PROJECT IDENTIFICATION FORM (PIF) 1 PROJECT TYPE: FSP TYPE OF TRUST FUND: LDCF PART I: PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Project Title: Integrated Water Harvesting Technologies to Adapt to Climate Change Induced Water Shortage Country(ies): Yemen GEF Project ID:2 5211 GEF Agency(ies): UNDP GEF Agency Project ID: 4989 Other Executing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment and Water / Submission Date: October 3, 2012 Environmental Protection Agency Resubmission Date: January 22, 2013 GEF Focal Area (s): Climate Change Project Duration (Months) 48 months Name of parent programme N/A Agency Fee ($): 467,400 (if applicable): Ø For SFM/REDD+ 3 A. FOCAL AREA STRATEGY FRAMEWORK : Trust Indicative Indicative Focal Area Expected FA Outcomes Expected FA Outputs Fund Grant Amount Co-financing Objectives ($) ($) CCA-1 Outcome 1.2: Reduced Output 1.2.1: Vulnerable LDCF 1,520,000 10,383,845 vulnerability to climate physical, natural and social change in development assets strengthened in response sectors to climate change impacts, including variability CCA-3 Outcome 3.1: Successful Output 3.1.1: Relevant LDCF 3,200,000 8,217,751 demonstration, deployment, adaptation technology and transfer of relevant transferred to targeted groups adaptation technology in targeted areas Sub-Total 4,720,000 18,601,596 4 Project Management Cost 200,000 1,000,000 Total Project Cost 4,920,000 19,601,596 B. PROJECT FRAMEWORK Project Objective: To re-introduce traditional and innovative water harvesting techniques to improve water availability to rainfed farmers and pastoralists who are highly vulnerable to climate chang Grant Trust Indicative Indicative Project Expected Type Expected Outputs Fund Grant Cofinancing Component Outcomes Amount ($) ($) 1.
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