Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Think Like a Chef by Tom Colicchio Tom Colicchio's Net Worth: The Host Makes More Than You Think. While "Top Chef" viewers know him best as one of the show's judges, those in the food industry know Tom Colicchio best as a talented chef and successful restaurateur. Colicchio fell in love with cooking while working in the kitchen with his mother and grandmother. He used cooking manuals by celebrity chef Jacques Pepin to improve his skills, and got his first job at 17 at Evelyn's Seafood Restaurant in New Jersey (via TV Guide). He eventually became a line chef at Quilted Giraffe in . "It was a four-star restaurant. I was still planning on culinary school, but once I was promoted from line cook to sous chef, that was it," Colicchio told Bloomberg. Despite his lack of a formal education, he went on to work at the Hôtel de France in Auch, France, and as the executive chef at the Mondrian in New York. In 1994, he became a co-owner of Gramercy Tavern and won the James Beard Award for Best Chef, New York, in 2000. The following year he launched Crafted Hospitality, a restaurant group that includes New York's Craft, Temple Court, Long Island's Small Batch, Craft , and Heritage Steak and Craftsteak in . And in 2006, Colicchio brought his vast culinary knowledge to "Top Chef "as executive producer and head judge. "It's not so different from my regular job, which is to give young cooks honest feedback about their work," he explained. Tom Colicchio's career has earned him millions. Tom Colicchio's success in the restaurant world, as well as his work on "Top Chef," has earned him five James Beard Foundational Medals, as well as an Emmy Award. In addition, Colicchio is the author of two books: "Think Like a Chef" and "Craft of Cooking" (via TV Guide). All of this has helped him achieve a net worth of $20 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth. While he has plenty to keep him busy, Colicchio shows no signs of slowing down. Not only did the 18th season of "Top Chef" premiere in 2021, but Colicchio also launched Vallata, his first Italian restaurant (Eater New York). The eatery's website explains that the menu is "inspired by his family & a year of home-cooked meals," which Colicchio prepared for his wife, Lori Silverbush, and their three children. "I think people are looking for a friendly place where they know they're going to get a good meal and they can see other people enjoying themselves and be social again," Colicchio told RESY New York about his new endeavor. Tom Colicchio. 'Wichcraft: Craft a Sandwich Into a Meal--And a Meal Into a Sandwich. by Tom Colicchio and Sisha Ortuzar. Are you sure you want to delete this book from your Bookshelf? Doing so will remove all the Bookmarks you have created for this book. Categories: Sandwiches & wraps; Restaurants & celebrity chefs ISBN: 9781299176874 eBook (United States) 5/10/2014. Craft of Cooking: Notes and Recipes from a Restaurant Kitchen. by Tom Colicchio. Are you sure you want to delete this book from your Bookshelf? Doing so will remove all the Bookmarks you have created for this book. Categories: Restaurants & celebrity chefs; Main course ISBN: 9780609610503 Hardcover (United States) 11/24/2003. Craft of Cooking: Notes and Recipes from a Restaurant Kitchen. by Tom Colicchio. Are you sure you want to delete this book from your Bookshelf? Doing so will remove all the Bookmarks you have created for this book. Categories: General ISBN: 9781299182325 eBook (United States) 1/1/2012. Think Like a Chef. by Tom Colicchio. Are you sure you want to delete this book from your Bookshelf? Doing so will remove all the Bookmarks you have created for this book. Categories: Restaurants & celebrity chefs ISBN: 9780609604854 Hardcover (United States) 3/1/2001. Think Like a Chef. by Tom Colicchio. Are you sure you want to delete this book from your Bookshelf? Doing so will remove all the Bookmarks you have created for this book. Categories: Restaurants & celebrity chefs ISBN: 9780307406958 Paperback (United States) 11/13/2007. Think Like a Chef. by Tom Colicchio. Are you sure you want to delete this book from your Bookshelf? Doing so will remove all the Bookmarks you have created for this book. Categories: Restaurants & celebrity chefs ISBN: 9781299182257 eBook (United States) 1/1/2012. Top Chef: The Cookbook. by Tom Colicchio and The Creators of Top Chef. Are you sure you want to delete this book from your Bookshelf? Doing so will remove all the Bookmarks you have created for this book. Categories: Restaurants & celebrity chefs ISBN: 9780811864305 Hardcover (United States) 4/15/2008. Top Chef: The Cookbook. by Tom Colicchio and Creators of "Top Chef" Are you sure you want to delete this book from your Bookshelf? Doing so will remove all the Bookmarks you have created for this book. Categories: General courses ISBN: 9780811873475 Hardcover (United States) 8/26/2009. 'wichcraft: Craft a Sandwich Into a Meal--And a Meal Into a Sandwich. by Tom Colicchio and Sisha Ortuzar. Are you sure you want to delete this book from your Bookshelf? Doing so will remove all the Bookmarks you have created for this book. Categories: Restaurants & celebrity chefs; Sandwiches & wraps ISBN: 9780609610510 Hardcover (United States) 3/31/2009. Wichcraft. by Tom Colicchio and Sisha Ortuzar. Are you sure you want to delete this book from your Bookshelf? Doing so will remove all the Bookmarks you have created for this book. Cookbook Love Letter: Tom Colicchio's Think Like a Chef. The sight of Tom Colicchio by himself on the dance floor struck me as odd even then. He wasn't dancing strangely, at least not that I remember, and there was nothing unusual about him dancing alone. Everyone else at that party in 2003 or 2004 was shimmying about solo, too. And it wasn't because of his Top Chef fame—that show wouldn't air for another two or three years. Anyone there would have said that Colicchio was a great chef, that his work at Gramercy Tavern put him at the top of the Zagat charts, but no more or less so than some of the other chefs who had stopped by that night. I knew all of that, and yet it still seemed strange that no one was paying him any mind. Because, to me, Colicchio had already reached full-blown celebrity status and become a mentor of mine, even if he didn't know it. I was midway through a months-long stage at one of New York's most highly rated restaurants—the party was their annual holiday bash—working nights and weekends on top of a full-time job. My hope was that it would eventually help me land a paying restaurant gig. I'd ruled out going to cooking school after talking to each of the line cooks at the restaurant who had. "I really enjoyed it," they'd say. "But I'm not sure it was necessary." Those who hadn't gone came to a similar conclusion: "It would have been nice to go, but I'm here anyway. so I guess it wasn't necessary." That was enough to convince me that spending $30,000 that I didn't have—and likely wouldn't recoup on a rookie cook's minimum-wage salary—wasn't going to be my path into professional kitchens. I resolved to do it the old-fashioned way, working for free until someone decided I was worth paying. To speed up the process, I spent every free minute I had nose-deep in my growing library of cookbooks. If my Ivy League education had given me anything, it was the confidence that I could lead my own course of study without the hand-holding of a culinary school. I read my way through reference books like Larousse Gastronomique and Pépin's La Technique ; single-subject masterworks like James Peterson's Sauces ; guides to the basics, like the Culinary Institute of America's The Professional Chef (I wasn't going to pay their tuition, but I was happy to buy their course materials); and regional studies in Italian and French cuisine by writers like Waverley Root, Ada Boni, and Elizabeth David. The reading I assigned myself, and the late-night cooking sessions that accompanied it, were endless. But of all the books, the one that truly unlocked my thinking about cooking and helped me grow into a more self-sufficient cook was Think Like a Chef , Colicchio's first book, which came out in 2000. I look at it today, and I'm surprised that such a modest book could have been so influential. It's not some weighty tome like Larousse , or one of those inflated coffee-table chef books that are as useful to the home cook as a guide to the inner workings of a NASCAR pit crew would be to someone just learning to drive stick. Then I lift the cover and begin to page through it once more. I'm struck by how yellow the pages have become around the edges. On the title page is an inscription, dated 02/26/01: Daniel, Cook Often, Eat Well. It's followed by a scribbly signature, two ovals looped over each other, somehow spelling Colicchio's name. At first I can't recall how I got it autographed, but then I remember that my mom asked him to sign a copy for me at a book event. After scanning the introduction, an essay about Colicchio's early days as a cook that I read and reread years ago for clues on how to follow a similar path, I come to the meat of the book: his roadmap to approaching cooking like a professional. Real cooking, Colicchio tells us, isn't about learning to follow recipes to the letter, just like real art isn't created by following a paint-by-numbers coloring book. Get bogged down in the minutiae of a recipe, and you lose sight of what really matters: the food that results. Instead, he says to think in terms of techniques—not the little techniques, like how to flute a mushroom or cut carrot obliques (though those are important, too), but the big ones. Roasting. Braising. Blanching. Stock-making. Sauces. Understand those, and you'll develop recipe X-ray vision. Take a hypothetical recipe instruction like this, for example: Preheat oven to 350°F. Heat oil in a large ovenproof skillet over medium-high heat, add chicken skin side down, and cook until browned, about 6 minutes. Flip chicken, transfer to oven, and cook until an instant-read thermometer registers 170°F when inserted in the center, about 20 minutes. To those beholden to recipes, it looks like a series of discrete steps that must each be followed verbatim. (Confirm exact amount of oil for pan! Set timer for six minutes! Turn chicken, no matter what, at the end of those six minutes! Be confused when the skin comes out flabby and the meat dry!) But, according to Colicchio, those who have a grasp of fundamental techniques can instantly tell that this is just a simple roasting procedure that starts in the pan and finishes in the oven, albeit at too high an internal temperature. How much oil? Enough to lubricate the pan. How hot should it be? Hot enough that you hear an active, but not violent, sizzle. How many minutes should it take? Until it's brown ( forget the minutes and use your eyes and ears! Colicchio instructs). When is it done? If you like your chicken juicy, trust your own knowledge about temperature, and don't go over 160°F. In this way, you can take what you want from a recipe and leave the rest, making your own decisions about exactly how you want it to turn out. Each technique in the book is followed by simple example recipes. Roasting leads you from whole roasted chicken and leg of lamb to a sea bass fillet and then pan-roasted salsify, simultaneously showing the diversity of the technique and the common thread that connects them all. The lessons are short and sweet, but there's a wealth of wisdom hidden inside. Looking at those example recipes now, I remember cooking all of them years and years ago, some more than once, trying to ingest the lessons through hands-on practice. It might be the only book I've ever come close to cooking from cover to cover. And even though I haven't cracked its spine in at least a decade, each of the recipes is so familiar to me today that I realize I've been cooking them, in one form or another, ever since. That was precisely the lesson Colicchio had intended to teach his readers so many years ago. Looking at him, alone at that holiday party, filled me with reverence and respect. To him, though, I was just another body on the dance floor, grooving alone to the music. The Untold Truth Of Top Chef Judge Tom Colicchio. Since the launch of Top Chef in 2006, viewers have become enamored of judge and mentor Tom Colicchio, a chef, restaurateur, and political activist whose passion for food and knowledge of cuisine has made him a longstanding fan favorite. A native of New Jersey, Colicchio's Top Chef bio runs through some of his many accolades: His many well-known restaurants and eateries, the famous kitchens he's worked in over the years, books he's published. His official bio even talks a little about the fact that he co-founded a political action group called Food Policy Action, an organization with a mission to reduce hunger and promote healthy eating. But all that doesn't really scratch the surface, does it? Colicchio's high profile has only heightened thanks to his association with Top Chef , yet how much do fans of the show really know about Colicchio and his rags-to-riches rise to culinary glory? Find out by exploring the untold truth of Top Chef judge Tom Colicchio. Tom Colicchio has only spat out food on Top Chef twice. Serving as a judge over the course of more than a dozen seasons of Top Chef , Tom Colicchio has tasted a lot of food, and not all of it has been worth tasting. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter , Colicchio revealed what happened when something he sampled was so vile that he literally couldn't keep it in his mouth. "There were only two dishes that I spit out," he said, revealing one incident that longtime viewers will recall seeing on the show. "We were in the desert in Las Vegas, and it was about 110 degrees. We were served more-than-room-temperature raw fish. It was pretty gross," he admitted. The other time he spat out a dish wasn't actually captured on camera. "It was a clam, and it was kind of warm, as well, with lychee, and something about it just made that gag reflex go off," he told THR with a laugh. However, he insisted that the show's overall track record for amazing food has been pretty near impeccable. "We don't get a lot of bad dishes," he said. Why Tom Colicchio thought his first TV appearance would also be his last. Tom Colicchio may be a seasoned television veteran, but back in 1991 he was a rising superstar chef who had never been in front of a TV camera when he was booked to do a cooking segment on Live! with Regis and Kathie Lee . As Colicchio recalled to Bon Appetit , he didn't realize he was supposed to attend a rehearsal. This, he said, led to a producer yelling, "You're going to mess this up, I can't believe this, I should just cut you right now." When something didn't go as planned during the live show, host Regis Philbin joked, "Well, that's what happens when you miss rehearsal." Colicchio assumed that was a barb aimed at him, but soon realized Philbin had also missed rehearsal, and was joking about himself. "He didn't even know I missed it because he wasn't there," recalled Colicchio. "So we get through the segment and I get it done in time and it's just perfect. The producer came over after the segment and she just said, 'Wow, that was really great. Anytime you want to come by, just let us know.' And I was like, 'I will never do TV again.'" The tragic reason Tom Colicchio nearly postponed his wedding. Top Chef judge Tom Colicchio and wife Lori Silverbush seriously considered calling off their wedding when unforeseen circumstances intervened. The wedding date had long been set, scheduled to take place on September 15, 2001 until the deadly 9/11 terrorist attacks took place days before the nuptials were planned. Ultimately, the couple decided to carry through with their plans, reports the New York Times , deciding love would triumph over terror. The couple exchanged vows in front of about 120 family members and friends in attendance, while cancelled flights in the days after the attacks prevented 30 guests from making it. According to the Times , the rabbi who performed the ceremony acknowledged the tragedy. "Here in America, and there in Jerusalem, spread over us your canopy of peace," said Rabbi Bonnie Cohen in her prayer. "Amen," answered the crowd in response. Colicchio addressed the timing of his nuptials in a 2017 tweet. "My wife + I were married 4 days after 9/11," he wrote, adding that he thought about cancelling, but his wedding ring was inscribed "don't postpone joy." Did you just get chills? Tom Colicchio produced an important film. In addition to his multiple roles as chef, restaurateur, Top Chef judge and political activist, in 2013 Tom Colicchio added another entry to his résumé: movie producer. Colicchio, who is also executive producer of Top Chef , served in the same role for A Place at the Table , a probing documentary directed by his wife, filmmaker Lori Silverbush. The doc addresses a rather harsh statistic: 50 million Americans — and one in four children — go hungry each day. The film, states its official synopsis, demonstrates workable solutions to solve this problem permanently "once the American public decides — as they have in the past — that ending hunger is in the best interests of us all." Speaking with Time , Colicchio revealed the most surprising thing he learned in the course of making the film is that hunger is something that can be fixed. "It's not something like climate change or terrorism," he explained. "We can fix it and we've fixed it before." Tom Colicchio was sued for allegedly stealing servers' tips. Tom Colicchio is not the type of celebrity who typically stirs up scandal in the tabloids, yet in May 2019 the Top Chef judge found himself on the receiving end of a lawsuit alleging that one of his companies intentionally stole servers' tips. Eater offered details of the lawsuit filed by a server who worked events at Colicchio's Temple Court, a restaurant located within the Beekman Hotel. The suit alleges that over a period of six years, tips meant for staff working at private events at the restaurant were held by managers, and not distributed to the staff. In addition, the suit claimed that clients hosting those events were charged $500 staffing fees and a 23 percent administrative fee, which, the suit charged, should have been distributed among staff. Colicchio, however, disputed the allegations, saying that tips are not collected at these events, and instead, staff is paid a rate of $25 per hour. He told Eater the private event contract clearly states those fees aren't gratuities meant to be given to event staff, but instead are applied to operating costs. Said Colicchio, "We believe that we operate above-board." Tom Colicchio quit a food policy group he launched. Top Chef judge Tom Colicchio is one of the founders of Food Policy Action, an organization devoted to pushing for federal legislation to "make our food system more balanced and provide healthy, affordable food for all," according to the group's website. He threw the weight of his celebrity behind the organization and its lofty goals — until he wound up exiting it completely in 2018. Colicchio announced his intention to part ways with Food Policy Action in an Instagram post, admitting it was "with equal parts sadness and appreciation that I am announcing my resignation from the board." In an interview with The New York Times , Colicchio shed light on his decision to part ways with the group. As he explained, he remained committed to the organization's mission, but didn't think what it was doing had been particularly effective. "I think lobbying efforts around food aren't going to work, and I'd rather spend my time trying to change Congress instead of shouting into the void," he told the Times . "I'd rather spend my time getting better people elected." Tom Colicchio was brutally roasted by Top Chef co-star Padma Lakshmi. Tom Colicchio has never taken himself too seriously, and this came across loud and clear when he agreed to be the subject of the second annual Chef's Roast in 2015. As The Washingtonian reported, the guest of honour took some shots from Top Chef host Padma Lakshmi, who joked about Colicchio recently being honoured by his hometown. "Citizen of the year in Elizabeth, New Jersey is like being named 'Healthiest Food at McDonald's,' or 'The Tallest Midget in the Circus'," Lakshmi quipped. She also joked about Colicchio's Top Chef eye-rolling when he thinks she can't see him. "I can see you. I've always seen you. I have eyes in my ears. Plus there are 14 cameras rolling. You're not fooling anybody," she said. "But then I realized why he's rolling his eyes. It's the only way he knows how to fake that he's actually listening." She concluded by poking fun at his "simple" tastes. "He wakes up in the morning and he eats his eggs with the same spice-rubbed squash as you and me," she joked. The heartwarming reason Tom Colicchio loves to go fishing. Tom Colicchio is an avid fisherman, whose love of angling was the focus of a feature about the Top Chef judge in Men's Journal . Fishing, Colicchio told the magazine, was something he's done since he was a kid, though his methods have changed a lot over the years. As Colicchio told the Wall Street Journal , it was originally something he did with his dad, a corrections officer who passed away when the chef was just 26. He said he was just 5 when he first started going out on the water with his father on weekend fishing expeditions. "He wasn't a very good fisherman, so I probably learned patience on his boat," said Colicchio. "He always had a fishing line in the water, but most of the time we were crabbing and clamming." Those trips with his father began his love of fishing — which eventually dovetailed with his passion for cooking, he told Men's Journal . Colicchio's quest to bring fresh, local ingredients to his restaurants led him to become an advocate for sustainable fishing. It also resulted in his own YouTube fishing show Hooked Up with Tom Colicchio, which launched in 2012 as a part of the Hooked Up Channel, and saw him go on fishing trips with celebrities ranging from chef Eddie Huang to Jane's Addiction frontman Perry Farrell. The first thing Tom Colicchio does every morning — and why it makes him "so happy" In September 2019, Tom Colicchio and his wife, filmmaker Lori Silverbush, gave Wine Spectator a tour of their Brooklyn brownstone. One of the home's somewhat unique features is the backyard garden, where Colicchio grows herbs and vegetables to use when preparing meals for his family. In addition to serving as a source of fresh ingredients for his dishes, the backyard garden also proved to be therapeutic to the celebrity chef. "I get up in the morning at six, I'm out in the garden for two hours and then my day starts, and it's just a much better day," he told the magazine. "It makes me so happy." Gardening, Colicchio explained, provides him with a constantly blooming reminder that there's only so much about life that can actually be controlled, no matter how much we try to convince ourselves otherwise. "I don't know exactly what they're going to grow into," he said of his herbs and vegetables. "You just have to let them grow." Tom Colicchio is pretty obsessed with gardening, for a good reason. If Tom Colicchio's backyard garden in his Brooklyn brownstone has become a place for contemplation and reflection, but it's more than just a hobby. In an interview with Food & Wine , the Top Chef judge admitted he's become somewhat obsessed with gardening. "If I have the whole day and I know I have to get a certain amount done, I can spend the morning, afternoon and evening out there tinkering and harvesting," he said. "The process is constant, it doesn't stop and that's what I like about it. It's never finished," he explained. And, of course, there's harvest time. "I get to cook everything that I grow," he added. Another reason he's come to love his garden is the unanticipated health benefits he's experienced from it. "Gardening is really relaxing and it's good for me, both mentally and physically," he revealed. "The first summer I did it, I lost 20 pounds." He also opined about the way working in the garden contributes to "quieting your mind." He did, however, single out one drawback. "The only negative part is it cuts into my fishing time," joked the avid fisherman. Tom Colicchio once saved someone's life. Not only is Tom Colicchio a Top Chef judge and celebrity chef, he's also quite literally a lifesaver . Back in 2009, Colicchio was attending a fundraising event in Washington, D.C., when somebody began asking in a panicked tone whether anyone knew the Heimlich maneuver. Colicchio did, and performed it on a female part host who was choking on a piece of food that had lodged in her throat. Colicchio's efforts were successful, dislodging the potentially fatal food and saving the woman's life. That woman was Joan Nathan, an award-winning cookbook author, who wrote about her experience being saved by Colicchio in a piece for the New York Times . In a subsequent interview with Time , Colicchio confirmed his spur-of-the-moment heroism. "It's true. It all happened so quickly," said Colicchio, recalling he was in the midst of a conversation when he looked over and saw Nathan holding her throat and two people next to her patting her back." He walked over, asked if she could talk, and when she gestured that she couldn't he performed the maneuver that saved her life. "I had some training," he explained. "I was a lifeguard when I was 17 years old." Tom Colicchio loses weight filming Top Chef while Padma Lakshmi gains it. One of the weirdest facts to emerge from the annals of Top Chef involves weight changes with two of the show's stars. As host Padma Lakshmi told People , part of her duties on the show involve tasting the contestants' dishes — which can be a lot of food. During the 2008 season, set in Chicago, she wound up gaining 17 pounds. "They wanna win," said Lakshmi of the chefs' caloric creations. "They don't care about my waistline, so there's duck sausage and taleggio and oozing burrata and ground meat, bacon, anything they can shove in there to make it decadent and juicy!" In a subsequent interview with People , Tom Colicchio revealed that when he works on the show he tends to actually lose weight. "She eats more than I do on the set because she does the quickfire challenges and the eliminations and I only do the eliminations," Colicchio said of Lakshmi. "I actually tend to lose weight believe it or not." Tom Colicchio doesn't see everything that Top Chef viewers do during filming. Speaking with Eater Denver , Tom Colicchio revealed some of the behind-the-scenes facts of which viewers may not be aware. One of these is that judges, by design, are forbidden from having any contact with the contestants until it's time for the judging. "They are not allowed to even say hello to us if we are off camera," Colicchio explained. "And there is someone with them at all times to make sure that that happens." As a result, Colicchio and his fellow judges are unaware of what takes place with the preparation of a dish until the finished product is placed in front of them. "A lot of the stuff you see from behind the scenes, we don't know," he added, admitting all those aspects of the show are kept hidden from the judges in order to allow them to be as impartial as possible when judging each dish. "I have no idea what is going on right now while they are shopping. I don't know what is going on tonight when they go home," he insisted. "We don't get that information. We don't want it." The most common mistake Tom Colicchio thinks people make when cooking. Tom Colicchio's knowledge of cooking is unparalleled. Given his vast experience, he shared what he believes to be the most common mistakes that he sees people making in the kitchen. Cooking well, he explained in a video for Business Insider , is like anything else: the more you work at it, the better you tend to become. "It's much like learning to play a musical instrument. You have to understand basics, you have to understand theory. And then from there you can improvise," he said. The most common thing he sees people doing wrong is how they slice and dice. He recommends that anyone trying to improve their abilities in the kitchen should "work on your knife skills. Getting comfortable with a knife is really important. Not just for speed but for precision as well. So I think, I think that's probably the most important thing. " Another big mistake he points to is sticking too closely to a recipe, which he sees more of "a guideline." According to Colicchio, a recipe "is just a starting off point and you can go from there." The Truth About Top Chef Judge Tom Colicchio's Wife. Tom Colicchio is a judge on Bravo's Top Chef and an accomplished figure in the culinary world. He owns Crafted Hospitality, which operates restaurants like Craft, Riverpark, Temple Court, and Small Batch in New York. Another Craft location popped up in Los Angeles, and there's also Heritage Steak and Craftsteak in Las Vegas, according to Bravo . When Tom isn't slicing and dicing in the kitchen, he's guiding the chefs throughout the competition. The new season of Top Chef premieres April 1, 2021, and he opened up to People about filming during a pandemic. It wasn't easy, but like everything else during the pandemic, you had to make it work. "We had about 160 people on our crew," he said. "I was staying in an Airbnb, but I didn't go out. I left my house to walk my dog, that was it. Everyone else was all in one hotel. They were only allowed to leave the hotel to go to the set and that's it. It's obvious Tom got a lot of support wife Lori Silverbush, who he's been married to since 2001. Keep reading for more about Tom and Lori's marriage. Lori Silverbush and Tom Colicchio met at one of his restaurants. Lori Silverbush and Tom Colicchio married on Sept. 15, 2001 in Martha's Vineyard. The couple actually met seven years earlier, when Lori was a waitress at Gramercy Tavern, one of Tom's restaurants (via The New York Times ). She needed the extra cash as a young filmmaker, since she had just received her master's from New York University. Things became romantic between the pair, and she soon left the restaurant to work on movies full-time. But she still found her way back to the kitchen, lending a hand to write his cookbook, Think Like a Chef. The proposal included food (are you surprised?) and Tom popped the question as they were waiting in line for pastrami sandwiches at Second Avenue Deli. Of course, Lori said yes! "We were hugging," she said, ”and the guy was saying, 'Your sandwiches!' ” The couple has two sons together, Luka and Mateo, and recently renovated a townhouse in Fort Greene, Brooklyn (via Today ). A big reason for moving out of their Manhattan apartment? "I didn't feel like that would give us that wonderful thing that you get for raising kids in New York: You get to raise a real New Yorker," Lori explained. "A real New Yorker to me isn't someone who's only ever met people who look and sound and think exactly like he or she does; it's the opposite."