THE WESTFIELD LEADER the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County

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THE WESTFIELD LEADER the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County TWENTY-SKVKNTH YBAR-No. 48. WESTFIELD, NEW JEES17, WEDNESDAY, ATOUST 15,1917. TWELVE PAOES-3 0ENTI MOUNTAINSIDE POLICE BIG MASS MEETING ACTION DELAYED 300 MORE GALLED EXKCL'TUK AHMIMSTH.-ITOU RECOVER L^ST ARTICLES AT JiGH SCHOOL ON JOINT SEWER FOR EXAMINATION Hand Bag Left oh Running Westfleld Batallion for Military Council at Special Meeting Last First List of 360 Men Failed $0> Wttmt to Develop Sufficient for Board of Car, Dropped on Training to Organize Next Evening Adjourned After lank £qimrr +1 Springfield Road Wednesday Night Long Discussion Required Quota V / YOUNG LAO ARRESTED ALL INTERESTED INVITED WOULD COST $20,000 EXAMINATIONS ON MONDAY A Question for You A special meeting of tbe Town Tbe Exemption Board in charge of Prompt action on the part of the ( Svery man in Westfleld, who It in- to Answer Council was held last evening for the the Third District, In which Westneld police officials at Mountainside, aided tereBted In military training, Is urged Why should you work hard to accumulate in the recovery of the greater part ol to attend tbe big mass meeting to be purpose of considering the engineer's Is situated, has examined tbe 360 men a competence foe your family ami yet neglect tbe contents of a hand-buy lost on held In the High School auditorium report on the Railway Valley Trunk called In the flrst lot, but owing to the the Springfield road on Monday morn- at 8 P. M, Wednesday, AuguBt 22, Sewer Project, which ha» been pend- exemptions, physical defects, etc., few to tale the few simple steps that are necessary ing bjr Jtri. Dahlrymple, ot this town. 1M7. Tbe purpose of the meeting ing with the joint committee, com- of theau men qualified to All up the to ensure U» protection after your doatht Mr», Sablrymple, with her tuw will be to start a military training or- posed of representatives of various district's necessary quota. When named as Executor under "Will, this hand, out for an early morning spin, ganisation to be called We«tHeld municipalities for some months back. Notices have been Issued to 900 company guarantees the most efficient and nut out of gae near tbe corner of Battalion. The proposition to let Weetnetd In additional men and the examinations economical handling of every dollar ot tlie tin Springfield and New Providence Registered and drafted men are es- on tbe project Is favored by a majori- of these men will begin on Monday assets of tbe estate. ty of tbe members of the Road, Sewer morning, at which time one hundred 1 rmdi Mr. Danlrymple pushed the pecially Invited because the Battalion Consultations cordially Invited. c*r to the aide ot the road and went 1B to be formed cbiefly for their Water Committee and an exhaustive and fifty have been notified to report. in Bearch of gas, leaving his wife benefit. Charter members, both ac- report and explanation was offered by Tbe board will examine at the rate of [•with the J«r. tive and associate, will be signed up Engineer Vars at the meeting last 150 a day until this second IIBI has " lira. Dahlrymple walked around at this meeting, BO come prepared to evening, but no action was taken. beou exhausted, when another lot will Assets Over One Million lor * few m^utes, then seated herself Join, Westfield has received notice from probably be notified to report. en the ruMlng board of tbe car, plac- The Battalion will not, in any tbe State Board ot Health to tbe ef- The complete list of the district ing » hand-bag containing a good sense, be a home guard or home de- fect that the polutlon of a stream was not finished until last Thursday died sum of money, bonds and valu- fense organisation. Our excellent emptying In the Rahway rivet must morning, It la printed herewith so able jewelry beside her. When her special police force takes care ot cease. This polutlon occurs in the that the men of Westneld will know TOWN TAX VALUES husband returned Bbe got back In the Westfleld's needs along those lines. section near the Garwood line which In what position they stand In regard ear leaving the bag on the running: The proposed by-laws provide that no by Its situation cannot be drained in to a call from the local exemption bawd. member shall be obliged to do mili- the WestBeld sewer. There are two board. ways of overcoming the difficult)', one Assessors Estimate $6,927,037,00 The bBK was not missed until the tary duty of any kind except to at- (Continued on Fane 4) by joining in the Joint sewer projeot as the value of personal and Improved property In WMttteHl. party reached their homo In West- tend drills once a week. the otber by building and maintain- Held. A quick run was made to the Twenly-fmir Agents and Ilcokers write tlie Insurance on this Reduced to Its simplest terms the ing pumping stations. The latter KAVAIi nKSKRVTO BOYS property. , scene and a search beean. Police Battalion la to be a training school plan would cost less 'at the start but GET NOTICE TO REPORT. Commissioner Singer was notified and Tlilrtjr.flve (8S%) of (Alt Amount Is Insured by Wm. S, Welch for the registered men, for the young the operating expense would be & Son. with Marshall Boynton was soon on Frank Allegar, Harry Stahlberg, men who have enlisted, but who have greater and the usefulness only tem- the scene. Edward Stsserson, Lindsay Dallas and Our Btuines* Is Increasing rapidly because our clients know we not yet been called to active duty and porary. Kenneth Davis, of this town, have ro- represent the strongest companies In the world; that our policies "A lad, named Schwartz, who lives tor the older men who are Interested give absolute protection; that every loss baa been settled promptly near the spot was questioned and bis The first plan would allow West- celved tbelr notices to report for ac- in military training but who do not Seld for the sum of about }2O,opo to tive service In the Naval Reserve. The and fairly and that our methods ot doing business arc accurate, snd answers led the party to believe that e t to lato tn9 Barvloe up-to-date. fca had found the bag. As the boy j enter tho trunk Rahway Valley sewer order called for their appearance In These older men are going to he of Quit worrying and Insure with 'turned, the end ot a bond was seen and by an added feature in the plan Brooklyn tomorrow, Thursday. real service to Westneld and to the Westfleld could have an option on a protruding from his pocket, be wan country by Joining the Battalion. ieareaed and part or tlie contents ol scheme that would take all the sewer- They are needed to fill out the com- age to tidewater and eventually do TROOP TRAINS PASS Hhe bag was found on him. panies to full, strength, to keep up • The boy Bald that he had Found tlie awty with tha present sewer disposal THROUGH WESTFIELD the enthusiasm and interest and to be farm. -tog.' taken the .contents out and the company nucleus', and training Thrra Groups ol Soldiers Bound thrown tbe bag away and that It any It was stated that the State Hoard force for the young men who will be of Health hid already been very pa- South Caused Excitement But- \fTot the contents were missing he had coming In and going out of the com- loit them. tient with Westfleld in -the situation urday Afternoon, "Better Bo Insured Than Sorry" Schwarts was taken to tho Moun- on their way to the and that some action must be taken Don't think this Is a tin soldier outfit In the near future to remedy tho evil. Considerable' excitement was > oc- 214 E. BROAD ST. Private Win 188 tainside police headquarters where casioned at the local railroad station Commissioner Singer and Mayor Gor- with no real definite purpose—It la The matter will again como up at not. It is going to he the means of the rugular meeting of (the Council an Saturday afternoon, when throe don gave him the third degree In an longtrooptrnlnB passed through town. effort to make him tell where the helping our own boys who go Into thB to be held nest Monday evening, national army to win non-commtBBion Mayor Evans presided and Coun- The flrst train contained the officers rest of the property was, but the ques- ot some New York regiment and pass- tioning was of no avail. warrants. We are neglecting our cllmon Affleck, Warnke, Wllcox, Tay- duty If we allow our boys to go with- ed tbe WlestReld station at 3:30, the Mr, Singer mated that the misting lor, Kgnn, Young and Van Doren were out giving them all the preliminary present. otber two were loaded with the men property Included about two hundred (mining possible. The young men In and their equipment passing the sta- Personal Attention to Telephone Orders dollars In money and two pieeBs at Montclair, Orange, ElUabeth, Fan- tion at 5:15 and 0 o'clock. Jewelry. wood, Summit and many other cities GARWOOD SCHOOL It was stated that the regiment We always have in stock a complete tint of • As SchwartB 1B only eleven years and towns have already been drilling EXTENSION BURIED was bound for a Southern training old It is doubtful K the authorities and will, therefore, bo eligible for camp.
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