S.PREETHA et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Vol.2 Issue. 10, October- 2013, pg. 138-144

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International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

A Monthly Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology

ISSN 2320–088X

IJCSMC, Vol. 2, Issue. 10, October 2013, pg.138 – 144

RESEARCH ARTICLE Classification and URL Ranking Based On Click through Approach

S.PREETHA1, K.N Vimal Shankar2 PG Scholar1, Asst. Professor2 Department of Computer Science & Engineering1, 2 V.S.B. Engineering College, Karur, India1, 2 [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract― In a web based application; different users may have different search goals when they submit it to a . For a broad-topic and ambiguous query it is difficult. Here we propose a novel approach to infer user search goals by analyzing search engine query logs. This is typically shown in cases such as these: Different users have different backgrounds and interests. However, effective personalization cannot be achieved without accurate user profiles. We propose a framework that enables large-scale evaluation of personalized search. The goal of personalized IR () is to return search results that better match the user intent. First, we propose a framework to discover different user search goals for a query by clustering the proposed feedback sessions. Feedback sessions are getting constructed from user click-through logs and can efficiently reflect the information needs of users. Second, we propose an approach to generate pseudo-documents to better represent the feedback sessions for clustering. Most document-based methods focus on analyzing users’ clicking and browsing behaviors recorded at the users’ clickthrough data. In the Web search engines, clickthrough data are important implicit feedback mechanism from users. The bolded documents that have been clicked by the user have been ranked. Several personalized systems that employ clickthrough data to capture users’ interest have been proposed.

Keywords― Clickthrough Data; Implicit Feedback Mechanism Ranking; Information Retrieval; Search Result Reorganization; Restructuring


Web Mining is the Active and Popular Research Field Web Mining is a very hot research topic which combines two approaches of Data Mining and World Wide Web. The Web Mining research are belongs to Mining research are belongs to Several Communities Such as the Database, Artificial Intelligence and Information Retrieval. We Categorize Web Mining into three areas: Web Structure Mining, Web Content Mining, and Web Usage Mining. Web content mining focuses on the Retrival and

© 2013, IJCSMC All Rights Reserved 138 S.PREETHA et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Vol.2 Issue. 10, October- 2013, pg. 138-144

Discovery of the useful information contents or data or documents from the Web. Web structure emphasizes to the discovery of how to model the underlying link structures of the Web. Web usage mining is relative independent, but not isolated, category which mainly describes the techniques that discover the user's usage pattern and try to predict the user's behaviors. Web Mining is one which helps in doing Business, Education and Company. Web is a large Dynamic, Diverse and Unstructured Data Repository field. Web a large, explosive, miscellaneous, dynamic and mostly unstructured data Repository which supplies vast amount of information .Existing search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Amazon often return a long list of search results, ranked by their relevancies to the specified query. Web users have to go through the list and examine the titles, tags and (short) snippets sequentially to identify their required results. This is a time consuming task since multiple sub-topics of the given query are mixed together.


In an web based application, queries are submitted to the Search Engines to represent information needs of the user yet some queries may not exactly represent users’ specific information needs since it is ambiguous and may cover a broad topic and different user may need to get information on different aspects when they submit the same query. For example Fig 1 shows the framework of our approach .when the query “The Sun” is submitted to the search engine ,some user are in need of Indian Newspaper, some are in need of natural language about Sun. hence it is necessary to capture the goals of different users in the case of Information Retrieval. the main advantage of inference and analysis of user search goals is as follows First, we can restructure the web search results according to the search results with the same search goals hence users with different search goals can easily find what they need. Second, user search goals represented by some keywords can be utilized in query recommendation; it helps the users to form the queries more precisely. Thrid, the distributions of user search goals can be useful in the application such as reranking web search results that contain different user search goals. It can be get summarized in to three classes:

1. Query Classification, 2. Search Result Re organization, and 3. Session boundary Detection.

In the existing system all the feedback sessions of a query are first extracted from user click-through logs and mapped to pseudo-documents.. Since we do not know the accurate number of user search goals in advance, So several different values are tried and the optimal value will be determined by the feedback from the bottom part. In the bottom part, the original search results are restructured based on the user search goals inferred from the upper part. Then, evaluate the performance of restructuring search results by this evaluation criterion Classified Average Precision CAP. And the evaluation result will be used as the feedback to select the optimal number of user search goals in the upper part.

Fig 1.Example of different user search goals and their distributions for the query “THE SUN”

© 2013, IJCSMC All Rights Reserved 139 S.PREETHA et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Vol.2 Issue. 10, October- 2013, pg. 138-144


The existing feedback session consists of both clicked and un-clicked URLs and ends with the last URL that was clicked in a single session. It is used to find what the user need on that time based on this clicked data existing feedback consists. Most document-based methods focus on analyzing users’ clicking and browsing behaviors recorded in the users’ clickthrough data. On Web search engines, click through data are important implicit feedback mechanism from users. An example for the clickthrough data for the query “apple,” which contains a list of ranked search results presented to the user, with the identification on the results that the user has clicked on[2]. It rearranges the result both based on user interest and most clicked URL links. The user interest is not considers by the single session or last search session. In proposed system create a user profile and monitor users search session any time and also from anywhere. The advantages of our proposed system was we can change the interest of the User dynamically, User interest based search result will be get focused first, URL ranking in takes place, Search history will be worldwide Process.


The framework is getting divided into two parts: 1) In the first part, all the feedback session get extracted from the user Clickthrough logs and get mapped to the peudo documents. Clustering has been done by means of Keywords. Since we does not know the exact number of User search goals in advance several different values are been tried and then the optimal value will be get determined from the bottom part.

2.)In the second part, Original Search Results are get Restructured based on the User Search goals inferred from the upper part Shown in the fig 2.fig 2 shows the URL that has been get clicked so far or get just scanned from top to bottom will be inside the rectangular box and which has been outside the box has not yet viewed yet(other links)

Fig 2 Example of Click through Data And its sequence count

© 2013, IJCSMC All Rights Reserved 140 S.PREETHA et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Vol.2 Issue. 10, October- 2013, pg. 138-144


The main aim of our Proposed system is one which creates the User Profile for each individual and it has been get authenticated by the client. The Interest of the user get registered in the database, since user interest will be get changed dynamically[5]. Based on that database will be get updated frequently. First the user enter the keyword if it is already in the database will be get checked by the server .Based on that it will be get displayed by the client Restructuring is get performed and for each user interest ranking will also be get done. Based on the Restructuring results it is one Ranking is get performed .Ranking is done on the User interest .Hence the very system has been get implemented. It is get briefly explained in the diagram shown in the Fig 3.It shows the working principle of the System based on the keyword given by the user. and check the database and update the interest.

Fig 3 Architectural design of the System


A. Websearch Engine Creation

User interface design is a design of computers, machines, mobile communication devices and many websites which focus on the User’s Experience and relations. The goal of the user interface design is to make the user interaction as simple and more efficient. The main aim is to fulfill the user search goals it is called as User Centered Design. User can easily execute with the help of GUI.A Web Search Engine is designed to Search for information on the World Wide Web. The information may be a specialist in the web pages information and other types of files.

© 2013, IJCSMC All Rights Reserved 141 S.PREETHA et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Vol.2 Issue. 10, October- 2013, pg. 138-144

B. Search Engine Administrate

Web administration is the back end of Web development, Administrators keep the Web Servers up and successively make sure the hosting continues to work; the servers are secure and keep track of the logs. Every web server has a individual web administrator. In the Web Server the administrator process is used to enroll the URL details like title, URL, description, tags are maintain by the server. This administrator has to enter the web details

C. User Profile Creation

A User Profile is a collection of personal data associated to a specific user. A profile refers to explicit digital Representation of an person’s identity. It is the considered as the computer representation of a user model. The creation of a user profile from a sequence of commands should consider the consecutive order of commands typed by the user and the influence the past experience of the user.

D. User Interest Based Searching

One criticism of search engines is that when queries are issued, most return the same outcome to users. In fact, the vast majority of queries to search engines are short and ambiguous. Different users may have completely different information needs and goals when using precisely the same query. For example, a biologist may query “mouse” to get information about rodents, while programmers may use the same query to find information about computer peripherals[4]. When such a query is issued, search engines will return a list of documents that mix different topics. User profiling is a fundamental component of any personalized application. Develop a search engine which is used to search under user preference. Initially the user/client get the user registration in that user must specify the interested preferences according to that the search results must be affirmative to the user. The interested preference must be editable.

1). Feedback Session: Generally, a session for web search is a series of successive queries to satisfy a single information need and some clicked search results. In this paper, we focus on inferring user search goals for a exacting query. Therefore, the single session containing only one query is introduced, which distinguishes from the conservative session[3]. Meanwhile, the feedback session in this paper is based on a single session, although it can be extended to the full session. The proposed feedback session consists of both clicked and unclicked URLs and ends with the last URL that was clicked in a particular session. It is motivated that before the last click, all the URLs have been evaluated and scanned by users. Therefore, besides the clicked URLs, the unclicked ones before the last click should be a part of the user feedbacks

Fig 4 Example for Click Sequence Count

E. User Sessions And Details

1). Personalized Algorithms: This propose system enable the framework that enables large-scale evaluation of personalized search. In this framework, User/Client use click through data that is recorded in search engine logs to simulate user experiences in Web search. In general, when a user issues a query, the user usually checks documents in a result list from top to bottom. The user clicks one or more documents that look relevant and skips those documents that the user is not interested in. If a specific

© 2013, IJCSMC All Rights Reserved 142 S.PREETHA et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Vol.2 Issue. 10, October- 2013, pg. 138-144 personalization method can re rank relevant documents for a user higher in results list, the user would be more satisfied. Therefore, we utilize user clicks as relevance judgments to evaluate search precision Since click-through data can be collected at low cost, it is possible to do large-scale evaluation under this framework.

F. History Based Retrieval

Most document-based methods focus on analyzing users’ clicking and browsing behaviors recorded in the users’ click through data. On Web search engines, click through data are important implicit feedback mechanism from users. An example of click through data for the query “apple,” which contains a list of ranked search results accessible to the user, with identification on the results that the user has clicked on. The bolded documents that have been clicked by the user have been ranked. Several personalized systems that employ click through data to capture users’ interest have been proposed. Thus the history can be get maintained in the Browser

G. Implementation Letter Pair Algorithms

Personalized Web search can be implemented on either the server side (in the search engine) or the client side (in the user’s computer or a personalization agent). For client-side personalization, user information is collected and stored on the client side. The overhead in computation and storage for personalization can be distributed among the clients. Because the size of the browsing history of one user is usually small, the cost of storage and computation for generating user profiles on each client is low. The category vector of a page is calculated offline after the page is crawled from the Web and is stored as additional metadata of the page. The collection of raw click-through data is real time in search engine log systems. Grouped click-through data can be periodically updated based on newly available raw click-through data. The length of the update period will affect the accuracy of user profiles. Topical-interest-based user profile periodically updated together with grouped click-through data. User similarity is updated after is updated. Click-through data on current user sessions are temporarily cached.


In this paper, a novel approach has been proposed to infer user search goals for a query by clustering its feedback sessions represented by pseudo-documents. First, we Introduce feedback sessions to be analyzed to infer user search goals rather than search results or clicked URLs. Both the clicked URLs and the un clicked ones before the last click are considered as user implicit feedbacks and taken into account to construct feedback sessions. Therefore, Feedback sessions can reflect user information needs more efficiently. Second, we map feedback sessions to pseudo documents to approximate goal texts in user minds. The pseudodocuments can enrich the URLs with additional textual contents including the titles and snippets.


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S.PREETHA et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Vol.2 Issue. 10, October- 2013, pg. 138-144

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