Board Agenda July 8, 1993RFCD 8, Agenda Julyboard Board Countyof Commissioners July 20, 1993
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NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING CLARK COUNTY REGIONAL FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS JULY 8,1993 8:30 A.M. CLARK COUNTY COMMISSION CHAMBERS 225 EAST BRIDGER AVENUE LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89155 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT: VIRGINIA VALENTINE, P.E., GENERAL MANAGER 301 EAST CLARK AVENUE, SUITE 301 LAS VEGAS NEVADA 89101 455-31 39 BFB FILE COPY POSTED:JULY 1, 1993 CITY OF NORTH LAS VEGAS 2200 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV 89030 CLARK COUNTY BRIDGER BUILDING 225 EAST BRIDGER AVENUE LAS VEGAS, NV 89155 CITY OF LAS VEGAS CITY HALL 400 EAST STEWART LAS VEGAS, NV 89101 REGIONAL FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 301 EAST CLARK, SUITE 301 LAS VEGAS, NV 89101 BY: ROXlE TINSLEY Agenda RFCD - Board of Directors July 8, 1993 Page 2 9) KYLE CANYON DETENTION BASIN - NORTH LAS VEGAS A) ACTIONTO ACCEPTA PROJECT PRESENTATION ON THE KYLE CANYON DETENTION BASIN 8) ACTION TO APPROVEA MASTER PLAN CHANGE ON THE KYLE CANYON DETENTION BASIN - This & a Pub/ic Hearing C) ACTION TO APPROVEA REQUEST BY THE CITY OF NORTH LAS VEGAS TO AMEND THE FISCAL YEAR 1992/93 PROJECT LIST AND THE TEN-YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM D) ACTION TO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZETHE CHAIRMANTO SIGN THE INTERLOCAL CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE KYLE CANYON DETENTION BASIN 10) ACTION TO APPROVE A MASTER PLAN CHANGE ON THE LOWER DUCK CREEK DETENTION BASIN - CLARK COUNTY - This is a Public Hearing IV. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 11) ACTION TO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE CHAIRMAN TO SIGNTHE FIRSTSUPPLEMENTAL INTERLOCAL CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MEADOWS-ALTA STORM DRAIN - CITY OF LAS VEGAS 12) RAMPART STORM DRAIN - CITYOF LAS VEGAS A) ACTION TO ACCEPTA PROJECT PRESENTATION BY THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS ON THE RAMPART STORM DRAIN (ANGELPARK - PECCOLE I) B) ACTION TO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE CHAIRMANTO SIGN THEINTERLOCAL CONTRACT FOR THECONSTRUCTION OF RAMPART STORM DRAIN (ANGEL PARK - PECCOLE I) Agenda RFCD - Board of Directors July 8, 1993 Page 3 13) ACTION TO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZETHE CHAIRMANTO SIGNTHE SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL INTERLOCAL CONTRACTFOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE UNNAMED WASH IN LAUGHLIN, NEVADA - CLARK COUNTY 14) RAWHIDE CHANNELPHASE IV IMPROVEMENTS - CLARKCOUNTY A) ACTIONTO ACCEPTPROJECTA PRESENTATION BY CLARK COUNTY ON THE RAWHIDE CHANNEL PHASE IV IMPROVEMENTS (MOJAVE ROAD AND PEARL STREET CROSSINGS) B) ACTION TO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE CHAIRMANTO SIGN THE THIRD SUPPLEMENTALINTERLOCAL CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE RAWHIDE CHANNELPHASE IV IMPROVEMENTS (MOJAVE ROAD AND PEARL STREET CROSSINGS) 15) VAN BUSKIRKCHANNEL PHASE IIAAND VI IMPROVEMENTS - CLARK COUNTY A) ACTION TO ACCEPTPROJECTA PRESENTATION BY CLARK COUNTY ON THE VAN BUSKIRKCHANNEL PHASE IIAAND VI IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING SITES A AND E B) ACTIONTO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE CHAIRMANTO SIGN THE INTERLOCAL CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE VAN BUSKIRK CHANNEL PHASEIIA AND VIIMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING SITES A AND E 16) ACTION TO APPROVEA REQUEST BY THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS FORA VARIANCE FROM THE UNIFORM REGULATIONS FOR THE CONTROL OF DRAINAGE - RAINBOW LIBRARY 17) ACTIONTO APPROVE A REQUESTBY CLARK COUNTY FOR CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 ON THE RAWHIDE CHANNEL CROSSINGS PROJECT 18) ACTIONTO ACCEPTA RECOMMENDATION FROM THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS FOR AWARD OF BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THEOAKEY DETENTION BASIN AND CONVEYANCE SYSTEM - PHASE I Agenda RFCD - Board of Directors July 8, 1993 Page 4 19) ACTION TO ACCEPT A RECOMMENDATION FROM CLARK COUNTY FOR AWARD OF BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE UNNAMED WASH IMPROVEMENTS IN LAUGHLIN, NEVADA V. ADMINISTRATION 20) ACTION TO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE CHAIRMANTO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH CLARKCOUNTY FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SERVICES 21) RECEIVEA STATUS REPORT REGARDINGTHE PRIORITIZATION OF PROJECTS,TEN-YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM AND FISCAL YEAR 1993/94 PROJECT LIST AND DIRECT STAFF AS DEEMED APPROPRIATE 22) ACTION TO APPROVERESOLUTION NO. 93-3 PROCLAIMINGTHE WEEK OF SUNDAY, JULY 11 THROUGH SATURDAY, JULY 17,1993 AS CLARK COUNTY REGIONAL FLASH FLOOD AWARENESS WEEK 23) RECEIVEA STATUS REPORT FROMTHE CONSULTANT REGARDING ADVERTISINGSERVICES PROVIDED FOR THEDISTRICT'S PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM 24) ACTIONTO ACCEPTTHE PROJECT STATUS REPORTS 25) PROJECTSCLOSEOUTS A) ACTION TO APPROVE THE FINAL ACCOUNTING REPORTS AND THE PROJECT CLOSEOUTS FOR FUND 443 B) ACTION TO APPROVE THE FINAL ACCOUNTING REPORT AND THE PROJECT CLOSEOUT FOR FUND 444 26) ACTION TO ACCEPTTHE FINANCIAL REPORTS 27) GENERALMANAGER'S REPORT 28) CITIZENSPARTICIPATION No action can be taken on any matter discussed under this item, although the Board can direct that it be placed on a future agenda ARK COUNTY t?ffiDNA-Lf LOO13 CONTROL DISTRICT Virginia Valentine, P.E. Chlef EnglneerlGenerai Manager BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEMORANDUM Michael R. Harris Chalrrnan Cny 01 Henderson JULY 1, 1993 Iris Bletsch Vlce-Chalrman TO: BOARDDIRECTORS OF City of Boulder Clty Yvonne Atkinson Gates Clark County FROM:VIRGINIA VALENTINE, P.E., GENERAL MANAGERKHIEF Themn Goynes ENGINEER City of North Las Vega Scott Higginson SUBJECT:MEETING OF JULY 8, 1993 Clry Of Las Vegas Bruce Jensen City of Mesqulte Jan Laverty Jones 1. CALL TO ORDER / APPROVAL OF AGENDA City of Las Vega Bruce L. Woodbury Clark County 1) ACTIONTO CALL THEMEETING TO ORDER ANDTO APPROVE THE AGENDA The agenda is in order for approval. II. INTRODUCTION / RECOGNITION OF BOARD MEMBERS / ELECTIONS '/ , I' INTRODUCTION OF NEW BOARD MEMBER: At the time of agenda preparation, staff had no information as to whom the appointments40 theBoard would be. The City of Henderson representative will be appointed on July 6, 1993, and the Mesquiterepresentative on July 13, 1993. The Henderson introduction will be made at the July 8 Board meeting, however, the Mesquite introduction will have to be made at a subsequent meeting. RECOGNITION OF MICHAEL R. HARRIS AND BRUCE JENSEN FOR THEIR SERVICE ON THE BOARD: Plaques commemoratingMichael R. Harris' and Bruce Jensen's service on the Board have been prepared for presentation at the meeting. ACTION TO ELECT A CHAIRMAN, VICE-CHAIRMAN, AND A SECRETARY TO THE BOARD: NRS 543.330 requires thatthe Board hold elections annually in July. Staff recommends that elections be held for the Chairman and Vice-chairman, and due to the nature 301 E. Clark Avenue, Suite 301 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 (702)4553139 FAX: (702) 455-3870 CLARK OUNTY KEt;DNAL fLTSTjt3 6NTROL DISTRICT Memorandum Board of Directors July 1, 1993 Page 2 of thesecretary‘s responsibilities, that Deanna Lefko of the District’s staff, be re-elected as Secretary. 5) ACTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF JUNE 10, 1993: The minutes are in order for approval. 111. ITEMSHELD FROM THE JUNE 10, 1993 MEETING 6) ACTIONTO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZETHE CHAIRMAN TOSIGN THE INTERLOCAL CONTRACTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993/94 MAINTENANCE WORK PROGRAMS FOR THECITIES OF BOULDER CITY, HENDERSON, LAS VEGAS,MESQUITE, NORTH LAS VEGAS AND THE COUNTY OF CLARK: In accordance with the Operations and Maintenance Manual, the entities are required to prepare interlocal contracts to request funding for maintenance of flood control facilities. The District is in receipt of each of the entities’ interlocal contract requests along with the related work plans. The total amount for the FY 93/94 program is $1,979,650. Staff, TAC and CAC recommend approval. 7) ACTIONTO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AMONG THE STATEOF NEVADA, CITY OF LASVEGAS AND THE DISTRICT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THEFREEWAY CHANNEL PROJECT: A Cooperative Agreement among NDOT, the City of Las Vegas and the District is requested to provide construction funding for the upgrade of the Freeway Channel project locatedbetween Sahara Avenue and lvanhoe Way. Funding is also requested for plan review and coordination bythe City during design and construction. NDOThas submitted ninety percent(90%) plans and specifications for CLARK COUNTY KffiDNN fLUUt3 CONTROL DI5TRICT Memorandum i Board of Directors July 1, 1993 Page 3 the project, and right-of-way for construction exists. The amount requested is $710,000 which exceeds the amount programmed by $110,000. The project is identified on the FY 92/93Project List and funding is available from Pay-As- You-Go funds (Fund 443). The DistrictAttorney has reviewed the contract as to form.Staff, TAC and CAC recommend approval. 8) ACTIONTO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZETHE CHAIRMAN TO SIGNTHE INTERLOCAL CONTRACT FOR RIGHT-OF- WAY ACQUISITION FOR WASHINGTON AVENUE - UPPER SYSTEM: The City of las Vegas has submitted an Interlocal Contract to request funding for the acquisition of private right-of- way for the Washington Avenue System located between Sagman Street and Las Vegas Creek. This section of the Washington Avenue Systemis in theupper reach and right- of-way is required prior to thecontinuation of construction. The amount requested is $270,000 which was programmed onthe FY 92/93 ProjectList. The District Attorney has reviewed the contract as to form. Staff, TAC and CAC recommend approval. 9) KYLE CANYONDETENTION BASIN - NORTHLAS VEGAS A) ACTIONTO ACCEPTA PROJECT PRESENTATION ON THE KYLE CANYON DETENTION BASIN: Discussions are continuing with the cities of North LasVegas and LasVegas, Clark County and the District regarding the construction of the detention basin prior to construction ofthe outfall. Several alternativesfor theoutfall have been considered. Each alternative would provide for the protection of life and property from catastrophic flood events in the northwest area of the Las Vegas Valley. While Memorandum Board of Directors July 1, 1993 Page 4 the discharge of the outfall is yet to be established, staff is of the opinion that the detention basin is a critically important feature of the Master Plan. Staff recommends that the Project Presentation be held in conjunction withthe InterlocalContract request (Item No. 9D). The TAC took no action on theitem; the CAC recommends acceptance theof presentation. B) ACTIONTO APPROVEA MASTER PLAN CHANGE ON THE KYLE CANYON DETENTION BASIN - This is a PubJic Hearing: A change in location of the Kyle Canyon Detention Basin has been requested by the City of North Las Vegas. The proposed change will relocate the detention basin approximately one mile east of the location identified in the current MasterPlan.