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... '.' j ~ , , , World Series- page 8 VOL. XIV, NO. 31 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary's TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9,1979 CLC asks for women residents in new dorm by Michael Onu(rak Our hall government has put Senior Copy Editor a lot of time and money into the hall and we feel our facilities are second to none. We have The CaiJlpus Life Council last the best party room on campus, night passed a resolution sub a super game room and a mitted by Keenan rector Fr. weight room; all of which I Richard Conyers calling for the would hate to give up,'' Ciancio administration to house women said. in the two new student dormi ''Besides these tangibie tories being constructed in be-· things, I think. our hall is tween the library and the tow beginning to develop a tradition ers. The proposal, which also which will someday rival those recommended the towers re of older dorms on the South main male resident halls, was Quad. Jf we all have to pack up passed to ''facilitate the "in and leave next year that tradi crease of the female population tion will be destroyed.'' Cian with the least amount of diffi cio added that he had first culty and trauma of transition.'' heard of the rumour from HPC The resolution was generated members and Flanner rector by the presentation of a docu Bro. Peter Mahoney. ment drawn up by women who According to several sources The Campus Lzfe Council last to petition the Administration to reserve the new are members of the Hall Presi the rumour has spread from a dormitories, presently under construction, for the use of undergraduate women. [Photo by dent's Council. The document, conversation between HPC cha Greg Maurer ] which has been circulated to irman Ellen Dorney and Univer other dorms through the re sity President Fr. Theodore mainder of the HPC, lists Hesburgh. The rumour sug 1 several reasons why the new gests that in order to cur down fa·.ilities should be residences on maintenance costs ln the Gold drops , dollar gains strength tor women. Amon~ the reasens towers, women would be hous NEW YORK (AP) - The control of the money supply. The actions. are desi~ned to listed were secunty, potential ed in Flanner and men· in the government's plan to cut infla effect.'' Prices of silver, grain slow economic expanston and social implications, and ex new dorms. At press time last tion and support the dollar did ' and soybean futures fell on inflation by making it more pense. night Hesburgh could not be what it was meant to yesterday, commodity markets in reaction 1 difficult for ~anks to lend and Breen•Phillips Hall President reached and Dorney refused as the dollar rose and gold to the actions by the Federal 1 more expenstve for people to Dale Robinson described the comment. prices fell. But stock prices fell Reserve. borrow. document as a "communicative According to Assistant Vice amid fears that the plan means In an unusual Saturday night- The mov~s sent the do~lar ~p device for eventual affirmative President for Student Affairs higher interest rates. news conference, Federal Re- strongly 10 early trad10g 10 action" regarding the two new Fr. Gregory Green no official Economists generally reacted serve Chairman Paul R. Volcker Europe yesterday and the surge dorms. The document is the decision regarding the new favorably to the program anno announced a 1 percent increase held thro~gh the d~y. result of a campJJs-wide rumour dorms has been made as yet. unced Saturday; but many said in the discount rate- the rate at Gold pnces, wh1eh tend to which, if it were found to be Green did admit, however, that it could push the United States factual, would place men in the which member banks borrow move in the opposite direction the dorms are currently being deeper into a recession. Some money from the central bank. as the dollar, .closed at $374 a new dorms and women in · designed as unisex facilities. said it might not be strong Flanner Hall. The discount rate now is .ar a troy ounce 1~ London . and ''The new dorms are being enough to cure the dollar's record 12percent. The Fed also _$372.50 in Zunch. On Fnday, Planner Hall President Don built in such a way so they may chronic slide. Ciancio said last night that he increased the amount of reserv- ~old closed at $385.50 an ounce house either men or women A trader on the New York es member banks must keep m both cities after hitting a is aware of the rumour and depending on the administra- Commodity Exchange, the na midday record of$444 Tuesday. "doesn't like it." . tion's decision,'~ Green said. tion's largest market for gold "If this rumour does turn out That decision should come futures contracts, said the pro to be fact I think the administra some time after the upcoming gram "doesn't look like a tion will have ignored the [continued on page 4 ] ' longterm solution" although .Hesb·urgh reaffirms N.D. feelings of the men ofFlanner. _ "it wilJ have a short-term Observer analysis tenure rules, criteria by Dan Letcher Experts disagree on gold trends Senior StaffReporter University President Fr. Theodore Hesburgh told the Notre Dame by Mary Fran Callahan promgt binges of gold purchas- consider it to be an extremely faculty yesterday in Washington Hall that there have been no mg? ffering the anthropol?gi- trecherous investment. Those tenure rule changes. In times of economic bleak cal perspective on the prectous that buy it with the intention of ness, gold apparently shines all metal, Leo Despres, chairman selling It for a quick profit stand During his annual report, Hesburgh said that the. rules and the bnghter. After gold reached of Sociology and' Anthropology, to lose. However, . this is not criteria are well spelle9 out in the facu.lty ~andbook this s~mester $444 an ounce last week cam commented. ''Over the centur- necessarily company' policy.'' and remain unchanged. Tenure· cnte!ta -- and, specifically, pus experts disagre~d .on what ies, due to its scarcity and A Sept. 23 New York Times , standards used in judging research achievements among fac.ulty this rapid increase mdtcates. ornamental value, gold has held article speculated that the rapid · members -- has been a major topic of concern to the faculty smce ''The price of gold was ftxed its value. Given that fact, increase of gold prices may be . early last year. _ . for years at $.35 an ounce," peo~;>le think it will continue to .likened to the economic atmos Hesburgh said the appointment stage of the tenu~e process i::. the commented Vincent DeSantis, retam its value." phere prior to the Crash of '29. professor of History, "until we most important part of the tenure process. He adv1sed that careful went off the gold st~nd?-rd in Despres compared gold to However, DeSantis did not view considerations be taken at the appointment stage. the thirties and agam m the diamonds. Both have been used the current gold situation as a ''If someone is appointe~ and it Is w~ong, this is where thing~ go seventies. When nations went traditionally for quality iewelry; prelude to depression. haywire;" Hesburgh satd. Accord10g .to Hesburgh, .teach~ng, off the standard, fluctuations peoP.le invest. i!J them for thetr "People are buying gold as research and service are the three most rmportant constder~uons began." prectous qualmes. • they mil?ht buy wheat, bananas made for tenure. "Teaching is the most important area but tf the However, never before has ''Everybod}" s rushing into or oil. It s just another commod University is to achieve "e:xcellence" then members of the the price of gold scaled the l!old " Kilbride commented, ity. Yet, a bar of gold is viewed commumty must themselves be exce)lent,'' Heiurgh .stated. awesome peaks reflected in .last Rpanicularly small investors. as havin? more Jntrinsic value The price will go back." than some: bushel of wheat." He informed the 200 faculty members pres~nt o_f h1s. greatest week's ftgure. "The. pric~ ts a goal, "I would like to help create a great Catholic umverstty known reflection of uncertamty m the ManY. small investors un- The Merril Lynch executive world '' observed Bernard Kil doubtealy turn to _large c<?rpora- disagreed, "The country's eco for its' academic excellence." bride,' professor ?f F~?ance &. tions for financtal advice. A nomy is clearly in a crists state. fn today's world, the Catholic university is the exceptiom rather Business Economtcs. The for corporate executive from Merril Gold is mirroring it.'' . than the rule Hesburgh said. He went on to cite the world-wide eigners see the malaise of the Lynch, Inc.--a national stock- One thing is certain. The decline of Catholic institutions for higher learning. domestic situation and are con- I broker which de:ils with gold darker th<; .economy g~ts, the Hesburgh explained that Notre Dame is aspiring to become a cerned." · investments--said he wouldn't more enttcmg the ghtter of . [continued on page 5 ] And why does concern ! buy gold. "Personally, I would gold. 1 ----------- l ...------ News in brief Tuesday, October 9, 1979 -page 2' Carter designates ND Student Legal Services receives Leif Erickson Day funds from Student Government PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The president of the Leif Ericson by Tom Koegel almost all qualify. The only applies for help in the ND-SLS Society says he thinks "eventually they'll do away with vther qualification is that those office, a student intern will take Columbus Day." "You can't have two guys discovering the applying sign a release form.