April 29, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E711 of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, which cer, mental disorders and cancerous growths. The $137 million Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. spread radiation over much of northern Eu- The United Nations said in a statement that Courthouse, going up at 400 N. rope. in some areas of Belarus, thyroid cancer Ave., will be completed next year. In all, 7 million people in the former So- among children has increased more than 100– Only seven federal courthouses across the viet republics of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine fold when compared with the period before country are named after African-Americans. are estimated to suffer physical or psycho- the accident. Ferguson, who was 65 when he died last logical effects of radiation related to the Two years ago, the U.N. reported that year of leukemia, earned a reputation as an April 26, 1986, catastrophe, when reactor No. 200,000 people still live in highly contami- even-handed jurist who championed the un- 4 exploded and caught fire. nated areas and 4.5 million residents in three derdog. His friend, Miami civil rights attor- An area half the size of Italy was contami- countries are receiving financial help—drain- ney H.T. Smith, eulogized Ferguson as ‘‘the nated, forcing hundreds of thousands of peo- ing national budgets. judge for the least, the last, the lost, the ple to be resettled and ruining some of Eu- The explosion and fire at Chernobyl’s No. 4 looked-over and the left out.’’ rope’s most fertile agricultural land, the reactor contaminated 23 percent of Belarus, 5 In his most resonant federal court ruling, United Nations said. percent of Ukraine and 1.5 percent of Russia, Ferguson was credited with improving the Hundreds of Ukrainians filled the small according to the report. It also spewed a ra- lives of thousands of disabled resi- Chernobyl victims’ chapel in the Ukrainian dioactive cloud across Europe. dents. In 1999, he held the state in contempt capital, Kiev, at 1:23 a.m. Monday (6:23 p.m. f of court, forcing it to increase funding for Sunday ET), the exact time of the explosion. home nursing care and other services. The Later, they laid flowers and lit candles at a CONSIDERATION OF S. 1904, WILKIE move allowed thousands of disabled people to small hill where marble plates are inscribed D. FERGUSON, JR. FEDERAL live at home rather than in institutions. with the names of hundreds of victims. Ferguson was born in May 1938 in Miami, Nearly 1,000 mourners gathered Monday COURTHOUSE where his father, Wilkie Sr., was founding afternoon at Kiev’s memorial to Chernobyl pastor of St. Andrew’s Missionary Baptist victims, a soaring statue of five falling me- HON. KENDRICK B. MEEK Church in Opa-locka. The elder Ferguson tallic swans. Some placed flowers and photos OF FLORIDA died last year at age 94. of deceased relatives at its base. His first landmark case came as a Miami- ‘‘Nothing can be compared with a mother’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dade Circuit Court judge, when he ruled sorrow,’’ said Praskoviya Nezhyvova, an el- Thursday, April 29, 2004 blacks had been systematically excluded derly retiree clutching a black-framed pho- from a jury. He served on the state’s Third tograph of her son, Viktor. She said he died Mr. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I ask District Court of Appeal in Miami from 1980 of Chernobyl-related stomach cancer in 1990 that the following newspaper articles from the to 1993, when President Clinton appointed at age 44. Miami Herald and the South Florida Sun-Sen- him to the federal bench. Volodymyr Diunych, a driver who took tinel appear in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ferguson heard most of his cases in Fort members of the hastily recruited and inad- immediately following my statement: equately equipped cleanup crews to the site, Lauderdale. [From the Miami Herald, April 29, 2004] The new courthouse bearing his name is recalled watching as residents were evacu- U.S. HOUSE OKS BILL NAMING NEW FEDERAL taking shape as one of the most ated ‘‘in an awful rush’’ days after the dis- COURTHOUSE FOR LATE JUDGE WILKIE FER- architecturally distinctive buildings to ap- aster. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union’s tradi- GUSON pear on Miami’s skyline in years. It consists tional May Day celebrations went ahead in of two 15–story glass towers connected by an Kiev, 80 miles south of Chernobyl, only five (By Larry Lebowitz) atrium. When completed and landscaped, it days after the accident. The U.S. House of Representatives on Soviet authorities had withheld much in- Wednesday unanimously passed a bill that will resemble a ship afloat on a wavy sea of formation on the world’s worst nuclear acci- would name the new federal courthouse in grass. dent, both from its own people and from the downtown Miami after the late U.S. District The bill was backed by 19 South Florida rest of the world. Only last year, Ukraine’s Judge Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. and sent it to Congress members; U.S. Sens. Bob Graham security service declassified secret files doc- the President for his signature. and ; the Dade County Bar Asso- umenting malfunctions and safety violations ‘‘His career is an inspiration to hundreds of ciation; the former Black Lawyers Associa- at the plant that caused the release of small young attorneys, and his honor and integrity tion, now known as the Wilkie D. Ferguson doses of radiation from time to time long be- make him a symbol of fairness on the federal Bar Association; the Caribbean Bar Associa- fore the explosion. bench,’’ said Rep. Kendrick Meek, D-Miami. tion; the Haitian Lawyers Association; the Ukraine shuttered Chernobyl’s last work- ‘‘. . . Naming the new federal courthouse Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners ing reactor in December 2000, but many prob- after Judge Ferguson is an honor that will and the city of Miami. lems remain. reinforce his legacy for decades to come.’’ f Ukrainian experts say that the concrete- Only seven U.S. courthouses nationwide have and-steel shelter that was hastily con- been named for black jurists, none of them TRIBUTE TO DR. TOMAS A. structed over the damaged reactor needs ur- in Florida. The Senate version, introduced ARCINIEGA ON THE OCCASION OF gent repairs, but authorities claim that and co-sponsored by Florida Democratic HIS RETIREMENT there are no serious safety threats. Mean- Sens. Bob Graham and Bill Nelson, passed on while, many people injured or displaced be- March 12. cause of the explosion complain about inad- The $163 million courthouse, which will HON. CALVIN M. DOOLEY equate government support. feature two 14–story towers connected by a OF CALIFORNIA Sergei Shchvetsov, the head of Russia’s mammoth atrium, is located at 400 N. Miami IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chernobyl Union, said that 40,000 people dis- Ave. It is slated to open in late summer 2005. Thursday, April 29, 2004 abled in operations to clean up the blast live in Russia and the ‘‘volume of benefits to [From the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Apr. Mr. DOOLEY of California. Mr. Speaker, I which (they) are eligible is narrowing every 29, 2004] rise today to congratulate Dr. Tomas A. year,’’ the ITAR-Tass news agency reported. MIAMI FEDERAL COURT BUILDING TO BE FIRST Arciniega for his 20 years of distinguished Greenpeace activists held a small protest IN STATE NAMED AFTER AFRICAN-AMERICAN service as the president of California State outside Russia’s Department for the Inspec- (By Ann W. O’Neill) tion of Radiation Security, carrying signs University-Bakersfield. His retirement in July that read ‘‘No more Chernobyls.’’ Congress unanimously approved legislation 2004 concludes a remarkable career noted for Meanwhile, in the Ukrainian town of naming Miami’s newest courthouse after the his leadership in the development of CSU-Ba- Slavutych—built to house Chernobyl work- late U.S. District Judge Wilkie D. Ferguson kersfield as a major regional university. ers displaced by the accident—people held a Jr., making it the first federal court building Throughout his career, Dr. Arciniega has been solemn memorial meeting early Monday to in Florida to bear the name of an African- a tireless advocate for expanded access to American. honor the memory of their relatives, friends higher education for low-income and minority and colleagues. The bill, sponsored by U.S. Rep. Kendrick The accident occurred after officials put B. Meek, was approved Wednesday by a 406– students in California’s San Joaquin Valley. the reactor through a test in which power 0 vote. Dr. Arciniega was born and raised in El was reduced and some safety devices were ‘‘Now, that’s consensus,’’ Meek said of the Paso, Texas and earned a bachelor’s degree disabled. unanimous roll call vote. ‘‘People in South in teacher education from New Mexico State More than 2.32 million people have been Florida seeking justice can see an example of University and a master’s degree in edu- hospitalized in Ukraine as of early 2004 with a man who stood tall.’’ cational administration from the University of Meek, D-Miami, and other backers said illnesses blamed on the disaster, including New Mexico. His early career included military 452,000 children, according to Ukraine’s naming the building after Ferguson shows Health Ministry. Ukraine has registered how South Florida has evolved from a seg- service as an officer in the United States Army some 4,400 deaths. regated society where, a generation ago, and an appointment by the United States For- The most frequently noted Chernobyl-re- some courthouses housed blacks and whites eign Service as a human resources advisor in lated diseases include thyroid and blood can- in separate holding cells. the Dominican Republic during the late 1960’s.

VerDate jul 14 2003 05:38 Apr 30, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29AP8.021 E29PT1 E712 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 29, 2004 Dr. Arciniega’s teaching career began in El Scouts, Franklin Rotary Club, and Williamson more than 30 years of service to the citizens Paso, Texas and later he served as Dean of Medical Foundation. of Florida and the city of Homestead. Education at San Diego State University and Roy Barker was awarded a Purple Heart as f as Provost at California State University-Fres- a result of his military service in the Battle of no. His appointment as the third president of the Bulge. Upon returning to Williamson Coun- 10 NEW NATIONS OF EUROPE WILL CSU-Bakersfield in 1983 ushered in an era of ty after World War II, he entered the insurance ENTER THE EUROPEAN UNION steady expansion and achievement at the uni- and real estate business and gained respect versity. As a result of Dr. Arciniega’s leader- as a business and community leader. He HON. JO ANN DAVIS ship, the university’s multi-cultural enrollment served in the Tennessee Constitutional Con- OF VIRGINIA has more than doubled and its budget has vention and the Tennessee House of Rep- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES more than tripled. resentatives. CSU-Bakersfield’s success has been due in These friends and neighbors are the reason Thursday, April 29, 2004 large part to Dr. Arciniega’s efforts to focus Franklin and Williamson County are such won- Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Speak- public attention on the needs of low-income derful places to live and work. We honor them er, on Saturday, May 1, we will witness yet and minority students, who form the country’s for their dedication to our community. another historic event in the evolution of the fastest-growing school-age population. Many f European Union. On that day 10 new nations of Dr. Arciniega’s peers have credited him with of Europe will enter the European Union. This helping to make higher education a reality for TRIBUTE TO MR. NICOLAS R. enlargement will represent the largest expan- thousands of students for whom college would SINCORE sion ever undertaken by the EU. have been impossible a generation ago. He is It is clear that a strong and mature trans- a widely published expert on higher education HON. MARIO DIAZ-BALART atlantic relationship is critical to the long-term administration, bilingual education, and multi- OF FLORIDA political, economic and security interests of the cultural education. During his distinguished ca- United States. It is also clear that one of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES reer, Dr. Arciniega also served as a technical central ingredients to a successful transatlantic consultant to the Ministries of Education in Thursday, April 29, 2004 partnership is a stable, integrated and dy- Honduras, Bolivia, Panama, and Guatemala. Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Florida. Mr. namic Europe. Dr. Arciniega is a highly respected commu- Speaker, I would like to take this moment to I would like to extend my sincere congratu- nity leader in the Central Valley and continues honor a truly patriotic and courageous Amer- lations to the 10 newest members of the Euro- to inspire young people around the country to ican, who through his military and public serv- pean Union. I hope that the addition of these pursue higher education as a means to im- ice has come to exemplify true commitment to new members will help continue to strengthen prove their lives. one’s nation and community. our enduring friendship and critical partnership Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Born in Homestead, FL, Mr. Nicolas R. with the countries of Europe and the European in congratulating Dr. Tomas A. Arciniega for a Sincore graduated from Coral Shores High Union. As the U.S. chairperson of the Trans- highly successful career on the occasion of his School in Tavernier. A proud American, Mr. atlantic Legislators’ Dialogue, I look forward to retirement as president of CSU-Bakersfield. I Sincore served his country in various capac- meeting and working with the Parliamentarians wish him the best of luck and continued suc- ities, spending from 1948 to 1952 on active of these newest members who will soon take cess. duty, and serving in the 11th Airborne Divi- their seats in the European Parliament. f sion, the 31st Infantry, and the 7th Division in f Korea. After completing his tour of duty, Mr. THE LEGEND AWARD HONORING AMBASSADOR C.J. Sincore enrolled at John A. Gupton College in CHEN OF TAIWAN Nashville, TN, where he excelled and earned HON. MARSHA BLACKBURN a degree in Mortuary Science in 1959. OF TENNESSEE Following a strong desire to fulfill his civic HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES duty, Mr. Sincore was first elected to the city OF MISSISSIPPI of Homestead’s City Council in 1971 as vice Thursday, April 29, 2004 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mayor/councilman, and re-elected as vice- Thursday, April 29, 2004 Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, this year mayor/councilman again in 1975. One year the Franklin and Williamson County Chamber later, Mr. Sincore was appointed Mayor and Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- of Commerce gave three of our friends and re-elected to that position until 1981. He was er, I rise today to join my colleagues in bidding neighbors the ‘‘Legend’’ award. elected again in 1983, and was re-elected as a fond farewell to Ambassador C.J. Chen of All three have worked to make our commu- councilman until November 2003. Mr. Taiwan. He will be returning to Taipei next nity a better place and they deserve thanks Sincore’s commitment and dedication to serv- month. During the last four years, he has been and recognition. ing the citizens of Homestead, is a testament the Representative of the Taipei Economic Louise Lynch has dedicated countless hours of his great devotion and affinity towards the and Cultural Representative Office in Wash- to saving the county’s archives and preserving community. ington, DC. a historical record of Williamson County. Be- In addition to holding elected office, Mr. A great advocate for his country, Ambas- cause of her many years of efforts, the Sincore has served the city of Homestead sador Chen has helped us understand difficult Williamson County Archives is recognized not through his leadership as the city’s represent- issues such as Taiwan’s peace referendum only as one of the best in the state but in the ative at both the Florida League of Cities and and the just concluded Taiwan presidential nation. Married to County Commissioner Clyde as a board member of the Florida Municipal elections. At the same time he has helped his Lynch for 50 years, Mrs. Lynch is a sixth gen- Electric Association. Furthermore, Mr. Sincore people better understand American values and eration Williamson Countian. She previously has served as past commander of the Amer- strengthened the relations between Taiwan earned the ‘‘Lady of the Year’’ award from ican Legion Post 43, director of the Home- and the United States. Beta Sigma Phi; the Williamson Historical So- stead/Florida City Chamber of Commerce and On Capitol Hill Ambassador Chen, known to ciety’s Distinguished Service Award, and the director of the Senior Citizens Club of Home- many as simply ‘‘C.J.,’’ is widely respected. Jane Langston Service Award for her preser- stead. Many of us admire his high intellect and indus- vation efforts. Mr. Nicholas Sincore’s dedication and com- try as we have been privileged to see the per- Ronald Ligon has never wanted any credit mitment to serving his community, his state, sonal depth within this very public man. In- for his work on behalf of Williamson County. and his country deserves the highest praise deed, we have been enriched in having had While he would rather ‘‘remain in the back- and admiration. For many generations to this opportunity to get to know him and his ground,’’ we could not fail to recognize him. In come, the people of Homestead will continue lovely wife, Yolanda Ho. 1959 he established Christus Gardens of Gat- to reap the benefits and rewards of Mr. As Ambassador Chen leaves Washington linburg and served as vice chairman of the Sincore’s unparalleled devotion to his commu- for Taipei, we can be sure that both our coun- board at Harpeth National Bank. His extensive nity. It is my distinct pleasure to honor Mr. tries shall benefit from his efforts for years to volunteer community service includes Boy Sincore before this body of Congress for his come.

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