David Mcintosh/DC/USEPA/US Wrote:
Release 3 - HQ-FOI-01268-12 All emails sent by "Richard Windsor" were sent by EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson 01268-EPA-1763 David To thompson.diane, perciasepe.bob, mccarthy.gina, fulton.scott, McIntosh/DC/USEPA/US heinzerling.lisa, oster.seth, sussman.bob 02/21/2010 11:45 AM cc Richard Windsor, Joseph Goffman bcc Subject Here is the draft reply to Rockefeller et al Ex. 5 - Deliberative Thanks, David -----David McIntosh/DC/USEPA/US wrote: ----- To: Richard Windsor/DC/USEPA/US@EPA From: David McIntosh/DC/USEPA/US Date: 02/19/2010 07:45PM cc: Bob Perciasepe/DC/USEPA/US@EPA, Bob Sussman/DC/USEPA/US@EPA, Diane Thompson/DC/USEPA/US@EPA, Gina McCarthy/DC/USEPA/US@EPA, Joseph Goffman/DC/USEPA/US@EPA, Lisa Heinzerling/DC/USEPA/US@EPA, Scott Fulton/DC/USEPA/US@EPA, Seth Oster/DC/USEPA/US@EPA Subject: Re: Here is the delivered letter from the Senators Ex. 5 - Deliberative Richard Windsor---02/19/2010 07:19:52 PM---I'm available all weekend. ----- Original Message ----- Fro Richard Windsor/DC/USEPA/US m: To: David McIntosh/DC/USEPA/US@EPA, Diane Thompson/DC/USEPA/US@EPA, Bob Perciasepe/DC/USEPA/US@EPA, Gina McCarthy/DC/USEPA/US@EPA, Joseph Goffman/DC/USEPA/US@EPA, Lisa Heinzerling/DC/USEPA/US@EPA, Bob Sussman/DC/USEPA/US@EPA, Scott Fulton/DC/USEPA/US@EPA, Seth Oster/DC/USEPA/US@EPA Dat 02/19/2010 07:19 PM e: Sub Re: Here is the delivered letter from the Senators ject : I'm available all weekend. David McIntosh Release 3 - HQ-FOI-01268-12 All emails sent by "Richard Windsor" were sent by EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson ---- Original Message --- From: David Mc int osh Sent : 02/19/2010 07 : 08 PM EST To: Richar d Windsor; Diane Thompson; Bo b Per ciasepe; Gina McCar thy; Joseph Goffman; Lisa Heinzerling ; Bo b Sussman; Scott Fulton; Seth Oster Subject : Her e is the delivered lette r f r om t he Senato r s Ex.
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