Resource Guide to Development Organizations and the Internet Introduction

Welcome to the directory of development organizations 2010, Volume III: Europe

The directory of development organizations, listing 63.350 development organizations, has been prepared to facilitate international cooperation and knowledge sharing in development work, both among civil society organizations, research institutions, governments and the private sector.

The directory aims to promote interaction and active partnerships among key development organisations in civil society, including NGOs, trade unions, faith-based organizations, indigenous peoples movements, foundations and research centres. In creating opportunities for dialogue with governments and private sector, civil society organizations are helping to amplify the voices of the poorest people in the decisions that affect their lives, improve development effectiveness and sustainability and hold governments and policymakers publicly accountable.

In particular, the directory is intended to provide a comprehensive source of reference for development practitioners, researchers, donor employees, and policymakers who are committed to good governance, sustainable development and poverty reduction, through: the financial sector and microfinance, trade and business development services, rural development and appropriate technology, private sector development and policy reforms, legislation & rule of law and good governance, community development and social protection, gender equality and participation, environment and health, research, training and education.

As part of the collective effort to meet the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, the Year of Microcredit provided an opportunity for the international community to raise awareness about the importance of microfinance in eradicating poverty, and to enhance existing programmes that support sustainable, inclusive financial sectors worldwide. In essence, microfinance offers each day the possibility and hope to many poor people of improving - through their own efforts - their household economic welfare and well-being and enterprise stability and growth. Therefore, In this 2010 edition, microfinance actors and practitioner organizations have been marked by [M], integrating microfinance institutions and enabling environment into one directory.

This cutting-edge publication -- Tenth Edition -- will give you hundreds (thousands) of useful sites where you can find the statistics, reports, regulations, best practices and other key information you need...when you need it. This time-saving tool includes a country finder index and annotates each organization by category, so you'll know from the start whether an organization is worth visiting. Its Internet resources will point you in the direction of the best development resources available in each country on the World Wide Web today.

Directory of Development Organizations 2010: Volume III / http://www.devdir.org/ 1

Please note:

! For easier referencing, the directory has been divided into 6 geographical sections: Africa, Asia and the Middle East, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, , and Oceania.

! For each of the regions contacts have been annotated by the following 9 categories: (1) international organizations; (2) government institutions; (3) private sector support organizations (including fairtrade); (4) finance institutions; (5) training and research centres; (6) civil society organizations; (7) development consulting firms (including references to job opportunities and vacancy announcements); (8) information providers (development newsletters/journals); and, (9) grantmakers.

! The directory can be used in a variety of ways... by researchers, consultants and other development practitioners searching for up-to-date institutional information for a particular country; by trainers using the directories as a reference tool for their training programmes; by organizations trying to identify possible project partners; by individuals looking to identify possible employers; by funders seeking grantees; by grantees in search of funders; or by organizations aiming at identifying those institutions, agencies and programmes which are dedicated to providing resources, products and services to their members.

! For an advanced search we recommend to download Adobe Reader's latest full version and try the excellent search capabilities by using its "Search PDF Pane". All search results are shown on-the-fly in one pane and options for multiple-document searches do exist.

! In this 2010 Edition: Create your own personal directory of development organizations. All files are now enabled for adding pointers and comments to the directory (Adobe Reader's full version of 7.0 or higher required).

! Please use the following e-mail address to communicate any comments or suggestions: [email protected].

DISCLAIMER Copyright © 2000-2010. This web site is maintained for information purposes only. The purpose of this web site is to provide free information and resources to the development community. All directories can be downloaded for free, at no cost. Users may download, copy and reprint information from the site for non-commercial purposes so long as the source is cited. However, you may not resell, redistribute or create derivative works from the materials on this web site without our express permission in writing. This web site is provided "as is". We use our best efforts to maintain this web site, but we can not be held responsible whatsoever for the contents and accuracy of the information listed on this site and reject any liability due to direct or indirect use of the informations featured on this site, its printed directories or the links to other web sites mentioned in the directories. The information in the directories is being provided as a service only and does not imply endorsement or approval of its content nor a comprehensive listing of all available organizations. The database is not exhaustive and there may be other relevant organizations in your country. All materials available at this website are copyright protected. All rights reserved.

Photos with bicycles on coverpage by Jim Holmes; All other photos by Adam Rogers/UNCDF.

Directory of Development Organizations 2010: Volume III / http://www.devdir.org/ 2


Directory of Development Organizations 2010: Volume III / http://www.devdir.org/ 3

! Serbia

" ACDI / VOCA (Serbia) - Agricultural Cooperative Development International [M] Mailing address: Bulevar JNA 255 Beograd Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-397-2797 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.acdivoca.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" ACTED - Agency for Technical Co-operation and Development (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Omladinska 2 Kraljevo 36000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-36-31-9640 Fax: 381-36-31-9640 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.acted.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" ADA - Austrian Development Agency (Serbia) Mailing address: Senjacka 33 YU-11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-306-7770 Fax: 381-11-306-7770 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ada.gv.at/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" ADF - America's Development Foundation (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Knjeginje Zorke 96/11, V sprat Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-344-0226 Fax: 381-11-344-0227 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.adf.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" ADRA (Serbia) - Adventist Development and Relief Agency [M] Mailing address: Radoslava Grujica 4 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-344-2625 Fax: 381-11-344-2625 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.adra.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page: http://www.adra.org.rs/

" Agency for the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Entrepreneurship (Serbia) Mailing address: 19 Toplicin venac St. Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-334-6107 Fax: 381-11-334-6601 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.sme.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" AMCHAM - American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia Mailing address: 30/III/10 Vlajkoviceva St. Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-334-5961 Fax: 381-11-324-7771 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.amcham.rs/ Category: 3. Private sector Notes:

" American Councils for International Education (Serbia) Mailing address: Kraljice Natalije 68, I floor, Apt. 8 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-265-7362 Fax: 381-11-264-6025 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.americancouncils.org/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes: Other Web page: http://www.ac-see.org/

" ARC - American Refugee Committee (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Banjicki Venac 14a Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-367-0607 Fax: 381-11-366-0416 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: http://www.arcrelief.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page: http://www.arccrisscross.info/ Europe

" ASB - Arbeiter Samariter Bund (Serbia) Mailing address: Terazije 31 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-334-1414 Fax: 381-11- 334-0101 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.asb-online.de/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" ASD - Association of Students with Disabilities (Serbia) Mailing address: Vojvode Stepe 33 Beograd 11010 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-309-6536 Fax: 381-11-309-6536 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.adsyu.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" ASF Dansk Folkehjaelp (Serbia) Mailing address: Lomina 22 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-7639 Fax: 381-11-361-7639 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.folkehjaelp.dk/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" Association of Business Women of Serbia Mailing address: Volgina 15 Beograd 11060 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-277-6801 Fax: 381- 11-277-6801 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.poslovnezene.org.rs/ Category: 3. Private sector Notes:

" AVSI - Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale (Serbia) Mailing address: 27, Marta 123 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-343-3984 Fax: 381-11-343-3985 E-mail: Web page: http://www.avsi.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" AWIN - Association for Women's Initiatives (Serbia) Mailing address: ul. Majke Jevrosime 39 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-334-6192 Fax: 381-11-334-6190 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: http://www.awin.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" BalkanKult Foundation (Serbia) Mailing address: Nemanjina 4 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-362-1763 Fax: 381-11-362-1760 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: http://www.balkankult.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

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! Serbia

" BCIF - Balkan Community Initiatives Fund (Serbia) Mailing address: Gospodar Jevremova 45/III Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-262-2511 Fax: 381-11-262-9374 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.bcif.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" BeCEI - Belgrade Centre for European Integration (Serbia) Mailing address: Vitanovacka 23 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-246-4180 Fax: 381-11-246-4180 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.becei.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (Serbia) Mailing address: Beogradska ulica 54/7 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-344-7121 Fax: 381-11-344-7120 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.bgcentar.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" Belgrade NGO Center (Serbia) Mailing address: Zikic Fund - Belgrade NGO Center, Resavska 32 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11- 303-8704 Fax: 381-11-334-5510 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: http://www.ngo-center.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" BSC Kragujevac - Business Startup Centre Kragujevac (Serbia) Mailing address: Trg Topolivaca 4 Kragujevac 34000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-34-50-2512 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.bsckragujevac.org/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" BSE - Belgrade Stock Exchange (Serbia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 50 Beograd, Novi 11070 Serbia Other address: Omladinskih Brigada 1/ 3rd Floor Beograd, Novi 11070 Serbia Tel.: 381-11-311-7297 Fax: 381-11-311-8242 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.belex.rs/ Category: 4. Finance Notes:

" CAFOD - Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (Serbia) Mailing address: Visegradska 23 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-0325 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.cafod.org.uk/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" CARE International (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 61 Belgrade 11030 Serbia Other address: Sumadijski trg 6a Belgrade 11030 Serbia Tel.: 381- 11-355-9355 Fax: 381-11-355-9592 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.care.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page: http://www.care.org.rs

" Caritas (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Visegradska 23 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-0438 Fax: 381-11-361-0438 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.caritas.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" Central Securities Depository and Clearing House (Serbia) Mailing address: Trg Nikole Pašica no 5 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Europe Tel.: 381-11-333-1380 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.crhov.rs/ Category: 4. Finance Notes:

" CEP - Centre for Education Policy (Serbia) Mailing address: Decanska 2, I sprat Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-323-9164 Fax: 381-11-334-9662 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.cep.edu.rs/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" CESID - Center for Free Elections and Democracy (Serbia) Mailing address: Hadži Milentijeva 14, stan 4 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-244-3402 Fax: 381-11-241-8291 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.cesid.org/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" CESVI - Cooperazione e sviluppo (Serbia) Mailing address: Kosovska 3/19 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-322-7581 Fax: 381-11-322-7581 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.cesvi.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" CHF International - Cooperative Housing Foundation (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Ljutice Bogdana 1a/III Beograd 11040 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-367-2597 Fax: 381-11-367-2809 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.chfserbia.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page: http://www.chfinternational.org/

" Child Rights Centre (Serbia) Mailing address: Skender Begova 20/12 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-334-4170 Fax: 381-11-328- 6700 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.cpd.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Kneza Milosa 75 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-306-3000 Fax: 381-11-306-3042 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" CISP - Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (Serbia) Mailing address: Bircaninova 37/II Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-368-2618 Fax: 381-11-368-2618 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.sviluppodeipopoli.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

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! Serbia

" Citizens' Pact for South Eastern Europe (Serbia) Mailing address: Maksima Gorkog 5/2 Novi Sad 21000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-21- 661-3089 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.citizenspact.org.yu/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" City of Belgrade (Serbia) Mailing address: Masarikova 5/XVII Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-306-1699 Fax: 381-11-306-1688 E- mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.beograd.org.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Civic Initiatives (Serbia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 35-27 Belgrade 11120 Serbia Other address: Simina 9a 11 000 Beograd Serbia Tel.: 381-11-262-3980 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.gradjanske.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" CLDS - Center for Liberal-Democratic Studies (Serbia) Mailing address: Kralja Milana 7 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11- 324-6666 Fax: 381-11-323-0179 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.clds.org.rs/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" CoE - Council of Europe (Serbia) Mailing address: Sindjeliceva 9 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-308-8411 Fax: 381-11-344- 8281 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.coe.org.rs/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" Commissariat for Refugees of the Republic of Serbia Mailing address: Narodnih heroja 4 Belgrade 11070 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381- 11-285-7890 Fax: 381-11-312-9585 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.kirs.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Concern Worlwide (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Decanska 7 / II Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-322-2525 Fax: 381-11-322-2526 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.concern.net/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page: http://www.concernusa.org/

" Cooperatives Association of Serbia Mailing address: Resavska br.15 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-323-5012 Fax: 381-11-324-5286 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: http://www.zssrbije.co.yu/ Category: 3. Private sector Notes:

" Cooperazione Italiana (Serbia) Mailing address: Kneza Miloša 56 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-362-9349 Fax: 381-11-362- 1034 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.esteri.it/ Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page: http://www.cooperazione-italiana.org.yu/

" COOPI - Cooperazione Internazionale (Serbia) Mailing address: Il. Marie Bursac 2a/1 Nis Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-18-51-1599 Fax: Europe 381-18-51-0598 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.coopi.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" Cordaid (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Visegradska 23 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-0439 Fax: 381-11-361-0439 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.cordaid.nl/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" CPC - Commission for Protection of Competition (Serbia) Mailing address: Kneginje Zorke 7 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-381-1900 Fax: 381-11-381-1936 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.kzk.org.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" CPDD - Center for Peace and Democracy Development (Serbia) Mailing address: Milesevska 51 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-308-9978 Fax: 381-11-308-9979 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.caa.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: CAA - Center for Antiwar Action

" CRIC - Centro Regionale d'Intervento per la Cooperazione (Serbia) Mailing address: Slobodana Penezica 19/VI/2nd floor Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-65-6420 Fax: 381-11-64-5803 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.cric.it/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" CRNPS - Centre for Development of Non-profit Sector (Serbia) Mailing address: Bulevar despota Stefana 10/23 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-322-5024 Fax: 381-11-324-0128 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.crnps.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Resource: Directory of NGOs

" CUPS - Center for Advanced Legal Studies (Serbia) Mailing address: 36 Goce Delceva st. Beograd 11070 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11- 260-8360 Fax: 381-11- 60-8346 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.cups.rs/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" CUV - Cooperative Union of Vojvodina (Serbia) Mailing address: Blvd Mihajla Pupina 25 Novi Sad, Vojvodina Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381- 21-55-7066 Fax: 381-21-55-7027 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.zasav.org.rs/ Category: 3. Private sector Notes:

Directory of Development Organizations 2010: Volume III / http://www.devdir.org/ 6

! Serbia

" DECEP - Development Network European Perspective (Serbia) Mailing address: Karadjordjeva 34 Kragujevac 34000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-34-30-1653 Fax: 381-34-30-1653 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.hhdn.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" Delegation of the European Commission (Serbia) Mailing address: Avenija 19a Building, Vladimira Popovica 40/V New Belgrade 11070 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-308-3200 Fax: 381-11-308-3201 381-11-367-1153 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.delscg.ec.europa.eu/ Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page: http://www.europa.rs/

" Deposit Insurance Agency (Serbia) Mailing address: Knez Mihailova 2-4 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-328-7738 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.aod.rs/ Category: 4. Finance Notes:

" DRC - Danish Refugee Council (Serbia) Mailing address: Balkanska 48/12a Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361 0874 Fax: 381-11-361-4364 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.drc.dk/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" EAR (Serbia) - European Agency for Reconstruction Mailing address: Vasina 2-4 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-302- 3400 Fax: 381-11-302-3455 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ear.eu.int/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" EBRD (Serbia) - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development [M] Mailing address: Bulevar Zorana Dindica 64a, 5th Floor Novi Beograd 11070 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-212-0530 Fax: 381-11-212-0534 E-mail: Web page: http://www.ebrd.com/ Category: 4. Finance Notes:

" EBRD (Serbia) - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, BAS - Business Advisory Services Programme Mailing address: Djure Jaksica 7/III/11 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-303-7010 Fax: 381-11-303-7011 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://en.bas-serbia.org/ Category: 4. Finance Notes:

" ECPD - European Centre for Peace and Development (Serbia) Mailing address: Terazije 41/II Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381- 11-324-6041 Fax: 381-11-324-0673 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ecpd.org.rs Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" Educational Center Krusevac (Serbia) Mailing address: Bircaninova 26 Kruševac 37000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-37-50-2644 Fax: 381-37- 50-2644 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ec.org.rs/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

Europe " Educational Center Leskovac (Serbia) Mailing address: 78 Jovana Cvijica street Leskovac 16000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-16-21-5413 381- 16-21-5431 Fax: E-mail: Web page: http://www.nvo.org.rs Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" EHS - Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization (Serbia) Mailing address: Cirila i Metodija 21 Novi Sad 21000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-21-46-6588 Fax: 381-21-46-9683 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ehons.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" EI - Economics Institute (Serbia) Mailing address: Kralja Milana 16 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-3417 Fax: 381-11-361- 3467 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ecinst.org.rs/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" Embassy of Australia (Serbia) Mailing address: 8th Floor, Vladimira Popovica 38 - 40 New Belgrade 11070 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-330-3400 Fax: 381-11-330-3409 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.dfat.gov.au/ Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page: http://www.serbia.embassy.gov.au/

" Embassy of (Serbia) Mailing address: PO Box 839 Belgrad SRB-11001 Serbia Other address: 2, Sime Markovica Belgrad SRB-11000 Serbia Tel.: 381-11-333-6500 Fax: 381-11-263-5606 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.bmeia.gv.at/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" Embassy of Denmark (Serbia) Mailing address: Neznanog Junaka 9 A Beograd 11040 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-367-9500 Fax: 381-11-367- 9502 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.um.dk/ Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page: http://www.ambbeograd.um.dk/

" Embassy of France (Serbia) Mailing address: Ulica Pariska n°11 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-302-3500 Fax: 381-11-302-3550 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/ Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page: http://www.ambafrance-srb.org/

Directory of Development Organizations 2010: Volume III / http://www.devdir.org/ 7

! Serbia

" Embassy of Norway (Serbia), NORAD - Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation Mailing address: Uzicka 43 (in Dedinje) Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-367-0404 Fax: 381-11-369-0158 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mfa.no/ Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page: http://www.norveska.org.rs/

" Embassy of Sweden (Serbia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 5 Belgrad 11040 Serbia Other address: Ledi Pedzet 2, Dedinje Belgrad Serbia Tel.: 381-11-206- 9200 Fax: 381-11-206-9250 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ud.se/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" Embassy of Switzerland (Serbia) Mailing address: P.O. Box 817 Belgrade 11001 Serbia Other address: Bircaninova 27 Belgrade 11001 Serbia Tel.: 381- 11-306-5820 Fax: 381-11-265-7253 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.admin.ch/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" EMINS - European Movement in Serbia Mailing address: Kralja Milana 31 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-364-0174 Fax: 381- 11-364-0202 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.emins.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" ESPI - Economic and Social Policy Institute (Serbia) Mailing address: Toplicin venac 11 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11- 334-6086 Fax: 381-11-334-6086 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.institutespi.org/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" EWMI - East-West Management Institute (Serbia) Mailing address: Serbia Separation of Powers Program, Prote Mateje 24, 5th Floor Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-242-1663 Fax: 381-11-242-1678 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ewmi.org/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" FAO (Serbia) - Food and Agriculture Organization [M] Mailing address: Interacionalnih brigada 56 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-204-0400 Fax: 381-11-344-4300 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.fao.org/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" Femina Creativa (Serbia) - Association for the Economic Empowerment of Women Mailing address: Jahorinska 11 Subotica 24000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-24-53-5249 Fax: 381-24-53-5249 E-mail: Web page: http://www.feminacreativa.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" FeNS - Federation of NGOs of Serbia Mailing address: P.O. Box 35-27 Belgrade 11120 Serbia Other address: Simina 9a 11 000 Beograd Serbia Tel.: 381-11-262-3980 Fax: E-mail: Web page: http://www.fens.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Resource: Directory of NGO in Serbia

Europe " FER - Forum for Ethnic Relations (Serbia) Mailing address: Kraljice Natalije 45/VII Beograd Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-6654 Fax: 381-11-362-0781 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.fer.org.rs/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" FES - Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Serbia) Mailing address: Simina 1 Belgrad 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-328-3081 381-11-328-3072 Fax: 381-11-328-3415 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.fes.de/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page: http://www.fes.rs/

" FIC - Foreign Investors Council (Serbia) Mailing address: 37, Svetogorska Street, I Floor Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-303- 5550 Fax: 381-11-303-5560 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.fic.org.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Forum NVO Kraljevo (Serbia) Mailing address: Vuka Karadzica 14 36 000 Kraljevo Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-36-35-3959 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.forumnvo.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" Forum Syd (Serbia) - Swedish NGO Centre for Development Co-operation Mailing address: Forum Syd Europe, Gospodar Jovanova no 10 Belgrade 11 000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-303-6004 Fax: 381-11-303-6194 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.forumsyd.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page: http://www.europe.forumsyd.org/

" FOS - Foundation for an Open Society (Serbia) Mailing address: Kneginje Ljubice 14 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-302- 5800 Fax: 381-11-328-3602 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.fosserbia.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" Government of Serbia Mailing address: Serbia Other address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Web page: http://www.srbija.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Group 484 (Serbia) Mailing address: Gracanicka 10 11 000 Beograd Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-263-1445 Fax: 381-11-263-1246 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.grupa484.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

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! Serbia

" GTZ - Deutsche Gessellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: 6 Zupana Vlastimira Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-266-6544 Fax: 381-11-367-1273 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.gtz.de/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" HELP - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Uciteljska 52 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-304-6340 Fax: 381-11-304-6342 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.help-ev.de/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page: http://www.help-serbia.org.rs/

" Helsinki Comittee for Human Rights in Serbia Mailing address: Rige od Fere 20 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-303-2408 Fax: 381-11-263-9437 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.helsinki.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" HI - Handicap International (Serbia) Mailing address: Velisava Vulovica 1 Belgrade 11040 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-306-6896 Fax: 381- 11-306-6896 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.handicap-international.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page: http://www.hi-see.org/

" Hilfswerk Austria (Serbia) Mailing address: Balkanska 12/I Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-68-8091 Fax: 381-11-65-6105 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://hwa.hilfswerk.at/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" IAN - International Aid Network (Serbia) Mailing address: Admirala Geprata 10 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-7197 Fax: 381-11-361-7243 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ian.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" ICC - International Chamber of Commerce (Serbia) Mailing address: c/o Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Resavska 13-15 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-330-0900 Fax: 381-11-323-0949 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.iccwbo.org/ Category: 3. Private sector Notes: Other Web page: http://www.pks.co.yu/

" ICMC (Serbia) - International Catholic Migration Commission, Inc. [M] Mailing address: Bulevar Mira 6 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-367-0762 Fax: 381-11-367-0899 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.icmc.net/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" ICMP - International Commission on Missing Persons (Serbia) Mailing address: Mihajla Pupina 205/40 Novi Beograd 11070 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-269-5028 Fax: 381-11-269-5028 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ic-mp.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" ICRC (Serbia) - International Committee of the Red Cross Mailing address: 19th Avenue Building, Vladimira Popovica 38-40 Belgrade 11070 Europe Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-228-5545 Fax: 381-11-228-5550 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.icrc.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" ICS - Italian Consortium of Solidarity / Consorzio Italiano di Solidarieta (Serbia) Mailing address: Knez Miletina 13 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-322-8198 Fax: 381-11-322-8198 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.icsitalia.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" ICVA/CIS - International Council of Voluntary Agencies/ Centre for International Support (Serbia) Mailing address: Molerova 25a Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-244-7657 Fax: 381-11-244-7657 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: http://www.icvacis.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" IES - Institute of Economic Sciences (Serbia) Mailing address: Zmaj Jovina 12 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-262-2357 Fax: 381-11-218-1471 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ien.bg.ac.rs/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" IES - Institute of European Studies (Serbia) Mailing address: Trg Nikole Pasica 11 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-339-8891 Fax: 381-11-339-8797 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ies.org.rs/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" IFC (Serbia) - International Finance Corporation [M] Mailing address: Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 86-90 1100 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-302-3750 Fax: 381-11-302-3740 E-mail: Web page: http://www.ifc.org/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" IFRC - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (Serbia) Mailing address: Simina 21 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-328-2202 Fax: 381-11-328-1791 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ifrc.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" IIPE - Institute of International Politics and Economics (Serbia) Mailing address: Makedonska 25 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-337-3633 Fax: 381-11-337-3835 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.diplomacy.bg.ac.rs/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

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! Serbia

" IMF - International Monetary Fund (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Kralja Petra 12 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-302-7369 Fax: 381-11-328-3843 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.imf.org/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" IMG - International Management Group (Serbia) Mailing address: Vladimira Popovica 6 11 070 New Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-311-8782 Fax: 381-11-311-8781 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.img-int.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" IM-SOIR - Swedish Organization for Individual Relief (Serbia) Mailing address: Servo Mihalja 1 Novi Sad 21000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-21-37-2266 Fax: 381-21-37-2266 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.manniskohjalp.se/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" Intersos - Associazione Umanitaria per l'Emergenzia (Serbia) Mailing address: Prote Mateje 11 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.intersos.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" IOCC - International Orthodox Christian Charities (Serbia) Mailing address: Palmoticeva 24 / I Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-323-2706 Fax: 381-11-323-7375 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.iocc.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" IOM (Serbia) - International Organization for Migration Mailing address: PO Box 27 Belgrade 11060 Serbia Other address: Drziceva 11 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Tel.: 381-11-242-4918 Fax: 381-11-241-2739 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: http://www.iom.int/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" IRD - International Relief and Development (Serbia) Mailing address: Mazuraniceva 32 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Kralja Nikole No 204 Podgorica 81000 Serbia and Montenegro Tel.: 381-11-285-0385 Fax: 381-11-285-0451 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ird-dc.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page: http://www.ird-bg.org.rs/

" IREX - International Research and Exchanges Board (Serbia) Mailing address: Serbia Media Assistance Program, Kralja Petra 54/III floor Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-303-9716 Fax: 381-11-262-5925 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.irex.org/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes: Other Web page: http://www.irex.rs/

" ISCOD - Instituto Sindical de Cooperación al Desarrollo (Serbia) Mailing address: Krunska 46 Belgrado Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-324-2889 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.iscod.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:


" IUCN (Serbia) - International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Mailing address: South-Eastern Europe Programme Office, Dr. Ivana Ribara 91 Belgrade 11070 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-227-2411 Fax: 381-11-227-2531 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.iucn.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" Jazas - Association Against AIDS (Serbia) Mailing address: Bulevar Despota tefana broj 5 Novi Sad Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-21-45-4514 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.sida.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" Jefferson Institute (Serbia) Mailing address: Stevana Sremca 4 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-303-3456 Fax: 381-11-334-5350 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.jeffersoninst.org/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency (Serbia) Mailing address: Business Center Ušce, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6/XVII floor Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-220-0756 Fax: 381-11-220-0761 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.jica.go.jp/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" JRS - Jesuit Refugee Service (Serbia) Mailing address: Makedonska 23 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-303-0814 Fax: 381- 11-322-6910 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.jesref.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" JUH - Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. (Serbia) Mailing address: Zupana Vlastimira 6a Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-366-0714 Fax: 381-11-366-0714 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.johanniterinternational.de/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" KAF / KAS - Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Serbia) Mailing address: Kralja Petra 3 Belgrad 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-328- 5209 Fax: 381-11-328-5329 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.kas.de/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

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! Serbia

" KfW Entwicklungsbank (Serbia) - Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau [M] Mailing address: Zupana Vlastimira 6 Belgrad 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-367-1273 Fax: 381-11-366-6544 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.kfw-entwicklungsbank.de/ Category: 4. Finance Notes:

" LWF - Lutheran World Federation (Serbia) Mailing address: Olge Petrov 10 Novi Sad 21000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-21-46-9616 Fax: 381-21-46-9683 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.lutheranworld.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" MCI - Mercy Corps International (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Banjicki venac 22 Beograd Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-366-8002 Fax: 381-11-366-0911 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mercycorps.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" MDF - Micro Development Fund (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Svetozara Markovica 17/16 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-303- 0667 Fax: 381-11-303-0669 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mdf.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" MdM - Médecins du Monde-France (Serbia) Mailing address: Krunska 24A Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-322-2173 Fax: 381-11-334-4064 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.medecinsdumonde.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" MdM - Médecins du Monde-Greece (Serbia) Mailing address: Vojvode Dobrnjca 8/2 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-75-9242 Fax: 381-11-76-9137 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mdmgreece.gr/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" MicroFinS (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Rackoga 3/I Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-208-3688 Fax: 381-11-329-0901 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.microfins.org.rs/ Category: 4. Finance Notes: MFI

" Ministry for Human and Minority Rights (Serbia) Mailing address: Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 2 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-311- 2410 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ljudskaprava.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry for the Diaspora (Serbia) Mailing address: Vase Carapica 20 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-263-8033 Fax: 381-11-263-6815 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mzd.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry for the National Investment Plan (Serbia) Mailing address: Vlajkoviceva 10 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-7583 Europe Fax: E-mail: Web page: http://www.mnip.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (Serbia) Mailing address: 22-26 Nemanjina St. Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-306-5038 Fax: 381-11-361-6272 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.minpolj.sr.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Culture (Serbia) Mailing address: Vlajkoviceva 3 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-339-8172 Fax: 381-11-339-8936 E-mail: Web page: http://www.kultura.gov.rs Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Economy and Regional Development (Serbia) Mailing address: Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 15 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-285-5000 Fax: 381-11-285-5097 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.merr.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Education (Serbia) Mailing address: 22-26 Nemanjina St. Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-6489 Fax: 381-11-361-6491 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mp.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Energy and Mining (Serbia) Mailing address: Kralja Milana 36 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-363-1595 Fax: 381-11- 361-6603 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mem.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (Serbia) Mailing address: Nemanjina 11 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361- 7717 Fax: 381-11-361-7722 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ekoplan.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

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! Serbia

" Ministry of Finance (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: 20, Kneza Milosa Street Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-4007 Fax: 381-11- 361-8961 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mfin.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Serbia) Mailing address: Kneza Milosa 22-26 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-306-8000 Fax: 381- 11-361-8366 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mfa.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Health (Serbia) Mailing address: Nemanjina 22-26 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-6251 Fax: 381-11-265-6548 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.zdravlje.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Infrastructure (Serbia) Mailing address: Nemanjina 22-26 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-6431 Fax: 381-11-361- 7486 E-mail: Web page: http://www.mi.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Interior (Serbia) Mailing address: Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 2 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-306-2000 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mup.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Justice (Serbia) Mailing address: Nemanjina 22-26 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-6549 Fax: 381-11-361-6548 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mpravde.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (Serbia) Mailing address: Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 2 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-311-2916 Fax: 381-11-311-4650 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.minrzs.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government (Serbia) Mailing address: 6 Bircaninova St. Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-3654 Fax: 381-11-268-5396 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.drzavnauprava.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Religion (Serbia) Mailing address: Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 2 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-311-2811 Fax: 381-11-311-3527 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mv.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Science and Technological Development (Serbia) Mailing address: 22-26 Nemanjina St. Belgrade Serbia Other address: Europe Tel.: 381-11-361-6516 Fax: 381-11-361-6584 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.nauka.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society (Serbia) Mailing address: Marsala Birjuzova 3-5 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-202-0057 Fax: 381-11-202-0059 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mtid.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Trade and Services (Serbia) Mailing address: 22-26 Nemanjina St. Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-8852 Fax: 381- 11-361-0285 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mtu.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Ministry of Youth and Sports (Serbia) Mailing address: Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 2 11 070 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-313-0912 Fax: 381-11-313-0915 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mos.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Movimondo (Serbia) Mailing address: c/o Kuzmanovic Kraljice, Katarine 86 n 2 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-54-2114 Fax: 381-11- 54-2114 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.movimondo.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" MPDL - Movimiento por la Paz, el Desarme y la Libertad (Serbia) Mailing address: 11000 Belgrade Makenzijeva 23/5 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-344-4069 Fax: 381-11-344-4059 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.mpdl.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" MsF - Médecins Sans Frontières (Serbia) Mailing address: Gostivarska 78 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-309-5030 Fax: 381-11-309-5029 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.msf.be/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

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! Serbia

" NALED - National Alliance for Local Economic Development (Serbia) Mailing address: Zetska 4a/2 11 000 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-334-7634 Fax: 381-11-334-7614 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.naled-serbia.org/ Category: 3. Private sector Notes:

" NBS - National Bank of Serbia [M] Mailing address: 12 Kralja Petra St. Beograd 11 000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-302-7100 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.nbs.rs/ Category: 4. Finance Notes:

" NDP - Nansen Dialogue Centre (Serbia) Mailing address: Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 105/16 Novi Beograd 11070 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11- 313-0792 Fax: 381-11-313-0791 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.nansen-dialog.net/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page: http://www.bncserbia.org.rs/

" NPA (Serbia) - Norwegian People's Aid [M] Mailing address: Kosovska 8/3 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-334-4064 Fax: 381-11-303-4690 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.npaid.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" NRC - Norwegian Refugee Council (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Alekse Nenadovica 7/III Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11- 344-4486 Fax: 381-11-344-4483 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: http://www.nrc.no/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" NSHC - Novi Sad Humanitarian Center (Serbia) Mailing address: Trg mladenaca 6, 1st floor Novi Sad 21000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381- 21-52-4331 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.nshc.org.yu/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" OHCHR - Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (Serbia) Mailing address: Internacionalnih Brigada 69 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-204-0406 Fax: 381-11-344-4300 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ohchr.org/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" Opportunity Banka J.S.C. Novi Sad (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Bulevar Oslobodjenja 2A Novi Sad 21000 Serbia Other address: Bulevar Dr Zorana Dindica 8a Novi Beograd 11070 Serbia Tel.: 381-21-53-0111 381-11-201-6016 Fax: 381-21-489-3123 381-11-201-6017 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.obs.rs/ Category: 4. Finance Notes:

" OSCE - Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (Serbia) Mailing address: Cakorska 1 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-360-6100 Fax: 381-11-360-6119 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.osce.org/ Category: 1. International Notes:

Europe " Oxfam GB (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Dubljanska 38 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-344-2104 Fax: 381-11-344-2104 E-mail: Web page: http://www.oxfam.org.uk/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" PALGO Center (Serbia) Mailing address: Kneginje Ljubice 14 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-302-5813 Fax: 381-11-302-5842 E- mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.palgo.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" PDC - Partners for Democratic Change (Serbia) Mailing address: Dragoslava Jovanovica 7, II Floor Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-69-100-8000 Fax: 381-11-324-3546 E-mail: Web page: http://www.partnersglobal.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page: http://www.partners-serbia.org

" Philanthropy (Serbia) - Humanitarian Organization of the Serbian Orthodox Church Mailing address: Dragorska 4 Beograd 11040 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-367-2970 Fax: 381-11-367-2971 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.covekoljublje.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" PLAC - Policy and Legal Advice Centre (Serbia) Mailing address: Kneza Milosa 4/2 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-323- 2193 Fax: 381-11-323-5153 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.plac-yu.org/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Privatisation Agency (Serbia) Mailing address: Terazije 23/VI Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-302-0800 Fax: 381-11-302-0828 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.priv.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes: Other Web page: http://www.pa-serbia.co.yu/

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! Serbia

" Pro Helvetia (Serbia) Mailing address: c/o Swiss Cooperation Office, Simina 21 Belgrad 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-218-3660 Fax: 381-11- 303-4970 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.prohelvetia.ch/ Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page: http://www.phbelgrade.org/ ; http://scp-rs.net

" ProCredit Bank (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Milutina Milankovica 17 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Bulevar despota Stefana 68c Belgrade Serbia Tel.: 381-11-207-7906 Fax: 381-11-207-7905 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: http://www.procreditbank.rs/ Category: 4. Finance Notes:

" REC - Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (Serbia) Mailing address: Primorska 31 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-329-2595 Fax: 381-11-329-3020 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.rec.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page: http://www.rec.rs/

" Red Cross of Serbia Mailing address: Simina 19 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-303-2125 Fax: 381-11-263-4348 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.redcross.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page: http://www.jck.org.yu/

" RWF - Reconstruction Women's Fund (Serbia) Mailing address: Vlajkoviceva 15 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-324-1399 Fax: 381-11-322-2751 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: www.rwfund.org Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" Save the Children Fund UK (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Ljutice Bogdana 20 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-367-1476 Fax: 381-11-367-1759 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.savethechildren.org.uk/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" Savez slepih Srbije (Serbia) Mailing address: Knez Mihajlova 42/II Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-328-6550 Fax: 381-11-328-6722 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.savezslepih.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Union of the Blind of Serbia

" SBRA - Serbian Business Registers Agency (Serbia) Mailing address: Nikola Pasic sq. 5/IV Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-333- 1400 Fax: 381-11-333-1410 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.apr.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" SDC (Serbia) - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Mailing address: Kneza Mihaila 10/IV Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-328-1669 Fax: 381-11-328-2220 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.sdc.admin.ch/ Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page: http://www.swisscooperation.org.yu/


" Securities Commission (Serbia) Mailing address: 1 Omladinskih brigada Street, 7th Floor Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: Fax: 381-11-213- 7924 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.sec.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" SEETO - South East Europe Transport Observatory (Serbia) Mailing address: Omladinskih brigada 1/V Floor/Room 555 Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-313-1799 Fax: 381-11-313-1800 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.seetoint.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" SEIO - Serbian European Integration Office (Serbia) Mailing address: Nemanjina 34 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11- 306-1100 Fax: 381-11-306-1110 E-mail: Web page: http://www.seio.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" Serbia Homepage Mailing address: Serbia Other address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Web page: http://www.yellowpages.rs/ Category: 8. Information Notes:

" Serbian Chamber of Commerce (Serbia) Mailing address: Resavska 13-15 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-330-0900 Fax: 381-11-323-0949 E-mail: Web page: http://pks.komora.net/ Category: 3. Private sector Notes:

" Serbian Orthodox Church (Serbia), PCF - Philanthropy Charitable Fund Mailing address: Dr. Ive Popovica Djanija Street, #4 Belgrade 11040 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-367-2970 Fax: 381-11-367-2971 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: http://www.covekoljublje.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

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! Serbia

" Serbian Public Procurement Office (Serbia) Mailing address: Nemanjina 22-26 Beograd Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-488-8712 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.ujn.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" SGNS - Savez gluvih i nagluvih Srbije i Crne Gore / Association of Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Serbia Mailing address: Vuka Karadžica 8/1 11 000 Beograd Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-262-1168 Fax: 381-11-262-7638 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.savez-gluvih- srbije.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" SGNS - Savez gluvih i nagluvih Srbije i Crne Gore / Association of Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Serbia, - Youth Section Mailing address: Vuka Karadžica 8/1 11 000 Beograd Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-262-1168 Fax: 381-11-262-7638 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.osgns.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" SIDA - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: P.O.B. 5 Belgrade 11040 Serbia Other address: Ambasada Svedske, Ledi Pedzet 2 Belgrad Serbia and Montenegro Tel.: 381-11-206-9200 Fax: 381-11-206-9250 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.sida.se/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" SIEPA - Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency (Serbia) Mailing address: Vlajkoviceva 3/V Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-339-8550 Fax: 381-11-339-8814 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.siepa.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" SKGO - Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (Serbia) Mailing address: 22 Makedonska St., 8th floor Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-322-3446 Fax: 381-11-322-1215 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.skgo.org/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" SOS Children's Villages (Serbia) Mailing address: Ul. Prvomajska 46-A Kraljevo 36000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-36-37-5450 Fax: 381-36-37- 5468 E-mail: Web page: http://www.sos-childrensvillages.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Mailing address: 5 Milana Rakica St. Belgrade Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-241-2922 Fax: 381-11-241-1260 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.stat.gov.rs/ Category: 2. Government Notes:

" TANGO - Technical Assistance for NGOs (Serbia) Mailing address: Crvenog barjaka 17 Kragujevac 34000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-34- 50-1190 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.tango.org.rs/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:


" THW - Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk / German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (Serbia) Mailing address: Mirce Aceva 17 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-397-0730 Fax: 381-11-397-0730 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.thw.bund.de/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" TI - Transparency International Serbia / Transparentnost Srbija Mailing address: 29. Novembra 36/I Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-303-3827 Fax: 381-11-322-8196 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.transparency.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes: Other Web page: http://www.transparentnost.org.rs/

" UN - United Nations (Serbia) Mailing address: Interacionalnih brigada 69 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-204-0400 Fax: 381-11- 344-4300 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.un.org.rs/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" UNAIDS (Serbia) - Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS [M] Mailing address: Dr Subotica 5 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-264-4251 Fax: 381-11-264-4251 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.unaids.org/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" UNCHS / Habitat (Serbia) - United Nations Human Settlements Programme [M] Mailing address: RK Beograd Building, Makenzijeva 57, office 303 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-344-9200 Fax: 381-11-344-9201 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.unhabitat.org/ Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page: http://www.unhabitat.org.rs/

" UNDP (Serbia) - United Nations Development Programme [M] Mailing address: Internacionalnih brigada 69 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-204-0400 Fax: 381-11-344-4300 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.undp.org.rs/ Category: 1. International Notes:

Directory of Development Organizations 2010: Volume III / http://www.devdir.org/ 15

! Serbia

" UNHCR (Serbia) - United Nations High Commission for Refugees [M] Mailing address: Krunska 58 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-308-2100 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.unhcr.org/ Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page: http://www.unhcr.rs/

" UNICEF (Serbia) - United Nations Children's Fund [M] Mailing address: Svetozara Markovica 58 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-360-2100 Fax: 381-11-360-2199 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: http://www.unicef.org/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" UNIDO (Serbia) - United Nations Industrial Development Organization Mailing address: c/o Agency for the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Entrepreneurship, Toplicin vebac 19 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-218-4059 Fax: E-mail: Web page: http://www.unido.org/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" UNIFEM (Serbia) - United Nations Development Fund for Women [M] Mailing address: Internacionalnih Brigada 69 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-204-0400 Fax: 381-11-344-4300 E-mail: Web page: http://www.unifem.org/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" (Serbia) Mailing address: Studentski trg 1 Beograd 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-263-5579 Fax: 381-11-263- 8912 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.bg.ac.rs/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" University of Kragujevac (Serbia) Mailing address: Jovana Cvijica bb Kragujevac 34000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-34-37-0270 Fax: 381-34- 37-0168 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.kg.ac.rs/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" University of Novi Sad (Serbia) Mailing address: Trg Dositeja Obradovica 5 Novi Sad 21000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: Fax: 381-21-45-0418 E- mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.uns.ac.rs/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

" UN-OCHA (Serbia) - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Mailing address: Internacionalnih brigada 69 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-344-4400 Fax: 381-11-344-4300 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://ochaonline.un.org/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" USAID (Serbia) - US Agency for International Development [M] Mailing address: American Embassy, Kneza Milosa 50 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-9344 Fax: 381-11-361-8267 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web page: http://www.usaid.gov/ Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page: http://serbia.usaid.gov/


" VCV - Volonterski centar Vojvodine (Serbia) Mailing address: Takovska 5 Novi Sad 21000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-21-54-9197 Fax: 381-21-54-9197 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.volontiraj.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" WHO - World Health Organization (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Dr Subotica 5 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-361-5744 Fax: 381-11-265-6520 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.who.int/ Category: 1. International Notes:

" Women's Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (Serbia) Mailing address: Cara Lazara 19/A Subotica 24000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-24-57-1336 Fax: 381-24-55-7399 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.globalizacija.com/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" World Bank (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 86-90 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-302-3700 Fax: 381-11-302- 3732 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.worldbank.org/ Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page: http://www.worldbank.org.yu/

" WVI - World Vision International (Serbia) [M] Mailing address: Kraljice Katarine 127 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-305- 8024 Fax: E-mail: Web page: http://www.wvi.org/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" YUCOM - Lawyers' Committee for Human Rights (Serbia) Mailing address: Svetogorska 17 Belgrade 11000 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-334-4425 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.yucom.org.rs/ Category: 6. CSO Notes:

" ZZPS - Zavod za Zaštitu Prirode Srbije / Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia Mailing address: Dr Ivana Ribara 91 Novi Beograd 11070 Serbia Other address: Tel.: 381-11-209-3801 Fax: 381-11-209-3867 E-mail: [email protected] Web page: http://www.zzps.rs/ Category: 5. Training and Research Notes: Other Web page: http://www.natureprotection.org.rs/

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