Newall Green High School Greenbrow Road M23 2SX t:0161 413 8546 f:0161 437 6125

23rd October 2020

Dear Parent/Carer

As we head into half term, I wanted to write to thank you for all your continued support since we returned to school in September. We have had a very successful term, with students engaging in their learning and adapting well to the changes that we have implemented since our return.

COVID-19 update

We continue to follow all government guidance and review our risk assessment on a regular basis. Links to current government guidance and our risk assessment can be found on the COVID section of the school website.

Public Health (and the hub) have been complementary of all actions we have taken in response to the confirmation of positive cases within school and have asked us to share our good practice with other schools. We have identified close and proximity contacts quickly, contacted the relevant parents immediately, provided clear information about self-isolation and ensured all students are able to access their normal school timetable from home through MS Teams. Please be aware that we will not routinely contact all parents if there is a notified case, only those that are directly affected will be contacted.

It is important that we all continue to do our part, and in that respect can I ask that: • You continue to check that your child brings a mask with them every day to school. We can provide a disposable one if a student genuinely forgets, but we do not have enough to provide one for individual students every day. All students were given a reusable mask when they returned to school in September. • Students do not attend school if they, or anyone in their household, is unwell with suspected or confirmed coronavirus symptoms.

Track and Trace during half term

Unfortunately, given the new ‘norm’, it seems highly likely that some of you will be impacted by COVID over half term. We have been asked to continue to support the national Track and Trace scheme during half term. Please can you either email [email protected] or call 0161 4138546 (leave a message if needed) if your child: • Has to isolate due to someone in the household either having symptoms or testing positive with COVID. • Has displayed symptoms. You will then have to book a COVID test for them. • Has tested positive for COVID. In all circumstances, we will need to know the date that symptoms were first displayed – we will use this to calculate when your child needs to return to school.

Workbooks, laptops and internet access for every student

Most students will have received their workbook pack, school laptop and 30GB EE dongle. However, if for some reason you have not been able to collect your workbook pack or IT equipment please contact school from Tuesday 3rd November to arrange this. The aim is that every student at is equipped with everything they need to work effectively from home and are well supported to achieve their full potential in the summer GCSE examinations.

Remote Learning

You have already received detailed information about how your child can access MS Teams – this is vital for your students to access their Home Learning (homework) and Distanced Learning (lessons that are taking place if they are at home self-isolating). All information is on the school website.

Mock Examinations and support in place

As our previous letters have said, mock exams will be taking place from Monday 16th November until Thursday 26th November – if you have misplaced your letter, this timetable is available to view on the school website. To support your child with their preparation, we have ‘curriculum revision seminars’ taking place most mornings (8.15am – 8.45am) and evenings (2.45pm – 3.15pm) – these have already been well attended. Again, all information is on the school website.

Key Dates

Return to school after half term: Tuesday 3rd November

INSET Day (students not in school): Friday 27th November

Finish for Christmas: 18th December 1.15pm (grab bags will be available for students to take home)

Try to take some time out as a family over half term and relax. These times are physically and emotionally draining, and we want our children to come back rested in November so we can have another successful half term. Our behaviour standards are high, and we expect students to be ready, on time and with the right equipment for school, respectful to each other and our staff, and safely work with us to ensure that we can all remain in school whilst keeping our focus on the learning. We have really valued your support on this.

Have a lovely half term. I look forward to seeing you all next half term.

Kind regards

Mrs K Jones

Head of School