July 2014 Volume 18 Issue 3 the Newsletter of St
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July 2014 Volume 18 Issue 3 The Newsletter of St. Mary Parish Family, Franklin MA Continuing to Give Back Listening by Karen Ackles and Rita Graci Kristin Graci was diagnosed with by Joan McGuire Acute Myeloid Leukemia in April Each year our ninth and tenth grade We are in the liturgical season called 2008 at the very young age of nine- students are required to do community Ordinary Time. I have sometimes heard teen. Kristin had to leave Arizona service as part of their two- year Con- it called “a season without a reason.” State University during her fresh- firmation Program. The purpose is to It seems in these frantic times if we are man year of college to come back to encourage our young people to realize not constantly rushing about we are Franklin to confirm her diagnosis the importance of giving back to their wasting time. It is no wonder that this and start treatment at Dana Farber community and the people in it. Many season is not taken seriously. Cancer times this brings Institute. them back to a This is a quiet time to sit back and appre- The Graci school they once ciate all the gifts we have received from family has attended, a sports a loving God during the other liturgical been a team that has been seasons, member of important to them Advent and Christmas season - the the Franklin or a community Word was made flesh and dwelt among and St. event that they us Mary’s find interesting. Lent - the opportunity to watch Jesus in Community Every so often we His ministry of service and thereby for thirty find students who learning how we should treat our broth- years and really embrace a ers and sisters - God's other children. now more cause and contin- Easter time - His three farewell gifts - than ever ue to want to give the gift of His Body and Blood in the needed the back long after Eucharist, the gift of immortality in support of Confirmation has heaven - the Resurrection, and the gift of taken place. This everyone. L-R: James Perrault, Cameron Cooney, the Paraclete to guide us along our earth- is the case for Christopher Bethoney, Jordan Whitney, Justin Graci Kristin un- ly path back to our heavenly home. several of our stu- derwent her dents who actually continued their first induction round of chemothera- Is this season really long enough? cause all through college and are still py in April 2008 and achieved her making a difference each day. It is our first remission. In June 2008 she I had the great good fortune to have as hope that after reading this story more received another round of chemo- my mentor a Biblical scholar, Fr. Ste- of our young people will want to be- therapy to keep her in remission phen Doyle O.F.M who was also my come involved in ways where they can while the Bone Marrow Registry guide on my first trip to the Holy Land. make a huge impact - time to think searched for a perfect match in order Each evening he prepared us for the next “outside of the box” and make a dif- to perform a Bone Marrow day's spiritual adventure by giving us an ference. (Continued on page 7) (Continued on page 6) Hundreds of Signs of a Dynamic Parish page 2 inside... Notes From Father Brian page 3 Feast of St. Rocco Schedule page 4 The Friends of the Poor® Walk page 4 Page 2 Families’ Hundreds of Signs of a Dynamic Parish Corner by John M. Ristaino a seat and waited for the evening’s pro- It was Christmas 2013 when everyone gram to begin. by Katherine Ginnetty attending a Christmas Mass here at St. So, whether you eat or drink, or whatev- Mary received a gift from the parish. The Those who assembled that evening were er you do, do all to the glory of God.” gift was a book. It was a simple gift, one divided into four groups. Each group rep- given out of love for our Catholic faith and resented one of the signs of a dynamic 1 Corinthians 10: 31 our parish family. The book’s title, ‘The Catholic identified by Matthew Kelly. Four Signs of A Dynamic Catholic,’ was Everyone got to choose the topic they Let no one, then, pass judgment on you one which foretold its contents. The wished to discuss further. Pandora Carluc- in matters of food and drink or with Christmas gift from the parish came with ci had the daunting task of introducing and regard to a festival…These are shadows the invitation and encouragement to read summarizing the evening to those present of things to come.” 2 Colossians: 16-17 the book and to then share the book with that night. Terry Kerr led us musically. others; Catholics and non-Catholics, mem- Fathers Brian, Jack and Anthony were What are the two related summer time bers of St. Mary Parish as well as members present as well. Father Anthony led us in festivals in Franklin? Pentecost, in June, of other parishes. This Christmas gift was prayer. Father Brian, as Pastor of our par- and St. Rocco, in August, because they one which kept on giving and giving each ish, welcomed everyone. Each of the are both festivals of food. Every year in time it was shared. priests rotated between all the groups in August, the faith family of St. Mary order to hear the wonderful exchange of Parish and neighbors and friends gather Author Matthew Kelly identified Prayer, thoughts, ideas and questions. to celebrate with delicious food the in- Study, Generosity, and Evangelization as tercession of the venerated Italian saint, the four signs of dynamic Catholics. These Katie McNeice was the group leader for Rocco, who is a patron of the sick. This four qualities were utilized as a framework those who selected the topic of “Prayer.” I summer we are already looking forward for further discussion, learning and sharing facilitated the discussion on “Study.” to the Saturday healing Mass and a vari- by Father Anthony and a team of parish- Marty Dietrich led the group which dis- ety of Italian food, pastries, rides and cussed “Generosity.” Lisa Oxford facili- ioners who created an event for all who games at the festival August 7th through tated those who chose to explore were interested in exploring the book’s the 10th. contents further. This event was held on a “Evangelization.” The reflections, discus- cold winter’s night in late February. Hun- sions, questions and ideas shared in each The Jewish people celebrated with food dreds of St. Mary Parishioners attended the group were rich and varied. Each small th event held at Franklin High School. the group quickly created a bond based on our on the 50 day after Passover, which is faces and voices present were representa- Catholic faith. Although some came into the origin of the name of their festival, tive of actively engaged parishioners, unin- the evening as strangers all left with new Pentecost. They believed it was proper volved parishioners, longtime parishioners, friends. to bring to God the first fruits of their new parishioners, Catholics who had been wheat harvest. You might want to read continuously practicing our faith as well as Katie, Marty, Lisa and I presented a sum- to your children about the feast as it is parishioners who had recently returned to mary of our group’s discussion. Facilitated mentioned in the Old Testament in Exo- regular worship. It was a gathering of our by Pandora Carlucci, this was a remarka- dus 34:22, Leviticus 23:15-22, Deuter- Parish family. And a beautiful family it is! ble sharing of faith. The fellowship of the onomy 16:16, 2 Chronicles 8:13 and evening continued with wonderful refresh- Ezekiel 1. Paula Coughlin and Nancy Rafter greeted ments. Karen Ackles and Dolores Brunelli and welcomed those who came out that deliciously hosted this portion of the even- From the New Testament, Acts 2, verse night. With a program booklet, a name tag ing. Those present were also given the 5 says, “Now there were devout Jews and maybe a copy of the book, they found opportunity to become more active in our from every nation staying in Jerusalem.” parish. As a result we have trained new Because it was such an important and Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Religious joyous event in their calendar, Jewish The Weave Education Teachers and other volunteers. people from all over the world had trav- Published three times a year elled to Jerusalem for their Pentecost (February, July The spirit and energy of the night was so and November) celebration. The apostles were among by Saint Mary Parish, Franklin MA wonderful that there were many requests these visitors, gathered in a room, when to conduct further sessions to share and the Holy Spirit descended on them. Parish Publishing explore the concepts introduced in the Publisher Father Brian Manning When the apostles, who had been filled Editor Joan McGuire book. As a direct result of that demand, Layout Editor Paula Coughlin four evenings of reflection and sharing with the Holy Spirit, came out into the Contributing Editors: streets from the room and began to Karen Ackles were created. Each night dealt with one of Rev. Michael Alfano the “signs” identified by Matthew Kelly. “proclaim,” it startled the many travel- Katherine Ginnetty These sessions were held in Sacred Heart ers who heard the words spoken in their Rita Graci languages. Acts 2 records the visitors Terry Kerr Hall, located in the Lower Church.