Ttlif Nnu Tjautphlnn' the Official Organ of the University of New Hampshire

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Ttlif Nnu Tjautphlnn' the Official Organ of the University of New Hampshire tTlif Nnu TJautpHlnn' The Official Organ of the University of New Hampshire Volume 17. Issue 21. DURHAM, N. H., MARCH 10, 1927. Price, 10 Cents LIBERAL ARTS STUDENTS TO SENIORS ORGANIZE REGISTER MARCH 9 TO 23 SCHOOL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT FOR COMMENCEMENT WILDCAT WINTER SPORTS TEAM WINS As has been the custom for the past OPENS TOMORROW-12 TEAMS ENTERED Committees Appointed at Class Meet­ year, the College of Liberal Arts will INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP MEET ing to Select Caps, Gowns, and conduct an advance registration per­ iod from March 7 to March 23. Canes with Johnson, Abbiatti, Beat Dartmouth by Three Points in I. W. S. U. Finals at Eight High and Four Prep Quintets to Compete Here and Neville as Chairmen In addition to registering for For State Court Title— Fraternities House Players courses between these dates, March Montreal— Take Three First Places—McGill Third 17 has been set aside for complete The Senior class met to elect the registration, when fees may be paid. Pederson Captures First in Ski Jump— Tetley Makes New Record in Two- Basketball Tourney Opens Tomorrow Afternoon at Three With Portsmouth committees for this year’s Commence­ This innovation was brought about by mile Skating Race— Hobbs Leads Field in Snowshoe Grind— New Opposing Manchester High— Tilton Favored to Win in Prep School ment Wednesday, March 2. The cap Mr. R. C. McGrath, the Business Sec­ Hampshire Team, Behind in First Day’s Scoring, Wins Division for Title— Trophies Awarded Saturday Night to and gown committee is to be under retary, to relieve the congestion. Winners and Runners-up— Wildcats Play Final Game Barney Johnson and two other mem­ Under the old system, the entire stu­ Winter Sports Meet by Sheer Grit and Stamina With Brown bers of his own choosing. Canes are dent body was forced to pass through to be decided upon by Furio Abbiatti, the hands of Business Department in STUDENTS WILL HEAR The New Hampshire winter sports chairman, Leslie Ayres, Burnell Bry­ one day, causing considerable delay THOMAS OF HARVARD team, by winning the Ski and Snow- The Sixth Annual Interscholastic THE SHOW OFF” ant, Frances Fairchild and two other and inconvenience. shoe Championships of the Eastern Basketball Tournament, under the di­ women to be appointed by Miss Fair­ As many as are able are asked to United States and Canada held at The teacher-training students of rection of the department of Physical child. The commencement speakers make their complete registration on Montreal last Friday and Saturday, the English Department will hear Education of the University, opens at PLEASES CAPITAL are to be nominated by MacLean Gill, March 17. clearly won its place as the foremost the men’s gym tomorrow with eight chairman, Gwendolyn Jones, Pauline Professor Charles Swain Thomas of collegiate winter sports team in the high and four preparatory school Andrews, Fred Nagle and Margaret Harvard University, who has been year. The Wildcats, falling behind teams competing in their respective Mask and Dagger, the University Marnoch. The Alumni committee is invited to speak on “The Teaching of Dartmouth in the first day’s scoring, classes for the championship of the dramatic society, which will produce in charge of John Neville, chairman, VARSITY LOSES English in Secondary /Schools” on came through by sheer grit and stam­ April 30 th. Mr. Thomas is an state in basketball. Tomorrow and George Kelly’s comedy, “The Show Walter Hopkins and Eleanor Atwood. ina in the final events to defeat Dart­ Saturday are the two important days author of text-books on English mouth by the score of 32 to 29, de­ Off,” its winter term production, in CONCORD DEBATE in the eyes of the New Hampshire Teaching and also ia, well-known spite the series of mishaps that con­ basketball fans, and the University Laconia tonight, scored a distinct suc­ lecturer. tinually followed the team in the in­ of New Hampshire is the place where cess in Concord last evening in the STUDENT-DEAN Meet West Virginia Before ternational meet where 13 colleges all the action starts and finishes. new Capitol Theatre before the Rotary and Kiwanis Men competed. The fact that New Hamp­ The tournament games begin on largest audience which has ever at­ ANNUAL TOWN shire has lost but one winter sports Friday afternoon at three o’clock and COMMITTEE MEETS meet in two years, losing at Williams- tended a collegiate production in the Varsity Argues For War Debt Can­ will continue until Saturday night cellation— Governor Spaulding A t­ town last year by one point, makes when the final contest takes place in state capital. Melville Taylor, ’27, as MEETING HELD Student government, which is tends— Commends All Speakers— the Blue and White team’s record all the high school division. The teams “Aubrey Piper,” in the leading part under consideration by the Student Speech of Zeverly of West Vir­ the more remarkable. entering the tourney are: High school in the play, repeated his Concord suc­ Council and may be instituted on the ginia Outstanding The one hundred and ninety-sixth Injuries to Weston and Pederson in class, Manchester, Portsmouth, La­ cess of two years ago when he char­ campus here, will be the problem dis­ annual meeting of the Town of Dur­ the downhill ski race and the break­ conia, Lancaster, Keene, Kennett acterized “ Grumpy” in his first uni­ cussed by the Student-Dean Com­ The University of New Hampshire ham was held Tuesday at the Dur­ ing of Captain Littlefield’s snowshoe (Conway), Hanover, Nashua; prep versity play. Elizabeth Tibbets, ’27, mittee at its next meeting Monday men’s debating team met the West ham Town Hall. The meeting had a showed the hard luck that the New school division, Tilton, Colby, Holder- as “ Am y,” Aline Morin as “ Mrs. evening at the Commons Building. Virginia debaters in Concord before strictly business-like air because of Hampshire team labored under ness, St. Joseph’s (Manchester.) Fisher,” and Eunice Wilson, ’30, as the lack of students, which was due throughout the entire meet. Weston, The Student Dean Committee is an Governor Spaulding and the com­ The New Hampshire basketball “Clara,” were also well received by to the special motion passed last year who had chipped his shoulder in the advisory organization, recently bined meeting of the Concord Kiwanis tournament has become one of the the capital audience. restricting the attendance to those on ski race, jumped with his arm in a formed by Dean A. N. French of the and Rotary Clubs Tuesday, on the most important contacts between the the cheek-list and the guests of the sling, winning third place in the The play, which ran here three College of Liberal Arts. It is com­ question, “Resolved: That the United young men of the state and the Uni­ Selectmen. event. Pederson collided with a tree nights last week to capacity audi­ posed of representative men on the States should cancel the war debts.” versity. Albert D. Littlehale was re-elected in the same race, smashing his skiis ences in the Ralph D. Paine Memorial campus and its function is to take up The debate was held on the Oxford Two former tournament winners, plan which calls for a vote of the Selectman, Jabez Stevens and Fred and losing points in the race. On hall of the Community House, is be­ for consideration student and ad­ namely Portsmouth and Manchester, audience. The West Virginia team Davis are the other two Selectmen. borrowed skiis the next day Pederson, ing put on in the two New Hampshire ministrative problems. These prob­ meet in the first game of the tourney. upholding the negative was judged by Charles Wentworth was re-elected the Marshal Foch trophy winner this cities by branches of the university lems are discussed from the angle of Manchester won the 1924 and 1926 clerk; George D. Stevens, re-elected year, again triumphed over Proctor alumni in order to swell the scholar­ student opinion on them. The pur­ the vote of the listeners to have ad­ court championships while Ports­ vanced the best arguments. Gwen- treasurer; Miss Esther Y. Burnham, of Dartmouth in the ski jumping to ship funds of these organizations. In pose is to achieve closer harmony be­ mouth clinched the title in 1925. dolin Jones, captain of the women’s tax collector; Clement Moran and win first place. The New Hampshire the case of Concord, the local hospital tween the administration and the Newcomers in this year’s tourney debating team, acted as chairman. Samuel Runlett were re-elected audi­ freshman jumper showed perfect authorities cooperated with the alum­ student body by laying mutual prob­ games are Laconia, Kennett, and The winning team consisted of Rus­ tors; Charles H. Pettee re-elected as form and style in his jumps and out­ ni in staging the production, while lems on the table and talking them Hanover, although all three have par­ sell Morris, Byron Randolph and John trustee of Trust Funds. distanced all his rivals, although in Laconia the profits and responsi­ over. The group is granted advisory ticipated here in former seasons. Til­ Zeverly. For New Hampshire, John A proposition to raise and appro­ Proctor kept close to Pederson in bilities will be shared between the powers only and has no legislative or ton School is favored to come through Fleming, ’29, Burnham Davis, ’29, and priate necessary sums of money for jumping, the latter giving New alumni branch and the alumni associ­ judicial functions. This makes it in the preparatory class but three Ch rles Johnson, ’29, spoke in the or­ road construction and maintenance Hampshire the final margin to win ation of the Laconia high school.
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