Kosovo Program for Gender Equality 2020-2024

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Kosovo Program for Gender Equality 2020-2024 Republika e Kosovës Republika Kosova-Republic of Kosovo Qeveria –Vlada-Government ZYRA E KRYEMINISTRIT/ OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER/ URED PREMIJERA AGJENCIA PËR BARAZI GJINORE / AGENCIJA ZA RAVNOPRAVNOST POLOVA/ AGENCY FOR GENDER EQUALITY KOSOVO PROGRAM FOR GENDER EQUALITY 2020-2024 June 2020 Republika e Kosovës Republika Kosova-Republic of Kosovo Qeveria –Vlada-Government ZYRA E KRYEMINISTRIT/ OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER/ URED PREMIJERA AGJENCIA PËR BARAZI GJINORE / AGENCIJA ZA RAVNOPRAVNOST POLOVA/ AGENCY FOR GENDER EQUALITY ____________________________________________________________________________ Kosovo Program for Gender Equality 2020-2024 Action Plan June 2020 This manual is designed in support to the initiative of the Agency of Gender Equality and in direct implementation of Project “Institutional Strengthening of Kosovo Agency for Gender Equality and Gender Mechanisms”, funded by the Government of Sweden, the Agency for International Development and Cooperation Sida Funded implemented by the Consortium: Niras & CPM International Kosovo Program for Gender Equality 2020-2024 3 Kosovo Program for Gender Equality 2020-2024 4 Kosovo Program for Gender Equality 2020-2024 5 Kosovo Program for Gender Equality 2020-2024 Table of Contents ZYRA E KRYEMINISTRIT/ OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER/ URED PREMIJERA 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 13 2. Methodology .................................................................................................................................. 15 3. Background .................................................................................................................................... 19 PILLAR I: Economic Empowerment and Social Welfare .......................................................... 19 PILLAR II: Human Development, Roles and Gender Relations ............................................. 26 PILLAR III: Women’s Rights, Access to Justice and Security .................................................. 44 4. Objectives of the Kosovo Program for Gender Equality-KPGE .......................................... 55 5. Implementation, monitoring, and reporting arrangements: ................................................ 64 6. Budgetary impact and KPGE implementation ........................................................................ 66 References ........................................................................................................................................... 67 Annexes ............................................................................................................................................... 70 Annex 1: Decision of the Government on the appointment of the Central Commission and working groups for drafting the KPGE .......................................................................................... 70 Annex 2: Action Plan on KPGE implementation 2020-2022 ........................................................ 73 Action Plan: KPGE 2020-2022 ......................................................................................................... 74 List of Tables Table 1: Consultations during the process of drafting the KPGE ............................................... 17 Table 2: Consumption Poverty Rate in Kosovo, 2012-2015 ......................................................... 19 Table 3: Poverty rate, by the sex of the head of household: 2012-2015 ...................................... 19 Table 4: Labour Market Indicators, 2017-Quarter 2 ...................................................................... 20 Table 5: Labour Market Indicators, 2012-2018 ............................................................................... 20 Table 6. Number of public educational institutions in Kosovo................................................... 28 Table 7. Births by age and ethnicity at first birth, 2016................................................................. 36 Table 8. Employees of Radio and Television of Kosovo by gender for 2014 ............................ 42 Table 9 : Representation in the Judicial System ............................................................................. 48 Table 10: Cost of the Action Plan for 2020-2022, in thousand (000) of Euro.............................. 66 List of Figures Figura 1. Gender structure of teachers by levels in public and private education 2015/2016 ...... 27 Figura 2. Orientation of students in the field of study by gender 2014/2015 ........................... 29 Figure 3. Expenditure of households on health services by location 2014-2016, in Euro ........ 34 7 Kosovo Program for Gender Equality 2020-2024 List of acronyms HBS Household Budget Survey AGE Agency for Gender Equality LFS Labour Force Survey AJK Association of Journalists of Kosovo O Ombudsperson KAS Kosovo Agency of Statistics GRB Gender Responsive Budgeting CEDAW Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women KSF Kosovo Security Force HEI Higher Education Institutions EIGE European Institute for Gender Equality KJI Kosovo Judicial Institute KIPA Kosovo Institute for Public Administration NCADV National Coordinator against Domestic Violence CCK Criminal Code of Kosovo IMC Independent Media Commission LGE Law on Gender Equality LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender MPA Ministry of Public Administration MLGA Ministry of Local Government Administration MEST Ministry of Education, Science and Technology ALMM Active Labour Market Measures MAFRD Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development MoJ Ministry of Justice MIE Ministry of Innovation and Entrepreneurship MCYS Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport MD Ministry of Defence MIA Ministry of Internal Affairs MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs MLSW Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare MoH Ministry of Health MTI Ministry of Trade and Industry MED Ministry of Economic Development OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe KP Kosovo Police KPGE Kosovo Program for Gender Equality SOPPDV Standard Operating Procedures for Protection Against Domestic Violence VTC Vocational Training Centres CSW Centres for Social Work KWN Kosovo Women’s Network CS Civil Society KCS Kosovo Correctional Service SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SILC Survey on Income and Living Conditions UN Women United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women UNDP United Nations Development Program UNFPA United Nations Population Fund 8 Kosovo Program for Gender Equality 2020-2024 GEO Gender Equality Officer OPM Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo VAAO Victims’ Advocates and Assistance Office SPO Strategic Planning Office -OPM 9 Kosovo Program for Gender Equality 2020-2024 Executive summary Gender equality is a fundamental right and an important factor for economic growth, development and stability. Gender equality is a fundamental principle in the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo. Dedication towards ensuring gender equality emphasizes the necessity to develop and implement policies by means of strategies and programs, legal framework, and the provision of goods and services aimed at achieving the set goal of gender equality. The obligation to develop a Kosovo Program for Gender Equality is set out in the Law No. 05/L-020 on Gender Equality. Specifically, Article 11 obliges the Agency for Gender Equality to coordinate the preparation of the Program, to monitor its implementation, and to report annually to the Government on its implementation. This article also stipulates that the Government shall review and approve the Kosovo Program for Gender Equality and report annually to the Assembly on its implementation, and such reports shall be made public. The first Kosovo Program for Gender Equality was developed covering the period 2008-2013. The Government of the republic of Kosovo in its governing program 2020-2023 is related to the Kosovo Gender Equality Program as a platform for advancing gender a quality in Kosovo an instrument for coordinating developmend assistance and as a reflection of inicators for sustainable development. The Kosovo Program for Gender Equality aims to ensure that gender equality is placed at the centre of the transformation processes in Kosovo, within all structures, institutions, policies, procedures, practices and programs of government, agencies, civil society, the private sector and the donors’ community. This is a five-year program, covering the period 2020-2024, whereas the Action Plan has been drafted for the period 2020-2023. Program and Action Plan have been drafted in compliance with the Administrative Instruction (GRK) No. 07/2018 on Planning and Drafting Strategic Documents and Action Plans. The program is organized in 3 strategic pillars: Economic Empowerment and Social Welfare; Human Development, Roles and Gender Relations; and, Women’s Rights, Access to Justice and Security. Based on the analysis of the current situation in Kosovo, the main problem concerning Economic Empowerment and Social Welfare pillar is the presence of inequalities and socio-economic-structural exclusion. The main factors influencing this problem are: the lack of gender mainstreaming in strategies and development policies; failure to implement gender responsive budgeting; employment discrimination; low level of education of women of working age (15-64); occupational gender segregation; unequal sharing of child an elderly care responsibilities; low participation of women
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