
Age of director when he made this film? 25

The broken dock, run down golf course and dirty pool seen in the opening sequence of the film are symbolic of what? Neglect

Director and Lead actor?

The editing transition used repeatedly in the opening sequence of the film to imply a passing of time? Dissolve

Film won an Oscar for what? Best original screenplay

High angle shots looking down on actors are used in shots with the main character to make them appear? Weak, powerless

How is this publishing tycoon portrayed in this film? A crazy, self-centered man

Low angle shots looking up at the main character are used to make him appear? Superior, powerful, in control

Motifs used in the film? Triangles, Jigsaw puzzles, Statues

# of films this director made prior to the release of Citizen Kane? 0

Statue motif? He can easily manipulate them like what he liked to do with people

This film depicts the controversial life of influential publishing tycoon who?

Treatment of his 1st wife? Ignored her and lied to her

Treatment of his 2nd wife? Abused her and isolated her

Triangle motif? Tells us where to look

What are examples of innovated techniques from this film? Camera movement (coming to mansion move up, leaving mansion moves down), Camera angles, Triangular composition (3 people), long uninterrupted shots (using camera movement instead of cuts)

What are the 2 rings floating in water symbolic of? 2 failed marriages

What character does this actor play in the film? Charles Foster Kane

What do monkey's in cage symbolic of? Isolation of Susan/imprisonment

What is symbolic of? Kane's lost childhood

What is the bird flying off symbolic of? Susan finally leaving

What is the mirror reflection (multiple Kanes) symbolic of? Vanity, , and egotism

What is the screaming women's voice in Kane's tent at the picnic symbolic of? Susan's years of abuse from Charles

What is the snow globe symbolic of? Links Susan to his mother who both abandoned him

What made this man do to the Director of Citizen Kane after the film's release? Sued him

Year this film was released? 1941