The Edinburgh Gazette, August 14, 1914. 985
THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, AUGUST 14, 1914. 985 Own name and on his own account, and the said Farms XTOTICE is hereby given that Alexander Cochrane of Moodlaw and Raebumfoot will be carried on by the J-l Morrison, Warehouseman, 25 Jamaica Street, said Mrs. Sybella Gartner or Beattie in her own name and Glasgow, retired, as at 19th July 1913, from the Firm on her own account. of MONTEITH & SANDERS, Manufacturers and Dated at Moodlaw aforesaid, this eighth day of Merchants, 25 Jamaica Street, Glasgow, and is not August 1914. responsible for payment of any debts by said Firm JOHN GARTNER. after said date. A. C. MORRISON. Witnesses to Signature of John Gartner— MARY E. IRVING, Moodlaw, Langholm, WILLIAM FERGUSSON, Writer, 19 N.B. Blythswood Square, Glasgow, Wit- ROBERT IRVING, Moodlaw, Langholm, ness. N.B., Farmer. W. B. MACKIK, Clerk, 19 Blythswood SYBELLA BEATTIE. Square, Glasgow, Witness. Witnesses to Signature of Mrs. Sybella MONTEITH & SANDERS. Gartner or Beattie— JOHN WHYTE, Cashier, 25 Jamaica MAKV E. IRVIXO, Moodlaw, Langholm, Street, Glasgow, Witness. X. B. MARION BELL THOMSON, Bookkeeper, ROBERT IRVING, Moodlaw, Langholm, 25 Jamaica Street, Glasgow, Wit- N.B., Farmer. ness. Glasgow, 7th August 1914. mHE Copartnery of THOMSON & MITCHELL, -JL Textile Manufacturers, 164 Howard Street, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Glasgow, of which the Subscribers James Thomson and James Mitchell were the sole Partners, waa DIS- rPHE Firm of DOUGLAS & SON, Watchmakers SOLVED by mutual consent as at 30th June 1914. JL and Jewellers, nine Hamilton Street, Greenock, was DISSOLVED as at 31st December nineteen JAMES THOMSON. hundred and thirteen, by the retiral therefrom of the Witnesses to the Signature of the said Subscribers Mrs.
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