TheT Fihev eFi Evleement Element the othery oisry a isp iallar p iofllar t rofad tirtionaladitional Chine Chinese philse ophilsopohsopy, hy, usedus teod des to describcer ithebe theway wa diy edrient er entforc fesor cineste inractetr acin ta inna atu nraaltu cryalcle cy ofcle c ofre actrioeant, ion, desdetrucsttruciont,i oandn, and reb irrebth.i rInth.teg Inrtaegl troa lancient to ancient astr aoslogtroylog, tryaditiona, traditional medil medicinec, inmue, smuic, sic, marmatialr tiaartls ar andts and fort funeortune tell ing,tell ing,the tfiheve fiphasesve phases go bgoey ondbeyond the thephy psicalhys icalelem eleentmse, nts, reprreepsentresientng itheng theplanet planets, thes, tseasonshe seasons of the of theear th,ea randth, and our ousensesr senses and and em oetmioontsio. ns.

HarHamornmoy ins yachi is achievedev thedrough through balanc balancing itheng theinfluen influence ocfe th oef thelemene elements. ts. EacEah hasch hasa c ouna counterparterpart wht ichwh itch nurtu it nurtures andres and each each can candes tderosyt roroy t empor temper er the thinflue influencen ofce ano of anothert. heAllr. aArell atirede t itedogether together in a iperpen a perpetualt cualycl cey ofcle e ofbb e anbbd an d flowfl owwhich which gov geovrnse rtnshe tnheatu nraatul andral and spiritual spiritual realms realms which which we inhabitwe inhabit. . UmaUmami Bmai yB a $110y $110

Gin,, Wakame Wakame Seaweed, Spirit, Lychee, KoreanSeaweed , infused Celery Blue Bitters Curaçao

MetaMl,e atsasl,o acsiasotecdia wteidth w aiuthtu amuntu, mthne, the WesWt, andest, andold aoglde ,a hgaes, thhaes athtter ibatuttreibsu tes of firomf nfiermssn, epsesr,s pisetersnisctee nanced anstrde nsgtrtehn. gth. ReprReespernetseedn bteyd t hbey cthoelo cuor lwouhrit we, hmite,t aml etal is thies ethleem eelentm oefn th oef stehnes see onfs es meof lsl,m aenldl, and expreexspsereds sbeyd s bavyo suarvyo umamury umami flavio fluarvso. urs.

WuW Suh iSnhgin g$110 $120

PineapplePineapple Rum, Rum, Banana, Banana, Szechuan Szechuan Pepper,Pepper, Yogurt, Yogurt, Lime, Lime, Chili Chili WoodW heoodralds he theralds beginning the beginning of life of, life, the spiritthe ofspirit youthfulne of youthfulness, curiosityss, curiosity and and spontaneitspontaneity. They e. sTsenhe ecessen of cspring,e of spring, wood wisood green, is g sourreen, andsour f randesh. f resh. The elementThe element is gov iserned governed by the b yplanet the planet JupiterJupi andter the and liv theer, whichliver, which is cleansed is cleansed with gojiwith berries goji berries and f ennel.and fennel.

KomKoormeobi r e$b1i10 $110

Gin, Chartreuse,Gin, Chartr eLemon,use, Le m on, ChineseChi nAlmond,ese Alm oCoriander,nd, Corian der, Fennel,Fen Chickpeanel, Chick pea

NueNr uFaern gFa n$g120 $110

Goji GBerryoji B eBourbon,rry Bour bon, ,Huan gMango,jiu, M a nLemongrass,go, Lemongr ass, Lemon,Lem Mezcalon, M ezcal PaoPcahoi c h$1i 1 0 $120

KimcKimchihi Vod kVodka,a, Yuz uYuzu,, Sesa Sesame,me, CinnCinnamon,amon, Sea SeaSalt

BlaBclka bcukt b Puutr Peu r$e1 1 0 $120

VodkVodka,a, Blac kBlackberry,berry, Cinn Cinnamon,amon, Lemon, Smoked & Cof fee, SodaSoda,, I nk Ink

and fluid,and fluid,water w displater adisplys theays the qualitiesqualities of resou of rresoucefulnercefulness andss wit.and wit. Salt andSalt cinnamonand cinnamon are the are e thessen ecsesen ce of waofte rw, theater ,element the element of gentlene of gentleness ss conceptionconception and deandath. death. BouB oJáui J á$125i $120

JujubeJujube Date Date , Mezcal, Rinomato Rinomato Bitter, Bitter, RaspberryRaspberry , Wine, Mancino Mancino Chinato, Chinato, ,Baijiu, Clay Clay Pot PotAged Aged

passion,pas sion,intensity intensity and uandpwa urpd,w ard, expansiexpansive motion. Ruled Ruled by the by planet the planet Mars,Mars, fire is fi rred,e is hot,red, andhot, and bitterbit, repter,esenting representing the South, the South, the heartthe heart and theand sense the sense of ta softe ta. ste.

OmOmikujiik Giruji lGir $125l $120

ChiliChili , Tequila, Barley Sochu, Sochu, Yuzu, Yuzu, Cardamom,Cardamom, Shiso, Shiso, Five Five Spice Spice EarthEarth is the is c theent rceent of ralle of - aall balan - a balance ofc e of yin andyin yandang, y ang,the f emininethe feminine and masculineand masculine togethertogether - associ - asasocited awithted withagreeablene agreeableness, ss, empaempthy aandthy jandoy. S jwoyeet. Sw andeet fandragr fant,rag rant, earthearth is yell iso wyell andow ruledand ruled by the by s thetomach stomach and ourand sense our sense of touch. of touch.

GroGrunoduendd ed YelYlowellow Drag DragoN o$120N $125

DarkDark Rum, Rum, , Ginger, Chinese Chinese Almond, Almond, Lemon,Lemon, Licorice, Licorice, Peaty Peaty Whisky

TráTrái DÂi tD Â $110t $125

TurmericTurmeric Gin, Gin,Coconut Coconut milk, milk, Pineapple,Pineapple, Lemon, Lemon, Ginger Ginger Ikebana

What is Ikebana The Japanese art of flower arrangement. All of the cocktails here, which are classic cocktails with a , are going to be served on a special plate with flowers on the side. We are going to serve the ikebana with carefully selected flowers and buds, which are picked and arranged by our individual bartenders so the flowers and arrangements for every are unique. why flowers with the drink This is just the beginning of something we would like to call – spiritual peaceful drinking. We intend to create and twist our well-known classic cocktails with floral and aromatic herbal taste, and to be served alongside with flowers and buds in a way that consumers can enjoy their flavorful cocktails with the beautiful and colorful flowers.

What flowers do The dainty and delicate flowers have awesome hidden magical powers to vanish even the heaviest of negativities into thin air. The colorful blooms and green stems can cast a ‘feel-good’ spell over . Their mild fragrance creates soothing vibe and engulfs the environment without overpowering the original decor. Though you don’t need a reason to introduce flowers into your life but if you are looking for the perfect time where you can feel the flower power in a unique way, here is not just one but 5 situations when you can experience the magic and power of flowers.

Most of the sp irits used are originated from the Asian RegionM ost of the spirits used are originated from the Asian Region Fangroni Ki No Bi Gin, 15 years aged chenpi infused , Homemade Hong Kong’s local herbs Fangroni Ki No Bi Gin, 15 years aged chenpi Campari, Homemade Hong Kong’s local herbs Bright & Stormy vermouth 3 di erent flavored home! aged Chalong bay rum, homemade galang galang , rose essence ! Bright & Stormy Champaca M3 adrgiffaerrietant flavored home aged Chalong Baiju blend spirit, maghnoolima eflmowaedre in gfuasleadn g galang beer, rose essence Cointreau, citrus mix ! ! Forgotten sour Champaca Margarita Amrut single whiskey, cassia infused egg white, citrus mix, yuzu &B Cahijaum obmleilne dco ardgiaveal, spirit, magnolia flower chamomile tea Cointreau, citrus mix ! ! Garden Old fashioned Kavalan whiskey, garden mix cordial, greenF toearg otten sour and chocolate bitters Amrut single malt whiskey, cassia in white, citrus mix, yuzu & Chamomile cordial, chamomile tea $150 each ! ! Garden Old fashioned Kavalan whiskey, garden mix and chocolate bitters

Most of the spirits used are originated from the Asian Region

Gin, 15 years aged chenpi infused Hong Kong’s local herbs

& Stormy non 3 different flavored home aged Chalong bay rum, homemade galang galang beer, rose essence alcoholic cocktails Margarita magnolia flower infused Cointreau, citrus mix sour t single malt whiskey, cassia in fused egg citrus mix, yuzu & Chamomile cordial, chamomile tea

Old fashioned cordial, green tea bitters Flavoured iced $65

Yuzu Oolong Lychee Cardamom Green Apple Chrysanthemum

Seedlip $110 World’s First Distilled Non Alcoholic Spirit

Seedlip “Spice” with Yuzu Tonic Seedlip “Garden” with Elderflower Tonic

Southern flavours $80

Apple juice, Lychee, Ka r Lime leaf, Basil

Avocado Crush $80

Coconut, Avocado, Mint, Matcha spiritsspiritsspirits VODKAAylesbury Duck Vodka, Canada $110 AylesKbeutreyl ODnuec kkV VoVododkdakk,aa H,, CCoalalnannaadda a $ $10100 0$120 KetelB Oelnvee dVeordekk Vaao,, HdHkooallll,aa Pnnoddl and $ $11101 0 $130 BelveGdreerye G Vooodskkeaa ,V, PPooodllkaaann,d dF rance $ $12120 0$130 Grey KGeoteols Oe nVeo ddCkkitaar,o, FFnrr,a aHnnoccleela nd $ $12120 0$130 KetelB Oonyde C&i itBtrrloannir,, PHHootlllalaatnnodd V odka , USA $ $13130 0$140 BoydA &b sBollaluiirrt PEolyttxaa,tt oSo w VVeoodddekknaa ,, U USSAA $ $14140 0$180 AbsoGINlut Ellyx,, Swweeddeenn $ $181800 GINFords Gin, UK $ 110 FordsC iGtaiind,,e UllKe O riginal G in, Fran ce $ $99 5 5$120 CitadBeelllleef eOarrtiiegriin 2aa4ll ,G GUiinKn,, FFrraanncce e $ $12120 0 $130 BeefeSat.t eGre 2o4r,g, Ue KKT e rroir G in, USA $ $1212 5 5 $125 St. GGineor gMare,e Terr rSpainrooiirr GGiinn,, UUSSAA $ $121255$130 HendHriiecnkds r Giciikns,, SSGccinoo,tt lSlaacnnoddt land $ $14140 0$140 TanqTuaenraqyu eNroa.y. 1 10N0,,o UU. K1K0 , U K $ $15150 0$150 DeathM’’so nDkoeoyrr 4 G7ii,nn G,, UeUrSSmAAa n y $ $14140 0$180 MonkRumey 47,, G/e Cachaçarrmmaannyy $ $181800 RumBacardi / Cachaça Carta Blanc Rum, Puerto Rico $100 Leblon Cachaça, Brazil $100 Plantatiion 3 Sttaarrss WWhhiittee RRuumm,, TTrriinniiddaadd, , JJaammaaicicaa, ,B Baarrbbaaddooss $ $101000 Plantation Original Dark Rum, Trinidad, Jamaica $120 Leblon Cachaçaa,, BBrraazziill $ $101000 Gosling’s Black Seal, Bermuda $120 Plantatiion Orriigiinnaall DDaarrkk RRuumm,, TTrriinniiddaadd, , JJaammaaicicaa $ $121200 Diplomático Reserva Exclusiva Rum, Venezuela $130 Gosling’’s Bllack SSeeaall,, BBeerrmmuuddaa $ $111010 Bacardi 8 Years, Puerto Rico $120 Diplomátiico Resseerrvvaa EExxcclluussiivvaa RRuumm, , VVeenneezzuueelala $ $121200 Plantation Pineapple Stiggin’s Fancy Rum, Trinidad and Tobago $130 Bacardii 8 Yearrss,, PPuueerrttoo RRiiccoo $ $121200 El Dorado 15 Years Rum, Guyana $140 Plantation PineapplePineapple SStiggintiggin’’ss FFananccyy Rum,Rum, TTrinidadrinidad and and T Tobagoobago $ $131300 El DoTequilarado 115 Yeaarrs s / RR Meuumm,, GzGucaluyyaannaa $ $141400 Cimarron Blanco Tequila, Mexico $100 TequilaCorralejo / R MeeMeposzzacaldcalo Tequila, Mexico $120 Cimarron Blanco Tequila, Mexico $100 CimaArrloipnu sB lSaannc oB aTletqazuailra ,G Mueéxlaicvoila Joven Mezca l, Mexico $10 0 $120 Corralejjo Repossaaddoo TTeeqquuiillaa,, MMeexxiiccoo $ $111010 Montelobos, Mezcal $120 Alipus San Ballttaazzaarr GGuuééllaavviillaa JJoovveenn MMeezzccaal,l , MMeexxicicoo $ $121200 Ocho Reposado , Mexico $130 Montellobos,, Meezzccaall $ $121200 Patron Café, Mexico $140 Ocho Reposadoo ,, MMeexxiiccoo $ $131300 Arte NOM 1146 Añejo Tequila, Mexico $160 Patron Caffé,, Meexxiiccoo $ $141400 Arte BranNOM 11114d6 yAAñ ñ/ee jjPiscooo TTeeqquuiillaa, , /MM eCalvadosexxiiccoo $ $161600 BranCamdpyo d/e PiscoEncanto P/i sCalvadosco Reserva Quebranta, Peru $110 BranRemdy yM a/r tPiscoin VSOP, F/r aCalvadosnce $140 Campo de Encanto Reserva Quebranta, Peru $100 CampPoie rdre EFnercraandnto 1P8i4s0co C Roegsnearcv,a F Qraunecber ant a, Peru $10 0$140 Remy Marttiin VSSOOPP,, FFrraannccee $ $14140 0 $130 Michel Huard 1999, Fr anc e Pierre Ferrand 11884400 CCooggnnaacc,, FFrraannccee $ $141400 Hennessy VSOP, France $130$130 Calvados Miicheell HHuaruardd 11999999,, FFrraannccee $130

$150 each ScScotochtch Whisky Whisky ChivCahsi vRaesg Rael g12a lY 1e2a rY eOalrd OBllde nBdlendd Secdo Stccho tch $1 1 0 $ 110 GlenmorangieComp ass B 10o xYear Gr e aOldt K iSingleng Str Malteet Glasg ow Ble nd $13 0$ 130 HighHlaignhdla Pnadr kP a12rk Y 1e2a rY eSainr gSlein gMlael tM alt $13 0 $ 130 MacMalalacna l1la2n Y 1e2a rY eOalrd OFlidn eF Oinaek O (aFkin (eF fiinneis fihn)i sh) $13 0$130 GlenmorangieThe Balve n12ie Year 12 Ye Oldar S Singleingle MMaltalt $140 $150 TheC Boamlvpe ansies 1B 2o Yxe T ahr eS iPn egalet MMoanlts ter Ble nd ed Sc o tch $15 0$160 BruiBcrhuiliacdhdilaicdhd (icThh e(T Chlea sCsliacs Lsaicd Ldaied)d ie) $16 0$160 BruiBcrhuiliacdhdilaicdhd (icIshla (yIs Blaayr lBeayr)l ey) $16 0$160 TalisTkaelirs k10e rY 1e0a rY eOalrd OSlidn gSlein gMlael tM alt $22 0$220 LagLavauglainv u16lin Y 1e6a rY eOalrd OSlidn gSlein gMlael tM alt $25 $0250 LapLharopahirgo a18ig Y 1e8a rY eOalrd OSlidn gSlein gMlael tM alt $30 $0300 AmericanAmerican Whiskey Whiskey BullBeiut llBeoitu Brboounrb on $120 $100 RebReel bYell YSemll aSllm Baallt cBha tRcyhe R ye $120 $110 WildW Tiludr kTeuyr kBeoyu Brboounrbon $12 0$120 RowRaonw’sa Cnr’se eCkr eBeoku Brboounrb on $14 0$140 MichMtiecrh’st eTro’sa sTtoeads tBeadr rBeal rBreolu Brboounrb on $16 0$160 AsianAsian Regional Regional Spirits Spirits KhukuriHwa Rum,yo So Nepalju 17, Ko re a $100 $ 95 NusHa uKaanngaj,i uIn Ydeollnoews iaW in e, China $110 $95 ChalongRasp Bayberr Rumy Ko r(Cinnamonean Wine, K/ oThairea Basil / Kar Lime), Thailand $110 $95 HKBN Busaaij iuK,a Hnao,n Ign dKoonnegs i a $12 0$100 Kavalan Single Malt, $12 0$110 Ki NHoK BBi BGainij,i uJ,a Hp aong Ko ng $12 5$120 AmrKuat vSainlagnl eS iMngallte, IMnadlita, Taiwan $13 0$120 KBallsi No Gin,Bi G Thailandin, Ja p a n $130 $125 NikkAam Frruotm S iTnhgele B Maarrlte,l ,I nJdaipaan $14 0 $130 HwaNyiok kSao Fjur o5m3, TKhoere Baa r rel, Japa n $14 0$140 KavHalwana ySoh eSrorjyu O53ak, ,K Toariewaa n $22 0$140 HwaKyaov aXl aPnr eSmheiurmry WOahkis, keTayiw, Kaonr ea $22 0$220 SunHtowrya yHoi bXik Pi r1e2m Yieuamrs W Ohldis key, $24 0$220 MaoS Tuanit, oCrhyi nHaibiki 12 Years Old $35 $5240 NikkMaa Yoo Ticahi,i C15h iYneaars Old, Japan $5 2 0$325 SunNtoikryk aYamazaki Yoichi 15 18 Y eYearsars O Old,ld, J aJapanpan $58 $0520 Sunt ory Hakushu 18 Years O ld, Jap a n $580 Suntory Yamazaki 18 Years Old, Japan $580

BEERBEER AsaAhis, aJahip, aJanpan $6 5 $65

ByB byo bttlesottles vodkavodka AyleAsybluersyb uDruyc Dk uVcokd Vkoa,d Ckan, Cadana a d a $ 1 6 0$016 00 KeteKle otneel o Vnoed Vkoa,d Hkoa,l lHanodlla n d $ 1 8 0$018 00 BelvBeedlevered Veroed Vkoa,d Pkoal,a Pnodla n d $ 1 9 0$019 00 GreyG reGoyo Gseo oVsoed Vkoa,d Fkra,a nFcrea nce $1 9 0$10900 GINGIN FordFso rGdisn ,G UinK, U K $1 6 0$10600 HendHerindcksri cGkisn ,G Sicno, Stlcaontlda nd $1 8 0$10800 TanqTanquerauye rNaoy. NTEoN. T, EUNK, UK $1 9 0$109 00 TequilaTequila CimCimarroanr rBloann Blcoa nTceoq uTeilaq,u Milae,x Miceox i c o $ 1 6 0 $01600 OchOoc Rheop Roesapdoosa , dMoe ,x Miceox i c o $ 1 6 0 $016 00 PatrPoant rXoOn CXaOf éC, aMfée,x Miceox i c o $ 1 7 0 $017 00 ScScotochtch /American /American / Regional / Regional ChivCahsi vRaesg Rael 1g2a lY 1e2a rY eOalrd OBllde nBdlendd Secdo Stccho,t Sccho, Stlcaontlda nd $170$01700 MacMalalanca l1lan2 Y 1e2a rY eOalrd OFlidn eF Oinaek O (aFkin (eF fiinneis fihn)i sh) $1 9 0$10900 TheT Bhael vBeanlivee 1n2ie Y 1e2a rY eSaingr Sleing Mlael tM, Salcto, Stlcaontdla nd $1 9 0$10900 BullBueit llBeoitu Brboounrb, UonS,A U SA $170$01700 NikkNai kFkrao mFr oTmhe T Bhaer rBeal,r Jrealp, aJnap a n $1 8 0$10800 HwaHywo aSyooj uS o53ju, K53o,r eKao re a $1 6 0$10600 SunStournyt oHriyb iHkii b12ik iY 1e2a rYse Oarlsd Old $4 0 $400000 SunStournyt oYramazy Yamazaki 1a8k iY 1e8a rYse Oarlsd ,O Jlapand, Japan $ 7 0 $070000 nonnon aallcoholiccoholic SSoftoft drinks $50

SeSeasonalasonal ffrresh fruit juices $655

CoconuCoconut water $65

ArArttisanalisanal Water (750ml)) $655

MogiMogi Coffee

Latte CappuccinCappuccino FlatFlat white DDoubleouble Espresso $455

SSingleingle EEspresso $35

teas Jasmine green tea Jasmine green tea Pu’er tea Pu’er tea Oolong tea $35 Osmanthus Oolong tea $35