Volume 14 Issue 1 February 2016 Officers & Trustees Message from the President President Phil Leslie Brothers, family, and friends of Vietnam Veterans of 2 /1
[email protected] 919-210-4559 Greetings and best wishes to all in 2016. First, I wish to thank Imme- diate Past President Paul Mangan for his dedication and service to Vice President the organization over these many years. During his tenure we have gone from a bunch of vets meeting in a motel somewhere in the Dale Williams Washington DC area to an organized and well put together reunion
[email protected] covering both coasts and middle America. However, Paul has not left 704-989-4013 us. He will continue to participate with the Officers and Trustees in certain functions. And I wish to thank all of you for your vote of Secretary confidence in electing me as your new president. Ben Dickson I am overwhelmed when I think of what we - no, all of you have accomplished in
[email protected] erecting two [2] monuments to The Vietnam Veterans Second battalion, First 757-621-8019 Marines; The first at the National Museum of the Marine Corps, Quantico VA dedicat- ed to “All who served or supported” and a monument listing all of our KIA by compa- Treasurer ny in the First Marine’s Memorial Garden, Camp Pendleton, CA. Neither could have been accomplished without the donations and support of our members. Here, I Mario Sagastume would like to publicly thank all who worked on either or both monuments. However,
[email protected] there is one member, newly elected Vice president Dale Williams who not only had a 530-521-3298 major role in the design and approval for the monument at Quantico, he took the lead for design and placement of our monument at First Marines Memorial Garden.