DECEMBER 16TH, 2018 3rd OF ADVENT PARISH DIRECTORY FATHER PATRICK’S MESSAGE TO THE PARISH Bishop Francis Kalabat Bishop of the Diocese of St. Thomas the Apostle of Detroit We are already more than half way through advent and Christmas is fast approaching! Fr. Sanharib Youkhanna Rector Many of us might have already fallen into the busyness of preparing foods and gifts that Fr. Patrick Setto we haven’t really thought about what we are going to offer Jesus for his birthday! Since Parochial Vicar Fr. Emanuel Rayes advent is known as the “little Lent,” the first week I challenged everyone with the idea of Retired in residence offering baby sacrifices for baby Jesus by offering prayers, donations, and penances. Just Linda Arabo Office Administrator as the Magi labored through a long journey to worship and gave precious gifts to the Christ Aiser Shammami Child, so we can do the same. We can give the Baby Jesus our sacrifices during the Advent Pastoral Associate season. It’s not too late to start this fun practice for the whole family! We still have a good Office Hours 10 days before Christmas and Jesus’ gift should be the first on our list! Monday - Friday A reminder of how it could be done: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Get a stocking and write down small sacrifices on a little piece of paper and Tel: 248-356-0565 placed into the stocking. Pick one or however many of those little sacri- Fax: 248-356-5235 fices every day until Christmas Day so that those small pieces of paper are all small gifts, we can give to baby Jesus for Him to open on Christ- ONLINE GIVING mas. Mother of God Parish offers online giving Or as you offer sacrifices throughout your day to Jesus you can write them all a web based electronic contribution application that is safe and secure. you can down and place that paper in front of your nativity as a gift for the baby manage contributions online or continue Jesus! having your offering envelopes mailed to you. To sign up for online giving please visit (Continued in page 2) our website at أربع تبريكات لمريم العذراء – تتلى في زمن المجيء والميالد www.OurLadyOfChaldeans.Com

Stay in touch with your parish on المجدُ لألب واالبن والروح القُدس كما كان في البَدء واآلن وعلى الدوام وإلى دهر الداهرين . FACEBOOK Mother of God Chaldean آميـــن

يا عذراء بتلك النية الصالحة التي قدمها أصحاب وردُيت ِك الطاهرون ، منذ أجيال وأجيال ، فساروا على ُخطا ِك ،وتقدسوا باإلقتداء ب ِك ، ها إننا قد اجتمعنا اليوم وقد اخترناك من كل قلوبنا لتكوني أمنا وشفيعتنا دائماً، وقد نوينا أن نتأمل بأسرار ورديت ِك ، فنعمل بما تلهمينا إياه وال نفعل وال نقول شيئاً يضادد حبك وإكرام ِك وال ندع أحداً من ذوينا أن يفعل ما يخالف رضا ِك آمين.

1 Mother of God Church | 25585 Berg Road, Southfield, MI 48033 |


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Here are some ideas or suggestions: No social media for today No meat today No sweets today Rosary Divine Mercy Donate money to poor person Pray for souls of purgatory Don’t yell at my spouse or children Turn away from mortal sin as a gift for Jesus Watched a video on YouTube about Advent or my Catholic faith In the end what is most important is that we are offering ourselves and our whole lives as a gift to Jesus because in the end he wants us! These practices are simple ways in which we can put this offering into practice. Remember, that God doesn’t look at how great the act is, He is more concerned with how much love we do the act with. Let us offer Him small things with GREAT LOVE!

)التتمة من الصفحة 1(

– ِلتكن ُمباركة يا َمريم في تِل َك ال َساعة التي بِها صرت أ َم هللا. تعاد 10 مرات يليها السالم علي ِك … المجد لآلب… .

– ِلتكن ُمباركة يا َمريم في تِل َك ال َساعة التي بِها و َلد ِت أبن هللا. تعاد 10 مرات يليها السالم علي ِك … المجد لآلب… .

– ِلتكن ُمباركة يا َمريم أول قُبلة َقبلـ ِت َش َفتَي أبن هللا. تعاد 10 مرات يليها السالم علي ِك … المجد لآلب…

– ِلتكن ُمباركة يا َمريم أول ُنقطة َحليب من ثَ َديي ِك أرض َعتا أبن هللا. تعاد 10 مرات يليها السالم علي ِك … المجد لألب…

طوبى ِلبَطن البتول التي حملت أبن أآلب األزلي . طوبى للثَديي ْن الذين أرضعَتا مسيح الرب. تعاد 10 مرات يليها السالم علي ِك … المجد لآلب.

السالم عليك يا سلطانة يا أ م الرحمة، السالم عليك يا حياتنا وحالوتنا ورجانا. نصرخ إليك نحن المنفيين أوالد حواء. نتن هد إليك نائحين وباكين، في هذا الوادي وادي الدموع. فلذلك يا شفيعتنا ميلي إلينا بنظرك الحنون وأرينا بعد هذا المنفى، يسوع ثمرة بطنك المباركة يا حنونة يا رؤوفة يا حلوة مريم البتول.



LITURGICAL SCHEDULE BAPTISM: We celebrate Baptism at 2:00 pm on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. Please call Saturday Vigil Mass the parish office at least two weeks in advance to 4:00 PM English see if a date is available. Sunday Masses عربي/ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please call the 8:30 AM Arabic parish office to make arrangements for Anointing 01:11AM English or to receive the Eucharist. 11:30 AM Morning Prayer سورث/PM Chaldean 12:00 7:00 PM English MARRIAGE: Please schedule at least six months before you plan to be married and before Weekday Masses you make arrangements for the reception, please 8:00 AM English at ECRC call the parish office to make an appointment with 9:30 AM Morning Prayer سورث/the priest to begin the necessary preparations. 10:00 AM Chaldean

Wednesday 5:00 PM Adoration 6:00 PM English Mass  NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING CLASSES First and third Wednesday of every even month Confession 5-6 pm Wednesday from 7:30 - 9:30 pm. 6-7 pm Sunday  MARRIAGE CLASSES (or by appointment)

First four Thursdays of every even month Starting

February 2019, from 7:00-10:00 pm For more information please visit:

FINANCIAL STATUS Sunday Goal: $7,000 Sunday Collection (November 25): $6,360 Over/(Under): ($640)

Monthly Online Donation Goal: $4,000 YOU CAN LISTEN TO OUR CHALDEAN PARISHES Monthly Online Collection (Oct): $2,070 SUNDAY HOMILIES BY DOWNLOADING PODCASTS Over/(Under): ($1,930) APP ON YOUR PHONES AND SUBSCRIBING TO ST. THOMAS CHALDEAN DIOCESE *Sign up for online donation at www.OurLadyOfChaldeans.Com





CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE Christmas Eve – Monday, December 24, 2018 prayers at 3:00 pm English Mass at 4:00 pm English Mass at 6:00 pm Arabic Mass at 8:00 pm Evening Prayers at 9:30 pm Chaldean Mass w/Bp. Francis at 10:00 pm Christmas Day – Tuesday, December 25, 2018 English Mass w/Bp. Francis at 10:00 am Chaldean Mass at 12:00 pm Solemnity of Mary – Wednesday, December 26, 2018 Chaldean Mass at 10:00 am New Year’s Eve – Monday, December 31, 2018 English Mass w/Bp. Francis at 6:00 pm English Mass at 11:30 pm New Year’s Day – Tuesday, January 1, 2019 Chaldean Mass at 12:00 pm Solemnity of the Epiphany – Sunday January 6, 2019 Arabic Mass at 8:30 am English Mass at 10:00 Chaldean Mass w/Bp. Ibrahim at 12:00 pm Baptisms at 2:30 pm English Mass 7:00 pm



 PART TWO: THE CELEBRATION OF the Resurrection. It is the THE CHRISTIAN MYSTERY pre-eminent day of the liturgical assembly, the day  SECTION ONE THE of the Christian family, and SACRAMENTAL ECONOMY the day of joy and rest from  CHAPTER TWO THE work. Sunday is "the SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATION OF foundation and kernel of the whole liturgical year" (SC THE PASCHAL MYSTERY 106).  Article 0 CELEBRATING THE 1194 The Church, "in the CHURCH'S LITURGY course of the year, . . .  IN BRIEF unfolds the whole mystery of Christ from his Incarnation and Nativity 1187 The liturgy is the work of the whole Christ, head through his Ascension, to and body. Our high priest celebrates it unceasingly in Pentecost and the the heavenly liturgy, with the holy Mother of God, the expectation of the blessed apostles, all the saints, and the multitude of those who hope of the coming of the Lord" (SC 102 # 2). have already entered the kingdom. 1195 By keeping the memorials of the saints - first of all 1188 In a liturgical celebration, the whole assembly is the holy Mother of God, then the apostles, the martyrs, leitourgos, each member according to his own function. and other saints - on fixed days of the liturgical year, the the baptismal priesthood is that of the whole Body of Church on earth shows that she is united with the liturgy Christ. But some of the faithful are ordained through the of heaven. She gives glory to Christ for having sacrament of Holy Orders to represent Christ as head of accomplished his salvation in his glorified members; the Body. their example encourages her on her way to the Father. 1189 The liturgical celebration involves signs and 1196 The faithful who celebrate the symbols relating to creation (candles, water, fire), are united to Christ our high priest, by the prayer of the human life (washing, anointing, breaking bread) and the Psalms, meditation on the Word of God, and canticles history of salvation (the rites of the Passover). Integrated and blessings, in order to be joined with his unceasing into the world of faith and taken up by the power of the and universal prayer that gives glory to the Father and Holy Spirit, these cosmic elements, human rituals, and implores the gift of the Holy Spirit on the whole world. gestures of remembrance of God become bearers of the saving and sanctifying action of Christ. 1197 Christ is the true temple of God, "the place where his glory dwells"; by the grace of God, Christians also 1190 The Liturgy of the Word is an integral part of the become the temples of the Holy Spirit, living stones out celebration. the meaning of the celebration is expressed of which the Church is built. by the Word of God which is proclaimed and by the response of faith to it. 1198 In its earthly state the Church needs places where the community can gather together. Our visible 1191 Song and music are closely connected with the churches, holy places, are images of the holy city, the liturgical action. the criteria for their proper use are the heavenly Jerusalem, toward which we are making our beauty expressive of prayer, the unanimous participation way on pilgrimage. of the assembly, and the sacred character of the celebration. 1199 It is in these churches that the Church celebrates public worship to the glory of the Holy Trinity, hears the 1192 Sacred images in our churches and homes are word of God and sings his praise, lifts up her prayer, intended to awaken and nourish our faith in the mystery and offers the sacrifice of Christ sacramentally present of Christ. Through the icon of Christ and his works of in the midst of the assembly. These churches are also salvation, it is he whom we adore. Through sacred places of recollection and personal prayer. images of the holy Mother of God, of the angels and of the saints, we venerate the persons represented. 1193 Sunday, the "Lord's Day," is the principal day for the celebration of the Eucharist because it is the day of


ANNOUNCEMENTS Catechism and first communion classes will have a break for The Christmas holidays, starting on December 22. Classes will resume on January 5.

The Iraq Consulate in Detroit is announcing the opening of a centers at St. Joseph Chaldean Catho- lic Church for the issuance of agencies and certificates of life, at the church foyer, please find a schedule of their working days and times.

There will be a penance services at Holy Cross Church on Friday December 20, from 6-8 pm. The service is open for all parishioners from Mother of God, St Thames, and Holy Cross Churches.

It is a tradition at mother of God church on Christmas Eve after all Masses to gather in the hall for chai/coffee and kulechi. If you are able to donate a bag or two of kulechi, please bring it to the church.

Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Saint Thomas the Apostle of USA On December 6, 2108, marijuana for recreational use will become legalized in the State of Michigan. Although marijuana for recreational use will be legalized, it is still illegal under federal law and prohibited pursuant to church policy. This new state law will not change policies prohibiting the use or possession of marijuana on any property owned or managed by the Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Saint Thomas the Apostle of USA and by the Clergy, sub-deacons, nuns, altar servers, church employees, volunteers or representatives of the church on any Eparchy property or during off-site events or functions. Any representatives who violate the Eparchy policy prohibiting the use or possession of illegal drugs on church premises, or functions will be subject to suspension and disciplinary action, which may include a permanent removal from duties.

“Honor the LORD with your wealth, with first fruits of all your produce” Proverbs 3:9

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