Survey of Secure Processors

Suman Sau, Jawad Haj-Yahya, Ming Ming Wong, Kwok Yan Lam, Anupam Chattopadhyay NTU, Singapore

Abstract—The convergence of information technology systems, REE TEE 2 data networks, embedded systems and Internet-of-Things (IoT) TrustedTrustedClient AppsApps TrustedTrustedTrusted AppsApps Apps within the cyber-physical system (CPS) paradigm has led to TEE API the emergence of new security threats associated with the sys- tem hardware. To control risks of potential hardware security Rich OS vulnerabilities, secure processors were developed using crypto- TEE OS processors, Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and secure TPM boot. Secure processors have a critical role in achieving high assurance of security systems. They provide a secure execution Bootloader environment for guarding against unauthorised access to secret (Secure/Trusted boot) 3 keys and decrypted information. Besides, such secure execution 1 environment are critical to sensitive operations such as secure Hardware HW Secure Resources key generation, management and storage. Moreover, secure (Keys, Secure Storage, IO/ processors mitigate information leakage through main and side (Obfuscation, Trojan, Debug cryptoprocessors, IO, debug, 4 channels. In this article, we survey the state of the art literature 5 6 on secure processors, by focusing our attention on protective measures for hardware, boot and the execution environment. We also present current trends and design challenges. Fig. 1. Common structure of secure processors Keywords—Hardware Security, Secure processor, TEE, Secure boot. processor, securing an embedded hardware sensitive informa- tion and for providing attack resistance, TEE and secure boot (Figure 1, 1-3) are also discussed in this article. Further design I. INTRODUCTION strategies, such as (HSM) and There is a growing need for securing wide areas of applica- Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), as well as the tions that we use in our daily life such as military, transporta- brief discussion of Side Channel Attacks (SCA) are presented tion, banking, finance sectors, IoT and many more. The need in this study as well. Other topics of secure processors, of data ciphering/cryptographic algorithm implementation in such as physical attacks resistance, hardware Obfuscation and terms of software and hardware has escalated exponentially hardware Trojans (Figure 1, 4-6), are not part of this article’s and different research groups from the world have worked out scope. The contributions of this paper can be summarized as efficient implementation of cryptographic algorithms, primi- follows: tives, and/or protocols in hardware which is called hardware Reviewing the state of the art literature on secure cryptographic engines. In terms of flexibility this cryptographic • processors, by focusing our attention on protections engines can be classified as different types namely customized for hardware, boot and the execution environment general-purpose processors, hardware cryptographic coproces- sors (or hardware cryptographic accelerators), cryptoproces- Providing recent comparison between representative sors, and cryptographic coarse grained reconfigurable archi- • cryptoprocessors and examining their characteristics. tecture (CGRA). Additionally we highlighted various Trusted Execu- tion Environments and their security and performance Many research groups have proposed various secure pro- capabilities cessors/cryptographic processor to provide hardware-level in- formation security [1]. In various security modes [1], a system The paper is organized as follows: Section II describes the is partitioned into an on-chip trusted region and an off-chip different types of cryptoprocessors design overview followed untrusted region [2]. Physical attack resistance guarantees by a comparison table. Section III discusses current TEE and that the on-chip state of the processor (registers and caches) its applications. In section IV, we introduce some background cannot be tampered with; though the off-chip component of the notions of secure boot technologies, both in academy and in- processor state may be observed and potentially modified by dustry. Section V describes memory and physical side channel an adversary. Thus, they provide techniques to protect integrity attack resistance on cryptographic/secure processor. A brief and confidentiality of the off-chip memories, such as hash trees discussion on HSM is presented in Section III-A2 and ASLR and memory encryption. Moreover, obfuscation techniques [3] is presented in Section V-C respectively. Finally, Section VI are used in order to protect the hardware from being reverse draws some conclusions. engineered. II. CRYPTOPROCESSORS Scope and Contributions: In this paper, we have mainly Cryptoprocessor is a specialized processor that executes focused on the diverse cryptoprocessors. Besides the crypto- cryptographic algorithms on hardware level and accelerates the

978-1-5386-3437-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 253 H/W Crypto Main encryption and decryption process for better data security and Core 1 memory secret key protection. There are many commercially available Main H/W Crypto {K} cryptoprocessors, such as IBM 4758, Maxim’s DeepCover, CPU Core 2 SafeNet security processor, Atmel CryptoAuthentication de- vices, . Different cryptoprocessor designs [4] [5] [6] have been HWConfig H/W Crypto I/O proposed to meet three essential criteria; security, flexibility Core 3 and throughput. There are other constraints considered in Reconfigurable Area designing cryptoprocessors, such as power consumption, area overhead, cost, dependability, etc. Here, we describe different Fig. 3. Reconfigurable hardware cryptographic coprocessor cryptoprocessor architectures and its state of the art.

A. Customized General Purpose Processor are stored in the Key register of the main memory which In the presented architecture, a general-purpose proces- is connected to the AESCrCU coprocessor with standard bus sor (GPP) is customized and used for implementing some technology. cryptographic algorithms on it. It executes different functional data modules for cryptographic algorithms, such as module expo- data data nentiation operation for RSA algorithm, AES S-Box operation, Main etc. The main customization of these processors are instruction data Instruction set extensions (may be called cryptographic instruction) for memory Memory cryptographic applications. In this case, secret keys are saved in the main memory and used like other normal data. Software address Instruction attacks is rather easy on this type of architecture as it uses AES round start the same memory for storing the key and other data (e.g. core Power cold boot attack [7]). Figure 2 shows a customized GPP for arbiter implementing cryptographic algorithms. CryptoBlaze [4] from stop PC

Key data address register address XREG data AES CrCU Molen

Fig. 4. AESCrCU coprocessor [10] architecture

Other example of cryptographic coprocessors are multicore AESTHETIC coprocessor [11], single core AES coproces- sor [12] and dual AES core hardware implementation for AES Fig. 2. Customized General Purpose Processor MultiStream (AES-MS) [13], etc.

Xilinx, the AES New Instructions (AES-NI) incorporated in C. Cryptographic CGRA the new Intel and AMD processors [8], [9] are examples of this kind of architecture. In these type of design, different cryptographic algorithms are implemented using a CGRA [14] and are coupled with a B. Cryptographic coprocessor (crypto coprocessor) GPP. Figure 5 shows a general cryptographic array architecture with GPP. Celator architecture [15] based AES state matrix A cryptographic coprocessor (also called cryptographic coprocessor) is a module outside the GPP that accelerates Crypto array cryptographic computations. Here, cryptographic functions are Main PE PE PE PE memory implemented inside the coprocessor module in a very efficient Main PE PE PE PE way. Secret keys are normally not stored in the cryptographic {K} CPU coprocessor memory, they are stored as data in the processor PE PE PE PE data registers or main memory. The cryptographic coprocessor HWconfig PE PE can be controlled or parametrised using the host GPP but it I/O PE PE is not possible to modify/alter any instruction in the imple- Course grained reconfigurable mentation flow of the coprocessor by the host GPP. These architecture systems support multi-tasking, as the cryptographic functions Fig. 5. GPP with cryptographic array run in the coprocessor, while the GPP executes other tasks simultaneously. A general multicore hardware coprocessor (AES-128) which is implemented with systolic array of 4 4, architecture design model is shown in Figure 3. 8-bit processing elements (PE) is also a similar kind⇥ of An AES coprocessor namely AESCrCU [10] is designed architecture. Different symmetric cryptographic algorithms like with a GPP and several reconfigurable Cryptographic Com- DES, AES, SHA-256, etc. can also be implemented using putation Units (CrCU) as shown in Figure 4. Secret keys Celator architecture. Interconnection of the Celator PE is

254 configurable and a dedicated control logic is used to configure each Celator PE or the full architecture. Another cryptographic CGRA type architecture is COBRA array architecture [16], which is used for implementing cryptographic algorithm’s basic function using 4 4, 32-bit RCEs (Reconfigurable Cryp- tographic Elements). Cryptographic⇥ functions like modular op- erations, shift/rotation operation, Galois Field Multiplication, Inversion, Substitution, etc. can be implemented using these RCE. Another new kind of implementation of AES alogorithm in Partially Reconfigurable (PR) CGRA called “reMORPH” is described in [17]. It is very hard and usually impossible to objectively compare performance of different cryptographic accelerator hardware implementation as different hardware setup, tools, boards, etc. are used for different experiments. Some results are given for the full system including communications overhead, etc. and some are only given for the cipher with/without taking care of key management process. That’s why a straight Fig. 6. Trusted Execution Environment[20] comparison of these results may give a wrong judgment of that design. Results which are presented in Table I, are obtained from their respective published paper. There are large number of cryptographic accelerators and this table is representative of some of them which we have discussed in the Section II. This table represents different cryptoprocessor design char- acteristics likes key storage management, cryptographic units (single/multi core), performance (Mbps/MHz), etc. Interested readers are advised to read the respective paper for more details in regarding the experimental setup and analysis of the result.

III. TRUSTED EXECUTION ENVIRONMENT An execution environment is the software layer running on top of a hardware layer. A device that contains two execution Fig. 7. Architectural options for realizing a TEE architecture [21] environments that are physically separated; one environment contains the main OS and applications, the other environ- ment contains trusted software components. The device has a 1) : The Trusted Platform Module physical separation between the trusted area and the untrusted (TPM) [22] is a specification for a secure cryptographic area. The execution environment in the trusted area denoted coprocessor defined by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG), as Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), and the one in the and made an international standard (ISO/IEC 11889) in 2009. untrusted area Rich Execution Environment (REE) are shown The TCG defines the TPM as a generator storage device and in Figure 6. The code executing in the TEE is guaranteed protector of symmetric keys [22], in general, it is used to store not to be tampered with as a function of the level of tamper- state, keys, passwords, and certificates. There are different resistance exhibited by the hardware defining the trusted area types of TPMs implementations, at hardware level, there are that supports the TEE. A TEE can be realized in different the discrete TPMs (dTPM) and the integrated TPMs (iTPM). ways, but the overall concept stays the same. Figure 7 shows Discrete TPMs are chips that implement TPM functionality a number of ways in which these TEEs can be realized: and nothing else, and are in their own semiconductor package. Integrated TPMs are part of another chip that implements A. Coprocessor based other functionalities. Intel has integrated TPMs in some of its chipsets. As described in section II-B, the security coprocessor is a separate core, generally with its own peripherals, which is used 2) Hardware Security Module: A hardware security mod- to offload the security critical tasks from the main operating ule (HSM) [23], [24] is a dedicated cryptographic processor environment. The benefits of such a configuration are that the that is specifically designed for the protection of the cryp- operation can generally be completely isolated and it can run tographic key lifecycle. Hardware security modules act as simultaneously with the main core. The drawback is that there trust anchors that protect the cryptographic infrastructure of is an overhead associated with transferring the data to and from computing systems by securely managing, processing, and the core. Here we assumes that this communication channel storing cryptographic keys inside a hardened, tamper-resistant in between coprocessor and external component is secure. The device. HSM traditionally come in the form of a plug-in card coprocessor generally has significantly lower performance than or an external device that attaches directly to a the main core. The coprocessor design can be one of two or network server. The dedicated cryptographic processor aternatives: External or Embedded security coprocessor. inside HSM provides performance accelerated cryptographic


Cryptoprocessor architecture Proposed design name Design architecture Key storage management Crypto core units Mbps/MHz CryptoBlaze [4] Custom 8-bit Xilinx PicoBlaze Main memory S-Box,GF multiplier on it – Custom GPP Intel AES-NI [8], [9] Intel IA-32 main memory 1 AES ALU 0.78 AESTHETIC [11] Main processor& AES accelerator embedded key generation register single & multiple AES core(1 to 3) 36.80 (3-core) AESCrCU [10] Molen processor AES Cores & key register CrCU number not limited 0.59 Crypto Coprocessor AES-MS [13] Molen processor & 2 AES Cores key register two AES core 25.60 HCrypt [18] 2 32 -bit dedicated ALU dedicated secure register 2-AES cipher/decipher 1.60 MCCP [19] Multicore⇥ processor dedicated register 2 to 8 reconfigurable crypto core 4.43 Celator arch. [15] matrix of 4-bit PE Main memory Depends on array size 1.27 Crypto array COBRA array arch. [16] 4 4 32-bit RCE Main memory 16-reconfigurable elements 1.40 ⇥ operations such as encryption, digital signatures, hashing and XOM applications by using compartment, where a compart- Message Authentication Codes (MAC). ment is a logical container that prevents information from flowing into or out of it. Each application is placed on its Generally, both HSM and TPM are capable of performing compartment and implementing a policy that halts execution hardware encryption. A TPM is a hardware chip on the process if compartment tries to read data that its not part of motherboard and is capable to provides full disks encryption. its compartment boundaries. TPM keeps hard drives locked until the system completes a system verification or authentication process. On the other Application level TEE techniques were presented at InkTag hand, HSM is a removable or external device that generates, [28], XOM OS [27], and SP3 [29], these approaches share stores and manages cryptographic keys. High performance the goal of minimizing the ability of an untrustworthy system HSM comes as an external device which can be connected component to tamper with a sensitive application. to a network using TCP/IP while smaller HSM is expansion cards that is installed within a server or plug-in devices into Additional examples of software TEE include Docker con- computer ports. tainers [30], Flicker [31] and Trusty [32] TEE for Android OS. Docker is a tool that makes it easy to package an application B. Processor Secure Environment and all of its dependencies into such containers. Trusty is a set of software components supporting a TEE on mobile Nowadays, many popular mobile TEE architectures support devices. Flicker demonstrates that it is possible to use current a new kind of configuration where a single core supports mul- trusted computing and hardware virtualization technologies to tiple virtual cores that are mutually exclusive of one another implement TEE. With Flicker, current commodity systems are i.e. when one is running the other is suspended. Normally this capable of securely executing code without the need to trust transition from one state to other is done by some sort of the legacy operating system. monitor/trigger. This configuration is sometimes referred to as the “processor secure environment” [25]. D. Hybrid Software-Hardware Approaches 1) ARM TrustZone: ARM TrustZone is an example of Processor Secure Environment. In Trust-Zone, the processor Techniques such as Intel Software Guard Extensions (Intel core can be in one of two “worlds”: a “secure world” (for SGX)[33] uses both hardware and software to implement TEE. the TEE) and a “normal world” (for the REE). A specific SGX is a set of instructions that allow an application to instruction called Secure Monitor Call (SMC) is used to trigger instantiate a protected container, referred to as an enclave. the processor running in normal world to enter “monitor mode” An enclave is defined as a protected area in the applica- that marshals the transition to secure world [26]. The benefit tion’s address space which cannot be altered by code outside of this configuration is that there is no need to unload the data the enclave, not even by higher privileged code (e.g., kernel, to and from the secure world. But there is an extra cost needed virtual machine monitors, BIOS). In other words, enclaves to store and restore the device state on entry and exit from a are orthogonal to x86 protection rings( are mechanisms to given mode. Disadvantage of this type of design is that when protect data and functionality from faults (by improving fault one world is active the other world must be completely halted, tolerance) and malicious behavior (by providing computer thus complicating interrupt handling. security)) [34]. 2) Intel Trusted Execution Technology: Intel Trusted Exe- In SGX the core does not perform a full transition to and cution Technology (Intel TXT, formerly known as LaGrande from a secure world. Instead parts of a standard application, Technology) is a set of hardware security extensions to the both code and data, are protected by mechanisms in the core. Intel processors with the objective of providing a dynamic The enclave is encrypted by a key that is only accessible to root of trust for measurement (DRTM), so that a system can the CPU. When an “enter enclave (EENTER)” [35] instruction be attested for integrity at run time. Intel TXT depends on the is received the code and data are decrypted and operated upon TPM’s Platform Configuration Register (PCR) registers [22] to in the core. They never leave the CPU package unencrypted, store its integrity measurements; thus the TPM is the root of thus protecting them against external access. The benefits are trust for Intel TXT. One of the main applications of Intel TXT that there is no need to transfer data back and forth between is ensuring a chain of trust at boot-time(e.g. Trusted boot). cores or to setup complicated transitions to and from a secure C. Software Approaches world, and there is no additional need for a separate operating environment as is required in other styles of TEE configuration. Beside the hardware based techniques, other approaches E. Summary of TEE were presented, at the architecture level XOM (eXecute- Only-Memory), [27] platforms achieves TEE by architectural The desired security features [36] that TEE should provide separation, it prevents information from leaking out of the are: Isolated Execution, Secure Storage, Remote Attestation,

256 Secure Provisioning and Trusted Path, in addition the TEE D. Measured Boot system should maintain good performance (low overhead) and Measured Boot is a mechanism to verify that core platform low power. Table II below compares part of the reviewed software components have not been compromised. Measured trusted execution environments based on these desired features. boot starts after certified boot. Typically, measured boot is IV. SECURITY OF BOOT PROCESS supported by a TPM’s PCR registers [45]. Conceptually, it relies on the idea that each running core code component is Protecting the boot sequence is usually referred to indis- measured ( âAIJmeasures⢠A˘ I˙ or computes the hash of, the tinctly as secure boot or trusted boot. Other terms such as next object(s) in the chain of trust, and stores the hashes in a verified boot, authenticated boot, certified boot, or measured way that they can be securely retrieved later to find out what boot are also found in commercial products and some research objects were encountered) before it is executed. Several works articles, all with different connotations. In this section, we adhere to this definition when using a TPM for storing the will define the terms according to their acceptance, and the measurements in the PCR registers [46], [47]. relevance of the work referring to them. E. Verified Boot Verified Boot is a term coined by Google in Chrome OS for A. Secure boot verifying that the firmware and the file system that holds the operating system are in a known, untampered state. Concep- The purpose of secure boot is to bring the system to tually, verified boot is very similar to trusted boot. However, a known and trusted state. The secure boot routine is a instead of using hash values to perform integrity checks, they ROM based routine, so that an attacker cannot intercept the use only digital signatures. Work targeting Chrome OS have procedure. secure boot is described in the Unified Extensible already adopted this term [48]. Also, given Google products’ Firmware Interface (UEFI) specification since version 2.2 [37]. popularity, at least two independent efforts are driving its de- UEFI secure boot verified the integrity of each stage of the velopment: one by Google’s Chromium OS team, and another boot process by computing a hash and comparing the result inside of U-Boot [48], [49]. The fact that verified boot is with a cryptographic signature. A key database of trustworthy directly supported in U-Boot guarantees it reaching a large public keys needs to be accessible during boot time so that the proportion of the available target platforms. signature can be verified. In secure boot, if any integrity check F. Authenticated Boot fails, the boot will be aborted. If the boot process succeeds the system is expected to be running in a trusted state. This Authenticated Boot is sometimes used to designate trusted definition of secure boot is widely accepted in the security boot [50], [51]. The logic behind this is that trusted boot can community [37], [38], [39]. then be used to define the combination of secure boot and authenticated boot, in such a way that integrity checks are B. Trusted Boot both stored and enforced. This is what we referred to before as certified boot. Trusted Boot is defined by the TCG as part of the same V. M EMORY AND CRYPTOGRAPHIC ATTACK RESISTANCE set of standards [22] where they define the TPM. In this case, the TCG targets boot protection with trusted boot. The Several prominent attacks (using side channels) that im- TCG describes a process to take integrity measurements of posed a significant challenge in secure processor designs are a system and store the result in a TPM so that they cannot described in the following subsections. While cryptographic be compromised by a malicious host system. In trusted boot, algorithms implementations are commonly deployed to coun- integrity measurements are stored for run-time attestation, but termeasure against invasions, other measures such as the ASLR the boot process is not aborted in case of an integrity check and Oblivious RAM, which could increase the resistance failure. Also in mobile devices, where TPMs are not available, against memory attack are also introduced in this study. the TCG and others are working on materializing a TPM-like hardware component called Mobile Trusted Module (MTM) A. Side Channel Attacks (Non Invasive Attack) [40]. They are not being very successful in this effort due Side Channel Attacks (SCA) are a low-cost and non- to the lack of tamper-resistance in TrustZone, which is the invasive physical attack that exploits device’s external infor- most widespread secure hardware in mobile devices. Since this mation which is often leaked unintentionally in exchange for definition of trusted boot, originally introduced by Gasser et al. secret information. Several commonly deployed SCA use the as part of their digital distributed system security architecture analysis of execution time, power consumption and electro- [41], is backed by the TCG, its acceptance is also widely magnetic radiation are introduced in this section. spread. Also, most of the community has adhered to it [39], 1) Timing Analysis Attack: Operations in cryptographic [42]. Popular trusted boot implementations include OSLO [43], algorithms require different computation time to process dif- TCG’s Software Stack (TrouSerS), and tboot. ferent inputs. Therefore, with a sufficient knowledge of the implementation, a careful statistical analysis of the variations C. Certified Boot on timing measurement will eventually lead to private infor- Certified Boot has been used in [37]as a term to combine mation, i.e. (part of) the secret key. Timing analysis attack was secure boot and trusted boot in such a way that integrity first introduced by Kocher in 1996 [52], and was developed checks are both stored and enforced. Since the introduction by Dhem et. al.[53], in which a practical was of authorizations in TCG’s TPM 2.0 [44], certified boot is conducted against RSA modular exponentiation. A complete also defined as secure boot with TCG authorizations, with the AES key recovery from a network server on another computer latter referring to trusted boot. using timing attack was demonstrated in [54].


Performance Isolated Execution Secure Storage Remote Attestation Secure Provisioning Trusted Path TPM –Hardware much lower than main CPU Limited Yes (limited capacity) Yes Yes No TrustZone -Hardware near CPU, RAM limited Yes (restricted) Yes Yes Yes Partially Flicker -Software as main CPU Yes (restricted) Yes (via TPM) Yes (via TPM) Yes (via TPM) Limited SGX -Hybrid as main CPU Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2) Power Analysis Attack: Apart from the computation run- The attack generally requires two step: fault injection and fault time, the power consumption of a cryptographic devices also exploitation steps. Faults are first injected at the appropriate reveals much information about the operation taking place timing during the execution process. These faults can come as well as the underlying parameters. Hence, secret data can in the forms of abruptly low or high voltage, noisy power be retrieved through power analysis attacks such as Simple or clock signals, excessive temperature, radiations and high Power Analysis (SPA), Differential Power Analysis (DPA) and energy beam such as UV or laser. Next, by carefully studying Correlation Power Analysis (CPA). the erroneous results of computations performed under such faults, an attacker can retrieve information about the secret SPA is a technique that involves directly interpreting single key. Fault analysis attack was first introduced by Boneh et. al. power trace to determine the particular operation executed and and was demonstrated on RSA public key cryptosystem [65]. hence leads to the key materials [55]. However, when the Subsequently, the approach was extended to symmetric key leakages relative to noise is much less, statistical techniques cryptosystems, among others, DES [66] and AES [67]. such as DPA are more applicable. DPA, on the other hand, per- forms statistical analysis over a large number of samples. The C. Address Space Layout Randomization approach was successfully demonstrated on DES algorithm by Kocher et al.[56], [57]. This statistical method exploited the Another major concern with respect to existing different se- signal’s power consumption signals on CMOS chips in order curity attacks, is memory attack. Any change in the instruction to retrieve the key values via the difference of mean curves memory/data memory content of the processor, will change selected on a defined criteria. the flow of execution or chances to hack the secret key/data In recent dates, the power analysis technique based on the stored in that memory location. Different memory protection correlation factor between the power traces and the processing techniques are used to countermeasure of this kind of attacks. data has been widely studied. This approach, known as CPA, ASLR is a memory protection approach that is used to fortify exploits the correlation between the power consumption of a operating systems against buffer-overflow attacks [68], [69]. cryptographic device and its power consumption model [58]. The technique works by introducing artificial diversity through The most common model given under a linear form is such randomizing the memory location of certain system compo- as the Hamming weight model and the Hamming distance nents. The aim is to prevent attackers from utilizing the same model. Power traces recorded during the encryption process attack code against all instantiations of the program containing are correlated with a table of expected power consumption the same flaw. In other words, ASLR hinders the attackers to and the process repeated until accurate inference can be made predict the randomly assigned addresses. For example, attack- about the key [59], [60]. CPA requires far fewer traces for ers are required to locate the targeted stack before executing recovering the key and hence is superior than methods such the return-to-libc attacks. However, it has been proven that as DPA and SPA. for current 32-bit architectures, ASLR is ineffective against the possibility of generic exploit code for single flaw and Apart from power dissipation, the analysis of the observed brute force attacks can be effectively feasible as well [70]. electromagnetic (EM) emanations could also reveal the causal Furthermore, de-randomization attack converts standard buffer- relationship between the processing data and the underlying overflow exploits into exploits that works against systems computation as well. Hereafter, the terms DPA and CPA have protected by ASLR [71]. Several new and improved ASLR been generalized for any side channel signal (i.e., power architectures have been investigated and reported in the recent consumption and electromagnetic radiation signals) [61], [62]. years. These works suggested upgrading to 64-bit machine with no fewer than 32 address bits [70]. Brute force attacks 3) Template Attack: The effectiveness of DPA and CPA would then need to predict at least 32 bits of randomness and attacks are dependent on the selected power consumption this can be ruled out as a threat. models. If the power consumption is wrongly modeled, the key detection will become impossible. With that, template attack, In addition to that, more powerful randomization tech- a new class of power attacks was introduced by Chari et. al. niques such as increasing the frequency and granularity of to overcome these shortcomings [63]. The approach consists the randomization can be implemented [68]. Randomization of of two stages: profiling stage to learn the device and key the processes’ memory segments can be performed to increase extraction stage to retrieve the secret key [64], [63]. The power the security against brute force attacks. The approach can be consumption characteristics of the targeted device is learnt extended to the finer granularity level (at function and variable and stored as templates in a database. The templates are later addresses) within the memory segments during compile-time matched with the recorded power traces based on different key or run-time. Compile-time randomization can be achieved hypotheses. The templates that match best indicate the key. via modified compiler and linker [72]. Meanwhile, run-time randomization is performed through function reordering within B. Fault Analysis Attack (Semi Invasive Attack) a shared library or the executable during the runtime [68]. In comparison, the compile-time address space randomization Fault analysis attacks are semi invasive attack that attempt is more effective than runtime randomization because it has to access the device without damaging the passivation layer. higher feasibility to randomize addresses at a finer granularity.

258 D. Oblivious RAM [12] A. Hodjat and I. Verbauwhede, “High-throughput programmable cryp- tocoprocessor,” IEEE Micro, vol. 24, pp. 34–45, May 2004. Oblivious RAM (ORAM) [73], is a cryptographic primitive [13] M. Pericas, R. Chaves, G. N. Gaydadjiev, S. Vassiliadis, and M. Valero, that completely eliminates the information leakage from a “Vectorized AES core for high-throughput secure environments,” in program memory access trace, i.e. the sequence of memory International Conference on High Performance Computing for Com- accesses. ORAM is made up of trusted client logic (who runs putational Science, pp. 83–94, Springer, 2008. the ORAM algorithm and maintains some trusted state) that [14] K. Shahzad, A. Khalid, Z. E. Rakossy, G. Paul, and A. Chattopadhyay, interacts with an untrusted storage provider. Under ORAM, “Coarx: A coprocessor for arx-based cryptographic algorithms,” in 2013 any memory access pattern is computationally indistinguish- 50th ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), pp. 1– 10, May 2013. able from any other access pattern of the same length. ORAM [15] D. Fronte, A. Perez, and E. Payrat, “Celator: A multi-algorithm requires flexible amounts of trusted memory so that the at- cryptographic co-processor,” in Proceedings of the 2008 International tacker cannot observe the memory access pattern. Most secure Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, RECONFIG processor designs [74] [75] have adopted Path ORAM due to ’08, (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 438–443, IEEE Computer Society, its algorithmic simplicity. 2008. VI. CONCLUSION [16] A. J. Elbirt and C. 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