Potter, Mabel H. Land & Bldgs., Rte. 25 2,200. T17 Resident — 1968

Preferred Properties, Inc. Far Echoes Harbor Prop. & Bldg. 10,000. "West Point" Development 5,000. Haller Lots #2, 3 (Community Beach) 5,000. Price, George R. & Harriette L. Homestead 6,200. Kona Shore Lot 2,000. Land & Bldgs., Sheridan Rd. 5,000. Prince, Dr. William N. & Olive Winaukee Lot #9 & Bldg. 3,000. Winaukee Back Land & Bldg. 500. Racine, Wendell & Evelyn Homestead 4,400. Foster Land 500. Garland Field 300. Rand, Elizabeth Vs Int. Alpine Park Land & Bldg. 2,700. V2 Int. Watts Land 1,000. Rand, Philip C. Vs Int. Alpine Park Land & Bldgs. 2,700. Rand, Athalie Second Neck Land & Bldg. 5,500. Randall, Doris Land & Bldg., Rte. 109 1,200. Ranger, Ruth #2 East Lot & Garage 1,200. 1/6 Camp 79 Lot 500. V2 Int. # Lot & Camp 2,000. Rathman, William F. & Betty J. Kona Land & Bldgs. 3,200. Land & Office Bldg., Rte. 25 2,800. Ratsep, Dr. Alexander & Helvi Homestead 3,400. Land, Holland St. 1,000. Reid, James L. & Florence L. Land & Bldgs., Rte. 25 2,500. Recchia, Bernice B. Homestead 500. Reiner, John Brown Land & Bldgs. 4,500. Rembaum, Joseph & Irene Kona Lot #15 & Bldg. 6,000. Reynolds, Willard R. & Georgiana Land & Bldg., Sheridan Rd. 2,200. Richardson, Horace, Philip & Clara Perkins Bunker Land, Wentworth Shore 200. Richardson, Horace & Ernestine & Verne & Elizabeth O. G. Bartlett Land 400.

T18 Resident — 1968

Richardson, Horace & Ernestine Elmer Davis Land 200. 2 small Lots Davis Land 200. Morrill & Evans Land 800. Land, Emerson's Island 100. Greene's Basin Lot 2,000. Richardson, Philip H. Homestead 2,200. Shaw Lot 100. Greene's Basin Lot 2,000. Real Estate Office 300. Richardson, Claribel Philbrook Land 200. Page Lot 500. Meadow 200. Homestead 1,000. Richardson, Verne L. & Elizabeth P. Homestead 2,000. Garage 6,000. Richardson, Verne L. Camp on Richardson Land 500. Riley, Mary J. Homestead 3,800. Rice, Parker H. Land & Bldgs., B.P.C.C. 22,000. Robie, Harrison A. & Florence Von Hurst Land & Bldgs. 15,000. Robinson Lodge Inc. "Robindel" Land & Bldgs. 50,000. Robbins, Frederick S. Land & Store 3,200. Rockefeller, Albert F. & Vera Homestead 2,000. Rooney, Annie S. Homestead 1,200. Ross, Donald D. & Jean Prince Homestead & Marina 6,000. Roth, Theodore F. & Cora W. Homestead 4,500. Royea, Richard & Virginia Homestead & Trailer 1,100. Rossley, William M. & Gertrude H. Clark's Landing Land & 10 Cabins 9,500. Clark's Landing Lot 2,000. Castle Shores Lot & Main House 5,000. Shore Lot, Castle Shores 1,200. Lot & Bldg. Castle Shores 2,500. Savage, William H. Lot & Bldg., Rte. 109 1,500.

T19 Resident — 1968

Schulz, Robert W. S. V2 Int. Land, Squam 2,200. Schulz, George F. V2 Int. Land, Squam 2,200. Schulz, William S. Lot #1-A, Tommy Lot 4,000. Scribner, Lyman & Lillian Homestead 1,800. Senna, Madeline Lot & Bldgs., Clark's Landing 5,000. Plamandon Lot & Bldg. 2,200. Land, Rte. 25 200. Severance, C. A. & Meredith Homestead 2,200. Severance, William R. Est. Homestead 2,500. Shaw, Howard Homestead 1,200. Choate Land 100. Mark Randall Land 100. Shaw, Robert & Mary Homestead 2,000. Shaw, Philip Land & Bldg. 600. Shimmin, Herbert & Helen Ferry Shores Lot #30 & Bldg. 4,200. Ferry Shores Lot #31 2,000. Singing Eagle Lodge, Inc. C. B. Wood Land & Bldgs. 10,000. Simms, Thomas Homestead 2,200. Smart, Leonard & Paula V2 Int. Larson Farm Land & Bldgs. 3,600. Laundromat Land & Bldg. 1,800. Swallow Bay Lot #4 & Back Lot 4,400. Southerlee Shores Back Land 200.

V2 Int. Southerlee Shores Lot #4 1,500. Smart, Paula Homestead 4,000. Smith, Ethel C. & Horace Richardson Homestead 3,500. Smith, H. Frank Jr. 1/6 Int. Homestead 600. 1/6 Int. Lodge & 4 Camps 2,500. 1/6 Int. Pickering Lot 100. 1/6 Int. James Lot "Iroquois" 3,100.

T20 Resident — 1968

Smith, Mary 1/6 Int. Homestead 600. 1/6 Int. Lodge & 4 Camps 2,500. 1/6 Int. Pickering Lot 100. 1/6 Int. James Lot "Iroquois" 3,100. Smith, Verna 1/6 Int. Homestead 600. 1/6 Int. Lodge & 4 Camps 2,500. 1/6 Int. Pickering Lot 100. 1/6 Int. James Lot "Iroquois" 3,100. O. G. Bartlett Land 500. Middle Neck School House 500. Hanson Land 1,000. Taylor Land & Bldgs. 1,200. Smith, Emma V2 Int. Homestead 1,800. % Int. Lodge & 4 Camps 7,500. V2 Int. Pickering Lot 300. V2 Int. James Lot "Iroquois" 12,000. Kona Land 200. Smith, John A. E. Est. Bartlett Land 300. Homestead 700. Avery Lot 100. Saw Mill 100. Smith, Lois Homestead 1,800. Porter Lot 200. Frye Lot 300. Smith, George W. & Beatrice E. Goodhue Lot #8 & Bldg. 4,200. Snow, Fred A. & Gertrude J. Eagle Shores Lot #28 & Bldgs. 3,200. Back Lot 200. Solomon, James N. Homestead 1,500. Echo Farm Field 100. Solomon, Arthur Jr. & Patricia Homestead Land & Bldg. 500. Stanyan, Starr W. Land & Bldgs., Greene's Basin 21,500. Camp on small Island 500. Staples, Richard W. Restaurant 1,500. Homestead 2,200. Stecher, Donald & Pearl S. Cohen & Winnifred G. Winn & Jean S. Brooks Homestead 3,500. Stevens, Fred

Homestead 1,800. T21 Resident — 1968

Stevens, Joseph 0. & Martha K. Land & Bldgs., Rte. 109 2,000. Stewart, Jeanne Homestead 2,200. Stokes, Otho W. & Ruth Homestead 1,500. Straw, Hazel Homestead 600. Stubbs, Mowry H. Homestead 3,000. Sturgeon, Ronald W. & Beverly Ann Homestead 1,600. Sturgeon, Fred & Donna Homestead, Rte. 109 1,000. Sturtevant, Leon J. Land & Bldgs. 5,000. Homestead 3,000. Sturtevant, Edith M. V2 Int. Homestead, Lake Shore Dr. 2,700. Swallow Pt. Association Lots #24, 25, 26, 27, 28 & Community Beach Lot 2,000. Tate, Virginia Homestead 200. Tate, Stewart & Rose Homestead 200. Taylor, Adele Homestead 3,000. Cook Field 200. Talbot, Lawrence & Shirley Homestead 1,800. Camp Tecumseh Camp Tecumseh 20,000. Hollingsworth Farm & Bldgs. 22,000. Point Land & Camp 1,500. Joe's & Poplar Islands 2,000. George Orton Camp 1,000. Land & Bldgs. 500. Tibbetts, Cedric R. & Lena M. Homestead 2,800. Tilton, Harold & Irma Land on Sheridan Rd. 100. Homestead 2,000. y2 Int. Lee's Mills Land 250. Tilton, Irma V2 Int. Lot & Camp, Gansy Is. 750. Tilton, Herbert J. Store & Tenement 2,200. Thompson, Carl & Helen Homestead, Mt. Rd. 3,500.

T22 Resident — 1968

Thompson, Forrest & Delia Homestead 3,800. Goodhue Shores Lot #6 & Bldg. 6,000. Goodhue Lot #5 3,000. Swallow Pt. Lot #14 & Bldg. 5,000. Thompson, Jessie Land & Bldg., Blake Rd. 800. Thompson, Ansel & Mary E. Ferry Shores Lot #12, Bldg. & Boathouse 4,200. Thompson, David Lot & Bldg. & Trailer 1,300. Thomas, Lloyd & Harriet P. Elkins Land & Bldgs. 20,000. Toner, Arthur R. & Dorothy E. Land & Bldg., Lake Shore Dr. 1,600. Tower, Richard & Geraldine Homestead 2,800. Vaehon, Lynn E. Kona Lot #48 & Bldgs. 4,000. Kona Back Land 200. Valliere, A. Ernest & Marguerite Homestead 3,200. Land 200. Vappi, Cesare Est. "West Wind" Land & Bldgs. 8,500. Vappi, Richard Land on Mt. Rd. 1,800. Homestead 7,500. McDonald Place 1,500. Barn & Hen Houses 6,000. Day Land & Bldgs. 3,800. Verrill, Edna Shore Lot 500. Verrill, Max Homestead 1,800. Visser, William W. Homestead 2,000. Vittum, Dorothy Homestead 1,500. H. A. Vittum Inc. Castle Shores Lot #68 & Bldg. 3,000. Von der Sump, Lucille Land & Bldg. 3,000. Wakefield, Arthur Sr. Homestead 1,800. Wakefield, Lester Homestead 1,000. Wakefield, Edna Homestead 1,200.

T23 Resident — 1968

Wakefield, Willis Homestead 1,200. Wood Lot & Pasture, Bodge Hill 200. Wakefield, Henry & Mary J. Land & Bldg., Rte. 109 300, Wakefield, Wilfred C. Homestead 2,800, Mt. Land 200, Bickford Lot 100, Charles Whitehouse Land 100, Tilton Land 200, Bert Lee Land 100, Harry Lee Land 100 Elmer Berry Land 100, Knight Land 100, Glidden Land 200, Walker, Donald L. & Mary J. Land & Bldgs., Rte. 25 2,500 Walker, Margaret Homestead 1,200 Wallace, Gerald Homestead, Bean Rd. 900 Wallis, Annie Greene Land 200 Homestead 2,200 Walters, David A. Krainewood Lots #24, 25, 26, 27 & Bldgs. 12,000 Watts, Hollis Homestead, Bean Rd. 1,200 Ward, Dencie Homestead 1,600 Webster, Minnie Land, Rte. 109 100 Weeks, Fred G. & Judy Dow Lots #6, 7 & Bldgs. 2,000 Brown Est. Land 4,000 Brown Est. Back Land 300 Wheaton, Dexter & Elsie Lot & Bldg., Redding Lane 5,500 Lot #8, Redding Lane 500, Wheaton, Howard G. & Anne C. Lot #9 & Bldg. 3,000, White, Roy S. Homestead 3,000, White, Maurice B. Est. Homestead 2,000, Mason Field 300, White, Wilmont & Lois Homestead 2,000.

T24 Resident — 1968

White Diamond Inn, Inc. Lake Shore Dr. Motel, Land & Bldgs. 20,000. Restaurant & Marina 12,000. Garage Land & Bldgs. 2,500. Whitehouse, Charlotte Homestead Land & Bldgs. 6,000. Willoughby Place 1,000. Whitehouse, Arthur Homestead 1,000. Whitehouse, Charles & Fannie Homestead 3,200. Whitehouse, Charles & John Nelson Frye Lot & Camp 500. Whitman, Mark D. & Nancy K. Land & Bldgs., Bean Rd. 2,800. Whitten, Beatrice B. Homestead 800. Whitten, Burton L. Richardson Land 300. Whitten, Burton L. & Wilfred Homestead 2,000. Wiggin, Mary D. Homestead 6,500. Wiggins, Gilbert V2 Int. Homestead 1,600. Wiggins, Dortha V2 Int. Homestead 1,600. Wilder, Addie Homestead 2,500. Williams, Robert Homestead 2,800. Windermere Estates Inc. L. I. Land & Bldgs. 14,500. Wood, George Homestead 1,200. Woodman, Earl H. & Theodora Sibley Farm 1,500. Woodman, Theodora V2 Int. Granny Hill Lot 200. V2 Int. Durant Land 100. V2 Int. Paine Lot 300. V2 Int. Hanson Lot 300. V2 Int. Bryant Lot 200. Krainewood Shores Lot 4,000. Round Pond Dam Site 100. V2 Int. J. A. Smith Land 300. Woodaman, Irene R. Homestead, 2 Motel units & 5 Cottages 8,000. Ritter Homestead 2,600.

T25 Resident — 1968

Camp Winaukee Realty Corp. Black Island & Bldgs. 15,000. Camp Winaukee Land & Bldgs. 26,000. Yankee Development Corp. Winn Land & Bldgs. 4,000. Office Land & Bldg. 2,500. Young, Eva Homestead 1,800. Young, Irad & Gail M. Homestead 2,400.

T26 .

Real Estate Assessments

Non-Resident - 1968

Name, Description Valuation Abbott, Sanford E. & Joan M. Sullivan Kanasatka Back Land & Camp $ 2,500. Kanasatka Back Land 300. Abbott, Richard J. & Helen F. Long Point Lot #1 & Chalet 3,500. Long Point #2 & Back Land 500. Boat ($900.) Ackerloff, Rosalie C. Koenig Lot #2 & Camp, Squam 10,000. Adams, Richard H. & Margaret W. Richardson Point Lot #16 & Camp 3,500. Adams, Karl S. & Elizabeth D. Shaker Jerry Lot #8 & Camp 4,200. Orton Back Lot #61 200. Adams, Franklin Sr., Franklin Jr., & John Quincy Eagle Sands Lot #5 & Camp 6,000. Adleman, Milton & Muriel Homestead, Lake Shore Drive 1,200. Adler, Walter R. & Elinor R. Castle Shore Lot #23 & Camp 2,800. Allyn, Herbert 0. & Irene H. Bishop Shores Lots 12, 13 Camp, & Guest House 5,000. Bishop Shores Back Lot #26 200. Bishop Shores Back Lot #27 200. Alderson, William & Laura Hanson Point Camp & Boathouse 12,000. Aldrich, Dewey Aldrich Shore Lot & 2 Camps 6,000. Allaire, Frederick H. & Blanche V. Swallow Point Lot #4 & Camp 6,000. Allen, John R. Jr. & Anne Toltec Lot #32 & Camp 2,800. Allen, Ruth "Bon-Air Cabins," Clark's Landing, & Bldgs. 16,000. Ambrose Bros. Inc. Welch Lot near Vappfs 400. Ambrose, David E. Berry Pasture 150. Ambrose, Paul T. Meadow, Red Hill River 250. L. Emmons Land 100. Adams Lot, Birch Hill 200. Amidon, Kenneth D. Winaukee Lot #3 & Camp 4,000. T27 Non-Resident - 1968

Anderson, Robert E. & Eleanor M. Castle Shores Lot #69 & Camp 4,000. Anderson, Kenneth & Esther Redding Lane Lot #2 & Camp 4,500. Anderson, Manfred & Helen M. Kona Lot #23 & Camp 5,000. Bakery 3,000. Anderson, William R. & Ruby G. Orton Back Lot #57 200. Orton Back Lot #58 200. Anderson, Lindsay B. & Ruth Raoul's Cove Lot #7 & Camp 3,000. Andrews, Everett E. Beede Lot #16 & 2 Bldgs. 6,000. Andrews, Howard R. & Mary P. Swallow Point Lot & Camp 3,500. Andrews, John F. & Elizabeth I. Hermit Cove Lot #14 2,000. Annesse, John J. & Helen T. Shelter Cove Lot #2 & Camp 3,000. Archibald, Paul Fox Hollow Lot #2 1,000. Fox Hollow Lot #3 1,000. Archibald, John W. & Faith L. % Int. Southerlee Shores Back Land 200. V2 Int. Southerlee Shores Lot #4 1,500. V2 Int. Larson Farm Prop. 3,600. Archambault, Gerald R. & Lionel R. Castle Shores Lot #6 & Camp 4,000. Arena, Anthony & Mary Raoul's Cove Lot #17 & Camp 3,000. Raoul's Cove Back Lot 200. Arey, Howard R. & Jennie E. Wentworth Shore Lot #3 & Camp 3,000. Castle Shores Lot, Store & Camp 6,500. Arnold, William J. Jr. & Mary A. Shaker Jerry Lot & Camp 3,500. O. G. Bartlett Land 500. Arsenault, Edward J. & Irene P. Blackey Cove Lot A & Camp 5,000. Athanasia, Charles Fox Hollow Lot #5 & Camp 3.000. Athanasia, Charles & Florence J. Fox Hollow Lot & Camp 2,000. Atherton, Harlan E. & Dorothy G. Tanglewood Shores Lot #3 & Camp 4.500. Ash, Dana H. & Emma W. Trail's End Lot #6 & Camp 5,000.

T28 Non-Resident - 1968

Asquith, Thomas Jr. & Edith C. Southerlee Shores Lot #8 2,000. Southerlee Shores Back Lot #9B 200. Audley, R. S. Inc. Kona Lot #19 4,000. Audley, Robert S. & Florence L. Far Echoes Harbor Lot #93 & Camp 3,000. Auger, Richard C. & Norma E. Part of Libby Lot 100. Austin, Barbara B. Brown Lot & Cottage 7,500. Avery, Robert H. & Edith C. Dow Island Prop. 2,000. Avery, Fay

Vst Int. Gansy Island Lot & Camp 750. % Int. Lee's Mills Land 250. Avery, Grace G. Redding Lane Land & Camp 6,000. Baker, Francis H. y2 Int. Alpine Park Lot 1,000. Baker, Lloyd L. Coe Land, Bldgs., Rte. 25 5,500. Bacon, Doris S. Sturtevant Farm & Bldgs. 3,000. Bagdasarian, Leon P. & Shirley J. Castle Shores Lot #17 & Camp 4,000. Bailey, Robert M. & Phyllis B. Toltec Lot #41 & Camp 3,000. Bainton, Ernest L. & Esther Mc Keen Place 3,500. Baird, Beatrice Part of Gansy Island 2,500. Bald Peak Land Co. Land & Bldgs. 150,000. Lot #1, "Hillcrest" Cottage 15,000. a /4 Int. 4 Parcels Erickson Land & Bldgs., "Overlook Cottage" 3,000. Jones Land & Bldgs. 1,500. Banks, Donald S. & Shirley J. Ferry Shores Lot #10 & Camp 6,000. Ferry Shores Back Lot 200. Banfil, Ernest Ober Land & Bldgs. 2,800. Barnaby, John M. & Charlotte B. 2 Camps Kent Island & Cook Prop. 6,000.. Emery Land & Bldgs., Squam 3,500. Barnes, Russell N. & Helen M. Muehleck Camp, Redding Lane 10,500. Barrett, John H. Castle Shores Lot #15B & Camp 3,000. T29 Non-Resident - 1988

Barrett, Robert A. Jr. Estate Haller Lot & Camp 5,500. Barry, David A. & Julia A. Shaker Jerry Lot & Camp 2,000. Barsanti, Umberta J. & Arnold Garrard & Robert P. White Dow Island Prop. 3,500. Bartkiewicz, Joseph S. & Edward R. Gardner Morrison Cove, Lots 1, 2 & Camp 4,000. Bartsch, Robert T. & Doris J. Shaker Jerry Lot & Camp 3,300. Bartlett, Virginia Kanasatka Lot #14 & Camp 3,000. Kanasatka Lot 14A & Southern half of 12B 300. Batchelder, Richard S. East half Lot #12 Beede Shores & Camp 1,500. Batchelder, Herman East half Lot #11 Beede Shores & Camp 1,500. Batchelder, Walter J. & Irene F. Greene's Basin Island Lot & Camp 1,500. Bates, Howard W. Ayers Shore Lot #3 & Camp 4,500. Bates, Ralph Kanasatka Lot & Camp 3,000. Bates, Alvin Eva Dow Lot #3 & Camp 2,500. Baxter, Priscilla Ferry Shores Lot #2 O & Camp 4,000. Ferry Shores Back Lot 200. Baumgarten, Frederick O. Beede Lot #16 & Camp 6,500. Beach, Edwin E. & Beverly J. Castle Shores Lots 13B, 14A. & Camp 4,500. Castle Shores Lot #14B 1,500. Beach, Harold W. & Eleanor M. Shaker Jerry Lot & Camp 3,500. Beaman, Willard G. & Dorothy R. Raoul's Cove Lots 4B, 4D & Camp 3,500. Beane, Donald F. & Eva J. Brown Lot & Camp 3,500. Bean, Arthur E. Jr. Far Echo Harbor Back Lot #62 500. Beaucage, Robert P. Ferry Shores Lot #16 2,000. Beard, Edwin F. & Marjorie S. Kanasatka Lot #2 & Camp 3,000. Beard, Malcolm V. & Anne L. Toltec Lot #33 & Camp 3,500. Beatrice, Dorothy Hermit Island & Camp 5,500. Hermit Cove Lot 1,000. T30 Non-Resident - 1968

Beauvais, Clifford P. & Theresa N. Leeward Shores Lot #66 & Camp 3,500. Bechard, Paul & Helen Deerhaven Lot #19 & Camp 3,000. Deerhaven Back Land 500. Beck, Robert F. & Barbara H. Toltec Lot #21 & Camp 2,500. Toltec Lot #20 1,500. Becker, Bernard & Isabelle Castle Shores Lot #60 & Camp 3,500. Becker, Edward & Frances Braun Bay Lot #12 & Camp 6,500. Beebe, Lucy Marlene Hull Island Lot #5 500. Beebe, Michael B. Hull Island Lot #1 500. Beebe, Charles Curtis III Hull Island Lot #2 500. Beebe, Charles C. Jr. Hull Island & Bldgs. 3,000. Beede, Richard & Arlene Dow Land & Barn 700. Beede, Nephele Berry Place 500. Yeaton Land, East of River 200. Saw Mill Privilege 100. Belknap College Inc. Maxwell House, Land & Bldgs. 5,000. Benko, Walter & Mary Swallow Point Back Lot #23 500. Bennett, Norman E. & Eleanor Cook's Point Lot #12 & Camp 8,000. Benson, Howard F. Red Hill Restaurant 3,200. Benson, Carl O. & Ruby C. Avery Land & Bldgs. 2,300. Benson, Oscar C. & Florence E. Lot #8 & Camp, Lunt Land 6,500. Benjamin, Gladys V. Winaukee Lot #5 & Camp 3,500. Bentley, James A. & Mary M. B.P.C.C. Shore Land & Camp 7,500. Berg, Hanry R. & Barbara L. Redding Lane Lot #4 & Camp 4,500. Bernard, Valeda Kona Lots, Camp, Guesthouse & Boathouse 15,500. Bernd, Lester E. & Priscilla W. Kona Lot #20 & Camp 8,000. Berwind, Charles G. & Ellen Mc M. Elkins Land, Camp, Guesthouses & Boathouse 15,000. T31 Non-Resident - 1968

Bernier, Rita B. Swallow Bay Lot #2 & Camp 5,000. Back Land 100. Berniere, Leno T. Southerlee Shores Lot #2 & Camp 5,500. Bernau, Rudolph Tanglewood Land & Bldgs. 7,500. Berry, Clarence G. & Lois B. Castle Shores Lot #66 & Camp 2,500. Berry, Leonard F. Land in Round Pond 500. Berry Marilyn Lot on Round Pond 500. Berry, Wayne Lot on Round Pond 500. Bessett, Walter J. & Virginia L. Castle Shores Lot #15B & Camp 4,500. Bianchi, Charles A. & Margaret M. B.P.C.C. Lot #4 & Cottage 7,500. Bickford, Fred Leavitt Land 1,000. Bartlett Land & 2 Camps 6,000. Bickford, Fred M. & Ingrid M. Tilton Land 300. Bickford, Orion F. & Gladys S. Fletcher Land, Barn & Island 7.000. Bickford, Fred A. & Stella Orton Back Lots, 18, 55, 56 600. Bickford, Robert H. & Cynthia Ferry Shores Lot #11 & Camp 4,500. Bickford, Carol G., Nancy - Ray G. Craigie & Lucy F. Goldthwait V2 Int. Alpine Park Land & Bldgs. 2,500. Bigany, Katherine M. Castle Shores Lot #2 & Camp 6,000. Bigelow, George A. & Agnes Kona Lot #26 & Camp 6,000. Bilodeau, Leo & Beverly Coe Lot #4 & Camp, Second Neck 3,000. Ash Cove Lot #11 & Camp 3,500. Bills, W. Donald & Elinor S. Part of Lot #13 & Camp, Oak Landing 3,500. Blais, Roger J. & Shirley M. Hermit Cove Lot #8 & Camp 3,500. Blais, Girard O. & Elina M. Hermit Cove Lot #7 & Camp 3,500. Blackslee, Robert D. & June R. & Nancy E. Sexton Blackey Cove Lot #7D & Bldgs. 6,500. Blackey Cove Lot #6D 2,000. Blackey Cove Lot #8D 2,000.

T32 Non-Resident - 1968

Blackslee, Mrs. Gerald Jr.

V2 Lot #5 & Bldgs., Bald Peak 6,000. Blakeney, Robert W. & Eileen S. Castle Shores Lot #10B & Camp 5,000. Bloss, Harold F. & Gladys W. Swallow Point Lot #16 & Camp 4,000. Blomstedt, Horace D. & Agnes L. East half Lot #13 & Camp, Beede Shores 2,500. Boisvert, Rene Hermit Cove Land & Trailer 500. Boes, Herbert A. & Maria A. Braun Bay Lot, Camp, Boathouse, Garage 8,000. Braun Bay Back Land 500. Bonnell, Ruggles M. Kanasatka Lot #2 & Camp 3,000. 2 Kanasatka Back Lots 600. Bonnell, Everett Kanasatka Lot #1, Camp & Guesthouse 4,000. Boorse, J. Stanley Kennedy Land & Camp 1,500. Winaukee Land & Camp 3,500. Booth, Harold & Evalina Kona Lot #30 & Camp 13,000. Kona Back Land 200. Borck, Paul B. & Hazel B. Toltec Lot #31 & Camp 3,000. Borda, Alfonso F. & Maria A. Shelter Cove Lot #3 & Camp 2,500. Boucher, William P. & Eleanor R. Deerhaven Back Lot & Camp 700. Botsford, Clarence H. & Marion C. Winaukee Lot #5 & Camp 3,500. 2 Back Lots 400. Boulanger, John B. & Donald J. Bean Rd. Land & Camp 2,500. Bowen, John & Margaret Banfield Lot #27 200. Bowker, George E. "Seldom Inn," Camp, Whaleback Island 1,700. Boys & Girls Camps, Inc. Land & Bldgs., B.P.C.C. 10,000. Boynton, Malcolm E. & Rita F. Southerlee Shores Lot #6 & Camp 4,500. Breda, Alexander Lot & Camp, Rte. 25 1,500. Brady, Edward F. & Ann L. Castle Shores Lot 15A & Camp 4,500. Brent, Walter Raoul's Cove Lot & Camp 2,800.

T33 Non-Resident - 1968

Broderick, Stuart C. & Audrey Cataldo Lot & Camp 3,000. Brooks, Marion P. Brown Land & Camp 2,500. Brousseau, Leon Redding Lane Lot #8 & Camp 4,000. Brow, William Redding Lane Lot & Camp 4,400. Brown. Marie W. Land, Rte. 25 500. Lot & Camps 2,400. Brown, Robert E. Jr. & Nancy Lee Brown Brown Estate Land 3,000. Brown Est. Back Land 300. Brown, John Tract Brown Est. Land 4,500. Brown Est. Back Land 300. Brown, Frederick H. Redding Lane Land & Bldgs. 5,000. Brown, Sylvia D. Shelter Cove Lot #4 & Camp 2,500. Brown, Ruppert W., Kathaleen D., & Roger M. Coe Lot #1 & Camp 4,500. Brown, Hazen C. & Nancy C. L. I. Lot #8 & Camp 5,000. Brown, Luther & Dorothy M. Adams Lot #5 & Bldg. 3,800. Adams Back Lot #18 200. Brown, Alice Land & Camp, Greene's Basin 1,700. Greene's Basin Shore Lot 1,200. Brown, Helen Estate Thompson Land 300. Brown, Clyde C. & Melda P. Eagle Shore Lots 8, 9 & Bldgs. 5,000. Brown, Russell S. Grassy Pond Lot #11 & Camp 4,200. Grassy Pond Lot #12 2,000. Brown, Sydney J. & Elizabeth Kanasatka Land, House & 2 Camps 9,000. Brickley, Anna T. & Margaret Lee Homestead 4,000. Bridges, Turner & Frances Harris Land and Camp, Squam 6,000. Brigden, Theodore H. 3 Small Islands & Camp 1,000. Brigden, Virginia Land & Bldgs., Geneva Point 2,000.

T34 Non-Resident - 1968

Brigden, James H. & Margaret C. Hulse Shore 4,000. Gem Island 300. Bridgeport Lumber Sales Corp. Ash Cove Lot #6 & Camp 5,500. Bridgham, Lloyd H. & Janet P. Swallow Pt. Lot #11 & Camp 6,500. Briggs, Donald W. & Anna Bell Lee Lot, Red Hill 300. Brink, Adelbert R. & Mary M. Shaker Jerry Lot & Camp 4,500. Bryant, Wallace F. Est. Kona Lot & Camp 4,200. Kona Back Lot 200. Buffington, Lester E. & Marion T. Shaker Jerry Lot & Camp 4.500. Back Land 400. Bunker, Harriet B. Ayers Lot #4 & Camp 5,000. Bunk House on Bates Land 100. Bunzel, Richard W. & Ruth M. Trail's End Lot #15 & Camp 5,000. Burke, Robert L. & Carolyn Ferry Shores Lot #17 & Camp 3,000. 2 Ferry Shores Back Lots 400. Burke, James W. Est., Black's Shore Lot & Camp 2,400. Burns, George P. & Elizabeth A. Beckett Land, Camp & Boathouse 5,500. Burpee, Caroline Windermere Lot #13, Camp & Guesthouse 8,000. Part of Windermere Lot #12 1,500. Burr, Natalie H. Perch Island & Camp 1,200. Burton, Francis A. & Dorothy A. Kanasatka Lots 4, 5 & 6 & Camps 7,000. Busfield, Bernard L. & Bernard L. Jr. Castle Shores Lot #9 & Camp 6,000. Butterfield, Fisk F. & Dorothy A. Steamboat Landing Lot #1 & Camp 7,500. Steamboat Landing Back Lot 800. Buzzotta, Frank Kanasatka Lot #5 & Camp 2,500. Byrne, Lawrence J. Homestead, Moultonboro Falls 4,700. Byron, Carleton C. & Marion G. Porter Lot, Lee's Mills Rd. 200. Calendar, Sue Louise J. W. Day Place 3,500.

T35 Non-Resident - 1968

Cailler, Arthur B. & Minnie E. Coe Lot #1 1,500. Kanasatka Lot 2A 500. Camp, Rolland & Dorothy- Redding Lane Lot #8 & Camp 3,500. Campbell, William Alden Bishop Shores Lot #8 & Camp 2,500. Bishop Shores Back Lot #31 & storage bldg. 300. Campbell, Walter W. & Clare Ferry Shores Lot #32 & Camp 3,800. Campbell, Catherine H. High Heath Land 10,000. Camp Quinebarge, Inc. Quinebarge Land & Bldgs. 7,000. Canning, Howard F. & Joan W. Land on Dow Island & Camp 2,000. Canfield, Richard Dodge & French Land 300. Candelet, Raymond D. & Jeanette A. Lot #1 & Bldg., Rustic Lane 5,500. Cantara, Philip H. & Madolin Back Lot #28 Long Island 200. Cantara, Richard Lot #18B, Camp & Boathouse, Beede Shores 1,500. Canham, John J. & Jean H. Lot #3, Rustic Lane 1,000. Cappuccio, Jeremiah J. Beede Shores Lots 9, 10 & Camp 4,500. Carbary, Edward N. & Gladys C. Kanasatka Lot #16 & Camp 4,000. Kanasatka Lots 16A, 16B 400. Cario, Anthony Greene's Basin Lot 1,500. Carpenter, Albert Hermit Cove Camp 1,000. Carleton, Dean W. & Martha H. Windermere Lot #28 & Camp 7,000. Windermere N. half Lot #27 2,000. Windermere S. half Lot #29 2,000. Carlsmith, Hope S. 1/7 Snedden Prop., Echo Farm, Land & Bldgs. 3,800. Carlson, Carl R. & Linnea I. Alpine Park Land & Camp 6,500. Carlson, Bror W. Trail's End Lot #11 & Camp 4,800. Carter, William B. & Alice B. Interlakes Lot #37 & Camp 3,800. Interlakes Lot #38 2,000. Ferry Shores Back Lots 2, 3 & 4 600.

T36 Non-Resident - 1963

Carson, Robert M. & Carolyn S. Alpine Park Lot & Cottage 2.500. Carvell, Clinton W. & Marjorie G. Echo Farm Land & Camps 7,500. Caron, Patricia B. Guay's Island & Camp 1,400. Case, Hadley Lot & Cottage, B.P.C.C. 18,000. Lot, Camp & Guesthouse, B.P.C.C. 28,000. Shore Lot 6,500. Case, Margaret % Int. 4 Parcels Land & Camp, B.P.C.C. 3,000. Cataldo, Dr. Charles J. Lot & Camp, Kona 3,500. Kona Lot 2,000. Kona Lot, Wallis Island 1,500. Kona Back Lots 200. Cariello, Joseph M. & Helen M. Swallow Pt. Back Lot #20 & Camp 2,000. Chandler, Dorothy M. Land & Camp, Squam 3,500. Chandler, Langdon W. Jr. Round Pond Land & Camp 3,000. Chapman, W. Neil Clark's Landing Lot & Camp 3,800. Chateauneuf, Leo R. & Alice Hermit Cove Park Lot #3 & Camp 1,500. Chase, Kenneth & Mabel Winaukee Rd. Lot & Camp 600. Cheetham, Richard M. & Marjorie L. Lot Merrivale Estates 1,000. Cheney, Thomas P. Bldg., Rte. 25 3,000. Chesley, William Blanchard Island & Bldg. 1,000. Chesley, Edna K. Wentworth Shore Lot & Camp 3,300. Chesley, Myron H. Jr. & Elaine Wentworth Shore Lot & Camp 2 Back Lots 400. Chiarillo, G. Blair Hayden & Coe Lands, Kanasatka 6,000. Chiarillo, Lillian G. White House & Cottage near Gibson's 5,500. Chiarillo, Pasqualina 2 Houses, 2 Guest Cottages 8,500. Chipman, William L. & Olive H. Eagle Shores Lot #27 2,000. Chipman, Prescott Echo Harbor Back Lot #51 & Camp 3,000. T37 Non-Resident - 1968

Cities Service Oil Co. Service Station 3,000 Christie, Gerald E.

Lot & Camp E. of L. I. Bridge 4,000 Cioto, Anthony & Mildred Hermit Cove Lot #8 & Camp 3,500 East half Lot #1, Hermit Cove 1,500 Clark, Ralph Kona Back Land & Bldgs. 3,500 Clark, Paul F. & Anna Quast Land & Cottage, B.P.C.C. 14,000 Clark, Fred G. Smith Lot, Camp & Guesthouse 6,000

Clark, I. Estella Est. Winaukee Lot #2 & Camp 4,000 Clark, Morris C. Wentworth Shore Lot & Camp 4,500 Clark, William & Joan R. Toltec Lot #12 & Camp 3,200 Clauser, Milton U. & Virginia R. Arnold Prop., Shaker Jerry 3,000 Clemons, Eustis W. Whaleback Island and Camp "October Morn" 2,800 Clement, Laurence F. Ayers Shore Lot & Camp 5,000 y2 Ayers Shore Lot #2 2,000 Clery, James E. & Jane C. Castle Shores Lot 12A & Camp 6,000 Cleborne, Guy M. Tanglewood Shores Lot #8 & Camp 6,000 Coburn, Dean F. & Eleanor M. Kanasatka Lot #2 & Camp 3,200 Back Lot 2A, Kanasatka 200 Back Lot IB, Kanasatka 100 Cocker, Edward H. & Eleanor R. Redding Lane Lot #9C & Camp 4,000 Cochran, Eleanor T. Windermere Lot #20 & Camp 6,000 Coe, John W. & Marcia S. Westwood Shores Lot #10, Kanasatka 1,000 Kanasatka Back Land 200 Colby, Howard C. & Thelma E. Land & Camp, Clark's Landing 2,500 Coffin, Melvin H. & Jessie G. Castle Shores Lot #25A & Camp 3,500 Collette, Gertrude Tilton Land 100 Collins, George G. Windermere Lot #15 & Camp 8,000

T38 Non-Resident - 1968

Collins, George G. & Ruth S. Windermere Lot 3,000. Windermere Lot #18 & Camp 6,000. Coleman, James E. & Ruth M. Long Point Land & Camp 8,000. Comeau, Earl N. & Barbara M. Castle Shores Lot #75 & Camp 3,000. Comeau, Earl N. & Albert Frizzell Castle Shores Lots 71, 72 1,500. Common, John D., Peggy J., Anne & William Kanasatka Shore Lot #19 1,500. Kanasatka Shore Lot #20 & Boathouse 1,800. Kanasatka Back Lot &, Camp 2,500. Kanasatka Back Land 500. Comoli, Joseph F. Leaward Shores Lot #24 & Back Land 2,200. Comstock, T. Dwight Coe Lot #3 & Camp, Second Neck 5,000. Comstock, Richard D. & Florence Swallow Pt. #1 & Camp 4,500. Swallow Pt. Back Lot #23 200. Conant, Gilman W. & Kathryn H. Kona Lots 8, 9, Camp & Boathouse 12,000. Kona Back Lot 200. Conant, Richard D. Lot 2A & Camp, Braun Bay 5,000. Condit, Jotham R. Kanasatka, Land & Bldgs. 5,000. Conley, Raymond S. & Ruth S. Red Hill Land 300. Constantine, Guy R. Toltec Lot #7 1,500. Conway, Marie I. Castle Shores Lot #11A & Camp 6,500. Cook, Beatrice 3 Parcels Land & Bldgs., Kent Island 8,000. Garage on Main Land 200. Cook, Dorothy T. Red Hill Land 200. Cook, Horace G. Eagle Shores Lot #21 & Camp 3,500. Coolidge, Ellen O. Portion "Long Island," Squam 500. Cooper, Gerald C. & Marion M. Shaker Jerry Lot & Camp 5,000. Copp, Lionel & Pearliss Hattie Dow Land 100. Copp, Grace M. Dan Mason Land & Bldgs. 2,000.

T39 Non-Resident - 1968

Land on opposite side of road 1,000. Corbin, Arthur L. Jr. Redding" Lane Land & Bldgs. 25,000. Second Neck Back Land 800. Corby, William S. Est. Lot #7 "Shady Corners," B.P.C.C. 14,000. Core, Inc. Land, N. Side Osgood Hill Rd. 1,500. Correll, Stephen W. & Sylvia W. Wyman Lot 3,000. Corkran, Elizabeth G. Land & Bldgs., B.P.C.C. 16,000. Corliss, Haven E. Duck Trap Cove Lot 100. Costa, Alexander & Ruth E. & Vaugh, Everett L. & Ruth L. Eagle Shores Land & Camp 5,000. Grassy Pond Lot 1,500. Coston, Henry E. & Christine Ferry Rd. Back Lot 200. Cotton, Ellsworth W. & Gloria Stanyan Land & Trailer 4,000. Couschene, Francis B. Land & Bldgs., Severance Rd. 3,000. Coughlan, James S. & Alice J. Ferry Shores Lot #28 & Camp 4,000. Cousens, Norman W. & Alice Evergreen Island & Camp 1,500. Cowdrey, Rev. Arthur R. & Alice M. Land & Camp, Bean Rd. 1,000. Cox, W. Ryland & Ruth W. Redding Lane House Lots 1, 2 1,000. Crabtree, William C. & Sylvia H. F. Smith Lot 5 & Bldg. 5,000. Craig, Donald F. & Priscilla C. Kona Estates Lot #29 & Camp 9,000. Craigue, Hugh A. & Nancy R. Alpine Park Land & Camp 6,500. Crain, Katrine Coe Lot #8 & Bldgs., Redding Lane 4,000. Crawford, Frederick W. & Mabel L. Greene's Basin Lot & Bldgs. 4,500. Avery Land & Camp, Greene's Basin 4,500. Creelman, William A. & Frances M. Winaukee Ext. #10 & Camp 6,000. Crocker, Samuel & Katherine Elkins Land & Bldgs. 14,000. Croft, Joseph Lot #30, Long Pt. Rd. 200. Crosby, John F. & Rita H. Haller Shore Lot #12A & Camp 4,000. T40 Non-Resident - 1968

Cross, Charles E. & Jean W. Leaward Shores Lot #17 2,000. Leaward Shores Lot #16 & Camp 4,500. Crtla Realty Corp. Hermit Cove Park Lot #6 & Camp 1,600. Crumb, Donald E. & Martha J. Goodhue Lot #1 & Bldgs. 4,500. 1st Guest House 1,000. 2nd Guest House 1,500. Cronin, Thelma Swallow Bay Back Lot #13 & Camp 3,000. Swallow Bay Back Lot #14 500. Swallow Bay Back Lot #12 500. Crowell, Catherine Kanasatka Land & Camp 2,500. Crowell, Gerow G. Jr. & Marilyn R. Muldoon Lot #5C & Camp 1,700. Crowell, Gerow G. Sr. & Jessie W. Muldoon Lot #5D 200. Cullity, John F. & Anne M. Goodhue Shores Lot #2 & Camp 5,000. Cummings, Raymond C. & Eileen M. Lot on Badger Island 200. Curtis, William H. Smith Lot #1 & Camp 5,500. Currier, Janice D. & Jean A. Blackwell Toltec Lot #9 & Camp 2,800. Cusiter, George C. & Nancy E. Raoul's Cove Lots 5, 6 & Bldgs. 3,500. Back Lots 5B, 6B 400. Cutting, Howard H. & Valeta P. Garnet Pt. Lot & Camp 3,500. Czaja, Alexander & Victoria Morrison Cove Lots 3, 4, Bldgs., & 2 Trailers 5,500. Curda, Louise & Eleanor W. Kona Lot #3 & Camp 3,500. Damberg, Harold R. & Anne Castle Shores Lot #83C & Camp 4,200. Dane, Ernest B. Jr. Camp & Boathouse, Alpine Park 3,500. Hatfield Land 2,000. Alpine Park Land 20,000. "San Marco" Camp on point 6,000. "Camp Pinetta" 3,000. Dane, Edward Canney Lot, Red Hill 500. Charles Horne Pasture 1,500. Penniman Pasture 500. S. F. Emery Wood Land 500.

T41 Non-Resident - 1968

Wood Lot, Red Hill 500. Wood & Pasture Land 500. Bean & Sturtevant Land 500. Day, Martha Larson Em George Sap Yard 100. Davenport, Wilbor B. & Joan P. Windermere Lot #7 & Camp 7,000. Davis, Clyde & Natalie Castle Shores Lot #96 & Camp 3,000. Davis, Frank L. Orton Back Lot 200. Davis & Hoyt, Inc. Land & Bldgs. at Von Hurst 3,500. Davis, Leon A. Kona Lot #4 & Bldgs. 7,000. Kona Back Land 200. Davis, Harry L. J. A. Greene Land 200. Davis, Elsie K. Touraine Lot #4 & Camp 3,500. Davis, Leo E. & Virginia L. Lot & Camp on Neck 500. Davison Construction Co. Kona Land & Bldgs. 38,000. Dearborn, Allen & Janice Gansy Island Land & Camp 500. Dearborn, Barbara Blackey Cove Lot #5D 2,000. Decatur, Verne M. & Crystal Lot & Camp, Red Hill Rd. 300. Dederick, Harold & Gertrude Smith Lot & Camp 6,000. Dee, Johnny & Muriel L. Redding Lane Lot #11B & Camp 5,500. N. half Lot #12 2,000. Delangis, Fides & Rita L. Buzzell's Cove Lot #5, Camp & Boathouse 4,200. Delaney, George F. & Isabel M. Leach Homestead 2,500. Demers, Felix & Florence Haller Lots 10, 10A & Camp 5,500. Dennison, Mrs. Henry D. Wentworth Shore Lot & Camp 3,000. Detra, Ralph W. & Charlesanna F. Tecumseh Lot #2 & Camp 6,000. Dever, John W. & Regina E. Kanasatka Land & 2 Camps 5,000. Dexter, Margaret B. High Heath Land & Camp 7,500.

T42 Non-Resident - 1968

Devlin, George P. & Audrey A. Raoul's Cove Lot #11 & Camp 3,000. Dick, Kenneth P. & Elsie L. Kanasatka Land & Bldgs. 3,300. Dickis, Paul A. & Virginia E. Hauser Estates Lot #3D & Camp 4,000. Dingier, Norman & Ethel & George & Ethel Dudzik Coe Lot #12 & Camp 2,500. Dingier, Norman & Ethel N. half Lot 13A, Lot 11B 400. Dietrich, E. George Silver Pt. Land, Camp & 2 Rental Cottages 8,500. Dionne, Henri Hermit Cove Back Lot #5 & Camp 1,800. Di Donato, Louis C. & Mary A. Buzzell's Cove Lot, Camp & Boathouse 5,500. Di Rienza, John & Isabella K. Kanasatka Lot #5 & Camp 3,000. Dobrowski, Matthew & Helen Castle Shores Lot #51 & Camp 4,000. Dodd, Dale V2 Int. Far Echoes Lot #16 & Camp 2,500. V2 Int. Far Echoes Lot #18 1,000. Dodge, Priscilla Far Echoes Land & Camp 7,000. Dolan, James & Rosemary Ferry Shores Lot #29 & Camp 6,000. Ferry Shores Back Lot #28 200. Doherty, Marguerite M. Grassy Pond Lot #1 & Camp 4,000. Dole, Henrietta Lot #2 & Camp, Tibbetts Prop. 5,500. Dow, Chester D. Orton Back Lot #31 200. Dow, Wayne A. Orton Back Lot #17 200. Dow, Martha L. George Greene Lot 200. Dow, Don L. Orton Back Lot #43 200. Dow, Stephan R. Orton Back Lot #45 200. Downs, Clifford & Winifred Gansy Island Land & Camp 1,500. Dragelin, Rev. John E. & Marion C. Deerhaven Lot #18 & Camp 3,000. Drake, Alice Southerlee Shores Lot #7 & Camp 5,500. Duhamel, Donald Y. & Christine A. Long Pt. Back Lots 8, 9 400. T43 Non-Resident - 1968

Duhamel, Roger & Helen Long Pt. Rd. Lot 200. Dunlap, John F. Jr. & Marjorie E. Castle Shores Lot #79 & Camp 5,500. Duren, Alice Eagle Shore Lot & Camp 3,500. Duren, Everett & Nancy Asquam Lot #7, Block 5, Section 4 200. Durgin, Kenneth B. & Hazel B. Avon Shores Lot #6 1,500. Duggan, John W. & Ina K. Beede Lot & Camp 4,500. Dugan, Edith Figg Lot #4 & Bldgs., B.P.C.C. 12,000. Vz Lot #5 & Bldgs., B.P.C.C. 6,000. Dunning, Benjamin F. & Ella P. Orton Lot #37 & Camp 2,200. Orton Back Lot #39 200. Dustin, Cedric H. Jr. & Eleanor M. Warner Lot & Camp 4,500. Warner Lot 1,500. Wentworth Shore Lot & Camp 3,000. Dueterman, David Squam Lake Land 5,000. Dzevelswcki, Marjorie R. & Eleanor T. Ronco Parcel 1 Blake Land 600. Parcel 2 Blake Land 400. Eades, John F. VanWinkle Land & Bldgs. 8,200. Eastburn, Phyllis Castle Shores Lot #62 & Camp 6,500. Eaton, Robert A. & Meredith V. Tilton Land 200. Eaton, Robert I. & Shirley H. Far Echoes Lot #91 & Bldgs. 3,500. Edwards, Leonard C. & Barbara G. Trail's End Lot #40 & Camp 4,500. Back Lot, opposite #40 200. Edgerly, Albert & Wilda Winaukee Lot #4 & Camp 3,500. Edson, Fern G. Camp, Hanson Pt. 2,000. Ellis, Margaret Orton Back Lot #3 & Camp 2,800. Elliott, Co. Lowell Winaukee Lot #12 & Bldgs. 4,000. Elliott, William E. & Grace S. Kanasatka Lot #13 & Camp 3,000. Southern half Lot 13A & 10B 400.

T44 Non-Resident - 1968

Elliott, Richard B. & Jean S. Winaukee Ext. Lot #11 & Bldgs. 3,500. Elliott, William G. & Joyce Asquam Lots 3, 4, Block 2, Section 4 400. Elkins, Elizabeth D. B.P.C.C. Land, Camp & Boathouse 25,000. Draper Lot 3,000. Ely, Kenyon B. "Little Six Mile" Island & Camp 1,500. Emery Development Corp. Deerhaven Lot #23 & Camp 3,000. Eldridge, Robert N. & Phyllis Kona Estates Lot #33 & Camp 8,500. Englund, Thurston G. & Alice M. Castles Shores Lot #70 & Camp 4,000. Emerson, Denley W. Buzzell's Cove Land 2,500. Land & Bldgs., Rte. 25 3,500. Tilton Homestead, Rte. 109 2,000. Enstrom, Axel R. & Eleanor M. Swallow Pt. Lot #3 & Camp 4,500. Enstrom, Richard M. & Hedwig Swallow Pt. Back Lot #22 & Camp 2,500. Estano, Charles K. & N. Gail Toltec Lot #39 Camp 2,000. Evans, John J. Jr. Land & Bldgs., Squam 8,500. Evans, Jesse & Maude Coe Lot #1 & Bldgs., Kanasatka 2,800. Kanasatka Back Lot 8B 200. Kanasatka Lot 11A 200. Eynon, Dr. Harold K. & Sara F. Winaukee Lot #7 & Camp 5,200. Fahey, Dr. Robert & Margaret S. Swallow Pt. Lot #12 & Camp 3,500. Fair, George W. & Arlene C. Leaward Shores Lot #9 & Camp 3,500. Fairclough, Mae A. Bryant Land 500. D. Worthen Land & Bldgs. 1,500. Farina, Evelyn Hoyt Homestead 1,600. "Owl's Nest" Camp 300. Fairbrother, Raymond M. & Jane B. Leaward Shores Lot #19 & Camp 4,000. Fan Specialists of N. H. Inc. Kona Lot # 2B 2,000. Fay, Charles J. & Helen K. Castle Shores Lot & Camp 4,000.

T45 Non-Resident - 1968

Fedus, Petro & Alia Lot on W. side L. I. 4,500. Feeley, Frank J. & Joanna Buzzell's Cove Land, Camp & Guesthouse 4,500. Felker, Helen Tilton Land 100. Ferrick, Robert Deer Crossing Lot #1 & Camp 2,800. Deer Crossing Back Lot #11 200. Ferguson, Thomas C, Mary B., Ralph E., Genevieve Adams Lot #16 & Bldg. 4,000. Adams Lot #7 200. Finnegan, Cornelius F. & Mary T. Tanglewood Lot #9 & Camp 5,000. Finny, Gordon W. & Elizabeth M. Trail's End Lot #12 & Camp 5,000. Fischer, Donald G. & Leontine Orton Back Lot #13 & Camp 2,800. Orton Back Lot #14 200. Orton Back Lot #16 200. Fitch, Nathan A. Stanyan Lot #3 & Bldg. 4,000. Fisher, Gardner Land, Bean Rd., 2 Trailers 1,700. Fletcher, William & Dorothy Eagle Shores Lot #6 & Bldg. 3,500. Floyd, Grant & Regina Hermit Cove Land & Bldg. 3,500. Flynn, Bernardine L. y2 Int. Fahr Island 800. Foley, Maurice P. & Susan M. Island & Bldg. East of L. I. Bridge 2,000. Land, Intersection Watson & Farm Rd. 100. Fogg, Robert E. & Esther Hemlock Pt. Island & Camp 1,500. Foote, David S. & Kathryn J. Land & Bldg., L. I. 4,500. Fontaine, Hector W. & Vera I. Beede Shores, % Lot #11, V2 Lot #12 & Bldgs. 4,000. Forbes, Ruth K. Redding Lane Lot #1 1,200. Redding Lane Lot #2 & Bldgs. 4,200. Steamboat Landing Lot 3,000. Hauser Lot #15, Cook's Pt. 4,000. Forsberg, Rev. Theodore G. Wentworth Shore Lot 2,000. Ford, Kay Muldoon Back Lot #5B & Bldg. 2,000.

T46 Non-Resident 1968

Foster, Frederick H. & Mary- Windermere Lot #15 & Bldgs. 5,500. Foster, Richard W. & Elizabeth R. Bessie Buxton Land & Bldgs. 3,000. Sumner Coe Land 200. Lee's Mills Pond Shore 500. Red Hill River 300. Burleigh Moulton Land 800. Bartlett Land, Garland Pond 500. Lot #1, Garland Pond 1,000. Foster, Charles F.

Harry Brown Land & Bldg . 3,500. Foster, Leonard M. & Esther P. Hauser Estates 6B & Bldg. 6,500. Fournier, Edgar C. Lee's Mills Land & Bldg. 1,500. Fournier, Robert & Marguerite Castle Shores Lot #7 & Camp 3,000. Fox, Richard A. & Barbara Brown Land & Bldg., L. I. 6,000. Fox, John F. Kanasatka Lot #5 & Bldg. 3,500. Franconia Paper Corp. Ossipee Valley Land 500. G. K. Howard Land 5,000. Franke, George A. & Evelyn M. Lot #1, R2 Red Hill 200. Franzek, John J. Castle Shores Lot #34 & Bldg. 3,000. Castle Shores Lot #5 1,500. Franre, Richard D. & Marilyn H. Portion of Lots 5 & 6, Senna Land 1,500. Frazer, Delores Mason Land & Bldg. 500. Freeman, Bradford N. & Ethel S. Greene's Basin Lot 1,200. Freeman, Everett H. & Harold E. Smith Fox Hollow Lot & Bldg. 2,000. Fox Hollow Lot 800. French, Frederick N. & Barbara H. Leaward Shores Lot #64 & Bldg. 3,000. Frizzell, Robert W. & Caroline Castle Shores Lot #73 1,500. Frizzell, Albert Castle Shores Lot #74 & Camp 3,500. Fritzsche, Hellmut & Sybelle Eagle Sands Lot #2 & Bldg. 5,000. Fraehlich, Joseph N. & Anna M. Leaward Shores Back Lot & Camp 1,500.

T47 Non-Resident - 1968

Fromberg, Vivian Kona Lot #17, Bldg. & Guesthouse 9,500. Frost, Edgar L. & Heloise Boody Farm & Bldgs., L. I. 2,500. Frost, Stanley S. & Beryl M. Raoul's Cove Lot #18 & Camp 3,000. Raoul's Cove Lot #19 1,200. Frye, Roy L. & Rita A. Shaker Jerry Land, Bldg. 6,500. Frye, Gilman & Veronica Swallow Pt. Lot #15 & Bldg. 4,500. Fullertown, Anna F. Avon Shores Lot #2, Kanasatka 1,500. Gabrielson, Samuel I. & Lillian S. Kona Lot #1A & Bldg. 4,000. Gager, Forrest L. George Grune Land & Bldgs. 10,000. Gagnon, Alphie W. & Jean S. Ferry Shores Lot #34 & Bldgs. 4,000. Ferry Shores Back Lot 200. Gamans, Lloyd Coe Lane Lot & Bldg. 3,500. Gardner, Ralph E. & June S. Paine & Sturtevant Land & Bldgs. 1,500. Gardiner, Norma E. Toltec Lot #8 & Bldg. 2,500. Gardiner, Walter J. & Marjorie Gibson Land & Bldgs. 4,000. Geery, Walter A. & Ruth C. Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldg. 3,000. Wentworth Shore Back Lot 200. Gentry, James S. & Olive M. Eva Dow Lot #4 & Bldgs. 1,000. Gelinas, Nerie J. & Aurora Watson Shores Lot #20 & Boathouse 2,200. Watson Shores Lot #19 & Bldgs. 3,200. Germain, Ronald O. & John C. Lonergan Kona Land & Bldgs. 8,500. Gevoni, Vincent & Adele Kinnon Place, Rte. 25 2,000. Genova, F. Peter & Grace Mason Meadow, Berry Pond 300. Jonas Berry Land 200. Gersenhainer, Elizabeth L. Richardson Lot 4A & Bldg. 3,300. Richardson Shore Lot 1,500. 2 Back Lots 400. Gibson, Arnold R. Little Gansy Island & Bldg. 600.

T48 Non-Resident - 1968

Gicca, Francis A. & Joan A. Eagle Shore Lot & Bldg. 4,000. Gilfoy, A. Victor & Richard Sheppard Clark Wentworth Farm 16,000. Gilman, Wilbert M. (Trustee for Norway Pt. Land) Kona Farm Land 12,000. Kona Back Land 5,000. Gilman, Wilbert M. Cottage on Norway Pt. 2,800. Gilman, Martin A. & Mildred H. West Pt. Rd. Land, Bldg. & Guesthouse 5,000. Greene's Basin Lot 1,500. Gillis, Frank Jr. & Claire A. Echo Harbor Back Lot #97 & Bldgs. 2,500. Girard, Maurice J. & Rachel M. Part of Lot #3 Kanasatka & Bldg. 2,500. Given, Philip Jr. & Janet F. Cottage on Garnet Pt. 1,500. Glasser, Louise W. Ferry Shores Lot #8 & Bldg. 4,700. Ferry Shores Back Lot 200. Ferry Shores Lot #4 2,000. Ferry Shores Lot #5 2,000. Gleason, Arthur B. & Josephine R. Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldg. 3,800. Glavine, James M. Toltec Lot #40 & Bldg. 3,000. Godbout, Raymond W. & Louise A. Shore Lot, Morrison Cove 2,000. Godwin, Charles J. & Margaret Kanasatka Land & Bldg. 3,500. Goedeeke, Herbert & Grace Kona Lot #21 & Bldgs. 6,000. Kona Back Lot 200. Godfroy, Raoul & Doris Hermit Cove Back Lot #7 & Bldg. 1,800. Golab, Joseph S. & Mary T. Trail's End Lot #9 & Camp 5,000. Goldthwait, Charles S. & Elizabeth Longshire & E. L. Rickis V2 Int. Alpine Park Land & Bldgs. 2,500. Goldstein, Louis & Edith Kona Lot #5 & Bldg. 6,000. Goodman, William B. Ill & Frances B. Goodhue Shore Lot #4 & Bldgs. 4,500. Goodhue Shore Lot #3 3,000. Goode, Mrs. Frederick D. Jr. Hatfield Land & Bldgs. 6,000. Harvard Land & Bldgs. 1,000. Goode, Blanche Castle Shores Lot #38 & Bldg. 3,000. T49 Non-Resident - 1968

Goodell, Paul Jr. F. Smith Lot #3 4,000. Goodwin, William & Margaret Bishop Shores Lot #16 & Bldg. 3,000. Back Lot #23 200. Bishop Shores Lot #17 1,500. Back Lot #22 200. % Lot #18, Kanasatka 1,000. V2 Back Lot #21 100. Goodwin, John F. & Ruth J. Braun Bay Lot #2 2,000. Braun Bay, western half of Lot #1 2,000. Land, Lee's Mills 500. Goodwin, Louise Lot & Bldg., Kona 1,000. Gonnam, Richard W. & Florence E. Watson Shores Lot #13 & Bldg. 3,500. Gosnell, John Kona Lot #30 & Camp 7,500. Kona Back Lot #29 200. Gott, Rodney C. Harvard Camp Land & Bldg. 15,000. Gonzoules, Winston E. & Louise D. Haller Shore Lot 4B & Bldg. 3,500. Gowing, Henry A. & Marjorie M. Winaukee Ext. Lot #3 & Bldg. 3,500. Goyette, Aime Hermit Cove Back Lot #4 & Bldg. 2,000. Goyette, Leo E. & Germaine R. Hermit Cove Back Lot #13 & Bldg. 1,400. Graff, W. Harris & Hope H. Ferry Shores Lot #2 & Bldgs. 5,000. Graff, William C. & Florence K. V2 Lot #12 & Bldg., Oak Landing 4,000. Graham, William Hermit Cove Lot #17 & Bldg. 4,500. Graham, Vincent J. & Florence M. Orton Back Lot #9 & Bldg. 2,000. Graham, Vincent Orton Back Lot #8 200. Graham, Robert y2 Shore Lot, Kimball Prop. 1,000. Graham, Robert F. & Margaret S. Orton Back Lot #47 & Camp 2,000. Orton Back Lot #49 200. Graham, John F. & Helen Starke Lot #6 & #7, Blake Rd. 200. Grady, Kathryn M. Land & Bldgs., Berry Pond 2,000.

T50 Non-Resident - 1968

Grappone, Robert M. & Elizabeth A. Swallow Pt. Lot #7 & Bldgs. 5,200. John Grappone Inc. Kona Lot #18 & Camp 7,000. Kona Lot #16 & Backland 4,000. Gray, Walter B. & Beatrice Eagle Sands Lot #6 & Bldgs. 5,000. Gray, Philip F. Jr. & Carolyn G. Elmer Berry Land & Bldgs. 3,000. Graves, Alice B. Theodore Brown Land & Bldgs. 6,000. Great Northern Land Development Corp. Land & Bldgs., Wakondah 8,000. Greene, Franklin L. L. I. Land, Bldgs., & Boathouse 5,500. Greene, Rev. Frank E. Toltec Lot #28 1,500. Tea Rock Camp 2,000. Greene, Franklin E. & Lois M. Toltec Lot #51 1,500. Green, Charles H. & Theresa C. Grassy Pond Lot #8 & Bldg. 3,500. y2 Lot #7 Grassy Pond 1,000. Green, Charles E. & Florence Grassy Pond Lot #6 & Bldg. 4,700. y2 Lot #7, Grassy Pond 1,000. Green, Charles E. & Charles H. Back Land, E. side of Grassy Pond Rd. 200. Greenfield, Mary E. Robbins Land & Bldg., Kent Island 2,500, y2 Garage, Bean Rd. 200. Greenwalt, Robert R. & Jeanne Far Echoes Lot #1 & Bldg. 5,500. Greenwood, John E. & Martha H. Moore Land, Shaker Jerry 1,500. Grevior, Archie & Helen S. Orton Back Lot #26 & Bldg. 1,800. Gregson, Charles A. Lot #5C, Redding Lane 2,000. Winaukee Back Land 200. Redding Lane Back Land 1,000. Gribbell, John II & Natalie B.P.C.C. Land, Bldgs. & Boathouse 22,000. B.P.C.C. Land & Cottage 7,000. Marble Prop. & Bldgs. 3,000. Grover, Elliott B. & Marion B. Tanglewood Shores Lot #1 & Bldgs. 4,500. Gross, Saul & Faye Kona Lot #19, Bldgs. & Guesthouse 8,000.

T51 Non-Resident - 1968

Guay, Albert B. & Marian A. Lot 3, 4 & Bldgs., Clark's Landing 13,500. Gulf Oil Corp. Pumps & Tanks 1,400. Gufert, William J. & Kathaleen S. Long Pt. Land & Bldgs. 5,200. Gullberg, George A. & Marie V. Land & Bldg., Rte. 25 500. Gurney, Margaret A. Alexander Land, High Haith 300. Gustafson, Gustaf & Elin M. Redding Lane Lot #4C & Bldgs. 4,500. Gitchess, Franklin L. & Jocelyn Fleming Land, Sheridan Rd. 100. Guyette, George F. & Dorothy R. y2 Int. Fahr Land 800. Guzzi, Francis J. & Janet R. Lot #2, Block 7, Sec. 4, Asquam Lake Development Corp 200. Haas, Bruce E. & Brigitte F. Deercrossing Lot #9 & Bldgs. 3,000. Hagan, Margaret G. Castle Shores Lot #64 & Bldg. 6,500. Halfman, Howard W. Lots #3, 4, 5 & 6 Back Land, Mustapha Sub-Div. 5,500. Haftkowich, George Lots 22, 23 Block 5, Sec. A., Asquam Lake Development 400. Hakins, Ruth M. Ozone Island & Bldg. 700. Haines, Edward F. & Virginia Land & Bldg., Rte 25 2,200. Halfrey, Ethel R. Toltec Lot #48 & Bldg. 3,200. Hall, John S. Land & Bldg., Emerson's Island 1,500. Hall, Dorothy K. Kendall Lot #19 & Bldg. 5,500. Gilman or Glines Island 2,000. Hall, Kendall W. & Richard H. Carrie Hancock Land 200. Kendall Lot #13, 2 Cottages 6,000. Hallowell, William J. Ill & Mandi A. Braun Bay Lot #7B & Bldgs. 5,200. Haller, C. W. Shore Lot #27 & Bldgs. 5,500. Hamke, Victor L. & Ardilia H. Kona Lot #31 & Camp 6,500. Hamilton, Stewart W. Est. Land & Bldgs., Garnet Pt. 4,000. T52 Non-Resident - 1968

Hamilton, Ethel Langdon Cove Land & Bldg. 6,000. Hamilton, Peter B. Tecumseh Shore Lot #12 4,000. Tecumseh Back Lot #22 500. Hamilton, William G. Jr. & Elizabeth Jane Elkins Land & Cottage, B.P.C.C. 11,000. Elkins Land 300. Hamilton, William G. Ill Tecumseh Shore Lot #13 4,000. Tecumseh Back Lot #21 500. Hanchett, Richard G. & Marjorie G. Wyman Lot #1 & Bldgs. 4,500. Hanna, Mr. & Mrs. Wassfy M. Deer Crossing Lot #6 & Bldgs. 3,000. Hansen, Evelyn Whitlow Land & Bldgs., B.P.C.C. 5,000. Harper, Howard L. & Eunice Haller Lot 7B & Bldgs. 5,000. Harding, Edward H. Harvard Camp Lot #2, Camp & Guesthouse 6,500. Hargraves, Winifred Land, East Moultonboro 500. Hargrove, Philip L. & Marguerite E. Leaward Shores Lot #20 & Bldgs. 4,500. Harmes, John M. Richardson Shores Lot #3 & Bldgs. 3,500. Harkness, John C. & Sarah P. Singing Eagle Lodge Land 4,500. Harmon, R. F. Est. Lots 2, 3 Range 9 400. Lee Lot 100. Webster Lot 100. y2 Lot #27 100. Harrington, George H. & Peter J. Eagle Sands Lot #3 & Bldgs. 6,000. Harrington, Shirley M. Orton Back Lot #10 & Bldgs. 2,500. Harrison, Alfred W. & Mark K. Muldoon Lot #5G & Bldgs. 1,700. Muldoon Lot #5H 200. Harris, Col. Edward M. High Haith Land & Bldgs. 5,000. High Haith Back Land 200. Harris, Robert B. & Marcia W. Brown Land, Parcel F & Bldg. 5,500. Hart, Rev. Sinclair D. & Nancy W. Tecumseh Lot #8 & Bldgs. 5,500.

T53 Non-Resident - 1968

Hart, Cyril S. & Anna B. Kona Lot #10 & Bldgs. 9,500. Kona Lot #11 4,000. Hart, Benjamin T. & Lily D. Island & Bldg. off Haley Pt. 1,500. Hartford, Clark R. & Lucy y2 Lot #2 & Bldgs., Ayers Shores 3,500. Hartshorne, Edwin Eagle Shores Lot #7 & Bldgs. 3,500. Hartshorne, Richard Hartshorn Island & Camp 1,600. Hartshorne, Richard Jr., John F., Penelope & Nancy Bell Gun Island & Small gore from I.C.R.E. 600. Hartshorn, Stewart High Haith Land & Bldgs. 15,000. Hatcher, William & Ruth H. Clark's Landing Back Lot & Bldg. 1,000. Haueisen, Frank & Ruth Redding Lane Lot #6B & Bldgs. 4,500. Haven, Gilman W. & Aileen Lot #13, Cook's Pt. 3,000. Lot #35 & Bldgs., Cook's Pt. 8,000. Lot #36 A 2,000. Haviland, H. Field Jr. & Barbara B. Singing Eagle Lodge & Bldgs. 15,000. Hawkens, Blanche Wentworth Shore Lot 1,500. Hawkenson, Lloyd W. & Virginia L. Kona Land & 2 Camps 12,000. Hayden, Helen y2 Lot #27 & Bldgs., Deerhaven 2,500. Dow Land & Cottage 2,500. Haynes, G. Arnold & Carol C. Kona Lot #23 & Bldgs. 9,000. Kona Lot #22 3,000. Hauger, William L. & Irene J. Haller Lot #15, Part of 14 & Bldgs. 5,500. Hayward, John G. & Helen Kona Lot #32 & Bldgs. 8,500. Kona Lot #33 1,000. Hazen, Harold L. Cottage, Norway Pt. 3,000. Hazeltine, Stearl F. & Edith M. Tanglewood Shores lot #2 & Camp 5,000. Heald, Henry M. & Muriel D. "Sandy Cove" Cottages, Kanasatka 11,000. Healy, Rev. Joseph W. Hauser Estates Lot #24 & Bldgs. 10,000. Hebert, Frederick H. & Mary L. State's Landing Lot & Bldg. 800. T54 Non-Resident - 1968

Hedblom, Byron C. Land & Bldgs., Bean Rd. 2,000. Heeley, Amanda Goodhue Lot #10 & Bldgs. 5,000. Hennigar, Howard W. & Sybil Avon Shores Lot #8 & Bldgs. 3,000. Hendrickson, Carlyle Jr. & Dorothy W. Hauser Estates Lot #25 & Bldg. 9,000. Henze, Richard W. & Jean W. Buzzell's Cove Lot & Bldgs. 4,500. Hern, Cyril C. Castle Shores Lot #98 & Bldg. 2,200. Hermit Cove Park Inc. Back Land 1,000. Herrick, Erwin P. Part of Lot #29, Eagle Shores 2,000. Herrick, C. Edward & Rachel E. Orton Lot #33 & Bldg. 2,500. Orton Lot #52 & Bldgs. 2,000. Orton Lot #54 & Bldgs. 2,000. Orton Lot #46 & Bldg. 2,000. Orton Back Lot #34 200. Hetherington, Christy I. & Helena M. Back Lot #42, Far Echoes Harbor 200. Heston, Herbert M. & Mary J. Kona Lot #8, Bldg., & Guesthouse 7,000. Hiatt, Albert & Marguerite Deerhaven Lot #25 & Bldg. 3,500. Deerhaven Lot #26 & Boathouse 2,200. Hill, Charles C. & Grace D. Hermit Cove Lot & Bldg. 3,500. Hilton, Jean B. "Camp Plumfield" Land & Bldgs. 14,000. Dow Island property & Bldg. 3,200. Part of Cora Davis Land 300. Dow Island Lot 1,000. Hilton, Ted & Helen Batchelder Farm Bldgs. & 3 Cabins 15,600. Hilton, Ted B. Dow Island Lot 1,000. Hinners, Robert & Virginia Castle Shores Lot #18 & Bldg. 3,000. Hingston, Daniel G. & Barbara J. Orton Back Lot #41 200. Hires, Peter Tecumseh Shore Lot #17 4,000. Hoag, John P. Jr. & Marjorie G. Harvard Camp Lot #2 & Bldgs. 8,000. Hoagland, Charles C. & Ellen Redding Lane Lot #10 & Bldgs. 5,000. T55 Non-Resident - 1968

Hoch, Russell W. Bryant's Pt. Land, Bldgs. 2,500. Pinehurst Island 1,000. Hochfleiger Ski Club Land & Bldgs., Kona 5,000. Hodsdon, George W. & Evelyn H. Kona Lot #4 & Bldgs. 8,500. Hoffman, Leroy W. & Joan M. Castle Shores Lot #4 & Bldg. 5,000. Holland, Theodore A. & Fannie F. Goodhue Lot #13 & Bldg. 5,500. Leaward Shores Lot #14 2,000. Holland, Robert T. & Bernardette Orton Shores Lot #14 & Bldg. 3,600. Holleran, Edward F. Orton Back Lot #50 & Bldg. 2,500. Orton Back Lot #48 200. Holmes, Donald H. & Barbara H. Toltec Lot #10 & Bldgs. 2,800. Holdridge, Harold M. & Margaret S. Toltec Lot #45 & Bldgs. 2,800. Holopainen, Franciska M. Ferry Shores Lot #23 & Bldgs. 4,800. Ferry Shores Lot #22 2,000. Ferry Shores Lot #24 1,000. Holtsberg, Elizabeth A. Winaukee Ext. Lot #2 & Backland 3,000. Holzman, Franklin P. Kanasatka Lot #1 & Camp 3,500. Hopkins, Leonard W. & Eleanor B. Clark's Landing Lot & Bldgs. 5,500. Horace, Robert J. & Ellen M. Kanasatka Lots 6, 7 & Bldgs. 2,000. Kanasatka Back Lots 6A, 7A 400. Horan, Philip M. Jr. & Cynthia C. Windermere Lot #11 & Bldgs. 6,000. Home, Dr. Arnold R. Toltec Lot #24 1,500. Home, Herbert G. Wyman Lot & Bldg. 2,000. Home, Herbert J. & Mildred D. Hattie Dow Land 100. Hosker, Eugene F. & Pauline W. Alpine Park Lot & Bldgs. 5,500. Honldsworth, Ronald & Marjorie E. Deerhaven Lot #24 & Bldgs. 3,000. Hovey, Charles F., Trustees Yard Island, Squam 1,000.

T56 Non-Resident - 1968

Howard, William E. & Rita B. Toltec Lot #26 & Bldg. 2,500. Toltec Back Lot #52 200. Howard, Jane G. Ayers Lots 7, 8 & Bldgs. 7,000. Howard, William & Muriel y2 Lot #27 & Bldg., Deerhaven 2,500. Howard, James E. & Pauline R. Mickelson Lot & Bldg. 3,000. Howard, E. Kenton & Norma R. Toltec Lot #25 & Bldg. 2,500. Howell, Rev. Joseph A. & Marion Koenig Lot #4 & 2&Bldgs. 9,000. Koenig Back Land 200. Howell, Hutson K. & Edna F. Kona Lot #4 & Bldgs. 7,000. Howell, Marion Helen Moore Lot #3 6,000. House, Elizabeth Far Echoes Lot #02 & Bldg. 5,500. Hoover, Harold L. & Catherine J. Blake Rd. Lot 100. Hoyt, Quentin E. & Cynthia C. Muldoon Lot #5F 200. Beckett Land 2,000. Hoyt, Gene M. Beckett Land 2,000. Hubbard, Alan & Esther Watson Shores Lot #22 & Camp 3,200. Huff, Earl H. & Frances T. Castle Shores Lot #36 & Camp 2,500. Huffard, Helen F. Lot & Bldgs., B.P.C.C. 14,000. Huffman, Francis M. B.P.C.C. Land 2,000. Hughes, Thomas A. & Thelma A. State's Landing Lot & Camp 2,000. Hughes, Esther S. Richardson Shores Lot & Camp 3,500. Hughes, Patrica Spectacle Island & Bldgs. 2,200. Hughes, Richard J. & Marilyn J. Deerhaven Lot #16 & Bldg. 4,500. Hull, Courtland R. Orton Back Lot #36 200. Hulse, Stewart H. & Katherine J. Southerlee Shores Lot #1 & Bldg. 4,500. Hunt, Mrs. Harold F. Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldg. 3,000.

T57 Non-Resident - 1968

Hunter, Ernest M. Orlando Richardson Lot 200. Thompson Land 300. Lot #4, R. 1, Ossipee Mt. 400. Treat Land 400. Hurlburt, Esther T. Richardson Lot & Camp 3,800. Ibraham, Ghazi Z. Orton Back Lots, 20, 21 400. Iondali, Frank P. & Nancy Leaward Shores Land & Bldgs. 8,500. Inglis, Don % Int. Wentworth Shore Lot #20 & Camp 1,500. Back Lot 200. Inglis, Russell Stark V2 Int. Wentworth Shore Lot #20 & Camp 1,500. Innis, Charles R. & Nancy P. Ferry Rd. Lot #., 1A & Camp 2,200. Ives, Wilfred & Constance Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldg. 4,000. Ives, John Richardson Shores Lot & Bldg. 3,000. Jacobsen, Carlyly F. Hulse Shore Lot #4 & Bldg. 4,500. Jacobsen, Harry O. & Florence W. Catlin Estates Lot 1A & Bldg. 5,000. Back Lot IB 200. Jackala, Arne J. Toltec Lot 4, 5 & Bldg. 3,500. Jackson, George F. & Margaret H. Kanasatka Lot 8A & Bldg. 3,000. Kanasatka Lot 5 B 200. Jackson, Donald Tanglewood Shores Lot #10 2,000. Janvrin, Walter A. Jr. Adams #10 & Bldg. 4,000. Adams Lots 11, 12 & 13 1,500. Adams Back Land 300. Jardine, Ernest E. & Marie B. Orton Back Lot #2 & Bldg. 2,200. Jarvis, Henry G. Jr. & Elizabeth Z. Land & Bldgs., Kent Island 5,500. % Garage, Bean Rd. 200. Jarmak, Jerry & Ruth Hauser Estates Lot 3B & Bldg. 5,000. Jendrasek, Joseph & Irene Castle Shores Lot #39 & Bldg. 3,200. Jones, Edith F. Land & Bldgs., B.P.C.C. 14,000.

T58 Non-Resident - 1968

Jones, Carl C. Braun Bay Land & Bldgs. 4,500. Johnson, Warren C. & Ruth E. Hermit Cove Lot #15 & Camp 3,500. Johnson, Earl K. & Yvonne L. Castle Shores Lot #19 & Bldg. 4,000. Johnson, Walter G. Trail's End Lot #16 & Bldg. 5,000. Johnson, Duncan Land & Bldg., State's Landing 800. Johnson, Henry O. Leaword Shores Lot #21 & Bldg. 4,000. Johnson, Karl & Mary Swallow Pt. Lot #2 & Bldg. 4,000. Johnson, Walter L. Deerhaven Lot #22, Bldgs. 4,500. Deerhaven Lot #21 2,000. Johnson, Thomas T. & Marjorie B. Campground & Bldgs. 2,000. Johnson, Margaret M. Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldg. 4,500. Johnston, Alfred Alpine Park Land & Bldg. 3,500. Jowdy, George & June Castle Shores Lot #57 & Camps 4,500. Jurczak, Thomas W. Orton Back Lot #19 200. Justice, Arthur M. & Eileen S. Fiske Land & Bldgs. 600. Woodman Land 200.

Kalmanoff , Dr. Herbert & Cathy Cone Island & Bldgs. 7,000. Ferry Shores Lot 3,000. Kaplan, Mildred Morrison Cove Bldgs. 2,000. y2 Int. Aldrich Land & Bldgs. 900. Kain, Dr. John F. & Josephine Far Echoes Lot #04 & Bldg. 5,000. Kahler, Amsden S. & George E. Brown Lot #5, Brown Est. Land 2,000. Brown Est. Back Land 300. Karchenes, William & Alice Redding Lane Lot #13B & Bldg. 5,000. Karlsen, William A. & Rena A. Blackey Cove Lot #4D & Bldg. 3,500. Kashulines, Martin J. & Doris L. Braun Bay Lot #5A & Bldg. 5,200. Keane, Edmund Ward Land 300.

T59 Non-Resident - 1968

Keefe, Donald B. Winaukee Ext. Lot #9 & Bldg. 3,500. Keegan, John D. & Evelyn M. Orton Back Lot #15 200. Keller, Dr. Stanley & Constance Orton Shores Lot #3 & Bldg. 5,000. V2 Orton Shores Lot #4 1,000. Kendall, Charles W. Lot #17 & Bldgs., Echo Farm 8,000. Echo Farm Lots 14, 15 4,000. Kerr, William G. & Alberta R. Azella Berry Land & Bldg. 1,800. Kidd, Marshall C. & Anne G. Kona Lot #24 & Bldg. 5,500. Kidder, Glenn M. Mason Lodge & Field 4,500. Killam, Kenneth A. & Ruth P. Hauser Estates Lot #26 4,000. Back Lot #26A 200. Kiley, John J. & Patrick K. Castle Shores Lot #67 & Bldg. 3,500. Kilburn, Floyd M. & Ruth Gardner Kilburn Land & Bldgs., Round Pond 2,500. Kilroy, James J. & Lillian R. Wyman Lot #39 & Bldgs. 4,500. Kimball, Richard H. & Frieda C. Wentworth Shore Lot & Camp 3,500. Willoughby, Bunker Land 200. Kimball, Edith Tilton Land 100. King, Rudolph F., Ethel P., Gordon P. & Charlotte S. Garnet Pt. & Bldg. 7,000. Kinney, Gil H. & Lillian F. Kona Lot #3 & Bldgs. 6,500. Kinney, Aldon M. Jr. & Marjorie A. Steamboat Landing Lot #3 & Bldgs. 7,000. Steamboat Landing Lot #2 3,500. Steamboat Landing Back Lot #10 500. Steamboat Landing Lot #4 2,000. Klem, Robert F. Wyman Shore Lot #27 3,500. Smith Lot, Bldgs. & Boathouse 6,000. Ferry Shores Back Land 1,000. Klemm, Edward A. Jr. & Irma F. Van, Trustees Goodhue Lot #11 & Bldgs. 5,500. Koenig, Walter L. Lot #7 & Bldgs., Tommy Lot 12,000. Klenke, Ranny A. &, Barbara C. Kanasatka Lot & Bldg. 2,500.

T60 Non-Resident - 1968

Koerber, Marguerite T. Eagle Shores Lot #10 & Bldg. 3,500. Koerner, Alfred Orton Back Lot #1 & Bldg. 1,500. Kotler, Frank H. Watson Shores Lot #21 & Bldg. 3,500. 2 Watson Back Lots 400. Kotnla, Alfred B. & La Verne E. Lot #14, West Pt. 500. Knapp, George P. Severance Land & Bldgs. 4,500. Kotrady, Paul & Dorothy- Castle Shores Lot #99 & Bldg. 3,500. Knecht, John L. & Joan F. Avon Shores Lot #3, Kanasatka 1,500. Krackenberg, Charles G. & Lily W. Kanasatka Land & Bldgs. 4,500. Kraines, Peter & Rose C. Kona Lot #9 & Bldgs. 9,000. Kretschmann, Wolfgang V2 Int. Beckett Land & Bldgs. 3,000. Krall, Dr. Leo P. & Lois J. Windermere Lot #26 & Bldg. 7,000. South Half Lot #27 2,000. Krauser, Charles R. & Bernard J. Forts Catlin Shores Lot #6 2,000. Catlin Shores Back Lot #10 200. Kurrelmeyer, Rudneph III Adams Lot #7 & Bldg. 3,500. Adams Back Lot 200. Labombarde, Philip D. Second Neck Land & Bldgs. 11,000. Lake Transportation, Inc. Post Office & Tenement 5,000. Lamoureux, Raymond A. Swallow Bay Back Lots 5,500. Lamoureux, Raymond A. & Cecile Hermit Cove Back Lot & Bldg. 2,000. Lamoureux, Leon Hermit Cove Back Lot #1 Trailer 700. Lamb, Sarah L. Milton Lord Land 400. Landrine, John P. & Esther G. Shaker Jerry Lot #9 & Bldgs. 3,500. Orton Back Lot #60 200. Lanergan, Mary B. Page Lot 100. LaPlante, Louise S. Land, Bean Rd. 200.

T61 Non-Resident - 1968

Lang, Joseph P. & Helen R. Toltec Lot #15 & Bldg. 2,800. Lanzer, Dr. Robert C. & Karen A. & Latt, Arvid M. & Wonda Clark's Landing Lot # Bldgs. 4,000. Larson, Clifford R. & Sandra E. Hermit Cove Lot #5 & Bldg. 2,800. Laskowsky, David & Arlene Nerbone Lot 500. Lautenberger, John Long Pt. Rd. Lot 200. Laupheimer, Curtis P. & Elizabeth H. B.P.C.C. Land 7,000. Lawlor, Harold J. & Mildred V. Von der Sump Shore Lot & Bldg. 5,000. Avon Shore Lots 4, 7, 9, 11 3,500. Lawson, James T. Jr. & Jeremy J. Winaukee Ext. Lot #1 & Bldg. 4,500. Lawton, John Big Goodwin Island #2 1,000. Leach, William W. Est. Kanasatka 3,500. Leach, Chester A. Blanchard Land 400. Learned, J. P. Catlin Estates Lot #5 & Bldgs. 5,500. Leavell, Willis J. & Delbert K. Miller James Bennett Place 4,000. Ledin, Ralph G. & Lucxaine C. Kona Lot #3 2,000. Kona Back Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 800. Swallow Bay Back Lot #15 & 2 Camps 4,000. Lee, Robert V. & Bertha C. Beede Shore Lot #17 & Bldg. 2,000. Leet, Theodore W. & Martha K. Toltec Lot #27 & Camp 2,800. Leger, Sumner J. & Ruth B. Winaukee Lot #4 & Bldg. 3,500. Lehmann, Ruby Greene's Basin Lot & Bldg. 3,500. Greene's Basin Lot 2,000. Lesmerises, Paul Lot & Bidg., Badger Island 1,500. Lengel, Albert J. & Dorothy E. Lot #3 & Bldg., Lunt sub-division 5,500. Leonard, Jack B. Summs Lot, Bean Rd. 200. Lescarbeau, Michael P. Morrill Prop. 1,000. Levings, Willard S. & Barbara K. Lot 4,000. Kona ; #20 T62 Non-Resident - 1968

Lewis, Gordon C. & Doris G. Pine Island & Bldg. 800. Lett, W. F. Land & Bldgs., Hanson Pt. 5,000. Libby, Carroll Grassy Pond Lot #3 & Bldg. 3,500. Libby, Albert H. & Barbara B. Part of Lot #82 & Bldg., Castle Shores 3,500. Lincoln, Alexander Jr. Koenig Lot #5, Squam 6,000. Lindquist, Paul A. Watson Shores Lot #18 & Bldg. 3,700. Watson Back Land 200. Linglebach, William E. Jr. Part of Cotton Farm Bldgs. & Boathouse 8,000. Linglebach, Barbara W. S. Emery Land & Cottage 5,000. Litcof, Ernestine McGuire Land & Bldgs. 1,000. Litchfield, Loring P. & Helen Winaukee Lot #1 & Bldg. 3,500. Lively, Arthur H., Natalie F., David W. & Glenda Land & Bldg. on Whaleback 2,000. Litt, Gabriel Land, Red Hill 300. Loan, George Camp at Meadow Brook 1,000. Loan, Thomas G. State's Landing Lot & Bldg. 1,200. Loeing, Werner

!/4 Int. Beckett Land & Bldgs. 3,000. Locke, Ralph C. Oak Landing Lot #8 & Camp 5,500. Locke, Sherman S. & Barbara P. Castle Shores Lot #12B & Bldg. 5,500. Long, William N. Addie Greene Land & Bldg. 1,200. Longbottom, Mary A. Watson Shores Lot #15 & Bldg. 3,200. Back Lot, opposite #15 200. Looney, William P. & Annie B. Kanasatka Lot #9 & Bldg. 3,000. Lorenzen, William A. & Jean I. Hermit Cove Lot #16 & Bldg. 3,500. Lothrope, Virginia Clark's Landing Lot & Bldg. 3,500. Lowney, Robert J. & Madeline Deerhaven Lot #1 & Bldg. 3,500. Luce, Clifford N. "Colonial Pines," 12 Cottages, Lodge & Boathouse 22,000. T63 Non-Resident - 1968

Lumsden, Donald J. & Brenda F. Leaward Shores Lot #67 & Bldg. 3,500. Lundberg, Ralph H. & Inga L. Leaward Shores Lot #18 & Bldg. 4,200. Lund, Lloyd D. Grassy Pond Lots 15, 16 3,000.

Lundwall, Paul W. & Evelyn I. Castle Shores Lot #59 & Bldg. 4,000. Lunt, Margaret P. Knowle's Land & Bldgs. 12,000. Island 50. Lutze, Raymond & Elizabeth Kimball Shore Lot 2,000. MacDonald, William & Myrtle B. Windermere Lot #25 & Bldg. 5,000. Mace, Thelma y2 Int. Burbeck Land & Bldgs. 5,000. Maclnnes, Martin & Margaret H. Kanasatka Lot #4 & Bldgs. 3,600. Kanasatka Lots 4A, 3B 400. Mac Isaac, Alexander H. & Francis J. Curran Lunt Lot #6 2,000. MacEwen, Lyford B. & Marion T. Far Echoes Lot #03 & Bldg. 5,000. Mahan, Raymond Smith Lot #2 & Bldg. 3,200. Mahan, John E. & Mary E. Dow Island Prop. 2,500. Redding Lane Lot 3D & Bldgs. 6,000. Mack, Harold A. & Caroline S. Cotton Farm & Bldgs. 5,500. Maher, John & Alice Deerhaven Lot #12 & Bldg. 3,500. Main, Charles & Marjorie Windermere Lot #10 & Bldg. 6,000. Mainer, Robert E. & Marjorie J. Lot #6 & Bldg., Shelter Cove 2,500. MacAdams, Irene Griffin Land & Bldgs. 2,500. MacLeod, William & Barbara Deerhaven Lot #14 & Bldgs. 3,800. Mahoney, James & Joan Blackey Cove Lot B & Camp 5,500. Mahoney, George & Florence R. Lot #1, Hanson Pt. 2,000. MacPhail, A. Lee & Barbara Pistol Island 1,200. Small Island 100.

T64 Non-Resident - 1968

Magnuson, Harold C. & Eunice L. Windermere Lot #23 & Bldg. 6,000. Windermere Lot #22 3,000. Maker, Dr. Joseph A. & Ruth M. Castle Shores Lot #47 & Bldg. 4,200. Manno, Giro R. & Norma A. Tanglewood Lot #6 & Bldg. 6,000. Marra, Michael D. Ferry Shores Lot #3 & Bldg. 4,500. Marcotte, Robert E. & Mary Ruth Far Echoes Back Lot #31 & Bldg. 3,500. Marcus, Marion Brown Brown Land & 2 small Camps 5,000. R. O. Brown Land 6,500. Marble, Chester B. & Elinor G. Haller Lots 13B, 14A & Camp 6,000. Marshall, Ralph & Loretta Winaukee Ext. Lot #6 & Bldg. 3,800. Marshall, Henry J. Jr., Esther J., Esther D. & Peter J. Evans Land & Bldg., Squam 8,000. Marshall, David C. & Lucy E. Braun Bay Lot 3A & Bldg. 5,000. Marston, John C, Alice H. & Ralph L. Badger Island Land & Bldg. 700. Martel, Helen Blackey Lot & Bldg. 1,000. Paula Markus Foundation Hemlock Pt. & Bldgs. 2,000. Marquis, Leo A. & Henry C. Swanson Leaward Shores Lot #68 & Bldg. 3,500. Leaward Shores Lot #69 500. Marrett, Lloyd A. & Jane I. Lot #10 & Bldg., Lunt 5,500. Ferry Shores Lot #18 & Bldg. 4,500. Ferry Shores Back Lot 200. Martin, Ellery & Norman Duck Trap Cove Lot 200. Martineau, Leo & Arline Ferry Shores Lot #13 & Bldg. 4,000. Ferry Shores Back Lot 200. Matheson, Bruce & Helen Kanasatka Lot #1 & Bldg. 3,500. Matheson, Allister I. & Mary M. Southerlee Shores Lot #5 2,000. Mattheson, Jeanette Morrison Cove Land & Bldgs. 9,000. Mattlage, Herbert Lot #5 & Bldgs., Palmer Pasture 6,000.

T65 Non-Resident - 1968

Mattson, Grace E. Ferry Shores Lots 6, 7 & Bldgs. 6,500. May, Janet B. Kanasatka Lot #9 & Bldgs. 4,500. Maxwell, Reginald & Mildred P. Ferry Shores Lot #9 & Bldg. 4,500. Ferry Shores Back Lot 200. McAuliffe, Thomas G. Land & Bldgs., Blake Rdr 2,500. McCall, John F. & Mary A. Haller Lot #4A & Bldgs. 3,500. McClarron, William H. & Leola W. Toltec Lot #29 & Bldgs. 3,000. McCormack, Arthur V2 Int. Land on Red Hill 300. McCabe, Bernard P. Jr. & Norma S. Steamboat Landing Lot #6 & Bldgs. 6,000. Mc Cue, Edwin J. & Shirley R. Deercrossing Lot #2 & Bldg. 2,500. McCall, John J. & Elizabeth M. Eagle Shores Lot #1 & Bldgs. 4,000. McDonald, Dorothy L. Land, near Kelley Mill 300. McDonald, James E. & Florence B. Ferry Shores Lot #1 & Bldg. 4,500. McDevitt, John J. Land & Bldgs., Lake Shore Drive 3,500. Land, Rte. 109 500. McGaughey, Evelyn Richardson Lot #8, Greene's Basin 2,000. McGaughey, Howard T. Lots 3, 3A & Bldg., Ferry Rd. 3,000. McGourthy, David G. & Marion I. Lot #5, Dow Land 300. McGowan, John B. & Joan L. Part of Kona Lot #34 & Bldg. 4,000. McGowan, Douglas B. Orton Back Lot #6 200. McGowin, John S. & Janet H. Avon Shores Lot #6 & Bldg. 3,500. McGinnis, Lois A. Oak Landing Lot & Bldg. 3,800. McKeon, Thomas J. & Judith D. Lot 5A, 5E, Muldoon Prop. 400. McKnight, Helen B. Lamprey Land & Bldgs. 1,000. McLaughlin, Margaret F. Touraine Land & Bldgs. 7,500.

T66 Non-Resident - 1968

McLeland, Portia Windermere Lot #21 & Bldg. 5,500. McVicar, William S. & Cornelia Eagle Shores Lot #1 & Bldg. 4,000. Mears, Edward L. & Edythe E. Hauser Estates #34 & Bldg. 8,000. Melanson, William A. Braun Bay Lot 3B & Bldg. 4,000. Monteith Lot, Rte. 109 500. Melaney, Rev. Robert E. & Marguerite E. Bishop Shores Lot #9 & Bldg. 3,200. Back Lot #30 200. Melotto, Pasquale P. Jr. & Muriel C. Coe Lot #1 & Bldgs. 2,500. Kanasatka Back Lot #8 200. Kanasatka Lot #7 & Bldg. 2,500. Merlino, Joseph & Margaret Webster Land & Bldgs. 2,500. 3 Lots S. side Rte. 109 200. Webster Land 400. Meskys, Edmund R. LaPlante Land & Bldgs. 3,000. Meyers, Ruth L. Windermere Lot #9 & Bldg. 5,500. Michaud, Leon P. & Susan M. Raoul's Cove Lot #3 & Bldg. 3,200. Mickelson, Edwin J. & Edith I. State's Landing Lot #2 & Bldg. 5,000. State's Landing Lot #3 1,500. Back Lot, E. Mickelson Rd. 200. Back Lot 200. Lot #3 & Bldg., Hanson Pt. 3,500. Middlebrook, Louis F. Harvard Camp Land & Bldgs. 4,000. Lot beside VanWinkle 3,200 Miller, William Allen Jr. Sturtevant Land, High Haith 400. Miller, Louis M. & Margaret M. V2 Lot #18 & Bldg., Bishop Shores 1,500. y2 Back Lot #21 100. Miller, William A. & Bertha M. Castle Shores Lot #13A & Bldg. 4,200. Miller, Carl A. & Albert H. Lots 16, 17, West Point 1,000. Milne, Norman F. Jr. Windermere Lot #19 & Bldg. 8,500. Minsinger, Oscar J. & Helga K. Eagle Shores Lot & Bldg. 3,000. Mitchell, Williams S. Jr. & Mary S. Lots 2, 2A & Bldg., Ferry Rd. 2,800. T67 Non-Resident - 1968

Mitchell, Oliver Earl & Dorothy Beryl Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldg. 3,000. David Ambrose Land 300. Mitro, John S. & Ann A. "Arbor Cabins" Land & Bldgs.. 6,000. Mock, Henry P. Mt. Rd. Lot & Bldg. 300. Molinari, Peter H. & Dorothy Braun Bay Lot #1 & Bldgs. 5,000. Moll, Blanche A. Hanson Pt. Land, Bldgs. 9,000. Mooney, Thomas W. & Thomas W. Jr. Boathouse at Town Landing 1,500. Mooers, Neil W. & Eleanor M. Haller Lot 11A & Bldg. 3,200. Montgomery, Virginia H. Harris Land & Bldgs., Squam 6,000. Moser, Elizabeth S. Sturtevant Land & Bldgs. 18,000. Moore, H. Kelsea & Margaret J. Windermere Lot #24 & Bldg. 7,000. Moore, Norman L. & Elizabeth S., Willard J. & Grace W. Castle Shores Lot #37 & Bldg. 4,000. Moore, Marjorie Greene Windermere Lot #4 & Bldg. 5,000. Windermere Lots 5, 6 4,000. Moorman, Heath C. & Kathryn K. B.P.C.C. "Overlook Cottage," % Int. 4 parcels land & Bldgs. 3,000. Morgan, Charles T. & Constance C. Clark's Landing Lot, Bldg. 4,500. Moriarity, J. Craig & Patricia Laundromat, Rte. 25 4,500. Morley, John & Margaret Haller Lot 2B & Bldg. 3,500. Morell, Charles A. & Barbara K. Hauser Est. Lot #6 & Bldg. 6,500. Back Lots 6A, 7A 400. Morrill, Robert N. Swallow Pt. #13 & Bldg. 5,500. Morris, Joseph S. Amable Lot & Bldg. 5,500. Perkins Land & Bldgs. 3,000. Morse, Anthony E. & Lois N. Deerhaven Lot #29 & Bldg. 3,500. Morse, Gilbert L. Jr. & K. Elizabeth Castle Shores Lot #16 & Bldg. 4,000. Morten, John F. & Patricia B. Windermere Lots 30, 31 & Bldg. 9,000. N. half Lot #29 2,000. T68 Non-Resident - 1968

Motta, George & Dorothy- Lot on Blake Rd. 100. Moulton, John E. & Constance Ferry Shores Lot #12 & Bldgs. 5,200. Ferry Shores Back Lot 200. Mullett, Dorothy P. Lot & Bldg., Hulse Shore 3,800. Mullett, Charles F. Lot & Bldg., Hulse Shore 2,800. Mulkhey, Melvin W. & Dorothy A. Badger Island Lot & Bldg. 800. Munroe, Harold H. & Clarissa Langdon Land & Bldgs. 9,000. 2 small islands, Langley Cove 100. Murphy, George A. & Helen W. Redding Lane Lot #3 & Bldgs. 6,500. Murphy, Windsor A. & Edith L. Andrew Land & Bldgs. 2,000. Murphy, George H. & Vriginia R. Toltec Lot #46 1,500. Muir, Robert & Gertrude Orton Lot #6 & Bldgs. 4,000. Orton Back Lot 200. Mustapha, Francis A. Goodwin Island & Bldg. 3,500. Mylod, Mabel D. Coe Land, 2 Parcels 1,200. 10% of 5 Mile Island 1,000. Myrich, Roy & Esther Kanasatka Lot #4 & Bldg. 3,500. National Council of Churches of Christ Geneva Pt. Land & Bldgs. 25,000. Nash, Emma R. "Westwood Shores" Lot #7 & Bldg. 3,800. "Westwood Shores" Lot #6 & Bldg. 1,800. Nault, Roland A. & Jayne M. Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldg. 2,500. Nealon, Elmer J. & Phyllis S. Hauser Est. Lot #7 & Bldg. 6,500. Neiss, George B. & Evelyn J. Clark's Landing Lot & Bldg. 3,500. Nelsen, Gunerious & Lloyd F. Haugh Eagle Shores Lot #17, Bldgs. 4,000. Nelson, Alfred A. Jr. & Madlyn "Merrivale Estates," Kanasatka #2 1,500. Nelson, Paul S. & Irma M. Far Echoes Harbor Lot #41 & Bldg. 3,500. Nelson, Shirley Kona Sub-division, Lot #5 3,000.

T69 Non-Resident - 1968

N. H. Electric Cooperative, Inc. 13.63 Miles Line 3,500. N. H. Forest Development Lot 7, R3, Red Hill 300. Gilpatric Farm 500. Harvard & Tommy Lot 5,000. Nerbone, Felix J. Lot, Rte. 25 200. Newell, Richmond N. & Hazel C. Haller Lot #2 & Bldg. 4,000. Nickerson, Murray E. & Dorothy A. Land & Bldgs. Mt. Rd. 5,000. Frye Land 1,000. Nilson, John A. & Elsa I. Goodhue Shore Lot #7 & Bldg. 6,000. Part of Lot #8 & Guest House 1,500. Nix, Alvin Lot #2 & Bldgs., Fox Hollow 4,000. Norris, Doris B. Land & Bldg., Echo Farm 7,500. V2 Burbeck Land, Bldgs. 5,000. North, Gladys Haven Blueberry Island & Bldg. 1,500. Nott, Donald C. & Ruth M. Toltec Lot #19, Bldgs. & Boathouse 3,000. Noyes, Elbert C. & Bernue L. Leaward Shores Lot #22 & Bldg. 4,500. Leaward Shores Lot #23 2,000. Leaward Shores Back Lot #80 600. Nye, James H. & Jessie B. Trail's End Lot #10 & Bldgs. 4,500. O'Brien, Gordon A. Windermere Lot #57 & Bldg. 6,000. O'Brien, John Blanchard Island, Raoul's Cove 2,000. Part of Lot #18 300. O'Connell, Leo P. & Nellie Lots 4, 4A & Bldgs., Ferry Rd. 3,000. O'Connell, Homer J. Lot #9 & Bldg., B.P.C.C. 9,000. Old Country Store, Inc. Store 8,000. Jacklard Land & Bldg. 1,500. Oja, Reins W. & Anne I. Castle Shores Lot #46 & Bldgs. 2,500. O'Connor, Mabel S. Eagle Shores Lot & Bldg. 4,000. Olden, Maurice Little 1 Mile Island 100.

T70 Non-Resident - 1968

Olson, Samuel H., Eleanor F. & Virginia C. Lunt Lot #9 & Bldg. 5,000. Olson, George I. Jr. Ferry Shores Lot #36 & Bldg. 4,000. 2 Back Lots 400. Osgood, Franklyn T. & Dorothy M. Brown Land, Bldgs. & Guesthouse 6,000. Osterhardt, Howard & Evelyn R. Kanasatka Lot & Bldg. 3,000. Osthoth, Rev. Donald D. & Marion D. Part of Lot #14 & Bldg., Raoul's Cove 3,200. Our Lady of the Lake Camp Watson Land 500. Onthank, Paul S. & Lillian F. Kona Lot #29 & Bldg. 8,000. Marmai Land & Bldgs. 2,500. O'Shea, Dr. John J. & Elizabeth D. Orton Back Lot #11 & Bldg. 2,200. Ottenberg, Perry & June Chamberlain Land & Bldgs. 7,500. Otto, Richard A. & Margaret W. Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldg. 4,000. Owen, Robert B. Echo Farm Lot & Bldg. 7,000. Pace, Leonard W. & Ethel M. Haller Lot & 2 Bldgs. 6,000. Paddock, Eugene H. Beede Shore Lot #6 & Bldg. 3,500. Beede Shore Lot #5 2,000. Page, Esther L. Milton Lord Land 100. Parker, John S. & Meliana G. Clark's Landing Lot #2 & Bldgs. 3,500. Parker, Marie S. Far Echoes Lot #1 & Bldg. 4,000. Parsons, Alfred D.

Lot & Bldgs., L. I. 3,000. Vs Int. Duck Trap Cove 50. Parsons, Philip B. Lot & Bldgs., L. I. 3,000. Vz Int. Duck Trap Cove 50. Parsons, David D. Jr.

Lot, Bldgs. & Boathouse, L. I. 5,000. Vs Int. Duck Trap Cove 50. Parr, George & Rita Southerlee Shores Lot #3 & Bldgs. 4,500. Parry, Ronald W. Kanasatka Lot & Bldgs. 3,500. Kanasatka Lot 1,000.

T71 A

Non-Resident - 1968

Patten, Richard & Barbara Deerhaven Lot #17, Bldgs. 3,500. Deerhaven Back Lot 200. Patterson, Walter S. & Ruth S. Clark's Landing Lot & Bldgs. 3,800. Patterson, William & Marion W. Brown Land, Parcel D & Bldg. 5,000. Payea, George A. & Sadie O. Trail's End Lot #18 & Bldgs. 3,500. Pearce, Arthur P. Jr. & Helen D. Shelter Cove Land & Bldg. 2,200. Pearson, John & Louise S. Gilpatric Land & Bldg. 1,000. Peaslee, Earle C. Oliver Bickford Land 500. Pelon, J. Charles & Emily K. Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldgs. 4,000. Pendergast, James K. & Minnie Lee Far Echoes Lot #41 & Bldg. 2,800. Far Echoes Lot #06 2,200. Perella, Victor C. & Josephine T. Lot #7 & Bldg., Lunt Prop. 5,000. Perry, Bernard D. & Anne J. Hermit Cove Lot #6 & Bldgs. 4,500. Perks, William H. & Hazel E. Long Pt. Lot & Bldg. 7,000. Perkins, Norman L. & Frances M. Bishop Shores Lot #3 & Bldg. 3,200. Peters, Louis Haller Shores Lot #6B & Bldg. 4,000. Petell, Arthur L. & Thelma J. Lot on Badger Island 500. Peterson, W. H. Jr. Land & Bldgs., B.P.C.C. 6,500. Peterson, Devon H. & Rita M. Watson Shores Lot #7 & Bldg. 3,500. Peterson, Robert W. & Caryl A. Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldg. 4,200. Peterson, John H. & Eleonar M. Hauser Est. Lot #13 3,000. Petkauskos, Peter J. & Rita B. Orton Back Lot #7 & Bldg. 1,800. Phelps, Maxwell O. Lot & Bldg., Squam 6,000. Phillips, C. Russell & Dorothea Redding Lane Land & Garage 800. Piana, Raphael & Frances Coe Land, Kanasatka 100. Kanasatka Lot 12B & Bldgs. 3,300. Kanasatka Lot 9B 200. T72 Non-Resident - 1968

Pihl, George E. & Elsie J. Shaker Jerry Land & Bldgs. 6,000. Pitts, Edmund M. & Alice M. Tibbetts Lot #11 & Bldg. 5,200. Plamondon, Arthur L. Land on Mt. Rd. 200. Pfirrman, Viktor & Brigitte Castle Shores Lot #45 & Bldg. 3,500. Castle Shores Lot #44 2,000. Platte, Melvin D. Deercrossing Lot #4 & Bldg. 2,800. Deercrossing Lot #3 1,000. Plumer, William B. & Jane R. Draper Lot & Bldgs. 13,000. Plummer, Raymond Jr. Orton Back Lot #28 200. Plymouth Guaranty Savings Bank Restaurant, Rte. 25 6,000. Pooge's Red, Inc. Cook's Pt. Lot #17 & Bldg. 8,000. Poehler, Bruce Jr. Est. Folsom Land & Bldgs. 2,000. Brown Shore Lot & Bldg. 3,000. Poehler, George D. Back Lot & Bldg., L. I. 1,800. Poehler, George O. & Althea M. Brown Lot 2,000. Poirier, Robert J. & Mary E. Orton Back Lot #18 200. Poehlman, Robert E. & Maureen V. Kona Lot #2A & Bldg. 4,000. Polhamus, Lloyd V. & Florence F. Deerhaven Lot #10 & Bldg. 2,800. Pollock, Donald M. & Dorothy M. Hauser Est. Lot #28 & Bldg. 6,500. Pomeroy, William F. & Jeanne G. Kimball Lot #1 & Bldg. 4,000. Pope, Charles S. & Elizabeth M. Castle Shores 22A 5,000. Pope, Clarence J. & Ruth A. Lot #5 & Bldg., Lunt Prop. 5,500. Poulin, Benort L. & Rolande P. Hermit Cove Lot #19 & Bldgs. 4,200. S. half Lot #18, Hermit Cove 1,000. Poulin, Eleanor M. Long Pt. Land 200. Porter, Leland E. Charles Porter Land & Bldg. 1,300.

T73 Non-Resident - 1968

Porter, Carleton Charles Porter Land & Bldg. 1,000. Potenza, Salvatore Munroe Lot on Neck 200. Pozzi, Francis A. & Mary A. Morrill Land & Bldg. 3,800. Power, Malcolm G. & Elvira Second Neck Land & 8 Bldgs. 12,000. Back Land 1,000. Pratt, Francis D. Francis Pratt Land & Bldgs. 7,500. Land on Squam 10,000. Pratt Land, Bldgs. & Back Land 8,000. Meinecke Lot 2,000. Prescott, Eoy Land & Bldgs., Round Pond 2,500. Price, Thelma Shaker Jerry Land & Bldg. 7,500. Procop, Thomas A. & Mildred D. Watson Shores Lot #6 & Bldgs. 3,500. Proko, Peter Land & Bldg. near Whaleback 1,700. Land on Whaleback Pt. 500. Public Service Co. of N. H. Transmission lines & equipment 19,800. Putnam, Ralph K. & Patricia A. Wyman Shores Lot #33 & Bldg. 5,000. Klem Back Lot 200. Quimby, George N. & Louise G. Beede Lot #11 & Bldgs. 3,600. Quinlan, Martin E. & Mary Kanasatka Lot #6 & Bldg. 3,500. Radvillas, Blye & Phyllis Orton Back Lot #12 & Bldg. 2,000. Rahn, Edward J. Eagle Shores Lots 19, 20, 21 & Bldgs. 7,000. Ramage, Arthur W. Kanasatka Lot & Bldgs. 3,200. Rand, Alice % Int. Alpine Park Land & Bldgs. 2,700. Rand, Ralph F. & Mildred H. Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldg. 2,500. Rand, Thornton E. & Pauline E. y2 Beede Lot #14 & Bldg. 2,000. Randall, Donn Camp on Norway Pt. 4,200. Randall, Larcom Camp on Norway Pt. 4,200. Draper Land 5,000.

T74 Non-Resident - 1968

Randall, Courtland S. & Shirley N. Portion Lot #15, Ferry Shores 1,500. Ferry Shores Lot #14 & Bldgs. 3,700. Small Island 100. Back Lots 3 & 4, Cottage Rd. 400. Randall, John & Eva Kanasatka Lot #3 & Bldgs. 2,500. Ranger, Robert W. V2 Int. Garnet Pt. Lot & Bldg. 2,000. Lot & Garage 1,000. 1/6 Camp 79 Lot 500. Rannacher, Ralph E. & Beverly J. Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldg. 3,200. Wentworth Shore Back Lot 200. Ray, Richard H. & Juaneva M. Leaward Back Lot #57 & Bldg. 2,200. Raymond, Wallace A. & Edith O. Trail's End Lot & Bldgs. 5,500. Rees, Eleanor D. High Haith Land & Bldgs. 10,000. Reeves, Florence B.

Brown Land, L. I. 6,500. Regan, Henry W. & Helen V. Tanglewood Shores Lot #4 & Bldgs. 4,500. Reich, Herbert & Anne Lot 1A, Koenig Land & Bldg. 10,000. Reichert, George Bodge Land 100. Ransom, Sarah B. Prime & Evans Pasture 300. Granny Hill Lot 400. Shaker Jerry Land 200. Reihl, John J. & Pauline M. Redding Lane Lot #7 & Bldg. 5,500. Reid, John E. Jr. & Joan Plummer Lot & Bldg. 3,000. Remsen, Martin J. & Kathaleen M. 14 Int. 4 Parcels Land & Bldg., B.P.C.C. 3,000. Remick, A. Dexter & Dorothy G. Watson Shores #22 & Bldg. 2,500. Repucci, Orlando J. & Lena Wakefield Land & Bldg. Rte. 109 1,000. Monteith Land 200. Reynolds, Arthur L. Jr. Raoul's Cove Lot #8 & Bldg. 3,000. Rhodes, Donald R. & Dorothy I. Gilpatric Land & Bldgs. 1,500.

T75 Non-Resident - 1968

Rice, Lyman Ferry Shores Lot #25 & Camp 6,000. % Lot #24 1,000. Klem Lot 1,500. Richardson, John A. W. & Anna H. Braun Bay Lot & Bldg. 10,000. Richards, Anne H. Kanasatka Lot & Camp 2,500. Richmond, Mary B. Bishop Shores Lot #14 & Bldg. 3,000. Ricker, Harold F. Jr. & Gloria M. V2 Lot #14 Beede Shores & Bldg. 2,000. Ridge, Florence G. Lot #9, part of Lot #8 & Bldg. 4,500. Ring, Harold C. & Dorothy R. Lots 5, 5A & Bldgs., Ferry Rd. 2,500. Roberts, Carroll E. Est. Bruno Lot & Bldg. 500. Roberts, Albert S. & Arline Redding Lane Lot #1B & Bldgs. 6,500. Robertson, Stewart S. & Martha M. Toltec Lot #13 & Bldg. 2,500. Robertson, Lawrence E. & Helen E. Kona Lot #7 & Bldgs. 6,500. Robitaille, Denise J. Buzzell's Cove Lot #6 & Bldg. 3,500. Roberts, George A. & Francis T. Asquam Lot #11, Block 3, Sec. 4 200. Roberts, Arthur J. Toltec Lot #38 & Bldg. 2,800. Roche, Richard A. & Marion Castle Shores Lot #80 & Bldgs. 4,000. Rockwell, Charles F. & Patricia & Hargraves & Judith D. Heap Toltec Lot #11 Bldgs. 3,800. Robie, Richard S. Mt. Tract, Castle & Bldgs. 40,000. Tobey Land, opp. gate Lodge 102 1,000. Rogers, Charles W. Jr. Nannie Porter Land 400. Rogler, Fred A. Land & Bldg., Greene's Basin Rd. 1,500. Rokes, Horace & Glenna Asquam Lot #1, Block 3, Sec. 4 200. Ronan, John A. Jr. & Dorothy P. Shelter Cove Lot #5 & Bldg. 2,500. Rose, Harry M. & Elizabeth D. Far Echoes Land & Bldgs. 6,500.

T76 Non-Resident - 1968

Rossi, Louis H. & Hope D. Castle Shores Lot #77 & Bldgs. 4,000. Castle Shores Lot #78 1,000. Roys, Leon D. Adams Back Lot #22 200. Rugart, Karl Tecumseh Lot #4 4,000. Rusin, Joseph & Wanda H. Haller Lot #11B & Bldg. 3,500. Rybezyk, Myron Watson Shores Lots 5, 6, Bldg. & Trailer 5,200. Rzasa, Joseph J. & Alice Orton Back Lot #53 200. Sadler, Henry A. & Priscilla F. Land, Rte. 107. 200. Sanford, John C. & Elizabeth L. Rustic Lane Lot #2 & Bldgs. 4,500. Sanborn, Martin G. Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldg. 4,000. Saunders Brothers Marble Property 1,500. Watson Land, Red Hill 500. Savage, William Lot & Bldg., Rte. 109 1,500. Sawyer, Philip D. Lamprey Land & Bldgs., Rte. 25 1,800. Schaalman, Warren R. & Selma Grassy Pond Lot #2 & Bldg. 3,500. Schaufus, Robert A. & Helen y2 Lot #65, Castle Shores & Bldgs. 5,700. Schenk, Everett M. & Margarita Geneva Pt. Lot & Bldgs. 3,000. Scherig, Evelyn L. Beede Lot #14 & Bldgs. 3,500. Schimenz, Robert J. & Ida J. Blackey Cove Lot & Bldg. 5,500. Schinella, John & Mabel Haller Lot #9A & Bldgs. 3,500. Schirrmeister, Andrew Jr. & Margaret & Thora S. O'Keefe Redding Lane Land & Bldgs. 18,000. Schlander, Helen H. Far Echoes Lot #75 & Bldg. 2,500. Schlesinger, Joseph & Perla Richardson Lot #4 2,000. Schoenfeld, William N. & Serena Kanasatka Lot #5 & Bldg. 3,000. Kanasatka Back Lot 200. Schmidt, Reinhold O. & Julia P. Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldg. 3,000. Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldg. 2,000. T77 Non-Resident - 1968

Schmidt, Oscar Wentworth Shore Lot 2,000. Schnase, Annemarie V2 Int. Beckett Land & Bldgs. 6,000. Schneider, Curtis, Walter A. & Robert G. Land & 4 Camps, Greene's Basin 15,000. Schoeph, George O. & Linda Castle Shores Lot #50, % Lot #49, Bldgs. 5,000. Scharer, Brenton T. Eagle Shores Lot #16 & Bldgs. 3,800. Schricker, Arthur O. Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldgs. 3,500. Schroeder, Alvin F. & Annelise M. Watson Back Lot #1 & Bldg. 1,000. Brown Lot & Bldg. 2,500. Schwenk, Frank H. & Florence E. Winaukee Lot #7 & Bldgs. 3,500. Schmohl, Stuart P. & Elizabeth F. Ferry Shores Lot #35 & Bldg. 4,500. 2 Ferry Shores Back Lots 400.

Schram, Arthur J. & Dorothy & Lloyd & Mona Sexton Deerhaven Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 7,500.

Schram, Arthur J. & Dorothy Deerhaven Lot #7 & Bldgs. 7,500. Schnlten, Col. Leo E. Jr. & Grace B. Shaker Jerry Lot & 2 Bldgs. 4,000. Schumacher, Herman C. & Phoebe T. Davis 2 Orton Back Lots 400. Schumacher, Herman C. & Phoebe T. Davis Orton Back Lots 400. Schulten, Col. Leo E. Jr. & Grace B. Shaker Jerry Lot #2 & Bldg. 4,000. Schultz, Charles T. & Evelyn A. Lunt Lot #12 2,000. Schultz, Beatrice Adams Back Lot #29 & Bldg. 2,000. Schurman, Wesley J. Hovey Land & Bldgs. 4,000. Scofield, Robert A. & Sara E. D. M. Bodge Land & Bldgs. 3,200. Scott, Arthur W. & Gertrude C. V2 Beede Shore Lot #9 & Bldgs. 4,500. Scott, Harry B. & Marilyn M. Dow Lots 10, 11 500. Scott, Joanna W. Trail's End Lot #8 3,000. Trail's End Lot #7 & Bldgs. 7,700.

T78 Nan-Resident - 1968

Scudder, Orvis B. & Bessie M. Kanasatka Lot #10 & Bldgs. 3,800. Back Lot #10B 200. Back Lot #7B 200. Sears, Pauline S. Echo Farm Back Land & Bldgs. 1,500. Sears, Winthrop Jr. & Calanthe Kanasatka Lot & Bldg. 3,000. Kanasatka Lot 1,500. Seaver, James D. & Helda Prince B.P.C.C. Land & Bldgs. 5,000. Seelig, Albert H. Watson Shores Lot #9 & Bldgs. 3,000. Seery, William N. High Haith Land 600. Seitz, Raymond H. & Flora M. Kona Lot #27 & Bldgs. 6,000. Seitz, Raymond H. & Mrs. John Gosnell Kona Tract #2, Back Land 500. Seretto, Philip & Lillian W. Wentworth Shore Lot & Bldg. 2,800. Settino, Joseph E. & Mary A. Redding Lane Lot #4C & Bldgs. 4,200. Severence, Roland T. French Land 400. Smith Tappan Land 200. Coverly Land 200. Fernald Lot 300. Severance, Richard F. Sr. & Constance L. Lot on Blake Rd. 200. Sexton, Lloyd L. & Mona Deerhaven Lot #6 & Bldgs. 7,500. Shannon, Edgar & Shirley M. Cook's Pt. Lot #16 & Bldgs. 10,000. Sharp, Myron J. & Carol J. Bishop Shores Lot #7 & Bldgs. 3,000. Back Lot #32 200. Sharpies, Mary D. Toltec Lot #1, part of Lot #2, Bldgs. 3,800. Merrivale Estates, Lots 3-12 6,500. Kona Lot #18 2,000. 2 Kona Back Lots 200. Bay Lot #1 1,500. Bay Lot #2 1,500. Pond Lot 1,200. Kona Land & Bldgs. 21,500. Kona Lot #3A 1,200. Tract #3, Hauser Est. 500. Shepard, Allister M. & Anne G. Sheep Barn Lot & Bldg. 1,500. T79 Non-Resident - 1968

Sherman, Robert E. & Ethel M. Far Echoes Lot #71 & Bldg. 3,500. Sherman, Mary B. Kanasatka Lot 1,500. Sherill, Barbara H. High Haith Land & Bldg. 3,500. Shildneck, James E. & Joanne K. Orton Shores Lot #12 & Bldgs. 3,200. Shoup, Donald & Paul Part of Snedden Prop. & Bldgs. 3,500. Shugrue, Frank & Lucy- Edwards Land & Bldg. 1,200. Shulkin, Arthur & Ruth Braun Bay Lot #2A & Bldg. 5,000. Shyavitz, Moses & Madelene R. Castle Shores Lots 8A, 8B & Bldgs. 7,200. Siders, Henry B. & Josephine Deerhaven Lot #20 & Bldg. 3,000. Silliman, Florence

Raoul's Cove Lots 1, 2 3,000. Simmons, Walter B. & Gertrude E. Lot 3A, Hermit Cove 600. Simonds, George W. & Edna R. Clark's Landing Lot & Bldg. 4,200. Silver, Hilda Echo Farm & Bldgs. 11,000. Skyhaven, Inc. B. K. Ayers Land 5,500. Slade, Edith T. Toltec Lot #30 & Bldg. 2,800. Smith, David N. Castle Shores Lot #76 & Bldg. 4,000. Smith, Charles H. & Esther W. V2 Lot #18 & Bldg., Beede Shore 3,000. Smith, Barbara Cleveland Land & Camp 400. Smith, Stanley L. Jr. & Shirley B. Bishop Shores Lot #11 & Bldg. 3,000. Bishop Shores Lot #10 1,500. 2 Bishop Shores Back Lots 400. Smith, Florence W. Est. A. A. Smith Land & Bldgs. 1,500. Smith, Edgar Lot & Bldg., 9 Acre Island 1,500. Smith, Harold E. & Beverly M. Fox Hollow Lot #2 1,000. Smith, J. Gilbert & Gladys B. Steambont Landing Lot & Bldgs. 7,000. Smith, William E. & Barbara A. Castle Shores Lot #81 & Bldg. 3,500. T80 Nan-Resident - 1968

Solkoski, Edward & Helen Buzzell's Cove Lot #2 & Bldgs. 4,500. Smith Lots 3, 4 3,000. Somerville, James & Elizabeth Land & Bldgs., "Three Bridges" 3,500. Soroko, A. Wallace & Elizabeth M. Raoul's Cove Lot #12 & Bldg. 3,000. Spaulding, Susan T. Echo Farm Lot & Bldg. 4,000. Echo Farm Back Lot 500. Spaulding, William E. & Caroline Echo Farm Land & Bldgs. 7,000. Spaulding, Richard M. % Int. Hattie Dow Land 200. 14 Int. Frontage 2,600. Spaulding, Donald T. % Int. Hattie Dow Land 200. % Int. Frontage 2,600. Cottage on William Spaulding Land 2,000. Spaulding, John % Int. Hattie Dow Land 200. !/4 Int. Frontage 2,600. Camp 2,800. Spaulding, William E. Jr. ^4 Int. Hattie Dow Land 200. hi Int. Frontage 2,600. Spaulding, Richard A. & Edith J. Richardson Lot, Greene's Basin 2,000. Spence, Payton W. Far Echoes Lot #27 & Bldgs. 5,000. Spencer, Charles L. & Mary V. Blackey Cove Lot #1D & Bldg. 4,000. Spinners, Allen H. & Ethel Kanasatka Lot #10 & Bldg. 2,700. Kanasatka Lot #9 1,500. Splane, Arthur B. & Marie E. Deerhaven Lot #8, Bldgs. 5,200. Springstead, Milton W. & Jessie F. Kanasatka Lot #7 & Bldg. 3,000. Kanasatka Back Lot #40 200. Kanasatka Back Lot 200. Squam Lake Development Trust Land on Center Harbor Town Line 1,000. Sredl, Henry J. & Muriel Back Land & 3 Camps, Ferry Rd. 3,000. Buzzell's Cove Land 4,000. Stabler, Russell & Anna Kanasatka Lot #3 & Bldg. 3,500. Stafford, Walter G. & Delonia L. Foss Farm & Bldgs. 3,000. T81 Nan-Resident - 1968

Standke, Herbert W. & Eva Hermit Cove Lot #2 & Bldg. 3,500. Staley, Irwin L. & Lydia P. Hermit Cove Lot #5 & Boathouse 3,000. Stearns, Willard F. & Hazel Brown Land & Bldg., L. I. 3,500. Stecher, Donald & Gwendolyn Brown Land & Bldg. 7,500. Steiman, Edward F. & Ann L. Castle Shores Lot #15A & Bldg. 4,500. Stein, Sydney Jr. Land & Bldgs., Round Pond 4,500. Stetser, Dr. Leland & Cecilia T. Orton Lot #7, Bldgs. 4,200. Orton Back Lot #62 200. Stetson, Arthur & Alice Eagle Shores Lots 4, 5 & Bldgs. 5,000. Stevens, Dorothy H. High Haith Land & Bldgs. 10,000. Stevens, Ernest E. & Frances A. George Homestead 800. Stewart, Herbert I. & Etta R. Toltec Lot #23 & Bldg. 3,200. Toltec Lot #22 1,500. Stewart, Descomb T. Wyman Lot #13 & Bldg. 5,000. Stewart, George E. & Elinore S. Dow Land & Bldgs. 3,000. Stockbower, Gertrude E. Kent Place, Land & Bldgs. 2,500. Stockbridge, William L. Sr. & Anita M. & William L. Jr. & Corrine Kanasatka Lot #6 & Bldgs. 3,000. Stone, Ernest A. & Rita Grassy Pond Lot #18 & Bldg. 4,000. Grassy Pond Lot #19 2,000. Grassy Pond Back Lot 200. Stone, Mason H. Jr. & Esther Tom Home Land & Bldgs. 2,800. Land on Red Hill 200. Bishop Shores Lot #1 & Boathouse 1,800. Bishop Shores Lots 2, 3 3,000. Bishop Shores Back Land 500. Stone, Randolph Tecumseh Lot #13 & Bldgs. 6,000. Stone, George W. & Emily M. Swallow Pt. Lot #17 & Bldg. 3,500. Stone, Richard C. & Tomasina M. Grassy Pond Lot #17 & Bldg. 3,000. Stover, Richard M. Tuttle Land 4,500. T82 Non-Resident - 1968

Strand, Linda M. Alpine Park Land, Bldgs. & Smith Lot 5,500. Strasser, E. Geo. Jr., E. Geo. Sr. & Marie S. Grassy Pond Lot #13 & Bldg. 5,000. Strauss, Robert J. & Lillian

Asquam Lots 5, 6 Block 2, Sec. 4 400. Strayer, John F. y2 Lot #26 & Bldg., Echo Farm 4,000. Back Lot 200. Strayer, Joseph R. V2 Lot #26 & Bldg., Echo Farm 4,500. Back Lot 200. Sturrock, Dr. John B. Land, Bldgs., Hemlock Pt. 6,500. Castle Shores Lot #82A 1,500. Sturtevant Bay Realty Trust Hobart Land 1,000. Sullivan, Clayton J. Watson Shores Lot #17 & Bldg. 3,000. Watson Shores Lot #18 2,000. 2 Watson Shores Back Lots 400. Sullivan, Raymond F. & Cynthia Brown Sullivan Dow Lots 8, 9 500. Brown Land 3,500. Back Land 300. Sutcliffe, Robert C. & Jane W. Kimball Lot #9, part of Lot #8 & Bldg. 4,800. Swaffield, Gordon D. Land on Dow Island 2,500. Swan, Roland W. & Eleanor M. Eagle Shores Lot #9 & Bldg. 3,000. Swanson, Henry C. & Velma V. Wyman Lot, Bldgs. 8,000. Swain, Francis E. & Minna E. Toltec Lot #16 1,500. Swenson, Arthur R. & Margaret B. Deerhaven Lot #28 & Bldgs. 3.500. Swenson, C. Norman & Agnes E. Castle Shores Lot #58 & Bldg. 4,200. Sylva, Chester N. Bodge Hill Land & Camp 200. Talmadge, Howard A. & Margaret M. Touraine Lot #3 & Bldg. 3,000. Tarr, Charles S. & Dorothy Garnet Pt. Lot & Bldg. 3,000. 1/6 Camp 79 Lot 500. Tatakes, James Orton Back Lot 200. Taylor, Grace L. Marston Lot & Bldg., State's Landing 3,000. T83 Non-Resident - 1968

Taylor, Wallace Land & Bldgs., Lake Shore Drive 2,500. Taylor, John R. Kanasatka Lot #2 & Bldg. 3,500. Taylor, Byron P. & Louise H. Castle Shores Lot 11B & Bldg. 6,500. Teague, James E. Swallow Pt. Lot #5 & Bldg. 3,500. Tedford, Arthur S. & Florence Winaukee Ext. Lot #13 & Bldg. 4,400. Temple, Arthur J. & Jane A. Watson Shores Lot #16, Bldg. & Trailer 4,200. Tenney, Annelisse Orton Back Lots #28, 29 400. Thatcher, John J. & Lucille Deerhaven Lot #30, Bldg. 3,500. Thelen, Richard W. & Myra J. Beede Lot #4, Bldgs. 3,500. Thelen, Otto R. & Elizabeth M. Watson Shores Lot #8, Bldgs. 3,800. Cottage across rd. 600. Watson Back Lots 7, 8 400. Thiem, Mildred M. Downing Land & Trailer 3,000. Thomason, John J. & Henrietta Smith Davis Land 200. Thompson, Jacques B. & Marise C. Blackey Cove Lot #2D & Bldg. 4,000. Thompson, Constance L. Harvard Camp Lot #3 & Bldg. 7,500. Thompson, Harry C. & Millie Deerhaven Lot #11 & Bldg. 2,500. Thompson, Alice Bemis Lot #1, Range 9, Lots 6, 7 Range 7, Lots 6, 7 Range 8 1,000. Thompson, Robert S. & Agnes R. Richardson Lot #9 & Bldg. 3,800. Tomilson, Raymond F. & Mildred R. Toltec Lot #44, Bldgs. 3,500. Thomson, G. Roland & Lorraine E. Castle Shores Lot #3 & Bldg. 5,000. Castle Shores Lots #4, 7 3,000. Castle Shores Lot #8 2,500. Sturtevant Land on Kanasatka 4,000. Thornell, Harrison Kanasatka Lot & Bldg. 2,800. Thornton, Jack & Dorothy Haller Lot 8A & Bldgs. 4,500. Haller Lot 8B & Bldgs. 4,000.

T84 Non-Resident - 1968

Thorne Properties Inc. Harmon Land 500. Tibbetts Lumber Co. Senna Land & Bldgs. 15,000. Orton Lot 1,000. Orton Back Lot #19 & Bldg. 1,000. Johnson Lot 200. Orton Back Lots 38, 40, 42, 44 800. Lot #13 & Bldg. 3,000. Dow Land 1,000. Tilton, Robert Belle Hanson Farm 1,800. Tiffany, George B. & Oretha J. Hauser Est. Lot#lB & Bldg. 4,000. Tinel, Leon & Rita Eagle Shores Lot & Bldg. 3,500. Tingley, Lawrence H. & Florence W. Lot #2 & Bldg., Berry Pond 1,500. Tinkham, Judy M. Toltec Lot #17 & Bldg. 2,000. Toltec Lot #18 & Bldg. 2,200. Toltec Lot #43 1,500. Toltec Lot #36 B 1,500. Tinkham, Fred S. & Lydia W. Toltec Lot #42 & Bldg. 2,200. Pickering Lot 1,000. Tilton, Orrin Albert True Place 50. Tobey, Albert K. & Barbara M. Kanasatka Lot 2,000. Wood Lot 200. Tocci, Paul L. Lot #3, Greene's Basin 1,000. Todt, Roland & Mary Castle Shores Lot #55 & Bldg. 3,500. Castle Shores Lot #56 & Bldg. 3,500. Tomb, David M. & Constance T. Braun Bay Lot #9 & Bldg. 4,500. Topjian, Robert M. & Marianne Adams Lot #3 & Bldg. 3,200. Torrey, Anthony J. & Alice B. Redding Lane Lot #9, Bldgs. 7,000. Town & Country Homes Inc. Swallow Bay Back Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 1,000. Tower, Irving B. & Eleanor H. Hermit Cove Lot #7 & Bldg. 4,000. Traylor, Robert H. & Priscilla M. Kona Lot #33 & Bldg. 6,000. Traub, Edwin & Iris M. Asquam Lots 7, 8, Block 2, Sec. 4 400. T85 Non-Resident - 1968

Tremblay, Albert J. & Mary K. Castle Shores Lot #10A & Bldg. 5,000. Trevor, Frederick A. Varney Land 6,000. Tucker, Lylah M. Clark's Landing Lot & Bldg. 4,200. Touraine Lot #2 2,000. Turner, Fred R. & Carol Jane Whitten Field 500. Tuttle, Guy R. Shore Lot & Bldg. 5,500. 1/6 Camp 79 Lot 500. Tuttle, Lloyd B. & Judith W. Raoul's Cove Lot #15 & Bldg. 3,500. Tweed, Ralph E. & Evelyn S. Buzzell's Cove Lot & Bldg. 4,000. Twiddy, Rev. William N. Langdon Lot & Bldgs. 7,500. Twomey, D. P. Lot & Bldg., Winaukee Rd. 1,000. Twomey, Thomas T. Winaukee Ext. Lot #8 & Bldg. 5,500. Ulm, Edna Fred Coe Boathouse 100. Uhle, Dr. Charles A. W. Harvard Camp Lot #1 & Bldg. 7,000. Ulman, Norbert A. & Claire Store at Goss Corner 800. Ulman, Joseph B. Harvard Camp Lot & Bldg. 6,500. United Cable Co. Inc. Mt. Shaw Summit 2,000. Unsworth, Dr. Arthur C. Land & Bldg., Squam 9,500. Lot beside Phelps 2,000. Koenig Land along Harvard Rd. 1,000. Vadco Realty Corp. Land & 2 apartments Bldgs., Rte. 25 18,000. VanBlarigan, Hiram & Phyllis Kona Lot #31 & Bldg. 6,500. Kona Back Lot 200. Van Ettin, Royal C. & Peggy W. Wyman Land & Bldgs. 7,500. V2 Int. Wyman Back Land 200. Wyman Lot #3 3,000. Van Winkle, Rev. Kingsland Harvard Camp Land & Bldgs. 15,000. Vanerin, Peter C. & Maria C. Land & Bldgs., Rte. 109 2,000.

T86 Non-Resident - 1968

Varney, Donald W. & Shirley Armitage Land & Bldg., Berry Pond 1,500. Varey, Robert W. & Norma H. Tanglewood Lot #7 & Bldg. 4,700. Vaughn, Roger & Elsie L. Deercrossing Lot #5 & Bldg. 3,500. Deercrossing Back Lot #14 200. Vaughn, Golda Castle Shores Lot & Bldg. 3,200. Venne, Robert H. & Ruth E. V2 Int. Lot & Bldg., Beede Shore 1,800. Venezia, Geraldine M. Raoul's Cove Lot #10 & Bldg. 3,200. Vezeau, Doris N. Marble Prop. 300. Viano, John J. & Jean H. Land on State's Landing Rd. 1,200. Far Echoes Harbor Lots 72, 82 600. A. Wakefield Land 500. Charles Orne Lot 100. Sanborn Land 1,000. Adams & Quimby Land 500. Halfway Brook Prop. 200. Vibberts, Charles Redding Lane Lot, Bldgs. 3,700. Virgin, Charles & Janet Orton Back Lot #6 200. Vittum, Lewis M. Toltec Lot #37 & Bldg. 2,800. Hermit Cove Lot #1 & Bldg. 2,700. Vittum, Ralph L. & Mary E. Land & Bldgs., Lake Shore Drive 2,500. VonderHyde, Sarah J. & Jane C. Smith Lot #4 & Bldgs. 6,000. Wadsworth, Clarence K. Hovey Land & Bldgs. 4,800. Wagner, Robert & Harriet Grassy Pond Lot #10 & Bldg. 4,800. Grassy Pond Lot #9 & Bldg. 3,800. Wakefield, Scott G. & Joanne A. Castle Shores Lot #28, part of Lot #29 & Bldgs. 4,500. Wakefield, Ruth Kanasatka Lot 1,500. Wales, James A. Jr. Deercrossing Lot #10 1,500. Walker, Daniel T. & Ruby E. Hattie Dow Land & Bldg. 1,000. Tom Davis Place 1,000. Walker, Dwight H. & Bernardette N. Castle Shores Lot #52 & Bldgs. 5,500. T87 Non-Resident - 1968

Wall, James L. & Louise F. Morrill Lot 1,500. Wallbridge, William K. Lot #27 & Bldgs., B.P.C.C. 7,500. Walsh, Richard Richardson Lot & Camp 3,000. Walsh, Preston T. & Virginia M. Morrill Lot 1,500. Walter, Mark M. & Erma B. Lot #3 & Bldgs., Squam 7,000. Wambolt, Alden R. & Roberta M. Kona Lot #38 & Bldgs. 6,500. Warner, Kenneth & Evelyn L. Tanglewood Lot #11 2,000. Warren, Hamilton M. & Janet W. Braun Bay Lot, Bldgs. 7,000. Shore Lots 5,000. Braun Bay Lot #8 & Backland 3,000. Warren, John S. & Virginia D. Land, Mt. Rd. 200. Waterhouse, Richard Camp on Aldrich Land 1,000. Waterman, Harry & Helen E. Smith Lot #6 & Bldgs. 4,500. Smith Lot #7 & Bldgs. 7,500.

Lot & Bldg. « 6,000. Land on Ferry Rd. & Back Lot off Ferry Rd. 800. Watson, Maurice G. Watson Shores House & Trailer Park 10,000. Watson, Richard L. & Claire L. Clark's Landing Lot & Bldg. 2,500. Watson, Robert G. & Rita P. & Leo & Arline Lemere Hermit Cove Lot 13B & Bldg. 3,000. Watson, William G. & Anna J. Ferry Rd. Lots #6, 6A & Bldg. 2,500. Watson, Louise M. & S. Margaret Dockstader Castle Shores Lot #23 & Bldgs. 3,200. Watt, Robert F. & Ethel J. Redding Lane Lot 4B, Bldgs. 5,500. Watts, G. Martin Brill Alpine Lot & Bldg. 4,500. No. 2 Land & Bldgs. 3,500. No. 3 Land & Bldg. 1,000. No. 4 Guardino Place 9,500. Weafer, George J. & Helen M. Deerhaven Lot #9 & Bldg. 3,500. Weaver, Halsey A. & Bertha A. Swallow Pt. Lots 8, 9 & Bldg. 6,000. Small Island 50.

T88 Non-Resident - 1968

Weber, William F. Wentworth Shore Lots & Bldgs. 5,000. Webster, Edwin S. Est. Loon & Diamond Islands 800. Webster, Frank G. Little Yard Island 800. Webster, Mabel H. Alpine Park Land & Bldg. 5,500. Land & Bldgs., Rte. 25 1,800. Webster, Thomas G. & Mabel L. Swallow Pt. Lot #6 & Bldg. 4,000. Webster, John R. 2 Islands, Red Hill River 50. Weeks, Raymond A. & Mary A. Greene's Basin Land & Bldg. 3,000. Weeks, Ira Simpson Field 200. Weigler, Fritz & Eleanor Kona Lot & Bldg. 7,800. Kona Back Land 200. Weir, Rosemary Case Lot & Bldgs., B.P.C.C. 7,000. Weisz, Ottfred & Virginia Kanasatka Lot & Boathouse 1,700. Kanasatka Lot & Bldg. 3,500. Weiss, Anna M. Castle Shores Lot #54 & Bldg. 3,200. Wells, Malcolm R. & Marion B. Toltec Lot #3 & Bldg. 2,800. S. half Lot #4, Toltec 750. N. half Lot #2, Toltec 750. Wells, Robert S. R. O. Brown Land, Parcel E. 4,000. Wells, Philip S. & Diane S. Brown Land & Bldg., Parcel C 4,500. Wells, Ralph B. & Gertrude S. Brown Land, Parcel B 4,000. Wells, Lewis F. Jr. & Gloria C. Brown Land, Parcel A. 4,000. Wencko Realty Corp. Hermit Cove Lot #6 & Bldg. 7,500. Wentzell, John L. & Elizabeth K. Redding Lane House Lot 800. Wescott, Harold Toltec Lots #6 & #14 3,000. Westerlund, Edna F. Mark Wentworth Land & Bldgs. 26,000. Wettergreen, Charles O. & Ruth C. Redding Lane Lot #1 800.

T89 Non-Resident - 1968

Wetzell, Rolf & Geraldine Catlin Back Lot #12 200. Catlin Back Lot #11 200. Weyland, John E. & Jean C. Back Lot #11, Far Echo Harbor & Bldg. 2,000. Weymouth, Virginia L. Pratt Land & Bldgs. 9,000. Whelan, Lawrence D. & Eleanor M. Swallow Bay Back Lot #16 & Bldgs. 2,200. Whelan, John J. & Mary E. Swallow Bay Back Lot #17 & Bldgs. 1,500. White, William H. & Lida E. Windermere Lot #14 & Bldgs. 6,800. White, Joseph A. & Flora A. Long Pt. Lot #1 4,000. White, Frank H. Eagle Shores Lot #13 & Bldgs. 6,000. White, Lloyd N. & Shirley M. & Piper, Lionel G. & Priscilla Deerhaven Lot #13 2,000. White, Lydia E. Redding Lane Lot 5B & Bldg. 4,000. White, John M. Haller Lots 15A, 15B & Bldg. 4,000. Haller Shore Lot #3 2,000. Whitehair, Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Land & Bldgs., Squam 23,000. Whitehouse, Arthur & Louise Ames Back Lot 200. White Mt. Power Co. Transmission Lines & Equipment 200,000. Whitesell, Donald B. & Hazel E. Far Echoes Lot #05 & Bldg. 6,000. Whitman, Thomas Land & Bldgs., Badger Island 3,000. Whitley, Herbert A. & Ruth A. Kanasatka Lot #15 & Bldg. 3,800. Lot 15A and N. half of Lot 12B 300. Westwood Shores, Lots 11-25 8,000. Whitney, H. Kenneth Little Badger Island & Bldg. 500. Whitridge, Roland B. Jr. & Florence S. B.P.C.C. Land & Bldgs. 10,000. Whittemore, Bert P. Toltec Lots 64 thru 76 3,000. Williams, Edwin & Bernice Deerhaven Lot #10 & Bldgs. 3,000. Williamson, J. George & Edith Eagle Shores Lot #31 & Bldg. 3,200. Eagle Shores Lot #2 & Bldg. 3,000.

T90 Non-Resident - 1968

Willette, Romeo F. & Evelyn C. Witte Lot & Camp 2,500. Willey, Dorothy T. & Sandra Bennett Braun Bay Lot 4B & Bldgs. 5,000. Wilhelm, Sarah K. Far Echoes Lot & Bldg. 6,000.

Winters, J. K. & Betty Castle Shores Lot #100 & Bldg. 3,800. Wilson, Chester L. & Alice Y. Redding Lane Lot #1 & Bldg. 5,500. Wilson, Robert W. & Patricia H. Kanasatka Shore Lot 1,500. Kanasatka Back Lot 200. Withrow, Robert Robin's 100. Woodbridge, Hazel F. Fox Hollow Lot & Bldg. 7,000. Fox Hollow Lot 750. Fox Hollow Back Land 1,000. Fox Hollow Back Lot #1 500. Fox Hollow Lot #4 & Bldg. 3,000. Woelfle, John W. & Ruth E. Rock Pt. & Bldg. 3,500. Wolf, Robert L. & Jeanne K. Deercrossing Lot #8 & Bldg. 3,000. Deercrossing Back Lot 200. Wolf, Kurt Wentworth Shore Lot, Bldgs. 9,000. Woodanam, Lewis Penniman Field 500. Wood, Ramson L. & Elizabeth High Haith Land 500. Wood, Margaret L. Brown Land & Bldgs., Squam 8,000. Wood, Alice R. Land & Bldgs., Glidden Rd. 6,000. Wood, Michael N. & Mary M. Emery Land & Bldg. 5,800. Wood, Ruth M. "Catnip Lodge" Land & Bldgs. 3,500. Woods, Charles J. Lot & Bldg., Squam 5,200. Woodbury, Paul & Loretta Castle Shores Lot #9 1,500.. Back Lots 27, 28 400. Worden, Donald & Carolyn Kona Lot #21 & Bldg. 5,500. Kona Back Lot 200.

T91 Non-Resident - 1968

Workman, William J. & Dorothy J. Far Echoes Harbor Back Lot #81 500. Worth, Bruce S. & Velma Hermit Cove Lot #3 & Bldg. 3,500. Wozencraft, John M. & Francis T. Kona Lot #9 & Bldg. 9,000. Kona Back Lot 200.

Wright, Gordon S. Tanglewood Lot #5 & Bldgs. 3,500. Wyke, Albert A & Maria E. Blackey Cove Lot C & Bldgs. 5,500. Yancey, William D. Land & Bldgs., Holland St. 3,000. Young, Paul F. Braun Bay Lot #10 & Bldgs. 4,500. Young, Sumner L. & Mildred R. Lot & Bldg., Garnet Pt. Rd. 4,000. Young, Barbara D. Kona Lot #2 & Bldg. 5,500. Young, Rev. Louis E. & Jean L. Kanasatka Lot #9 & Bldg. 2,800. Back Lot, opposite Lot #9 200. Back Lot opposite Lot #10 200. Kanasatka Lot #8 100. Kanasatka Back Lot #6B 200. Young, Charles S. & Sara E. Wyman Lot #14 & Bldg. 4,500. Young, J. Hutson & Evelyn G. Wilkinson Lot & Bldg., B.P.C.C. 6,500. B. P. Land Co. Land 500. Youngblood, Franklin H. & Ruth A. Wentworth Shore Lot & Camp- 3,000. Youtz, Marilyn J. & Eleanor K. Charles Bishop Shores Lot #6 & Bldg. 6,500. Bishop Shores Back Lot #33 200. Zecchini, Charles R. & Janette F. Far Echoes Harbor Lot #92 500. Zeller, Milton A. & Susan Kanasatka Lot #4 & Bldg. 2,500. Kanasatka Back Lot #5 200. Zimmer, LaVerne R. Tecumseh Shore Lot #1 & Bldg. 4,500. Tecumseh Back Lot #26 200. Zirpolo, Albert & Lorraine R. Adams Lot #4 & Bldg. 3,500. Adams Back Lot #19 200. Zirpolo, Albert & Catherine Bishop Shores Land & Bldg. 2,500.

T92 Black Cat Island — 1968

Bothwell, Theodore P. & Dorothy G. Lots #36, 37A & 37B 3,000. Bushey, Roy S. & Hazel M. Lot #17 & Bldg. 5,000. Butler, Richard J. & Mary B. Lot #46 2,000. Canter, Carl H. & Stephanie Lot #39 2,000. Carrvell, Catherine W. Lot #35 2,000. Charrier, Paul W. & Mary Lot #27 & Bldg. 5,000. Cochrane, Gordon J. & Ethel C. Lots #76, 77 & Bldg. 6,000. Considine, John A. & Martha L. Lot #32 2,000. Lot #33 2,000. Condon, Edith P. Lots #70,71 & Bldg. 6,000. Chipman, William L. & Olive H. Lot & Bldg. 7,500. Backland 200. Dandley, Bernard C. & Janet M. Lot #14 2,000. Denesiuk, Paul Lot #19 2,000. DeCondris, Robert A. Lot #12 2,000. DiPietro, William O. Lot #79 2,000. Finnie Jr., Robert A. & Pamela C. Lot #18 2,000. Foster, Stephen F. & David Lot #16 2,000. Flynn, Joseph & Barbara Lot #38 & Bldg. 5,500. Grunslade, Olive M. Lot #65 2,000. Goldsmith, Gerald & Barbara H. Lot #42 2,000. Gorman, Irving X. Lot #31 2,000. Hawkins, Frederick J. & Margaret A. Lot #21 2,000. Higgins, William F. & Arline B. Lot #48 2,000. Lindsay, Richard D. & Betty Lot #47 2,000. Lussier, Oscar E. & Lucille A. Eagle Shore Lot & Bldg. 3,500. T93 Black Cat Island — 1968

Manahan, Robert F. & Eileen G. Lot #24 2,000. Mclsaac, John R. Lot #29 2,000. Lot #28 2,000. Lot #60 2,000. Metrick, Michael J. & Adele K. Lot #13 2,000. Preferred Properties, Inc. Lots 8,000. Payne, Alfred E. & Eileen M. Lot #26 & Bldg. 5,000. Pitzi, Victor A. & Margaret J. Lot #30 2,000. Pollock, Donald M. & Dorothy L. Lot #44 2,000. Poulin, Lionel J. & Barbara J. Lot #40 2,000. Ried, John E. & Fredericka M. Lot #22 2,000. Ritter, Stanley Lot #64 2,000. Back Land 200. Smith, Shaw B. & Donna D. Lots #72, 73 & Bldg. 6,000. Steenson, Alice B. Lot #11 2,000. Stenberg, John T. & Elizabeth M. Lot #45 2,000. Sutton, Richard & Shirley J. Lot #43 & Bldg. 5,000. Whittenberger, Harold E. & Joan M. Lot #34 2,000. Winkler, Burton C. & A. Marie Lot #50A 2,000. Williams, Edward H. Ill & Florence E. Lot #41 2,000. Young, Forest S. & Pearl E. Lot #78 & Bldg. 5,000. Zel, Joe & Dorothy E. Back Land 500.

Krainewood — 1968

Adler, Ivy K. Lots 19, 20 & Bldg. 8,500. Barclay, Gilbert B. & Anne M. Lot #214 & Bldg. 6,000. Lot #215 2,000. T94 Krainewood — 1968

Bartlett, Adelbert M. & Dorothy E. Lot #104 & Bldg. 5,500. Bottomley, Arthur N. & Anita S. Lot #75 & Bldg. 8,000. Brodheur, Raymond A. & Lillian Lot #18 & Bldg. 6,000. Camarada, Matthew & Margaret R. Lot #6 & Bldg. 5,000. Camarada, Anthony & Theresa Lot #9 & Bldg. 5,000. Carlson, Adelaide H. Lot & Bldgs. 6,500. Chiarello, Pauline Lot #4 & Bldg. 6,000. Chiarello, Richard C. & Pauline R. Lot #5 2,000. Cohen, Marvin & Erwin S. Lots 55, 56 4,000. Coyle, Fred J. & Elizabeth T. Lot #209 & Bldg. 5,500. D'Agresto, Louis J. & Margaret P. Lot #11 & Bldgs. 4,500. Darling, Bradford & Ann M. Lots 112, 113 & Bldg. 7,500. Davis, William R. & Yolanda Lot #1 & Bldg. 6,000. Lots 2, 3 4,000. Doyle, Beatrice W. Lot #218 & Bldg. 7,000. Ellingwood, Dean C. & Abie M. Lot #30 2,000. Ferrante, John A. & Constance P. Lot #8 & Bldg. 6,000. Goldstein, Ely L. & Helen J. Lot #216 & Bldg. 9,000. Gorman, William & Ethel E. Land & Bldg. 4,500. Harrison, John W. & Bettina H. Lot #114 & Bldg. & part of #113 6,000. Jurmain, Jacob H. & Cecile C. Lot #126 & Bldg. 9,500. Kanavich, George P. & Mary M. Lot #54 & Bldg. 6,000. Lamprey, Kenneth W. & Mary C. Lot #23 & Bldg. 5,000. Lucier, C. Denise Lots 101, 102 4,000. Boathouse, Hanson Pt. 1,000. Madden, Theodore J. & Karen M. Lot #210 & Bldg. 5,000. T95 Krainewood — 1968

Marvin, Sidney S. & Josephine M. Lot #122 & Bldg. 5,500. McLellan, Lester W. & Bessie P. Lot #220 & Bldg. 8,000. Nerlson, Frederick W. & Patricia Lot #119 & Bldg. 5,500. Patterson, Mansfield B. & Marion E. Lot #116 & Bldg. 5,500. Peterson, Ernest G. & Alice M. Lot #217 & Bldg. 8,000. Ohilbrick, J. Edward & Winifred L. Lot #207 & Bldg. 6,000. Ronzio, Allan F. & Marie A. Lot #60 & Bldg. 5,500. Ross, Harold & Ruth S. Lot #200 & Bldg. 5,000. Rubin, Albert I. & Helen M. Lot #22 & Bldg. 6,500. Sanborn, Walter G. & Adeline M. Lot #205 & Bldg. 6,000. Schwartz, James & Anita Lot #212 & Bldg. 8,000. Selling, Albert L. & Virginia R. Lot #203 & Bldg. 5,500. Spaney, Frederick Jr. & Lucille T. Lot #108 & Bldg. 5,500. Stanton, Walter J. & Arlene H. Lot #206 & Bldg. 5,000. Swinehart, Louis S. Jr. & Agnes C. Lot #103 & Bldg. 5,000. Swiss, Dr. Edward D. & Margaret T. Lot #111 & Bldg. 5,000. Therien, Estelle & Georgiana E. Wuchter Lot #115 2,000. Thompson, Sumner R. & Ruth Lot #105 & Bldg. 6,000. VanElls, Paul A. & Margaret E. Lot #117 & Bldg. 5,000. VanCourt, Madalene S. Lot #28 & Bldg. 6,500. Wagner, Joseph O. & Evelyn M. Lot #107 2,000. Lot #106 2,000. Wood, Henry C. & Ethel G. Lot #109 & Bldg. 6,000. Seniark, Inc. Lot #17 & Bldg. 4,000. Lot #46 & Bldg. 3,500. Lot #48 & Bldg. 3,500.

T96 Krainewood — 1968

Lot #55 & Bldg. 3,500. Lot #155 & Bldg. 3,500. Office Bldg. 2,500. Land, Rte. 25 500. Land, Krainewood 10,000. Land, Redding Lane 3,000. Land, McCarthy Prop. 1,000. Lot #4, Eagle Sands & Bldg. 3,500. Lot #17, Trail's End & Bldg. 2,500. Lot #62, Leaward Shores & Bldg. 2,500. Leaward Back Land & Lot #9 4,500. Toltec Back Land 200. Tanglewood Back Land 200. Tanglewood Lot #12 1,500. Wallis Gravel Pit 500.

Paradise Shores, Inc. — 1968

Adkins, Asbell & Cora Lot #141 & Camp 2,800. Lot #142 500. Allard, Armand W. & Antoinette Lot #313 & Camp 3,200. Amato, Giuseppe & Giovanna Lot #323 2,000. Lots #331, 332 1,600. Amidon, Carl & Dorothy M. Lot #92 & Camp 3,000. Lot #93 500. Arnone, Richard J. & Carol A. Lot #219 & Camp 2,500. Aunela, Towe & Wilma B. Lot #26 & Bldgs. 3,000. Bell, Robert P. & Ruth H. Lot #175 & Camp 2,500. Lot #174 500. Beninati, John & Antonia Lot #325 800. Lot #330 800. Bidder, Allen J. & Elaine M. Lot #1A & Camp 4,000. Blois, Robert E. Lot #152 & Camp 2,500. Lots #556, 567 1,000. Bosshard, Felix & Anita L. Lot #521 500. Lot #522 500.

T97 Paradise Shores, Inc. — 1968

Bradshaw, Joseph R. & Doris S. Lot #262 & Camp 3,000. Lot #261 500. Braese, Laurence K. Lot #2 800. Brooks, Kenneth C. & Eileen Lots #229, 230 1,000. Burns, James C. Jr. & Nancy C. Lot #20 & Camp 3,000. Brown, Robert B. & Dorothy E. Lot #308 500. Lot #309 500. Cadorette, William 0. & Beverly F. Lot #49 & Camp 2,500. Callahan, James J. & Virginia A. Lot #243 500. Camardo, Anthony J. & Faye E. Lot #544 500. Calistro, Bruno R. & Carol Lot #46 & Camp 2,500. Cappucio, Raffaele Lot #501 500. Carson, Mary E. & Januice A. Dupre Lot #271 500. Carallo, Anthony & Antonia Lot #324 800. Lot 327 800. Lot 329 800. Clark, George W. & Patricia A. Back Lot #99 500. Cignale, Alessandro Lot #643 500. Lot #644 500. Clough, Herbert & Barbara Lot #52A 500. Coburn, Patrick J. Lot #27A&Camp 3,200. Connors, Norton D. Jr. & Norma H. Lot #8 & Camp 2,800. Costley, Alfred P. & Alice A. Lot #307 & Camp 3,500. Costa, Joseph & Margaret J. Lot #68 500. Lot #32 800. Lot #42 & Bldg. 2,500. Crimmins, Thomas J. & Mary E. Lot #64 & Camp 2,500.

T98 Paradise Shores, Inc. — 1968

Crognale, Carlo & Linda Lot #665 500. Lot #666 500. Lot #667 500. Crowley, William R. & Pauline R. Lot #305 & Camp 3,500. Cusick, Vincent D. & Estelle R. Lot #499 500. Dalton, James & Anna E. Lot #251 & Camp 2,500. Dallaire, Norman J. & Claire M. Lot #253 500. Davis, Edward C. & Isabel Lots #85, 86, 120 1,500. DeAngelis, John & Eleanor M. Lot #270 & Camp 2,500. Densman, Anthony J. & Mary A. Lot #25 & Camp 3,000. DiBartolomeo, Leon D. & Florence Lot #43 & Camp 3,000. Dioguardi, Nicholas F. & Anna Marie Lot #193 500. Dioguardi, Robert Lot #190 500. Dow, Frank W. & Bernice A. Lot #9 & Camp 3,000. Duclos, Rejean & Doris Lot #195 & Camp 2,500. Lot #194 500. Fafara, William J. & Veronica Lot #6 800. Faithful, George Jr. & Lottie Lot #225 500. Lot #226 500. Frumefreddo, John F. & Mary C. Lot #118 500. Flatto, Herbert M. & Helene S. Lot #321 800. Lot #322 1,500. Gardiner, John C. & Rita L. Lot #110 500. Gawron, Eugene C. & Janice Lot #641 500. Gerardi, Peter W. Paradise Shores Lot #28A & Camp 2,500. Gilman, Paul F. & Mary Lot #245 500. Lot #246 500.

T99 Paradise Shores, Inc. — 1968

Goodhue, John & Ethel F. Lot #4 1,000,

Goulet, Joseph E. & Irene I. Lot #44 & Camp 2,500, Grant, Clarence L. & Helen M. Lot #260 500, Guzelian, Aram & Eva S. Lot #139 & Camp 2,500, Lot #140 500, Lot #632 500

Haggerty, John J. & Madeline I. Lot #279 500, Lot #280 & Camp 4,000, Haley, Richard F. Lot #22 & Garage 1,500, Lot #21 & Camp 3,000, Halsey, Roberta R. Lot #151 500 Harrington, John P. & Sarah M. Lot #267 & Camp 3,000 Hartung, Walter G. & Lillian Lot #256 500 Havansian, Henry & Susan S. Lot #263 500 Irons, Fred H. & Sarah B. Lot #14 1,000 Johnson, Paul Lot #100 & Camp 2,500 Johnson, Stephen G. & Jeanette Lot #105 & Camp 2,500 Lot #628 500 Lot #333 500 Joyce, Raymond & Stella I. Lot #18, Camp & Garage 4,000 LaRonde, Walter G. & Helen M. Lot #36 500 Lee, William E. Lot #265 500 Lee, Edward D. & Dorothy M. Lot #204A 500, Leary, Thomas F. & Amelia Lot #59 & Camp 2,500, Le Brecht, Dorothea & Varella, Marion Lot #255 & Camp 2,500, La Belle, Richard V. & Ellen M. Lots #316, 317 & Bldg. 5,000. Lindberg, Roland D. & Ann S. Lot #33A & Camp 3,500.

T100 Paradise Shores, Inc. — 1968

Lovegrove, Robert S. Lot #176 & Camp 2,500. Lot #177 500. Ludington, France & Charlotte E. Lot #218 & Camp 3,000. Lot #217 500. Lot #216 500. Part of Lot #14 500. Lundy, Harold J. & Sally A. Lot #19 1,500. MacKay, Robert A. & Beatrice M. Lot #403 & Bldg. 4,000. Lots #404, 405, 406, 407, 408 2,500. Mace, James J. & Nancy L. Lot #398 500. Maddalena, Theodore J. & Karen M. Lot #192 500. Maksian, Robert A. & Ann Lot #163 & Camp 3,000. Lot #164 500. Marchione, Emma Lot #500 500. Marso, Daniel E. & J. Louise Lot #12 & Camp 3,000. Marrone, James V. & Marion L. Lot #115 500. MacClymont, Elizabeth Lot #579 500. Maynard, Maurice & Lee Lot #372 500. Martin, Ronald W. & Betty Anne Lot #197A & Camp 2,000. Lot #196A 500. Martin, Joseph E. & Florence R. Lot #272 500. McAfee, Robert B. & Karen S. Lot #304 & Bldg. 3,000. Merola, Robert J. & Gloria L. Lot #31A & Camp 3,000. McCabe, John E. & Sarah E. Lot #520 500. McCafferty, Marie & Frances Young Lot #161 500. Lot #162 500. Migneault, Raymond M. & Rejeane B. Lot 206A & Camp 2,500. Moore, Thomas W. & Evelyn E. Lot #38 & Camp 4,000. Morin, Frederick Lot #106 500. T101 Paradise Shores, Inc. — 1968

Morley, Walter H. Sr. & Helen M. Lot #248 500. Munroe, Robert F. & Paula F. Lot #292 500. Oulette, Arthur J. & Mary E. Lot #71 500. Pace, Dominic Delia & Maria Delia Lot #125A 1,000. Palmbo, Edward & Fortunate M. Lot #47, Sec. 1 500. Pallostrone, Gerald L. & Lorraine R. Lot #69 500. Paradise Shores, Inc. Dodge & Raymond Lots 20,000. Ostrand & Lundy Land 10,000. Paradise Shores Club House 5,000. Paul, Robert E. Jr. & Betty Jean Lot #302 & Bldg. 3,300. Pellerin, Lucien G. & Rebecca B. Lot #56 & Camp 3,000. Perin, Giacomo & Anna Lot #171 500. Lot #172 500. Lot #173 500. Perrotti, Anthony D. & Concetta Lot #41 & Camp 3,000. Perry, June E. Lot #61 & Bldg. 3,000. Petrucci, Louis A. & David Fiore Lot #5 800. Portier, Wem & Elizabeth Lot #540 500. Lot #541 500. Lot #542 500. Porzio, Louis & Suzy Lot #39 & Camp 3,000. Puopolo, Louis A. & Carmela A. & Anthony J. & Sasso, Dolores T. & Giardina, Louella S. Lot #127 500. Lot #128 500. Repucci, Orlanda J. & Lena Lot #45 & Camp 3,000. Rich, Herbert H. & Gelda M. & Joseph & Rose Leeber Lot #75 & Camp 2,500. Lot #76 500. Richardsons, Donald O. & Marjorie R. Lots #169, 168 1,000. Richards, Robert & Dorothy E. Lot #11 & Camp 3,000

T102 Paradise Shores, Inc. — 1968

Rindone, Charles J. & Dorothy R. Lot #402 500. Roach, Edward P. & Julia F. Lot #116 500. Rogers, Henry J. & Frances E. Lot #250 500. Ross, Raymond M. & Hilda M. Lots #89, 90, 91 1,500. Rower, Benjamin & Irene B. Lot #441 500. Lot #442 500. Lot #443 500. Ryan, Robert L. & Philip L. Montgrain & John J. Ramonsky Lot #239 & Camp 3,000. Ryan, Mathis L. & John M. Lot #98 500. Samnartano, Vincent & Concetta Lot #123A 500. Sampson, Stanley M. & Arlyne R. Lot #1B 800. Sanchioni, Samuel L. & Alice E. Lot #357 500. Schena, Carmen Lot #334 800. Lot #335 800. Lot #336 800. Schraffa, Joseph J. Jr. & Jayne K. Lot #555 500. Lot #556 500. Scriven, Catherine C. Lot #3 800. Serrecchia, Gino & Lucy Lot #649 500. Sehlstedt, Harry B. & Gertrude Lot #264 500. Shea, Robert E. & Pauline M. Lot #24 & Camp 3,500. Shena, Joseph Lot #433 500. Lot #434 500. Lot #435 500. Solimine, Joseph & Delia Lot #102 & Camp 3,000. Lot #103 500. Lot #223 500. Lot #274 500. Spehar, John A. & Patricia C. Lot #538 500.

T103 Paradise Shores, Inc. — 1968

Steinort, Rudolph & Gertrude Lot #184 500. Supple, Bernard & Evelyn Lot #17 & Camp 3,500. Tramontozzi, Polly A. Lot #432 500. Tripp, Herbert B. & Beulah M. Lot #273 & Camp 3,000. Tarutis, Edward & Lillian Lot #287 & Camp 3,000. Weisberg, Julius & Bertha Lot #530 500. Lot #531 500. Welle, Joanne C. Lot #582 500. Lot #583 500. Lot #584 500. Wright, Warner S. & Shirley B. Lot #180 500. Lot #181 500. Zinck, Floyd A. & Elma W. Lot #360A 500.

Suissevale, Inc. — 1968 Amedeo, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lot #3, Block L, Section 2 800. Amenta, Conrad & Francis J. Lots #12, 13, Block A, Section 1 1,600. Ames, Fred Jr. Lot #5, Block A, Section 3 800. Alberini, Benito & Bernice C. Lot #15, Block A, Section 2 & Bldg. 4,000. Lot #7, Section 1, Block 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Alessandri, Riziero & Roberta Lot #21, Block C, Section 3 & Bldg. 4,000. Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Alver E. Lot #16, Block H, Section 2 800. Andrews, Carl E. & Alice D. Lot #9, Block D, Section 4 800. Anzaldi, William & Family Lot #23, Block O, Section 2 & Bldg. 4,000. Lot #22, Block O, Section 2 800. Lot #19, Block G, Section 2 800. Adams, Leo & Ora Lot #3, Block F, Section 5 800. Armstrong, Gorodon R. & Geraldine E. Lot #16, Block A, Section 4 800.

T104 Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

Balsamo, Rosario Lot #3, Block H, Section 2 800. Baldassare, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lots #5, 6, 7, Block E, Section 1 2,400. Barsamian, Dr. Ernest & Susan Lot #2, Block A, Section 3 800. Bassett, Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Lots #10, 11, Block B, Section 2 1,600. Baxter, Andrew K., Edward W. Long, Peter P. Birolini, & William D. De Amelio Lots #11, 12, Block P, Section 2 1,600. Bauer, William H. Lot #9, Block 1, Section 1 800. Becker, Manfred E. & Margaret M. Lots #1, 2, Block S, Section 1 1,600. Becker, Bernard B. & Isabelle Lot #39, Block B, Section 4 800. Bedford, Lewis S. Sr. & Mary F. Lot #26, Block D, Section 4 800. Bergin, John A. Lots #4, 5, 6, Block L, Section 2 2,400. Billenstein, William Lot #5, Block O, Section 2 800. Bergstrom, Carl Lot #28, Block C, Section 3 800. Bisson, Simmone Lot #5, Block S, Section 1 800. Black, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lots #4, 5, Block B, Section 2 1,600. Blakeslie, Allan K. & Virginia S. Lot #24, Block N, Section 1 800. Lot #9, Block EE, Section 2 800. Blagdon, Richard H. Lot #9, Block B, Section 2 800. Bonhomme, Anthony J. & Giovannia Lot 36A, Block D, Section 1 800. Bloom, Sid R. & Janet McMillan Lot #9, Block E, Section 1 800. Bocholtz, Albert N. & Elizabeth Lots #6, 7, Block DD, Section 2 800. Borst, Walter H. & Dorothy P. Lot #52, Block B, Section 4 800. Botticello, Henry & Wilfred Miller Lot #1A & Bldg. & Lot #15A, Block A, Section 2 4,800. Lot #10A, Block J, Section 2 800. Bourgault, Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Lot #24, Block A, Section 1 800. Brailsford, Norman & Elli & Christi Christensen Lot #18, Block K, Section 2 800.

T105 Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

Bovarnick, Daniel & Cheryl, Robin Bradford Realty Trust Lots #28, 29, Block C, Section 4 1,600. Brodhurst, Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lot #5, Block J, Section 2 800. Bogardus, Ruthuen E. & Carol F. Lot #13, Block M, Section 1 800. Borsella, John N. & Barbara A. Lot #16, Block K, Section 2 800. Brown, George R. Jr. & Kathaleen P. Lot #4, Block C, Section 3 800. Bredahl, Florence H. Lot #26, Block A, Section 3 & Bldg. 4,000. Lot #27, Block A, Section 3 800. Brooks, Clyde & Susie Lot #40, Block C, Section 3 & Bldg. 4,000. Bruno, Thomas J. & John A. Keyes Lot #17 & Bldg. & Lot #19, Block N, Section 2 1,800. Brunswick, Sumner & Arlyne Lot #6, Block D, Section 4 800. Bullen, David J. & Gale J. Lot #15, Block K, Section 1 800. Lot #14, Block K, Section 1 & Bldg. 2,800. Burke, Rita Lot #19, Block S, Section 1 800. Burrell, Norman C. & Barbara R. Lot #13, Block E, Section 4 800. Burrell, Robert A. & Katharina Lots #5, 6, 17, Block B, Section 3 2,400. Buser, Henry O. & Selda D. Lot #26, Block D, Section 3 800. Calabrese, Anthony Lot #13, Block K, Section 1 800. Caldwell, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Lot #11, Block J, Section 1 800. Camann, Stephan & Joan Lot #33, Block D, Section 4 800. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Luther A. Lot #11, Block A, Section 4 & Bldg. 4,000. Campbell, William Alden Lot #6, Block C, Section 2 800. Cappello, Frank Lot #6, Block H, Section 1 800. Cannavo, Nicholas & Florence Lot #5, Block E, Section 4 800. Cappello, Joseph Lot #2, Block A, Section 4 800. Lot #1, Block B, Section 3 800. Cardarelli, Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Jr. Lot #16, Block L, Section 1 800.

T106 Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

Carleton, George T. & Bette A. Lots #3, 4, Block A, Section 4 1,600. Lot #1, Block 1, Section 2 & Bldg. 4,000. Capritta, Anthony- Lots #20, 21, Block L, Section 2 1,600. Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Lot #16, Block L, Section 2 800. Casale, Albert J. & Lois Lot #43, Block B, Section 4 800. Catalane, George Lot #7, Block A, Section 2 800. Lot #25, Block G, Section 2 800. Cawood, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Lot #15, Block B, Section 2 800. Chester, Albert & Marjorie Lot #5, Block B, Section 4 800. Chicoine, Leo G. & Yvelande Lot #14, Block N, Section 2 & Bldg. 4,000. Clark, Charles H. Belvedere E. Lot #1, Block H, Section 1 & Bldg. 1,800. Clark, Owen L. & Anna Lot #4, Block M, Section 2 800. Lot #3, Block M, Section 2 800. Clark, Frederick J. & Dolores A. Lot #12, Block J, Section 2 800. Cogswell, Donald E. & Mildred P. Lot #16, Block P, Section 2 800. Chiacchio, Silma Lot #20, Block D, Section 4 & Lots #29,30,Block E, Section 2 2,400. Collard, Donat & Robert Amaral Lot #27, Block D, Section 5 800. Cipolla, James & Gloria Lot #7, Block J, Section 2 800. Comsudes, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lots #17,18,19, Block P, Section 2 2,400. Connolly, George F. & Pauline E. Lot #4 & Bldg. & Lots #5, 6, Block H, Section 2 5,600. Cohen, Ronald & Claudette Lots #10,11, Block N, Section 1 1,600. Colella, Henry- Lot #14, Block E, Section 1 800. Cok, Dr. & Mrs. Leo Lots #23, 24, Block D, Sec. 4 1,600. Cordera, Peter P. Lot #2, Block R, Section 2 & Bldg. 4,000. Corey, George C. & Mary D. Lots #8, 9, Block N, Section 1 1,600.

T107 Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

Corey, Roderick L. & Roberta M. Lot #24, Block D, Section 5 800. Lot #23, Block D, Section 5 800. Corwin, Frederick A. & Sylvia F. Lot #31, Block D, Section 5 800. Coute, Carolyn Lot #7, Block RR, Section 2 800. Coute, Gloria Lot #6, Block RR, Section 2 800. Coute, Gil & Mary Lot #8, Block RR, Sec. 2 800. Connors, Thomas L. & Lee S. Lot #10, Block D, Section 800. Cowl, Jayne H. Lot #7, Block P, Section 1 800. Crowley, Robert J. & Dorothy M. Lot #85, Block A, Section 3 800. Curtis, Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur III Lot #4, Block O, Section 2 800. Curtis, Jon P. Lot #3, Block F, Section 2 800. Costello, Thomas S. & Doris J. Lot #13, Block C, Section 2 800. Couture, Gerald & Dorothy Lots #5,6, Block P, Section 1 1,600. Lots #4, 5, Block I, Section 1 1,600. Covert, Grace Lot #9, Block P, Section 2 800. Cram, John M. & Priscilla B. Lot #30, Block C, Section 4 800. Cromack, John C. Lot 8, Block H, Section 1 800. Curcuru, Ronald L. & Merrily P. Lot #29, Block A, Section 1 800. Curley, Walter J. & Eileen Lot #2, Block H, Section 3 800. Dalton, Douglas S. & Carol C. Lots #1, 2, Block J, Section 1 1,600. Davis, Arnold B. & Patience H. Lot #18, Block A, Section 4 800. Lot #1, Block B, Section 4 800. Lots #2, 3, Block D, Section 3 1,600. Davidson, Arthur O. Jr. & June H. Lot #80, Block A, Sec 3 & Bldg. 4,000. Lot #79, Block A, Section 3 800. De Falco, Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Lot #2, Block A, Section 2 800. D'Allevo, Tommaso & D'Angelo, Gaetano Lot #23, Block K, Section 2 800.

T108 Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

D'Alesandris, Loreto & Lorraine Lot #20, Block P, Section 2 800. Demers, Irene J. Lots #12, 13, Block M, Section 1 1,600. Dearborn, Ernest L. & Evelyn B. Lot #4, Block D, Section 4 800. Dennison, Mr. & Mrs. William M. Lot #20, Block H, Section 2 800. Demiragian, Dr. Edward I. Lot #3, Block E, Section 800. Denunzio, Dominic W. Lot #1A, Block J, Section & Bldg. 4,000. Desjardins, Joseph P. & Daphne L. Lot #22, Block D, Section 4 800. DiPietro, Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Lot #8, Block C, Section 2 800. DiSiero, Carmeliana Lot #1, Block P, Section 2 800. Lot #8, Block DD, Section 2 800. Dreyer, Frederick G. & June W. Lot #15, Block A, Section 4 & Bldg. 4,000. Lot #4, Block B, Section 4 800. Duchow, Paul G. Lot #30, Block A, Section 1 800. Dobbs, Felix J. & Gladys C. Lot #9, Block C, Section 3 800. Lot #39, Block G, Section 3 800. Doyle, James L. & Norma G. Lot #15, Block C, Section 3 800. Dorrell, Runo P. Lot #23, Block B, Section 4 800. Dusza, Henry J. & Nellie M. Lot #23, Block F, Section 5 800. Eastern Manufacturing Co., Inc. Lot #4A, Block A, Section 4 & Bldgs. 4,000. Ellington, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lot #12, Block A, Section 4 800. Ellison, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Lots #13, 14, Block N, Section 1 1,600. Emerson, Ray Lot #55, Block G, Section 5 800. Engels, Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Lots #29, 30, Block D, Section 2 1,600. Ebb, Raymond P. & Dorothy B. Lots #12, 13, Block D, Section 3 1,600, Eckert, Robert W. & Mary Lot #6, Block E, Section 4 800. Eicholzer, Alfred & Anna Lot 15A, Block J, Section 1 800.

T109 Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

Evans, Clarence & Judith Lot #15, Block D, Section 3 800. Fagan, Raymond A. Lot #16, Block S, Section 1 800. Faria, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel B. Lot #20, Block N, Section 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Farnsworth, Alfred & Marjorie Lot #32, Block D, Section 5 & Bldg. 4,000. Finnegan, Ronald A. Lot #10, Block D, Section 2 800. Fisher, Donald R. & David Bovarnick Lot #29, Block C, Section 4 800. Lot #28, Block C, Section 4 800. Fix, Richard C. & Norma T. Lot #33, Block C, Sec. 3 800. Forbes, Ernest F. & Eleanor Lot #6, Block A, Sec. 4 800. Lots #25, 28, Block S, Sec. 1 1,600. Lots #17, 18, Block D, Sec. 1 1,600. Lot #14, Block H, Sec. 2 800. Foss, Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Lot #21, Block S. Sec. 1 800. Fowler, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Lot #3, Block N, Sec. 2 800. Fradkin, A. Martin Lot #15, Block A, Sec. 2 800. Franzek, Stanley A. & Catherine B. Lots #12, 13, Block N, Sec. 2 1,600. Frishman, Robert J. & Eileen S. Lot #3, Block D, Sec. 3 800. Garber, Esther A. Lots #7, 31, Block S, Sec. 2 3,000. Lot #13, Block P, Sec. 1 800. Lot #17, Block H, Sec. 2 800. Gelbe, Arthur & Linda Lot #39, Block D, Sec. 4 800. Gerl, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Jr. Lot #24, Block E, Sec. 2 800. Gershfield, Morris & Rosalind B. Lot #23, Block G, Sec. 2 800. Lot #19, Block O, Sec. 2 800. Geick, H. William & Catherine Lot #22, Block E, Sec. 4 & Bldg. 4,000. Gillingham, Maude B. Lot #14, Block K, Sec. 2 800. Giorgi, Charles & Mary Lot #14, Block M, Sec. 2 800. Glassbrenner, Charles J. & Jean C. Lot #4, Block S, Sec. 2 1,500.

T110 Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

Gould, A. D. Lot #11, Block A, Sec. 1 800. Lot #33, Block A, Sec. 1 800. Lot #16, Block S, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Gillooly, Leila F. Lots #17, 25, Block A, Sec. 1 1,600. Galloway, Thomas & Edith Lot #13, 14, Block A, Sec. 2 1,600. Galloway, William & Ellen Lot #40, Block B, Sec. 4 800. Gendron, Edward C. & Emelia J. Lot #14, Block L, Sec. 2 800. Gold, George & Rachel Lots #2, 3, 4, Block J, Sec. 2 2,400. Goldman, Dr. Joseph S. & Leah Lot #27, Block D, Sec. 3 800. Goodney, Robert & Madelene Lot #12, Block M, Sec. 2 800. Gosselin, Gerald J. & Carol A. Lot #13, Block C, Sec. 3 800. Guion, Richard L. & Jean M. Lot #1, Block D, Sec. 1 800. Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Lance S. Lot #11, Block J, Sec. 1 800. Hawley, David B. & Dorothy W. Lot #29, Block E, Sec. 1 800. Hald, Walter A. & Pauline M. Lot #3, Block R, Sec. 2 800. Lot #12, Block R, Sec. 2 800. Hammond, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Lots #7, 8, Block S, Sec. 1 1,600. Hibbard, Ralph G. & Marjorie Lot #10, Block N, Sec. 2 800. Lot #6, Block O, Sec. 800. Hill, Malcolm T. & Kathleen N. Lot #16, Block B, Sec. 2 & Bldg. 4,000. Hawke, Robert & Nancy W. Lot #22, Block F, Sec. 5 800. Hoshor, Everett P. & Frances E. Lot #28, Block E, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Hoshor, Everett P. & Frances & Clement F. Lot #26, Block E, Sec. 1 800. Houston, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Jr. Lots 37, 8, Block G, Sec. 1 1,600. Hunter, Mr. & Mrs. William G. Lot #2, Block L, Sec. 1 800. Huebner, Edward P. & Susan D. Lot #30, Block F, Sec. 3 800. Hutterly, Bertha Lot #16, Block DD, Sec. 2 800. Till Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

Hutterly, James & Joan Lot #2, Block DD, Sec. 2 800. Hawley, Gordon E. & Lois Lots #86, 87, Block A, Sec. 3 1,600. Iacino, Frank A. & Alice K. Lot #9, Block L, Sec. 2 800. Lot #26, Block G, Sec. 2 & Bldg. 4,000. Jardin, Albert & Helen L. Lot #49, Block B, Sec. 4 & Bldg. 4,000. Johnson, Marion E. Lot #6, Block B, Sec. 4 800. Johnson, David S. & Valerie J. Lot #3, Block C, Sec. 3 800. Johnson, Ronald C. & Katherine P. Lot #7, Block F, Sec. 5 800. Jones, Francis A. & Mary E. Lot #17, Block L, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lot #4, Block E, Sec. 1 800. Jelinek, Joseph & Yvonne Lot #1, Block N, Sec. 1 800. Jenkins, Joseph E. Lot #2, Block G, Sec. 3 800. K'Burg, Mrs. Louise N. Lots #21, 22, 23, Block N, Sec. 2 & Bldg. 5,600. Kariotis, Andrew S. & Gloria A. Lot #1, Block S, Sec. 2 2,000. Karlson, Roy H. & Claire L. Lots #2A, 3A, Block D, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,800. Keefe, Walter F. & Patricia F. Lots #11, 12, Block C, Sec. 2 & Bldg. 4,800. Kermode, George E. & Zora Sue Lot #11, Block H, Sec. 2 & Bldg. 4,000. Kent, Robert A. & Ellen A. Lot #18A, Block B, Sec. 3 800. Kibbe, Lillie S. Lot #14, Block M, Sec. 1 800. Kidwell, James F. & Margaret M. Lot #5, Block A, Sec. 2 800. Lot #6, Block A. Sec. 2 800. Kiernan, Dr. & Mrs. Leo E. Lot #22, Block L, Sec. 2 800. Kingsbury, Mason B. & Carolyn C. Lots #6, 7, Block EE, Sec. 2 1,600. Kiesnling, Charles & Irene Lot #81, Block A, Sec. 3 800.

Klibanoff , Lewis B. Lot #5, Block S, Sec. 2 1,500. Kohls, George P. & Louise Lot #42, Block C, Sec. 3 800. T112 Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

Klicka, Mike & Alena Lot #20, Block B, Sec. 3 & Bldg. 4,000.

Koelsch, Herbert F. & Diana I. Lot #17, Block A, Sec. 4 & BIdg. 4,000. Kovalcek, John M. & Irene P. Lot #2, Block I, Sec. 1 800. Lot #3, Block I, Sec. 1 800. Koley, Stanley J. & Patricia B. Lots #10, 11, Block F, Sec. 5 1,600. Kowell, Joseph A. & Sara H. Lot #14, Block J, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 1,800. Klotz, Raymond & Shirley Lot #19, Block C, Sec. 3 800. Krauss, Dr. Arthur C. Lot #35, Block D, Sec. 1 800. Kukis, Vincent J. & Ethel L. Lot #29, Block D, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Kulas, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Jr. Lot #6, Block D, Sec. 1 800. Lot #25, Block E, Sec. 1 800. Lot #8, Block E, Sec. 1 800. Lots #41, 42, Block A, Sec. 1 1,600. Kulis, Stanley P. & Nellie L. Lot #37, Block G, Sec. 5 800. Kwasnik, Henry C. & Rachel M. Lot #6A, Block F, Sec. 2 800. Lahey, Henry C. Jr. & Margaret M. Lot #6, Block P, Sec. 2 800. Lahan, John J. Lots #5, 6, Block N, Sec. 1 1,600. Laferriere, Eugene J. & Anne M. Lot #8, Block EE, Sec. 2 & Bldg. 4,000. Laing, Ronald A. Lots #16, 17, Block G, Sec. 2 800. Lambert, George A. & Dorothy M. Lot #9, Block K, Sec. 2 800. Latshaw, Thomas A. & Gladys M. Lot #12, Block E, Sec. 1 800. LaScala, Philip & Ida Lot #37, Block D, Sec. 4 800. Lavoie, Mr. & Mrs. Girard O. Lots #4, 5, Block R, Sec. 1 1,600. Leduc, Ones J. Lot #13A, Block J, Sec. 1 800. Lot #7, Block H, Sec. 1 800. Lot #4A, Block H, Sec. 1 800. Larochelle, Joseph E. & Irene Lots #27, 28, Block E, Sec. 3 1,600.

T113 Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

Lee, Victor A. & Irene Lot #36, Block A, Sec. 3 800. Lot #38, Block A, Sec. 3 800. Lot #33, Block A, Sec. 3 800. Lot #34, Block A, Sec. 3 800. Leary, Burton & Shirley Lot #21, Block B, Sec. 4 800. Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. William Jr. Lot #3, Block P, Sec. 2 800. Leone, Mary Lot #14, Block P, Sec. 2 800. Lawrence, George H. & Cecile M. Lot #6, Block D, Sec. 3 800. Lawrence, Alvin S. & Nancy E. Lot #3, Block G, Sec. 5 800. Lech, Vincent S. & Jessie C. Lot #83, Block A, Sec. 3 800. Lirot, Arthur F. & Betty S. Lot #22, Block G, Sec. 2 800. LaConte, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lot #25, Block L, Sec. 2 800. Lot #1, Block RR, Sec. 2 800. Long, L. Bruce & Mary Louise Lot #11, Block S, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Loftus, Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Lot #30, Block E, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Lynch, Philip J. & Margaret F. Lot #11, Block E, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Leverone, Robert W. & Ann M. Lot #10, Block T, Sec. 2 800. Lightell, Fred W. & Margaret L. Lot #47, Block T, Sec. 4 800. Lot #3, Block 1, Sec. 3 800. Libby, Frederick W. & Judith C. Lot #11-A, Block A, Sec. 1 800. Lively, Glenda Lot #27, Block D, Sec. 1 800. Lowe, Russell T. & Charlotte Lot #15, Block A, Sec. 5 & Bldg. 4,000. Lot #16, Block A, Sec. 5 800. Loss, Irving & Hilda Lot #3, Block J, Sec. 1 800. Lundberg, Ralph H. & Inga Lot #11, Block L, Sec. 2 800. Macanda, Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Lot #5, Block L, Sec. 1 800. MacDonald, John A. Lots #12, 13, Block O, Sec. 2 1,600. Mackin, John F. & Gertrude R. Lot #31, Block D, Sec. 4 800. T114 Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

Maguire, Francis J. Lot #20, Block E, Sec. 4 & Bldg. 4,000. Marino, Samuel & Sophie G. Lot #8, Block R, Sec. 2 800. Lot #7, Block R, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Lot #9, Block R, Sec. 1 800. Malsbary, Dean R. & Mabel Lots #8, 9, Block FF, Sec. 2 1,600. Marshall, Dale E. & Faye G. Lot #8, Block N, Sec. 2 800. Lot #7, Block P, Sec. 1 800. Martelly, Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. Lot #18, Block N, Sec. 1 800. Mason, Donald & Rita Lot #21, Block D, Sec. 4 800. Matteo, Charles C. Lots #7, 8, Block I, Sec. 2 & Bldg. 2,600. McClure, Charles & Caroline Lot #10, Block H, Sec. 3 800, McMaster, James R. & Nancy W. Lot #4, Block K, Sec. 1 800, McPartland, Thomas G. & Veronica M. Lot #24, Block F, Sec. 5 800, McKinney, Michael H. & Patricia A. Lot #3, Block 8, Sec. 4 & Bldg. 4,000, McLaughlin, John F. & Louise T. Lot #1, Block A, Sec. 5 800 Medley, James R. Lots #1, 2, Block G, Sec. 2 1,600 McCabe, Joseph V. & Elizabeth A. Lot #7, Block J, Sec. 1 800 Mekrut, Dr. John S. & Doloris L. Lot #28, Block G, Sec. 2 & Bldg. 4,000 Mekrut, Freda Lot #8, Block H, Sec. 2 Menard, Maurice C. & Regina Lot #5, Block J, Sec. 1 800 Lot #6, Block J, Sec. 1 800 Meregian, John V. & Sonia Lot #30, Block D, Sec. 3 800 Michalosky, Edward J. Jr. Lot #6, Block G, & Bldg. 4,000 Lots #1, 2, Block T, Sec. 2 1^600 Miller, Malcolm L. & Mary J. Lot #4, Block P. Sec. 1 800 Milyko, Louise D. Lot #25, Block D, Sec. 3 800 Moberg, George W. & Norien W. Lot #22, Block C, Sec. 3 800

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Minnehan, Veronica & Kane, Eleanor Lot #17, Block C, Sec. 2 800. Lot #18, Block C, Sec. 2 & Bldg. 4,000. Morrell, Milton C. & Jeanne M. Lot #3, Block H, Sec. 1 800. Moller, John W. A. & Joyce P. Lot #8, Block C, Sec. 3 800. Morse, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Lots #5, 6, Block M, Sec. 1 1,600. Lot #5, Block A, Sec. 4 800. Murphy, Joseph E. & Mary E. Lot #48, Block C, Sec. 3 800. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lot #4, Block FF, Sec. 2 800. Lot #15, Block J, Sec. 1 800. Murphy, Vincent P. & Evelyn L. Lot #1, Block H, Sec. 2 800. Lot #3, Block P, Sec. 2 800. Minute Man Contractors, Inc. Lot #29, Block B, Sec. 5 800. Moore, Shirley J. Lot #6, Block F, Sec. 5 800. Morganto, Angelo D. Lot #30A, Block E, Sec. 1 800. Lot #3, Block S, Sec. 1 800. Lot #12, Block F, Sec. 2 800. Moseley, Beverly DeWitt Lot #6, Block R, Sec. 1 800. Lot #16, Block E, Sec. 4 800. Lot #19, Block E, Sec. 4 800. Lot #18, Block E, Sec. 4 800. Lot #17, Block E, Sec. 4 800. Lot #9, Block S, Sec. 1 800. Lot #17, Block S, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Murry, Raymond C. & Esther A. Lot #14, Block F, Sec. 2 800. Nameika, Anne M. Lots #2, 3, 4, 5, 9, Block I, Sec, 2 4,000. Neilson, Richard B. & Ann B. Lot #17, Block N, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Neilson, Carl G. & Mary C. Lot #24, Block E, Sec. 3 800. Nickerson, Robert P. & Ailean C. Lot #26, Block E, Sec. 3 800. Nash, James E. & Dorothy E. Lot #16, Block J, Sec. 1 800. Newton, Henry A. & Eva Lots #11, 12, Block M, Sec. 1 1,600. Nedeau, Ludger J. & Jean A. Lot #13, Block B, Sec. 3 800. T116 Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

O'Brien, John T. & Mary J. Lots #4, 5, 6, 7, Block N, Sec. 2 3,200. O'Dell, Thomas M. & Elga A. Lot #6A, Block H, Sec. 1 800. Pagnotti, Louis P. Lot #24, Block L, Sec. 2 800. Palefsky, Harold & Lillian Lot #14, Block L, Sec. 1 800. Palefsky, Norman & Ethel Lot #15, Block L, Sec. 1 800. Palumbo, Bruno & Lillian Lot #12, Block B, Sec. 4 800. Parker, Donald & Elvira Lot #14, Block S, Sec. 1 & Bldgs. 4,000. Lot #63, Block A, Sec. 3 800. Parker, DeForest Lot #53, Block B, Sec. 4 800. Paolino, Edward V. & Mary Louise Lot #2, Block B, Sec. 4 800. Pecoraro, Clement F. & Muriel E. Lot #27, Block E, Sec. 1 800. Paul, Gaetane C. Lot #12A, Block J, Sec. 1 800. Pennellatore, Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Lot #8, Block L, Sec. 1 800. Porodi, Prima & Evelyn R. Lot #4, Block D, Sec. 3 800. Perkins, James M. & Anna R. Lots #8, 9, 10, 14, Block D, Sec. 1 3,200.

Lot #6 , Block K, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Perri, John & Anna Jean Lot #9, Block D, Sec. 3 800. Lot #8, Block D, Sec. 3 800. Perry, Normand B. & Mildred Lot #75, Block A, Sec. 3 800. Petteruti, Joseph L. & Patricia K. Lot #5, Block D, Sec. 3 800. Partridge, Robert A. & Helen Lot #27, Block E, Sec. 4 800. Phillips, Donald B. Lot #9, Block I, Sec. 2 800. Peterson, George & Jane Lot #43, Block F, Sec. 5 800. Peterson, Paul J. & Elizabeth Lot #84, Block A, Sec. 3 800. Phillips, Winnifred R. Lot #9, Block I, Sec. 2 800. Pilpel, Carl & Florence Lots #1, 2, Block P, Sec. 1 1,600.

T117 Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

Prigodick, Steven & Irene L. Lot #2, Block M, Sec. 1 800. Proctor, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon A. Lot #14, Block G, Sec. 2 800. Poerschke, Helmut R. & Karen H. Lot #46, Block B, Sec. 4 & Bldg. 4,000. Pytel, Alexander & Joyce Lot #2, Block C, Sec. 3 & Bldg. 4,000. Pirzl, John A. & Elizabeth C. Lot #18, Block R, Sec. 1 800. Pope, Charles S. & Elizabeth M. Lot #1, Block C, Sec. 4 800. Lots #43, 44, 45, Block D, Sec. 4 2,400. Quarton, Evan F. R. & Irene P. Lot #4, Block F, Sec. 2 800. Racofsky, Mr. & Mrs. John Lot #24, Block N, Sec. 2 800. Ramirez, Edwin A. & Genevieve C. Lot #4, Block EE, Sec. 2 800. Rawding, Mr. & Mrs. William Lot #22, 23, Block D, Sec. 1 1,600. Righthand, Herbert & Jean Lot #23, Block E, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Ropyak, Andrew & Joanne Lot #5, Block G, Sec. 5 800. Richmond, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Lot #14, Block A, Sec. 5 800. Richardson, Franklin H. & Beverly A. Lot #31, Block C, Sec. 3 800. Roberts, Dr. Edgar D. & Bobbie J. Lot #16, Block D, Sec. 4 & Bldg. 4,000. Ripaldi, Carl & Joan Lots #21, 22, Block E, Sec. 4 1,600. Rosenzioeig, Jules & Renee Lot #14, Block C, Sec. 3 800. Roosa, Bernard D. & Florence E. Lot #42, Block D, Sec. 4 800. Rousseau, Albert M. & Geraldine Lot #15, Block N, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Rooney, Daniel & Jean Lot #32, Block D, Sec. 2 800. Lot #27, Block E, Sec. 2 800. Roy, Ernest J. Lot #31, Block E, Sec. 2 800. Royce, Robert C. & Mary J. Lot #9, Block E, Sec. 4 & Bldg. 4,000. Roy, Raymond C. Jr. & Anne H. Lot #1, Block F, Sec. 2 & Bldg. 4,000. Roy, Bernard P. & Jean G. Lot #34, Block F, Sec. 5 800. T118 Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

Rucci, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas W. Lot #4, Block S, Sec. 1 800 Ruthowski, Alphonse C. & Audrey C. Lot #23, Block L, Sec. 2 800 Rosenswing, Dr. Stanley- Lot #13, Block R, Sec. 1 800 Lots #3, 4A, Block R, Sec. 1 1,600 Rossi, Charles & Rose Lot #15, Block M, Sec. 2 800 Roth, Stanley W. & Josephine Lots #81, 82, Block A, Sec. 3 1,600 Ryba, Edward J. & June B. Lot #28, Block D, Sec. 3 800 Rzewmicki, Robert J. & Madeline Lot #12, Block F, Sec. 5 800 Sadowski, James & Dorothy Lot #17, Block D, Sec. 4 800 Sagan, Felix H. & Mary K. Lot #4, Block B, Sec. 3 800 Sagristans, Gasper F. & Theresa Lot #13, Block P, Sec. 2 800 Sarvi, Rudolph & Elsa Lot #34A, Block D, Sec. 1 800 Lot #4A, Block D, Sec. 1 800 Salzman, Robert B. & Ellen B. Lot #62, Block A, Sec. 3 800 Salzman, Martin Lot #73, Block A, Sec. 3 800 Santos, Thomas & Jeannine Lot #17, Block R, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,000 Sawyer, Elinore M. Lot #35, Block D, Sec. 4 800 Sampson, Stanley M. & Arlyne R. Lot #26, Block E, Sec. 4 800 Lot #25, Block E, Sec. 4 800 Schatzel, Mr. & Mrs. William M. Lot #9, Block J, Sec. 2 800 Schichor. Schiman & Sima S. Lot #32, Block D, Sec. 3 800 Lot #1, Block D, Sec. 3 800 Lot #1, Block B, Sec. 2 800 Lot #13, Block S, Sec. 1 800 Schonberg, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Lot #8, Block B, Sec. 2 800 Lot #51, Block C, Sec. 3 800 Schwarz, Bernard & Leena Lot #31, Block D, Sec. 3 800 Scott, James H. & Esther F. Lot #15, Block M, Sec. 1 800

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Setzer, JoAnne Lot #18, Block G, Sec. 2 800. Serpentino, Joseph & Amy- Lots #5, 6, Block K, Sec. 2 1,600. Shaw, Edward J. & Camille D. Lots #26, 27, Block N, Sec. 1 1,600. Shaw, Lyall H. Jr. & Vivian C. Lot #38, Block A, Sec. 1 800. Lot #21, Block N, Sec. 1 800. Lots #8, 15, Block P, Sec. 2 1,600. Shildneck, James E. & Joanne K. Lots #7, 8, Block L, Sec. 2 1,600. Sheldon, Ernest B. & Nina P. Lot #8, Block B, Sec. 4 800. Silva, Pedro A. & Karen B. Lots #15, 16, Block D, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,800. Sherwood, Dr. Edwin M. & Gertrude L. Lot #22, Block B, Sec. 4 800. Skladzien, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred P. Lot #27, Block G, Sec. 2 800. Sils, Victor & Velta Lot #14, Block A, Sec. 4 800. Sneider, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Lot #19, Block K, Sec. 2 800. Somers, David A. & Norma B. Lot #16, Block C, Sec. 3 & Bldg. 4,000. Sylvester, Richard & Denise Lot #29, Block D, Sec. 3 800. Simeoni, Angelo D. & Dena Lot #7, Block D, Sec. 3 800. Simone, Rodney & Kathleen Lot #37, Block C, Sec. 3 800. Spiegel, Claire Lot #7, Block H, Sec. 2 & Bldg. 4,000. Sussman, Steven M. & Dorothy R. Lot #9A, Block J, Sec. 1 800. Stone, Philip M. Lot #8, Block J, Sec. 1 800. Lot #10, Block H, Sec. 2 800. Steinfals, Christian W. & Valne Lot #31, Block E, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,000. Stefanovich, Vladimir & Inge Lot #8, Block J, Sec. 2 800. Sumner, Russell & Margaret Lot #14, Block E, Sec. 3 800. Sessa, Vatalino & Matilda Lot #15, Block A, Sec. 1 800. Small, Raymond & Marie Lot #13, Block A, Sec. 5 800.

T120 Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

Lot #41, Block B, Sec. 4 800. Staples, Charles 0. & Katherine M. Lot #10, Block E, Sec. 1 800. Sullivan, Joseph & Gale Lots #2, 3, Block D, Sec. 1 1,600. Lot #32, Block E, Sec. 1 800. Suissevale, Inc Land, Recreation Bldg. 30,000. Thomas, Zachariah R. & Barbara P. Lot #15, Block K, Sec. 2 800. Thompson, Ralph L. & Margaret B. Lot #19, Block A, Sec. 3 800. Thomas, John H. & Dorothy M. Lots #18, 21, Block A, Sec. 3 1,600. Lot #5, Block G, Sec. 1 800. Tucker, Richard H. & Shirley B. Lot #38, Block B, Sec. 4 800. Ubaldino, Bruno Lot #6, Block R, Sec. 2 800. Upham, Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Lots #12, 13, Block I, Sec. 1 1,600. Vernazza, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Lots #18, 19, Block H, Sec. 2 1,600. Vickery, Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Lot #19, Block A, Sec. 1 800. Versoi, Richard P. & Challis Lots #17, 18, Block C, Sec. 3 1,600. Wallace, Paul C. & Theresa A. Lot #13, Block G, Sec. 3 800. Warfel, David A. & Carol Lee Lots #40, 41, Block G, Sec. 3 1,600. Wale, Carlton & Peggy Lot #20, Block C, Sec. 3 800. Weidig, Robert A. & Ruth C. Lot #67, Block A, Sec. 3 800. Weber, Edwin & Cathaleen Lot #8, Block F, Sec. 5 800. White, Rita P. & Laurence M. Lot #44, Block B, Sec. 4 800. Williams, Thomas J. & Harrietta Lots #6, 7, 8, Block T, Sec. 2 2,400. Wolfe, Mrs. Robert Lot #4, Block J, Sec. 1 800. Weymouth, Stewart H. & Louise E.

Lot #23, Block N, Sec. 1 & Bldg. 4,0.00. Wagner, George W. & Margaret M. Lot #45, Block F, Sec. 5 800. Walter, Henry & Ruth S. Lot #4, Block F, Sec. 5 800.

T121 Suissevale, Inc. — 1968

Weintraub, Robert P. & Sandra C. Lot #22, Block E, Sec. 1 800. Woodrow, Bernie & Gail Lot #13, Block M, Sec. 2 & Bldg. 4,000. Woodrow, Sumner Lots #3, 4, Block RR, Sec. 2 1,600. Woodruff, C. Eugene & Alice Miles Woodruff Lot #12, Block A, Sec. 5 800. Wilson, Lloyd E. & Gertrude D. Lots #15 - #20, Block B, Sec. 4 4,800. Windle, Warren & Grace Lot #33, Block D, Sec. 1 800. Zachariasen, Roy & Moreen Lot #12, Block N, Sec. 1 800. Zaganjori, David & Fermina Lot #20, Block A, Sec. 1 800. Zaleta, Joseph & Joan E. Lot #5, Block F, Sec. 2 800. Zaroski, Donald W. & Lois Lot #11, Block B, Sec. 4 800. Lot #61, Block A, Sec. 3 800. Zuckerman, Herman & Arlene Lots #6, 7, Block C, Sec. 3 1,600.



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