01 Land north of Main Road, INTRODUCTION

Introduction Gladman Developments Ltd has successfully invested in communities throughout the UK for over 20 years, developing high quality and sustainable residential, commercial and industrial schemes. A process of public consultation is being undertaken by Gladman Developments Ltd in order to present the emerging development proposal for the land to the north of Main Road, Brailsford to the local community. We are proposing a new residential development of up to 75 homes, together with new green infrastructure. The purpose of this consultation process is to outline the details of the draft scheme and seek comments from the local community which will be considered before the outline planning application is lodged with Dales District Council.

Site Description The site comprises 4.65ha of two open pastoral fields and is located on the north western edge of Brailsford. Main Road, from which the site access is proposed, runs along the southern boundary.

Housing Need Every Council is required by the Government to boost significantly the supply of housing and to make planning decisions in the light of a presumption in favour of sustainable development. Site Boundary Development Primary School under construction under construction District Council is required to provide enough housing land to meet its full future housing needs. Approval of this development will help To towards meeting the housing need within the local authorityAshbourne area.

Why is the site suitable for development? The site forms part of an emerging housing allocation in a draft local plan. The site is sustainably located with easy access to a wide range of existing community amenities within Brailsford and the local public transport network along the A52, which connects Ashbourne to . Brailsford It is a logical housing site with an adjacent housing development and Ednaston Primary School under construction directly to the east. The site can be safely accessed via Main Road and by pedestrian links through the adjacent development onto Luke Lane. The Application Gladman Developments Ltd intends to submit an outline planning application to Derbyshire Dales District Council mid 2016. This would establish the principle of development. To Derby Development Proposals Site Boundary Existing Settlement Water Course Development under construction • A residential development to include up to 75 new homes of varying Primary Roads Woodland by Miller Homes sizes, types and tenures; Secondary Roads Public Footpaths/ • Green Infrastructure, comprising: new publicly accessible open Bridleways space, a looping recreational path and tree and shrub planting. 02 Land north of Main Road, Brailsford HISTORIC CONTEXT

Historic Maps The earliest cartographic source to show the area is the 1884-1887 Map, which shows the site divided into four fields to the north west of Brailsford. The study site remained as fields from the 19th Century until the present day, with an alteration in division from four fields to two. Settlement within Brailsford is shown to the east of the site along Main Road, and south towards Hall Farm and the Rectory.

Brailsford developed steadily throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, with the southern boundary of the site being defined by the realignment of Main Road, which can be seen to take it’s present day state from 1980. The historic core of Brailsford depicted in the 1884-1887 map, along Main Road, Derbyshire Derbyshire and Church Lane remains today. Additional housing estates are shown developing to the north of Main Road throughout the 20th century. From the late Published 1884 - 1887 Published 1922 - 1924 20th century onwards development accelerated, with residential development occurring to the east Sourceand west map of scaleLuke -Lane. 1:10,560 The early 21st century has Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for , Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 seen further development to the north west of Brailsford including housing and a Primary School underthe construction1:2,500 scale was adopted for mappingto the urban areas;east these of maps the were site. the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The 1884-1887 1922-1924 revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas. 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s) Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A Historical Map - Slice A

Ordnance Survey Plan VectorMap Local Published 1980 Published 2015 Source map scale - 1:10,000 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held VectorMap Local (Raster) is Ordnance Survey's highest detailed 'backdrop' at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 mapping product. These maps are produced from OS's VectorMap Local, a the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were simple vector dataset at a nominal scale of 1:10,000, covering the whole of used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is Great Britain, that has been designed for creating graphical mapping. OS often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps VectorMap Local is derived from large-scale information surveyed at 1:1250 were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single scale (covering major towns and cities),1:2500 scale (smaller towns, villages countyOrder or group Details of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying Orderand developed Details rural areas), and 1:10 000 scale (mountain, moorland and areas.Order In Number:the late 1940`s, a Provisional76218094_1_1 Edition was produced, which updated Orderriver estuary Number: areas). 76218094_1_1 theCustomer 1:10,560 mapping Ref: from a number6023 of sources. The maps appear Customer Ref: 6023 unfinishedNational - Gridwith all Reference: military camps425180, and other strategic341800 sites removed. These National Grid Reference: 425180, 341800 maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000Slice: maps were produced usingA the Transverse Mercator Projection. The Slice: A 1980 2016 revisionSite Area process (Ha): continued until recently,4.61 with new editions appearing every Site Area (Ha): 4.61 10Search years or Buffer so for urban (m): areas. 1000 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Site Details Main Road, Brailsford, ASHBOURNE, Derbyshire, DE6 3BQ Main Road, Brailsford, ASHBOURNE, Derbyshire, DE6 3BQ

Map Name(s) and Date(s) Map Name(s) and Date(s) Tel: 0844 844 9952 Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web: www.envirocheck.co.uk Web: www.envirocheck.co.uk

A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 01-Dec-2015 Page 3 of 12 A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 01-Dec-2015 Page 5 of 12

Historical Map - Slice A Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Details Order Number: 76218094_1_1 Order Number: 76218094_1_1 Customer Ref: 6023 Customer Ref: 6023 National Grid Reference: 425180, 341800 National Grid Reference: 425180, 341800 Slice: A Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 4.61 Site Area (Ha): 4.61 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Site Details Main Road, Brailsford, ASHBOURNE, Derbyshire, DE6 3BQ Main Road, Brailsford, ASHBOURNE, Derbyshire, DE6 3BQ

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web: www.envirocheck.co.uk Web: www.envirocheck.co.uk

A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 01-Dec-2015 Page 9 of 12 A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 01-Dec-2015 Page 12 of 12 03 Land north of Main Road, Brailsford EXISTING CHARACTER

Landscape Character The site comprises arable land and adjoins the existing settlement edge of Brailsford with residential development under construction off Luke Lane to the east of the site.

The site lies within the National Character Area (NCA) 68 ‘Needwood & Claylands’, published by Natural England. This area is characterised as being a predominantly pastoral landscape of rolling countryside this is still largely rural and features distinctive field boundary patterns.

The Landscape Character Assessment (2010) locates the site within Landscape character Area ‘5a Village Farmlands’.

Derbyshire County Councils Landscape Character Assessment of Derbyshire (2004), locates the site within Landscape Character Type ‘Settled Plateau Farmland’, within the ‘Needwood and South Derbyshire Claylands’

Landscape Character Area. East Midlands Landscape Character The Landscape Character of Derbyshire Dales Site Boundary All mapping extent falls within: Needwood and South Derbyshire Claylands

Group 5: Village Farmlands Key characteristics described within the Regional Landscape 5a Village Farmlands Settled Plateau Farmlands Riverside Meadows Character Assessments are as follows: Sandstone Slopes and Heaths Estate Farmlands

• Topography: Gently undulating lowlands, dissected by Settled Farmlands stream valleys with localised steep slopes and alluvial floodplains; • Settlement pattern: small historic villages linked by winding lanes and includes farmsteads, parkland estates and farms and cottages. Mixed agricultural regime, with localised variations but with a predominance of either dairy farming on permanent pastures, or arable cropping; • Views and Visibility: Extensive views over lower ground. Though hedgerows and moderately sized broadleaf woodland and copses contribute to well treed character of landscape filtering views particularly when on sloping land.

Settlement Character Common vernacular features within Brailsford include the use of red brick and Staffordshire blue clay tile roofing. Arched brick lintels are a common feature to brick cottages. Several new estates are present within the village, with some more recent that reflect traditional materials.

Above: Examples of built form and materials used within the surrounding area. The proposals will seek to reflect the existing built character so as to create an appropriate and sympathetic development in keeping with the character of the site and its context. 04 Land north of Main Road, Brailsford VISUAL CONTEXT

Site and Setting The site and its immediate context are not covered by designations such as National Park, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), or Special Landscape Area. The site is bounded by Main Road (A52) to the south and adjoins the settlement edge of Brailsford and a housing development under construction to the east.

3 To the immediate south of the A52 are some allotment gardens. The landscape beyond these is predominantly arable, and more open in character, defined by a mix of large irregular shaped fields. Springfield 1 Cottage defines the south east site boundary. To the north, the character 2 is mainly defined by large scale, gently sloping pastoral fields. To the west, the contours drop into a minor valley. Aerial photograph with site boundary and viewpoint locations

Site Adjacent development by Miller Homes (Under Construction)

Primary School (Under Construction) Electricity Pylons

1 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 1: View north from Main Road A52


Main Road A52 Warehouse Electricity Pylons

2 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 2: View north west from within the site boundary Site

Adjacent development by Miller Homes (Under Construction) Electricity pylons

3 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 3: View west towards site from Luke Lane 05 Land north of Main Road, Brailsford FACILITIES

What are the local facilities? The site is sustainably located with easy access to local facilities, public transport links and the local footpath network. The local bus routes provide access to Derby, Ashbourne and Uttoxeter via a number of regular services.

1600m 20mins

1200m 15mins

800m 10mins

400m 5mins

Proposed Site Boundary Pre-School Public House/Restaurant Place of Worship Public Footpaths/Bridleways

Distance from centre of site/walking time Proposed new School Retail (Including local convenience stores Golf Course and post office)

Cafe/Tearoom Primary School Medical Centre Local Bus Stops 06 Land north of Main Road, Brailsford CONSTRAINTS & OPPORTUNITIES

The assessment of the site and its surroundings has identified a number of features which should be protected, retained and enhanced wherever possible as part of the development proposals for the site. These considerations provide the opportunities and constraints for development and have been used This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and to inform the preparation of the Framework Plan. is issued on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. Aerial imagery © 2015 Microsoft Corporation

Site boundary: 4.6Ha

New primary school in support of adjacent Potential site access off Main Road development (Under Construction) Emerging Existing trees and hedgerows Allocation

+152m Existing overhead cable +151m

+147m Topography

+150m This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to Arrival views from the crest of the hill on any unauthorised person, either wholly or in part without written consent Painters Lane of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd.

A52 Painters Lane Aerial imagery © 2015 Microsoft Corporation Consider views from Conservation Area +149m Development by Miller Homes (Under Construction) Site boundary: 4.6Ha Conservation Area

New primary school +148m in support of adjacent Potential site access off Main Road Potential footpath links development (Under Constructon) This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and Existing trees and hedgerows Existing public rights of way is issued on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to Luke Lane any unauthorised person,+147m either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. Aerial imagery © 2015 Microsoft Corporation Consider views from PRoW Brailsford FP 40 +152m Existing overhead cable +151m Stone Works +146m Potential green set back +147m Topography Site boundary: 4.6Ha The Plain +150m Allotment Gardens Potential enhanced landscape buffer New primary school Arrival views from the crest of the hill on Potential site access off Main Road in support of adjacent Corner FarmPainters Lane development A52 Painters Lane (Under Constructon) Potential location of attenuation A52 Main Road This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and Consider views from Conservation Area is issued on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to Existing trees and hedgerows +149m any unauthorised person, either wholly or in part without written consent Developmentof FPCR Environment by Miller and Design Ltd. Homes (Under Construction) Aerial imagery © 2015 Microsoft Corporation Brailsford +152m Existing overhead cable Conservation Area +151m Brailsford FP 40 +148m NOTES All dimensions to be verified on site. Do not scale this drawing. All discrepancies to be clarified with project Landscape Architect. Brailsford FP 50 1 Site boundary: 4.6Ha +147m Topography Potential footpath links This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the TITLE condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either 5.0mm TITLE 100 scale 1:5000 @ A1 wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. 5.0mm TITLE Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number: +150m text N N 100019980 (Centremapslive.com). 3.5mm title 250.000 Scale 1:5000 @ A1 New primary2.5mm note school text Arrival views from the crest of the hill on 1.8mm note (small) 250.000 Arrival views from the crest of the hill on The Green 0 100 200 300 400 500m PotentialPotential0 site site access access off off Main Main Road Road ExistingExisting public public rights rights of ofway way N in support of adjacent Painters Lane TITLE Painters Lane development Luke Lane Footpath (Under Constructon) +147m N A52 Painters Lane 1 TITLE WD18 26/1 Scale 1:1250 @ A1 5.0mm TITLE 100 scale 1:2500 @ A1 5.0mm TITLE ExistingExisting trees trees and and hedgerows hedgerows ConsiderConsider views views from from Conservation Conservation Area Area ConsiderConsider views views from from PRoW footpath Brailsford WD18 FP 4040/4 text N N 0 25 50 75 100 125m 3.5mm title 125.000 Scale1:2500 1:2500 @A3 @ A1 +149m 2.5mm note Developmenttext by Miller 1.8mm note (small) 125.000 0 50 100 150 200 250m 0 Homes (Under Construction) Stone Works KEY +146m Scale 1:5000 @ A1 +152m TITLE J:\7000\7062\LANDS\Plans\7062-L-03E Constraints + Opportunities.inddExistingExisting overhead overhead cable cable ConservationConservation Area Area PotentialPotential green green set set back back Application Site Boundary 0.00ha 0 100 200 300 400 500m +151m 1 The Plain masterplanning 5.0mm TITLE TITLE environmental assessment 100 1:2500@A3 / 1:1250@A1 scale 1:2000 @ A1 Gladman Developments Ltd landscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd +148m 5.0mm TITLE Key 0.00ha urban design Lockington Hall Allotment100.000 Gardens text N N ecology Lockington Scale 1:2000 @ A1 3 May 2016 LEB / KMN Derby DE74 2RH 3.5mm title Main Road +147m TopographyTopography PotentialCONSTRAINTS footpath links AND OPPORTUNITIES architecture Potential enhanced landscape buffer arboriculture 2.5mm note Potential footpath links Potential enhanced landscape buffer t: 01509 672772 100.000 text f: 01509 674565 0 50 100 150 200m Key 0.00ha rev Brailsford 7062-L-03 E fpcr e: [email protected] +150m w: www.fpcr.co.uk TITLE Corner Farm Scale 1:500 @ A1

Arrival views from the crest of the hill on 0 10 20 30 40 50m Key 0.00ha 1 TITLE Potential location of attenuation 5.0mm TITLE 100 Painters Lane Existing public rights of way scale 1:1250 @ A1 A52 Main Road 5.0mm TITLE Luke Lane -a 62.500 text N N Footpath Key 0.00ha A52 Painters Lane +147m 3.5mm title Scale 1:1250 @ A1 2.5mm note WD18 50/1 62.500 text 1.8mm note (small) 0 25 50 75 100 125m Consider0 views from Conservation Area Consider views from footpath WD18 40/4 Key 0.00ha +149m TITLE Development by Miller Brailsford Homes (Under Construction) 1 TITLE Key 0.00ha 5.0mm TITLE 100 scale 1:1000 @ A1Stone Works +146m5.0mm TITLE Footpath Conservation Area Footpath 50.000 text N N NOTES Potential green set back 3.5mm title WD18 40/4 Scale 1:1000 @ A1 WD18 50/2 Key 0.00ha 2.5mm note All dimensions to be verified on site. Do not scale this drawing. All discrepancies to be 50.000 text The Plain clarified with project Landscape Architect. 1.8mm note (small) 0 25 50 75 100m 1 +148m This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the TITLE condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either Key 0.00ha 5.0mm TITLE 100 Allotment Gardens TITLE scale 1:5000 @ A1 Potential footpath links wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. 5.0mm TITLE Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number: text N N 100019980 (Centremapslive.com). Potential enhanced landscape buffer 3.5mm title 250.000 Scale 1:5000 @ A1 1 TITLE 5.0mm TITLE 100 2.5mm note scale 1:500 @ A1 text Corner Farm LEGEND 1.8mm note (small) 250.000 0 100 200 300 400 500m 0 5.0mm TITLE The Green 25.000 text N N N 3.5mm title Scale 1:500 @ A1 1 Legend TITLE 2.5mm note Existing public rights of way 25.000 text 1.8mm note (small) 0 10 20 30 40 50m 0 Potential location of attenuation 2 Legend Footpath Luke Lane A52 Main Road N 1 WD18+147m 26/1 TITLE Scale 1:1250 @ A1 TITLE Footpath 3 Legend 5.0mm TITLE 100 scale 1:2500 @ A1 WD18 50/1 5.0mm TITLE 1 text N N TITLE 0 25 50 75 100 125m 4 Legend 125.000 5.0mm TITLE 100 Consider views from footpath WD18 40/4 3.5mm title Scale1:2500 1:2500 @A3 @ A1 scale 1:250 @ A1 2.5mm note 5.0mm TITLE 5 Legend text 12.500 text N N 1.8mm note (small) 125.000 0 50 100 150 200 250m 0 3.5mm title BrailsfordScale 1:250 @ A1 2.5mm note KEY 12.500 text Stone Works 1.8mm note (small) 0 Scale5 1:5000 @ 10 A1 15 20 25m 0 TITLE J:\7000\7062\LANDS\Plans\7062-L-03A+146m Constraints + Opportunities.indd Footpath FootpathPotential green set back Application Site Boundary 0.00ha 0 100 200NOTES 300 400 500m 1 WD18 40/4 The Plain WD18 50/2 masterplanning 5.0mm TITLE TITLE All dimensions to be verified on site. Do not scale this drawing. All discrepancies to be environmental assessment 100 1:2500@A3 / 1:1250@A1 scale 1:2000 @ A1 Gladman Developments Ltd clarified with project Landscape Architect. landscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Key 0.00ha urban design Lockington Hall 5.0mm TITLE This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the 1 text AllotmentN GardensN ecology Lockington TITLE 100.000 condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either 5.0mm TITLE 100 3.5mm title Scale 1:2000 @ A1 17 February 2016 LEB / KMN architecture Derby DE74 2RH scale 1:5000 @ A1 Main Road CONSTRAINTS ANDwholly orOPPORTUNITIES in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. 2.5mm note Potential enhanced landscape buffer arboriculture 5.0mm TITLE Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number: t: 01509 672772 N 100.000 text f: 01509 674565 text N 0 50 100 150 200m 100019980 (Centremapslive.com). Key 0.00ha rev fpcr 3.5mm title 250.000 Scale 1:5000 @ A1 Brailsford 7062-L-03 B e: [email protected] Corner Farm w: www.fpcr.co.uk 5.0mm TITLE 2.5mm note Scale 1:500 @ A1 text TITLE 1.8mm note (small) 250.000 0 100 200 300 400 500m 0 The Green 5.0mm TITLE N 3.5mm title 0 10 20 30 40 50m Potential location of attenuationKey 0.00ha TITLE 1 TITLE 2.5mm note 5.0mm TITLE 100 A52 Main Road 1.8mm note (small) 5.0mm TITLE Footpath scale 1:1250 @ A1 Footpath N -a 1 WD18 26/1 text N N Key 0.00ha TITLE 62.500 Scale 1:1250 @ A1 Scale 1:1250 @ A1 5.0mm TITLE 100 3.5mm title WD18 50/1 scale 1:2500 @ A1 2.5mm note 5.0mm TITLE 62.500 text text 1.8mm Nnote (small) N 0 25 50 75 100 125m 0 0 25 50 75 100 125m 3.5mm title 125.000 Scale1:2500 1:2500 @A3 @ A1 Key 0.00ha 2.5mm note Brailsford text TITLE 1.8mm note (small) 125.000 0 50 100 150 200 250m 0 KEY STATUS 1 TITLE Footpath Scale 1:5000 @ A1 Footpath Key 0.00ha TITLE 5.0mm TITLEJ:\7000\7062\LANDS\Plans\7062-L-03A100 Constraints + Opportunities.indd - 00.00.201? First issue. YOU scale 1:1000 @ A1 NOTES WD18 50/2 Application Site Boundary 0.00ha WD18 40/4 rev date description by 5.0mm TITLE All dimensions to be verified on site. Do not scale this drawing. All discrepancies to be N N 0 100 200 300 400 500m masterplanning 1 50.000 text Scale 1:1000 @ A1 clarified with project Landscape Architect. 5.0mm TITLE TITLE 3.5mm title Key 0.00ha environmental assessment 100 This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the 1:2500@A3 / 1:1250@A1 masterplanning 1 scale 1:2000 @ A1 landscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd environmental assessment 2.5mm note Gladman Developments Ltd condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either 5.0mm TITLE TITLE text Key 0.00ha urban design Lockington Hall landscape design 100 5.0mm TITLE 1.8mm note (small) 50.000 wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. scale 1:5000 @ A1 100.000 text N N 0 25 50 75 100m ecology Lockington urban design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Scale 1:2000 @ A1 17 February 2016 LEB / KMN Derby DE74 2RH ecology Lockington Hall 5.0mm TITLE 3.5mm title Main Road CONSTRAINTS ANDOrdnance OPPORTUNITIES Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number: architecture N architecture Lockington text 2.5mm noteN TITLE 100019980 (Centremapslive.com). Key 0.00ha arboriculture 3.5mm title 250.000 Scale 1:5000 @ A1 t: 01509 672772 arboriculture Derby DE74 2RH 100.000 text f: 01509 674565 0 50 100 150 200m Key 0.00ha rev fpcr 2.5mm note Brailsford 7062-L-03 B e: [email protected] t: 01509 672772 text w: www.fpcr.co.uk  1.8mm note (small) 250.000 0 100 200 300 400 500m 0 1 The Green Scale 1:500 @ A1 f: 01509 674565 TITLE 5.0mm TITLE TITLE N e: [email protected] 100 w: www.fpcr.co.uk TITLE scale 1:500 @ A1 LEGEND 5.0mm TITLE 0 10 20 30 40 50m Key 0.00ha Footpath1 25.000 text N N TITLE 3.5mm title Scale 1:500 @ A1 Legend N client 5.0mm TITLE 100 1 1 WD18 26/1scale 1:1250 @ A1 2.5mm note Scale 1:1250 @ A1 Client 5.0mm TITLE TITLE text 100 5.0mm TITLE 1.8mm note (small) 25.000 -a scale 1:2500 @ A1 62.500 text N N 0 10 20 30 40 50m 0 Key 0.00ha 2 Legend project 5.0mm TITLE 3.5mm title Scale 1:1250 @ A1 Project name text N N 0 25 50 75 100 125m 3.5mm title 125.000 2.5mm note Scale1:2500 1:2500 @A3 @ A1 TITLE 62.500 text 3 Legend Project location 2.5mm note 1.8mm note (small) 0 25 50 75 100 125m 0 text Key 0.00ha drawing title 1.8mm note (small) 125.000 0 50 100 150 200 250m 0 1 TITLE KEY 4 Legend DRAWING TITLE TITLE 5.0mm TITLE 100 scale 1:250 @ A1 Scale 1:5000 @ A1 DRAWING TITLE TITLE J:\7000\7062\LANDS\Plans\7062-L-03A Constraints5.0mm + Opportunities.indd TITLE 5 Legend text N N scale drawn date 1 12.500 Scale 1:250 @ A1 Application Site Boundary 0.00ha Key 0.00ha TITLE 3.5mm title Scale YOU Month 201? 5.0mm TITLE 100 0 100 200 300 400 500m 1 scale 1:1000 @ A1 2.5mm note masterplanning 5.0mm TITLE TITLE text 1 environmental assessment drawing number rev 100 5.0mm TITLE 1.8mm note (small) 12.500 TITLE scale 1:2000 @ A1 N N 0 5 10 15 20 25m 0 100 1:2500@A3 / 1:1250@A1 landscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Gladman 50.000Developmentstext Ltd scale 1:1 @ A1 5.0mm TITLE 3.5mm title Scale 1:1000 @ A1 Key 0.00ha Key 0.00ha urban design Lockington Hall 0000-L-00 - N ecology Lockington 100.000 text 2.5mm noteN 3.5mm title Scale 1:2000 @ A1 17 February 2016 LEB / KMN architecture Derby DE74 2RH Main Road50.000 text CONSTRAINTS AND OPPORTUNITIES CAD file: \\FPCR-VM-04\Practice\Standards\Drawing Templates\AutoCAD\FPCR - metres.dwg 1.8mm note (small) 0 25 50 75 100m arboriculture 2.5mm note t: 01509 672772 100.000 text f: 01509 674565 0 50 100 150 200m Key 0.00ha Key rev 0.00ha TITLE Brailsford 7062-L-03 B fpcr e: [email protected] w: www.fpcr.co.uk TITLE Scale 1:500 @ A1 1 TITLE Key 0.00ha 5.0mm TITLE 100 0 10 20 30 40 50m 1 TITLE scale 1:500 @ A1 LEGEND 5.0mm TITLE 100 5.0mm TITLE scale 1:1250 @ A1 25.000 text N N 5.0mm TITLE 5.0mm TITLE 3.5mm title Scale 1:500 @ A1 1 Legend -a text N N Key 0.00ha 5.0mm TITLE 3.5mm title 62.500 2.5mm note Scale 1:1250 @ A1 25.000 text 3.5mm title 2.5mm note 1.8mm note (small) 0 10 20 30 40 50m 0 2 Legend text 2.5mm note 1.8mm note (small) 62.500 TITLE 0 25 50 75 100 125m 0 1.8mm note (small) Key 0.00ha 3 Legend TITLE 1 TITLE 4 Legend 5.0mm TITLE 100 1 TITLE scale 1:250 @ A1 Key 0.00ha 5.0mm TITLE 100 5.0mm TITLE Legend scale 1:1000 @ A1 text N N 5 5.0mm TITLE 3.5mm title 12.500 Scale 1:250 @ A1 50.000 text N N 3.5mm title 2.5mm note Scale 1:1000 @ A1 Key 0.00ha 12.500 text 2.5mm note 1.8mm note (small) 0 5 10 15 20 25m 0 STATUS 50.000 text 1.8mm note (small) 0 25 50 75 100m - 00.00.201? First issue. YOU TITLE Key 0.00ha rev date description by

1 TITLE masterplanning 5.0mm TITLE 100 environmental assessment scale 1:500 @ A1 LEGEND landscape design 5.0mm TITLE urban design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd text N N ecology Lockington Hall 25.000 Scale 1:500 @ A1 3.5mm title 1 Legend architecture Lockington 2.5mm note 5.0mm TITLE arboriculture Derby DE74 2RH text 1.8mm note (small) 25.000 0 10 20 30 40 50m 0 2 Legend 5.0mm TITLE  t: 01509 672772 f: 01509 674565 TITLE 3.5mm title e: [email protected] 3 Legend 2.5mm note w: www.fpcr.co.uk 1.8mm note (small) 1 Legend TITLE 4 client 5.0mm TITLE 100 scale 1:250 @ A1 Client 5.0mm TITLE Legend text N N 5 3.5mm title 12.500 Scale 1:250 @ A1 project 2.5mm note Project name 12.500 text 1.8mm note (small) 0 5 10 15 20 25m 0 Project location

drawing title STATUS DRAWING TITLE DRAWING TITLE - 00.00.201? First issue. YOU scale drawn date rev date description by Scale YOU Month 201?

drawing number rev 1 TITLE masterplanning 100 environmental assessment scale 1:1 @ A1 landscape design 5.0mm TITLE urban design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd 0000-L-00 - ecology Lockington Hall CAD file: \\FPCR-VM-04\Practice\Standards\Drawing Templates\AutoCAD\FPCR - metres.dwg 5.0mm TITLE architecture Lockington arboriculture Derby DE74 2RH 3.5mm title 2.5mm note  t: 01509 672772 f: 01509 674565 1.8mm note (small) e: [email protected] w: www.fpcr.co.uk

client Client project Project name STATUS Project location drawing title - 00.00.201? First issue. YOU DRAWING TITLE rev date description by DRAWING TITLE masterplanning scale drawn date environmental assessment Scale YOU Month 201? landscape design 1 urban design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd drawing number rev TITLE ecology Lockington Hall 100 scale 1:1 @ A1 architecture Lockington arboriculture Derby DE74 2RH 0000-L-00 -  t: 01509 672772 CAD file: \\FPCR-VM-04\Practice\Standards\Drawing Templates\AutoCAD\FPCR - metres.dwg f: 01509 674565 e: [email protected] w: www.fpcr.co.uk

client Client project Project name Project location drawing title DRAWING TITLE DRAWING TITLE scale drawn date Scale YOU Month 201? 1 TITLE drawing number rev 100 scale 1:1 @ A1 0000-L-00 -

CAD file: \\FPCR-VM-04\Practice\Standards\Drawing Templates\AutoCAD\FPCR - metres.dwg 07 Land north of Main Road, Brailsford THE FRAMEWORK

The Framework Plan addresses the identified constraints and opportunities. An area of green infrastructure frames the south and west edges of proposed development area creating a landscape buffer to provide a softer green edge to new built form. By locating development within the eastern portion of the site, the proposals will relate well with the existing overall settlement pattern within Brailsford as shown on the framework. The green infrastructure of the site, will accommodate new tree and shrub planting, habitat corridors, a balancing pond (SuDS), and a pedestrian route, including a route along the northern

edge of the site towards the proposed primary school. This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. Aerial imagery © 2015 Microsoft Corporation

Site boundary 4.65Ha New primary school in support of adjacent development (Under Construction) Potential site access off Main Road Emerging Allocation Potential footpath link

Developable area 2.94Ha [up to 75 units]

Existing trees and hedgerows This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. Informal open space/ Aerial imagery © 2015 Microsoft Corporation proposed tree and hedgerow planting

Development by Miller 2.94Ha Homes (Under Construction) Proposed indicative primary access A52 Painters Lane Site boundary 4.65Ha New primary school Brailsford FP 6 in support of adjacent development Proposed footpaths (Under Constructon) This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and Potential site access off Main Road is issued on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to Emerging any unauthorised person, either wholly or in part without written consent Brailsford FP 35 of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. Allocation Existing public rights of way Aerial imagery © 2015 Microsoft Corporation Potential footpath link

Luke Lane

Developable area 2.66Ha Potential Drainage Solution (To be confirmed) Site boundary 4.65Ha [up to 75 units] New primary school in support of adjacent Stone Works development Potential site access off Main Road Existing trees and hedgerows (Under Constructon) This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and The Plain is issued on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to Emerging anyAllotment unauthorised Gardens person, either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. Allocation Informal open space/ Aerial imagery © 2015 Microsoft Corporation Potential footpath link proposed tree and hedgerow planting Corner Farm NOTES Development by Miller All dimensions to be verified on site. Do not scale this drawing. All discrepancies to be 2.66Ha Developable area 2.66Ha Homes (Under Construction) A52 Main Road Proposed indicative primary access clarified with project Landscape Architect. A52 Painters Lane Site boundary 4.65Ha [up to 75 units] 1 New primary school Footpath This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the TITLE WD18 6/3 condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either 5.0mm TITLE 100 in support of adjacent scale 1:5000 @ A1development Brailsford FP 8 wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and N Existing trees and hedgerows Proposed footpaths Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number: 5.0mm TITLE (Under Constructon) is issued on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to Potential site access off Main Road Brailsford text N N 100019980 (Centremapslive.com). 250.000 any unauthorised person, eitherScale wholly or1:5000 in part without @ writtenA1 consent 3.5mm title Emerging of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. Brailsford FP 40 2.5mm note Allocation Aerial imagery © 2015 Microsoft Corporation Informal open space/ text Potential footpath link proposed tree and hedgerow planting Existing public rightsBrailsford of way FP 50 1.8mm note (small) 250.000 0 100 200 300 400 500m 0 Luke Lane N Development by Miller TITLE 2.66Ha Homes (Under Construction) DevelopableDevelopable areaarea 2.94ha 2.66Ha ProposedPotential location Drainage of Solution attenuation: (To be confirmed) SiteSite Boundary boundary 4.65ha 4.65Ha ProposedProposed indicative indicative primaryprimary access access A52 Painters Lane (Up[up ttoo 75 units]units) (Subject to engineers recommendation) GI Type Requirement (2.32 persons per dwelling x 75 Proposed Compliance New primary school The Green Footpath dwellings = 174 pop Ha in support of adjacent WD18 6/3 Natural/semi natural development 1.41 Hectares Per 1,000 People 0.25Ha 0.25 1 Stone Works Footpath greenscape Scale 1:1250 @ A1 (Under Constructon) TITLE PotentialPotential site site access access offoff Main Main Road Road ExisExistingting trees andand hedgerowshedgerows ProposedProposed footpaths footpaths 5.0mm TITLE 100 WD18 6/1 scale 1:2500 @ A1 The Plain Amenity Green Space 1.29 Hectares Per 1,000 People 0.22Ha 1.46 5.0mmEmerging TITLE Allocation N 0 25 50 75 100 125m text Allotment GardensN Informal open space/ Children’s play equipment 0.04 Hectares Per 1,000 People 0.007Ha Offsite 125.000 PotentialPotential footpath footpathScale link1:2500 link @ A1 Existing public rights of way 3.5mm title 1:2500 @A3 Informalproposed open tree space/proposedand hedgerow planting tree planting Existing public rights of way

2.5mm note Luke Lane text 0 50 Corner100 Farm 150 1.8mm note (small) 125.000Development by Miller Developable area 2.66Ha 2.66Ha 0 50 100 150 200 250m 0 Proposed location of attenuation: 0.06Ha Homes (Under Construction) J:\7000\7062\LANDS\Plans\7062-L-04I[up to 75 units] Framework DRAFT.indd Proposed indicative primary access KEY A52 Painters Lane (Subject to engineers recommendation) A52 Main Road Footpath Scale 1:5000 @ A1masterplanning 1:2500@A3 / 1:1250@A1 environmental assessment TITLE Gladman DevelopmentsWD18 6/3Ltd landscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Footpath urban design Lockington Hall Stone Works Footpath ecology Lockington Application Site Boundary 0.00ha Footpath 3th May 2016 LEB / KMN Derby DE74 2RH Main Road Existing trees and hedgerows WD18 50/1DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN architecture Proposed footpaths WD18 8/1 arboriculture WD18 6/1 N 0 100 200 300t: 01509 400 672772 500m 7062-L-04 rev I fpcr f: 01509 674565 1 Brailsford The Plain Brailsford e: [email protected] 5.0mm TITLE TITLE DRAFT w: www.fpcr.co.uk 100 Allotmentscale 1:2000Gardens @ A1 Informal open space/ Footpath 5.0mm TITLE proposed tree and hedgerow planting Existing public rights of way Key 0.00ha text WD18 40/4N N 100.000 Luke Lane Corner Farm Scale 1:2000 @ A1 3.5mm titleDevelopment by Miller 2.66Ha 2.5mm noteHomes (Under Construction) Proposed indicative primary access Proposed location of attenuation: 0.06Ha A52 Painters Lane 100.000 text A52 Main Road (Subject to engineers recommendation)Footpath Footpath 0 50 100 150 200m WD18 50/2 Key 0.00ha WD18 6/3 GI Type Requirement (2.32 persons per dwelling x 75 Proposed Compliance The Green Footpath Footpath dwellings = 174 pop Ha Stone Works WD18 50/1 Scale 1:500 @ A1 TITLE Footpath WD18 8/1 Natural/semi natural Proposed footpaths 0.25Ha 0.25 WD18 6/1 greenscape 1.41 Hectares PerN 1,000 People The Plain Brailsford Amenity Green Space 1.29 Hectares Per 1,000 People 0.22Ha 1.68 0 10 20 30 40 50m Key 0.00ha Allotment Gardens 1 Footpath Existing public rights of way 5.0mm TITLE TITLEWD18 40/4 100 Children’s play equipment 0.04 Hectares Per 1,000 People 0.007Ha Offsite Luke Lane scale 1:1250 @ A1 5.0mm TITLE Corner Farm NOTES All dimensions to be verified on site. Do not scale this drawing. All discrepancies to be 62.500 text N N Proposed location of attenuation: clarified with project0.06Ha Landscape Architect. Key 0.00ha 1 Scale 1:1250 @Footpath ThisA1 drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the TITLE 3.5mm title (Subject to engineers recommendation)condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either 5.0mm TITLE 100 scale 1:5000 @ A1 A52 Main Road WD18wholly or 50/2 in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. \\FPCR-VM-04\Projects\7000\7062\LANDS\Plans\7062-L-04G Framework DRAFT.indd GI Type Requirement (2.32 persons per dwelling x 75 Proposed Compliance 5.0mm TITLE 2.5mm note Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number: text N N The Green 100019980 (Centremapslive.com). 3.5mm title 250.000 Scale 1:5000 @ A1 text dwellings = 174 pop Ha 1.8mm note (small) 62.500 Footpath masterplanning 2.5mm note Stone Works 0 25Footpath 50 75 100 Natural/semi125m natural 0 1:2500@A3 / 1:1250@A1 environmental assessment text Footpath WD18 50/1 landscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd 1.8mm note (small) 250.000 0 100 200 300 400 500m Gladman0 Developments Ltd 1.41 Hectares Per 1,000 People 0.25Ha 0.25 WD18 6/1 WD18 8/1 N greenscape urban design Lockington Hall Key 0.00ha N 19th April 2016 LEB / KMN ecology Lockington TITLE Main Road The Plain Brailsford DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN architecture Derby DE74 2RH arboriculture Amenity Green Space 1.29 Hectares Per 1,000 People 0.23Ha 1.68 t: 01509 672772 TITLE f: 01509 674565 7062-L-04 rev G fpcr Allotment1 Gardens Brailsford Scale 1:1250 @ A1 e: [email protected] TITLE w: www.fpcr.co.uk 5.0mm TITLE 100 scale 1:2500 @ A1 Footpath DRAFT Children’s play equipment 0.04 Hectares Per 1,000 People 0.01Ha Offsite 5.0mm TITLE N N WD18 40/4 0 25 50 75 100 125m 125.000 text Key 0.00ha 3.5mm title Scale1:2500Corner 1:2500 @A3 @ Farm A1 1 2.5mm note 5.0mm TITLE TITLE NOTES text 100 1.8mm note (small) 125.000 0 50 100 150 200 250m 0 All dimensions to be verified on site. Do not scale this drawing. All discrepancies to be scale 1:1000 @ A1 clarified with project Landscape Architect. KEY 1 FootpathThisScale drawing 1:5000 is the property @ A1 of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the TITLE TITLE 5.0mmA52 Main Road TITLE condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either 5.0mm TITLE 100 J:\7000\7062\LANDS\Plans\7062-L-04D Framework DRAFT.indd scale 1:5000 @ A1 50.000 text N NWD18wholly or 50/2 in part without written consent of FPCR EnvironmentGI and Type Design Ltd. Requirement (2.32Application persons Site Boundary per dwelling x 75 0.00ha Proposed Compliance 5.0mm TITLE 0 100Ordnance 200 Survey material 300 - Crown Copyright. 400 All rights reserved.500m Licence Number: Scale 1:1000 @ A1 The Green masterplanning text N N 1 3.5mm title 100019980 (Centremapslive.com). Key 0.00ha TITLE Footpath dwellings = 174 pop Ha environmental assessment 3.5mm title 250.000 5.0mm TITLE 100 Scale 1:5000 @ A1 1:2500@A3 / 1:1250@A1 scale 1:2000 @ A1 Gladman Developments Ltd WD18 50/1 Footpath landscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd 2.5mm note 5.0mm TITLE 2.5mm note Natural/semi natural Key 0.00ha urban design Lockington Hall text N N WD18 8/1 ecology Lockington 1.8mm note (small) 250.000 0 100 200100.000 300 400text 500m 0 Scale 1:2000 @ A1 1.41 HectaresN Per 1,000 People 0.25Ha 0.25 5th April 2016 LEB / KMN text greenscape architecture Derby DE74 2RH 3.5mm title Main1.8mm Road note (small) 50.000 DEVELOPMENT NFRAMEWORK PLAN Brailsford arboriculture TITLE 2.5mm note 0 25 50 75 100m t: 01509 672772 100.000 text 0 50 100 150 200m Key 0.00ha 7062-L-04 rev E fpcr f: 01509 674565 Brailsford Amenity Green Space 1.29 Hectares Per 1,000 People 0.23Ha 1.68 e: [email protected] Scale 1:500 @ A1 DRAFT w: www.fpcr.co.uk Key 0.00ha 1 TITLE TITLE Footpath TITLE Scale 1:1250 @ A1 5.0mm TITLE 100 scale 1:2500 @ A1 WD18 40/4 0.01Ha Offsite 5.0mm TITLE 0 10 20 30 40 Children’s50m play equipment 0.04 Hectares KeyPer 1,000 People 0.00ha text N N 1 TITLE 0 25 50 75 100 125m 3.5mm title 125.000 5.0mm TITLE 100 Scale1:2500 1:2500 @A3 @ A1 scale 1:1250 @ A1 NOTES 2.5mm note text 5.0mm TITLE All dimensions to be verified on site. Do not scale this drawing. All discrepancies to be 1.8mm note (small) 125.000 text N N clarified with project Landscape Architect. Key 0.00ha 3.5mm title 0 50 10062.500 150 200 250m 0 Scale 1:1250 @ A1 1 KEY 1 TITLE FootpathThis drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the 5.0mm TITLE TITLE 2.5mm note 5.0mm TITLE Scale 1:5000condition @ A1it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either 100 62.500 text 100 wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. scale 1:5000 @ A1 TITLE 1.8mm note (small) J:\7000\7062\LANDS\Plans\7062-L-04D Framework DRAFT.indd 0 25 50 75 100 125m 0 WD18 50/2 GI Type Requirement (2.32 persons per dwelling x 75 Proposed Compliance 5.0mm TITLE scale 1:500 @ A1 Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number: Application Site Boundary 0.00ha Key 0.00ha The Green LEGEND text N N 0 100 200100019980 300 (Centremapslive.com). 400 500m dwellings = 174 pop Ha 3.5mm title 250.000 1 Scale 1:5000 @ A1 5.0mm TITLE masterplanning TITLE TITLE environmental assessment 5.0mm TITLE 100 1:2500@A3 / 1:1250@A1 2.5mm note Natural/semiN natural N landscape design text scale 1:2000 @ A1 Gladman Developments Ltd 25.000 text FPCR Environment and Design Ltd 1.8mm note (small) 250.000 5.0mm TITLE 0 100 200 300 400 500m 0 1.41 HectaresKey Per 1,000 People 0.00ha 0.25HaScale 1:5000.25 @ A1 urban design Lockington Hall 1 N greenscape Key 0.00ha Lockington 100.000 text N N TITLE 3.5mm title 5th April 2016 LEB / KMN ecology 1 Legend 3.5mm title 5.0mm TITLE 100 Scale 1:2000 @ A1 architecture Derby DE74 2RH TITLE Main Road scale 1:1000 @ A1 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN arboriculture 2.5mm note 5.0mm TITLE 2.5mm note t: 01509 672772 100.000 text N N Amenity Green Space 1.29 Hectares Per 1,000 People 0.23Ha 1.68 f: 01509 674565 0 50 50.000100 150 text 200m Key 0.00ha 7062-L-04 rev E fpcr 3.5mm title Brailsford Scale 1:1000 @ A1 25.000 text Key 0.00ha e: [email protected] 1 1.8mm note (small) w: www.fpcr.co.uk TITLE 2.5mm note Scale 1:500 @ A1 Scale 1:1250 @ A1 0 10 20 30 40 50m 0 5.0mm TITLE 100 DRAFT 2 Legend TITLE 50.000 text scale 1:2500 @ A1 1.8mm note (small) 0 25 50 75 100m Children’s play equipment 0.04 Hectares Per 1,000 People 0.01Ha Offsite 5.0mm TITLE 0 25 50 75 100 125m text N N 0 10 20 30 40 50m Key 0.00ha Key 0.00ha 3.5mm title 125.000 1 TITLEScale1:2500 1:2500 @A3 @ A1 TITLE TITLE 2.5mm note 5.0mm TITLE 100 text scale 1:1250 @ A1 3 Legend 1.8mm note (small) 125.000 5.0mm TITLE 0 50 100 150 200 250m 0 62.500 text N N 1 TITLE KEY Key 0.00ha 3.5mm title 5.0mm TITLE 100 Scale 1:1250 @ A1 scale 1:500 @ A1 Scale 1:5000 @ A1 TITLE 2.5mm note J:\7000\7062\LANDS\Plans\7062-L-04D Framework DRAFT.indd LEGEND text 5.0mm TITLE 1.8mm note (small) 62.500 text N N Application Site Boundary 0.00ha 0 25 5025.000 75 100 125m 0 Scale 1:500 @ A1 3.5mm title 0 100 200 300 400 500m1 1 Legend 4 Legend 1 TITLE Key 0.00ha masterplanning TITLE 2.5mm note 5.0mm TITLE environmental assessment 5.0mm TITLE 100 text 100 1:2500@A3 / 1:1250@A1 scale 1:2000 @ A1 TITLE 1.8mm note (small) 25.000 landscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Gladman Developments Ltd 0 10 20 30 40 50m 0 scale 1:250 @ A1 2 Legend 5.0mm TITLE Key 0.00ha urban design Lockington Hall N N ecology Lockington 100.000 text Scale 1:2000 @ A1 5th April 2016 LEB / KMN 3.5mm title 1 TITLE 5.0mm TITLE Key 0.00ha architecture Derby DE74 2RH Main RoadTITLE DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN Legend Legend 5.0mm TITLE 100 arboriculture 3 5 2.5mm note scale 1:1000 @ A1 text N N t: 01509 672772 100.000 text 12.500 5.0mm TITLE 0 50 100 150 200m Key 0.00ha 7062-L-04 rev E fpcr Scale 1:250f: 01509@ 674565 A1 Brailsford text N N 1 3.5mm title e: [email protected] Legend 50.000 TITLE w: www.fpcr.co.uk 3.5mm title 5.0mm TITLE 100 Scale 1:1000 @ A1 Key 0.00ha scale 1:250 @ A1 Scale 1:500 @ A1 DRAFT TITLE 2.5mm note 2.5mm note text 5.0mm TITLE 5 Legend 1.8mm note (small) 50.000 12.500 text N N 3.5mm title 0 25 50 75 100m 0Scale 1:25010 @ A1 20 30 40 50m 12.500 Key text 0.00ha 1 1.8mm note (small) 5.0mm TITLE TITLE TITLE 2.5mm note Key 0 50.00ha 10 15 20 25m 0 100 12.500 text 5.0mm TITLE scale 1:1250 @ A1 1.8mm note (small) 0 5 10 15 20 25m 0 62.500 text N N Key 0.00ha 3.5mm title 1 TITLEScale 1:1250 @ A1 5.0mm TITLE 100 2.5mm note scale 1:500 @ A1 62.500 text LEGEND 1.8mm note (small) 5.0mm TITLE 0 25 50 75 100 125m 0 25.000 text N N Key 0.00ha 3.5mm title Scale 1:500 @ A1 1 Legend TITLE 2.5mm note 25.000 text 1.8mm note (small) 0 10 20 30 40 50m 0 2 Legend 1 TITLE Key 0.00ha 5.0mm TITLE 100 TITLE 5.0mm TITLE scale 1:1000 @ A1 3 Legend 5.0mm TITLE text N N 50.000 Scale 1:1000 @ A1 5.0mm TITLE 3.5mm title 1 TITLE Key 0.00ha 4 Legend 5.0mm TITLE 100 2.5mm note scale 1:250 @ A1 3.5mm title 50.000 text 1.8mm note (small) 5.0mm TITLE 0 25 50 75 100m Legend 2.5mm note text N N 5 3.5mm title 12.500 Scale 1:250 @ A1 1.8mm note (small) TITLE Key 0.00ha 2.5mm note 12.500 text 1.8mm note (small) 0 5 10 15 20 25m 0 1 TITLE 5.0mm TITLE 5.0mm TITLE 100 5.0mm TITLE scale 1:500 @ A1 LEGEND 25.000 text N N 3.5mm title Scale 1:500 @ A1 1 Legend 5.0mm TITLE 2.5mm note 25.000 text STATUS 1.8mm note (small) 0 10 20 30 40 50m 0 2 Legend 3.5mm title

TITLE - 00.00.201? First issue. YOU 3 Legend 2.5mm note 5.0mm TITLE rev date description by 1.8mm note (small) 1 TITLE 4 Legend 5.0mm TITLE 100 5.0mm TITLE masterplanning scale 1:250 @ A1 3.5mm title environmental assessment 5.0mm TITLE 5 Legend landscape design text N N urban design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd 12.500 Scale 1:250 @ A1 2.5mm note 3.5mm title ecology Lockington Hall 1.8mm note (small) 2.5mm note architecture Lockington 12.500 text arboriculture Derby DE74 2RH 1.8mm note (small) 0 5 10 15 20 25m 0  t: 01509 672772 f: 01509 674565 e: [email protected] w: www.fpcr.co.uk

client STATUS Client

project - 00.00.201? First issue. YOU Project name 5.0mm TITLE rev date description by 5.0mm TITLE Project location STATUS drawing title 3.5mm title masterplanning environmental assessment DRAWING TITLE 2.5mm note landscape design 1.8mm note (small) urban design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd DRAWING TITLE ecology Lockington Hall architecture Lockington scale drawn date - 00.00.201? First issue. YOU arboriculture Derby DE74 2RH Scale YOU Month 201? rev date description by 1 t: 01509 672772 drawing number rev TITLE  f: 01509 674565 100 scale 1:1 @ A1 e: [email protected] w: www.fpcr.co.uk 0000-L-00 - CAD file: \\FPCR-VM-04\Practice\Standards\Drawing Templates\AutoCAD\FPCR - metres.dwg masterplanning STATUS client Client environmental assessment landscape design - 00.00.201? First issue. YOU project FPCR Environment and Design Ltd rev date description by Project name urban design Project location ecology Lockington Hall masterplanning environmental assessment drawing title architecture Lockington landscape design DRAWING TITLE urban design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd arboriculture Derby DE74 2RH ecology Lockington Hall DRAWING TITLE architecture Lockington arboriculture Derby DE74 2RH scale drawn date Scale YOU Month 201? t: 01509 672772  t: 01509 672772  f: 01509 674565 f: 01509 674565 1 drawing number rev TITLE e: [email protected] 100 scale 1:1 @ A1 w: www.fpcr.co.uk e: [email protected] 0000-L-00 - w: www.fpcr.co.uk client CAD file: \\FPCR-VM-04\Practice\Standards\Drawing Templates\AutoCAD\FPCR - metres.dwg Client project Project name client Project location Client drawing title DRAWING TITLE DRAWING TITLE project scale drawn date Scale YOU Month 201? Project name 1 TITLE drawing number rev 100 Project location scale 1:1 @ A1 0000-L-00 - CAD file: \\FPCR-VM-04\Practice\Standards\Drawing Templates\AutoCAD\FPCR - metres.dwg drawing title DRAWING TITLE DRAWING TITLE

scale drawn date Scale YOU Month 201? 1 TITLE drawing number rev 100 scale 1:1 @ A1 0000-L-00 -

CAD file: \\FPCR-VM-04\Practice\Standards\Drawing Templates\AutoCAD\FPCR - metres.dwg 08 Land north of Main Road, Brailsford THANK YOU

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Comments can be sent via the website: www.your-views.co.uk/brailsford

Or you can respond by email: [email protected] (using “Brailsford” as the subject line)

Or by post: Your Views Brailsford Gladman Developments Ltd. Gladman House Alexandria Way Congleton CW12 1LB

Gladman consider all correspondence received and Should the application be the subject of an appeal, the our response to the issues raised will be set out in a same information will be forwarded to the Planning Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). Inspectorate. As part of the planning application, Gladman will If further consultation is carried out as part of the submit a complete copy of all correspondence received planning process, Gladman may use your details to (including any details such as your name, address and make you aware of this and to ask for your views, but email where you have provided them) to the Local will not use this information for any other purpose. Planning Authority. This ensures all your comments are available to the Council during their consideration of the application and shows who we have consulted. As the SCI forms part of the formal application documents, the Council may publish it online, subject to their own Data Protection policies.