The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project HARRY A. CAHILL Interviewed By: Charles
The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project HARRY A. CAHILL Interviewed by: Charles Stuart Kennedy Initial interview date: July 29, 1993 Copyright 1998 ADST TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Raised in New York City and New England Manhattan College, Columbia (niversity (.S. Army, Korean ,ar Private business Entered Foreign Service 1.50 1 R, Soviet Affairs 1.5021.58 orway, Oslo Consular and protocol activities Ambassador Frances ,illis Anti24erman sentiment Poland, ,arsaw 1.0121.05 4SO 2 political officer Environment Polish government attitude Polish government and church relations 6ohns Hopkins 2 SA1S 1.0521.05 4raduate work in economics Yugoslavia, Belgrade 1.0521.08 Economic officer A1D program Economic7political environment Tito (ruguay, Montevideo 1.0821.81 Commercial attache Tupamaros Murder of (SA1D officer Dan Mitrione Political and economic environment 1ndustrial College of the Armed Forces 1.8121.82 1 Department of Commerce 1.8221.85 :OA programs Policy planning igeria, Lagos 1.8521.88 Coup d'etat Economic situation President Carter's visit ,aste and corruption Legacy of slavery Civil Service Senior Seminar 1.8821.8. Sri Lanka, Colombo Tamil2Sinhalese rivalry 4overnment officials (.S. Navy project Economic Bureau 1.8121.82 Business Bureau study Department of Commerce 1.8221.83 Chief 2 (.S. Commercial Service Commercial Service's operations 1ndia, Bombay 1.8321.88 Consul 4eneral Environment 2 political7social7economic Major problems Libya bombing, reaction Cultural productions Official travel :isas (nited Nations, 4eneral Assembly 1.8. Minister2Counselor Deputy Representative to ECOSOC Distrust of ( by administration Dealing with Soviets Multilateral diplomacy (S mission staff 2 assessment :ernon ,alters 4ulf ,ar Post2retirement Projects INTERVIEW 2 Q: Today is July 29, 1993.
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