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The O bserver TUESDAY , DECEMBER 4, 1990 VOL. XXIII NO. 63 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY’S Sophomore experiences the turmoils of DARTing By FRANK RIVERA • News Writer Registration '90: Declaring government as a DARTand other major can mean taking 400- problems level courses before completing introductory classes. It did for Chris Parent. partment. The one-half full Parent, a sophomore gov time faculty member indicates ernment major, was forced to that the member only teaches register for upper level classes half of the time, while the usually taken by juniors and spending the rest of the time seniors. performing other tasks. “This semester (fall 1990), the “There will usually be more first semester of my sophomore majors in the spring, than in year, I had to take two 400-level the fall, so the number of ma courses,” said Parent. “I'm the jors can vary quite a bit,” said only sophomore in one class of Sharon O’Brien, associate pro all juniors and seniors.” fessor of government. “There The varying number of gov have been times within the last ernment majors has made it couple of years where we may difficult for the department to have had as many as 600 ma accommodate them in classes jors, if you count second ma The Observer / J. Studebaker without any increases in the jors.” Stone’s ND debut number of instructors. There are only 19 and one-half full Junior Amy Miller examines a picture of Madonna at the Rolling Stone exhibit at Theodore's. Promotional time faculty members in the de- see DART / page 6 posters and coffee mugs are available at the display which will continue through Wednesday.
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