Hashemite Kingdom of Parliamentary

This project is funded by the European Union Elections Empowered lives. Resilient Nations. 2016

Frequently Asked Questions Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Parliamentary

This project is funded by the Elections European Union 2016 Empowered lives. Resilient Nations. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

Page Question

What elections are taking place in Jordan? 1 Who runs the elections? Support to What Election Law applies? theElectoral in 2 What electoral system is in place? Cycle Jordan 3 What electoral districts are in place? 2012–2017

How are the seats distributed across electoral districts? 4 What are the key electoral dates? These Frequently Asked Questions Who has the right to vote? (FAQs) on the 2016 Jordanian 5 How is the voter register compiled? Parliamentary Elections are prepared by the Support to the 6 How many voters are registered for the elections? Electoral Cycle in Jordan project, which is funded by the European Who has the right to stand as candidates? Union and UNDP. 7 How are lists formed? What is the nomination and registration process? The FAQs are based on data as of 10 September 2016. The contents 8 How many lists and candidates have registered? of the FAQs are provided for What is the period for campaigning? information only and should not be How is campaign spending regulated? considered as official or legally 9 How is campaigning conducted? binding. The EU and UNDP are not How are campaign violations enforced? responsible for the contents of the FAQs 10 How many polling stations are there? The Support to the Electoral Cycle Is there out-of-country voting? in Jordan project was established Are election officials able to vote? in 2012 to provide assistance to the 11 What are the hours of polling? Independent Election Commission What kind of ballot papers are used? (IEC) of Jordan for the 2013 and What documentation is required to vote? 2016 elections. It implements activities in the following areas: What is the polling process? Are there special arrangements for voters? 12 • IEC institutional development What is the counting process? • IEC External Relations How are results processed? • Voter Registration 13 How are seats assigned between lists? • Election Operations How are seats assigned between candidates? • Resolution of Election Disputes • Political Parties What was the voter turnout in 2013? • Specialised technical advice 14 What is the role of the judiciary for elections? Is the election being observed? The project runs to March 2017. 15-17 Annex: Registered Lists by District Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs

What elections are taking place in Jordan? 1

Parliamentary elections will take place in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan September on Tuesday 20 September 2016. These are the eighth elections for the Chamber of Deputies (the lower house of the bicameral Parliament) since Tuesday the resumption of direct elections in 1989. The previous parliamentary elections were held on 23 January 2013.

Dates of parliamentary elections in Jordan 20 1989 1993 1997 2003 2007 2010 2013 2016 2016

Who runs the elections?

Elections in Jordan are under the constitutional authority of the Independent Election Commission, which was established in 2012. The IEC is composed of five Commissioners, who were appointed in April 2016, and a Secretariat. Its Chairperson is HE Dr. Khaled Kaladeh. The IEC headquarters are in Amman. For the period of the elections, the IEC has established District Election Committees in each .

What Election Law applies? Parliamentary Parliamentary Seats Districts The elections take place under a new Election Law adopted in March 2016 after a six-month period of consultation. This is the eighth 2013 electoral law adopted since 1986. Parliamentary Election Law 150 45 The new law has introduced a series of changes to the law that was in place for the 2013 elections. These include two key changes to the number of parliamentary seats and the number of electoral districts. 2016Parliamentary Election Law 23 Other key laws include: 130 • Constitution (amended 2016) • Law on the Independent Election Commission (amended 2015) The new Parliament Elections take place • Bye-Law on Electoral Districts 2016 will have 130 seats, in 23 electoral • IEC Exectutive Instructions 20 fewer seats than districts, 22 fewer the Parliament than the districts These can be found at www.iec.jo/laws elected in 2013. used in 2013. Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs !"#!$! !

What electoral system is in place?! 2

! !


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! ! ! ! 130 Seats

2016 Parliament ! !

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Best !These! ! seats# are contested! ! by women candidates who do not win a seat in the ! " ! ! !" ""!"!"!"!"!!"! ! !

" # !"! !" " ! ! ! ! " ! ! !

"district! contests,! "!! a !" system!" referred! to as ‘Best Loser’. The ! seats are won by

# ! " ! $ ! ! !

! ! ! ! " !"!!!"#!"!$! " $ !

! "! ! ! ! ! ! !

Loser whichever $woman! " candidate!" !" has"# the highest share of the vote in her governorate " !

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without!"#! #$ winning! ! ! ! a # seat. Women!# candidates must still$ run on lists, but their

! ! ! !

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! ! !!!!!! !!!!! ! #! ! preferential votes are used to determine the results of these seats.!

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2013 Parliament ! ! ! !

! ! 150 Seats ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !

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"!"!"!"!" $ ! ! ! !$ ! ! ! $ ! ! ! ! !! !!$ !! !" ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "! ! !"!"!"!"!"! ! ! $ ! !! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! ""!"!"!"!!"! ! ! ! $ ! ! ! ! ! ! " !! ! ! ! ! !$ # "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! "! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! reserved seats were elected ! ! ! ! " # ! #! !! ! ! !! ! ! ! !$ ! ! !! ! ! ! " # ! ! ! ! # $ ! ! " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! SNTV seats $ ! ! ! !$ $ ! ! "! ! ! ! $ # ! ! ! ! ! " ! !! $ ! ! ! ! ! ! !$!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !"!"!"!"!"! "!"!#!#!# !!"$ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! # ! ! ! ! ! !! ! " ! ! $ ! # ! !" ! ! ! ! ! 9 reserved for Christians $! "! ! !$! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! " ! $!$!$!$!$! ! !! !!!! ! using ! Closed List! PR in a single ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "!! ! ! ! !# ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! $ ! ! $ $ $ ! ! ! ! !!# ! ! ! !$ ! ! !#! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ! !! ! ! $ #! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! # !! ! ! ! ! $ !! ! "! !$ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ ! ! ! !!! ! "" ! ! ! ! SNTV seats ! !$! !"!! $ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ ! ! !! " !!! ! ! !$! !! ! ! ! $ ! $ ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! $$! ! ! ! ! ! ! "" ! ! ! !! "!"!#!#!#! $ ! ! !national! ! ! ! district.! The$ $ remaining ! ! #!! ! "!"!!reserved!!!! for!! Chechens/! Circassians ! $! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! " ! ! ! " ! ! "!"3!#!#!#! $! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !"""!#!! $! ! !! "!"!#! !#! !!# ! ! ! ! $ ! ! ! ! ! !" ! !!! ! !! ! ! ! $ $ ! ! ! $ ! ! ! ! ! # ! ! ! $ ! ! ! $ ! !! ! !! !" ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! $ $ ! ! ! ! ! $ ! ! !!! " ! ! !" !!! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ ! ! ! $ ! !!!!!!!!!! 15 seats! were reserved for ! ! ! !" !! ! ! !$ ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! # ! ! "!"!#!#!#! !!! ! ! ! $ $ ! ! ! ! $! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! # ! !! ! ! !$!$!!Closed!!!! List! Proportional seats ! ! $ !! $ ! $ ! ! ! 27 ! ! ! ! $ $ ! ! ! " !! " !!! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ ! ! "!# !!! ! ! $! ! ! $ ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! !" ! ! ! !" ! ! !! ! ! women$! $ using! ! Best Loser ! ! $ ! #!"! !" !! !! ! ! ! ! ! $ ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ ! ! "! !! ! !! !!!!!!!!!! !$ ! $ $ ! ! ! ! ! ! !# " Best Loser seats reserved for women ! $ $ ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!15!!!!!!!! ! !$! !!!!!!!!!! $ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !# "! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !$ ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! !"" ! "!"!"!"!"! ! System in 15 governorates.! ! $ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! $ ! ! !! ! ! !"!! !!"!! ! !! $ ! $ ! # ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !!!!!!!!!! ! !! ! ! ! ! !$ ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! " !! !! ! ! !! !! ! ! ! "# !" ! ! ! ! !!! $ $ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" ! ! !" !!! ! $ ! ! !!!"!! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !#" !! ! ! $ !!! ! ! ! ! !"! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! !!# !" !!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !! ! !! !!" !" !!!!!!!!! ! !!!! !!!!!!! !! $ ! ! ! !"! ! "!#!"!!!"!!!!!! ! "!"!#!#!#! ! !!! ! $ ! ! ! ! ! !! 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"!!!"! !#!#!# ! ! !!!! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! !$ $ ! !! ! ! ! $!$ $ !! ! !! !!! ! !! ! ! ! !! !!!! $!$!!!!!!! ! !$ ! !! ! !!! !$!$!!!!!!! $ $ ! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !$ ! ! !! ! ! !! !! !!!!!!!!!! ! ! $ ! !!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! $!$!!!!!!! ! !$ ! !!! ! $ $! ! ! ! ! ! !$ $ !! !!! ! ! !$ ! ! !! !!!! !! !$ !!!!! ! !!! ! !! ! !$! ! ! $!$!$!$!$! !! ! !!!! !!!!!!!!!! $ ! $ ! ! !! ! !$ !! ! ! !$ !$ !! ! ! !$!! ! ! !! !$!! !!!! !! $ ! ! ! $!$!!!!!!! ! ! !$!$ ! !$! ! $!$ ! $!! !!!!!!!!! ! !! $ ! ! !!!!!$!$!$ ! ! !$! $!$! ! !!!! $!$!$!$!$! ! !!! $ ! !$!!!! ! !!!! $!$!!!!!!! ! Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs What electoral districts are in place? 3 The 2016 Election Law and Bye-Law on Electoral Districts establish 23 electoral districts for the 2016 parliamentary elections. Of these, 9 are based on the boundaries of adminsitrative governorates. The three governorates of Amman, Irbid and Zarqa are sub-divided into 11 electoral districts. The three Badia regions are also counted as electoral districts.



Irbid 4 3

Ajloun Mafraq Jerash

North Badia Zarqa 2


1 Zarqa 1 3 2 Amman 4 Amman 5

Central Badia Madaba In most cases, the new electoral districts reflect a merger of electoral districts in 2013. For example, in 2013 Karak had 6 Karak electoral districts, and it is now one. Ten districts, including four out of Amman’s five districts, remain unchanged.

Tafielh South Badia Number of Electoral Maan

Central Badia Districts per Governorate 2013 2016 2

South Badia Irbid 9 4

1 Maan

Irbid 4 Ajloun 2 1 3 Jerash 1 1

Ajloun Mafraq 1 Mafraq 1 Jerash Aqaba Zarqa 4 2 North Badia Zarqa 2 Amman 7 5

Balqa Balqa 4 1 1 Zarqa 1 3 2 Amman 4 Madaba 2 1 Amman 5 Karak 6 1

Ma’an 3 1 The Badia region districts cover areas of certain Tafielh Central Badia 2 1 Madabagovernorates; however, voting in those districts is based on a Bedouin’s family of origin, not a voter’s geographical Aqaba 1 1 place of residence. Badia North covers areas of Mafraq gvernorate. Badia Central covers areas of Amman Badia North 1 1 governorate. Badia South covers areas of Ma’an, Karak, Tafileh and Aqaba governorates. Badia Central 1 1

Karak Badia South 1 1

Tafielh South Badia


Central Badia

South Badia


Aqaba ! ! 1. IRBID1 1.! IRBID1!!!! !! !!✪!! !!! ✪

!!!!! !!!!! ! 2. IRBID2 2. IRBID2 !


!!!"! ! !!!"! 13.

3. IRBID3 3. IRBID3 ! 13. !






! ! ! 11.

4. IRBID4Jordanian Parliamentary4.! IRBID4! !Elections!! 2016: FAQs !!!!9. !


! 10. 23. 13. 7.


6. 1.




13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. ! 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.





4. 11.

!!!"! !!!"! !



BS 3.


! MAFRAQ 10.


! AQABA 8. BC 2.





! ! !

BN 1.



1. 1. 9. BN


How are the seats distributed across electoral districts?

2. 5. 21.






!!!! ! !

!!!! AMMAN1

6. !

6. JERASH ✪ !!!!!!

6. JERASH 4. ✪


2. 7.

! BS

1. IRBID1 ✪






7. !



6. 6.






! 3. AMMAN5 5.

! IRBID2 5. BN 8. AMMAN3



9. !!!!! AMMAN4 9. !!!!!

The 2016 Bye-Law on Electoral DistrictsMADABA details how the! 115 district seats are assigned for these


7. MAFRAQ 7. MAFRAQ ✪ !1. !!!! ✪




10. 2. IRBID2




! BN





12. TAFIELH !2. !!!!!!


1. IRBID1 MAAN ✪ ! 2.

MAAN 13. 3.


! IRBID1 ! 18.

elections. Districts! 5. seats12. includes the seats which are assigned to Christians, ChechensAMMAN3 and


! ! 1.

!!!!!!#!" !!!!!!#!" MAAN

!!!"! AMMAN2

8. ZARQA1 8. ZARQA1 ✪ ✪







4. ! AMMAN1





! !!!! ! 17.

!!!!!!! ! IRBID3 Circassians. The number of seats assigned to each governorate is the same as inMAFRAQ 2013, except in

2. IRBID2 1. ! !



1. IRBID1 !!!!!! ✪

! 13. 5. !!!!!!

1. IRBID1! 1. IRBID1 ! ✪ ✪ AMMAN1 ! !

!! !! !!!!

7. ! IRBID4 !

9. ZARQA2 ! 9. ZARQA2JERASH !!!!!

4. IRBID46. ! BN !



MAFRAQ 13. !

Amman,BC Irbid, Zarqa and Aqaba! BN whereAJLOUN an additional!!!"! seven! seats have been distributed. !

BS ! !

7. !!!! !!!!!! 12.

8. ! 3. IRBID3 !

MAFRAQ 2. IRBID21. IRBID1BC !!!! ! ✪

! !

2. IRBID2 !!!!

2. IRBID2JERASH ! 12. ! 15.

!!!!! BS !!!!! BS 8. !

✪ !!!" 10. AMMAN1 10. AMMAN1 ✪


5. AJLOUN ✪ !




9. 1. IRBID1 ✪

! 11.

! 11.


The Election Law establishes that the minimum!! number!! !! ! of seats in a district is three. The number of

!!!!"!!! !

4. IRBID4 ! ! 14.

3. IRBID32. IRBID2ZARQA1 !!!" !

10. 3. IRBID3 !!!" BC

ZARQA2 10. 3. IRBID3 !



! !!!!!! !!!!!! !

IRBID1 10.

! !

11. AMMAN2 11. AMMAN2ZARQA2 !!!! !

6. JERASH ! ! ✪


! 10. !

11. !!!! 13.

! 1. ! 1. !

! 1. seats per district ranges from2. IRBID2 three (in Aqaba and the Badia districts) to ten (in Karak and Balqa).

" BC


! !!!"! ! ! !!!!!!!!" 9.


12. ! !

4. IRBID43. IRBID3 ! !!!!!

4. IRBID4 !!!!!! ! !!!!!!!


# 23.

1. IRBID1 4. IRBID4 ✪



12. MAFRAQ !!!!#" !!!!#" ! !

! 12.

12. AMMAN3 13. 12. AMMAN3 !!!! BN

2. ! ! ! 9.

7. MAFRAQ ✪ 8.


! !

2. !


!!!" ! AMMAN5 2. !

14. 3. IRBID3 !

13. !!!! ! !

AMMAN1The 15 reserved seats6. JERASH for women are assigned!!!!!! "to!! !each!! !governorate and✪ Badia region. In 12 cases, MAAN

AMMAN1 !! !!" 5. AJLOUN4. IRBID4 ! ! ! ! ✪ ! 11.


!!!! 7. TAFIELH

3. 5. AJLOUN !! !!" ✪


2. IRBID2 !


! !

!!!! !!!! ! 8. AMMAN4

13. AMMAN4 3. 13. AMMAN4 !!!!! !#" !

14. 8.! ZARQA1 ✪

! !

! !


3. ! ! ! ! ! AMMAN2 !

16. !!!!! 6. AMMAN2 !


the reserved seat is commensurate with the electoral district. However, in Amman, Irbid and Zarqa,



4. IRBID4 10.


! !

! !!!!

IRBID3 7. MAFRAQ !!!!!!!! !"! ! ! ✪ !

15. 6. JERASH5. AJLOUN ! ! !!!! ✪ ✪


17. !!!" ! !

! !!!! ✪ AMMAN3

6. JERASH ! ! 7.



AMMAN33. IRBID3 ! ! 21.

! 6. JERASH! ! ✪




AMMAN3 4. !!!!!!# !!!!!!# ! ! !

14. AMMAN5 ! !!!!

1. 14. AMMAN5 ! !

! AMMAN4 9.


5. 18. the reserved seat covers! a9. number ZARQA2 of electoral districts.

! !

4. ! !


! 16. ! ! MADABA



! ! !!!"




! !



! ! ! !


! 4.


19. AMMAN5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! !! !! !!! ! #" ! ! !

!!!!!!!! !


! 8. ZARQA1 ! ! ✪ !


!!!!!! !

!!!! ZARQA2 ! !

! AMMAN4 7. MAFRAQ6. JERASH ! ! ✪ ✪ !


! BN

!!!!! AJLOUN

1. IRBID1 7. MAFRAQ ✪ !!!! ! ✪ 5. !



6. ! 8.

4. IRBID4 ! 20.

17. 7. MAFRAQ ! ! ! ! ! ✪

! !

! ! !


20. !!!!!!!! "" ! ! !!!!!!!!"" ! !


AMMAN5 2. ! ! ! !


!!!!! 3.

15. BALQA 15. BALQA ✪ AMMAN3 ! !




! ! !

! ! ! ! 10.! ! AMMAN1! 5. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ✪ TAFIELH !



! ! ! AJLOUN !

!! ! ! ! !

! !!!! !



21. ! ZARQA1 !

18. IRBID2 6. JERASH ! ✪ !

! ! !


! 5.

! 7. 7.

" !! !!!! ! ! ! !


! ! !

!!!!!!!!!!! #"

6. ! !9. ZARQA2 ! ! ! 2. ! ! !

!!!! !!!!!!#!" AMMAN2


! !

! !

!! 130 seats

!!!" ! !

! ! ! !

2. IRBID2 KARAK 8. ZARQA1 !!!!!!#" ✪ !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

22. !

! ! ! 19.



8. ZARQA1 ! ! ! ✪


2016 Parliament ! !

! #

! 3. !


!!!" ! !!!" " AMMAN4


19. ! !


MADABA ! ! !!! !!!!! ! ! ! ! ! 16. MADABA ✪ ! MAFRAQ

16. MADABA 6. ✪

JERASH ! ! ! ! !

! !


8. ! !


! !

! !

6. 23. ! 1.


! ! " !

! # #

!!!! MAAN


! ! ! ! ! 4.



7.! !MAFRAQ! # ! ! ! ! ! ! ✪

! ! !

! ! ! ! 7.


! ! !

! !!!!! ! !


20. Assignment of seats ! !!!!!!!!!!#"! !


! 10. AMMAN1 MAFRAQ ✪! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !

!!!"! !!!! !

! ! 8. ZARQA1 ✪ !

!!!!!! 9. ZARQA2! ! ! ! ! !


3. IRBID3 ! 9. ZARQA2 !!!! ! JERASH


1. IRBID1 ✪ !! ! MAFRAQ

! ! ! 18. !

4. 6. JERASH !

9. 9. ZARQA2 !



! 5.

! ! ! ! 1. ! ! !


!!!!!!!!"" !!!!!!!!""

! ! !

! !


! 7. " ! ! !

!!!!#" !! !

✪ "

17. KARAK 17. KARAK! ! ✪ ! !

! !

" !

12. AMMAN3! ! 1. ! ! ! 21. !


BN ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! "

IRBID4 ! ! ! ! ! !

! "

8. ! ! !!!!!!#"


! ! ! ! ! TAFIELH

by district ! !


# !


MAAN ! ✪ 8. ZARQA1 ! !

! !


! ! #



AQABA10. ! ! ! ! !!!!!! ! # !

! !


!!!!!!!!! !

! 4.

! !

! 11. AMMAN2

! " AMMAN2


BC ! !

! # ! !!! !!! ! !!!!! " ! ! ! #

9. ZARQA2 !

10. AMMAN1 ! ✪ ! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

22. 5. !!!! ! !

4. IRBID4 10. AMMAN1! !!!!! ✪

ZARQA1 ! !

2. IRBID2 !

! 17.

✪ !

! 7. MAFRAQ ! !10. AMMAN1! ! ! AMMAN1! # ✪ !

! !

! ! !

! !

! !

! ! " !

! !!!! ! !!!8.! 2. !



! ! 2.

! ! ! !!!! !


! ! !

! ! !

! !

2.9. # 13. ! !AMMAN4! ! ! ! ! AJLOUN ! IRBID4 !


11. ! " !



" "

! ! ! ! !

!!!! ! ! 3.

23. AQABA ! ! ! ! ! !


! ! ! !

! ! "

! !




! ! ! ! !!!!#"

! ! !


! ! !!!!! !

! !!!!!! !


! !

12. AMMAN3

ZARQA2!!!!!! ! AMMAN1 !

!!! !" ! ! 6. !!!!!! ! !


11. 10.AMMAN2AMMAN1 ! ✪

!!!" "


✪ ! !

1. IRBID1 !!!!! !! !#" ! !

! !

5. AJLOUN 11. ! AMMAN2 ✪ !!!!!!

3. IRBID3! ! ! !


8. ZARQA1 ✪ 16. #

11. AMMAN2 # ! 1.



12. 9. AMMAN2 ! !

!!!!!! ! ! "# !! !!! !

10. ! !

! 2.

! ! ! 3. !!!!" !!# !

19.MAAN ✪ !

JERASH ! 19.MAAN ✪ ! !



14. AMMAN5 !

3. ! !! ! "

! Amman ! !

! !

! ! !


! !!!!!

Amman MAFRAQ ! Amman !

! !

! ! ! ! ! !

10. AMMAN1 ✪

! ! BC ! ! !

IRBID3 nd " #

! "

" !!!! ! !

! ! AMMAN2 ! " !

13. ! ! IRBID2

7. !!!!! ! ! ! 13. AMMAN4 Badia !st!!!2!! #!"!rd !Amman! ! " !!!!!

! ! !!!! ! ! 12. 11.AMMAN3 AMMAN2 !!!!#! " 1. MAFRAQ # !

BN !!!!! ! 1.


2. IRBID2 !!!!

! 1 3 ! ! 6. JERASH ✪ !!!!#"

12.! AMMAN3!

4. IRBID4 ! ! ! " ! ! ! MADABA 15. 9. ZARQA2! !

! 11. 12. AMMAN3 10. !


! th ! !

! !

!!! ! ! !!! AMMAN3

! North ! ! # ! MAFRAQ

BS 20. AQABA ! 20. AQABA ! Zarqa ✪ 4.!!!!4! !!!✪"" !

Amman "

! ! !

! ! !

4. ! # 15.! BALQA# ! ✪ "

! ! "

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! IRBID1 !

!!!!!! !

! nd


BC th ! !


! 11. AMMAN2 ! "

AMMAN1 ! ! !

! ! 2 AMMAN3 !

8.IRBID4 !!!!!!# 5 !

! ! ! !!!!!!!!#" ! ! !

!!!!!!!!"! ! ! ! ! 14."# !AMMAN5 MAFRAQ ! ! !!! !! ! !!!! !!!!!

12. !!!" 13. 12.AMMAN4AMMAN3 !

1. IRBID13. IRBID3 " ✪!!!Zarqa!! Badia ! !

5. AJLOUN7. MAFRAQ ! ! ! !13.! AMMAN4 ! ✪ ✪ " 1.11.!!!2.! AMMAN1 ! ! ! ! BALQA !

! 10. AMMAN1 ✪ 14.

! !13. AMMAN4 !


! ZARQA1 !!! ! ! #

st !!! ! ! AMMAN4 !

1. " !

BS 21. BN! ! 21.! !BN ! ✪ !!!" ✪ ! !

! !

! ! ! 1 5. Central !

16. MADABA # ✪ !

5. ! ! " !

IRBID1 ! ! ! ! AMMAN2

! ! ! !!!!#" !

! ! ! ! ! 12. AMMAN3! !


9. ! ! !!! ! ! AMMAN4 ! ! 13. AJLOUN !!!!!!!!"" !

! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!# ! ! ! !

!!!!!!!!! " 15.! BALQA AMMAN1 ✪ ! !!! !!!!#"! !!!!! !# !

! !!!!! 14. 13.AMMAN5 AMMAN4 ! ! 12. !

2. IRBID24. IRBID4 8. ZARQA1 ! 14. AMMAN5!!!! !✪! !!!!!! # Balqa ! !!!!!!

6. JERASH ! ! Mafraq ✪ ! AMMAN5

ZARQA2! " 11.! ! !AMMAN2! ! ! ! ! 14. AMMAN5 2. 3. AMMAN2 " 13. !

! ! !!!! ! !!! ! !

! !


! !!!!!!!!"" !

22. BC ! 22. BC ✪ AMMAN5 ✪ ! !

2. ! ! ! !

! ! !

AMMAN3 ! 17. KARAK ✪ !

6. ! 6. ! !

! ! ! ! ! !

14. 10. !IRBID2 ! ! !! ! !!!! AMMAN5 ! !

13. AMMAN4 !

! !

# ! !

! ! ! !

JERASH! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!"!! !!!!!"#" ! !

16. MADABA ✪ !

!!!!!"!" !!!! !! # 13. ! !

! ! !!!! ! ! 15. ! 14.BALQA AMMAN5 !!!!!! AMMAN2!!"" ✪ #


3. IRBID35. AJLOUN 9.! ZARQA2 ! ! 15. ! BALQA!✪!! !#" !!!!!!!!"" Madaba ! ! !

7. MAFRAQ ! Jerash ✪ ✪ ! ! !

!!!!"! # 12. AMMAN3 AMMAN4 12.

! ! " 15. BALQA 3. ✪ ! !

! 4. AMMAN3 !

AMMAN4 !!!" !!! !! !


!23.! ! BS ! ! ! ! !23."! BS ✪ !!! ! ✪ ! "

! ! ! 18. TAFIELH MADABA ✪ ! 3. ! " !

! !


15. 7. ! ! !

! !

11. ! 7. !



! !!!!!!BALQA#

! ! ! ! ! !


! 14. AMMAN5 ! !

# ! # #

! "

MAFRAQ! ! !!!!!!!!"" !

AMMAN1! !!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!! !! !! 17. 15. KARAKBALQA !!!!!"!!"! !14.!!!!!" " ✪ !!

! !!!!!!!#" 16. MADABA ✪ ✪ ! ! AMMAN3 !

4. IRBID46. !JERASH! ! !✪!!! !

10. AMMAN1 ✪ !!!" ! 16. MADABA ✪ !

8. ZARQA1AMMAN5 ! ! ✪ " 13. AMMAN4 Ajloun Tafielh ! !

! 11.


! !

! 4. !!!! !

! ! ! ! "

! 5. AMMAN4 ! ! !

16. ! ! ! !!!! "

! ! "

" ! !

12.8. ! ! ! ! 19. MAAN TAFIELH ✪ !


4. ! ! ! !

! ! " ! MADABA ! !!!!!!!!"" ! !

! !! 8. !

! ! 15. BALQA !

! ! ✪ !

! ! ! !

IRBID4 ! ! # # !

! ! ZARQA1AMMAN2 !# !!!! 15. ! !


! ! ! !!!!!!!!!"!!"" ! ! !

BALQA1. !!!!!"!!!!!!!!"! !!!!! ! 17.18. 16. TAFIELHKARAK MADABA !!!!!!!!" " ✪ ✪ ✪ ! ! !

5. AJLOUN7. MAFRAQ9. ZARQA2 11. AMMAN2 ! ! !! 17. KARAK✪! ✪! ! !!!# !! AMMAN4!!!!!!""✪ ! AMMAN2 14. AMMAN5 "

IRBID1 10.

! ! ! ! ! "Irbid 17. KARAK ✪ !! 17. ! " ! !


! 5. !!" !!!!" !

! !

! ! !

!!! Karak !

13. ! " 6. AMMAN5 ! " th !


9. ! ! ! ! ! ! 4 MAAN !

! ! " ! " ! ! !


5. !!!" !


! ! 16. MADABA 9. Reserved ✪ !! ! ! ! "

AMMAN3 ! !

16. #


ZARQA2AJLOUN ! !!!! ! ! !

! ! ! Non-Reserved!! !!!!!!!!!!"" ! !

✪ !

!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!"!#" 19. MAAN !!!! !

! !! ! !" 18.TAFIELH17. KARAK ✪ ✪ !

18. 6. JERASH8. ZARQA1 12. AMMAN3 ✪!✪!!!!!!!"" ! 18.TAFIELH !!!AMMAN5! ✪ ! ! !

10. 2. AMMAN1 ! ✪ " !

15. !BALQA !

AMMAN1 ✪ !

!" " 18. TAFIELH ✪ ! 9.

IRBID2 Seats for Women in #

6. !

14. ! !!


!!! !!!! #

! ! ! ! !! ! Irbid ! Seats in 23 Districts ! ! ! ! 21. BN 7. MADABA ✪ ! ZARQA2

10. 15 ! AQABA !

! ! 103 !!!!!!!!""

KARAK6.AMMAN4 ! ! ! ! ! rd 17. KARAK 17. ✪Ma’an ! ! !

TAFIELH ! ! !!!! ! 3 !!! 10. ! !

19. JERASH ! ! !!!!!! !! !

!!!!!!!! ! 20.AQABA ✪ !!!! !

! 19. MAAN18. TAFIELH !!!! ✪ ✪ !

!!!!!!! !

7. MAFRAQ9. ZARQA211. 13. AMMAN2 AMMAN4 ! ! #19.! MAAN✪ ! ! !" !!! MADABA! Governorates TAFIELH✪ and !! ! 16. ! MADABA ✪ !

15. 3. ! ! ! # ! 19. MAAN 7. 12 ✪ ! 8.

IRBID3 ! ! ! Seats reserved for !!! ! ! !

! " 22. BC BN ✪ !!!! !


MAAN !!!! ! #

! !! !"! 18. TAFIELH 18. ✪ ! !

20. 7. !!!!!!!! ! ! ! Badia regions !

1. IRBID1 ! ! ! ! Irbid ✪ !!!!!! !! !!11. Badia !

MAFRAQ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#! !"#!"! !!#20. 21. AQABA19. MAANBN Christians !in 7! Districts! 3 MAAN✪ ✪ ✪ ! ! "

!16.8. ZARQA110. 12. AMMAN1 14.AMMAN3 AMMAN5 ! ! 17.! KARAK! 20.nd AQABA✪! ✪ ! !9!!!!!"" !!✪! TAFIELH ✪ ! ! 7. 20. AQABA ✪ !

4. ! " 2 South !

! ! !!8.! ! !

AQABA IRBID4 ! ! 23. BS ✪ ! !

21. 12. BALQAAMMAN2 ! ! ! ! !!!! BC 19. !!!! MAFRAQ

! !! 9. MAAN ! ! 19. MAAN ✪ !

!!!!! ! ! !

2. IRBID2 8. !! " Seats reserved! for! !!!! !! ! 12.

! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !! !!!!21.! 22. "20."BN AQABABC !!! AQABA✪ ✪ ✪ !

17. 9. ZARQA211. 13.ZARQA1 AMMAN2 15.AMMAN4 BALQA 18.! TAFIELH! 21. BN !! !! ✪ !!✪! ✪ ! ! ! 21. BN MAAN ✪ 6.

! ! # Irbid !

22. MADABA5. ! ! ! ! !! Chechens and Circassians 9. BN !


st Aqaba !

13. AMMAN3 AJLOUN ! !!!!!!!! ! "1 ! !!! BS 20. !!!! JERASH

! 1. IRBID1 20. AQABA3 10. AQABA ✪ !

3. IRBID3 9. ! !!!!"!! ! !# ! ! !!! ! BN !!!!!!

18. !!!!!!!!!#!!! !#!!"!! !!"# 22. 23. 21. BC BS BN in 3 Districts!!! 13. ✪ ✪ ✪

10. 12. 14.AMMAN1 ZARQA2 AMMAN316.AMMAN5 MADABA ! 19. MAAN ! 22. BC✪ ! ! !! ✪ !!✪! AQABA ✪ ! !

23. ! ! " !! ! ! 22. BC BC✪ 5.

KARAK " ! 10.! ! !

! 21. !

14. AMMAN46. ! ! ! ! ! AJLOUN

TAFIELH JERASH! ! ! !!!!!!! 21. BN !!! ✪ !!! BC ! !

19. 4. IRBID4 13. 10.2. IRBID2AMMAN4 !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!"!23."! "22."BS BC !!!!! !! !! 11. ! BNBN ✪ ✪

11. 15.AMMAN2 17.BALQA ! KARAK ! ! 20.! AQABA! " 23. BS! !! !✪ ✪ !!✪! ✪ !

! ! ! ! 23. BS BS✪ 4.

! 11. 22. !

! ! !

BS MAAN15. AMMAN57. ! !!! "! ! !!! IRBID4

AMMAN1 ! ! 22. BC ✪ !

MAFRAQ !!!"! ! ! ! !!! !

20. 5. AJLOUN ! ! !!!!!" ! ✪ !!! 12. BCBC

12.11.14. 3. AMMAN3IRBID3AMMAN5 ! ! !!!!!!!!!#!!"!!! "!! #! ! 23. BS ✪ !

16. 18.MADABA TAFIELH! 21. !BN # ! !! !✪ ✪ ✪ !

! ! ! ! 3.

! ! " ! #

! ! ! ! 23. ! AQABA ! ! ! 12. ! What are the key electoral dates? IRBID3

16. BALQA " ! # ! ! !!!

21. 8. AMMAN2 ! 23. BS ✪ !

! ! !!!!! # !!! !

6. JERASH13.15. AMMAN4ZARQA1BALQA !! !!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!" !"" "✪ 13. BS BS !

12.4.17. !IRBID4 19.KARAK !MAAN ! 22.!" BC ! !✪! !✪ ✪ ✪ !

! "! !" !! ! 2.

! ! ! ! ! ! !

17. MADABA 13. IRBID2 22. ! ! "! ! !

! BN 7. MAFRAQ 9. ZARQA2 AMMAN3! ! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!"!! !#! ! ✪ ! ! !

14. ! AMMAN5! !!!!!! !

13.16. 18. MADABATAFIELH20. AQABA ! !23.!! "BS !✪! !✪ ✪ ✪ !

! 5. AJLOUN ! ! ! !" ! ! 1.

! ! ! ! " ! ! !

18. KARAK ! ! ! IRBID1

23. ! " ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!! #"! !

BC 8. ZARQA115.!17. 10. BALQAAMMAN4!KARAK ! ! !!Royal!!!!!!! !Decree!!!!!!!! !!!! !! "!# """ "! IEC ✪ published✪ ✪ IEC opened List Election TAFIELH 21. BN ! ✪ !

14. !6.19. JERASH MAAN! ! ! !! !!!! !!!! ✪

AMMAN1 ! #! !

! ! !

19. ! !

BS ! ! dissolving! decision on and Candidate Day !

9. ZARQA2AMMAN5 ! ! !!!!!!! !!!"! ! !

16.18.11. TAFIELHMADABA ! !#!!! !! ✪ ✪ ! MAAN ! !

15. 20. AQABA!22. BC! ! !!"!!!"!! ✪ ✪

7. MAFRAQAMMAN2 ! " election date "

20. !! " Parliament! !!! issued Nominations ! ! ! !

10. 17.AMMAN119. BALQA MAANKARAK ! !! !!!!!!!! !!! "!!!!! !! !!!" " ✪ ✪ ✪ !

AQABA 12. 21.! 23.BN BS! ! ! " ✪ ✪ !

16. !!!!!!#"! !

21. !8. ZARQA1!AMMAN3! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

11. 18.AMMAN220. TAFIELHMADABA! AQABA ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ✪ ✪ !

13. 22. !BC ! ! !! ✪ !

22. BN 17. ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!#! !

12. AMMAN3!9. ZARQA2AMMAN4 ! !!!!!!!!#!"!!"!!! # ! !

! 19.21.KARAK MAAN 23.BN BS ! !!!"!!" ✪ ✪ ✪ 14. ! ! 29! 17 29 15 16 31 20 ! ! 23. BC 18. ! ! ! !!!!! !!! 8 13. TAFIELH AMMAN4 10. ! AMMAN5 ! AMMAN1 !! !!!!!! !MAY!! ! !" JUN JUN AUG AUG AUG SEP 20.22.AQABA! BC ! " JUN" ✪ ✪ BS 19. 15. ! ! ! 14. MAAN AMMAN523. 11. BALQA !BS AMMAN2!! !!!!!!!!!!! !#! !!! ✪ ✪ 21. BN ! !! !!# 20. 16. ! ! ! ! 15.AQABA 22.BALQA 12.BCMADABA! AMMAN3!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!"#"" ✪ ✪ ! ! ! !!!"" 21. 17. ! ! !!!" !! " IEC published 16. 23.MADABA 13.!KARAKBS AMMAN4!! !!Royal!!"! ! Decree! " ✪IEC ✪published IEC published Start of BN ! ! 22. 17.18. ! TAFIELHKARAK !! !!!!!calling!!!! for"" ✪Preliminary Final Voters Electoral approved Lists ! ! !! BC 14. AMMAN5 !!!!!!# Lists Campaign & Candidates ! 19. ! !!!!elections !!! issued Voters Lists 23. 18. TAFIELH MAAN !! !! "" ✪ ! BS 15. BALQA !!! !!!!!! !"" Period ! !!!! ✪ 19.20.MAAN AQABA !! !! 16. MADABA !!Elections! !!" needed to be held by 23 January 2017, and The 2016 Election Law does not specify a 21.20. AQABA !! !!! ✪ BN ! !!! therefore!!!! !these!! elections!"" can be considered ‘early’. deadline for the publication of results. However, 21. BN17. KARAK !!! ✪ 22. !! The Constitution requires that a new Parliament must preliminary results are expected to be BC 18. TAFIELH !!!! !!!! 23.22. BC be elected within four✪ months of the date of announced within 24-48 hours after the close of ! BS !!! dissolution, i.e. by 29 September 2016. polling (i.e. on 21 or 22 September) ! 23. BS 19. MAAN !!! !!!! ✪ ! !!! ! 20. AQABA !!! 21. BN !!! 22. BC !!! 23. BS !!! ! ! Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs Who has the right to vote? 5

Parliamentary Election Law 2016 For the 2013 parliamentary elections, all Article 3A: voters who were 18 years of age or older on Any Jordanian national who has reached 18 calendar election day were eligible to vote. This years of age ninety days prior to the election date provision was changed by the 2016 shall have the right to elect members to the Parliamentary Election Law, which introduced Chamber of Deputies. a new eligibility age requirement.

By an authoritative judicial decision of the Jordanian Legislative and Interpretation Bureau on 20 June Minimum Age of 2016, Article 3A has been ruled to include all Eligibility to Vote in Jordanian nationals who are 17 years and 90 days 17 Jordan’s 2016 on election day, or older (i.e. who have reached Years Parliamentary their 18th calendar year). Therefore, the right to +90 days Elections vote is held by anyone born on or before 21 June 1999.

Non-eligible Citizens The 2016 Law prevents anyone who is a currently bankrupt or is under a court order from being eligible to vote.

Suspended Voters The 2016 Law suspends the right to vote in parliamentary elections from anyone who is on active service with the Armed Forces or the Security Forces. Civilian contractors can br included. Military/security personnel are eligible to vote in local elections.

How is the voter register compiled?

The list of eligible voters is extracted from the national civil status database which is maintained by the Civil Status and Voter Cards Passports Department (CSPD) of the Ministry of Interior. For the 2013 parliamentary elections, This data includes the registered place of residence of eligible voters were required to every Jordanian national. The IEC also maintains an register to collect Voter Cards to be updated Voter Registration database. registered to vote. This process was used to allow voters to confirm their By law, voter lists that include the names of every voter choice of polling location. However, eligible to vote in an electoral district should be prepared the requirement for voters to collect for each election. For the 2016 parliamentary elections, a the Voter Card from CSPD offices Preliminary Voters List (PVL) was published on 24 June. meant that there were significantly which included the names of 4,139,612 voters. The PVL fewer registered voters than eligible also gave a provisional assignment to a polling location in voters. In 2013, 2.2m Voter Cards their electoral district. were issued out of 3.6m eligible voters. A two-week public inspection period allowed voters to request changes to their data on the PVL or to object to The 2016 Parliamentary Election Law the inclusion of ineligible voters. Voters could request made the use of Voter Cards changes if: discretionary. As the new IEC Voter Registration database has the • There were mistakes in their data capacity to assign voters to polling • They were included in the wrong electoral district locations directly, the IEC decided • They wished to change their polling location that Voter Cards would no longer be • They were Christian, Chechen or Circassian voters required. The number of registered registered to vote in a district with no reserved seats voters is therefore equal to the number of eligible voters. The IEC received around 22,000 requests for corrections to the PVL. Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs How many voters are registered for the elections? 6

The Final Voters List (FVL) for the 2016 parliamentary elections includes the names of 4.14m 2016 4,139,733 % 82Increase Registered Voters 2013-2016

2016 FVL by Sex 2016 FVL by Age 2.27m 66+ 2013 years 17-21 years 7% 15%

Men Women 47.1% 52.9% 22-30 years 24% 31-65 years 54% Number of Registered Voters Number of Registered

Badia The IEC published the Final Mafraq North st 95,470 Voters List on 15 August 2016. Irbid 4th Irbid 1 84,376 It included an additional 121 164,559 326,516 voters from the PVL. The number of registered nd voters in the 2016 FVL Irbid 3rd Irbid 2 Zarqa Zarqa 1st nd represents a significant increase 114,325 145,262 2 450,599 131,659 from the number of voters Ajloun Jerash registered for the 2013 101,483 108,040 parliamentary elections: an Badia additional 1.87 million voters Madaba Central are included, a rise of 82 per 106,733 Balqa Amman 3rd 56,350 cent. This is due to the IEC’s 298,659 242,432 decision to extract the voters lists from the civil status database rather than require Amman 1st voters to register for Voter Karak 290,535 Cards. 167,945 Amman 5th Amman 2nd The number of registered 375,992 400,822 voters includes those Jordanian who are expatriate. Tafielh Ma’an 54,885 53,349

Aqaba Badia Amman 4th South 55,877 64,309 249,549

Districts are shownNumber in relative of proportion Registered to the number Voters of registered by Electoralvoters District (Districts are shown in relative proportion to the number of registered votersl) Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs Who has the right to stand as candidates? 7

The 2016 Parliamentary Election Law sets the following criteria for candidates: Minimum Age of Eligibility to Stand o Jordanian national for at least ten years as a Candidate in o Included in the Final Voters List 30 Jordan’s 2016 o 30 years of age Years Parliamentary o Not a declared bankrupt Elections o Not under a court order o Not served a prison sentence of more than a year for a non-political crime A constitutional amendment of May 2016 o Not a relative of the King removed a bar on persons with dual o Not engaged in a government or public sector nationalities from holding public office. contract Therefore, dual nationals can now stand as o In the case of public servants or elected officials, candidates for the 2016 parliamentary has resigned at least 60 days before election day. elections.

A candidate is not not required to be resident in the district where they choose to stand as candidates. Candidates who are Christian, Chechen or Circassian can only stand as candidates where there are reserved seats for those communities. Candidates for the three Badia districts must be members of the tribes assigned to those districts. Each candidate must pay an individual fee of 500 JOD to register.

How are lists formed?

Candidates can only stand as a member of a list with other eligible candidates. By law, each list must have a minimum number of three candidates. Each list can have as many candidates as there are seats assigned to a district (i.e. in Jerash, where there are four seats, a list must have at least three candidates and could have up to four candidates). There is no requirement that lists include any woman candidate. In the case that a list includes a woman candidate, the list is entitled to have an additional candidate (i.e. in Jerash, a list that includes one or more women candidates could have up to five candidates). In districts with seats reserved for Christians, Chechens and Circassians, there is no requirement that a list must include a candidate from that community. In those districts, a list can only include as many candidates from that community as there are seats available (i.e. in Ajloun, a list could include one Christian and three non-Christians, but not two Christians). Each list must appoint a List Delegate as their formal representative. Lists must pay a deposit of 2,000 JOD, which will be returned if the list commits no campaign violations.

What is the nomination and registration process?

Nominations for lists and candidacy are submitted to the District Election Committee. The nomination process includes a submission of a proposed name and logo of the list. Lists are able to run under names and logos in more than one district. After submission, the nominations are reviewed by the IEC and a decision is taken on whether a list or a candidate is eligible, and the candidates are informed. A decision to reject a candidate can be challenged to the Court of Appeal. After the resolution of appeals, the IEC publishes the list of approved lists and candidates. Any voter who wishes to challenge the approval of lists and candidates may submit a complaint to the Court of Appeal. After that period is finished, the IEC announces the final registered lists and candidates. Candidates may withdraw their nominations up to 10 days before Election Day. Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs How many lists and candidates have registered? 8

2016 Registered Lists and Candidates Number of Registered Lists and Candidates by District Number of Number of Number of Women Lists Candidates Candidates 226 1,252 Irbid 1 12 83 12 Registered Registered Irbid 2 9 43 9 Lists Candidates Irbid 3 8 38 8 Announced on 10 September 2016 Irbid 4 8 45 11 The period for submitting nominations for lists and candidates opened on 16 August and Ajloun 6 28 7 closed on 18 August. At the close, the IEC had received nominations from Jerash 9 39 8 • 230 lists Mafraq 7 32 7 • 1,292 candidates

Following the review process, and the periods Zarqa 1 12 93 19 for appeals and withdrawals: • 3 lists failed to meet eligibility criteria Zarqa 2 9 44 9 • 1 list withdrew • 19 candidates rejected by the IEC Amman 1 14 74 13 • 2 candidates removed by a court decision • 1 candidate passed away Amman 2 12 75 12 • 18 candidates withdrew One candidate who had been rejected by the Amman 3 10 64 12 IEC was reinstated on appeal. Amman 4 11 53 11 Women’s Participation as candidates The 2016 elections have seen a notable increase in Amman 5 13 90 18 both the number and percentage of women participating as candidates from previous elections. Balqa 13 110 18 2013 2016 Madaba 10 48 11

Karak 10 89 14

191Women 252Women Ma’an 8 27 5 Candidates Candidates Tafielh 9 40 8

Aqaba 8 31 8

Badia North 8 30 11 13.4% 20.1% Women Women Badia Central 12 45 13 Candidates Candidates Badia South 8 31 8 Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs

What is the period for campaigning? 9

Lists and candidates have the right to start their campaign as soon as their Campaign nominations for registration are submitted. By law, there is a campaign silence Silence Period period on the day before election day, so all campaigning must end at midnight on September Sunday 18 September Monday 16 18 20 AUG SEP SEP 19 Start of campaign Campaign period Election 2016 period ends at 23:59 Day

How is campaign spending regulated?

The 2016 Parliamentary Election Law introduces new provisions for campaign spending including a spending ceiling for each list. This is the first time that such restriction has been introduced on the cost of election campaigning. The ceiling is variable, determined by a fixed amount multiplied by the number of voters in a district. In districts in Amman, Irbid and Zarqa the amount is 5 JOD per voter and in all other districts, the amount is 3 JOD per voter (US$7 and US$4.2 respectively). The chart below shows the ceiling for each district (numbers are shown in JOD).

Irbid 1 1.6m Mafraq 0.3 Amman 1 1.5m Karak 0.5m

Irbid 2 0.7m Zarqa 1 2.2m Amman 2 2m Ma’an 0.2m

Irbid 3 0.5m Zarqa 2 0.6m Amman 3 1.2m Tafielh 0.2m

Irbid 4 0.8m Balqa 0.9m Amman 4 1.3m Aqaba 0.2m

Badia Ajloun 0.3m Madaba 0.3m Amman 5 0.2m 1.9m South Badia Badia Jerash 0.3m 0.3m 0.2m North Central

How is campaigning conducted?

Campaigning takes place through street advertising and paid advertising in media outlets. Many lists and individual candidates have sponsored public gatherings and rallies. A key development for the 2016 election is the widespread use of social media and software applications for lists and candidates to reach out to voters.

How are campaign violations enforced?

The issue of vote-buying (referred to in Jordan as ‘political money’ or ‘black money’) is regarded as a serious and perrenial problem for elections in Jordan. The 2016 Parliamentary Election Law includes a series of electoral offences related to vote-buying and other possible campaign violations. Any complaints or allegations are referred by the IEC to the Public Prosecutor investigation. Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs

How many polling stations are there? 10

2016 Polling Locations Number of Polling Locations by District

Number of Number of Polling Centres Polling Stations

Irbid 1 103 358 1,483 4,884 Polling Polling Irbid 2 62 179 Centres Stations Irbid 3 35 148 Announced on 15 August 2016 Irbid 4 64 224 Each voter in Jordan is assigned to a specific polling station. The number of voters assigned Ajloun 46 146 to a polling station ranges from 55 to 2,001. Each polling station includes two or more Jerash 58 177 polling screens. Polling stations are often referred to as ‘rooms’ or ‘boxes’. Mafraq 69 159 Polling centres, usually schools, include one or more polling stations. The maximum number Zarqa 1 56 385 of polling stations in a polling centre is 17. Each polling centre has a management staff, Zarqa 2 39 141 supported by a team of volunteers from youth organisations. Amman 1 34 218 Each polling station is managed by a Polling and Counting Committee, which is composed Amman 2 62 313 of 8 persons. Amman 3 36 193 Polling & Counting Committee Structure Amman 4 64 263

Chair Amman 5 87 380

Balqa 119 428 Data First Second Entry Madaba 55 167 Member Member Clerk Karak 127 295 Ballot Queue Box Ma’an 44 96 Controller Monitor Tafielh 35 91

Counting Counting Aqaba 26 80 Assistant Assistant Badia North 95 169

Counting Assistants will join the PCC at Badia Central 89 139 18:00 to provide assistance with the counting process. Badia South 78 135 Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs Is there out-of-country voting? 11

There is no framework for out-of-country voting. Any registered voter outside of the country would need to return for election day in order to vote at their assigned polling station inside Jordan.

Are election officials able to vote?

The 2016 Parliamentary Election Law introduces an obligation on the IEC to facilitate opportnities for polling officials to exercise their right to vote. As a result, the IEC has changed its previous polict, where officials were assigned to work in districts away from where they were registered. Polling officials will now be added to the voters list at the polling station where they are designated to work. If they wish to vote, the officials can do so at a convenient time.

What are the hours of polling? Opening of Closing of On 20 September, polling stations are required by law to Polling Polling open at 07:00AM and to remain open without authorised interruption until 19:00PM. PCC officials are required to ! ! be present at 06:00AM. At closing, anyone who is waiting to vote will be allowed to vote. 07:00! 19:00! In consultation with the District Committee, the IEC has PM! the discretion to decided on whether to extend voting AM! by up to two hours. Voting may therefore continue up to 21:00PM.

What kind of ballot papers are used?

Ballots are printed in the format of a booklet, with a separate booklet for each district. The booklet contains a page for each list that is standing for election in the district in the sequence that lists are numbered at the time of their registration. The list page includes the name and emblem of the list, and the names and photographs of all candidates who are standing as part of the list. Candidate are ranked in alphabetical order. The voter casts the booklet as a whole and all pages must be intact for the ballot to be counted as valid.

What documentation is required to vote?

In order to vote on Election Day, a voter must simply present a valid national ID Card issued by the Civil Status and Passports Department and which include a photograph of the voter. There is a legal requirement that all citizens must carry the national ID. While different versions of the national ID card exist, including a new ‘Smart Card’ introduced in summer 2016, all are valid as identification documents for the elections. At voting, the data on the ID card is cross-checked with the data on the voters list. In contrast to the 2013 parliamentary elections, there is no separate Voter Card. Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs

What is the polling process? 12

1 2 3

Upon arrival at polling station, the Cross-check Voter’s ID with Voter signs voters’ list. Voter’s ID is verified as valid and data on the national VR Voter is marked as ‘voted’ their finger is checked not to be database and on paper copy on national database. marked with indelible ink. of polling station voters list.

6 5 4

Back of ballot is checked Voter goes behind poling Ballot is stamped and as being sealed/signed. screen and selects their signed, and is handed to Voter asked to place choice of list and candidates voter. Voting process is ballot in box. from that list. explained to voter..

7 8 9

Voter is required to mark Voter collects their Voter leaves their left index finger ID card polling station with indelible ink.

Are there special arrangements for voters?

The IEC has adopted procedures to allow voters who are unable to vote by themselves to vote with the assistance of an ‘escort’ of their choice. An escort must be an eligible voter and may assist only one voter. (Each escort is required to place their right index finger in indelible ink). Voters who require assistance and have not brought an escort may request the PCC Chair to assist. The IEC has conducted an assessment of all polling facilities for the last election, including to ensure that premises are accessible to voters with mobility difficulties. Priority for voting in the queue is given to voters who are disabled, elderly or pregnant. Voter information materials have also been made available in braille and with sign language. . What is the counting process?

At the end of polling, the ballot box is sealed and the polling station prepared for the count. Ballots are emptied from the ballot box onto the counting table. If more than one ballot box was used in polling, all boxes are opened and their ballots mixed together for counting. PCC officials count the total number of ballots cast and perform two reconciliation checks to account for all ballots. Total ballots, and ballots stamped and signed are compared with the number of voters who voted in the polling station. Each ballot is examined page by page in front of observers and before a camera to ensure that the ballot is intact and if the ballot is valid or invalid. The ballot is then ‘read’ and announced for which list and which candidate(s) the ballot is marked. The list vote is recorded on a tally board and the candidate votes on a flipchart. Ballots are then stacked in piles. When all ballots have been read, the ballots in each stack are totalled and checked with the tally of votes for lists. Votes for candidates are then also totalled. The results of counting are then recorded on a counting results form which is posted outside the polling station. The results data is also entered into the electronic system. The PCC Chair takes the results data and all materials to the District Election Committee Results Centre, where they are tabulated and aggregated in front of agents and observers. . Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs How are results processed? 13

After aggregatation of the votes won by each list and each candidate is completed by the District Election Committee, the results are sent to a Special Commitee for audit and verification, and for the calculation for the number of seats won by each list and which candidates have won those seats. These preliminary results are then publicly announced. There is no deadline for results announcement, but they will be expected late on 21 September. The IEC will then announce the final results, pending any appeal.

How are seats assigned between lists?

The 2016 Parliamentary Election Law establishes that the seats won under the Open List PR Contest are to be assigned using the Largest Remainder Method (also referred to as the ‘Simple Quota’ or the ‘Hare Quota’) which uses the following formula for determing the number of seats won by each list.

Formula for calculating seat assignment Number of Votes Won by a List x Number of Seats in the District

Number of Votes Cast in the District

This formula will identify a whole number (integer) plus a fractional remainder. Seats are won by whichever lists have an integer. Any remaining seats are then won in order of whichever list has the largest fractional remainder, as shown in this simple example:

Seats in District 4 Votes Cast in District 32,000 Seats Won by Seats Won by Total Seats List Votes Won Calculation Integer Remainder Won Red 13,000 1. 62 1 1 2 Green 9,500 1.19 1 0 1 Purple 7,000 0.88 0 1 1 Orange 2,500 0.31 0 0 0

In the case of a tie between two or more lists in the assigment of the available seats, the list delegates will draw lots.

How are seats assigned between candidates?

Under Open List PR, the seats won by a list are assigned to candidates on that list in the order of the number of preferential votes won by each candidate. In the case of a tie in the number of prefential votes won, the candidates will draw lots

In the case of reserved seats for Christians, Chechen or Circassians, the seat will be won by the candidate from that background with the highest number of preferential votes in the district, regardless of whether that candidate is on a list that won an Open List seat. Christian, Chechen or Circassian candidates cannot win an Open List PR seat.

In the case of reserved seats for women in governorates that are commensurate to an electoral district, the seat will be won by whichever woman candidate has the highest number of preferential votes but did not win a seat under the Open List system

In the case of reserved seats for women in districts in Amman, Irbid and Zarqa governotates, the seat will be won by whichever woman candidate in that governorate won the highest proportion of votes in her district without winning a seat. Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs

What was the turnout for elections in 2013? 14

Voters who 1.27m voted in 2013 2013 Registered 2.27m Voters 2013 Eligible Voters 3.61m 2016 Registered Voters 4.14m

What is the role of the judiciary for elections?

The judiciary in Jordan has a specific role in hearing complaints or appeals brought against decisions of the IEC in four key areas. Complaints can be brought by persons directly affected by the decision. Due to the timeframe of elections, the deadline for bringing a case to court and for the case to be resolved is often expedited. Cases alleging any electoral offence are dealt with by the Public Prosecutor and Criminal Courts

Appeal against Complaint IEC/CSPD Court of against Administrative decision on First IEC on the Court Voter Instance administration Registration of elections

Within 7 days Within 7 days of decision of petition

Appeal against Complaint IEC on List & Court of against IEC decision Court of Candidate Appeal Appeal Registration on election results

Within 3 days Within 3 days Within 15 days Within 30 days of decision of petition of publication of results of petition Is the election being observed?

The IEC has accredited a range of national and international observer organisations and media outlets. Observers include the European Union, League of Arab States and a joint mission from National Democratic Institute and International Republican Institute.

National International Special National International Observers Observers Guests Media Media

13,529 488 188 1,094 150 National International Special National International Observers Observers Guests Journalists Journalists

The IEC also accredits agents for each list and candidates. All agents, observers and media are entitled to watch all stages of the election process, especially the polling, counting and results process on election day. Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs

Annex: Registered Lists by District (1) 15

Irbid 1 Candidates Women Irbid 2 Candidates Women Al-Bina' Development 7 1 Al-Kinaneh Quiver 5 1 Al-Itihad Unity 7 1 Al-Sha'biyeh Popular 5 1 Al-Mizan Balance 7 1 Al-Yarmouk Yarmouk 4 1 Al-Zaytouna Olive Tree 7 1 Al-Faqeer Needy 5 1 Shabab Watan Nation's Youth 7 1 Al-Karamah Dignity 5 1 Al-'Ahed Commitment 7 1 Al-'Adaleh Justice 5 1 Al-Aqsah Aqsah 7 1 Al-Barakah Blessing 5 1 Al-'Adaleh Justice 7 1 Houran Al-Kheir Benevolent Houran 4 1 Irbid Al-Karamah Irbid the Dignified 6 1 Al-Zaytouna Olive Tree 5 1 Al-Sunbulueh Seed 7 1 Zamzam 7 1 Irbid 4 Candidates Women Irbid Irbid 7 1 Al-Karamah Dignity 6 1 Al-Zaytouna Olive Tree 6 2 Irbid 3 Candidates Women Christian Al Nashama Nashama 6 1 Al-Watanieh Al- National 5 1 1 Al-Islah Reform 5 1 Democratieh Democratic Al-Ta'awon Cooperation 5 1 Al-Wihdah Al- National Unity 5 1 1 Watanieh Al-Wafa' Loyalty 6 1 Al-Salam Peace 5 1 1 Al-Asad Lion 5 2 Al-Itihad Unity 5 1 1 Al-Mustaqbal Future 6 2 Al-Wafa' Loyalty 5 1 1 Al-Karamah Dignity 6 1 Ahl Al-Himeh Enthusiastic People 4 1 1 Al-Bina' Development 4 1 0 Jerash Candidates Women Al-Ansar Supporters 5 1 1 Al-asaleh Authenticity 4 1 Al-Watanieh National 4 1 Ajloun Candidates Women Christian Al-Tajdeed Rejuvenation 5 1 Kheit Al-Thahab Golden Thread 4 1 1 Al-Islah Reform 4 1 Jabal 'Ajloun Ajloun Mountain 5 1 1 Al-Ordon Jordan's 3 Al-Fajr Dawn 5 1 1 Al-Barakeh Blessing 4 1 Al-Wifaq Consensus 5 1 1 Al-Jerash Jerash 5 1 Al-Itihad Unity 4 1 1 Al-Zaytouna Olive Tree 5 1 Al-Amal Hope 5 1 1 Al-Ordon Awalan Jordan First 5 1

Zarqa 2 Candidates Women Mafraq Candidates Women Al-Wafa' Ll-Watan Loyalty to Homeland 5 1 Al-Mafraq Ll-Jami' Mafraq for All 4 1 Al-Karamah Dignity 5 1 Al-Mostaqbal Future 5 1 Watan Homeland 5 1 Al-Wifaq Consensus 5 1 Al-Wifaq Consensus 5 1 Eid Al-Watan Homeland's Eye 5 1 Al-Usoud Lions 5 1 Al-Bina' Development 5 1 Al-Souqour Falcons 5 1 Al-Islah Reform 4 1 Al-Haq Right 5 1 Al-Barakah Blessing 4 1 Al-Wihdah Al- Qa'imat Al-Hizim Determination List 4 1 National Unity 5 1 Watanieh

Chechen/ Zarqa 1 Candidates Women Christian Circassian Al-Islah Reform 8 1 0 1 Al-Aqsah Aqsah 9 1 1 1 Watan Homeland 9 2 1 1 Wifaq Consensus 8 1 1 0 Al-Kheir Benevolence 7 1 0 Al-Qa'imah Al- National List 8 1 1 0 Watanieh Yaqeen Certainty 5 1 1 1 Ibna' Al-Zarqa' Sons of Zarqa 9 1 1 1 Ahl Al-'Azim Determined People 9 1 1 1 Fursan Al-Tagheer Knights of Change 6 1 0 0

UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION OF NAMES OF LISTS Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs

Annex: Registered Lists by District (2) 16

Amman 1 Candidates Women Amman 2 Candidates Women Al-Wihdah w Al-Tanmieh Unity & Development 6 1 Fursan Al-Quds Jerusalem Knights 7 1 Al-Kheir Benevolence 5 1 Al-'Ouroubah Arabism 7 Al-Musharakeh w Al- Participation & 1 6 Tagheer Change 1 Al-Nakhleh Palm 7 1 Al-Ribbat Bond 5 1 Al-Mizan Balance 7 1 Al-Tajdeed Rejuvenation 5 1 Al-Ordon Yijma'ouna Jordan Unites Us 7 1 Al-Islah Reform 5 1 Al-Islah Reform 7 Al-Tadamun Solidarity 6 1 1 Al-Bina' Development 5 Al-Fajir Al-Jadeed New Dawn 4 1 1 Al-Sha'ib People 6 1 Al-Tagheer Change 7 1 Al-Nahdah Renaissance 5 1 Al-Ta'awon Cooperation 5 0 Ma'an Nastati' Together We Can 6 1 Al-Sounah Al-Sawda' Black Iris 6 1 Al-'Adaleh Justice 4 0 Al-Oustourah Legend 3 Ya'lu Rises 5 1 1 Al-Souqour Falcons 7 Qawl w Fi'il Words & Action 6 1 1

Chechen/ Amman 3 Candidates Women Christian Circassian Al-Mostaqbal Future 6 1 0 1 Al-Quds Jerusalem 7 1 0 1 Ma'an Together 7 2 1 1 Al-Noor Glow 7 1 1 1 Amman Amman 7 1 1 1 Al-Islah Reform 7 1 1 1

Al-Jebha Al- United Front 7 1 1 1 Mowahadah

Na'm Yes 5 1 1 1

Sawt Al-Haq Voice of Rights 4 1 1 1

Injaz Achievement 7 1 1 1

Chechen/ Amman 4 Candidates Women Amman 5 Candidates Women Circassian Al-Dufatein Two Banks” 5 1 Al-Hazim Determination 8 1 1 Al-Islah Reform 8 1 1 Al-Quds Al-Sharif Virtuous Jerusalem 5 1 Al-Haq Right 7 1 1 Al-Tajdeed Rejuvenation 4 1 Al-Itihad w al-'Amal Unity & Labor 8 2 Al-Islah Reform 5 1 Al-Sunbulueh The Seed 7 1 Al-Wafa' Loyalty 7 1 1 Al-'Adaleh Justice 5 1 Al-Sha'ib People 6 1 Al-'Ahed Commitment 5 1 Masar Watan Homeland's Path 5 2 Al-Rayah Banner 5 1 Al-Tajdeed Rejuvenation 7 1 Al-Barakah Blessing 5 1 Iltihaf Al-Watani National Alliance 8 1 1 Al-Fursan Knights 5 1 Al-Rayah Emblem 8 2 1 Al-Nahdah Renaissance 4 1 Al-Nashama Nashama 8 1 1

Al-'Ahid Promise 5 1 Sayidat Al-Ordon Women of Jordan 3 3

UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION OF NAMES OF LISTS Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2016: FAQs

Annex: Registered Lists by District (3) 17

Balqa Candidates Women Christian Tafielh Candidates Women Al-Islah Reform 8 1 1 Al-Zaytouna Olive Tree 5 1 Al-Itihad Unity 10 1 1 Al-Mostaqbal Emblem 5 1 Al-Fajr Dawn 6 1 0 Al-Sha'ib People 9 1 1 Ibna' Al-Tafileh Sons of Tafileh 5 1 Al-Barakah Blessing 9 1 0 Jibal Al-Tafileh Tafileh Mountains 5 1 Al-'Adaleh Justice 10 1 1 Al-Fares Knight 5 1 Abna' Al-Balqa' Sons of Balqa 9 1 1 Al-Umma Nation 10 1 1 Al-Hareth Tiller 5 1 I'tasimu Get Together 9 5 1 Al-'Atta' Giving 3 1 Al-Tajdeed Rejuvenation 10 1 2 Qa'imat Mubadarah Initiative List 2 0 Al-Haq Right 9 1 1 Loyalty to Shabab Al-Ordon Jordan Youth 3 2 0 Wafa' Bl-'ahid 5 1 Al-Karamah Dignity 8 1 0 Commitment

Madaba Candidates Women Christian Ma’an Candidates Women Madaba Madaba 5 1 1 Al-'Amal Labor 4 0 Al-Wihdah Al-Watanieh National Unity 5 1 1 Al-Karamah Dignity 4 1 Al-Noor Glow 5 1 1 Al-Haq Yi'lou Rights Above All 3 0 Al-Karamah Dignity 5 1 1 Al-'Ahed Commitment 4 1 1 Al-Shobak Shobak 3 1 Al-Tawfeeq men Allah Success from God 5 1 1 Petra 4 1 Al-Sha'ib People 4 2 1 Al-'Adaleh Justice 4 1 Al-Watan Homeland 5 1 1 Reform & Al-Ta'awon Cooperation 3 0 Al-Islah w Al-Tanmieh 5 1 1 Development Al-Tawakul 'ala Allah Trust in God 2 1 Al-Mustaqbal Future 5 1 1

Karak Candidates Women Christian Aqaba Candidates Women Al-wafa' Ll-aghwar Loyalty to Aghwar 6 1 2 Al-Wihdah Al-Watanieh National Unity 4 1 Al-Watan Homeland 11 1 2 Ibna' Al-Karak Sons of Karak 10 2 1 Al-Nahdah Renaissance 4 1 Loyalty to Al-Shams Sun 10 1 2 Wafa' Ll-Watan 4 1 Al-Taghir Change 11 2 2 Homeland Al-Zaytouna Olive Tree 10 1 2 Al-'Aqabeh Aqaba 4 1 Al-Haq List of Rights 9 1 1 Al-Islah Reform 4 1 Al-Manar Beacon 4 2 Al-Qalam Pen 9 2 0 Al-Nakhwa Chivalry 6 2 0 Al-Ijma' Consensus 4 1 Al-Najah Success 7 1 1 Al-Fajr Dawn 3 0

Candidates Women Badia North Candidates Women Badia Central Qa'imat Al-Mostaqbal Future List 4 1 Al-Wafa' Ll-Badiah Loyalty to Badia 4 2 Qa'imat Al-Barakeh Blessing List 4 1 Qa'imat Al-Sarhan Al- Sarhan Unified 3 1 Muwahadeh List Al-Badir Full Moon 4 1 Al-Bawasel Brave 3 1 Qa'imat Al-Karamah Dignity List 4 1 Al-Wafa' Loyalty 4 1 Al-Mizan Balance 4 1 Al-Badiah Badia 4 1 Kutlet Watan Homeland's Block 4 1 Al-Joud Generosity 4 1 Al-Assad Muta'ahib Eager Lion 4 1 Al-Mahabah Fi Allah Love of God 4 1 Ra'ad Al-Shamal Thunder of North 4 3 Al-Tagheer Change 4 1 Determination Qa'imat Al-Hizim 3 1 Al-Bayraq Emblem 4 2 List Al-Karamah Dignity 3 1 Badia South Candidates Women Al-'Adil Justice 3 1 Al-Bayraq Emblem 4 1 Al-'Asifa Storm 4 1 Abna' Al-Junub Sons of South 4 1 Al-Mustaqbal Future 4 1 Al-'Adaleh Justice 3 1 Al-Asaleh Au nticity 4 1 Al-Wafa' Loyalty 4 1 Al-Karamah Dignity 4 1

UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION OF NAMES OF LISTS Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Parliamentary

This project is funded by the European Union Elections Empowered Lives. 2016 Resilient Nations. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

Support to theElectoral Cyclein Jordan 2012–2017