Daily Sundial 2002-10-23
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California State University, Northridge "'~..,_ ,;:'.'-:. - •'" ~~ "-;;.. ~ n esday, October 23, 2002 A financially independent student newspaper Volume 45 • Number 34 Since 1957 ILLUSTRATION BY CHRIS ASSAF SHEMZA I DAJLY SUNDIAL. President Bush has been granted the power to finish what Bush Sr. started.With the possibility of dec~ng war on Iraq, the Sundial dissects issues of war, conflict and the aftermath. 2 • The Daily Sundial • CSUN • Wednesday. October 23. 2002 War? War on Iraq may Maestro Horta have consequences on Israel, Jordan By LINDA I. HADDAD can." Douek said. "But moment, Israel is not SUNDIAL STAPF today, we have similar con- involved on the forefront, cerns as we did have during but if it comes down to ith Iraq as the the Gulf War, and that is a defending ourselves, Israel number one prior- possible attack by Hussein will do so." W ity on America's (on Israel), and the fact that "'No nation is going to sit list of fighting the War on it could be a biological one." there (and) get attacked the Terror, there are many con- "I believe there is a second time around," cerns within the Middle good possibility that if Djavaheri said. East of what might happen (America) goes to war with If Iraq does attack Israel, safety-wise, politically and Iraq, Israel will get hit," they have the right to defend economically to America's said Shushana Djavaheri, themselves, because it close allies. founder of the Students for would be a frivolous and During the Gulf War in Israeli Public Affairs unjustified attack on 1991, Iraqi president Committee and a senior Hussein's part, she said. Saddam Hus ein launched political science major. Ami Cohen, vice presi- 31 scud missiles into Israel. Douek said if Israel is dent of SIPAC and a sopho- David Douek, spokesper- attacked by Iraq like in more CTVA major, is wor- son for the Israeli Consulate 1991, depending on how ried that a negative chain in Los Angeles, said in 1991 severe the attack is, Israel reaction will occur if there is Hussein attacked Israel's has the right to defend it elf a war on Jraq. major cities with scud mis- and is ready to do so. "I am behind America in siles, but caused only one "This is a war on terror wanting to change the Israeli casualty at that time. being led by the United regime of Iraq and dismantle "If America goes to war States, and (Israel looks) to any chemical weapons KRISTA BAERTSCHI f DAILY SUNDIAL with Iraq, we will support America as the leader in this Juan Horta, a Michoacan native mask maker.demonstrates his craft to CSUN students Tuesday. America in every way we war," Douek said. "At the See ATTACKS, page 10 Iraq not always a U.S. enemy By KRISTIN CROSLEY "He was in dire straights from a SUNDIAL STAFF political perspective," he said. "(Hussein) put a lot of his legitimacy th President George W. and reputation at stake when he Bush pushing toward a war attacked Iran and at the end of eight W with Iraq, the Middle Ea~t years he didn't have any conquered has been in the headlines more often territory, hardware or anything to than it has since the 1991 Gulf War. show for it." While there is conflict between Iraq and Instead, Iraq had thousands of pris- the United States, many do not under- oners of war in Iran, had lost a lot of stand the history of the conflict or the hardware and manpower, and was reasons these problems exist. heavily in debt to Saudi Arabia and There is a multitude of aspects, Kuwait, Kamrava said. including economic, religious, cultural, In 1990, Hussein tried to conquer historical and other factors that exist Kuwait, an easy, wealthy country to SADDl .... between the two countries. defeat. Hussein telt he could get rid of a ·~ c Many Middle Eastern countries country to which he owed billions of gained their independence in the 1950s dollars, but could also obtain an oil-rich ARABIA after becoming free from British and tenitory, Kamrava said. French control, beginning an era of The United States, which had nationalism, said Dr. Mehran Kamrava, throughout the 1980s supported the political science department chair. Iraqi government, rushed to the lib- 'The military became the main insti- eration of Kuwait, which began the tution in government," Kamrava said. Gulf War. There was military rule in Iraq and In the aftennath of the Gulf War, the military constituted the state, mean- the United States was faced with a undermine American interests in the said religious studies professor, Dr. on toes," she said. "Saudi Arabia has ing colonels and generals were the pres- dilemma: How to prevent Iraq from Middle East by causing pro-American Amir Hussain. said they don't want force used in Iraq. idents of countries, Kamrava aid. disintegrating as a territorial and geo- countries such as Saudi Arclbia, Kuwait, ·•we talk about potential threats," which is one reason for the United "Throughout the 1960s and '70s, a graphic entity, while ensuring the Egypt and Jordan to lose the fragile base Hussain said, pointing out that there ~t~~es backing off a bit from (Bush' ) man by the name of Saddam Hussein leader is weak enough not to pose a of popularity and legitimacy they have are both real and potential threats m1tial gung-ho attitude. In '91 we did- rose through the ranks of power, but threat to its neighbors. among their population by looking like from other countrie too, including n 't go unti I we had all of the Arab he had never officially served the Throughout the 1990s, the United compijant U.S. lackeys. North Korea. countries on board, and we don't have Iraqi military," Kamrava said. "He States pursued a policy called dual con- The United States,' "you' re with "But North Korea doesn't have t~at same _unity of opinion on this par· had gone through the institution of the tainment designed to contain Iraq and u or without us," rhetoric to the oil," Hussain said. ncular act10n.'' political party." [ran, first loosely articulated by former United Nations, and the position, Israel is our client state in the Middle . T~e. War on Terror in Afghanistan In 1977 and 1978, Hussein came to President George H.W. Bush's adminis- "you follow suit or we'll go it alone," East. Hussain said. It allows us to do is oftic1ally said to protect Americ~ power through a bloodless coup, tration and then more thoroughly by the is likely to increase resentmenc. things we want to do in order to secure but really because the United StateS Kamrava said. Because Hussein had Clinton administration. heighten anti-American sentiment the oil we want wants to_ build a pipeline to oil never actually served in the military and President George W. Bush's admin- and give rise to future Osama Bin "Oil is certainly important to us," reserves m Afghanistan and to the needed to prove himself as a capable istration didn't have a very coherent Ladens, Kamrava said. said Rachel Howes, an assi rant history north, Hussain said. profes.sor. "Saudi Arabia has something military leader, he invaded Iran in 1980, policy toward the Middle East and did- Kamrava advocates that United "If we can control the leade rs h.1p. we Kamrava said. n't really know what to do with Iraq, States works with regional powers that like 100 years worth of reserve (oil) if can control the oil," Hussain said "He counted on a quick and decisive Kamrava said. have a greater familiarity of the situa- they continue pumping at the rate they Pan. of the reaso n f-or a war aoaul.51· . Ira victory because Iran was in tunnoil, but Then the Sept. 11 attacks occurred. tion and sponsor a pro-American coup. are now. Our '91 actions were very . q ts that Israel wants us to go to" war that victory never really materializ.ed, The war on Afghanistan gave Bush "We need to work through the Iraqi much to protect our Saudi Arabian with Iraq, Hussain added. interest and less to protect Kuwait." Usually, America d h . and the Iran-Iraq war dragged on unti I a much-needed mandate in foreign pol- military to bring about a quiet regime oes w ac 1 "The other aspect is that we prefer 1988,'' Kamrava said. "At the end of icy, and the War on Terror served Bush change," Kamrava said. best for. America • H ussam. sa1.. "d to keep relations with Kuwait and except the case (the war), Hussein didn't have anything very well, Kamrava said. The United States' interest in invad- . m ot· our unque _· to show his military commanders." Kamrava feels a war on Iraq would ing Iraq at this time comes down to oil, Saudi Arabia and we don't want to step uoned suppon for Israel. The Dal)' Sundlal • CSUN • Ylednesday. Oeder 23. 2002 • J War? President Bush: 'In the Man behind the mask. name ofpeace, we call upon Saddam to disarm' Wi ll the world community follow the United States' lead? Or will the U.S. strike unilaterally? B KELLY DUGGAN will shape the way America leads The hard-lined statements SUNDIAL STAFF and is perceived in the world coming from the Bush adminis- arena, Wallis said. tration are part of a political tac- ince Congress authorized ''It's a test of American identi- tic called floating, where policies the use of force against ty, a test of who we are and what are put before the public to test SIra q.