Chapter 1, Inventory
Chapter 1 INVENTORY Chapter One Inventory The initial step in the preparation of the development that has taken place airport master plan for Ryan Airfield recently at the airport. (RYN) is the collection of information pertaining to the airport and the area it • Population and other significant serves. The information summarized in socioeconomic data which can provide this chapter will be used in subsequent an indication of future trends that could analyses in this study. It includes: influence aviation activity at the airport. • Physical inventories and descriptions • A review of existing local and regional of the facilities and services currently plans and studies to determine their provided at the airport, including the potential influence on the develop- regional airspace, air traffic control, ment and implementation of the and aircraft operating procedures. airport master plan. • Background information pertaining The information in this chapter was to Pima County and the Tucson obtained from several sources, includ- metropolitan area, including descrip- ing on-site inspections, interviews with tions of the regional climate, surface the Tucson Airport Authority (TAA) transportation systems, Ryan staff and airport tenants, airport Airfield's role in the regional, state, records, related studies, the Arizona and national aviation systems, and Department of Transportation (ADOT), the Federal Aviation Admini- June 11, 2010 1-1 stration (FAA), and a number of in- port Authority is a non-profit organi- ternet sites. A complete listing of the zation that was created by state char- data sources is provided at the end of ter in 1948 to promote air transporta- this chapter. tion and commerce in the state, to maintain the Tucson International Airport and Ryan Airfield facilities, AIRPORT SETTING and to encourage economic growth in Tucson and southern Arizona.
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