Rowe Methodist Pamphlet Collection An Inventory Dates: 1836-2008 Extent: 22 boxes, approx. 2489 entries Languages: English, Spanish, German, Korean, Japanese and Chinese Compiled by: Kim Magnell, 2013-2015 Repository: Drew University Library, Madison, NJ Contact
[email protected] for questions and access. Description: Leaflets and pamphlets from 1836-2008 produced by or related to the United Methodist Church (U.S.), its Methodist-related antecedents, related faiths, or ecumenical groups. The majority of items are 20th century, spanning every decade. Included are materials from the Methodist Episcopal Church, The Methodist Church (U.S.), and Methodist Church (Great Britain), as well as the evangelical traditions—United Brethren in Christ, Evangelical Church, Evangelical United Brethren Church, and the Holiness movement. Agency-specific communications account for a large number of items. Well-represented topics include international and American missions and missionary work, Christian education, higher education, ministerial training, worship, music, prayer, early childhood education, administration, finance and stewardship, social issues, including war and its aftermath, health and welfare, elder and child care, racism, ethnic minorities, urban and rural issues, volunteerism, youth programs. The collection contains many individually authored items; some historical tracts; poetry; non-English language items, predominantly in Spanish, but also in German, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese, and many more English-language items centered on countries and people throughout the world. A number of items include artwork and illustrations. Arrangement Formatted in 13 separate A-Z lists Box 1A: A-L 1B: M-Z p. 2-14 Box 2: A-Z p. 15-30 Box 3A: A-T 3B: U-Z p.