And the Winner Is Philanthropic Prizes
“And the winner is …” Capturing the promise of philanthropic prizes 2 Acknowledgements We would like to thank the many organizations and individuals who supported this research and without whom we would not have been able to undertake it. We spoke to a wide range of analysts, sponsors, administrators, and competitors in the prize sector, who are listed in full in the appendix. We thank them all for their contributions. Twelve organizations that agreed to share their experiences in more depth deserve particular recognition. These organizations arranged interviews with multiple stakeholders within their programs and often hosted members of our team on site visits. We are grateful for their time, knowledge, and insight. These people (and the organization they are currently or formerly associated with) include Robert Benedict, Charlie Brown, Sushmita Ghosh, and Karin Hilhouse (Changemakers), Evie Dennis, Jerry Dickman, Jim Hayes, Yaroslav Hetman, Bill Hybl, Peter Kramer, and Peter Maiurro (El Pomar Foundation), Dotti Irving, Jonathan Taylor, and Ion Trewin (The Man Booker Prize), Paul Gudonis, Dean Kamen, William Miller, Cecilia Neumann, Dia Stolnitz, Wendy Trommer, and Vincent Wilczynski (FIRST), Nyssim Lefford and Anil Rathi (Idea Crossing), Craig Cooney, Aubrey de Grey, Dave Gobel and Kevin Perrott (The Methuselah Foundation), Lord Cairns, Hania Farhan, Hadeel Ibrahim and Nicholas Ulanov (The Mo Ibrahim Foundation), Doug Comstock, Ken Davidian and Andrew Petro (NASA), Jim Bennett, Reed Hastings, Jon Sanders and Steve Swasey (Netflix), Charles Harper, Gary Rosen, Arthur Schwartz, and John M. Templeton, Jr. (The John Templeton Foundation), Justin Cremer, Jan Douglas, Lisa Fleming, Judith Pim, Kenneth Quinn, and Frank Swoboda (The World Food Prize Foundation), and Peter Diamandis, Bard Geesaman, Brent Kocher, Cristin Lindsay, Jaison Morgan and Tom Vander Ark (The X PRIZE Foundation).
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