Lecture Notes on Multiparameter Processes: Ecole Polytechnique Fed´ erale´ de Lausanne, Switzerland Davar Khoshnevisan Department of Mathematics University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112–0090
[email protected] http://www.math.utah.edu/˜davar April–June 2001 ii Contents Preface vi 1 Examples from Markov chains 1 2 Examples from Percolation on Trees and Brownian Motion 7 3ProvingLevy’s´ Theorem and Introducing Martingales 13 4 Preliminaries on Ortho-Martingales 19 5 Ortho-Martingales and Intersections of Walks and Brownian Motion 25 6 Intersections of Brownian Motion, Multiparameter Martingales 35 7 Capacity, Energy and Dimension 43 8 Frostman’s Theorem, Hausdorff Dimension and Brownian Motion 49 9 Potential Theory of Brownian Motion and Stable Processes 55 10 Brownian Sheet and Kahane’s Problem 65 Bibliography 71 iii iv Preface These are the notes for a one-semester course based on ten lectures given at the Ecole Polytechnique Fed´ erale´ de Lausanne, April–June 2001. My goal has been to illustrate, in some detail, some of the salient features of the theory of multiparameter processes and in particular, Cairoli’s theory of multiparameter mar- tingales. In order to get to the heart of the matter, and develop a kind of intuition at the same time, I have chosen the simplest topics of random walks, Brownian motions, etc. to highlight the methods. The full theory can be found in Multi-Parameter Processes: An Introduction to Random Fields (henceforth, referred to as MPP) which is to be published by Springer-Verlag, although these lectures also contain material not covered in the mentioned book.