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HAWAIIAN FLAG to Offer Hawaii's Financing Link to the Mainland Specializing in . .. • Relocations • Investments • First Time Buyers • Fast Approvals I ~ I ~~!~g~ " Patrick Lee Vice President Scott Auyong Seni or Loan Officer 2585 S. Jones Blvd., Suite 2-B Las Vegas, NV 89 102 (800) 986-1414 http://www.manormortgage.com C O NTENTS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FEA T URES S LAN D H O P P G pages 15 and 16 Metropolitan features the Finest and Most Exclusive KA HAE HAWAI 'I - Properties Las Vegas has THE HAWAIIAN FLAG to offer. Appealing to the BY PATRICI< KA'ANO'I discriminating buyer or by Patrick Ka 'ano'i page 24 business entrepreneur who is looking for a home, busi­ ness or land purchase. providing the fin est: J U LY - I U LAI (Hawaiian) • Customer Service KEAU 'I REICHEL GIVES D EPARTrvtE T S • Quality EXCLUSIVE INTERVI EW ALOHA FROM SUNNY • Circulation by Donn a Manz page 19 CALI FORN IA • Di stribution by Aloha Joe . .. p(l ge 10 O n your next visit to Las Vegas pick up your 1997 NA HOl<u CALENDAR . page :- personal copy at any AWARD WINNERS of the following locations: by Aloha Joe page 10 CLASSIFIED . · page -14 Borders Book Shops, " DA KINE " WORDS Vo ns, Say-on, Payless KAUA'I - THE ISLE WITH by Pat Mori ta ....... page 22 Drug, & K-Marl. Located CHARM, BEAUTY, LOVE in outdoor sid ewalk by Emily Ozeki page 27 DINING IN LAS VEGAS p(lge 3-1 racks at Smiths Food p(lge -I King, Albertsons, Wal­ SUMO TRAINING - FROM THE EDITOR . Mart, 7-11 Stores and THAT'S DEDICATION! FUTURE SHOWS vari ous convenience by Mina Ha ll page 32 & SPECIAL EVENTS .. .. p(lge -16 stores. Local restau­ rants in clude Operetta Fre nch Bakery & Cafe, GASA-GASA GO SS IP Philips Supper House, The Coffe e Pub, and The New Starboard Tac k. by Steven Lum . ......... • .. p(lge 1-1 For Advertising information call Bm'bam De Marco at 367-4088. ~ r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, NEXT MONTH KAU KAU KITCHEN : WOULD You LiKE A COPY. .. Del ivered 10 YOllr door? Mell'Ol'olitali Rea l EStel le Gllide \V iI/pill y o" Oil ill the August by AUllti e L e l e YLi e n . · p(l ge 30 : t h e mailin g li s tt o receiveeachll e wi ss u e a s il comes hot off (I](~ press!6 i ss lf(! s Jor $2 1. 00 (p n .~ wgf 6.. lullulling) Issue 'Ollll na: :I Name· __________________________________ S U B sc nlllE TO : GAMEWORKS - LAS VEGAS : WHAT'S NEW & HOT :I Address ______________________________ A UNIQUE Mn~~p~lIl~~ . ~fV ~~~ ' ~ flNm ~~M[ ~ B,' D e ke Castl e m a n. · p(lg e ~ s I ENTERTAINMENT Cily State Zip 4795 Quality Ct · Las Vegas, NV 89 103 ! ON THE STRIP : Phone 702·367·4088 • Fax 702-367·1307 LETT E R S TOT H E E D ITO R pflg e (, L ____ _________________________________________________ -------------------- ------- IULAI 1997 3 0------------------------- Y® u Kn ®w Y® u're L®c@!1 If -----------------------0 '~)IIANA A Note from the Editor 1. ' Y0 ur f irst questi0 n is. \.vh er e Y0uu1en gr@d'i' And Y0U ,.,,, e o l,\S "fCU'Y\ I' Iy " column, s imilar to A lo h a Joc. In additio n d 0 n't me@n c0 l1 ege: MEL OZEKJ, PH,D, to bas ic w riting s ki lls, o ne 's re liability ~ ' When Y0 U g0 s0meb0dy's h0 use_ Y0U g0 the b@ck d 00r_ hem0 y0 sli pp@s @nd h0 l1 er. 'H000000i", PlIblisbedEditor Mel Ozeki , Ph,D, We than k everyone for the ever-increasin g is perhaps para m o unt because a 30 -day 2, ' Y0 U believe @ b@ l@nced me@ 1 h@s three st @rches (rice. s upport that c lu bs throug ho ut the contine n­ recurrin g dead li ne is ex trem e ly Associate Editor / m@c@ r0 ni s@ l@d @nd bre@ d): Account l\1rl11flgel" Emil y Ozeki tal U.S. have given to 'Ohana Magazille. c h a ll e n g ing. 4, 'The c0nd iments 0 n the t @b le @r e Sh0YU. ket chup. Adve1'tising Sales More than 30 c lu b representati ves have Publicity Tayne Onekea chi li peppeh UI @t @h. kim chee', e ithe r called or wri tten to us. Some of them , am o ng many o thers, iii, ·Y0u d 0 n't h@ ve Iugg@ge . Y0U h@ve b0xes t ied Business A dvism- Steven N itura were: Cathy Powers of San Antonio, Mo Au wae of Monte rey, O.K. ulith string, @n Ig l00 ches t @nd S0 me pink Conf1-ibutillg C hing of Salinas, CA, Maaka la Yates o f Oregon, Deanie V illiados b@kery c@ rt0 ni, Hlriters Mark Adams (Maui) in the Oakland Bay Area, Don na M an z in Washin g to n G, ' Nice c1 0 thes me@ns @ T-shirt ulith0 ut PUk@8, Deke Castleman Rita De Sih:a (Kaua'i) D .C./Virg inia. Yes, that's also the Donna who wro te the inte rView 'l. 'Y0U h@v e @ se p@r@ t e circuit bre@ker f "lr Y0ur Mina Hall r ice c00k er ', w ith Keali ' i Reiche l. A special m ahaio because it's a ll been Stephanie Holland 8, ' Y0 u sti ll ch@n t. H @n@ k 0 k0 Iele' ulhen @ f r iend Aloha Joe Donna's generous donation as her way to he lp 'Ohana Maga zine. 0 r c"l-Ul"lrker g 00f s up·, K1 1ina Johnson Patrick Ka'ano'i T wo concerns abo ut 'Ohana have been : I ) Ins u ffic ie nt ne ws abou t i!, ' Y0 u try t @ ex pl@in giri-giri t @ @ h@l1l le @nd y@u Steven Lum d @n 't kn@UI the Eng lish ul0rd f @r if (It's c@Ul lickD Pat Morita the regio n, c ity, or club a nd the cos~ of s ubscr ip ti o n. " I k no\v tl 1a t 11}, ' YI1l U bring Y0 ur @Uln @r@nge C0 ne t o s@v e p@rking Grover Pyles (O 'ahu) I don ' t know." ' Ohana means " family" is ha ppy to Pu b li c ize Leilehua Yuen (l-bwni'i) 'Ohan(l Maga:ine, a long wi th O ni sp@ce f @r fri end s', activ ities, but it's up to a c lu b representat ive to send info rmati o n O nekca of Latitude 20, co-sponsored a 11. ' At 7iii d egrees. y@u UI€@r @ sUle@ t er Ul ith Y0 ur shl1l rts', Art Dine/Q1" A lso, bear in m ind a minimum 90 day s in advance becau.se of e ar I y Design Diana Barclay-Crane family pi cnic in earl y May. T here were If you have jokes, please share I dead li nes. Every month we c lose about the 20th fo r the COve r issli e The Ka Poe Oka Aina. Hawai'i,Hawaiian Club. in its latest newsletter. passed to ·Ohana Pbotogrnpby Roy Ogara (fanNerl)' of Hi/oj ma ny local b us inesses that participated. Magazine this item that was published in ··Island Life·' in The Honolulu Advertiser on two mon ths late r, i,e" May 20 is copy dead line for the J u ly maga- August 4, 1996. Brian J:misl und we k now lha l the 150+ attendees wi ll PhotOtcchnik (Las Veg¥l!) zinc. 2) T he cost of a 12-issue s ubscri ptio n is $32. We are in d eed spread the word because it a lso turned Prinrer Southwest Color Graphics very grateful to o ll r su bscribers, and h ope tha t m any w ,' ll I' c new a li t to be successful networking ! th e ir s ubscri p tions as a nn iversaries become cl ue after Se t b 'O b/Illa is publ ished by Ozc ki Enlerp rises. Inc. Copyright ® P em cr, 1997 'O ha na. :\11 rights rcserved. Hcproduclion of any o ur first an niversary. A specia l Maha la to Ruth S he rma n, the 50UIHWEST IiA5 [ORPORII1100 material from this issue expressly forbidden without written perrni ssion of tJ lC publisher. equal e m ployment o fficer a t Fl. Gordon. Top notc h design. 11 s ig n ificantly h ighe r percenlaoe of s t " c . OlleS vs. GA, fo r in vi ting us to keyno te the ir Subscription: Based on U.S. currcm:y, ads, beller q ua li ty paper and o the r positive attri b utes. 1" ,1v e I IHI S I' al' 12 issues per yea r. U.S. $32.00. As ian-Pac ific A m er ica n celeb ra ti o n in Supports equal procurement opportunities for estab lished Maga;:.ille as firs t-c lass. I' ve been d 'Ohan{/ "e'C0 l11111 c n - Women, Minority and Disabled veteran Business Enterprises Contact us at: la te May, We spoke to three d ifferent ed by other p ub li sl1e rs to cons ide r red uc ing the p" I}e r s tn I .
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