
Volume XIV.--Nurtib6r 4. HARRISON BURG, VA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1878. $2.00 a Year in Advance OCTOBEI*. How Doth Death Speak of Our Boloyed? are of eqaal length and porfeotly form- A UULLBKD.8AP.K0N.OULLEKD SAP.MON Mr. Jefferson Davis lost his onlv son How doth Death speak of our beloved. oa. The ProfeBaor continued to ex- Rn1llK, . r.. , ... / . When It bath laid tliera low— OPENliTG Whpn It has sat Its bal lowing touch that, while the head, tfrms and thorax, Cc u.™,™ ,u,ua« borr, u rt. .ca d,. bur,, . oo 0 8 t,ler 8 On spoochlcns lip and brow? De imrmonto ,: BU.U <1, burr, BBbort,0 •cd di, bur,, „„m do , A . ^ ?v , -., i" witu its con tents, were separate, it was to*':* , a'oaoro.mdo „,1(] was hw^biof stay and comfort, -At tHE- Rev. J. P. Lndlow "Writes: It clothes their evert gift and grace probable that the iutostiual canal was ^i>at hair-warhalf-way doiu'adoln's ain't'alif't no 'count fordisfor dis world or was c yonth of noble character audi 170' Baltic Htaeet, Bhooklyw, N. Y., 1 With radiance from iko holiest place, joined together, aa there was hut one d"^ «>»»•• . wua universally beloved. This loaves Nov. 14. 1874. } With light as from an eiigbrs face; II. R. Htevrnh, Esg. anus, and that in a'l probability the Dia world dttwo'o a-llbbln'In Is llko a cotton row. ^r' ®aV'8 pbildU-RS. His little SOU Dear Sir:—From peraonal b-neflt rooalvod by lt« Recalling with reelstlons force bladder and womb are more or less uni- oe '.iho, as woll ao .from personal kuowlodgo of those tracing to their hidden source Whoroebbryoullord goramnn baa wot bin lino to liooj "" '"'ed in Riobmoud during tho ^vhose cures thereby bave eoeraod almost miracnlona. ted, as they hrfd but one common geni- An ubbry lima a lazy nlRBor atopa fo taka n nap ' War, of a fall from the DOrcfa OI the GOODS STORE. 1 can moat heartily a^rt sincerely recommond the Deeds scarcely noticed In*their course; talia. In the science of diplotberatolo- , Bo graaa koopa on a growin'. to .muddar up uu crap. President's bouse. He was a brilliant Vkoeunk for the complaints. which It ia claimed to an ov cure. JAME3 P. LUDLOW. This.littlo loving fond device, gy the St. Benoit twins would come When Moaoa led do Juwa acroaa do watora ob do sea ^ I rtbl0 child, and his death oauaod Late Paetrr Calvary Bapkiflt Church, That dally act of saorlffoo, Boy had to kgop a-qoin' jeat oa f.a' aa fas' ' his motlier and father the doencst Sacramonto, Cel. Of which too late wo learn tho prlccl under the first order of terata cala- didytna, which moans a subject with ^ ^doTr'wufca1' dey oooid ouber h'tvo .uoooodedin anguish. Since thewur dosed Mr. Opening our wooplqg eyes to trace more or less separation of the brain and B D, 1 1 fnlJ 0f Himple, uunotfeed kinduosHcs, Bpinal cord. The genus is that in An'roaoboddepromlaotoflaii7 laud atiaek. If doy had Stopped proiuiso. Tl.A^hnibo UfiDu '^ ojV ^TGod} soGni'i V E G ETIN E Forgotten notes of tenderuoB*. WE WILL DEVOTE which they are nnited at the abdomen My friend*,,.dar was a garden onco, whar Add.m thW farnWt b'earted mau, She Rests Well. Which orermoro to us must be and pelvis—technically, lachiopcigun . Soura Poland, Mo., Oct. 11 1870. Sacred as hymns of Infancy, Iibhod with Eve, o, Whar Addom and his devoted Wife. Misfortunes Mn. II. R. Stkvkms, ; Synicneltui, and the opocios th6 three- With no ouo'rouud to bodUur dom, □□ neig'abor for 'iavo 'ollowed them. Lt^SUlU" hftVO Dear Sir:—I have been elck two years with the liver Learned listening at a mother's knee. to thieve; , swept away their properly;" diaaater complaint, and during that time have taken a great footed, or Tripus; and as the body bad frimrsdaj and Friday, Oct. 24 and 25, many diflbrcut medicines, but none of them did me 11 swoops their fauUs with heavy Imud, a union apparently at the ends of tho An* ebbry day wea Chriatura, an' day got dolr rations , has attended Mr Davis' business OD- any good. I was roBtlose nights, and had no appetite. As sweeps tho sea tho irnmplod sand, Since taking the Vbgktine I rest well, and relish my Till scaroo tho faintest print Is scanned. sternum it should also be called an Ai.' obbrytlng belonged to rtem oacool an apple tree. Ih^vn^nrr'',"'1 lh^.bu8i?0?fi successes of food. Can recommend the Vkoktink for what ft has Xyphodidymnl. young man who has mat died stood TO THE DISPLAYING OF OUR LARGE STOCK OP done for me. Yours roHpoctfully, It shows how such a vexing deed Youv all Aknow bout do atory-how do enako come between thoai and DOVertv Thn«« Mrs. ALBERT RICHER. W'as but a gouerotfa.iratuije's weed, OTHER KNOWN CASES. Witness of the above. Having fully explained the oeculior Mn. QECRGK M. VAUQIIN. Or some choice virtue run to seed; .. »-». ri h±T.^ FALL AND WINTER GOODS; Bedford, Mass. How that small fretting frotfuinoss, formation .the lecturer said that he groim'— • most, who have pat upoa his words Was but love's over-anxiouBnesa, possessed fho skeleton of a similar How Eve au'Addom oat their fruit, an'wont an'hid CODStraotioDS and who siuglo specimen, which he now has in the den thee, him out for a vicarious sacrifice, oa"ht Which had not been had love beon less, TU! tbe^a^fel oboraeor bo como an'drove'em off do HOW to feol their malice turned at List CONSISTING OF How doth Death speak of our beloved, anatomical museum of Jefferson Medi- V EG El" I N E When it has laid them low— cal pollege. It is very complete and I into tender respect aud sympathy. i Now. e'poso dat man au' woraaa hidu t 'tomptud fo t Balliinure OaZiUlH. Dre^s Goods, Shawls, Ladies' Cloa $, Corsets, Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Good for the Children. When It has sot Its hallowing touch perfect. Another specimen, reported Bosxom Home, 14 Ttlkii Strkht, I On spoochloea lip and brow? by Professor Horner, is in tho museum to'ahlrk, "iy j" ,: " Ties, Laces; Ribbons, Cassfineres, Fancy Goods, &c. Boston, April 1870. I But hadgoiieabout doir gardou.u' aa 'tondod to doir What tl.O Country Seed's; IT. R .Stkvkns. It takes each failing on onr pafT, of the University, but Ileitr Sir:—Wo feel that the children lu our home A nd brairds it in upon the heart. that the pair then before him wore the have been gVeatly bcnefUod by the Veg'btinb you hayc Doy wouldn't havo baou a-ioa'au' whore (Joy had no A> „ . _ " ^ATLiLi Ilsr"\TITE!±D TO A-TTEYIsriD'. so kindly given us from time to time, especially those With caustiopirwer and cruel art. only on-^s that ever came into the world bizuoBH to. . . . oout.h Cirolmu paper correctly troubled with tho scrofula. With respect, alive and that their chances of living An'do Dobbol'd never had a chance to tell 'em what Bays the (JO'lutry needs foWOr men who Mas. N. WOBMELL, Matron. Tho small neglect that may have painod, tu l0 a BKENNAN & SOUTHWICK. A giant stature will have gained are quite as tfotod as tii'osa of children ' ' i ''ek office aud more men whom the of When it can never be explained. of the same age. No half way doiu'a bvnddron. It'll nobber do, I say I Seeks. l^he little service which had proved, Having concluded, the speaker pro- Goto yonc toak aud llnlah It, an' don's do tlmo to Fewer dbga arid moro oljeep. V E G ETIN E How tenderly we watched and loved ; ceeded to take measures for the relief I,layl, Fewer truckling demagogues who And those mhie Hps to glad smilts moved*; lor oven if do orap Is good de ralu'll spoil do I oils. „„u.- • . . Japm ©Iflm. ^.o.T.w.meRev. O. To" Walker Says: of Mario's part of Rose-Mary, which Unless yon keepa-plckiu' lu do garden ob your souls. Hit 1 nothin^, as interest P«OVIDt;)(OH,- K. I., 164 THASBIT Sibket. Tho little gift from out onr store, was suffering from cutting teeth. As uiotates, aud more bravo moo who dare . ,. — h. u. Strvkns,Pbovtdejiob, ESQ., K. I., 164 Tn. Which might have cheered eomo cheerless honr, Keep a-plowlu' ami a.holn' an' a-eerapln' ob do rows. to do their Own tbiuking, and S iV what I feel bound to oxprosa with ray slgnnturo the high he believes in lancing, so as to take And AVuon de giumu o ober you can pay up what you they tbiuk " value I place upon your Vkoktinr. My family have When they with earth's poor noyda wero poor. away the tension' of the inflamed and AT LOEB'S. AT LOEB'S. AT LOEB'S. siis=£used It for the last two years. In nervous debility it is But never will be needed morel ™ v "J* invaluable, and I recommond It to alall who mair need swollen gums, which so often, by re- nut ifyoa quit a workiu'obhry time as sun is hot. Fewer {»reat men made (o order,an'-f . _____ ^ „ au iuvigorating,iuvigorsting, renovating toulo.tonic. (). T. WALKER, Oh Christ, our life, fore date tho work of Death, sistance and irritation of the iuflrmed Do sheriff's gwtuo to lobby on obbryiing you've got. nf smail material, ami thrust, ill front, GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED YET IN Formerly Pastor Bowdbln square Church,( Boston, And do this now! 0f lnUU Wbo baV0 a Thou who art Love, thu? hallow our belovodl nerves, throw children into cjavulsious, Whatcbbor 'tis you's a-drlbln' at. be sure and dribo it "apaoity for great- Not Death, but Thou I with other soriquo' consequences fol- throuah, neas. Dry SOods, Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes, U P p~T | lowing, he would proceed to operate if And don't, let nuffla* stop you, but do what you's Fower impetuous youn^ men, eager gwino to do; to rush' into print and raise tho devil the mother would let hiru. The par- l or when you eoea a nigger foolln', don, as aho'a generally. CAN BE HAD AT THE ■ Ba W la B B A baby and a half. ent hesitated, but presently consented, . , ^ _r_ Nothing Equal to It. you're born, • n • •' . 7; j i • 1 A One Body, Two Hernia and Foii'r Anus. and while Dr. Shoemaker held the You'b gwino to aeo him* comin* out do small end oi) i GWei* Wire pullers lU popular COQ- South Saubm, Mi»a., Nov. 14, 1878 de hbrm ventious. aud more people. Jt 1^ J. j i y Mn.Dear H. n.Hlr:—I Stkvkhs, have uboon s lb troiibknl 13u 9 head of tho Marie part the Professor CHEAP STO R E Dearh. nBin—I ^t hava boon troiibleverCanker,lll( andmo LiverI.Ivor Complaint(, for threethreo .roars. Nothing I faults you for do Tentiou you hab gib dls afternoon, . re 'l^de^.to'knuckle to' popu- oy applying for tbera within the next thirty dayp, as we expect to chance OUi' ever. didI . mo ftuyuuy Kgoodod untiluntil! I comoommonond on n.lng tbo In Teratology, Exatnines the Canu'djau teotb trying to push their way to ex- Sister Williams will now 'bligo us by do raisin'ob a 'tr P JUdlCqe when wrong. ; VEOBTiitB,. I am now getting along first-rate, and still T wind in a Hospital Clinic—"His Descrip. ^firm wibUiliwithin LuubHint ume.timA ^ vjui :; usingViOETrttR, thetho Vboetinb.VnauTiNH. • l am nowgottlusalmiKfir I consider theretliero is uothipggqusl. tinn. Their Appearance and the InlereBt posure. Rose was not affected in the tune; i.ewer -rooms and more schools. . to It fur such complaints. Cnn IrpsrCily rccdmmond It least, but continned to play with her I soe dat Bruddor Johnson's 'bout to pass 'round Fewer Scrub Cattle and more good to everybody. Yours truly, Taken. de hat, ^ . ' ones THE LARGEST STOCK 6F Mrs. UZZXK M. PACKARD, rhllo-lelphla Times. toy, and directly Mfarie's head was re- t No. 16 Lagrango Street, South Salom, Mass. And don't lotuu hab no halfway doiu'a when It coeqob • ^ | | ^ " Quite a furore, not only in medical leased she cease fretting and showed a tO dut. waTTT ' t 'it 1 . disposition to take a' hand in the game ' i' • ''Wheres the Cat?''—A lie will not. and surgical circles, but even in the 0 0 0 EVER OFFERED BEFORE. nntechuical world, was created upon with ho'r other half. Court Scene in a itiining Camp. j *' '■'J fao's. It appears either VEGETINE as if it was a ball placed in a square THE CHEAPEST, FULL MNE OF ALL KINDS OF IiADIES' GOODS the death of those moustrositios, the At ^wen'p River Mining Camp when hole, or a square block inserted in a gliaiiiose twins, about two years ago.— A Terrible Death. ON HAND. Recommend It HeaTtily. Big Bill Rloqdy swore point blank at i round hole. For.instaaca; . ^ ; South BomPoh. The sensation may be said to have cen- a trial to ascertain the exact line be- The skeleton o( a ca't' wnlkod' info' 3NIIILiIjl3SrElE=t."5r OUJFL A T ."yv Mn. Stevens, tred in this city, oUbougb the extraor- Conrad Cramer,a' boy of fifteen years, OUJFL Dear Sir:—I have taken apyrrai IjbltJpa of your 1 tween two claims, that he bad seen Rvan's store at Hohokus. Ryan see- Veoetinr, and am convinced iV ie'a valuabln rmnedy dinary couple didd in this far South'.— met his death yesterday, in a manner n sell Goods Cheaper than Anybody Else our Pride. for DyHpepaln, Kidney Comujalut, and General bo- as horrible as it was singular. Ho had the original stake driven in 1852, Mr. ' ? bawled out, "Mickey, didn't I bllity of tbo System. I con henrtil) recommend it to This was caused by the fact that Prof Gmhain said; tell ye a month ago to fade out that all sulluiers from th^ %bove complaints. Wm. H. Panconst, the well-known sur- been employed in hauling coal dirt from 0ll a CALL AT LOEB'S. ^oura reapoctfullr, acuTni pile to the boiler house at the "Mr. Moody, do you swear that you t pound of mate a day until ye bad Miw. MUNROE PARKER. geon andana prolessorprofessor in the Jefferson t-- — cue flollenbaok11 b ;lok Bbaftshaft, Wilkeebarre, Pa. ij saw that stake driven ill 1852? Re- her14 fat ?" College here,hero, was smaftsmart enougheuongb to see . f ° ^ , > VilkesWre, Pa. [;1' uiepiher,irvVtmlt^r airsir, youvnn orr»aro r\r»on r>n>Lioath." " "YouYnn HiH*did; nnrland T'i»iI'm justiuaf afteroffn*. fadeing tthehe advantage to the medical schools The dirtr wa8was placed1 00 1 in11 a car which ran VEGETINH" L advantage to the medical schools ' r rr 0 P ^rat' Ja » carn whichP ran Moody: "Yes, I do." ber » ponnd." NEW STORE! Prepared by ' of this city which would follow upon 2Jai pnl^ ft nTl | h- i ? 4° Mr. Graham: "Could you not bo "Has that cat ate a pouhd this mbru- H.H RR. STEvEhS,QTPUttfQ RoWn„Boston, Wiass. Collegehaving theof Physiciurihinautopsy made Philadelphia. before the ZJaehed.^ jf Ith wwtoe habit Tof tho ? ^ boy to mistaken? Think, sir, was it not some iug?" NEW FIRM! other stake?" "Yes, sir." , al t one or NEW FRIGES! Vcgotlne is Sold by all Druggists. . i ^ otb^r physicians Lg the^lo'Ll;LK^nd^oVer'1!!^ return Moody: "No, sir; it wasn't." "Shnre, I think it's a lie ye'er tell-tell tainod Dossession of the bodies, , t j Yesterday the mule acted badlv Mr. GrahamGrahairi (bis band slowly glid- Bring me that scales N'Niw iw bring*brinj Wi' wr e. Ba 5 brought them here, examined them, ango/ge^al ^asiZ atto^pfcd to grounding round to the back of bishis belt): me that cat." TheTho cut turned ththo ALL COMBINED IN THE SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS JUST OPENED BY READ 1 RjiiADREAD 111 i READI1I and, as a oouseqt C 88qae q U a lea e 8 "DoDo you swear, sir, you could not be : scales at exactly one pound, setLi ofAf 'papers l r passedT- into ; thet medical^ ^ hioithrow, his rider Xbut thea U 86£alad ^tclunn ^ toa mistaken?"" you swear, sir, you could not be ■ scales"There, at exVctly didn't oneI tell pound. ye she bad .eat A, H, WILSON, journals of the mistaken?" "There, didn't I tell ye she bad ,eat- LOEB & KLINGSTEIN, (5aV0 Shaoklett A Bruffy'd Hiirdwaro Stare. at lowest prices. ffarLlvorymcn and the public will piece of woods near by; tho body of the shooliu' done in this court, an' for mont,ti favteuedfattened tcto an iron rod, running fllld In my stock Lap Robes, niaukota, Whips, etc . of at once were takeu by tbqir mother and druwin' a sljootin* iron, which that is ; through the centrecent of a cylinder cqu • all qualitioB. at bottom prices. father, escorted by Dr. J. V. Shoemak- poor lad, in the meantime, being drag- »#-Thankful to all for past patronnRo. I respectful- god along ov,or sharp stones, ra {fed contempt of court, the opposiu'ecun- lamingtainmg several ringsri of gutta percha — I HAVE JUST RECEIVED MY IMMENSE STOCK OF ly ask a coutineauce. being dutermincd to keep a sup- er, of this city, to the surgical class at sel stands commi'.ted until farther When therefore,therefore/the horse exerts him- ply to meet any aud every demand, both of homo aud the Philadelphia Hospital. Here Pro- boulders and inDiimerable ugly pro S0 northern mannfactnro, and invite all to call where jections. The boy hung directly in notice." self,If. the strain flfirst comes upon and they can havo their choice. fessor Pancoast was operating in, the compresses these rings, saving his : CiJ-Reniemher the old stand, nearly opposite tho presence of some five hundred students front of the mule's fore-legs, and when Mr. Graham; "A righteous sentence" compresses the; FALL GOODS, Lttthcnm Church. Main streot, Harrisouburg. Va. the animal stopped, which he did when Opposing Counsel [slowly rising:] shoulders.should era. The German War Depart. "ovf A. H. WILSON, and a crowd of doctors, who had got- "If your Honor phases, it is a well- ,,mqot, moat, it is annoqncod,annc having made Including an elegant assortment and fine variety of ten wind of the intended examination he reached the woods, he seized one of the boy's arms in his teeth ^udliterally (estublished point of law, as laid"down ssporipaetilaexperiment autfand' 'foaud that tho saving 13URN HAM'S of tbs twins. by thai; eminent jurist, Chief Justice 9{ tree, not alone pt starting hut dur- THE TWINS ON THE TABLE. tore it into fragmenta! He then at- n Dress (roods, Cassimeres, Blankets, tacked other portions of the bniised Stonge, of Texas, that it is tho right .' g traction, was at least a third, has Professor Pancoast put the twin ba- of tho counsel in a suit at bar to see to 'decided to employ tho attachment in Shnwls, Ladies' Cloaks; Flannels, Itlcached and Brown Clothes, by on the table. It appeared to be and bleeding body, and with a fiendish ft'ARRAKTEO BEST it Chf APE8T. malignity tore open the breast, thigh it that the learned conusel on the op- its artillery and military trains. "W"ateriprooliS Oolors, Also, MiLLIfcB MACHINERY. twowv.vr babies, joined togetherUVAL:vjuuoi nuat theULIV* baseuaao . . a 1, 1 1 • . , . , , posite side dopa not get the drop on of the trunk, with, however, but two and &ok' la%?s tho b,ouea.bare ln ma- NoToltloa in Prints, Ladios" Skirts, Laces, Ribbons, Neck-Ties, Corsets, K d FiJCES BSDUCED APS. 20,73. ' > " nv nluenn, TTlman80 luKr. »i,t, ibis witucES. Your Honor may have "Mind yoai; starboard helm," said a Pamphlets freo. OrriCE, Vonn, Fa. legs, two heads, two separate, intelli- flf Pf "f.", ^° whe witnessed the 8 0 6 r 10 1,0 t lle ns3 8 heard the ominous cooking by my market apple-wqmau as an old salt Glovefl, hosiery. Ruches, Ladies' Gentlemen's and Children's Underwear. gences and four armn. The Professor f f ! ' , ;^ . J - learned brother of a deadly weapon reeled up against, her stand! "(Hie)' I WHEAT! WHEftTT mado a few introductory remarks on ",ace 0 tke boy as quickly as possible; but whe tb I a bed blm wa8 known and doscribed as a six-slpboter. i starboard it is, and .steady, old' gal." Also a Large Invoice of Boots and Shoes. WANTED, 10,000 BUSHELS PRIME WHEAT. teratology, and referred briefly to the . , " ^ '® ° ''f" 1 « replied the old tar;! where the douce 9 10,000 •• •• OATS. tluct nd bod n an l0d I submit to your Honor that if I stuuJ Siamese and California twins. The ?( 'h®, y ] g beyond did you leai n to steer'?'' "Ten years a I have the Agency for Carpets and Oil Cloths,'which will be sold from sample •' 10,000 *' " CORN, 1 eo04amount in"a few days »', Asa^ ai,_the V.:'farmer Isas, had brought before him a con- ; winter. We recollect about tvveuty EXCF.F.I) ANY KNOWN PAINT. Building. Painted with otir Prepared Paint., if not Batisfao Rose was bright, smiling and happy, did not wafatto bo small about tho mut- vietod felon to. be sentenced. The years ago' there was a foai fally hard MlO WISE. tory, will bo £epalated at our JEzpenso. tjje protesgOb TALtk AcriuT them. tor.he says all right,and the man leaves opportunity to "improve" the occasion winter, aud two girls pnssed each oth- FOB SALE UY Rose and Marie are the names of with the wheat. Auother comes" in wak not to be lost, and so, after the er the beginning of it somewhere, in ' moyaa JAM IB L. AVIS, Harrisouburg, Va. this wonderfully close-joined pair of tho same wov,"until tho whole of the usual demand for reason why sentence .one of the eastern cities, we think, MATS EtiDY FOE THE SEASOH! ELEGANT JEWELRY, WATCHES, &D. sisters that can never know separation, one thousand bushels of wheat are should not be pronounced, his honor without turning arid lopking baek. It's 7 Roso-Mury would bq the name taken slowly and with genuine feeling ad- a,sure sign.. Lay in plenty of coal.— C. N. HARPER, InA\K now on hand a flno stock and largo assort' ' CHAMPION I ' trusted out to one thousand different slowly and with genuine feeling ad- wont of elegant Jewelry. fop them as'one. A'toy was 'banded persons," and not one of the purohnsers dressed the prisoner: "My poor fellow, Newport (Ay ) Local. AOE.VT FOR JNO. WANAMAKEB THE MAMOTH Maryfsbe smiled, took it and played concerns himself about it, for it is a you are about to go to the peniten- a „ x • ." 1. . , , „ CLuTIIIEK OF AMERICA, Is lu recuipt of bio Vail with it. Rose reached out her baby 0 BAniplos. Uo suo lURFEK ou Elgin. Walllam, and Springfteld WE ABE AGENTS FOR THE small amount he owes the fnrninr bh/Y tinrv. You are reanired to oi vr. nn fr^r ^ ^ tL© illliind SePTS- w WATOPES, W baud, got tbo. toy and also smiled and German St:, 3 Doors Nortli M, E. Clmrcli, chuckled. Professor Pancoast then ainil you will .Bo well paid fur your visit. Or If you gold an i Hilver. at lowest figures: Handsome Wedding Champion Graiir" Drill- b«TB goods to M ui'Ada up HARFEK will glvo you Presents; Uings; Sliver ami Plated-waru, etc. proceeded to show that the ohildren aro Kopalriug j[ all Uluds altondod to promptly, an separate down to the edge of the ribs, • warranted. W. Ut.KlTKNOUR,, ThU DRILL lias hII of Hie lulest ImproyeuioutH, and is A LlilSTdJLASS J0D, Uiuy2'ly Hacrl^onburg, Va, THE REST .IN THE WORLD! Oue fourth Inch tiro with separata beads, separate arms, fake instead what can never have the depth of the vessel by removing one of AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ami rolled wrong hi irop axle. Satiufactiou guaranteed. a thousand little driblets, and that ho the hfttohes, when, to the astonishmeut SopM Cull uud sue tho D:il« L. two Id each, and separate hearts. At is seriously eruburrasaed in bis busi- somblanoo of a liome; your m/f—and the breuslbone tho bodies arc fairly so be subject to order of men who have of all present, ho exclaimed, "Why, the OUEEN8WARE- SUI ERIOll LOT AT BUT ness beoauso his debtors treat it as a old thing is hollow 1" tom prices. Fall and Winter Goods. united, but the rest of the organs are little matter. But if all would pay up uq eympntby with you. Even your oCii ikd-Wo pay hlghust CASH prloef for WHUAT ' ■ ■ ■ — • •• ■ — JOHN 8. LEWIS. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS. SHOES. HATS, aud uiUer pruduoo. common to bulb, There is but one promptly, wb'oh they could do as well ordinary clotbing you will oxobnnge A French gentleman meets a young (IHOIOR. OhOGBRlBS—BANK ROW AHEAD! OBOOUUIK8. QUEENSWAiiE. Ac., S. II. MOFFliTT & CO. nave!, and the buttooks are united, us not, it would bo a very large umouut for (here bis honor hesitated and aud pretty American girl In Pans. Old Beilabltt« .T Qrocery Uoumi.'»> OroosfiM, go to Hunk Row. AT THE VAKIETY STORE. augH.iHTri termiuaLing ou eaah side with a vvoll- to the farmer, aud enable him to carry raising bis loft arm! pointed to it witli "What iu the world are you doing 0024 JOHN 8. LEWIS Till* btock hart baeu M'li- «c Before the next issue of the Commox- Hon. A. H. H. Stuart publishes a marvellons cures, or maintained so wide a tnont powerful restorative agents in tlto wealtu the contest for Congress in this letter in the Stannton Spectator strong- reputation, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which vegetable kingdom. It restores grav .talr to No. 5 East-Market Street, Harrisoiilmrg, % J. K, SMITH anil P. it. DEUXT, Killtom. 1h recognized as the world's remedy for all its original color. It makea tlie scalp white district will be decided, and our road ly favoring hard money. diseases of the throat and lungs. Its long- and clean. It cures dandruff and buuiorn, IIAHRISUVBVRO, VA, ors will be informed tbrongb our col- Gen. Thomas Ewing, of Ohio, wns continued series of wonderful cures in all cli- and falling out of tbo lialr. It furnishes the mates has raado it uuiversally known ns a nutritive principle by wbioU the hair is umns bow tbo people voted and who present at a political disoussiou be- safe and reliable agent to employ. Against nourished nml supported. It makes the hair THURSDAY MOEHINQ. GOT. 31. 1878. has been chosen to represent them for tween Tucker and Patteeon at Lynch- ordinary colds, which are tho forernnnera of moist, soft and gloBsy, and ia unsurpassed as laleJRelail Dealers in S;Gi a hair dressing. It ia Hie most economical tbo coming two years in tho councils of bnrg on the 24tb, and made a few re- more serious disorders, it acts speedily and Sairnr», Cotton Yarn, Ilaakcta, WHEAT. surely, at ways relieving Buffering, and often preparation ever offered to the public, as its i uCTwh, (•rain Sneka, Churns, Crackers, Ch«CBcr the nation. Tho struggle Las presented marks complimentary to the people saving life. The protection it aHiirds, by its effects remain a long time, making only an Teas, Sole fjeatlier. Dcmftona, n aiMins, There has boon a slight inoronse in occastonal application necessary. It is recom- By rw |m, Kerosene Oil, Lemons, a condition of affairs not often wit- and the resources of the State. Pat- timely use in thetnroataud lung disorders of lincon. Smoking Tobacco, Sitters, Oranges* the shipmonta] over the amount of (be children, makes it an invaluable remedy to mended and used by eminent medical men, l.nrd. CltewltiK do, Tabs. Jellies, ' noised in any district or State, and toson is reported to have been badly bo kept always on hand in every home. No and offlcialiy endorsed by tbo State Assayer Meal, Hice, Soda, Mnlchcs, Oclntlnc, last sereral proceding weeks from this Flour, (■'nml leg, Soaps, Cutsupa never where there is a great prepon- used up by Tucker. person can afford to bo without it, and those of MassacUusettn. Tho popularity of IlaU's Mnlt, Broom*, 111 r.c king, Pickles point who have once used It never will. From their Hair Uenewer has increased with tho test of Mackerel, Hue ki 11, Ch tincd Ooods, Mncaronl, derance of one or tho other of the It is stated that Gen. Joe Johnston knowledge of its composition and effects.phy- many yeors, both in this country and in for- Candy, Spice*, Oyc-SfnlTs, In Baltimoro tbo market, ns report- great partiea Wo have throe Demo- is poor, and stands in need of the sala- sicians use the Cherry Pectoral extensively in eign lands, and it is now known and used in IIANE ALSO MANY OTHER GOODS NOT MENTIONED ed to ne b } tologrnpb, is dull and tbo their practice, and clergymen recommend it, all the civilized countries of the world. crats running for Congress, two of ry which the position of Congressman It is absolutely certain in its remedial effects, Rest assured that we offer Goods ^thc^west Figures and gnarau.eo tendency downward. Baltimore price whom entertain views differing very will bring bim. and will always cure where cures are possible Fon Sick on Nervous riBADACTiE, costive $1; No«omber 81 00^. In Harrison- For sale by all dealers. (1) habits, inactive liver and to ward off malnri- W ,h t0 bn for OAT3 slightly, if any, the third holding opin- Rev. John E. Massey is the defen- kinds of Produce," andy will ♦give»«h-FLOCR. tbo highest WHEAT, cash price CORN I ' RYP ' OATu . UACON, DUTTEB,„ E033, and oil burg the price is about same as last al fevers "Dr. Swayne's Tar and Sarsparilla ions widely at varianco with both. It dant in a fraudulent case now being By Universal Accord, Pills" are very effective. They act gently, AR-Thankful for your past liberal pslronngo, wa hope to continue to sbaro ssmo. week; 80 to 82J cents. Trade not very without any griping or nnpleaasnt sensation is idle to say that the State debt ques- tried at Charlottesville. Among other Atrh's Catiiautic Piixs are the best of all 4 nolivo, and buyers and sellora awaiting purgatives for family use. They are the whatever, leaving no bad effects, aa is the WTRememberJhe Place:—No. 5 East-Market Street! ' tion has, any legitimate place in tho counsel the Parson has retained him- product of long, laborious, and successful case with blue mass or calomel. Pretiared something definite from tbo European 0 contest, for it has not, and none-un- self. chemical investigation, and their extensive only by Dr. Swayno & Son, Pblladolplila, Q-^ - A. IVr-yETFUQ cJb oo. complications which are impending. use, by Physicians in their practice, and by and sold at 26 cents a box by all leading derstand this better than tho candi- As a Forcible readjusting and Green- all civilized nations, proves them the best druggists ih Ilarrisonburg dates who hoye maJe it. the chief back trininph, the Judge wouldn't ob- and most effectual.purgative Pill tlist me- Hon John M C. dical science can devise. Being purely veg Commissioner's Sale! , pkofekhional cards.; -OF 1 theme of discussion. Judge Harris jsfit, in fact, he would warm his hands otsbie no harm can arise from their use. In > BUSINESS NOTICES. OTEftRAlaL & PATTERSON " * •' After the election is over,, who will admits this fact, but is willing that it at both bonfires, but it would bo decid- intrinsic value and curative powers no other . VERY VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. A YS 17- ? Pills can be compared with them, and every Go to McCbnkv's. Don't forget. • ; tf ' ■ T,y?w5in tho Circuit oV* Courts of'Habmsotooeo, Rocklngham and Va.'. sdioininS prar,tlc*o the district belong to then ? should bo mode an issue so long as an edly rough on Paul who forced the is- person, knowing their virtues, will employ PURSUANT TO A DECUFJB OF THE CIRCUIx!ni - trm, <'onrt of Appeals nt SmtnIton?tin(EUje Try Wise's favorite twenty five cent to- Court of Rocklngham County, rendered in Iho; states CTmrts at Harrisonburg. ir,;-Promnt nntomatio system of ideas proyonta sue into tho canvass. Should sncoces them when needed. They keep the system canso of Henry 8. King It Son ve. E, S. Kempcr. Ac., sttoullon to colleotloni. B. O. Pattoraon will cou. Beecber, says he is not a green backer in perfect order, and maiutaiu in healthy ae. bacco. sepl0-tf I will sell on rBOtlCO lu tho Cu rt anybody else from monopolizing the porch on the Captain's banner, he. can tion the whole machinery of life. Mild, hann » <" Rocking- bat then, who will believe him. g FRIDAY, THE 11TH PAY OF OCTOBER, 1878, I lUUA1 strength or popubrity attracted by the say to the Whiy and the Lilliputian searchiug and effectual, they are specially Miss Ida Shunk, is the fashionable dress at public auction, on tho prnmlscB, to tho highest bid- J:" B90N' ' * tn;'" ai'uigt;1 ot of 0,6 Itock'nl flrI 01Count}* Court. question. The Forcible Readjusters adapted to tho needs of tlie digestive appa maker of the town. It dor, that valuable farm, tho property of E. S. Kcmper.• I tteion ' " " * « * Pul Parson Massey is raising wool now. General; "No thanks to you." But latus, deraugcmoDts of which they prevent lying on the Keozlotown road, somo six miles from must know that if a readjustment of they will smother him with paternal aud cure, if timely taken. They are tlie beat Peanuts roasted daily. Itomomber Wise's3 ItarriRonburg, in Rockinghnm county, containing 306j . PENDLETON uliVC^ Be expects to raise hair next time. and safest physic to employ for children and favorite tobacco. soplO tf acres, jnore or less. The Improvcmeuts are lu every any kiad doponda upon Congress, cr afieotion, and chide him as an unfilial respectT arst-claos. ' OOMMISSIONERLIC. HAnmsouncBO, IN CHANCERY Va.—Will gIvenrtrdiSlxuq NOTARY „tt.lpirn weakened conRtitutlftnS, where a mild, hut KK^s: One ^lrfloA the .punchfttje hibntjy on the1 confirmationr oir srfto by Vlid dirciilt Cour^of Rocking- i J!""''" "forking of; depoBltions ttml/.acknoiijfdl To bo a qualified voter at the elec- representatives sent there by them, child. effectual, cathartic is reguired. 4 Wallace keeps the finest' brands of. D.• ham county, the balanoo-iu throe equal annual pay- msntaanywhore in tbo county of RoiktngfiamyWln P. Clemmer, J. Bumgarduer, and "Old also prepare deods, articles of agreofnom ahd -dtkor tion 6if Tuesday next, you must bava readjustment wiirwever be effected, Tho Pago Courier is out in full 1 mente—all those paynrtwlrio bear interest from tboj 1i jphtraote on very moderate terms. «B-Offlcc In tho Crow " Bourbon . tf day of aalo; tho purchlsor or purchaaera to give bonds C0Upl i 0f wr i1 vi.'}it ^ Jackson and New Market the aeconfl There Ih an easier feeling in Gohl, onil tho market dollars and fity cents. If you iiave goods purchase good roal esfat^to attend said aalo aud bo- y G ch 0f t ie to oppose -to the'uttermost any at- the new cave. tends downward. Saleg in Italtiuoro Monday at ' conic bidders. " ; 51.* Il iF -? 4 ^ 'oHowIng months, remaining —for Paul. ^ that, you want a suit of Harper will give youI sepia tfl. EDWARD S. KEMPER. : 1, NoTen 01 tempt on the part of-that body to in- A Forcible . Roadjuster, wondrous 100X, but in New York it ruled throughout tho day at 1 May aud jT,fy. ^ ' January. Jlarclq 100bid, 100K asked, with sales at tho latter Ugures. a first class job at reasonnble rates. Go see Some of our republican friends think terfere with her l^riyite affairs. The wise in bis own day and generation, Stock market quiet aud ^toady, cousola him, and yon will be well paid for yourr POSTPOiVEMElVT. STUART F. LINDSEY, ' thai of the two evils they have chosen issue has been forced into the canvass, writes to the Richmond Whig that B2V J Consol coupons 81. ^alh- 6w The abovo silo has been poatponnd. It will tnko, AT T°?X5YnATi'^ ,"l—nbv-o. Va„ prScticos - pin™ on MONDAY, OCTOBER 21ST, 1878. (Court-day)| joiningn coautios; also,iRookingham In tho United Highland, States andCourts od- •the most — because it appeared to be a good bob- Echols won't carry a ooauty ia the dis- in front ofthe OourkUouso, in Harrlaonhurg. at Harrisonburg, Va. Offloe East Market aireet, I FLOUR AND GRAIN, AC, oct 17-ts. A. M. NEWMAN, Com'r, "or Juo. Graham Efflnger's Produce Store, by. If the gentleman to be elected trict, that Paul may possibly carry uct. 24-ly Edison has invented a snbstitnte for RALTrtWoiiE,"Monday. October 28, 1878. Oct. 10, 1876, at Port Recublln, by Rev. J. Condor, > was to fill the position of chief Artie Rookingham, bat that Harris will be Flottb.—No chauge to note iq the condition of the Silas K. Isoi maii and Artdlo tllza Holbrooke, daughterj i oH'Tr»ONEM:r:ivT. l»a.■ A. M. NEWMAN, Oom'r. ™ ' i Prepared to fill, extract and insert teeth, The last issue of the Highland Ite just as germane to thq question of his scrutable political wisdom rise and Meal $2.02,'a per bbl. and perform all other operations in his line, Wheat—-Hules; October,.$1,00%; November, Oct. 27. 1878, by Rnv. O. J. RouJabusb, William J. NOTICE n m WOfflor* oxs door South of Barbco 'HoteL corder comes out strong for long John fitness for the place, as it is to tho eli- explain why it is the Whig, Mahouo's ftl.01; December, 11.03Vgi choico Fuitz, $1.00&1.07. Hollor and Rebecca 3. Long, all of Rocliiugham0 : Bjldgcwatpr, Va. " Corn.—Old white, 42a40 cents; prime now, 40a45 county, To tlie Tax-Payers of Rockiii^ani County, for Congresn. It was first for Paul, gibility for Congrets. Wo cannot see Aladdin's lamp, gives the Captain the JOHN E. ^ cts to $1.01, Small coles of corn at 47 Croas Keys, Saturday,.... •• 25,' •• Boubnrg. ggrOffloe lu tho old Clerk's Office, in cts por bushel. # X3IEI3Z). Moyerhocffer'a Store, Monday •• 28) " the Court-HoiiBe yard. - * . .V only true issue in the canvass is the people" starting against odds? Tha Llrivllle X>lstric5ti JOHN T. HAIIHIS. ~ ORANVILLE BASXHAM'^ Tammany Hall Democracy has nom- one of National finances, and in de- Whig Las beoomo so aconstomca to II.iltni.SONBUAG WIIOIiESALE PRICE CURRENT. October 24th, at the W. L. Asylum, of which Inetl- Hoover's Shop, Tupsaay, October 22, 1878 inated 0. B. Potter for Congress, in COnUBCTED WEEKLY BY OF.O. A. MYEU8 A CO., tution she had been the matron for twenty-hve years, Singer's Glen, Wednesday, •• 23 ** HARRIS & EA8THAM, ciding between the yjows hold by the getting fiat consolation out of irre- WHOLESALE GUOCEUH AND PBODUCE DEALERS. Mrs. Eliza J. Tlntloy, formerly of Richmond. Melrose, Friday, . .« 25* •• ATTORNKYS-AT -LAW, HABRiBONDtJBa, Va. On ami place of Abram Hewitt. O. B. is not In Bridgewatcr, on Saturdny night, tho 2Cth Inet., Edom, Saturday «* 26^ " after the first of May will practice In all the Cdftrts different candidates on this subject,— deemable defeat we presume they HarbisonbukG, VA., October 31 1878. rather suddenly after a brief illncso, Miss Oorinue held at HarriBonlmrg. *®-Offlce8 in Expresa Boil*, the man of investigation fame. We quote to-duy— _ . iMalilte* Xllstrlol:1 ing. wo urge upon the > people culm and would hail Harris' election. APPLCS—Green (its 'to q'&ftfMy)bbl... $ I @001 50 Tulnlu, daughter ol Marehal B. and Mrs. Jano Chil- Wittig's.Store, Mondajf^..,*..November 11, 1878. '• —Dried, 4 ureea, aged 18 yoars, 2 montha and 26 days. Coote'e Store, Woduoflday,....;.,. «• 13 «• G. W. BERLIN, careful consideratib&r' It iff simply BACON, Virginia Hog Round 8li Tenth Legion, Thuraday,...-. •• 14* «« As Puol's chances for election im- Broadway, Friday,,,^ *» 16* '< ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. HARnisoNmrno,Va., wlll-prftc- necessary for them toj^paehide whether V 10 rORT CONGrRES sT" Timber ville,'Saturday, «« ic' >• tice in the Courts of Rookinghnm and adjoining proves inijiossibility the enormity of his The State Fair at Richmond, now in " Sides,f,@ 7 counties and tho United States Courts held at this * * " HhonldoW,i...... 5(0) 6 Wo arc authorized to nnnounco Capt. JOHN PAUL Stone>wLll, Districti place. wOfflce in Switzor's new building on tho the country would.bjj qeUnfitted pi is progress and closing on November iat, " Baltimore, Haras, sugar-enr'd 14@ 15 of Rock lug ham, ab a cundielatb to represent the Sev- Furnace No..2, Wedne«iky,...... November 13. 1878, Public Square. crime in running away with the other '* Sides & shoulders, 6@ !1 c o Courad'a Store, ThurBday, «• 14 «• jured by nn uniimitnd. issue of irre- had at its beginning a fine prospect for BUT1ER—No. 1, Choico, 16@ 17 ^ lt ?PKre«sl nal Dletrlct lu the next Congress ol J Readjuster aspirants magnifies. His Good to Fair,...,, 9® 10 tho United Slates. augl5-to McGaheyeville, Friday,. «•' 15* •• RO. JOHNSON, deemable carrQDoy.'-citEhftfc is a ques- a grand exhibition. There was a large BEESWAX, per ft...... j 20® 26 Port Repubilo, Saturday). •• le,' ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, ITarrisowduro, Ya., practlees health may be drank, but some of the DEANS—White, * 1 r,0® 2 00 Oontl'Gl District: In the Courts of Kockingbam and Shonandoah, and tion w hich alouo properly belongs in- crowd in attendanoh the first day, Mixed, 1 00® 1 20 COMMiSSJONER'S NOTICE. Harriaonhurg, Monday,.. ...November 11, 1878. in tho Circuit and District Courts of tho United liquid will lodge in the windpipe of BLACK BERRfJis—Dried ,. V- 6® 6 Koewetown, Tueaday, ...." jo, •• States hold at HRrrisonburg, Va., and the Supremo tbis cacvass, and it ik one of grave im- among whom wero many distinguished BUCKWHEAT FLOUR....v 2® 3 Mt. Clinton, Wednoaday,... «• 13', «• Court of Appeals hold at Btaunton, Va. eome. portance to every mqp, rich and poor, CORN—White $ bu*h., wjv-...; 40® 60 WXLLIAM REHERD, Complainant, vs. John «^Any person, paying all tho taxes aud levies as- visitors from abroad. The display of " Yellow, •• 40® co Uiliurd &c., Dofoudania Reased against him previous to December 2flt. Bhal! 1)0 J. SAM'L HARNSBERQERT ~ property holder, labpyet and meehauio. animnls, fowls, farm and dairy pro- I" Chmcery in the Circuit Court of Rocklngham entitled to a reduptloii oJijfcwotpfip cent, ther on. Any ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Hajuhsonduro, Va., will prafc'- Hon. John S. Carlielo, formerly U. S. OHICKENS-L,^™ bimb.,'.; .'... 63®10® 70jg person paying onb-half of ajl tuxes and lovios asscBsed tlce in all tho Courts of Rockingham oonnty-.tlio Sn- It is not our purpose to discuss here ducts, articles of skilled manufacture, CHERRlltS—Drid—PItiod, * 10® 12 A'he Court doth adjudge, order and decree that this agaiuHt him priBVR>UB t<»" December Ist, sliali bo al- prome Court of Appealb of Virginia, and tho Dlatrict Senator from , died at 0 Top....,..;.T 2 26@ 2 25 causo be roferrod to one of the OommlaHlouora of this lowed an oxttjuBipu" on the.^euidue to tho Isfeday of the merits of this questioU. ' Tho - etc., is said to be very largo, and the ex- COFFEE—Common Rid, 14® 15 Oburt to ascertain, and Circuit Oonrte of tbo United States hoiaoniat Wheeling on the 24fh. He resided in lefc._ Of what reol estate Jno. Dillard was possessed March fodowihg. Persons fulling to "pay one-half of Harriaonbnrg, lic know our views rogarcUug tint mon- " Fair to .prime,. 17® 10 of lu tho 3ear 186'), and of bis interest therein. their taxes bofpae JXatombor ist, wili bo charged five this county in his onrlv days, and was hibit a very attractive one. Richmond Logutra,V 20® 25 per cent, additional. JAMES HAY, ^ ey. We ouly dosire tbat'the attention cheese 8® 12 2ml. To take an account of the leius biuding on said ftiTTaxea received at- my olflco, In Harrisonburg, engaged in mercantile pursuits.— is in holiday attire tbis week, and we COTTON YARNS, bunch, I 10® 1 20 land, and giving their priorities. from this (lute until Dgpendjer lat. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Habbisomdcbo, Ta., will proe- shall not be diverted frinn tho real EGGS, per dozen, ® 15 Srd. And any other matter Which any party in In- oAM'LiAM'L U.R. STERLING,STERLING. liue In the CourtB of Rocklngbam aud adjoining He will be remembered by many of record our sorrow at our inability to FLUOR—Superfluo, 3 00® 3 50 terest may require in writing, or the said Coramia- Oct. 9, ia78.-6t. 1. ; , • County Treasurer conntiPB. Office over tho tato Adams' ExpfeBB nfflcc! principle at stake bj? issues outside of Extra 4 00® 4 10 sionor may deem pertinent. woHt of Court-hbuao Square. our older citizens. be there. " Family 4 25® 4 50 Tho parties to the above entitled cause, or any other and wholly foreign to the contest. Any FEATIISUS—Pure, new, geese 40® 45 personsfl ed intorosted therein, ars notified that I have WM. B. COMPTON, FLAX8EED, bush 80® 1 on * on MONDAY. DECEMBER. 2lii>. 1878. in uiy Commissiosier's Sale (Late of Woodbon h Comfton.) will contlnno the man who has tho iutepest of his section, The storm of last week was the most FISH—Potomac Herring,,..., C 00® 6 50 oraoe, as the time of taking the foregoing accounts, By virlno of a docrnS df tbo Oircnlt Court of Rock- Practice of Law lu the Coiirts of Bockingham; tbo " Mackorui, No. 2...... 8 00® 9 00 when and where they will attend and protect their ham county, on thn 28th ciav of Juno, Court pf Appeals of Virgiulo, and Courts of tho Unt- The yellow fever reports show that State and couutry of heart, will not destructive to shipping of any whioh GINSENG 40® 50 respective lutorosts. Thoy are furtlior notified by tho 1878, In the ohancory oiniko of T. N. Scllor's and oth- tcd States. HERD GRASS SEED, ^ hush., 1 20® 2 00 terms of decree, tho publication of this notice for four ors vs. J. N. Manzy ami 'ithors, I ehall proceed to soli the eoonrgo is rapidly disanpearing. A allow an irrelevant question, like tho has occurred in this country for years. LARD—Virginia, 6® 7 successive weeks in one of tho Ilarrisonburg newe- at public auctton In front of tbo Conrt-houso door in DR., U. S. SWITZER, •' Baltimore,...... ,,., 7® 8 papers, is made oqulvaleut to personal service ou thcim. few frosts such as visited this section State debt or personal considerations, The Baltimore, Philadelphia and New LIME—ft barrel...... 80® 75 and each of them. Harrisonburg, DENTIST, HAttBiBOHBuno, Va. Ifg-OJUce nea Ih, on Monday and Tuesday mornings, Lake Herring, % barrels.. ,...... 2 50® 0 00 Given under my hand, as Commioner in Chancery On Thursday, Oclobfir the 31st, 1878. Spring, Will spend fonr days of every month in to interfere with his Assertion of opin- York dailies are filled with accounts of % " 1 40® 0 00 of said Court, this 28th day of October. 187M. Mt. Crawford, commencing v' "h the third Wodnos- MOLASSES—Black St'p, por gallon,.. ono eighth iuteroet In the MONTEVIDEO STORE day. will eradicate the disease. We can on- ion through the ballot on the only disasters in all directions, and the M 32® 85 Wm P. A. DAINGER1TELD. Com'r. HOUSE PROPERTY situated ou iho Rocklngham Porto Riuo, 60® 70 ' B. LubtY, p. q. ocm Tnmpike, nine mtloa East of narriaouburg, It being OilAS. A. YANOEY. £D. 8. CONBAD. ly hope that the frosts extended thot shipping offices in those cities were " New Orleans, .V..,...... 47® 50 tho ouo-half Interest of Jl H. Money, purchased by T. legitimate issue involved. " Bright 8yru|v..'iv... .v.*. O. Manzy In said property, at a Commissioner's sale YANCEr & CONRAD. far. In any event, its continuance crowded with anxious inquirers, who OIL—Korosino in barrels, ^ gallon,... Commissioner's Sale raado on tho Srd day of April, 1876, in purauouco of a ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW abd INSURANCE AGENTS. OATS—Bright,rl;. former dec,-go retidsrod in this cause. Habeibonb.ubo, Va. *5-Offlce—Now Law Building. must be of short duration. Red-headed Jim Aruieraon, of Louis- came to learn the fate of relatives and POTATOES—IriBh, (new) 0 30® 0 50 —O P— , TERMS:—One third cafh, and tho balaiico in one West Market street. RYE 50® 65 and two years with interest from day Of sale; bonds iana political momoryr'hftB recauted all faknds. Many heart-rending scenes —In barrola .ft ft,...... 7® 8 TOWN PROPERTY. with good security will, bo required for tho deferred It is ou open boast of the Republi- SALT—Liverpool, sack,. 1 50® I 76 . DR. W. O. HILL, he said before the. Potter Committee, occurred at these offices, as tha an- SUGAR—Yellow, (wholosaie)...... 7«® ' 8 paymenta. OI4A3. A. YANOEY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Revere* Honso.' cans in Pennsylvania that they have paid White 0® 10% A SPECIAL0 COMMISSIONER In tho Chancery i cctiO ts, - . , . Cofmnmiaaiouer. in room lately occupied by Virginia Telegraph Com- and has been received back to the em- Douncements were made of tho loss of TALLOW 7® 7 fu^r t .,, offerL Qhggcnhetmcr ,or 9al0 k Co. against P. M. pany. Residence imraediiitoly below Hotel.' the capitation tax of 40,000 voters in the TIMOTHY SEED—bus.*.. „; I 25® 1 50 on FRIDAY, 22nd day of'front NOVEMBER. of tho Court-house,1878, the brace of "honest" Jgim Sherman. — yessols bearing near rolatives and dear CLOVER SEED 4 00® POR SAL32 OR EXCHAlTaE. city of Philadelphia, where they hope to TEAS—Green, 50® 1 50 HOUSE .vivo UOT *; F. A. DAINGERFIELD, ' " James avers now that tie was induced friends. 50® 1 00 howOrrnp'od by F. M. Flick, altnatod on cast side of Ono-llalU Intci-cst ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Haurisonboro. VA. «yOfflce roll op a majority under the protection WHEAT—As to quality, 80® 0 83 High Street, Harrisonburg, Va. South side of tho Public Square, in Switzor's now"' by hope of reward to testify as he did TERMS:—One-third cash, the balance in one and IN AN EXTENSIVE AND GOOD PAYING ; build tug. of Mayor Stokei>'8 police and tbo ring- Let it bo recorded that Benjamin P. two years with interest from date, the purchaser to before that committee; that the reward HAumsoNHUfia MARKET. LIGGETT & LURTY, sters, which will more than counter Butler, tbo Workingman's Friend, on oorhectkd dx john s. lewis. execute bonds with good persoual soenritv for tho de- LIVERY BUSINESS, has uot come to baud; that bis circum- ferred0ct 31payments. ED. 3. CONRAD. PRACTICE LAW in all tho Courts, Inferior, Appel- balance the majority of the Democrats tho occasion of a dam-bake at Ipswich, Thuhbday Mornino, Oct.. 31, 1878. * • Commissioner. in tho Town of FXarrlsoiiburg, or will exchange for kite and Federal, IIarbisonhdro, Va. 49~Ofilce on stances are now of such a nature as to Mass., on Tuesday last, actually hag- Flour—Family, .$4 25@4 50 good Farm or Renl Katato.. , West-Market street, In Law Building. Jan23. - in the State ou'side of (ho city. Do Extra ;,r .. 3 76®4 00 Apply at the Old Commopwealth ofllce. scpS tf quicken his conscience by a large ma- gled about the price of clams, urging Do Super, ..3 00;a« 00 SUBSCRIBE MOW DRS. R. H. & R. TATUM, that as one hundred bushels would be Whuat j .. 80®0 85 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Otfico in Rocking- jority, and that be now desires to sny, Buckwheat Flour, .. 2^@0 03 ham Bank Building. Calls promptly attended to In Our Learlfolt sympathy is extended necessary to appease tho hunger of his Bye, ..0 50®0 50 NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. town or country. for the relief of his own mind and the Ooru, . .0 50®0 60 Cheap Winter Reading. towards our honored cotemporary, Mr. benefit of tbo country, that he was en- followers, be ought not to pay but 35 Oats, (uew) ..0 30®0 30 JOHN A. COWAN, cents per bushel for them. The com Corn Meal,.... i. ..0 no®0 76 THE WASHINGTON SUNDAY GAZETTE AND TBE TO FAEMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Harrtsosburo, Va. Office James A Oowardin, of the Dispatch, tirely wrong when he . testified that Bacon, v. ..8 00®0 00 OLD ^COMMON WEALTH, ONE YEAR. FOB in Partlow Building, a few doors North of the Post- mitlee in charge protested and said if Pork .. 5 '00@6 On 93 IN ADVANCE. My new Blacksmith -Shop, nearly opposite tho whoso wife died on tho 20th inst. She John Sherman had Written any letter Butler was coming among them as the Flaxsood, ,.... i...... 0 00® 1 00 Steam Tannery, en Water lj*trocd» between Main and Salt, 11 sack • 1 73®1 .75 Gorman, bas been cbmplefed, and everything is in wno n most estimable lady.and her death promising him and Webber protection fnend of tae workingmen, it wouldn't ® 8% THE OLD COMMONWEALTH is a leading Demo- perfect order for the prompt execution of any kind GEO. G. GRATTAN. do to cut the clam digger down 15 cts. Lard . t 07® 08 cratic bome paper, live, newsy, and up witb tho times. of Blacksmith Work, eqcU 08 is lb second terrible afHiction which h 's in case thoy signed thb'ctooked pro'.est Butt or, (good froHh).;..,. .. 15® 16^ All tho local news, and a good homo paper for every- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Harbisonbdro, Va. fl^-Office They so reported to headquarters. The EtfBB...." .. 12® 15 body. Now ia tho time to secure your Winter Road- IRONING WAGONS. CARRIAGES, MACHINE WORK, South Side of Court Houso Square. fallen ou the family within the past in West Folioiana pnlJiefi," Pofcutoee, now .. SO® 35 ihg at a low rate—getting two papers—one reaching ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY WORK, AND DR. J. N. GORDON, matter was finally arranged and 40 cts. I Onions 25® 00 you the middle of the week, tho other at tho close. -year- Everybody* w knew vyoung O "Jim- It makej} but. littlft", diference -W — ^ w "upon ^ was>1 HO UULUOname J as the price. , Dried Clinrries, .. ll)®lQ>i Hero is an opportunity to ccmbluo all the County, OFFICE AT RESIDENCE, Main Street, opposite J Dried Apples ... 3> '@ 4>a. \ alley and 8tabe news with the finely selected Read- My prices will bo found a® low as GOOD work cau | tbo Episcopal Church. mie," the brightest gem of all the bril- which sides these feUows Ife, so tberp •• Whortleb«rnc8,...s ... a7® 7 ing Matter and News from all parts of the world to bo bo done for in any part of the .world. Mark that I liuuts,I: l whosei_ death-lii occured« about. a• . B .... ' L-*. .i">. f ' * -rx " Poachoa,..., .. 8® 10 found in tho columns of tho GAZETTE, together with Tf.rmb:—For Jobbing, Ofmb. To regular customers, is money in it. Wejjive.dhe statement Frobt and Ice in the South.—The Timothy Seed ..1 26® 1 50 full accounts of tho proceedings of Congress. tha usual terms. Produce taken for work at market year ago, and from which shock bis frost and ice have given the finishing Olovec ** . .6 00® 6 50 Advertisements will bo received for publication In rates, same as cash. COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND. above upon the authority of the Wash- Wool, (unwaehed) ..0 00®0 30 both papers at advantageous Joint rates. JW HORSE-SHOEINO A SPECIAUTYi inotbor uover recovered. ington correspondent of the Baltimore stroke to the germs of the fever at. Do (washed)...i ..0 28®0 30 Address OI.D COJHMOIVWK A1.TH, Give me a call, and I guaiattco satisfaction In both In pursuance of a degree rendered by the Gireuil Memphis, and tho board of health will Plaster 7 60 HARRISONBURG, VA.. work aud prices. Court of Rockingham Countv, on the 29th day of Jan- Oazelle, and, if true, shows the utter OhiokeoB, (per doz.,,...... 1 60@2 50 uary, 1878, in the cause of Robert Chandler, who sued announce to-day that refugees may re- 0c8Or the GAZETTE PUBLISHING CO., Jaff Kavanangh. for the use of G. W. Berlin, vs. D. N. Washington, 1. A tornado pnssed over the city of unreliability of a 1 carpet-bagger as to turn with safety. At New Orleans the | l »31 D. ST. N. W.. WASHINGTON, D. C. Jo27-tf IHcgistof cojiy.l shall proceed on " i ' CATCTt.aE -— ^ to*- . 4 IUAU A . . ■ ■ ■ ' , THURSDAY, THE 31 ST DAY OF OGTGBERif 1 Philadelphia about daylight ou the truth, and the dixteTfty, wjth which number of hew eases are dimtoisbing at the front door o( Jt^o Court llouao of said County, os well as the number of deaths. There i NEW STOCK Fall and Winter Goods. to sell the land in tho bill and prooeddlngs lb said morning of the 23d, blowing down nu- they can get upon any side of a politi- October 28, 1878. cnuso mentioned, at public sale to tho highest bidder, merous church edifices and steeples, cal matter—-if therotijJoomey'iii it. wero black frost and ice at Vicksburg Beef Cattie.—Trade has bean dulto dull again this DRY GDODS, NOTIONS. IIQQTS. SIIOE3, HATS, for so much ca sh in hand as will pay the costs of said S.mday night, and the outlook gener- week and priooa a ahade off, (1 any,1 on tbo tops, while suit and tho expenses of said sale, and tho balance unroofing five hundred Louses, demol- other gradoH wero ^tUio Jowtft than hist week. Tho GROCERIES, QUEIfNSWARE. tee., upon a credit of ono and -two' years, the purchaser to ally in the fever districts of tho South quality wan not aa good aa waa the otforingB of the last HanJ, Staid, Parlor and BMclet Lamps, A'T THE VARIETY STORE. give bonds with approved security, bearing IntoreBt ishing sheds, awnings and hundreds of While Hon. Sainqgl j. Randall, week, for though there were Fomo folr tops thoy wero from dale of sale, and the title to bo retained as ultl- is becoming cheerful again. not aa good nor as numorona aa last week, and there LANTERNS, BURNERS, CHIMNIES, WICKS, This Block bas hoen eeleoloj with caro, was bought ; mate security. This, Jot of luiul contains between 6' fixings exposed U its fury. Large Speaker of the House of Ropreeento- was also a larger line of medium and common cattlo. exclusiveiy for each, aud will be sold at pviecB that and 6 acres, and was conveyed to said Washington by tives was addressing ah out door meet Wo quote nt2 12>ia$4 7S per 100 lbs, but fow soiling —AND— will defy competition. AH goods guarantood as rcpro- Robert Chandler on the 20th day of February, 1874, trees in Independence and other squares Paralyzed.—We regret to learn that ut either extreme. . EST loo Cold Soda Water in town 6c a gloss, at 120; house 1% story brick, 28x70; store room 25x70; After all, Thompson msj be right.— lb groas. Heorlnts this week 41120 head agalbst 5219 Peruou. Herding anything lu my Hue will save mo- J > timtlto old ustAblishodestAbllshod stand of I cellar to store; also cellar to rooniH above; largo cis- pluck and unswerving devotion to Dem- will also be elected in Connooticat,Del- last week, and 4301 head aaiuo time last year. ney by calling at luay'iB L. H. OTT. teru holding 7000 gnlloiiH; bank porch; front veranda We don't feel particularlv "disheortou- aware, Kunsus, Mausachusotts, Penn- | with lion mi ling; seven large, well vontllatml rooma; ocratic principles in tho halls of legis JAS. I. AVIS' DRUG STORE. y^lIIOICFa OKOCERIEfl—BANK ROW AHEAD I gas lixtugs, water, etc.. through the whole house; the od," since we think of it. But we have Hylvimiu, , TenucHsee PuiLAbFI.MltA. Oct. 28.-Uo.if calllo dull! aalus \j For Choice Goods to (iivrurlfH, go to Bank Row. building tn in uli renpncta flttcd up in the very beat laliou, aud would gladly play David and SMOOi gissl at .'•af 5 25. nisiUum at 4 611.414 87) ,. and uom. Olcltul KoliabloUoliablo Grocery lleusi*Uoiisd. manner; no Ileus or mortgages; poNacsalon can bo lost confidence in Thompson, spelled and TexnH. Other State officers will be ■nun at 3 280*4 per luu lbs. HI,wo! dull: sahsoriiou.l; WINDOW Cllns., Pntly, While Lead and Lin.ecd oc24 JOHN' S. LEWIS. glren iiumodiataly; Hituuted on the tualu ihoronghfaru Goliab before the next meeting of (Jou- clcolcd in Illinois, Luuintua, MiuuOAO- good1 at 4 oU: loedluu. at tus , cm, and coinmon OU at liuay3U| BUUE'S Urng Store, orHtKuntoii. wlllmi fifty yarda uf Main street, lu the with u "p." Jad1 , 1de per lu. Uog. a.o nctivu: sale. &OSO; good ut LU7 OlM»KNW.SRI'—JUiT CALL AND 8EK ME v«n'3 l»ii»liie«a contro or luu city. Property rents for tu, Missouri and Now York. i 6 .trl . i lsi niudluui at 3.5 , clu, auj culumou at 4 IOUlttNli'Ul.ia.,.. i,l| nr.,.a, nr.ltv MK,i,| to tranioi 9 •' bi fy e bUj ing. ill tout jliNi jier year. J "' JHUl 'A L'roii dole. I'd UN H I.KWIK rtUgI tl Fm p u tlcitJui" apply at this office, (From lbs Anabolm (Cal.) eaaetto, Sept. 11.] 111113 VITH3». Important Insnrancc Decisfog. An Andncloiig Robbery. GENERAL NEWS. (From the Manclieiiter (V».) Courier, Oct. 34-1 Old Commonwealth Prepare for snow. The Seventh District. MASKED BURGLARS OUT A NEW YORK DANK [F. A. Berlin, of 516 California St., San Why does a horse shoe? The Wheeling (W. Va.) RegiiUtr Harrisonbnre, Va., : t October 31. 1878 Francisco, formerly of Harrlsonbu-ig, Va., IN UROAD DAYUGUT. states tbat the Bulaire Mnnnfactaring Wo sec from tho letler of our Gooclr- was attorney for plaintiff.] Partridges dollar a dozen. Company has failed, with $90,000 lia- land correspondent that Hon. John rnsuaucu sveby thdiuidat bt Editor Gazette.—A very important case Why is it called Broadway? New York, October 27.—Between G bilities and $100,000 assets. Paul is making a gallant canvass in the SMITH & DELAN Y. of claim against an insurance company has Bet |S will be elected. and 9 o'clock this morning masked HAMS. PAUL AND ECHOLS AT STADNTON Eben W. Keyes, of Denver, made Seventh District, and has very good lately been decided by the U. S. Circuit ludian summer about this time. burglars onterod tbe Manhattan but- his wife tbe legal owner of nil his chances of going to Congress. We T«rm" or RahtorliilinB j Court of San Francisco, which will uudoubt- iugs bank building, corner, of Broad TWO DOLLARS A YEAR; $1 FOR BIX MONTHS. ON MONDAY. edly bo of great Interest to all who are. or Wouldn't Toddles let yon Budge? properly, so that it might be ont of the hope be will be elected. Major. Paul's popBT ««ot out of Itocklngbtm county, un- will hereafter become insured ; as it makes way and Bleeoker street, and after reach of bis creditors. Tho wifo sepa- views on tho State debt question are paid for In Bdnnco. The money mnet eccomps- Burn out your chimuies first snow. bandoufiing the janitor made him, liy the order for the paper, All aubacriptlona out of a precedent in favor of tbe insured for all rated from him after a quarrel, and re- openly prononncod, and aro eminently the county will bo diecontlmied promptly at tho ex- cases to come hereafter. As all these com- The wheat has been seeded, we see. under threats of iuatAnt death, reveal fused to surrender a dollar to him.— just and proper. Ho believes, like oor piration of the time paid for. THE JUDflE, THE OEXEBAL AND THE CAPTAIN. riauies have ever proven to oe no the steal- What has become of our racing stock? the combination of the safe to them He committed suicide. friend, tbe Biobmond State, did before ng path, we think it proper to give It pub- and deliver up tho keys of the bank. A-d vortlMlnK Tlntcis« llclty, and submit to you the paper with ayn French heels are tho fashion for ladies. Clnbangh & Nelson, bankers and it esponsed tho cause of an oyster, that laqntre Itenllneaofthlatypo.lonelnaertlon. $1.00 opsis of the decision by the above Court They rifled tho vault and presumably tho debt question is of the greatest im- Don't count your chickens before morning. took a large amount of money as 20 brokers of Baltimore, failed last week. 1 " each aubaequent (naertlon, 60 stating here thai P. A. Berlin was the learn- Liabilities about $100,000. Bbrinkage portanco in tbe present Congressional 1 one year 10.00 ' ed counsel for the plaintiff and that to his Joilificatiou banners are being prepared. tin boxes known to have contained canvass, and that no man ought to go '• alx montha $.00 Tbe Last Han Gets tbe Londest Applaose knowledge and caution la duo the success of bills were found on the floor quite in real estate and stock valnes tbe this case. With the belief that Mr. Berlin Gentlemen's suits affect the English styles. cause. One of tbe firm sank a large to Congress who has not, fully and un- Ycaxlt ADTEBTiBEKEHTa $10 lor the llrat aqnare and empty. The barber who lives on the equivocally, expressed his views upon $S.XI for each additional aqnare per year. has proven hlniaeif the true and faithful Wont the boys 'rahforpaul if he Is elected. first floor, says at 20 minutes past 9 amount in the St. Clair Hotel. The Pa irRaaioNAL Cabdb $1.00 a line per year. For five champion defender of the poor insured, we A splendid opportunity for a good town assets amonnl to nbont $40,000. it. We hope tho Major's faith will ANYBODY'S CROWD. take great pleasure In recommending him to o'clock he was startled by the appear- prove more abiding than did that of llnea or leaa $6 per year, all those who may find themselves imposed hai). ance at tbe head of the basement stairs The Spanish mission to Constanti- BoaiMEaa NoTtcia 10 oonta per line, each tneertlon. upon by that huge elephant—fire insurance nople has been raised to a first-class our cotemporary. Tints of the leaves not so beautiful this of tbe janitor, Louis Wertel, white Mr. Panl's manly course in the Leg- Largeadvertlaementatakon upon contract. companies. A. B, year. with fright and excitement with embassy, and, as has been stated, the AlladTartlalngbllla dun In adrance. Yearly adyertl V. D. Marquis Antonio Mantilla, now minis- islatnre last winter won for him many Augusta Outdoes Rockingbam iu Jn the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial A now "wet" grocery under the Spotte- his hands handcuffed tightly and the friends among tbe suffering people of aata dlaoontlnulng before the oloae of the year, will wood. key of the bank clutched between ter to Washington, bnt at presant ab- f be charged tranaient ratea, Wild Extravagance. Circuit of the United States. his d{8tric , who, wo hope, will now In and for tbe District of California. Turkiee are beginning to weigh thern- them. He was only half dressed and sent on leave, will probably be trans- LWOAJ. AtiVEHTtatHo charged at tranaient ratea, and Peter Richards, use of Elizabeth Bittner, ferred to Constantinople at an early rally to his support and give him au billa fOr aatne forwarded to pnnclpala In Chancery eelves. gasped "Thieves, robbers; come and opportunity of exerting his influenoe ■canaea promptly on flret Inaertlou. plaintiff, vs. The North British and Mercan Bee!" Tbe barber aocompanied him date. i ■ tile Insurance Co., defendaot Capt. Meem will "cultivate" a few acrea of on their behalf, in higher oouncils. His This case was removed from tbe District into the bank and saw tbe doors of the Tbe 300 illicit distillers convicted at LOCAL AFFAIRS. PAUL CARRIES THE SALLERIES. wheat. antagonists, Gon. Echols and Judge Court of the 17tb Judicial District of Cali- great vault wide open and the floor Nashville, Tenn., have been hopelessly Harris, do not sympathize at all, either fornia, in and for the county of Los Angeles. What has become of the Borst Narrow littered with tin boxes, all emptied of demoralized by the heavy penalties inr- Land Buyers. After its removal to this Court the complaint Gauge? between themselves or with the people was so amended as to set forth ail the facts their contents. Burglars' tools were posod. Sixty have been fined from in their views on finance. Gen Ech- Tbore 1» « perceptible increase In the upon which the defence relied in order that Well, "who'd a tho't it?" if Echols should scattered in every direction. The bar- $100 to $1,000 each and sentenced to prevail. ols, espeoially, should be defeated. Ho number of gentlemen who are known as Harris Has Strong Endorsement the merits of the case might be determined ber notified the police. The doors, imprisonment from one to six months. is a declared out-and-out, last dollar, land buyers visiting this section. Almost upon a demurrer. Tbe defendant demurred, windows and all moans of access from Abont 150 have fled to the mountaius, and the point raised upon the demurrer was Deer are scarce in the mountains and dear hard money man, and, therefore, iu every week farmers and otber substantial whether the following condition of the poli- in town. without, wore found intact and it was forfeiting their bouds. favor of giving tbe merciless screw of citizens from surrounding Stales are buying cy had been broken and therefore the policy The old Ott property is to be laid off in evident the thieves entered by means The HabilitiesofDodd, Brown &Co , contraction a further, and still more fa- lacge or email farms, right here in old Rock- Manv of tbe Higb-toned BeRespectables Leave in rendered void, viz: "Upon the passing or town lots. of keys. The janitor Wertel created the sooond largest dry goods concern entry of a decree of foreclosure or upon a ta), . Major Paul is in favor of ingbam, and in a few years there will be Disgust. Put more workmen on the Court-yarJ an unfavorable impression oa cross- of the West, whiob , occurred at St. more greenbacks, and correctly believes sale under a deed of trust; or if the properly examination. Ho said that at 10 quite n number of new names as well as new insured be assigned under any baukrupt or pavements. Lonis last week, amount to about $1,- tbat a body of intelligent men can con- faces appearing among ns. To ail who want insolvent law, or any change take place in minutes past six, while he was dressing 600,000. The losses fall principally on trol their issue so as to avoid going to title or posaession • « • whether by Wouldn't the old Methodist church do for himself, seven masked men suddenly New York, Philadelphia, Baltimere to find lands, for any purpose or of any do- a markethouee? excess. Mr. Paul's views are gener- acription, we do not hesitate to say they can Monday in Staunton was a held .day for process or judicial decree, or voluntary trans- rushed into bis room and handcuffed and Boston dealers. Prostration of ally satisfactory, and therefore we ex- be accommodated in Rockingbam, for we all the candidates. The audience was large fer or conveyance; or If this policy shall be The Circuit Court will last a mouth. This himself and his wife and demanded trade in the Mississippi Valley by yel- assigned before a loss, without the consent is the second week. pect him to find a general and genuine have every variety of quality, and now is and their spirit bountiful. Each man had of the company iudorsed hereon » » » the keys of tbe bank. His mother-in- low is the cause of tbe failnre. support with tbe people He is in ev- the time to buy as these lands will likely his supporters, and the supporters of each the policy shall he void." Now you will hear "I told you so," if the law, an old lady who waa present, Tbe Indian boroau at Washington is ery way worthy to represent the Sev- never be cheaper than at present. The larg- man were fearless and demonstrative. Har- At the time the insurance was procured Judge pulls through. screamed, when the burglars drew in receipt of a telegram form Col. the legal title to the property was in Peter enth District in tbe next Congress. er portion of our farmers have too much land, ris led off in a speech, or rather a discourse We may soon rejoice in having decent pistols and threatened instant death to O'Bierne confirmatory of the press re- Richards, but Elizabeth Bittner held a mort- any one who made a noise. They and if tbev will carefully note and act upon of an hour and a quarter, in which he mixed gage upon it. Of this fact the insurance walks in the Court yard. ports of the oapture of the marauding the advice given in the admirable address of up rhetoric, palaver, clap-trap, buncombe company had notice, and the policy was then carried him into au adjoining Oheyennes. It ie expected that tbe The first feeling of the breath of winter room and forced him to deliver ap tho Theft of $120,000. Judge Allen, which was delivered at the re- and poppycock m a manner highly accepta- made payable in case ot loss to Elizabeth touched us on Monday morning. leaders of this band will be turned over Bittner. Before the expiration of tbe term keys of the street door. With these New York, Oct. 28 —About a fort- cent Baldwin-AugustaFairand published in ble to his friends, who were loud and numer- of the policy, Elizabeth Bittner foreclosed by tho' tbe civil authorities ous. It was a much more cordial reception Overcoats, big fires and' their usual ac- four of the party went down stairs, of Kansas or Nebraska to bo tried and night ago a clerk in tho cDstom-bousa full In the Commonwealth, it will be to her mortgage upon the property, a decree companiments, are in order, now. their Interest and largely to the advantage than the Judge met at Harrisonburg last was entered and a sale made by the Sheriff, leaving three on guard in bis room. pnnished for the murder of settlers and drew the attention of the enstom-bonse of the public generally. Cultivate less land Court, and he took advantage of the propi- and Elizabeth Bittner became the purchaser. Vote as yon may oh Tuesday next, John Three hours past and Wertel heard other outrages. clerk of the firm of Benkard & Hutton, tiousness of the occasion. He led the Before the expiration of the period of six - is sure to be elected, frost or no frost. a clock strike nine. Just then one of dry goods importers, that on a certain well, and sell the remainder to some one else months allowed to the mortgagor for redemp- the men from down stairs returned Miss Millie Hazeltine, the young St. who will do likewise, and the production of people over ail sorts of diversified avenues tion, and daring the life of the policy, the Why has that new bouse on the Rawley Louis lady who was reported to be tho bond then before him a number of road, at Muddy Creek, never been occupied? and after a whispered consultation cases entered in 1875 did not appear Rockingbam county will be doubled, and its of irrelevancy and humbuggery, appealing property was totally destroyed by fire. A they all left. After he regained his fiance of Mr. Tildon, says that there wealth quadrupled. to the cant metaphors of the day, and falling demand was made upon the company for the Helen why didn't you come? You have is no truth in the stcuy whatever that to have been withdrawn from the payment of the policy, which was refused courage he went down to tbe barber wnrehonse, and added: "If it were any We are glad to note that the tide of in- back on the lame excuses of his competitors fay the company upon the ground that the fallen in D'eate-mation of. our people. shop, as described. WerUl admitted slie is to marry Mr. Tilden. She says creased value of real estate has set In, begin- for being in the fight. Readjuetmeut and policy was voided by the entry of the decree that she never met Mr. Tilden, but she other bouse I should say tbore was The town building committee have their to Superintendent Walling that he had something crooked abont it." The im- nfng this time in the West, which will have the National finances were touched upon in of foreclosure. hands full in watching the Court yard im-, was told at Saratoga that Samuel was a manner appropriate for an Augusta audi- -Upon the hearing of the demurrer Judge given the combination, unlocking the porters' clerk replied that' there was its effect here, the same as throughout the provements. doors of the vault to the robbers. He anxious to meet her. Miss Hazeltine country generally. Everything it appears ence. His remarks were neutral and nega- Sawyer (Justice Field of U. S. Supreme announces that she is not engaged to something crooked,' and immediately Court concurring) overruled the demurrer up The U. S. District Attorney, Marshal, and gave it under threats of instant death, left. This ied to inquiry in the ens- has about touched bottom, and nothing re- tive—loudly offensive to no one and non- on the ground that there was an insurable bat he failed to state how he got pos- anybody. mains stationary long in America. It Is not consoling to any ultra. It was a sort ot Interest in the mortgagor until the time for Deputy and Marshal's Clerk, have all gone tom-house, and investigation showed to Abingdon to U. S. Court. Be absent two session of the combination. His wife Following tho death of Bishop Bose- that the government has not received in the character of a restless, pushing, thriv- running fusilade all along tbe line, without redemption from the mortgage sale had crans at Columbus, Ohio, on the night passed, and that the policy being payable in weeks. corroborated his story of the attack, tbe dnties belonging to it since tbe ing pesple that it should. Hence we may any definite results—MDLTUM IN parvo— case of loss to Elizabeth Bittner, sue was in- but said that there were only five men of tho 22d, Vicar Gen. Hemstegor died no votes made or lost by either of the three, It will take longer to get the returns from 14th instant. The custom-house clerk look for an early increase in real estate val- sured as well as the mortgagor to whom the in the party. Mr. Lent, a Broadway suddenly the same night. Father of tbe firm has been missiog, and every ues. This is brought about by the uncer- and the meeting might as well never been policy was issued, and that therefore the the district than from the U. S. Chandler Christie died soon after. A prominent policy was not voided by the enttee of the merobant, passed the bank soon after effort is being made by the govern- tain value of stocks and securities, and ma- held. Harris expected to go to Luray, and said next day that Hayes had 185 and lied it 7 a. m., and saw a young man dusting member of tbe Society of the Cross would have gone, but the presence of Paul decree of foreclosure in Elizabeth Bittner. through. ment and tbe firm to ascertain bis ny will seek iuveatment in that which prom- shelves and desks inside. It is sup- died next day, and. another priest from whereabouts. It is thought that the ises the most safety, Consequently there is and Echols in Staunton was more than be Who Can Vote. The new Methodist church. West Market posed this waa one of the burglars, Wheeling lies dangerously ill. A could withstand. His sore throat did not clerk obtained tbe money from the an increased number of land buyers seeking Street, is progressing finely, thanks to ac endeavoring to make things look as prominent minister, Bev. Mr. Taft, is firm to pay the duties and appropri- investment, and we hope It may be the dis- prevent him from running over his hour and We append the following extracts from tivo workmen. They even rush the build- natural as possible. also dead. This mortality among the ated it. The omoont involved ia position of our people to give impetus to the a quarter, and when the inexorable flight of the opinions of Attorney General Field, in clergy canses much consternation. regard to voting and how votes are affected ing committee. The burglars overlooked one box on $120,000. movement, by offering part at least of their time squelched his speech, ho appeared to by the capitation tar. We do this because Fire should be indicted for evading the a back shelf oontaiuing $50,000 in val- Experiments conducted at the Brook- lands at reasonablu ratea, aud by friendly bo equal to four houre more. His friends we have been repeatedly asked what Is nec- bell punch about three hundred thousand uables, property of Mr. Edward Sohell, lyn Navy Yard a- few days since are Foreign Sinnuiary. , . .i greetings show to the stranger that he i* wore numerous and exuberant—so much so, essary to constitute a legal voter: times at Lowman's distillery. president of the bank and brother of reported to have proven the feasibility welcome ; that we can give him room here that In vexed rospoose to their interruptions "The capitation tax is the only tax the Augustus Scbell. They pried open of a new fuel—coal, tar and residuum The new rebellion in Turkey com- and [urniah an abundance of delightful home- of " 'Ush for Harris I" when Echols was voter is compelled to pay before voting." No, thank you; can't take oysters more mands attention. It is charged that "That if the voter was assessed with ihe than six evenings in each week. Thanks one compartment ooutaining $11,000 of petrolum, mixbd to the consistency eteads at reasonable prices, speaking, that gentleman suggested they capitation tax for the year 1877, and his in small bills. They next forced the of molasses, whictl, mixed with super- the outbreak is cunnivcd at by tbe — ^ ^ go out and refresh themselves. We were name appears on the asspsaor's books, and for your invitations, if they can be divided bottom drawer but got notbing of heated steam, is carried to the furnaoea, Bnesiaua Tin Weduinu.—The anniversary of the amazed at the boisterous indecorum of this does not appear on the delinquent lists for somohow, so that we can get around. value therefrom. The officers of the which are kept at a white heat, melt- In Constantinople 100 piastres in that year, the piiima facik case of payment We hope the average "Drummer" will not tenth year of their connubial felicity was eel- Augusta gathering, as we had accorded them is made out and the voter is entitled to vote. bank admit that the janitor possessed ing pig iroa in ten minutes instead of gold are worth 347 in paper. Tho brated on Monday evening last by Mr. and the reputation of high-flown decorum. The "If the treasurer, or other collector of fail to visit . He can sell the combination. two hours, and maktBg liquid glass in piastre is the unit of value in Turkey, Mrs- James M.Wollman, at their reaidedce on interruptious were more numerous—the taxes, do not return the tux payer, who has more goods there in a day than he could A CLUE TO THE ROBBERY. two hours instead of sixteen. The and is worth about four cents. Slate Hill. A large number of guests were "taffy" more outrageous, and the general been assessed but who has not paid his tax here in a life time, and make seven hundred New York, Oct. 28.—It is rumored, new fual it is said will cost but one The parties in the Austrian Parlia- delinquent, as the law requires, but advance per cent, profit in gold cash. Quo of them ment are in a state of ebaos. Count present. Mrs. Wellman (nee Sioat,) was conduct more "abandon" than we have the money for the tax-payer, and thereby and with some apparent foundation, third the expense of coil and all other assisted in receiving by her sister Miss Em- witnessed at our Rochingham Court in its pay to the State the tax required hv law, was shot down there last week by a young that a definite clue has been obtained uses whore power is needed. Andrnssy's triumph, however, is pre- ma Sloat, of Winchester. The evening was palmiest days. It would be useless to refer then the tax-payer is entitled to vote, not woman, but that has nothing to do with to tbe burglars. Consultation this A. A special telegrdm to the Bicbmond dicted. delightfully spent by the many friends of to the speeches of the speakes. Tho same withstanding ho may owe the treasurer or business. M. resulted in sending out a number DUpalch from Charlotte, N. C., 24th, The French Legislature convened collector the amouut of the tax so advanced of detectives with speoifio orders. One Monday. •• v • i. Mr. & Mrs. W., and the presents were nu- ideas were advanced by each, aud each re- to the State." Sells' circus struck ' cyclone Penna—tent states that "to-day, at Lumberton, N. merous and serviceable. May this happy ceived most encouraging applause. Harris "The voter, on and after the 16th of July blown down—7 elephants awfully demoral- of these officers returned to the station C., a small town between this place The downfall of a syndicate in the couple live to have not only their silver but had cause to be elated over his success, of each year, may pay the taxes of that izsd—Bearded woman run like man—Edison shortly after, hurriedly asked for a re- and Wilmington, Miss Amelia Linkhaw grain trade is expected at Glasgow. their golden wedding, and glide gently over while Paul had grounds for rejoicing over year. The voter, before voting at any phonograph hollered murder—No armed volver and as hurriedly departed. At (considered a highly-respectable young A walking tournament is in progress the usually troublous sea of life. his clean capture of the negro vote. The election, must have paid the capitation man stopped scribbling with toes—big black 2:30 P. M. no arrests had been made, lady) oailed at Bunche's Hotel for Mr. in London. Enuis and Wtston, of the' TAX OP THE NEXT PRECEDING TEAK. As to United States, are in it. w w colored people had In some mysterious man- the elections of 1878, the year 1877 is the bear broke loose—trouble bruin—bit boy— but a clue would certainly result in Ed. Hartman, a commercial traveler The alarm of tire on Monday forenoon was ner caught the infatuation, and demon- next preceding year; and as the voter has struck for mountaius—recaptured—great further developments some time to-day for a Baltimore grocery firm. Hart- Lord Dufferin, late Governor Gen- occasioned by the burning of a bed, in one strated their preference for him by cheers had an opportunity to pay lawfully the man went into the parlor to meet the eral of Canada, has arrived and been capitation of 1877, he must show before excitement—very. publioly welcomed at Londonderry. of the up stairs rooms of Magnolia Saloon, and applause on the slightest provocation. A bright-eyed, golden-haired little lady, who advanced to shake bands The Rdhcue engine and reel were promptly voting that he has paid this tax." The Marahalahip, Colleotorahip, Postmas- The actor Sothern is seriously ill. Paul's speech differed in no respect from "In reply to your letter 1 will say that ter, and all the other ships, have already boy of four arrived at Chicago last with him. While doing so, she drew a on hand, but fortunately their services were those made heretofore, save a quasi ac- persons exempted by order of THE COUNTY week. Bound his neck was a ribbon, pistol and shot him through the bowels, not needed. A mattress was burned up and OR CORPORATION COURTS OF THEIR RESI- been promised to everybody by the candl - exclaiming: "You ruined me, and I Mr. Hayes again quiets the rumors knowledgement of the soft impeachment dates—deliverable on tho election of a Dem> to which was attached a card inscrib- a few bed covers soortohed, and a gentleman that the Republicaue were for him, and a DENCE, ON ACCOUNT OF BODILY INFIRMITY, ed, "To the Masonic Fraternity—For- will now ruin you." It is said that of Cabinet changes by saying that ha who was lying on the bed asleep, and wjm from tho payment of capitation, tax can ocratio President in 1880. A man couldn't Hartmau promised to marry Miss Link- is perfectly satisfied with his constitu- sop to that element. He wanted it under- vote notwithstanding the non-payment of throw a brick in town without hitting a ward tbe Orphan to San Francisco. no doubt was smokiug a cigar when he laid stood that he did not court any Republican such tax. Howard Association, New Orleans." haw some months ago. Ha will prob- tional a dvisers. He says, however, if The first section, article third, of the con- postmaster—that is to be. Four of the best ably die to-night.'' Attorney General Devens or Postmas- down, had one of his pants legs badly burn- or negro votes, but if they came to his sup- offices, including the above three, are as- Tho child was the last survivor of tho ed and he came near being suffocated by the port, they were welcome aud acceptable. stition of the State requires "the capitation family of Mr. Henry E. Wilcox, a ter General Key preferred tho United smoke, which was very dense. No other tax REQUIRED by law" to be paid before signed to us. We will need some assistants. States Circuit Court Judgeships now He frequently asserted his determination to voting. Now, the General Assembly, which We smoke. Cultivate us early. prominent merchant of New Orleans; VIRGINIA NEWS. vacant in their respective localities to damage. win the race, and ridiculed Judge Harris' has a right under the fifth section of article his father and mother and four broth- ten of the State coostitution, to levy the The Virginia Medical Society, which met era and sisters had died of yellow fe- their present positions they would of claim to exclusive privileges in this district. Mnj.Doswelf's "sunlight" won a purse course be appointed, but tbe initiative Wedlock in Auousta.—Miss Bettie Bum- Echols made his hard-money, commou- capitation tax. provides bylaw, that the in Richmond last week, discussed the thera- ver. The ladies of the Palmer House of $500. and Bushwhacker a purse of county and corporation courts may exonerate peutical effect of the mineral waters of for their retirement from the Cabinet gardner, daughter of James Bumgardner, Sr.« sense speech, aud received the applause of the citizen from the said tax on account of cared for him and petted him, and in $G00 at tho Pimhoo races last week. of Stauntou.aud agreat favorite with all who Virginia, and failed in an attempt for the the afternoon the Chicago and North- would not come from him. thinkiog people, but the audience had come bodily infirmity. When tho said court, by Montpelier, the . tomb of Madison, knew her, was married In that city on Tues. together for fun and excitement aud not for its order, exonerates the citizen from the appointment of an analytic committee. We western railroad managers "forwarded day of last week to Dr. P.-L. Murphy of payment of said tax, then there is no "capi- regret this action, as there are a large num- the orphan" on the seooud Stage of his has a chostnnt tree 36 feet in cironm'- Col. Frank Burr had a close shave ia information, so that anything outside of tation tax required by law" of him, and he ference and a white oak 24 feet. the Second West Virginia District.— North Carolina. Two other distinguished clap-trap and anecdotes received no hearty is entitled to vote without reference to ber of people in this community, who in the journey of 3,000 miles. The pathos of wedding occured in Augusta on the same absence of any reliable information regard- this incident needs no language to en': A brskeman on the C & O. B. B He only lacked 7,822 votes of getting approval. the tax." to Congress. The roads were bad in day. Miss Tate Finley to Geo. Arbuckle, Responses by each candidate were made, ing the therapeutical effect, have never force it. named N. P. Lankford was killed at Mayor of Lewisburg W. Va., and Miss Mary Court Proceedings.—The Circuit Court drank any water undiluted, and will be de- Williamson's depot on Monday of last his mountainous district, and it was but there wore no new features, and no im- impossible for him to bring up the Be- A. McCue to Mr. Samuel L. Price of Lewis- pressions were made upon the crowd. All for Uockingham county, Hon. Judge Bird terred from doing so until the subject re' week while oonpling cars. burg W. Va., son of ex Gov. Price. presiding, commeuced its Fall term on the ceives competent attention. Tbey may not We have good and bad tnrf-news publican reserve. He lost his place in had evidently made up their minds how to for Virginia this morning. Hurry The Home Guards of Lyncbburg won the Patent Office, too, being cut off by vote. Personal preferences seemed to hold 32d inst., adjourning from day to day until be well posted on therapeutics, but they the oompetitive drill prize at the Fair By a recent order from tho Post-office de- the close of the U. 8. Court. The buBiaesa know that water is a dangerous fluid to fool Bassett, Daniel's great four-mile horse, a rapid flauk movement, and is now sway irrevocably. Those who had made up is dead; but Doswell's rising favorite, in that place an Thursday last. The walking around Washington like Ma- partment packages of any kind may be jeg. before the Court is voluminous, though no' with and they don't propose to take any Danville Grays, Lyncbburg Artillery istered when sent through the mails. The their minds to vote for Paul hurrahed for Bushwhacker has won bis first four- rias or Belisarius, living on tbe memo-' him. Harris' old friends, who overlooked very much has been disposed of. risks when their health is involved. mile race over Pimlico course in splen- and the Staunton Guards participated. cost of registering is ten ceuts, while the In tho Chancery cause of A. C. Bryron's ries of his great campaign.— Ball. Oaz: State and National qjipstions, hurrahed for After sale for mighty muscle, panting did time. This was the second race Mr A.W.Lyon.a wealthy Eogli shman regular postage remains as heretofere on Trustee vs. J. P. Effiuger—a long contested from a square meal tussle, our devil blacked At Clarksburg, on Monday morning, that class of matter. This additional privi- him, and those whi)' were disatisfied with Bushwhacker has wdn during the has purchased a flue farm near Swopos both gave Echols a gouuine endorsement on case, as to the price to be paid for a tract of with Ink galpre; laid jiln^self upon a shutter, week—the other being a two-mile con- depot, Augusta Qo. ) ItiB expected he Capt. Jno. Opie, of this city, was mar- lege will be appreciated by tho public as land—the Court decided that tbe sale was a and iu dreams these*words did utter, only ried'to Miss Ida Fletcher, daughter of there is no longer danger from loss. the principle of right against majority. The test—and his splendid achievments will bring others to that section short- Confederate contract,and fixed the value of this and nothing more: Long John, $180 colt, show that Virginia has now fonnd a ly, r v Jin- vL ' B 'V. Patterson Fletcher, formerly of minds of the people appeared to bo made the land at $80 per acre. Two thirds of the There is some activity noticeable in the up, and everybody thought and acted as if siren song iu the cool, 'rahforpaul, badinage. horse'that can "stay" and fully revive this city. The fair bride is a distin- contract was payable aud bad been paid iu The Virginia Medical Suoioty h; 11 paying up of capitation taxes to make voters the contest was between Harris and Paul. If I had been greenbaclis-forcible three feet- her ancient glory on the turf. The their annnal meeting in Biohmoud last guished graduate of the Augusta Fe- «t the approaching electlan. Delinquent Stauntonians would not undertake to say Confederate money. Tbe suit was to de- deep natioual-calamlty-no-record-debt-fund- time of both races and all the heats male Seminary, and one of the termine the residue to be paid. week, and after discussing various sub- lists have been published and largely more that Echols would carry Augusta county. er conspiracy public asylums insane schools- was simply splendid, and no dcubt jects of no great importance adjourned sweetest vocalists Staunton has ever lhan the cost of publioation will doubtless There were rumors of his withdrawal, but Edward Howard vs. Strother Sheets, dis- canvass- Walker -Lannigan's-bali-Mahone - tbe horse can do even better.—Rich- to met at A,lexaadrla next year. known.—Staunlan Virginian, 2ilh. as he announced a determination to run, missed at Plaintiff's cost, because costs of currency-fel low-citizens speech-never-read mond Slate, 28th. be realized by delinquents coming forward last trial had not been paid, Fielding Lewis, of King George Co , Now is the time to hole your apples and paying up'ia order to have a vote on regardless of the lateness of his candidacy justment-State-funders-blli-Barbour-veto- ——————— a direct desoondeut of George Wash- Sarah J. McQiloray's administrator vs. A. court-appeals-Holliday. After this strange and pick your oandidate for tho Presi- Tuesday next, Nov. 6. or the number of votes he received, we pre- The French Grain Crop.—Accord- ton, died on tho I5th inst., in his 70th denoy. A heavy frost may be looked sume all rumors of his withdraws! are sen- B. Irick's administrator. Jury. Verdict and nighthorsa diction, sounding naught like ing to the annual harvest reports of year. His wife wds at Miss Greene, of judgment for Plaintiff for $500 aud interest truth or fiction, our devil he did soundly for abont the Fifth of November.—• Judge Bird's Court for this oonuty has satioual. Gen. Echols oooupies a position France, collootod by M. Bartholoiny Georgetown, D, C., a sister of the wife Ballo Oazelle. and platform on which the friends of Harris from January 1,1883, till paid. snore—snored so soundly through his horn been in session since Friday last, and will E. L. Lambert A Co., vs. John T. Wright; Estioune, of Marseilles, the grain crop of tho late Prince Ytnrbide of Mexico,. likely continue for some time. The docket and Paul would gladly place their candi- that he never woke till morn—never woke of this year will be considerably below whose son was adopted by the late dismissed at Dsfeudant's cost. and now he's sore. Hon. David Goff. of Bandolph coun- ie a large one, and really seems to ucoitmuiate dates, but it is too late, and their future tbe average. Tbe yield is given as Muximillian. ty, W. Va., is dead. instead of diminish. Rockingbam is big efforts will be to shield them from the The Court is still in session aud the pres- very good in only two departments, ent term will probably he quite protracted. TRIUUIE OF RESPECT. Six colored military companies in- enough Alone, or at least has business charges of ridicule which their policy has good in twelve, fair in twenty-throe, dnlged in a oompetitive drill at tbe Nick ami Alllicted. enough, to be made into a circuit court brought upon them—not a policy which ILL.—Our foUowjcltlzen.Mr. St. Clalr Kyle, Cel. A. 8. Gray, Late U. 8. Marshal. and bod in forty-six. Estimated on Lyncbburg Pair which opened on the . In order thzt all may test the great virtue district. either believes, but which they adapted was again stricken down, on Thursday last' this basis it is thought that tho French 22d. The Patorsbarg Guards took tbe of Dr. Swayne'e Compound Syrup of Wild Ou motion of Hon. Hngb W. 8b' (Toy, Chairman, the will have to import for home consamp- Cherry we have iseaed trial bottiee at 35 -*••• w-— because they thought it was popular with by one of those apoplectic attacks with which following resolutioua unanlmoualy adoptod by tbe first, and tbe Langaton guards of Nor- cente. No family ehould be without this Sale of Farm.—338 acres of the old Kyle tbe masses. ho has been so severely sfflicted recently. Bar are ordered by ibo Com t to be epread upon the tion daring the next twelve montha folk the second prize. Ban Tucker mluutea of tble Court. valuable medicine, as oftentimea a ziogle place, uear Cross Keys, on Mill Creek, lately There were numerous personal allusious We are glad to state, however, that he is The membera of the Bar praotlolng In the Dlatrlot not less than 1,200,000 tons of grain; and Jno. W Daniel made tbe presen- 35 cent bottle will cure a recent cough or the property of E. J. Bulllvan Esq.. has been iu the speeches of the gentlemen, hut none ami Circuit Courta of United Slatoa. at Hanlauuburg, or, iu other words, 1,000,000 tons more tation speeohes. cold, and thus proveut much suffering aud slowly recovering.—Bkidgewater Enteu- being dealroua of placing upon record some teatimo- risk of life, It algocureeaHtlima, bronchitis, parohased by Chas, E. Conger of Wood Co. of an original character; therefore we re- PK1SE. ulal of their ruauuot for tbe memory of Col. Algernon thuu they imported during tho year W. Va. Price paid 30.03 per acre cash. Mr i aw H. Gray, late United Statin Harabal fur tbe Weateru ending October 1st, 1878. liver complaint, and enriches and puriflen frain from auy report of the addresses, all District of Virginia, wboao death waa ao audden and the blood, givlug tone and strenght to the Conger will he here shortly with his family. of which presented the familiar features H. T. Hume who was fatally kicked by a unoxpoct'd, It ta HAVE YOUR LANDS SURVEYED. entire $>stein. horse in Washfngtoo about two weeks ago, Nemlivd, That in the death of Col. Gray, the State Tho Virginia Land Bureau ban perfected protrayud in these columns. We were baa luat one of tie moat valued aud uaoful oltlaeua, Gen. Joe Johnston has boon nomi- "I deem it my duty to tell the world what was of Madison and not Rookingham county, tills community baa loat a high toned, honorable ami nated for Chairman of tho Military arrniigements for the surveying, mapping or Dr. Swayne'e Compound Syrup of Wild f The son of Mr. Daniel Garher, near" Day- soiuowhat surprised that Harris and Paul as reported, lie died on Saturday tho 10th ohrlatiau u ember: tbe Bar, with which be waa ao nlattlug of farms, tracts or other bodies of Cherry' line done for me. 1 'had a violent ton, had his leg broken on Saturday frum obtained so largely in Staunton, and could long aud Intimately aaaoclated, mourn« the lu.a or _ Committee of the next House, provided lands anywhere that may be desired in this cough, night sweats, sore throat, great weak, iuet. genial and girted oompanlon, and au opou-bcarted section of the State. IstiidscHpe gardening, the kick of a horse. Doctor Tatum was only account for It on the ground of its Irleud, aud bla femUy iiaa been deprived of a teuder, he gets there. Although Gen. John- neee, with severe attacks of hemorrhage ; called to see him and gave hlu the necessary being Court day. Col. Skinner left the A post—office has been ostabiished at Peach affectlouatc devoted (kther and brollmr. wboao love ston was iu favor of reducing the army draw ings of hoazez, with estimates, sped (lea- gave up all hopes of recovery. I am now waa eu full that It extended bejruud the tlea of blood, tlons, &c. Titles iuvestlgated, ami abstracts cured, a sound nnd hearty man, Edward li. surgical attention. room In apparent dlagust, and the meeting Grove this county, between this place aud and grow Into an uubuuuded charily towarda, aud u few years ago, he is now understooii made. ^ t ^ conAdeiico tu all men to bo opposed to any reduction. The Hamson, engineer at Hweeney'a Dottety, decended Into a sort of Infantile exhibition Cross Keys, with Miss Lizzie A. Lezke in /faaori'ad, That the forgoing rcaolutlnua be spread Tho surveying department Is in chargn of 1331 Ridge Avenue. Phtiadolphl.t. Oven 1 Iih 'UuNilen" go from here to Haltitnore of spleen and , indicative of nothing hut charge. uimii Uieruenrdaot Iba Court: that a eopv In. fur- Chairman of the Military Coimnittoo Mr, C. W, Oltmannn. C. E.. whose Bbllliles in twenty live years have elapsed, and I still on the IHlU of November, luatead of the lOlli the gullihlllly ot the people and cheek of <0 ■ ^ — utsbad the lamllv nf tile decoaaed, and tbat Ihe new., Hhould bo au ecouoniioul onss worlhy this line aro loo well known to require re- remain a healthy man," Hold by all leading Ayer's llalr Vigor pruvuuts, the Uzlr from pupet'a of the Dlatrlot lie reiiuu.tcd to nuldlah the of wearing the luanlloof tbogioat Ban- coiumendiitlon. druggists. Trial bottle 35 '•enls. Large An beietufoiu ataVed Uy ud. the candidates. Mine HUGH W. HUlHTliy, Obui'u. Apply to Virginia Land I'urnan, over Avis (ulUug uut. (iiiaaviLLb Si c'y. ning -—Jlultn. (laxellti. ■Ize $100. Sold by Irwin Sou. L. H. Otl, Drug Store, IV B. Dp.lanv, Sec'y. and J, !, Avis, Uarripuuborg, Va, Grain in Butter.—"It will bo per A certain Bishop had a Biscay an MISCHLLANEOUS. HARDWAUE. DRUGS, AC. Old Common wtALiii ceived that the first skimmings will Dot man-seiTant, whom he ordered, one CLOTHING, Ac. only require less churuiug to be made fest val, to go to a bntoher, who was j-A-axxESJsi Xji. ueY-vxs Thuksdat Moiiniko, Oct. 31, 1878 into butter, but that tho butter thus nulled David, for a piece of meat, and JUST TO HAND? made is of a stronger 'grain' than that thoD corno to church where tho Bishop STOVES! STOVES!! DRU00I8T AND rHAUMAClBT. made from iho later skimmings. If was to preach. Tho Bishop in bis CHRISTIE & HUTCHES0N, FAUM EXPEKIENCES. this be a fact, as I think it is, and if sermon bringing in authoiilies from Beautiful and Cheap I QUSfl CAMPHOR, the larger tho globule the bolter de- AN IMMLNSE RTOUK OF FURNITUBK IS NOW For T1B1 In rnckliiK Winter Apparel, Flaouel., Furs, Fashionable Merchant Tailors,' the Scriptures in this mnuner: "Isaiah BRING ItECElVCD AT Ac., &c., for sale at Weevil in the Giunary.—"1 rid my fined the 'grain* to the butter, ns I am says thus," "Joronviah pays thus," at JAMF8 L. AVIS' DRUG STORE. (IN THE MASONIC BUILDING), gruin biuH of tbo woovil by wusbing the inclined to believe, we may form an last hnppeDtng to turn toward the door Aro In receipt of a .plcudtd Fall and Winter Block, to J- GASSMAM'S which public attcutiou is Invited. Their supply em- bins with n boiling hot Rolutior. of con- idea of the state in which the butter as his servant came in, ho went on— braces contrHfcd lyo nnd water. T seo (o it fat may be contained in the globule. "And what says David?" upon which CALL AND SUE OUR frekciTdressinq, BLACK CLOTHS AND OASSIMERhS For tfldlo.' m-d Children'. Bhooa, Trunk., Btioov FANCY CASSIMEKE8, ' that this hot water reaches every crack It is possible, under this view, that tho the Bincnyau roared out: "Ho says Top., Ac It ro.tcro. Ihom to thctr orlalnol Im.inf SILK AND OTHER VFSTINGS different fats of which biUtur is com- that if yon don't pay your old bill, you New Stock uf Stoves, .nam»kM them look liko now. Shoo Breaho. and nnd orevice: after which I lay on a Shoe Blacking, for sale by GENTS' FURNISHING, OVKRCOATIKOS.GOOnB-Uro.s Shirts, Un- coat of hot whitewash."—S. l>., Phila- posed, are somewhot separttled in the need never send to his shop ugaiul" On EAST-MARKET Strwt, JAMES L. AVIS. DRUGGIST. rterwesr. Dr.wars, Collars, Cnffs, CrnvuiB, Ties. Uo- globule, nnd not so intimately mixed THB E3TABLlaUMENT RECENTLY OFERATED ALL SIZES ANO STYLES. siery. Also, drlphia, Pa. TAILORS' TRIMMINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. as to bofoimless. This hypothesis is The spirit of eraulalion in fiinernls BY B. C. PAUL. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS & How to get Cotton wood Trees —"Go strengthened by the known effect of in in strict obodicn 'o to publio - Our lino of READY-MADE CLOTHING Is not larca FAMILY RECIPES 0 00 fo the sand-bars ou the river, in the ovor-chnrniug upon butter. It is con- mont. Coming from tho bnrinl of a NOW IS T E"TIME TO BUY 1 bostTuywl* ' ' fc'uaran'.eod to bo as good as tho PnpftNd from fio'octod ruaU-rlnl, with ocramcy and 5 Wo canve not l: cnumeratn all that wo have, but Invlto fall, where millions one and two feet coded that ovor-chnrning softens the friend, a Danbury young woman said ncatnooo, nt nil bourn day or ulght, by an oxi.erlenced '""B^ - a call, fooling sssurod wo can please. high will befonnd. Taketberu ap nnd butter nnd destroys the grain, as also to her mother, "Did you ever si o such druggint, at ,,„V!"mo. as good, will likely never bo Fiiruititre Cheaper M E?cr! Call and JAMES L. AVIS' DKUO STORE. toweroc,0 than they arc at this limo. Rcspoctlnlly, heel them in until spring, and set out does over-working tho butter after it a cheap looking corpse ?"—Danbury CHRISTIE & HUTCH EBON. where they are to grow. Cotton woods leaves tho churn. In an experimental News. See Me when yon Come to Town! DYE STUFFS, are readily propagated from cuttings. churning of a pint of milk in a bottle, LARGE AND SPLENDIFASSORTMS After planting yonfranat fence off the the motion was kept np a long time An Old Customer. —''Prisoner,do you MT STOCK COMtBISEg Analine Dyes. Sugjn'of lyoad, Logwood, Blchromaic CUAMBIvn SUITS. PARLOH SUITS, DRESSING 10 reeu stock cr your labor will bo in vaiu."—0. alter buttcrbad appeared. The hotter wish fo say anything in your defeuce ?" ROOM SUITS, OFFICE FURNITURE, Oilrkii Vitriol,xfia . . Cudbear,J? ^ »Cochineal, l-ftc Dye, PrusHlatoHolntion ofPotaph, Tin, "Nothing your Honor, except this: ALL COMPLETE AND OF LATEST STYI.KS. Alum, Copperas, Oxalic Acid, Indigo, ko., for sale at -of- McOchinell, Nmokcn, Kansas. wao then removed by means of a linen Also, BUltEAUa, CUAIRS, TABLES, DRESSING JAMES L. AVIS' DRUG STORK. strainer, and was soft aud greasy. The Lt-mnio oft light; this is tho eighth CASES, ROUKINO CUAIRS. WARDBOItEH. WHAT- bnttormilk was soon covernJ by a time I've hoeu up before yon. We're NOTS. HAT RACKS. WASH STANDS, BEDSTEADS, Box Elder —' Last full I gathered a SPRING BEDS, LOUNGES, STOOLS. CBII.D'S TA- SPicES, largo milk can nearly full of box yellow, oily scum"—Dr. E. Lewis old coparceners, ns it v.ere." BLE AND HOCKING CHAIRS. MATTRESSES. Ac. - S'urtfvant, Farmingham, Mass. CIoTui Olttuitnon, Maco. NntmoRB, Mu««.rd, Glimor. CLOTHING, a '"d, put tb" " y place, and kept YOUNG MARRIED COUPLES WE HAVE THE Allnploe, Celery Scod nnd otlior Hpicen for nnlu at t ni there ^.,111 a'l danger to tender "If there is any body under the can- who are about to go to Ilouaokeoplng will find in this JAMES L. AVIS' DRUG STORK. I have been closely usaooialed with ister of heaven that I have in alter ex Establishment every thing In the JTurniture lino they pi .uts from frost in the spring was want. CAMBRIDGE COOK, past. I then sprouted thnn by filling the Confiorvntivo party of Virginia from cret-conce," said Mrs Partington, "it is MY PRICES ARE THE LOWEST-COSSBQUEST- THE HANDtOMEST STOVE OUT. TOILET SOAPS, its organization to tho present hour. I the slanderer, going nhont like a boy- LY IfY TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH. Porfomory, Hair BruahcB, Comb^, tooth Bniahce the cau with rain water (occnsionally Gtvo me a cull before purchasing. RespsotftlHya Hair DyoB, Cloth BrnBhes, Face P nvdcrB. Hair Oils AND changing tho water) and planted in had t ie honor of presiding over tho constructor, circulating his calomel up- •T. GA&&1MLAJS, ALSO, a Largo Stock oT Hardware, Tin and Wooden great convention of thiiteen hundred Waro. Saddlery and Carriage Goode, Rlpchnnlca' Tools ond other requisiteb for tho toilet, for sale at drills. Tbo results is about 100 000 on honest people." bncccKCor to R. C. Pbuh and Uuildors' Hardware, Glass and Putty, Pumps, thrifty plants ready for sotting out."— delagates of the best men in Virginia, wca ♦-Cipt Cider Mills, Braes and Copper Kettles, Table and JAMES L. AVIS' DRUG STORE. Hrth G G, Gladden, U'aliaunsee County, which assembled in Richmond shortly Jones, through tho lather: Strange, Pocket Cutlery, Plated Knives and Forks, Irob, Nails, •epl3 after the close of the war nnd culled Kansas. I never can grow a good board, and Hats, Boots, Sisocs, llorae'SLops. Horse Nails, and everything lift tbo this great party into existeneo I have yet my grnudfatber hud one throe feet Hardware linp. NEW DRUGSTORE Hedge Fencing —"Da yon know it followed its fortunes with unfailing in- long. Huir-dreosor; Can't account Prepare for Winter Now. terest and fidelity from (hat time to the TRUNKS AND UMBRELLAS. JOSEPH H. SHUE, NOW IN STORE. is by far the better fence ? Honey lo- for it, sir—unhsss you take ufter your (DR. J. B. IRWIN'8 OLD STAND, SIBERT BUILD- cust can bo purchased for $12 per present; I have hi-nored it as the cham- ' grandmother. ALWAYS GO WHERE YOU FIND THE J. WILTON, ING, UARRISONBURG. VA.,) pion of our rights, and tho faithful thonsnad plants and need be set only A-SSOIVX-MENX, Sep26 Bnccodbcr fo Rohr, Sprinkol k Co. Ronpectfnlly infonnn the pnhllo that ho has roccntlv guardian of tho best interests of the Quack; "So yon prefer my mcdfcincs purehnsod au entirely now stock of every two feet. They only require to got what you want, and you will be sure to find It | CALL AT ONCE AT THE care four years, at tbo expiration .-f State. But, not withstanding tho at- to I hose of Dr. Pillabnry," Mrs. Mulli- tho chcopeHt place, tachment and gratitude which I have gan : "Ouh, iudade, Docther,'re WAODVSWAWUArX, LAc a Kuts It 1i AG\ Lev, Ac.«... pFare.TEI,T Drugs, MEMnlNM: Medicines, nTTH AVr , Chemicals,T , which time you have a fence which MEN'S. ROYS' AND CHILDREN'S ROOTS, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS. AND LAMP GOODS always felt and still feel for it, I. have a dale belter than tbo other old 'utn- LA DUOS'. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENERALLY, presents a formidable barrier to man WHITE LEAD, (Jentral Clothing Souse, and beast; not only this, bat while you no hesitation in saying that, if it shall bug—Harvard Lampoon. MEN'S AND ROYS' KIIOE8, LINSEED OIL, AND so far forget tho great ohjetl for which WfiNS' ROYS' AND CHILDRENS* HATS are growing a fence of this kind you ALSO. A SELECT ASSORTMENTPAINTERS' OFMATERIAL. CIGARS. it. was formed as to afilliato with Repu- Tbo girls like the new song, "Put 111 EVory ©t^le. SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCOS. PIPES, 4o.. SOUTH SIDE OF PUBLIC SQUARE, are also growing a wind break and SPICES. WINDOW GLASS, NOTIONS, AND timber.—J. IF. Cuoi, Arrada, Col. dintors and Greenbaokors, and others your armor on, my boys." It sounds so wliose policy b n is to the des.r.iclion much like "Put your arm around ate, The Largest Stock in Town. FANCY {fOODS (JENERALLT. KCa.rrlssoii'', e ♦ ♦ 1. We Invlto Bpeclal atieullon to our now stock, which of tbo best intoreiits of the country, I boys " GIBBS, L3CKLITER & SHOPflO, has been carefully eeloctod, aud warranted to be Rotation.—"I rotate my lands in TRUNKS: strictly pure aud reliable. My sod. Mr. EDWIN R. AND SAVE MONEY BY BUYING OF US. corn for four years in Eucccssion, one shall feel no longer bound to yield to it MANUFACTURERS OF SHUE, who has,been so long and favotWily Itnnrm to my allegiance nnd support. Young Swell—"I should like to have ALL 8IZKS ANU A L.AR6IC VARIETY. th- people of this section, wlU have outlro eliargo of rn wheat and one in clover nnd pas- my moustache dyed." Polite Barber— the business, and will give his strictest attention to D. M. SW1TZER & SON. ture moderately. 1 make corn my Alixanoer 11. H Stuart. Umbrellas! Umbrellas! PARW A^D SFRsitSG WAOOitIS, Physicians' Proscriptions and compounding Family "Certainly ; did yon bring it with you ?' Riiglpes. priuoipal crop, and therefore puisue CALL TO SEE THE LARGE STOCK AT Wiih tbo assnrance that our goods and prices will Sugar from Watermelons — "This is compare favorably with sny other similar establlsU- INSURANCE. ~ this metbo 1. If you want a good crop not new; several years ago wo made MiSCELLA NEOUS'. mont anywhere. I sullclt a share of tho public pa- e wheat let it follow clover. I do not tronage. sugar from melons; it has been done maylfl-ly JOSEPH H. SHUE. YOUR ATTENTION sow wheat ou clover lands because it in France, Italy, Germany, and Cali- oclO HAT, BOOT AND SHOE STORE, Ik called to tho following reliable Ineurance Oompo. ripens imperfectly and fal s down more THE WOULD FOE 1879. nice, for which wo are agenta: fornia—and at a more profitable ra.e —- BUGGIES, 185C. ESTAHLISIIEI) 1S5G. Fire Aasecialton of Philadelphia, (01 Tcaro old), Asacts- on clover land than after corn lands — than beet sugar."—D S. Cm tiss, Wash' eSP-ECIAI.. OFFJEIt. Jan. let. 1878 $ a.llH.UO.iT My general average yield of wheat is CARTS, SPOKES, COJZIIEIKllAli UNION of LONDON, Aftaet* Jan. let,. ington, D. G. WHEELBARROWS, iSIH,. $20,000,0(8).06 twenty bushels to the nore. My wheat THE NEW YORK Pennsylvania Fire, of PhiladelpHIa, (63 yearn old), was of tbo White and Glaw- All true women want to bo patrons HUBS, FARMING IM- LOTHERHoOTT AjsctsJan. Int. 1878 $1,704,481.30 eon. I believe that white wheat is of husbandry.—Boston Post WEEKLY WORLD*, PLEMENTS, WAGON MA- ; Home, of New-York, (28-yearn old), Anneln Jan. Ist, more easily injured than the red va- A»i i£iglit^pagc Ncvi'spapei*, KERS' MATERIAL GENERAL- DUUCJGIST, •878, $0,109,7,30.75 Sick iiiiil Aflliefeil. LY, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, &C. Westclienter, i.f New York, (40 yearn old), Aaaeta Jan.. rieties."— Theo, Brown, Jrjfarson county In oviter that all may ti-Bt the great virtue will bo aout (postage prepaid) NEW LARGE DRUG BUILDING, MAIN ST., •nt, 1878 $0Og,141.97' Ky. Wo are prepared to innure property at an tow ratov of Dr. Swayno'a Compound Syrup of Wild FHOM NOW UNTIL JANUARY Ist, 1879, HARRISONBURG, VA. oe can be accepted by any taj'e company. flherry we have iesuod trial bottles at 25 POB LUMBER rongh acil dt-oBscd uiw:iyh In Btoch. YANCEY & CONRAD, To Phevent Hkns from SmrNOi— cents. No family should bo without this All Wagou. Wari-autcd for One Year. RESPECTFULLY Informs tbf public,endospeclfHiy Went Market Street. valuable medicine, us oftentimes a single 'OPEiiSkir 03iiJ3cr^?j3. the Jklodltuil profesAiofl, that bo boa In etoro, Oct. 10. Harrinonhurg, Va. "Tie a wisp of straw, about huit tho HSrHorso-cLaolug anil Blackamitbiug Jtromptty at- and In confltafltly receiving largo udditlona to his 23-cent bottle will cure a recent cough or US-Thla^epectal Offer is maclc to onoblc (bo South- tonded to.- superior atook of (rize of a bottle, upon the would- cold, anil thus prevent much sUfteting and em people to 8c.o for themnelvt s how Rood a paper Having In our employ none bnt be brooder's buck Dhrectly the hen risk of life. It also cures asthma, bronchitis, THE \VOltLD 1b uud how worthy it Ib of their BUpport. A HOUSE OM FIRE feels this inoambrance, she gels off the liver complaint,, and enriches and purities SKILLED MECHAmOS, D,!UES' «EW««S. CKMICAU, IS A FEARFUL SIGHT I the blood, giving tone and slrengUt to the Ou tho Jfit of May, lP7fl, the ownurehip and control PATENT MEDICINES, nest nnd ru.ia wildly about the Oclda, of THE WORLli paBPod Into tbo bttndii of tho nndcr- who aro thorough maotcra of their trade, we aro pr^ striving in every way to free herself entire system. BlRUud, under whone ubnoluto nnd uutvmumelled di- pa rod to YOURS may soon burn. Inenre at onco In tho "I deem it my duty to toil the world what rection THE WOHH bao ever eiuce remained and now Wkile Lead, Painters' Colors, Qits lor PainUog, LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE IN- from it. After two or three dayo' use- Dr. Sway tie's Compound Svrnp of Wild rcnmliiH. EXECUTE ALL WORK PROiVSPILY, Lubrioattno and TANWEna' OiLUi SURANCK COMPA NY. Instituted in 1880. It has a DuHijr tho whole of this time THE WOULD bah la- capital of .over *20.000,000; has paid losses that would loss straggles she resigns boiself to her Cherry' 1ms done for me. 1 had a vioh-nl borod paticntiy ana>pon!ovorin:r fo* tho accoiupliBh- and In the beet manner, and VAENISHES, DYES, PUTTY, SI'IOES, have broken up almost any Company in this country, fate, and apparently makes np her cough, niglit sweats, sore throat, great weak- Dn ufrof two groat objecta ir poUtica of paramount in- and contributed large suras, grnmitonsly besides to ness, witli pevero-atineke of hemorrhage; tcrost to the Southern people. C* uni'ixiito© ©atlsrr.otlon: ir/.vvoir a lass, sufferers Irom fire. Terms liberal apd iusurauce safe, mind- to submit to the inevitable. The I. Tho rcBtoration of Local tielf-Hovcrnnimt at th PwipFc nro getting noqtiftlntcd—fr> Will secure a policy for $1,000, on oondiUoo' lation for her wounded feelings :n cowpliBhod. All intelligeut Noitheiu men now atlnnt- jy25-iy Bioians' Proacrlptlona. that the insured pay size ijil 00. Bold by Irwin & Bon, L. 11. Ott, tliut alt parts of the country wore bh-deeply intPrrsrttyd Public patronage roapootfully solicited. diligently laying eggs."—Ui'v Vulsohaw. and J. L. Avis, Uarrisonburg, Va as the South in Breipg It won. A corrupt and anti- Mustang Liriiment, oct7 L. H. OTT. Democratiu government in tho South was a permanent MI SCULL AKEOU S. $5 durhag three succeeding years, and peril to tho nvoecdaney ct truo Anu rlcan principles in annually thereafter during I'fo, and the ao- Cultivating Nut Trees.—" Tho beet Various Ciiiises— tho Fodoral Government aud therefore to tho peace RAILROADS. tP As# companyiug mortality assessments. Advancing years, care, sickness, disappoint- aud honor of tho whole people. FOS l-L&U AKD BEAST. johm & Lewis, tirno to plant nut trees is in the fall, as ineitt and hereditary disposition—all operate Tho second political object for which THE WORLD $2,000 AND $3,000 P0LI0IE8 soon as thoy drop from the trees-. They to torn the hair gray, nnd either of them in- contendH cilil romaiiiB to he fully achieved. Tho ac- DEALER IN at TWICE and THREE T1ME3 th6 amounts of a clines it to shed prematurely. Ayer's Haih tual Administration began it* catoer with excellent This liniment very naturally originated In Ameri- $1,000 policy'. shonld not be planted very deep, as it promiaeM in this direction of which it Is Bufflcknt to ca, where Nature provides In hor laboratory nncta NO RESERVES COLLECTED TO SUSTAIN CLASSES is;necessary to have iho frost act ou Vroou will restore faded or gray, light and buy-that they have been us yet only In part redoeusnd. r.urj.rlaing antidotes for tho maladies of hor chil- Groceries, Produce, Chesapeake & Ohio R. R. OR DIVISIONS. red hair to a rich btowu or deep black, as THE WOULD for Its part will resolutely sup) ort any dren. Its frtmo hm been cprooding for 80 yoarw, FOR THE them ami crack the shells. They may honest effort to redeem those promiHos fully, by until now it cnclrclca thb babltablo globe. may bo desired. It softens and cleanses the whomsoever made, and will as resolutely denounce QUEENSWARE, &C., RATES PER DEATH IN 1,000 MEMBERS FOB' be planted in the spring, in which case scalp,giving it a healthy action,iTnd n-moves every ohstMcIo thrown iu tho way o' redeeming them, The Mexican Kt^tcmg LInlmont l.iamatoht^s WEST and TEXAS. $1,000 INSURANCE. thoy should bo kept over the winter and cures dandruff and humors By its use from whatevor cp'nrter. remedy for r.Il external ailment - of man and Haa In store a freah aupply of Doslrablo Oooda, falling hair is checked, and a new growth It seerna to tho undersigned eminently proper that To etoclc cwnrrs r.nd farmers It Is invaluable. which he oflera at Lowest Rates. Speed, Oomfort, Safety, Quick Time and Low packed in shallow boxes with sand and ho should ash the co-opcrution of tl»e best men of tho A elnglu bottlo often savoa a human Hfo orTo- WILL BUY WHEAT In any quantity ; BACON, w ill be produced in all cases where the folli South with THE WORLD in Its efforts to carry out stores tho uscfulnoGa of un excellent horae, ox, LAUD, BUUJ'ER, EGGS, and Produce generally, Bates make this left out of doors. It is best to plant elea are not destroyed or glands decayed. Its the p' lh y b- ro outlined He believes THE WORI D paying tho Iliglieat Market Pricoa In Cash or Trade. two or three nuts m a place ns thoy effects are beautifully shown on brna'hy.weak to ho a paper which Houthern oiti/eus ami DnmncrutH cow, or ohocp. THE MOST POPULAR ROUTE! can recommend to Southoru leaders as an influence It cures foot-rot, ivoof-all, hollow horn, grub, are not certain to sprout. If all or sickly hair, to whioh a few applicatiouB worthy and important to ho brought to bear with cou- Bcrcv/ v/orni, shoulder-rot, mange, tho bites a:vi HF'or TBuislxiess YOU SAVE 189 MILES OP TEDIOUS RAILROAD sprout the best ones can lie reserved will produce the glosa and freshness of youth, Btnntly inoroasfiiR power upon the conduct of our na- ctings of poleonOnH rcptlicti and Innecte, nnd everr TRAVEL BETWEEN Stadkxton and Cincin- llartnless ami sure in its operation, it is in- tional h Hairs, iu tho-irrtercHfc of truth, of justice aud of Buch drawback to atcck brooding and bush life. nati, and all Western and South-Weutcrn Points I and' tho others- destroyed as soon as ooinparab'e as a dtessiog, and is especially hanuony Himmg our people of all sectioiiB. It curcG every external trouble of liorwp., such AND 195 MILES between Staunton and Clil- they aro large enough to be out of valued for the soft lustio aud richness of It IB my (loH'm to keep THE WORLD in a living re- aa lameness, ccralchco, tv.dnay, sprains, fouadev, BANK ROW. cugo, and all North-Weuteru Pointu 1 danger. Tho first year's cultivation of tone it imparts. It contains neither oil nor latlon with the host tboiiKht of the South, to tho end wind-gall, rhig-bcno, etc., etc. flGJ-TravblerH aud Emigrants go on Fast Expresa that tho Lust ideas, wlshfH anil feelings of tbo South- Tho Mexican Mustang Liniment Is the quickest Trains of tbo Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad and lbs nut trees consiHts in keeping the earth dye, and will not soil or color white cambric; ern people may hor clearly aud fairly made known to MELLEBY GLASSES" at connections, making tin? passngo botweon Huntingfc n yet it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it the North, the Ka t nnd the West. Alike in private euro in tho world for accidents occurring In the LOEWENBACH'S. and Cincinnati on Elegant SIde-wbeol Steamers, which loose about Ibetn nnd tho soil free from- and in public sffnits the miiniuderstauding o'm' u by family, Ii\ the absence cf n physician, such as affords a most desirable rest, without delay, especial- fresh and vigorous. For sale by all dealers. ' one another lies at the root of so much that the word1 burns, scalds, Bpralun, cuto, etc., and for rhemna- ly essHutiul to Ladies and ClUldren In taking a long weeds. A good mulch is of great advan- itself has come to bo a synonym with quarreling and tlsm, nrtd- otiffncESCisondered by exposure. Par II HAVE AS GOOD AND WLLL SELECTED rail-Journey, and thus avoid the lay over for rest often tage. By tbo application of woll-roited strifo. It was a wiso saying of Lord Elgin, at the time Stock of all kluda of required ou lougall-rail lines. AGES UNDHU 23 YEARS, 65 CENTS. Nothing Short ol UiimiHtiikable lirncflt ofjono of our sharpest disputes with Great Britain, tlcularly valuable" U) iilncnv. barn yard inaunre, the growth of black Conferred upon tens of thousands of suffer- that two iuteldgent gentlemen alone on a raft iu tho It Is tho^hcc.p-.*8t remedy. In tho world, for It PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN A8 FOLLOWS: PKKU'KCT SAFETY ASSUUED. ers could originate Hnd'uiaiiitain the reputa- Atlantic wifb pb>ifaTy powers could adjust the whole penrtrr.teft tho jnuscle to the bone, and a slngko HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, (March 3, 1878.) walnut and bnttornut trees may be in- matter hon'otahly iu an hour. application is generally aufffclcnt to euro. Mail. Express. ereased very rapidly. Trees that have tion which Aveti's SAUSAUAim.LA enjoys. It THE WORLD simply a*liB itn friends nt tho South to Mexican Mustang Idn'ment Is put up In three purchased with great care from the Factories and Leave STAUNTON,'. 4.25 p.m...;. 4.10 a.m. HOME OFFICE LEBANON. PA. is acotnpomid of the best vegetable alteta* aid It in hrinuit.g about a complete nieetinir of minds Agouts. and am enabled to sell them cheaper than Arrive White Sulphur 10 23 p ir. 8.25 a. m. been mauared come into beariug lives, with lite Iodides of PolBBsiuin and on all public qurstions hetwocu tho inteJligont citi- el/cs of bottles, the larger ones being pmp^rMoo- those who buy in tho usual way. Come and examine •• Ulnton a. in 10.20 a m. DR. WM, O. HILL, Medical ExamlQor, IT^A-iBonharS'' sojuer and produce larger crops." zens of all parts of the Union. daly much the cheapest. Sold everywhem. ond satisfy yourablf, as 1 am sure you will see that I " Charleston 7.22 a. m 3.08 p. in. and Iron, and is tho most, effectual of all aifi right. J. a. LOEWENBACH. " Huntlngton 10.00 a. m.... 5.30 p. ra. Far Circalarti, etc., address reinedies for scrofulous, mercurial, or blood WILLIAM HENRY HURLUERT. " Ciuciunati 6.00 a. m. disorder. Uniformly successful and oeitaiu I^REJNCII CHINA TEA SETTS. THE NICEST AND Connecting with all Linos departing from Cincinnati J. K. SMITH, Agent, Feed for iflilcli C'oiv. in its remedial effects, it produces rapid and JL1 Largest and larg- st lot ever bi'o.t^Iit to this for the Weat, Northwest aud Southwest. HARRISONBUPOiVA.,' town, can bo found aud will be sold cheap at STRAINS FOR WASHINGTON, LyNCHBURG. on iiogt: gfc uSer',: (stmpiete cures of Bcrofttla, Sores, Bolls, tin THE WEEKLY WORLD. RICHMOND AND THE SOUTH, The experience of the members of tuors, Pimples, JSritptUins, Skin Uisenses Ono year (SS numhoro), postage free (less than LOEWENBACH'8. JelS DISTRICT AGENTS. STAUNTON. TA." tho Ououdaga County Milk Associa- and all disorders arising from inipurtly of two rent per w.-ek) J1.00 Leave Staunton, 10.05 a. m 1.15 a. m. TO CLUH AGENTS—An extra copy for dub of ten, CHINA CHVMBKR SETTS, OF DIFFERENT Arrive CburlotteHvillo 12 05 p. ra 8.22 a. m. tion, according to a paper read by Mr. the bleed. By its fovlgornting effects it al- soparntHy addressed. Tho Semi-Weekly World Styles, very uico and cheap nt " Gordousville 1.20 p. m 4.15 a.m. SEWINO MACHINES. George Geddes at a meeting of the ways relieves and often cures Liver Com- for club of twenty, aeparate-y nddresssil. Tlic Daily LOEWENBACH'S. •• Richmond 5.15 p. m 7.30 a, m. plaiuts, Fetnule Woakiti H-es and Irregulari- W orld lor cluhot fftty, Bopitiatoly addressed. ffifFor Rates, Tickets, Baggage Checks.Tlme Cards, New York State Dairymen's Society, ties. and is a potent renewer of vitality. For P. TATUM & CO. Knives and forks, table and tea Map-Billu anfl reliable information of routes, apply to SEWING MACHINES ipduces thorn to believe that pasture of THE SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. Bpoona, Cheap at LOEWENBACH'S. J'. H. WOODWARD. Ticket Agent, of all kinds for sale at lowest prices. Machines r purifying the blood it lias no equal. It tones Onoyvar (101 numbers), postage free f2.00 C. C. DOYLE, Passenger Agent, paired on abort notice, an I all kind of needles, attach* the best kind will produce more milk up the system, restores snd preserves lite TO CLUB AGENTS—An extra copy for club of ton, w « Staunton, Va. rnents, oils, Ac., fur sale by , of the best quality than any other fee I, lieaillt, snd imparts vigor and energy. For sepsratoly uddrcBBod. The Daily World for club of ■UN AND WOODENWARE at J r D f XW AY GEO. O. CONRAD; forty years it lias been in extensive use, and twenty-live, separately aiurossed. LOEWENB ACH'8. So u.h 'n A^'RlchmoDd. v« JanlO Harrisouburg,-Ta. A quart of meal, twice a day, is worth is to day the most available medicine for the something in promoting gentlsnoss. THE DAILY WORD. NOTICE! suffering sick, anywhere. With Sunday edition, ono year, postage free $10.00 BALTIMORE & OHIO R. B. CO. HEADQUARTERS Mixed grasses produce the best pas- Foil Sale by all Dealf-rs.' With Sunday edition, six mouiliP, postage free C.50 HAVING LARGELY INCREASED OUR STOCK OF tures, a d no difference is dteco eruble With Sunduy edition, three months, postage free 2.75 Without Sttuday edition, ono year, postage froo 8 OU BOOKS, STATIONEUY, WALIIS A BAKER, SOHEDULK OF TRAINS HARPER'S A for sewitc machines;- between the inilu produced ou the so- A fine head of hair is such an indispensa- Without Sunday edition, six months, postage VALLEY BRANCH BALTIMORE & OHIO B. B.. hie adjunct to beauty that r jone who prizes frt,o - 4.26- Fancy Articles,Pict ure FrameH,Moulding,&c. taking effect june idth. I KEEP on band a general assortment of SEWING ' called grain farms devoted entirely to pood looks should neglect to use "Londou Without Sunday edition, three months, postage we aro prepared to furnhdi evervtliing in our Hue afr TANNERS AND CURRIERS, WESTWARD. MACHINES, and have arrangements with the comv grass and permanent pasture; but the free 2.23 low pViCCB. STATIONS, MAIL. paules, or other parties, so that I can .furnish any Ma- Hair Color Restorer," lite most delightfu-l ar- Lobh than three tnuutliB, $1 per moutli. AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS lif- Leave Baitimoro 7.10 A. M ch iue iu tbo market, and at lower prices than canvas*- , milk from high, dry lands is superior ticle ever introduced to tite American people Sunday World, one year, postage free 3,00 SCHOOL BOOKS ALWAYS ON HAND. " Washington... 8.H5 . ing agents generally auk. It will pay the purchaser to to-that from the low lands. for increasing its growth,restoring its natural Monday World. < ontuining Literary Reviews and " Wlnclmator. ...12.1ii P. M. 6.M A. M. oall and see before buying elsewhere., I wont chargu color,and at the same time a lovely hairdress. Oollsgc Chronicle, one year,postage free.... 1.50 (63^Any book not on hand will bo ordered at short Leather and Shoe Findings, " Mt. Jackaou... 2.118 " 8.41 • i yon for looking, nor get mad if you don't buy. Corn and outs, ground and mixed in TERMS : Cash in ad\unco. Smul Post-Ofllco money uotleo. P. TATUlil A CO. " Now Market... 2.67 " 9,10 I have ou hand a general assortment o f uttaobmonte. er and heautKWr. It is totally different from order, bunk draft or rcgiKtered lottor. Bills acut by AT THE STEAM TANNERY, " Broadway 3.18 " 9.34 " 4,28 V. M. needles, oil, aud part for rapeira. I repair Wafcchoa.i equal quantities, make the most vulna all others; not sticky and guminy, and free mailH will bo at risk of sender. Water Street, Harrlaonbufg, Vo. Arrive HarriBouburR 3.44 •• 10.20 ■< 6.84 Clocks. Jewelry, all kinds of SEWINO MACAIKEB ble m< ul, and a given qnautity of- suoh IN BUSINESS AGAIN Leave •• 3.44 .. 10.30 " 8.10 aud other difficult jobs. . GEO. O. CONRAD, from all impure Ingredieuts that render many Addition to club liBts may bo made at any time In Leave Mt. Crawford.. 4.02 " 11.00 ■' 6.40 •• meal is worth more than any other; other articles obnoxious; in fact it is exquis- tho year at the above rates. RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER; Arrive Staunton 4.48 '• 12.20 •' 7.60 " aorll East Market St., HarrisonUurg, Va. itely perfuiited and so perfectly and elegantly Rpoeirnen copias, posters, &o., -seat free, wherovot At the Old Stand! Arrive Rtohmond.... 8.16 p. M. 11.45 A. M. though meal made in "pealing," and wheuowr desired. AddrcHs all orders to French and American CALF-SKINB and KIPS; The train arriving aflfarrisouburg 10.20 A. M. runs 171113 ' and meal from making split peas, and prepan d as to make it a lasting hair dressing I would reupcctfully say to my old friends aud cub- only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays ta*t of and toilet luxury. Sold by ail dealers iu lino ort ♦"TXIJE W01XXuX>,^ toinorH that I have oommoncod bUBioeas again at Iho MOROCOOS, LININGS, shorts and- shipstuffs are all held as of U Row, New York. old Btand formerly occupied by ire ou Main Rtreet, JIarris&nburg. All other trains daily except Sunday. toilet articles at 75cents a bottle,or six bottles and better known, porbaps. as thu R. B. Jones Shop. And all Kinds of Shoe Findings, great value to help sustuiu ihs yield of for $4. Dr. Swsyiie & Son, Philadelphia, Bole In tho lino of EASTWARD. milk during the winter. 1 roprletors. .Sold by L. H. Ott, J; L. Avis HOTELS AND BOARDING. AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. RTATtONB. MAIL. and Irwiu & Bon. Uarrisonburg, Va. Blacksmithing and Horsc-shooiug Leave Richmond.... 9.45 P.M. 7.20 A.M. Brewers'gra ns, though the cheapest - ■ ' ———— US-Country merchanta and the trade will find It to " Staunton 11.15 A. M. fl.15 A. M. 3.16 P. M. rilAKE pleasure in announcing to the citizens Of of any foo', ars not approved, XV STAVfrrON, FA. I acknowledge no superior, and oyory branoh of tho their advantage to call upon uu before purchnning, aa " Mt. Crawford.. 11,67 •• 7.10 '• 4,27 •• ■ Rockiugh&m county that thoy have S oral eh no More—"Itching IMlcs," N. I»I. CAIITMKLL, Proprietor. bukitieBH in n 8VECIALTY wltli me. we can no doubt do better for them than they can do Arrive HarriBouburg.12.-i5 P. M. 7.34 " 4 65 *• and if fed at all must be ia small symptons of which are moisture, like pers- Wagon u»d Carriage Work. Former*' BlackBinltblug, | olaowhere. mayKJ-tTii Leave " 13.15 " 7.46 " 6 0Q - mUE management of this Hotel bos changed hands, Horso-Bhocing, Ac., will receive prompt attention at •• Broadway 13.48 " 8.48 •• 5 it - OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE, qjitiotities, mixed with other feed piration, intense itching, jMirtlcniarly when J. and the present proprietor having leased it for a all tirnoS " New Market... 1.07 " OAT,, " 0.12 •• or ho milk will bo of inferior undressing, or after getting warm in bed, in- term of years is dctermimd to make it one of die Pntrouago solicited. Work guaranteed to bo equal " B't Jackson... 1.29 •• 10.25 •• 6.41 •• creased by scralcbiug, might think pin most desirable Hotels in the Valley of Virginia. With to the best. Will tikdo with farmors. The Old Stand " Winchester.... 4 11 " 9 40 m at No. 1 East Market, nnrrlaouburg, wii«re they wU quality; aud the directors of the usso- twenty yeoi's' experience uh u hotel-keeper—having " Harper's Ferry 6.36 " { keep a full line of their celebrated uiatiou disooiirago this kind of food worms were crawling in and about the rec- been proprietor oi Gapou Springs for several years, Arrive Washiugtou... 8.00 •« turn, oftentimes shows, itself around the- also of the Taylor Hotel. Winchester, Va., before aud 8t'p2Q-tf T. J. KERAN. REPLENISHED WITH A CHOICE " Baltimore... . 9.10 •• ©EWIIVO machiive®, for the production of the best milk. private parts. A-pleasant nnd safe cure in uiucothe war, and UFhistant maongcr of the Greenliri- All trains dally (Sunday excepted), except the 6 P. which they offer to Uie public at greatly reduoed pri- All of the luemtRrB of the associa- every case is "Bwayue's Olutliteiit." If al- or WbitS* Sulphur Springs for seven years—enables STOCK OF M. train leaving Harrlaouburg for the East, whloh ces A full line of NEEDLES, PARTS and ATTACH- . him to guAi'imto to his guests comfort and a delight- NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. runs only on Mondays, Woduoudays and SaturJays. MENT3 constantly ou hand. Machines sold ou easy tion are said to use sowed corn, to be lowed to continue very serious results may ful Hnjourii at the Americau Hotel. terms. fed when the pastures are poor in the follow, it also cures tetter, barber's itch, tcruiH have been reduced In consequence"of Fall and Winter Goods! a Beware of Imitations and secoud-haud Moohlnea scald head, ring worm, blotches, all crusty, tbo llnnucial condition ol the country, ho as to accom- TO FARMERS AND THEJOBLIG GENERALLY. f o XJ" T 2; <3 rebuilt. To insure getting a genuine SINGER MA* droughts of summer. scaly, itchy skin eruptions. Bent by mall to modate the Coinmerclal men hh well ob those set king M 8K AND CATTLE CHINE, buy only at our branch office, or of our duly There are two mumbers who cook tho any address on receipt of price, 50 cunts a box, bealih ujid pleaBiiro. f2.00 and $2.50 per dav: 113.00 My new IHackamith Shop, nearly oppoaite the Your attention la reupcctfully culled to the above 2£ POWDERS, authorised agents. or tltreo boxes for SI 25,by Dr. Bwayneh Sou per week. (ucvlj N. M. CAHTMELL. Steam Tannery, on Water Ktreot, Ixitwoeu Main and auuonncement. The ropuUttion of thiu favorite old THE SINGER MAKUFACTUBING COMPANY, food for thoir cows; one has sixty to Gsrman, haw been completed, ond evorythlng l-t In etoud for bcliiug the may'23Gm Ns. 1 E. Market St., Uarrisonburg, Vs. seveuly animals to toed, tho other has Philadelpbia. Sold by all leading drugglats. perfect order for the prompt exocutiou of any kind eighty. Cooking is not ihonght to be In Harrlsoubtirg by L. H. Ott, J L.Avis, and klUH. M. C. LDBTON, Paoi'iiiUTUKss. | of Ulaeksmilll Work, such oh Irwiu A Bon. BARRISONDURO, V A. IRONING WAGONS, CARRIAGES, MACHINE WORK, Best Goods at Low Prices The Uiirmouburg Irou Foundry,' prolilahlo when loss than forty cows C. E. k J. U. 'LurroN, Managers. Fon Rick on Nkuvous IIeadaciir,costive ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY WORK, AND will bo malutuluod in the futuro. We have oil goods ^ „ wTll our© op provaat 11 ro to be fed. This House bus been thorr ugldy repaired and fur- U1T3I* AIKITVC* OKIMEUALI^Y. iu a to re that thu wapta of this coinrounty demand. reJ..0iP?nM? JTUl d,? of Cor'ro Dorrs 0/ Llho F» Some memhers of the nssooinUon I habits, inactive liver and to ward oil malari- ulshed throufflioiit with new aud Usly furniture, [m My (irices will be found aa low an GOOD work can Call to huc uu and make your aclvotluu, au wu aro Tan, if Fontz'a Powders aro usedt in time. P. BRADLEY, al fevera "Dr. Swayne's Tur and Burapttrllla couvenieully located to the telegraph office, bauka uud bo duuo for iu any part of tho world. Mark that! •atiuffed wo ecu plciuo ull iu pouUdX pwdera-TlU pore and preveuLlloo rnoiani. MAXUFAOTUURR of Living.- -MKreM feed higher than others, and it is fully 1 Pills" are very effective. They act gcully, oilier buHiiii'Bi* hoiiM«a. Txum*:—-For Jobbing, Cash. To regular euatomora, W1U 1 ruvun{ ^ ton Plows, Hill side JMows.W agreed among them that high feeding | wilhnut any griping or tinplemistil aeiuutliim The (able will always be supplied with the boat the tho UMiial temiH. Produce tukou for work tt market Stylo, quality and Price. Foaia'ti 1'owdi-nitvn, tTipre-aa tho mendtvor miv ■' Cutters, Canu-MUls, Koad-Scra- Lnvii "lid city inurketa afford. AttuuUve uervautw em- rntcm, aamn sm cuati Wo cniiuoi eimuierftte iu detail our block, but invlto BttuTOKr'SiS jjers, Hurse-pnwur and Thresher Ro-^y^SB®*! and oonscqneut great jie'd of milk w'liaiever, leaving no bad elfecls, as is lite ployed. oik* am) nil to comu and hoc I»aIrs Iron Kettles. Polished Woguu-fiSaaDMlHMvaa wears out t.10 cows and renders llioni | case witii blue mass or culotuel Prepared A BATU-HOUflE ia cunnoctud with tho liouuo. itv A HPKC1ALTV. Boxes Circular Saw-UiUs, Corn aud Piaster Crushers, i onlv by Dr. Swayne A Hon, Pbiluilulphla, Give mu a rail ami 1 guatuLtce aatiuinctiuu iu butli Wo couaUnily kiuqi on hand I LOUR aud MILL Fire (irab's. Andirons, Ac. Also, a superior article of no longer profiiublo after from four to Tim K|'o(hw«mh1 Hotel la uUu under our munugc- work and FLLD, uud have lu u uico lot of N KW CORN. w,u u,y TliIxiihle Hkelns, ami all kinds of MILL GKAR- niui snlil at 25 cents a box by all leading ' " |N0. Ac. JiMd'FluUliliiij »>f every deeertptiuu, six vcani' uso. diuggtr' - n Mnrrisoiibiirg. uieiit. No bar-iiK^ui U couuected with (he Revere or Jum Kavauaiigh. E. E . LONG. Ap:t. DAVID ». FOVTa. J^opHotor, limit promptjy, si reaHotisblu prices. AddresN, JJotSHwJ n-dj. lw»yJ ly Jt-JV If [Rt-fUlcr coj.y.j miUJ'THy p !iK.vI>riSY, UarrlsbubuigfTa. ' <